TIMETRA-SERV-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS InterfaceIndex, InterfaceIndexOrZero FROM IF-MIB InetAddress, InetAddressIPv4, InetAddressIPv6, InetAddressPrefixLength, InetAddressType, InetAutonomousSystemNumber FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB MODULE-COMPLIANCE, NOTIFICATION-GROUP, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF Counter32, Counter64, Gauge32, Integer32, IpAddress, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, OBJECT-TYPE, TimeTicks, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI DateAndTime, DisplayString, MacAddress, RowPointer, RowStatus, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TimeStamp, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC TConfigOrVsdFilterID, TFilterID FROM TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB timetraSRMIBModules, tmnxSRConfs, tmnxSRNotifyPrefix, tmnxSRObjs FROM TIMETRA-GLOBAL-MIB tmnxPortPortID FROM TIMETRA-PORT-MIB tSchedulerPolicyName, tVirtualSchedulerName FROM TIMETRA-QOS-MIB BgpPeeringStatus, LAGInterfaceNumberOrZero, PwPortIdOrZero, QTag, QTagOrZero, SdpBindId, ServiceAdminStatus, ServiceOperStatus, SvcISID, TBurstSizeBytesOvr, TDirectionIngEgr, TEntryId, THPolVirtualScheCIRRate, THPolVirtualSchePIRRate, THsClassWeightOverride, THsmdaWrrWeightOverride, TItemDescription, TItemLongDescription, TItemScope, TLDisplayString, TLNamedItem, TLNamedItemOrEmpty, TNamedItem, TNamedItemOrEmpty, TPolicyID, TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, TPortSchedulerAggRateLimitPIR, TQosOverrideType, TQosQGrpInstanceIDorZero, TQosQueueCIRRateOverride, TQosQueuePIRRateOverride, TResolveStatus, TSiteOperStatus, TSrv6Function, TSrv6FunctionErrorCode, TSrv6FunctionType, TSrv6FunctionValue, TTcpUdpPort, TWeight, TmnxActionType, TmnxAdminState, TmnxAiiType, TmnxAncpStringOrZero, TmnxAppProfileStringOrEmpty, TmnxBfdIntfSessOperState, TmnxBgpEvpnAcEthTag, TmnxCreateOrigin, TmnxCustId, TmnxCustIdNoZero, TmnxDPathDomainId, TmnxDefSubIdSource, TmnxEnabledDisabled, TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState, TmnxEncapVal, TmnxEvpnMHEthSegStatus, TmnxEvpnMultiHomingState, TmnxExtServId, TmnxFpeId, TmnxISID, TmnxISIDNoZero, TmnxLdpFECType, TmnxLongDisplayString, TmnxManagedRouteStatus, TmnxMsPwPeSignaling, TmnxNatIsaGrpId, TmnxOperGrpHoldDownTime, TmnxOperGrpHoldUpTime, TmnxOperState, TmnxPortID, TmnxProxyEntryType, TmnxPwGlobalId, TmnxPwGlobalIdOrZero, TmnxPwPathHopId, TmnxQosRateHigh32, TmnxQosRateLow32, TmnxRadiusFramedRouteMetric, TmnxRadiusFramedRoutePreference, TmnxRadiusFramedRouteTag, TmnxRipListenerStatus, TmnxRouteDistType, TmnxRouteTargetOrigin, TmnxSecRadiusServAlgorithm, TmnxServId, TmnxSlaProfileStringOrEmpty, TmnxSpbBridgePriority, TmnxSpbFdbLocale, TmnxSpbFdbState, TmnxSpbFid, TmnxSpbFidOrZero, TmnxSpokeSdpId, TmnxSpokeSdpIdOrZero, TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, TmnxSubIdentStringOrEmpty, TmnxSubMgtIntDestIdOrEmpty, TmnxSubProfileStringOrEmpty, TmnxSubShcvAction, TmnxSubShcvInterval, TmnxSubShcvRetryCount, TmnxSubShcvRetryTimeout, TmnxSubShcvSrcIpOrigin, TmnxSubTerminationType, TmnxSvcEvi, TmnxSvcEviOrZero, TmnxSvcEvpnMplsTransportType, TmnxSvcOperGrpCreationOrigin, TmnxTacplusAccessOpType, TmnxTlsGroupId, TmnxTunnelTypeExt, TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher, TmnxVRtrID, TmnxVRtrIDOrZero, TmnxVeId, TmnxVni, TmnxVniOrZero, TmnxVxlanInstance FROM TIMETRA-TC-MIB ; timetraServicesMIBModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201706300000Z" ORGANIZATION "Nokia" CONTACT-INFO "Nokia SROS Support Web: http://www.nokia.com" DESCRIPTION "This document is the SNMP MIB module to manage and provision the various services of the Nokia SROS system. Copyright 2003-2018 Nokia. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this document is authorized on the condition that the foregoing copyright notice is included. This SNMP MIB module (Specification) embodies Nokia's proprietary intellectual property. Nokia retains all title and ownership in the Specification, including any revisions. Nokia grants all interested parties a non-exclusive license to use and distribute an unmodified copy of this Specification in connection with management of Nokia products, and without fee, provided this copyright notice and license appear on all copies. This Specification is supplied 'as is', and Nokia makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to the use, operation, condition, or performance of the Specification." REVISION "201706300000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 15.1 30 Jun 2017 00:00 15.1 release of the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." REVISION "201703150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 15.0 15 Mar 2017 00:00 15.0 release of the TIMETRA-SERV-MIB." REVISION "201602010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 14.0 01 Feb 2016 00:00 14.0 release of the TIMETRA-SERV-MIB." REVISION "201501200000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 13.0 01 Jan 2015 00:00 13.0 release of the TIMETRA-SERV-MIB." REVISION "201401010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 12.0 01 Jan 2014 00:00 12.0 release of the TIMETRA-SERV-MIB." REVISION "201102010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 9.0 01 Feb 2011 00:00 9.0 release of the TIMETRA-SERV-MIB." REVISION "200902280000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 7.0 28 Feb 2009 00:00 7.0 release of the TIMETRA-SERV-MIB." REVISION "200807010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 6.1 01 Jul 2008 00:00 6.1 release of the TIMETRA-SERV-MIB." REVISION "200801010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 6.0 01 Jan 2008 00:00 6.0 release of the TIMETRA-SERV-MIB." REVISION "200701010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 5.0 01 Jan 2007 00:00 5.0 release of the TIMETRA-SERV-MIB." REVISION "200602280000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 4.0 28 Feb 2006 00:00 4.0 release of the TIMETRA-SERV-MIB." REVISION "200508310000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 3.0 31 Aug 2005 00:00 3.0 release of the TIMETRA-SERV-MIB." REVISION "200501240000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.1 24 Jan 2005 00:00 2.1 release of the TIMETRA-SERV-MIB." REVISION "200401150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.0 15 Jan 2004 00:00 2.0 release of the TIMETRA-SERV-MIB." REVISION "200308150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 1.2 15 Aug 2003 00:00 1.2 release of the TIMETRA-SERV-MIB." REVISION "200301200000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 1.0 20 Jan 2003 00:00 1.0 Release of the TIMETRA-SERV-MIB." REVISION "200008140000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 0.1 14 Aug 2000 00:00 Initial version of the TIMETRA-SERV-MIB." ::= { timetraSRMIBModules 4 } ArpHostInfoOrigin ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the originator of the provided information." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), radius (2), default (5) } ServObjName ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ASCII string used to name various service objects." SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ServObjDesc ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ASCII string used to describe various service objects." SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) ServObjLongDesc ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Long ASCII string used to describe various service objects." SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..160)) ServType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This textual convention is used to specify the type of a given service." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), epipe (1), tls (3), vprn (4), ies (5), mirror (6), apipe (7), fpipe (8), ipipe (9), cpipe (10), intTls (11), evpnIsaTls (12) } VpnId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A number used to identify a VPN. In general each service corresponds to a single VPN, but under some circumstances a VPN may be composed of multiple services." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2147483647) SdpId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A number used to identify a Service Distribution Point. This ID must be unique only within the ESR where it is defined. The value 0 is used as the null ID." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..32767) SdpTemplateId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A number used to uniquely identify a template for the creation of a Service Destination Point. The value 0 is used as the null ID." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2147483647) PWTemplateId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A number used to uniquely identify an pseudowire (PW) template for the creation of a Service Destination Point. The value 0 is used as the null ID." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2147483647) PWTemplateIdNoZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A number used to uniquely identify an pseudowire (PW) template for the creation of a Service Destination Point. The value 0 is used as the null ID." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) SecretError ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This textual convention is used to specify the cause of the Radius Server connection failure." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), noResponse (1) } TlsBpduTranslation ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This textual convention is used to specify whether received L2 Protocol Tunnel pdu's are translated before being sent out on a port or sap." SYNTAX INTEGER { auto (1), disabled (2), pvst (3), stp (4), pvst-rw (5), auto-rw (6) } TlsLimitMacMoveLevel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This textual convention is used to specify the hierarchy in which spoke-SDPs are blocked when a MAC-move limit is exceeded. When a MAC is moving among multiple SAPs or spoke-SDPs, the SAP bind or spoke-SDP bind with the lower level is blocked first. (tertiary is the lowest)" SYNTAX INTEGER { primary (1), secondary (2), tertiary (3) } TlsLimitMacMove ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This textual convention is used to specify the behavior when the relearn rate specified by svcTlsMacMoveMaxRate is exceeded. A value of 'blockable' specifies that the agent will monitor the MAC relearn rate on a SAP or SDP Bind and it will block it when the relearn rate specified by svcTlsMacMoveMaxRate is exceeded. A value of 'nonBlockable' specifies that the SAP or SDP Bind will not be blocked, and another blockable SAP or SDP Bind will be blocked instead." SYNTAX INTEGER { blockable (1), nonBlockable (2) } TlsClientProfileError ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This textual convention is used to specify the cause of the Radius Server connection failure." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), internal (1), noRoute (2), timeout (3), handshakeFailure (4), closedByRemote (5), tlsProfileDisabled (6) } SdpBindVcType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This textual convention is used to specify the type of virtual circuit (VC) associated with the SDP binding. The value 'vpls' is no longer supported." SYNTAX INTEGER { undef (1), ether (2), vlan (4), mirror (5), atmSdu (6), atmCell (7), atmVcc (8), atmVpc (9), frDlci (10), ipipe (11), satopE1 (12), satopT1 (13), satopE3 (14), satopT3 (15), cesopsn (16), cesopsnCas (17) } StpExceptionCondition ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This textual convention is used to specify an STP exception condition encountered on an interface - none : no exception condition found. - oneWayCommuniation : The neighbor RSTP peer on this link is not able to detect our presence. - downstreamLoopDetected : A loop is detected on this link." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), oneWayCommuniation (2), downstreamLoopDetected (3) } LspIdList ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each group of four octets in this string specify a 32-bit LSP ID, which corresponds to the vRtrMplsLspIndex of the given MPLS LSP. The LSP IDs are stored in network byte order; i.e. octet N corresponds to the most significant 8 bits of the LSP ID, and octet N+3 correspond to the least significant 8 bits. The list is terminated by the null LSP ID. The LSP IDs in this list are not required to be sorted in any specific order. The list is large enough to hold up to 16 LSP IDs, plus the null terminator." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..68)) BridgeId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Bridge-Identifier used by the Spanning Tree Protocol to uniquely identify a bridge. The first two octets represent the bridge priority (in big endian format) while the remaining six octets represent the main MAC address of the bridge." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) TSapIngQueueId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value used to uniquely identify a SAP ingress queue. The actual valid values are those defined in the given SAP ingress QoS policy." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..32) TSapEgrQueueId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value used to uniquely identify a SAP egress queue. The actual valid values are those defined in the given SAP egress QoS policy." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8) TStpPortState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value used to specify the port state as defined by application of the Spanning Tree Protocol. This state controls what action a port takes on reception of a frame." SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (1), blocking (2), listening (3), learning (4), forwarding (5), broken (6), discarding (7) } StpPortRole ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the stp port role defined by the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol." SYNTAX INTEGER { master (0), root (1), designated (2), alternate (3), backup (4), disabled (5) } StpProtocol ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "indicates all possible version of the stp protocol." SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), stp (1), rstp (2), mstp (3) } MfibLocation ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MfibLocation represents the type of local 'interface': -'sap' : sap interface -'sdp' : mesh-sdp or spoke-sdp interface -'vxlan': evpn vxlan -'evpnMpls' : evpn mpls -'vxlanV6' : evpn vxlan with IpV6 VTEP address" SYNTAX INTEGER { sap (1), sdp (2), vxlan (3), evpnMpls (4), vxlanV6 (5) } MfibGrpSrcFwdOrBlk ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MfibGrpSrcFwdOrBlk describes whether traffic for the related source-group is to be forwarded or blocked." SYNTAX INTEGER { forward (1), block (2) } MvplsPruneState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Managed VPLS (mVPLS): state of a SAP or spoke-SDP in a user VPLS (uVPLS). - notApplicable : the SAP or spoke SDP of a uVPLS is not managed by a SAP or spoke SDP of a mVPLS. - notPruned: the SAP or spoke SDP of a uVPLS is managed by a mVPLS, but the link is not pruned. -pruned the SAP or spoke SDP of a uVPLS is managed by a mVPLS, but the link is pruned as a result of an STP decision taken in the STP instance running in the mVPLS." SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (1), notPruned (2), pruned (3) } TQosQueueAttribute ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates attributes of a QoS queue" SYNTAX BITS { cbs (0), cir (1), cirAdaptRule (2), mbs (3), pir (4), pirAdaptRule (5), hiPrioOnly (6), avgOverhead (7), weight (8), cirWeight (9), pirPercent (10), cirPercent (11), drpTailLowReductnMbs (12), hsWrrWeight (13), hsClassWeight (14), hsWredQueue (15), burstLimit (16) } TVirtSchedAttribute ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates attributes of a virtual scheduler" SYNTAX BITS { cir (0), pir (1), summedCir (2), weight (3), cirWeight (4) } MstiInstanceId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "indicates all possible multiple spanning tree instances, not including the CIST." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4094) MstiInstanceIdOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "indicates all possible multiple spanning tree instances, including the CIST (for which case the value '0' is reserved)." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4094) DhcpLseStateInfoOrigin ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the originator of the provided information." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), dhcp (1), radius (2), retailerRadius (3), retailerDhcp (4), default (5), localUserDb (6), gtp (7), localPool (8), wpp (9), diameterGx (10), dtc (11), diameterNasreq (12), data (13), bonding (14) } IAIDType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type of the addresses that are associated with the Identity Association ID (IAID)" SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined (0), temporary (1), non-temporary (2), prefix (3) } TdmOptionsSigPkts ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Encodes support for the cpipe circuit emulation (CE) application signaling packets: - 'noSigPkts' : for a cpipe that does not use signalling packets. - 'dataPkts' : for a cpipe carrying TDM data packets and expecting CE application signalling packets in a separate cpipe. - 'sigPkts' : for a cpipe carrying CE application signalling packets with the data packets in a separate cpipe. - 'dataAndSigPkts' : for a cpipe carrying TDM data and CE application signalling on the same cpipe." SYNTAX INTEGER { noSigPkts (0), dataPkts (1), sigPkts (2), dataAndSigPkts (3) } TdmOptionsCasTrunkFraming ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Encodes the CEM SAPs CAS trunk framing type: - 'noCas' : for all CEM SAPs except 'nxDS0WithCas'. - 'e1Trunk' : for a 'nxDS0WithCas' SAP with E1 trunk. - 't1EsfTrunk' : for a 'nxDS0WithCas' SAP with T1 ESF trunk. - 't1SfTrunk' : for a 'nxDS0WithCas' SAP with T1 SF trunk." SYNTAX INTEGER { noCas (0), e1Trunk (1), t1EsfTrunk (2), t1SfTrunk (3) } CemSapReportAlarm ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CemSapReportAlarm data type indicates the type of CEM SAP alarm: strayPkts - receiving stray packets. malformedPkts - detecting malformed packets. pktLoss - experiencing packet loss. bfrOverrun - experiencing jitter buffer overrun. bfrUnderrun - experiencing jitter buffer underrun. rmtPktLoss - remote packet loss indication. rmtFault - remote TDM fault indication. rmtRdi - remote RDI indication." SYNTAX BITS { notUsed (0), strayPkts (1), malformedPkts (2), pktLoss (3), bfrOverrun (4), bfrUnderrun (5), rmtPktLoss (6), rmtFault (7), rmtRdi (8) } CemSapEcid ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Emulated Circuit Identifier (ECID) is a 20 bit unsigned binary field containing an identifier for the circuit being emulated. ECIDs have local significance only and are associated with a specific MAC address. Therefore the SAP can have a different ECID for each direction." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..1048575) SdpBFHundredthsOfPercent ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The percentage of total SDP bandwidth reserved for SDP bindings with two decimal places accuracy." SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10000) SdpBindBandwidth ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The required SDP binding bandwidth, in kbps." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100000000) L2ptProtocols ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The L2ptProtocols indicates which L2 protocols should have their tunnels terminated when 'L2ptTermination' is enabled. stp - spanning tree protocols stp/mstp/pvst/rstp cdp - cisco discovery protocol vtp - virtual trunk protocol dtp - dynamic trunking protocol pagp - port aggregation protocol udld - unidirectional link detection" SYNTAX BITS { stp (0), cdp (1), vtp (2), dtp (3), pagp (4), udld (5) } ConfigStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ConfigStatus indicates the status of the configuration for the purpose of notifications." SYNTAX INTEGER { created (1), modified (2), deleted (3) } ServAccessLocation ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ServAccessLocation represents the type of local 'access point': -'sap' : sap -'spoke': spoke-sdp ." SYNTAX INTEGER { sap (1), spoke (2) } ServShcvOperState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ServShcvOperState represents the operational state of the subscriber host connectivity verification." SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (1), undefined (2), down (3), up (4) } TMrpPolicyDefaultAction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "action to take on the traffic when no mrp-policy filter entry matches. when set to block(1), no MMRP attributes will be advertised unless there is a specific mrp-policy entry which causes them to be advertised on this SAP/SDP. when set to allow(2), all MMRP attributes will be advertised unless there is a specific mrp-policy entry which causes them to be blocked on this SAP/SDP." SYNTAX INTEGER { block (1), allow (2) } TMrpPolicyAction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "action to take on the traffic when the mrp-policy filter entry matches. when set to block(1) the matching MMRP attributes will not be advertised on this SAP/SDP. when set to allow(2) the matching MMRP attributes will be advertised on this SAP/SDP. when set to end-station(3) an end-station emulation is present on this SAP/SDP for the MMRP attributes related with matching ISIDs. When set to none(0) the mrp-policy entry will be considered incomplete and hence rendered inactive." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), block (1), allow (2), end-station (3) } TmnxSiteId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A number used to identify a site. This ID must be unique within the service domain." SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535) TmnxSiteIdOrEmpty ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A number used to identify a site. This ID must be unique within the service domain. The value of -1 is used as 'undefined'." SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 1..65535) TmnxSVlanEncapVal ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the label used to identify the entity using the specified encapsulation value on a specific port. The format of this object depends on the encapsulation type defined on this port. Only the least significant 16 bits are used to represent this object. When the encapsulation is nullEncap the value of this object must be zero. 31 0 +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000| +--------+--------+--------+--------+ When the encapsulation is dot1qEncap the value of this object is equal to the 12-bit IEEE 802.1Q VLAN ID. 31 0 +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |00000000 00000000 0000XXXX XXXXXXXX| +--------+--------+--------+--------+ When the encapsulation is qinqEncap, the value of this object is equal to the 12-bit IEEE 802.1Q VLAN ID in addition to the following: 31 0 +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |00000000 00000000 0000XXXX|XXXXXXXX| +--------+--------+--------+--------+ - '*' is represented as 4095. - '0' is represented as 0. - any other value in between as a valid tag. - '*.null' is represented as follows: 31 0 +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |00000000 00000000 1000XXXX|XXXXXXXX| +--------+--------+--------+--------+" SYNTAX Unsigned32 tmnxServObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSRObjs 4 } tmnxCustObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxServObjs 1 } custNumEntries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custNumEntries indicates the current number of customer records configured in this device." ::= { tmnxCustObjs 1 } custNextFreeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCustId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custNextFreeId indicates the next available value for custId, the index for the custInfoTable." ::= { tmnxCustObjs 2 } custInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CustInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains customer information. There is an entry in this table corresponding to the default customer. This entry cannot be edited or deleted, and it is used as the default customer for newly created services." ::= { tmnxCustObjs 3 } custInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CustInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a specific customer." INDEX { custId } ::= { custInfoTable 1 } CustInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { custId TmnxCustIdNoZero, custRowStatus RowStatus, custDescription ServObjDesc, custContact ServObjDesc, custPhone ServObjDesc, custLastMgmtChange TimeStamp, custCreationOrigin TmnxCreateOrigin, custName TLNamedItemOrEmpty } custId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCustIdNoZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Customer identifier. This ID must be unique within a service domain." ::= { custInfoEntry 1 } custRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { custInfoEntry 2 } custDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServObjDesc MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custDescription specifies optional, generic information about this customer in a displayable format." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { custInfoEntry 3 } custContact OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServObjDesc MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custContact specifies the name of the primary contact person for this customer." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { custInfoEntry 4 } custPhone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServObjDesc MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custPhone specifies the phone/pager number used to reach the primary contact person." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { custInfoEntry 5 } custLastMgmtChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custLastMgmtChange indicates the value of the object sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this customer." ::= { custInfoEntry 6 } custCreationOrigin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCreateOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custCreationOrigin indicates the mechanism used to create this customer." ::= { custInfoEntry 7 } custName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custName indicates the name of the customer." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { custInfoEntry 8 } custMultiServiceSiteTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CustMultiServiceSiteEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { tmnxCustObjs 4 } custMultiServiceSiteEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CustMultiServiceSiteEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a specific customer's multi-service site." INDEX { custId, IMPLIED custMultSvcSiteName } ::= { custMultiServiceSiteTable 1 } CustMultiServiceSiteEntry ::= SEQUENCE { custMultSvcSiteName TNamedItem, custMultSvcSiteRowStatus RowStatus, custMultSvcSiteDescription ServObjDesc, custMultSvcSiteScope INTEGER, custMultSvcSiteAssignment Unsigned32, custMultSvcSiteIngressSchedulerPolicy ServObjName, custMultSvcSiteEgressSchedulerPolicy ServObjName, custMultSvcSiteLastMgmtChange TimeStamp, custMultSvcSiteTodSuite TNamedItemOrEmpty, custMultSvcSiteCurrentIngrSchedPlcy ServObjName, custMultSvcSiteCurrentEgrSchedPlcy ServObjName, custMultSvcSiteEgressAggRateLimit TPortSchedulerAggRateLimitPIR, custMultSvcSiteIntendedIngrSchedPlcy ServObjName, custMultSvcSiteIntendedEgrSchedPlcy ServObjName, custMultSvcSiteFrameBasedAccnt TruthValue, custMultSvcSiteSubscriberMss TruthValue, custMultSvcSiteIngPolcrCtrlPolcy TNamedItemOrEmpty, custMultSvcSiteEgrPolcrCtrlPolcy TNamedItemOrEmpty, custMultSvcSiteEgressAggRateLUB TruthValue, custMultSvcSiteEgrAggRateLimitHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, custMultSvcSiteEgrAggRateLimit TmnxQosRateLow32 } custMultSvcSiteName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of object custMultSvcSiteName specifies the customer's Multi-Service Site name." ::= { custMultiServiceSiteEntry 1 } custMultSvcSiteRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custMultSvcSiteRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { custMultiServiceSiteEntry 2 } custMultSvcSiteDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServObjDesc MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custMultSvcSiteDescription specifies option, generic information about this customer's Multi-Service Site." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { custMultiServiceSiteEntry 3 } custMultSvcSiteScope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { port (1), card (2), fpe (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custMultSvcSiteScope specifies the scope of the ingress and egress QoS scheduler policies assigned to this Multi-Service Site. When the value is 'port' all the SAPs that are members of this Multi-Service Site must be defined on the same port. Similarly for the case of 'card'." DEFVAL { port } ::= { custMultiServiceSiteEntry 4 } custMultSvcSiteAssignment OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custMultSvcSiteAssignment specifies the port ID, MDA, or card number, FPE Id where the SAPs that are members of this Multi- Service Site are defined." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { custMultiServiceSiteEntry 5 } custMultSvcSiteIngressSchedulerPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServObjName MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custMultSvcSiteIngressSchedulerPolicy specifies the ingress QoS scheduler policy assigned to this Multi-Service Site." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { custMultiServiceSiteEntry 6 } custMultSvcSiteEgressSchedulerPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServObjName MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custMultSvcSiteEgressSchedulerPolicy specifies the egress QoS scheduler policy assigned to this Multi-Service Site." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { custMultiServiceSiteEntry 7 } custMultSvcSiteLastMgmtChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custMultSvcSiteLastMgmtChange indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this multi-service site." ::= { custMultiServiceSiteEntry 8 } custMultSvcSiteTodSuite OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custMultSvcSiteTodSuite specifies the Time of Day (ToD) suite to be applied on this multi-service site. An empty string indicates that no ToD suite is applied on this multi-service Site. A set request will only be allowed, if the indicated suite is defined is TIMETRA-SCHEDULER-MIB::tmnxTodSuiteTable. Using a suite the values of custMultSvcSiteIngressSchedulerPolicy and custMultSvcSiteEgressSchedulerPolicy can be time based manipulated. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 release." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { custMultiServiceSiteEntry 9 } custMultSvcSiteCurrentIngrSchedPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServObjName MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custMultSvcSiteCurrentIngrSchedPlcy indicates the Ingress QoS scheduler on this multi-service Site, or zero if none is currently active. The active policy may deviate from custMultSvcSiteIngressSchedulerPolicy in case it is overruled by a ToD-suite policy defined on this multi-service site. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 release." ::= { custMultiServiceSiteEntry 10 } custMultSvcSiteCurrentEgrSchedPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServObjName MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custMultSvcSiteCurrentEgrSchedPlcy indicates the Egress QoS scheduler on this SAP, or zero if none is currently active. The active policy may deviate from the sapEgressQosSchedulerPolicy in case it is overruled by a ToD-suite policy defined on this multi-service site. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 release." ::= { custMultiServiceSiteEntry 11 } custMultSvcSiteEgressAggRateLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerAggRateLimitPIR UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custMultSvcSiteEgressAggRateLimit specifies the maximum total rate of all egress queues for this multi-service site. The value '-1' means that there is no limit. This objects is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by custMultSvcSiteEgrAggRateLimit." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { custMultiServiceSiteEntry 12 } custMultSvcSiteIntendedIngrSchedPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServObjName MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custMultSvcSiteIntendedIngrSchedPlcy indicates the Ingress QoS scheduler on this multi-service Site that should be applied. If it deviates from custMultSvcSiteCurrentIngrSchedPlcy, this means that there was a problem when trying to activate this filter. It can only deviate when using tod-suites for the SAP. When the tod-suites decides that a new filter must be applied, it will try to do this. If it fails, the current and intended field are not equal. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 release." ::= { custMultiServiceSiteEntry 13 } custMultSvcSiteIntendedEgrSchedPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServObjName MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custMultSvcSiteIntendedEgrSchedPlcy indicates the Egress QoS scheduler on this multi-service Site that should be applied. If it deviates from custMultSvcSiteCurrentEgrSchedPlcy, this means that there was a problem when trying to activate this filter. It can only deviate when using tod-suites for the SAP. When the tod-suites decides that a new filter must be applied, it will try to do this. If it fails, the current and intended field are not equal. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 release." ::= { custMultiServiceSiteEntry 14 } custMultSvcSiteFrameBasedAccnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMultSvcSiteFrameBasedAccnt specifies whether to use frame-based accounting when evaluating custMultSvcSiteEgrAggRateLimit for the egress queues for this multi-service site. If the value is 'false', the default packet-based accounting method will be used." DEFVAL { false } ::= { custMultiServiceSiteEntry 15 } custMultSvcSiteSubscriberMss OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMultSvcSiteSubscriberMss specifies whether this multi-service site will be used as the default multi-service site for subscribers linked to the port specified in custMultSvcSiteAssignment when the use-subscriber-mss flag is set on the subscriber's subscriber profile. This field can only be set when the value of custMultSvcSiteScope is set to 'port(1)'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { custMultiServiceSiteEntry 16 } custMultSvcSiteIngPolcrCtrlPolcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custMultSvcSiteIngPolcrCtrlPolcy specifies the ingress QoS policer control policy assigned to this Multi-Service Site." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { custMultiServiceSiteEntry 17 } custMultSvcSiteEgrPolcrCtrlPolcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custMultSvcSiteEgrPolcrCtrlPolcy specifies the egress QoS policer control policy assigned to this Multi-Service Site." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { custMultiServiceSiteEntry 18 } custMultSvcSiteEgressAggRateLUB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMultSvcSiteEgressAggRateLUB specifies whether to limit the unused bandwidth and allow a tighter control in allocation of bandwidth by HQos. When the value of custMultSvcSiteEgressAggRateLUB is set to 'true', HQos algorithm distributes any unused aggregate bandwidth between queues operating below their fair share rates. This allows a simplified aggregate rate protection while allocating bandwidth by HQos scheduling algorithm." DEFVAL { false } ::= { custMultiServiceSiteEntry 19 } custMultSvcSiteEgrAggRateLimitHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custMultSvcSiteEgrAggRateLimitHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the maximum total rate of all egress queues for this multi-service site. This value should always be set along with custMultSvcSiteEgrAggRateLimit, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of custMultSvcSiteEgrAggRateLimitHi along with the value of custMultSvcSiteEgrAggRateLimit is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this multi-service site indicates maximum total rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { custMultiServiceSiteEntry 21 } custMultSvcSiteEgrAggRateLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custMultSvcSiteEgrAggRateLimit specifies the maximum total rate of all egress queues for this multi-service site. The value of 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) means that there is no limit. When the value of custMultSvcSiteEgrAggRateLimitHi along with the value of custMultSvcSiteEgrAggRateLimit is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this multi-service site indicates maximum total rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { custMultiServiceSiteEntry 22 } custMultiSvcSiteIngStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CustMultiSvcSiteIngStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains ingress QoS scheduler statistics for the customer multi service site." ::= { tmnxCustObjs 5 } custMultiSvcSiteIngStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CustMultiSvcSiteIngStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ingress statistics about a specific customer multi service site ingress scheduler." INDEX { custId, custMultSvcSiteName, IMPLIED custIngQosSchedName } ::= { custMultiSvcSiteIngStatsTable 1 } CustMultiSvcSiteIngStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { custIngQosSchedName TNamedItem, custIngQosSchedStatsForwardedPackets Counter64, custIngQosSchedStatsForwardedOctets Counter64 } custIngQosSchedName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the ingress QoS scheduler of this customer multi service site." ::= { custMultiSvcSiteIngStatsEntry 1 } custIngQosSchedStatsForwardedPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custIngQosSchedStatsForwardedPackets indicates the number of forwarded packets, as determined by the customer multi service site ingress scheduler policy." ::= { custMultiSvcSiteIngStatsEntry 2 } custIngQosSchedStatsForwardedOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custIngQosSchedStatsForwardedOctets indicates the number of forwarded octets, as determined by the customer multi service site ingress scheduler policy." ::= { custMultiSvcSiteIngStatsEntry 3 } custMultiSvcSiteEgrStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CustMultiSvcSiteEgrStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains egress QoS scheduler statistics for the customer multi service site." ::= { tmnxCustObjs 6 } custMultiSvcSiteEgrStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CustMultiSvcSiteEgrStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Egress statistics about a specific customer multi service site egress scheduler." INDEX { custId, custMultSvcSiteName, IMPLIED custEgrQosSchedName } ::= { custMultiSvcSiteEgrStatsTable 1 } CustMultiSvcSiteEgrStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { custEgrQosSchedName TNamedItem, custEgrQosSchedStatsForwardedPackets Counter64, custEgrQosSchedStatsForwardedOctets Counter64 } custEgrQosSchedName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the egress QoS scheduler of this customer multi service site." ::= { custMultiSvcSiteEgrStatsEntry 1 } custEgrQosSchedStatsForwardedPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custEgrQosSchedStatsForwardedPackets indicates number of forwarded packets, as determined by the customer multi service site egress scheduler policy." ::= { custMultiSvcSiteEgrStatsEntry 2 } custEgrQosSchedStatsForwardedOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custEgrQosSchedStatsForwardedOctets indicates the number of forwarded octets, as determined by the customer multi service site egress scheduler policy." ::= { custMultiSvcSiteEgrStatsEntry 3 } custIngQosPortIdSchedStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CustIngQosPortIdSchedStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The custIngQosPortIdSchedStatsTable contains ingress QoS scheduler statistics for the customer multi service site." ::= { tmnxCustObjs 7 } custIngQosPortIdSchedStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CustIngQosPortIdSchedStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry represents the ingress statistics about a specific customer multi service site ingress scheduler. Entries are created when a scheduler policy is applied to an MSS." INDEX { custId, custMultSvcSiteName, custIngQosPortIdSchedName, custIngQosAssignmentPortId } ::= { custIngQosPortIdSchedStatsTable 1 } CustIngQosPortIdSchedStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { custIngQosPortIdSchedName TNamedItem, custIngQosAssignmentPortId TmnxPortID, custIngQosPortSchedFwdPkts Counter64, custIngQosPortSchedFwdOctets Counter64 } custIngQosPortIdSchedName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custIngQosPortIdSchedName is used as an index of the ingress QoS scheduler of this customer multi service site." ::= { custIngQosPortIdSchedStatsEntry 1 } custIngQosAssignmentPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custIngQosAssignmentPortId is used as an index of the ingress QoS scheduler/arbiter of this customer multi service site. When an MSS assignment is an aps/ccag/lag in 'link' mode, each member-port of the aps/ccag/lag has its own scheduler/arbiter. This object refers to the TmnxPortID of these member-ports." ::= { custIngQosPortIdSchedStatsEntry 2 } custIngQosPortSchedFwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custIngQosPortSchedFwdPkts indicates the number of forwarded packets, as determined by the customer multi service site ingress scheduler policy." ::= { custIngQosPortIdSchedStatsEntry 3 } custIngQosPortSchedFwdOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custIngQosPortSchedFwdOctets indicates the number of forwarded octets, as determined by the customer multi service site ingress scheduler policy." ::= { custIngQosPortIdSchedStatsEntry 4 } custEgrQosPortIdSchedStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CustEgrQosPortIdSchedStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The custEgrQosPortIdSchedStatsTable contains egress QoS scheduler statistics for the customer multi service site." ::= { tmnxCustObjs 8 } custEgrQosPortIdSchedStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CustEgrQosPortIdSchedStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents the egress statistics for a customer multi-service-site egress scheduler. Entries are created when a scheduler policy is applied to an MSS." INDEX { custId, custMultSvcSiteName, custEgrQosPortIdSchedName, custEgrQosAssignmentPortId } ::= { custEgrQosPortIdSchedStatsTable 1 } CustEgrQosPortIdSchedStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { custEgrQosPortIdSchedName TNamedItem, custEgrQosAssignmentPortId TmnxPortID, custEgrQosPortSchedFwdPkts Counter64, custEgrQosPortSchedFwdOctets Counter64 } custEgrQosPortIdSchedName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custEgrQosPortIdSchedName is used as an index of the egress QoS scheduler of this customer multi service site." ::= { custEgrQosPortIdSchedStatsEntry 1 } custEgrQosAssignmentPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custEgrQosAssignmentPortId is used as an index of the egress QoS scheduler/arbiter of this customer multi service site. When an MSS assignment is an aps/ccag/lag in 'link' mode, each member-port of the aps/ccag/lag has its own scheduler/arbiter. This object refers to the TmnxPortID of these member-ports." ::= { custEgrQosPortIdSchedStatsEntry 2 } custEgrQosPortSchedFwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custEgrQosPortSchedFwdPkts indicates the number of forwarded packets, as determined by the customer multi service site egress scheduler policy." ::= { custEgrQosPortIdSchedStatsEntry 3 } custEgrQosPortSchedFwdOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custEgrQosPortSchedFwdOctets indicates the number of forwarded octets, as determined by the customer multi service site egress scheduler policy." ::= { custEgrQosPortIdSchedStatsEntry 4 } custMssIngQosSchedInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CustMssIngQosSchedInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains ingress QoS scheduler statistics for the customer multi service site." ::= { tmnxCustObjs 9 } custMssIngQosSchedInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CustMssIngQosSchedInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ingress statistics about a specific customer multi service site ingress scheduler." INDEX { custId, custMultSvcSiteName, IMPLIED custMssIngQosSName } ::= { custMssIngQosSchedInfoTable 1 } CustMssIngQosSchedInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { custMssIngQosSName TNamedItem, custMssIngQosSRowStatus RowStatus, custMssIngQosSLastMgmtChange TimeStamp, custMssIngQosSOverrideFlags TVirtSchedAttribute, custMssIngQosSPIR THPolVirtualSchePIRRate, custMssIngQosSCIR THPolVirtualScheCIRRate, custMssIngQosSSummedCIR TruthValue, custMssIngQosSPIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, custMssIngQosSPIRLo TmnxQosRateLow32, custMssIngQosSCIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, custMssIngQosSCIRLo TmnxQosRateLow32, custMssIngQosSParentWeight TWeight, custMssIngQosSParentCIRWeight TWeight } custMssIngQosSName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssIngQosSName indicates the name of the virtual scheduler whose parameters are to be overridden." ::= { custMssIngQosSchedInfoEntry 1 } custMssIngQosSRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssIngQosSRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in this table." ::= { custMssIngQosSchedInfoEntry 2 } custMssIngQosSLastMgmtChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssIngQosSLastMgmtChange indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the last management change of any writable object of this row." ::= { custMssIngQosSchedInfoEntry 3 } custMssIngQosSOverrideFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TVirtSchedAttribute MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssIngQosSOverrideFlags specifies the set of attributes whose values have been overridden via management on this virtual scheduler. Clearing a given flag will return the corresponding overridden attribute to the value defined on the SAP's ingress scheduler policy." ::= { custMssIngQosSchedInfoEntry 4 } custMssIngQosSPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THPolVirtualSchePIRRate UNITS "kilo bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssIngQosSPIR specifies the desired PIR value for this virtual scheduler. This object is obsoleted in 11.0 Release. It is replaced by custMssIngQosSPIRHi and custMssIngQosSPIRLo." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { custMssIngQosSchedInfoEntry 5 } custMssIngQosSCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THPolVirtualScheCIRRate UNITS "kilo bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssIngQosSCIR specifies the desired CIR value for this virtual scheduler. This object is obsoleted in 11.0 Release. It is replaced by custMssIngQosSCIRHi and custMssIngQosSCIRLo." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { custMssIngQosSchedInfoEntry 6 } custMssIngQosSSummedCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssIngQosSSummedCIR specifies if the CIR should be used as the summed CIR values of the children schedulers or queues. If set to 'true', the applicable scheduler CIR (custMssIngQosSCIR) loses its meaning." DEFVAL { true } ::= { custMssIngQosSchedInfoEntry 7 } custMssIngQosSPIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssIngQosSPIRHi specifies upper 32 bits of the pir-rate allowed for this virtual scheduler. This value should always be set along with custMssIngQosSPIRLo, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of custMssIngQosSPIRHi along with the value of custMssIngQosSPIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this virtual scheduler indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { custMssIngQosSchedInfoEntry 8 } custMssIngQosSPIRLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssIngQosSPIRLo specifies lower 32 bits of the pir-rate allowed for this virtual scheduler. This value should always be set along with custMssIngQosSPIRHi, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of custMssIngQosSPIRHi along with the value of custMssIngQosSPIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this virtual scheduler indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { custMssIngQosSchedInfoEntry 9 } custMssIngQosSCIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssIngQosSCIRHi specifies upper 32 bits of the cir-rate allowed for this virtual scheduler. This value should always be set along with custMssIngQosSCIRLo, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of custMssIngQosSCIRHi along with the value of custMssIngQosSCIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this virtual scheduler indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { custMssIngQosSchedInfoEntry 10 } custMssIngQosSCIRLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssIngQosSCIRLo specifies lower 32 bits of the cir-rate allowed for this virtual scheduler. This value should always be set along with custMssIngQosSCIRHi, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of custMssIngQosSCIRHi along with the value of custMssIngQosSCIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this virtual scheduler indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { custMssIngQosSchedInfoEntry 11 } custMssIngQosSParentWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssIngQosSParentWeight specifies the weight that needs to be used by this virtual scheduler to which this queue would be feeding." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { custMssIngQosSchedInfoEntry 12 } custMssIngQosSParentCIRWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssIngQosSParentCIRWeight specifies the weight that needs to be used until the committed rate by this virtual scheduler to which this queue would be feeding." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { custMssIngQosSchedInfoEntry 13 } custMssEgrQosSchedInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CustMssEgrQosSchedInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains egress QoS scheduler statistics for the customer multi service site." ::= { tmnxCustObjs 10 } custMssEgrQosSchedInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CustMssEgrQosSchedInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Egress statistics about a specific customer multi service site egress scheduler." INDEX { custId, custMultSvcSiteName, IMPLIED custMssEgrQosSName } ::= { custMssEgrQosSchedInfoTable 1 } CustMssEgrQosSchedInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { custMssEgrQosSName TNamedItem, custMssEgrQosSRowStatus RowStatus, custMssEgrQosSLastMgmtChange TimeStamp, custMssEgrQosSOverrideFlags TVirtSchedAttribute, custMssEgrQosSPIR THPolVirtualSchePIRRate, custMssEgrQosSCIR THPolVirtualScheCIRRate, custMssEgrQosSSummedCIR TruthValue, custMssEgrQosSPIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, custMssEgrQosSPIRLo TmnxQosRateLow32, custMssEgrQosSCIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, custMssEgrQosSCIRLo TmnxQosRateLow32, custMssEgrQosSParentWeight TWeight, custMssEgrQosSParentCIRWeight TWeight } custMssEgrQosSName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssEgrQosSName indicates the name of the virtual scheduler whose parameters are to be overridden." ::= { custMssEgrQosSchedInfoEntry 1 } custMssEgrQosSRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssEgrQosSRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in this table." ::= { custMssEgrQosSchedInfoEntry 2 } custMssEgrQosSLastMgmtChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssEgrQosSLastMgmtChange indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the last management change of any writable object of this row." ::= { custMssEgrQosSchedInfoEntry 3 } custMssEgrQosSOverrideFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TVirtSchedAttribute MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssEgrQosSOverrideFlags specifies the set of attributes whose values have been overridden via management on this virtual scheduler. Clearing a given flag will return the corresponding overridden attribute to the value defined on the SAP's ingress scheduler policy." ::= { custMssEgrQosSchedInfoEntry 4 } custMssEgrQosSPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THPolVirtualSchePIRRate UNITS "kilo bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssEgrQosSPIR specifies the desired PIR value for this virtual scheduler. This object is obsoleted in 11.0 Release. It is replaced by custMssEgrQosSPIRHi and custMssEgrQosSPIRLo." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { custMssEgrQosSchedInfoEntry 5 } custMssEgrQosSCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THPolVirtualScheCIRRate UNITS "kilo bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssEgrQosSCIR specifies the desired CIR value for this virtual scheduler. This object is obsoleted in 11.0 Release. It is replaced by custMssEgrQosSCIRHi and custMssEgrQosSCIRLo." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { custMssEgrQosSchedInfoEntry 6 } custMssEgrQosSSummedCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssEgrQosSSummedCIR specifies if the CIR should be used as the summed CIR values of the children schedulers or queues. If set to 'true', the applicable scheduler CIR (custMssEgrQosSCIR) loses its meaning." DEFVAL { true } ::= { custMssEgrQosSchedInfoEntry 7 } custMssEgrQosSPIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssEgrQosSPIRHi specifies upper 32 bits of the pir-rate allowed for this virtual scheduler. This value should always be set along with custMssEgrQosSPIRLo, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of custMssEgrQosSPIRHi along with the value of custMssEgrQosSPIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this virtual scheduler indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { custMssEgrQosSchedInfoEntry 8 } custMssEgrQosSPIRLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssEgrQosSPIRLo specifies lower 32 bits of the pir-rate allowed for this virtual scheduler. This value should always be set along with custMssEgrQosSPIRHi, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of custMssEgrQosSPIRHi along with the value of custMssEgrQosSPIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this virtual scheduler indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { custMssEgrQosSchedInfoEntry 9 } custMssEgrQosSCIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssEgrQosSCIRHi specifies upper 32 bits of the cir-rate allowed for this virtual scheduler. This value should always be set along with custMssEgrQosSCIRLo, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of custMssEgrQosSCIRHi along with the value of custMssEgrQosSCIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this virtual scheduler indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { custMssEgrQosSchedInfoEntry 10 } custMssEgrQosSCIRLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssEgrQosSCIRLo specifies lower 32 bits of the cir-rate allowed for this virtual scheduler. This value should always be set along with custMssEgrQosSCIRHi, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of custMssEgrQosSCIRHi along with the value of custMssEgrQosSCIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this virtual scheduler indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { custMssEgrQosSchedInfoEntry 11 } custMssEgrQosSParentWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssEgrQosSParentWeight specifies the weight that needs to be used by this virtual scheduler to which this queue would be feeding." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { custMssEgrQosSchedInfoEntry 12 } custMssEgrQosSParentCIRWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssEgrQosSParentCIRWeight specifies the weight that needs to be used until the committed rate by this virtual scheduler to which this queue would be feeding." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { custMssEgrQosSchedInfoEntry 13 } custMultiSvcSiteIngSchedPlcyStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CustMultiSvcSiteIngSchedPlcyStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A table that contains ingress QoS scheduler statistics for the customer multi service site, organized by scheduler policy. This table is obsoleted in 14.0 release." ::= { tmnxCustObjs 11 } custMultiSvcSiteIngSchedPlcyStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CustMultiSvcSiteIngSchedPlcyStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Ingress statistics about a specific customer multi service site egress scheduler. Entries are created when a scheduler policy of a MSS is replaced with another one due to Time-Of-Day policies." INDEX { custId, custMultSvcSiteName, tSchedulerPolicyName, IMPLIED tVirtualSchedulerName } ::= { custMultiSvcSiteIngSchedPlcyStatsTable 1 } CustMultiSvcSiteIngSchedPlcyStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { custIngSchedPlcyStatsFwdPkt Counter64, custIngSchedPlcyStatsFwdOct Counter64 } custIngSchedPlcyStatsFwdPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custIngSchedPlcyStatsFwdPkt indicates the number of forwarded packets, as determined by the customer multi service site ingress scheduler policy." ::= { custMultiSvcSiteIngSchedPlcyStatsEntry 1 } custIngSchedPlcyStatsFwdOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custIngSchedPlcyStatsFwdOct indicates the number of forwarded octets, as determined by the customer multi service site ingress scheduler policy." ::= { custMultiSvcSiteIngSchedPlcyStatsEntry 2 } custMultiSvcSiteEgrSchedPlcyStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CustMultiSvcSiteEgrSchedPlcyStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A table that contains egress QoS scheduler statistics for the customer multi service site, organized by scheduler policy. This table is obsoleted in 14.0 release." ::= { tmnxCustObjs 12 } custMultiSvcSiteEgrSchedPlcyStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CustMultiSvcSiteEgrSchedPlcyStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Egress statistics about a specific customer multi service site egress scheduler. Entries are created when a scheduler policy of a MSS is replaced with another one due to Time-Of-Day policies." INDEX { custId, custMultSvcSiteName, tSchedulerPolicyName, IMPLIED tVirtualSchedulerName } ::= { custMultiSvcSiteEgrSchedPlcyStatsTable 1 } CustMultiSvcSiteEgrSchedPlcyStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { custEgrSchedPlcyStatsFwdPkt Counter64, custEgrSchedPlcyStatsFwdOct Counter64 } custEgrSchedPlcyStatsFwdPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custEgrSchedPlcyStatsFwdPkt indicates the number of forwarded packets, as determined by the customer multi service site egress scheduler policy." ::= { custMultiSvcSiteEgrSchedPlcyStatsEntry 1 } custEgrSchedPlcyStatsFwdOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object custEgrSchedPlcyStatsFwdOct indicates the number of forwarded octets, as determined by the customer multi service site egress scheduler policy." ::= { custMultiSvcSiteEgrSchedPlcyStatsEntry 2 } custMultiSvcSiteIngSchedPlcyPortStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CustMultiSvcSiteIngSchedPlcyPortStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The custMultiSvcSiteIngSchedPlcyPortStatsTable contains ingress QoS scheduler statistics for the customer multi service site, organized by scheduler policy. This table is obsoleted in 14.0 release." ::= { tmnxCustObjs 13 } custMultiSvcSiteIngSchedPlcyPortStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CustMultiSvcSiteIngSchedPlcyPortStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each entry represents the ingress statistics about a specific customer multi service site ingress scheduler. Entries are created when a scheduler policy of a MSS is replaced with another one due to Time-Of-Day policies." INDEX { custId, custMultSvcSiteName, tSchedulerPolicyName, tVirtualSchedulerName, custIngSchedPlcyPortStatsPort } ::= { custMultiSvcSiteIngSchedPlcyPortStatsTable 1 } CustMultiSvcSiteIngSchedPlcyPortStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { custIngSchedPlcyPortStatsPort TmnxPortID, custIngSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdPkt Counter64, custIngSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdOct Counter64 } custIngSchedPlcyPortStatsPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of custIngSchedPlcyPortStatsPort is used as an index of the ingress QoS scheduler of this customer multi service site. When an MSS assignment is an aps/ccag/lag in 'link' mode, each member-port of the aps/ccag/lag has its own scheduler. This object refers to the TmnxPortID of these member-ports." ::= { custMultiSvcSiteIngSchedPlcyPortStatsEntry 1 } custIngSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of custIngSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdPkt indicates the number of forwarded packets, as determined by the customer multi service site ingress scheduler policy." ::= { custMultiSvcSiteIngSchedPlcyPortStatsEntry 2 } custIngSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of custIngSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdOct indicates the number of forwarded octets, as determined by the customer multi service site ingress scheduler policy." ::= { custMultiSvcSiteIngSchedPlcyPortStatsEntry 3 } custMultiSvcSiteEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CustMultiSvcSiteEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The custMultiSvcSiteEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsTable contains egress QoS scheduler statistics for the customer multi service site, organized by scheduler policy. This table is obsoleted in 14.0 release." ::= { tmnxCustObjs 14 } custMultiSvcSiteEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CustMultiSvcSiteEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each entry represents the egress statistics about a specific customer multi service site egress scheduler. Entries are created when a scheduler policy of a MSS is replaced with another one due to Time-Of-Day policies." INDEX { custId, custMultSvcSiteName, tSchedulerPolicyName, tVirtualSchedulerName, custEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsPort } ::= { custMultiSvcSiteEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsTable 1 } CustMultiSvcSiteEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { custEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsPort TmnxPortID, custEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdPkt Counter64, custEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdOct Counter64 } custEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of custEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsPort is used as an index of the egress QoS scheduler of this customer multi service site. When an MSS assignment is an aps/ccag/lag in 'link' mode, each member-port of the aps/ccag/lag has its own scheduler. This object refers to the TmnxPortID of these member-ports." ::= { custMultiSvcSiteEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsEntry 1 } custEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of custEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdPkt indicates the number of forwarded packets, as determined by the customer multi service site egress scheduler policy." ::= { custMultiSvcSiteEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsEntry 2 } custEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of custEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdOct indicates the number of forwarded octets, as determined by the customer multi service site egress scheduler policy." ::= { custMultiSvcSiteEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsEntry 3 } custMssIngQosArbitStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CustMssIngQosArbitStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The custMssIngQosArbitStatsTable contains ingress QoS arbiter statistics for the customer multi service site, organized by arbiter." ::= { tmnxCustObjs 15 } custMssIngQosArbitStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CustMssIngQosArbitStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry represents the ingress statistics about a specific customer multi service site ingress arbiter." INDEX { custId, custMultSvcSiteName, custMssIngQosArbitName } ::= { custMssIngQosArbitStatsTable 1 } CustMssIngQosArbitStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { custMssIngQosArbitName TNamedItem, custMssIngQosArbitStatsFwdPkts Counter64, custMssIngQosArbitStatsFwdPktsLo Counter32, custMssIngQosArbitStatsFwdPktsHi Counter32, custMssIngQosArbitStatsFwdOcts Counter64, custMssIngQosArbitStatsFwdOctsLo Counter32, custMssIngQosArbitStatsFwdOctsHi Counter32 } custMssIngQosArbitName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssIngQosArbitName is used as an index of the ingress QoS arbiter of this customer multi service site." ::= { custMssIngQosArbitStatsEntry 1 } custMssIngQosArbitStatsFwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssIngQosArbitStatsFwdPkts indicates the number of forwarded packets, as determined by the customer multi service site ingress arbiter policy." ::= { custMssIngQosArbitStatsEntry 2 } custMssIngQosArbitStatsFwdPktsLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssIngQosArbitStatsFwdPktsLo indicates the lower 32 bits of custMssIngQosArbitStatsFwdPkts." ::= { custMssIngQosArbitStatsEntry 3 } custMssIngQosArbitStatsFwdPktsHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssIngQosArbitStatsFwdPktsHi indicates the higher 32 bits of custMssIngQosArbitStatsFwdPkts." ::= { custMssIngQosArbitStatsEntry 4 } custMssIngQosArbitStatsFwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssIngQosArbitStatsFwdOcts indicates the number of forwarded octets, as determined by the customer multi service site ingress arbiter policy." ::= { custMssIngQosArbitStatsEntry 5 } custMssIngQosArbitStatsFwdOctsLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssIngQosArbitStatsFwdOctsLo indicates the lower 32 bits of custMssIngQosArbitStatsFwdOcts." ::= { custMssIngQosArbitStatsEntry 6 } custMssIngQosArbitStatsFwdOctsHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssIngQosArbitStatsFwdOctsHi indicates the higher 32 bits of custMssIngQosArbitStatsFwdOcts." ::= { custMssIngQosArbitStatsEntry 7 } custMssEgrQosArbitStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CustMssEgrQosArbitStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The custMssEgrQosArbitStatsTable contains egress QoS arbiter statistics for the customer multi service site, organized by arbiter." ::= { tmnxCustObjs 16 } custMssEgrQosArbitStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CustMssEgrQosArbitStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry represents the egress statistics about a specific customer multi service site egress arbiter." INDEX { custId, custMultSvcSiteName, custMssEgrQosArbitName } ::= { custMssEgrQosArbitStatsTable 1 } CustMssEgrQosArbitStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { custMssEgrQosArbitName TNamedItem, custMssEgrQosArbitStatsFwdPkts Counter64, custMssEgrQosArbitStatsFwdPktsLo Counter32, custMssEgrQosArbitStatsFwdPktsHi Counter32, custMssEgrQosArbitStatsFwdOcts Counter64, custMssEgrQosArbitStatsFwdOctsLo Counter32, custMssEgrQosArbitStatsFwdOctsHi Counter32 } custMssEgrQosArbitName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssEgrQosArbitName is used as an index of the egress QoS arbiter of this customer multi service site." ::= { custMssEgrQosArbitStatsEntry 1 } custMssEgrQosArbitStatsFwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssEgrQosArbitStatsFwdPkts indicates the number of forwarded packets, as determined by the customer multi service site egress arbiter policy." ::= { custMssEgrQosArbitStatsEntry 2 } custMssEgrQosArbitStatsFwdPktsLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssEgrQosArbitStatsFwdPktsLo indicates the lower 32 bits of custMssEgrQosArbitStatsFwdPkts." ::= { custMssEgrQosArbitStatsEntry 3 } custMssEgrQosArbitStatsFwdPktsHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssEgrQosArbitStatsFwdPktsHi indicates the higher 32 bits of custMssEgrQosArbitStatsFwdPkts." ::= { custMssEgrQosArbitStatsEntry 4 } custMssEgrQosArbitStatsFwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssEgrQosArbitStatsFwdOcts indicates the number of forwarded octets, as determined by the customer multi service site egress arbiter policy." ::= { custMssEgrQosArbitStatsEntry 5 } custMssEgrQosArbitStatsFwdOctsLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssEgrQosArbitStatsFwdOctsLo indicates the lower 32 bits of custMssEgrQosArbitStatsFwdOcts." ::= { custMssEgrQosArbitStatsEntry 6 } custMssEgrQosArbitStatsFwdOctsHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custMssEgrQosArbitStatsFwdOctsHi indicates the higher 32 bits of custMssEgrQosArbitStatsFwdOcts." ::= { custMssEgrQosArbitStatsEntry 7 } custIngQosPortIdArbitStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CustIngQosPortIdArbitStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The custIngQosPortIdArbitStatsTable contains ingress QoS arbiter statistics for the customer multi service site." ::= { tmnxCustObjs 17 } custIngQosPortIdArbitStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CustIngQosPortIdArbitStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry represents the ingress statistics about a specific customer multi service site ingress arbiter." INDEX { custId, custMultSvcSiteName, custIngQosPortIdArbitName, custIngQosAssignmentPortId } ::= { custIngQosPortIdArbitStatsTable 1 } CustIngQosPortIdArbitStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { custIngQosPortIdArbitName TNamedItem, custIngQosPortIdArbitFwdPkts Counter64, custIngQosPortIdArbitFwdPktsLo Counter32, custIngQosPortIdArbitFwdPktsHi Counter32, custIngQosPortIdArbitFwdOcts Counter64, custIngQosPortIdArbitFwdOctsLo Counter32, custIngQosPortIdArbitFwdOctsHi Counter32 } custIngQosPortIdArbitName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custIngQosPortIdArbitName is used as an index of the ingress QoS arbiter of this customer multi service site." ::= { custIngQosPortIdArbitStatsEntry 1 } custIngQosPortIdArbitFwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custIngQosPortIdArbitFwdPkts indicates the number of forwarded packets, as determined by the customer multi service site ingress arbiter policy." ::= { custIngQosPortIdArbitStatsEntry 2 } custIngQosPortIdArbitFwdPktsLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custIngQosPortIdArbitFwdPktsLo indicates the lower 32 bits of custIngQosPortIdArbitFwdPkts." ::= { custIngQosPortIdArbitStatsEntry 3 } custIngQosPortIdArbitFwdPktsHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custIngQosPortIdArbitFwdPktsHi indicates the higher 32 bits of custIngQosPortIdArbitFwdPkts." ::= { custIngQosPortIdArbitStatsEntry 4 } custIngQosPortIdArbitFwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custIngQosPortIdArbitFwdOcts indicates the number of forwarded octets, as determined by the customer multi service site ingress arbiter policy." ::= { custIngQosPortIdArbitStatsEntry 5 } custIngQosPortIdArbitFwdOctsLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custIngQosPortIdArbitFwdOctsLo indicates the lower 32 bits of custIngQosPortIdArbitFwdOcts." ::= { custIngQosPortIdArbitStatsEntry 6 } custIngQosPortIdArbitFwdOctsHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custIngQosPortIdArbitFwdOctsHi indicates the higher 32 bits of custIngQosPortIdArbitFwdOcts." ::= { custIngQosPortIdArbitStatsEntry 7 } custEgrQosPortIdArbitStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CustEgrQosPortIdArbitStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The custEgrQosPortIdArbitStatsTable contains egress QoS arbiter statistics for the customer multi service site." ::= { tmnxCustObjs 18 } custEgrQosPortIdArbitStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CustEgrQosPortIdArbitStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents the egress statistics for a customer multi-service-site egress arbiter." INDEX { custId, custMultSvcSiteName, custEgrQosPortIdArbitName, custEgrQosAssignmentPortId } ::= { custEgrQosPortIdArbitStatsTable 1 } CustEgrQosPortIdArbitStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { custEgrQosPortIdArbitName TNamedItem, custEgrQosPortIdArbitFwdPkts Counter64, custEgrQosPortIdArbitFwdPktsLo Counter32, custEgrQosPortIdArbitFwdPktsHi Counter32, custEgrQosPortIdArbitFwdOcts Counter64, custEgrQosPortIdArbitFwdOctsLo Counter32, custEgrQosPortIdArbitFwdOctsHi Counter32 } custEgrQosPortIdArbitName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custEgrQosPortIdArbitName is used as an index of the egress QoS arbiter of this customer multi service site." ::= { custEgrQosPortIdArbitStatsEntry 1 } custEgrQosPortIdArbitFwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custEgrQosPortIdArbitFwdPkts indicates the number of forwarded packets, as determined by the customer multi service site egress arbiter policy." ::= { custEgrQosPortIdArbitStatsEntry 2 } custEgrQosPortIdArbitFwdPktsLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custEgrQosPortIdArbitFwdPktsLo indicates the lower 32 bits of custEgrQosPortIdArbitFwdPkts." ::= { custEgrQosPortIdArbitStatsEntry 3 } custEgrQosPortIdArbitFwdPktsHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custEgrQosPortIdArbitFwdPktsHi indicates the higher 32 bits of custEgrQosPortIdArbitFwdPkts." ::= { custEgrQosPortIdArbitStatsEntry 4 } custEgrQosPortIdArbitFwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custEgrQosPortIdArbitFwdOcts indicates the number of forwarded octets, as determined by the customer multi service site egress arbiter policy." ::= { custEgrQosPortIdArbitStatsEntry 5 } custEgrQosPortIdArbitFwdOctsLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custEgrQosPortIdArbitFwdOctsLo indicates the lower 32 bits of custEgrQosPortIdArbitFwdOcts." ::= { custEgrQosPortIdArbitStatsEntry 6 } custEgrQosPortIdArbitFwdOctsHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of custEgrQosPortIdArbitFwdOctsHi indicates the higher 32 bits of custEgrQosPortIdArbitFwdOcts." ::= { custEgrQosPortIdArbitStatsEntry 7 } tmnxSvcObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxServObjs 2 } svcNumEntries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current number of services configured on this node." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 1 } svcBaseInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcBaseInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains basic service information." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 2 } svcBaseInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcBaseInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Basic information about a specific service." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcBaseInfoTable 1 } SvcBaseInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcId TmnxServId, svcRowStatus RowStatus, svcType ServType, svcCustId TmnxCustId, svcIpRouting TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcDescription ServObjDesc, svcMtu Integer32, svcAdminStatus ServiceAdminStatus, svcOperStatus ServiceOperStatus, svcNumSaps Integer32, svcNumSdps Integer32, svcLastMgmtChange TimeStamp, svcDefMeshVcId Unsigned32, svcVpnId VpnId, svcVRouterId TmnxVRtrIDOrZero, svcAutoBind INTEGER, svcLastStatusChange TimeStamp, svcVllType INTEGER, svcMgmtVpls TruthValue, svcRadiusDiscovery TruthValue, svcRadiusUserNameType INTEGER, svcRadiusUserName DisplayString, svcVcSwitching TruthValue, svcRadiusPEDiscPolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcRadiusDiscoveryShutdown ServiceAdminStatus, svcVplsType INTEGER, svcNumMcStandbySaps Integer32, svcName TLNamedItemOrEmpty, svcInterASMvpn TruthValue, svcHashLabel TruthValue, svcTmplUsed TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcCtrlSvcId TmnxServId, svcCreationOrigin TmnxCreateOrigin, svcNumMHStandbySaps Integer32, svcVsdDomainName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcIsTestSvc TruthValue, svcTlsModeEtree TruthValue, svcNumEvpnMHStandbySaps Integer32, svcLogServicesAllEvents TruthValue } svcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcId specifies the Service identifier. This value should be unique within the service domain." ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 1 } svcRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value of the object svcRowStatus specifies the status of this row. To delete an entry from this table, the corresponding service must be administratively down, have no SAP's defined on it, and have no SDP bindings. For svcType 'vprn', the service can be associated with a routing instance by specifying svcVRouterId during the creation of the service. The value of the object svcVplsType specifies the VPLS service type. The value of this object must be specified when the row is created and cannot be changed while the svcRowStatus is 'active'." ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 2 } svcType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcType specifies the service type: e.g. epipe, tls, etc. The value of this object must be specified when the row is created and cannot be changed while the row status is 'active'." ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 3 } svcCustId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCustId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcCustId specifies the ID of the customer who owns this service. The value of this object must be specified when the row is created and cannot be changed while the row status is 'active'." ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 4 } svcIpRouting OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcIpRouting specifies, for a 'tls' service, whether IP routing is enabled. For 'epipe', 'apipe', 'fpipe', 'ipipe' and 'cpipe' services, this object cannot be set and has the value 'disabled', whereas for 'vprn' and 'ies' services the value is 'enabled' and cannot be set either. For 'tls' services the value of this object must be specified when the row is created and cannot be changed while the row status is 'active'." ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 5 } svcDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServObjDesc MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcDescription specifiers an optional, generic information about this service." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 6 } svcMtu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..9782) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcMtu specifies the largest frame size (in octets) that this service can handle. Setting svcMtu to a value of zero (0), causes the agent to recalculate the default MTU size. The default value of this object depends on the service type: 1514 octets for epipe and tls, 1508 for apipe and fpipe, and 1500 octets for vprn, ipipe and ies, 1514 octets for cpipe. The max value of this object depends on the service type: 9194 for apipe, cpipe, fpipe and ipipe and 9782 for others." ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 7 } svcAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcAdminStatus specifies the desired state of this service." DEFVAL { down } ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 8 } svcOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcOperStatus indicates the operating state of this service. The requirements for a service to be operationally up depend on the service type: epipe, apipe, fpipe, ipipe and cpipe services are 'up' when the service is administratively up and either both SAP's or a SAP and a spoke SDP Bind are operationally up. tls services are 'up' when the service is administratively up and either at least one SAP or spoke SDP Bind or one mesh SDP Bind is operationally up. tls service that has vxlan configuration is 'up' when the service is administratively up. ies services are 'up' when the service is administratively up and at least one interface is operationally up. vprn services are 'up' when the service is administratively up however routing functionality is available only when TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB::vRtrOperState is 'up'." ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 9 } svcNumSaps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcNumSaps indicates the number of SAPs defined on this service." ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 10 } svcNumSdps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcNumSdps indicates the number of SDPs bound to this service." ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 11 } svcLastMgmtChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of of the object svcLastMgmtChange indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this service." ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 12 } svcDefMeshVcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcDefMeshVcId specifies, only in services that accept mesh SDP bindings, the VC ID portion of the sdpBindId index of each mesh SDP binding defined in the service. The default value of this object is equal to the service ID." ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 13 } svcVpnId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VpnId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVpnId specifies the VPN ID assigned to this service. The value of this object can be specified only when the row is created." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 14 } svcVRouterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrIDOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVRouterId specifies, for a IES or VPRN service the associated virtual router instance where its interfaces are defined. This object has a special significance for the VPRN service as it can be used to associate the service to a specific virtual router instance. If no routing instance is specified or a value of zero (0) is specified, the agent will assign the vRtrID index value that would have been returned by the vRtrNextVRtrID object in the TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB. The agent supports an SNMP SET operation to the svcVRouterId object only during row creation." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 15 } svcAutoBind OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), gre (2), ldp (3), rsvp-te (4), mpls (5), mpls-gre (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcAutoBind specifies, for a VPRN service, the type of lookup to be used by the routing instance if no SDP to the destination exists. The svcAutoBind object has been obsoleted and replaced with objects in svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlTable or svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlTable or svcVprnBgpAutoBindTable." DEFVAL { none } ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 16 } svcLastStatusChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcLastStatusChange indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent operating status change to his service." ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 17 } svcVllType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undef (1), atmSdu (6), atmCell (7), atmVcc (8), atmVpc (9), frDlci (10), satopE1 (12), satopT1 (13), satopE3 (14), satopT3 (15), cesopsn (16), cesopsnCas (17) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVllType specifies, for a apipe, fpipe or cpipe service, the type of pseudo-wire to be signalled for the service. The default for this object depends on the service type: 'atmSdu' for apipes, 'frDlci' for fpipes, satopE1 for cpipes, and 'undef' for all other service types." ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 18 } svcMgmtVpls OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcMgmtVpls specifies, only if svcType = 'tls' whether or not the service is a management vpls. If set to false the service is acting as a regular VPLS service. If set to true, the service is acting as a management VPLS service. This implies that RSTP will always be enabled, and that the conclusions of this RSTP can be associated to different (regular) VPLSs. The value of this object cannot be changed after creation." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 19 } svcRadiusDiscovery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcRadiusDiscovery specifies whether RADIUS auto-discovery is enabled on this service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 20 } svcRadiusUserNameType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), vpn-id (1), router-distinguisher (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcRadiusUserNameType specifies whether RADIUS user name is vpn-id or router-distinguisher. By default, the value of this object is 'none'. svcRadiusUserNameType and svcRadiusUserName, which indicates the RADIUS username, must be set together in the same SNMP request PDU if svcRadiusUserNameType is vpn-id or router-distinguisher or else the set request will fail with an 'inconsistentValue' error." DEFVAL { none } ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 21 } svcRadiusUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcRadiusUserName specifies the RADIUS user name. svcRadiusUserNameType specifies the type of the username and has to be set along with svcRadiusUserName when svcRadiusUserName can either be a vpn-id or a router-distinguisher." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 22 } svcVcSwitching OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVcSwitching specifies if the PW switching signalling is used for the Spokes configured under the service. This object can only be specified when the row is created." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 23 } svcRadiusPEDiscPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcRadiusPEDiscPolicy specifies the RADIUS PE Discovery Policy name. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 24 } svcRadiusDiscoveryShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcRadiusDiscoveryShutdown specifies the desired administrative state for the RADIUS auto-discovery server. When the server is 'down' the operational state of the server is disabled. By default, state of the RADIUS auto-discovery server is 'down'." DEFVAL { down } ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 25 } svcVplsType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), bVpls (2), iVpls (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Backbone VPLS ('bVpls') refers to the B-Component instance of the Provider Backbone Bridging (PBB/IEEE 802.1ah) feature. It represents the Multi-point tunneling component that multiplexes multiple Customer VPNs (ISIDs) together. It is similar to a regular VPLS instance that operates on the Backbone MAC addresses. ISID VPLS ('iVpls') or I-VPLS refers to the I-Component instance of the Provider Backbone Bridging (PBB/IEEE 802.1ah) feature. It identifies the specific VPN entity associated to a customer Multipoint (ELAN) service. It is similar to a regular VPLS instance that operates on the Customer MAC addresses. The value of the object svcVplsType specifies the VPLS service type. The value of this object must be specified when the row is created and cannot be changed while the svcRowStatus is 'active'." DEFVAL { none } ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 26 } svcNumMcStandbySaps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcNumMcStandbySaps indicates the number of SAPs defined on this service on a port which is in multi-chassis standby mode." ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 27 } svcName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the svcName specifies the name of the service. This value should be unique within the service domain." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 29 } svcInterASMvpn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcInterASMvpn specifies if the configured VPRN service is used for inter-AS MVPN or not. If the value of the object is set to 'true', the VPRN service is used for inter-AS MVPN only. If the value of the object is set to 'false', the VPRN service is not used for inter-AS MVPN." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 30 } svcHashLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcHashLabel specifies whether the use of hash label is enabled or not on this service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 31 } svcTmplUsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the svcTmplUsed indicates the name of the service template used to create this service. A value of empty string indicates that this service was not created using a service template." ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 32 } svcCtrlSvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcCtrlSvcId indicates the Service identifier of the service controlling this service. A value of '0' indicates that this service is not controlled by another service." ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 33 } svcCreationOrigin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCreateOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcCreationOrigin indicates the protocol or mechanism which created this service." ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 34 } svcNumMHStandbySaps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcNumMHStandbySaps indicates the number of SAPs defined on this service which are multi-home standby SAPs." ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 37 } svcVsdDomainName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVsdDomainName indicates the VSD Domain that is associated with this service." ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 39 } svcIsTestSvc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcIsTestSvc specifies whether this service is a test service. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is changed to a different value after service is already created." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 40 } svcTlsModeEtree OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsModeEtree specifies whether etree mode is enabled on this service. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is changed to a different value after service is already created." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 41 } svcNumEvpnMHStandbySaps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcNumEvpnMHStandbySaps indicates the number of SAPs defined on this service which are evpn multi-homed standby SAPs." ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 42 } svcLogServicesAllEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcLogServicesAllEvents indicates if logger events are visible from all virtual routers including Base in this service vprn log." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBaseInfoEntry 43 } svcTlsInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains TLS service information." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 3 } svcTlsInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TLS specific information about a service." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcTlsInfoTable 1 } SvcTlsInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsMacLearning TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcTlsDiscardUnknownDest TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcTlsFdbTableSize Integer32, svcTlsFdbNumEntries Integer32, svcTlsFdbNumStaticEntries Integer32, svcTlsFdbLocalAgeTime Integer32, svcTlsFdbRemoteAgeTime Integer32, svcTlsStpAdminStatus TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState, svcTlsStpPriority Integer32, svcTlsStpBridgeAddress MacAddress, svcTlsStpTimeSinceTopologyChange TimeTicks, svcTlsStpTopologyChanges Integer32, svcTlsStpDesignatedRoot BridgeId, svcTlsStpRootCost Integer32, svcTlsStpRootPort Integer32, svcTlsStpMaxAge Integer32, svcTlsStpHelloTime Integer32, svcTlsStpHoldTime Integer32, svcTlsStpForwardDelay Integer32, svcTlsStpBridgeMaxAge Integer32, svcTlsStpBridgeHelloTime Integer32, svcTlsStpBridgeForwardDelay Integer32, svcTlsStpOperStatus INTEGER, svcTlsStpVirtualRootBridgeStatus INTEGER, svcTlsMacAgeing TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcTlsStpTopologyChangeActive TruthValue, svcTlsFdbTableFullHighWatermark Integer32, svcTlsFdbTableFullLowWatermark Integer32, svcTlsVpnId VpnId, svcTlsCustId TmnxCustId, svcTlsStpVersion INTEGER, svcTlsStpHoldCount Integer32, svcTlsStpPrimaryBridge BridgeId, svcTlsStpBridgeInstanceId Integer32, svcTlsStpVcpOperProtocol StpProtocol, svcTlsMacMoveMaxRate Unsigned32, svcTlsMacMoveRetryTimeout Unsigned32, svcTlsMacMoveAdminStatus TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState, svcTlsMacRelearnOnly TruthValue, svcTlsMfibTableSize Integer32, svcTlsMfibTableFullHighWatermark Integer32, svcTlsMfibTableFullLowWatermark Integer32, svcTlsMacFlushOnFail TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcTlsStpRegionName DisplayString, svcTlsStpRegionRevision Integer32, svcTlsStpBridgeMaxHops Integer32, svcTlsStpCistRegionalRoot BridgeId, svcTlsStpCistIntRootCost Integer32, svcTlsStpCistRemainingHopCount Integer32, svcTlsStpCistRegionalRootPort Integer32, svcTlsFdbNumLearnedEntries Integer32, svcTlsFdbNumOamEntries Integer32, svcTlsFdbNumDhcpEntries Integer32, svcTlsFdbNumHostEntries Integer32, svcTlsShcvAction TmnxSubShcvAction, svcTlsShcvSrcIp IpAddress, svcTlsShcvSrcMac MacAddress, svcTlsShcvInterval TmnxSubShcvInterval, svcTlsPriPortsCumulativeFactor Unsigned32, svcTlsSecPortsCumulativeFactor Unsigned32, svcTlsL2ptTermEnabled TruthValue, svcTlsPropagateMacFlush TruthValue, svcTlsMrpAdminStatus TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState, svcTlsMrpMaxAttributes Unsigned32, svcTlsMrpAttributeCount Unsigned32, svcTlsMrpFailedRegisterCount Unsigned32, svcTlsMcPathMgmtPlcyName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcTlsMrpFloodTime Unsigned32, svcTlsMrpAttrTblHighWatermark Integer32, svcTlsMrpAttrTblLowWatermark Integer32, svcTlsMacMoveNumRetries Unsigned32, svcTlsMacSubNetLen Integer32, svcTlsSendFlushOnBVplsFail TruthValue, svcTlsPropMacFlushFromBVpls TruthValue, svcTlsMacNotifInterval Unsigned32, svcTlsMacNotifCount Unsigned32, svcTlsMacNotifAdminState TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState, svcTlsPerSvcHashing TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcTlsAllowIpIfBinding TruthValue, svcTlsShcvRetryTimeout TmnxSubShcvRetryTimeout, svcTlsShcvRetryCount TmnxSubShcvRetryCount, svcTlsTempFloodTime Integer32, svcTlsTempFloodActive TruthValue, svcTlsTempFloodChangeCount Integer32, svcTlsShcvPolicyIpv4 TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcTlsMcastIpv6SnpgScope INTEGER, svcTlsSelLearnedFdb TruthValue, svcTlsFdbNumEntriesInUse Integer32, svcTlsInfoLastMgmtChange TimeStamp, svcTlsRvplsIpIfSvcId TmnxServId, svcTlsRvplsIpIfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero } svcTlsMacLearning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsMacLearning specifies whether the MAC learning process is enabled in this TLS." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 1 } svcTlsDiscardUnknownDest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsDiscardUnknownDest specifies whether frames received with an unknown destination MAC are discarded in this TLS." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 2 } svcTlsFdbTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..511999) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsFdbTableSize specifies the maximum number of learned and static entries allowed in the FDB of this service. The maximum value of svcTlsFdbTableSize depends on the platform/chassis mode." DEFVAL { 250 } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 3 } svcTlsFdbNumEntries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsFdbNumEntries indicates the current number of entries allocated in the FDB of this service." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 4 } svcTlsFdbNumStaticEntries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsFdbNumStaticEntries indicates the current number of static entries in the FDB of this service." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 5 } svcTlsFdbLocalAgeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (60..86400) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsFdbLocalAgeTime specifies the number of seconds used to age out TLS FDB entries learned on local SAPs." DEFVAL { 300 } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 6 } svcTlsFdbRemoteAgeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (60..86400) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsFdbRemoteAgeTime specifies the number of seconds used to age out TLS FDB entries learned on an SDP. These entries correspond to MAC addresses learned on remote SAPs." DEFVAL { 900 } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 7 } svcTlsStpAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpAdminStatus specifies the administrative state of the Spanning Tree Protocol instance associated with this service." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 8 } svcTlsStpPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpPriority specifies the priority of the Spanning Tree Protocol instance associated with this service. It is used as the highest 4 bits of the Bridge ID included in the Configuration BPDUs generated by this bridge. The svcTlsStpPriority can only take on values which multiples of 4096 (4k). If a value is specified which is not a multiple of 4K, then this value will be replaced by the closest multiple of 4K which is lower then the value entered." DEFVAL { 32768 } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 9 } svcTlsStpBridgeAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpBridgeAddress indicates the MAC address used to identify this bridge in the network. It is used as the last six octets of the Bridge ID included in the Configuration BPDUs generated by this bridge. The most significant 38 bits of the bridge address are taken from the base MAC address of the device, while the least significant 10 bits are based on the corresponding TLS instance ID." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 10 } svcTlsStpTimeSinceTopologyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpTimeSinceTopologyChange indicates the time (in centiseconds) since the last time a topology change was detected by the Spanning Tree Protocol instance associated with this service." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 11 } svcTlsStpTopologyChanges OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpTopologyChanges indicates the total number of topology changes detected by the Spanning Tree Protocol instance associated with this service since the management entity was last reset or initialized." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 12 } svcTlsStpDesignatedRoot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BridgeId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpDesignatedRoot indicates the bridge identifier of the root of the spanning tree as determined by the Spanning Tree Protocol instance associated with this service. This value is used as the Root Identifier parameter in all Configuration BPDUs originated by this node." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 13 } svcTlsStpRootCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpRootCost indicates the cost of the path to the root bridge as seen from this bridge." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 14 } svcTlsStpRootPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpRootPort indicates the port number of the port which offers the lowest cost path from this bridge to the root bridge." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 15 } svcTlsStpMaxAge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpMaxAge indicates the maximum age of Spanning Tree Protocol information learned from the network on any port before it is discarded. This is the actual value that this bridge is currently using." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 16 } svcTlsStpHelloTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpHelloTime indicates the amount of time between the transmission of Configuration BPDUs. This is the actual value that this bridge is currently using." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 17 } svcTlsStpHoldTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpHoldTime indicates the interval length during which no more than two Configuration BPDUs shall be transmitted by this bridge. This object is no longer used. It is replaced by the object svcTlsStpHoldCount. This object was made obsolete in the 3.0 release." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 18 } svcTlsStpForwardDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpForwardDelay indicates how fast a port changes its state when moving towards the Forwarding state. The value determines how long the port stays in each of the Listening and Learning states, which precede the Forwarding state. This value is also used to age all dynamic entries in the Forwarding Database when a topology change has been detected and is underway. This is the actual value that this bridge is currently using." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 19 } svcTlsStpBridgeMaxAge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (6..40) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpBridgeMaxAge specifies the value that all bridges should use for 'MaxAge' when this bridge is acting as the root bridge." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 20 } svcTlsStpBridgeHelloTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpBridgeHelloTime specifies the value that all bridges should use for 'HelloTime' when this bridge is acting as the root bridge." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 21 } svcTlsStpBridgeForwardDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (4..30) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpBridgeForwardDelay specifies the value that all bridges should use for 'ForwardDelay' when this bridge is acting as the root bridge." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 22 } svcTlsStpOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up (1), down (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpOperStatus indicates the operating status of the Spanning Tree Protocol instance associated with this service." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 30 } svcTlsStpVirtualRootBridgeStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up (1), down (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpVirtualRootBridgeStatus indicates the operating status of the Virtual Root Bridge of the Spanning Tree Protocol instance associated with this service. The status of the Virtual Root Bridge is 'up' when there is connectivity to the core: i.e. one or more SDP's in this service are operationally up." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 31 } svcTlsMacAgeing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsMacAgeing specifies whether the MAC aging process is enabled in this TLS." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 32 } svcTlsStpTopologyChangeActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpTopologyChangeActive indicates, when set to 'true', that a topology change is currently in progress." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 33 } svcTlsFdbTableFullHighWatermark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsFdbTableFullHighWatermark specifies the utilization of the FDB table of this TLS service at which a table full alarm will be raised by the agent." DEFVAL { 95 } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 34 } svcTlsFdbTableFullLowWatermark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsFdbTableFullLowWatermark specifies the utilization of the FDB table of this TLS service at which a table full alarm will be cleared by the agent." DEFVAL { 90 } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 35 } svcTlsVpnId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VpnId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsVpnId indicates the VPN ID of the associated TLS service." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 36 } svcTlsCustId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCustId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsCustId indicates the Customer ID of the associated TLS service." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 37 } svcTlsStpVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { rstp (2), compDot1w (3), dot1w (4), mstp (5), pmstp (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpVersion specifies the version of Spanning Tree Protocol the bridge is currently running. The value 'rstp' corresponds to the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol specified in IEEE 802.1D/D4-2003. The value 'compDot1w' corresponds to the mode where the Rapid Spanning Tree is backward compatible with IEEE 802.1w. The value 'dot1w' corresponds to the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol fully conformant to IEEE 802.1w. The value 'mstp' corresponds to the Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol specified in IEEE 802.1Q-REV/D3.0-04/2005. The value 'pmstp' corresponds to Provider MSTP protocol compliant with IEEE-802.1ad-2005. New values may be defined as future versions of the protocol become available." DEFVAL { rstp } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 38 } svcTlsStpHoldCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..20) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpHoldCount specifies the maximum number of BPDUs that are transmitted in any 'HelloTime' interval. The value used by the bridge to limit the maximum transmission rate of BPDUs." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1w clause 17.16.6" DEFVAL { 6 } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 39 } svcTlsStpPrimaryBridge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BridgeId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpPrimaryBridge indicates the BridgeId of the bridge that acts as the primary bridge, being the gateway from the core mesh towards the root bridge." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 40 } svcTlsStpBridgeInstanceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..4095) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpBridgeInstanceId indicates a 12 bit value chosen by the the system. It is part of the STP bridge Id, which consists of 8 octets: - 4 highest bits of octet 1: the bridge priority (ref svcTlsStpPriority) - 12 bits (4 lowest bits of octet 1 + 8 bits of octet 2): bridge instance Id (this object!). - 6 octets: bridge MAC address ref svcTlsStpBridgeAddress The value is set to 0 if svcTlsStpOperStatus is not 'up'." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 41 } svcTlsStpVcpOperProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StpProtocol MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpVcpOperProtocol indicates whether stp, rstp or mstp is running on this VCP. If the protocol is not enabled on this VCP, the value notApplicable is returned." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 42 } svcTlsMacMoveMaxRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsMacMoveMaxRate specifies the maximum rate at which MACs can be relearned in this TLS service, before the SAP where the moving MAC was last seen is automatically disabled in order to protect the system against undetected loops or duplicate MACs. The rate is computed as the maximum number of relearns allowed in a 5 second interval: e.g. the default rate of 2 relearns per second corresponds to 10 relearns in a 5 second period." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 43 } svcTlsMacMoveRetryTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..600) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsMacMoveRetryTimeout specifies the time in seconds to wait before a SAP that has been disabled after exceeding the maximum relearn rate is re-enabled. A value of zero indicates that the SAP will not be automatically re-enabled after being disabled. If after the SAP is re-enabled it is disabled again, the effective retry timeout is doubled in order to avoid thrashing. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of this object is set to less than fie times the value of svcTlsSecPortsCumulativeFactor." DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 44 } svcTlsMacMoveAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsMacMoveAdminStatus specifies the administrative state of the MAC movement feature associated with this service." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 45 } svcTlsMacRelearnOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsMacRelearnOnly indicates when set to 'true' that either the FDB table of this TLS service is full, or that the maximum system wide number of MACs supported by the agent has been reached, and thus MAC learning is temporary disabled, and only MAC relearns can take place." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 46 } svcTlsMfibTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..40959) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsMfibTableSize specifies the maximum number of entries allowed in the MFIB table of this service. If the value is 0, then there is no limit. Allowable maximum value for this object will depend on the platform and the chassis mode." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 47 } svcTlsMfibTableFullHighWatermark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsMfibTableFullHighWatermark specifies the utilization of the MFIB table of this TLS service at which a table full alarm will be raised by the agent." DEFVAL { 95 } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 48 } svcTlsMfibTableFullLowWatermark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsMfibTableFullLowWatermark specifies utilization of the MFIB table of this TLS service at which a table full alarm will be cleared by the agent." DEFVAL { 90 } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 49 } svcTlsMacFlushOnFail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsMacFlushOnFail specifies whether a special mac-flush is sent when a port or sap becomes operational down." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 50 } svcTlsStpRegionName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpRegionName specifies the MSTP region name. Together with region revision and VLAN-to-instance assignment it defines the MSTP region." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 51 } svcTlsStpRegionRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpRegionRevision specifies the MSTP region revision number. Together with region name and VLAN-to-instance assignment it defines the MSTP region." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 52 } svcTlsStpBridgeMaxHops OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..40) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpBridgeMaxHops specifies the maximum number of hops (known as 'MaxHops' in 802.1Q)." DEFVAL { 20 } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 53 } svcTlsStpCistRegionalRoot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BridgeId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpCistRegionalRoot indicates the bridge identifier of the regional root of the CIST spanning tree as determined by the Spanning Tree Protocol instance associated with this service. This value is used as the CIST Regional Root Identifier parameter in all MSTP BPDUs originated by this node." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 54 } svcTlsStpCistIntRootCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpCistIntRootCost indicates the cost of the path to the CIST regional root bridge as seen from this bridge." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 55 } svcTlsStpCistRemainingHopCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpCistRemainingHopCount specifies the remaining number of hops." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 56 } svcTlsStpCistRegionalRootPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsStpCistRegionalRootPort indicates the port number of the port which offers the lowest cost path from this bridge to the regional root bridge." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 57 } svcTlsFdbNumLearnedEntries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsFdbNumLearnedEntries indicates the current number of learned entries in the FDB of this service." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 58 } svcTlsFdbNumOamEntries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsFdbNumOamEntries indicates the current number of OAM entries in the FDB of this service." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 59 } svcTlsFdbNumDhcpEntries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsFdbNumDhcpEntries indicates the current number of dhcp-learned entries in the FDB of this service." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 60 } svcTlsFdbNumHostEntries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsFdbNumHostEntries indicates the current number of host-learned entries in the FDB of this service." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 61 } svcTlsShcvAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubShcvAction MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsShcvAction indicates whether any action should be triggered when the connectivity check fails." DEFVAL { alarm } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 62 } svcTlsShcvSrcIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsShcvSrcIp specifies the source IP address used when doing the connectivity check. The value indicates that no host IP address is specified." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 63 } svcTlsShcvSrcMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsShcvSrcMac specifies the MAC address used when doing the connectivity check. The value 0:0:0:0:0:0 indicates that no host MAC address is specified." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 64 } svcTlsShcvInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubShcvInterval UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsShcvInterval specifies the interval in minutes between connectivity checks. Zero means no connectivity checking." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 65 } svcTlsPriPortsCumulativeFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (3..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsPriPortsCumulativeFactor specifies a factor for the primary ports defining how many MAC-relearn periods should be used to measure the MAC-relearn rate, svcTlsMacMoveMaxRate. This rate must be exceeded during consecutive periods before the corresponding ports (SAP and/or spoke-SDP) are blocked by the MAC-move feature. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set the value of svcTlsPriPortsCumulativeFactor to a value lower than or equal to svcTlsSecPortsCumulativeFactor." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 66 } svcTlsSecPortsCumulativeFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (2..9) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsSecPortsCumulativeFactor specifies a factor for the secondary ports defining how many MAC-relearn periods should be used to measure the MAC-relearn rate, svcTlsMacMoveMaxRate. This rate must be exceeded during consecutive periods before the corresponding ports (SAP and/or spoke-SDP) are blocked by the MAC-move feature. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set the value of svcTlsSecPortsCumulativeFactor to a value greater than or equal to svcTlsPriPortsCumulativeFactor." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 67 } svcTlsL2ptTermEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsL2ptTermEnabled indicates if 'L2PT-termination' and/or 'Bpdu-translation' is in use in this service by at least one SAP or spoke SDP Bind. If the value is 'true', it means that at least one of 'L2PT-termination' or 'Bpdu-translation' is enabled. When enabled it is not possible to enable stp on this service." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 68 } svcTlsPropagateMacFlush OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsPropagateMacFlush specifies whether 'MAC flush' messages received from the given LDP are propagated to all spoke-SDPs and mesh-SDPs within the context of this VPLS service. The propagation will follow the 'split-horizon' principle and any data path blocking in order to avoid the looping of these messages. The value of 'true' enables the propagation." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 69 } svcTlsMrpAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsMrpAdminStatus specifies whether the Multiple Registration Protocol (MRP) is enabled in this TLS." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 70 } svcTlsMrpMaxAttributes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8192) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsMrpMaxAttributes specifies maximum number of MMRP attributes supported in this TLS. In most cases the default value is 2048 MRP attributes. For some platform and chassis types, especially single slot chassis, the default value will be lower due to resource constraints. The default value is set to 8192 when svcTlsExtMmrpEndStationOnly is set to 'true'. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object to a value the platform cannot support." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 71 } svcTlsMrpAttributeCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsMrpAttributeCount indicates the number of MMRP attributes currently associated to the TLS by either being registered or declared. Note that an 'iVpls' service (with svcVplsType set to 'iVpls') holds a declaration in the 'bVpls' service (with svcVplsType set to 'bVpls') regardless of the state of the 'iVpls' service, although that declaration will not be propagated in the 'bVpls' service unless the svcOperStatus of 'iVpls' service is 'up'." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 72 } svcTlsMrpFailedRegisterCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsMrpFailedRegisterCount indicates number of failed MRP attribute registrations in this TLS." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 73 } svcTlsMcPathMgmtPlcyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsMcPathMgmtPlcyName specifies the multicast policy name configured on this service." DEFVAL { "default" } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 74 } svcTlsMrpFloodTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 3..600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsMrpFloodTime specifies the amount of time in seconds after a status change in the TLS during which traffic is flooded. Once that time expires, traffic will be delivered according to the MRP registrations which exist in the TLS. The value of 0 indicates that no flooding will occur on state changes in the TLS." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 75 } svcTlsMrpAttrTblHighWatermark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsMrpAttrTblHighWatermark specifies the utilization of the MRP attribute table of this TLS service at which a table full alarm will be raised by the agent." DEFVAL { 95 } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 76 } svcTlsMrpAttrTblLowWatermark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsMrpAttrTblLowWatermark specifies utilization of the MRP attribute table of this TLS service at which a table full alarm will be cleared by the agent." DEFVAL { 90 } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 77 } svcTlsMacMoveNumRetries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsMacMoveNumRetries specifies the number of times retries are performed for re-enabling the SAP/SDP. A value of zero indicates unlimited number of retries." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 78 } svcTlsMacSubNetLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (24..48) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsMacSubNetLen specifies the number of bits to be considered when performing MAC-Learning or MAC-Switching." DEFVAL { 48 } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 79 } svcTlsSendFlushOnBVplsFail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsSendFlushOnBVplsFail specifies whether a special 'MAC flush' is sent in the local 'iVpls' following a failure of SAP/Endpoint/SDP in the 'bVpls'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 80 } svcTlsPropMacFlushFromBVpls OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsPropMacFlushFromBVpls specifies whether to propagate any 'MAC flush' from 'bVpls' into the local 'iVpls'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 81 } svcTlsMacNotifInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) UNITS "deciseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsMacNotifInterval specifies time interval between subsequent MAC notification messages. The default value for this object indicates that the value is inherited from svcMacNotifInterval." REFERENCE "ITU-T Y.1731 specification" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 82 } svcTlsMacNotifCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsMacNotifCount specifies number of MAC notification messages to be sent. The default value for this object indicates that the value is inherited from svcMacNotifCount." REFERENCE "ITU-T Y.1731 specification" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 83 } svcTlsMacNotifAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsMacNotifAdminState specifies whether MAC notification messages should be sent." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 84 } svcTlsPerSvcHashing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsPerSvcHashing specifies service-level hashing for Ethernet services." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 85 } svcTlsAllowIpIfBinding OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsAllowIpIfBinding specifies whether to allow IP interface binding on this service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 86 } svcTlsShcvRetryTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubShcvRetryTimeout UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsShcvRetryTimeout specifies the timeout in seconds before a connectivity check retransmission." DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 87 } svcTlsShcvRetryCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubShcvRetryCount MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsShcvRetryCount specifies the number of connectivity check retransmissions. Setting the value to n specifies that, for any given host, at most (n+1) probes are done each interval, and (n+1) missed replies are considered as a connectivity failure." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 88 } svcTlsTempFloodTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 3..600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsTempFloodTime specifies duration of time traffic will be flooded on a TLS status change in this TLS. Value of '-1' disables this flooding behavior." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 89 } svcTlsTempFloodActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsTempFloodActive indicates whether temporary flooding is currently active in this TLS." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 90 } svcTlsTempFloodChangeCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsTempFloodChangeCount specifies the number of times temporary flooding status changed from inactive to active in this TLS. The value of this object resets to zero when temporary flooding is disabled." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 91 } svcTlsShcvPolicyIpv4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsShcvPolicyIpv4 specifies the Subscriber Host Connectivity Verification (SHCV) policy for IPv4 only. A non empty value must correspond to a conceptual row in the TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB::tmnxSubShcvPlcyTable. A non empty value is only allowed while the value of svcTlsShcvInterval is equal to zero." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 92 } svcTlsMcastIpv6SnpgScope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sgBased (1), macBased (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsMcastIpv6SnpgScope specifies the flooding scope of IPv6 multicast traffic when pim-snooping is enabled in this TLS. If set to 'macBased' only the bottom 32 bits of the destination IPv6 will be used, the source IPv6 address will be ignored. If set to 'sgBased' the full IPv6 destination and source address will be used." DEFVAL { macBased } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 93 } svcTlsSelLearnedFdb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsSelLearnedFdb specifies whether the learned MAC addresses in the VPLS can be programmed selectively on the line cards on which the service is configured." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 94 } svcTlsFdbNumEntriesInUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsFdbNumEntriesInUse indicates the current number of entries currently in use in the FDB of this service." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 95 } svcTlsInfoLastMgmtChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsInfoLastMgmtChange indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 96 } svcTlsRvplsIpIfSvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When svcTlsAllowIpIfBinding is enabled on this VPLS and the VPLS is bound to a VPRN/IES Interface, this value indicates the VPRN/IES Service to which that routed vpls interface belongs." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 97 } svcTlsRvplsIpIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When svcTlsAllowIpIfBinding is enabled on this VPLS and the VPLS is bound to a VPRN/IES Interface, this value indicates the VPRN/IES Interface Index of that routed vpls interface." ::= { svcTlsInfoEntry 98 } tlsFdbInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TlsFdbInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains TLS FDB information." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 4 } tlsFdbInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TlsFdbInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a specific TLS FDB." INDEX { svcId, tlsFdbMacAddr } ::= { tlsFdbInfoTable 1 } TlsFdbInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tlsFdbMacAddr MacAddress, tlsFdbRowStatus RowStatus, tlsFdbType INTEGER, tlsFdbLocale INTEGER, tlsFdbPortId TmnxPortID, tlsFdbEncapValue TmnxEncapVal, tlsFdbSdpId SdpId, tlsFdbVcId Unsigned32, tlsFdbVpnId VpnId, tlsFdbCustId TmnxCustId, tlsFdbLastStateChange TimeStamp, tlsFdbProtected TruthValue, tlsFdbBackboneDstMac MacAddress, tlsFdbNumIVplsMac Unsigned32, tlsFdbEndPointName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tlsFdbEPMacOperSdpId SdpId, tlsFdbEPMacOperVcId Unsigned32, tlsFdbPbbNumEpipes Unsigned32, tlsFdbVTEPAddrType InetAddressType, tlsFdbVTEPAddr InetAddress, tlsFdbVNI Unsigned32, tlsFdbEvpnMplsTEPAddrType InetAddressType, tlsFdbEvpnMplsTEPAddr InetAddress, tlsFdbEvpnMplsLabel Unsigned32, tlsFdbEvpnMplsEthSegId OCTET STRING, tlsFdbIsEvpnEtreeLeaf TruthValue, tlsFdbCmplxMap Counter64, tlsFdbVxlanInstance Integer32, tlsFdbEvpnMplsTnlId Unsigned32, tlsFdbEvpnMplsTnlResType TmnxSvcEvpnMplsTransportType, tlsFdbEvpnMplsInstance Integer32 } tlsFdbMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsFdbMacAddr specifies the 48-bit IEEE 802.3 MAC address." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 1 } tlsFdbRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsFdbRowStatus specifies the status of this row. The only values supported during a set operation are 'createAndGo' and 'destroy'." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 2 } tlsFdbType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { static (1), learned (2), oam (3), dhcp (4), host (5), intf (6), spb (7), condStatic (8), bgpEvpn (9), bgpEvpnStatic (10), bgpEvpnDupDet (11), ethCfm (12) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The value of the object tlsFdbType specifies: - 'static': Static TLS FDB entries created via management - 'learned': dynamic entries created via the learning process - 'oam': entries created via the OAM process - 'dhcp': learned addresses can be temporarily frozen by the DHCP snooping application for the duration of a DHCP lease - 'host': entry added by the system for a static configured subscriber host - 'intf': entry added by routed vpls - 'spb' : entry added by shortest-path bridging - 'condStatic' : entry added via management using tlsCondStaticMacTable - 'bgpEvpn' : entry added via BGP EVPN - 'bgpEvpnStatic' : static entry added via BGP EVPN - 'bgpEvpnDupDet' : entry added due to BGP EVPN duplicate detection - 'ethCfm' : entry added via eth-cfm" ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 3 } tlsFdbLocale OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sap (1), sdp (2), cpm (3), endpoint (4), vxlan (5), evpnMpls (6), blackhole (7) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsFdbLocale specifies for TLS FDB entries defined on a local SAP the value 'sap', remote entries defined on an SDP have the value 'sdp', entries associated with the Control Processor have the value 'cpm' and entries associated with the explicit endpoint have the value 'endpoint'. FDB entries defined on VXLAN (virtual extensible LAN) have the value of 'vxlan'. FDB entries defined on EVPN MPLS have the value of 'evpnMpls'. The value of this object must be specified when the row is created and cannot be changed while the row status is 'active'." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 4 } tlsFdbPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of tlsFdbLocale is 'sap', this object, along with tlsFdbEncapValue, specifies the SAP associated with the MAC address defined by tlsFdbMacAddr. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 5 } tlsFdbEncapValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEncapVal MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsFdbEncapValue specifies, when the value of tlsFdbLocale is 'sap', along with tlsFdbPortId, SAP associated with the MAC address defined by tlsFdbMacAddr. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 6 } tlsFdbSdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsFdbSdpId specifies, when the value of tlsFdbLocale is 'sdp', along with tlsFdbVcId,the SDP Binding associated with the MAC address defined by tlsFdbMacAddr. This object is other- wise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 7 } tlsFdbVcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsFdbVcId specifies, when the value of tlsFdbLocale is 'sdp', along with tlsFdbSdpId, the SDP Binding associated with the MAC address defined by tlsFdbMacAddr. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 8 } tlsFdbVpnId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VpnId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsFdbVpnId indicates the VPN ID of the associated TLS." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 9 } tlsFdbCustId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCustId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsFdbCustId indicates the Customer ID of the associated TLS." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 10 } tlsFdbLastStateChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsFdbLastStateChange indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent state change of this entry. A state change is defined as a change in the value of: tlsFdbRowStatus, tlsFdbType, tlsFdbLocale, tlsFdbPortId, tlsFdbEncapValue, tlsFdbSdpId, tlsFdbVcId, tlsFdbVTEPAddr or tlsFdbVNI." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 11 } tlsFdbProtected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsFdbProtected indicates whether or not this MAC is protected. When the value of this object is 'true' the agent will protect the MAC from being learned or relearned on a SAP that has restricted learning enabled." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 12 } tlsFdbBackboneDstMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsFdbBackboneDstMac indicates the Backbone VPLS service MAC address used as destination MAC address in the Provider Backbone Bridging frames for this tlsFdbMacAddr. This object is insignificant for services with svcVplsType not set to 'iVpls' and should contain a value of 0:0:0:0:0:0." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 13 } tlsFdbNumIVplsMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsFdbNumIVplsMac indicates the number of ISID VPLS service MAC addressess which are using this Backbone MAC address defined by tlsFdbMacAddr. This object is insignificant for services with svcVplsType not set to 'bVpls' and should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 14 } tlsFdbEndPointName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsFdbEndPointName specifies the name of the service endpoint associated with the MAC Address." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 15 } tlsFdbEPMacOperSdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsFdbEPMacOperSdpId along with tlsFdbEPMacOperVcId indicates the SDP binding associated with this static MAC address for this endpoint. This object is valid when tlsFdbLocale is 'endpoint', otherwise it should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 16 } tlsFdbEPMacOperVcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsFdbEPMacOperVcId along with tlsFdbEPMacOperSdpId indicates the SDP binding associated with this static MAC address for this endpoint. This object is valid when tlsFdbLocale is 'endpoint', otherwise it should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 17 } tlsFdbPbbNumEpipes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsFdbPbbNumEpipes indicates number of EPipes that resolve to this MAC Address. This object is valid for service with svcVplsType set to 'bVpls', otherwise it should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 18 } tlsFdbVTEPAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsFdbVTEPAddrType indicates type of the address associated with tlsFdbVTEPAddr." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 19 } tlsFdbVTEPAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsFdbVTEPAddr indicates VXLAN (virtual extensible LAN) Tunnel Endpoint address of ethernet VPN (EVPN) destination." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 20 } tlsFdbVNI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsFdbVNI indicates VXLAN (virtual extensible LAN) Network Identifier (VNI) of the endpoint of ethernet VPN (EVPN) destination." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 21 } tlsFdbEvpnMplsTEPAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsFdbEvpnMplsTEPAddrType indicates EVPN MPLS Tunnel Endpoint address type associated with tlsFdbEvpnMplsTEPAddr." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 22 } tlsFdbEvpnMplsTEPAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsFdbEvpnMplsTEPAddr indicates EVPN MPLS Tunnel Endpoint address of ethernet VPN (EVPN) non multi-homing destination." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 23 } tlsFdbEvpnMplsLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsFdbEvpnMplsLabel indicates EVPN MPLS label of the endpoint of ethernet VPN (EVPN) non multi-homing destination." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 24 } tlsFdbEvpnMplsEthSegId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (10)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsFdbEvpnMplsEthSegId indicates the ethernet segment identifier value associated with EVPN MPLS/VXLAN ethernet segment destination." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 25 } tlsFdbIsEvpnEtreeLeaf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsFdbIsEvpnEtreeLeaf indicates whether or not this MAC is learned from EVPN etree leaf." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 26 } tlsFdbCmplxMap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsFdbCmplxMap indicates the forwarding complexes on which this MAC address is programmed." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 27 } tlsFdbVxlanInstance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tlsFdbVxlanInstance indicates the vxlan instance on which this MAC address is associated." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 28 } tlsFdbEvpnMplsTnlId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tlsFdbEvpnMplsTnlId indicates the tunnel identifier associated to the non multi-homing EVPN MPLS destination." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 29 } tlsFdbEvpnMplsTnlResType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSvcEvpnMplsTransportType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tlsFdbEvpnMplsTnlResType indicates the transport type used for this entry." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 30 } tlsFdbEvpnMplsInstance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tlsFdbEvpnMplsInstance indicates the EVPN MPLS instance on which this MAC address is associated." ::= { tlsFdbInfoEntry 31 } iesIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IesIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains IES interface information." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 5 } iesIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IesIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a specific IES interface." INDEX { svcId, iesIfIndex } ::= { iesIfTable 1 } IesIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { iesIfIndex InterfaceIndex, iesIfRowStatus RowStatus, iesIfName TNamedItem, iesIfDescription TItemLongDescription, iesIfAdminStatus ServiceAdminStatus, iesIfOperStatus ServiceOperStatus, iesIfLastMgmtChange TimeStamp, iesIfVpnId VpnId, iesIfCustId TmnxCustId, iesIfLoopback TruthValue, iesIfLastStatusChange TimeStamp, iesIfType INTEGER, iesIfParentIf InterfaceIndexOrZero, iesIfShcvSource TmnxSubShcvSrcIpOrigin, iesIfShcvAction TmnxSubShcvAction, iesIfShcvInterval TmnxSubShcvInterval, iesIfFwdServId TmnxServId, iesIfFwdSubIf InterfaceIndexOrZero, iesIfPrivateRetailSubnets TruthValue, iesIfDelegatedPrefixLen Unsigned32, iesIfLns TruthValue, iesIfVplsName TLNamedItemOrEmpty, iesIfVplsStatus ServiceOperStatus, iesIfVplsFailedReason DisplayString, iesIfShcvRetryTimeout TmnxSubShcvRetryTimeout, iesIfShcvRetryCount TmnxSubShcvRetryCount, iesIfSapEgressQosId TPolicyID, iesIfDefaultPrimaryDnsIPv4Addr InetAddressIPv4, iesIfDefaultSecondaryDnsIPv4Addr InetAddressIPv4, iesIfDefaultPrimaryDnsIPv6Addr InetAddressIPv6, iesIfDefaultSecondaryDnsIPv6Addr InetAddressIPv6, iesIfIPv6ConfigAllowed TruthValue, iesIfSrrpRoutingEnabled TruthValue, iesIfSrrpRoutingHoldTime Unsigned32, iesIfMonitorOperGrp TNamedItemOrEmpty, iesIfAllowUnmatchingSubnets TruthValue, iesIfGroupInterfaceType INTEGER, iesIfShcvFamily INTEGER, iesIfIPv6IpoeBridgedModeEnabled TruthValue, iesIfIPv6AllowUnmatchingPfxs TruthValue, iesIfMcastNetDomainEgrIfCon INTEGER, iesIfIPv6AllowMultiWanAddr TruthValue, iesIfIPv6Dhcp6OverrideSlaac TruthValue, iesIfCreationOrigin TmnxCreateOrigin, iesIfIPv6Dhcp6PDManagedRoute TruthValue, iesIfVplsEvpnTunnel TruthValue, iesIfExportHostRoutes TruthValue, iesIfSuppressAaSub TmnxEnabledDisabled, iesIfShcvPolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, iesIfShcvPolicyIpv4 TNamedItemOrEmpty, iesIfShcvPolicyIpv6 TNamedItemOrEmpty, iesIfIpv6Dhcp6UserIdent INTEGER, iesIfIPv6Dhcp6PDManagedRouteNH INTEGER, iesIfIPv6WanMode INTEGER, iesIfVplsEvpnTnlIp6GwAddrType INTEGER, iesIfVplsEvpnTnlSupBcastDomain TruthValue } iesIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The secondary index of the row in the vRtrIfTable corresponding to this IES interface. The primary index is 1; i.e. all IES interfaces are defined in the Base virtual router context." ::= { iesIfEntry 1 } iesIfRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object iesIfRowStatus specifies the status of this row. The only values supported during a set operation are 'createAndGo' and 'destroy'." ::= { iesIfEntry 2 } iesIfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object iesIfName specifies the name used to refer to this IES interface. This name must be unique within the Base virtual router context. This object must be specified when the row is created, and cannot be changed while the rowstatus is 'active'." ::= { iesIfEntry 3 } iesIfDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemLongDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object iesIfDescription specifies generic information about this IES interface." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { iesIfEntry 4 } iesIfAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object iesIfAdminStatus specifies the desired state of this IES interface." DEFVAL { up } ::= { iesIfEntry 5 } iesIfOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object iesIfOperStatus indicates the operating state of this IES interface." ::= { iesIfEntry 6 } iesIfLastMgmtChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object iesIfLastMgmtChange indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this IES interface." ::= { iesIfEntry 7 } iesIfVpnId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VpnId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object iesIfVpnId indicates the VPN ID of the associated IES service." ::= { iesIfEntry 8 } iesIfCustId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCustId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object iesIfCustId indicates the Customer ID of the associated IES service." ::= { iesIfEntry 9 } iesIfLoopback OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of iesIfLoopback is set to 'true', loopback is enabled on the IES interface represented by this row entry. When the value is 'false', loopback is disabled." ::= { iesIfEntry 10 } iesIfLastStatusChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object iesIfLastStatusChange indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent operating status change to his interface." ::= { iesIfEntry 11 } iesIfType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { service (1), subscriber (2), group (3), redundant (4), cem (5), ipsec (6), ipMirror (7), video (8), reserved9 (9), aarp (10), aa (11) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfType specifies the type of this IES interface. This object can only be set at row creation time. 'service' - This is a normal IES interface. 'subscriber' - This is a subscriber interface, under which multiple group interfaces can be configured. 'group' - This is a group interface, belonging to a parent subscriber interface. 'redundant' - This is a redundant interface, used for dual homing. 'cem' - This is a CEM interface, used for IP/UDP encapsulated CEM IES interface. 'ipsec' - This is an IPsec interface, used for IPsec tunneling. 'ipMirror' - This is an IP interface, used for IP Mirroring. 'video' - This is a video IP interface. 'aarp' - This is an AARP (Asymmetry Removal) interface. 'aa' - This is an AA (Application Assurance) interface." DEFVAL { service } ::= { iesIfEntry 12 } iesIfParentIf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfParentIf specifies the ifIndex of this interface's parent. This value can only be set at row creation time, and is only valid when iesIfType is 'group'. The interface pointed to by iesIfParentIf must be of type 'subscriber'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { iesIfEntry 13 } iesIfShcvSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubShcvSrcIpOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfShcvSource specifies the source used for subscriber host connectivity checking" DEFVAL { interface } ::= { iesIfEntry 14 } iesIfShcvAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubShcvAction MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfShcvAction specifies the action to be taken for hosts on this interface whose host connectivity checking fails" DEFVAL { alarm } ::= { iesIfEntry 15 } iesIfShcvInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubShcvInterval UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object iesIfShcvInterval specifies the interval in minutes between connectivity checks. Zero means no in host-connection-verify." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { iesIfEntry 16 } iesIfFwdServId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfFwdServId specifies the forwarding service ID for a subscriber interface in a retailer context. This value can only be set at row creation time along with iesIfFwdSubIf, and it is only valid when iesIfType is 'subscriber'. The iesIfFwdServId MUST correspond to a service of type 'vprn'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { iesIfEntry 17 } iesIfFwdSubIf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfFwdSubIf specifies the forwarding subscriber interface for a subscriber interface in a retailer context. This value can only be set at row creation time along with iesIfFwdServId, and it is only valid when iesIfType is 'subscriber'. The interface pointed to by iesIfFwdSubIf MUST be of type 'subscriber' in the the service context defined by iesIfFwdServId." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { iesIfEntry 18 } iesIfPrivateRetailSubnets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfPrivateRetailSubnets specifies whether or not overlapping Ip address may exist between different retailers referring to this interface." ::= { iesIfEntry 19 } iesIfDelegatedPrefixLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 48..64) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfDelegatedPrefixLen specifies the number of bits that can be allocated to a Delegated Prefix for IPv6. A value of zero (0) indicates a variable Delegated Prefix length." DEFVAL { 64 } ::= { iesIfEntry 20 } iesIfLns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfLns specifies whether this interface can be used to terminate LNS (L2TP Network Server) PPP sessions. The value of this object can only be set to 'true' at row creation time, and is only valid when iesIfType is 'group'. This object is supported for backwards compatibility only; the recommended way to create LNS group interfaces is by means of the iesIfGroupInterfaceType object." DEFVAL { false } ::= { iesIfEntry 21 } iesIfVplsName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object iesIfVplsName specifies the name of the VPLS service associated this interface." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { iesIfEntry 22 } iesIfVplsStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object iesIfVplsStatus indicates the operational status of the VPLS service on this interface." ::= { iesIfEntry 23 } iesIfVplsFailedReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object iesIfVplsFailedReason indicates the reason when the value of iesIfVplsStatus is 'down'." ::= { iesIfEntry 24 } iesIfShcvRetryTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubShcvRetryTimeout UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object iesIfShcvRetryTimeout specifies the timeout in seconds before a connectivity check retransmission." DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { iesIfEntry 25 } iesIfShcvRetryCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubShcvRetryCount MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object iesIfShcvRetryCount specifies the number of connectivity check retransmissions. Setting the value to n specifies that, for any given host, at most (n+1) probes are done each interval, and (n+1) missed replies are considered as a connectivity failure." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { iesIfEntry 26 } iesIfSapEgressQosId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyID (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object iesIfSapEgressQosId specifies the QoS policy ID which is used to reclassify IP packets on the egress side of the SAPs associated with the VPLS service on this interface. When set to the default value, this object specifies that the IP packets will not be reclassified on the egress SAPs of the VPLS service attached to the IP interface." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { iesIfEntry 27 } iesIfDefaultPrimaryDnsIPv4Addr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressIPv4 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object iesIfDefaultPrimaryDnsIPv4Addr specifies the IPv4 address of the default primary DNS server for the subscribers using this interface. Subscribers that cannot obtain an IPv4 DNS server address by other means, can use this for DNS name resolution. The object iesIfDefaultPrimaryDnsIPv4Addr can only be set to a nonzero value if the value of iesIfType is 'subscriber'." DEFVAL { '00000000'H } ::= { iesIfEntry 28 } iesIfDefaultSecondaryDnsIPv4Addr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressIPv4 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object iesIfDefaultSecondaryDnsIPv4Addr specifies the IPv4 address of the default secondary DNS server for the subscribers using this interface. Subscribers that cannot obtain an IPv4 DNS server address by other means, can use this for DNS name resolution. The object iesIfDefaultSecondaryDnsIPv4Addr can only be set to a nonzero value if the value of iesIfType is 'subscriber'." DEFVAL { '00000000'H } ::= { iesIfEntry 29 } iesIfDefaultPrimaryDnsIPv6Addr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressIPv6 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object iesIfDefaultPrimaryDnsIPv6Addr specifies the IPv6 address of the default primary DNS server for the subscribers using this interface. Subscribers that cannot obtain an IPv6 DNS server address by other means, can use this for DNS name resolution. The object iesIfDefaultPrimaryDnsIPv6Addr can only be set to a nonzero value if the value of iesIfType is 'subscriber'." DEFVAL { '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } ::= { iesIfEntry 30 } iesIfDefaultSecondaryDnsIPv6Addr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressIPv6 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object iesIfDefaultSecondaryDnsIPv6Addr specifies the IPv6 address of the default primary DNS server for the subscribers using this interface. Subscribers that cannot obtain an IPv6 DNS server address by other means, can use this for DNS name resolution. The object iesIfDefaultSecondaryDnsIPv6Addr can only be set to a nonzero value if the value of iesIfType is 'subscriber'." DEFVAL { '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } ::= { iesIfEntry 31 } iesIfIPv6ConfigAllowed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfIPv6ConfigAllowed specifies whether IPv6 can be configured on this interface. When the value is 'true', IPv6 can be configured on this interface. When it is 'false', IPv6 cannot be configured. The object iesIfIPv6ConfigAllowed can only be set if the value of iesIfType is 'subscriber' or 'group'. When iesIfType is 'service', this object is set through setting TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB::vRtrIfIPv6ConfigAllowed." DEFVAL { false } ::= { iesIfEntry 32 } iesIfSrrpRoutingEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfSrrpRoutingEnabled specifies whether SRRP state monitoring for subscriber management routes and managed routes on this group interface is enabled or not. A value 'true' means monitoring is enabled, a value 'false' means monitoring is disabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { iesIfEntry 33 } iesIfSrrpRoutingHoldTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..50) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfSrrpRoutingHoldTime specifies the delay before updating the route state after the last SRRP transition." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { iesIfEntry 34 } iesIfMonitorOperGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the iesIfMonitorOperGrp specifies the Operational-Group identifier which will affect the state of this interface." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { iesIfEntry 35 } iesIfAllowUnmatchingSubnets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfAllowUnmatchingSubnets specifies if subscriber hosts with a subnet that does not match any of the subnets configured on this interface, are allowed. This object is only relevant if the value of the object iesIfType in this conceptual row is equal to 'subscriber'; otherwise, 'false' is the only allowed value. The value of iesIfAllowUnmatchingSubnets can only be set to 'true' if the number of subnets (vRtrIpAddrTable) configured on this interface is between one and 255. The value of iesIfAllowUnmatchingSubnets can only be set to 'true' while in the corresponding conceptual row in the TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB::vRtrIfTable the values of vRtrIfUnnumbered and vRtrIfUnnumberedIf are set to their default values." DEFVAL { false } ::= { iesIfEntry 36 } iesIfGroupInterfaceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), plain (1), lns (2), softGre (3), gtp (4), bonding (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfGroupInterfaceType specifies the type of group interface, if the value of iesIfType is equal to 'group'. If the value of iesIfType is not equal to 'group', the value of this object can only be set to 'none'. The value of this object can only be set at row creation time. If this row is created with a value of iesIfType equal to 'group', the default value of this object is equal to 'plain'. 'none' - This is not a group interface. 'plain' - This is a plain group interface. 'lns' - This is an LNS group interface, used to terminate LNS (L2TP Network Server) PPP sessions. 'softGre' - This is a Soft GRE group interface, used to terminate Soft GRE type DHCP sessions. 'gtp' - This is a GTP group interface, used to terminate GTP (GPRS Tunnel Protocol) sessions. 'bonding' - This is a group interface, used in ESM bonding." DEFVAL { none } ::= { iesIfEntry 37 } iesIfShcvFamily OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { both (0), ipv4 (1), ipv6 (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object iesIfShcvFamily specifies for which host IP family the connectivity is checked. If the value of iesIfType is not equal to 'group', the value of this object can only be set to 'ipv4'." DEFVAL { ipv4 } ::= { iesIfEntry 38 } iesIfIPv6IpoeBridgedModeEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfIPv6IpoeBridgedModeEnabled specifies whether IPv6 IPoE Bridged Mode is enabled or not. If the value of iesIfType is not equal to 'group', the value of this object cannot be set to 'true'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { iesIfEntry 39 } iesIfIPv6AllowUnmatchingPfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfIPv6AllowUnmatchingPfxs specifies if subscriber hosts with a prefix that does not match any of the prefixes configured on this interface, are allowed. This object is only relevant if the value of the object iesIfType in this conceptual row is equal to 'subscriber'; otherwise, 'false' is the only allowed value. The value of iesIfIPv6AllowUnmatchingPfxs can only be set to 'true' if the number of prefixes (vRtrIpAddrTable) configured on this interface is between one and 254." DEFVAL { false } ::= { iesIfEntry 40 } iesIfMcastNetDomainEgrIfCon OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (1), notAvailable (2), consistent (3), inconsistent (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The value of iesIfMcastNetDomainEgrIfCon indicates whether the spoke sdp leaves the router interface in the multicast network domain indicated by vRtrIfMcastNetworkDomainName. A value of 'notApplicable' indicates that this interface is not a spoke sdp interface. A value of 'notAvailable' indicates that the outgoing interface is unknown for this spoke spd interface. A value of 'consistent' indicates that the current spoke sdp egress interface is in the multicast network domain indicated by vRtrIfMcastNetworkDomainName. A value of 'inconsistent' indicates that the current spoke sdp egress interface is not in the multicast network domain indicated by vRtrIfMcastNetworkDomainName." ::= { iesIfEntry 41 } iesIfIPv6AllowMultiWanAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfIPv6AllowMultiWanAddr specifies if multiple wan addresses from multiple sources are allowed, or if the second addresses are rejected." DEFVAL { false } ::= { iesIfEntry 42 } iesIfIPv6Dhcp6OverrideSlaac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfIPv6Dhcp6OverrideSlaac specifies if the wan address received from SLAAC will be removed when a (second) wan address is received from DHCP6, or if the host will keep both." DEFVAL { false } ::= { iesIfEntry 43 } iesIfCreationOrigin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCreateOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfCreationOrigin indicates the mechanism used to create this entry." DEFVAL { manual } ::= { iesIfEntry 44 } iesIfIPv6Dhcp6PDManagedRoute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfIPv6Dhcp6PDManagedRoute specifies whether DHCP6 delegated prefixes will be installed as managed routes." DEFVAL { false } ::= { iesIfEntry 45 } iesIfVplsEvpnTunnel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfVplsEvpnTunnel specifies whether this routed VPLS interface is to be used as a EVPN tunnel. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to 'true' when iesIfVplsName is set to default value." DEFVAL { false } ::= { iesIfEntry 46 } iesIfExportHostRoutes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfExportHostRoutes specifies whether to export host routes to the forwarding service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { iesIfEntry 47 } iesIfSuppressAaSub OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfSuppressAaSub specifies whether or not to suppress application assurance for Enhanced Subscriber Management (ESM) subscribers who are associated with this IES instance and have TIMETRA-BSX-NG-MIB::tmnxBsxAppProfSubSuppressible in tmnxBsxAppProfEntry set to 'enabled (1)'." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { iesIfEntry 48 } iesIfShcvPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfShcvPolicy specifies the Subscriber Host Connectivity Verification (SHCV) policy. A non empty value must correspond to a conceptual row in the TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB::tmnxSubShcvPlcyTable. A non empty value is only allowed while the value of iesIfShcvInterval is equal to zero, and the values of iesIfShcvPolicyIpv4 and iesIfShcvPolicyIpv6 are both empty." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { iesIfEntry 49 } iesIfShcvPolicyIpv4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfShcvPolicyIpv4 specifies the Subscriber Host Connectivity Verification (SHCV) policy for IPv4 only. A non empty value must correspond to a conceptual row in the TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB::tmnxSubShcvPlcyTable. A non empty value is only allowed while the value of iesIfShcvInterval is equal to zero, and while the value of iesIfShcvPolicy is empty." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { iesIfEntry 50 } iesIfShcvPolicyIpv6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfShcvPolicyIpv6 specifies the Subscriber Host Connectivity Verification (SHCV) policy for IPv6 only. A non empty value must correspond to a conceptual row in the TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB::tmnxSubShcvPlcyTable. A non empty value is only allowed while the value of iesIfShcvInterval is equal to zero, and while the value of iesIfShcvPolicy is empty." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { iesIfEntry 51 } iesIfIpv6Dhcp6UserIdent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { mac (1), macInterfaceId (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfIpv6Dhcp6UserIdent specifies how subscriber hosts are identified. A value of 'mac' identifies each subscriber by it's unique mac address, while 'macInterfaceId' identifies the subscriber by mac address + interface-id." DEFVAL { mac } ::= { iesIfEntry 52 } iesIfIPv6Dhcp6PDManagedRouteNH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ipv4 (1), ipv6 (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfIPv6Dhcp6PDManagedRouteNH specifies the type of nexthop for the pd-managed-route." DEFVAL { ipv6 } ::= { iesIfEntry 53 } iesIfIPv6WanMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { mode64 (1), mode128 (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfIPv6WanMode specifies a mode of operation of a subscriber interface with respect to hosts that have a /128 WAN IPv6 address. The system only uses the value of iesIfIPv6WanMode if the value of the object iesIfType in this conceptual row is equal to 'subscriber'. If the value of iesIfIPv6WanMode is equal to 'mode128', the system can use smaller subnets (higher values for the prefix length) for the Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) routers. The value of iesIfIPv6WanMode can not be modified while the interface is administratively in service." DEFVAL { mode64 } ::= { iesIfEntry 56 } iesIfVplsEvpnTnlIp6GwAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ip (0), mac (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The iesIfVplsEvpnTnlIp6GwAddrType specifies the type of IPv6 gateway address associated with EVPN tunnel." DEFVAL { ip } ::= { iesIfEntry 57 } iesIfVplsEvpnTnlSupBcastDomain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The iesIfVplsEvpnTnlSupBcastDomain specifies whether the evpn-tunnel should be used as a supplementary broadcast domain." DEFVAL { false } ::= { iesIfEntry 58 } tlsShgInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TlsShgInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains TLS service split-horizon group information. A maximum of 30 split-horizon groups can be created in a given TLS service. Maximum is set to 15 for a TLS service with svcVplsType set to 'bVpls', or 'iVpls'." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 6 } tlsShgInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TlsShgInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Split-horizon group information about a TLS service." INDEX { svcId, IMPLIED tlsShgName } ::= { tlsShgInfoTable 1 } TlsShgInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tlsShgName TNamedItem, tlsShgRowStatus RowStatus, tlsShgCustId TmnxCustId, tlsShgInstanceId Unsigned32, tlsShgDescription ServObjDesc, tlsShgLastMgmtChange TimeStamp, tlsShgResidential TruthValue, tlsShgRestProtSrcMac TruthValue, tlsShgRestUnprotDstMac TruthValue, tlsShgRestProtSrcMacAction INTEGER, tlsShgCreationOrigin TmnxCreateOrigin, tlsShgSiteName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tlsShgAutoLearnMacProtect TruthValue, tlsShgAutoLearnMacProtectExcList TNamedItemOrEmpty } tlsShgName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsShgName specifies the name of the split-horizon group. The name must be unique within a TLS, however the same name can appear in different TLS services, in which case they denote different split-horizon groups." ::= { tlsShgInfoEntry 1 } tlsShgRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsShgRowStatus specifies the status of this row. The only values supported during a set operation are 'createAndGo' and 'destroy'. To delete an entry from this table, there should be no TLS SAP's or TLS spoke SDP Bindings referring to it." ::= { tlsShgInfoEntry 2 } tlsShgCustId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCustId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsShgCustId indicates the Customer ID of the associated TLS service." ::= { tlsShgInfoEntry 3 } tlsShgInstanceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsShgInstanceId indicates the instance identifier for the split horizon group." ::= { tlsShgInfoEntry 4 } tlsShgDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServObjDesc MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsShgDescription specifies generic information about this split-horizon group." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tlsShgInfoEntry 5 } tlsShgLastMgmtChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsShgLastMgmtChange indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this split-horizon group." ::= { tlsShgInfoEntry 6 } tlsShgResidential OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsShgResidential specifies whether or not the split-horizon-group is residential.In a Residential Split Horizon Group (RSHG) there is no downstream broadcast, and all saps in the group will share the default ingress queue. The value can be specified during row creation, cannot be changed later on." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tlsShgInfoEntry 7 } tlsShgRestProtSrcMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsShgRestProtSrcMac specifies how the agent will handle relearn requests for protected MAC addresses received on SAP's belonging to this SHG. When the value of this object is 'true' requests to relearn a protected MAC address will be ignored. In addition, if the value of tlsShgRestProtSrcMacAction is 'disable', then the SAP where the protected source MAC was seen will be brought operationally down." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tlsShgInfoEntry 8 } tlsShgRestUnprotDstMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsShgRestUnprotDstMac specifies how the system will forward packets destined to an unprotected MAC address. When the value of this object is 'true' packets destined to an unprotected MAC address will be dropped." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tlsShgInfoEntry 9 } tlsShgRestProtSrcMacAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), alarm-only (2), discardFrame (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsShgRestProtSrcMacAction specifies the action to take whenever a relearn request for a protected MAC is received on a restricted SAP belonging to this SHG. When the value of this object is 'disable' the SAP will be placed in the operational down state, with the operating flag 'recProtSrcMac' set. When the value of this object is 'alarm-only', the SAP will be left up and only a notification, sapReceivedProtSrcMac, will be generated. When the value of this object is 'discardFrame', the SAP will start discarding the frame in addition to generating sapReceivedProtSrcMac notification." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { tlsShgInfoEntry 10 } tlsShgCreationOrigin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCreateOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsShgCreationOrigin indicates the protocol or mechanism which created this SHG." ::= { tlsShgInfoEntry 11 } tlsShgSiteName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsShgSiteName indicates the site-name associated with this SHG." ::= { tlsShgInfoEntry 12 } tlsShgAutoLearnMacProtect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsShgAutoLearnMacProtect specifies whether to enable automatic population of the MAC protect list with source MAC addresses learned on the associated with this SHG." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tlsShgInfoEntry 13 } tlsShgAutoLearnMacProtectExcList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsShgAutoLearnMacProtectExcList specifies mac-list name which contains MAC addresses to be excluded from auto learn mac protect" DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tlsShgInfoEntry 14 } svcApipeInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcApipeInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains APIPE service information." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 7 } svcApipeInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcApipeInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "APIPE specific information about a service." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcApipeInfoTable 1 } SvcApipeInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcApipeInterworking INTEGER, svcApipeSignaledVllTypeOverride INTEGER } svcApipeInterworking OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), frf-5 (2), frf-8-2-translate (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcApipeInterworking specifies the interworking function that should be applied for packets that ingress/egress SAPs that are part of a APIPE service." DEFVAL { none } ::= { svcApipeInfoEntry 1 } svcApipeSignaledVllTypeOverride OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), atmVcc (8) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of object svcApipeSignaledVllTypeOverride specifies the type of pseudo-wire (PW) signaling configured to override the PW signaling specified by object svcVllType for the APIPE VLL service. Value 'none(0)' specifies that there is no configured override of the PW signaling for the APIPE VLL service. Value 'atmVcc(8)' specifies that the configured PW signaling for override is of type '0x0009 N:1 VCC cell' within an APIPE VLL service. Value 'atmVcc(8)' is allowed only if all of the following conditions have been met: 1) An ATM SAP associated with the APIPE VLL service has an assigned connection profile, found in TIMETRA-CONN-PROF-MIB::tmnxConnProfTable. 2) svcVllType is equal to 'atmCell(7)'. 3) svcVcSwitching is equal to 'false'. Otherwise, an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. If the above 3 conditions are satisfied, svcApipeSignaledVllTypeOverride is set to 'atmVcc(8)' and the ATM service is operational, the override is triggered." DEFVAL { none } ::= { svcApipeInfoEntry 2 } tlsMFibInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TlsMFibInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tlsMFibInfoTable contains the IPv4 Multicast FIB for this Tls. This table was made obsolete in the 6.0 release. It is replaced by tlsMFibTable." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 8 } tlsMFibInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TlsMFibInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tlsMFibInfoTable. Each entry indicates whether traffic from a certain source to a certain multicast destination (group) needs to be forwarded or blocked on the indicated SAP/SDP." INDEX { svcId, tlsMFibInfoGrpAddr, tlsMFibInfoSrcAddr, tlsMFibInfoLocale, tlsMFibInfoPortId, tlsMFibInfoEncapValue, tlsMFibInfoSdpId, tlsMFibInfoVcId } ::= { tlsMFibInfoTable 1 } TlsMFibInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tlsMFibInfoGrpAddr IpAddress, tlsMFibInfoSrcAddr IpAddress, tlsMFibInfoLocale MfibLocation, tlsMFibInfoPortId TmnxPortID, tlsMFibInfoEncapValue TmnxEncapVal, tlsMFibInfoSdpId SdpId, tlsMFibInfoVcId Unsigned32, tlsMFibInfoFwdOrBlk MfibGrpSrcFwdOrBlk, tlsMFibInfoSvcId TmnxServId } tlsMFibInfoGrpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsMFibInfoGrpAddr indicates the IPv4 multicast destination address for which this table entry contains information." ::= { tlsMFibInfoEntry 1 } tlsMFibInfoSrcAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tlsMFibInfoSrcAddr indicates the IPv4 unicast source address for which this table entry contains information." ::= { tlsMFibInfoEntry 2 } tlsMFibInfoLocale OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MfibLocation MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tlsMFibInfoLocale indicates if the information in this entry pertains to a 'sap' or to an 'sdp'." ::= { tlsMFibInfoEntry 3 } tlsMFibInfoPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "When the value of tlsMFibInfoLocale is 'sap', the object tlsMFibInfoPortId along with the object tlsMFibInfoEncapValue, indicates the SAP for which this entry contains information. This object is otherwise insignificant and contains the value 0." ::= { tlsMFibInfoEntry 4 } tlsMFibInfoEncapValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEncapVal MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "When the value of tlsMFibInfoLocale is 'sap', the object tlsMFibInfoEncapValue, along with the object tlsMFibInfoPortId, indicates the SAP for which this entry contains information. This object is otherwise insignificant and contains the value 0." ::= { tlsMFibInfoEntry 5 } tlsMFibInfoSdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "When the value of tlsMFibInfoLocale is 'sdp', the object tlsMFibInfoSdpId, along with tlsMFibInfoVcId, indicates the SDP Binding for which this entry contains information. This object is otherwise insignificant and contains the value 0." ::= { tlsMFibInfoEntry 6 } tlsMFibInfoVcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "When the value of tlsMFibInfoLocale is 'sdp', the object tlsMFibInfoVcId, along with tlsMFibInfoSdpId, indicates the SDP Binding for which this entry contains information. This object is otherwise insignificant and contains the value 0." ::= { tlsMFibInfoEntry 7 } tlsMFibInfoFwdOrBlk OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MfibGrpSrcFwdOrBlk MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tlsMFibInfoFwdOrBlk indicates if traffic for the indicated (S,G) pair will be blocked or forwarded on the indicated SAP or SDP." ::= { tlsMFibInfoEntry 8 } tlsMFibInfoSvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tlsMFibInfoSvcId indicates the TLS service to which the indicated SAP or SDP belongs." ::= { tlsMFibInfoEntry 9 } tlsMFibGrpSrcStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TlsMFibGrpSrcStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tlsMFibGrpSrcStatsTable contains statistics for the entries in the IPv4 Multicast FIB for this Tls. These statistics are collected by the forwarding engine. This table was made obsolete in the 6.0 release. It is replaced by tlsMFibStatsTable." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 9 } tlsMFibGrpSrcStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TlsMFibGrpSrcStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tlsMFibGrpSrcStatsTable." INDEX { svcId, tlsMFibGrpSrcStatsGrpAddr, tlsMFibGrpSrcStatsSrcAddr } ::= { tlsMFibGrpSrcStatsTable 1 } TlsMFibGrpSrcStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tlsMFibGrpSrcStatsGrpAddr IpAddress, tlsMFibGrpSrcStatsSrcAddr IpAddress, tlsMFibGrpSrcStatsForwardedPkts Counter64, tlsMFibGrpSrcStatsForwardedOctets Counter64 } tlsMFibGrpSrcStatsGrpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tlsMFibGrpSrcStatsGrpAddr indicates the IPv4 multicast destination address for which this table entry contains information." ::= { tlsMFibGrpSrcStatsEntry 1 } tlsMFibGrpSrcStatsSrcAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tlsMFibGrpSrcStatsSrcAddr indicates the IPv4 unicast source address for which this table entry contains information." ::= { tlsMFibGrpSrcStatsEntry 2 } tlsMFibGrpSrcStatsForwardedPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tlsMFibGrpSrcStatsForwardedPkts indicates the number of IPv4 multicast packets that were forwarded to the SAPs and SDPs listed in the tlsMFibInfoTable." ::= { tlsMFibGrpSrcStatsEntry 3 } tlsMFibGrpSrcStatsForwardedOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tlsMFibGrpSrcStatsForwardedOctets indicates the number of octets that were forwarded to the SAPs and SDPs listed in the tlsMFibInfoTable." ::= { tlsMFibGrpSrcStatsEntry 4 } tlsRdntGrpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TlsRdntGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A table that contains TLS service Redundant Group information. There is no limit on the number of Redundant Groups that can be created globally or within a service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 10 } tlsRdntGrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TlsRdntGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Redundant Group information" INDEX { svcId, IMPLIED tlsRdntGrpName } ::= { tlsRdntGrpTable 1 } TlsRdntGrpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tlsRdntGrpName TNamedItem, tlsRdntGrpRowStatus RowStatus, tlsRdntGrpDescription ServObjDesc, tlsRdntGrpLastMgmtChange TimeStamp } tlsRdntGrpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsRdntGrpName specifies the name of the redundant group. The name must be unique within a TLS, however the same name can appear in different TLS services, in which case they denote different redundant groups." ::= { tlsRdntGrpEntry 1 } tlsRdntGrpRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsRdntGrpRowStatus specifies the status of this row. The only values supported are 'active', 'createAndGo' and 'destroy'." ::= { tlsRdntGrpEntry 2 } tlsRdntGrpDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServObjDesc MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsRdntGrpDescription specifies generic information about this redundant group." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tlsRdntGrpEntry 3 } tlsRdntGrpLastMgmtChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsRdntGrpLastMgmtChange indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this redundant group." ::= { tlsRdntGrpEntry 4 } tlsRdntGrpMemberTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TlsRdntGrpMemberEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A table that holds information about the members of TLS redundant groups." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 11 } tlsRdntGrpMemberEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TlsRdntGrpMemberEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Redundant Group Member information." INDEX { tlsRdntGrpName, tlsRdntGrpMemberRemoteNodeAddrTp, tlsRdntGrpMemberRemoteNodeAddr, tlsRdntGrpMemberIsSap, tlsRdntGrpMemberPort, tlsRdntGrpMemberEncap } ::= { tlsRdntGrpMemberTable 1 } TlsRdntGrpMemberEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tlsRdntGrpMemberRemoteNodeAddrTp InetAddressType, tlsRdntGrpMemberRemoteNodeAddr InetAddress, tlsRdntGrpMemberIsSap TruthValue, tlsRdntGrpMemberPort TmnxPortID, tlsRdntGrpMemberEncap TmnxEncapVal, tlsRdntGrpMemberRowStatus RowStatus, tlsRdntGrpMemberLastMgmtChange TimeStamp } tlsRdntGrpMemberRemoteNodeAddrTp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsRdntGrpMemberRemoteNodeAddrTp specifies the addresstype of the remote ldp peer." ::= { tlsRdntGrpMemberEntry 1 } tlsRdntGrpMemberRemoteNodeAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsRdntGrpMemberRemoteNodeAddr specifies the ip address of the remote ldp peer." ::= { tlsRdntGrpMemberEntry 2 } tlsRdntGrpMemberIsSap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsRdntGrpMemberIsSap specifies whether the Port ID and Encap describe a sap or a port (in which case Encap has no meaning)." ::= { tlsRdntGrpMemberEntry 3 } tlsRdntGrpMemberPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "When the value of tlsRdntGrpMemberIsSap is 'sap', the value of the object tlsRdntGrpMemberPort, along with tlsRdntGrpMemberEncap, specifies a SAP, otherwise a port (in which case tlsRdntGrpMemberEncap is insignificant)." ::= { tlsRdntGrpMemberEntry 4 } tlsRdntGrpMemberEncap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEncapVal MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "When the value of tlsRdntGrpMemberIsSap is 'sap', the value of the object tlsRdntGrpMemberEncap, along with tlsRdntGrpMemberPort, specifies a SAP. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsRdntGrpMemberEntry 5 } tlsRdntGrpMemberRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsRdntGrpMemberRowStatus specifies the status of this row. The only values supported are 'active', 'createAndGo' and 'destroy'." ::= { tlsRdntGrpMemberEntry 6 } tlsRdntGrpMemberLastMgmtChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsRdntGrpMemberLastMgmtChange indicates the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this redundant group member." ::= { tlsRdntGrpMemberEntry 7 } tlsMstiTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TlsMstiEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains Multiple Spanning Tree Instance (MSTI) information. Each management VPLS running MSTP can have up to 15 MSTI, not including the CIST." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 12 } tlsMstiEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TlsMstiEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a specific MSTI." INDEX { svcId, tlsMstiInstanceId } ::= { tlsMstiTable 1 } TlsMstiEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tlsMstiInstanceId MstiInstanceId, tlsMstiRowStatus RowStatus, tlsMstiPriority Integer32, tlsMstiLastMgmtChange TimeStamp, tlsMstiRegionalRoot BridgeId, tlsMstiIntRootCost Integer32, tlsMstiRemainingHopCount Integer32, tlsMstiRegionalRootPort Integer32 } tlsMstiInstanceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MstiInstanceId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsMstiInstanceId specifies the Multiple Spanning Tree Instance." ::= { tlsMstiEntry 1 } tlsMstiRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsMstiRowStatus specifies the status of this row. The only values supported during a set operation are 'active', 'createAndGo' and 'destroy'." ::= { tlsMstiEntry 2 } tlsMstiPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsMstiPriority specifies the priority of this specific Multiple Spanning Tree Instance for this service. It is used as the highest 4 bits of the Bridge ID included in the MSTP BPDUs generated by this bridge. The tlsMstiPriority can only take on values which multiples of 4096 (4k). If a value is specified which is not a multiple of 4K, then this value will be replaced by the closest multiple of 4K which is lower then the value entered." DEFVAL { 32768 } ::= { tlsMstiEntry 3 } tlsMstiLastMgmtChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsMstiLastMgmtChange indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this MSTI." ::= { tlsMstiEntry 4 } tlsMstiRegionalRoot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BridgeId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsMstiRegionalRoot indicates the bridge identifier of the regional root of the MSTI spanning tree as determined by the Spanning Tree Protocol instance associated with this service. This value is used as the CIST Regional Root Identifier parameter in all MSTP BPDUs originated by this node." ::= { tlsMstiEntry 5 } tlsMstiIntRootCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsMstiIntRootCost indicates the cost of the path to the regional root bridge as seen from this bridge." ::= { tlsMstiEntry 6 } tlsMstiRemainingHopCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsMstiRemainingHopCount specifies the remaining number of hops." ::= { tlsMstiEntry 7 } tlsMstiRegionalRootPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsMstiRegionalRootPort indicates the port number of the port which offers the lowest cost path from this bridge to the regional root bridge." ::= { tlsMstiEntry 8 } tlsMstiManagedVlanListTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TlsMstiManagedVlanListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used only for a management VPLS when MSTP is running. It indicates for each multiple spanning tree instance the ranges of associated VLANs that will be affected when a certain SAP changes state." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 13 } tlsMstiManagedVlanListEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TlsMstiManagedVlanListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row specifies a range of VLANs associated with a SAP of a MVPLS. Ranges may contains overlapping sections only for Mvpls SAPs that belong to the same service." INDEX { svcId, tlsMstiInstanceId, tlsMstiMvplsMinVlanTag, tlsMstiMvplsMaxVlanTag } ::= { tlsMstiManagedVlanListTable 1 } TlsMstiManagedVlanListEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tlsMstiMvplsMinVlanTag QTag, tlsMstiMvplsMaxVlanTag QTag, tlsMstiMvplsRowStatus RowStatus } tlsMstiMvplsMinVlanTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QTag MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsMstiMvplsMinVlanTag specifies the left bound (i.e. min. value) of a range of VLANs that are associated with the Mvpls SAP. tlsMstiMvplsMinVlanTag must be smaller than (or equal to) tlsMstiMvplsMaxVlanTag." ::= { tlsMstiManagedVlanListEntry 1 } tlsMstiMvplsMaxVlanTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QTag MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsMstiMvplsMaxVlanTag specifies the right bound (i.e. max. value) of a range of VLANs that are associated with the Mvpls SAP." ::= { tlsMstiManagedVlanListEntry 2 } tlsMstiMvplsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsMstiMvplsRowStatus specifies the status of this row. The only values supported during a set operation are 'active', 'createAndGo' and 'destroy'." ::= { tlsMstiManagedVlanListEntry 3 } tlsEgressMulticastGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TlsEgressMulticastGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This table is used to manage VPLS Egress Multicast Groups. These groups are used to group together VPLS SAP's in order to improve the efficiency of the egress multicast replication process." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 14 } tlsEgressMulticastGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TlsEgressMulticastGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "An entry containing management information applicable to a particular VPLS Egress Multicast Group." INDEX { IMPLIED tlsEgrMcGrpName } ::= { tlsEgressMulticastGroupTable 1 } TlsEgressMulticastGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tlsEgrMcGrpName TNamedItem, tlsEgrMcGrpRowStatus RowStatus, tlsEgrMcGrpLastMgmtChange TimeStamp, tlsEgrMcGrpDescription ServObjDesc, tlsEgrMcGrpChainLimit Unsigned32, tlsEgrMcGrpEncapType INTEGER, tlsEgrMcGrpDot1qEtherType Unsigned32, tlsEgrMcGrpMacFilterId TFilterID, tlsEgrMcGrpIpFilterId TFilterID, tlsEgrMcGrpIpv6FilterId TFilterID, tlsEgrMcGrpQinqEtherType Unsigned32, tlsEgrMcGrpQinqFixedTagPosition INTEGER, tlsEgrMcGrpAdminQinqFixedTagVal Unsigned32, tlsEgrMcGrpOperQinqFixedTagVal Unsigned32 } tlsEgrMcGrpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsEgrMcGrpName indicates the name of the Egress Multicast Group." ::= { tlsEgressMulticastGroupEntry 1 } tlsEgrMcGrpRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsEgrMcGrpRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tlsEgressMulticastGroupEntry 2 } tlsEgrMcGrpLastMgmtChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsEgrMcGrpLastMgmtChange indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the last management change of any writable object of this row." ::= { tlsEgressMulticastGroupEntry 3 } tlsEgrMcGrpDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServObjDesc MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Generic information about this Egress Multicast Group." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tlsEgressMulticastGroupEntry 4 } tlsEgrMcGrpChainLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..30) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsEgrMcGrpChainLimit specifies the maximum number of SAP's that can be placed together in a single chain on this Egress Multicast Group." DEFVAL { 16 } ::= { tlsEgressMulticastGroupEntry 5 } tlsEgrMcGrpEncapType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), nullEncap (1), qEncap (2), qinqEncap (10) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsEgrMcGrpEncapType specifies the common service encapsulation type used by all the SAP's on this Egress Multicast Group." DEFVAL { nullEncap } ::= { tlsEgressMulticastGroupEntry 6 } tlsEgrMcGrpDot1qEtherType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1536..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsEgrMcGrpDot1qEtherType specifies the common ethertype value used by all the 802.1Q SAP's on this Egress Multicast Group." DEFVAL { '8100'H } ::= { tlsEgressMulticastGroupEntry 7 } tlsEgrMcGrpMacFilterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsEgrMcGrpMacFilterId specifies the common egress MAC filter ID used by all the SAP's on this Egress Multicast Group." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tlsEgressMulticastGroupEntry 8 } tlsEgrMcGrpIpFilterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsEgrMcGrpIpFilterId specifies the common egress IP filter ID used by all the SAP's on this Egress Multicast Group." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tlsEgressMulticastGroupEntry 9 } tlsEgrMcGrpIpv6FilterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsEgrMcGrpIpv6FilterId specifies the common egress IPv6 filter ID used by all the SAP's on this Egress Multicast Group." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tlsEgressMulticastGroupEntry 10 } tlsEgrMcGrpQinqEtherType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1536..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsEgrMcGrpQinqEtherType specifies the common ethertype value used by all the 'QinQ' SAP's in this Egress Multicast Group." DEFVAL { '8100'H } ::= { tlsEgressMulticastGroupEntry 11 } tlsEgrMcGrpQinqFixedTagPosition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { topTag (2), bottomTag (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsEgrMcGrpQinqFixedTagPosition specifies the common position of the fixed 802.1Q tag of all the 'QinQ' SAP's in this Egress Multicast Group. This object has no meaning when the value of tlsEgrMcGrpEncapType is not 'qinqEncap'." DEFVAL { bottomTag } ::= { tlsEgressMulticastGroupEntry 12 } tlsEgrMcGrpAdminQinqFixedTagVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsEgrMcGrpAdminQinqFixedTagVal specifies the provisioned common value of the fixed 802.1Q tag of all the 'QinQ' SAP's in this Egress Multicast Group. The value 0 is used to indicate that the actual value of the fixed tag will be defined implicitly by the corresponding tag of the first SAP added to this Egress Multicast Group." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tlsEgressMulticastGroupEntry 13 } tlsEgrMcGrpOperQinqFixedTagVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsEgrMcGrpOperQinqFixedTagVal specifies the operating common value of the fixed 802.1Q tag of all the 'QinQ' SAP's in this Egress Multicast Group." ::= { tlsEgressMulticastGroupEntry 14 } svcDhcpLeaseStateTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcDhcpLeaseStateEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A table that contains DHCP lease states." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 16 } svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcDhcpLeaseStateEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Information about a specific DHCP lease state." INDEX { svcId, svcDhcpLseStateCiAddrType, svcDhcpLseStateCiAddr } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateTable 1 } SvcDhcpLeaseStateEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcDhcpLseStateCiAddrType InetAddressType, svcDhcpLseStateCiAddr InetAddress, svcDhcpLseStateLocale INTEGER, svcDhcpLseStatePortId TmnxPortID, svcDhcpLseStateEncapValue TmnxEncapVal, svcDhcpLseStateSdpId SdpId, svcDhcpLseStateVcId Unsigned32, svcDhcpLseStateChAddr MacAddress, svcDhcpLseStateRemainLseTime Unsigned32, svcDhcpLseStateOption82 OCTET STRING, svcDhcpLseStatePersistKey Unsigned32, svcDhcpLseStateSubscrIdent DisplayString, svcDhcpLseStateSubProfString DisplayString, svcDhcpLseStateSlaProfString DisplayString, svcDhcpLseStateShcvOperState INTEGER, svcDhcpLseStateShcvChecks Unsigned32, svcDhcpLseStateShcvReplies Unsigned32, svcDhcpLseStateShcvReplyTime TimeStamp, svcDhcpLseStateClientId OCTET STRING, svcDhcpLseStateIAID Unsigned32, svcDhcpLseStateIAIDType IAIDType, svcDhcpLseStateCiAddrMaskLen Unsigned32, svcDhcpLseStateRetailerSvcId TmnxServId, svcDhcpLseStateRetailerIf InterfaceIndexOrZero, svcDhcpLseStateAncpString DisplayString, svcDhcpLseStateFramedIpNetMaskTp InetAddressType, svcDhcpLseStateFramedIpNetMask InetAddress, svcDhcpLseStateBCastIpAddrType InetAddressType, svcDhcpLseStateBCastIpAddr InetAddress, svcDhcpLseStateDefaultRouterTp InetAddressType, svcDhcpLseStateDefaultRouter InetAddress, svcDhcpLseStatePrimaryDnsType InetAddressType, svcDhcpLseStatePrimaryDns InetAddress, svcDhcpLseStateSecondaryDnsType InetAddressType, svcDhcpLseStateSecondaryDns InetAddress, svcDhcpLseStateSessionTimeout Unsigned32, svcDhcpLseStateServerLeaseStart DateAndTime, svcDhcpLseStateServerLastRenew DateAndTime, svcDhcpLseStateServerLeaseEnd DateAndTime, svcDhcpLseStateDhcpServerAddrType InetAddressType, svcDhcpLseStateDhcpServerAddr InetAddress, svcDhcpLseStateOriginSubscrId DhcpLseStateInfoOrigin, svcDhcpLseStateOriginStrings DhcpLseStateInfoOrigin, svcDhcpLseStateOriginLeaseInfo DhcpLseStateInfoOrigin, svcDhcpLseStateDhcpClientAddrType InetAddressType, svcDhcpLseStateDhcpClientAddr InetAddress, svcDhcpLseStateLeaseSplitActive TruthValue, svcDhcpLseStateInterDestId DisplayString, svcDhcpLseStatePrimaryNbnsType InetAddressType, svcDhcpLseStatePrimaryNbns InetAddress, svcDhcpLseStateSecondaryNbnsType InetAddressType, svcDhcpLseStateSecondaryNbns InetAddress, svcDhcpLseStateAppProfString DisplayString, svcDhcpLseStateNextHopMacAddr MacAddress, svcDhcpLseStateCategoryMapName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcDhcpLseStateNakNextRenew TruthValue, svcDhcpLseStateRadiusClassAttr OCTET STRING, svcDhcpLseStateRadiusUserName DisplayString } svcDhcpLseStateCiAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateCiAddrType indicates the address type of svcDhcpLseStateCiAddr." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 1 } svcDhcpLseStateCiAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateCiAddr indicates the IP address of the DHCP lease state." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 2 } svcDhcpLseStateLocale OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sap (1), sdp (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateLocale specifies if the DHCP lease state is learned via a SAP or SDP." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 3 } svcDhcpLseStatePortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "When the value of svcDhcpLseStateLocale is 'sap', the object svcDhcpLseStatePortId along with the object svcDhcpLseStateEncapValue, indicates the SAP for which this entry contains information. This object is otherwise insignificant and contains the value 0." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 4 } svcDhcpLseStateEncapValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEncapVal MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "When the value of svcDhcpLseStateLocale is 'sap', the object svcDhcpLseStatePortId along with the object svcDhcpLseStateEncapValue, indicates the SAP for which this entry contains information. This object is otherwise insignificant and contains the value 0." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 5 } svcDhcpLseStateSdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "When the value of svcDhcpLseStateLocale is 'sdp', the object svcDhcpLseStateSdpId, along with the object svcDhcpLseStateVcId, indicates the SDP Binding for which this entry contains information. This object is otherwise insignificant and contains the value 0." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 6 } svcDhcpLseStateVcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "When the value of svcDhcpLseStateLocale is 'sdp', the object svcDhcpLseStateSdpId, along with the object svcDhcpLseStateVcId, indicates the SDP Binding for which this entry contains information. This object is otherwise insignificant and contains the value 0." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 7 } svcDhcpLseStateChAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateChAddr indicates the MAC address of the DHCP lease state." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 8 } svcDhcpLseStateRemainLseTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateRemainLseTime indicates the remaining lease time of the DHCP lease state." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 9 } svcDhcpLseStateOption82 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateOption82 indicates the content of option 82 for this DHCP lease state." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 10 } svcDhcpLseStatePersistKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStatePersistKey indicates a key value that can be used to track this lease state in the persistence file." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 11 } svcDhcpLseStateSubscrIdent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateSubscrIdent indicates the id of the parent subscriber of this DHCP lease state. The value of svcDhcpLseStateOriginSubscrId indicates whether this subscriber identification was received from the DHCP or from the Radius server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 12 } svcDhcpLseStateSubProfString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateSubProfString indicates the subscriber profile string applicable for this DHCP lease state. The value of svcDhcpLseStateOriginStrings indicates whether this subscriber profile string was received from the DHCP or from the Radius server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 13 } svcDhcpLseStateSlaProfString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateSlaProfString indicates the SLA profile string applicable for this DHCP lease state. The value of svcDhcpLseStateOriginStrings indicates whether this SLA profile string was received from the DHCP or from the Radius server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 14 } svcDhcpLseStateShcvOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (1), undefined (2), down (3), up (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateShcvOperState indicates the state of the subscriber host connectivity check for this DHCP lease state." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 15 } svcDhcpLseStateShcvChecks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateShcvChecks indicates the number of host connectivity check requests for this DHCP lease state." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 16 } svcDhcpLseStateShcvReplies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateShcvReplies indicates the number of host connectivity replies for this DHCP lease state." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 17 } svcDhcpLseStateShcvReplyTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateShcvReplyTime indicates the time of the last successful host connectivity check for this DHCP lease state." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 18 } svcDhcpLseStateClientId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateClientId indicates the DHCPv6 clients unique identifier (DUID) as generated by the client." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 19 } svcDhcpLseStateIAID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateIAID indicates the Identity Association ID (IAID) the address or prefix defined by svcDhcpLseStateCiAddr/svcDhcpLseStateCiAddrMaskLen has been assigned to. This object is only meaningful for DHCPv6 leases." REFERENCE "RFC 3315 section 10" ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 20 } svcDhcpLseStateIAIDType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IAIDType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateIAIDType indicates the type of svcDhcpLseStateIAID. This object is only meaningful for DHCPv6 leases." REFERENCE "RFC 3315" ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 21 } svcDhcpLseStateCiAddrMaskLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..128) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateCiAddrMaskLen indicates the prefix length of the svcDhcpLseStateCiAddr for a DHCPv6 lease." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 22 } svcDhcpLseStateRetailerSvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateRetailerSvcId indicates the service ID of the retailer VPRN service to which this DHCP lease belongs. When this object is non zero, the DHCP lease belongs to a retailer VPRN." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 23 } svcDhcpLseStateRetailerIf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateRetailerIf indicates the interface index of the retailer VPRN interface to which this DHCP lease belongs. When this object is non zero, the DHCP lease belongs to a retailer VPRN." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 24 } svcDhcpLseStateAncpString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The object svcDhcpLseStateAncpString indicates the value of the ancp-string received from either the DHCP or the Radius server as indicated by the value of svcDhcpLseStateOriginStrings." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 25 } svcDhcpLseStateFramedIpNetMaskTp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateFramedIpNetMaskTp indicates the address type of svcDhcpLseStateFramedIpNetMask." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 26 } svcDhcpLseStateFramedIpNetMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateFramedIpNetMask indicates the framed IP netmask received from either the DHCP or the Radius server as indicated by the value of svcDhcpLseStateOriginLeaseInfo. The value of this object is ''H when not applicable." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 27 } svcDhcpLseStateBCastIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateBCastIpAddrType indicates the address type of svcDhcpLseStateBCastIpAddr." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 28 } svcDhcpLseStateBCastIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateBCastIpAddr indicates the broadcast IP address received from either the DHCP or the Radius server as indicated by the value of svcDhcpLseStateOriginLeaseInfo. The value of this object is ''H when not applicable." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 29 } svcDhcpLseStateDefaultRouterTp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateDefaultRouterTp indicates the address type of svcDhcpLseStateDefaultRouter." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 30 } svcDhcpLseStateDefaultRouter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateDefaultRouter indicates the default router received from either the DHCP or the Radius server as indicated by the value of svcDhcpLseStateOriginLeaseInfo. The value of this object is ''H when not applicable." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 31 } svcDhcpLseStatePrimaryDnsType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStatePrimaryDnsType indicates the address type of svcDhcpLseStatePrimaryDns." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 32 } svcDhcpLseStatePrimaryDns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStatePrimaryDns indicates the primary DNS server received from either the DHCP or the Radius server as indicated by the value of svcDhcpLseStateOriginLeaseInfo. The value of this object is ''H when not applicable." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 33 } svcDhcpLseStateSecondaryDnsType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateSecondaryDnsType indicates the address type of svcDhcpLseStateSecondaryDns." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 34 } svcDhcpLseStateSecondaryDns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateSecondaryDns indicates the secondary DNS server received from either the DHCP or the Radius server as indicated by the value of svcDhcpLseStateOriginLeaseInfo. The value of this object is ''H when not applicable." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 35 } svcDhcpLseStateSessionTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateSessionTimeout indicates the session timeout received from either the DHCP or the Radius server as indicated by the value of svcDhcpLseStateOriginLeaseInfo." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 36 } svcDhcpLseStateServerLeaseStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateServerLeaseStart indicates when this lease was created." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 37 } svcDhcpLseStateServerLastRenew OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateServerLastRenew indicates when we last received a renewal from either the DHCP or the Radius server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 38 } svcDhcpLseStateServerLeaseEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateServerLeaseEnd indicates when the server will consider the lease as being expired." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 39 } svcDhcpLseStateDhcpServerAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateDhcpServerAddrType indicates the address type of svcDhcpLseStateDhcpServerAddr." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 40 } svcDhcpLseStateDhcpServerAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateDhcpServerAddr indicates the IP address of the DHCP server received from either the DHCP or the Radius server as indicated by the value of svcDhcpLseStateOriginLeaseInfo. The value of this object is ''H when not applicable." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 41 } svcDhcpLseStateOriginSubscrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DhcpLseStateInfoOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateOriginSubscrId indicates which source provided the subscriber-id." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 42 } svcDhcpLseStateOriginStrings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DhcpLseStateInfoOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateOriginStrings indicates which server provided the Sub-profile, SLA profile, Ancp string and Intermediate Destination Id." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 43 } svcDhcpLseStateOriginLeaseInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DhcpLseStateInfoOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateOriginLeaseInfo indicates which server provided the lease state information." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 44 } svcDhcpLseStateDhcpClientAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateDhcpClientAddrType indicates the address type of svcDhcpLseStateDhcpClientAddr." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 45 } svcDhcpLseStateDhcpClientAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateDhcpClientAddr indicates the IP address of the DHCP Client that owns the lease info. In some cases this address can be different from the address specified in svcDhcpLseStateCiAddr, e.g. in case of DHCPv6 prefix delegation." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 46 } svcDhcpLseStateLeaseSplitActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateLeaseSplitActive indicates whether or not the current lease time resulted from a lease split. If svcDhcpLseStateLeaseSplitActive is 'true', the lease time passed to the client is determined by the value of the object sapTlsDhcpProxyLeaseTime for VPLS SAPs, or by the value of the object vRtrIfDHCPProxyLeaseTime for Layer 3 interfaces." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 47 } svcDhcpLseStateInterDestId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The object svcDhcpLseStateInterDestId indicates the intermediate destination identifier received from either the DHCP or the Radius server or the local user database as indicated by the value of svcDhcpLseStateOriginStrings." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 48 } svcDhcpLseStatePrimaryNbnsType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStatePrimaryNbnsType indicates the address type of svcDhcpLseStatePrimaryNbns." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 49 } svcDhcpLseStatePrimaryNbns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStatePrimaryNbns indicates the primary NBNS server received from either the DHCP or the Radius server as indicated by the value of svcDhcpLseStateOriginLeaseInfo. The value of this object is ''H when not applicable." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 50 } svcDhcpLseStateSecondaryNbnsType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateSecondaryNbnsType indicates the address type of svcDhcpLseStateSecondaryNbns." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 51 } svcDhcpLseStateSecondaryNbns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateSecondaryNbns indicates the secondary NBNS server received from either the DHCP or the Radius server as indicated by the value of svcDhcpLseStateOriginLeaseInfo. The value of this object is ''H when not applicable." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 52 } svcDhcpLseStateAppProfString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateAppProfString indicates the application profile string applicable for this DHCP lease state. The value of svcDhcpLseStateOriginStrings indicates whether this application profile string was received from DHCP or from the Radius server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 53 } svcDhcpLseStateNextHopMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateNextHopMacAddr indicates the MAC address of the next hop of this DHCP lease state. Normally, the next hop MAC address equals the value of svcDhcpLseStateChAddr. If the value of the object TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB::vRtrIfDHCPLayer2Header is set to 'true', a routing device can be present between this node and the DHCP client. In that case, the value of the next hop MAC address contains the MAC address of this routing device." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 54 } svcDhcpLseStateCategoryMapName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The object svcDhcpLseStateCategoryMapName indicates the value of the category map name received from either the DHCP or the Radius server as indicated by the value of svcDhcpLseStateOriginStrings." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 55 } svcDhcpLseStateNakNextRenew OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateNakNextRenew indicates that the system will reply with a DHCP-NAK when the client sends the next DHCP-REQUEST, whereafter the lease-state will be deleted. This state is entered upon reception of a FORCE-NAK COA (Change Of Authority) request from RADIUS for this lease state, which at the same time also triggered the system to send a FORCE-RENEW DHCP message to the client." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 56 } svcDhcpLseStateRadiusClassAttr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateRadiusClassAttr indicates the Class attribute returned by the RADIUS server in an Access-Accept message. If no RADIUS authentication is performed for this lease state, or RADIUS did not return this attribute, the value of this object is empty." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 57 } svcDhcpLseStateRadiusUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateRadiusUserName indicates the User-Name attribute returned by the RADIUS server in an Access-Accept message. If RADIUS did not return this attribute, the value of this object is equal to the User-Name attribute sent in the original Access-Request message. If no RADIUS authentication is performed for this session, the value of this object is empty." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry 58 } tlsProtectedMacTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TlsProtectedMacEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to manage protected MAC addresses within a VPLS's FDB." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 17 } tlsProtectedMacEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TlsProtectedMacEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing management information applicable to a particular protected MAC address." INDEX { svcId, tlsProtMacAddress } ::= { tlsProtectedMacTable 1 } TlsProtectedMacEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tlsProtMacAddress MacAddress, tlsProtMacRowStatus RowStatus, tlsProtMacLastMgmtChange TimeStamp } tlsProtMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsProtMacAddress indicates the address of the protected MAC." ::= { tlsProtectedMacEntry 1 } tlsProtMacRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsProtMacRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tlsProtectedMacEntry 2 } tlsProtMacLastMgmtChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsProtMacLastMgmtChange indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the last management change of any writable object of this row." ::= { tlsProtectedMacEntry 3 } svcDhcpLeaseStateModifyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcDhcpLeaseStateModifyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The svcDhcpLeaseStateModifyTable augments the svcDhcpLeaseStateTable. The table allows the operator to modify attributes of the lease state." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 18 } svcDhcpLeaseStateModifyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcDhcpLeaseStateModifyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains parameters that allow to modify a lease-state's attributes." AUGMENTS { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateModifyTable 1 } SvcDhcpLeaseStateModifyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcDhcpLseStateModifySubIndent DisplayString, svcDhcpLseStateModifySubProfile DisplayString, svcDhcpLseStateModifySlaProfile DisplayString, svcDhcpLseStateEvaluateState TruthValue, svcDhcpLseStateModInterDestId DisplayString, svcDhcpLseStateModifyAncpString TmnxAncpStringOrZero, svcDhcpLseStateModifyAppProfile DisplayString } svcDhcpLseStateModifySubIndent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateModifySubIndent allows to specify a new subscriber name for this lease state. When a SET of this object is done with a non empty string, the system will attempt to assign a new subscriber name. A SET with an empty string has no effect on the system. (NOOP). GETs and GETNEXTs on this variable return an empty string." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateModifyEntry 1 } svcDhcpLseStateModifySubProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..16)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateModifySubProfile allows to specify a new subscriber profile string for this lease state. When a SET of this object is done with a non empty string, the system will attempt to assign a new subscriber profile. A SET with an empty string has no effect on the system. (NOOP). GETs and GETNEXTs on this variable return an empty string." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateModifyEntry 2 } svcDhcpLseStateModifySlaProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..16)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateModifySlaProfile allows to specify a new SLA profile string for this lease state. When a SET of this object is done with a non empty string, the system will attempt to assign a new SLA profile. A SET with an empty string has no effect on the system. (NOOP). GETs and GETNEXTs on this variable return an empty string." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateModifyEntry 3 } svcDhcpLseStateEvaluateState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateEvaluateState allows to cause a re-evaluation of the specified lease state. When this object is set to 'true', the system will perform a re-evaluation of the lease state. GETs and GETNEXTs on this variable return false. It is not possible to simultaneously request for a lease-state re-evaluation, and modify any of the svcDhcpLseStateModifySubIndent, svcDhcpLseStateModifySubProfile or svcDhcpLseStateModifySlaProfile values." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateModifyEntry 4 } svcDhcpLseStateModInterDestId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateModInterDestId allows to specify a new intermediate destination id for this lease state. When a SET of this object is done with a non empty string, the system will attempt to assign a new intermediate destination id. A SET with an empty string has no effect on the system. (NOOP). GETs and GETNEXTs on this variable return an empty string." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateModifyEntry 5 } svcDhcpLseStateModifyAncpString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAncpStringOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateModifyAncpString allows to specify a new ANCP-string for this lease state. When a SET of this object is done with a non empty string, the system will attempt to assign a new ANCP-string. A SET with an empty string has no effect on the system. (NOOP). GETs and GETNEXTs on this variable return an empty string." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateModifyEntry 6 } svcDhcpLseStateModifyAppProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..16)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateModifyAppProfile specifies a new application profile string for this lease state. When a SET of this object is done with a non empty string, the system assigns a new application profile. A SET with an empty string has no effect on the system. (NOOP). GETs and GETNEXTs on this variable return an empty string." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateModifyEntry 7 } svcEndPointTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEndPointEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEndPointTable has an entry for each service endpoint configured on this system." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 19 } svcEndPointEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEndPointEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a particular service endpoint. Entries are created/deleted by the user." INDEX { svcId, svcEndPointName } ::= { svcEndPointTable 1 } SvcEndPointEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEndPointName TNamedItem, svcEndPointRowStatus RowStatus, svcEndPointDescription ServObjDesc, svcEndPointRevertTime Integer32, svcEndPointTxActiveType INTEGER, svcEndPointTxActivePortId TmnxPortID, svcEndPointTxActiveEncap TmnxEncapVal, svcEndPointTxActiveSdpId SdpBindId, svcEndPointForceSwitchOver TmnxActionType, svcEndPointForceSwitchOverSdpId SdpBindId, svcEndPointActiveHoldDelay Unsigned32, svcEndPointIgnoreStandbySig TruthValue, svcEndPointMacPinning TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcEndPointMacLimit Integer32, svcEndPointSuppressStandbySig TruthValue, svcEndPointRevertTimeCountDn Integer32, svcEndPointTxActiveChangeCount Counter32, svcEndPointTxActiveLastChange TimeStamp, svcEndPointTxActiveUpTime TimeTicks, svcEndPointMCEPId Unsigned32, svcEndPointMCEPPeerAddrType InetAddressType, svcEndPointMCEPPeerAddr InetAddress, svcEndPointMCEPPeerName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcEndPointBlockOnMeshFail TruthValue, svcEndPointMCEPPsvModeActive TruthValue, svcEndPointStandbySigMaster TruthValue, svcEndPointStandbySigSlave TruthValue, svcEndPointForceSwitchOvrSdpFec TmnxSpokeSdpIdOrZero, svcEndPointTxActiveSdpFec TmnxSpokeSdpIdOrZero, svcEndPointRestProtSrcMac TruthValue, svcEndPointRestProtSrcMacAction INTEGER, svcEndPointAutoLearnMacProtect TruthValue, svcEndPointCreationOrigin INTEGER, svcEPTxActiveBgpEvpnMplsInstId Integer32 } svcEndPointName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointName specifies the name of the service endpoint." ::= { svcEndPointEntry 1 } svcEndPointRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of service endpoints." ::= { svcEndPointEntry 2 } svcEndPointDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServObjDesc MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointDescription specifies the textual description of this service endpoint." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcEndPointEntry 3 } svcEndPointRevertTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointRevertTime specifies the time to wait before reverting back to the primary spoke-sdp defined on this service endpoint, after having failed over to a backup spoke-sdp. When the value is '-1', the spoke-sdp will never revert back." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcEndPointEntry 4 } svcEndPointTxActiveType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), sap (1), sdpBind (2), sdpFec (3), bgpEvpnMpls (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointTxActiveType indicates the type of endpoint object that is current transmit active. " ::= { svcEndPointEntry 5 } svcEndPointTxActivePortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointTxActivePortId indicates the Port ID of the SAP that is transmit active. This object is only valid when svcEndPointTxActiveType is 'sap'." ::= { svcEndPointEntry 6 } svcEndPointTxActiveEncap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEncapVal MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointTxActiveEncap indicates the encapsulation value of the SAP that is transmit active. This object is only valid when svcEndPointTxActiveType is 'sap'." ::= { svcEndPointEntry 7 } svcEndPointTxActiveSdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpBindId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointTxActiveSdpId indicates the SDP bind ID of the SDP bind that is transmit active. This object is only valid when svcEndPointTxActiveType is 'sdpBind'." ::= { svcEndPointEntry 8 } svcEndPointForceSwitchOver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxActionType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointForceSwitchOver specifies whether to force a switchover of the active SDP bind. When it is set to 'doAction', the SDP bind specified by svcEndPointForceSwitchOverSdpId will become active." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { svcEndPointEntry 9 } svcEndPointForceSwitchOverSdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpBindId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointForceSwitchOverSdpId specifies the SDP bind to switch over to when svcEndPointForceSwitchOver is set to 'doAction'. If the value of this object is non default, it indicates that a forced switchover has taken place. Setting this object to the default value clears any previous forced switchover. " DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H } ::= { svcEndPointEntry 10 } svcEndPointActiveHoldDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..60) UNITS "deciseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointActiveHoldDelay specifies the amount of time in deciseconds to hold the active state before going into the standby state when a local MC-LAG SAP goes down." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcEndPointEntry 11 } svcEndPointIgnoreStandbySig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointIgnoreStandbySig specifies whether the local internal tasks will take into account the 'pseudo-wire forwarding standby' bit received from the LDP peer which is normally ignored. When set to 'true', this bit is not considered in the internal tasks. A similar object sdpBindTlsIgnoreStandbySig is present at the SDP level. The value of sdpBindTlsIgnoreStandbySig is set to the value of svcEndPointIgnoreStandbySig for the spoke-SDP associated with this endpoint." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcEndPointEntry 12 } svcEndPointMacPinning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointMacPinning specifies whether or not MAC address pinning is active on this endpoint." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcEndPointEntry 13 } svcEndPointMacLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..511999) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEndPointMacLimit specifies the maximum number of learned and static entries allowed for this endpoint. The value 0 means: no limit for this endpoint. The maximum value of this object depends on the platform/chassis mode." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcEndPointEntry 14 } svcEndPointSuppressStandbySig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEndPointSuppressStandbySig specifies whether the 'pseudo wire forwarding standby' bit will be sent to the LDP peer whenever the spoke SDP 'svcEndPointTxActiveSdpId' is selected as standby. When set to 'true', this bit will not be sent." DEFVAL { true } ::= { svcEndPointEntry 15 } svcEndPointRevertTimeCountDn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointRevertTimeCountDn indicates the timer count down before reverting back to the primary spoke-sdp defined on this service endpoint, after having failed over to a backup spoke-sdp. This timer count down begins after primary Spoke SDP becomes operational. The value of -1 indicates when revert is not-applicable." ::= { svcEndPointEntry 16 } svcEndPointTxActiveChangeCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointTxActiveChangeCount indicates the number of times active transmit change has taken place in this endpoint." ::= { svcEndPointEntry 17 } svcEndPointTxActiveLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointTxActiveLastChange indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the last active transmit change in this endpoint." ::= { svcEndPointEntry 18 } svcEndPointTxActiveUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointTxActiveUpTime indicates the active 'up' time (in centiseconds) of the endpoint object that is current transmit active." ::= { svcEndPointEntry 19 } svcEndPointMCEPId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointMCEPId specifies the multi-chassis endpoint identifier assigned to this endpoint." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcEndPointEntry 20 } svcEndPointMCEPPeerAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointMCEPPeerAddrType specifies the address type of svcEndPointMCEPPeerAddr object. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to non-default value when svcEndPointMCEPId is set to its default value. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to non-default value when svcEndPointMCEPPeerName is set to its non-default value." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { svcEndPointEntry 21 } svcEndPointMCEPPeerAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointMCEPPeerAddr specifies the IP address of multi-chassis endpoint peer. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to non-default value when svcEndPointMCEPId is set to its default value. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to non-default value when svcEndPointMCEPPeerName is set to its non-default value." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcEndPointEntry 22 } svcEndPointMCEPPeerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointMCEPPeerName specifies the name of multi-chassis endpoint peer TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB::tmnxMcPeerName. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to non-default value when svcEndPointMCEPId is set to its default value. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to non-default value when svcEndPointMCEPPeerAddrType and svcEndPointMCEPPeerAddr are set to their non-default values." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcEndPointEntry 23 } svcEndPointBlockOnMeshFail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointBlockOnMeshFail specifies that the operational status of spoke-SDPs in the endpoint will be affected by the operational status of associated mesh SDPs in this service. If there are no mesh SDPs in the service, value of this object is ignored. When this object is set to 'true', then the operational status of the spoke-SDPs in the endpoint will be 'down' until the operational status of at least one mesh SDP in this service is 'up'. When set to 'false', the operational status of the spoke-SDPs in the endpoint will not be affected by the operational status of any mesh SDPs in the service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcEndPointEntry 24 } svcEndPointMCEPPsvModeActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointMCEPPsvModeActive indicates whether passive-mode behavior is currently active on this multi-chassis endpoint." ::= { svcEndPointEntry 25 } svcEndPointStandbySigMaster OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointStandbySigMaster specifies whether PW standby bit will be sent to T-LDP peer whenever spoke-SDPs of this endpoint are selected as standby." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcEndPointEntry 26 } svcEndPointStandbySigSlave OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointStandbySigSlave specifies whether transmission of any spoke in the endpoint will be blocked when the spoke receives standby status notification from its peer." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcEndPointEntry 27 } svcEndPointForceSwitchOvrSdpFec OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSpokeSdpIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointForceSwitchOvrSdpFec specifies the multi-segment pseudo-wire provide-edge identifier to switch over to when svcEndPointForceSwitchOver is set to 'doAction'. If the value of this object is set to non-default, it indicates that a forced switchover has taken place. Setting this object to the default value clears any previous forced switchover." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcEndPointEntry 28 } svcEndPointTxActiveSdpFec OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSpokeSdpIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointTxActiveSdpFec indicates the multi- segment pseudo-wire provider-edge identifier that is transmit active. This object is only valid when svcEndPointTxActiveType is set to 'sdpFec'." ::= { svcEndPointEntry 29 } svcEndPointRestProtSrcMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEndPointRestProtSrcMac specifies how the agent will handle relearn requests for protected MAC addresses received on the SDP belonging to this endpoint. When the value of this object is 'true' requests to relearn a protected MAC address will be ignored. In addition, if the value of svcEndPointRestProtSrcMacAction is 'disable', then the SDP belonging to the endpoint where the protected source MAC was seen will be brought operationally down." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcEndPointEntry 30 } svcEndPointRestProtSrcMacAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), alarmOnly (2), discardFrame (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEndPointRestProtSrcMacAction indicates the action to take whenever a relearn request for a protected MAC is received on the SDP belonging to this endpoint. When the value of this object is 'disable' the SDP belonging to this endpoint will be placed in the operational down state, with the operating flag 'recProtSrcMac' set. When the value of this object is 'alarm-only', the SDP belonging to this endpoint will be left up and only a notification, TIMETRA-SDP-MIB::sdpBindReceivedProtSrcMac, will be generated. When the value of this object is 'discardFrame', the SDP will start discarding the frame in addition to generating TIMETRA-SDP-MIB::sdpBindReceivedProtSrcMac notification." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { svcEndPointEntry 31 } svcEndPointAutoLearnMacProtect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointAutoLearnMacProtect specifies whether to enable automatic population of the MAC protect list with source MAC addresses learned on the SDP associated with this endpoint." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcEndPointEntry 32 } svcEndPointCreationOrigin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { manual (0), bgpVpws (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEndPointCreationOrigin indicates the origin mechanism used to create this endpoint." ::= { svcEndPointEntry 33 } svcEPTxActiveBgpEvpnMplsInstId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEPTxActiveBgpEvpnMplsInstId indicates the set egress binds in the bgp-instance that is transmit active. This object is only valid when svcEndPointTxActiveType is 'bgpEvpnMpls'." ::= { svcEndPointEntry 34 } iesGrpIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IesGrpIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The iesGrpIfTable has entry for each group interface configured on this system." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 21 } iesGrpIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IesGrpIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents the attributes of a group interface. Entries are create/destroyed when entries in iesIfEntry with iesIfType 'group' are created/destroyed." INDEX { svcId, iesIfIndex } ::= { iesGrpIfTable 1 } IesGrpIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { iesGrpIfRedInterface InterfaceIndexOrZero, iesGrpIfOperUpWhileEmpty TruthValue, iesGrpIfPolicyControl TNamedItemOrEmpty, iesGrpIfDiameterAuthPolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, iesGrpIfIpv6AutoReply BITS, iesGrpIfIgnoreDfBit TruthValue } iesGrpIfRedInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesGrpIfRedInterface specifies the ifIndex of the redundant interface this group interface is tied to. The interface pointed to by this object must be of type 'redundant'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { iesGrpIfEntry 1 } iesGrpIfOperUpWhileEmpty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesGrpIfOperUpWhileEmpty specifies the whether that operational status of the the IES group interface, as indicated by iesIfOperStatus, should have a value of 'up' even when there are no SAPs on the group interface. If the value of iesGrpIfOperUpWhileEmpty is 'true', the value of iesIfOperStatus for the IES group interface will be 'up' when there are no SAPs on the group interface. When the value of iesGrpIfOperUpWhileEmpty is 'false', the value of iesIfOperStatus will depend on the operational state of the SAPs on the group interface. The value of iesGrpIfOperUpWhileEmpty will be ignored when there are SAPs on the IES group interface." DEFVAL { false } ::= { iesGrpIfEntry 2 } iesGrpIfPolicyControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesGrpIfPolicyControl specifies the name of the Policy Control policy for this group interface. For example: the value of this object can be set to the value of the object tmnxDiamAppPlcyId of a conceptual row in the TIMETRA-DIAMETER-MIB::tmnxDiamAppPlcyTable." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { iesGrpIfEntry 3 } iesGrpIfDiameterAuthPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesGrpIfDiameterAuthPolicy specifies the name of the DIAMETER authentication policy for this group interface. A non empty value of this object must correspond to a conceptual row in the TIMETRA-DIAMETER-MIB::tmnxDiamApNqTable, the DIAMETER NAS application (NASREQ) table." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { iesGrpIfEntry 4 } iesGrpIfIpv6AutoReply OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { neighborSolicitation (0), routerSolicitation (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesGrpIfIpv6AutoReply specifies the automatic reply to Neighbor Solicitation and Router Solicitation messages, for data-triggered static IPv6 hosts. neighborSolicitation (0) - auto-reply for Neighbor Solicitation routerSolicitation (1) - auto-reply for Router Solicitation." ::= { iesGrpIfEntry 5 } iesGrpIfIgnoreDfBit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesGrpIfIgnoreDfBit specifies if this system must fragment frames if necessary, even if they have the Don't Fragment (DF) bit set in the IPv4 header. If the value of this object is set to 'true(1)', then the system ignores the DF bit in downstream traffic towards the subscriber hosts and does fragment if necessary." DEFVAL { false } ::= { iesGrpIfEntry 6 } svcPEDiscoveryPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcPEDiscoveryPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The svcPEDiscoveryPolicyTable has an entry for each PE policy." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 22 } svcPEDiscoveryPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcPEDiscoveryPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "svcPEDiscoveryPolicyEntry is an entry (conceptual row) in the svcPEDiscoveryPolicyTable. Each entry represents the configuration of a PE Discovery Policy. Entries in this table can be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations to svcPEDiscoveryPolicyRowStatus." INDEX { IMPLIED svcPEDiscoveryPolicyName } ::= { svcPEDiscoveryPolicyTable 1 } SvcPEDiscoveryPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcPEDiscoveryPolicyName TNamedItem, svcPEDiscoveryPolicyRowStatus RowStatus, svcPEDiscoveryPolicyPassword OCTET STRING, svcPEDiscoveryPolicyInterval Unsigned32, svcPEDiscoveryPolicyTimeout Unsigned32 } svcPEDiscoveryPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcPEDiscoveryPolicyName specifies the RADIUS PE Discovery Policy name." ::= { svcPEDiscoveryPolicyEntry 1 } svcPEDiscoveryPolicyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "svcPEDiscoveryPolicyRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in the table. To create a row in the svcPEDiscoveryPolicyTable, set svcPEDiscoveryPolicyRowStatus to 'createAndGo'. All objects will take on default values and the agent will change svcPEDiscoveryPolicyRowStatus to 'active'. To delete a row in the svcPEDiscoveryPolicyTable, set svcPEDiscoveryPolicyRowStatus to 'delete'." ::= { svcPEDiscoveryPolicyEntry 2 } svcPEDiscoveryPolicyPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPEDiscoveryPolicyPassword specifies the password that is used when contacting the RADIUS server for VPLS auto-discovery. GETs and GETNEXTs on this variable return an empty string." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcPEDiscoveryPolicyEntry 3 } svcPEDiscoveryPolicyInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..30) UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPEDiscoveryPolicyInterval specifies the polling interval for Radius PE discovery in minutes." DEFVAL { 5 } ::= { svcPEDiscoveryPolicyEntry 4 } svcPEDiscoveryPolicyTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..90) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPEDiscoveryPolicyTimeout specifies the number of seconds to wait before timing out a RADIUS server." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { svcPEDiscoveryPolicyEntry 5 } svcPEDiscPolServerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcPEDiscPolServerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The svcPEDiscPolServerTable has an entry for each RADIUS server. The table can have up to a maximum of 5 entries." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 23 } svcPEDiscPolServerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcPEDiscPolServerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "svcPEDiscPolServerEntry is an entry (conceptual row) in the svcPEDiscPolServerTable. Each entry represents the configuration for a RADIUS server. Entries in this table can be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations to svcPEDiscPolServerRowStatus." INDEX { svcPEDiscPolServerIndex, IMPLIED svcPEDiscoveryPolicyName } ::= { svcPEDiscPolServerTable 1 } SvcPEDiscPolServerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcPEDiscPolServerIndex Unsigned32, svcPEDiscPolServerRowStatus RowStatus, svcPEDiscPolServerAddressType InetAddressType, svcPEDiscPolServerAddress InetAddress, svcPEDiscPolServerSecret OCTET STRING, svcPEDiscPolServerOperStatus ServiceOperStatus, svcPEDiscPolServerPort Unsigned32 } svcPEDiscPolServerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..5) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The svcPEDiscPolServerIndex indicates the unique value which identifies a specific radius server." ::= { svcPEDiscPolServerEntry 1 } svcPEDiscPolServerRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "svcPEDiscPolServerRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in the table." ::= { svcPEDiscPolServerEntry 2 } svcPEDiscPolServerAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPEDiscPolServerAddressType is used to configure the address type of svcPEDiscPolServerAddress address. A valid value for svcPEDiscPolServerAddressType object must be specified at the time of creation of entry." ::= { svcPEDiscPolServerEntry 3 } svcPEDiscPolServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPEDiscPolServerAddress is used to configure the IP address of the RADIUS server. A valid value for svcPEDiscPolServerAddress object must be specified at the time of creation of entry." ::= { svcPEDiscPolServerEntry 4 } svcPEDiscPolServerSecret OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The svcPEDiscPolServerSecret is used to configure the secret key associated with the RADIUS server. A valid value for svcPEDiscPolServerSecret object must be specified at the time of creation of entry. The value of svcPEDiscPolServerSecret cannot be set to an empty string. GETs and GETNEXTs on this variable return an empty string." ::= { svcPEDiscPolServerEntry 5 } svcPEDiscPolServerOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The svcPEDiscPolServerOperStatus indicates the obsolete status of the RADIUS server." ::= { svcPEDiscPolServerEntry 6 } svcPEDiscPolServerPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The svcPEDiscPolServerPort is used to configure the UDP port number on which to contact the RADIUS server." DEFVAL { 1812 } ::= { svcPEDiscPolServerEntry 7 } svcWholesalerInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcWholesalerInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcWholesalerInfoTable has an entry for each wholesaler service associated with a retailer service on this system." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 24 } svcWholesalerInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcWholesalerInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents the attributes of a wholesaler-retailer pairing. Entries are created/destroyed when forwarding interfaces are defined." INDEX { svcId, svcWholesalerID } ::= { svcWholesalerInfoTable 1 } SvcWholesalerInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcWholesalerID TmnxServId, svcWholesalerNumStaticHosts Unsigned32, svcWholesalerNumDynamicHosts Unsigned32, svcWholesalerNumDhcpLeaseStates Unsigned32, svcWholesalerNumPppoeSessions Unsigned32, svcWholesalerNumArpHosts Unsigned32, svcWholesalerNumDhcp6LeaseStates Unsigned32, svcWholesalerNumSlaacHosts Unsigned32, svcWholesalerNumStatic6Hosts Unsigned32, svcWholesalerNumIpoeSessions Unsigned32, svcWholesalerNumIpcpHosts Unsigned32 } svcWholesalerID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcWholesalerID is used to specify the service ID of the wholesaler." ::= { svcWholesalerInfoEntry 1 } svcWholesalerNumStaticHosts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcWholesalerNumStaticHosts indicates the number of static hosts in the wholesaler indicated by svcWholesalerID that belong to subnets of the retailer service." ::= { svcWholesalerInfoEntry 2 } svcWholesalerNumDynamicHosts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcWholesalerNumDynamicHosts indicates the number of dynamic hosts in the wholesaler indicated by svcWholesalerID that belong to subnets of the retailer service." ::= { svcWholesalerInfoEntry 3 } svcWholesalerNumDhcpLeaseStates OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcWholesalerNumDhcpLeaseStates indicates the number of DHCP lease states in the wholesaler indicated by svcWholesalerID that belong to subnets of the retailer service." ::= { svcWholesalerInfoEntry 4 } svcWholesalerNumPppoeSessions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcWholesalerNumPppoeSessions indicates the number of PPPoE sessions in the wholesaler indicated by svcWholesalerID that belong to subnets of the retailer service." ::= { svcWholesalerInfoEntry 5 } svcWholesalerNumArpHosts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcWholesalerNumArpHosts indicates the number of ARP hosts in the wholesaler indicated by svcWholesalerID that belong to subnets of the retailer service." ::= { svcWholesalerInfoEntry 6 } svcWholesalerNumDhcp6LeaseStates OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcWholesalerNumDhcp6LeaseStates indicates the number of DHCPv6 lease states in the wholesaler indicated by svcWholesalerID that belong to the retailer service." ::= { svcWholesalerInfoEntry 7 } svcWholesalerNumSlaacHosts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcWholesalerNumSlaacHosts indicates the number of SLAAC hosts in the wholesaler indicated by svcWholesalerID that belong to the retailer service." ::= { svcWholesalerInfoEntry 8 } svcWholesalerNumStatic6Hosts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcWholesalerNumStatic6Hosts indicates the number of static ipv6 hosts in the wholesaler indicated by svcWholesalerID that belong to the retailer service." ::= { svcWholesalerInfoEntry 9 } svcWholesalerNumIpoeSessions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcWholesalerNumIpoeSessions indicates the number of IPoE sessions in the wholesaler indicated by svcWholesalerID that belong to the retailer service." ::= { svcWholesalerInfoEntry 10 } svcWholesalerNumIpcpHosts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcWholesalerNumIpcpHosts indicates the number of PPP IPCP hosts in the wholesaler indicated by svcWholesalerID that belong to the retailer service." ::= { svcWholesalerInfoEntry 11 } svcDhcpLeaseStateActionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcDhcpLeaseStateActionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The svcDhcpLeaseStateActionTable augments the svcDhcpLeaseStateTable. The table allows the operator to perform actions on the lease state." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 25 } svcDhcpLeaseStateActionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcDhcpLeaseStateActionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains parameters that allow to perform an action on the corresponding lease-state." AUGMENTS { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateActionTable 1 } SvcDhcpLeaseStateActionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcDhcpLseStateForceRenew TruthValue } svcDhcpLseStateForceRenew OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateForceRenew allows to force the DHCP client to renew its lease. When the value of this object is set to 'true', the system will send a forcerenew DHCP message to the client. GETs and GETNEXTs on this variable return false." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateActionEntry 1 } svcIfDHCP6MsgStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcIfDHCP6MsgStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vRtrDHCP6MsgStatTable has an entry for each interface defined in a service for which DHCP6 can be enabled." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 26 } svcIfDHCP6MsgStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcIfDHCP6MsgStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a collection of counters for each DHCP6 message type for an interface in a service. Entries cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations." INDEX { svcId, iesIfIndex } ::= { svcIfDHCP6MsgStatTable 1 } SvcIfDHCP6MsgStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcIfDHCP6MsgStatsLstClrd TimeStamp, svcIfDHCP6MsgStatsRcvd Gauge32, svcIfDHCP6MsgStatsSent Gauge32, svcIfDHCP6MsgStatsDropped Gauge32 } svcIfDHCP6MsgStatsLstClrd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcIfDHCP6MsgStatsLstClrd indicates the sysUpTime when the counters of this row were last reset. A value of zero for this object indicates that the counters have not been reset since the system has last been initialized." ::= { svcIfDHCP6MsgStatEntry 1 } svcIfDHCP6MsgStatsRcvd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcIfDHCP6MsgStatsRcvd indicates the number of DHCP6 packets were received on this service interface." ::= { svcIfDHCP6MsgStatEntry 2 } svcIfDHCP6MsgStatsSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcIfDHCP6MsgStatsSent indicates the number of DHCP6 packets were sent on this service interface." ::= { svcIfDHCP6MsgStatEntry 3 } svcIfDHCP6MsgStatsDropped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcIfDHCP6MsgStatsDropped indicates the number of DHCP6 packets were dropped on this service interface." ::= { svcIfDHCP6MsgStatEntry 4 } svcTlsBackboneInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsBackboneInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsBackboneInfoTable augments the svcTlsInfoTable. The table allows the operator to modify attributes of the Provider Backbone Bridging feature." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 27 } svcTlsBackboneInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsBackboneInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains objects that allows the modification of the Provider Backbone Bridging feature for a specific TLS service" AUGMENTS { svcTlsInfoEntry } ::= { svcTlsBackboneInfoTable 1 } SvcTlsBackboneInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsBackboneSrcMac MacAddress, svcTlsBackboneVplsSvcId TmnxServId, svcTlsBackboneVplsSvcISID SvcISID, svcTlsBackboneOperSrcMac MacAddress, svcTlsBackboneOperVplsSvcISID SvcISID, svcTlsBackboneLDPMacFlush TruthValue, svcTlsBackboneVplsStp TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcTlsBackboneLDPMacFlushNotMine TruthValue, svcTlsBackboneUseSapBMac TruthValue, svcTlsBackboneForceQTagFwd TruthValue, svcTlsBackboneUseEsBMac TruthValue, svcTlsBackboneEvpnFlush TruthValue } svcTlsBackboneSrcMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBackboneSrcMac specifies the Backbone Source MAC Address for Provider Backbone Bridging packets. If not provisioned, it defaults to the loopback chassis MAC Address. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object when the value of svcVplsType is not 'bVpls'." DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { svcTlsBackboneInfoEntry 1 } svcTlsBackboneVplsSvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBackboneVplsSvcId specifies the Backbone-VPLS service associated with this service. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object when the value of svcVplsType is not 'iVpls'. Setting the value of this object to its default value will also set the value of svcTlsBackboneVplsStp to its default value." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsBackboneInfoEntry 2 } svcTlsBackboneVplsSvcISID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcISID MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsBackboneVplsSvcISID specifies a 24 bit (0..16777215) service instance identifier for this service. As part of the Provider Backbone Bridging frames, it is used at the destination PE as a demultiplexor field. The default value of -1 is used to indicate the value of this object is unspecified. This object must be set along with svcTlsBackboneVplsSvcId. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object when the value of svcVplsType is not 'iVpls'." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { svcTlsBackboneInfoEntry 3 } svcTlsBackboneOperSrcMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBackboneOperSrcMac indicates the operational Backbone Source MAC Address for Provider Backbone Bridging packets." ::= { svcTlsBackboneInfoEntry 4 } svcTlsBackboneOperVplsSvcISID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcISID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBackboneOperVplsSvcISID indicates operational value of service instance identifier used for this service. As part of the Provider Backbone Bridging frames, it is used at the destination PE as a demultiplexor field." ::= { svcTlsBackboneInfoEntry 5 } svcTlsBackboneLDPMacFlush OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBackboneLDPMacFlush specifies whether 'LDP MAC withdraw all from me' message received in the 'iVpls' domain should attempt to generate a new 'LDP MAC withdraw all from me' message in the 'bVpls' domain. Generation of the 'LDP MAC withdraw all from me' message is still constrained by the svcTlsMacFlushOnFail value in the 'bVpls'. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object when the value of svcVplsType is not 'iVpls'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsBackboneInfoEntry 6 } svcTlsBackboneVplsStp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBackboneVplsStp specifies whether STP is enabled on the Backbone VPLS specified by svcTlsBackboneVplsSvcId. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object when the value of svcVplsType is not 'iVpls' or if an attempt is made to set this object to enable when the value of svcTlsBackboneVplsSvcId is set to the default. The value of this object is set to disable when the value of svcTlsBackboneVplsSvcId is set to default." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcTlsBackboneInfoEntry 7 } svcTlsBackboneLDPMacFlushNotMine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBackboneLDPMacFlushNotMine specifies whether 'LDP MAC withdraw' message received in the 'iVpls' domain should attempt to generate a new 'LDP MAC withdraw' message in the 'bVpls' domain. Generation of the 'LDP MAC withdraw' message is still constrained by the svcTlsMacFlushOnFail value in the 'bVpls'. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object when the value of svcVplsType is not 'iVpls'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsBackboneInfoEntry 8 } svcTlsBackboneUseSapBMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBackboneUseSapBMac specifies whether to enable dual-homing to use source Backbone MAC Address allocated for multi-homed SAPs (assigned to an MC-LAG) in the related service with svcVplsType set to 'i-vpls' or with svcType set to 'epipe'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsBackboneInfoEntry 9 } svcTlsBackboneForceQTagFwd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBackboneForceQTagFwd specifies whether to enable addition of an IEEE 802.1q tag after the Customer MAC address when the PBB header is built, as it egresses related 'b-vpls' service. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned when the value of this object is set to the non-default value and svcVplsType of this service is not set to 'i-vpls'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsBackboneInfoEntry 10 } svcTlsBackboneUseEsBMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBackboneUseEsBMac specifies the use of an ESI-BMAC(Ethernet segment identifier-Backbone Mac), derived from the svcTlsBackboneOperSrcMac and tmnxSvcSysEthSegSourceBMacLSB." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsBackboneInfoEntry 11 } svcTlsBackboneEvpnFlush OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBackboneEvpnFlush specifies whether to enable the procedures to trigger ISID-based CMAC-flush signaling in the service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsBackboneInfoEntry 12 } tlsMFibTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TlsMFibEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tlsMFibTable contains the Multicast FIB for this Tls." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 28 } tlsMFibEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TlsMFibEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tlsMFibTable. Each entry indicates whether traffic from a certain source to a certain multicast destination (group) needs to be forwarded or blocked on the indicated SAP/SDP." INDEX { svcId, tlsMFibEntryType, tlsMFibGrpMacAddr, tlsMFibGrpInetAddrType, tlsMFibGrpInetAddr, tlsMFibSrcInetAddrType, tlsMFibSrcInetAddr, tlsMFibLocale, tlsMFibPortId, tlsMFibEncapValue, tlsMFibSdpId, tlsMFibVcId } ::= { tlsMFibTable 1 } TlsMFibEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tlsMFibEntryType INTEGER, tlsMFibGrpMacAddr MacAddress, tlsMFibGrpInetAddrType InetAddressType, tlsMFibGrpInetAddr InetAddress, tlsMFibSrcInetAddrType InetAddressType, tlsMFibSrcInetAddr InetAddress, tlsMFibLocale MfibLocation, tlsMFibPortId TmnxPortID, tlsMFibEncapValue TmnxEncapVal, tlsMFibSdpId SdpId, tlsMFibVcId Unsigned32, tlsMFibFwdOrBlk MfibGrpSrcFwdOrBlk, tlsMFibSvcId TmnxServId } tlsMFibEntryType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ipBased (1), macBased (2) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsMFibEntryType indicates the type of this tlsMFibEntry. - macBased: entry used for macBased multicast, as for MLD-snooping and 802.1ak MMRP. - ipBased: entry used for ip-based multicast, as for IGMP-snooping and PIM-snooping." ::= { tlsMFibEntry 1 } tlsMFibGrpMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsMFibGrpMacAddr indicates the MAC address for which this table entry contains information. This value is only meaningful if the value of tlsMFibEntryType is 'macBased (2)'." ::= { tlsMFibEntry 2 } tlsMFibGrpInetAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsMFibGrpInetAddrType indicates the type of tlsMFibGrpInetAddr." ::= { tlsMFibEntry 3 } tlsMFibGrpInetAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsMFibGrpInetAddr indicates the multicast destination IP address for which this table entry contains information." ::= { tlsMFibEntry 4 } tlsMFibSrcInetAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsMFibSrcInetAddrType indicates the type of tlsMFibSrcInetAddr." ::= { tlsMFibEntry 5 } tlsMFibSrcInetAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsMFibSrcInetAddr indicates the unicast source IP address for which this table entry contains information." ::= { tlsMFibEntry 6 } tlsMFibLocale OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MfibLocation MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsMFibLocale indicates if the information in this entry pertains to a 'sap' or to an 'sdp'." ::= { tlsMFibEntry 7 } tlsMFibPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsMFibPortId indicates, together with the object tlsMFibEncapValue, the SAP for which this entry contains information. This value of this object is only meaningful when the value of tlsMFibLocale is 'sap'. Otherwise it contains the value 0." ::= { tlsMFibEntry 8 } tlsMFibEncapValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEncapVal MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsMFibEncapValue indicates, together with the object tlsMFibPortId, the SAP for which this entry contains information. This value of this object is only meaningful when the value of tlsMFibLocale is 'sap'. Otherwise it contains the value 0." ::= { tlsMFibEntry 9 } tlsMFibSdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsMFibSdpId indicates, together with the object tlsMFibVcId, the SDP Binding for which this entry contains information. This value of this object is only meaningful when the value of tlsMFibLocale is 'sdp'. Otherwise it contains the value 0." ::= { tlsMFibEntry 10 } tlsMFibVcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The value of tlsMFibVcId indicates, together with the object tlsMFibSdpId, the SDP Binding for which this entry contains information. This value of this object is only meaningful when the value of tlsMFibLocale is 'sdp'. Otherwise it contains the value 0." ::= { tlsMFibEntry 11 } tlsMFibFwdOrBlk OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MfibGrpSrcFwdOrBlk MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsMFibFwdOrBlk indicates if traffic for the indicated (S,G) pair will be blocked or forwarded on the indicated SAP or SDP." ::= { tlsMFibEntry 12 } tlsMFibSvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsMFibSvcId indicates the TLS service to which the indicated SAP or SDP belongs." ::= { tlsMFibEntry 13 } tlsMFibStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TlsMFibStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tlsMFibStatsTable contains statistics for the entries in the IPv4 Multicast FIB for this Tls. These statistics are collected by the forwarding engine." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 29 } tlsMFibStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TlsMFibStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tlsMFibStatsTable." INDEX { svcId, tlsMFibStatsEntryType, tlsMFibStatsGrpMacAddr, tlsMFibStatsGrpInetAddrType, tlsMFibStatsGrpInetAddr, tlsMFibStatsSrcInetAddrType, tlsMFibStatsSrcInetAddr } ::= { tlsMFibStatsTable 1 } TlsMFibStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tlsMFibStatsEntryType INTEGER, tlsMFibStatsGrpMacAddr MacAddress, tlsMFibStatsGrpInetAddrType InetAddressType, tlsMFibStatsGrpInetAddr InetAddress, tlsMFibStatsSrcInetAddrType InetAddressType, tlsMFibStatsSrcInetAddr InetAddress, tlsMFibStatsForwardedPkts Counter64, tlsMFibStatsForwardedOctets Counter64 } tlsMFibStatsEntryType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ipBased (1), macBased (2) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsMFibStatsEntryType indicates the type of this tlsMFibStatsEntry. - macBased: entry used for macBased multicast, as for MLD-snooping and 802.1ak MMRP. - ipBased: entry used for ip-based multicast, as for IGMP-snooping and PIM-snooping." ::= { tlsMFibStatsEntry 1 } tlsMFibStatsGrpMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsMFibStatsGrpMacAddr indicates the MAC address for which this table entry contains information. This value is only meaningful if the value of tlsMFibStatsEntryType is 'macBased (2)'." ::= { tlsMFibStatsEntry 2 } tlsMFibStatsGrpInetAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsMFibStatsGrpInetAddrType indicates the type of tlsMFibStatsGrpInetAddr." ::= { tlsMFibStatsEntry 3 } tlsMFibStatsGrpInetAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsMFibStatsGrpInetAddr indicates the multicast destination IP address for which this table entry contains information." ::= { tlsMFibStatsEntry 4 } tlsMFibStatsSrcInetAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsMFibStatsSrcInetAddrType indicates the type of tlsMFibStatsSrcInetAddr." ::= { tlsMFibStatsEntry 5 } tlsMFibStatsSrcInetAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsMFibStatsSrcInetAddr indicates the unicast source IP address for which this table entry contains information." ::= { tlsMFibStatsEntry 6 } tlsMFibStatsForwardedPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsMFibStatsForwardedPkts indicates the number of multicast packets that were forwarded to the SAPs and SDPs listed in the tlsMFibInfoTable." ::= { tlsMFibStatsEntry 7 } tlsMFibStatsForwardedOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsMFibStatsForwardedOctets indicates the number of octets that were forwarded to the SAPs and SDPs listed in the tlsMFibInfoTable." ::= { tlsMFibStatsEntry 8 } svcTlsBgpADTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpADTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcTlsBgpADTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 30 } svcTlsBgpADTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsBgpADEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcTlsBgpADTable contains entries for BGP Auto-Discovery in a VPLS service context." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 31 } svcTlsBgpADEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsBgpADEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A BGP Auto-Discovery entry in the svcTlsBgpADTable." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcTlsBgpADTable 1 } SvcTlsBgpADEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsBgpADRowStatus RowStatus, svcTlsBgpADLastChanged TimeStamp, svcTlsBgpADVplsId TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher, svcTlsBgpADVsiPrefix Unsigned32, svcTlsBgpADVsiRD TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher, svcTlsBgpADExportRteTarget TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcTlsBgpADImportRteTarget TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcTlsBgpADAdminStatus TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState, svcTlsBgpADCreationOrigin TmnxCreateOrigin } svcTlsBgpADRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpADRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of BGP Auto-Discovery context in a VPLS service." ::= { svcTlsBgpADEntry 1 } svcTlsBgpADLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpADLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { svcTlsBgpADEntry 2 } svcTlsBgpADVplsId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpADVplsId specifies the globally unique VPLS-id for BGP Auto-Discovery in this VPLS service. The value of svcTlsBgpADAdminStatus cannot be 'enabled' until a VPLS-id has been assigned which is not all zeros." DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H } ::= { svcTlsBgpADEntry 3 } svcTlsBgpADVsiPrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpADVsiPrefix specifies the low-order 4 bytes used to compose the Virtual Switch Instance identifier (VSI-id) to use for NLRI in BGP Auto-Discovery in this VPLS service. If the value of svcTlsBgpADVsiPrefix is 0, the system IP address will be used." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsBgpADEntry 4 } svcTlsBgpADVsiRD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpADVsiRD specifies the high-order 6 bytes used to compose the Virtual Switch Instance identifier (VSI-id) to use for NLRI in BGP Auto-Discovery in this VPLS service. If the value of svcTlsBgpADVsiRD is 0x0000000000000000, the lower 6 bytes of the VPLS-id, as specified by svcTlsBgpADVplsId, will be used. This object is obsoleted and replaced with svcTlsBgpVsiRD object in 8.0 release." DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H } ::= { svcTlsBgpADEntry 5 } svcTlsBgpADExportRteTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpADExportRteTarget specifies the extended community name for the default export policy to use for BGP Auto-Discovery in this VPLS service. This object cannot be set to a non-empty if svcTlsBgpADExportRteTarget has a non-empty value, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error will be returned. This object is obsoleted and replaced with svcTlsBgpExportRteTarget object in 8.0 release." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcTlsBgpADEntry 6 } svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy1 specifies the name of the first VSI export policy to be used for BGP Auto-Discovery in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy1 through svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU. This object is obsoleted and replaced with svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy1 object in 8.0 release." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsBgpADEntry 7 } svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy2 specifies the name of the second VSI export policy to be used for BGP Auto-Discovery in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy1 through svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU. This object is obsoleted and replaced with svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy2 object in 8.0 release." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsBgpADEntry 8 } svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy3 specifies the name of the third VSI export policy to be used for BGP Auto-Discovery in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy1 through svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU. This object is obsoleted and replaced with svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy3 object in 8.0 release." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsBgpADEntry 9 } svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy4 specifies the name of the forth VSI export policy to be used for BGP Auto-Discovery in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy1 through svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU. This object is obsoleted and replaced with svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy4 object in 8.0 release." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsBgpADEntry 10 } svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy5 specifies the name of the fifth VSI export policy to be used for BGP Auto-Discovery in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy1 through svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU. This object is obsoleted and replaced with svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy5 object in 8.0 release." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsBgpADEntry 11 } svcTlsBgpADImportRteTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpADImportRteTarget specifies the extended community name for the default import policy to use for BGP Auto-Discovery in this VPLS service. This object cannot be set to a non-empty if svcTlsBgpADImportRteTarget has a non-empty value, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error will be returned. This object is obsoleted and replaced with svcTlsBgpImportRteTarget object in 8.0 release." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcTlsBgpADEntry 12 } svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy1 specifies the name of the first VSI export policy to be used for BGP Auto-Discovery in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy1 through svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU. This object is obsoleted and replaced with svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy1 object in 8.0 release." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsBgpADEntry 13 } svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy2 specifies the name of the second VSI export policy to be used for BGP Auto-Discovery in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy1 through svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU. This object is obsoleted and replaced with svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy2 object in 8.0 release." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsBgpADEntry 14 } svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy3 specifies the name of the third VSI export policy to be used for BGP Auto-Discovery in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy1 through svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU. This object is obsoleted and replaced with svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy3 object in 8.0 release." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsBgpADEntry 15 } svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy4 specifies the name of the forth VSI export policy to be used for BGP Auto-Discovery in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy1 through svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU. This object is obsoleted and replaced with svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy4 object in 8.0 release." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsBgpADEntry 16 } svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy5 specifies the name of the fifth VSI export policy to be used for BGP Auto-Discovery in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy1 through svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU. This object is obsoleted and replaced with svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy5 object in 8.0 release." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsBgpADEntry 17 } svcTlsBgpADAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpADAdminStatus specifies the desired administrative state for BGP Auto-Discovery in this VPLS service." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcTlsBgpADEntry 18 } svcTlsBgpADCreationOrigin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCreateOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpADCreationOrigin indicates the mechanism used to create this entry." DEFVAL { manual } ::= { svcTlsBgpADEntry 19 } svcEpipePbbTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipePbbTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcEpipePbbTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 36 } svcEpipePbbTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEpipePbbEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEpipePbbTable contains objects related to Provider Backbone Bridging (PBB) feature as relates to 'epipe' services. Entries are created and destroyed using svcEpipePbbRowStatus object." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 37 } svcEpipePbbEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEpipePbbEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains objects that allows the modification of the PBB objects for an 'epipe' service." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcEpipePbbTable 1 } SvcEpipePbbEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEpipePbbRowStatus RowStatus, svcEpipePbbLastChngd TimeStamp, svcEpipePbbBvplsSvcId TmnxServId, svcEpipePbbBvplsDstMac MacAddress, svcEpipePbbSvcISID SvcISID, svcEpipePbbOperState ServiceOperStatus, svcEpipePbbFlooding TruthValue, svcEpipePbbLastStatusChange TimeStamp, svcEpipePbbBvplsOperDstMac MacAddress, svcEpipePbbBvplsDstMacName TNamedItemOrEmpty } svcEpipePbbRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipePbbRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of Provider Backbone Bridging information in a EPIPE service. To create an entry in the table, svcEpipePbbBvplsSvcId, svcEpipePbbSvcISID objects must be set along with svcEpipePbbBvplsDstMac or svcEpipePbbBvplsDstMacName object set to non-default value." ::= { svcEpipePbbEntry 1 } svcEpipePbbLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipePbbLastChngd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { svcEpipePbbEntry 2 } svcEpipePbbBvplsSvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipePbbBvplsSvcId specifies the Backbone-VPLS service for the PBB tunnel associated with this service. This object must be set at the creation time and can not be modified later." ::= { svcEpipePbbEntry 3 } svcEpipePbbBvplsDstMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipePbbBvplsDstMac specifies the Backbone Destination MAC Address for Provider Backbone Bridging packets. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if svcEpipePbbBvplsDstMac or svcEpipePbbBvplsDstMacName object is not set to non-default value." DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { svcEpipePbbEntry 4 } svcEpipePbbSvcISID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcISID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEpipePbbSvcISID specifies a 24 bit (0..16777215) service instance identifier for the PBB tunnel associated with this service. As part of the Provider Backbone Bridging frames, it is used at the destination PE as a demultiplexor field. This object must be set along with svcEpipePbbBvplsSvcId." ::= { svcEpipePbbEntry 5 } svcEpipePbbOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEpipePbbOperState indicates the operating state of PBB tunnel associated with this service." ::= { svcEpipePbbEntry 6 } svcEpipePbbFlooding OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEpipePbbFlooding indicates the state for traffic flowing into the Backbone-VPLS through PBB tunnel. If the backbone-destination MAC is found in the FDB of Backbone-VPLS then traffic will be sent to specific SAP/SDP and this object will be set to 'false'. In case of SPB Managed Backbone-VPLS, if backbone-destination MAC is not found in the FDB of Backbone-VPLS then traffic will not be sent out of any SAP/SDP and this object will be set to 'false'. Otherwise, traffic will be flooded to all SAP/SDP bindings in the Backbone-VPLS and the object will be set to 'true'." ::= { svcEpipePbbEntry 7 } svcEpipePbbLastStatusChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEpipePbbLastStatusChange indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent operating status change to this tunnel." ::= { svcEpipePbbEntry 8 } svcEpipePbbBvplsOperDstMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipePbbBvplsOperDstMac indicates the operational Backbone Destination MAC Address for Provider Backbone Bridging packets." ::= { svcEpipePbbEntry 9 } svcEpipePbbBvplsDstMacName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipePbbBvplsDstMacName specifies the Backbone Destination MAC Address Name for Provider Backbone Bridging packets. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if svcEpipePbbBvplsDstMac or svcEpipePbbBvplsDstMacName object is not set to non-default value." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcEpipePbbEntry 10 } tlsPipInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TlsPipInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains TLS PIP (Provider Internal Port) uplink information. PIP is the virtual link between I and B components of PBB (Provider Backbone Bridging) model. I component refers to a service with svcVplsType set to 'iVpls (3)' and B component refers to a service with svcVplsType set to 'bVpls (2)'. When any form of STP is enabled in the iVpls domain, the PIP uplink is modeled as a regular STP port." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 40 } tlsPipInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TlsPipInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TLS specific information about PIP uplink." INDEX { svcId } ::= { tlsPipInfoTable 1 } TlsPipInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tlsPipStpPortState TStpPortState, tlsPipStpPortRole StpPortRole, tlsPipStpDesignatedBridge BridgeId, tlsPipStpDesignatedPort Integer32, tlsPipStpException StpExceptionCondition, tlsPipStpForwardTransitions Counter32, tlsPipStpInConfigBpdus Counter32, tlsPipStpInTcnBpdus Counter32, tlsPipStpInRstBpdus Counter32, tlsPipStpInMstBpdus Counter32, tlsPipStpInBadBpdus Counter32, tlsPipStpOutConfigBpdus Counter32, tlsPipStpOutTcnBpdus Counter32, tlsPipStpOutRstBpdus Counter32, tlsPipStpOutMstBpdus Counter32, tlsPipStpOperStatus ServiceOperStatus, tlsPipStpMvplsPruneState MvplsPruneState, tlsPipStpOperProtocol StpProtocol, tlsPipStpPortNum Unsigned32, tlsPipStpInsideRegion TruthValue, tlsPipInTcBitBpdus Counter32, tlsPipOutTcBitBpdus Counter32 } tlsPipStpPortState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TStpPortState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsPipStpPortState indicates the PIP uplink's current state as defined by application of the Spanning Tree Protocol. This state controls what action PIP uplink takes on reception of a frame. If the bridge has detected a port that is malfunctioning it will place that port into the 'broken (6)' state." ::= { tlsPipInfoEntry 1 } tlsPipStpPortRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StpPortRole MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsPipStpPortRole indicates the current role of the PIP uplink as defined by the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol." ::= { tlsPipInfoEntry 2 } tlsPipStpDesignatedBridge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BridgeId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsPipStpDesignatedBridge indicates the Bridge Identifier of the bridge which this PIP uplink considers to be the Designated Bridge for this port's segment." ::= { tlsPipInfoEntry 3 } tlsPipStpDesignatedPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsPipStpDesignatedPort indicates the Port Identifier of the port on the Designated Bridge for this port's segment." ::= { tlsPipInfoEntry 4 } tlsPipStpException OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StpExceptionCondition MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsPipStpException indicates whether an STP exception condition is present on this Pip. - none : no exception condition found. - oneWayCommuniation : The neighbor RSTP peer on this link is not able to detect our presence. - downstreamLoopDetected :A loop is detected on this link." ::= { tlsPipInfoEntry 5 } tlsPipStpForwardTransitions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsPipStpForwardTransitions indicates the number of times this port has transitioned from the Learning state to the Forwarding state." ::= { tlsPipInfoEntry 6 } tlsPipStpInConfigBpdus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsPipStpInConfigBpdus indicates the number of Configuration BPDUs received on this PIP uplink." ::= { tlsPipInfoEntry 7 } tlsPipStpInTcnBpdus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsPipStpInTcnBpdus indicates the number of Topology Change Notification BPDUs received on this PIP uplink." ::= { tlsPipInfoEntry 8 } tlsPipStpInRstBpdus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsPipStpInRstBpdus indicates the number of Rapid Spanning Tree (RST) BPDUs received on this PIP uplink." ::= { tlsPipInfoEntry 9 } tlsPipStpInMstBpdus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsPipStpInMstBpdus indicates the number of Multiple Spanning Tree (MST) BPDUs received on this PIP uplink." ::= { tlsPipInfoEntry 10 } tlsPipStpInBadBpdus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of bad BPDUs received on this PIP uplink." ::= { tlsPipInfoEntry 11 } tlsPipStpOutConfigBpdus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsPipStpOutConfigBpdus indicates the number of Configuration BPDUs sent out this PIP uplink." ::= { tlsPipInfoEntry 12 } tlsPipStpOutTcnBpdus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of Topology Change Notification BPDUs sent out this PIP uplink." ::= { tlsPipInfoEntry 13 } tlsPipStpOutRstBpdus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsPipStpOutRstBpdus indicates the number of Rapid Spanning Tree (RST) BPDUs sent out on this PIP uplink." ::= { tlsPipInfoEntry 14 } tlsPipStpOutMstBpdus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsPipStpOutMstBpdus indicates the number of Multiple Spanning Tree (MST) BPDUs sent out on this PIP uplink." ::= { tlsPipInfoEntry 15 } tlsPipStpOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsPipStpOperStatus indicates the operational status of this PIP uplink." ::= { tlsPipInfoEntry 16 } tlsPipStpMvplsPruneState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MvplsPruneState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsPipStpMvplsPruneState indicates the mVPLS prune state of this PIP uplink. The state reflects whether or not this uplink is pruned by the STP instance running in the mVPLS instance." ::= { tlsPipInfoEntry 17 } tlsPipStpOperProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StpProtocol MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsPipStpOperProtocol indicates whether 'stp', 'rstp' or 'mstp' is running on this PIP uplink. If the protocol is not enabled on this PIP uplink, the value 'notApplicable' is returned." ::= { tlsPipInfoEntry 18 } tlsPipStpPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsPipStpPortNum indicates the value of the port number field which is contained in the least significant 12 bits of the 16-bit Port ID associated with this PIP uplink." ::= { tlsPipInfoEntry 19 } tlsPipStpInsideRegion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsPipStpInsideRegion indicates whether the network connected to the PIP is in the same MST region. It corresponds to the parameter 'infoInternal' in 802.1Q." ::= { tlsPipInfoEntry 20 } tlsPipInTcBitBpdus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsPipInTcBitBpdus indicates the number of BPDUs received on this PIP uplink with the Topology Change bit set." ::= { tlsPipInfoEntry 21 } tlsPipOutTcBitBpdus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of BPDUs sent out this PIP uplink with the Topology Change bit set." ::= { tlsPipInfoEntry 22 } tlsPipMstiTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TlsPipMstiEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains Multiple Spanning Tree Instance information for the PIP uplink. Each management VPLS running MSTP can have up to 15 MSTI. An entry in this table is automatically created when a tlsMstiEntry is created." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 41 } tlsPipMstiEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TlsPipMstiEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a specific MSTI for a PIP uplink." INDEX { svcId, tlsMstiInstanceId } ::= { tlsPipMstiTable 1 } TlsPipMstiEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tlsPipMstiPortRole StpPortRole, tlsPipMstiPortState TStpPortState, tlsPipMstiDesignatedBridge BridgeId, tlsPipMstiDesignatedPort Integer32 } tlsPipMstiPortRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StpPortRole MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tlsPipMstiPortRole indicates the current role of the PIP uplink in the MSTI as defined by the Spanning Tree Protocol." ::= { tlsPipMstiEntry 1 } tlsPipMstiPortState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TStpPortState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsPipMstiPortState indicates the port's current state as defined by application of the Spanning Tree Protocol. This state controls what action a port takes on reception of a frame. If the bridge has detected a port that is malfunctioning it will place that port into the broken(6) state." ::= { tlsPipMstiEntry 2 } tlsPipMstiDesignatedBridge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BridgeId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsPipMstiDesignatedBridge indicates the Bridge Identifier of the bridge which this port considers to be the Designated Bridge for this port's segment for this MSTI." ::= { tlsPipMstiEntry 3 } tlsPipMstiDesignatedPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsPipMstiDesignatedPort indicates the Port Identifier of the port on the Designated Bridge for this port's segment for this MSTI." ::= { tlsPipMstiEntry 4 } svcTotalFdbMimDestIdxEntries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTotalFdbMimDestIdxEntries indicates the number of system wide Backbone MAC address indices in use." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 42 } svcDhcpManagedRouteTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcDhcpManagedRouteEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A table that contains DHCP managed routes. This table is obsoleted, use the tmnxSvcDhcpMRtTable instead." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 43 } svcDhcpManagedRouteEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcDhcpManagedRouteEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A specific DHCP managed route." INDEX { svcId, svcDhcpLeaseCiAddrType, svcDhcpLeaseCiAddr, svcDhcpManagedRouteInetAddrType, svcDhcpManagedRouteInetAddr, svcDhcpManagedRoutePrefixLen } ::= { svcDhcpManagedRouteTable 1 } SvcDhcpManagedRouteEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcDhcpManagedRouteInetAddrType InetAddressType, svcDhcpManagedRouteInetAddr InetAddress, svcDhcpManagedRoutePrefixLen InetAddressPrefixLength, svcDhcpManagedRouteStatus TmnxManagedRouteStatus, svcDhcpManagedRouteMetric TmnxRadiusFramedRouteMetric, svcDhcpManagedRoutePreference TmnxRadiusFramedRoutePreference, svcDhcpManagedRouteTag TmnxRadiusFramedRouteTag } svcDhcpManagedRouteInetAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpManagedRouteInetAddrType indicates the address type of svcDhcpManagedRouteInetAddr." ::= { svcDhcpManagedRouteEntry 1 } svcDhcpManagedRouteInetAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpManagedRouteInetAddr indicates the IP address of the managed route." ::= { svcDhcpManagedRouteEntry 2 } svcDhcpManagedRoutePrefixLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength (0..128) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpManagedRoutePrefixLen indicates the prefix length of the subnet associated with svcDhcpManagedRouteInetAddr." ::= { svcDhcpManagedRouteEntry 3 } svcDhcpManagedRouteStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxManagedRouteStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpManagedRouteStatus indicates the state of this managed route." ::= { svcDhcpManagedRouteEntry 4 } svcDhcpManagedRouteMetric OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRadiusFramedRouteMetric MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpManagedRouteMetric indicates the metric of this managed route as specified in the RADIUS option 22 Framed-Route or option 99 Framed-IPv6-Route." ::= { svcDhcpManagedRouteEntry 5 } svcDhcpManagedRoutePreference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRadiusFramedRoutePreference MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpManagedRoutePreference indicates the preference of this managed route as specified in the RADIUS option 22 Framed-Route or option 99 Framed-IPv6-Route." ::= { svcDhcpManagedRouteEntry 6 } svcDhcpManagedRouteTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRadiusFramedRouteTag MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpManagedRouteTag indicates the tag of this managed route as specified in the RADIUS option 22 Framed-Route or option 99 Framed-IPv6-Route." ::= { svcDhcpManagedRouteEntry 7 } svcArpHostTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the svcArpHostTable. If there were no changes in the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 44 } svcArpHostTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcArpHostEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains ARP hosts." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 45 } svcArpHostEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcArpHostEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a specific ARP host." INDEX { svcId, svcArpHostIpAddrType, svcArpHostIpAddr } ::= { svcArpHostTable 1 } SvcArpHostEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcArpHostIpAddrType InetAddressType, svcArpHostIpAddr InetAddress, svcArpHostLocale ServAccessLocation, svcArpHostSapPortId TmnxPortID, svcArpHostSapEncapValue TmnxEncapVal, svcArpHostSdpId SdpId, svcArpHostVcId Unsigned32, svcArpHostSessionTimeout Unsigned32, svcArpHostStart DateAndTime, svcArpHostLastAuth DateAndTime, svcArpHostRefresh DateAndTime, svcArpHostRemainingTime Unsigned32, svcArpHostShcvOperState ServShcvOperState, svcArpHostShcvChecks Unsigned32, svcArpHostShcvReplies Unsigned32, svcArpHostShcvReplyTime TimeStamp, svcArpHostSubscrIdent TmnxSubIdentStringOrEmpty, svcArpHostSubProfString TmnxSubProfileStringOrEmpty, svcArpHostSlaProfString TmnxSlaProfileStringOrEmpty, svcArpHostAppProfString TmnxAppProfileStringOrEmpty, svcArpHostAncpString TmnxAncpStringOrZero, svcArpHostInterDestId TmnxSubMgtIntDestIdOrEmpty, svcArpHostRetailerSvcId TmnxServId, svcArpHostRetailerIf InterfaceIndexOrZero, svcArpHostMacAddr MacAddress, svcArpHostPersistKey Unsigned32, svcArpHostCategoryMapName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcArpHostRadiusClassAttr OCTET STRING, svcArpHostRadiusUserName DisplayString, svcArpHostOriginSubscrId ArpHostInfoOrigin, svcArpHostOriginStrings ArpHostInfoOrigin } svcArpHostIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostIpAddrType indicates the address type of svcArpHostIpAddr." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 1 } svcArpHostIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostIpAddr indicates the IP address of the ARP host." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 2 } svcArpHostLocale OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServAccessLocation MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostLocale indicates if the ARP Host is learned via a SAP or spoke SDP." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 3 } svcArpHostSapPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of svcArpHostLocale is 'sap', the object svcArpHostSapPortId along with the object svcArpHostSapEncapValue, indicates the SAP where this ARP host is learned. This object is otherwise insignificant and contains the value 0." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 4 } svcArpHostSapEncapValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEncapVal MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of svcArpHostLocale is 'sap', the object svcArpHostSapPortId along with the object svcArpHostSapEncapValue, indicates the SAP where this ARP host is learned. This object is otherwise insignificant and contains the value 0." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 5 } svcArpHostSdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of svcArpHostLocale is 'sdp', the object svcArpHostSdpId, along with the object svcArpHostVcId, indicates the SDP Binding where this ARP host is learned. This object is otherwise insignificant and contains the value 0." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 6 } svcArpHostVcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of svcArpHostLocale is 'sdp', the object svcArpHostVcId, along with the object svcArpHostSdpId, indicates the SDP Binding where this ARP host is learned. This object is otherwise insignificant and contains the value 0." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 7 } svcArpHostSessionTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSessionTimeout indicates the session timeout of this ARP host. The session timeout can be configured in the Radius server. If no session timeout is specified, its value is equal to the value of the object svcArpHostDefaultSessionTimeout." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 8 } svcArpHostStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime (SIZE (11)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostStart indicates the time of the creation of this entry." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 9 } svcArpHostLastAuth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime (SIZE (11)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostLastAuth indicates the time of the last authentication." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 10 } svcArpHostRefresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime (SIZE (11)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostRefresh indicates the time of the last refresh of this ARP host. Note that not every refresh requires authentication." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 11 } svcArpHostRemainingTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostRemainingTime indicates the remaining time of this ARP host." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 12 } svcArpHostShcvOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServShcvOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostShcvOperState indicates the state of the subscriber host connectivity check for this ARP host." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 13 } svcArpHostShcvChecks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostShcvChecks indicates the number of host connectivity check requests for this ARP host." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 14 } svcArpHostShcvReplies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostShcvReplies indicates the number of host connectivity replies for this ARP host." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 15 } svcArpHostShcvReplyTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostShcvReplyTime indicates the time of the last successful host connectivity check for this ARP host." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 16 } svcArpHostSubscrIdent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubIdentStringOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSubscrIdent indicates the id of the parent subscriber of this ARP host." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 17 } svcArpHostSubProfString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubProfileStringOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSubProfString indicates the subscriber profile string applicable for this ARP host." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 18 } svcArpHostSlaProfString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSlaProfileStringOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSlaProfString indicates the SLA profile string applicable for this ARP host." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 19 } svcArpHostAppProfString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAppProfileStringOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostAppProfString indicates the application profile string applicable for this ARP host." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 20 } svcArpHostAncpString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAncpStringOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object svcArpHostAncpString indicates the value of the ANCP-string received from the RADIUS server." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 21 } svcArpHostInterDestId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubMgtIntDestIdOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object svcArpHostInterDestId indicates the intermediate destination identifier received from the RADIUS server." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 22 } svcArpHostRetailerSvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostRetailerSvcId indicates the service ID of the retailer VPRN service to which this ARP host belongs. When this object is non zero, the ARP host belongs to a retailer VPRN." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 23 } svcArpHostRetailerIf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostRetailerIf indicates the interface index of the retailer VPRN interface to which this ARP host belongs. When this object is non zero, the ARP host belongs to a retailer VPRN." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 24 } svcArpHostMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostMacAddr indicates the MAC address of this ARP host." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 25 } svcArpHostPersistKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostPersistKey indicates a key value that can be used to track this ARP host in the persistence file." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 26 } svcArpHostCategoryMapName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object svcArpHostCategoryMapName indicates the value of the category map name received from the RADIUS server." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 27 } svcArpHostRadiusClassAttr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..253)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostRadiusClassAttr indicates the Class attribute returned by the RADIUS server in an Access-Accept message. If no RADIUS authentication is performed for this ARP host, or RADIUS did not return this attribute, the value of this object is empty." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 28 } svcArpHostRadiusUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..253)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostRadiusUserName indicates the User-Name attribute returned by the RADIUS server in an Access-Accept message. If RADIUS did not return this attribute, the value of this object is equal to the User-Name attribute sent in the original Access-Request message. If no RADIUS authentication is performed for this ARP host, the value of this object is empty." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 29 } svcArpHostOriginSubscrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArpHostInfoOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostOriginSubscrId indicates which source provided the subscriber-id." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 30 } svcArpHostOriginStrings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArpHostInfoOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostOriginStrings indicates which server provided the Sub-profile, SLA profile, Ancp string and Intermediate Destination Id." ::= { svcArpHostEntry 31 } svcArpHostIfTableLastMgmtChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostIfTableLastMgmtChange indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to the svcArpHostIfTable." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 46 } svcArpHostIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcArpHostIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains IES interface ARP host configuration information. A row is automatically created in the svcArpHostIfTable for an entry in the iesIfTable where either the value of the object iesIfType - is equal to 'group (3)' and the value of the object iesIfGroupInterfaceType is equal to 'plain' or 'lns', or - equal to 'subscriber (2)' while the value of the objects iesIfFwdServId and iesIfFwdSubIf are not equal to zero. The first case is referred to as 'group interface' and the second as 'retailer interface'." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 47 } svcArpHostIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcArpHostIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ARP host specific information about an IES interface." INDEX { svcId, iesIfIndex } ::= { svcArpHostIfTable 1 } SvcArpHostIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcArpHostIfLastMgmtChange TimeStamp, svcArpHostIfAdminState TmnxAdminState, svcArpHostIfMaxNumHosts Unsigned32, svcArpHostIfMaxNumHostsSap Unsigned32, svcArpHostIfMinAuthInterval Unsigned32, svcArpHostIfNumHosts Gauge32 } svcArpHostIfLastMgmtChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostIfLastMgmtChange indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this table row." ::= { svcArpHostIfEntry 1 } svcArpHostIfAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcArpHostIfAdminState specifies the administrative state of the ARP host functionality on this IES interface. The default value of this object is equal to 'outOfService', except for a retailer interface, where it is 'inService'." ::= { svcArpHostIfEntry 2 } svcArpHostIfMaxNumHosts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..524287) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostIfMaxNumHosts specifies the maximum number of ARP hosts allowed on this IES interface. The default value of this object is equal to '1' except for a retailer interface, where it is the system limit." ::= { svcArpHostIfEntry 3 } svcArpHostIfMaxNumHostsSap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..131071) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostIfMaxNumHostsSap specifies the maximum number of ARP hosts per SAP allowed on this IES interface. The value of this object is not relevant in case of a retailer interface. In other cases, the default value is equal to '1'." ::= { svcArpHostIfEntry 4 } svcArpHostIfMinAuthInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..6000) UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostIfMinAuthInterval specifies the minimum interval between two consecutive authentication attempts for the same ARP host. The value of this object is not relevant in case of a retailer interface. In other cases, the default value is equal to '15'." ::= { svcArpHostIfEntry 5 } svcArpHostIfNumHosts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostIfNumHosts indicates the actual number of ARP hosts on this IES interface." ::= { svcArpHostIfEntry 6 } svcArpHostDefaultSessionTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostDefaultSessionTimeout indicates the default value of the ARP host session timeout. This default value is used if no value was specified, for instance by the Radius server." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 48 } svcIgmpTrkTableLastMgmtChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcIgmpTrkTableLastMgmtChange indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to the svcIgmpTrkTable." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 49 } svcIgmpTrkTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcIgmpTrkEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains IGMP host tracking information of a service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 50 } svcIgmpTrkEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcIgmpTrkEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IGMP host tracking information about a specific service." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcIgmpTrkTable 1 } SvcIgmpTrkEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcIgmpTrkLastMgmtChange TimeStamp, svcIgmpTrkAdminState TmnxAdminState, svcIgmpTrkExpiryTime Unsigned32 } svcIgmpTrkLastMgmtChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcIgmpTrkLastMgmtChange indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this table row." ::= { svcIgmpTrkEntry 1 } svcIgmpTrkAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcIgmpTrkAdminState specifies the administrative state of the IGMP host tracking in this service." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { svcIgmpTrkEntry 2 } svcIgmpTrkExpiryTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcIgmpTrkExpiryTime specifies the time in seconds that this system continues to track an inactive host." DEFVAL { 260 } ::= { svcIgmpTrkEntry 3 } svcIpipeInfoTableLastMgmtChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcIpipeInfoTableLastMgmtChange indicates the timestamp of last change to the svcIpipeInfoTable." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 51 } svcIpipeInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcIpipeInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains IPIPE service information." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 52 } svcIpipeInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcIpipeInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IPIPE specific information about a service." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcIpipeInfoTable 1 } SvcIpipeInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcIpipeInfoLastMgmtChange TimeStamp, svcIpipeCeAddressDiscovery TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcIpipeIpv6CeAddressDiscovery TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcIpipeStackCapabilitySignaling TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcIpipeCeAddressDiscoveryKeep TruthValue, svcIpipeEthFaultNotifRecTimer Unsigned32, svcIpipeEthFaultNotifAdminState TmnxAdminState } svcIpipeInfoLastMgmtChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcIpipeInfoLastMgmtChange indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management change to this row." ::= { svcIpipeInfoEntry 1 } svcIpipeCeAddressDiscovery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcIpipeCeAddressDiscovery specifies whether the service will automatically discover the CE IP addresses. If 'enabled', the addresses will be automatically discovered on SAPs that support address discovery, and on the Spoke SDPs. When 'enabled', addresses configuration on the Ipipe SAP and Spoke SDPs will not be allowed. If 'disabled', CE IP addresses need to be manually configured for the SAPs to become operationally 'up'. svcIpipeCeAddressDiscovery cannot be disabled if svcIpipeIpv6CeAddressDiscovery is 'enabled'." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcIpipeInfoEntry 2 } svcIpipeIpv6CeAddressDiscovery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcIpipeIpv6CeAddressDiscovery specifies whether the service will automatically discover the CE IPv6 addresses. If 'enabled', the addresses will be automatically discovered on SAPs that support address discovery, and on the Spoke SDPs. When 'enabled', addresses configuration on the Ipipe SAP and Spoke SDPs will not be allowed. If 'disabled', CE IP addresses need to be manually configured for the SAPs to become operationally 'up'. svcIpipeIpv6CeAddressDiscovery can only be enabled if svcIpipeCeAddressDiscovery is 'enabled' first." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcIpipeInfoEntry 3 } svcIpipeStackCapabilitySignaling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcIpipeStackCapabilitySignaling specifies whether this service should send the Stack Capability or not, and check whether the capability is received from the peer via LDP interface parameters. If 'enabled' and svcIpipeIpv6CeAddressDiscovery is also 'enabled', the Stack Capability interface parameter will be sent via LDP to the far end peer. As well, if one is not received from the peer, the label for this service will be released. If 'disabled', the capability will not be advertised to the peer, and the presence or absence of this capability from the peer is ignored." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcIpipeInfoEntry 4 } svcIpipeCeAddressDiscoveryKeep OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value svcIpipeCeAddressDiscoveryKeep specifies whether the discovered CE address is cleared or not when the SAP on which the address was learned changes to operationally down. If the SAP changes to administratively down, the address is cleared regardless of this configuration." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcIpipeInfoEntry 5 } svcIpipeEthFaultNotifRecTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (10..300) UNITS "deciseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcIpipeEthFaultNotifRecTimer specifies the time provided for the legacy protocols PPP, MLPPP and HDLC to establish before an Ethernet fault is declared." DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { svcIpipeInfoEntry 6 } svcIpipeEthFaultNotifAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcIpipeEthFaultNotifAdminState specifies the desired administrative state for ethernet legacy fault notification feature on this service." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { svcIpipeInfoEntry 7 } svcDhcpLeaseStateBgpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcDhcpLeaseStateBgpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The svcDhcpLeaseStateBgpTable augments the svcDhcpLeaseStateTable. This table contains the parameters used for BGP." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 53 } svcDhcpLeaseStateBgpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcDhcpLeaseStateBgpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains parameters used for BGP." AUGMENTS { svcDhcpLeaseStateEntry } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateBgpTable 1 } SvcDhcpLeaseStateBgpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcDhcpLseStateBgpPrngPlcyName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcDhcpLseStateBgpAuthKeyChain TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcDhcpLseStateBgpMD5AuthKey OCTET STRING, svcDhcpLseStateBgpImportPolicy TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcDhcpLseStateBgpExportPolicy TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcDhcpLseStateBgpPeerAS InetAutonomousSystemNumber, svcDhcpLseStateBgpPeeringStatus BgpPeeringStatus } svcDhcpLseStateBgpPrngPlcyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateBgpPrngPlcyName indicates the peering policy which is used to set up the BGP peer for this lease state." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateBgpEntry 1 } svcDhcpLseStateBgpAuthKeyChain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateBgpAuthKeyChain indicates the keychain which is used to sign and/or authenticate the BGP protocol stream." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateBgpEntry 2 } svcDhcpLseStateBgpMD5AuthKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateBgpMD5AuthKey indicates the authentication key used between BGP peers neighbors before establishing sessions. Authentication is done using the MD-5 message based digest protocol." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateBgpEntry 3 } svcDhcpLseStateBgpImportPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateBgpImportPolicy indicates the import policy." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateBgpEntry 4 } svcDhcpLseStateBgpExportPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateBgpExportPolicy indicates the export policy." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateBgpEntry 5 } svcDhcpLseStateBgpPeerAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAutonomousSystemNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateBgpPeerAS indicates the Autonomous System number for the remote peer." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateBgpEntry 6 } svcDhcpLseStateBgpPeeringStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpPeeringStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLseStateBgpPeeringStatus indicates the status of the BGP peering session." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseStateBgpEntry 7 } svcArpHostMRtTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcArpHostMRtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcArpHostMRtTable contains managed routes of ARP hosts. Entries in this table are created automatically by the system." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 54 } svcArpHostMRtEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcArpHostMRtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents information on a specific managed route." INDEX { svcId, svcArpHostIpAddrType, svcArpHostIpAddr, svcArpHostMRtAddrType, svcArpHostMRtAddr, svcArpHostMRtPrefixLen } ::= { svcArpHostMRtTable 1 } SvcArpHostMRtEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcArpHostMRtAddrType InetAddressType, svcArpHostMRtAddr InetAddress, svcArpHostMRtPrefixLen InetAddressPrefixLength, svcArpHostMRtStatus TmnxManagedRouteStatus, svcArpHostMRtMetric TmnxRadiusFramedRouteMetric, svcArpHostMRtPreference TmnxRadiusFramedRoutePreference, svcArpHostMRtTag TmnxRadiusFramedRouteTag } svcArpHostMRtAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostMRtAddrType indicates the address type of svcArpHostMRtAddr." ::= { svcArpHostMRtEntry 1 } svcArpHostMRtAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostMRtAddr indicates the IP address of the managed route." ::= { svcArpHostMRtEntry 2 } svcArpHostMRtPrefixLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostMRtPrefixLen indicates the prefix length of the subnet associated with svcArpHostMRtAddr." ::= { svcArpHostMRtEntry 3 } svcArpHostMRtStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxManagedRouteStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostMRtStatus indicates the state of this managed route." ::= { svcArpHostMRtEntry 4 } svcArpHostMRtMetric OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRadiusFramedRouteMetric MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostMRtMetric indicates the metric of this managed route as specified in the RADIUS option 22 Framed-Route or option 99 Framed-IPv6-Route." ::= { svcArpHostMRtEntry 5 } svcArpHostMRtPreference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRadiusFramedRoutePreference MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostMRtPreference indicates the preference of this managed route as specified in the RADIUS option 22 Framed-Route or option 99 Framed-IPv6-Route." ::= { svcArpHostMRtEntry 6 } svcArpHostMRtTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRadiusFramedRouteTag MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostMRtTag indicates the tag of this managed route as specified in the RADIUS option 22 Framed-Route or option 99 Framed-IPv6-Route." ::= { svcArpHostMRtEntry 7 } svcArpHostBgpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcArpHostBgpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcArpHostBgpTable augments the svcArpHostTable. This table contains the parameters used for BGP." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 55 } svcArpHostBgpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcArpHostBgpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains parameters used for BGP." AUGMENTS { svcArpHostEntry } ::= { svcArpHostBgpTable 1 } SvcArpHostBgpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcArpHostBgpPrngPlcyName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcArpHostBgpAuthKeyChain TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcArpHostBgpMD5AuthKey OCTET STRING, svcArpHostBgpImportPolicy TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcArpHostBgpExportPolicy TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcArpHostBgpPeerAS InetAutonomousSystemNumber, svcArpHostBgpPeeringStatus BgpPeeringStatus } svcArpHostBgpPrngPlcyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostBgpPrngPlcyName indicates the peering policy which is used to set up the BGP peer for this ARP host." ::= { svcArpHostBgpEntry 1 } svcArpHostBgpAuthKeyChain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostBgpAuthKeyChain indicates the keychain which is used to sign and/or authenticate the BGP protocol stream." ::= { svcArpHostBgpEntry 2 } svcArpHostBgpMD5AuthKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostBgpMD5AuthKey indicates the authentication key used between BGP peers before establishing sessions. Authentication is done using the MD-5 message based digest protocol." ::= { svcArpHostBgpEntry 3 } svcArpHostBgpImportPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostBgpImportPolicy indicates the import policy." ::= { svcArpHostBgpEntry 4 } svcArpHostBgpExportPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostBgpExportPolicy indicates the export policy." ::= { svcArpHostBgpEntry 5 } svcArpHostBgpPeerAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAutonomousSystemNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostBgpPeerAS indicates the Autonomous System number for the remote peer." ::= { svcArpHostBgpEntry 6 } svcArpHostBgpPeeringStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpPeeringStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostBgpPeeringStatus indicates the status of the BGP peering session." ::= { svcArpHostBgpEntry 7 } svcEpMcEpStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEpMcEpStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEpMcEpStatsTable has an entry for each endpoint that participates in a multi-chassis configuration for the indicated peer." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 56 } svcEpMcEpStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEpMcEpStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a collection of statistics for a endpoint that participates in a multi-chassis configuration with a given peer. Entries cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations." INDEX { svcEndPointMCEPId } ::= { svcEpMcEpStatsTable 1 } SvcEpMcEpStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEpMcEpStatsPktsRxConfig Counter32, svcEpMcEpStatsPktsRxState Counter32, svcEpMcEpStatsPktsTxConfig Counter32, svcEpMcEpStatsPktsTxState Counter32, svcEpMcEpStatsPktsTxFailed Counter32 } svcEpMcEpStatsPktsRxConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpMcEpStatsPktsRxConfig indicates how many multi-chassis endpoint control packets of type endpoint config were received on this system from the peer for this endpoint." ::= { svcEpMcEpStatsEntry 1 } svcEpMcEpStatsPktsRxState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpMcEpStatsPktsRxState indicates how many multi-chassis endpoint control packets of type endpoint state were received on this system from the peer for this endpoint." ::= { svcEpMcEpStatsEntry 2 } svcEpMcEpStatsPktsTxConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpMcEpStatsPktsTxConfig indicates how many multi-chassis endpoint control packets of type endpoint config were sent on this system to the peer for this endpoint." ::= { svcEpMcEpStatsEntry 3 } svcEpMcEpStatsPktsTxState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpMcEpStatsPktsTxState indicates how many multi-chassis endpoint control packets of type endpoint state were sent on this system to the peer for this endpoint." ::= { svcEpMcEpStatsEntry 4 } svcEpMcEpStatsPktsTxFailed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpMcEpStatsPktsTxFailed indicates how many multi-chassis endpoint control packets failed to be transmitted on this system to the peer for this endpoint." ::= { svcEpMcEpStatsEntry 5 } svcPbbSrcBVplsMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPbbSrcBVplsMacAddr specifies the source Backbone MAC Address to be used for Provider Backbone Bridging (PBB) packets. Value of default for this object indicates that chassis MAC address will be used for PBB packets." DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 57 } svcMacNameTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMacNameTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcMacNameTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 58 } svcMacNameTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcMacNameEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcMacNameTable contains objects related to MAC-name feature. Entries are created and destroyed using svcMacNameRowStatus object." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 59 } svcMacNameEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcMacNameEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains objects that allows the modification of the MAC-name objects." INDEX { svcMacName } ::= { svcMacNameTable 1 } SvcMacNameEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcMacName TNamedItem, svcMacNameRowStatus RowStatus, svcMacNameLastChngd TimeStamp, svcMacNameAddr MacAddress } svcMacName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMacName specifies the name associated with a MAC address." ::= { svcMacNameEntry 1 } svcMacNameRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMacNameRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of MAC information. To create an entry in the table, svcMacNameAddr object must be set." ::= { svcMacNameEntry 2 } svcMacNameLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMacNameLastChngd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { svcMacNameEntry 3 } svcMacNameAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMacNameAddr specifies the MAC Address associated with the name defined in svcMacName. This object must be set at the creation time." ::= { svcMacNameEntry 4 } svcMacNotificationGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 60 } svcMacNotifInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100) UNITS "deciseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMacNotifInterval specifies time interval between subsequent MAC notification messages." REFERENCE "ITU-T Y.1731 specification" DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { svcMacNotificationGroup 1 } svcMacNotifCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMacNotifCount specifies number of MAC notification messages to be sent." REFERENCE "ITU-T Y.1731 specification" DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { svcMacNotificationGroup 2 } tlsProtMacImplTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TlsProtMacImplEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about implicitly protected MAC addresses in a VPLS service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 61 } tlsProtMacImplEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TlsProtMacImplEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry contains information about a specific implicitly protected MAC address. Rows are created or removed automatically by the system." INDEX { svcId, tlsProtMacImplMacAddr, tlsProtMacImplLocale, tlsProtMacImplPortId, tlsProtMacImplEncapValue, tlsProtMacImplSdpBindId } ::= { tlsProtMacImplTable 1 } TlsProtMacImplEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tlsProtMacImplMacAddr MacAddress, tlsProtMacImplLocale INTEGER, tlsProtMacImplPortId TmnxPortID, tlsProtMacImplEncapValue TmnxEncapVal, tlsProtMacImplSdpBindId SdpBindId, tlsProtMacImplCount Counter32 } tlsProtMacImplMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsProtMacImplMacAddr indicates the 48-bit IEEE 802.3 MAC address that is implicitly protected." ::= { tlsProtMacImplEntry 1 } tlsProtMacImplLocale OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { any (0), sap (1), sdp (2) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsProtMacImplLocale indicates where the protection of the MAC address defined by tlsProtMacImplMacAddr is applied: anywhere, or only on a specific SAP or SDP." ::= { tlsProtMacImplEntry 2 } tlsProtMacImplPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of tlsProtMacImplLocale is 'sap', this object, along with tlsProtMacImplEncapValue, indicates the SAP where this MAC address is protected. This object is otherwise insignificant and contains the value zero." ::= { tlsProtMacImplEntry 3 } tlsProtMacImplEncapValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEncapVal MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsProtMacImplEncapValue indicates, when the value of tlsProtMacImplLocale is 'sap', along with tlsProtMacImplPortId, the SAP where this MAC address is protected. This object is otherwise insignificant and contains the value zero." ::= { tlsProtMacImplEntry 4 } tlsProtMacImplSdpBindId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpBindId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsProtMacImplSdpBindId indicates, when the value of tlsProtMacImplLocale is 'sdp', the SDP Binding where this MAC address is protected. This object is otherwise insignificant and contains the value zero." ::= { tlsProtMacImplEntry 5 } tlsProtMacImplCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsProtMacImplCount indicates how many times the protection of this MAC was activated at the indicated locale since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, or the last time the system statistics were cleared." ::= { tlsProtMacImplEntry 6 } svcNameTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcNameTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcNameTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 62 } svcNameTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcNameEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains basic service information. This table is now read-only." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 63 } svcNameEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcNameEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Basic information about a specific service." INDEX { svcName } ::= { svcNameTable 1 } SvcNameEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcNameId TmnxServId, svcNameRowStatus RowStatus, svcNameLastChanged TimeStamp, svcNameType ServType, svcNameCreationOrigin TmnxCreateOrigin } svcNameId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcNameId specifies the Service Identifier associated with this service. This object is now read-only." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcNameEntry 1 } svcNameRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value of the object svcNameRowStatus specifies the status of this row. This object is now read-only." ::= { svcNameEntry 2 } svcNameLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcNameLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { svcNameEntry 3 } svcNameType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcNameType specifies the service type: e.g. epipe, tls, etc. This object is now read-only." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { svcNameEntry 4 } svcNameCreationOrigin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCreateOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcNameCreationOrigin indicates the mechanism used to create this entry." DEFVAL { manual } ::= { svcNameEntry 5 } svcMrpPlcyTableLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMrpPlcyTableLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcMrpPolicyTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 64 } svcMrpPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcMrpPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcMrpPolicyTable has an entry for each mrp-policy." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 65 } svcMrpPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcMrpPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcMrpPolicyEntry contains the information about a particular mrp-policy." INDEX { svcMrpPolicyName } ::= { svcMrpPolicyTable 1 } SvcMrpPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcMrpPolicyName TNamedItem, svcMrpPolicyRowStatus RowStatus, svcMrpPolicyLastChanged TimeStamp, svcMrpPolicyDescription TItemDescription, svcMrpPolicyScope TItemScope, svcMrpPolicyDefaultAction TMrpPolicyDefaultAction } svcMrpPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMrpPolicyName specifies a specific mrp-policy." ::= { svcMrpPolicyEntry 1 } svcMrpPolicyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value of the object svcMrpPolicyRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { svcMrpPolicyEntry 2 } svcMrpPolicyLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMrpPolicyLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { svcMrpPolicyEntry 3 } svcMrpPolicyDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMrpPolicyDescription specifies the user provided description of this mrp-policy." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcMrpPolicyEntry 4 } svcMrpPolicyScope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemScope MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMrpPolicyScope specifies the scope of this mrp-policy definition. If defined as exclusive(1), this mrp-policy can be instantiated only once as compared to the multiple instances that the mrp-policy can have if defined as template(2)." DEFVAL { template } ::= { svcMrpPolicyEntry 5 } svcMrpPolicyDefaultAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMrpPolicyDefaultAction MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMrpPolicyDefaultAction specifies the action to take for packets that do not match any mrp-policy entries." DEFVAL { allow } ::= { svcMrpPolicyEntry 6 } svcMrpPlcyParamsTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMrpPlcyParamsTblLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcMrpPolicyParamsTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 66 } svcMrpPolicyParamsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcMrpPolicyParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcMrpPolicyParamsTable has an entry for each mrp-policy entry." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 67 } svcMrpPolicyParamsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcMrpPolicyParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcMrpPolicyParamsEntry contains the information about a particular mrp-policy entry." INDEX { svcMrpPolicyName, svcMrpPolicyParamsEntryId } ::= { svcMrpPolicyParamsTable 1 } SvcMrpPolicyParamsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcMrpPolicyParamsEntryId TEntryId, svcMrpPolicyParamsRowStatus RowStatus, svcMrpPolicyParamsLastChanged TimeStamp, svcMrpPolicyParamsDescription TItemDescription, svcMrpPolicyParamsAction TMrpPolicyAction } svcMrpPolicyParamsEntryId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMrpPolicyParamsEntryId serves as a secondary index for each entry of a given mrp-policy." ::= { svcMrpPolicyParamsEntry 1 } svcMrpPolicyParamsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value of the object svcMrpPolicyParamsRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { svcMrpPolicyParamsEntry 2 } svcMrpPolicyParamsLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMrpPolicyParamsLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { svcMrpPolicyParamsEntry 3 } svcMrpPolicyParamsDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMrpPolicyParamsDescription specifies the user provided description of this mrp-policy entry." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcMrpPolicyParamsEntry 4 } svcMrpPolicyParamsAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMrpPolicyAction MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMrpPolicyParamsAction specifies the action to take for packets that match this mrp-policy entry." DEFVAL { none } ::= { svcMrpPolicyParamsEntry 5 } svcMrpPlcyParamsISIDTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMrpPlcyParamsISIDTblLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 68 } svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcMrpPolicyParamsISIDEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDTable has an entry for each ISID value/range in a particular mrp policy entry." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 69 } svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcMrpPolicyParamsISIDEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDTable contains the information about an ISID value/range in a particular mrp-policy entry." INDEX { svcMrpPolicyName, svcMrpPolicyParamsEntryId, svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDLow } ::= { svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDTable 1 } SvcMrpPolicyParamsISIDEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDLow SvcISID, svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDHigh SvcISID, svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDRowStatus RowStatus, svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDLastChgd TimeStamp } svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcISID (0..16777215) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDLow specifies the lowest value of the 24 bit (0..16777215) service instance identifier for this service that matches this entry and is used as third key of this MIB table. The value of this field can be equal to but not higher than the value of the svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDHigh field." ::= { svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDEntry 1 } svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcISID (0..16777215) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDHigh specifies the highest value of the 24 bit (0..16777215) service instance identifier for this service that matches this entry. The value of this field can be equal to but not lower than the value of the svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDLow field. If this field is modified in an existing row of this table, the new value will be silently rejected if it's lower than the existing value of svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDHigh." ::= { svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDEntry 2 } svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value of the object svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDEntry 3 } svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDEntry 4 } svcEpipeTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcEpipeTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 70 } svcEpipeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEpipeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEpipeTable contains objects related to 'epipe' services. Entries are created and destroyed when 'epipe' services are created and destroyed by the system." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 71 } svcEpipeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEpipeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains objects that allows the modification of the 'epipe' specific objects." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcEpipeTable 1 } SvcEpipeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEpipeLastChngd TimeStamp, svcEpipePerSvcHashing TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcEpipeVxlanSrcTepIpAddrType InetAddressType, svcEpipeVxlanSrcTepIpAddr InetAddress, svcEpipeFwdWhlSalePortId TmnxPortID, svcEpipeFwdWhlSaleEncapValue TmnxEncapVal, svcEpipeIgnoreL2VpnMtuMismatch TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcEpipeLblEthOrIpL4TEID TruthValue } svcEpipeLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeLastChngd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { svcEpipeEntry 1 } svcEpipePerSvcHashing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipePerSvcHashing specifies service-level hashing for Ethernet services." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcEpipeEntry 2 } svcEpipeVxlanSrcTepIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeVxlanSrcTepIpAddrType specifies the type of IP address associated with svcEpipeVxlanSrcTepIpAddr." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { svcEpipeEntry 3 } svcEpipeVxlanSrcTepIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeVxlanSrcTepIpAddr specifies the tunnel source IP address when doing VXLAN encapsulation of frames for this service (source VTEP)." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcEpipeEntry 4 } svcEpipeFwdWhlSalePortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeFwdWhlSalePortId indicates the port of the SAP in the other service to/from which redirected packets are destined and originate." ::= { svcEpipeEntry 5 } svcEpipeFwdWhlSaleEncapValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEncapVal MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeFwdWhlSaleEncapValue indicates the encap-value of the SAP in the other service to/from which redirected packets are destined and originate." ::= { svcEpipeEntry 6 } svcEpipeIgnoreL2VpnMtuMismatch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the svcEpipeIgnoreL2VpnMtuMismatch specifies whether the system should ignore the MTU mismatch between Layer-2 MTU and local service MTU" DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcEpipeEntry 7 } svcEpipeLblEthOrIpL4TEID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeLblEthOrIpL4TEID specifies whether Ethernet or IP L4 TEID is used in hashing for load balancing is enabled on this service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcEpipeEntry 8 } svcEpipeBackboneTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeBackboneTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcEpipeBackboneTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 72 } svcEpipeBackboneTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEpipeBackboneEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEpipeBackboneTable contains objects related to Provider Backbone Bridging (PBB) feature as relates to 'epipe' services. Entries are created and destroyed when 'epipe' services are created and destroyed by the system." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 73 } svcEpipeBackboneEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEpipeBackboneEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains objects that allows the modification of the PBB objects for an 'epipe' service." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcEpipeBackboneTable 1 } SvcEpipeBackboneEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEpipeBackboneLastChngd TimeStamp, svcEpipeBackboneForceQTagFwd TruthValue, svcEpipeBackboneLocalSwitchSvc INTEGER } svcEpipeBackboneLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeBackboneLastChngd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { svcEpipeBackboneEntry 1 } svcEpipeBackboneForceQTagFwd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeBackboneForceQTagFwd specifies whether to enable addition of an IEEE 802.1q tag after the Customer MAC address when the PBB header is built, as it egresses related 'b-vpls' service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcEpipeBackboneEntry 2 } svcEpipeBackboneLocalSwitchSvc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sap (0), pbbTunnel (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEpipeBackboneLocalSwitchSvc specifies whether the operational status of the PBB-EPIPE service depends on the status of the pbb-tunnel only, in a PBB-Epipe with two SAPs and a pbb-tunnel. 'sap': The operational-state of the PBB-EPIPE service is up as long as two out of three endpoints are up (being the three endpoints the two SAPs and the PBB-Epipe). At least one of the saps need to be up for the PBB-Epipe to be operationally up. 'pbb-tunnel': When configured, the state of the PBB-EPIPE service is up if the PBB tunnel is operationally up, and irrespective of the operational state of the SAPs." DEFVAL { sap } ::= { svcEpipeBackboneEntry 3 } svcTlsSiteIdTblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsSiteIdTblLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcTlsSiteIdTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 74 } svcTlsSiteIdTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsSiteIdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table maintains the information about different sites defined in a service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 75 } svcTlsSiteIdEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsSiteIdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular site in a specific service." INDEX { svcId, svcTlsSiteIdName } ::= { svcTlsSiteIdTable 1 } SvcTlsSiteIdEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsSiteIdName TNamedItem, svcTlsSiteIdRowStatus RowStatus, svcTlsSiteIdLastChanged TimeStamp, svcTlsSiteIdAdminStatus TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState, svcTlsSiteIdSiteId TmnxSiteIdOrEmpty, svcTlsSiteIdPortId TmnxPortID, svcTlsSiteIdEncapValue TmnxEncapVal, svcTlsSiteIdSdpBindId SdpBindId, svcTlsSiteIdShgName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcTlsSiteIdShgMeshSdp TruthValue, svcTlsSiteIdFailedThresh Integer32, svcTlsSiteIdOperStatus TSiteOperStatus, svcTlsSiteIdDesignatedFwdr TruthValue, svcTlsSiteIdBootTimer Integer32, svcTlsSiteIdSiteActTimer Integer32, svcTlsSiteIdDfUpTime Unsigned32, svcTlsSiteIdDfChgCnt Unsigned32, svcTlsSiteIdTimerRemain Unsigned32, svcTlsSiteIdMonitorOperGrp TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcTlsSiteIdActTimerRemain Unsigned32, svcTlsSiteIdMinDnTimer Integer32, svcTlsSiteIdMinDnTimerRemain Unsigned32 } svcTlsSiteIdName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsSiteIdName defines the name for the specific site." ::= { svcTlsSiteIdEntry 1 } svcTlsSiteIdRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsSiteIdRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of rows in this table." ::= { svcTlsSiteIdEntry 2 } svcTlsSiteIdLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsSiteIdLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in svcTlsSiteIdTable." ::= { svcTlsSiteIdEntry 3 } svcTlsSiteIdAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsSiteIdAdminStatus specifies the administrative state of the site instance associated with this service." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcTlsSiteIdEntry 4 } svcTlsSiteIdSiteId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSiteIdOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsSiteIdSiteId specifies the identifier for the site in this service. The value of svcTlsSiteIdSiteId is a two byte identifier usually employed for the BGP Multi-homing solution. It identifies the BGP Multi-homing site associated with one or a set of objects (SAPs, PWs or combination). The value of svcTlsSiteIdSiteId must be identical between the two PEs carrying the connection to the access device multi-homed to the PEs." REFERENCE "RFC-4761" DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { svcTlsSiteIdEntry 5 } svcTlsSiteIdPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsSiteIdPortId specifies the port associated with this site. The default value for this object indicates an invalid port. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned when svcTlsSiteIdPortId is set to non-default and svcTlsSiteIdEncapValue is set to its default value or when svcTlsSiteIdPortId is set to its default value and svcTlsSiteIdEncapValue is set to non-default value. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set the non-default value to more than one of the following object groups (SAP, SDP-BIND, Split-Horizon Group name): SAP: svcTlsSiteIdPortId, svcTlsSiteIdEncapValue SDP-BIND: svcTlsSiteIdSdpBindId Split-Horizon Group name: svcTlsSiteIdShgName." DEFVAL { '1E000000'H } ::= { svcTlsSiteIdEntry 6 } svcTlsSiteIdEncapValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEncapVal MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsSiteIdEncapValue specifies the encap-value of the port associated with this site. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned when svcTlsSiteIdPortId is set to non-default and svcTlsSiteIdEncapValue is set to its default value or when svcTlsSiteIdPortId is set to its default value and svcTlsSiteIdEncapValue is set to non-default value. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set the non-default value to more than one of the following object groups (SAP, SDP-BIND, Split-Horizon Group name): SAP: svcTlsSiteIdPortId, svcTlsSiteIdEncapValue SDP-BIND: svcTlsSiteIdSdpBindId Split-Horizon Group name: svcTlsSiteIdShgName." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsSiteIdEntry 7 } svcTlsSiteIdSdpBindId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpBindId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the svcTlsSiteIdSdpBindId specifies the value of SDP binding associated with this site. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set the non-default value to more than one of the following object groups (SAP, SDP-BIND, Split-Horizon Group name): SAP: svcTlsSiteIdPortId, svcTlsSiteIdEncapValue SDP-BIND: svcTlsSiteIdSdpBindId Split-Horizon Group name: svcTlsSiteIdShgName." DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H } ::= { svcTlsSiteIdEntry 8 } svcTlsSiteIdShgName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the svcTlsSiteIdShgName specifies the value of split-horizon group associated with this site. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set the non-default value to more than one of the following object groups (SAP, SDP-BIND, Split-Horizon Group name): SAP: svcTlsSiteIdPortId, svcTlsSiteIdEncapValue SDP-BIND: svcTlsSiteIdSdpBindId Split-Horizon Group name: svcTlsSiteIdShgName." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsSiteIdEntry 9 } svcTlsSiteIdShgMeshSdp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the svcTlsSiteIdShgMeshSdp specifies whether this site-id is to be applied to all the mesh-SDPs in this service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsSiteIdEntry 10 } svcTlsSiteIdFailedThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 1..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the svcTlsSiteIdFailedThresh specifies the number of objects which are required to be in the 'down' state for this site to be declared in the 'down' state. The value of '-1' indicates that 'all' objects in this site should be down for the site to be declared in the 'down' state." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { svcTlsSiteIdEntry 11 } svcTlsSiteIdOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSiteOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the svcTlsSiteIdOperStatus indicates the operational status of the site." ::= { svcTlsSiteIdEntry 12 } svcTlsSiteIdDesignatedFwdr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the svcTlsSiteIdDesignatedFwdr indicates whether this site has been declared as 'designated-forwarder' depending on the result of the BGP election." ::= { svcTlsSiteIdEntry 13 } svcTlsSiteIdBootTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsSiteIdBootTimer specifies how long the system waits after a node reboot before running the DF (designated- forwarder) election algorithm. When this object is set to default value, system uses value of TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB::tmnxMcRedBgpMultiHomeBootTimer object." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { svcTlsSiteIdEntry 14 } svcTlsSiteIdSiteActTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..100) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsSiteIdSiteActTimer specifies the time-period the system keeps the local sites in standby status, waiting for BGP updates from remote PEs before running the DF (designated-forwarder) election algorithm to decide whether the site should be unblocked. When this object is set to default value, system uses value of TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB::tmnxMcRedBgpMultiHomeSiteTimer object." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { svcTlsSiteIdEntry 15 } svcTlsSiteIdDfUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsSiteIdDfUpTime indicates the uptime of the designated forwarder for this site." ::= { svcTlsSiteIdEntry 16 } svcTlsSiteIdDfChgCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsSiteIdDfChgCnt indicates the number of times designated forwarder has changed." ::= { svcTlsSiteIdEntry 17 } svcTlsSiteIdTimerRemain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsSiteIdTimerRemain indicates remaining time in the boot timer for this site." ::= { svcTlsSiteIdEntry 18 } svcTlsSiteIdMonitorOperGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the svcTlsSiteIdMonitorOperGrp specifies the Operational-Group identifier which will affect the state of this site." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcTlsSiteIdEntry 19 } svcTlsSiteIdActTimerRemain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsSiteIdActTimerRemain indicates remaining time in the activation timer for this site." ::= { svcTlsSiteIdEntry 20 } svcTlsSiteIdMinDnTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..100) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsSiteIdMinDnTimer specifies the minimum time-period the system keeps the site down when a site goes down. When this object is set to default value, system uses value of TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB::tmnxMcRedBgpMHSiteMinDnTimer object." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { svcTlsSiteIdEntry 21 } svcTlsSiteIdMinDnTimerRemain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsSiteIdMinDnTimerRemain indicates remaining time in the svcTlsSiteIdMinDnTimer for this site." ::= { svcTlsSiteIdEntry 22 } svcBgpVplsTblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpVplsTblLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcBgpVplsTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 78 } svcBgpVplsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcBgpVplsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table maintains the information about BGP-VPLS feature information for a service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 79 } svcBgpVplsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcBgpVplsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about BGP-VPLS feature for a specific service." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcBgpVplsTable 1 } SvcBgpVplsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcBgpVplsRowStatus RowStatus, svcBgpVplsLastChanged TimeStamp, svcBgpVplsMaxVeId TmnxVeId, svcBgpVplsAdminStatus TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState, svcBgpVplsVeName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcBgpVplsVeId TmnxSiteIdOrEmpty, svcBgpVplsPwTemplateId PWTemplateId } svcBgpVplsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpVplsRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of rows in this table." ::= { svcBgpVplsEntry 1 } svcBgpVplsLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpVplsLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in svcBgpVplsTable." ::= { svcBgpVplsEntry 2 } svcBgpVplsMaxVeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVeId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the svcBgpVplsMaxVeId specifies the value of vpls-edge-range for this service." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { svcBgpVplsEntry 3 } svcBgpVplsAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpVplsAdminStatus specifies the administrative state of the vpls-edge instance associated with this service." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcBgpVplsEntry 4 } svcBgpVplsVeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpVplsVeName specifies the name for the specific vpls-edge." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcBgpVplsEntry 5 } svcBgpVplsVeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSiteIdOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpVplsVeId specifies the identifier for the vpls-edge in this service. The svcBgpVplsVeId is a two bytes identifier that represents the local bridging instance in a VPLS and is advertised through the BGP Network Layer Reachability Information (NLRI). An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if value of svcBgpVplsVeId is set to the value of svcBgpVplsMaxVeId or lower. An 'inconsistentError' is returned if this object is set to non-default value when svcBgpVplsVeName is set to its default value." REFERENCE "RFC-4761" DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { svcBgpVplsEntry 6 } svcBgpVplsPwTemplateId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PWTemplateId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpVplsPwTemplateId indicates the pseudo-wire template used in transmitting BGP-VPLS NLRI information for this VPLS edge in this service." ::= { svcBgpVplsEntry 7 } svcTlsBgpTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcTlsBgpTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 80 } svcTlsBgpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsBgpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "svcTlsBgpTable contains entries for BGP in a VPLS service context." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 81 } svcTlsBgpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsBgpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A BGP entry in the svcTlsBgpTable." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcTlsBgpTable 1 } SvcTlsBgpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsBgpLastChanged TimeStamp, svcTlsBgpVsiRD TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher, svcTlsBgpExportRteTarget TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcTlsBgpImportRteTarget TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcTlsBgpRowStatus RowStatus, svcTlsBgpCreationOrigin TmnxCreateOrigin, svcTlsBgpAutoRD TruthValue, svcTlsBgpOperRD TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher, svcTlsBgpOperRDType TmnxRouteDistType, svcTlsBgpOperImportRteTgtOrigin TmnxRouteTargetOrigin, svcTlsBgpOperImportRteTarget TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcTlsBgpOperExportRteTgtOrigin TmnxRouteTargetOrigin, svcTlsBgpOperExportRteTarget TNamedItemOrEmpty } svcTlsBgpLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { svcTlsBgpEntry 1 } svcTlsBgpVsiRD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpVsiRD specifies the high-order 6 bytes used to compose the Virtual Switch Instance identifier (VSI-id) to use for NLRI in BGP in this VPLS service. SNMP set of svcTlsBgpVsiRD to non-default value will automatically set svcTlsBgpAutoRD to 'false'. If the value of svcTlsBgpVsiRD is 0x0000000000000000, and svcTlsBgpAutoRD is set to 'true' then system will automatically select a route-distinguisher value from svcBgpAutoRDType1Group. If the value of svcTlsBgpVsiRD is 0x0000000000000000, and svcTlsBgpAutoRD is set to 'false' then the lower 6 bytes of the VPLS-id, as specified by svcTlsBgpADVplsId, will be used." DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H } ::= { svcTlsBgpEntry 2 } svcTlsBgpExportRteTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpExportRteTarget specifies the extended community name for the default export policy to use for BGP in this VPLS service. This object cannot be set to a non-empty if svcTlsBgpExportRteTarget has a non-empty value, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error will be returned." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcTlsBgpEntry 3 } svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy1 specifies the name of the first VSI export policy to be used for BGP in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy1 through svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsBgpEntry 4 } svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy2 specifies the name of the second VSI export policy to be used for BGP in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy1 through svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsBgpEntry 5 } svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy3 specifies the name of the third VSI export policy to be used for BGP in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy1 through svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsBgpEntry 6 } svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy4 specifies the name of the forth VSI export policy to be used for BGP in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy1 through svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsBgpEntry 7 } svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy5 specifies the name of the fifth VSI export policy to be used for BGP in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy1 through svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsBgpEntry 8 } svcTlsBgpImportRteTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpImportRteTarget specifies the extended community name for the default import policy to use for BGP in this VPLS service. This object cannot be set to a non-empty if svcTlsBgpImportRteTarget has a non-empty value, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error will be returned." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcTlsBgpEntry 9 } svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy1 specifies the name of the first VSI export policy to be used for BGP in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy1 through svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsBgpEntry 10 } svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy2 specifies the name of the second VSI export policy to be used for BGP in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy1 through svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsBgpEntry 11 } svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy3 specifies the name of the third VSI export policy to be used for BGP in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy1 through svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsBgpEntry 12 } svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy4 specifies the name of the forth VSI export policy to be used for BGP in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy1 through svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsBgpEntry 13 } svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy5 specifies the name of the fifth VSI export policy to be used for BGP in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy1 through svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsBgpEntry 14 } svcTlsBgpRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of rows in this table." ::= { svcTlsBgpEntry 15 } svcTlsBgpCreationOrigin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCreateOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpCreationOrigin indicates the mechanism used to create this entry." DEFVAL { manual } ::= { svcTlsBgpEntry 16 } svcTlsBgpAutoRD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpAutoRD specifies that system will automatically selects a value for the route-distinguisher from svcBgpAutoRDType1Group. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned when trying to set svcTlsBgpAutoRD to 'true' and there is no route-distinguisher available from TIMETRA-SERV-MIB::svcBgpAutoRDType1Group. SNMP set of svcTlsBgpAutoRD to 'true' will automatically set svcTlsBgpADVsiRD to its all zeroes." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsBgpEntry 17 } svcTlsBgpOperRD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpOperRD indicates the route-distinguisher value in use by the system for this service." ::= { svcTlsBgpEntry 18 } svcTlsBgpOperRDType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRouteDistType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpOperRDType indicates the type of route-distinguisher value in use by the system for this service." ::= { svcTlsBgpEntry 19 } svcTlsBgpOperImportRteTgtOrigin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRouteTargetOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpOperImportRteTgtOrigin indicates the origin of the route target import policy in use for BGP in this VPLS service." ::= { svcTlsBgpEntry 20 } svcTlsBgpOperImportRteTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpOperImportRteTarget indicates the extended community name for the import policy in use for BGP in this VPLS service. This value will be Empty if the svcTlsBgpOperImportRteTgtOrigin is set to 'vsi'." ::= { svcTlsBgpEntry 21 } svcTlsBgpOperExportRteTgtOrigin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRouteTargetOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpOperExportRteTgtOrigin indicates the origin of the route target import policy in use for BGP in this VPLS service." ::= { svcTlsBgpEntry 22 } svcTlsBgpOperExportRteTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpOperExportRteTarget indicates the origin of extended community name for the export policy in use for BGP in this VPLS service. This value will be Empty if the svcTlsBgpOperImportRteTgtOrigin is set to 'vsi'." ::= { svcTlsBgpEntry 23 } svcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains Provider Backbone Bridging (PBB/IEEE 802.1ah) IGMP Snooping MRouter Destination information." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 82 } svcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PBB I-Component instance-specific information about a specific IGMP Snooping MRouter in the B-Component instance. Entries in this table can be created or deleted via SNMP operations." INDEX { svcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrSvcIdIVpls, svcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrSvcIdBVpls, IMPLIED svcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrMacName } ::= { svcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrTable 1 } SvcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrSvcIdIVpls TmnxServId, svcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrSvcIdBVpls TmnxServId, svcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrMacName TNamedItem, svcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrRowStatus RowStatus, svcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrLastCh TimeStamp } svcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrSvcIdIVpls OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrSvcIdIVpls specifies the Service identifier of the I-Component instance." ::= { svcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrEntry 1 } svcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrSvcIdBVpls OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrSvcIdBVpls specifies the Service identifier of the B-Component instance." ::= { svcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrEntry 2 } svcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrMacName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrMacName specifies the Destination MAC Address Name in the Backbone VPLS to reach a specific IGMP Snooping MRouter. In the case of an I-Component instance that is multi-homed on 2 physical nodes, an I-component instance, after becoming active, uses this MAC address as the destination MAC address to reach that IGMP Snooping MRouter. This allows to maintain the communication with that MRouter while no IGMP Queries from that MRouter have been snooped by this I-component instance." ::= { svcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrEntry 3 } svcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrRowStatus specifies the row status of this row. The only values supported during a set operation are 'createAndGo' and 'destroy'." ::= { svcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrEntry 4 } svcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrLastCh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrLastCh indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this table row." ::= { svcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrEntry 5 } svcL2MhRteTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcL2MhRteEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcL2MhRteTable contains multi-home entries for L2 routes." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 83 } svcL2MhRteEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcL2MhRteEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A multi-home L2 route entry in the svcL2MhRteTable." INDEX { svcId, svcL2MhRteSiteId, svcL2MhRteRouteDistinguisher, svcL2MhRteNextHopType, svcL2MhRteNextHop } ::= { svcL2MhRteTable 1 } SvcL2MhRteEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcL2MhRteSiteId TmnxSiteId, svcL2MhRteRouteDistinguisher TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher, svcL2MhRteNextHopType InetAddressType, svcL2MhRteNextHop InetAddress, svcL2MhRteState INTEGER, svcL2MhRteDf TruthValue, svcL2MhRteVplsPreference Integer32 } svcL2MhRteSiteId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSiteId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcL2MhRteSiteId is the site-id for this L2 route." ::= { svcL2MhRteEntry 1 } svcL2MhRteRouteDistinguisher OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcL2MhRteRouteDistinguisher is the high-order 6 bytes of the Virtual Switch Instance identifier (VSI-id) of the remote VSI for this L2 route." ::= { svcL2MhRteEntry 2 } svcL2MhRteNextHopType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcL2MhRteNextHopType indicates the address type of svcL2MhRteNextHop." ::= { svcL2MhRteEntry 3 } svcL2MhRteNextHop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcL2MhRteNextHop indicates the IP next hop for this L2 route. This value is equivalent to the IP address of the Far End of this L2 route." ::= { svcL2MhRteEntry 4 } svcL2MhRteState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up (1), down (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcL2MhRteState indicates the state of this multi-home L2 route entry." ::= { svcL2MhRteEntry 5 } svcL2MhRteDf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcL2MhRteDf indicates the value of DF bit associated with this multi-home L2 route entry." ::= { svcL2MhRteEntry 6 } svcL2MhRteVplsPreference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcL2MhRteVplsPreference indicates the VPLS preference value associated with this multi-home L2 route entry." ::= { svcL2MhRteEntry 7 } svcTmplTblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTmplTblLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcTmplTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 85 } svcTmplTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTmplEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains basic service template information." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 86 } svcTmplEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTmplEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Basic information about a specific service template." INDEX { svcTmplName } ::= { svcTmplTable 1 } SvcTmplEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTmplName TNamedItem, svcTmplRowStatus RowStatus, svcTmplLastChanged TimeStamp, svcTmplSvcCount Unsigned32, svcTmplType ServType, svcTmplMtu Integer32, svcTmplCustId TmnxCustId } svcTmplName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the svcTmplName specifies the Service template name. This name should unique within the service template domain." ::= { svcTmplEntry 1 } svcTmplRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value of the object svcTmplRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { svcTmplEntry 2 } svcTmplLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTmplLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in svcTmplTable." ::= { svcTmplEntry 3 } svcTmplSvcCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTmplSvcCount indicates the number of instantiated services created using this template." ::= { svcTmplEntry 4 } svcTmplType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTmplType specifies the service type: e.g. epipe, tls, etc. The value of this object must be specified when the row is created and cannot be changed while the row status is 'active'. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to change the value of this object after row creation." ::= { svcTmplEntry 5 } svcTmplMtu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..9782) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTmplMtu specifies the largest frame size (in octets) that this service can handle. The default value of this object depends on the service type: 1514 octets for epipe and tls, 1508 for apipe and fpipe, and 1500 octets for vprn, ipipe and ies, 1514 octets for cpipe." ::= { svcTmplEntry 6 } svcTmplCustId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCustId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTmplCustId specifies the customer identifier of the service." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTmplEntry 7 } svcTlsGroupTblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsGroupTblLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcTlsGroupTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 87 } svcTlsGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains TLS service range information for the service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 88 } svcTlsGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TLS service range specific information for this service." INDEX { svcId, svcTlsGroupId } ::= { svcTlsGroupTable 1 } SvcTlsGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsGroupId TmnxTlsGroupId, svcTlsGroupRowStatus RowStatus, svcTlsGroupLastChanged TimeStamp, svcTlsGroupAdminStatus ServiceAdminStatus, svcTlsGroupStart TmnxServId, svcTlsGroupEnd TmnxServId, svcTlsGroupStartVlanTag QTagOrZero, svcTlsGroupSvcTmplName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcTlsGroupSapTmplName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcTlsGroupMvrpControl TruthValue, svcTlsGroupOperStatus INTEGER, svcTlsGroupLastError DisplayString } svcTlsGroupId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxTlsGroupId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsGroupId specifies the Service range identifier under this service." ::= { svcTlsGroupEntry 1 } svcTlsGroupRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value of the object svcTlsGroupRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { svcTlsGroupEntry 2 } svcTlsGroupLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsGroupLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in svcTlsGroupTable." ::= { svcTlsGroupEntry 3 } svcTlsGroupAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsGroupAdminStatus specifies the desired state of this service-range." DEFVAL { down } ::= { svcTlsGroupEntry 4 } svcTlsGroupStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsGroupStart specifies the start of the service identifier range. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned when the value of svcTlsGroupStart is set to larger than the value of svcTlsGroupEnd. An 'inconsistentValue' error is also returned when the value of svcTlsGroupStart is set to default and svcTlsGroupStartVlanTag is set to non-default value. An 'inconsistentValue' error is also returned when the value of svcTlsGroupEnd is set to non-default value and svcTlsGroupStart is set to the default value." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsGroupEntry 5 } svcTlsGroupEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsGroupEnd specifies the end of the service identifier range. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned when the value of svcTlsGroupStart is set to larger than the value of svcTlsGroupEnd. An 'inconsistentValue' error is also returned when the value of svcTlsGroupEnd is set to non-default value and svcTlsGroupStart is set to the default value." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsGroupEntry 6 } svcTlsGroupStartVlanTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QTagOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsGroupStartVlanTag specifies the start of the VLAN tag range. An 'inconsistentValue' error is also returned when the value of svcTlsGroupStart is set to default and svcTlsGroupStartVlanTag is set to non-default value." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsGroupEntry 7 } svcTlsGroupSvcTmplName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsGroupSvcTmplName specifies the service template name associated with this service-range." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsGroupEntry 8 } svcTlsGroupSapTmplName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsGroupSapTmplName specifies the SAP template name associated with this service-range." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsGroupEntry 9 } svcTlsGroupMvrpControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsGroupMvrpControl specifies whether MVRP control is enabled on this service-range." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsGroupEntry 10 } svcTlsGroupOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up (1), down (2), inProgress (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsGroupOperStatus indicates service instantiation status of this service group. A value of 'down' indicates: -- svcTmplGroupAdminStatus is set to 'disabled' or -- services for this group are being instantiated or -- service instantiation failed for this group. svcTlsGroupLastError provide information on the error encountered. A value of 'up' indicates that all services for this group have been successfully instantiated. A value of 'inProgress' indicates that this group is in process of transitioning to another state." ::= { svcTlsGroupEntry 11 } svcTlsGroupLastError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsGroupLastError indicates the last error encountered trying to instantiate services for this group." ::= { svcTlsGroupEntry 12 } svcDhcpLeaseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcDhcpLeaseEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains DHCP lease states." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 90 } svcDhcpLeaseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcDhcpLeaseEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a specific DHCP lease state." INDEX { svcId, svcDhcpLeaseCiAddrType, svcDhcpLeaseCiAddr, svcDhcpLeaseNextHopMacAddr } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseTable 1 } SvcDhcpLeaseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcDhcpLeaseCiAddrType InetAddressType, svcDhcpLeaseCiAddr InetAddress, svcDhcpLeaseNextHopMacAddr MacAddress, svcDhcpLeaseChAddr MacAddress, svcDhcpLeaseLocale INTEGER, svcDhcpLeasePortId TmnxPortID, svcDhcpLeaseEncapValue TmnxEncapVal, svcDhcpLeaseSdpId SdpId, svcDhcpLeaseVcId Unsigned32, svcDhcpLeaseRemainLseTime Unsigned32, svcDhcpLeaseOption82 OCTET STRING, svcDhcpLeasePersistKey Unsigned32, svcDhcpLeaseSubscrIdent DisplayString, svcDhcpLeaseSubProfString DisplayString, svcDhcpLeaseSlaProfString DisplayString, svcDhcpLeaseShcvOperState ServShcvOperState, svcDhcpLeaseShcvChecks Unsigned32, svcDhcpLeaseShcvReplies Unsigned32, svcDhcpLeaseShcvReplyTime TimeStamp, svcDhcpLeaseClientId OCTET STRING, svcDhcpLeaseIAID Unsigned32, svcDhcpLeaseIAIDType IAIDType, svcDhcpLeaseCiAddrMaskLen Unsigned32, svcDhcpLeaseRetailerSvcId TmnxServId, svcDhcpLeaseRetailerIf InterfaceIndexOrZero, svcDhcpLeaseAncpString TmnxAncpStringOrZero, svcDhcpLeaseFramedIpNetMaskTp InetAddressType, svcDhcpLeaseFramedIpNetMask InetAddress, svcDhcpLeaseBCastIpAddrType InetAddressType, svcDhcpLeaseBCastIpAddr InetAddress, svcDhcpLeaseDefaultRouterTp InetAddressType, svcDhcpLeaseDefaultRouter InetAddress, svcDhcpLeasePrimaryDnsType InetAddressType, svcDhcpLeasePrimaryDns InetAddress, svcDhcpLeaseSecondaryDnsType InetAddressType, svcDhcpLeaseSecondaryDns InetAddress, svcDhcpLeaseSessionTimeout Unsigned32, svcDhcpLeaseServerLeaseStart DateAndTime, svcDhcpLeaseServerLastRenew DateAndTime, svcDhcpLeaseServerLeaseEnd DateAndTime, svcDhcpLeaseDhcpServerAddrType InetAddressType, svcDhcpLeaseDhcpServerAddr InetAddress, svcDhcpLeaseOriginSubscrId DhcpLseStateInfoOrigin, svcDhcpLeaseOriginStrings DhcpLseStateInfoOrigin, svcDhcpLeaseOriginLeaseInfo DhcpLseStateInfoOrigin, svcDhcpLeaseDhcpClientAddrType InetAddressType, svcDhcpLeaseDhcpClientAddr InetAddress, svcDhcpLeaseLeaseSplitActive TruthValue, svcDhcpLeaseInterDestId DisplayString, svcDhcpLeasePrimaryNbnsType InetAddressType, svcDhcpLeasePrimaryNbns InetAddress, svcDhcpLeaseSecondaryNbnsType InetAddressType, svcDhcpLeaseSecondaryNbns InetAddress, svcDhcpLeaseAppProfString DisplayString, svcDhcpLeaseCategoryMapName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcDhcpLeaseNakNextRenew TruthValue, svcDhcpLeaseRadiusClassAttr OCTET STRING, svcDhcpLeaseRadiusUserName DisplayString, svcDhcpLeasePoolName TNamedItem, svcDhcpLeaseServerId OCTET STRING, svcDhcpLeaseInterfaceId OCTET STRING, svcDhcpLeaseRemoteId OCTET STRING, svcDhcpLeaseOption60 OCTET STRING, svcDhcpLeaseRadCalledStationId OCTET STRING, svcDhcpLeaseLeaseTime Unsigned32, svcDhcpLeaseSessTimeout Unsigned32, svcDhcpLeaseUptime Unsigned32, svcDhcpLeaseRemainingSessTime Unsigned32, svcDhcpLeaseMngdRtStatus TmnxManagedRouteStatus, svcDhcpLeaseTerminationType TmnxSubTerminationType, svcDhcpLeaseIpoeSessionHost TruthValue, svcDhcpLeasePppSession TruthValue, svcDhcpLeaseRadSubIfPfxType InetAddressType, svcDhcpLeaseRadSubIfPfx InetAddress, svcDhcpLeaseRadSubIfPfxLen InetAddressPrefixLength, svcDhcpLeaseRtrAdvPlcy TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcDhcpLeaseWlanGwBridgeId Unsigned32 } svcDhcpLeaseCiAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseCiAddrType indicates the address type of svcDhcpLeaseCiAddr." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 1 } svcDhcpLeaseCiAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseCiAddr indicates the IP address of the DHCP lease state." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 2 } svcDhcpLeaseNextHopMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseNextHopMacAddr indicates the MAC address of the next hop of this DHCP lease state. Normally, the next hop MAC address equals the value of svcDhcpLeaseChAddr. If the value of the object TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB::vRtrIfDHCPLayer2Header is set to 'true', a routing device can be present between this node and the DHCP client. In that case, the value of the next hop MAC address contains the MAC address of this routing device." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 3 } svcDhcpLeaseChAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseChAddr indicates the MAC address of the DHCP lease state." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 4 } svcDhcpLeaseLocale OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sap (1), sdp (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseLocale indicates if the DHCP lease state is learned via a SAP or SDP." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 5 } svcDhcpLeasePortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of svcDhcpLeaseLocale is 'sap', the object svcDhcpLeasePortId along with the object svcDhcpLeaseEncapValue, indicates the SAP for which this entry contains information. This object is otherwise insignificant and contains the value 0." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 6 } svcDhcpLeaseEncapValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEncapVal MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of svcDhcpLeaseLocale is 'sap', the object svcDhcpLeasePortId along with the object svcDhcpLeaseEncapValue, indicates the SAP for which this entry contains information. This object is otherwise insignificant and contains the value 0." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 7 } svcDhcpLeaseSdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of svcDhcpLeaseLocale is 'sdp', the object svcDhcpLeaseSdpId, along with the object svcDhcpLeaseVcId, indicates the SDP Binding for which this entry contains information. This object is otherwise insignificant and contains the value 0." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 8 } svcDhcpLeaseVcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of svcDhcpLeaseLocale is 'sdp', the object svcDhcpLeaseSdpId, along with the object svcDhcpLeaseVcId, indicates the SDP Binding for which this entry contains information. This object is otherwise insignificant and contains the value 0." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 9 } svcDhcpLeaseRemainLseTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseRemainLseTime indicates the remaining lease time of the DHCP lease state." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 10 } svcDhcpLeaseOption82 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..257)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseOption82 indicates the content of option 82 for this DHCP lease state." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 11 } svcDhcpLeasePersistKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeasePersistKey indicates a key value that can be used to track this lease state in the persistence file." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 12 } svcDhcpLeaseSubscrIdent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSubscrIdent indicates the id of the parent subscriber of this DHCP lease state." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 13 } svcDhcpLeaseSubProfString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSubProfString indicates the subscriber profile string applicable for this DHCP lease state." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 14 } svcDhcpLeaseSlaProfString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSlaProfString indicates the SLA profile string applicable for this DHCP lease state." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 15 } svcDhcpLeaseShcvOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServShcvOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseShcvOperState indicates the state of the subscriber host connectivity check for this DHCP lease state." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 16 } svcDhcpLeaseShcvChecks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseShcvChecks indicates the number of host connectivity check requests for this DHCP lease state." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 17 } svcDhcpLeaseShcvReplies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseShcvReplies indicates the number of host connectivity replies for this DHCP lease state." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 18 } svcDhcpLeaseShcvReplyTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseShcvReplyTime indicates the time of the last successful host connectivity check for this DHCP lease state." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 19 } svcDhcpLeaseClientId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseClientId indicates the DHCPv6 clients unique identifier (DUID) as generated by the client." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 20 } svcDhcpLeaseIAID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseIAID indicates the Identity Association ID (IAID) the address or prefix defined by svcDhcpLeaseCiAddr/svcDhcpLeaseCiAddrMaskLen has been assigned to. This object is only meaningful for DHCPv6 leases." REFERENCE "RFC 3315 section 10" ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 21 } svcDhcpLeaseIAIDType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IAIDType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseIAIDType indicates the type of svcDhcpLeaseIAID. This object is only meaningful for DHCPv6 leases." REFERENCE "RFC 3315" ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 22 } svcDhcpLeaseCiAddrMaskLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..128) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseCiAddrMaskLen indicates the prefix length of the svcDhcpLeaseCiAddr for a DHCPv6 lease." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 23 } svcDhcpLeaseRetailerSvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseRetailerSvcId indicates the service ID of the retailer VPRN service to which this DHCP lease belongs. When this object is non zero, the DHCP lease belongs to a retailer VPRN." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 24 } svcDhcpLeaseRetailerIf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseRetailerIf indicates the interface index of the retailer VPRN interface to which this DHCP lease belongs. When this object is non zero, the DHCP lease belongs to a retailer VPRN." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 25 } svcDhcpLeaseAncpString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAncpStringOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object svcDhcpLeaseAncpString indicates the value of the received ancp-string." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 26 } svcDhcpLeaseFramedIpNetMaskTp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseFramedIpNetMaskTp indicates the address type of svcDhcpLeaseFramedIpNetMask." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 27 } svcDhcpLeaseFramedIpNetMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseFramedIpNetMask indicates the framed IP netmask received from either the DHCP or the Radius server as indicated by the value of svcDhcpLeaseOriginLeaseInfo. The value of this object is ''H when not applicable." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 28 } svcDhcpLeaseBCastIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseBCastIpAddrType indicates the address type of svcDhcpLeaseBCastIpAddr." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 29 } svcDhcpLeaseBCastIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseBCastIpAddr indicates the broadcast IP address received from either the DHCP or the Radius server as indicated by the value of svcDhcpLeaseOriginLeaseInfo. The value of this object is ''H when not applicable." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 30 } svcDhcpLeaseDefaultRouterTp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseDefaultRouterTp indicates the address type of svcDhcpLeaseDefaultRouter." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 31 } svcDhcpLeaseDefaultRouter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseDefaultRouter indicates the default router received from either the DHCP or the Radius server as indicated by the value of svcDhcpLeaseOriginLeaseInfo. The value of this object is ''H when not applicable." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 32 } svcDhcpLeasePrimaryDnsType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeasePrimaryDnsType indicates the address type of svcDhcpLeasePrimaryDns." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 33 } svcDhcpLeasePrimaryDns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeasePrimaryDns indicates the primary DNS server received from the server indicated by the value of svcDhcpLeaseOriginLeaseInfo. The value of this object is ''H when not applicable." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 34 } svcDhcpLeaseSecondaryDnsType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSecondaryDnsType indicates the address type of svcDhcpLeaseSecondaryDns." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 35 } svcDhcpLeaseSecondaryDns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSecondaryDns indicates the secondary DNS server received from the server indicated by the value of svcDhcpLeaseOriginLeaseInfo. The value of this object is ''H when not applicable." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 36 } svcDhcpLeaseSessionTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSessionTimeout indicates the session timeout received from either the DHCP or the Radius server as indicated by the value of svcDhcpLeaseOriginLeaseInfo. This object is replaced by svcDhcpLeaseLeaseTime since release 11.0." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 37 } svcDhcpLeaseServerLeaseStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseServerLeaseStart indicates when this lease was created." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 38 } svcDhcpLeaseServerLastRenew OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseServerLastRenew indicates when we last received a renewal from either the DHCP or the Radius server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 39 } svcDhcpLeaseServerLeaseEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseServerLeaseEnd indicates when the server will consider the lease as being expired." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 40 } svcDhcpLeaseDhcpServerAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseDhcpServerAddrType indicates the address type of svcDhcpLeaseDhcpServerAddr." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 41 } svcDhcpLeaseDhcpServerAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseDhcpServerAddr indicates the IP address of the DHCP server received from either the DHCP or the Radius server as indicated by the value of svcDhcpLeaseOriginLeaseInfo. The value of this object is ''H when not applicable." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 42 } svcDhcpLeaseOriginSubscrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DhcpLseStateInfoOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseOriginSubscrId indicates which source provided the subscriber-id." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 43 } svcDhcpLeaseOriginStrings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DhcpLseStateInfoOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseOriginStrings indicates which server provided the Sub-profile, SLA profile, Ancp string and Intermediate Destination Id." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 44 } svcDhcpLeaseOriginLeaseInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DhcpLseStateInfoOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseOriginLeaseInfo indicates which server provided the lease state information." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 45 } svcDhcpLeaseDhcpClientAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseDhcpClientAddrType indicates the address type of svcDhcpLeaseDhcpClientAddr." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 46 } svcDhcpLeaseDhcpClientAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseDhcpClientAddr indicates the link-local address of the DHCP Client that owns the lease info. The value of this object is ''H when not applicable." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 47 } svcDhcpLeaseLeaseSplitActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseLeaseSplitActive indicates whether or not the current lease time resulted from a lease split. If svcDhcpLeaseLeaseSplitActive is 'true', the lease time passed to the client is determined by the value of the object sapTlsDhcpProxyLeaseTime for VPLS SAPs, or by the value of the object vRtrIfDHCPProxyLeaseTime for Layer 3 interfaces." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 48 } svcDhcpLeaseInterDestId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object svcDhcpLeaseInterDestId indicates the intermediate destination identifier received from either the DHCP or the Radius server or the local user database." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 49 } svcDhcpLeasePrimaryNbnsType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeasePrimaryNbnsType indicates the address type of svcDhcpLeasePrimaryNbns." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 50 } svcDhcpLeasePrimaryNbns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeasePrimaryNbns indicates the primary NBNS server received from either the DHCP or the Radius server as indicated by the value of svcDhcpLeaseOriginLeaseInfo. The value of this object is ''H when not applicable." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 51 } svcDhcpLeaseSecondaryNbnsType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSecondaryNbnsType indicates the address type of svcDhcpLeaseSecondaryNbns." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 52 } svcDhcpLeaseSecondaryNbns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSecondaryNbns indicates the secondary NBNS server received from either the DHCP or the Radius server as indicated by the value of svcDhcpLeaseOriginLeaseInfo. The value of this object is ''H when not applicable." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 53 } svcDhcpLeaseAppProfString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseAppProfString indicates the application profile string applicable for this DHCP lease state." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 54 } svcDhcpLeaseCategoryMapName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object svcDhcpLeaseCategoryMapName indicates the value of the category map name received from either the DHCP or the Radius server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 55 } svcDhcpLeaseNakNextRenew OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseNakNextRenew indicates that the system will reply with a DHCP-NAK when the client sends the next DHCP-REQUEST, whereafter the lease-state will be deleted. This state is entered upon reception of a FORCE-NAK COA (Change Of Authority) request from RADIUS for this lease state, which at the same time also triggered the system to send a FORCE-RENEW DHCP message to the client." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 56 } svcDhcpLeaseRadiusClassAttr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..253)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseRadiusClassAttr indicates the Class attribute returned by the RADIUS server in an Access-Accept message. If no RADIUS authentication is performed for this lease state, or RADIUS did not return this attribute, the value of this object is empty." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 57 } svcDhcpLeaseRadiusUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..253)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseRadiusUserName indicates the User-Name attribute returned by the RADIUS server in an Access-Accept message. If RADIUS did not return this attribute, the value of this object is equal to the User-Name attribute sent in the original Access-Request message. If no RADIUS authentication is performed for this session, the value of this object is empty." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 58 } svcDhcpLeasePoolName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeasePoolName indicates the pool name included in the Relay-forward Message. This object is only meaningful for DHCPv6 leases." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 59 } svcDhcpLeaseServerId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseServerId indicates the DHCPv6 servers unique identifier (DUID) as generated by the server. This object is only meaningful for DHCPv6 leases." REFERENCE "RFC 3315" ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 60 } svcDhcpLeaseInterfaceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseInterfaceId indicates the content of the Interface-id option used for authentication. This object is only meaningful for DHCPv6 leases." REFERENCE "RFC 3315" ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 61 } svcDhcpLeaseRemoteId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseRemoteId indicates the content of the Remote-id option used for authentication. This object is only meaningful for DHCPv6 leases." REFERENCE "RFC 4649" ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 62 } svcDhcpLeaseOption60 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseOption60 indicates the content of option 60 for this DHCP lease state. This object is only meaningful for DHCPv4 leases." REFERENCE "RFC 2132" ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 63 } svcDhcpLeaseRadCalledStationId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseRadCalledStationId indicates the content of the Called-Station-Id RADIUS attribute used for authentication." REFERENCE "RFC 2865 RADIUS, section 5.31. Calling-Station-Id" ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 64 } svcDhcpLeaseLeaseTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseLeaseTime indicates the lease time received from either the DHCP or the Radius server or the local user database." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 65 } svcDhcpLeaseSessTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSessTimeout indicates the session timeout received from either the DHCP or the Radius server or the local user database." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 66 } svcDhcpLeaseUptime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseUptime indicates the host uptime." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 67 } svcDhcpLeaseRemainingSessTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseRemainingSessTime indicates the time before the host is disconnected." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 68 } svcDhcpLeaseMngdRtStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxManagedRouteStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseMngdRtStatus indicates the status of the managed route associated with this lease. This object is only meaningful for DHCPv6 PD leases." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 69 } svcDhcpLeaseTerminationType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubTerminationType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseTerminationType indicates the termination type of this lease." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 70 } svcDhcpLeaseIpoeSessionHost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseIpoeSessionHost indicates whether or not this DHCP lease belongs to an IPoE session. If the value is 'true', the DHCP lease state belongs to an IPoE session." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 71 } svcDhcpLeasePppSession OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeasePppSession indicates whether or not this DHCP lease state belongs to an PPP session. If the value is 'true', the DHCP lease state belongs to an PPP session." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 72 } svcDhcpLeaseRadSubIfPfxType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseRadSubIfPfxType indicates the address type of svcDhcpLeaseRadSubIfPfx." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 73 } svcDhcpLeaseRadSubIfPfx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseRadSubIfPfx indicates the subscriber interface prefix received from a Radius server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 74 } svcDhcpLeaseRadSubIfPfxLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength (0..128) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseRadSubIfPfxLen indicates the aggregate route address prefix length." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 75 } svcDhcpLeaseRtrAdvPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseRtrAdvPlcy indicates the name of the router advertisement policy associated with the DHCP lease during authentication. This object is only meaningful for DHCPv6 leases." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 76 } svcDhcpLeaseWlanGwBridgeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseWlanGwBridgeId indicates the Bridge-Id of the WLAN Gateway User Equipment associated with this lease. A value of zero indicates that there is no WLAN Gateway User Equipment associated with this lease. A non-zero value, together with the value of tmnxWlanGwBdUeTable, can be used to retrieve the corresponding row in the TIMETRA-WLAN-GW-MIB::tmnxWlanGwBdUeTable." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseEntry 77 } svcDhcpLeaseModifyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcDhcpLeaseModifyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcDhcpLeaseModifyTable augments the svcDhcpLeaseTable. The table allows the operator to modify attributes of the lease state." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 91 } svcDhcpLeaseModifyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcDhcpLeaseModifyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains parameters that allow to modify a lease-state's attributes." AUGMENTS { svcDhcpLeaseEntry } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseModifyTable 1 } SvcDhcpLeaseModifyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcDhcpLeaseModifySubIndent TmnxSubIdentStringOrEmpty, svcDhcpLeaseModifySubProfile DisplayString, svcDhcpLeaseModifySlaProfile DisplayString, svcDhcpLeaseEvaluateState TruthValue, svcDhcpLeaseModInterDestId DisplayString, svcDhcpLeaseModifyAncpString TmnxAncpStringOrZero, svcDhcpLeaseModifyAppProfile DisplayString } svcDhcpLeaseModifySubIndent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubIdentStringOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseModifySubIndent allows to specify a new subscriber name for this lease state. When a SET of this object is done with a non empty string, the system will attempt to assign a new subscriber name. A SET with an empty string has no effect on the system. (NOOP). GETs and GETNEXTs on this variable return an empty string." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseModifyEntry 1 } svcDhcpLeaseModifySubProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseModifySubProfile allows to specify a new subscriber profile string for this lease state. When a SET of this object is done with a non empty string, the system will attempt to assign a new subscriber profile. A SET with an empty string has no effect on the system. (NOOP). GETs and GETNEXTs on this variable return an empty string." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseModifyEntry 2 } svcDhcpLeaseModifySlaProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseModifySlaProfile allows to specify a new SLA profile string for this lease state. When a SET of this object is done with a non empty string, the system will attempt to assign a new SLA profile. A SET with an empty string has no effect on the system. (NOOP). GETs and GETNEXTs on this variable return an empty string." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseModifyEntry 3 } svcDhcpLeaseEvaluateState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseEvaluateState allows to cause a re-evaluation of the specified lease state. When this object is set to 'true', the system will perform a re-evaluation of the lease state. GETs and GETNEXTs on this variable return false. It is not possible to simultaneously request for a lease-state re-evaluation, and modify any of the svcDhcpLeaseModifySubIndent, svcDhcpLeaseModifySubProfile or svcDhcpLeaseModifySlaProfile values." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseModifyEntry 4 } svcDhcpLeaseModInterDestId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseModInterDestId allows to specify a new intermediate destination id for this lease state. When a SET of this object is done with a non empty string, the system will attempt to assign a new intermediate destination id. A SET with an empty string has no effect on the system. (NOOP). GETs and GETNEXTs on this variable return an empty string." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseModifyEntry 5 } svcDhcpLeaseModifyAncpString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAncpStringOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseModifyAncpString allows to specify a new ANCP-string for this lease state. When a SET of this object is done with a non empty string, the system will attempt to assign a new ANCP-string. A SET with an empty string has no effect on the system. (NOOP). GETs and GETNEXTs on this variable return an empty string." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseModifyEntry 6 } svcDhcpLeaseModifyAppProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..16)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseModifyAppProfile specifies a new application profile string for this lease state. When a SET of this object is done with a non empty string, the system assigns a new application profile. A SET with an empty string has no effect on the system. (NOOP). GETs and GETNEXTs on this variable return an empty string." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseModifyEntry 7 } svcDhcpLeaseActionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcDhcpLeaseActionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcDhcpLeaseActionTable augments the svcDhcpLeaseTable. The table allows the operator to perform actions on the lease state." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 92 } svcDhcpLeaseActionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcDhcpLeaseActionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains parameters that allow to perform an action on the corresponding lease-state." AUGMENTS { svcDhcpLeaseEntry } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseActionTable 1 } SvcDhcpLeaseActionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcDhcpLeaseForceRenew TruthValue } svcDhcpLeaseForceRenew OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseForceRenew allows to force the DHCP client to renew its lease. When the value of this object is set to 'true', the system will send a forcerenew DHCP message to the client. GETs and GETNEXTs on this variable return false." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseActionEntry 1 } svcDhcpLeaseBgpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcDhcpLeaseBgpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcDhcpLeaseBgpTable augments the svcDhcpLeaseTable. This table contains the parameters used for BGP." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 93 } svcDhcpLeaseBgpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcDhcpLeaseBgpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains parameters used for BGP." AUGMENTS { svcDhcpLeaseEntry } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseBgpTable 1 } SvcDhcpLeaseBgpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcDhcpLeaseBgpPrngPlcyName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcDhcpLeaseBgpAuthKeyChain TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcDhcpLeaseBgpMD5AuthKey OCTET STRING, svcDhcpLeaseBgpImportPolicy TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcDhcpLeaseBgpExportPolicy TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcDhcpLeaseBgpPeerAS InetAutonomousSystemNumber, svcDhcpLeaseBgpPeeringStatus BgpPeeringStatus } svcDhcpLeaseBgpPrngPlcyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseBgpPrngPlcyName indicates the peering policy which is used to set up the BGP peer for this lease state." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseBgpEntry 1 } svcDhcpLeaseBgpAuthKeyChain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseBgpAuthKeyChain indicates the keychain which is used to sign and/or authenticate the BGP protocol stream." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseBgpEntry 2 } svcDhcpLeaseBgpMD5AuthKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseBgpMD5AuthKey indicates the authentication key used between BGP peers neighbors before establishing sessions. Authentication is done using the MD-5 message based digest protocol." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseBgpEntry 3 } svcDhcpLeaseBgpImportPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseBgpImportPolicy indicates the import policy." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseBgpEntry 4 } svcDhcpLeaseBgpExportPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseBgpExportPolicy indicates the export policy." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseBgpEntry 5 } svcDhcpLeaseBgpPeerAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAutonomousSystemNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseBgpPeerAS indicates the Autonomous System number for the remote peer." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseBgpEntry 6 } svcDhcpLeaseBgpPeeringStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpPeeringStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseBgpPeeringStatus indicates the status of the BGP peering session." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseBgpEntry 7 } svcTmplTlsTblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTmplTlsTblLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcTmplTlsTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 94 } svcTmplTlsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTmplTlsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains VPLS service template information." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 95 } svcTmplTlsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTmplTlsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains basic information about a specific VPLS service template. An entry in this table is created when an entry is created in the svcTmplTable with svcTmplType set to 'tls'. Entry is deleted when corresponding entry is deleted in the svcTmplTable." INDEX { svcTmplName } ::= { svcTmplTlsTable 1 } SvcTmplTlsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTmplTlsLastChanged TimeStamp, svcTmplTlsMacLearning TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcTmplTlsDiscardUnknownDest TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcTmplTlsFdbTableSize Integer32, svcTmplTlsFdbLocalAgeTime Integer32, svcTmplTlsFdbRemoteAgeTime Integer32, svcTmplTlsStpAdminStatus TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState, svcTmplTlsStpPriority Integer32, svcTmplTlsStpBridgeMaxAge Integer32, svcTmplTlsStpBridgeHelloTime Integer32, svcTmplTlsStpBridgeForwardDelay Integer32, svcTmplTlsMacAgeing TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcTmplTlsFdbTableFullHighWMark Integer32, svcTmplTlsFdbTableFullLowWMark Integer32, svcTmplTlsStpVersion INTEGER, svcTmplTlsStpHoldCount Integer32, svcTmplTlsPerSvcHashing TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcTmplTlsTempFloodTime Integer32, svcTmplTlsMacMoveMaxRate Unsigned32, svcTmplTlsMacMoveRetryTimeout Unsigned32, svcTmplTlsMacMoveAdminStatus TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState, svcTmplTlsPriPortsCumFactor Unsigned32, svcTmplTlsSecPortsCumFactor Unsigned32, svcTmplTlsMacMoveNumRetries Unsigned32, svcTmplTlsSpiLoadBalancing TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcTmplTlsTeidLoadBalancing TmnxEnabledDisabled } svcTmplTlsLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTmplTlsLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in svcTmplTlsTable." ::= { svcTmplTlsEntry 1 } svcTmplTlsMacLearning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTmplTlsMacLearning specifies whether the MAC learning process is enabled in this TLS." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { svcTmplTlsEntry 2 } svcTmplTlsDiscardUnknownDest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTmplTlsDiscardUnknownDest specifies whether frames received with an unknown destination MAC are discarded in this TLS." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcTmplTlsEntry 3 } svcTmplTlsFdbTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..511999) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTmplTlsFdbTableSize specifies the maximum number of learned and static entries allowed in the FDB of this service." DEFVAL { 250 } ::= { svcTmplTlsEntry 4 } svcTmplTlsFdbLocalAgeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (60..86400) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTmplTlsFdbLocalAgeTime specifies the number of seconds used to age out TLS FDB entries learned on local SAPs." DEFVAL { 300 } ::= { svcTmplTlsEntry 5 } svcTmplTlsFdbRemoteAgeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (60..86400) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTmplTlsFdbRemoteAgeTime specifies the number of seconds used to age out TLS FDB entries learned on an SDP. These entries correspond to MAC addresses learned on remote SAPs." DEFVAL { 900 } ::= { svcTmplTlsEntry 6 } svcTmplTlsStpAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTmplTlsStpAdminStatus specifies the administrative state of the Spanning Tree Protocol instance associated with this service." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcTmplTlsEntry 7 } svcTmplTlsStpPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTmplTlsStpPriority specifies the priority of the Spanning Tree Protocol instance associated with this service. It is used as the highest 4 bits of the Bridge ID included in the Configuration BPDUs generated by this bridge. The svcTmplTlsStpPriority can only take on values which multiples of 4096 (4k). If a value is specified which is not a multiple of 4K, then this value will be replaced by the closest multiple of 4K which is lower then the value entered." DEFVAL { 32768 } ::= { svcTmplTlsEntry 8 } svcTmplTlsStpBridgeMaxAge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (6..40) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTmplTlsStpBridgeMaxAge specifies the value that all bridges should use for 'MaxAge' when this bridge is acting as the root bridge." ::= { svcTmplTlsEntry 9 } svcTmplTlsStpBridgeHelloTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTmplTlsStpBridgeHelloTime specifies the value that all bridges should use for 'HelloTime' when this bridge is acting as the root bridge." ::= { svcTmplTlsEntry 10 } svcTmplTlsStpBridgeForwardDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (4..30) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTmplTlsStpBridgeForwardDelay specifies the value that all bridges should use for 'ForwardDelay' when this bridge is acting as the root bridge." ::= { svcTmplTlsEntry 11 } svcTmplTlsMacAgeing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTmplTlsMacAgeing specifies whether the MAC aging process is enabled in this TLS." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { svcTmplTlsEntry 12 } svcTmplTlsFdbTableFullHighWMark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTmplTlsFdbTableFullHighWMark specifies the utilization of the FDB table of this TLS service at which a table full alarm will be raised by the agent." DEFVAL { 95 } ::= { svcTmplTlsEntry 13 } svcTmplTlsFdbTableFullLowWMark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTmplTlsFdbTableFullLowWMark specifies the utilization of the FDB table of this TLS service at which a table full alarm will be cleared by the agent." DEFVAL { 90 } ::= { svcTmplTlsEntry 14 } svcTmplTlsStpVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { rstp (2), compDot1w (3), dot1w (4), mstp (5), pmstp (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTmplTlsStpVersion specifies the version of Spanning Tree Protocol the bridge is currently running. The value 'rstp' corresponds to the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol specified in IEEE 802.1D/D4-2003. The value 'compDot1w' corresponds to the mode where the Rapid Spanning Tree is backward compatible with IEEE 802.1w. The value 'dot1w' corresponds to the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol fully conformant to IEEE 802.1w. The value 'mstp' corresponds to the Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol specified in IEEE 802.1Q-REV/D3.0-04/2005. The value 'pmstp' corresponds to Provider MSTP protocol compliant with IEEE-802.1ad-2005. New values may be defined as future versions of the protocol become available." DEFVAL { rstp } ::= { svcTmplTlsEntry 15 } svcTmplTlsStpHoldCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..20) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTmplTlsStpHoldCount specifies the maximum number of BPDUs that are transmitted in any 'HelloTime' interval. The value used by the bridge to limit the maximum transmission rate of BPDUs." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1w clause 17.16.6" DEFVAL { 6 } ::= { svcTmplTlsEntry 16 } svcTmplTlsPerSvcHashing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTmplTlsPerSvcHashing specifies service-level hashing for Ethernet services. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to non-default value when svcVplsType for the service is set to 'bVpls'." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcTmplTlsEntry 17 } svcTmplTlsTempFloodTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 3..600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTmplTlsTempFloodTime specifies duration of time traffic will be flooded on a TLS status change in this TLS. Value of '-1' disables this flooding behavior." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { svcTmplTlsEntry 18 } svcTmplTlsMacMoveMaxRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10) UNITS "per-second" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTmplTlsMacMoveMaxRate specifies the maximum rate at which MACs can be relearned in this TLS service, before the SAP where the moving MAC was last seen is automatically disabled in order to protect the system against undetected loops or duplicate MACs. The rate is computed as the maximum number of relearns allowed in a 5 second interval: e.g. the default rate of 2 relearns per second corresponds to 10 relearns in a 5 second period." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { svcTmplTlsEntry 19 } svcTmplTlsMacMoveRetryTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTmplTlsMacMoveRetryTimeout specifies the time in seconds to wait before a SAP that has been disabled after exceeding the maximum relearn rate is re-enabled. A value of zero indicates that the SAP will not be automatically re-enabled after being disabled. If after the SAP is re-enabled it is disabled again, the effective retry timeout is doubled in order to avoid thrashing. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of this object is set to less than fie times the value of svcTmplTlsSecPortsCumFactor." DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { svcTmplTlsEntry 20 } svcTmplTlsMacMoveAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTmplTlsMacMoveAdminStatus specifies the administrative state of the MAC movement feature associated with this service." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcTmplTlsEntry 21 } svcTmplTlsPriPortsCumFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (3..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTmplTlsPriPortsCumFactor specifies a factor for the primary ports defining how many MAC-relearn periods should be used to measure the MAC-relearn rate, svcTmplTlsMacMoveMaxRate. This rate must be exceeded during consecutive periods before the corresponding ports (SAP and/or spoke-SDP) are blocked by the MAC-move feature. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set the value of svcTmplTlsPriPortsCumFactor to a value lower than or equal to svcTmplTlsSecPortsCumFactor." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { svcTmplTlsEntry 22 } svcTmplTlsSecPortsCumFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (2..9) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTmplTlsSecPortsCumFactor specifies a factor for the secondary ports defining how many MAC-relearn periods should be used to measure the MAC-relearn rate, svcTmplTlsMacMoveMaxRate. This rate must be exceeded during consecutive periods before the corresponding ports (SAP and/or spoke-SDP) are blocked by the MAC-move feature. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set the value of svcTmplTlsSecPortsCumFactor to a value greater than or equal to svcTmplTlsPriPortsCumFactor." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { svcTmplTlsEntry 23 } svcTmplTlsMacMoveNumRetries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTmplTlsMacMoveNumRetries specifies the number of times retries are performed for re-enabling the SAP/SDP. A value of zero indicates unlimited number of retries." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { svcTmplTlsEntry 24 } svcTmplTlsSpiLoadBalancing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTmplTlsSpiLoadBalancing specifies whether SPI use in hashing is enabled on this service template." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcTmplTlsEntry 25 } svcTmplTlsTeidLoadBalancing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTmplTlsTeidLoadBalancing specifies whether TEID load balancing is enabled for this service template." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcTmplTlsEntry 26 } svcTmplUserTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTmplUserEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains services which are created using Service templates." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 96 } svcTmplUserEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTmplUserEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides information about services created using a service template. Entries are created and deleted by the system." INDEX { svcTmplName, svcId } ::= { svcTmplUserTable 1 } SvcTmplUserEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTmplUserCreationOrigin INTEGER, svcTmplUserCreatorSvcId TmnxServId } svcTmplUserCreationOrigin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { mVpls (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value svcTmplUserCreationOrigin indicates how the service was created using this specific service template." ::= { svcTmplUserEntry 1 } svcTmplUserCreatorSvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value svcTmplUserCreatorSvcId indicates the service identifier which created this particular service using this template. A value of zero indicates that the service is not created by another service." ::= { svcTmplUserEntry 2 } svcTlsExtTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsExtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that extends svcTlsInfoTable." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 97 } svcTlsExtEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsExtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcTlsExtEntry extends svcTlsInfoEntry." AUGMENTS { svcTlsInfoEntry } ::= { svcTlsExtTable 1 } SvcTlsExtEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsExtMvrpMaxAttributes Unsigned32, svcTlsExtMvrpRegAttrCnt Unsigned32, svcTlsExtMvrpDeclaredAttrCnt Unsigned32, svcTlsExtMvrpFailedRegCnt Unsigned32, svcTlsExtMvrpAttrTblHighWM Integer32, svcTlsExtMvrpAttrTblLowWM Integer32, svcTlsExtMvrpHoldTime Unsigned32, svcTlsExtMvrpAdminStatus TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcTlsExtMvrpOperStatus INTEGER, svcTlsExtMmrpAdminStatus TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcTlsExtMmrpOperStatus INTEGER, svcTlsExtMmrpRegAttrCnt Unsigned32, svcTlsExtMmrpDeclaredAttrCnt Unsigned32, svcTlsExtMmrpFailedRegCnt Unsigned32, svcTlsExtMvrpAttributeCount Unsigned32, svcTlsExtMmrpEndStationOnly TruthValue, svcTlsExtMacReNotifInterval Unsigned32, svcTlsExtSpbmCtrlVpls TmnxServId, svcTlsExtSpbmFid TmnxSpbFidOrZero, svcTlsExtSpiLoadBalancing TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcTlsExtTeidLoadBalancing TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcTlsExtVxlanSrcTepIpAddrType InetAddressType, svcTlsExtVxlanSrcTepIpAddr InetAddress, svcTlsExtVxlanIpv4TepEcmp TruthValue, svcTlsExtEvpnMplsRvplsEcmp TruthValue, svcTlsPbbRestProtSrcMac TruthValue, svcTlsPbbRestProtSrcMacAction INTEGER, svcTlsExtIgnoreL2VpnMtuMismatch TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcTlsExtLblEthOrIpL4TEID TruthValue } svcTlsExtMvrpMaxAttributes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4095) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsExtMvrpMaxAttributes specifies maximum number of MVRP attributes supported in this TLS. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to non-default value when svcMgmtVpls of the service is not set to 'true'." DEFVAL { 4095 } ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 1 } svcTlsExtMvrpRegAttrCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsExtMvrpRegAttrCnt indicates the number of MVRP attributes currently associated to the TLS by being registered." ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 2 } svcTlsExtMvrpDeclaredAttrCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsExtMvrpDeclaredAttrCnt indicates the number of MVRP attributes currently associated to the TLS by being declared." ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 3 } svcTlsExtMvrpFailedRegCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsExtMvrpFailedRegCnt indicates number of failed MVRP attribute registrations in this TLS." ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 4 } svcTlsExtMvrpAttrTblHighWM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsExtMvrpAttrTblHighWM specifies the utilization of the MVRP attribute table of this TLS service at which a table full alarm will be raised by the agent. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to non-default value when svcMgmtVpls of the service is not set to 'true'." DEFVAL { 95 } ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 5 } svcTlsExtMvrpAttrTblLowWM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsExtMvrpAttrTblLowWM specifies utilization of the MVRP attribute table of this TLS service at which a table full alarm will be cleared by the agent. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to non-default value when svcMgmtVpls of the service is not set to 'true'." DEFVAL { 90 } ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 6 } svcTlsExtMvrpHoldTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..30) UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsExtMvrpHoldTime specifies the amount of time in minutes in reporting to MVRP that the last provisioned SAP in VPLS is down. A value of '0' disables tracking of the operational status for the last active SAP in the VPLS. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to non-default value when svcMgmtVpls of the service is not set to 'true'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 7 } svcTlsExtMvrpAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsExtMvrpAdminStatus specifies whether the Multiple VLAN Registration Protocol (MVRP) is enabled in this TLS. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to non-default value when svcMgmtVpls of the service is not set to 'true'." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 8 } svcTlsExtMvrpOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up (1), down (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsExtMvrpOperStatus indicates the operational status of Multiple VLAN Registration Protocol (MVRP) in this TLS." ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 9 } svcTlsExtMmrpAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsExtMmrpAdminStatus specifies whether the Multiple MAC Registration Protocol (MMRP) is enabled in this TLS. Default value of this object is set to 'enabled' when svcVplsType of this service is set to 'bVpls' otherwise this is set to 'disabled'." ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 10 } svcTlsExtMmrpOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up (1), down (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsExtMmrpOperStatus indicates the operational status of Multiple MAC Registration Protocol (MMRP) in this TLS." ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 11 } svcTlsExtMmrpRegAttrCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsExtMmrpRegAttrCnt indicates the number of MMRP attributes currently associated to the TLS by being registered." ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 12 } svcTlsExtMmrpDeclaredAttrCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsExtMmrpDeclaredAttrCnt indicates the number of MMRP attributes currently associated to the TLS by being declared." ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 13 } svcTlsExtMmrpFailedRegCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsExtMmrpFailedRegCnt indicates number of failed MMRP attribute registrations in this TLS." ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 14 } svcTlsExtMvrpAttributeCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsExtMvrpAttributeCount indicates the number of MVRP attributes currently associated to the TLS by either being registered or declared." ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 15 } svcTlsExtMmrpEndStationOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsExtMmrpEndStationOnly specifies whether all SAP/SDP in this service are MMRP end-stations only." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 16 } svcTlsExtMacReNotifInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 240..840) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsExtMacReNotifInterval specifies time interval between subsequent burst of MAC notification messages. The default value indicates that the re-notification is disabled." REFERENCE "ITU-T Y.1731 specification" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 17 } svcTlsExtSpbmCtrlVpls OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsExtSpbmCtrlVpls specifies the controlling Shortest Path Bridging (SPB) VPLS for this user SPB VPLS. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if svcTlsExtSpbmCtrlVpls is set to default and svcTlsExtSpbmFid is set to its non-default value or when svcTlsExtSpbmCtrlVpls is set to non-default and svcTlsExtSpbmFid is set to its default value." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 18 } svcTlsExtSpbmFid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSpbFidOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsExtSpbmFid specifies the forwarding database identifier used by the user SPB VPLS. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if svcTlsExtSpbmCtrlVpls is set to default and svcTlsExtSpbmFid is set to its non-default value or when svcTlsExtSpbmCtrlVpls is set to non-default and svcTlsExtSpbmFid is set to its default value." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 19 } svcTlsExtSpiLoadBalancing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsExtSpiLoadBalancing specifies whether SPI use in hashing is enabled on this service." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 20 } svcTlsExtTeidLoadBalancing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsExtTeidLoadBalancing specifies whether TEID load balancing is enabled for this service." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 21 } svcTlsExtVxlanSrcTepIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsExtVxlanSrcTepIpAddrType specifies the type of IP address associated with svcTlsExtVxlanSrcTepIpAddr." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 22 } svcTlsExtVxlanSrcTepIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsExtVxlanSrcTepIpAddr specifies the tunnel source IP address when doing VXLAN encapsulation of frames for this service (source VTEP)." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 23 } svcTlsExtVxlanIpv4TepEcmp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsExtVxlanIpv4TepEcmp specifies whether ECMP behavior is enabled on R-VPLS services, so that the unnecessary performance impact can be avoided if there is no need for VXLAN ECMP." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 24 } svcTlsExtEvpnMplsRvplsEcmp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsExtEvpnMplsRvplsEcmp specifies whether ECMP behavior is enabled on R-VPLS EVPN MPLS services, so that the unnecessary performance impact can be avoided if there is no need for EVPN-MPLS ECMP." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 25 } svcTlsPbbRestProtSrcMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsPbbRestProtSrcMac specifies how the agent will handle relearn requests for protected MAC addresses received on the backbone VPLS. When the value of this object is 'true' requests to relearn a protected MAC address will be ignored. In addition, if the value of svcTlsPbbRestProtSrcMacAction is 'disable', then the backbone VPLS where the protected source MAC was seen will be brought operationally down." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 26 } svcTlsPbbRestProtSrcMacAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { discardFrame (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsPbbRestProtSrcMacAction indicates the action to take whenever a relearn request for a protected MAC is received on the backbone VPLS. When the value of this object is 'discardFrame', the backbone-vpls will start discarding the frame." DEFVAL { discardFrame } ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 27 } svcTlsExtIgnoreL2VpnMtuMismatch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the svcTlsExtIgnoreL2VpnMtuMismatch specifies whether the system should ignore the MTU mismatch between Layer-2 MTU and local service MTU" DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 28 } svcTlsExtLblEthOrIpL4TEID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsExtLblEthOrIpL4TEID specifies whether Ethernet or IP L4 TEID is used in hashing for load balancing is enabled on this service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsExtEntry 29 } svcPwRtLclPrefixTblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwRtLclPrefixTblLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcPwRtLclPrefixTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 98 } svcPwRtLclPrefixTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcPwRtLclPrefixEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains pseudo-wire routing local prefix information." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 99 } svcPwRtLclPrefixEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcPwRtLclPrefixEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry indicating pseudo-wire routing local prefix information." INDEX { svcPwRtLclPrefixGlobalId, svcPwRtLclPrefix } ::= { svcPwRtLclPrefixTable 1 } SvcPwRtLclPrefixEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcPwRtLclPrefixGlobalId TmnxPwGlobalId, svcPwRtLclPrefix Unsigned32, svcPwRtLclPrefixRowStatus RowStatus, svcPwRtLclPrefixLastChange TimeStamp } svcPwRtLclPrefixGlobalId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPwGlobalId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcPwRtLclPrefixGlobalId specifies the pseudo-wire routing global identifier." ::= { svcPwRtLclPrefixEntry 1 } svcPwRtLclPrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcPwRtLclPrefix specifies prefix value used by this pseudo-wire instance for redundancy." ::= { svcPwRtLclPrefixEntry 2 } svcPwRtLclPrefixRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value of the object svcPwRtLclPrefixRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { svcPwRtLclPrefixEntry 3 } svcPwRtLclPrefixLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwRtLclPrefixLastChange indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in svcPwRtLclPrefixTable." ::= { svcPwRtLclPrefixEntry 4 } svcPwRtPathTblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwRtPathTblLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcPwRtPathTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 100 } svcPwRtPathTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcPwRtPathEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains pseudo-wire routing global path information." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 101 } svcPwRtPathEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcPwRtPathEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry indicating global pseudo-wire routing path information." INDEX { svcPwRtPathName } ::= { svcPwRtPathTable 1 } SvcPwRtPathEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcPwRtPathName TNamedItem, svcPwRtPathRowStatus RowStatus, svcPwRtPathLastChange TimeStamp, svcPwRtPathAdminStatus ServiceAdminStatus } svcPwRtPathName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcPwRtPathName specifies the path name in pseudo-wire routing global instance." ::= { svcPwRtPathEntry 1 } svcPwRtPathRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value of the object svcPwRtPathRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { svcPwRtPathEntry 2 } svcPwRtPathLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwRtPathLastChange indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in svcPwRtPathTable." ::= { svcPwRtPathEntry 3 } svcPwRtPathAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwRtPathAdminStatus specifies the administrative state of this path." DEFVAL { down } ::= { svcPwRtPathEntry 4 } svcPwRtPathHopTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwRtPathHopTblLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcPwRtPathHopTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 102 } svcPwRtPathHopTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcPwRtPathHopEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains hop information per path in the pseudo-wire routing instances." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 103 } svcPwRtPathHopEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcPwRtPathHopEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry indicating specific pseudo-wire routing path hop information." INDEX { svcPwRtPathName, svcPwRtPathHopIndex } ::= { svcPwRtPathHopTable 1 } SvcPwRtPathHopEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcPwRtPathHopIndex TmnxPwPathHopId, svcPwRtPathHopRowStatus RowStatus, svcPwRtPathHopLastChange TimeStamp, svcPwRtPathHopAddrType InetAddressType, svcPwRtPathHopAddr InetAddress } svcPwRtPathHopIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPwPathHopId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcPwRtPathHopIndex specifies the hop index for the path in pseudo-wire routing global instance." ::= { svcPwRtPathHopEntry 1 } svcPwRtPathHopRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value of the object svcPwRtPathHopRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { svcPwRtPathHopEntry 2 } svcPwRtPathHopLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwRtPathHopLastChange indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in svcPwRtPathHopTable." ::= { svcPwRtPathHopEntry 3 } svcPwRtPathHopAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwRtPathHopAddrType specifies the address type of the address specified by svcPwRtPathHopAddr." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { svcPwRtPathHopEntry 4 } svcPwRtPathHopAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwRtPathHopAddr specifies the address associated with this hop." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcPwRtPathHopEntry 5 } svcPwRtStaticRtTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwRtStaticRtTblLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcPwRtStaticRtTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 104 } svcPwRtStaticRtTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcPwRtStaticRtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains static route information for the pseudo-wire routing instances." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 105 } svcPwRtStaticRtEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcPwRtStaticRtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry indicating specific static route for the pseudo-wire routing instance." INDEX { svcPwRtStaticRtDstGlobalId, svcPwRtStaticRtDstPrefix, svcPwRtStaticRtDstAddrType, svcPwRtStaticRtDstAddr } ::= { svcPwRtStaticRtTable 1 } SvcPwRtStaticRtEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcPwRtStaticRtDstGlobalId TmnxPwGlobalIdOrZero, svcPwRtStaticRtDstPrefix Unsigned32, svcPwRtStaticRtDstAddrType InetAddressType, svcPwRtStaticRtDstAddr InetAddress, svcPwRtStaticRtRowStatus RowStatus, svcPwRtStaticRtLastChange TimeStamp } svcPwRtStaticRtDstGlobalId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPwGlobalIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcPwRtStaticRtDstGlobalId specifies the pseudo-wire global routing index of the destination." ::= { svcPwRtStaticRtEntry 1 } svcPwRtStaticRtDstPrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcPwRtStaticRtDstPrefix specifies the prefix of the global routing index of the destination." ::= { svcPwRtStaticRtEntry 2 } svcPwRtStaticRtDstAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwRtStaticRtDstAddrType specifies the address type of the address specified by svcPwRtStaticRtDstAddr." ::= { svcPwRtStaticRtEntry 3 } svcPwRtStaticRtDstAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwRtStaticRtDstAddr specifies the destination address of this static route entry." ::= { svcPwRtStaticRtEntry 4 } svcPwRtStaticRtRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value of the object svcPwRtStaticRtRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { svcPwRtStaticRtEntry 5 } svcPwRtStaticRtLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwRtStaticRtLastChange indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in svcPwRtStaticRtTable." ::= { svcPwRtStaticRtEntry 6 } svcMSPwPeTblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMSPwPeTblLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcMSPwPeTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 106 } svcMSPwPeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcMSPwPeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains multi-segment pseudo-wire provider- edge information for the service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 107 } svcMSPwPeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcMSPwPeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge specific information for this service." INDEX { svcId, svcMSPwPeId } ::= { svcMSPwPeTable 1 } SvcMSPwPeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcMSPwPeId TmnxSpokeSdpId, svcMSPwPeRowStatus RowStatus, svcMSPwPeLastChange TimeStamp, svcMSPwPeAdminStatus ServiceAdminStatus, svcMSPwPeFecType TmnxLdpFECType, svcMSPwPeAiiType TmnxAiiType, svcMSPwPeSignaling TmnxMsPwPeSignaling, svcMSPwPeAutoConfig TruthValue, svcMSPwPeAgi TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher, svcMSPwPePolicyId PWTemplateId, svcMSPwPePrecedence Unsigned32, svcMSPwPeRetryTimer Unsigned32, svcMSPwPeRetryCount Unsigned32, svcMSPwPeSaiiGlobalId TmnxPwGlobalIdOrZero, svcMSPwPeSaiiPrefix Unsigned32, svcMSPwPeSaiiAcId Unsigned32, svcMSPwPeTaiiGlobalId TmnxPwGlobalIdOrZero, svcMSPwPeTaiiPrefix Unsigned32, svcMSPwPeTaiiAcId Unsigned32, svcMSPwPePathName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcMSPwPeEndPoint TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcMSPwPeStandbySigSlave TruthValue, svcMSPwPeIsICB TruthValue, svcMSPwPeTimeRemain Unsigned32, svcMSPwPeRetryRemain Unsigned32, svcMSPwPeOperSdpBind SdpBindId, svcMSPwPeRetryExpired TruthValue, svcMSPwPeLastError DisplayString } svcMSPwPeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSpokeSdpId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcMSPwPeId specifies the multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge identifier for this service." ::= { svcMSPwPeEntry 1 } svcMSPwPeRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value of the object svcMSPwPeRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { svcMSPwPeEntry 2 } svcMSPwPeLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMSPwPeLastChange indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in svcMSPwPeTable." ::= { svcMSPwPeEntry 3 } svcMSPwPeAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMSPwPeAdminStatus specifies the administrative state of this multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge for this service." DEFVAL { down } ::= { svcMSPwPeEntry 4 } svcMSPwPeFecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpFECType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMSPwPeFecType specifies the LDP FEC type to be used on this multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge for this service." DEFVAL { vpws } ::= { svcMSPwPeEntry 5 } svcMSPwPeAiiType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAiiType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMSPwPeAiiType specifies the Attachment Individual Identifier (AII) type to be used on this multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge for this service." DEFVAL { aiiType2 } ::= { svcMSPwPeEntry 6 } svcMSPwPeSignaling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMsPwPeSignaling MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMSPwPeSignaling specifies the type of signaling used by this multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge for this service." DEFVAL { auto } ::= { svcMSPwPeEntry 7 } svcMSPwPeAutoConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMSPwPeAutoConfig specifies whether multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge for this service should use single-sided auto-endpoint configuration." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcMSPwPeEntry 8 } svcMSPwPeAgi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMSPwPeAgi specifies the Attachment Group Identifier (AGI) portion of the Generalized Id FEC element of the pseudo-wire setup for this provider-edge in this service." DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H } ::= { svcMSPwPeEntry 9 } svcMSPwPePolicyId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PWTemplateId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMSPwPePolicyId specifies the pseudo-wire template policy to be used on this multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcMSPwPeEntry 10 } svcMSPwPePrecedence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMSPwPePrecedence specifies the precedence of this multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge in this service." DEFVAL { 4 } ::= { svcMSPwPeEntry 11 } svcMSPwPeRetryTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 10..480) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMSPwPeRetryTimer specifies the retry timer value to be used by this multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge in this service. System uses the value of svcPwRtRetryTimer when value of this object is set to the default." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcMSPwPeEntry 12 } svcMSPwPeRetryCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 10..10000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMSPwPeRetryCount specifies the retry count value to be used by this multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge in this service. System uses the value of svcPwRtRetryCount when value of this object is set to the default." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcMSPwPeEntry 13 } svcMSPwPeSaiiGlobalId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPwGlobalIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMSPwPeSaiiGlobalId specifies the global identifier of Source Attachment Individual Identifier (SAII) portion of the Generalized Id FEC element as used by this multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge in this service." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcMSPwPeEntry 14 } svcMSPwPeSaiiPrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMSPwPeSaiiPrefix specifies the prefix to the Source Attachment Individual Identifier (SAII) portion of the Generalized Id FEC element as used by this multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge in this service." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcMSPwPeEntry 15 } svcMSPwPeSaiiAcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMSPwPeSaiiAcId specifies the attachment circuit identifier part of Source Attachment Individual Identifier (SAII) portion of the Generalized Id FEC element as used by this multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge in this service." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcMSPwPeEntry 16 } svcMSPwPeTaiiGlobalId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPwGlobalIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMSPwPeTaiiGlobalId specifies the global identifier of Target Attachment Individual Identifier (TAII) portion of the Generalized Id FEC element as used by this multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge in this service." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcMSPwPeEntry 17 } svcMSPwPeTaiiPrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMSPwPeTaiiPrefix specifies the prefix to the Target Attachment Individual Identifier (TAII) portion of the Generalized Id FEC element as used by this multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge in this service." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcMSPwPeEntry 18 } svcMSPwPeTaiiAcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMSPwPeTaiiAcId specifies the attachment circuit identifier part of Target Attachment Individual Identifier (TAII) portion of the Generalized Id FEC element as used by this multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge in this service." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcMSPwPeEntry 19 } svcMSPwPePathName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMSPwPePathName specifies the path name used by this multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge in this service." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcMSPwPeEntry 20 } svcMSPwPeEndPoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMSPwPeEndPoint specifies the endpoint used by this multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge in this service." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcMSPwPeEntry 21 } svcMSPwPeStandbySigSlave OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMSPwPeStandbySigSlave specifies whether transmission of any spoke in the endpoint will be blocked when the spoke receives standby status notification from its peer." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcMSPwPeEntry 22 } svcMSPwPeIsICB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMSPwPeIsICB specifies whether this sdp-binding is an inter-chassis backup SDP bind." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcMSPwPeEntry 23 } svcMSPwPeTimeRemain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMSPwPeTimeRemain indicates remaining time in the retry timer for this multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge in this service." ::= { svcMSPwPeEntry 24 } svcMSPwPeRetryRemain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMSPwPeRetryRemain indicates remaining retries for this multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge in this service." ::= { svcMSPwPeEntry 25 } svcMSPwPeOperSdpBind OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpBindId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMSPwPeOperSdpBind indicates operational SDP-bind used for this multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge in this service." ::= { svcMSPwPeEntry 26 } svcMSPwPeRetryExpired OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcMSPwPeRetryExpired indicates whether all retries have expired for this multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge in this service." ::= { svcMSPwPeEntry 27 } svcMSPwPeLastError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcMSPwPeLastError indicates the last error encountered trying to bring up this multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge in this service." ::= { svcMSPwPeEntry 28 } svcOperGrpTblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcOperGrpTblLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcOperGrpTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 108 } svcOperGrpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcOperGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains Operational-Group information." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 109 } svcOperGrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcOperGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row specifies information about a specific Operational-Group." INDEX { svcOperGrpName } ::= { svcOperGrpTable 1 } SvcOperGrpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcOperGrpName TNamedItem, svcOperGrpRowStatus RowStatus, svcOperGrpLastChange TimeStamp, svcOperGrpOperStatus ServiceOperStatus, svcOperGrpHoldDownTime TmnxOperGrpHoldDownTime, svcOperGrpCreationOrigin TmnxSvcOperGrpCreationOrigin, svcOperGrpHoldUpTime TmnxOperGrpHoldUpTime, svcOperGrpHoldUpTimeRemain TmnxOperGrpHoldUpTime, svcOperGrpHoldDownTimeRemain TmnxOperGrpHoldDownTime, svcOperGrpNumMembers Gauge32, svcOperGrpNumMonitoring Gauge32 } svcOperGrpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcOperGrpName specifies the Operational-Group identifier." ::= { svcOperGrpEntry 1 } svcOperGrpRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value of the object svcOperGrpRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { svcOperGrpEntry 2 } svcOperGrpLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcOperGrpLastChange indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in svcOperGrpTable." ::= { svcOperGrpEntry 3 } svcOperGrpOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcOperGrpOperStatus indicates the operational state of this group." ::= { svcOperGrpEntry 4 } svcOperGrpHoldDownTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperGrpHoldDownTime UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcOperGrpHoldDownTime specifies number of seconds to wait before notifying clients monitoring this group when its operational status transitions from up to down." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcOperGrpEntry 5 } svcOperGrpCreationOrigin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSvcOperGrpCreationOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcOperGrpCreationOrigin indicates the protocol or mechanism which created this group." ::= { svcOperGrpEntry 6 } svcOperGrpHoldUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperGrpHoldUpTime UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcOperGrpHoldUpTime specifies number of seconds to wait before notifying clients monitoring this group when its operational status transitions from down to up." DEFVAL { 4 } ::= { svcOperGrpEntry 7 } svcOperGrpHoldUpTimeRemain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperGrpHoldUpTime UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcOperGrpHoldUpTimeRemain indicates the number of seconds remaining in the svcOperGrpHoldUpTime." ::= { svcOperGrpEntry 8 } svcOperGrpHoldDownTimeRemain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperGrpHoldDownTime UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcOperGrpHoldDownTimeRemain indicates the number of seconds remaining in the svcOperGrpHoldDownTime." ::= { svcOperGrpEntry 9 } svcOperGrpNumMembers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcOperGrpNumMembers indicates the number of members as part of this operational-group." ::= { svcOperGrpEntry 10 } svcOperGrpNumMonitoring OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcOperGrpNumMonitoring indicates the number of objects monitoring this operational-group." ::= { svcOperGrpEntry 11 } svcDhcpLeaseAleTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcDhcpLeaseAleEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcDhcpLeaseAleTable contains Access Loop Encapsulation information for DHCP lease states. Entries in this table are created and destroyed by the system. This table is a sparse augment of the svcDhcpLeaseTable: entries are created only for DHCP lease states for which Access Loop Encapsulation information is available." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 110 } svcDhcpLeaseAleEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcDhcpLeaseAleEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each conceptual row represents access loop encapsulation information of a DHCP lease state." INDEX { svcId, svcDhcpLeaseCiAddrType, svcDhcpLeaseCiAddr, svcDhcpLeaseNextHopMacAddr } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseAleTable 1 } SvcDhcpLeaseAleEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcDhcpLeaseAleDatalink Unsigned32, svcDhcpLeaseAleEncaps1 Unsigned32, svcDhcpLeaseAleEncaps2 Unsigned32 } svcDhcpLeaseAleDatalink OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseAleDatalink indicates the data link used by the subscriber host on the DSL access loop. The value of svcDhcpLeaseAleDatalink is not modified or verified by this system, but is expected to be according to TmnxAccessLoopEncapDataLink." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseAleEntry 1 } svcDhcpLeaseAleEncaps1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseAleEncaps1 indicates the encapsulation used by the subscriber host on the DSL access loop. The value of svcDhcpLeaseAleEncaps1 is not modified or verified by this system, but is expected to be according to TmnxAccessLoopEncaps1" ::= { svcDhcpLeaseAleEntry 2 } svcDhcpLeaseAleEncaps2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseAleEncaps2 indicates the encapsulation used by the subscriber host on the DSL access loop The value of svcDhcpLeaseAleEncaps2 is not modified or verified by this system, but is expected to be according to TmnxAccessLoopEncaps2." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseAleEntry 3 } svcEthCfmTblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEthCfmTblLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcEthCfmTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 111 } svcEthCfmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEthCfmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEthCfmTable contains Ethernet Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) information for Ethernet capable Services." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 112 } svcEthCfmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEthCfmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEthCfmEntry consists of the Eth-CFM objects used to maintain Ethernet CFM functionality for the specified Ethernet capable Service." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcEthCfmTable 1 } SvcEthCfmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEthCfmTunnelFaultNotification INTEGER, svcEthCfmVMepExtensions TmnxEnabledDisabled } svcEthCfmTunnelFaultNotification OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { accept (1), ignore (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEthCfmTunnelFaultNotification specifies whether the service will 'accept (1)' CFM fault notification from a Tunnel MEP and process the notification (i.e. do fault handling and/or fault propagation), or 'ignore (2)' the notification. Both TIMETRA-SAP-MIB::sapEthCfmTunnelFaultNotification and this object MUST be set to 'accept (1)' for an individual SAP to process the notification." DEFVAL { ignore } ::= { svcEthCfmEntry 1 } svcEthCfmVMepExtensions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEthCfmVMepExtensions specifies whether enhanced Virtual MEP functionality is enabled on the service or not. This object is used by TLS (VPLS) services only, and has no effect nor can it be modified on other service types. On services that do not support VMEP extensions this object is fixed to the value 'disabled (2)'. This object has been obsoleted in release 16.0." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcEthCfmEntry 2 } tmnxSvcGrpObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 113 } svcMacFdbRecords OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcMacFdbRecords indicates the number of system wide FDB records in use." ::= { tmnxSvcGrpObjs 1 } svcPwRtSpeAddrGlobalId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPwGlobalIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcPwRtSpeAddrGlobalId specifies the pseudo- wire routing global identifier of the switch-point node. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if svcPwRtSpeAddrGlobalId is set to default when svcPwRtSpeAddrPrefix is set to non-default value or svcPwRtSpeAddrGlobalId is set to non-default when svcPwRtSpeAddrPrefix is set to default value." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxSvcGrpObjs 2 } svcPwRtSpeAddrPrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcPwRtSpeAddrPrefix specifies the pseudo-wire routing prefix of the switch-point node. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if svcPwRtSpeAddrGlobalId is set to default when svcPwRtSpeAddrPrefix is set to non-default value or svcPwRtSpeAddrGlobalId is set to non-default when svcPwRtSpeAddrPrefix is set to default value." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxSvcGrpObjs 3 } svcPwRtBootTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcPwRtBootTimer specifies how long the system waits after the reboot before trying to establish multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge connections." DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { tmnxSvcGrpObjs 4 } svcPwRtRetryTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (10..480) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwRtRetryTimer specifies the retry timer value to be used by this multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge in this service." DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { tmnxSvcGrpObjs 5 } svcPwRtRetryCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (10..10000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwRtRetryCount specifies the retry count value to be used by this multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge in this service." DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { tmnxSvcGrpObjs 6 } svcPwRtBgpRoutes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwRtBgpRoutes indicates the number of BGP routes in the TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB::vRtrMsPwL2RtTable." ::= { tmnxSvcGrpObjs 7 } svcPwRtStaticRoutes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwRtStaticRoutes indicates the number of static routes in the TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB::vRtrMsPwL2RtTable." ::= { tmnxSvcGrpObjs 8 } svcPwRtLocalRoutes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwRtLocalRoutes indicates the number of local routes in the TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB::vRtrMsPwL2RtTable." ::= { tmnxSvcGrpObjs 9 } svcPwRtHostRoutes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwRtHostRoutes indicates the number of host routes in the TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB::vRtrMsPwL2RtTable." ::= { tmnxSvcGrpObjs 10 } svcPwRtBootTimerRemain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwRtBootTimerRemain indicates the number of seconds remaining in the svcPwRtBootTimer." ::= { tmnxSvcGrpObjs 11 } svcPwRtLclPfxRDTblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwRtLclPfxRDTblLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcPwRtLclPfxRDTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 114 } svcPwRtLclPfxRDTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcPwRtLclPfxRDEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains pseudo-wire routing local prefix route- distinguisher information." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 115 } svcPwRtLclPfxRDEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcPwRtLclPfxRDEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry indicating pseudo-wire routing local prefix route- distinguisher information." INDEX { svcPwRtLclPrefixGlobalId, svcPwRtLclPrefix, svcPwRtLclPfxRD } ::= { svcPwRtLclPfxRDTable 1 } SvcPwRtLclPfxRDEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcPwRtLclPfxRD TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher, svcPwRtLclPfxRDRowStatus RowStatus, svcPwRtLclPfxRDLastChange TimeStamp, svcPwRtLclPfxRDCommunity Unsigned32 } svcPwRtLclPfxRD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwRtLclPfxRD specifies the route-distinguisher associated with this prefix." ::= { svcPwRtLclPfxRDEntry 1 } svcPwRtLclPfxRDRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value of the object svcPwRtLclPfxRDRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { svcPwRtLclPfxRDEntry 2 } svcPwRtLclPfxRDLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwRtLclPfxRDLastChange indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in svcPwRtLclPfxRDTable." ::= { svcPwRtLclPfxRDEntry 3 } svcPwRtLclPfxRDCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcPwRtLclPfxRDCommunity specifies the BGP community associated with the route-distinguisher." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcPwRtLclPfxRDEntry 4 } svcPwSpeSaiiTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcPwSpeSaiiEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains pseudo-wire switch-point node information by Source Attachment Individual Identifier (SAII)." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 116 } svcPwSpeSaiiEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcPwSpeSaiiEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry that contains pseudo-wire switch-point node information by Source Attachment Individual Identifier (SAII)." INDEX { svcMSPwPeSaiiGlobalId, svcMSPwPeSaiiPrefix, svcMSPwPeSaiiAcId } ::= { svcPwSpeSaiiTable 1 } SvcPwSpeSaiiEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcPwSpeSaiiTaiiGlobalId TmnxPwGlobalIdOrZero, svcPwSpeSaiiTaiiPrefix Unsigned32, svcPwSpeSaiiTaiiAcId Unsigned32, svcPwSpeSaiiSvcId TmnxServId, svcPwSpeSaiiOperSdpBind1 SdpBindId, svcPwSpeSaiiOperSdpBind2 SdpBindId } svcPwSpeSaiiTaiiGlobalId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPwGlobalIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwSpeSaiiTaiiGlobalId indicates the global identifier of Target Attachment Individual Identifier (TAII) portion of the Generalized Id FEC element on switch-point node." ::= { svcPwSpeSaiiEntry 1 } svcPwSpeSaiiTaiiPrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwSpeSaiiTaiiPrefix indicates the prefix to the Target Attachment Individual Identifier (TAII) portion of the Generalized Id FEC element on switch-point node." ::= { svcPwSpeSaiiEntry 2 } svcPwSpeSaiiTaiiAcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwSpeSaiiTaiiAcId indicates the attachment circuit identifier part of Source Attachment Individual Identifier (SAII) portion of the Generalized Id FEC element on switch-point node." ::= { svcPwSpeSaiiEntry 3 } svcPwSpeSaiiSvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwSpeSaiiSvcId indicates the Service identifier on this switch-point node." ::= { svcPwSpeSaiiEntry 4 } svcPwSpeSaiiOperSdpBind1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpBindId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwSpeSaiiOperSdpBind1 indicates the first operational SDP-bind on this switch-point node." ::= { svcPwSpeSaiiEntry 5 } svcPwSpeSaiiOperSdpBind2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpBindId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwSpeSaiiOperSdpBind2 indicates the other operational SDP-bind on this switch-point node." ::= { svcPwSpeSaiiEntry 6 } svcPwSpeTaiiTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcPwSpeTaiiEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains pseudo-wire switch-point node information by Target Attachment Individual Identifier (TAII)." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 117 } svcPwSpeTaiiEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcPwSpeTaiiEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry that contains pseudo-wire switch-point node information by Target Attachment Individual Identifier (TAII)." INDEX { svcMSPwPeTaiiGlobalId, svcMSPwPeTaiiPrefix, svcMSPwPeTaiiAcId } ::= { svcPwSpeTaiiTable 1 } SvcPwSpeTaiiEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcPwSpeTaiiSaiiGlobalId TmnxPwGlobalIdOrZero, svcPwSpeTaiiSaiiPrefix Unsigned32, svcPwSpeTaiiSaiiAcId Unsigned32, svcPwSpeTaiiSvcId TmnxServId, svcPwSpeTaiiOperSdpBind1 SdpBindId, svcPwSpeTaiiOperSdpBind2 SdpBindId } svcPwSpeTaiiSaiiGlobalId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPwGlobalIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwSpeTaiiSaiiGlobalId indicates the global identifier of Source Attachment Individual Identifier (SAII) portion of the Generalized Id FEC element on switch-point node." ::= { svcPwSpeTaiiEntry 1 } svcPwSpeTaiiSaiiPrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwSpeTaiiSaiiPrefix indicates the prefix to the Source Attachment Individual Identifier (SAII) portion of the Generalized Id FEC element on switch-point node." ::= { svcPwSpeTaiiEntry 2 } svcPwSpeTaiiSaiiAcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwSpeTaiiSaiiAcId indicates the attachment circuit identifier part of Target Attachment Individual Identifier (TAII) portion of the Generalized Id FEC element on switch-point node." ::= { svcPwSpeTaiiEntry 3 } svcPwSpeTaiiSvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwSpeTaiiSvcId indicates the Service identifier on this switch-point node." ::= { svcPwSpeTaiiEntry 4 } svcPwSpeTaiiOperSdpBind1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpBindId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwSpeTaiiOperSdpBind1 indicates the first operational SDP-bind on this switch-point node." ::= { svcPwSpeTaiiEntry 5 } svcPwSpeTaiiOperSdpBind2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpBindId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPwSpeTaiiOperSdpBind2 indicates the other operational SDP-bind on this switch-point node." ::= { svcPwSpeTaiiEntry 6 } svcDhcpLeaseOvrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcDhcpLeaseOvrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcDhcpLeaseOvrTable contains QoS (Quality of Service) overrides for DHCP lease states. Entries in this table are created and destroyed by the system. This table is a sparse augment of the svcDhcpLeaseTable: entries are created only for DHCP lease states for which QoS overrides information is available." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 118 } svcDhcpLeaseOvrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcDhcpLeaseOvrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each conceptual row represents QoS overrides information of a DHCP lease state." INDEX { svcId, svcDhcpLeaseCiAddrType, svcDhcpLeaseCiAddr, svcDhcpLeaseNextHopMacAddr, svcDhcpLeaseOvrDirection, svcDhcpLeaseOvrType, svcDhcpLeaseOvrTypeId, svcDhcpLeaseOvrTypeName } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseOvrTable 1 } SvcDhcpLeaseOvrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcDhcpLeaseOvrDirection TDirectionIngEgr, svcDhcpLeaseOvrType TQosOverrideType, svcDhcpLeaseOvrTypeId Integer32, svcDhcpLeaseOvrTypeName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcDhcpLeaseOvrPIR TQosQueuePIRRateOverride, svcDhcpLeaseOvrCIR TQosQueueCIRRateOverride, svcDhcpLeaseOvrCBS TBurstSizeBytesOvr, svcDhcpLeaseOvrMBS TBurstSizeBytesOvr, svcDhcpLeaseOvrWrrWeight THsmdaWrrWeightOverride, svcDhcpLeaseOvrSummedCIR TruthValue, svcDhcpLeaseOvrClassWeight THsClassWeightOverride } svcDhcpLeaseOvrDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDirectionIngEgr MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseOvrDirection indicates if this row specifies ingress or egress qos override parameters." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseOvrEntry 1 } svcDhcpLeaseOvrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosOverrideType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseOvrType indicates what field has been overridden by this row." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseOvrEntry 2 } svcDhcpLeaseOvrTypeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseOvrTypeId indicates the ID of the queue/policer that has been overridden by this row. If the value of svcDhcpLeaseOvrType is not 'queue (1)' or 'policer (2)', this field must be set to zero (0)." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseOvrEntry 3 } svcDhcpLeaseOvrTypeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseOvrTypeName indicates the name of the scheduler/arbiter that has been overridden by this row. If the value of svcDhcpLeaseOvrType is not 'arbiter (4)' or 'scheduler (5)', this field must be set to zero (0)." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseOvrEntry 4 } svcDhcpLeaseOvrPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosQueuePIRRateOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseOvrPIR indicates the PIR rate in kbps allowed for the object overridden by this row." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseOvrEntry 5 } svcDhcpLeaseOvrCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosQueueCIRRateOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseOvrCIR indicates the CIR rate in kbps allowed for the object overridden by this row." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseOvrEntry 6 } svcDhcpLeaseOvrCBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstSizeBytesOvr MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseOvrCBS indicates the amount of reserved buffer space (in bytes) for the object overridden by this row." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseOvrEntry 7 } svcDhcpLeaseOvrMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstSizeBytesOvr MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseOvrMBS indicates the maximum amount of reserved buffer space (in bytes) for the object overridden by this row." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseOvrEntry 8 } svcDhcpLeaseOvrWrrWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWrrWeightOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseOvrWrrWeight indicates the weight of this queue for the HSMDA scheduler. The weight determines how much bandwidth this queue gets out of the total rate for the scheduling class. The value of svcDhcpLeaseOvrWrrWeight is only relevant if the value of svcDhcpLeaseOvrType is equal to 'queue', and if the queue specified in svcDhcpLeaseOvrTypeId is referenced in the value of TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaWrrPolicyIncludeQueues of the Weighted Round Robin policy associated wit this PPP session." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseOvrEntry 9 } svcDhcpLeaseOvrSummedCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseOvrSummedCIR indicates if the CIR should be used as the summed CIR values of the children schedulers or queues. If set to 'true', the applicable scheduler CIR (svcDhcpLeaseOvrCIR) loses its meaning." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseOvrEntry 10 } svcDhcpLeaseOvrClassWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsClassWeightOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseOvrClassWeight specifies the weight of the scheduling class. A value of svcDhcpLeaseOvrClassWeight equal to -2 indicates no overrides." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseOvrEntry 11 } svcTlsSpbTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsSpbTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcTlsSpbTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 119 } svcTlsSpbTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsSpbEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcTlsSpbTable contains entries for Shortest Path Bridging in a VPLS service context." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 120 } svcTlsSpbEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsSpbEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Shortest Path Bridging entry in the svcTlsSpbTable." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcTlsSpbTable 1 } SvcTlsSpbEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsSpbRowStatus RowStatus, svcTlsSpbLastChanged TimeStamp, svcTlsSpbIsisInstance Integer32, svcTlsSpbFid TmnxSpbFid, svcTlsSpbL1BridgePriority TmnxSpbBridgePriority, svcTlsSpbL1FwdTreeTopoUcast INTEGER, svcTlsSpbAdminState TmnxAdminState, svcTlsSpbL1FwdTreeTopoMcast INTEGER, svcTlsSpbL1BridgeId BridgeId, svcTlsSpbL1McastDesigBridgeId BridgeId } svcTlsSpbRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsSpbRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of Shortest Path Bridging context in a VPLS service." ::= { svcTlsSpbEntry 1 } svcTlsSpbLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsSpbLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { svcTlsSpbEntry 2 } svcTlsSpbIsisInstance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1024..2047) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsSpbIsisInstance specifies the ISIS-MIB::isisSysInstance to be used with this Shortest Path Bridging context in this VPLS service. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if value of svcTlsSpbIsisInstance is set to a different value after the row creation time." DEFVAL { 1024 } ::= { svcTlsSpbEntry 3 } svcTlsSpbFid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSpbFid MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsSpbFid specifies forwarding database identifier associated with this Shortest Path Bridging context in this VPLS service. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if value of svcTlsSpbFid is set to a different value after the row creation time." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { svcTlsSpbEntry 4 } svcTlsSpbL1BridgePriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSpbBridgePriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsSpbL1BridgePriority specifies the level 1 four bit bridge priority associated with this Shortest Path Bridging context in this VPLS service." DEFVAL { 8 } ::= { svcTlsSpbEntry 5 } svcTlsSpbL1FwdTreeTopoUcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { spf (0), st (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsSpbL1FwdTreeTopoUcast specifies level 1 unicast forwarding to follow the shortest path tree or to follow a single tree for this Shortest Path Bridging context in this VPLS service." DEFVAL { spf } ::= { svcTlsSpbEntry 6 } svcTlsSpbAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsSpbAdminState specifies the desired administrative state for Shortest Path Bridging on this VPLS service." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { svcTlsSpbEntry 7 } svcTlsSpbL1FwdTreeTopoMcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { spf (0), st (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsSpbL1FwdTreeTopoMcast indicates level 1 multicast forwarding to follow the shortest path tree or to follow a single tree for this Shortest Path Bridging context in this VPLS service." ::= { svcTlsSpbEntry 8 } svcTlsSpbL1BridgeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BridgeId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsSpbL1BridgeId indicates the level 1 designated bridge identifier for Shortest Path Bridging context on this VPLS service." ::= { svcTlsSpbEntry 9 } svcTlsSpbL1McastDesigBridgeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BridgeId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsSpbL1McastDesigBridgeId indicates the level 1 designated bridge identifier for multicast traffic for Shortest Path Bridging on this VPLS service." ::= { svcTlsSpbEntry 10 } svcVllBgpTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcVllBgpTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 121 } svcVllBgpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcVllBgpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcVllBgpTable contains entries for BGP in a VLL service context." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 122 } svcVllBgpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcVllBgpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcVllBgpEntry contains BGP related information for a specific service." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcVllBgpTable 1 } SvcVllBgpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcVllBgpRowStatus RowStatus, svcVllBgpLastChanged TimeStamp, svcVllBgpVsiRD TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher, svcVllBgpExportRteTarget TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcVllBgpImportRteTarget TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcVllBgpAutoRD TruthValue, svcVllBgpOperRD TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher, svcVllBgpOperRDType TmnxRouteDistType, svcVllBgpOperImportRteTgtOrigin TmnxRouteTargetOrigin, svcVllBgpOperImportRteTarget TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcVllBgpOperExportRteTgtOrigin TmnxRouteTargetOrigin, svcVllBgpOperExportRteTarget TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcVllBgpAdvServiceMtu Integer32 } svcVllBgpRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of Shortest Path Bridging context in a VPLS service." ::= { svcVllBgpEntry 1 } svcVllBgpLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { svcVllBgpEntry 2 } svcVllBgpVsiRD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpVsiRD specifies the high-order 6 bytes used to compose the Virtual Switch Instance identifier (VSI-id) to use for NLRI in BGP in this VLL service. SNMP set of svcVllBgpVsiRD to non-default value will automatically set svcVllBgpAutoRD to 'false'." DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H } ::= { svcVllBgpEntry 3 } svcVllBgpExportRteTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpExportRteTarget specifies the extended community name for the default export policy to use for BGP in this VLL service. This object cannot be set to a non-empty if svcVllBgpExportRteTarget has a non-empty value, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error will be returned." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcVllBgpEntry 4 } svcVllBgpImportRteTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpImportRteTarget specifies the extended community name for the default import policy to use for BGP in this VLL service. This object cannot be set to a non-empty if svcVllBgpImportRteTarget has a non-empty value, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error will be returned." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcVllBgpEntry 5 } svcVllBgpAutoRD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpAutoRD specifies that system will automatically selects a value for the route-distinguisher from svcBgpAutoRDType1Group. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned when trying to set svcVllBgpAutoRD to 'true' and there is no route-distinguisher available from TIMETRA-SERV-MIB::svcBgpAutoRDType1Group. SNMP set of svcVllBgpAutoRD to 'true' will automatically set svcVllBgpVsiRD to all zeroes." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVllBgpEntry 6 } svcVllBgpOperRD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpOperRD indicates the route-distinguisher value in use by the system for this service." ::= { svcVllBgpEntry 7 } svcVllBgpOperRDType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRouteDistType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpOperRDType indicates the type of route-distinguisher value in use by the system for this service." ::= { svcVllBgpEntry 8 } svcVllBgpOperImportRteTgtOrigin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRouteTargetOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpOperImportRteTgtOrigin indicates the origin of the route target import policy in use for BGP in this VLL service." ::= { svcVllBgpEntry 9 } svcVllBgpOperImportRteTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpOperImportRteTarget indicates the extended community name for the import policy in use for BGP in this VLL service." ::= { svcVllBgpEntry 10 } svcVllBgpOperExportRteTgtOrigin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRouteTargetOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpOperExportRteTgtOrigin indicates the origin of the route target import policy in use for BGP in this VLL service." ::= { svcVllBgpEntry 11 } svcVllBgpOperExportRteTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpOperExportRteTarget indicates the origin of extended community name for the export policy in use for BGP in this VLL service." ::= { svcVllBgpEntry 12 } svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy1 specifies the name of the first VSI export policy to be used for BGP in this EPIPE service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The export policy name list, svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy1 through svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcVllBgpEntry 13 } svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy2 specifies the name of the second VSI export policy to be used for BGP in this EPIPE service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The export policy name list, svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy1 through svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcVllBgpEntry 14 } svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy3 specifies the name of the third VSI export policy to be used for BGP in this EPIPE service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The export policy name list, svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy1 through svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcVllBgpEntry 15 } svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy4 specifies the name of the forth VSI export policy to be used for BGP in this EPIPE service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The export policy name list, svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy1 through svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcVllBgpEntry 16 } svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy5 specifies the name of the fifth VSI export policy to be used for BGP in this EPIPE service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The export policy name list, svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy1 through svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcVllBgpEntry 17 } svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy1 specifies the name of the first VSI import policy to be used for BGP in this EPIPE service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy1 through svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcVllBgpEntry 18 } svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy2 specifies the name of the second VSI import policy to be used for BGP in this EPIPE service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy1 through svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcVllBgpEntry 19 } svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy3 specifies the name of the third VSI import policy to be used for BGP in this EPIPE service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy1 through svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcVllBgpEntry 20 } svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy4 specifies the name of the forth VSI import policy to be used for BGP in this EPIPE service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy1 through svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcVllBgpEntry 21 } svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy5 specifies the name of the fifth VSI import policy to be used for BGP in this EPIPE service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy1 through svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcVllBgpEntry 22 } svcVllBgpAdvServiceMtu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..9782) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcVllBgpAdvServiceMtu specifies the service-mtu value which overrides service MTU value for the service." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { svcVllBgpEntry 23 } svcVllSiteIdTblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllSiteIdTblLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcVllSiteIdTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 123 } svcVllSiteIdTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcVllSiteIdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table maintains the information about different sites defined in a service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 124 } svcVllSiteIdEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcVllSiteIdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcVllSiteIdEntry contains information about a particular site in a specific service." INDEX { svcId, svcVllSiteIdName } ::= { svcVllSiteIdTable 1 } SvcVllSiteIdEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcVllSiteIdName TNamedItem, svcVllSiteIdRowStatus RowStatus, svcVllSiteIdLastChanged TimeStamp, svcVllSiteIdAdminStatus TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState, svcVllSiteIdSiteId TmnxSiteIdOrEmpty, svcVllSiteIdPortId TmnxPortID, svcVllSiteIdEncapValue TmnxEncapVal, svcVllSiteIdOperStatus TSiteOperStatus, svcVllSiteIdDesignatedFwdr TruthValue, svcVllSiteIdBootTimer Integer32, svcVllSiteIdSiteActTimer Integer32, svcVllSiteIdDfUpTime Unsigned32, svcVllSiteIdDfChgCnt Unsigned32, svcVllSiteIdTimerRemain Unsigned32, svcVllSiteIdPreference Unsigned32, svcVllSiteIdActTimerRemain Unsigned32, svcVllSiteIdMinDnTimer Integer32, svcVllSiteIdMinDnTimerRemain Unsigned32 } svcVllSiteIdName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllSiteIdName defines the name for the specific site." ::= { svcVllSiteIdEntry 1 } svcVllSiteIdRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllSiteIdRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of rows in this table." ::= { svcVllSiteIdEntry 2 } svcVllSiteIdLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllSiteIdLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in svcVllSiteIdTable." ::= { svcVllSiteIdEntry 3 } svcVllSiteIdAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllSiteIdAdminStatus specifies the administrative state of the site instance associated with this service." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcVllSiteIdEntry 4 } svcVllSiteIdSiteId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSiteIdOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllSiteIdSiteId specifies the identifier for the site in this service." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { svcVllSiteIdEntry 5 } svcVllSiteIdPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllSiteIdPortId specifies the port associated with this site. The default value for this object indicates an invalid port. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned when svcVllSiteIdPortId is set to non-default and svcVllSiteIdEncapValue is set to its default value or when svcVllSiteIdPortId is set to its default value and svcVllSiteIdEncapValue is set to non-default value." DEFVAL { '1E000000'H } ::= { svcVllSiteIdEntry 6 } svcVllSiteIdEncapValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEncapVal MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllSiteIdEncapValue specifies the encap-value of the port associated with this site. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned when svcVllSiteIdPortId is set to non-default and svcVllSiteIdEncapValue is set to its default value or when svcVllSiteIdPortId is set to its default value and svcVllSiteIdEncapValue is set to non-default value." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcVllSiteIdEntry 7 } svcVllSiteIdOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSiteOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the svcVllSiteIdOperStatus indicates the operational status of the site." ::= { svcVllSiteIdEntry 8 } svcVllSiteIdDesignatedFwdr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the svcVllSiteIdDesignatedFwdr indicates whether this site has been declared as 'designated-forwarder' depending on the result of the BGP election." ::= { svcVllSiteIdEntry 9 } svcVllSiteIdBootTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllSiteIdBootTimer specifies how long the system waits after a node reboot before running the DF (designated- forwarder) election algorithm. When this object is set to default value, system uses value of TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB::tmnxMcRedBgpMultiHomeBootTimer object." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { svcVllSiteIdEntry 10 } svcVllSiteIdSiteActTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..100) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllSiteIdSiteActTimer specifies the time-period the system keeps the local sites in standby status, waiting for BGP updates from remote PEs before running the DF (designated-forwarder) election algorithm to decide whether the site should be unblocked. When this object is set to default value, system uses value of TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB::tmnxMcRedBgpMultiHomeSiteTimer object." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { svcVllSiteIdEntry 11 } svcVllSiteIdDfUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllSiteIdDfUpTime indicates the uptime of the designated forwarder for this site." ::= { svcVllSiteIdEntry 12 } svcVllSiteIdDfChgCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllSiteIdDfChgCnt indicates the number of times designated forwarder has changed." ::= { svcVllSiteIdEntry 13 } svcVllSiteIdTimerRemain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllSiteIdTimerRemain indicates remaining time in the boot timer for this site." ::= { svcVllSiteIdEntry 14 } svcVllSiteIdPreference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllSiteIdPreference specifies preference value to advertise in the NLRI L2 extended community for this site. A value of zero for this object indicates preference value in the L2 extended community of BGP-MH or BGP-VPWS NLRIs will not be trasmitted." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcVllSiteIdEntry 15 } svcVllSiteIdActTimerRemain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllSiteIdActTimerRemain indicates remaining time in the activation timer for this site." ::= { svcVllSiteIdEntry 16 } svcVllSiteIdMinDnTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..100) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllSiteIdMinDnTimer specifies the minimum time-period the system keeps the site down when a site goes down. When this object is set to default value, system uses value of TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB::tmnxMcRedBgpMHSiteMinDnTimer object." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { svcVllSiteIdEntry 21 } svcVllSiteIdMinDnTimerRemain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllSiteIdMinDnTimerRemain indicates remaining time in the svcVllSiteIdMinDnTimer for this site." ::= { svcVllSiteIdEntry 22 } svcTlsPmsiTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsPmsiTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcTlsPmsiTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 125 } svcTlsPmsiTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsPmsiEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsPmsiTable contains entries for provider-tunnel in a VPLS service context." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 126 } svcTlsPmsiEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsPmsiEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsPmsiEntry contains provider-tunnel related objects." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcTlsPmsiTable 1 } SvcTlsPmsiEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsPmsiRowStatus RowStatus, svcTlsPmsiLastChanged TimeStamp, svcTlsIPmsiAdminState TmnxAdminState, svcTlsIPmsiDataDelayIntvl Integer32, svcTlsIPmsiType INTEGER, svcTlsIPmsiLspTmpl TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcTlsIPmsiRootAndLeaf TruthValue, svcTlsIPmsiRemainDataDelayIntvl Integer32, svcTlsIPmsiLspName TLNamedItemOrEmpty, svcTlsIPmsiOwner INTEGER, svcTlsIPmsiOperState ServiceOperStatus } svcTlsPmsiRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsPmsiRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of provider-tunnel context in a VPLS service." ::= { svcTlsPmsiEntry 1 } svcTlsPmsiLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsPmsiLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { svcTlsPmsiEntry 2 } svcTlsIPmsiAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsIPmsiAdminState specifies the administrative state of the inclusive provider tunnel in this service. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned when attempting to set svcTlsIPmsiAdminState to 'inService' when svcTlsIPmsiType is set to 'none' or svcTlsIPmsiLspTmpl is set to its default value." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { svcTlsPmsiEntry 3 } svcTlsIPmsiDataDelayIntvl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (3..180) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsIPmsiDataDelayIntvl specifies the data delay interval associated for the inclusive provider tunnel in this service." DEFVAL { 15 } ::= { svcTlsPmsiEntry 4 } svcTlsIPmsiType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), rsvp (1), ldp (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsIPmsiType specifies the type of protocol supported for the inclusive provider tunnel in this service." DEFVAL { none } ::= { svcTlsPmsiEntry 5 } svcTlsIPmsiLspTmpl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsIPmsiLspTmpl specifies the name of the TIMETRA-MPLS-MIB::vRtrMplsLspTemplateName to be used for signalling inclusive provider tunnel in this service. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if svcTlsIPmsiLspTmpl does not exist in TIMETRA-MPLS-MIB::vRtrMplsLspTemplateTable. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to non-default when svcTlsIPmsiType is set to 'none'." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsPmsiEntry 6 } svcTlsIPmsiRootAndLeaf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsIPmsiRootAndLeaf specifies whether the node acts as both a root and leaf or only act as a leaf for P2MP LSP." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsPmsiEntry 7 } svcTlsIPmsiRemainDataDelayIntvl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsIPmsiRemainDataDelayIntvl indicates the remaining data delay interval for the inclusive provider tunnel in this service." ::= { svcTlsPmsiEntry 8 } svcTlsIPmsiLspName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsIPmsiLspName indicates the LSP name used for signalling inclusive provider tunnel in this service." ::= { svcTlsPmsiEntry 9 } svcTlsIPmsiOwner OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), bgpAd (1), bgpVpls (2), bgpEvpnMpls (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsIPmsiOwner specifies the owner of the provider-tunnel." DEFVAL { none } ::= { svcTlsPmsiEntry 10 } svcTlsIPmsiOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsIPmsiOperState indicates the operational state of the inclusive provider tunnel in this service." ::= { svcTlsPmsiEntry 11 } svcDhcpLeaseWppTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcDhcpLeaseWppEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcDhcpLeaseWppTable is a sparse augment of the svcDhcpLeaseTable. It contains Web Portal Protocol (WPP) information associated with DHCP lease states." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 127 } svcDhcpLeaseWppEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcDhcpLeaseWppEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains WPP information associated with a particular DHCP lease state." INDEX { svcId, svcDhcpLeaseCiAddrType, svcDhcpLeaseCiAddr, svcDhcpLeaseNextHopMacAddr } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseWppTable 1 } SvcDhcpLeaseWppEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcDhcpLeaseWppState INTEGER, svcDhcpLeaseWppPortalRouter TmnxVRtrIDOrZero, svcDhcpLeaseWppPortalName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcDhcpLeaseWppRestoreOnDiscon TruthValue, svcDhcpLeaseWppIsTriggered TruthValue, svcDhcpLeaseWppInitialSubProfile TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcDhcpLeaseWppInitialSLAProfile TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcDhcpLeaseWppInitialAppProfile TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcDhcpLeaseWppLocalUserDb TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcDhcpLeaseWppAuthPolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcDhcpLeaseWppPortalGroupName TNamedItemOrEmpty } svcDhcpLeaseWppState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { initial (1), registering (2), registered (3), authenticating (4), authenticated (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseWppState indicates the WPP state for this lease state." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseWppEntry 1 } svcDhcpLeaseWppPortalRouter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrIDOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseWppPortalRouter indicates the routing instance identifier of the WPP portal used for this lease state. The value zero indicates that the WPP portal is currently unknown." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseWppEntry 2 } svcDhcpLeaseWppPortalName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseWppPortalName indicates the name of the WPP portal used for this lease state. The value zero indicates that the WPP portal is currently unknown. The values of svcDhcpLeaseWppPortalRouter and svcDhcpLeaseWppPortalName refer to a conceptual row in the TIMETRA-WEB-PORTAL-MIB::tmnxWppPortalTable." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseWppEntry 3 } svcDhcpLeaseWppRestoreOnDiscon OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseWppRestoreOnDiscon indicates whether the initial profiles must be restored after this lease state has disconnected." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseWppEntry 4 } svcDhcpLeaseWppIsTriggered OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseWppIsTriggered indicates whether the creation of this lease state is triggered by the portal." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseWppEntry 5 } svcDhcpLeaseWppInitialSubProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseWppInitialSubProfile indicates the initial subscriber profile that probably will be used when the initial profiles must be restored. It is possible that another initial subscriber profile will be used due to recent changes in the svcDhcpLeaseWppLocalUserDb user database." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseWppEntry 6 } svcDhcpLeaseWppInitialSLAProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseWppInitialSLAProfile indicates the initial SLA profile that probably will be used when the initial profiles must be restored. It is possible that another initial SLA profile will be used due to recent changes in the svcDhcpLeaseWppLocalUserDb user database." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseWppEntry 7 } svcDhcpLeaseWppInitialAppProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseWppInitialAppProfile indicates the initial application profile that probably will be used when the initial profiles must be restored. It is possible that another initial application profile will be used due to recent changes in the svcDhcpLeaseWppLocalUserDb user database." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseWppEntry 8 } svcDhcpLeaseWppLocalUserDb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseWppLocalUserDb indicates the the user database that will be used to retrieve the initial profiles for this lease state when these must be restored." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseWppEntry 9 } svcDhcpLeaseWppAuthPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseWppAuthPolicy indicates the Radius authentication policy used for this lease state." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseWppEntry 10 } svcDhcpLeaseWppPortalGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseWppPortalGroupName indicates the name of the WPP portal group used for this lease state. The value zero indicates that the WPP portal group is currently unknown." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseWppEntry 11 } svcIfSapCfgTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcIfSapCfgTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcIfSapCfgTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 128 } svcIfSapCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcIfSapCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcIfSapCfgTable contains objects to configure (internal) SAP parameters for applicable group interfaces. Conceptual rows in this table are created and destroyed by the system. The system automatically creates a row in this table for each applicable row in the TIMETRA-SERV-MIB::iesIfTable; currently, applicable rows have the value of iesIfType is equal to 'group' and the value of iesIfGroupInterfaceType is equal to 'lns' or 'softGre'. Deletion of such a row in the iesIfTable results in the same fate for the corresponding row in this table." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 129 } svcIfSapCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcIfSapCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SAP configuration applicable to internal SAP's associated with a specific group interface. Unlike regular subscriber traffic, that enters the system through Service Access Points (SAP) on a group-interface, some user traffic enters the system through a plain layer 3 interface; this traffic is relayed for processing to an ISA MDA; it re-enters through an internal SAP on an internal group interface; this entry allows to configure certain SAP parameters for those internal SAP's. Current examples of such traffic are - traffic for PPP subscriber sessions terminated by the LNS function, - Wifi offload traffic, entering the system through a Soft GRE tunnel." INDEX { svcId, iesIfIndex } ::= { svcIfSapCfgTable 1 } SvcIfSapCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcIfSapCfgLastMgmtChange TimeStamp, svcIfSapCfgDescription TItemDescription, svcIfSapCfgDefSubProfile TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcIfSapCfgDefSlaProfile TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcIfSapCfgDefAppProfile TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcIfSapCfgSubIdentPolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcIfSapCfgDefSubIdent TmnxDefSubIdSource, svcIfSapCfgDefSubIdentString TmnxSubIdentStringOrEmpty, svcIfSapCfgDefFilterProfile TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcIfSapCfgAntiSpoof INTEGER } svcIfSapCfgLastMgmtChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcIfSapCfgLastMgmtChange indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this table row." ::= { svcIfSapCfgEntry 1 } svcIfSapCfgDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcIfSapCfgDescription specifies the description of this conceptual row." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcIfSapCfgEntry 2 } svcIfSapCfgDefSubProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcIfSapCfgDefSubProfile specifies the default subscriber profile." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcIfSapCfgEntry 3 } svcIfSapCfgDefSlaProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcIfSapCfgDefSlaProfile specifies the default SLA profile." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcIfSapCfgEntry 4 } svcIfSapCfgDefAppProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcIfSapCfgDefAppProfile specifies the default application profile." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcIfSapCfgEntry 5 } svcIfSapCfgSubIdentPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcIfSapCfgSubIdentPolicy specifies the subscriber identification policy." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcIfSapCfgEntry 6 } svcIfSapCfgDefSubIdent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDefSubIdSource MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcIfSapCfgDefSubIdent specifies the default subscriber identification. This value is used in case no other source (like Radius) provides a subscriber identification string. If the value of this object is set to 'useAutoId', the auto-generated subscriber identification string, as defined in tmnxSubMgmtAutoSubIdObjs, is used as the default subscriber identification string. In this case, svcIfSapCfgDefSubIdentString must contain the empty string, so any non-empty string in svcIfSapCfgDefSubIdentString will be set to an empty string. If the value of this object is set to 'useString', the value of svcIfSapCfgDefSubIdentString will be used as the default subscriber identification string; in this case, an empty svcIfSapCfgDefSubIdentString means that there is no default subscriber identification configured." DEFVAL { useString } ::= { svcIfSapCfgEntry 7 } svcIfSapCfgDefSubIdentString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubIdentStringOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcIfSapCfgDefSubIdentString specifies the default subscriber identification string." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcIfSapCfgEntry 8 } svcIfSapCfgDefFilterProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcIfSapCfgDefFilterProfile specifies the default filter profile. The specified filter profile needs to exists in the TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB::tmnxSubFilterProfileTable." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcIfSapCfgEntry 9 } svcIfSapCfgAntiSpoof OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ipMac (3), nhMac (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcIfSapCfgAntiSpoof specifies the type of anti-spoofing for WLAN-GW group-interfaces. ipMac (3) - Interface is set to IP-MAC anti-spoofing, which is the default setting for WLAN-GW group-interfaces. nhMac (4) - Interface is set to NH-MAC anti-spoofing." DEFVAL { ipMac } ::= { svcIfSapCfgEntry 10 } svcTlsSpbUserSvcTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsSpbUserSvcEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsSpbUserSvcTable contains entries for user VPLS for each control VPLS per forwarding database identifier." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 130 } svcTlsSpbUserSvcEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsSpbUserSvcEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsSpbUserSvcEntry contains user VPLS information for each control VPLS per forwarding database identifier." INDEX { svcId, svcTlsSpbFid, svcTlsSpbUserSvcId } ::= { svcTlsSpbUserSvcTable 1 } SvcTlsSpbUserSvcEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsSpbUserSvcId TmnxServId, svcTlsSpbUserSvcLastUpdate TimeStamp } svcTlsSpbUserSvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsSpbUserSvcId is used for the creation and deletion of provider-tunnel context in a VPLS service." ::= { svcTlsSpbUserSvcEntry 1 } svcTlsSpbUserSvcLastUpdate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsSpbUserSvcLastUpdate indicates the sysUpTime at the time this entry was last updated." ::= { svcTlsSpbUserSvcEntry 2 } tlsSpbFdbTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TlsSpbFdbEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tlsSpbFdbTable contains user VPLS Shortest Path Bridging (SPB) Forwarding Data-Base (FDB) information." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 131 } tlsSpbFdbEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TlsSpbFdbEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tlsSpbFdbEntry contains a specific user VPLS SPB FDB mac address related information." INDEX { svcId, tlsSpbFdbMacAddr } ::= { tlsSpbFdbTable 1 } TlsSpbFdbEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tlsSpbFdbMacAddr MacAddress, tlsSpbFdbLocale TmnxSpbFdbLocale, tlsSpbFdbPortId TmnxPortID, tlsSpbFdbEncapValue TmnxEncapVal, tlsSpbFdbSdpId SdpId, tlsSpbFdbVcId Unsigned32, tlsSpbFdbState TmnxSpbFdbState, tlsSpbFdbMLocale TmnxSpbFdbLocale, tlsSpbFdbMPortId TmnxPortID, tlsSpbFdbMEncapValue TmnxEncapVal, tlsSpbFdbMSdpId SdpId, tlsSpbFdbMVcId Unsigned32, tlsSpbFdbMState TmnxSpbFdbState } tlsSpbFdbMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsSpbFdbMacAddr indicates the 48-bit IEEE 802.3 MAC address." ::= { tlsSpbFdbEntry 1 } tlsSpbFdbLocale OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSpbFdbLocale MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsSpbFdbLocale indicates locality of the this FDB entry." ::= { tlsSpbFdbEntry 4 } tlsSpbFdbPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsSpbFdbPortId indicates the port-id of the SAP for this FDB entry. This object is valid only when tlsSpbFdbLocale is set to 'sap'. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsSpbFdbEntry 5 } tlsSpbFdbEncapValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEncapVal MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsSpbFdbEncapValue indicates the encap-value of the SAP for this FDB entry. This object is valid only when tlsSpbFdbLocale is set to 'sap'. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsSpbFdbEntry 6 } tlsSpbFdbSdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsSpbFdbSdpId indicates the sdp identifier of the SDP binding of the SDP for this FDB entry. This object is valid only when tlsSpbFdbLocale is set to 'sdp'. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsSpbFdbEntry 7 } tlsSpbFdbVcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsSpbFdbVcId indicates the virtual circuit identifier (vc-id) of the SDP binding of the SDP for this FDB entry. This object is valid only when tlsSpbFdbLocale is set to 'sdp'. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsSpbFdbEntry 8 } tlsSpbFdbState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSpbFdbState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tlsSpbFdbState indicates the state of this FDB entry in the user VPLS." ::= { tlsSpbFdbEntry 9 } tlsSpbFdbMLocale OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSpbFdbLocale MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsSpbFdbMLocale indicates locality of this FDB entry for multicast traffic." ::= { tlsSpbFdbEntry 10 } tlsSpbFdbMPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsSpbFdbMPortId indicates the port-id of the SAP for this FDB entry for multicast traffic. This object is valid only when tlsSpbFdbMLocale is set to 'sap'. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsSpbFdbEntry 11 } tlsSpbFdbMEncapValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEncapVal MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsSpbFdbMEncapValue indicates the encap-value of the SAP for this FDB entry for multicast traffic. This object is valid only when tlsSpbFdbMLocale is set to 'sap'. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsSpbFdbEntry 12 } tlsSpbFdbMSdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsSpbFdbMSdpId indicates the sdp identifier of the SDP binding of the SDP for this FDB entry for multicast traffic. This object is valid only when tlsSpbFdbMLocale is set to 'sdp'. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsSpbFdbEntry 13 } tlsSpbFdbMVcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsSpbFdbMVcId indicates the virtual circuit identifier (vc-id) of the SDP binding of the SDP for this FDB entry for multicast traffic. This object is valid only when tlsSpbFdbMLocale is set to 'sdp'. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsSpbFdbEntry 14 } tlsSpbFdbMState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSpbFdbState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tlsSpbFdbMState indicates the state of this FDB entry for multicast traffic in the user VPLS." ::= { tlsSpbFdbEntry 15 } tlsSpbFidFdbTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TlsSpbFidFdbEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tlsSpbFidFdbTable contains control VPLS Shortest Path Bridging (SPB) Forwarding Data-Base (FDB) information." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 132 } tlsSpbFidFdbEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TlsSpbFidFdbEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tlsSpbFidFdbEntry contains a specific control VPLS SPB FDB mac address related information." INDEX { svcId, svcTlsSpbFid, tlsSpbFidFdbMacAddr } ::= { tlsSpbFidFdbTable 1 } TlsSpbFidFdbEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tlsSpbFidFdbMacAddr MacAddress, tlsSpbFidFdbLocale TmnxSpbFdbLocale, tlsSpbFidFdbPortId TmnxPortID, tlsSpbFidFdbEncapValue TmnxEncapVal, tlsSpbFidFdbSdpId SdpId, tlsSpbFidFdbVcId Unsigned32, tlsSpbFidFdbMLocale TmnxSpbFdbLocale, tlsSpbFidFdbMPortId TmnxPortID, tlsSpbFidFdbMEncapValue TmnxEncapVal, tlsSpbFidFdbMSdpId SdpId, tlsSpbFidFdbMVcId Unsigned32, tlsSpbFidFdbLastUpdate TimeStamp, tlsSpbFidFdbMLastUpdate TimeStamp } tlsSpbFidFdbMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsSpbFidFdbMacAddr indicates the 48-bit IEEE 802.3 MAC address." ::= { tlsSpbFidFdbEntry 1 } tlsSpbFidFdbLocale OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSpbFdbLocale MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsSpbFidFdbLocale indicates locality of the this FDB entry." ::= { tlsSpbFidFdbEntry 4 } tlsSpbFidFdbPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsSpbFidFdbPortId indicates the port-id of the SAP for this FDB entry. This object is valid only when tlsSpbFidFdbLocale is set to 'sap'. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsSpbFidFdbEntry 5 } tlsSpbFidFdbEncapValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEncapVal MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsSpbFidFdbEncapValue indicates the encap-value of the SAP for this FDB entry. This object is valid only when tlsSpbFidFdbLocale is set to 'sap'. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsSpbFidFdbEntry 6 } tlsSpbFidFdbSdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsSpbFidFdbSdpId indicates the sdp identifier of the SDP binding of the SDP for this FDB entry. This object is valid only when tlsSpbFidFdbLocale is set to 'sdp'. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsSpbFidFdbEntry 7 } tlsSpbFidFdbVcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsSpbFidFdbVcId indicates the virtual circuit identifier (vc-id) of the SDP binding of the SDP for this FDB entry. This object is valid only when tlsSpbFidFdbLocale is set to 'sdp'. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsSpbFidFdbEntry 8 } tlsSpbFidFdbMLocale OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSpbFdbLocale MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsSpbFidFdbMLocale indicates locality of the this FDB entry for multicast traffic." ::= { tlsSpbFidFdbEntry 9 } tlsSpbFidFdbMPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsSpbFidFdbMPortId indicates the port-id of the SAP for this FDB entry for multicast traffic. This object is valid only when tlsSpbFidFdbMLocale is set to 'sap'. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsSpbFidFdbEntry 10 } tlsSpbFidFdbMEncapValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEncapVal MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsSpbFidFdbMEncapValue indicates the encap-value of the SAP for this FDB entry for multicast traffic. This object is valid only when tlsSpbFidFdbMLocale is set to 'sap'. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsSpbFidFdbEntry 11 } tlsSpbFidFdbMSdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsSpbFidFdbMSdpId indicates the sdp identifier of the SDP binding of the SDP for this FDB entry for multicast traffic. This object is valid only when tlsSpbFidFdbMLocale is set to 'sdp'. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsSpbFidFdbEntry 12 } tlsSpbFidFdbMVcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsSpbFidFdbMVcId indicates the virtual circuit identifier (vc-id) of the SDP binding of the SDP for this FDB entry for multicast traffic. This object is valid only when tlsSpbFidFdbMLocale is set to 'sdp'. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsSpbFidFdbEntry 13 } tlsSpbFidFdbLastUpdate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsSpbFidFdbLastUpdate indicates the sysUpTime at the time unicast SAP/SDP information of this entry was last updated." ::= { tlsSpbFidFdbEntry 14 } tlsSpbFidFdbMLastUpdate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsSpbFidFdbMLastUpdate indicates the sysUpTime at the time multicast SAP/SDP information of this entry was last updated." ::= { tlsSpbFidFdbEntry 15 } tlsSpbMFibTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TlsSpbMFibEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tlsSpbMFibTable contains user VPLS Shortest Path Bridging (SPB) multicast forwarding database (Mfib) information." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 133 } tlsSpbMFibEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TlsSpbMFibEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tlsSpbMFibEntry contains an entry for specific SAP or SDP in the multicast forwarding database of the user VPLS for the group MAC address." INDEX { svcId, tlsSpbMFibMacAddr } ::= { tlsSpbMFibTable 1 } TlsSpbMFibEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tlsSpbMFibMacAddr MacAddress, tlsSpbMFibIsid Unsigned32, tlsSpbMFibState BITS } tlsSpbMFibMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsSpbMFibMacAddr indicates the 48-bit IEEE 802.3 group MAC address." ::= { tlsSpbMFibEntry 1 } tlsSpbMFibIsid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsSpbMFibIsid indicates the value of ISID of the group MAC address of this entry." ::= { tlsSpbMFibEntry 2 } tlsSpbMFibState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { ok (0), addModPending (1), delPending (2), sysMFibLimit (3), noFateShared (4), spbMFibLimit (5), useDefMCTree (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tlsSpbMFibState indicates the state of this FDB entry in the user VPLS." ::= { tlsSpbMFibEntry 3 } tlsSpbFidMFibTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TlsSpbFidMFibEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tlsSpbFidMFibTable contains control VPLS Shortest Path Bridging (SPB) multicast forwarding database (MFib) information." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 134 } tlsSpbFidMFibEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TlsSpbFidMFibEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tlsSpbFidMFibEntry contains an entry for specific SAP or SDP in the multicast forwarding database of the controlling vpls for the group MAC address." INDEX { svcId, svcTlsSpbFid, tlsSpbFidMFibMacAddr, tlsSpbFidMFibLocale, tlsSpbFidMFibPortId, tlsSpbFidMFibEncapValue, tlsSpbFidMFibSdpId, tlsSpbFidMFibVcId } ::= { tlsSpbFidMFibTable 1 } TlsSpbFidMFibEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tlsSpbFidMFibMacAddr MacAddress, tlsSpbFidMFibLocale TmnxSpbFdbLocale, tlsSpbFidMFibPortId TmnxPortID, tlsSpbFidMFibEncapValue TmnxEncapVal, tlsSpbFidMFibSdpId SdpId, tlsSpbFidMFibVcId Unsigned32, tlsSpbFidMFibIsid Unsigned32, tlsSpbFidMFibLastUpdate TimeStamp } tlsSpbFidMFibMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsSpbFidMFibMacAddr indicates the 48-bit IEEE 802.3 group MAC address." ::= { tlsSpbFidMFibEntry 1 } tlsSpbFidMFibLocale OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSpbFdbLocale MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsSpbFidMFibLocale indicates locality of the this FDB entry." ::= { tlsSpbFidMFibEntry 2 } tlsSpbFidMFibPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsSpbFidMFibPortId indicates the port-id of the SAP for this multicast forwarding database (MFIB) entry. This object is valid only when tlsSpbFidFdbLocale is set to 'sap'. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsSpbFidMFibEntry 3 } tlsSpbFidMFibEncapValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEncapVal MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsSpbFidMFibEncapValue indicates the encap-value of the SAP for this multicast forwarding database (MFIB) entry. This object is valid only when tlsSpbFidFdbLocale is set to 'sap'. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsSpbFidMFibEntry 4 } tlsSpbFidMFibSdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsSpbFidMFibSdpId indicates the sdp identifier of the SDP binding of the SDP for this FDB entry. This object is valid only when tlsSpbFidMFibLocale is set to 'sdp'. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsSpbFidMFibEntry 5 } tlsSpbFidMFibVcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsSpbFidMFibVcId indicates the virtual circuit identifier (vc-id) of the SDP binding of the SDP for this FDB entry. This object is valid only when tlsSpbFidMFibLocale is set to 'sdp'. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { tlsSpbFidMFibEntry 6 } tlsSpbFidMFibIsid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsSpbFidMFibIsid indicates the value of ISID of the group MAC address of this entry." ::= { tlsSpbFidMFibEntry 7 } tlsSpbFidMFibLastUpdate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsSpbFidMFibLastUpdate indicates the sysUpTime at the time this entry was last updated." ::= { tlsSpbFidMFibEntry 8 } svcSpbIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcSpbIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcSpbIfTable contains Shortest Path Bridging (SPB) interface information." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 135 } svcSpbIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcSpbIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcSpbIfEntry contains a specific SPB interface related information." INDEX { svcSpbIfIndex } ::= { svcSpbIfTable 1 } SvcSpbIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcSpbIfIndex InterfaceIndex, svcSpbIfLocale TmnxSpbFdbLocale, svcSpbIfPortId TmnxPortID, svcSpbIfEncapValue TmnxEncapVal, svcSpbIfSdpId SdpId, svcSpbIfVcId Unsigned32, svcSpbIfSvcId TmnxServId, svcSpbIfIsisInstance Integer32 } svcSpbIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcSpbIfIndex indicates the interface index." ::= { svcSpbIfEntry 1 } svcSpbIfLocale OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSpbFdbLocale MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcSpbIfLocale indicates locality of the this interface entry." ::= { svcSpbIfEntry 4 } svcSpbIfPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSpbIfPortId indicates the port-id of the SAP for this interface entry. This object is valid only when svcSpbIfLocale is set to 'sap'. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { svcSpbIfEntry 5 } svcSpbIfEncapValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEncapVal MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSpbIfEncapValue indicates the encap-value of the SAP for this interface entry. This object is valid only when svcSpbIfLocale is set to 'sap'. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { svcSpbIfEntry 6 } svcSpbIfSdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSpbIfSdpId indicates the sdp identifier of the SDP binding of the SDP for this interface entry. This object is valid only when svcSpbIfLocale is set to 'sdp'. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { svcSpbIfEntry 7 } svcSpbIfVcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSpbIfVcId indicates the virtual circuit identifier (vc-id) of the SDP binding of the SDP for this interface entry. This object is valid only when svcSpbIfLocale is set to 'sdp'. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." ::= { svcSpbIfEntry 8 } svcSpbIfSvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSpbIfSvcId indicates the service identifier of this Shortest Path Bridging interface." ::= { svcSpbIfEntry 9 } svcSpbIfIsisInstance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSpbIfIsisInstance indicates the ISIS-MIB::isisSysInstance used with this Shortest Path Bridging interface." ::= { svcSpbIfEntry 10 } svcArpHostOvrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcArpHostOvrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcArpHostOvrTable contains QoS (Quality of Service) overrides for ARP hosts. Entries in this table are created and destroyed by the system. This table is a sparse augment of the svcArpHostTable: entries are created only for ARH hosts for which QoS overrides information is available." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 136 } svcArpHostOvrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcArpHostOvrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each conceptual row represents QoS overrides information of an ARP Host." INDEX { svcId, svcArpHostIpAddrType, svcArpHostIpAddr, svcArpHostOvrDirection, svcArpHostOvrType, svcArpHostOvrTypeId, svcArpHostOvrTypeName } ::= { svcArpHostOvrTable 1 } SvcArpHostOvrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcArpHostOvrDirection TDirectionIngEgr, svcArpHostOvrType TQosOverrideType, svcArpHostOvrTypeId Integer32, svcArpHostOvrTypeName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcArpHostOvrPIR TQosQueuePIRRateOverride, svcArpHostOvrCIR TQosQueueCIRRateOverride, svcArpHostOvrCBS TBurstSizeBytesOvr, svcArpHostOvrMBS TBurstSizeBytesOvr, svcArpHostOvrWrrWeight THsmdaWrrWeightOverride, svcArpHostOvrSummedCIR TruthValue, svcArpHostOvrClassWeight THsClassWeightOverride } svcArpHostOvrDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDirectionIngEgr MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostOvrDirection indicates if this row specifies ingress or egress qos override parameters." ::= { svcArpHostOvrEntry 1 } svcArpHostOvrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosOverrideType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostOvrType indicates what field has been overridden by this row." ::= { svcArpHostOvrEntry 2 } svcArpHostOvrTypeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostOvrTypeId indicates the ID of the queue/policer that has been overridden by this row. If the value of svcArpHostOvrType is not 'queue (1)' or 'policer (2)', this field must be set to zero (0)." ::= { svcArpHostOvrEntry 3 } svcArpHostOvrTypeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostOvrTypeName indicates the name of the scheduler/arbiter that has been overridden by this row. If the value of svcArpHostOvrType is not 'arbiter (4)' or 'scheduler (5)', this field must be set to zero (0)." ::= { svcArpHostOvrEntry 4 } svcArpHostOvrPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosQueuePIRRateOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostOvrPIR indicates the PIR rate in kbps allowed for the object overridden by this row." ::= { svcArpHostOvrEntry 5 } svcArpHostOvrCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosQueueCIRRateOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostOvrCIR indicates the CIR rate in kbps allowed for the object overridden by this row." ::= { svcArpHostOvrEntry 6 } svcArpHostOvrCBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstSizeBytesOvr MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostOvrCBS indicates the amount of reserved buffer space (in bytes) for the object overridden by this row." ::= { svcArpHostOvrEntry 7 } svcArpHostOvrMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstSizeBytesOvr MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostOvrMBS indicates the maximum amount of reserved buffer space (in bytes) for the object overridden by this row." ::= { svcArpHostOvrEntry 8 } svcArpHostOvrWrrWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWrrWeightOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostOvrWrrWeight indicates the weight of this queue for the HSMDA scheduler. The weight determines how much bandwidth this queue gets out of the total rate for the scheduling class. The value of svcArpHostOvrWrrWeight is only relevant if the value of svcArpHostOvrType is equal to 'queue', and if the queue specified in svcArpHostOvrTypeId is referenced in the value of TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaWrrPolicyIncludeQueues of the Weighted Round Robin policy associated with this ARP Host." ::= { svcArpHostOvrEntry 9 } svcArpHostOvrSummedCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostOvrSummedCIR indicates if the CIR should be used as the summed CIR values of the children schedulers or queues. If set to 'true', the applicable scheduler CIR (svcArpHostOvrCIR) loses its meaning." ::= { svcArpHostOvrEntry 10 } svcArpHostOvrClassWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsClassWeightOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostOvrClassWeight specifies the weight of the scheduling class. A value of svcArpHostOvrClassWeight equal to -2 indicates no overrides." ::= { svcArpHostOvrEntry 11 } iesIfIsaTnlNHTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfIsaTnlNHTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of iesIfIsaTnlNHTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 137 } iesIfIsaTnlNHTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IesIfIsaTnlNHEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The iesIfIsaTnlNHTable contains entries for IES interface ISA tunnel next-hop information in an IES service context." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 138 } iesIfIsaTnlNHEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IesIfIsaTnlNHEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The iesIfIsaTnlNHEntry contains IES service ISA tunnel next-hop information per service interface." INDEX { svcId, iesIfIndex } ::= { iesIfIsaTnlNHTable 1 } IesIfIsaTnlNHEntry ::= SEQUENCE { iesIfIsaTnlNHLastChanged TimeStamp, iesIfIsaTnlNHStaticAddrType InetAddressType, iesIfIsaTnlNHStaticAddr InetAddress, iesIfIsaTnlNHDynAddrType InetAddressType, iesIfIsaTnlNHDynAddr InetAddress } iesIfIsaTnlNHLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfIsaTnlNHLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { iesIfIsaTnlNHEntry 1 } iesIfIsaTnlNHStaticAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfIsaTnlNHStaticAddrType specifies the address type of iesIfIsaTnlNHStaticAddr object." DEFVAL { ipv4 } ::= { iesIfIsaTnlNHEntry 2 } iesIfIsaTnlNHStaticAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16|20)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfIsaTnlNHStaticAddr specifies the IP address of the redundant next-hop for static ISA tunnels on this interface." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { iesIfIsaTnlNHEntry 3 } iesIfIsaTnlNHDynAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfIsaTnlNHDynAddrType specifies the address type of iesIfIsaTnlNHStaticAddr object." DEFVAL { ipv4 } ::= { iesIfIsaTnlNHEntry 4 } iesIfIsaTnlNHDynAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16|20)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfIsaTnlNHDynAddr specifies the IP address of the redundant next-hop for dynamic ISA tunnels on this interface." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { iesIfIsaTnlNHEntry 5 } svcBgpVpwsTblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpVpwsTblLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcBgpVpwsTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 139 } svcBgpVpwsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcBgpVpwsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table maintains the information about BGP VPWS (Virtual Private Wire Service) feature information for a service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 140 } svcBgpVpwsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcBgpVpwsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about BGP-VPWS feature for a specific service." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcBgpVpwsTable 1 } SvcBgpVpwsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcBgpVpwsRowStatus RowStatus, svcBgpVpwsLastChanged TimeStamp, svcBgpVpwsAdminStatus TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState, svcBgpVpwsVeName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcBgpVpwsVeId TmnxSiteIdOrEmpty, svcBgpVpwsPwTemplateId PWTemplateId } svcBgpVpwsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpVpwsRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of rows in this table." ::= { svcBgpVpwsEntry 1 } svcBgpVpwsLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpVpwsLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in svcBgpVpwsTable." ::= { svcBgpVpwsEntry 2 } svcBgpVpwsAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpVpwsAdminStatus specifies the administrative state of the VPWS edge instance associated with this service." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcBgpVpwsEntry 3 } svcBgpVpwsVeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpVpwsVeName specifies the name for the specific VPWS edge." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcBgpVpwsEntry 4 } svcBgpVpwsVeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSiteIdOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpVpwsVeId specifies the identifier for the VPWS edge in this service. The svcBgpVpwsVeId is a two bytes identifier that represents the local instance in a VPWS and is advertised through the BGP Network Layer Reachability Information (NLRI). An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to non-default value when svcBgpVpwsVeName is set to its default value." REFERENCE "http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-kompella-l2vpn-l2vpn-10" DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { svcBgpVpwsEntry 5 } svcBgpVpwsPwTemplateId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PWTemplateId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpVpwsPwTemplateId indicates the pseudo-wire template used in transmitting BGP-VPWS NLRI information for this VPWS edge in this service." ::= { svcBgpVpwsEntry 6 } svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeTblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeTblLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 141 } svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcBgpVpwsRemoteVeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table maintains the information about BGP VPWS (Virtual Private Wire Service) remote edge information for a service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 142 } svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcBgpVpwsRemoteVeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about BGP VPWS remote edge for a specific service." INDEX { svcId, svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeName } ::= { svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeTable 1 } SvcBgpVpwsRemoteVeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeName TNamedItem, svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeRowStatus RowStatus, svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeLastChanged TimeStamp, svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeId TmnxSiteIdOrEmpty } svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeName specifies the name for the specific VPWS edge." ::= { svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeEntry 1 } svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of rows in this table." ::= { svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeEntry 2 } svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeTable." ::= { svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeEntry 3 } svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSiteIdOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeId specifies the identifier for the VPWS edge in this service. The svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeId is a two bytes identifier that represents the remote bridging instance in a VPWS and is advertised through the BGP Network Layer Reachability Information (NLRI)." REFERENCE "RFC-4761" DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeEntry 4 } svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsIsidPlcyRangeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table maintains the ISID policy information for VPLS services." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 148 } svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsIsidPlcyRangeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This entry maintains the ISID policy information for a specific VPLS service." INDEX { svcId, svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeId } ::= { svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeTable 1 } SvcTlsIsidPlcyRangeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeId Unsigned32, svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeRowStatus RowStatus, svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeLastChanged TimeStamp, svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeLow TmnxISID, svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeHigh TmnxISID, svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeUseDefMCTree TruthValue, svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeAdvLocal TruthValue } svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8191) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeId specifies the range identifier for the ISID policy." ::= { svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeEntry 1 } svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of rows in this table." ::= { svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeEntry 2 } svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeTable." ::= { svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeEntry 3 } svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxISID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeLow specifies the low value of the range for this entry." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeEntry 4 } svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxISID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeHigh specifies the high value of the range for this entry." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeEntry 5 } svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeUseDefMCTree OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeUseDefMCTree specifies whether to use default multicast tree to propagate ISID range." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeEntry 6 } svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeAdvLocal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeAdvLocal specifies whether to advertise locally the ISID range in this entry." DEFVAL { true } ::= { svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeEntry 7 } tlsCondStaticMacTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TlsCondStaticMacEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains TLS conditional static MAC address information." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 149 } tlsCondStaticMacEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TlsCondStaticMacEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a specific TLS conditional static MAC address." INDEX { svcId, tlsCondStaticMacAddr, tlsCondStaticMacPreference } ::= { tlsCondStaticMacTable 1 } TlsCondStaticMacEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tlsCondStaticMacAddr MacAddress, tlsCondStaticMacPreference Unsigned32, tlsCondStaticMacRowStatus RowStatus, tlsCondStaticMacLastChanged TimeStamp, tlsCondStaticMacLocale INTEGER, tlsCondStaticMacPortId TmnxPortID, tlsCondStaticMacEncapValue TmnxEncapVal, tlsCondStaticMacSdpId SdpId, tlsCondStaticMacVcId Unsigned32, tlsCondStaticMacMonitor INTEGER } tlsCondStaticMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsCondStaticMacAddr specifies the static 48-bit IEEE 802.3 MAC address which will be programmed in the FDB based on status of tlsCondStaticMacMonitor and tlsCondStaticMacPreference." ::= { tlsCondStaticMacEntry 1 } tlsCondStaticMacPreference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsCondStaticMacPreference specifies the preference of this entry relative to other entries for the same MAC address." ::= { tlsCondStaticMacEntry 2 } tlsCondStaticMacRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsCondStaticMacRowStatus specifies the status of this row. The only values supported during a set operation are 'createAndGo' and 'destroy'." ::= { tlsCondStaticMacEntry 3 } tlsCondStaticMacLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsCondStaticMacLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in tlsCondStaticMacTable." ::= { tlsCondStaticMacEntry 4 } tlsCondStaticMacLocale OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sap (1), sdp (2), blackhole (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsCondStaticMacLocale specifies for TLS FDB entries defined on a local SAP the value 'sap', remote entries defined on an SDP have the value 'sdp'. The value of this object must be specified when the row is created and cannot be changed while the row status is 'active'." ::= { tlsCondStaticMacEntry 5 } tlsCondStaticMacPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of tlsCondStaticMacLocale is 'sap', this object, along with tlsCondStaticMacEncapValue, specifies the SAP associated with the MAC address defined by tlsCondStaticMacAddr. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tlsCondStaticMacEntry 6 } tlsCondStaticMacEncapValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEncapVal MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsCondStaticMacEncapValue specifies, when the value of tlsCondStaticMacLocale is 'sap', along with tlsCondStaticMacPortId, SAP associated with the MAC address defined by tlsCondStaticMacAddr. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tlsCondStaticMacEntry 7 } tlsCondStaticMacSdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsCondStaticMacSdpId specifies, when the value of tlsCondStaticMacLocale is 'sdp', along with tlsCondStaticMacVcId,the SDP Binding associated with the MAC address defined by tlsCondStaticMacAddr. This object is other- wise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tlsCondStaticMacEntry 8 } tlsCondStaticMacVcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsCondStaticMacVcId specifies, when the value of tlsCondStaticMacLocale is 'sdp', along with tlsCondStaticMacSdpId, the SDP Binding associated with the MAC address defined by tlsCondStaticMacAddr. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tlsCondStaticMacEntry 9 } tlsCondStaticMacMonitor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), fwdStatus (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsCondStaticMacMonitor specifies the entity to be monitored to decide whether this this entry can be installed in the FDB. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tlsCondStaticMacMonitor is not set at the creation time of the entry." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tlsCondStaticMacEntry 10 } svcTlsFdbMacStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsFdbMacStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table maintains the count of MAC address entries per FDB type for VPLS services." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 150 } svcTlsFdbMacStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsFdbMacStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This entry maintains the count of MAC address entries per FDB type for a VPLS service." INDEX { svcId, tlsFdbType } ::= { svcTlsFdbMacStatsTable 1 } SvcTlsFdbMacStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsFdbMacStatsNumEntries Unsigned32 } svcTlsFdbMacStatsNumEntries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsFdbMacStatsNumEntries indicates the number of MAC address entries of the FDB type in this service." ::= { svcTlsFdbMacStatsEntry 1 } svcOperGrpBfdTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcOperGrpBfdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcOperGrpBfdTable maintains BFD information for operational groups." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 151 } svcOperGrpBfdEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcOperGrpBfdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcOperGrpBfdTable maintains BFD information for a specific operational group." INDEX { svcOperGrpName } ::= { svcOperGrpBfdTable 1 } SvcOperGrpBfdEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcOperGrpBfdRowStatus RowStatus, svcOperGrpBfdLastChgd TimeStamp, svcOperGrpBfdSvcId TmnxServId, svcOperGrpBfdIfName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcOperGrpBfdDestIpType InetAddressType, svcOperGrpBfdDestIp InetAddress, svcOperGrpBfdSrcIpType InetAddressType, svcOperGrpBfdSrcIp InetAddress, svcOperGrpBfdSessOperState TmnxBfdIntfSessOperState } svcOperGrpBfdRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object svcOperGrpBfdRowStatus is used for creation or deletion of entries in the svcOperGrpBfdEntry." ::= { svcOperGrpBfdEntry 1 } svcOperGrpBfdLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcOperGrpBfdLastChgd indicates the time stamp of the last change to this row of this table." ::= { svcOperGrpBfdEntry 2 } svcOperGrpBfdSvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcOperGrpBfdSvcId specifies the service ID of the interface running BFD." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcOperGrpBfdEntry 3 } svcOperGrpBfdIfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcOperGrpBfdIfName specifies the name of the interface running BFD." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcOperGrpBfdEntry 4 } svcOperGrpBfdDestIpType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcOperGrpBfdDestIpType specifies the address type of svcOperGrpBfdDestIp object." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { svcOperGrpBfdEntry 5 } svcOperGrpBfdDestIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcOperGrpBfdDestIp specifies the destination IP address on the interface running BFD." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcOperGrpBfdEntry 6 } svcOperGrpBfdSrcIpType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcOperGrpBfdSrcIpType indicates the address type of svcOperGrpBfdSrcIp object." ::= { svcOperGrpBfdEntry 7 } svcOperGrpBfdSrcIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcOperGrpBfdSrcIp indicates the source IP address on the interface running BFD." ::= { svcOperGrpBfdEntry 8 } svcOperGrpBfdSessOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBfdIntfSessOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcOperGrpBfdSessOperState indicates the operational state of the BFD session the operation-group is relying upon for its fast triggering mechanism." ::= { svcOperGrpBfdEntry 9 } svcTlsVxlanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsVxlanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsVxlanTable maintains VXLAN Network Identifiers (VNIs) for VPLS services." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 152 } svcTlsVxlanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsVxlanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsVxlanTable maintains VXLAN Network Identifiers (VNIs) for VPLS services." INDEX { svcId, svcTlsVxlanVni } ::= { svcTlsVxlanTable 1 } SvcTlsVxlanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsVxlanVni Unsigned32, svcTlsVxlanRowStatus RowStatus, svcTlsVxlanLastChgd TimeStamp, svcTlsVxlanCreationOrigin TmnxCreateOrigin, svcTlsVxlanNetIngQosPolicyId TPolicyID, svcTlsVxlanNetIngQosFPQGrp TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcTlsVxlanNetIngQosFPQGrpInstId TQosQGrpInstanceIDorZero, svcTlsVxlanAsstdRepl INTEGER, svcTlsVxlanARActTime Unsigned32, svcTlsVxlanResProtSrcMac TruthValue, svcTlsVxlanResProtSrcMacAct INTEGER, svcTlsVxlanInstanceId TmnxVxlanInstance } svcTlsVxlanVni OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..16777215) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxlanVni specifies the VNI of the VXLAN created by the VPLS service." ::= { svcTlsVxlanEntry 1 } svcTlsVxlanRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This object svcTlsVxlanRowStatus is used for creation or deletion of entries in the svcTlsVxlanEntry." ::= { svcTlsVxlanEntry 2 } svcTlsVxlanLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxlanLastChgd indicates the time stamp of the last change to this row of this table." ::= { svcTlsVxlanEntry 3 } svcTlsVxlanCreationOrigin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCreateOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxlanCreationOrigin indicates the mechanism used to create this entry." DEFVAL { manual } ::= { svcTlsVxlanEntry 4 } svcTlsVxlanNetIngQosPolicyId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxlanNetIngQosPolicyId associates pre-existing network-policy to the network ingress traffic for this Vxlan Vni service. This object must be set along with svcTlsVxlanNetIngQosFPQGrp and svcTlsVxlanNetIngQosFPQGrpInstId." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsVxlanEntry 5 } svcTlsVxlanNetIngQosFPQGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxlanNetIngQosFPQGrp specifies the network ingress forwarding-plane queue-group name for this Vxlan Vni service. This object must be set along with svcTlsVxlanNetIngQosPolicyId and svcTlsVxlanNetIngQosFPQGrpInstId." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsVxlanEntry 6 } svcTlsVxlanNetIngQosFPQGrpInstId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosQGrpInstanceIDorZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxlanNetIngQosFPQGrpInstId specifies the instance of the network ingress forwarding-plane queue-group for this Vxlan Vni service. This object must be set along with svcTlsVxlanNetIngQosPolicyId and svcTlsVxlanNetIngQosFPQGrp." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsVxlanEntry 7 } svcTlsVxlanAsstdRepl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), replicator (1), leaf (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxlanAsstdRepl specifies whether AR is enabled in the service for VXLAN tunnels. If BGP-EVPN is enabled in the service, then it will send an update containing the inclusive multicast route for the service and the type as AR-R or AR-L." DEFVAL { none } ::= { svcTlsVxlanEntry 8 } svcTlsVxlanARActTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxlanARActTime specifies the time the leaf would wait before sending traffic to a new replicator , which can be used to by the replicator to learn about this leaf." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsVxlanEntry 9 } svcTlsVxlanResProtSrcMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxlanResProtSrcMac specifies how the agent will handle relearn requests for protected MAC addresses. When the value of this object is 'true', requests to relearn a protected MAC address will be ignored." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsVxlanEntry 10 } svcTlsVxlanResProtSrcMacAct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { discardFrame (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxlanResProtSrcMacAct specifies the action to take whenever a relearn request for a protected MAC is received on a restricted SAP. When the value of this object is 'discardFrame', the SAP will start discarding the frame." DEFVAL { discardFrame } ::= { svcTlsVxlanEntry 11 } svcTlsVxlanInstanceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVxlanInstance MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxlanInstanceId specifies the VXLAN instance id for this service." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { svcTlsVxlanEntry 12 } svcBgpEvpnTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcBgpEvpnEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcBgpEvpnTable contains configuration information for Border Gateway Protocol Ethernet Virtual Private Networks (BGP-EVPNs) in a VPLS service context." REFERENCE "RFC 7348, 'VXLAN: A Framework for Overlaying Virtualized Layer 2 Networks over Layer 3 Networks', August 2014. IETF draft-ietf-l2vpn-evpn-11, 'BGP MPLS Based Ethernet VPN', October 18, 2014" ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 153 } svcBgpEvpnEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcBgpEvpnEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A BGP EVPN entry in the svcBgpEvpnTable." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcBgpEvpnTable 1 } SvcBgpEvpnEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcBgpEvpnRowStatus RowStatus, svcBgpEvpnLastChanged TimeStamp, svcBgpEvpnMacAdvertisement TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnMacAdvDefaultRoute TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnVxlanAdminStatus TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState, svcBgpEvpnCreationOrigin TmnxCreateOrigin, svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetNumMoves Unsigned32, svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetWindow Unsigned32, svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetRetry Unsigned32, svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetNumDups Unsigned32, svcBgpEvpnIpRouteAdvertisement TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnIpRouteAdverInclHost TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnEvi Unsigned32, svcBgpEvpnCfmMacAdvertisement TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnIngressRepIncMcastAdv TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnVxlanBgpInstance Integer32, svcBgpEvpnIncMcastOrigAddrType InetAddressType, svcBgpEvpnIncMcastOrigAddr InetAddress, svcBgpEvpnAcceptIvplsEvpnFlush TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnMacDupBlkHoleDupMac TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnVxlanSendEvpnEncap TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnVxlanSendImetIrOnNdf TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnVxlanMaxEcmpRoutes Integer32, svcBgpEvpnSelMcastAdvertise TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnIpRouteAdvDomainId TmnxDPathDomainId } svcBgpEvpnRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of BGP EVPN context in a DC PE VPLS instance." ::= { svcBgpEvpnEntry 1 } svcBgpEvpnLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry." ::= { svcBgpEvpnEntry 2 } svcBgpEvpnMacAdvertisement OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnMacAdvertisement specifies whether all the non BGP EVPN macs will be advertised to BGP or not." DEFVAL { true } ::= { svcBgpEvpnEntry 3 } svcBgpEvpnMacAdvDefaultRoute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnMacAdvDefaultRoute specifies whether the default mac will be advertised to BGP or not. When the value of svcBgpEvpnMacAdvDefaultRoute is true, only the Default-mac is advertised." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnEntry 4 } svcBgpEvpnVxlanAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnVxlanAdminStatus specifies the desired administrative state for VXLANs under the BGP EVPN context in this VPLS service." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcBgpEvpnEntry 5 } svcBgpEvpnCreationOrigin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCreateOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnCreationOrigin indicates mechanism used to create this entry." DEFVAL { manual } ::= { svcBgpEvpnEntry 6 } svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetNumMoves OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (3..10) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetNumMoves specifies number of moves with in svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetWindow between evpn and non-evpn destinations above which a MAC is considered duplicate. This can be due to loops, incorrect configuration in the network etc." DEFVAL { 5 } ::= { svcBgpEvpnEntry 7 } svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetWindow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..15) UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetWindow specifies the length of the window in minutes." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { svcBgpEvpnEntry 8 } svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetRetry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 2..60) UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetRetry specifies the hold down time in minutes. This value is expected to be equal to or more than two times that of svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetWindow. If svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetRetry is set to its default value, this implies that once a duplicate MAC is detected, until a user intervenes or a network event (MAC flush) occurs, updates for that MAC will be held down. In the absence of the above mentioned events, MAC duplication detection will be tried again after svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetRetry time. This value is expected to be either 0 (= no auto retry) or equal to more than two times that of svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetWindow." DEFVAL { 9 } ::= { svcBgpEvpnEntry 9 } svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetNumDups OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetNumDups indicates the number of duplicate MAC addresses in BGP-EVPN in a VPLS service context." ::= { svcBgpEvpnEntry 10 } svcBgpEvpnIpRouteAdvertisement OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnIpRouteAdvertisement specifies whether IP Routes will be advertised by BGP EVPN or not." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnEntry 11 } svcBgpEvpnIpRouteAdverInclHost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnIpRouteAdverInclHost specifies whether IP Routes advertised by BGP EVPN will include '/32' host routes. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if svcBgpEvpnIpRouteAdverInclHost is set to 'true' when svcBgpEvpnIpRouteAdvertisement is set to 'false'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnEntry 12 } svcBgpEvpnEvi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..16777215) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "BGP EVPN identifier used for the service-carving algorithm used for multi-homing and for auto-deriving the Route-distinguisher and Route-target." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcBgpEvpnEntry 13 } svcBgpEvpnCfmMacAdvertisement OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnCfmMacAdvertisement specifies whether or not to advertise the VPLS service's operational Up MEP, MIP, and Virtual MEP (VMEP) MAC addresses over BGP-EVPN. If svcBgpEvpnCfmMacAdvertisement is 'true(1)', the MAC addresses are advertised. If svcBgpEvpnCfmMacAdvertisement is 'false(2)', the MAC addresses are not advertised." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnEntry 14 } svcBgpEvpnIngressRepIncMcastAdv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnIngressRepIncMcastAdv specifies whether the IMET-IT routes will be advertised for this service. If svcBgpEvpnIngressRepIncMcastAdv is 'false(2)', no IMET routes will be sent for the service unless provider tunnel is configured with owner bgp-evpn-mpls and root-and-leaf." DEFVAL { true } ::= { svcBgpEvpnEntry 15 } svcBgpEvpnVxlanBgpInstance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnVxlanBgpInstance specifies the BGP instance used with this service." ::= { svcBgpEvpnEntry 16 } svcBgpEvpnIncMcastOrigAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnIncMcastOrigAddrType specifies the address type of svcBgpEvpnIncMcastOrigAddr." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { svcBgpEvpnEntry 17 } svcBgpEvpnIncMcastOrigAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnIncMcastOrigAddr specifies the original IP address and PTA tunnel-endpoint in the IMET routes for this service." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcBgpEvpnEntry 18 } svcBgpEvpnAcceptIvplsEvpnFlush OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcBgpEvpnAcceptIvplsEvpnFlush specifies whether to accept non-zero ethernet-tag MAC routes and process them only for CMAC flushing in this service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnEntry 19 } svcBgpEvpnMacDupBlkHoleDupMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcBgpEvpnMacDupBlkHoleDupMac specifies whether black-hole traffic detected on the duplicated MAC address in this service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnEntry 20 } svcBgpEvpnVxlanSendEvpnEncap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The svcBgpEvpnVxlanSendEvpnEncap specifies whether a RFC5512 vxlan tunnel encap extended community is included in BGP EVPN VXLAN route advertisements." DEFVAL { true } ::= { svcBgpEvpnEntry 21 } svcBgpEvpnVxlanSendImetIrOnNdf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnVxlanSendImetIrOnNdf specifies whether the router will advertise IMET-IR routes even when the PE is a not a designated forwarder." DEFVAL { true } ::= { svcBgpEvpnEntry 23 } svcBgpEvpnVxlanMaxEcmpRoutes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnVxlanMaxEcmpRoutes specifies the maximum ECMP routes to a multihomed ethernet-segment" DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { svcBgpEvpnEntry 24 } svcBgpEvpnSelMcastAdvertise OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcBgpEvpnSelMcastAdvertise specifies whether to advertise SMET evpn routes." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnEntry 25 } svcBgpEvpnIpRouteAdvDomainId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDPathDomainId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnIpRouteAdvDomainId specifies the Domain ID used in D-Path for routes advertisement." DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { svcBgpEvpnEntry 26 } tmnxIesIfRtrSolicitTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxIesIfRtrSolicitEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxIesIfRtrSolicitTable has an entry for each IES interface configured in the system." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 154 } tmnxIesIfRtrSolicitEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxIesIfRtrSolicitEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains information about an IES interface. Entries cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations." AUGMENTS { iesIfEntry } ::= { tmnxIesIfRtrSolicitTable 1 } TmnxIesIfRtrSolicitEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxIesIfRtrSolLastMgmtChange TimeStamp, tmnxIesIfRtrSolAdminStatus TmnxEnabledDisabled, tmnxIesIfRtrSolUserDb TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxIesIfRtrSolMinAuthInterval Unsigned32, tmnxIesIfRtrSolInactivityTimer Unsigned32 } tmnxIesIfRtrSolLastMgmtChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIesIfRtrSolLastMgmtChange indicates the value of the object sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this row." ::= { tmnxIesIfRtrSolicitEntry 1 } tmnxIesIfRtrSolAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIesIfRtrSolAdminStatus specifies the desired administrative state of this row." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { tmnxIesIfRtrSolicitEntry 2 } tmnxIesIfRtrSolUserDb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIesIfRtrSolUserDb specifies the local user database to use for router solicit based authentication. If no authentication with the local user database is required, the value of this object must be set to the empty string." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxIesIfRtrSolicitEntry 3 } tmnxIesIfRtrSolMinAuthInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..360000) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIesIfRtrSolMinAuthInterval specifies the minimum interval between two consecutive authentication attempts for the same host." DEFVAL { 300 } ::= { tmnxIesIfRtrSolicitEntry 4 } tmnxIesIfRtrSolInactivityTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..31536000 | 4294967295) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIesIfRtrSolInactivityTimer specifies the time before an inactive host is removed. A value of 0xFFFFFFFF specifies the inactivity timer is disabled." DEFVAL { 300 } ::= { tmnxIesIfRtrSolicitEntry 5 } svcVsdDomainTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcVsdDomainEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcVsdDomainTable contains entries for each VSD static+dynamic domain configuration in the system. A domain is defined as a logical switch/router that enables Layer-2 and Layer-3 communication." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 155 } svcVsdDomainEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcVsdDomainEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A VSD domain entry in the svcVsdDomainTable." INDEX { svcVsdDomainName } ::= { svcVsdDomainTable 1 } SvcVsdDomainEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcVsdDomainRowStatus RowStatus, svcVsdDomainDescription TItemDescription, svcVsdDomainType INTEGER, svcVsdDomainAdminState TmnxAdminState, svcVsdDomainCreationOrigin INTEGER, svcVsdDomainLastErrStr TLDisplayString, svcVsdDomainVsdLastErrStr TLDisplayString, svcVsdDomainRecParams OCTET STRING, svcVsdDomainExecParams OCTET STRING } svcVsdDomainRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVsdDomainRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of entries in the svcVsdDomainEntry." ::= { svcVsdDomainEntry 1 } svcVsdDomainDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVsdDomainDescription specifies the textual description for this domain. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned when this object is set to a different value and svcVsdDomainAdminState is set to 'inService'." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcVsdDomainEntry 2 } svcVsdDomainType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { l2Domain (1), vrfGre (2), vrfVxlan (3), l2DomainIrb (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVsdDomainType specifies the type of the domain. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of this object is set to a different value after the entry is created." ::= { svcVsdDomainEntry 3 } svcVsdDomainAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVsdDomainAdminState specifies the administrative state of this domain." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { svcVsdDomainEntry 4 } svcVsdDomainCreationOrigin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { manual (0), vsd (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVsdDomainCreationOrigin indicates whether the entry was created by the User or by the VSD." ::= { svcVsdDomainEntry 5 } svcVsdDomainLastErrStr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLDisplayString (SIZE (0..320)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVsdDomainLastErrStr indicates the last error to VSD for with this domain." ::= { svcVsdDomainEntry 6 } svcVsdDomainVsdLastErrStr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLDisplayString (SIZE (0..320)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVsdDomainVsdLastErrStr indicates the last error from VSD to this domain." ::= { svcVsdDomainEntry 7 } svcVsdDomainRecParams OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1000)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVsdDomainRecParams indicates the parameter string of the script instance last received from the VSD." ::= { svcVsdDomainEntry 8 } svcVsdDomainExecParams OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1000)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVsdDomainExecParams indicates the parameter string of the script instance that was last executed successfully." ::= { svcVsdDomainEntry 9 } svcTlsProxyArpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsProxyArpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcTlsProxyArpTable contains entries for each host in the system." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 156 } svcTlsProxyArpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsProxyArpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Proxy ARP entry in the svcTlsProxyArpTable." INDEX { svcId, svcTlsProxyArpIpAddrType, svcTlsProxyArpIpAddr } ::= { svcTlsProxyArpTable 1 } SvcTlsProxyArpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsProxyArpIpAddrType InetAddressType, svcTlsProxyArpIpAddr InetAddress, svcTlsProxyArpMacAddr MacAddress, svcTlsProxyArpType TmnxProxyEntryType, svcTlsProxyArpLastChgd TimeStamp, svcTlsProxyArpStatus INTEGER } svcTlsProxyArpIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpIpAddrType indicates the address type of svcTlsProxyArpIpAddr." ::= { svcTlsProxyArpEntry 1 } svcTlsProxyArpIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpIpAddr indicates the IP address of the host." ::= { svcTlsProxyArpEntry 2 } svcTlsProxyArpMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpMacAddr indicates the MAC address mapping for the ARP host indicated by svcTlsProxyArpIpAddr." ::= { svcTlsProxyArpEntry 3 } svcTlsProxyArpType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxProxyEntryType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpType indicates the type of proxy ARP entry." ::= { svcTlsProxyArpEntry 4 } svcTlsProxyArpLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry." ::= { svcTlsProxyArpEntry 5 } svcTlsProxyArpStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active (1), inActv (2), pendng (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpStatus indicates if proxy ARP will respond to ARP request for the IP address corresponding to this entry." ::= { svcTlsProxyArpEntry 6 } svcVsdDomainToSvcTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcVsdDomainToSvcEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcVsdDomainToSvcTable contains information about services associated with the VSD domain." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 157 } svcVsdDomainToSvcEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcVsdDomainToSvcEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry about a service associated with the VSD domain." INDEX { svcVsdDomainName, svcId } ::= { svcVsdDomainToSvcTable 1 } SvcVsdDomainToSvcEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcVsdDomainToSvcRowStatus RowStatus, svcVsdDomainToSvcCreationOrigin INTEGER } svcVsdDomainToSvcRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVsdDomainToSvcRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of entries in the svcVsdDomainToSvcEntry." ::= { svcVsdDomainToSvcEntry 1 } svcVsdDomainToSvcCreationOrigin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { manual (0), vsd (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of object svcVsdDomainToSvcCreationOrigin indicates whether the entry was created by the User or by the VSD." ::= { svcVsdDomainToSvcEntry 2 } svcBgpEvpnDetDupMacTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcBgpEvpnDetDupMacEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcBgpEvpnDetDupMacTable contains entries for MACs that are detected as duplicates in a VPLS service context." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 158 } svcBgpEvpnDetDupMacEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcBgpEvpnDetDupMacEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A duplicate MAC hold down entry in the svcBgpEvpnDetDupMacTable." INDEX { svcId, svcBgpEvpnDetDupMacAddress } ::= { svcBgpEvpnDetDupMacTable 1 } SvcBgpEvpnDetDupMacEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcBgpEvpnDetDupMacAddress MacAddress, svcBgpEvpnDetDupMacTime TimeStamp } svcBgpEvpnDetDupMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnDetDupMacAddress indicates the MAC Address that is detected as a duplicate in a VPLS instance." ::= { svcBgpEvpnDetDupMacEntry 1 } svcBgpEvpnDetDupMacTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnDetDupMacTime indicates the time when the MAC address indicated by svcBgpEvpnDetDupMacAddress was detected as duplicate." ::= { svcBgpEvpnDetDupMacEntry 2 } svcVTEPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcVTEPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcVTEPTable contains entries for all the VTEP Addresses in the system." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 159 } svcVTEPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcVTEPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A VTEP entry in the svcVTEPTable." INDEX { svcVTEPAddrType, svcVTEPAddress } ::= { svcVTEPTable 1 } SvcVTEPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcVTEPAddrType InetAddressType, svcVTEPAddress InetAddress, svcVTEPNumEgrVNIs Unsigned32, svcVTEPOperState ServiceOperStatus, svcVTEPNumVxlanESDest Unsigned32, svcVTEPNumVxlanNonESDest Unsigned32 } svcVTEPAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVTEPAddrType indicates the type of the address associated with svcVTEPAddress." ::= { svcVTEPEntry 1 } svcVTEPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVTEPAddress indicates a VXLAN (virtual extensible LAN) Tunnel Endpoint address present in the system." ::= { svcVTEPEntry 2 } svcVTEPNumEgrVNIs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVTEPNumEgrVNIs indicates the number of egress VNIs associated with this VTEP in the system." ::= { svcVTEPEntry 3 } svcVTEPOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVTEPOperState indicates the operational status of the VTEP." ::= { svcVTEPEntry 4 } svcVTEPNumVxlanESDest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVTEPNumVxlanESDest indicates number of ES VXLAN destination with this VTEP." ::= { svcVTEPEntry 5 } svcVTEPNumVxlanNonESDest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVTEPNumVxlanNonESDest indicates number of non-ES VXLAN destination with this VTEP." ::= { svcVTEPEntry 6 } svcTlsVTEPEgrVNITable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsVTEPEgrVNIEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "svcTlsVTEPEgrVNITable contains entries for all the VTEP addresses and Egress VNIs associated with a VPLS service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 160 } svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsVTEPEgrVNIEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A VTEP entry in the svcTlsVTEPEgrVNITable." INDEX { svcId, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddrType, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIEgrVNI } ::= { svcTlsVTEPEgrVNITable 1 } SvcTlsVTEPEgrVNIEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddrType InetAddressType, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress InetAddress, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIEgrVNI Unsigned32, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNINumMACs Unsigned32, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIInMcastList TruthValue, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIOperState ServiceOperStatus, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIL2EsPbr TruthValue, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIMcast INTEGER } svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddrType indicates the type of the address associated with svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress." ::= { svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIEntry 1 } svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress indicates a VXLAN (virtual extensible LAN) Tunnel Endpoint address associated with the VPLS service." ::= { svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIEntry 2 } svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIEgrVNI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..16777215) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIEgrVNI indicates the VNI of the VXLAN created by the VPLS service." ::= { svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIEntry 3 } svcTlsVTEPEgrVNINumMACs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsVTEPEgrVNINumMACs indicates the number of MACs associated with the VPLS service." ::= { svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIEntry 4 } svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIInMcastList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIInMcastList indicates if the VPLS service is included in the multicast list." ::= { svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIEntry 5 } svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIOperState indicates the operational status of the VTEP-Egress VNI associated with the VPLS service." ::= { svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIEntry 6 } svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIL2EsPbr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIL2EsPbr indicates if the VTEP-VNI is programmed due to PBR." ::= { svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIEntry 7 } svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIMcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), u (1), bm (2), bum (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIMcast indicates the multicast forwarding type." ::= { svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIEntry 8 } svcVTEPEgrVNITable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcVTEPEgrVNIEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "svcVTEPEgrVNITable contains entries for all VTEP and Egress VNIs in the system." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 161 } svcVTEPEgrVNIEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcVTEPEgrVNIEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the svcVTEPEgrVNITable." INDEX { svcVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddrType, svcVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress, svcVTEPEgrVNIEgrVNI } ::= { svcVTEPEgrVNITable 1 } SvcVTEPEgrVNIEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddrType InetAddressType, svcVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress InetAddress, svcVTEPEgrVNIEgrVNI Unsigned32, svcVTEPEgrVNISvcId TmnxServId } svcVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddrType indicates the type of the address associated with svcVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress." ::= { svcVTEPEgrVNIEntry 1 } svcVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress indicates a VXLAN (virtual extensible LAN) Tunnel Endpoint address." ::= { svcVTEPEgrVNIEntry 2 } svcVTEPEgrVNIEgrVNI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVTEPEgrVNIEgrVNI indicates the value of the VNI of the VXLAN." ::= { svcVTEPEgrVNIEntry 3 } svcVTEPEgrVNISvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVTEPEgrVNISvcId indicates the service associated with the VTEP-Egress VNI." ::= { svcVTEPEgrVNIEntry 4 } svcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains Provider Backbone Bridging (PBB/IEEE 802.1ah) MLD Snooping MRouter Destination information." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 162 } svcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PBB I-Component instance-specific information about a specific MLD Snooping MRouter in the B-Component instance. Entries in this table can be created or deleted via SNMP operations." INDEX { svcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrSvcIdIVpls, svcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrSvcIdBVpls, IMPLIED svcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrMacName } ::= { svcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrTable 1 } SvcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrSvcIdIVpls TmnxServId, svcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrSvcIdBVpls TmnxServId, svcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrMacName TNamedItem, svcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrRowStatus RowStatus, svcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrLastCh TimeStamp } svcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrSvcIdIVpls OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrSvcIdIVpls specifies the Service identifier of the I-Component instance." ::= { svcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrEntry 1 } svcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrSvcIdBVpls OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrSvcIdBVpls specifies the Service identifier of the B-Component instance." ::= { svcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrEntry 2 } svcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrMacName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrMacName specifies the Destination MAC Address Name in the Backbone VPLS to reach a specific MLD Snooping MRouter. In the case of an I-Component instance that is multi-homed on 2 physical nodes, an I-component instance, after becoming active, uses this MAC address as the destination MAC address to reach that MLD Snooping MRouter. This allows to maintain the communication with that MRouter while no MLD Queries from that MRouter have been snooped by this I-component instance." ::= { svcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrEntry 3 } svcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrRowStatus specifies the row status of this row. The only values supported during a set operation are 'createAndGo' and 'destroy'." ::= { svcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrEntry 4 } svcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrLastCh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrLastCh indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this table row." ::= { svcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrEntry 5 } tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxSvcIesIfIpoeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeTable contains IES interface IPoE configuration information. A row is automatically created in the tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeTable for an entry in the iesIfTable depending on the value of the object iesIfType." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 163 } tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSvcIesIfIpoeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents information related to IPoE session for an IES interface in the system. Rows in table tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeTable cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations, they are dependent on rows in table iesIfTable with indexes matching svcId and iesIfIndex." INDEX { svcId, iesIfIndex } ::= { tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeTable 1 } TmnxSvcIesIfIpoeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeLastChange TimeStamp, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeAdminState TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeDescription TItemDescription, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoePolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeUserDb TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeSessionLimit Unsigned32, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeSapSessionLimit Unsigned32, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeMinAuthInterval Unsigned32, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeForceAuth BITS, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeRadSessTimeout INTEGER, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeStatelessRed TmnxEnabledDisabled } tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeLastChange indicates the value of the object sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this row." ::= { tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeEntry 1 } tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeAdminState specifies the desired administrative state of this row." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeEntry 2 } tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeDescription specifies a user provided description for IPoE on this interface." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeEntry 3 } tmnxSvcIesIfIpoePolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcIesIfIpoePolicy specifies the IPoE policy applicable on this interface." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeEntry 4 } tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeUserDb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeUserDb specifies the local user database to use for authentication. If no authentication with the local user database is required, the value of this object must be set to the empty string. If no user database is configured on a softGre group interface, the user database will be picked up from the following sources in this order: 1 - vRtrIfDHCPUserDb 2 - vRtrIfDHCP6UserDb 3 - tmnxIesIfRtrSolUserDb If no user database can be found in any of these locations, processing continues as if no user database was configured." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeEntry 5 } tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeSessionLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..500000 | 4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeSessionLimit specifies the maximum number of IPoE sessions allowed per group or retail interface. The value of 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) means that there is no limit." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeEntry 6 } tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeSapSessionLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..131071) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeSapSessionLimit specifies the maximum number of IPoE sessions allowed per SAP." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeEntry 7 } tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeMinAuthInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..32000000 | 4294967295) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeMinAuthInterval specifies the minimum interval between two consecutive authentication attempts for the same host. Reauthentication can be enforced by setting the value to 0. A value of 0xFFFFFFFF specifies that reauthentication is disabled. The value of tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeMinAuthInterval is ignored when reauthentication is forced by tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeForceAuth." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeEntry 8 } tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeForceAuth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { disabled (0), cidChange (1), ridChange (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeForceAuth specifies whether an IPoE session reauthentication should be forced independent of the value of tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeMinAuthInterval. A value disabled (0) specifies that tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeMinAuthInterval never is ignored. Following packets by default always trigger an IPoE session reauthentication: cidChange (1) - the circuit-id in the IPoE session trigger packet is not empty and different from the circuit-id stored in the IPoE session data ridChange (2) - the remote-id in the IPoE session trigger packet is not empty and different from the remote-id stored in the IPoE session data." DEFVAL { {cidChange, ridChange} } ::= { tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeEntry 9 } tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeRadSessTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { absolute (1), ignore (2), backwardsCompatible (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeRadSessTimeout specifies how to interpret the session timeout VSA coming from radius in an Access-Accept or CoA. absolute (1) - the radius VSA is treated as an absolute timeout starting from the moment the session is set up ignore (2) - the VSA is ignored in the context of the IPoE session backwardsCompatible (3) - the VSA will be treated the same as for non-ipoe session DHCP hosts." DEFVAL { absolute } ::= { tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeEntry 10 } tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeStatelessRed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeStatelessRed specifies if stateless redundancy is enabled. If stateless redundancy is enabled, this system removes IPoE sessions when it becomes backup router in a Subscriber Router Redundancy Protocol (SRRP) setup. The value of this object is relevant when a row exists in the TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB::tmnxSrrpOperTable that corresponds to this group interface. The value 'enabled' is not allowed when the value of the object iesIfGroupInterfaceType in the corresponding row in the iesIfTable is equal to 'softGre'." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeEntry 11 } svcVsdDomainStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcVsdDomainStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcVsdDomainStatTable contains entries for each VSD static+dynamic domain statistics in the system." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 165 } svcVsdDomainStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcVsdDomainStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A VSD domain statistics entry in the svcVsdDomainStatTable." INDEX { svcVsdDomainName } ::= { svcVsdDomainStatTable 1 } SvcVsdDomainStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcVsdDomainStatCfgChgEvtRcvd Unsigned32, svcVsdDomainStatLastCfgChgEvt TimeStamp, svcVsdDomainStatCfgUpdRcvd Unsigned32, svcVsdDomainStatLastCfgUpdRcvd TimeStamp, svcVsdDomainStatLastCfgUpdDone TimeStamp, svcVsdDomainStatCfgSuccess Unsigned32, svcVsdDomainStatCfgFailed Unsigned32 } svcVsdDomainStatCfgChgEvtRcvd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVsdDomainStatCfgChgEvtRcvd indicates the number of publish notification received for this domain." ::= { svcVsdDomainStatEntry 1 } svcVsdDomainStatLastCfgChgEvt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVsdDomainStatLastCfgChgEvt indicates the time of last publish notification received for this domain." ::= { svcVsdDomainStatEntry 2 } svcVsdDomainStatCfgUpdRcvd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVsdDomainStatCfgUpdRcvd indicates the number of IQ (get) response received for this domain." ::= { svcVsdDomainStatEntry 3 } svcVsdDomainStatLastCfgUpdRcvd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVsdDomainStatLastCfgUpdRcvd indicates the time of last configuration update request received for this domain." ::= { svcVsdDomainStatEntry 4 } svcVsdDomainStatLastCfgUpdDone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVsdDomainStatLastCfgUpdDone indicates the time of last configuration update request processed for this domain." ::= { svcVsdDomainStatEntry 5 } svcVsdDomainStatCfgSuccess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVsdDomainStatCfgSuccess indicates the number of successful configuration execution requests for this domain." ::= { svcVsdDomainStatEntry 6 } svcVsdDomainStatCfgFailed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVsdDomainStatCfgFailed indicates the number of failed configuration execution requests for this domain." ::= { svcVsdDomainStatEntry 7 } svcTlsProxyArpCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsProxyArpCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcTlsProxyArpCfgTable contains entries for proxy ARP configuration for each VPLS service in the system." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 166 } svcTlsProxyArpCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsProxyArpCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A svcTlsProxyArpCfgEntry maintains proxy ARP entry for specific VPLS service." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcTlsProxyArpCfgTable 1 } SvcTlsProxyArpCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsProxyArpCfgRowStatus RowStatus, svcTlsProxyArpCfgLastChgd TimeStamp, svcTlsProxyArpCfgAdminState TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState, svcTlsProxyArpDynPopulate TruthValue, svcTlsProxyArpAgeTime Integer32, svcTlsProxyArpSendRefresh Integer32, svcTlsProxyArpAntiSpoofingMac MacAddress, svcTlsProxyArpDupDetectWindow Integer32, svcTlsProxyArpAntiSpoofNumMoves Integer32, svcTlsProxyArpAntiSpoofHoldDown Integer32, svcTlsProxyArpUnknReqFloodEvpn TruthValue, svcTlsProxyArpTableSize Integer32, svcTlsProxyArpGarpFloodEvpn TruthValue, svcTlsProxyArpCfgStaticBH TruthValue, svcTlsProxyArpCfgRouteTag Unsigned32 } svcTlsProxyArpCfgRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpCfgRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of PROXY ARP context in a VPLS instance." ::= { svcTlsProxyArpCfgEntry 1 } svcTlsProxyArpCfgLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpCfgLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry." ::= { svcTlsProxyArpCfgEntry 2 } svcTlsProxyArpCfgAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpCfgAdminState specifies the administrative state of this proxy ARP entry." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcTlsProxyArpCfgEntry 3 } svcTlsProxyArpDynPopulate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpDynPopulate specifies whether system will populate proxy ARP entries from snooped GARP/ARP/ND messages on SAPs and SDP-BINDs in addition to the entries coming from EVPN (when EVPN is enabled). These entries will be shown as dynamic as opposed to evpn entries or static entries." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsProxyArpCfgEntry 4 } svcTlsProxyArpAgeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 | 60..86400) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpAgeTime specifies the aging timer value for the proxy ARP entries. When the aging expires, the entry is flushed. The aging is reset when a new ARP/GARP for the same mac-ip is received. If the FDB MAC entry is flushed, the corresponding proxy ARP/ND entry goes oper-down and ARP/ND lookups will be treated as 'missed'. EVPN will withdraw the MAC-IP if the entry goes oper-down." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsProxyArpCfgEntry 5 } svcTlsProxyArpSendRefresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 | 120..86400) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpSendRefresh specifies whether system will attempt to send 3 ARP requests (with senders IP address as zeros) within the aging-timer window, trying to refresh the proxy ARP entry." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsProxyArpCfgEntry 6 } svcTlsProxyArpAntiSpoofingMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpAntiSpoofingMac specifies the MAC address associated with the optional anti-spoofing mechanism." DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { svcTlsProxyArpCfgEntry 7 } svcTlsProxyArpDupDetectWindow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..15) UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpDupDetectWindow specifies the time to monitor the MAC address in the anti-spoofing mechanism." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { svcTlsProxyArpCfgEntry 8 } svcTlsProxyArpAntiSpoofNumMoves OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (3..10) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpAntiSpoofNumMoves specifies the override count associated with anti-spoofing mechanism for proxy ARP entry." DEFVAL { 5 } ::= { svcTlsProxyArpCfgEntry 9 } svcTlsProxyArpAntiSpoofHoldDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 2..60) UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpAntiSpoofHoldDown specifies the time to hold down the MAC address in the anti-spoofing mechanism. A permanent hold is indicated with the value of '-1'." DEFVAL { 9 } ::= { svcTlsProxyArpCfgEntry 10 } svcTlsProxyArpUnknReqFloodEvpn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpUnknReqFloodEvpn specifies whether to flood ARP requests and ND solicitations (with source squelching) when there is not a hit in the proxy-arp/nd table." DEFVAL { true } ::= { svcTlsProxyArpCfgEntry 11 } svcTlsProxyArpTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..16383) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsProxyArpTableSize specifies the maximum number of learned and static entries allowed in the proxy ARP table of this service." DEFVAL { 250 } ::= { svcTlsProxyArpCfgEntry 12 } svcTlsProxyArpGarpFloodEvpn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpGarpFloodEvpn specifies whether to flood GARP requests or replies into EVPN." DEFVAL { true } ::= { svcTlsProxyArpCfgEntry 13 } svcTlsProxyArpCfgStaticBH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpCfgStaticBH specifies if the anti-spoof MAC is programmed as a black hole static mac in the fdb." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsProxyArpCfgEntry 14 } svcTlsProxyArpCfgRouteTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpCfgRouteTag specifies the route tag to be added when the proxy ARP entries are advertised to EVPN." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsProxyArpCfgEntry 15 } svcVprnInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcVprnInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnInfoTable specifies VPRN service specific information." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 167 } svcVprnInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcVprnInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnInfoEntry has information specific to VPRN services." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcVprnInfoTable 1 } SvcVprnInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcVprnInfoEntryLastChanged TimeStamp, svcNetIngQosPolicyId TPolicyID, svcNetIngQosFPQGrp TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcNetIngQosFPQGrpInstanceId TQosQGrpInstanceIDorZero, svcNetIngIPFilterId TConfigOrVsdFilterID, svcNetIngIPv6FilterId TConfigOrVsdFilterID, svcNetIngUrpfCheckState TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcNetIngIngressClassPlcy TLNamedItemOrEmpty } svcVprnInfoEntryLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnInfoEntryLastChanged indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the last management change to any writable objects of this entry." ::= { svcVprnInfoEntry 1 } svcNetIngQosPolicyId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyID (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcNetIngQosPolicyId associates pre-existing network-policy-id to the network ingress traffic of this VPRN service." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcVprnInfoEntry 2 } svcNetIngQosFPQGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcNetIngQosFPQGrp specifies the network ingress forwarding-plane queue-group name for this VPRN service. This object must be set along with svcNetIngQosFPQGrpInstanceId object." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcVprnInfoEntry 3 } svcNetIngQosFPQGrpInstanceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosQGrpInstanceIDorZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcNetIngQosFPQGrpInstanceId specifies the instance of the network ingress forwarding-plane queue-group for this VPRN service. This object must be set along with svcNetIngQosFPQGrp object." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcVprnInfoEntry 4 } svcNetIngIPFilterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TConfigOrVsdFilterID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcNetIngIPFilterId if different from '0' specifies the ID of configured IP filter which will be deployed on all line cards with network port interfaces. The filter applies to all traffic arriving on auto-bind and/or explicit spoke SDPs within this VPRN. This filter will not be applied to VPRN spoke-SDP interfaces, SAPs or R-VPLS endpoints. Network port L3 service aware filters do not support flowspec, TPSDA(Radius/Gx injected entries in a pre-reserved filter range), LI (cannot use filter inside LI infrastructure nor have LI sources within the VPRN filter). Values outside of range 0..65535 are reserved for entries dynamically created by the system and cannot be used in any SNMP SET operation." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcVprnInfoEntry 5 } svcNetIngIPv6FilterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TConfigOrVsdFilterID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcNetIngIPv6FilterId if different from '0' specifies the ID of configured IPv6 filter which will be deployed on all line cards with network port interfaces. The filter applies to all traffic arriving on auto-bind and/or explicit spoke SDPs within this VPRN. This filter will not be applied to VPRN spoke-SDP interfaces, SAPs or R-VPLS endpoints. Network port L3 service aware filters do not support flowspec, TPSDA(Radius/Gx injected entries in a pre-reserved filter range), LI (cannot use filter inside LI infrastructure nor have LI sources within the VPRN filter). Values outside of range 0..65535 are reserved for entries dynamically created by the system and cannot be used in any SNMP SET operation." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcVprnInfoEntry 6 } svcNetIngUrpfCheckState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrIfuRPFCheckState, together with the value of TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB::vRtrIfUrpfSelectedVprnsOnly for the network interface associated with this VPRN, specifies the unicast RPF (uRPF) processing for packets ingressing a network interface and associated with this VPRN. The uRPF processing configured for the associated network interface is applied to these packets - when the object TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB::vRtrIfUrpfSelectedVprnsOnly is 'false', or - when the object TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB::vRtrIfUrpfSelectedVprnsOnly is 'true' and the value of svcNetIngUrpfCheckState is 'true'." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { svcVprnInfoEntry 7 } svcNetIngIngressClassPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Attach ingress classification policy" DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcVprnInfoEntry 8 } svcTlsProxyArpStaticTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsProxyArpStaticEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcTlsProxyArpStaticTable contains static address entries for proxy ARP configuration for each VPLS service in the system." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 168 } svcTlsProxyArpStaticEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsProxyArpStaticEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A svcTlsProxyArpStaticEntry maintains proxy ARP static address entry for specific VPLS service." INDEX { svcId, svcTlsProxyArpStaticInetAddrType, svcTlsProxyArpStaticInetAddress } ::= { svcTlsProxyArpStaticTable 1 } SvcTlsProxyArpStaticEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsProxyArpStaticInetAddrType InetAddressType, svcTlsProxyArpStaticInetAddress InetAddress, svcTlsProxyArpStaticRowStatus RowStatus, svcTlsProxyArpStaticLastChgd TimeStamp, svcTlsProxyArpStaticMac MacAddress } svcTlsProxyArpStaticInetAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsProxyArpStaticInetAddrType indicates the type of the address associated with svcTlsProxyArpStaticInetAddress." ::= { svcTlsProxyArpStaticEntry 1 } svcTlsProxyArpStaticInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsProxyArpStaticInetAddress indicates IP address of the static proxy ARP entry." ::= { svcTlsProxyArpStaticEntry 2 } svcTlsProxyArpStaticRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpStaticRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of entries in the svcTlsProxyArpStaticEntry." ::= { svcTlsProxyArpStaticEntry 3 } svcTlsProxyArpStaticLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpStaticLastChgd indicates the time of last proxy ARP configuration change on this service." ::= { svcTlsProxyArpStaticEntry 4 } svcTlsProxyArpStaticMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpStaticMac specifies the MAC address associated with this IP address." DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { svcTlsProxyArpStaticEntry 5 } svcTlsProxyNdCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsProxyNdCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcTlsProxyNdCfgTable contains entries for proxy Neighbor Discovery (ND) configuration for each VPLS service in the system." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 169 } svcTlsProxyNdCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsProxyNdCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A svcTlsProxyNdCfgEntry maintains proxy Neighbor Discovery (ND) entry for specific VPLS service." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcTlsProxyNdCfgTable 1 } SvcTlsProxyNdCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsProxyNdCfgRowStatus RowStatus, svcTlsProxyNdCfgLastChgd TimeStamp, svcTlsProxyNdCfgAdminState TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState, svcTlsProxyNdDynPopulate TruthValue, svcTlsProxyNdAgeTime Integer32, svcTlsProxyNdSendRefresh Integer32, svcTlsProxyNdAntiSpoofingMac MacAddress, svcTlsProxyNdDupDetectWindow Integer32, svcTlsProxyNdAntiSpoofNumMoves Integer32, svcTlsProxyNdAntiSpoofHoldDown Integer32, svcTlsProxyNdUnknSolFloodEvpn TruthValue, svcTlsProxyNdTableSize Integer32, svcTlsProxyNdRtrUnSolNAFloodEvpn TruthValue, svcTlsProxyNdHstUnSolNAFloodEvpn TruthValue, svcTlsProxyNdEvpnNdAdvRouter TruthValue, svcTlsProxyNdCfgStaticBH TruthValue, svcTlsProxyNdCfgRouteTag Unsigned32 } svcTlsProxyNdCfgRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdCfgRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of PROXY Neighbor Discovery (ND) context in a VPLS instance." ::= { svcTlsProxyNdCfgEntry 1 } svcTlsProxyNdCfgLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdCfgLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry." ::= { svcTlsProxyNdCfgEntry 2 } svcTlsProxyNdCfgAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdCfgAdminState specifies the administrative state of this proxy Neighbor Discovery (ND) entry." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcTlsProxyNdCfgEntry 3 } svcTlsProxyNdDynPopulate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdDynPopulate specifies whether system will populate proxy Neighbor Discovery (ND) entries from snooped GARP/ARP/ND messages on SAPs and SDP-BINDs in addition to the entries coming from EVPN (when EVPN is enabled). These entries will be shown as dynamic as opposed to evpn entries or static entries." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsProxyNdCfgEntry 4 } svcTlsProxyNdAgeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 | 60..86400) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdAgeTime specifies the aging timer value for the proxy Neighbor Discovery (ND) entries. When the aging expires, the entry is flushed. The aging is reset when a new ARP/GARP for the same mac-ip is received. If the FDB MAC entry is flushed, the corresponding proxy ARP/ND entry goes oper-down and ARP/ND lookups will be treated as 'missed'. EVPN will withdraw the MAC-IP if the entry goes oper-down." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsProxyNdCfgEntry 5 } svcTlsProxyNdSendRefresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 | 120..86400) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdSendRefresh specifies whether system will attempt to send 3 Neighbor Discovery (ND) requests (with senders IP address as zeros) within the aging-timer window, trying to refresh the proxy Neighbor Discovery (ND) entry." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsProxyNdCfgEntry 6 } svcTlsProxyNdAntiSpoofingMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdAntiSpoofingMac specifies the MAC address associated with the optional anti-spoofing mechanism." DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { svcTlsProxyNdCfgEntry 7 } svcTlsProxyNdDupDetectWindow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..15) UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdDupDetectWindow specifies the time to monitor the MAC address in the anti-spoofing mechanism." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { svcTlsProxyNdCfgEntry 8 } svcTlsProxyNdAntiSpoofNumMoves OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (3..10) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdAntiSpoofNumMoves specifies the override count associated with anti-spoofing mechanism for proxy Neighbor Discovery (ND) entry." DEFVAL { 5 } ::= { svcTlsProxyNdCfgEntry 9 } svcTlsProxyNdAntiSpoofHoldDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 2..60) UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdAntiSpoofHoldDown specifies the time to hold down the MAC address in the anti-spoofing mechanism. A permanent hold is indicated with the value of '-1'." DEFVAL { 9 } ::= { svcTlsProxyNdCfgEntry 10 } svcTlsProxyNdUnknSolFloodEvpn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdUnknSolFloodEvpn specifies whether to flood Neighbor Discovery (ND) solicitations (with source squelching) when there is not a hit in the proxy-arp/nd table." DEFVAL { true } ::= { svcTlsProxyNdCfgEntry 11 } svcTlsProxyNdTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..16383) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsProxyNdTableSize specifies the maximum number of learned and static entries allowed in the proxy Neighbor Discovery (ND) table of this service." DEFVAL { 250 } ::= { svcTlsProxyNdCfgEntry 12 } svcTlsProxyNdRtrUnSolNAFloodEvpn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdRtrUnSolNAFloodEvpn specifies whether to flood EVPN with Neighbor Advertisement (NA) replies for router-type." DEFVAL { true } ::= { svcTlsProxyNdCfgEntry 13 } svcTlsProxyNdHstUnSolNAFloodEvpn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdHstUnSolNAFloodEvpn specifies whether to flood EVPN with Neighbor Advertisement (NA) replies for host-type." DEFVAL { true } ::= { svcTlsProxyNdCfgEntry 14 } svcTlsProxyNdEvpnNdAdvRouter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdEvpnNdAdvRouter specifies whether to advertise router entries or host entries in the EVPN. It also specifies whether to reply to Neighbor Solicitations for EVPN entries with the router flag 0 or 1." DEFVAL { true } ::= { svcTlsProxyNdCfgEntry 15 } svcTlsProxyNdCfgStaticBH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdCfgStaticBH specifies if the anti-spoof MAC is programmed as a black hole static mac in the fdb." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsProxyNdCfgEntry 16 } svcTlsProxyNdCfgRouteTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdCfgRouteTag specifies the route tag to be added when the proxy ND entries are advertised to EVPN." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsProxyNdCfgEntry 17 } svcTlsProxyNdStaticTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsProxyNdStaticEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcTlsProxyNdStaticTable contains static IPv6 address entries for proxy Neighbor Discovery (ND) configuration for each VPLS service in the system." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 170 } svcTlsProxyNdStaticEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsProxyNdStaticEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A svcTlsProxyNdStaticEntry maintains proxy Neighbor Discovery (ND) static address entry for specific VPLS service." INDEX { svcId, svcTlsProxyNdStaticInetAddrType, svcTlsProxyNdStaticInetAddress } ::= { svcTlsProxyNdStaticTable 1 } SvcTlsProxyNdStaticEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsProxyNdStaticInetAddrType InetAddressType, svcTlsProxyNdStaticInetAddress InetAddress, svcTlsProxyNdStaticRowStatus RowStatus, svcTlsProxyNdStaticLastChgd TimeStamp, svcTlsProxyNdStaticMac MacAddress, svcTlsProxyNdStaticIsRouter TruthValue } svcTlsProxyNdStaticInetAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsProxyNdStaticInetAddrType indicates the type of the address associated with svcTlsProxyNdStaticInetAddress." ::= { svcTlsProxyNdStaticEntry 1 } svcTlsProxyNdStaticInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsProxyNdStaticInetAddress indicates IP address of the static proxy Neighbor Discovery (ND) entry." ::= { svcTlsProxyNdStaticEntry 2 } svcTlsProxyNdStaticRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdStaticRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of entries in the svcTlsProxyNdStaticEntry." ::= { svcTlsProxyNdStaticEntry 3 } svcTlsProxyNdStaticLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdStaticLastChgd indicates the time of last proxy Neighbor Discovery (ND) configuration change on this service." ::= { svcTlsProxyNdStaticEntry 4 } svcTlsProxyNdStaticMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdStaticMac specifies the MAC address associated with this IP address." DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { svcTlsProxyNdStaticEntry 5 } svcTlsProxyNdStaticIsRouter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdStaticIsRouter specifies whether entry is router type." DEFVAL { true } ::= { svcTlsProxyNdStaticEntry 6 } svcTlsProxyNdTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsProxyNdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcTlsProxyNdTable contains entries for each host in the system. Proxy Neighbor Discovery (ND) is always enabled in an EVPN enabled service and disabled otherwise." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 171 } svcTlsProxyNdEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsProxyNdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Proxy Neighbor Discovery (ND) entry in the svcTlsProxyNdTable." INDEX { svcId, svcTlsProxyNdIpAddrType, svcTlsProxyNdIpAddr } ::= { svcTlsProxyNdTable 1 } SvcTlsProxyNdEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsProxyNdIpAddrType InetAddressType, svcTlsProxyNdIpAddr InetAddress, svcTlsProxyNdMacAddr MacAddress, svcTlsProxyNdType TmnxProxyEntryType, svcTlsProxyNdLastChgd TimeStamp, svcTlsProxyNdStatus INTEGER, svcTlsProxyNdIsRouter TruthValue } svcTlsProxyNdIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdIpAddrType indicates the address type of svcTlsProxyNdIpAddr." ::= { svcTlsProxyNdEntry 1 } svcTlsProxyNdIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdIpAddr indicates the IP address of the host." ::= { svcTlsProxyNdEntry 2 } svcTlsProxyNdMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdMacAddr indicates the MAC address mapping for the Neighbor Discovery (ND) host indicated by svcTlsProxyNdIpAddr." ::= { svcTlsProxyNdEntry 3 } svcTlsProxyNdType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxProxyEntryType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdType indicates the type of proxy Neighbor Discovery (ND) entry." ::= { svcTlsProxyNdEntry 4 } svcTlsProxyNdLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry." ::= { svcTlsProxyNdEntry 5 } svcTlsProxyNdStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active (1), inActv (2), pendng (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdStatus indicates if proxy Neighbor Discovery (ND) will respond to ND request for the IP address corresponding to this entry." ::= { svcTlsProxyNdEntry 6 } svcTlsProxyNdIsRouter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdIsRouter indicates whether entry is router type." ::= { svcTlsProxyNdEntry 7 } svcVsdGlobalObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 172 } svcVsdServiceRangeStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxExtServId MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVsdServiceRangeStart specifies the start of the service identifier range. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned when the value of svcVsdServiceRangeStart is set to larger than the value of svcVsdServiceRangeEnd. An 'inconsistentValue' error is also returned when the value of svcVsdServiceRangeEnd is set to non-default value and svcVsdServiceRangeStart is set to the default value." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcVsdGlobalObjs 1 } svcVsdServiceRangeEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxExtServId MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVsdServiceRangeEnd specifies the end of the service identifier range. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned when the value of svcVsdServiceRangeStart is set to larger than the value of svcVsdServiceRangeEnd. An 'inconsistentValue' error is also returned when the value of svcVsdServiceRangeEnd is set to non-default value and svcVsdServiceRangeStart is set to the default value." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcVsdGlobalObjs 2 } svcBgpEvpnMplsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcBgpEvpnMplsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "svcBgpEvpnMplsTable contains entries for BGP EVPN MPLS in a VPLS service context." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 173 } svcBgpEvpnMplsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcBgpEvpnMplsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A BGP EVPN MPLS entry in the svcBgpEvpnMplsTable." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcBgpEvpnMplsTable 1 } SvcBgpEvpnMplsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcBgpEvpnMplsLastChanged TimeStamp, svcBgpEvpnMplsForceVlanVcFwding TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnMplsControlWord TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnMplsShgName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcBgpEvpnMplsIngressRepBumLabel TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnMplsMaxEcmpRoutes Integer32, svcBgpEvpnMplsIngressLabel Integer32, svcBgpEvpnMplsIngressBumLabel Integer32, svcBgpEvpnMplsAdminState TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcBgpEvpnMplsEntropyLabel TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnMplsResProtSrcMac TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnMplsResProtSrcMacAct INTEGER, svcBgpEvpnMplsBgpInstance Integer32, svcBgpEvpnMplsEvpnEncapMpls TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnMplsEvpnEncapMplsoUdp TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnMplsForceQinqVcFwding INTEGER } svcBgpEvpnMplsLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnMplsLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { svcBgpEvpnMplsEntry 1 } svcBgpEvpnMplsForceVlanVcFwding OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnMplsForceVlanVcFwding specifies whether or not vc-vlan-type forwarding is forced in the data path for BGP EVPN MPLS. When set to 'true' vc-vlan-type forwarding is forced." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnMplsEntry 2 } svcBgpEvpnMplsControlWord OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnMplsControlWord specifies whether the use of 'ControlWord' is enabled on BGP EVPN MPLS or not. When the value of the object is set to 'true', all MPLS packets are encapsulated with the control word when sent over the BGP EVPN. When the value of the object is set to 'false', the use of 'ControlWord' is disabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnMplsEntry 3 } svcBgpEvpnMplsShgName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the svcBgpEvpnMplsShgName specifies the value of split-horizon group associated with this BGP EVPN MPLS. By default, BGP EVPN MPLS connections do not belong to any user configured split-horizon group." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcBgpEvpnMplsEntry 4 } svcBgpEvpnMplsIngressRepBumLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnMplsIngressRepBumLabel specifies whether to advertise a different label for inclusive multicast routes, or use the same label as the one advertised for unicast traffic. When the value of the object is set to 'false', all MPLS packets use same label as the one advertised for unicast traffic when sent over the BGP EVPN. When the value of the object is set to 'true', the system sends different label" DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnMplsEntry 5 } svcBgpEvpnMplsMaxEcmpRoutes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnMplsMaxEcmpRoutes specifies the maximum ECMP routes required for controlling all-active routing to MAC/IP with the same ethernet-segment-identifier (ESI)." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { svcBgpEvpnMplsEntry 6 } svcBgpEvpnMplsIngressLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnMplsIngressLabel indicates the label advertised for ingress unicast traffic for the EVPN MPLS instance. The value of -1 indicates that the label is not allocated." ::= { svcBgpEvpnMplsEntry 7 } svcBgpEvpnMplsIngressBumLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnMplsIngressBumLabel indicates the label advertised for ingress multicast traffic for the EVPN MPLS instance. The value of -1 indicates that the label is not allocated." ::= { svcBgpEvpnMplsEntry 8 } svcBgpEvpnMplsAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnMplsAdminState specifies the desired administrative state for MPLS under BGP EVPN context." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcBgpEvpnMplsEntry 9 } svcBgpEvpnMplsEntropyLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnMplsEntropyLabel specifies whether the use of entropy label is enabled or not for the EVPN MPLS instance." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnMplsEntry 10 } svcBgpEvpnMplsResProtSrcMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnMplsResProtSrcMac specifies how the agent will handle relearn requests for protected MAC addresses. When the value of this object is 'true', requests to relearn a protected MAC address will be ignored." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnMplsEntry 11 } svcBgpEvpnMplsResProtSrcMacAct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { discardFrame (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcBgpEvpnMplsResProtSrcMacAct specifies the action to take whenever a relearn request for a protected MAC is received on a restricted SAP. When the value of this object is 'discardFrame', the SAP will start discarding the frame." DEFVAL { discardFrame } ::= { svcBgpEvpnMplsEntry 12 } svcBgpEvpnMplsBgpInstance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnMplsBgpInstance specifies the BGP instance used with this service." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { svcBgpEvpnMplsEntry 13 } svcBgpEvpnMplsEvpnEncapMpls OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnMplsEvpnEncapMpls specifies the whether the use of MPLS encapsulation is enabled for this service." DEFVAL { true } ::= { svcBgpEvpnMplsEntry 14 } svcBgpEvpnMplsEvpnEncapMplsoUdp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnMplsEvpnEncapMplsoUdp specifies the whether the use of MPLS over Udp encapsulation is enabled for this service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnMplsEntry 15 } svcBgpEvpnMplsForceQinqVcFwding OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), ctagctag (1), stagctag (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnMplsForceQinqVcFwding specifies whether or not the datapath should forcefully insert two VLAN tags which are copied from the qinq service-delimiting vlan values. The sdpBindVcType should be either set to 'ether' or 'vlan'." DEFVAL { none } ::= { svcBgpEvpnMplsEntry 16 } svcEvpnMplsTEPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEvpnMplsTEPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnMplsTEPTable contains entries for all the EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint addresse specific information in the system." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 174 } svcEvpnMplsTEPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEvpnMplsTEPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnMplsTEPEntry contains specific EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint address entry information." INDEX { svcEvpnMplsTEPAddrType, svcEvpnMplsTEPAddress } ::= { svcEvpnMplsTEPTable 1 } SvcEvpnMplsTEPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEvpnMplsTEPAddrType InetAddressType, svcEvpnMplsTEPAddress InetAddress, svcEvpnMplsTEPNumEvpnMplsDest Unsigned32, svcEvpnMplsTEPNumESDest Unsigned32, svcEvpnMplsTEPNumESBMacDest Unsigned32 } svcEvpnMplsTEPAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMplsTEPAddrType indicates the type of the address associated with svcEvpnMplsTEPAddress." ::= { svcEvpnMplsTEPEntry 1 } svcEvpnMplsTEPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMplsTEPAddress indicates a EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint address present in the system." ::= { svcEvpnMplsTEPEntry 2 } svcEvpnMplsTEPNumEvpnMplsDest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMplsTEPNumEvpnMplsDest indicates the number of EVPN MPLS destinations for the EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint address." ::= { svcEvpnMplsTEPEntry 3 } svcEvpnMplsTEPNumESDest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMplsTEPNumESDest indicates the number of ethernet segment destinations for the EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint address." ::= { svcEvpnMplsTEPEntry 4 } svcEvpnMplsTEPNumESBMacDest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMplsTEPNumESBMacDest indicates the number of ethernet segment backbone MAC destinations for the EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint address." ::= { svcEvpnMplsTEPEntry 5 } svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlTable contains entries for supported tunnel type which may be chosen as tunnel type within service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 175 } svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "An Auto bind tunnel entry in the svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlTable. Each row entry contains the type of tunnel chosen within service. The entries in this table are created and destroyed by SNMP SET operations." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlTable 1 } SvcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlLastChg TimeStamp, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlLdp TruthValue, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlRsvpTe TruthValue, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrIsis TruthValue, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrOspf TruthValue, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBndTnlStatus TResolveStatus, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlBgp TruthValue, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrTe TruthValue, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlUdp TruthValue } svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry." ::= { svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlEntry 1 } svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlLdp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlLdp specifies whether LDP type tunnel may be chosen as the tunnel within the service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlEntry 2 } svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlRsvpTe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlRsvpTe specifies whether RSVP TE type tunnel may be chosen as the tunnel within the service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlEntry 3 } svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrIsis OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrIsis specifies whether a tunnel to next-hop of the L2 VPN prefix route is selected from the lowest numbered ISIS instance." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlEntry 4 } svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrOspf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrOspf specifies whether a tunnel to next-hop of the L2 VPN prefix route is selected from the lowest numbered OSPF instance." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlEntry 5 } svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBndTnlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TResolveStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBndTnlStatus specifies the resolution status of this entry." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlEntry 6 } svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlBgp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlBgp specifies whether BGP type tunnel may be chosen as the tunnel within the service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlEntry 7 } svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrTe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrTe specifies whether SR-TE tunnels can be used to resolve the next-hop of bgp-vpn routes within the EVPN service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlEntry 8 } svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlUdp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlUdp specifies whether UDP tunnels can be used to resolve the next-hop of bgp-vpn routes within the EVPN service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlEntry 9 } svcVprnBgpAutoBindTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcVprnBgpAutoBindEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcVprnBgpAutoBindTable contains entries for supported tunnel type which may be chosen as tunnel type within service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 176 } svcVprnBgpAutoBindEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcVprnBgpAutoBindEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcVprnBgpAutoBindEntry is an Auto bind tunnel entry in the svcVprnBgpAutoBindTable. Each row entry contains the type of tunnel chosen within service. The entries in this table are created and destroyed by SNMP SET operations." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcVprnBgpAutoBindTable 1 } SvcVprnBgpAutoBindEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcVprnBgpAutoBindLastChg TimeStamp, svcVprnBgpAutoBindLdp TruthValue, svcVprnBgpAutoBindRsvpTe TruthValue, svcVprnBgpAutoBindSrIsis TruthValue, svcVprnBgpAutoBindSrOspf TruthValue, svcVprnBgpAutoBindGre TruthValue, svcVprnBgpAutoBindTnlStatus TResolveStatus, svcVprnBgpAutoBindSrTe TruthValue, svcVprnBgpAutoBindBgp TruthValue, svcVprnBgpAutoBindUdp TruthValue, svcVprnBgpAutoBindWeightedEcmp TruthValue, svcVprnBgpAutoBindMaxEcmpRoutes Unsigned32, svcVprnBgpAutoBindAdminTags TruthValue, svcVprnBgpAutoBindRibApi TruthValue, svcVprnBgpAutoBindMplsFwdPlcy TruthValue, svcVprnBgpAutoBindSrPolicy TruthValue, svcVprnBgpAutoBindSrOspf3 TruthValue, svcVprnBgpAutoBindFlexAlgoFb TruthValue } svcVprnBgpAutoBindLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnBgpAutoBindLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry." ::= { svcVprnBgpAutoBindEntry 1 } svcVprnBgpAutoBindLdp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnBgpAutoBindLdp specifies whether LDP type tunnel may be chosen as the tunnel within the service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVprnBgpAutoBindEntry 2 } svcVprnBgpAutoBindRsvpTe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnBgpAutoBindRsvpTe specifies whether RSVP TE type tunnel may be chosen as the tunnel within the service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVprnBgpAutoBindEntry 3 } svcVprnBgpAutoBindSrIsis OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnBgpAutoBindSrIsis specifies whether a tunnel to next-hop of the L2 VPN prefix route is selected from the lowest numbered ISIS instance." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVprnBgpAutoBindEntry 4 } svcVprnBgpAutoBindSrOspf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnBgpAutoBindSrOspf specifies whether a tunnel to next-hop of the L2 VPN prefix route is selected from the lowest numbered OSPF instance." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVprnBgpAutoBindEntry 5 } svcVprnBgpAutoBindGre OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnBgpAutoBindGre specifies whether GRE type tunnel may be chosen as the tunnel within the service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVprnBgpAutoBindEntry 6 } svcVprnBgpAutoBindTnlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TResolveStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnBgpAutoBindTnlStatus specifies the administrative status of this entry." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcVprnBgpAutoBindEntry 7 } svcVprnBgpAutoBindSrTe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnBgpAutoBindSrTe specifies whether SR-TE tunnels can be used to resolve the next-hop of bgp-vpn routes within the VPRN service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVprnBgpAutoBindEntry 8 } svcVprnBgpAutoBindBgp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnBgpAutoBindBgp specifies whether BGP type tunnel may be chosen as the tunnel within the service." DEFVAL { true } ::= { svcVprnBgpAutoBindEntry 9 } svcVprnBgpAutoBindUdp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnBgpAutoBindUdp specifies whether UDP tunnels can be used to resolve the next-hop of bgp-vpn routes within the VPRN service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVprnBgpAutoBindEntry 10 } svcVprnBgpAutoBindWeightedEcmp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnBgpAutoBindWeightedEcmp specifies the packets forwarded to a set of ECMP tunnel next-hops which will be sprayed proportionally to the load balancing weights configured for each LSP." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVprnBgpAutoBindEntry 11 } svcVprnBgpAutoBindMaxEcmpRoutes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnBgpAutoBindMaxEcmpRoutes specifies the maximum number of equal cost paths that can be used for load balancing when binding a BGP-VPN next-hop to a set of LSPs." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { svcVprnBgpAutoBindEntry 12 } svcVprnBgpAutoBindAdminTags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnBgpAutoBindAdminTags specifies the system to only consider LSPs marked with an admin-tag for this service. Untagged LSPs will not be considered. When disabled this reverts to default behaviour. While tagged RSVP and SR-TE LSPs will be considered first, the system can fall back to using untagged LSP of other types and not exclude them as per the auto-bind-tunnel configuration." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVprnBgpAutoBindEntry 13 } svcVprnBgpAutoBindRibApi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnBgpAutoBindRibApi specifies whether RIB API is enabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVprnBgpAutoBindEntry 14 } svcVprnBgpAutoBindMplsFwdPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnBgpAutoBindMplsFwdPlcy specifies whether MPLS Forwarding Policy is enabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVprnBgpAutoBindEntry 15 } svcVprnBgpAutoBindSrPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnBgpAutoBindSrPolicy specifies whether SR Policy is enabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVprnBgpAutoBindEntry 16 } svcVprnBgpAutoBindSrOspf3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnBgpAutoBindSrOspf3 specifies whether a tunnel to next-hop of the L2 VPN prefix route is selected from the lowest numbered OSPF3 instance." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVprnBgpAutoBindEntry 17 } svcVprnBgpAutoBindFlexAlgoFb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Allow the use of routes with another flex-algo-id than configured as a fallback option" DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVprnBgpAutoBindEntry 18 } tlsMFibNgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TlsMFibNgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tlsMFibNgTable contains the Multicast FIB for this Tls." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 177 } tlsMFibNgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TlsMFibNgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tlsMFibNgTable. Each entry indicates whether traffic from a certain source to a certain multicast destination (group) needs to be forwarded or blocked on the indicated SAP/SDP/VXLAN." INDEX { svcId, tlsMFibNgEntryType, tlsMFibNgGrpMacAddr, tlsMFibNgGrpInetAddrType, tlsMFibNgGrpInetAddr, tlsMFibNgSrcInetAddrType, tlsMFibNgSrcInetAddr, tlsMFibNgLocale, tlsMFibNgLocaleId } ::= { tlsMFibNgTable 1 } TlsMFibNgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tlsMFibNgEntryType INTEGER, tlsMFibNgGrpMacAddr MacAddress, tlsMFibNgGrpInetAddrType InetAddressType, tlsMFibNgGrpInetAddr InetAddress, tlsMFibNgSrcInetAddrType InetAddressType, tlsMFibNgSrcInetAddr InetAddress, tlsMFibNgLocale MfibLocation, tlsMFibNgLocaleId OCTET STRING, tlsMFibNgFwdOrBlk MfibGrpSrcFwdOrBlk, tlsMFibNgSvcId TmnxServId } tlsMFibNgEntryType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ipBased (1), macBased (2) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsMFibNgEntryType indicates the type of this tlsMFibNgEntry. - macBased: entry used for macBased multicast, as for MLD-snooping and 802.1ak MMRP. - ipBased: entry used for ip_based multicast, as for IGMP-snooping and PIM-snooping." ::= { tlsMFibNgEntry 1 } tlsMFibNgGrpMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsMFibNgGrpMacAddr indicates the MAC address for which this table entry contains information. This value is only meaningful if the value of tlsMFibNgEntryType is 'macBased (2)'." ::= { tlsMFibNgEntry 2 } tlsMFibNgGrpInetAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsMFibNgGrpInetAddrType indicates the type of tlsMFibNgGrpInetAddr." ::= { tlsMFibNgEntry 3 } tlsMFibNgGrpInetAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsMFibNgGrpInetAddr indicates the multicast destination IP address for which this table entry contains information." ::= { tlsMFibNgEntry 4 } tlsMFibNgSrcInetAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsMFibNgSrcInetAddrType indicates the type of tlsMFibNgSrcInetAddr." ::= { tlsMFibNgEntry 5 } tlsMFibNgSrcInetAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsMFibNgSrcInetAddr indicates the unicast source IP address for which this table entry contains information." ::= { tlsMFibNgEntry 6 } tlsMFibNgLocale OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MfibLocation MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsMFibNgLocale indicates if the information in this entry pertains to a 'sap', an 'sdp', a 'evpnMpls', or a 'vxlan'." ::= { tlsMFibNgEntry 7 } tlsMFibNgLocaleId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsMFibNgLocaleId depends on tlsMFibNgLocale: If tlsMFibNgLocale='sap' then tlsMFibNgLocaleId contains the sapPortId (TmnxPortID) and sapEncapValue (TmnxEncapVal). If tlsMFibNgLocale='sdp' then tlsMFibNgLocaleId contains the sdpId (SdpId) and vcId (Unsigned32). If tlsMFibNgLocale='vxlan' then tlsMFibNgLocaleId contains the VTEPAddr (IpAddress) and VNI (Unsigned32). If tlsMFibNgLocale='evpnMpls' then tlsMFibNgLocaleId contains the EVPN MPLS Tunnel Endpoint AddressType (Ipv4 or Ipv6) and Address (size of 4 or 16 bytes) and EVPN MPLS label of the endpoint of ethernet VPN (EVPN). If tlsMFibNgLocale='vxlanV6' then tlsMFibNgLocaleId contains the VTEPAddr Ipv6 address (16 bytes) and VNI (Unsigned32)." ::= { tlsMFibNgEntry 8 } tlsMFibNgFwdOrBlk OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MfibGrpSrcFwdOrBlk MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsMFibNgFwdOrBlk indicates if traffic for the indicated (S,G) pair will be blocked or forwarded on the indicated SAP, SDP or VXLAN." ::= { tlsMFibNgEntry 9 } tlsMFibNgSvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsMFibNgSvcId indicates the TLS service to which the indicated SAP, SDP or VXLAN belongs." ::= { tlsMFibNgEntry 10 } svcBgpAutoRDType1Group OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 178 } svcBgpAutoRDType1IpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpAutoRDType1IpAddr specifies IP address to be used for selecting route-distinguisher value in the system. The svcBgpAutoRDType1IpAddr represents type 1 administrative subfield as defined in RFC4364. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of more than one of svcBgpAutoRDType1Group objects are changed at the same time." DEFVAL { '00000000'H } ::= { svcBgpAutoRDType1Group 1 } svcBgpAutoRDType1CommValStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpAutoRDType1CommValStart specifies the start of the BGP route-distinguisher community value range. Value of svcBgpAutoRDType1CommValEnd must be same or larger of the value of svcBgpAutoRDType1CommValStart. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of more than one of svcBgpAutoRDType1Group objects are changed at the same time." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcBgpAutoRDType1Group 2 } svcBgpAutoRDType1CommValEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpAutoRDType1CommValEnd specifies the end of the the BGP route-distinguisher community value range. Value of svcBgpAutoRDType1CommValEnd must be same or larger of the value of svcBgpAutoRDType1CommValStart An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of more than one of svcBgpAutoRDType1Group objects are changed at the same time." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcBgpAutoRDType1Group 3 } svcBgpAutoRDType1InUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpAutoRDType1InUse indicates number of community values in use for this entry." ::= { svcBgpAutoRDType1Group 4 } svcDhcpLeaseRipTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcDhcpLeaseRipEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcDhcpLeaseRipTable augments the svcDhcpLeaseTable. This table contains the parameters used for RIP." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 179 } svcDhcpLeaseRipEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcDhcpLeaseRipEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains parameters used for RIP." AUGMENTS { svcDhcpLeaseEntry } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseRipTable 1 } SvcDhcpLeaseRipEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcDhcpLeaseRipPlcyName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcDhcpLeaseRipListenerStatus TmnxRipListenerStatus } svcDhcpLeaseRipPlcyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseRipPlcyName indicates the RIP policy which is used to set up the RIP listener for this lease state." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseRipEntry 1 } svcDhcpLeaseRipListenerStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRipListenerStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseRipListenerStatus indicates the status of the RIP listener." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseRipEntry 2 } svcArpHostRipTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcArpHostRipEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcArpHostRipTable augments the svcArpHostTable. This table contains the parameters used for RIP." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 180 } svcArpHostRipEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcArpHostRipEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains parameters used for RIP." AUGMENTS { svcArpHostEntry } ::= { svcArpHostRipTable 1 } SvcArpHostRipEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcArpHostRipPlcyName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcArpHostRipListenerStatus TmnxRipListenerStatus } svcArpHostRipPlcyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostRipPlcyName indicates the RIP policy which is used to set up the RIP listener for this ARP host." ::= { svcArpHostRipEntry 1 } svcArpHostRipListenerStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRipListenerStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostRipListenerStatus indicates the status of the RIP listener." ::= { svcArpHostRipEntry 2 } svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTable contains entries for all the BGP EVPN-MPLS TEP and egress label pairs for a particular VPLS service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 181 } svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A egress binding entry in the svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTable." INDEX { svcId, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPAddrType, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPAddress, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPLabel } ::= { svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTable 1 } SvcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPAddrType InetAddressType, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPAddress InetAddress, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPLabel Unsigned32, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblNumMACs Unsigned32, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblInMcastList TruthValue, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblLastChanged TimeStamp, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTunnelType TmnxTunnelTypeExt, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblResType TmnxSvcEvpnMplsTransportType } svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPAddrType indicates the type of the address associated with svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPAddress." ::= { svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblEntry 1 } svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPAddress indicates a Tunnel Endpoint address associated with the BGP EVPN-MPLS VPLS service." ::= { svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblEntry 2 } svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPLabel indicates the egress label created by the BGP EVPN-MPLS VPLS service." ::= { svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblEntry 3 } svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblNumMACs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblNumMACs indicates the number of MACs associated with TEP and egress label in the BGP EVPN-MPLS VPLS service." ::= { svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblEntry 4 } svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblInMcastList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblInMcastList indicates if the TEP and egress label is included in the multicast list for the BGP EVPN-MPLS VPLS service." ::= { svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblEntry 5 } svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblLastChanged indicates the timestamp when the EVPN MPLS TEP was setup." ::= { svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblEntry 6 } svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTunnelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxTunnelTypeExt MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTunnelType indicates the type of tunnel used for this entry." ::= { svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblEntry 7 } svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblResType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSvcEvpnMplsTransportType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblResType indicates the transport type used for this entry." ::= { svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblEntry 8 } tmnxSvcGrpIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxSvcGrpIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSvcGrpIfTable contains the group interfaces ordered by their parent subscriber interfaces. The system automatically creates and destroys conceptual rows in this table when rows in the iesIfTable with iesIfType equal to 'group' are created and destroyed. This table is only meant to order group interfaces per subscriber interface, actual data objects are in other tables such as the iesGrpIfTable." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 182 } tmnxSvcGrpIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSvcGrpIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a group interface." INDEX { svcId, tmnxSvcGrpIfParentIfIndex, tmnxSvcGrpIfIndex } ::= { tmnxSvcGrpIfTable 1 } TmnxSvcGrpIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxSvcGrpIfParentIfIndex InterfaceIndex, tmnxSvcGrpIfIndex InterfaceIndex, tmnxSvcGrpIfVRouterId TmnxVRtrID } tmnxSvcGrpIfParentIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcGrpIfParentIfIndex indicates the index of the parent subscriber interface." ::= { tmnxSvcGrpIfEntry 1 } tmnxSvcGrpIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcGrpIfIndex indicates the index of this group interface." ::= { tmnxSvcGrpIfEntry 2 } tmnxSvcGrpIfVRouterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxSvcGrpIfVRouterId indicates the associated virtual router instance. The value of this object, in combination with the value of tmnxSvcGrpIfIndex, allows to retrieve the corresponding row in the TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB::vRtrIfTable." ::= { tmnxSvcGrpIfEntry 3 } tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 183 } tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnRD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnRD specifies the configured system wide BGP EVPN route-distinguisher which is used for ethernet segment (ES) routes. This is a 'Type-1' route-distinguisher. System will use 'system-ip:0' when this object is set to the default value." DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H } ::= { tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnObjs 1 } tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnOperRD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnOperRD indicates the route-distinguisher value in use by the system for this instance." ::= { tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnObjs 2 } tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnRDType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRouteDistType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnRDType indicates the type of route-distinguisher value in use by the system for this instance." ::= { tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnObjs 3 } tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnAdEsRtTgtType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { eviRtTgt (1), eviRtTgtSet (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnAdEsRtTgtType specifies the method used to support the AD per-ES routes advertisement. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned when an attempt is made to set the value of tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnAdEsRtTgtType to eviRtTgtSet when tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnADESRDAddrType is set to default or tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnADPerESRDIpAddr is set to default. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned when an attempt is made to set the value of tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnAdEsRtTgtType to eviRtTgt when tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnADESRDAddrType is set to non-default or tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnADPerESRDIpAddr is non-default." DEFVAL { eviRtTgt } ::= { tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnObjs 4 } tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnADESRDAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnADESRDAddrType specifies the type of address associated with tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnADPerESRDIpAddr." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnObjs 5 } tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnADPerESRDIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnADPerESRDIpAddr specifies the IP address to be used for the route-distinguisher for EVPN AD-ES routes." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnObjs 6 } tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnEtreeLeafLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnEtreeLeafLabel specifies the label allocated and signaled to the far end PEs for etree leaf traffic." ::= { tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnObjs 7 } tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnAllocLeafLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnAllocLeafLabel specifies whether to allocate an etree leaf BUM label for the PE. This object needs to be set to 'true' in order to enable EVPN Etree services on the PE." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnObjs 8 } tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnMcastLblBlk OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnMcastLblBlk specifies the BGP-EVPN multicast label block name associated with the BGP-EVPN services." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnObjs 9 } tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnMcLeaveSyncProp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..300) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnMcLeaveSyncProp specifies the BGP-EVPN multicast leave synchronization propagtion time associated with the BGP-EVPN services." DEFVAL { 5 } ::= { tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnObjs 10 } tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnIffAttrUnfmProp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnIffAttrUnfmProp enables propagation of attributes to other owners in VPRN." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnObjs 11 } tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnIffPthSelection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnIffPthSelection enables the new BGP based selection for RT5 routes." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnObjs 12 } tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnLeafLabelValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 32..524256) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnLeafLabelValue specifies the value for global etree leaf BUM label for the PE. The tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnAllocLeafLabel needs to be set to 'true' in order to set this object to non-default value." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnObjs 13 } tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnDpathLgthIgnr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnDpathLgthIgnr specifies if EVPN ignores the D-PATH domain segment length when iff-bgp-path-selection is enabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnObjs 14 } tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnAdEsRtTgtExtEvi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnAdEsRtTgtExtEvi specifies if system will reserve comm-val 513-65535 for evpn services. EVPN services with the bigger EVI than 65535 can only participate in an rt-set if this object is set." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnObjs 15 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSvcSysEthSegTable contains entries for ethernet segment defined in the services." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 184 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An ethernet segment entry in the tmnxSvcSysEthSegTable." INDEX { tmnxSvcSysEthSegName } ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegTable 1 } TmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxSvcSysEthSegName TNamedItem, tmnxSvcSysEthSegRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxSvcSysEthSegLastChg TimeStamp, tmnxSvcSysEthSegAdminState TmnxEnabledDisabled, tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsi OCTET STRING, tmnxSvcSysEthSegMultiHoming TmnxEvpnMultiHomingState, tmnxSvcSysEthSegSvcCarving INTEGER, tmnxSvcSysEthSegLagId LAGInterfaceNumberOrZero, tmnxSvcSysEthSegPortId TmnxPortID, tmnxSvcSysEthSegSdpId SdpId, tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsActTimer Integer32, tmnxSvcSysEthSegSourceBMacLSB Integer32, tmnxSvcSysEthSegBMacTblSize Integer32, tmnxSvcSysEthSegBMacTblEntries Integer32, tmnxSvcSysEthSegOperMultiHoming TmnxEvpnMultiHomingState, tmnxSvcSysEthSegOperState ServiceOperStatus, tmnxSvcSysEthSegSHGLabel Integer32, tmnxSvcSysEthSegType INTEGER, tmnxSvcSysESOperServCarvMode INTEGER, tmnxSvcSysESEviIsidCfgRngsType INTEGER, tmnxSvcSysEthSegVxlanInstanceId Unsigned32, tmnxSvcSysEthSegPwPortId PwPortIdOrZero, tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsOrigIpAddrType InetAddressType, tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsOrigIpAddr InetAddress, tmnxSvcSysEthSegRouteNxtHopType InetAddressType, tmnxSvcSysEthSegRouteNxtHopAddr InetAddress, tmnxSvcSysEthSegOperGrp TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxSvcSysEthSegAutoEsi INTEGER, tmnxSvcSysEthSegOperEsi OCTET STRING, tmnxSvcSysEthSegAcDfCap INTEGER, tmnxSvcSysEthSegPwPortHeadEnd TruthValue } tmnxSvcSysEthSegName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem (SIZE (1..32)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegName specifies the ethernet segment name for the entry." ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 1 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegRowStatus specifies the creation and deletion of entries in the TmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry." ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 2 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry." ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 3 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegAdminState specifies the administrative state of this entry." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 4 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (10)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsi specifies the user configured ethernet segment identifier value associated with this ethernet segment entry." DEFVAL { '00000000000000000000'H } ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 5 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegMultiHoming OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEvpnMultiHomingState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegMultiHoming specifies the state of multi-homing status of the ethernet segment entry. Values other than 'disabled' indicates that the use of ESI label is enabled thus avoiding transient loops unless user overrides. When 'singleActiveNoEsiLabel' is specified, system does not allocate a label for the ESI and hence advertise ESI label 0 to peers. If a peers sends label for the ESI and locally 'singleActiveNoEsiLabel' is configured, system adds the ESI label when sending traffic to that peer." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 6 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegSvcCarving OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { auto (1), manual (2), off (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegSvcCarving specifies the mode of service carving enabled per EVPN associated with this ethernet segment entry. auto As defined in EVPN draft manual Designated-Forwarder (DF) when EVI/ISID is configured as primary in svcEthSegCarvEviRngTable/svcEthSegCarvIsidRngTable or if there is no other PEs that advertise this Ethernet Segment off Ethernet Segment is Designated-Forwarder or Non-Designated-Forwarder (NDF) for all services." REFERENCE "IETF L2VPN EVPN draft" DEFVAL { auto } ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 7 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegLagId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LAGInterfaceNumberOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegLagId specifies the LAG identifier value associated with this ethernet segment entry. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if more than one of tmnxSvcSysEthSegLagId, tmnxSvcSysEthSegPortId, tmnxSvcSysEthSegSdpId is set to non-default value." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 8 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegPortId specifies the port associated with this ethernet segment entry. The default value indicates an invalid port. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if more than one of tmnxSvcSysEthSegLagId, tmnxSvcSysEthSegPortId, tmnxSvcSysEthSegSdpId is set to non-default value." DEFVAL { '1E000000'H } ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 9 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegSdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegSdpId specifies the SDP identifier associated with this ethernet segment entry. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if more than one of tmnxSvcSysEthSegLagId, tmnxSvcSysEthSegPortId, tmnxSvcSysEthSegSdpId is set to non-default value." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 10 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsActTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsActTimer specifies the activation timer per ES(Ethernet segment). This timer is disabled by default, the global ES activation timer is used instead. Value of '-1' indicates the use of the global ES activation timer under TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY::tmnxMcRedBgpEvpnMHEsActTimer." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 11 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegSourceBMacLSB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegSourceBMacLSB specifies the 16 least significant bits (lsb) which when combined with the 32 most significant bits of the PBB source-bmac specified by svcPbbSrcBVplsMacAddr, forms the virtual backbone MAC address." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 12 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegBMacTblSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..511999) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegBMacTblSize specifies the size of VBMAC table for this ethernet segment. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tmnxSvcSysEthSegBMacTblSize is set to non-default when tmnxSvcSysEthSegSourceBMacLSB is set to its default value." DEFVAL { 8 } ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 13 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegBMacTblEntries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegBMacTblEntries indicates the size of VBMAC table used for this ethernet segment." ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 14 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegOperMultiHoming OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEvpnMultiHomingState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegOperMultiHoming indicates the operational state of multi-homing of the ethernet segment entry." ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 15 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegOperState indicates the operational state of the ethernet segment entry." ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 16 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegSHGLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegSHGLabel indicates the split horizon group label advertised for the ethernet segment. The value of -1 indicates that the label is not allocated." ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 17 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), virtual (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegType indicates the type of the ethernet segment." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 18 } tmnxSvcSysESOperServCarvMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { auto (1), manual (2), off (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysESOperServCarvMode specifies the operational service carving mode for the ethernet segment entry." ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 19 } tmnxSvcSysESEviIsidCfgRngsType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { primary (1), lowest-pref (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysESEviIsidCfgRngsType specifies the mode that the configured evi or isid ranges are in for this ethernet segment entry." ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 20 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegVxlanInstanceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegVxlanInstanceId specifies the VXLAN instance id for this ethernet segment entry." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 21 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegPwPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PwPortIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegPwPortId specifies the PW port id for this ethernet segment entry. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if more than one of tmnxSvcSysEthSegLagId, tmnxSvcSysEthSegPortId, tmnxSvcSysEthSegSdpId, tmnxSvcSysEthSegPwPortId is set to non-default value." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 22 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsOrigIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsOrigIpAddrType specifies the type of IP address associated with tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsOrigIpAddr." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 23 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsOrigIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsOrigIpAddr specifies the ES route's originating IP address. If not specified, the system IP address is used." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 24 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegRouteNxtHopType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegRouteNxtHopType specifies the type of IP address associated with tmnxSvcSysEthSegRouteNxtHopAddr." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 25 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegRouteNxtHopAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegRouteNxtHopAddr specifies the next-hop IP for ES and AD per ES routes." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 26 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegOperGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSvcSysEthSegOperGrp specifies the operational-group associated with this entry." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 27 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegAutoEsi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), type-1 (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSvcSysEthSegAutoEsi specifies the EVPN automatic ESI type associated with this entry." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 28 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegOperEsi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (10)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSvcSysEthSegOperEsi indicates the operational ESI used by the ethernet segment." ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 29 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegAcDfCap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { include (0), exclude (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSvcSysEthSegAcDfCap specifies whether the EVPN has attachment-circuit (AC) influenced designated-forwarder (DF) capability for the ethernet segment." DEFVAL { include } ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 30 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegPwPortHeadEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSvcSysEthSegPwPortHeadEnd specifies whether PW port itself in the head-end service is a member of the ethernet-segment. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to non-default when tmnxSvcSysEthSegPwPortId is set to default value." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEntry 31 } tmnxIesIfIpv6HostInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxIesIfIpv6HostInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxIesIfIpv6HostInfoTable contains IPv6 information related to routed CO subscriber for a specific interface. This table complements iesIfTable, rows in this table are created and deleted automatically by the system." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 185 } tmnxIesIfIpv6HostInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxIesIfIpv6HostInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IPv6 interface specific information for routed CO subscribers." INDEX { svcId, iesIfIndex } ::= { tmnxIesIfIpv6HostInfoTable 1 } TmnxIesIfIpv6HostInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxIesIfIpv6IpoeDhcp6Hosts Unsigned32, tmnxIesIfIpv6PppDhcp6Hosts Unsigned32, tmnxIesIfIpv6PppSLAACHosts Unsigned32, tmnxIesIfIpv6IpoeSLAACHosts Unsigned32, tmnxIesIfIpv6StaticHostsUp Unsigned32 } tmnxIesIfIpv6IpoeDhcp6Hosts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxIesIfIpv6IpoeDhcp6Hosts indicates the number of IPoE DHCPv6 hosts for this interface." ::= { tmnxIesIfIpv6HostInfoEntry 1 } tmnxIesIfIpv6PppDhcp6Hosts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxIesIfIpv6PppDhcp6Hosts indicates the number of PPP DHCPv6 hosts for this interface." ::= { tmnxIesIfIpv6HostInfoEntry 2 } tmnxIesIfIpv6PppSLAACHosts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxIesIfIpv6PppSLAACHosts indicates the number of PPP SLAAC hosts for this interface." ::= { tmnxIesIfIpv6HostInfoEntry 3 } tmnxIesIfIpv6IpoeSLAACHosts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxIesIfIpv6IpoeSLAACHosts indicates the number of IPoE SLAAC hosts for this interface." ::= { tmnxIesIfIpv6HostInfoEntry 4 } tmnxIesIfIpv6StaticHostsUp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxIesIfIpv6StaticHostsUp indicates the number of IPv6 static IPoE hosts for this interface where the value of ?sapStatHost6AdminStatus? is equal to 'up'." ::= { tmnxIesIfIpv6HostInfoEntry 5 } svcEthSegCarvEviRngTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEthSegCarvEviRngEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSvcSysEthSegTable contains entries for ethernet segment service-carving EVI ranges defined in the services." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 186 } svcEthSegCarvEviRngEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEthSegCarvEviRngEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An ethernet segment service-carving EVI range entry in the svcEthSegCarvEviRngTable." INDEX { tmnxSvcSysEthSegName, svcEthSegCarvEviRngFrom } ::= { svcEthSegCarvEviRngTable 1 } SvcEthSegCarvEviRngEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEthSegCarvEviRngFrom TmnxSvcEvi, svcEthSegCarvEviRngRowStatus RowStatus, svcEthSegCarvEviRngLastChg TimeStamp, svcEthSegCarvEviRngTo TmnxSvcEviOrZero } svcEthSegCarvEviRngFrom OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSvcEvi MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEthSegCarvEviRngFrom specifies the starting value of the EVI range associated with service-carving of the associated ethernet segment." ::= { svcEthSegCarvEviRngEntry 1 } svcEthSegCarvEviRngRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEthSegCarvEviRngRowStatus specifies the creation and deletion of entries in the svcEthSegCarvEviRngTable." ::= { svcEthSegCarvEviRngEntry 2 } svcEthSegCarvEviRngLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEthSegCarvEviRngLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry." ::= { svcEthSegCarvEviRngEntry 3 } svcEthSegCarvEviRngTo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSvcEviOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEthSegCarvEviRngTo specifies the ending value of the EVI range associated with service-carving of the associated ethernet segment." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcEthSegCarvEviRngEntry 4 } svcEthSegCarvIsidRngTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEthSegCarvIsidRngEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSvcSysEthSegTable contains entries for ethernet segment service-carving ISID ranges defined in the services." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 187 } svcEthSegCarvIsidRngEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEthSegCarvIsidRngEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An ethernet segment service-carving ISID range entry in the svcEthSegCarvIsidRngTable." INDEX { tmnxSvcSysEthSegName, svcEthSegCarvIsidRngFrom } ::= { svcEthSegCarvIsidRngTable 1 } SvcEthSegCarvIsidRngEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEthSegCarvIsidRngFrom TmnxISIDNoZero, svcEthSegCarvIsidRngRowStatus RowStatus, svcEthSegCarvIsidRngLastChg TimeStamp, svcEthSegCarvIsidRngTo TmnxISID } svcEthSegCarvIsidRngFrom OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxISIDNoZero MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEthSegCarvIsidRngFrom specifies the starting value of the ISID range associated with service-carving of the associated ethernet segment." ::= { svcEthSegCarvIsidRngEntry 1 } svcEthSegCarvIsidRngRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEthSegCarvIsidRngRowStatus specifies the creation and deletion of entries in the svcEthSegCarvIsidRngTable." ::= { svcEthSegCarvIsidRngEntry 2 } svcEthSegCarvIsidRngLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEthSegCarvIsidRngLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry." ::= { svcEthSegCarvIsidRngEntry 3 } svcEthSegCarvIsidRngTo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxISID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEthSegCarvIsidRngTo specifies the ending value of the ISID range associated with service-carving of the associated ethernet segment." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcEthSegCarvIsidRngEntry 4 } svcEvpnMHEthSegEviTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEvpnMHEthSegEviEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnMHEthSegEviTable contains entries for ethernet segment EVI read only objects." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 188 } svcEvpnMHEthSegEviEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEvpnMHEthSegEviEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An ethernet segment EVI entry in the svcEvpnMHEthSegEviTable." INDEX { tmnxSvcSysEthSegName, svcEvpnMHEthSegEvi } ::= { svcEvpnMHEthSegEviTable 1 } SvcEvpnMHEthSegEviEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEvpnMHEthSegEvi TmnxSvcEvi, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviIsDF TruthValue, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviActTimRem Integer32, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviSvcId TmnxServId, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFLastChanged TimeStamp, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviOperRD TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher } svcEvpnMHEthSegEvi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSvcEvi MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMHEthSegEvi specifies the EVI value associated with service-carving of the associated Evi ethernet segment." ::= { svcEvpnMHEthSegEviEntry 1 } svcEvpnMHEthSegEviIsDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMHEthSegEviIsDF indicates if the ethernet segment EVI entry is a designated forwarder." ::= { svcEvpnMHEthSegEviEntry 2 } svcEvpnMHEthSegEviActTimRem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMHEthSegEviActTimRem indicates the value of the remaining activation timer for the EVI entry." ::= { svcEvpnMHEthSegEviEntry 3 } svcEvpnMHEthSegEviSvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnMHEthSegEviSvcId specifies the EVI Service identifier. This value should be unique within the service domain." ::= { svcEvpnMHEthSegEviEntry 4 } svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of EVI DF." ::= { svcEvpnMHEthSegEviEntry 5 } svcEvpnMHEthSegEviOperRD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnMHEthSegEviOperRD indicates the route-distinguisher value in use by the system for this entry." ::= { svcEvpnMHEthSegEviEntry 6 } svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtTable contains entries for EVI ethernet segment candidate designated forwarders." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 189 } svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An EVI ethernet segment candidate designated forwarder entry in the svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtTable." INDEX { tmnxSvcSysEthSegName, svcEvpnMHEthSegEvi, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtAddrType, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtAddress } ::= { svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtTable 1 } SvcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtAddrType InetAddressType, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtAddress InetAddress, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtAdded TimeStamp, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtPEOprVal Unsigned32, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtPEDntPmt TruthValue } svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtAddrType indicates the type of the EVI candidate PE IP address." ::= { svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtEntry 1 } svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16 )) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtAddress indicates the value of the EVI candidate PE IP address." ::= { svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtEntry 2 } svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtAdded OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtAdded indicates the time at which this entry was added in the EVI DF candidate list." ::= { svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtEntry 3 } svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtPEOprVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtPEOprVal indicates the operational preference value advertised by the Evi candidate PE." ::= { svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtEntry 4 } svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtPEDntPmt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtPEDntPmt indicates the operational DP bit advertised by the Evi candidate PE." ::= { svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtEntry 5 } svcTlsProxyArpCountTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsProxyArpCountEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcTlsProxyArpCountTable contains counts for various type of proxy ARP entries for each VPLS service in the system." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 190 } svcTlsProxyArpCountEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsProxyArpCountEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A svcTlsProxyArpCountEntry maintains count for specific type of proxy ARP entry for specific VPLS service." INDEX { svcId, svcTlsProxyArpType } ::= { svcTlsProxyArpCountTable 1 } SvcTlsProxyArpCountEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsProxyArpCount Counter32 } svcTlsProxyArpCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsProxyArpCount indicates the count of this type of entry in this VPLS instance." ::= { svcTlsProxyArpCountEntry 1 } svcTlsProxyNdCountTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsProxyNdCountEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcTlsProxyNdCountTable contains counts for various type of proxy ARP entries for each VPLS service in the system." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 191 } svcTlsProxyNdCountEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsProxyNdCountEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A svcTlsProxyNdCountEntry maintains count for specific type of proxy ARP entry for specific VPLS service." INDEX { svcId, svcTlsProxyNdType } ::= { svcTlsProxyNdCountTable 1 } SvcTlsProxyNdCountEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsProxyNdCount Counter32 } svcTlsProxyNdCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsProxyNdCount indicates the count of this type of entry in this VPLS instance." ::= { svcTlsProxyNdCountEntry 1 } tmnxSvcDhcpMRtTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxSvcDhcpMRtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains DHCP managed routes." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 192 } tmnxSvcDhcpMRtEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSvcDhcpMRtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A specific DHCP managed route." INDEX { svcId, svcDhcpLeaseCiAddrType, svcDhcpLeaseCiAddr, svcDhcpLeaseNextHopMacAddr, tmnxSvcDhcpMRtInetAddrType, tmnxSvcDhcpMRtInetAddr, tmnxSvcDhcpMRtPrefixLen } ::= { tmnxSvcDhcpMRtTable 1 } TmnxSvcDhcpMRtEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxSvcDhcpMRtInetAddrType InetAddressType, tmnxSvcDhcpMRtInetAddr InetAddress, tmnxSvcDhcpMRtPrefixLen InetAddressPrefixLength, tmnxSvcDhcpMRtStatus TmnxManagedRouteStatus, tmnxSvcDhcpMRtMetric TmnxRadiusFramedRouteMetric, tmnxSvcDhcpMRtPreference TmnxRadiusFramedRoutePreference, tmnxSvcDhcpMRtTag TmnxRadiusFramedRouteTag } tmnxSvcDhcpMRtInetAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcDhcpMRtInetAddrType indicates the address type of tmnxSvcDhcpMRtInetAddr." ::= { tmnxSvcDhcpMRtEntry 1 } tmnxSvcDhcpMRtInetAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcDhcpMRtInetAddr indicates the IP address of the managed route." ::= { tmnxSvcDhcpMRtEntry 2 } tmnxSvcDhcpMRtPrefixLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength (0..128) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcDhcpMRtPrefixLen indicates the prefix length of the subnet associated with tmnxSvcDhcpMRtInetAddr." ::= { tmnxSvcDhcpMRtEntry 3 } tmnxSvcDhcpMRtStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxManagedRouteStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcDhcpMRtStatus indicates the state of this managed route." ::= { tmnxSvcDhcpMRtEntry 4 } tmnxSvcDhcpMRtMetric OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRadiusFramedRouteMetric MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcDhcpMRtMetric indicates the metric of this managed route as specified in the RADIUS option 22 Framed-Route or option 99 Framed-IPv6-Route." ::= { tmnxSvcDhcpMRtEntry 5 } tmnxSvcDhcpMRtPreference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRadiusFramedRoutePreference MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcDhcpMRtPreference indicates the preference of this managed route as specified in the RADIUS option 22 Framed-Route or option 99 Framed-IPv6-Route." ::= { tmnxSvcDhcpMRtEntry 6 } tmnxSvcDhcpMRtTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRadiusFramedRouteTag MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcDhcpMRtTag indicates the tag of this managed route as specified in the RADIUS option 22 Framed-Route or option 99 Framed-IPv6-Route." ::= { tmnxSvcDhcpMRtEntry 7 } svcVsdDynamicSvcObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 193 } tmnxVsdRootObjTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxVsdRootObjEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxVsdRootObjTable contains information of the root objects created by VSD. A root object is an object created by a Dynamic Service of which the parent is not created by a Dynamic Service. Conceptual rows in this table are created and destroyed automatically by the system." ::= { svcVsdDynamicSvcObjs 1 } tmnxVsdRootObjEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVsdRootObjEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each conceptual row presents information about a VSD Dynamic Services root object." INDEX { tmnxVsdRootObjIndex } ::= { tmnxVsdRootObjTable 1 } TmnxVsdRootObjEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxVsdRootObjIndex Unsigned32, tmnxVsdRootObjInstance RowPointer, tmnxVsdRootObjOrphanTime TimeStamp, tmnxVsdRootObjSnippetName DisplayString, tmnxVsdRootObjSnippetInstance DisplayString } tmnxVsdRootObjIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxVsdRootObjIndex specifies the index that identifies this conceptual row within the scope of a VSD Dynamic Services root object." ::= { tmnxVsdRootObjEntry 1 } tmnxVsdRootObjInstance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowPointer MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxVsdRootObjInstance indicates the concerned root object." ::= { tmnxVsdRootObjEntry 2 } tmnxVsdRootObjOrphanTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxVsdRootObjOrphanTime indicates the sysUpTime when the object was orphaned. When the object is not orphaned or when the time is unknown, the tmnxVsdRootObjOrphanTime is set to 0." ::= { tmnxVsdRootObjEntry 3 } tmnxVsdRootObjSnippetName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxVsdRootObjSnippetName indicates the type-name from the snippet to which the root object belongs. A 'snippet' is the name of a set of python functions to create, modify or destroy configuration; for example: a snippet called 'vprn' in order to create/modify/destroy VPRN services. When the tmnxVsdRootObjSnippetName is an empty string it implies that there is no snippet." ::= { tmnxVsdRootObjEntry 4 } tmnxVsdRootObjSnippetInstance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxVsdRootObjSnippetInstance indicates the identifier from the snippet to which the object belongs and is unique within the snippet scope. A 'snippet instance' is an instance of the configuration created by a snippet; for example: a particular VPRN service. When the tmnxVsdRootObjSnippetInstance is an empty string it implies that there is no snippet." ::= { tmnxVsdRootObjEntry 5 } tmnxVsdScriptStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxVsdScriptStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxVsdScriptStatsTable shows statistics information of the VSD Dynamic Services." ::= { svcVsdDynamicSvcObjs 2 } tmnxVsdScriptStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVsdScriptStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each conceptual row represents a statistic counter. Entries in this table are created and destroyed by the system. Rows are only created where the statistics value is nonzero; this allows faster walking through this table; hence, it is recommended to perform only get-next-request operations to retrieve information from this table." INDEX { tmnxVsdScriptStatsId } ::= { tmnxVsdScriptStatsTable 1 } TmnxVsdScriptStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxVsdScriptStatsId Unsigned32, tmnxVsdScriptStatsDescr TItemDescription, tmnxVsdScriptStatsVal Counter32 } tmnxVsdScriptStatsId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxVsdScriptStatsId specifies the number that identifies this conceptual row within the scope of a VSD Dynamic Services." ::= { tmnxVsdScriptStatsEntry 1 } tmnxVsdScriptStatsDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxVsdScriptStatsDescr indicates the description of the statistic counter contained in this conceptual row." ::= { tmnxVsdScriptStatsEntry 2 } tmnxVsdScriptStatsVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxVsdScriptStatsVal indicates the value of the statistics contained in this conceptual row." ::= { tmnxVsdScriptStatsEntry 3 } tmnxVsdScriptSnippetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxVsdScriptSnippetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxVsdScriptSnippetTable contains information of the snippets created by VSD Dynamic Services. Conceptual rows in this table are created and destroyed automatically by the system." ::= { svcVsdDynamicSvcObjs 3 } tmnxVsdScriptSnippetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVsdScriptSnippetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each conceptual row presents information about a snippet within the scope of VSD Dynamic Services." INDEX { tmnxVsdScriptSnippetName, tmnxVsdScriptSnippetInstance } ::= { tmnxVsdScriptSnippetTable 1 } TmnxVsdScriptSnippetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxVsdScriptSnippetName DisplayString, tmnxVsdScriptSnippetInstance DisplayString, tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRefCount Counter32, tmnxVsdScriptSnippetDictLength Unsigned32 } tmnxVsdScriptSnippetName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxVsdScriptSnippetName specifies the type-name from the snippet that identifies this conceptual row within the scope of a VSD Dynamic Service. The type-name is used to lookup the set of python functions to create, modify or destroy configuration; for example: a snippet with type-name 'vprn' could be used to create/modify/destroy VPRN services." ::= { tmnxVsdScriptSnippetEntry 1 } tmnxVsdScriptSnippetInstance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..48)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxVsdScriptSnippetInstance specifies the identifier from the snippet that in combination with the type-name uniquely identifies a snippet. A 'snippet instance' is an instance of the configuration created by a snippet; for example: a particular VPRN service." ::= { tmnxVsdScriptSnippetEntry 2 } tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRefCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRefCount indicates the number of times this snippet is referenced by other snippets." ::= { tmnxVsdScriptSnippetEntry 3 } tmnxVsdScriptSnippetDictLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxVsdScriptSnippetDictLength indicates the length of the python dictionary stored for this snippet." ::= { tmnxVsdScriptSnippetEntry 4 } tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRootObjTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxVsdScriptSnippetRootObjEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRootObjTable contains information of the root objects created by a snippet within the scope of a VSD Dynamic Service. Conceptual rows in this table are created and destroyed automatically by the system." ::= { svcVsdDynamicSvcObjs 4 } tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRootObjEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVsdScriptSnippetRootObjEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each conceptual row presents information about a root object created by a snippet within the scope of a VSD Dynamic Service." INDEX { tmnxVsdScriptSnippetName, tmnxVsdScriptSnippetInstance, tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRootObjIdx } ::= { tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRootObjTable 1 } TmnxVsdScriptSnippetRootObjEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRootObjIdx Unsigned32, tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRootObjOid RowPointer } tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRootObjIdx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRootObjIdx specifies the index that identifies this conceptual row within the scope of the snippet." ::= { tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRootObjEntry 1 } tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRootObjOid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowPointer MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRootObjOid indicates the concerned root object that was created by the snippet." ::= { tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRootObjEntry 2 } tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRefTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxVsdScriptSnippetRefEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRefTable contains information of the referenced snippets created by a python script within the scope of a VSD Dynamic Service. Conceptual rows in this table are created and destroyed automatically by the system." ::= { svcVsdDynamicSvcObjs 5 } tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRefEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVsdScriptSnippetRefEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each conceptual row presents information about a referenced snippet created by a python script within the scope of a VSD Dynamic Service." INDEX { tmnxVsdScriptSnippetName, tmnxVsdScriptSnippetInstance, tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRefIdx } ::= { tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRefTable 1 } TmnxVsdScriptSnippetRefEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRefIdx Unsigned32, tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRefSnipName DisplayString, tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRefSnipInst DisplayString } tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRefIdx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRefIdx specifies the index that identifies this conceptual row within the scope of the snippet." ::= { tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRefEntry 1 } tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRefSnipName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRefSnipName indicates the type-name from the snippet created or referenced by a python script." ::= { tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRefEntry 2 } tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRefSnipInst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..48)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRefSnipInst indicates the identifier from the snippet created or referenced by a python script." ::= { tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRefEntry 3 } tmnxVsdScriptSnippetResIdTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxVsdScriptSnippetResIdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxVsdScriptSnippetResIdTable contains information of the identifiers reserved by a python script within the scope of a VSD Dynamic Service. Conceptual rows in this table are created and destroyed automatically by the system." ::= { svcVsdDynamicSvcObjs 6 } tmnxVsdScriptSnippetResIdEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVsdScriptSnippetResIdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each conceptual row presents information about an identifier reserved by a python script within the scope of a VSD Dynamic Service." INDEX { tmnxVsdScriptSnippetName, tmnxVsdScriptSnippetInstance, tmnxVsdScriptSnippetResIdIdx } ::= { tmnxVsdScriptSnippetResIdTable 1 } TmnxVsdScriptSnippetResIdEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxVsdScriptSnippetResIdIdx Unsigned32, tmnxVsdScriptSnippetResIdType DisplayString, tmnxVsdScriptSnippetResIdValue DisplayString } tmnxVsdScriptSnippetResIdIdx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxVsdScriptSnippetResIdIdx specifies the index that identifies this conceptual row within the scope of the snippet." ::= { tmnxVsdScriptSnippetResIdEntry 1 } tmnxVsdScriptSnippetResIdType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxVsdScriptSnippetResIdType indicates the type-name from the identifier reserved by a python script." ::= { tmnxVsdScriptSnippetResIdEntry 2 } tmnxVsdScriptSnippetResIdValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..48)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxVsdScriptSnippetResIdValue indicates the value from the identifier reserved by a python script." ::= { tmnxVsdScriptSnippetResIdEntry 3 } tmnxVsdRootObjTableLastCh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxVsdRootObjTableLastCh indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the tmnxVsdRootObjTable." ::= { svcVsdDynamicSvcObjs 7 } tmnxVsdNonStoredRootObjCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxVsdNonStoredRootObjCount indicates the number of root objects that are currently not stored in the tmnxVsdRootObjTable. The value of tmnxVsdNonStoredRootObjCount can go back to 0, when the objects that could not be stored in the tmnxVsdRootObjTable, are deleted again." ::= { svcVsdDynamicSvcObjs 8 } tmnxVsdSnippetTableLastCh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxVsdSnippetTableLastCh indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the tmnxVsdScriptSnippetTable." ::= { svcVsdDynamicSvcObjs 9 } tmnxVsdSnipRootObjTblLastCh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxVsdSnipRootObjTblLastCh indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRootObjTable." ::= { svcVsdDynamicSvcObjs 10 } tmnxVsdSnippetRefTableLastCh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxVsdSnippetRefTableLastCh indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRefTable." ::= { svcVsdDynamicSvcObjs 11 } tmnxVsdSnippetResIdTblLastCh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxVsdSnippetResIdTblLastCh indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the tmnxVsdScriptSnippetResIdTable." ::= { svcVsdDynamicSvcObjs 12 } tmnxVsdStatsLastClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxVsdStatsLastClearedTime indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time when the counters in tmnxVsdScriptStatsTable were last cleared." ::= { svcVsdDynamicSvcObjs 13 } svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEvpnMplsESDestTEPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPTable contains entries for all the BGP EVPN-MPLS Tunnel Endpoint and ethernet segment pairs for a particular VPLS service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 194 } svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEvpnMplsESDestTEPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A BGP EVPN-MPLS Tunnel Endpoint and ethernet segment binding entry in the svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPTable." INDEX { svcId, tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsi, svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPAddrType, svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPAddress, svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPLabel } ::= { svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPTable 1 } SvcEvpnMplsESDestTEPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPAddrType InetAddressType, svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPAddress InetAddress, svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPLabel Unsigned32, svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPLastChanged TimeStamp, svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPTunnelType TmnxTunnelTypeExt, svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPResType TmnxSvcEvpnMplsTransportType, svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPTnlId Unsigned32 } svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPAddrType indicates the type of the address associated with svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPAddress." ::= { svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPEntry 1 } svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPAddress indicates a Tunnel Endpoint address associated with this entry." ::= { svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPEntry 2 } svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPLabel indicates the label associated with the Tunnel Endpoint address in the service." ::= { svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPEntry 3 } svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPLastChanged indicates the timestamp of the modification of the ethernet segment destination entry." ::= { svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPEntry 4 } svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPTunnelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxTunnelTypeExt MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPTunnelType indicates the type of tunnel used for this entry." ::= { svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPEntry 5 } svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPResType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSvcEvpnMplsTransportType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPResType indicates the transport type used for this entry." ::= { svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPEntry 6 } svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPTnlId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPTnlId indicates the tunnel identifier assoicated with the Tunnel Endpoint address." ::= { svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPEntry 7 } svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEvpnMHEthSegIsidEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidTable contains entries for ISID ethernet segment read only objects." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 195 } svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEvpnMHEthSegIsidEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An ISID ethernet segment entry in the svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidTable." INDEX { tmnxSvcSysEthSegName, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsid } ::= { svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidTable 1 } SvcEvpnMHEthSegIsidEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEvpnMHEthSegIsid TmnxISIDNoZero, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidIsDF TruthValue, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidActTimRem Integer32, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidSvcId TmnxServId, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFLastChanged TimeStamp } svcEvpnMHEthSegIsid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxISIDNoZero MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMHEthSegIsid specifies the ISID value associated with service-carving of the associated ISID ethernet segment." ::= { svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidEntry 1 } svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidIsDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidIsDF indicates if the ISID ethernet segment entry is a designated forwarder." ::= { svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidEntry 2 } svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidActTimRem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidActTimRem indicates the value of the remaining activation timer for the ISID entry." ::= { svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidEntry 3 } svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidSvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidSvcId specifies the ISID Service identifier. This value should be unique within the service domain." ::= { svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidEntry 4 } svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of Isid DF." ::= { svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidEntry 5 } svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtTable contains entries for ISID ethernet segment candidate designated forwarders." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 196 } svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An ethernet segment ISID candidate designated forwarder entry in the svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtTable." INDEX { tmnxSvcSysEthSegName, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsid, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtAdType, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtAddress } ::= { svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtTable 1 } SvcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtAdType InetAddressType, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtAddress InetAddress, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtAdded TimeStamp, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtPEOprVl Unsigned32, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtPEDtPmt TruthValue } svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtAdType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtAdType indicates the type of the ISID candidate PE IP address." ::= { svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtEntry 1 } svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtAddress indicates the value of the ISID candidate PE IP address." ::= { svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtEntry 2 } svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtAdded OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtAdded indicates the time at which this entry was added in the ISID DF candidate list." ::= { svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtEntry 3 } svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtPEOprVl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtPEOprVl indicates the operational preference value advertised by the ISID candidate PE." ::= { svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtEntry 4 } svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtPEDtPmt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtPEDtPmt indicates the operational DP bit advertised by the ISID candidate PE." ::= { svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtEntry 5 } svcTlsEsPbrL2Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsEsPbrL2Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcTlsEsPbrL2Table contains entries for all Layer 2 Policy based redirect to EVPN Ethernet Segment." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 197 } svcTlsEsPbrL2Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsEsPbrL2Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the svcTlsEsPbrL2Table." INDEX { svcId, svcTlsEsPbrL2Esi } ::= { svcTlsEsPbrL2Table 1 } SvcTlsEsPbrL2Entry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsEsPbrL2Esi OCTET STRING, svcTlsEsPbrL2Status INTEGER, svcTlsEsPbrL2NumUsers Unsigned32, svcTlsEsPbrL2VTEPAddrType InetAddressType, svcTlsEsPbrL2VTEPAddress InetAddress, svcTlsEsPbrL2EgrVNI Unsigned32 } svcTlsEsPbrL2Esi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (10)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsEsPbrL2Esi indicates the ESI value of this entry." ::= { svcTlsEsPbrL2Entry 1 } svcTlsEsPbrL2Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active (1), inactive (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsEsPbrL2Status indicates the whether this Layer 2 ES PBR is active in the system." ::= { svcTlsEsPbrL2Entry 2 } svcTlsEsPbrL2NumUsers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsEsPbrL2NumUsers indicates the number of users associated with this entry." ::= { svcTlsEsPbrL2Entry 3 } svcTlsEsPbrL2VTEPAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsEsPbrL2VTEPAddrType indicates the type of the address associated with svcTlsEsPbrL2VTEPAddress." ::= { svcTlsEsPbrL2Entry 4 } svcTlsEsPbrL2VTEPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsEsPbrL2VTEPAddress indicates the VXLAN Tunnel Endpoint Address associated with this entry." ::= { svcTlsEsPbrL2Entry 5 } svcTlsEsPbrL2EgrVNI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsEsPbrL2EgrVNI indicates the VNI created by this entry." ::= { svcTlsEsPbrL2Entry 6 } svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPTable contains entries for all the BGP EVPN-MPLS Tunnel Endpoint and virtual backbone MAC address pairs for a particular VPLS service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 198 } svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A BGP EVPN-MPLS Tunnel Endpoint and virtual backbone MAC address binding entry in the svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPTable." INDEX { svcId, svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPBMac, svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPAddrType, svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPAddress, svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPLabel } ::= { svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPTable 1 } SvcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPBMac MacAddress, svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPAddrType InetAddressType, svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPAddress InetAddress, svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPLabel Unsigned32, svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPLstChg TimeStamp, svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPTnlType TmnxTunnelTypeExt, svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPResType TmnxSvcEvpnMplsTransportType, svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPTnlId Unsigned32 } svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPBMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPBMac indicates the virtual backbone MAC address of this entry." ::= { svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPEntry 1 } svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPAddrType indicates the type of the address associated with svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPAddress." ::= { svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPEntry 2 } svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPAddress indicates a Tunnel Endpoint address associated with this entry." ::= { svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPEntry 3 } svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPLabel indicates the label associated with the Tunnel Endpoint address in the service." ::= { svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPEntry 4 } svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPLstChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPLstChg indicates the timestamp of the modification of this entry." ::= { svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPEntry 5 } svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPTnlType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxTunnelTypeExt MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPTnlType indicates the type of tunnel used for this entry." ::= { svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPEntry 6 } svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPResType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSvcEvpnMplsTransportType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPResType indicates the transport type used for this entry." ::= { svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPEntry 7 } svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPTnlId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPTnlId indicates the tunnel identifier associated with the Tunnel Endpoint address." ::= { svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPEntry 8 } svcSysEthSegBMacTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcSysEthSegBMacEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcSysEthSegBMacTable contains entries for ethernet segment backbone MAC address read only objects." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 199 } svcSysEthSegBMacEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcSysEthSegBMacEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An ethernet segment backbone MAC address entry in the svcSysEthSegBMacTable." INDEX { tmnxSvcSysEthSegName, svcId } ::= { svcSysEthSegBMacTable 1 } SvcSysEthSegBMacEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcSysEthSegBMacAddress MacAddress } svcSysEthSegBMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSysEthSegBMacAddress indicates the backbone MAC address associated with this entry." ::= { svcSysEthSegBMacEntry 1 } tmnxSvcDCObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 200 } svcVprnEsPbrL3Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcVprnEsPbrL3Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcVprnEsPbrL3Table contains entries for all Layer 3 Policy based redirect to EVPN Ethernet Segment." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 201 } svcVprnEsPbrL3Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcVprnEsPbrL3Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the svcVprnEsPbrL3Table." INDEX { svcId, svcVprnEsPbrL3SFIpAddrType, svcVprnEsPbrL3SFIpAddr } ::= { svcVprnEsPbrL3Table 1 } SvcVprnEsPbrL3Entry ::= SEQUENCE { svcVprnEsPbrL3SFIpAddrType InetAddressType, svcVprnEsPbrL3SFIpAddr InetAddress, svcVprnEsPbrL3Esi OCTET STRING, svcVprnEsPbrL3IPIfIndex InterfaceIndex, svcVprnEsPbrL3Status INTEGER, svcVprnEsPbrL3NumUsers Unsigned32, svcVprnEsPbrL3MAC MacAddress, svcVprnEsPbrL3VTEPAddrType InetAddressType, svcVprnEsPbrL3VTEPAddress InetAddress, svcVprnEsPbrL3EgrVNI Unsigned32 } svcVprnEsPbrL3SFIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnEsPbrL3SFIpAddrType indicates the address type of svcVprnEsPbrL3SFIpAddr." ::= { svcVprnEsPbrL3Entry 1 } svcVprnEsPbrL3SFIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnEsPbrL3SFIpAddr indicates the IP address of this entry." ::= { svcVprnEsPbrL3Entry 2 } svcVprnEsPbrL3Esi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (10)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnEsPbrL3Esi indicates the ESI value of this entry." ::= { svcVprnEsPbrL3Entry 3 } svcVprnEsPbrL3IPIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnEsPbrL3IPIfIndex indicates the IP interface index for this entry." ::= { svcVprnEsPbrL3Entry 4 } svcVprnEsPbrL3Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active (1), inactive (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnEsPbrL3Status indicates whether this layer 3 ES PBR is active in the system." ::= { svcVprnEsPbrL3Entry 5 } svcVprnEsPbrL3NumUsers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnEsPbrL3NumUsers indicates number of users associated with this entry." ::= { svcVprnEsPbrL3Entry 6 } svcVprnEsPbrL3MAC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnEsPbrL3MAC indicates the MAC Address associated with this entry." ::= { svcVprnEsPbrL3Entry 7 } svcVprnEsPbrL3VTEPAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnEsPbrL3VTEPAddrType indicates the type of the address associated with svcVprnEsPbrL3VTEPAddress." ::= { svcVprnEsPbrL3Entry 8 } svcVprnEsPbrL3VTEPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnEsPbrL3VTEPAddress indicates the VXLAN Tunnel Endpoint Address associated with this entry." ::= { svcVprnEsPbrL3Entry 9 } svcVprnEsPbrL3EgrVNI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnEsPbrL3EgrVNI indicates VNI created by this entry." ::= { svcVprnEsPbrL3Entry 10 } svcEvpnMplsESDestTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEvpnMplsESDestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnMplsESDestTable contains entries for all the BGP EVPN-MPLS Tunnel ethernet segment destination for a particular VPLS service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 202 } svcEvpnMplsESDestEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEvpnMplsESDestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A BGP EVPN-MPLS Tunnel Endpoint and ethernet segment binding entry in the svcEvpnMplsESDestTable." INDEX { svcId, tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsi } ::= { svcEvpnMplsESDestTable 1 } SvcEvpnMplsESDestEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEvpnMplsESDestNumMacs Unsigned32, svcEvpnMplsESDestLastChanged TimeStamp } svcEvpnMplsESDestNumMacs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMplsESDestNumMacs indicates number of MAC addresses associated with this entry." ::= { svcEvpnMplsESDestEntry 1 } svcEvpnMplsESDestLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnMplsESDestLastChanged indicates the timestamp of the modification of the ethernet segment destination entry." ::= { svcEvpnMplsESDestEntry 2 } svcEvpnMplsPbbESegDestTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEvpnMplsPbbESegDestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnMplsPbbESegDestTable contains entries for all the BGP EVPN-MPLS Tunnel PBB ethernet segment destination for a particular VPLS service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 203 } svcEvpnMplsPbbESegDestEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEvpnMplsPbbESegDestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A BGP EVPN-MPLS Tunnel Endpoint and ethernet segment binding entry in the svcEvpnMplsPbbESegDestTable." INDEX { svcId, svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPBMac } ::= { svcEvpnMplsPbbESegDestTable 1 } SvcEvpnMplsPbbESegDestEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEvpnMplsPbbESegDestNumMacs Unsigned32, svcEvpnMplsPbbESegDestLstChg TimeStamp } svcEvpnMplsPbbESegDestNumMacs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMplsPbbESegDestNumMacs indicates number of MAC addresses associated with this entry." ::= { svcEvpnMplsPbbESegDestEntry 1 } svcEvpnMplsPbbESegDestLstChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnMplsPbbESegDestLstChg indicates the timestamp of the modification of this entry." ::= { svcEvpnMplsPbbESegDestEntry 2 } tmnxSvcDhcpLeaseRadClassTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxSvcDhcpLeaseRadClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSvcDhcpLeaseRadClassTable contains the DHCP lease state Radius Class Attributes." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 204 } tmnxSvcDhcpLeaseRadClassEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSvcDhcpLeaseRadClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains a Radius Class Attribute of a DHCP lease state." INDEX { svcId, svcDhcpLeaseCiAddrType, svcDhcpLeaseCiAddr, svcDhcpLeaseNextHopMacAddr, tmnxSvcDhcpLeaseRadClassIndex } ::= { tmnxSvcDhcpLeaseRadClassTable 1 } TmnxSvcDhcpLeaseRadClassEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxSvcDhcpLeaseRadClassIndex Unsigned32, tmnxSvcDhcpLeaseRadClassAscii TruthValue, tmnxSvcDhcpLeaseRadClass OCTET STRING } tmnxSvcDhcpLeaseRadClassIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..6) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcDhcpLeaseRadClassIndex indicates the index of the Radius Class Attribute within the scope of a given DHCP lease state." ::= { tmnxSvcDhcpLeaseRadClassEntry 1 } tmnxSvcDhcpLeaseRadClassAscii OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcDhcpLeaseRadClassAscii indicates if the value of tmnxSvcDhcpLeaseRadClass is an ASCII string." ::= { tmnxSvcDhcpLeaseRadClassEntry 2 } tmnxSvcDhcpLeaseRadClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..253)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcDhcpLeaseRadClass indicates the Class attribute returned by the RADIUS server in an Access-Accept message." ::= { tmnxSvcDhcpLeaseRadClassEntry 3 } svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlTable contains entries for supported tunnel type which may be chosen as tunnel type within service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 205 } svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "An Auto bind tunnel entry in the svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlTable. Each row entry contains the type of tunnel chosen within service. The entries in this table are created and destroyed by SNMP SET operations." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlTable 1 } SvcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlLastChg TimeStamp, svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlLdp TruthValue, svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlRsvpTe TruthValue, svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrIsis TruthValue, svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrOspf TruthValue, svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBndTnlStatus TResolveStatus, svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlBgp TruthValue, svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrTe TruthValue, svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlUdp TruthValue } svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry." ::= { svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlEntry 1 } svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlLdp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlLdp specifies whether LDP type tunnel may be chosen as the tunnel within the service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlEntry 2 } svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlRsvpTe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlRsvpTe specifies whether RSVP TE type tunnel may be chosen as the tunnel within the service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlEntry 3 } svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrIsis OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrIsis specifies whether a tunnel to next-hop of the L2 VPN prefix route is selected from the lowest numbered ISIS instance." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlEntry 4 } svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrOspf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrOspf specifies whether a tunnel to next-hop of the L2 VPN prefix route is selected from the lowest numbered OSPF instance." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlEntry 5 } svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBndTnlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TResolveStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBndTnlStatus specifies the resolution status of this entry." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlEntry 6 } svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlBgp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlBgp specifies whether BGP type tunnel may be chosen as the tunnel within the service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlEntry 7 } svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrTe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrTe specifies whether SR-TE tunnels can be used to resolve the next-hop of bgp-vpn routes within the EVPN service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlEntry 8 } svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlUdp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlUdp specifies whether UDP tunnels can be used to resolve the next-hop of bgp-vpn routes within the EVPN service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlEntry 9 } svcBgpEvpnVpwsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcBgpEvpnVpwsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The svcBgpEvpnVpwsTable contains entries for BGP EVPN VPWS (Virtual Private Wire Service) information within service. This table is obsoleted in 21.2 release and will be replaced with svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcTable and svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcTable" ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 206 } svcBgpEvpnVpwsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcBgpEvpnVpwsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains BGP EVPN VPWS (Virtual Private Wire Service) information for the service." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcBgpEvpnVpwsTable 1 } SvcBgpEvpnVpwsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcBgpEvpnVpwsLastChg TimeStamp, svcBgpEvpnVpwsLclAcName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcBgpEvpnVpwsLclAcEthTag TmnxBgpEvpnAcEthTag, svcBgpEvpnVpwsRemAcName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcBgpEvpnVpwsRemAcEthTag TmnxBgpEvpnAcEthTag } svcBgpEvpnVpwsLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnVpwsLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry." ::= { svcBgpEvpnVpwsEntry 1 } svcBgpEvpnVpwsLclAcName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnVpwsLclAcName specifies the name of the local attachment circuit for this entry." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcBgpEvpnVpwsEntry 2 } svcBgpEvpnVpwsLclAcEthTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBgpEvpnAcEthTag MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnVpwsLclAcEthTag specifies the ethernet tag of the local attachment circuit for this entry." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcBgpEvpnVpwsEntry 3 } svcBgpEvpnVpwsRemAcName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnVpwsRemAcName specifies the name of the remote attachment circuit for this entry." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcBgpEvpnVpwsEntry 4 } svcBgpEvpnVpwsRemAcEthTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBgpEvpnAcEthTag MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnVpwsRemAcEthTag specifies the ethernet tag of the remote attachment circuit for this entry." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcBgpEvpnVpwsEntry 5 } tmnxSvcArpHostRadClassTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxSvcArpHostRadClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSvcArpHostRadClassTable contains the ARP host Radius Class Attributes." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 207 } tmnxSvcArpHostRadClassEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSvcArpHostRadClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains a Radius Class Attribute of a ARP host." INDEX { svcId, svcArpHostIpAddrType, svcArpHostIpAddr, tmnxSvcArpHostRadClassIndex } ::= { tmnxSvcArpHostRadClassTable 1 } TmnxSvcArpHostRadClassEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxSvcArpHostRadClassIndex Unsigned32, tmnxSvcArpHostRadClassAscii TruthValue, tmnxSvcArpHostRadClass OCTET STRING } tmnxSvcArpHostRadClassIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..6) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcArpHostRadClassIndex indicates the index of the Radius Class Attribute within the scope of a given ARP host." ::= { tmnxSvcArpHostRadClassEntry 1 } tmnxSvcArpHostRadClassAscii OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcArpHostRadClassAscii indicates if the value of tmnxSvcArpHostRadClass is an ASCII string." ::= { tmnxSvcArpHostRadClassEntry 2 } tmnxSvcArpHostRadClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..253)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcArpHostRadClass indicates the Class attribute returned by the RADIUS server in an Access-Accept message." ::= { tmnxSvcArpHostRadClassEntry 3 } tmnxSvcSysVxlanObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 208 } tmnxSvcSysVxlanARIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysVxlanARIpAddrType specifies the type of address associated with tmnxSvcSysVxlanARRepIpAddr." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tmnxSvcSysVxlanObjs 1 } tmnxSvcSysVxlanARRepIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysVxlanARRepIpAddr specifies the AR-R IP address of the PE for the services where AR is enabled." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxSvcSysVxlanObjs 2 } svcTlsVxlanARLeafReplCndtTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsVxlanARLeafReplCndtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "svcTlsVxlanARLeafReplCndtTable contains entries for the status of all the replicators associated with a VPLS service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 209 } svcTlsVxlanARLeafReplCndtEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsVxlanARLeafReplCndtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A replicator entry in the svcTlsVxlanARLeafReplCndtTable." INDEX { svcId, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddrType, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIEgrVNI } ::= { svcTlsVxlanARLeafReplCndtTable 1 } SvcTlsVxlanARLeafReplCndtEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsVxlanARLeafReplCndtInUse TruthValue, svcTlsVxlanARLeafReplCndtActive TruthValue, svcTlsVxlanARLeafReplCndtPndTime Unsigned32 } svcTlsVxlanARLeafReplCndtInUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsVxlanARLeafReplCndtInUse indicates if this is the chosen replicator." ::= { svcTlsVxlanARLeafReplCndtEntry 1 } svcTlsVxlanARLeafReplCndtActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxlanARLeafReplCndtActive indicates if this is a candidate to be the chosen replicator." ::= { svcTlsVxlanARLeafReplCndtEntry 2 } svcTlsVxlanARLeafReplCndtPndTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxlanARLeafReplCndtPndTime indicates the time remaining for it to be a candidate." ::= { svcTlsVxlanARLeafReplCndtEntry 3 } svcEpipePwPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEpipePwPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEpipePwPortTable contains PW port information for this service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 210 } svcEpipePwPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEpipePwPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains objects that allows the modification of the PW port specific objects." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcEpipePwPortTable 1 } SvcEpipePwPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEpipePwPortRowStatus RowStatus, svcEpipePwPortLastChngd TimeStamp, svcEpipePwPortId Unsigned32, svcEpipePwPortFpeId TmnxFpeId, svcEpipePwPortEgrShapVPort TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcEpipePwPortEgrShapIntDestId TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcEpipePwPortMonOperGrp TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcEpipePwPortAdminStatus ServiceAdminStatus, svcEpipePwPortOperStatus INTEGER, svcEpipePwPortDnPeerTldpFault TruthValue, svcEpipePwPortOprUpOnMhStdby TruthValue } svcEpipePwPortRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipePwPortRowStatus specifies the creation and deletion of entries in this table." ::= { svcEpipePwPortEntry 1 } svcEpipePwPortLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipePwPortLastChngd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { svcEpipePwPortEntry 2 } svcEpipePwPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..32767) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipePwPortId specifies pseudo-wire port associated with this service. The value of svcEpipePwPortId is set at the time of creation of this entry and can not be changed. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned only one of svcEpipePwPortId and svcEpipePwPortFpeId is set to non-default and other is set to default." ::= { svcEpipePwPortEntry 3 } svcEpipePwPortFpeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFpeId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipePwPortFpeId specifies forward path extension identifier associated with this service. The value of svcEpipePwPortFpeId is set at the time of creation of this entry and can not be changed. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned only one of svcEpipePwPortId and svcEpipePwPortFpeId is set to non-default and other is set to default." ::= { svcEpipePwPortEntry 4 } svcEpipePwPortEgrShapVPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipePwPortEgrShapVPort specifies the virtual port name of the shaper on the egress side for this pseudo-wire port entry." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcEpipePwPortEntry 5 } svcEpipePwPortEgrShapIntDestId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipePwPortEgrShapIntDestId specifies the default intermediate destination identifier on the egress side for this pseudo-wire port entry." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcEpipePwPortEntry 6 } svcEpipePwPortMonOperGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipePwPortMonOperGrp specifies the monitoring operational group name associated with this pseudo-wire entry." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcEpipePwPortEntry 7 } svcEpipePwPortAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipePwPortAdminStatus specifies the administrative state of this pseudo-wire port entry." DEFVAL { up } ::= { svcEpipePwPortEntry 8 } svcEpipePwPortOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up (1), down (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipePwPortOperStatus indicates the operating status of this PW-Port. 'up' The PW-Port is operational. 'down' The PW-Port is administratively down." ::= { svcEpipePwPortEntry 10 } svcEpipePwPortDnPeerTldpFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEpipePwPortDnPeerTldpFault specifies whether the PW Port should go oper-down if any of the following PW status bits are received on the mate spoke-sdp: 0x00000001 - Pseudowire Not Forwarding 0x00000002 - Local Attachment Circuit (ingress) Receive Fault 0x00000004 - Local Attachment Circuit (egress) Transmit Fault 0x00000008 - Local PSN-facing PW (ingress) Receive Fault 0x00000010 - Local PSN-facing PW (egress) Transmit Fault It does not affect the current response of the PW Port to the following status bit on the mate spoke-sdp, which will already cause the pw port to go down. 0x00000020 When the bit is set, it indicates PW forwarding standby." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcEpipePwPortEntry 11 } svcEpipePwPortOprUpOnMhStdby OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEpipePwPortOprUpOnMhStdby specifies whether PW port will go operationally UP on standby." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcEpipePwPortEntry 12 } tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermTable contains entries for the non-system IP Address to terminate VXLAN tunnels and the Forward Path Extension(FPE) id to be used for the termination." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 211 } tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermTable." INDEX { tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermIpAddrType, tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermIpAddr } ::= { tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermTable 1 } TmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermIpAddrType InetAddressType, tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermIpAddr InetAddress, tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermLastChg TimeStamp, tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermFpeId TmnxFpeId } tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermIpAddrType specifies the type of IP address associated with tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermIpAddr." ::= { tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermEntry 1 } tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermIpAddr specifies the non-system IP address to terminate the VXLAN. The system will register the IP address to respond to the ICMP packets directed to it." ::= { tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermEntry 2 } tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermEntry 3 } tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry." ::= { tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermEntry 4 } tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermFpeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFpeId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermFpeId specifies the fpe id for the entry. This object is required while creating an entry." ::= { tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermEntry 5 } svcVplsBgpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcVplsBgpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcVplsBgpTable contains entries for BGP in a VPLS service context." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 212 } svcVplsBgpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcVplsBgpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A BGP entry in the svcVplsBgpTable." INDEX { svcId, svcVplsBgpInstance } ::= { svcVplsBgpTable 1 } SvcVplsBgpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcVplsBgpInstance Integer32, svcVplsBgpLastChanged TimeStamp, svcVplsBgpVsiRD TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher, svcVplsBgpExportRteTarget TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcVplsBgpImportRteTarget TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, svcVplsBgpRowStatus RowStatus, svcVplsBgpCreationOrigin TmnxCreateOrigin, svcVplsBgpAutoRD TruthValue, svcVplsBgpOperRD TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher, svcVplsBgpOperRDType TmnxRouteDistType, svcVplsBgpOperImportRteTgtOrigin TmnxRouteTargetOrigin, svcVplsBgpOperImportRteTarget TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcVplsBgpOperExportRteTgtOrigin TmnxRouteTargetOrigin, svcVplsBgpOperExportRteTarget TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcVplsBgpAdvServiceMtu Integer32 } svcVplsBgpInstance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVplsBgpInstance indicates the BGP instance used with this entry." ::= { svcVplsBgpEntry 1 } svcVplsBgpLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVplsBgpLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { svcVplsBgpEntry 2 } svcVplsBgpVsiRD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVplsBgpVsiRD specifies the high-order 6 bytes used to compose the Virtual Switch Instance identifier (VSI-id) to use for NLRI in BGP in this VPLS service. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of svcVplsBgpVsiRD is set to non-default when svcVplsBgpAutoRD is set to 'true'." DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H } ::= { svcVplsBgpEntry 3 } svcVplsBgpExportRteTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVplsBgpExportRteTarget specifies the extended community name for the default export policy to use for BGP in this VPLS service. This object cannot be set to a non-empty if svcVplsBgpExportRteTarget has a non-empty value, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error will be returned." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcVplsBgpEntry 4 } svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy1 specifies the name of the first VSI export policy to be used for BGP in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy1 through svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcVplsBgpEntry 5 } svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy2 specifies the name of the second VSI export policy to be used for BGP in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy1 through svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcVplsBgpEntry 6 } svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy3 specifies the name of the third VSI export policy to be used for BGP in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy1 through svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcVplsBgpEntry 7 } svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy4 specifies the name of the forth VSI export policy to be used for BGP in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy1 through svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcVplsBgpEntry 8 } svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy5 specifies the name of the fifth VSI export policy to be used for BGP in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy1 through svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcVplsBgpEntry 9 } svcVplsBgpImportRteTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVplsBgpImportRteTarget specifies the extended community name for the default import policy to use for BGP in this VPLS service. This object cannot be set to a non-empty if svcVplsBgpImportRteTarget has a non-empty value, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error will be returned." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcVplsBgpEntry 10 } svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy1 specifies the name of the first VSI export policy to be used for BGP in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy1 through svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcVplsBgpEntry 11 } svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy2 specifies the name of the second VSI export policy to be used for BGP in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy1 through svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcVplsBgpEntry 12 } svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy3 specifies the name of the third VSI export policy to be used for BGP in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy1 through svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcVplsBgpEntry 13 } svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy4 specifies the name of the forth VSI export policy to be used for BGP in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy1 through svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcVplsBgpEntry 14 } svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy5 specifies the name of the fifth VSI export policy to be used for BGP in this VPLS service. If multiple policy names are specified, the policies are evaluated in the order they are specified. The first policy that matches is applied. The import policy name list, svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy1 through svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy5, is handled by the SNMP agent as a single entity. When an SNMP SET request is received to modify one or more of the policy names, all the policy variables are first set to the empty string, ''H, and then the new names are set into the specified policy variables within a single SNMP SET PDU." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcVplsBgpEntry 15 } svcVplsBgpRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVplsBgpRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of rows in this table." ::= { svcVplsBgpEntry 16 } svcVplsBgpCreationOrigin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCreateOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVplsBgpCreationOrigin indicates the mechanism used to create this entry." DEFVAL { manual } ::= { svcVplsBgpEntry 17 } svcVplsBgpAutoRD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVplsBgpAutoRD specifies that system will automatically selects a value for the route-distinguisher from svcBgpAutoRDType1Group. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned when trying to set svcVplsBgpAutoRD to 'true' and there is no route-distinguisher available from TIMETRA-SERV-MIB::svcBgpAutoRDType1Group. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of svcVplsBgpVsiRD is set to non-default when svcVplsBgpAutoRD is set to 'true'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVplsBgpEntry 18 } svcVplsBgpOperRD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVplsBgpOperRD indicates the route-distinguisher value in use by the system for this service." ::= { svcVplsBgpEntry 19 } svcVplsBgpOperRDType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRouteDistType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVplsBgpOperRDType indicates the type of route-distinguisher value in use by the system for this service." ::= { svcVplsBgpEntry 20 } svcVplsBgpOperImportRteTgtOrigin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRouteTargetOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVplsBgpOperImportRteTgtOrigin indicates the origin of the route target import policy in use for BGP in this VPLS service." ::= { svcVplsBgpEntry 21 } svcVplsBgpOperImportRteTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVplsBgpOperImportRteTarget indicates the extended community name for the import policy in use for BGP in this VPLS service. This value will be Empty if the svcVplsBgpOperImportRteTgtOrigin is set to 'vsi'." ::= { svcVplsBgpEntry 22 } svcVplsBgpOperExportRteTgtOrigin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRouteTargetOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVplsBgpOperExportRteTgtOrigin indicates the origin of the route target import policy in use for BGP in this VPLS service." ::= { svcVplsBgpEntry 23 } svcVplsBgpOperExportRteTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVplsBgpOperExportRteTarget indicates the origin of extended community name for the export policy in use for BGP in this VPLS service. This value will be Empty if the svcVplsBgpOperImportRteTgtOrigin is set to 'vsi'." ::= { svcVplsBgpEntry 24 } svcVplsBgpAdvServiceMtu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..9782) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcVplsBgpAdvServiceMtu specifies the service-mtu value which overrides service MTU value for the service." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { svcVplsBgpEntry 25 } svcProxyArpNdMacListTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcProxyArpNdMacListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcProxyArpNdMacListTable contains MAC list entries for proxy ARP and Neighbor Discovery (ND)." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 213 } svcProxyArpNdMacListEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcProxyArpNdMacListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A svcProxyArpNdMacListEntry maintains list of MAC addresses for proxy ARP and Neighbor Discovery (ND)." INDEX { svcProxyArpNdMacListName } ::= { svcProxyArpNdMacListTable 1 } SvcProxyArpNdMacListEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcProxyArpNdMacListName TNamedItem, svcProxyArpNdMacListRowStatus RowStatus, svcProxyArpNdMacListLastChgd TimeStamp, svcProxyArpNdMacListNumMacs Unsigned32, svcProxyArpNdMacListNumAssocs Unsigned32 } svcProxyArpNdMacListName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcProxyArpNdMacListName specifies the MAC list that maintains the MAC addresses." ::= { svcProxyArpNdMacListEntry 1 } svcProxyArpNdMacListRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcProxyArpNdMacListRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of MAC lists." ::= { svcProxyArpNdMacListEntry 2 } svcProxyArpNdMacListLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcProxyArpNdMacListLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry." ::= { svcProxyArpNdMacListEntry 3 } svcProxyArpNdMacListNumMacs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcProxyArpNdMacListNumMacs indicates the number of MACs configured in the MAC List." ::= { svcProxyArpNdMacListEntry 4 } svcProxyArpNdMacListNumAssocs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcProxyArpNdMacListNumAssocs indicates the number of dynamic proxy arp/nd entries associated with the MAC List." ::= { svcProxyArpNdMacListEntry 5 } svcProxyArpNdMacListMacTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcProxyArpNdMacListMacEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcProxyArpNdMacListMacTable contains the MAC addresses which are associated with a MAC list." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 214 } svcProxyArpNdMacListMacEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcProxyArpNdMacListMacEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A svcProxyArpNdMacListMacEntry maintains the MAC addresses associated with the MAC list." INDEX { svcProxyArpNdMacListName, svcProxyArpNdMacListMacAddr } ::= { svcProxyArpNdMacListMacTable 1 } SvcProxyArpNdMacListMacEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcProxyArpNdMacListMacAddr MacAddress, svcProxyArpNdMacListMacRowStatus RowStatus, svcProxyArpNdMacListMacLastChgd TimeStamp } svcProxyArpNdMacListMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcProxyArpNdMacListMacAddr specifies the MAC addresses associated with the MAC list." ::= { svcProxyArpNdMacListMacEntry 1 } svcProxyArpNdMacListMacRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcProxyArpNdMacListMacRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of MAC addresses in the respective MAC lists." ::= { svcProxyArpNdMacListMacEntry 2 } svcProxyArpNdMacListMacLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcProxyArpNdMacListMacLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry." ::= { svcProxyArpNdMacListMacEntry 3 } svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsProxyArpDynCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgTable contains dynamic entries for proxy ARP configuration for each VPLS service in the system." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 215 } svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsProxyArpDynCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgEntry maintains the dynamic entry associated with the proxy arp configuration." INDEX { svcId, svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgIpAddrType, svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgIpAddr } ::= { svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgTable 1 } SvcTlsProxyArpDynCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgIpAddrType InetAddressType, svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgIpAddr InetAddress, svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgRowStatus RowStatus, svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgMacList TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgResolve Unsigned32, svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgRemResolve Unsigned32 } svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgIpAddrType specifies the non system IP address associated with svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgIpAddr." ::= { svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgEntry 1 } svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgIpAddr specifies the IP address associated with this entry." ::= { svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgEntry 2 } svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of dynamic configuration for Proxy Arp context in a VPLS instance." ::= { svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgEntry 3 } svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgMacList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgMacList specifies the MAC List that maintains the mac addresses." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgEntry 4 } svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgResolve OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..60) UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgResolve specifies the frequency(minutes) at which the resolve messages are sent." DEFVAL { 5 } ::= { svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgEntry 5 } svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgRemResolve OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgRemResolve indicates the remaining time (seconds) remaining before the next resolve message is sent for this entry." ::= { svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgEntry 6 } svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsProxyNdDynCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgTable contains dynamic entries for proxy ARP configuration for each VPLS service in the system." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 216 } svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsProxyNdDynCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgEntry maintains the dynamic entry associated with the proxy arp configuration." INDEX { svcId, svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgIpAddrType, svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgIpAddr } ::= { svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgTable 1 } SvcTlsProxyNdDynCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgIpAddrType InetAddressType, svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgIpAddr InetAddress, svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgRowStatus RowStatus, svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgMacList TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgResolve Unsigned32, svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgRemResolve Unsigned32 } svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgIpAddrType specifies the non system IP address associated with svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgIpAddr." ::= { svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgEntry 1 } svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgIpAddr specifies the IP address associated with this entry." ::= { svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgEntry 2 } svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of dynamic configuration for Proxy Arp context in a VPLS instance." ::= { svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgEntry 3 } svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgMacList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgMacList specifies the MAC List that maintains the mac addresses." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgEntry 4 } svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgResolve OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..60) UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgResolve specifies the frequency(minutes) at which the resolve messages are sent." DEFVAL { 5 } ::= { svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgEntry 5 } svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgRemResolve OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgRemResolve indicates the remaining time (seconds) remaining before the next resolve message is sent for this entry." ::= { svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgEntry 6 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngTable contains entries for ethernet segment VLAN ranges defined in the services." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 217 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An ethernet segment VLAN range entry in the tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngTable." INDEX { tmnxSvcSysEthSegName, tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngFrom } ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngTable 1 } TmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngFrom TmnxSVlanEncapVal, tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngLastChg TimeStamp, tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngTo TmnxSVlanEncapVal } tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngFrom OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSVlanEncapVal MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngFrom specifies the starting value of the VLAN range associated to the virtual ethernet segment on a given port or lag." ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngEntry 1 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngRowStatus specifies the creation and deletion of entries in the tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngTable." ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngEntry 2 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry." ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngEntry 3 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngTo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSVlanEncapVal MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngTo specifies the ending value of the VLAN range associated to the virtual ethernet segment on a given port or lag. Zero indicates no value specified." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngEntry 4 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngTable contains entries for ethernet segment VC ID ranges defined in the services." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 218 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An ethernet segment VC ID range entry in the tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngTable." INDEX { tmnxSvcSysEthSegName, tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngFrom } ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngTable 1 } TmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngFrom Unsigned32, tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngLastChg TimeStamp, tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngTo Unsigned32 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngFrom OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngFrom specifies the starting value of the VC ID range associated to the virtual ethernet segment on a given sdp." ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngEntry 1 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngRowStatus specifies the creation and deletion of entries in the tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngTable." ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngEntry 2 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry." ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngEntry 3 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngTo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngTo specifies the ending value of the VC ID range associated to the virtual ethernet segment on a given sdp. Zero indicates no value specified." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngEntry 4 } tmnxESSTagRngTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxESSTagRngEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxESSTagRngTable contains entries for ethernet segment S-VLAN ranges defined in the services." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 219 } tmnxESSTagRngEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxESSTagRngEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An ethernet segment S-VLAN range entry in the tmnxESSTagRngTable." INDEX { tmnxSvcSysEthSegName, tmnxESSTagRngFrom } ::= { tmnxESSTagRngTable 1 } TmnxESSTagRngEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxESSTagRngFrom TmnxSVlanEncapVal, tmnxESSTagRngRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxESSTagRngLastChg TimeStamp, tmnxESSTagRngTo TmnxSVlanEncapVal } tmnxESSTagRngFrom OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSVlanEncapVal MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxESSTagRngFrom specifies the starting value of the S-VLAN range associated to the virtual ethernet segment on a given QinQ port or lag." ::= { tmnxESSTagRngEntry 1 } tmnxESSTagRngRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxESSTagRngRowStatus specifies the creation and deletion of entries in the tmnxESSTagRngTable." ::= { tmnxESSTagRngEntry 2 } tmnxESSTagRngLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxESSTagRngLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry." ::= { tmnxESSTagRngEntry 3 } tmnxESSTagRngTo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSVlanEncapVal MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxESSTagRngTo specifies the ending value of the S-VLAN range associated to the virtual ethernet segment on a given QinQ port or lag. Zero indicates no value specified." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxESSTagRngEntry 4 } tmnxESSTagCTagRngTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxESSTagCTagRngEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxESSTagCTagRngTable contains entries for virtual ethernet segment C-VLAN ranges for a S-VLAN defined in the services." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 220 } tmnxESSTagCTagRngEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxESSTagCTagRngEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An ethernet segment S-VLAN C-VLAN range entry in the tmnxESSTagCTagRngTable." INDEX { tmnxSvcSysEthSegName, tmnxESSTagCTagRngSTag, tmnxESSTagCTagRngFrom } ::= { tmnxESSTagCTagRngTable 1 } TmnxESSTagCTagRngEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxESSTagCTagRngSTag TmnxSVlanEncapVal, tmnxESSTagCTagRngFrom TmnxSVlanEncapVal, tmnxESSTagCTagRngRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxESSTagCTagRngLastChg TimeStamp, tmnxESSTagCTagRngTo TmnxSVlanEncapVal } tmnxESSTagCTagRngSTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSVlanEncapVal MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxESSTagCTagRngSTag specifies the value of the S-VLAN associated to the virtual ethernet segment on a given QinQ port or lag." ::= { tmnxESSTagCTagRngEntry 1 } tmnxESSTagCTagRngFrom OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSVlanEncapVal MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxESSTagCTagRngFrom specifies the starting value of the C-VLAN range for the S-VLAN associated to the virtual ethernet segment on a given QinQ port or lag." ::= { tmnxESSTagCTagRngEntry 2 } tmnxESSTagCTagRngRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxESSTagCTagRngRowStatus specifies the creation and deletion of entries in the tmnxESSTagCTagRngTable." ::= { tmnxESSTagCTagRngEntry 3 } tmnxESSTagCTagRngLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxESSTagCTagRngLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry." ::= { tmnxESSTagCTagRngEntry 4 } tmnxESSTagCTagRngTo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSVlanEncapVal MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxESSTagCTagRngTo specifies the ending value of the C-VLAN range for the S-VLAN associated to the virtual ethernet segment on a given QinQ port or lag. Zero indicates no value specified." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxESSTagCTagRngEntry 5 } svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecTable contains entries for the DF preference election entries." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 221 } svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecTable." INDEX { tmnxSvcSysEthSegName } ::= { svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecTable 1 } SvcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecRowStatus RowStatus, svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecPrefMode INTEGER, svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecValue Unsigned32, svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecLastChg TimeStamp, svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecOperValue Unsigned32, svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecDntPreempt TruthValue } svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecRowStatus specifies the creation and deletion of entries in the svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecTable." ::= { svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecEntry 1 } svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecPrefMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { revertive (1), non-revertive (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecPrefMode specifies the method used to elect the designated forwarder." DEFVAL { revertive } ::= { svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecEntry 2 } svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecValue specifies the preference value assigned while electing the designated forwarder." DEFVAL { 32767 } ::= { svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecEntry 3 } svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry." ::= { svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecEntry 4 } svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecOperValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecOperValue indicates the operational preference value assigned while electing the designated forwarder." ::= { svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecEntry 5 } svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecDntPreempt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecDntPreempt indicates the status of the DP bit used in electing the next designated forwarder." ::= { svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecEntry 6 } svcVsdDomainParamsExtTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcVsdDomainParamsExtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcVsdDomainParamsExtTable contains entries for parts of the parameter string of the script last received and executed from the VSD." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 222 } svcVsdDomainParamsExtEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcVsdDomainParamsExtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A VSD domain parameter entry in the svcVsdDomainParamsExtTable." AUGMENTS { svcVsdDomainEntry } ::= { svcVsdDomainParamsExtTable 1 } SvcVsdDomainParamsExtEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcVsdDomainRecParams1 OCTET STRING, svcVsdDomainRecParams2 OCTET STRING, svcVsdDomainRecParams3 OCTET STRING, svcVsdDomainRecParams4 OCTET STRING, svcVsdDomainExecParams1 OCTET STRING, svcVsdDomainExecParams2 OCTET STRING, svcVsdDomainExecParams3 OCTET STRING, svcVsdDomainExecParams4 OCTET STRING } svcVsdDomainRecParams1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1024)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVsdDomainRecParams1 indicates the first part of the parameter string of the script instance last received from the VSD." ::= { svcVsdDomainParamsExtEntry 1 } svcVsdDomainRecParams2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1024)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVsdDomainRecParams2 indicates the second part of the parameter string of the script instance last received from the VSD." ::= { svcVsdDomainParamsExtEntry 2 } svcVsdDomainRecParams3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1024)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVsdDomainRecParams3 indicates the third part of the parameter string of the script instance last received from the VSD." ::= { svcVsdDomainParamsExtEntry 3 } svcVsdDomainRecParams4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1024)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVsdDomainRecParams4 indicates the fourth part of the parameter string of the script instance last received from the VSD." ::= { svcVsdDomainParamsExtEntry 4 } svcVsdDomainExecParams1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1024)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVsdDomainExecParams1 indicates the first part of the parameter string of the script instance that was last executed successfully." ::= { svcVsdDomainParamsExtEntry 5 } svcVsdDomainExecParams2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1024)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVsdDomainExecParams2 indicates the second part of the parameter string of the script instance that was last executed successfully." ::= { svcVsdDomainParamsExtEntry 6 } svcVsdDomainExecParams3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1024)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVsdDomainExecParams3 indicates the third part of the parameter string of the script instance that was last executed successfully." ::= { svcVsdDomainParamsExtEntry 7 } svcVsdDomainExecParams4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1024)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVsdDomainExecParams4 indicates the fourth part of the parameter string of the script instance that was last executed successfully." ::= { svcVsdDomainParamsExtEntry 8 } svcEpipeVxlanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEpipeVxlanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The svcEpipeVxlanTable maintains VXLAN Network Identifiers (VNIs) for Epipe services." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 223 } svcEpipeVxlanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEpipeVxlanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "svcEpipeVxlanEntry contains entries for svcEpipeVxlanTable." INDEX { svcId, svcEpipeVxlanVni } ::= { svcEpipeVxlanTable 1 } SvcEpipeVxlanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEpipeVxlanVni TmnxVni, svcEpipeVxlanRowStatus RowStatus, svcEpipeVxlanLastChgd TimeStamp, svcEpipeVxlanCreationOrigin TmnxCreateOrigin, svcEpipeVxlanEgrVTEPIpAddrType InetAddressType, svcEpipeVxlanEgrVTEPIpAddr InetAddress, svcEpipeVxlanEgrVTEPIpOperGrp TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcEpipeVxlanInstanceId Unsigned32 } svcEpipeVxlanVni OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVni MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeVxlanVni specifies the VNI of the VXLAN created by the EPIPE service." ::= { svcEpipeVxlanEntry 1 } svcEpipeVxlanRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeVxlanRowStatus is used for creation or deletion of entries in the svcEpipeVxlanEntry." ::= { svcEpipeVxlanEntry 2 } svcEpipeVxlanLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeVxlanLastChgd indicates the time stamp of the last change to this row of this table." ::= { svcEpipeVxlanEntry 3 } svcEpipeVxlanCreationOrigin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCreateOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeVxlanCreationOrigin indicates the mechanism used to create this entry." DEFVAL { manual } ::= { svcEpipeVxlanEntry 4 } svcEpipeVxlanEgrVTEPIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeVxlanEgrVTEPIpAddrType specifies the address type associated with svcEpipeVxlanEgrVTEPIpAddr." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { svcEpipeVxlanEntry 5 } svcEpipeVxlanEgrVTEPIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeVxlanEgrVTEPIpAddr specifies the egress IP address when doing VXLAN encapsulation of frames for this service." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcEpipeVxlanEntry 6 } svcEpipeVxlanEgrVTEPIpOperGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeVxlanEgrVTEPIpOperGrp specifies the operational group name associated with egress IP address when doing VXLAN encapsulation of frames for this service." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcEpipeVxlanEntry 7 } svcEpipeVxlanInstanceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeVxlanInstanceId specifies the vxlan instance for this service." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { svcEpipeVxlanEntry 8 } svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNITable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNITable contains entries for all the VTEP addresses and Egress VNIs associated with an EPIPE service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 224 } svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A VTEP entry in the svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNITable." INDEX { svcId, svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddrType, svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress, svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIEgrVNI } ::= { svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNITable 1 } SvcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddrType InetAddressType, svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress InetAddress, svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIEgrVNI Unsigned32, svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIOperState ServiceOperStatus, svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIVxlanType INTEGER } svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddrType indicates the type of the address associated with svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress." ::= { svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIEntry 1 } svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress indicates a VXLAN (virtual extensible LAN) Tunnel Endpoint address associated with the EPIPE service." ::= { svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIEntry 2 } svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIEgrVNI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..16777215) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIEgrVNI indicates the VNI of the VXLAN created by the Epipe service." ::= { svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIEntry 3 } svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIOperState indicates the operational status of the VTEP-Egress VNI associated with the EPIPE service." ::= { svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIEntry 4 } svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIVxlanType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), static (1), evpn (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIVxlanType indicates the type of vxlan instance created on this Epipe service." ::= { svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIEntry 5 } svcEpipeNatOutsideTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEpipeNatOutsideEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEpipeNatOutsideTable contains objects related to 'epipe' NAT Outside service for NAT or firewall. Entries are created and destroyed when 'epipe' services are created and destroyed by the system." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 225 } svcEpipeNatOutsideEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEpipeNatOutsideEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains objects that allow the modification of the 'epipe' specific objects." INDEX { svcId, svcEpipeNatOSNatGrp } ::= { svcEpipeNatOutsideTable 1 } SvcEpipeNatOutsideEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEpipeNatOSNatGrp TmnxNatIsaGrpId, svcEpipeNatOSRowStatus RowStatus, svcEpipeNatOSLastChngd TimeStamp, svcEpipeNatOSAdminState TmnxAdminState } svcEpipeNatOSNatGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxNatIsaGrpId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeNatOSNatGrp specifies the NAT Group for which the 'epipe' acts as the outside service for NAT or firewall." ::= { svcEpipeNatOutsideEntry 1 } svcEpipeNatOSRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object svcEpipeNatOSRowStatus is used for the creation or deletion of entries in the svcEpipeNatOutsideEntry." ::= { svcEpipeNatOutsideEntry 2 } svcEpipeNatOSLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeNatOSLastChngd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { svcEpipeNatOutsideEntry 3 } svcEpipeNatOSAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeNatOSAdminState specifies if the NAT outside service is enabled or not." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { svcEpipeNatOutsideEntry 4 } svcPbbEvpnIsidRtTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcPbbEvpnIsidRtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcPbbEvpnIsidRtTable contains entries for ranges of ISIDs that are configured to use non-default route-targets in an EVPN service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 226 } svcPbbEvpnIsidRtEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcPbbEvpnIsidRtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ISID range entry configured to use non-default route-targets in an EVPN service." INDEX { svcId, svcPbbEvpnIsidRtIsidRngFrm } ::= { svcPbbEvpnIsidRtTable 1 } SvcPbbEvpnIsidRtEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcPbbEvpnIsidRtIsidRngFrm TmnxISIDNoZero, svcPbbEvpnIsidRtRowStatus RowStatus, svcPbbEvpnIsidRtLastChgd TimeStamp, svcPbbEvpnIsidRtIsidRngTo TmnxISID, svcPbbEvpnIsidRtTgtType INTEGER, svcPbbEvpnIsidRtTarget TNamedItemOrEmpty } svcPbbEvpnIsidRtIsidRngFrm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxISIDNoZero MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPbbEvpnIsidRtIsidRngFrm specifies the starting value of ISID range in svcPbbEvpnIsidRtEntry." ::= { svcPbbEvpnIsidRtEntry 1 } svcPbbEvpnIsidRtRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPbbEvpnIsidRtRowStatus specifies the creation, deletion and modification of entries in the svcPbbEvpnIsidRtTable." ::= { svcPbbEvpnIsidRtEntry 2 } svcPbbEvpnIsidRtLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPbbEvpnIsidRtLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry." ::= { svcPbbEvpnIsidRtEntry 3 } svcPbbEvpnIsidRtIsidRngTo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxISID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPbbEvpnIsidRtIsidRngTo specifies the ending value of the ISID range in svcPbbEvpnIsidRtEntry." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcPbbEvpnIsidRtEntry 4 } svcPbbEvpnIsidRtTgtType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { auto (1), configured (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPbbEvpnIsidRtTgtType specifies the method used to support the PBB-EVPN ISID based route target advertisement. When svcPbbEvpnIsidRtTgtType is set to 'auto', the route-target is auto-derived based on the ISID. When svcPbbEvpnIsidRtTgtType is set to 'configured', the route-target specified in svcPbbEvpnIsidRtTarget is used." DEFVAL { auto } ::= { svcPbbEvpnIsidRtEntry 5 } svcPbbEvpnIsidRtTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPbbEvpnIsidRtTarget specifies the route target on the b-vpls EVPN service." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcPbbEvpnIsidRtEntry 6 } svcProxyArpNdAssocsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcProxyArpNdAssocsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcProxyArpNdAssocsTable contains dynamically configured IP Address entries in a service associated with a proxy ARP-ND MAC List." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 227 } svcProxyArpNdAssocsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcProxyArpNdAssocsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A svcProxyArpNdAssocsEntry maintains the dynamically configured IP address entry in a service associated with a proxy ARP-ND MAC List." INDEX { svcProxyArpNdMacListName, svcId, svcProxyArpNdAssocsIpAddrType, svcProxyArpNdAssocsIpAddr } ::= { svcProxyArpNdAssocsTable 1 } SvcProxyArpNdAssocsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcProxyArpNdAssocsIpAddrType InetAddressType, svcProxyArpNdAssocsIpAddr InetAddress, svcProxyArpNdAssocsLastChgd TimeStamp } svcProxyArpNdAssocsIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcProxyArpNdAssocsIpAddrType specifies the IP address type of the entry in a service associated with the svcProxyArpNdMacListName." ::= { svcProxyArpNdAssocsEntry 1 } svcProxyArpNdAssocsIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcProxyArpNdAssocsIpAddr specifies the IP address of the entry in a service associated with the svcProxyArpNdMacListName." ::= { svcProxyArpNdAssocsEntry 2 } svcProxyArpNdAssocsLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcProxyArpNdMacListLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry." ::= { svcProxyArpNdAssocsEntry 3 } tmnxSvcSysFdbObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 228 } tmnxSvcSysFdbTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysFdbTableSize specifies the maximum number of FDB entries in the system. The minimum, maximum and default values depend on the platform." ::= { tmnxSvcSysFdbObjs 1 } tmnxSvcSysFdbAllocEntries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysFdbAllocEntries indicates the number of FDB entries allocated in the system." ::= { tmnxSvcSysFdbObjs 2 } tmnxSvcSysFdbGlobalEntries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysFdbGlobalEntries indicates the number of non selective FDB entries reserved in the system." ::= { tmnxSvcSysFdbObjs 3 } tmnxSvcSysFdbRvplsEntriesInUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysFdbRvplsEntriesInUse indicates the number of R-VPLS Interface MAC FDB entries in use in the system." ::= { tmnxSvcSysFdbObjs 4 } tmnxSvcSysFdbRvplsEntriesAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysFdbRvplsEntriesAlloc indicates the number of R-VPLS Interface MAC FDB entries allocated in the system." ::= { tmnxSvcSysFdbObjs 5 } tmnxSvcSysFdbEsBmacEntriesInUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysFdbEsBmacEntriesInUse indicates the number of ES BMAC entries in use in the system." ::= { tmnxSvcSysFdbObjs 6 } tmnxSvcSysFdbEsBmacEntriesAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysFdbEsBmacEntriesAlloc indicates the number of ES BMAC entries allocated in the system." ::= { tmnxSvcSysFdbObjs 7 } tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngTable contains service id entries being multi-homed for a VXLAN instance." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 229 } tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngEntry maintains the service id ranges associated with this ethernet segment." INDEX { tmnxSvcSysEthSegName, tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngFrm } ::= { tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngTable 1 } TmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngFrm TmnxExtServId, tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngTo TmnxExtServId, tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngLastChgd TimeStamp } tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngFrm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxExtServId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngFrm specifies the starting value of the service id range associated to the virtual ethernet segment on a given VXLAN instance." ::= { tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngEntry 1 } tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngRowStatus specifies the creation and deletion of entries in the tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngTable." ::= { tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngEntry 2 } tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngTo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxExtServId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngTo specifies the ending value of the service id range associated to the virtual ethernet segment on a given VXLAN instance." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngEntry 3 } tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry." ::= { tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngEntry 4 } svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmTable contains entries for the non-system IP Address to terminate GRE tunnels and the Forward Path Extension(FPE) id to be used for the termination." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 230 } svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmTable." INDEX { svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmIpAddrType, svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmIpAddr } ::= { svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmTable 1 } SvcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmIpAddrType InetAddressType, svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmIpAddr InetAddress, svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmRowStatus RowStatus, svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmLastChg TimeStamp, svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmFpeId TmnxFpeId } svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmIpAddrType specifies the type of IP address associated with svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmIpAddr." ::= { svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmEntry 1 } svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmIpAddr specifies the non-system IP address to terminate the GRE Eth Bridged tunnel. The system will register the IP address to respond to the ICMP packets directed to it." ::= { svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmEntry 2 } svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmEntry 3 } svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry." ::= { svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmEntry 4 } svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmFpeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFpeId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmFpeId specifies the fpe id for the entry. This object is required while creating an entry." ::= { svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmEntry 5 } svcPbbLeafSrcBVplsMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPbbLeafSrcBVplsMacAddr specifies the leaf source backbone MAC Address to be used for Provider Backbone Bridging (PBB) packets from etree leaf access circuits in i-vpls services. This value must be configured in order to create etree i-vpls services" DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 231 } svcVxlanInstEthSegTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcVxlanInstEthSegEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcVxlanInstEthSegTable contains entries for VXLAN instance information associated with an ethernet segment." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 232 } svcVxlanInstEthSegEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcVxlanInstEthSegEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An ethernet segment entry in the svcVxlanInstEthSegTable." INDEX { svcId, svcVxlanInstanceId } ::= { svcVxlanInstEthSegTable 1 } SvcVxlanInstEthSegEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcVxlanInstanceId Unsigned32, svcVxlanInstEthSegName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcVxlanInstEthSegStatus TmnxEvpnMHEthSegStatus } svcVxlanInstanceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVxlanInstanceId indicates the vxlan instance id associated with an ethernet segment." ::= { svcVxlanInstEthSegEntry 1 } svcVxlanInstEthSegName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVxlanInstEthSegName indicates the ethernet segment name the VXLAN instance is associated with." ::= { svcVxlanInstEthSegEntry 2 } svcVxlanInstEthSegStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEvpnMHEthSegStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVxlanInstEthSegStatus indicates the status of the VXLAN instance associated with an ethernet segment." ::= { svcVxlanInstEthSegEntry 3 } svcVxlanInstOperFlagsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcVxlanInstOperFlagsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcVxlanInstOperFlagsTable contains entries for VXLAN instance operation status." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 233 } svcVxlanInstOperFlagsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcVxlanInstOperFlagsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the svcVxlanInstOperFlagsTable." INDEX { svcId, svcVxlanInstOperFlagsInstance } ::= { svcVxlanInstOperFlagsTable 1 } SvcVxlanInstOperFlagsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcVxlanInstOperFlagsInstance Unsigned32, svcVxlanInstOperFlagsMhStandby TruthValue } svcVxlanInstOperFlagsInstance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVxlanInstOperFlagsInstance indicates the VXLAN instance." ::= { svcVxlanInstOperFlagsEntry 1 } svcVxlanInstOperFlagsMhStandby OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVxlanInstOperFlagsMhStandby indicates the VXLAN instance is standby because of a BGP multi-home protocol." ::= { svcVxlanInstOperFlagsEntry 2 } svcVprnVxlanTunTermTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcVprnVxlanTunTermEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcVprnVxlanTunTermTable contains entries for the non-system IP Address to terminate VXLAN tunnels and the Forward Path Extension(FPE) id to be used for the termination." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 234 } svcVprnVxlanTunTermEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcVprnVxlanTunTermEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the svcVprnVxlanTunTermTable." INDEX { svcId, svcVprnVxlanTunTermIpAddrType, svcVprnVxlanTunTermIpAddr } ::= { svcVprnVxlanTunTermTable 1 } SvcVprnVxlanTunTermEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcVprnVxlanTunTermIpAddrType InetAddressType, svcVprnVxlanTunTermIpAddr InetAddress, svcVprnVxlanTunTermRowStatus RowStatus, svcVprnVxlanTunTermLastChg TimeStamp, svcVprnVxlanTunTermFpeId TmnxFpeId } svcVprnVxlanTunTermIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnVxlanTunTermIpAddrType specifies the type of IP address associated with svcVprnVxlanTunTermIpAddr." ::= { svcVprnVxlanTunTermEntry 1 } svcVprnVxlanTunTermIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnVxlanTunTermIpAddr specifies the non-system IP address to terminate the VXLAN. The system will register the IP address to respond to the ICMP packets directed to it." ::= { svcVprnVxlanTunTermEntry 2 } svcVprnVxlanTunTermRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnVxlanTunTermRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { svcVprnVxlanTunTermEntry 3 } svcVprnVxlanTunTermLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnVxlanTunTermLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry." ::= { svcVprnVxlanTunTermEntry 4 } svcVprnVxlanTunTermFpeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFpeId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnVxlanTunTermFpeId specifies the fpe id for the entry. This object is required while creating an entry." ::= { svcVprnVxlanTunTermEntry 5 } svcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPTable contains entries for all the BGP EVPN-MPLS Tunnel Endpoint and ethernet segment pairs for a particular service. This table is obsoleted in 20.2 R1 and will be replaced with svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPTable." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 235 } svcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A BGP EVPN-MPLS VXLAN Tunnel Endpoint and ethernet segment binding entry in the svcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPTable." INDEX { svcId, tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsi, svcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPAddrType, svcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPAddress, svcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPVni } ::= { svcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPTable 1 } SvcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPAddrType InetAddressType, svcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPAddress InetAddress, svcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPVni TmnxVni, svcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPLastChanged TimeStamp } svcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPAddrType indicates the type of the address associated with svcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPAddress." ::= { svcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPEntry 1 } svcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPAddress indicates a Tunnel Endpoint address associated with this entry." ::= { svcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPEntry 2 } svcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPVni OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVni MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPVni indicates the VNI associated with the Tunnel Endpoint address in the service." ::= { svcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPEntry 3 } svcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPLastChanged indicates the timestamp of the modification of the ethernet segment destination entry." ::= { svcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPEntry 4 } svcOperGroupConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcOperGroupConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains Operational-Group information." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 236 } svcOperGroupConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcOperGroupConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row specifies information about a specific Operational-Group." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcOperGroupConfigTable 1 } SvcOperGroupConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcOperGroupConfigLastChange TimeStamp, svcOperGroupConfigName TNamedItemOrEmpty } svcOperGroupConfigLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcOperGroupConfigLastChange indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in svcOperGroupConfigTable." ::= { svcOperGroupConfigEntry 1 } svcOperGroupConfigName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcOperGroupConfigName specifies the Operational-Group identifier." ::= { svcOperGroupConfigEntry 2 } svcEvpnVxlanESDestTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEvpnVxlanESDestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnVxlanESDestTable contains entries for all the BGP EVPN-VXLAN Tunnel ethernet segment destination for a particular VPLS service. This table is obsoleted in 20.2 R1. It is being replaced by svcEvpnVxlanInstESDestTable." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 237 } svcEvpnVxlanESDestEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEvpnVxlanESDestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A BGP EVPN-VXLAN Tunnel Endpoint and ethernet segment binding entry in the svcEvpnVxlanESDestTable." INDEX { svcId, tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsi } ::= { svcEvpnVxlanESDestTable 1 } SvcEvpnVxlanESDestEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEvpnVxlanESDestLastChanged TimeStamp, svcEvpnVxlanESDestNumMacs Unsigned32 } svcEvpnVxlanESDestLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnVxlanESDestLastChanged indicates the timestamp of the modification of the ethernet segment destination entry." ::= { svcEvpnVxlanESDestEntry 2 } svcEvpnVxlanESDestNumMacs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnVxlanESDestNumMacs indicates number of MAC addresses associated with this entry." ::= { svcEvpnVxlanESDestEntry 3 } svcBgpEvpnInstTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcBgpEvpnInstEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcBgpEvpnInstTable contains entries for all the BGP EVPN instances for a particular VPLS service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 238 } svcBgpEvpnInstEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcBgpEvpnInstEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A BGP EVPN instance entry in the svcBgpEvpnInstTable." INDEX { svcId, svcBgpEvpnInstance } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstTable 1 } SvcBgpEvpnInstEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcBgpEvpnInstance Integer32, svcBgpEvpnInstRowStatus RowStatus, svcBgpEvpnInstLastChanged TimeStamp, svcBgpEvpnInstAdminState TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcBgpEvpnInstCreationOrigin TmnxCreateOrigin, svcBgpEvpnInstType INTEGER, svcBgpEvpnVxlanInstance Unsigned32, svcBgpEvpnInstDefRtTag Unsigned32, svcBgpEvpnInstEndpoint TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcBgpEvpnInstOperGrp TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcBgpEvpnInstSrv6Instance Integer32, svcBgpEvpnInstSrv6DefLocator TLNamedItemOrEmpty } svcBgpEvpnInstance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstance specifies the BGP instance used with this service." ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstEntry 1 } svcBgpEvpnInstRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcBgpEvpnInstRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstEntry 2 } svcBgpEvpnInstLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcBgpEvpnInstLastChanged indicates the timestamp of the modification of the ethernet segment destination entry." ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstEntry 3 } svcBgpEvpnInstAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstAdminState specifies if the BGP instance is enabled or not. The admin state cannot be set in the same request as svcBgpEvpnInstRowStatus, if no explicit route-distinguisher and route-targets are configured for the bgp-instance (referenced by svcBgpEvpnInstance)." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstEntry 4 } svcBgpEvpnInstCreationOrigin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCreateOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstCreationOrigin indicates mechanism used to create this entry." ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstEntry 5 } svcBgpEvpnInstType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { mpls (0), vxlan (1), srv6 (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstType specifies the type of bgp-evpn delivery used for this entry. Value of this object must be specified at the time of creation of the entry." ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstEntry 6 } svcBgpEvpnVxlanInstance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnVxlanInstance specifies the BGP instance used with this service. The svcBgpEvpnVxlanInstance must be provided during creation of row and is required when svcBgpEvpnInstType is set to 'vxlan'." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstEntry 7 } svcBgpEvpnInstDefRtTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstDefRtTag specifies the default route tag passed by EVPN onto the policy module so that it can be matched on export policies." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstEntry 8 } svcBgpEvpnInstEndpoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The svcBgpEvpnInstEndpoint specifies endpoint which uses this BGP EVPN as destination. This object is obsoleted in 21.2." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstEntry 9 } svcBgpEvpnInstOperGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcBgpEvpnInstOperGrp specifies the operational-group associated with this entry." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstEntry 10 } svcBgpEvpnInstSrv6Instance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstSrv6Instance specifies the SRv6 instance used with this service." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstEntry 11 } svcBgpEvpnInstSrv6DefLocator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstSrv6DefLocator specifies the default locator name for the SRv6 instance to use for BGP in this VPRN service." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstEntry 12 } svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcBgpEvpnInstVxlanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanTable contains entries for all the BGP EVPN instances for a particular VPLS service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 239 } svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcBgpEvpnInstVxlanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A BGP EVPN instance entry in the svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanTable." INDEX { svcId, svcBgpEvpnInstance } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanTable 1 } SvcBgpEvpnInstVxlanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanLastChanged TimeStamp, svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanSendEvpnEncap TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanSndImtIrOnNdf TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanMaxEcmpRoutes Integer32, svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanMhMode INTEGER, svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanAutoDiscRtAdv TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanSendTnlEncap TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnInstVxlnEvi3ByteAutoRT TruthValue } svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanLastChanged indicates the timestamp of the modification of the ethernet segment destination entry." ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanEntry 1 } svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanSendEvpnEncap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanSendEvpnEncap specifies whether a RFC5512 vxlan tunnel encap extended community is included in BGP EVPN VXLAN route advertisements." DEFVAL { true } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanEntry 2 } svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanSndImtIrOnNdf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanSndImtIrOnNdf specifies whether the router will advertise IMET-IR routes even when the PE is a not a designated forwarder." DEFVAL { true } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanEntry 3 } svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanMaxEcmpRoutes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanMaxEcmpRoutes specifies the maximum ECMP routes required for controlling all-active routing to MAC/IP with the same ethernet-segment-identifier (ESI)." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanEntry 4 } svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanMhMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { access (0), network (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanMhMode specifies the mode of multi-homing for this entry." DEFVAL { access } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanEntry 5 } svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanAutoDiscRtAdv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanAutoDiscRtAdv specifies whether route adverisement on auto discovery is enabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanEntry 6 } svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanSendTnlEncap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanSendTnlEncap specifies whether a RFC5512 vxlan tunnel encap extended community is included in BGP EVPN VXLAN route advertisements." DEFVAL { true } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanEntry 7 } svcBgpEvpnInstVxlnEvi3ByteAutoRT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstVxlnEvi3ByteAutoRT enables RFC8365 compliant auto-derivation for EVIs for this service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanEntry 8 } svcBgpEvpnInstMplsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcBgpEvpnInstMplsTable contains entries for BGP EVPN MPLS in a VPLS service and BGP instance context." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 240 } svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A BGP EVPN MPLS entry in the svcBgpEvpnInstMplsTable." INDEX { svcId, svcBgpEvpnInstance } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstMplsTable 1 } SvcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcBgpEvpnInstMplsLastChanged TimeStamp, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsFrceVlanVcFwd TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsControlWord TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsShgName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsIngRepBumLabel TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsMaxEcmpRoutes Integer32, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsIngressLabel Integer32, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsIngBumLabel Integer32, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntropyLabel TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsResProtSrcMac TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsRPSMacAct INTEGER, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEvpnEncapMpls TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEvpnEncapMoUdp TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsForceQinqVcFwd INTEGER, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsRtNHType INTEGER, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsRtNHAddrType InetAddressType, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsRtNHAddr InetAddress, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsTnlEncapMpls TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsTnlEncapMoUdp TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEvi3ByteAutoRT TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsMhMode INTEGER, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsDynEgrLblLmt TruthValue } svcBgpEvpnInstMplsLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstMplsLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntry 1 } svcBgpEvpnInstMplsFrceVlanVcFwd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstMplsFrceVlanVcFwd specifies whether or not vc-vlan-type forwarding is forced in the data path for BGP EVPN MPLS. When set to 'true' vc-vlan-type forwarding is forced." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntry 2 } svcBgpEvpnInstMplsControlWord OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstMplsControlWord specifies whether the use of 'ControlWord' is enabled on BGP EVPN MPLS or not. When the value of the object is set to 'true', all MPLS packets are encapsulated with the control word when sent over the BGP EVPN. When the value of the object is set to 'false', the use of 'ControlWord' is disabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntry 3 } svcBgpEvpnInstMplsShgName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the svcBgpEvpnInstMplsShgName specifies the value of split-horizon group associated with this BGP EVPN MPLS. By default, BGP EVPN MPLS connections do not belong to any user configured split-horizon group." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntry 4 } svcBgpEvpnInstMplsIngRepBumLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstMplsIngRepBumLabel specifies whether to advertise a different label for inclusive multicast routes, or use the same label as the one advertised for unicast traffic. When the value of the object is set to 'false', all MPLS packets use same label as the one advertised for unicast traffic when sent over the BGP EVPN. When the value of the object is set to 'true', the system sends different label" DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntry 5 } svcBgpEvpnInstMplsMaxEcmpRoutes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstMplsMaxEcmpRoutes specifies the maximum ECMP routes required for controlling all-active routing to MAC/IP with the same ethernet-segment-identifier (ESI)." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntry 6 } svcBgpEvpnInstMplsIngressLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstMplsIngressLabel indicates the label advertised for ingress unicast traffic for the EVPN MPLS instance. The value of -1 indicates that the label is not allocated." ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntry 7 } svcBgpEvpnInstMplsIngBumLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstMplsIngBumLabel indicates the label advertised for ingress multicast traffic for the EVPN MPLS instance. The value of -1 indicates that the label is not allocated." ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntry 8 } svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntropyLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntropyLabel specifies whether the use of entropy label is enabled or not for the EVPN MPLS instance." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntry 9 } svcBgpEvpnInstMplsResProtSrcMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstMplsResProtSrcMac specifies how the agent will handle relearn requests for protected MAC addresses. When the value of this object is 'true', requests to relearn a protected MAC address will be ignored." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntry 10 } svcBgpEvpnInstMplsRPSMacAct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { discardFrame (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value svcBgpEvpnInstMplsRPSMacAct specifies the action to take whenever a relearn request for a protected MAC is received on a restricted SAP. When the value of this object is 'discardFrame', the SAP will start discarding the frame." DEFVAL { discardFrame } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntry 11 } svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEvpnEncapMpls OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEvpnEncapMpls specifies the whether the use of MPLS encapsulation is enabled for this service." DEFVAL { true } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntry 12 } svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEvpnEncapMoUdp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEvpnEncapMoUdp specifies the whether the use of MPLS over Udp encapsulation is enabled for this service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntry 13 } svcBgpEvpnInstMplsForceQinqVcFwd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), ctagctag (1), stagctag (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstMplsForceQinqVcFwd specifies whether or not the datapath should forcefully insert two VLAN tags which are copied from the qinq service-delimiting vlan values. The sdpBindVcType should be either set to 'ether' or 'vlan'." DEFVAL { none } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntry 14 } svcBgpEvpnInstMplsRtNHType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { system-ipv4 (0), system-ipv6 (1), explicit (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstMplsRtNHType specifies the type of the route next-hop associated with this entry. An 'inconsistentError' is returned when svcBgpEvpnInstMplsRtNHType set to 'specific' and svcBgpEvpnInstMplsRtNHAddr is set to default. An 'inconsistentError' is returned when svcBgpEvpnInstMplsRtNHType is set to 'system-ipv4/system-ipv6' and svcBgpEvpnInstMplsRtNHAddr is set to non-default." DEFVAL { system-ipv4 } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntry 15 } svcBgpEvpnInstMplsRtNHAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcBgpEvpnInstMplsRtNHAddrType specifies the address type of svcBgpEvpnInstMplsRtNHAddr object." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntry 16 } svcBgpEvpnInstMplsRtNHAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcBgpEvpnInstMplsRtNHAddr specifies the specific ip-address for the route next-hop associated with this entry. An 'inconsistentError' is returned when svcBgpEvpnInstMplsRtNHType set to 'specific' and svcBgpEvpnInstMplsRtNHAddr is set to default. An 'inconsistentError' is returned when svcBgpEvpnInstMplsRtNHType is set to 'system-ipv4/system-ipv6' and svcBgpEvpnInstMplsRtNHAddr is set to non-default." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntry 17 } svcBgpEvpnInstMplsTnlEncapMpls OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstMplsTnlEncapMpls specifies the whether the use of MPLS encapsulation is enabled for this service." DEFVAL { true } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntry 18 } svcBgpEvpnInstMplsTnlEncapMoUdp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstMplsTnlEncapMoUdp specifies the whether the use of MPLS over Udp encapsulation is enabled for this service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntry 19 } svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEvi3ByteAutoRT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEvi3ByteAutoRT enables RFC8365 compliant auto-derivation for EVIs for this service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntry 20 } svcBgpEvpnInstMplsMhMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { access (0), network (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcBgpEvpnInstMplsMhMode specifies the mode of multi-homing for this entry." DEFVAL { network } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntry 21 } svcBgpEvpnInstMplsDynEgrLblLmt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstMplsDynEgrLblLmt determines whether, when BGP resolves routes, it accounts for the presence of control-word, ethernet-segment label etc or not." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntry 22 } svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlTable contains entries for supported tunnel type which may be chosen as tunnel type within service and BGP instance." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 241 } svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An Auto bind tunnel entry in the svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlTable. Each row entry contains the type of tunnel chosen within service. The entries in this table are created and destroyed by SNMP SET operations." INDEX { svcId, svcBgpEvpnInstance } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlTable 1 } SvcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlLastChg TimeStamp, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlLdp TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlRsvpTe TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlSrIsis TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlSrOspf TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlStatus TResolveStatus, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlBgp TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlSrTe TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlUdp TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlTag TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlSrPlcy TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnInstBndTnlMplsFwdPlcy TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnInstBndTnlRibApi TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlSrOspf3 TruthValue, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlEcmp Unsigned32, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlFlxAlgFb TruthValue } svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry." ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlEntry 1 } svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlLdp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlLdp specifies whether LDP type tunnel may be chosen as the tunnel within the service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlEntry 2 } svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlRsvpTe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlRsvpTe specifies whether RSVP TE type tunnel may be chosen as the tunnel within the service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlEntry 3 } svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlSrIsis OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlSrIsis specifies whether a tunnel to next-hop of the L2 VPN prefix route is selected from the lowest numbered ISIS instance." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlEntry 4 } svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlSrOspf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlSrOspf specifies whether a tunnel to next-hop of the L2 VPN prefix route is selected from the lowest numbered OSPF instance." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlEntry 5 } svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TResolveStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlStatus specifies the resolution status of this entry." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlEntry 6 } svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlBgp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlBgp specifies whether BGP type tunnel may be chosen as the tunnel within the service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlEntry 7 } svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlSrTe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlSrTe specifies whether SR-TE tunnels can be used to resolve the next-hop of bgp-vpn routes within the EVPN service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlEntry 8 } svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlUdp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlUdp specifies whether UDP tunnels can be used to resolve the next-hop of bgp-vpn routes within the EVPN service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlEntry 9 } svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlTag specifies whether tunnel-tagging is strictly enforced." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlEntry 10 } svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlSrPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlSrPlcy specifies whether segment-routing policy tunnels can be used to resolve the next-hop of bgp-vpn routes within the EVPN service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlEntry 11 } svcBgpEvpnInstBndTnlMplsFwdPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstBndTnlMplsFwdPlcy specifies whether MPLS Forwarding Policy tunnels can be used to resolve the next-hop of bgp-vpn routes within the EVPN service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlEntry 12 } svcBgpEvpnInstBndTnlRibApi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstBndTnlRibApi specifies whether RIB API can be used to resolve the next-hop of bgp-vpn routes within the EVPN service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlEntry 13 } svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlSrOspf3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlSrOspf3 specifies whether a tunnel to next-hop of the L2 VPN prefix route is selected from the lowest numbered OSPFv3 instance." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlEntry 14 } svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlEcmp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlEcmp specifies the maximum number of equal cost paths that can be used for load balancing when binding a BGP-EVPN next-hop to a set of LSPs." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlEntry 15 } svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlFlxAlgFb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlFlxAlgFb specifies whether to allow the use of routes with another flex-algo-id than configured as a fallback option" DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlEntry 16 } svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniTable contains entries for all the VTEP addresses and Egress VNIs associated with a VPLS service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 242 } svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A VTEP entry in the svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniTable." INDEX { svcId, svcVxlanInstanceId, svcTlsVxInstVTEPAddrType, svcTlsVxInstVTEPAddress, svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVni } ::= { svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniTable 1 } SvcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsVxInstVTEPAddrType InetAddressType, svcTlsVxInstVTEPAddress InetAddress, svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVni Unsigned32, svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniNumMACs Unsigned32, svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniOperState ServiceOperStatus, svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniL2EsPbr TruthValue, svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniMcast INTEGER, svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniVxlanType INTEGER, svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniSbdMcast TruthValue } svcTlsVxInstVTEPAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsVxInstVTEPAddrType indicates the type of the address associated with svcTlsVxInstVTEPAddress." ::= { svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniEntry 1 } svcTlsVxInstVTEPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsVxInstVTEPAddress indicates a VXLAN (virtual extensible LAN) Tunnel Endpoint address associated with the VPLS service." ::= { svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniEntry 2 } svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVni OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..16777215) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVni indicates the VNI of the VXLAN created by the VPLS service." ::= { svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniEntry 3 } svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniNumMACs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniNumMACs indicates the number of MACs associated with the VPLS service." ::= { svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniEntry 4 } svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniOperState indicates the operational status of the VTEP-Egress VNI associated with the VPLS service." ::= { svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniEntry 6 } svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniL2EsPbr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniL2EsPbr indicates if the VTEP-VNI is programmed due to PBR." ::= { svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniEntry 7 } svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniMcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), u (1), bm (2), bum (3), m (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniMcast indicates the multicast forwarding type." ::= { svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniEntry 8 } svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniVxlanType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), static (1), evpn (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniVxlanType indicates the type of vxlan instance created on this VPLS service." ::= { svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniEntry 9 } svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniSbdMcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniSbdMcast indicates if the VTEP and Egress VNI is included in the supplementery broadcast-list multicast for this VPLS service." ::= { svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniEntry 10 } svcTlsVxlanInstARLfRplCndTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsVxlanInstARLfRplCndEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcTlsVxlanInstARLfRplCndTable contains entries for the status of all the replicators associated with a VPLS service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 243 } svcTlsVxlanInstARLfRplCndEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsVxlanInstARLfRplCndEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A replicator entry in the svcTlsVxlanInstARLfRplCndTable." INDEX { svcId, svcVxlanInstanceId, svcTlsVxInstVTEPAddrType, svcTlsVxInstVTEPAddress, svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVni } ::= { svcTlsVxlanInstARLfRplCndTable 1 } SvcTlsVxlanInstARLfRplCndEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsVxlanInstARLfRplCndInUse TruthValue, svcTlsVxlanInstARLfRplCndActive TruthValue, svcTlsVxlanInstARLfRplCndPndTime Unsigned32 } svcTlsVxlanInstARLfRplCndInUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsVxlanInstARLfRplCndInUse indicates if this is the chosen replicator." ::= { svcTlsVxlanInstARLfRplCndEntry 1 } svcTlsVxlanInstARLfRplCndActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxlanInstARLfRplCndActive indicates if this is a candidate to be the chosen replicator." ::= { svcTlsVxlanInstARLfRplCndEntry 2 } svcTlsVxlanInstARLfRplCndPndTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxlanInstARLfRplCndPndTime indicates the time remaining for it to be a candidate." ::= { svcTlsVxlanInstARLfRplCndEntry 3 } svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPTable contains entries for all the BGP EVPN-VXLAN Tunnel Endpoint and ethernet segment pairs for a particular service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 244 } svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A BGP EVPN-VXLAN Tunnel Endpoint and ethernet segment binding entry in the svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPTable." INDEX { svcId, svcVxlanInstanceId, tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsi, svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPAddrType, svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPAddress, svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPVni } ::= { svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPTable 1 } SvcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPAddrType InetAddressType, svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPAddress InetAddress, svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPVni TmnxVni, svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPLastChg TimeStamp } svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPAddrType indicates the type of the address associated with svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPAddress." ::= { svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPEntry 1 } svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPAddress indicates a Tunnel Endpoint address associated with this entry." ::= { svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPEntry 2 } svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPVni OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVni MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPVni indicates the VNI associated with the Tunnel Endpoint address in the service." ::= { svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPEntry 3 } svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPLastChg indicates the timestamp of the modification of the ethernet segment destination entry." ::= { svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPEntry 4 } svcEvpnVxlanInstESDestTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEvpnVxlanInstESDestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnVxlanInstESDestTable contains entries for all the BGP EVPN-VXLAN Tunnel ethernet segment destination for a particular VPLS service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 245 } svcEvpnVxlanInstESDestEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEvpnVxlanInstESDestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A BGP EVPN-VXLAN Tunnel Endpoint and ethernet segment binding entry in the svcEvpnVxlanInstESDestTable." INDEX { svcId, svcVxlanInstanceId, tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsi } ::= { svcEvpnVxlanInstESDestTable 1 } SvcEvpnVxlanInstESDestEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEvpnVxlanInstESDestLastChgd TimeStamp, svcEvpnVxlanInstESDestNumMacs Unsigned32 } svcEvpnVxlanInstESDestLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnVxlanInstESDestLastChgd indicates the timestamp of the modification of the ethernet segment destination entry." ::= { svcEvpnVxlanInstESDestEntry 2 } svcEvpnVxlanInstESDestNumMacs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnVxlanInstESDestNumMacs indicates the number of MAC's associated with this entry." ::= { svcEvpnVxlanInstESDestEntry 3 } svcTlsVxInstTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsVxInstEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsVxInstTable maintains VXLAN Network Identifiers (VNIs) for VPLS services." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 246 } svcTlsVxInstEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsVxInstEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsVxInstTable maintains VXLAN Network Identifiers (VNIs) for VPLS services." INDEX { svcId, svcVxlanInstanceId } ::= { svcTlsVxInstTable 1 } SvcTlsVxInstEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsVxInstRowStatus RowStatus, svcTlsVxInstLastChgd TimeStamp, svcTlsVxInstCreationOrigin TmnxCreateOrigin, svcTlsVxInstNetIngQosPolicyId TPolicyID, svcTlsVxInstNetIngQosFPQGrp TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcTlsVxInstNetIngQosFPQGrpInst TQosQGrpInstanceIDorZero, svcTlsVxInstAsstdRepl INTEGER, svcTlsVxInstARActTime Unsigned32, svcTlsVxInstResProtSrcMac TruthValue, svcTlsVxInstResProtSrcMacAct INTEGER, svcTlsVxInstVni Unsigned32, svcTlsVxInstSrcVTEPSecurity TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcTlsVxInstMacLearning TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcTlsVxInstMacAgeing TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcTlsVxInstDiscardUnknownSource TmnxEnabledDisabled, svcTlsVxInstMacAddressLimit Unsigned32, svcTlsVxInstRxDiscardOnNdf INTEGER, svcTlsVxInstIgmpSnpgMrouter TruthValue, svcTlsVxInstMldSnpgMrouter TruthValue } svcTlsVxInstRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object svcTlsVxInstRowStatus is used for creation or deletion of entries in the svcTlsVxInstEntry." ::= { svcTlsVxInstEntry 2 } svcTlsVxInstLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxInstLastChgd indicates the time stamp of the last change to this row of this table." ::= { svcTlsVxInstEntry 3 } svcTlsVxInstCreationOrigin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCreateOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxInstCreationOrigin indicates the mechanism used to create this entry." DEFVAL { manual } ::= { svcTlsVxInstEntry 4 } svcTlsVxInstNetIngQosPolicyId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyID (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxInstNetIngQosPolicyId associates pre-existing network-policy to the network ingress traffic for this Vxlan Vni service. This object must be set along with svcTlsVxInstNetIngQosFPQGrp and svcTlsVxInstNetIngQosFPQGrpInst." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsVxInstEntry 5 } svcTlsVxInstNetIngQosFPQGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxInstNetIngQosFPQGrp specifies the network ingress forwarding-plane queue-group name for this Vxlan Vni service. This object must be set along with svcTlsVxInstNetIngQosPolicyId and svcTlsVxInstNetIngQosFPQGrpInst." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcTlsVxInstEntry 6 } svcTlsVxInstNetIngQosFPQGrpInst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosQGrpInstanceIDorZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxInstNetIngQosFPQGrpInst specifies the instance of the network ingress forwarding-plane queue-group for this Vxlan Vni service. This object must be set along with svcTlsVxInstNetIngQosPolicyId and svcTlsVxInstNetIngQosFPQGrp." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsVxInstEntry 7 } svcTlsVxInstAsstdRepl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), replicator (1), leaf (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxInstAsstdRepl specifies whether AR is enabled in the service for VXLAN tunnels. If BGP-EVPN is enabled in the service, then it will send an update containing the inclusive multicast route for the service and the type as AR-R or AR-L." DEFVAL { none } ::= { svcTlsVxInstEntry 8 } svcTlsVxInstARActTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxInstARActTime specifies the time the leaf would wait before sending traffic to a new replicator , which can be used to by the replicator to learn about this leaf." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsVxInstEntry 9 } svcTlsVxInstResProtSrcMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxInstResProtSrcMac specifies how the agent will handle relearn requests for protected MAC addresses. When the value of this object is 'true', requests to relearn a protected MAC address will be ignored." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsVxInstEntry 10 } svcTlsVxInstResProtSrcMacAct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { discardFrame (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxInstResProtSrcMacAct specifies the action to take whenever a relearn request for a protected MAC is received on a restricted SAP. When the value of this object is 'discardFrame', the SAP will start discarding the frame." DEFVAL { discardFrame } ::= { svcTlsVxInstEntry 11 } svcTlsVxInstVni OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..16777215) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxInstVni specifies the VNI of the VXLAN created by the VPLS service." ::= { svcTlsVxInstEntry 12 } svcTlsVxInstSrcVTEPSecurity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxInstSrcVTEPSecurity specifies whether to enable the lookup of incoming frames for this VXLAN instance and discard those coming from untrusted VTEPs." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcTlsVxInstEntry 13 } svcTlsVxInstMacLearning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsVxInstMacLearning specifies whether the MAC learning process is enabled for this VXLAN instance. The value is ignored if MAC learning is disabled on service level." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcTlsVxInstEntry 14 } svcTlsVxInstMacAgeing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsVxInstMacAgeing specifies whether the MAC aging process is enabled for this VXLAN instance. the value is ignored if MAC aging is disabled on service level." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcTlsVxInstEntry 15 } svcTlsVxInstDiscardUnknownSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "with the object svcTlsVxInstDiscardUnknownSource a limit can be configured for the max number of MAC addresses that will be learned on this VXLAN instance. When this limit is reached, packets with unknown source MAC address are forwarded by default. By setting svcTlsVxInstDiscardUnknownSource to enabled, packets with unknown source MAC will be dropped instead." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { svcTlsVxInstEntry 16 } svcTlsVxInstMacAddressLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..511999) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsVxInstMacAddressLimit specifies the maximum number of learned and static entries allowed in the FDB of this VXLAN. The value 0 means: no limit for this VXLAN instance. The maximum value of svcTlsVxInstMacAddressLimit depends on the platform/chassis mode." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcTlsVxInstEntry 17 } svcTlsVxInstRxDiscardOnNdf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bm (0), bum (1), none (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsVxInstRxDiscardOnNdf specifies the type of traffic discarded on the receive side of NDF." DEFVAL { bm } ::= { svcTlsVxInstEntry 18 } svcTlsVxInstIgmpSnpgMrouter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsVxInstIgmpSnpgMrouter specifies whether a multicast router is attached behind vlxan interfaces. This will act upon all of the vxlan interfaces." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsVxInstEntry 19 } svcTlsVxInstMldSnpgMrouter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsVxInstMldSnpgMrouter specifies whether a multicast router is attached behind vxlan interfaces. This will act upon all of the vxlan interfaces." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcTlsVxInstEntry 20 } svcMdAutoIdGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 247 } svcMdAutoIdSvcRangeStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxExtServId MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcMdAutoIdSvcRangeStart specifies start of the service identifier range to be used in model-driven CLI." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcMdAutoIdGroup 1 } svcMdAutoIdSvcRangeEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxExtServId MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcMdAutoIdSvcRangeEnd specifies end of the service identifier range to be used in model-driven CLI." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcMdAutoIdGroup 2 } svcMdAutoIdCustRangeStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCustId MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcMdAutoIdCustRangeStart specifies start of the customer identifier range to be used in model-driven CLI." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcMdAutoIdGroup 3 } svcMdAutoIdCustRangeEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCustId MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcMdAutoIdCustRangeEnd specifies end of the customer identifier range to be used in model-driven CLI." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcMdAutoIdGroup 4 } svcMdAutoIdPwTmplRangeStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PWTemplateId MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcMdAutoIdPwTmplRangeStart specifies start of the PW Template identifier range to be used in model-driven CLI." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcMdAutoIdGroup 5 } svcMdAutoIdPwTmplRangeEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PWTemplateId MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcMdAutoIdPwTmplRangeEnd specifies end of the PW template identifier range to be used in model-driven CLI." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcMdAutoIdGroup 6 } svcMdAutoIdSvcCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxExtServId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcMdAutoIdSvcCount indicates service identifiers in-use in model-driven CLI." ::= { svcMdAutoIdGroup 7 } svcMdAutoIdCustCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCustId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcMdAutoIdCustCount indicates customer identifiers in-use in model-driven CLI." ::= { svcMdAutoIdGroup 8 } svcMdAutoIdPwTmplCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PWTemplateId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcMdAutoIdPwTmplCount indicates PW template identifiers in-use in model-driven CLI." ::= { svcMdAutoIdGroup 9 } tmnxSvcSysPwPortListTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxSvcSysPwPortListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxSvcSysPwPortListTable contains entries for the possible binding ports for the Flex PW Port." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 248 } tmnxSvcSysPwPortListEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSvcSysPwPortListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A PW Port List entry in the tmnxSvcSysPwPortListTable." INDEX { tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxSvcSysPwPortListTable 1 } TmnxSvcSysPwPortListEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxSvcSysPwPortListRowStatus RowStatus } tmnxSvcSysPwPortListRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxSvcSysPwPortListRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { tmnxSvcSysPwPortListEntry 1 } svcTlsVxlanInstEgrVTEPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcTlsVxlanInstEgrVTEPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsVxlanInstEgrVTEPTable maintains static VXLAN Network VTEPs for VPLS VXLAN instances." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 249 } svcTlsVxlanInstEgrVTEPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcTlsVxlanInstEgrVTEPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcTlsVxlanInstEgrVTEPEntry contains entries for svcTlsVxlanInstEgrVTEPTable." INDEX { svcId, svcVxlanInstanceId, svcTlsVxlanInstEgrVTEPIpAddrType, svcTlsVxlanInstEgrVTEPIpAddr } ::= { svcTlsVxlanInstEgrVTEPTable 1 } SvcTlsVxlanInstEgrVTEPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcTlsVxlanInstEgrVTEPIpAddrType InetAddressType, svcTlsVxlanInstEgrVTEPIpAddr InetAddress, svcTlsVxlanInstEgrVTEPRowStatus RowStatus } svcTlsVxlanInstEgrVTEPIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxlanInstEgrVTEPIpAddrType specifies the address type associated with svcTlsVxlanInstEgrVTEPIpAddr." ::= { svcTlsVxlanInstEgrVTEPEntry 1 } svcTlsVxlanInstEgrVTEPIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxlanInstEgrVTEPIpAddr specifies the egress IP address when doing VXLAN encapsulation of frames for this service." ::= { svcTlsVxlanInstEgrVTEPEntry 2 } svcTlsVxlanInstEgrVTEPRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxlanInstEgrVTEPRowStatus is used for creation or deletion of entries in the svcTlsVxlanInstEgrVTEPEntry." ::= { svcTlsVxlanInstEgrVTEPEntry 3 } svcEpipeVxInstTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEpipeVxInstEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEpipeVxInstTable maintains VXLAN Network Identifiers (VNIs) for Epipe services." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 250 } svcEpipeVxInstEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEpipeVxInstEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcEpipeVxInstEntry contains entries for svcEpipeVxInstTable." INDEX { svcId, svcVxlanInstanceId } ::= { svcEpipeVxInstTable 1 } SvcEpipeVxInstEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEpipeVxInstVni TmnxVniOrZero, svcEpipeVxInstRowStatus RowStatus, svcEpipeVxInstLastChgd TimeStamp, svcEpipeVxInstCreationOrigin TmnxCreateOrigin, svcEpipeVxInstEgrVTEPIpAddrType InetAddressType, svcEpipeVxInstEgrVTEPIpAddr InetAddress, svcEpipeVxInstEgrVTEPIpOperGrp TNamedItemOrEmpty } svcEpipeVxInstVni OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVniOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeVxInstVni specifies the VNI of the VXLAN created by the EPIPE service. This object must be set to non-default during creation." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcEpipeVxInstEntry 1 } svcEpipeVxInstRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeVxInstRowStatus is used for creation or deletion of entries in the svcEpipeVxInstEntry." ::= { svcEpipeVxInstEntry 2 } svcEpipeVxInstLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeVxInstLastChgd indicates the time stamp of the last change to this row of this table." ::= { svcEpipeVxInstEntry 3 } svcEpipeVxInstCreationOrigin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCreateOrigin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeVxInstCreationOrigin indicates the mechanism used to create this entry." DEFVAL { manual } ::= { svcEpipeVxInstEntry 4 } svcEpipeVxInstEgrVTEPIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeVxInstEgrVTEPIpAddrType specifies the address type associated with svcEpipeVxInstEgrVTEPIpAddr." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { svcEpipeVxInstEntry 5 } svcEpipeVxInstEgrVTEPIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeVxInstEgrVTEPIpAddr specifies the egress IP address when doing VXLAN encapsulation of frames for this service." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcEpipeVxInstEntry 6 } svcEpipeVxInstEgrVTEPIpOperGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeVxInstEgrVTEPIpOperGrp specifies the operational group name associated with egress IP address when doing VXLAN encapsulation of frames for this service." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcEpipeVxInstEntry 7 } svcVprnAaaObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 251 } svcVprnTacPlusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcVprnTacPlusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcVprnTacPlusTable contains the entries for the tacplus authentication associated with a VPRN service." ::= { svcVprnAaaObjs 1 } svcVprnTacPlusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcVprnTacPlusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tacplus authentication entry" INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcVprnTacPlusTable 1 } SvcVprnTacPlusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcVprnTacPlusAdminStatus TmnxAdminState, svcVprnTacPlusRowStatus RowStatus, svcVprnTacPlusTimeout Unsigned32, svcVprnTacPlusAccounting TruthValue, svcVprnTacPlusAcctRecType INTEGER, svcVprnTacPlusAuthorization TruthValue, svcVprnTacplusUseTemplate TruthValue, svcVprnTacPlusInteractiveAuthen TruthValue, svcVprnTacPlusAuthorUsePrivLvl TruthValue, svcVprnTacPlusLastChanged TimeStamp, svcVprnTacPlusAccessOpCmd1 TmnxTacplusAccessOpType } svcVprnTacPlusAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnTacPlusAdminStatus specifies the desired administrative state of the Tcacs+ protocol operation. The value 'noop' is never allowed." DEFVAL { inService } ::= { svcVprnTacPlusEntry 1 } svcVprnTacPlusRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcVprnTacPlusRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in the table. To create a row in the svcVprnTacPlusTable, set svcVprnTacPlusRowStatus to createAndGo(4). To delete a row in the svcVprnTacPlusTable, set svcVprnTacPlusRowStatus to destroy(6)." ::= { svcVprnTacPlusEntry 2 } svcVprnTacPlusTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..90) UNITS "Seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of seconds to wait before timing out a Tacacs+ server." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { svcVprnTacPlusEntry 3 } svcVprnTacPlusAccounting OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of svcVprnTacPlusAccounting is set to 'TRUE', TACACS+ command accounting is enabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVprnTacPlusEntry 4 } svcVprnTacPlusAcctRecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { startStop (1), stopOnly (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcVprnTacPlusAcctRecType is used to configure the type of accounting record packet that is to be sent to the TACACS+ server. The value indicates whether TACACS+ accounting start and stop packets be sent or just stop packets be sent. TACACS+ start packet is sent whenever the user executes a command. A stop packet is sent whenever the command execution is complete. The default value for this object is 'stopOnly'." DEFVAL { stopOnly } ::= { svcVprnTacPlusEntry 5 } svcVprnTacPlusAuthorization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of svcVprnTacPlusAuthorization is set to 'TRUE', TACACS+ command authorization is enabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVprnTacPlusEntry 6 } svcVprnTacplusUseTemplate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnTacplusUseTemplate specifies whether the TACACS+ user template is actively applied to the TACACS+ user. When the value of svcVprnTacplusUseTemplate is set to 'true(1)', the TACACS+ user template is actively applied." DEFVAL { true } ::= { svcVprnTacPlusEntry 7 } svcVprnTacPlusInteractiveAuthen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnTacPlusInteractiveAuthen specifies whether interactive authentication is enabled. If the value of this object is set to 'true(1)', no username nor password is sent in the TACACS+ authentication START message, and the server_msg in the TAC_PLUS_AUTHEN_STATUS_GETUSER and TAC_PLUS_AUTHEN_STATUS_GETPASS authentication REPLY messages from the TACACS+ server are displayed. The server_msg may contain an S/Key for one-time password operation. If the value of this object is set to 'false(2)', the username and password are sent in the TACACS+ authentication START message." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVprnTacPlusEntry 8 } svcVprnTacPlusAuthorUsePrivLvl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnTacPlusAuthorUsePrivLvl specifies whether the privilege level mapping is used." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVprnTacPlusEntry 9 } svcVprnTacPlusLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnTacPlusLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in svcVprnTacPlusTable." ::= { svcVprnTacPlusEntry 10 } svcVprnTacPlusAccessOpCmd1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxTacplusAccessOpType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnTacPlusAccessOpCmd1 specifies an operation that will be explicitly reported to TACPLUS server in authorization requests." DEFVAL { none } ::= { svcVprnTacPlusEntry 11 } svcVprnTacPlusServerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcVprnTacPlusServerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcVprnTacPlusServerEntry has an entry for each Tacacs+ server. The table can have up to a maximum of 5 entries." ::= { svcVprnAaaObjs 2 } svcVprnTacPlusServerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcVprnTacPlusServerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcVprnTacPlusServerEntry is an entry (conceptual row) in the svcVprnTacPlusServerTable. Each entry represents the configuration for a Tacacs+ server. Entries in this table can be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations to svcVprnTacPlusServerRowStatus." INDEX { svcId, svcVprnTacPlusServerIndex } ::= { svcVprnTacPlusServerTable 1 } SvcVprnTacPlusServerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcVprnTacPlusServerIndex Unsigned32, svcVprnTacPlusServerSecret OCTET STRING, svcVprnTacPlusServerRowStatus RowStatus, svcVprnTacPlusServerOperStatus TmnxOperState, svcVprnTacPlusServInetAddrType InetAddressType, svcVprnTacPlusServerInetAddress InetAddress, svcVprnTacPlusServerPort TTcpUdpPort, svcVprnTacPlusServerLastChanged TimeStamp } svcVprnTacPlusServerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..5) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique value which identifies a specific Tacacs+ server." ::= { svcVprnTacPlusServerEntry 1 } svcVprnTacPlusServerSecret OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The secret key associated with the Tacacs+ server. The value returned by svcVprnTacPlusServerSecret is always an empty string. The value of svcVprnTacPlusServerSecret cannot be set to an empty string." ::= { svcVprnTacPlusServerEntry 2 } svcVprnTacPlusServerRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcVprnTacPlusServerRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in the table. To create a row in the svcVprnTacPlusServerTable, set svcVprnTacPlusServerRowStatus to createAndGo(4). Objects svcVprnTacPlusServerSecret, svcVprnTacPlusServInetAddrType, and svcVprnTacPlusServerInetAddress must also be set at creation time. To delete a row in the svcVprnTacPlusServerTable, set svcVprnTacPlusServerRowStatus to destroy(6)." ::= { svcVprnTacPlusServerEntry 3 } svcVprnTacPlusServerOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnTacPlusServerOperStatus indicates the operational state of the Tacacs+ server. If the value is 'outOfService' then the Tacacs+ server is not available for use. If the value is 'inService' then the Tacacs+ server is available for use." ::= { svcVprnTacPlusServerEntry 4 } svcVprnTacPlusServInetAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnTacPlusServInetAddrType specifies the address type of svcVprnTacPlusServerInetAddress address. The value of svcVprnTacPlusServInetAddrType can be either of InetAddressType - 'ipv4' or InetAddressType - 'ipv6' or InetAddressType - 'ipv6z'." ::= { svcVprnTacPlusServerEntry 5 } svcVprnTacPlusServerInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16|20)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnTacPlusServerInetAddress specifies the address of the Tacplus server." ::= { svcVprnTacPlusServerEntry 6 } svcVprnTacPlusServerPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnTacPlusServerPort specifies the TCP port on which to contact the Tacplus server." DEFVAL { 49 } ::= { svcVprnTacPlusServerEntry 7 } svcVprnTacPlusServerLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnTacPlusServerLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in svcVprnTacPlusServerTable." ::= { svcVprnTacPlusServerEntry 8 } svcVprnTacPlusPrivLvlMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcVprnTacPlusPrivLvlMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table which maps privilege levels to user profiles. This table is used during TACACS+ authorization to map priv-lvl to a user profile when svcVprnTacPlusAuthorUsePrivLvl is 'true(1)', and it is also used during the TACACS+ enable request to map tmnxTacPlusEnableAdminPrivLvl to a user profile." ::= { svcVprnAaaObjs 3 } svcVprnTacPlusPrivLvlMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcVprnTacPlusPrivLvlMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a single user profile." INDEX { svcId, svcVprnTacPlusPrivLvlMapPrivLvl } ::= { svcVprnTacPlusPrivLvlMapTable 1 } SvcVprnTacPlusPrivLvlMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcVprnTacPlusPrivLvlMapPrivLvl Unsigned32, svcVprnTacPlusPrivLvlRowStatus RowStatus, svcVprnTacPlusPriLvlMapUserProf TNamedItem, svcVprnTPlusPriLvlMpLastChanged TimeStamp } svcVprnTacPlusPrivLvlMapPrivLvl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..15) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnTacPlusPrivLvlMapPrivLvl specifies the privilege level for this mapping." ::= { svcVprnTacPlusPrivLvlMapEntry 1 } svcVprnTacPlusPrivLvlRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnTacPlusPrivLvlRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in this table." ::= { svcVprnTacPlusPrivLvlMapEntry 2 } svcVprnTacPlusPriLvlMapUserProf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnTacPlusPriLvlMapUserProf specifies the user profile for this mapping. This user profile refers to a profile configured in tmnxUserProfileTable." ::= { svcVprnTacPlusPrivLvlMapEntry 3 } svcVprnTPlusPriLvlMpLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnTPlusPriLvlMpLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in svcVprnTacPlusPrivLvlMapTable." ::= { svcVprnTacPlusPrivLvlMapEntry 4 } svcVprnLdapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcVprnLdapConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcVprnLdapTable maintain the LDAP information for VPRN services." ::= { svcVprnAaaObjs 4 } svcVprnLdapConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcVprnLdapConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a single user profile." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcVprnLdapTable 1 } SvcVprnLdapConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcVprnLdapAdminState TmnxAdminState, svcVprnLdapRowStatus RowStatus, svcVprnLdapOperState TmnxOperState, svcVprnLdapRetryAttempts Unsigned32, svcVprnLdapTimeout Unsigned32, svcVprnLdapUseTemplate TruthValue, svcVprnLdapPublicKeyAuth TruthValue, svcVprnLdapLastChanged TimeStamp } svcVprnLdapAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnLdapAdminState specifies the desired administrative state of the LDAP protocol operation. The value 'noop' is never allowed." DEFVAL { inService } ::= { svcVprnLdapConfigEntry 1 } svcVprnLdapRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcVprnLdapRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in the table. To create a row in the svcVprnLdapTable, set svcVprnLdapRowStatus to createAndGo(4). To delete a row in the svcVprnLdapTable, set svcVprnLdapRowStatus to destroy(6)." ::= { svcVprnLdapConfigEntry 2 } svcVprnLdapOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnLdapOperState indicates the operational state of the LDAP protocol. If the value is 'outOfService' then the LDAP protocol is not available for use. If the value is 'inService' then the LDAP protocol is available for use. The value will be 'inService' if the value of the object svcVprnLdapServerOperState of at least one LDAP server is in 'inService' state." ::= { svcVprnLdapConfigEntry 3 } svcVprnLdapRetryAttempts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnLdapRetryAttempts specifies the number of times an attempt to connect to an LDAP server should be retried." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { svcVprnLdapConfigEntry 4 } svcVprnLdapTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..90) UNITS "Seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnLdapTimeout specifies the number of seconds to wait before timing out an LDAP server connection attempt." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { svcVprnLdapConfigEntry 5 } svcVprnLdapUseTemplate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnLdapUseTemplate specifies whether the LDAP user template is actively applied to the LDAP user, if no user profile data are returned from the LDAP server." DEFVAL { true } ::= { svcVprnLdapConfigEntry 6 } svcVprnLdapPublicKeyAuth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnLdapPublicKeyAuth specifies whether to use SSH public key ('true') or LDAP ('false') for authentication." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVprnLdapConfigEntry 7 } svcVprnLdapLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnLdapLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in svcVprnLdapTable." ::= { svcVprnLdapConfigEntry 8 } svcVprnLdapServerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcVprnLdapServerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcVprnLdapServerTable has an entry for each LDAP server connection. The table can have up to a maximum of 5 entries." ::= { svcVprnAaaObjs 5 } svcVprnLdapServerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcVprnLdapServerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcVprnLdapServerEntry is an entry (conceptual row) in the svcVprnLdapServerTable. Each entry represents the configuration for an LDAP server connection. Entries in this table can be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations to svcVprnLdapServerRowStatus." INDEX { svcId, svcVprnLdapServerIndex } ::= { svcVprnLdapServerTable 1 } SvcVprnLdapServerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcVprnLdapServerIndex Unsigned32, svcVprnLdapServerLastChanged TimeStamp, svcVprnLdapServerRowStatus RowStatus, svcVprnLdapServerAdminState TmnxAdminState, svcVprnLdapServerOperState TmnxOperState, svcVprnLdapServerInetAddressType InetAddressType, svcVprnLdapServInetAddr InetAddress, svcVprnLdapServerPort TTcpUdpPort, svcVprnLdapServBindAuthRtDn TmnxLongDisplayString, svcVprnLdapServBindAuthPwd DisplayString, svcVprnLdapServerName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcVprnLdapServerSearch TmnxLongDisplayString, svcVprnLdapServerTlsProf TNamedItemOrEmpty } svcVprnLdapServerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..5) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnLdapServerIndex specifies a unique LDAP server connection." ::= { svcVprnLdapServerEntry 1 } svcVprnLdapServerLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnLdapServerLastChanged indicates the timestamp of the last change to this row in svcVprnLdapServerTable." ::= { svcVprnLdapServerEntry 2 } svcVprnLdapServerRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnLdapServerRowStatus specifies the status of the conceptual row in svcVprnLdapServerTable. Rows are created and destroyed by SNMP SET operations on this object. Only values 'active(1)', 'createAndGo(4)' and 'destroy(6)' are supported." ::= { svcVprnLdapServerEntry 3 } svcVprnLdapServerAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnLdapServerAdminState specifies the desired administrative state of the LDAP server connection. The value 'noop' is never allowed." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { svcVprnLdapServerEntry 4 } svcVprnLdapServerOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnLdapServerOperState indicates the operational state of this LDAP server connection. The value of this object is updated periodically if the health check functionality is enabled, otherwise its value is updated when connection to the LDAP server is attempted. If the value is 'outOfService' then this LDAP server connection is not available for use. If the value is 'inService' then this LDAP server connection is available for use." ::= { svcVprnLdapServerEntry 5 } svcVprnLdapServerInetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnLdapServerInetAddressType specifies the address type of svcVprnLdapServInetAddr address. The value of svcVprnLdapServerInetAddressType can be either of InetAddressType - 'unknown' or InetAddressType - 'ipv4' or InetAddressType - 'ipv6'." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { svcVprnLdapServerEntry 6 } svcVprnLdapServInetAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnLdapServInetAddr specifies the IP address of the LDAP server." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcVprnLdapServerEntry 7 } svcVprnLdapServerPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnLdapServerPort specifies the number of IP port on which to contact the LDAP server." DEFVAL { 389 } ::= { svcVprnLdapServerEntry 8 } svcVprnLdapServBindAuthRtDn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLongDisplayString (SIZE (0..512)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnLdapServBindAuthRtDn specifies the distinguished name used to authenticate with the LDAP server." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcVprnLdapServerEntry 9 } svcVprnLdapServBindAuthPwd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnLdapServBindAuthPwd specifies the password used to authenticate with the LDAP server." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcVprnLdapServerEntry 10 } svcVprnLdapServerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnLdapServerName specifies the name assigned to this LDAP server by a user." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcVprnLdapServerEntry 11 } svcVprnLdapServerSearch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLongDisplayString (SIZE (0..512)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnLdapServerSearch specifies the base distinguished name for a search of user credentials." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcVprnLdapServerEntry 12 } svcVprnLdapServerTlsProf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnLdapServerTlsProf specifies a TLS certificate profile name used by this LDAP server connection." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcVprnLdapServerEntry 13 } svcVprnRadiusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcVprnRadiusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcVprnRadiusTable has an entry for each RADIUS server connection." ::= { svcVprnAaaObjs 6 } svcVprnRadiusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcVprnRadiusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcVprnRadiusEntry is an entry (conceptual row) in the svcVprnRadiusTable. Each entry represents the configuration for an RADIUS server connection." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcVprnRadiusTable 1 } SvcVprnRadiusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcVprnRadiusAdminStatus TmnxAdminState, svcVprnRadiusRowStatus RowStatus, svcVprnRadiusAccounting TruthValue, svcVprnRadiusAuthorization TruthValue, svcVprnRadiusRetryAttempts Unsigned32, svcVprnRadiusTimeout Unsigned32, svcVprnRadiusPort Unsigned32, svcVprnRadiusAccountingPort Unsigned32, svcVprnRadiusUseTemplate TruthValue, svcVprnRadiusAuthAlgorithm TmnxSecRadiusServAlgorithm, svcVprnRadiusInteractiveAuthen TruthValue, svcVprnRadiusLastChanged TimeStamp } svcVprnRadiusAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnRadiusAdminStatus specifies the desired administrative state of the Radius protocol operation. The value 'noop' is never allowed." DEFVAL { inService } ::= { svcVprnRadiusEntry 1 } svcVprnRadiusRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcVprnRadiusRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in the table. To create a row in the svcVprnRadiusTable, set svcVprnRadiusRowStatus to createAndGo(4). To delete a row in the svcVprnRadiusTable, set svcVprnRadiusRowStatus to destroy(6)." ::= { svcVprnRadiusEntry 2 } svcVprnRadiusAccounting OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of svcVprnRadiusAccounting is set to 'TRUE', RADIUS command accounting is enabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVprnRadiusEntry 3 } svcVprnRadiusAuthorization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of svcVprnRadiusAuthorization is set to 'TRUE', RADIUS command authorization is enabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVprnRadiusEntry 4 } svcVprnRadiusRetryAttempts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of attempts to retry contacting the RADIUS server." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { svcVprnRadiusEntry 5 } svcVprnRadiusTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..90) UNITS "Seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of seconds to wait before timing out a RADIUS server." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { svcVprnRadiusEntry 6 } svcVprnRadiusPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The UDP port number on which to contact the RADIUS server." DEFVAL { 1812 } ::= { svcVprnRadiusEntry 7 } svcVprnRadiusAccountingPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The UDP port number on which to contact the RADIUS server for accounting requests." DEFVAL { 1813 } ::= { svcVprnRadiusEntry 8 } svcVprnRadiusUseTemplate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnRadiusUseTemplate specifies whether the RADIUS user template is actively applied to the RADIUS user if no VSAs are returned with the auth-accept from the RADIUS server. When the value of svcVprnRadiusUseTemplate is set to 'TRUE', the RADIUS user template is actively applied if no VSAs are returned with the auth-accept from the RADIUS server." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVprnRadiusEntry 9 } svcVprnRadiusAuthAlgorithm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSecRadiusServAlgorithm MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnRadiusAuthAlgorithm specifies the algorithm used to select a RADIUS server from the list of configured servers (svcVprnRadiusServerTable)." DEFVAL { direct } ::= { svcVprnRadiusEntry 10 } svcVprnRadiusInteractiveAuthen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnRadiusInteractiveAuthen specifies whether challenge/response authentication is enabled. If the value of this object is set to 'true(1)', the Reply-Message from the Access-Challenge packet is displayed, and the User-Password in the new Access-Request packet contains the response of the user. If the value of this object is set to 'false(2)', challenge/response authentication is disabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcVprnRadiusEntry 11 } svcVprnRadiusLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnRadiusLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in svcVprnRadiusTable." ::= { svcVprnRadiusEntry 12 } svcVprnRadiusServerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcVprnRadiusServerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcVprnRadiusServerEntry has an entry for each RADIUS server. The table can have up to a maximum of 5 entries." ::= { svcVprnAaaObjs 7 } svcVprnRadiusServerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcVprnRadiusServerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcVprnRadiusServerEntry is an entry (conceptual row) in the svcVprnRadiusServerTable. Each entry represents the configuration for a RADIUS server. Entries in this table can be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations to svcVprnRadiusServerRowStatus." INDEX { svcId, svcVprnRadiusServerIndex } ::= { svcVprnRadiusServerTable 1 } SvcVprnRadiusServerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcVprnRadiusServerIndex Unsigned32, svcVprnRadiusServerSecret OCTET STRING, svcVprnRadiusServerOperStatus TmnxOperState, svcVprnRadiusServerRowStatus RowStatus, svcVprnRadiusServerInetAddrType InetAddressType, svcVprnRadiusServerInetAddress InetAddress, svcVprnRadiusServerLastChanged TimeStamp, svcVprnRadiusServerTLSClientProf TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcVprnRadiusServerSecretErr SecretError, svcVprnRadiusServerTLSClntPrfErr TlsClientProfileError } svcVprnRadiusServerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..5) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique value which identifies a specific Radius server." ::= { svcVprnRadiusServerEntry 1 } svcVprnRadiusServerSecret OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The secret key associated with the RADIUS server. The value returned by svcVprnRadiusServerSecret is always an empty string. The value of svcVprnRadiusServerSecret cannot be set to an empty string, unless the value of tmnxRadiusServerTLSClientProfile is set." ::= { svcVprnRadiusServerEntry 2 } svcVprnRadiusServerOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnRadiusServerOperStatus indicates the operational state of the RADIUS protocol. If the value is 'outOfService' then the RADIUS server is not available for use. If the value is 'inService' then the RADIUS server is available for use." ::= { svcVprnRadiusServerEntry 3 } svcVprnRadiusServerRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcVprnRadiusServerRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in the table. To create a row in the svcVprnRadiusServerTable, set svcVprnRadiusServerRowStatus to createAndGo(4). Objects svcVprnRadiusServerSecret, svcVprnRadiusServerInetAddrType, and svcVprnRadiusServerInetAddress must also be set at creation time. To delete a row in the svcVprnRadiusServerTable, set svcVprnRadiusServerRowStatus to destroy(6)." ::= { svcVprnRadiusServerEntry 4 } svcVprnRadiusServerInetAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnRadiusServerInetAddrType specifies the address type of svcVprnRadiusServerInetAddress address. The value of svcVprnRadiusServerInetAddrType can be either of InetAddressType - 'ipv4' or InetAddressType - 'ipv6'." ::= { svcVprnRadiusServerEntry 5 } svcVprnRadiusServerInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnRadiusServerInetAddress specifies the address of the Radius server." ::= { svcVprnRadiusServerEntry 6 } svcVprnRadiusServerLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnRadiusServerLastChanged indicates the timestamp of the last change to this row in svcVprnRadiusServerTable." ::= { svcVprnRadiusServerEntry 7 } svcVprnRadiusServerTLSClientProf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnRadiusServerTLSClientProf specifies the TLS profile for the Radius server. If set, this security method takes priority over the use of svcVprnRadiusServerSecret." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcVprnRadiusServerEntry 8 } svcVprnRadiusServerSecretErr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SecretError MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnRadiusServerSecretErr indicates the reason why the Radius server failed to connect using the secret authentication method." ::= { svcVprnRadiusServerEntry 9 } svcVprnRadiusServerTLSClntPrfErr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TlsClientProfileError MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnRadiusServerTLSClntPrfErr indicates the reason why the Radius server failed to connect using the client TLS profile authentication method." ::= { svcVprnRadiusServerEntry 10 } svcSysVpnGreSrcIpObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 252 } svcSysVpnGreSrcIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcSysVpnGreSrcIpAddrType specifies address type of svcSysVpnGreSrcIpAddr." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { svcSysVpnGreSrcIpObjs 1 } svcSysVpnGreSrcIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcSysVpnGreSrcIpAddr specifies the VPN GRE encapsulation source IP address in the system." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcSysVpnGreSrcIpObjs 2 } svcVprnMgmtObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 253 } svcVprnServerCtlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcVprnServerCtlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { svcVprnMgmtObjs 1 } svcVprnServerCtlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcVprnServerCtlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcVprnServerCtlEntry is an entry (conceptual row) in the svcVprnServerCtlTable. Each entry represents the configuration for a server control server." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcVprnServerCtlTable 1 } SvcVprnServerCtlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcVprnEnableServers BITS, svcVprnTelnetServerOperStatus TmnxOperState, svcVprnSSHServerOperStatus TmnxOperState, svcVprnFTPServerOperStatus TmnxOperState, svcVprnTelnet6ServerOperStatus TmnxOperState, svcVprnServerCtlRowStatus RowStatus, svcVprnServerCtlLastChanged TimeStamp } svcVprnEnableServers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { ssh (0), telnet (1), ftp (2), telnet6 (3), netconf (4), grpc (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcVprnEnableServers is used to allow/disallow access to management interfaces running on the system. By default, access to all servers is disabled." ::= { svcVprnServerCtlEntry 1 } svcVprnTelnetServerOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "svcVprnTelnetServerOperStatus indicates the operational status of the telnet server. If the value of this object changes, a generic trap TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB:tmnxStateChange will be sent." ::= { svcVprnServerCtlEntry 2 } svcVprnSSHServerOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "svcVprnSSHServerOperStatus indicates the operational status of the SSH server. If the value of this object changes, a generic trap TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB:tmnxStateChange will be sent." ::= { svcVprnServerCtlEntry 3 } svcVprnFTPServerOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "svcVprnFTPServerOperStatus indicates the operational status of the FTP server. If the value of this object changes, a generic trap TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB:tmnxStateChange will be sent." ::= { svcVprnServerCtlEntry 4 } svcVprnTelnet6ServerOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnTelnet6ServerOperStatus indicates the operational status of the IPv6 telnet server. If the value of this object changes, a generic trap TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB:tmnxStateChange will be sent." ::= { svcVprnServerCtlEntry 5 } svcVprnServerCtlRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcVprnServerCtlRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in the table. To create a row in the svcVprnServerCtlTable, set svcVprnServerCtlRowStatus to createAndGo(4). To delete a row in the svcVprnServerCtlTable, set svcVprnServerCtlRowStatus to destroy(6)." ::= { svcVprnServerCtlEntry 7 } svcVprnServerCtlLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcVprnServerCtlLastChanged indicates the timestamp of the last change to this row in svcVprnServerCtlTable." ::= { svcVprnServerCtlEntry 8 } svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlTable contains entries for all the BGP EVPN-MPLS TEP and egress label pairs with tunnel identifier for a particular VPLS service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 254 } svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An egress binding entry with tunnel identifier in the svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlTable." INDEX { svcId, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPAddrType, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPAddress, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPLabel, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPTnlId } ::= { svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlTable 1 } SvcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPTnlId Integer32, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlLastCh TimeStamp, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlNumMACs Unsigned32, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlInMcList TruthValue, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlResType TmnxSvcEvpnMplsTransportType, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlSbdMcast TruthValue, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblMcast INTEGER } svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPTnlId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPTnlId indicates the tunnel identifier associated with this entry." ::= { svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlEntry 1 } svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlLastCh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlLastCh indicates the timestamp when this entry is created." ::= { svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlEntry 2 } svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlNumMACs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlNumMACs indicates the number of MACs associated with TEP and egress label in the BGP EVPN-MPLS VPLS service." ::= { svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlEntry 3 } svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlInMcList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlInMcList indicates if the TEP and egress label is included in the multicast list for the BGP EVPN-MPLS VPLS service." ::= { svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlEntry 4 } svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlResType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSvcEvpnMplsTransportType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlResType indicates the transport type used for this entry." ::= { svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlEntry 5 } svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlSbdMcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlSbdMcast indicates if the TEP and egress label is included in the supplementery broadcast-list multicast for the BGP EVPN-MPLS VPLS service." ::= { svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlEntry 6 } svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblMcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), u (1), bm (2), bum (3), m (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblMcast indicates the multicast forwarding type." ::= { svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlEntry 7 } svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcRoutedVplsEvpnGWEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains routed-VPLS EVPN multicast gateway information." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 255 } svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcRoutedVplsEvpnGWEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Routed-VPLS EVPN gateway specific information." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWTable 1 } SvcRoutedVplsEvpnGWEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWRowStatus RowStatus, svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWLastChgd TimeStamp, svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWAdminState TmnxAdminState, svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWType INTEGER, svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrActTimer Unsigned32, svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWNonDrAtrtTraf INTEGER, svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrState TruthValue, svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrLstChg TimeStamp, svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrActTimeRem Unsigned32 } svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in the table." ::= { svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWEntry 1 } svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWLastChgd indicates the timestamp of the last change to this row." ::= { svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWEntry 2 } svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWAdminState specifies the desired administrative state of the routed-VPLS EVPN gateway. The value 'noop' is never allowed." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWEntry 3 } svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { mvpn-pim (0), mvpn-only (1), pim-only (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWType specifies the type of routed-VPLS EVPN gateway." DEFVAL { mvpn-pim } ::= { svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWEntry 4 } svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrActTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrActTimer specifies the DR activation timer for the EVPN gateway." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWEntry 5 } svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWNonDrAtrtTraf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), from-evpn (1), from-pim-mvpn (2), from-evpn-pim-mvpn (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWNonDrAtrtTraf allows the advertisement of the wildcard SMET route to attract the traffic from EVPN ASM sources, even if the MEG/PEG is non-DR." DEFVAL { from-pim-mvpn } ::= { svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWEntry 6 } svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrState specifies the state of Evpn Gateway DR." ::= { svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWEntry 7 } svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrLstChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrLstChg specifies the timestamp of the last change of DR." ::= { svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWEntry 8 } svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrActTimeRem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrActTimeRem specifies the remaining DR activation timer for the EVPN gateway." ::= { svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWEntry 9 } svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtTable has an entry for each type of ARP entry to create host route on the router interface in the system." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 256 } svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an entry for each type of ARP entry to create host route on virtual router interface in the system. Entries can be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations using the svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtRowStatus variable." INDEX { svcId, iesIfIndex, svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtType } ::= { svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtTable 1 } SvcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtType INTEGER, svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtRowStatus RowStatus, svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtLastChgd TimeStamp, svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtRouteTag Unsigned32 } svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { static (1), dynamic (2) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtType specifies the type of host route entry for this interface." ::= { svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtEntry 1 } svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtRowStatus specifies the row status of this row." ::= { svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtEntry 2 } svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last configuration change in this conceptual row." ::= { svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtEntry 3 } svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtRouteTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtRouteTag specifies route tag." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtEntry 4 } svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtTable has an entry for each type of ND entry to create host route on the router interface in the system." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 257 } svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an entry for each type of ND entry to create host route on virtual router interface in the system. Entries can be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations using the svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtRowStatus variable." INDEX { svcId, iesIfIndex, svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtType } ::= { svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtTable 1 } SvcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtType INTEGER, svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtRowStatus RowStatus, svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtLastChgd TimeStamp, svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtRouteTag Unsigned32 } svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { static (1), dynamic (2) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtType specifies the type of host route entry for this interface." ::= { svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtEntry 1 } svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtRowStatus specifies the row status of this row." ::= { svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtEntry 2 } svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last configuration change in this conceptual row." ::= { svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtEntry 3 } svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtRouteTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtRouteTag specifies route tag." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtEntry 4 } iesIfRvplsEvpnTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IesIfRvplsEvpnEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains IES interface EVPN information on R-VPLS service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 258 } iesIfRvplsEvpnEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IesIfRvplsEvpnEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "EVPN information about a specific IES interface on R-VPLS service." INDEX { svcId, iesIfIndex } ::= { iesIfRvplsEvpnTable 1 } IesIfRvplsEvpnEntry ::= SEQUENCE { iesIfRvplsEvpnLastChgd TimeStamp, iesIfRvplsEvpnArpLearnDynamic TruthValue, iesIfRvplsEvpnNdLearnDynamic TruthValue, iesIfRvplsEvpnFldGarpAndUnknReq TruthValue } iesIfRvplsEvpnLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfRvplsEvpnLastChgd indicates the timestamp when this entry is created." ::= { iesIfRvplsEvpnEntry 1 } iesIfRvplsEvpnArpLearnDynamic OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The iesIfRvplsEvpnArpLearnDynamic specifies whether ARP entries are to be learn dynamically." DEFVAL { true } ::= { iesIfRvplsEvpnEntry 2 } iesIfRvplsEvpnNdLearnDynamic OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The iesIfRvplsEvpnNdLearnDynamic specifies whether ND entries are to be learn dynamically." DEFVAL { true } ::= { iesIfRvplsEvpnEntry 3 } iesIfRvplsEvpnFldGarpAndUnknReq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The iesIfRvplsEvpnFldGarpAndUnknReq specifies whether to flood GARP and Unknown requests." DEFVAL { true } ::= { iesIfRvplsEvpnEntry 4 } svcMacListTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcMacListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains list of MAC address information." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 259 } svcMacListEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcMacListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of MAC address information." INDEX { svcMacListName } ::= { svcMacListTable 1 } SvcMacListEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcMacListName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcMacListRowStatus RowStatus, svcMacListLastChanged TimeStamp, svcMacListDescr TItemDescription } svcMacListName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcMacListName indicates given name for this list of MAC addresses" ::= { svcMacListEntry 1 } svcMacListRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcMacListRowStatus specifies the row status of this row." ::= { svcMacListEntry 2 } svcMacListLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcMacListLastChanged indicates the timestamp when this entry is created." ::= { svcMacListEntry 3 } svcMacListDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcMacListDescr indicates the description of this conceptual row." ::= { svcMacListEntry 4 } svcMacListEntryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcMacListEntryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains list of MAC address information." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 260 } svcMacListEntryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcMacListEntryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of MAC address information." INDEX { svcMacListName, svcMacListEntryAddr } ::= { svcMacListEntryTable 1 } SvcMacListEntryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcMacListEntryAddr MacAddress, svcMacListEntryRowStatus RowStatus, svcMacListEntryLastChanged TimeStamp, svcMacListEntryMask MacAddress } svcMacListEntryAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcMacListEntryAddr specifies the start of MAC address for this MAC address list." ::= { svcMacListEntryEntry 1 } svcMacListEntryRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcMacListEntryRowStatus specifies the row status of this row." ::= { svcMacListEntryEntry 2 } svcMacListEntryLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcMacListEntryLastChanged indicates the timestamp when this entry is created." ::= { svcMacListEntryEntry 3 } svcMacListEntryMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcMacListEntryMask specifies the six-byte mask used to indicate the range of MAC addresses in the list." DEFVAL { 'FFFFFFFFFFFF'H } ::= { svcMacListEntryEntry 4 } svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEvpnVpwsLocalAcEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains list of local attachment circuit information." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 261 } svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEvpnVpwsLocalAcEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of attachment circuit information." INDEX { svcId, svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcName } ::= { svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcTable 1 } SvcEvpnVpwsLocalAcEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcName TNamedItem, svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcRowStatus RowStatus, svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcLastChanged TimeStamp, svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcEthTag TmnxBgpEvpnAcEthTag, svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcEndpoint TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcIngressLabel Integer32 } svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcName specifies the name of local attachment circuit." ::= { svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcEntry 1 } svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcRowStatus specifies the row status of this row." ::= { svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcEntry 2 } svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcLastChanged indicates the timestamp when this entry is created." ::= { svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcEntry 3 } svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcEthTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBgpEvpnAcEthTag MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcEthTag specifies the ethernet tag for this entry." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcEntry 4 } svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcEndpoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcEndpoint specifies endpoint which uses this BGP EVPN as destination." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcEntry 5 } svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcIngressLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcIngressLabel indicates the label advertised for the local attachment circuit for ingress traffic in the EVPN-VPWS MPLS instance. The value of -1 indicates that the label is not allocated." ::= { svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcEntry 6 } svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains list of local attachment circuit information." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 262 } svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of attachment circuit information." INDEX { svcId, svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcName } ::= { svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcTable 1 } SvcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcName TNamedItem, svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcRowStatus RowStatus, svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcLastChanged TimeStamp, svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcEthTag TmnxBgpEvpnAcEthTag, svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcEndpoint TNamedItemOrEmpty } svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcName specifies the name of attachment circuit." ::= { svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcEntry 1 } svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcRowStatus specifies the row status of this row." ::= { svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcEntry 2 } svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcLastChanged indicates the timestamp when this entry is created." ::= { svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcEntry 3 } svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcEthTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBgpEvpnAcEthTag MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcEthTag specifies the ethernet tag for this entry." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcEntry 4 } svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcEndpoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcEndpoint specifies endpoint which uses this BGP EVPN as destination." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcEntry 5 } svcDhcpLeaseExTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcDhcpLeaseExEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcDhcpLeaseExTable augments the svcDhcpLeaseTable and contains host/session limit overrides specified by the AAA server for DHCP leases." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 263 } svcDhcpLeaseExEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcDhcpLeaseExEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains host/session limit overrides specified by the AAA server for the DHCP lease." AUGMENTS { svcDhcpLeaseEntry } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExTable 1 } SvcDhcpLeaseExEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLimit TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim4 TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim4Ppp TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim4Dhcp TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim4Arp TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6 TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6Wan TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6WanPppSlaac TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6WanPppDhcp TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6WanIpoeSlaac TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6WanIpoeDhcp TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6Pd TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6PdPppDhcp TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6PdIpoeDhcp TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLimLac TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimIpoe TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimPppoeLcl TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimPppoeLac TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimPppoeOvrl TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimL2tpLns TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimL2tpLts TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimL2tpOvrl TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimOvrl TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLimit TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim4 TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim4Ppp TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim4Dhcp TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim4Arp TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6 TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6Wan TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6WanPppSlaac TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6WanPppDhcp TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6WanIpoeSlaac TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6WanIpoeDhcp TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6Pd TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6PdPppDhcp TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6PdIpoeDhcp TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLimLac TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimIpoe TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimPppoeLcl TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimPppoeLac TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimPppoeOvrl TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimL2tpLns TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimL2tpLts TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimL2tpOvrl TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimOvrl TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride } svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLimit indicates the SLA profile instance overall host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 1 } svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim4 indicates the SLA profile instance IPv4 host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 2 } svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim4Ppp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim4Ppp indicates the SLA profile instance IPv4 PPP host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 3 } svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim4Dhcp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim4Dhcp indicates the SLA profile instance IPv4 DHCP host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 4 } svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim4Arp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim4Arp indicates the SLA profile instance IPv4 ARP host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 5 } svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6 indicates the SLA profile instance IPv6 host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 6 } svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6Wan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6Wan indicates the SLA profile instance IPv6-WAN host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 7 } svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6WanPppSlaac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6WanPppSlaac indicates the SLA profile instance IPv6-WAN PPP SLAAC host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 8 } svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6WanPppDhcp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6WanPppDhcp indicates the SLA profile instance IPv6-WAN PPP DHCP host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 9 } svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6WanIpoeSlaac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6WanIpoeSlaac indicates the SLA profile instance IPv6-WAN IPOE SLAAC host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 10 } svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6WanIpoeDhcp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6WanIpoeDhcp indicates the SLA profile instance IPv6-WAN IPOE DHCP host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 11 } svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6Pd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6Pd indicates the SLA profile instance IPv6-PD host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 12 } svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6PdPppDhcp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6PdPppDhcp indicates the SLA profile instance IPv6-PD PPP DHCP host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 13 } svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6PdIpoeDhcp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6PdIpoeDhcp indicates the SLA profile instance IPv6-PD IPOE DHCP host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 14 } svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLimLac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLimLac indicates the SLA profile instance L2TP LAC host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 15 } svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimIpoe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimIpoe indicates the SLA profile instance IPOE session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 16 } svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimPppoeLcl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimPppoeLcl indicates the SLA profile instance local PPPoE session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 17 } svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimPppoeLac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimPppoeLac indicates the SLA profile instance LAC session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 18 } svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimPppoeOvrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimPppoeOvrl indicates the SLA profile instance PPPoE session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 19 } svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimL2tpLns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimL2tpLns indicates the SLA profile instance L2TP LNS session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 20 } svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimL2tpLts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimL2tpLts indicates the SLA profile instance L2TP LTS session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 21 } svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimL2tpOvrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimL2tpOvrl indicates the SLA profile instance L2TP session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 22 } svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimOvrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimOvrl indicates the SLA profile instance overall session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 23 } svcDhcpLeaseSubHLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSubHLimit indicates the subscriber overall host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 24 } svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim4 indicates the subscriber overall IPv4 host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 25 } svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim4Ppp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim4Ppp indicates the subscriber IPv4 PPP host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 26 } svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim4Dhcp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim4Dhcp indicates the subscriber IPv4 DHCP host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 27 } svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim4Arp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim4Arp indicates the subscriber IPv4 ARP host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 28 } svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6 indicates the subscriber overall IPv6 host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 29 } svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6Wan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6Wan indicates the subscriber overall IPv6-WAN host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 30 } svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6WanPppSlaac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6WanPppSlaac indicates the subscriber IPv6-WAN PPP SLAAC host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 31 } svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6WanPppDhcp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6WanPppDhcp indicates the subscriber IPv6-WAN PPP DHCP host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 32 } svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6WanIpoeSlaac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6WanIpoeSlaac indicates the subscriber IPv6-WAN IPOE SLAAC host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 33 } svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6WanIpoeDhcp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6WanIpoeDhcp indicates the subscriber IPv6-WAN IPOE DHCP host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 34 } svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6Pd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6Pd indicates the subscriber overall IPv6-PD host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 35 } svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6PdPppDhcp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6PdPppDhcp indicates the subscriber IPv6-PD PPP DHCP host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 36 } svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6PdIpoeDhcp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6PdIpoeDhcp indicates the subscriber IPv6-PD IPOE DHCP host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 37 } svcDhcpLeaseSubHLimLac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSubHLimLac indicates the subscriber LAC host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 38 } svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimIpoe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimIpoe indicates the subscriber overall IPOE session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 39 } svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimPppoeLcl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimPppoeLcl indicates the subscriber local PPPoE session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 40 } svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimPppoeLac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimPppoeLac indicates the subscriber LAC session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 41 } svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimPppoeOvrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimPppoeOvrl indicates the subscriber overall PPPoE session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 42 } svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimL2tpLns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimL2tpLns indicates the subscriber L2TP LNS session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 43 } svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimL2tpLts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimL2tpLts indicates the subscriber L2TP LTS session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 44 } svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimL2tpOvrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimL2tpOvrl indicates the subscriber overall L2TP session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 45 } svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimOvrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimOvrl indicates the subscriber overall session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseExEntry 46 } svcArpHostExTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcArpHostExEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcArpHostExTable augments the svcArpHostTable and contains host/session limit overrides specified by the AAA server for ARP hosts." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 264 } svcArpHostExEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcArpHostExEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains host/session limit overrides specified by the AAA server for the ARP host." AUGMENTS { svcArpHostEntry } ::= { svcArpHostExTable 1 } SvcArpHostExEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcArpHostSpiHLimit TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSpiHLim4 TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSpiHLim4Ppp TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSpiHLim4Dhcp TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSpiHLim4Arp TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSpiHLim6 TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSpiHLim6Wan TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSpiHLim6WanPppSlaac TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSpiHLim6WanPppDhcp TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSpiHLim6WanIpoeSlaac TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSpiHLim6WanIpoeDhcp TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSpiHLim6Pd TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSpiHLim6PdPppDhcp TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSpiHLim6PdIpoeDhcp TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSpiHLimLac TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSpiSLimIpoe TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSpiSLimPppoeLcl TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSpiSLimPppoeLac TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSpiSLimPppoeOvrl TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSpiSLimL2tpLns TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSpiSLimL2tpLts TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSpiSLimL2tpOvrl TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSpiSLimOvrl TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSubHLimit TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSubHLim4 TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSubHLim4Ppp TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSubHLim4Dhcp TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSubHLim4Arp TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSubHLim6 TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSubHLim6Wan TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSubHLim6WanPppSlaac TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSubHLim6WanPppDhcp TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSubHLim6WanIpoeSlaac TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSubHLim6WanIpoeDhcp TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSubHLim6Pd TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSubHLim6PdPppDhcp TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSubHLim6PdIpoeDhcp TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSubHLimLac TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSubSLimIpoe TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSubSLimPppoeLcl TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSubSLimPppoeLac TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSubSLimPppoeOvrl TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSubSLimL2tpLns TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSubSLimL2tpLts TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSubSLimL2tpOvrl TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride, svcArpHostSubSLimOvrl TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride } svcArpHostSpiHLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSpiHLimit indicates the SLA profile instance overall host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 1 } svcArpHostSpiHLim4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSpiHLim4 indicates the SLA profile instance IPv4 host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 2 } svcArpHostSpiHLim4Ppp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSpiHLim4Ppp indicates the SLA profile instance IPv4 PPP host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 3 } svcArpHostSpiHLim4Dhcp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSpiHLim4Dhcp indicates the SLA profile instance IPv4 DHCP host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 4 } svcArpHostSpiHLim4Arp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSpiHLim4Arp indicates the SLA profile instance IPv4 ARP host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 5 } svcArpHostSpiHLim6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSpiHLim6 indicates the SLA profile instance IPv6 host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 6 } svcArpHostSpiHLim6Wan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSpiHLim6Wan indicates the SLA profile instance IPv6-WAN host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 7 } svcArpHostSpiHLim6WanPppSlaac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSpiHLim6WanPppSlaac indicates the SLA profile instance IPv6-WAN PPP SLAAC host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 8 } svcArpHostSpiHLim6WanPppDhcp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSpiHLim6WanPppDhcp indicates the SLA profile instance IPv6-WAN PPP DHCP host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 9 } svcArpHostSpiHLim6WanIpoeSlaac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSpiHLim6WanIpoeSlaac indicates the SLA profile instance IPv6-WAN IPOE SLAAC host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 10 } svcArpHostSpiHLim6WanIpoeDhcp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSpiHLim6WanIpoeDhcp indicates the SLA profile instance IPv6-WAN IPOE DHCP host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 11 } svcArpHostSpiHLim6Pd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSpiHLim6Pd indicates the SLA profile instance IPv6-PD host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 12 } svcArpHostSpiHLim6PdPppDhcp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSpiHLim6PdPppDhcp indicates the SLA profile instance IPv6-PD PPP DHCP host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 13 } svcArpHostSpiHLim6PdIpoeDhcp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSpiHLim6PdIpoeDhcp indicates the SLA profile instance IPv6-PD IPOE DHCP host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 14 } svcArpHostSpiHLimLac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSpiHLimLac indicates the SLA profile instance L2TP LAC host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 15 } svcArpHostSpiSLimIpoe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSpiSLimIpoe indicates the SLA profile instance IPOE session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 16 } svcArpHostSpiSLimPppoeLcl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSpiSLimPppoeLcl indicates the SLA profile instance local PPPoE session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 17 } svcArpHostSpiSLimPppoeLac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSpiSLimPppoeLac indicates the SLA profile instance LAC session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 18 } svcArpHostSpiSLimPppoeOvrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSpiSLimPppoeOvrl indicates the SLA profile instance PPPoE session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 19 } svcArpHostSpiSLimL2tpLns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSpiSLimL2tpLns indicates the SLA profile instance L2TP LNS session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 20 } svcArpHostSpiSLimL2tpLts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSpiSLimL2tpLts indicates the SLA profile instance L2TP LTS session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 21 } svcArpHostSpiSLimL2tpOvrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSpiSLimL2tpOvrl indicates the SLA profile instance L2TP session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 22 } svcArpHostSpiSLimOvrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSpiSLimOvrl indicates the SLA profile instance overall session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 23 } svcArpHostSubHLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSubHLimit indicates the subscriber overall host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 24 } svcArpHostSubHLim4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSubHLim4 indicates the subscriber overall IPv4 host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 25 } svcArpHostSubHLim4Ppp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSubHLim4Ppp indicates the subscriber IPv4 PPP host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 26 } svcArpHostSubHLim4Dhcp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSubHLim4Dhcp indicates the subscriber IPv4 DHCP host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 27 } svcArpHostSubHLim4Arp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSubHLim4Arp indicates the subscriber IPv4 ARP host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 28 } svcArpHostSubHLim6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSubHLim6 indicates the subscriber overall IPv6 host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 29 } svcArpHostSubHLim6Wan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSubHLim6Wan indicates the subscriber overall IPv6-WAN host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 30 } svcArpHostSubHLim6WanPppSlaac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSubHLim6WanPppSlaac indicates the subscriber IPv6-WAN PPP SLAAC host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 31 } svcArpHostSubHLim6WanPppDhcp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSubHLim6WanPppDhcp indicates the subscriber IPv6-WAN PPP DHCP host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 32 } svcArpHostSubHLim6WanIpoeSlaac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSubHLim6WanIpoeSlaac indicates the subscriber IPv6-WAN IPOE SLAAC host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 33 } svcArpHostSubHLim6WanIpoeDhcp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSubHLim6WanIpoeDhcp indicates the subscriber IPv6-WAN IPOE DHCP host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 34 } svcArpHostSubHLim6Pd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSubHLim6Pd indicates the subscriber overall IPv6-PD host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 35 } svcArpHostSubHLim6PdPppDhcp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSubHLim6PdPppDhcp indicates the subscriber IPv6-PD PPP DHCP host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 36 } svcArpHostSubHLim6PdIpoeDhcp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSubHLim6PdIpoeDhcp indicates the subscriber IPv6-PD IPOE DHCP host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 37 } svcArpHostSubHLimLac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSubHLimLac indicates the subscriber LAC host limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 38 } svcArpHostSubSLimIpoe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSubSLimIpoe indicates the subscriber overall IPOE session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 39 } svcArpHostSubSLimPppoeLcl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSubSLimPppoeLcl indicates the subscriber local PPPoE session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 40 } svcArpHostSubSLimPppoeLac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSubSLimPppoeLac indicates the subscriber LAC session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 41 } svcArpHostSubSLimPppoeOvrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSubSLimPppoeOvrl indicates the subscriber overall PPPoE session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 42 } svcArpHostSubSLimL2tpLns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSubSLimL2tpLns indicates the subscriber L2TP LNS session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 43 } svcArpHostSubSLimL2tpLts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSubSLimL2tpLts indicates the subscriber L2TP LTS session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 44 } svcArpHostSubSLimL2tpOvrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSubSLimL2tpOvrl indicates the subscriber overall L2TP session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 45 } svcArpHostSubSLimOvrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubHostSessionLimitOverride MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcArpHostSubSLimOvrl indicates the subscriber overall session limit override specified by the AAA server." ::= { svcArpHostExEntry 46 } svcSrv6Objs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 265 } svcSrv6TblLastCh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSrv6TblLastCh indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the svcSrv6Table." ::= { svcSrv6Objs 1 } svcSrv6Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcSrv6Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcSrv6Table contains entries for all the SRv6 instances for a particular VPRN service." ::= { svcSrv6Objs 2 } svcSrv6Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcSrv6Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A SRv6 instance entry in the svcSrv6Table." INDEX { svcId, svcSrv6Instance } ::= { svcSrv6Table 1 } SvcSrv6Entry ::= SEQUENCE { svcSrv6Instance Integer32, svcSrv6RowStatus RowStatus, svcSrv6LastChngd TimeStamp } svcSrv6Instance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSrv6Instance specifies the SRv6 instance used with this service." ::= { svcSrv6Entry 1 } svcSrv6RowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcSrv6RowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { svcSrv6Entry 2 } svcSrv6LastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcSrv6LastChngd indicates the timestamp of the modification of this entry." ::= { svcSrv6Entry 3 } svcSrv6LocatorTblLastCh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSrv6LocatorTblLastCh indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the svcSrv6LocatorTable." ::= { svcSrv6Objs 3 } svcSrv6LocatorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcSrv6LocatorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcSrv6LocatorTable contains entries for all the SRv6 instances for a particular VPRN service." ::= { svcSrv6Objs 4 } svcSrv6LocatorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcSrv6LocatorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A SRv6 instance entry in the svcSrv6LocatorTable." INDEX { svcId, svcSrv6Instance, svcSrv6LocatorName } ::= { svcSrv6LocatorTable 1 } SvcSrv6LocatorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcSrv6LocatorName TLNamedItem, svcSrv6LocatorRowStatus RowStatus, svcSrv6LocatorLastChngd TimeStamp, svcSrv6LocatorEndDt4 TSrv6FunctionType, svcSrv6LocatorEndDt4StaticValue TSrv6FunctionValue, svcSrv6LocatorEndDt6 TSrv6FunctionType, svcSrv6LocatorEndDt6StaticValue TSrv6FunctionValue, svcSrv6LocatorEndDt46 TSrv6FunctionType, svcSrv6LocatorEndDt46StaticValue TSrv6FunctionValue, svcSrv6LocEndDt4OperValue TSrv6FunctionValue, svcSrv6LocEndDt4OperState TmnxOperState, svcSrv6LocEndDt4OperErrorCode TSrv6FunctionErrorCode, svcSrv6LocEndDt4OperSidAddrType InetAddressType, svcSrv6LocEndDt4OperSidAddr InetAddress, svcSrv6LocEndDt6OperValue TSrv6FunctionValue, svcSrv6LocEndDt6OperState TmnxOperState, svcSrv6LocEndDt6OperErrorCode TSrv6FunctionErrorCode, svcSrv6LocEndDt6OperSidAddrType InetAddressType, svcSrv6LocEndDt6OperSidAddr InetAddress, svcSrv6LocEndDt46OperValue TSrv6FunctionValue, svcSrv6LocEndDt46OperState TmnxOperState, svcSrv6LocEndDt46OperErrorCode TSrv6FunctionErrorCode, svcSrv6LocEndDt46OpSidAddrType InetAddressType, svcSrv6LocEndDt46OpSidAddr InetAddress } svcSrv6LocatorName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItem MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcSrv6LocatorName specifies the SRv6 locator name used with this service." ::= { svcSrv6LocatorEntry 1 } svcSrv6LocatorRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcSrv6LocatorRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { svcSrv6LocatorEntry 2 } svcSrv6LocatorLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcSrv6LocatorLastChngd indicates the timestamp of the modification of this entry." ::= { svcSrv6LocatorEntry 3 } svcSrv6LocatorEndDt4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSrv6FunctionType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcSrv6LocatorEndDt4 specifies how the END.DT4 is derived." DEFVAL { none } ::= { svcSrv6LocatorEntry 4 } svcSrv6LocatorEndDt4StaticValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSrv6FunctionValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcSrv6LocatorEndDt4StaticValue specifies the static function value used to derive the End.DT4 SID that is associated to IPv4 routes." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcSrv6LocatorEntry 5 } svcSrv6LocatorEndDt6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSrv6FunctionType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcSrv6LocatorEndDt6 specifies how the END.DT6 is derived." DEFVAL { none } ::= { svcSrv6LocatorEntry 6 } svcSrv6LocatorEndDt6StaticValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSrv6FunctionValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcSrv6LocatorEndDt6StaticValue specifies the static function value used to derive the End.DT6 SID that is associated to IPv6 routes." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcSrv6LocatorEntry 7 } svcSrv6LocatorEndDt46 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSrv6FunctionType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcSrv6LocatorEndDt46 specifies how the END.DT46 is derived." DEFVAL { none } ::= { svcSrv6LocatorEntry 8 } svcSrv6LocatorEndDt46StaticValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSrv6FunctionValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcSrv6LocatorEndDt46StaticValue specifies the static function value used to derive the End.DT46 SID that is associated to IPv4/IPv6 routes." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcSrv6LocatorEntry 9 } svcSrv6LocEndDt4OperValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSrv6FunctionValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object svcSrv6LocEndDt4OperValue specifies the operational end value." ::= { svcSrv6LocatorEntry 10 } svcSrv6LocEndDt4OperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSrv6LocEndDt4OperState indicates the operational state." ::= { svcSrv6LocatorEntry 11 } svcSrv6LocEndDt4OperErrorCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSrv6FunctionErrorCode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object svcSrv6LocEndDt4OperErrorCode specifies the error code for end function." ::= { svcSrv6LocatorEntry 12 } svcSrv6LocEndDt4OperSidAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSrv6LocEndDt4OperSidAddrType specifies the type of svcSrv6LocEndDt4OperSidAddr." ::= { svcSrv6LocatorEntry 13 } svcSrv6LocEndDt4OperSidAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSrv6LocEndDt4OperSidAddr specifies the segment-identifier" ::= { svcSrv6LocatorEntry 14 } svcSrv6LocEndDt6OperValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSrv6FunctionValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object svcSrv6LocEndDt6OperValue specifies the operational end value." ::= { svcSrv6LocatorEntry 15 } svcSrv6LocEndDt6OperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSrv6LocEndDt6OperState indicates the operational state." ::= { svcSrv6LocatorEntry 16 } svcSrv6LocEndDt6OperErrorCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSrv6FunctionErrorCode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object svcSrv6LocEndDt6OperErrorCode specifies the error code for end function." ::= { svcSrv6LocatorEntry 17 } svcSrv6LocEndDt6OperSidAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSrv6LocEndDt6OperSidAddrType specifies the type of svcSrv6LocEndDt6OperSidAddr." ::= { svcSrv6LocatorEntry 18 } svcSrv6LocEndDt6OperSidAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSrv6LocEndDt6OperSidAddr specifies the segment-identifier" ::= { svcSrv6LocatorEntry 19 } svcSrv6LocEndDt46OperValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSrv6FunctionValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object svcSrv6LocEndDt46OperValue specifies the operational end value." ::= { svcSrv6LocatorEntry 20 } svcSrv6LocEndDt46OperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSrv6LocEndDt46OperState indicates the operational state." ::= { svcSrv6LocatorEntry 21 } svcSrv6LocEndDt46OperErrorCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSrv6FunctionErrorCode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object svcSrv6LocEndDt46OperErrorCode specifies the error code for end function." ::= { svcSrv6LocatorEntry 22 } svcSrv6LocEndDt46OpSidAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSrv6LocEndDt46OpSidAddrType specifies the type of svcSrv6LocEndDt46OpSidAddr." ::= { svcSrv6LocatorEntry 23 } svcSrv6LocEndDt46OpSidAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSrv6LocEndDt46OpSidAddr specifies the segment-identifier" ::= { svcSrv6LocatorEntry 24 } svcEvpnSrv6TblLastCh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnSrv6TblLastCh indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the svcEvpnSrv6Table." ::= { svcSrv6Objs 5 } svcEvpnSrv6Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEvpnSrv6Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnSrv6Table contains entries for all the BGP SRv6 instances for a particular VPRN service." ::= { svcSrv6Objs 6 } svcEvpnSrv6Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEvpnSrv6Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A BGP SRv6 instance entry in the svcEvpnSrv6Table." INDEX { svcId, svcEvpnSrv6BgpInstance } ::= { svcEvpnSrv6Table 1 } SvcEvpnSrv6Entry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEvpnSrv6BgpInstance Integer32, svcEvpnSrv6LastChanged TimeStamp, svcEvpnSrv6SrcAddrType InetAddressType, svcEvpnSrv6SrcAddr InetAddress, svcEvpnSrv6MaxEcmpRoutes Integer32, svcEvpnSrv6ForceVlanVcFwd TruthValue, svcEvpnSrv6RtNextHopType INTEGER, svcEvpnSrv6RtNextHopAddrType InetAddressType, svcEvpnSrv6RtNextHopAddr InetAddress, svcEvpnSrv6Evi3ByteAutoRT TruthValue } svcEvpnSrv6BgpInstance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnSrv6BgpInstance specifies the BGP instance used with this service." ::= { svcEvpnSrv6Entry 1 } svcEvpnSrv6LastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnSrv6LastChanged indicates the timestamp of the modification of this entry." ::= { svcEvpnSrv6Entry 2 } svcEvpnSrv6SrcAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnSrv6SrcAddrType indicates the address type of svcEvpnSrv6SrcAddr." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { svcEvpnSrv6Entry 3 } svcEvpnSrv6SrcAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnSrv6SrcAddr indicates the IP address of the source router." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcEvpnSrv6Entry 4 } svcEvpnSrv6MaxEcmpRoutes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnSrv6MaxEcmpRoutes specifies the maximum ECMP routes required for controlling all-active routing to MAC/IP with the same ethernet-segment-identifier (ESI)." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { svcEvpnSrv6Entry 5 } svcEvpnSrv6ForceVlanVcFwd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnSrv6ForceVlanVcFwd specifies whether or not vc-vlan-type forwarding is forced in the data path for BGP EVPN. When set to 'true' vc-vlan-type forwarding is forced." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcEvpnSrv6Entry 6 } svcEvpnSrv6RtNextHopType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { system-ipv4 (0), system-ipv6 (1), explicit (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnSrv6RtNextHopType specifies the type of the route next-hop associated with this entry. An 'inconsistentError' is returned when svcEvpnSrv6RtNextHopType set to 'specific' and svcEvpnSrv6RtNextHopAddr is set to default. An 'inconsistentError' is returned when svcEvpnSrv6RtNextHopType is set to 'system-ipv4/system-ipv6' and svcEvpnSrv6RtNextHopAddr is set to non-default." DEFVAL { system-ipv4 } ::= { svcEvpnSrv6Entry 7 } svcEvpnSrv6RtNextHopAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnSrv6RtNextHopAddrType specifies the type of IP address associated with svcEvpnSrv6RtNextHopAddr." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { svcEvpnSrv6Entry 8 } svcEvpnSrv6RtNextHopAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnSrv6RtNextHopAddr specifies the next-hop IP for ES and AD per ES routes." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { svcEvpnSrv6Entry 9 } svcEvpnSrv6Evi3ByteAutoRT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnSrv6Evi3ByteAutoRT enables RFC8365 compliant auto-derivation for EVIs for this service." DEFVAL { false } ::= { svcEvpnSrv6Entry 10 } svcEpipeSrv6TblLastCh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeSrv6TblLastCh indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the svcEpipeSrv6Table." ::= { svcSrv6Objs 7 } svcEpipeSrv6Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEpipeSrv6Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEpipeSrv6Table contains entries for all the SRv6 instances for a particular VPRN service." ::= { svcSrv6Objs 8 } svcEpipeSrv6Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEpipeSrv6Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A SRv6 instance entry in the svcEpipeSrv6Table." INDEX { svcId, svcEpipeSrv6Instance } ::= { svcEpipeSrv6Table 1 } SvcEpipeSrv6Entry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEpipeSrv6Instance Integer32, svcEpipeSrv6RowStatus RowStatus, svcEpipeSrv6LastChngd TimeStamp } svcEpipeSrv6Instance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..1) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeSrv6Instance specifies the SRv6 instance used with this service." ::= { svcEpipeSrv6Entry 1 } svcEpipeSrv6RowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEpipeSrv6RowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { svcEpipeSrv6Entry 2 } svcEpipeSrv6LastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEpipeSrv6LastChngd indicates the timestamp of the modification of this entry." ::= { svcEpipeSrv6Entry 3 } svcEpipeSrv6LocatorTblLastCh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeSrv6LocatorTblLastCh indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the svcEpipeSrv6LocatorTable." ::= { svcSrv6Objs 9 } svcEpipeSrv6LocatorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEpipeSrv6LocatorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEpipeSrv6LocatorTable contains entries for all the SRv6 instances for a particular VPRN service." ::= { svcSrv6Objs 10 } svcEpipeSrv6LocatorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEpipeSrv6LocatorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A SRv6 instance entry in the svcEpipeSrv6LocatorTable." INDEX { svcId, svcEpipeSrv6Instance, svcEpipeSrv6LocatorName } ::= { svcEpipeSrv6LocatorTable 1 } SvcEpipeSrv6LocatorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEpipeSrv6LocatorName TLNamedItem, svcEpipeSrv6LocatorRowStatus RowStatus, svcEpipeSrv6LocatorLastChngd TimeStamp, svcEpipeSrv6LocatorEndDx2 TSrv6FunctionType, svcEpipeSrv6LocatorEndDx2Static TSrv6FunctionValue, svcEpipeSrv6LocEndDx2Value TSrv6FunctionValue, svcEpipeSrv6LocEndDx2State TmnxOperState, svcEpipeSrv6LocEndDx2ErrorCode TSrv6FunctionErrorCode, svcEpipeSrv6LocEndDx2SidAddrType InetAddressType, svcEpipeSrv6LocEndDx2SidAddr InetAddress } svcEpipeSrv6LocatorName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEpipeSrv6LocatorName specifies the SRv6 locator name used with this service." ::= { svcEpipeSrv6LocatorEntry 1 } svcEpipeSrv6LocatorRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEpipeSrv6LocatorRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { svcEpipeSrv6LocatorEntry 2 } svcEpipeSrv6LocatorLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEpipeSrv6LocatorLastChngd indicates the timestamp of the modification of this entry." ::= { svcEpipeSrv6LocatorEntry 3 } svcEpipeSrv6LocatorEndDx2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSrv6FunctionType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEpipeSrv6LocatorEndDx2 specifies how the END.DT4 is derived." DEFVAL { none } ::= { svcEpipeSrv6LocatorEntry 4 } svcEpipeSrv6LocatorEndDx2Static OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSrv6FunctionValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEpipeSrv6LocatorEndDx2Static specifies the static function value used to derive the End.DT4 SID that is associated to IPv4 routes." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { svcEpipeSrv6LocatorEntry 5 } svcEpipeSrv6LocEndDx2Value OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSrv6FunctionValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object svcEpipeSrv6LocEndDx2Value specifies the operational end value." ::= { svcEpipeSrv6LocatorEntry 6 } svcEpipeSrv6LocEndDx2State OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeSrv6LocEndDx2State indicates the operational state." ::= { svcEpipeSrv6LocatorEntry 7 } svcEpipeSrv6LocEndDx2ErrorCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSrv6FunctionErrorCode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object svcEpipeSrv6LocEndDx2ErrorCode specifies the error code for end function." ::= { svcEpipeSrv6LocatorEntry 8 } svcEpipeSrv6LocEndDx2SidAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeSrv6LocEndDx2SidAddrType specifies the type of svcEpipeSrv6LocEndDx2SidAddr." ::= { svcEpipeSrv6LocatorEntry 9 } svcEpipeSrv6LocEndDx2SidAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeSrv6LocEndDx2SidAddr specifies the segment-identifier" ::= { svcEpipeSrv6LocatorEntry 10 } svcSrv6TEPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcSrv6TEPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcSrv6TEPTable contains entries for all the EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint addresse specific information in the system." ::= { svcSrv6Objs 11 } svcSrv6TEPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcSrv6TEPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcSrv6TEPEntry contains specific EVPN SRv6 tunnel endpoint address entry information." INDEX { svcSrv6TEPAddrType, svcSrv6TEPAddress } ::= { svcSrv6TEPTable 1 } SvcSrv6TEPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcSrv6TEPAddrType InetAddressType, svcSrv6TEPAddress InetAddress, svcSrv6TEPNumNonESDest Unsigned32, svcSrv6TEPNumESDest Unsigned32 } svcSrv6TEPAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSrv6TEPAddrType indicates the type of the address associated with svcSrv6TEPAddress." ::= { svcSrv6TEPEntry 1 } svcSrv6TEPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSrv6TEPAddress indicates a EVPN SRv6 tunnel endpoint address present in the system." ::= { svcSrv6TEPEntry 2 } svcSrv6TEPNumNonESDest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSrv6TEPNumNonESDest indicates the number of EVPN SRv6 destinations for the EVPN SRv6 tunnel endpoint address." ::= { svcSrv6TEPEntry 3 } svcSrv6TEPNumESDest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSrv6TEPNumESDest indicates the number of ethernet segment destinations for the EVPN SRv6 tunnel endpoint address." ::= { svcSrv6TEPEntry 4 } svcSrv6InstTEPSidTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcSrv6InstTEPSidEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcSrv6InstTEPSidTable contains entries for all the TEP addresses and Egress VNIs associated with a service." ::= { svcSrv6Objs 12 } svcSrv6InstTEPSidEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcSrv6InstTEPSidEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A TEP entry in the svcSrv6InstTEPSidTable." INDEX { svcId, svcSrv6Instance, svcSrv6InstTEPAddrType, svcSrv6InstTEPAddress, svcSrv6InstTEPSidAddrType, svcSrv6InstTEPSidAddr } ::= { svcSrv6InstTEPSidTable 1 } SvcSrv6InstTEPSidEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcSrv6InstTEPAddrType InetAddressType, svcSrv6InstTEPAddress InetAddress, svcSrv6InstTEPSidAddrType InetAddressType, svcSrv6InstTEPSidAddr InetAddress, svcSrv6InstTEPSidNumMACs Unsigned32, svcSrv6InstTEPSidL2EsPbr TruthValue, svcSrv6InstTEPSidMcast INTEGER, svcSrv6InstTEPSidSrv6Type INTEGER, svcSrv6InstTEPSidSbdMcast TruthValue } svcSrv6InstTEPAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcSrv6InstTEPAddrType indicates the type of the address associated with svcSrv6InstTEPAddress." ::= { svcSrv6InstTEPSidEntry 1 } svcSrv6InstTEPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcSrv6InstTEPAddress indicates a SRv6 Tunnel Endpoint address associated with the service." ::= { svcSrv6InstTEPSidEntry 2 } svcSrv6InstTEPSidAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSrv6InstTEPSidAddrType indicates the address type of svcSrv6InstTEPSidAddr." ::= { svcSrv6InstTEPSidEntry 3 } svcSrv6InstTEPSidAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSrv6InstTEPSidAddr indicates the address of the SID on this tunnel." ::= { svcSrv6InstTEPSidEntry 4 } svcSrv6InstTEPSidNumMACs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcSrv6InstTEPSidNumMACs indicates the number of MACs associated with the service." ::= { svcSrv6InstTEPSidEntry 5 } svcSrv6InstTEPSidL2EsPbr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcSrv6InstTEPSidL2EsPbr indicates if the TEP-VNI is programmed due to PBR." ::= { svcSrv6InstTEPSidEntry 7 } svcSrv6InstTEPSidMcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), u (1), bm (2), bum (3), m (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSrv6InstTEPSidMcast indicates the multicast forwarding type." ::= { svcSrv6InstTEPSidEntry 8 } svcSrv6InstTEPSidSrv6Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), static (1), evpn (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcSrv6InstTEPSidSrv6Type indicates the type of SRv6 instance created on this service." ::= { svcSrv6InstTEPSidEntry 9 } svcSrv6InstTEPSidSbdMcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSrv6InstTEPSidSbdMcast indicates if the TEP and Egress VNI is included in the supplementery broadcast-list multicast for this service." ::= { svcSrv6InstTEPSidEntry 10 } svcSrv6InstESDstTEPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcSrv6InstESDstTEPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcSrv6InstESDstTEPTable contains entries for all the BGP-EVPN SRv6 Tunnel Endpoint and ethernet segment pairs for a particular service." ::= { svcSrv6Objs 13 } svcSrv6InstESDstTEPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcSrv6InstESDstTEPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A BGP-EVPN SRv6 Tunnel Endpoint and ethernet segment binding entry in the svcSrv6InstESDstTEPTable." INDEX { svcId, svcSrv6Instance, tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsi, svcSrv6InstESDstTEPAddrType, svcSrv6InstESDstTEPAddress, svcSrv6InstESDstTEPSidAddrType, svcSrv6InstESDstTEPSidAddr } ::= { svcSrv6InstESDstTEPTable 1 } SvcSrv6InstESDstTEPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcSrv6InstESDstTEPAddrType InetAddressType, svcSrv6InstESDstTEPAddress InetAddress, svcSrv6InstESDstTEPSidAddrType InetAddressType, svcSrv6InstESDstTEPSidAddr InetAddress, svcSrv6InstESDstTEPLastChg TimeStamp } svcSrv6InstESDstTEPAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcSrv6InstESDstTEPAddrType indicates the type of the address associated with svcSrv6InstESDstTEPAddress." ::= { svcSrv6InstESDstTEPEntry 1 } svcSrv6InstESDstTEPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcSrv6InstESDstTEPAddress indicates a Tunnel Endpoint address associated with this entry." ::= { svcSrv6InstESDstTEPEntry 2 } svcSrv6InstESDstTEPSidAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSrv6InstESDstTEPSidAddrType indicates the address type of svcSrv6InstESDstTEPSidAddr." ::= { svcSrv6InstESDstTEPEntry 3 } svcSrv6InstESDstTEPSidAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSrv6InstESDstTEPSidAddr indicates the address of the SID on this tunnel." ::= { svcSrv6InstESDstTEPEntry 4 } svcSrv6InstESDstTEPLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcSrv6InstESDstTEPLastChg indicates the timestamp of the modification of the ethernet segment destination entry." ::= { svcSrv6InstESDstTEPEntry 5 } svcSrv6InstESDestTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcSrv6InstESDestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcSrv6InstESDestTable contains entries for all the BGP-EVPN SRv6 Tunnel ethernet segment destination for a particular service." ::= { svcSrv6Objs 14 } svcSrv6InstESDestEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcSrv6InstESDestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A BGP-EVPN SRv6 Tunnel Endpoint and ethernet segment binding entry in the svcSrv6InstESDestTable." INDEX { svcId, svcSrv6Instance, tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsi } ::= { svcSrv6InstESDestTable 1 } SvcSrv6InstESDestEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcSrv6InstESDestLastChgd TimeStamp, svcSrv6InstESDestNumMacs Unsigned32 } svcSrv6InstESDestLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcSrv6InstESDestLastChgd indicates the timestamp of the modification of the ethernet segment destination entry." ::= { svcSrv6InstESDestEntry 2 } svcSrv6InstESDestNumMacs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcSrv6InstESDestNumMacs indicates the number of MAC's associated with this entry." ::= { svcSrv6InstESDestEntry 3 } svcDhcpLeaseDnsNbnsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcDhcpLeaseDnsNbnsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcDhcpLeaseDnsNbnsTable has an entry for DHCP leases having assigned one or more DNS or NBNS addresses." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 266 } svcDhcpLeaseDnsNbnsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcDhcpLeaseDnsNbnsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each conceptual row represents a specific DHCP lease state. Entries in this table are created and destroyed by the system." INDEX { svcId, svcDhcpLeaseCiAddrType, svcDhcpLeaseCiAddr, svcDhcpLeaseNextHopMacAddr, svcDhcpLeaseDnsNbnsAddrIndex } ::= { svcDhcpLeaseDnsNbnsTable 1 } SvcDhcpLeaseDnsNbnsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcDhcpLeaseDnsNbnsAddrIndex Unsigned32, svcDhcpLeaseDnsV4AddrType InetAddressType, svcDhcpLeaseDnsV4Addr InetAddress, svcDhcpLeaseNbnsV4AddrType InetAddressType, svcDhcpLeaseNbnsV4Addr InetAddress, svcDhcpLeaseDnsV6AddrType InetAddressType, svcDhcpLeaseDnsV6Addr InetAddress } svcDhcpLeaseDnsNbnsAddrIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..12) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcDhcpLeaseDnsNbnsAddrIndex indicates the primary, secondary, etc. DNS or NBNS address used in this DHCP lease state." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseDnsNbnsEntry 1 } svcDhcpLeaseDnsV4AddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseDnsV4AddrType indicates the address type of svcDhcpLeaseDnsV4Addr. The value of this object is 'unknown' when not applicable." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseDnsNbnsEntry 2 } svcDhcpLeaseDnsV4Addr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseDnsV4Addr indicates the IPV4 DNS server address. The value of this object is ''H when not applicable." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseDnsNbnsEntry 3 } svcDhcpLeaseNbnsV4AddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseNbnsV4AddrType indicates the address type of svcDhcpLeaseNbnsV4Addr. The value of this object is 'unknown' when not applicable." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseDnsNbnsEntry 4 } svcDhcpLeaseNbnsV4Addr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseNbnsV4Addr indicates the IPV4 NBNS server address. The value of this object is ''H when not applicable." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseDnsNbnsEntry 5 } svcDhcpLeaseDnsV6AddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseDnsV6AddrType indicates the address type of svcDhcpLeaseDnsV6Addr. The value of this object is 'unknown' when not applicable." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseDnsNbnsEntry 6 } svcDhcpLeaseDnsV6Addr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcDhcpLeaseDnsV6Addr indicates the IPV6 DNS server address. The value of this object is ''H when not applicable." ::= { svcDhcpLeaseDnsNbnsEntry 7 } svcIfSubStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcIfSubStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcIfSubStatsTable contains subscriber traffic statistics per service and subscriber/group-interface" ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 267 } svcIfSubStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcIfSubStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents information related to subscriber traffic statistics for a given service and subscriber/group interface in the system. Entries cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations." INDEX { svcId, iesIfIndex } ::= { svcIfSubStatsTable 1 } SvcIfSubStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcIfSubStatsLastCleared TimeStamp, svcIfSubStatsIngPkts Counter64, svcIfSubStatsIngOctets Counter64, svcIfSubStatsEgrPkts Counter64, svcIfSubStatsEgrOctets Counter64 } svcIfSubStatsLastCleared OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcIfSubStatsLastCleared indicates the value of sysUpTime when the contents of this conceptual row were cleared for the last time. The value zero means that the contents of this conceptual row have not yet been cleared." ::= { svcIfSubStatsEntry 3 } svcIfSubStatsIngPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcIfSubStatsIngPkts indicates the number of IP packets received on this interface." ::= { svcIfSubStatsEntry 4 } svcIfSubStatsIngOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcIfSubStatsIngOctets indicates the number of octets in IP packets received on this interface." ::= { svcIfSubStatsEntry 5 } svcIfSubStatsEgrPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcIfSubStatsEgrPkts indicates the number of IP packets sent on this interface." ::= { svcIfSubStatsEntry 6 } svcIfSubStatsEgrOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcIfSubStatsEgrOctets indicates the number of octets in IP packets sent on this interface." ::= { svcIfSubStatsEntry 7 } tmnxSvcSubTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxSvcSubEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSvcSubTable contains subscriber management information per service. The system automatically creates and destroyes conceptual rows in this table when rows in the svcBaseInfoTable are created and destroyed having a value of 'ies' or 'vprn' for the svcType object." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 271 } tmnxSvcSubEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSvcSubEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents information related to subscriber management for an IES or VPRN service." INDEX { svcId } ::= { tmnxSvcSubTable 1 } TmnxSvcSubEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxSvcSubLastCh TimeStamp, tmnxSvcSubMcShuntId Unsigned32 } tmnxSvcSubLastCh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSubLastCh indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this table row." ::= { tmnxSvcSubEntry 1 } tmnxSvcSubMcShuntId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..8191) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSubMcShuntId specifies the multi-chassis redundancy shunt identifier associated with this service." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxSvcSubEntry 2 } tmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpTable contains objects to configure the service multi-chassis redundancy monitor Operational-Groups." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 273 } tmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each conceptual row represents an Operational-Group associated with a service. Entries in this table can be created or deleted via SNMP operations in services present in the tmnxSvcSubTable." INDEX { svcId, IMPLIED svcOperGrpName } ::= { tmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpTable 1 } TmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpLastCh TimeStamp, tmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpHlthDrop Unsigned32, tmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpActHlthDrop Unsigned32 } tmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpRowStatus specifies the row status of this row." ::= { tmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpEntry 1 } tmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpLastCh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpLastCh indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this table row." ::= { tmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpEntry 2 } tmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpHlthDrop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpHlthDrop specifies the value by which the health is decremented whenever a member of the monitoring operational-group goes down." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpEntry 3 } tmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpActHlthDrop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpActHlthDrop indicates the actual health drop." ::= { tmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpEntry 4 } svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains routed-VPLS EVPN multicast gateway DR information." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 274 } svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Routed-VPLS EVPN gateway DR specific information." INDEX { svcId, svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrCndtIpType, svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrCndtIp } ::= { svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrTable 1 } SvcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrCndtIpType InetAddressType, svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrCndtIp InetAddress, svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrCndtIpAdded TimeStamp } svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrCndtIpType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrCndtIpType indicates the type of address of svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrCndtIp." ::= { svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrEntry 1 } svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrCndtIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrCndtIp indicates the Vpls Evpn Gateway Dr origin address." ::= { svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrEntry 2 } svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrCndtIpAdded OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrCndtIpAdded indicates the timestamp when svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrCndtIp is added." ::= { svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrEntry 3 } svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblTnlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblTnlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblTnlTable contains entries for all the BGP EVPN-MPLS TEP and egress label pairs with tunnel identifier for a particular for a particular evpn-mpls instance in a VPLS service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 275 } svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblTnlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblTnlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An egress binding entry with tunnel identifier in the svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblTnlTable." INDEX { svcId, svcBgpEvpnInstance, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPAddrType, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPAddress, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPLabel, svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblTEPTnlId } ::= { svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblTnlTable 1 } SvcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblTnlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblTEPTnlId Integer32, svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblTnlLstCh TimeStamp, svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgLblTnlNumMAC Unsigned32, svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgLblTnlInMLst TruthValue, svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgLblTnlRsType TmnxSvcEvpnMplsTransportType, svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgLbTnlSbdMcst TruthValue, svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblMcast INTEGER } svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblTEPTnlId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblTEPTnlId indicates the tunnel identifier associated with this entry." ::= { svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblTnlEntry 1 } svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblTnlLstCh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblTnlLstCh indicates the timestamp when this entry is created." ::= { svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblTnlEntry 2 } svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgLblTnlNumMAC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgLblTnlNumMAC indicates the number of MACs associated with TEP and egress label in the BGP EVPN-MPLS VPLS service." ::= { svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblTnlEntry 3 } svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgLblTnlInMLst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgLblTnlInMLst indicates if the TEP and egress label is included in the multicast list for the BGP EVPN-MPLS VPLS service." ::= { svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblTnlEntry 4 } svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgLblTnlRsType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSvcEvpnMplsTransportType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgLblTnlRsType indicates the transport type used for this entry." ::= { svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblTnlEntry 5 } svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgLbTnlSbdMcst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgLbTnlSbdMcst indicates if the TEP and egress label is included in the supplementery broadcast-list multicast for the BGP EVPN-MPLS VPLS service." ::= { svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblTnlEntry 6 } svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblMcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), u (1), bm (2), bum (3), m (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblMcast indicates the multicast forwarding type." ::= { svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblTnlEntry 7 } svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPTable contains entries for all the BGP EVPN-MPLS Tunnel Endpoint and ethernet segment pairs for a particular evpn-mpls instance in a VPLS service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 276 } svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A BGP EVPN-MPLS Tunnel Endpoint and ethernet segment binding entry in the svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPTable." INDEX { svcId, svcBgpEvpnInstance, tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsi, svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPAddrType, svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPAddress, svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPLabel } ::= { svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPTable 1 } SvcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPAddrType InetAddressType, svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPAddress InetAddress, svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPLabel Unsigned32, svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPLastChgd TimeStamp, svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPResType TmnxSvcEvpnMplsTransportType, svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPTnlId Unsigned32 } svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPAddrType indicates the type of the address associated with svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPAddress." ::= { svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPEntry 1 } svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPAddress indicates a Tunnel Endpoint address associated with this entry." ::= { svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPEntry 2 } svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPLabel indicates the label associated with the Tunnel Endpoint address in the service." ::= { svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPEntry 3 } svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPLastChgd indicates the timestamp of the modification of the ethernet segment destination entry." ::= { svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPEntry 4 } svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPResType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSvcEvpnMplsTransportType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPResType indicates the transport type used for this entry." ::= { svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPEntry 5 } svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPTnlId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPTnlId indicates the tunnel identifier assoicated with the Tunnel Endpoint address." ::= { svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPEntry 6 } svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEvpnInstMplsESDestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTable contains entries for all the BGP EVPN-MPLS Tunnel ethernet segment destination for a particular evpn-mpls instance in a VPLS service." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 277 } svcEvpnInstMplsESDestEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEvpnInstMplsESDestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A BGP EVPN-MPLS Tunnel Endpoint and ethernet segment binding entry in the svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTable." INDEX { svcId, svcBgpEvpnInstance, tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsi } ::= { svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTable 1 } SvcEvpnInstMplsESDestEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEvpnInstMplsESDestNumMacs Unsigned32, svcEvpnInstMplsESDestLastChanged TimeStamp } svcEvpnInstMplsESDestNumMacs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnInstMplsESDestNumMacs indicates number of MAC addresses associated with this entry." ::= { svcEvpnInstMplsESDestEntry 1 } svcEvpnInstMplsESDestLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcEvpnInstMplsESDestLastChanged indicates the timestamp of the modification of the ethernet segment destination entry." ::= { svcEvpnInstMplsESDestEntry 2 } svcEvpnPwPortHdEndMHEthSegTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcEvpnPwPortHdEndMHEthSegEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnPwPortHdEndMHEthSegTable contains entries for ethernet segment information associated with a PW port headend." ::= { tmnxSvcObjs 279 } svcEvpnPwPortHdEndMHEthSegEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcEvpnPwPortHdEndMHEthSegEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An ethernet segment entry in the svcEvpnPwPortHdEndMHEthSegTable." INDEX { svcId } ::= { svcEvpnPwPortHdEndMHEthSegTable 1 } SvcEvpnPwPortHdEndMHEthSegEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcEvpnHdEndMHEthSegPwPortId Unsigned32, svcEvpnPwPortHdEndMHEthSegName TNamedItemOrEmpty, svcEvpnPwPortHdEndMHEthSegStatus TmnxEvpnMHEthSegStatus } svcEvpnHdEndMHEthSegPwPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..32767) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This svcEvpnHdEndMHEthSegPwPortId specifies the pseudo-wire port identifier." ::= { svcEvpnPwPortHdEndMHEthSegEntry 1 } svcEvpnPwPortHdEndMHEthSegName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnPwPortHdEndMHEthSegName indicates the ethernet segment name associated with the given PW port headend." ::= { svcEvpnPwPortHdEndMHEthSegEntry 2 } svcEvpnPwPortHdEndMHEthSegStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEvpnMHEthSegStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEvpnPwPortHdEndMHEthSegStatus indicates the status of the ethernet segment associated with the given PW port headend." ::= { svcEvpnPwPortHdEndMHEthSegEntry 3 } tmnxTstpNotifyObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxServObjs 5 } tmnxCustomerBridgeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BridgeId MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxCustomerBridgeId specifies the bridge identifier of the customer's device " ::= { tmnxTstpNotifyObjs 1 } tmnxCustomerRootBridgeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BridgeId MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxCustomerRootBridgeId specifies the bridge identifier of the customer's designated root." ::= { tmnxTstpNotifyObjs 2 } tmnxOtherBridgeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BridgeId MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxOtherBridgeId specifies the bridge identifier of the device from which a BPDU was received." ::= { tmnxTstpNotifyObjs 3 } tmnxOldSdpBindTlsStpPortState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TStpPortState MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxOldSdpBindTlsStpPortState specifies the previous state of an SDP binding." ::= { tmnxTstpNotifyObjs 4 } tmnxVcpState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TStpPortState MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxVcpState specifies the current state of a Virtual Core Port (VCP)." ::= { tmnxTstpNotifyObjs 5 } tmnxSvcNotifyObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxServObjs 6 } macPinningMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object macPinningMacAddress indicates the pinned MAC address." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 1 } macPinningPinnedRow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowPointer MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object macPinningPinnedRow indicates where the MAC address is currently pinned on. Its value will be the OID of the first accessible object in the row of the sapTlsInfoTable or in the sdpBindTable, depending on whether the MAC address is pinned on a SAP or a SDP Bind." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 2 } macPinningPinnedRowDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object macPinningPinnedRowDescr indicates where the MAC address is currently pinned on. The value will either be a SAP-id or a SDP id, presented in readable format, depending on whether the MAC is pinned to a SAP or a SDP." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 3 } macPinningViolatingRow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowPointer MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object macPinningViolatingRow indicates where the MAC address relearn attempt was detected. Its value will be the OID of the first accessible object in the row of the sapTlsInfoTable or in the sdpBindTable, depending on whether the MAC address is pinned on a SAP or a SDP Bind." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 4 } macPinningViolatingRowDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object macPinningViolatingRowDescr indicates where the MAC address relearn attempt was detected. The value will either be a SAP-id or a SDP id, presented in readable format, depending on whether the MAC address relearn attempt was detected on a SAP or a SDP." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 5 } tlsDHCPClientLease OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsDHCPClientLease indicates the lease time specified in the PDU causing the trap. Used by tmnxVRtrDHCPAFEntriesExceeded to report the lease time. This object was made obsolete in the 4.0 release." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 6 } tlsDhcpLseStateOldCiAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsDhcpLseStateOldCiAddr indicates the Client IP address that was formerly assigned to this Least state. Used in sapTlsDHCPLeaseStateOverride trap. This object was made obsolete in the 4.0 release." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 7 } tlsDhcpLseStateOldChAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsDhcpLseStateOldChAddr indicates the Client MAC address that was formerly assigned to this Least state. Used in sapTlsDHCPLeaseStateOverride trap. This object was made obsolete in the 4.0 release." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 8 } tlsDhcpLseStateNewCiAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsDhcpLseStateNewCiAddr indicates the Client IP address specified in the PDU causing the trap. This object was made obsolete in the 4.0 release." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 9 } tlsDhcpLseStateNewChAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsDhcpLseStateNewChAddr indicates the Client MAC address specified in the PDU causing the trap. This object was made obsolete in the 4.0 release." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 10 } tlsDhcpRestoreLseStateCiAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsDhcpRestoreLseStateCiAddr indicates the IP address specified in the persistency record causing the trap. This object was made obsolete in the 4.0 release." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 11 } tlsDhcpRestoreLseStateSvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsDhcpRestoreLseStateSvcId indicates the serviceId specified in the persistency record causing the trap. This object was made obsolete in the 4.0 release." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 12 } tlsDhcpRestoreLseStatePortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsDhcpRestoreLseStatePortId indicates the Port ID specified in the persistency record causing the trap. This object was made obsolete in the 4.0 release." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 13 } tlsDhcpRestoreLseStateEncapVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEncapVal MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsDhcpRestoreLseStateEncapVal indicates the SAP encap value specified in the persistency record causing the trap. This object was made obsolete in the 4.0 release." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 14 } tlsDhcpRestoreLseStateProblem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsDhcpRestoreLseStateProblem indicates why the persistency record cannot be restored. This object was made obsolete in the 4.0 release." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 15 } tlsDhcpPacketProblem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsDhcpPacketProblem indicates information on a received DHCP packet is considered suspicious by the system. This object was made obsolete in the 4.0 release." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 16 } tlsDhcpLseStatePopulateError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tlsDhcpLseStatePopulateError indicates why the system was unable to update the Lease State Table upon reception of a DHCP ACK message. This object was made obsolete in the 4.0 release." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 17 } svcDhcpRestoreLseStateCiAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcDhcpRestoreLseStateCiAddr indicates the IP address specified in the persistency record causing the trap." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 18 } svcDhcpRestoreLseStateProblem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcDhcpRestoreLseStateProblem indicates why the persistency record cannot be restored." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 19 } svcDhcpLseStateOldCiAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcDhcpLseStateOldCiAddr indicates the client IP address that was formerly assigned to the specified DHCP lease state." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 20 } svcDhcpLseStateOldChAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcDhcpLseStateOldChAddr indicates the client MAC address that was formerly assigned to the specified DHCP lease state." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 21 } svcDhcpLseStateNewCiAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcDhcpLseStateNewCiAddr indicates the client IP address specified in the DHCP PDU causing the trap." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 22 } svcDhcpLseStateNewChAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcDhcpLseStateNewChAddr indicates the client MAC address specified in the DHCP PDU causing the trap." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 23 } svcDhcpClientLease OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcDhcpClientLease indicates the lease time specified in the DHCP PDU causing the trap." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 24 } svcDhcpPacketProblem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcDhcpPacketProblem indicates information on a received DHCP packet that is considered suspicious by the system." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 25 } svcDhcpLseStatePopulateError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcDhcpLseStatePopulateError indicates the reason why the system was unable to update the Lease State table upon reception of a DHCP ACK message." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 26 } hostConnectivityCiAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object hostConnectivityCiAddrType indicates the client address type causing the trap." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 27 } hostConnectivityCiAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object hostConnectivityCiAddr indicates the client INET address causing the trap." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 28 } hostConnectivityChAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object hostConnectivityChAddr indicates the client MAC address causing the trap." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 29 } protectedMacForNotify OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object protectedMacForNotify indicates the protected MAC address that was received, causing the sapReceivedProtSrcMac notification." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 30 } staticHostDynamicMacIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object staticHostDynamicMacIpAddress indicates the IP address of the static host for which the sapStaticHostDynMacConflict notification is generated." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 31 } staticHostDynamicMacConflict OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object staticHostDynamicMacConflict indicates the reason causing the sapStaticHostDynMacConflict notification." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 32 } tmnxSvcObjRow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowPointer MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxSvcObjRow indicates the object that has failed to perform the set action requested by the Time-Of-Day Suite. Its value will be the OID of the first accessible object in the row of the sapBaseInfoTable or in the custMultiServiceSiteTable, depending on whether the object is a SAP or a Customer Multi-Service Site." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 33 } tmnxSvcObjRowDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxSvcObjRowDescr indicates the object that has failed to perform the set action requested by the Time-Of-Day Suite. The value will either be a SAP-id or a Customer Multi-Service Site id, presented in readable format, depending on whether the object is a SAP or a Customer Multi-Service Site." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 34 } tmnxSvcObjTodSuite OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxSvcObjTodSuite indicates the name of the involved ToD Suite." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 35 } tmnxFailureDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxFailureDescription is a printable character string which contains information about the reason why the notification is sent." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 36 } svcDhcpProxyError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcDhcpProxyError indicates the reason why the proxy server failed to operate." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 37 } svcDhcpCoAError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcDhcpCoAError indicates the reason why the node failed to process a Change of Authorization (CoA) request from a Radius server." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 38 } svcDhcpSubAuthError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcDhcpSubAuthError is a printable character string which contains information about the problem that occurred while trying to authenticate the subscriber." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 39 } svcTlsMrpAttrRegFailedReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), attribute-limit-reached (2), system-attr-limit-reached (3), unsupported-attribute (4), mfib-entry-create-failed (5) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsMrpAttrRegFailedReason indicates the reason for MRP attribute registration failure." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 40 } svcTlsMrpAttrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsMrpAttrType indicates the type of MRP attribute." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 41 } svcTlsMrpAttrValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcTlsMrpAttrValue indicates the value of MRP attribute." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 42 } svcMstiInstanceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MstiInstanceId MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcMstiInstanceId indicates the Multiple Spanning Tree Instance." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 43 } svcNotifSapPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ID of the access port where the SAP is defined." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 44 } svcNotifSapEncapValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEncapVal MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the label used to identify the SAP on the access port specified by sapPortId." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 45 } svcArpHostPopulateError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcArpHostPopulateError indicates the reason why the system failed to update the ARP Host table upon reception of an ARP message." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 46 } svcHostAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcHostAddrType indicates the address type of svcHostAddr." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 47 } svcHostAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcHostAddr indicates the IP address specified in the persistency record causing the trap." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 48 } svcNotifSiteName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcNotifSiteName indicates the name for the specific site." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 49 } svcNotifSiteMinDnTimerState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { started (1), cancelled (2), extended (3), expired (4) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcNotifSiteMinDnTimerState indicate state of minimum-down-timer for the site." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 50 } svcNotifSiteMinDnTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcNotifSiteMinDnTimer indicate the minimum time-period the system keeps the site down when a site goes down." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 51 } svcNotifSiteMinDnTimerRemain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcNotifSiteMinDnTimerRemain indicates remaining time in the svcNotifSiteMinDnTimer for this site." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 52 } svcNotifTlsProxyMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcNotifTlsProxyMacAddr indicates the new MAC address detected with the proxy ARP/ND entry." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 53 } svcNotifyMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object svcNotifyMacAddress indicates a MAC address." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 54 } svcNotifyText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcNotifyText indicates a text." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 55 } svcNotifVxlanInstance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVxlanInstance MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcNotifVxlanInstance indicates VXLAN instance." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 56 } svcNotifEvpnMHStandbyStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { set (1), cleared (2) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcNotifEvpnMHStandbyStatus indicates status of EVPN multi-homing standby." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 57 } svcNotifEthSegName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem (SIZE (1..32)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcNotifEthSegName specifies the ethernet segment name for the entry." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 58 } svcNotifInetAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcNotifInetAddrType specifies the type of IP address associated with svcNotifInetAddr." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 59 } svcNotifInetAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcNotifInetAddr specifies the IP address associated with this notification." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 60 } svcSrv6FunctionType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSrv6Function MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object svcSrv6FunctionType specifies the function for srv6." ::= { tmnxSvcNotifyObjs 61 } tmnxSvcTimeObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxServObjs 7 } tlsCondStaticMacTblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tlsCondStaticMacTblLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tlsCondStaticMacTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 1 } svcOperGrpBfdTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcOperGrpBfdTblLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcOperGrpBfdTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 2 } svcTlsVxlanTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsVxlanTblLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcTlsVxlanTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 3 } svcBgpEvpnTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcBgpEvpnTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 4 } tmnxIesIfRtrSolTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIesIfRtrSolTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tmnxIesIfRtrSolicitTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 5 } svcVsdDomainTblLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVsdDomainTblLastChngd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcVsdDomainTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 6 } svcTlsProxyArpTblLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpTblLastChngd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcTlsProxyArpTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 7 } svcVsdDomainToSvcTblLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVsdDomainToSvcTblLastChngd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcVsdDomainToSvcTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 8 } tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 9 } svcTlsProxyArpCfgTblLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpCfgTblLastChngd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcTlsProxyArpCfgTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 11 } svcVprnInfoTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnInfoTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcVprnInfoTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 12 } svcTlsProxyArpStaticTblLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpStaticTblLastChngd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcTlsProxyArpStaticTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 13 } svcTlsProxyNdCfgTblLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdCfgTblLastChngd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcTlsProxyNdCfgTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 14 } svcTlsProxyNdStaticTblLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdStaticTblLastChngd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcTlsProxyNdStaticTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 15 } svcTlsProxyNdTblLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdTblLastChngd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcTlsProxyNdTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 16 } svcBgpEvpnMplsTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnMplsTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcBgpEvpnMplsTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 17 } svcTlsBgpEvpnABTnlTblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsBgpEvpnABTnlTblLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 18 } svcVprnBgpAutoBindTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnBgpAutoBindTblLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcVprnBgpAutoBindTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 19 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegTblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegTblLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tmnxSvcSysEthSegTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 20 } svcEthSegCarvEviRngTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEthSegCarvEviRngTblLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcEthSegCarvEviRngTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 21 } svcEthSegCarvIsidRngTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEthSegCarvIsidRngTblLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcEthSegCarvIsidRngTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 22 } svcVllBgpEvpnABTnlTblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVllBgpEvpnABTnlTblLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 23 } svcBgpEvpnVpwsLastTblChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBgpEvpnVpwsLastTblChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcBgpEvpnVpwsTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 24 } svcEpipePwPortTableLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipePwPortTableLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcEpipePwPortTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 25 } tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermTblLstChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermTblLstChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 26 } svcVplsBgpTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVplsBgpTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcVplsBgpTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 27 } svcProxyArpNdMacListTblLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcProxyArpNdMacListTblLastChngd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcProxyArpNdMacListTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 28 } svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgTblLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 29 } svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgTblLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 30 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngTblLstChd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngTblLstChd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 31 } tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngTblLstChd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngTblLstChd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 32 } tmnxESSTagRngTblLstChd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxESSTagRngTblLstChd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tmnxESSTagRngTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 33 } tmnxESSTagCTagRngTblLstChd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxESSTagCTagRngTblLstChd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tmnxESSTagCTagRngTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 34 } svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecTblLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecTblLstChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 35 } svcEpipeVxlanTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeVxlanTblLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcEpipeVxlanTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management syubsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 36 } svcPbbEvpnIsidRtTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcPbbEvpnIsidRtTblLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcPbbEvpnIsidRtTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 37 } tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngTblLstChd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngTblLstChd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 38 } svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmTblLstChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmTblLstChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 39 } svcVprnVxlanTunTermTableLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnVxlanTunTermTableLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcVprnVxlanTunTermTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 40 } svcOperGroupConfigTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcOperGroupConfigTblLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcOperGroupConfigTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 41 } svcBgpEvpnInstTableLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcBgpEvpnInstTableLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcBgpEvpnInstTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 42 } svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanTblLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 43 } svcBgpEvpnInstMplsTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcBgpEvpnInstMplsTblLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcBgpEvpnInstMplsTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 44 } svcBgpEvpnInstABTTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcBgpEvpnInstABTTblLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 45 } svcTlsVxInstTableLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsVxInstTableLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcTlsVxInstTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 46 } svcEpipeVxInstTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcEpipeVxInstTblLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcEpipeVxInstTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 47 } svcVprnTacPlusTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnTacPlusTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in svcVprnTacPlusTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 48 } svcVprnTacPlusServerTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnTacPlusServerTblLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcVprnTacPlusServerTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 49 } svcVprnTcPlusPriLvlMpTblLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnTcPlusPriLvlMpTblLstChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcVprnTacPlusPrivLvlMapTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 50 } svcVprnLdapTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnLdapTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in svcVprnLdapTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 51 } svcVprnLdapServerTblLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnLdapServerTblLstChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcVprnLdapServerTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 52 } svcVprnRadiusTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnRadiusTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in svcVprnRadiusTable." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 53 } svcVprnRadiusServerTblLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnRadiusServerTblLstChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcVprnRadiusServerTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 54 } svcVprnServerCtlTblLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcVprnServerCtlTblLstChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcVprnServerCtlTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 55 } svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWTblLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 56 } svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtTblLstChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtTblLstChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 57 } svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtTblLstChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtTblLstChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 58 } svcMacListTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcMacListTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcMacListTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 59 } svcMacListEntryTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcMacListEntryTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcMacListEntryTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 60 } svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcTblLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcTblLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 61 } svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcTblLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcTblLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 62 } iesIfTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of iesIfTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent change to the iesIfTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 63 } svcBaseInfoTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcBaseInfoTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent change to the svcBaseInfoTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 64 } svcTlsInfoTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of svcTlsInfoTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent change to the svcTlsInfoTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 65 } tmnxSvcSubTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSubTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tmnxSvcSubTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 68 } tmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpTableLastCh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpTableLastCh indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 69 } svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrTblLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 70 } svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblTnlTblLC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblTnlTblLC indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblTnlTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 71 } svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPTblLstCh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPTblLstCh indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 72 } svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTblLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxSvcTimeObjs 73 } tmnxServConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSRConfs 4 } tmnxCustConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxServConformance 1 } tmnxCustCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxCustConformance 1 } tmnxCustCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services customers on Nokia SROS series systems." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxCustV6v0Group } ::= { tmnxCustCompliances 100 } tmnxCustV8v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services customers on Nokia SROS series systems." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxCustV8v0Group } ::= { tmnxCustCompliances 101 } tmnxCustV9v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services customers on Nokia SROS series systems." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxCustV8v0Group, tmnxCustV9v0Group } ::= { tmnxCustCompliances 102 } tmnxCustV11v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services customers on Nokia SROS series systems." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxCustV9v0Group, tmnxCustV11v0Group } ::= { tmnxCustCompliances 103 } tmnxCustGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxCustConformance 2 } tmnxCustV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { custNumEntries, custNextFreeId, custId, custRowStatus, custDescription, custContact, custPhone, custLastMgmtChange, custMultSvcSiteName, custMultSvcSiteRowStatus, custMultSvcSiteDescription, custMultSvcSiteScope, custMultSvcSiteAssignment, custMultSvcSiteIngressSchedulerPolicy, custMultSvcSiteEgressSchedulerPolicy, custMultSvcSiteLastMgmtChange, custMultSvcSiteTodSuite, custMultSvcSiteCurrentIngrSchedPlcy, custMultSvcSiteCurrentEgrSchedPlcy, custMultSvcSiteEgressAggRateLimit, custMultSvcSiteIntendedIngrSchedPlcy, custMultSvcSiteIntendedEgrSchedPlcy, custMultSvcSiteFrameBasedAccnt, custIngQosSchedStatsForwardedPackets, custIngQosSchedStatsForwardedOctets, custEgrQosSchedStatsForwardedPackets, custEgrQosSchedStatsForwardedOctets, custIngQosPortSchedFwdPkts, custIngQosPortSchedFwdOctets, custEgrQosPortSchedFwdPkts, custEgrQosPortSchedFwdOctets, custMssIngQosSRowStatus, custMssIngQosSLastMgmtChange, custMssIngQosSOverrideFlags, custMssIngQosSPIR, custMssIngQosSCIR, custMssIngQosSSummedCIR, custMssEgrQosSRowStatus, custMssEgrQosSLastMgmtChange, custMssEgrQosSOverrideFlags, custMssEgrQosSPIR, custMssEgrQosSCIR, custMssEgrQosSSummedCIR, custIngSchedPlcyStatsFwdPkt, custIngSchedPlcyStatsFwdOct, custEgrSchedPlcyStatsFwdPkt, custEgrSchedPlcyStatsFwdOct, custIngSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdPkt, custIngSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdOct, custEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdPkt, custEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdOct, custMultSvcSiteFrameBasedAccnt } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services customers general capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxCustGroups 100 } tmnxCustV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { custNumEntries, custNextFreeId, custId, custRowStatus, custDescription, custContact, custPhone, custLastMgmtChange, custMultSvcSiteName, custMultSvcSiteRowStatus, custMultSvcSiteDescription, custMultSvcSiteScope, custMultSvcSiteAssignment, custMultSvcSiteIngressSchedulerPolicy, custMultSvcSiteEgressSchedulerPolicy, custMultSvcSiteLastMgmtChange, custMultSvcSiteTodSuite, custMultSvcSiteCurrentIngrSchedPlcy, custMultSvcSiteCurrentEgrSchedPlcy, custMultSvcSiteEgressAggRateLimit, custMultSvcSiteIntendedIngrSchedPlcy, custMultSvcSiteIntendedEgrSchedPlcy, custMultSvcSiteFrameBasedAccnt, custIngQosSchedStatsForwardedPackets, custIngQosSchedStatsForwardedOctets, custEgrQosSchedStatsForwardedPackets, custEgrQosSchedStatsForwardedOctets, custIngQosPortSchedFwdPkts, custIngQosPortSchedFwdOctets, custEgrQosPortSchedFwdPkts, custEgrQosPortSchedFwdOctets, custMssIngQosSRowStatus, custMssIngQosSLastMgmtChange, custMssIngQosSOverrideFlags, custMssIngQosSPIR, custMssIngQosSCIR, custMssIngQosSSummedCIR, custMssEgrQosSRowStatus, custMssEgrQosSLastMgmtChange, custMssEgrQosSOverrideFlags, custMssEgrQosSPIR, custMssEgrQosSCIR, custMssEgrQosSSummedCIR, custIngSchedPlcyStatsFwdPkt, custIngSchedPlcyStatsFwdOct, custEgrSchedPlcyStatsFwdPkt, custEgrSchedPlcyStatsFwdOct, custIngSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdPkt, custIngSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdOct, custEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdPkt, custEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdOct, custMultSvcSiteFrameBasedAccnt, custMultSvcSiteSubscriberMss } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services customers general capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxCustGroups 102 } tmnxCustV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { custMultSvcSiteIngPolcrCtrlPolcy, custMultSvcSiteEgrPolcrCtrlPolcy } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services customers general capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxCustGroups 103 } tmnxCustV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { custNumEntries, custNextFreeId, custId, custRowStatus, custDescription, custContact, custPhone, custLastMgmtChange, custMultSvcSiteName, custMultSvcSiteRowStatus, custMultSvcSiteDescription, custMultSvcSiteScope, custMultSvcSiteAssignment, custMultSvcSiteIngressSchedulerPolicy, custMultSvcSiteEgressSchedulerPolicy, custMultSvcSiteLastMgmtChange, custMultSvcSiteTodSuite, custMultSvcSiteCurrentIngrSchedPlcy, custMultSvcSiteCurrentEgrSchedPlcy, custMultSvcSiteEgressAggRateLimit, custMultSvcSiteIntendedIngrSchedPlcy, custMultSvcSiteIntendedEgrSchedPlcy, custMultSvcSiteFrameBasedAccnt, custIngQosSchedStatsForwardedPackets, custIngQosSchedStatsForwardedOctets, custEgrQosSchedStatsForwardedPackets, custEgrQosSchedStatsForwardedOctets, custIngQosPortSchedFwdPkts, custIngQosPortSchedFwdOctets, custEgrQosPortSchedFwdPkts, custEgrQosPortSchedFwdOctets, custMssIngQosSRowStatus, custMssIngQosSLastMgmtChange, custMssIngQosSOverrideFlags, custMssIngQosSSummedCIR, custMssEgrQosSRowStatus, custMssEgrQosSLastMgmtChange, custMssEgrQosSOverrideFlags, custMssEgrQosSSummedCIR, custIngSchedPlcyStatsFwdPkt, custIngSchedPlcyStatsFwdOct, custEgrSchedPlcyStatsFwdPkt, custEgrSchedPlcyStatsFwdOct, custIngSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdPkt, custIngSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdOct, custEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdPkt, custEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdOct, custMultSvcSiteFrameBasedAccnt, custMultSvcSiteSubscriberMss } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services customers general capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxCustGroups 104 } tmnxCustObsoletedV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { custMssIngQosSPIR, custMssIngQosSCIR, custMssEgrQosSPIR, custMssEgrQosSCIR } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects obsoleted supporting management of Services customers on Nokia SROS series systems release 11.0." ::= { tmnxCustGroups 105 } tmnxCustV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { custNumEntries, custNextFreeId, custId, custRowStatus, custDescription, custContact, custPhone, custLastMgmtChange, custMultSvcSiteName, custMultSvcSiteRowStatus, custMultSvcSiteDescription, custMultSvcSiteScope, custMultSvcSiteAssignment, custMultSvcSiteIngressSchedulerPolicy, custMultSvcSiteEgressSchedulerPolicy, custMultSvcSiteLastMgmtChange, custMultSvcSiteTodSuite, custMultSvcSiteCurrentIngrSchedPlcy, custMultSvcSiteCurrentEgrSchedPlcy, custMultSvcSiteIntendedIngrSchedPlcy, custMultSvcSiteIntendedEgrSchedPlcy, custMultSvcSiteFrameBasedAccnt, custIngQosSchedStatsForwardedPackets, custIngQosSchedStatsForwardedOctets, custEgrQosSchedStatsForwardedPackets, custEgrQosSchedStatsForwardedOctets, custIngQosPortSchedFwdPkts, custIngQosPortSchedFwdOctets, custEgrQosPortSchedFwdPkts, custEgrQosPortSchedFwdOctets, custMssIngQosSRowStatus, custMssIngQosSLastMgmtChange, custMssIngQosSOverrideFlags, custMssIngQosSSummedCIR, custMssEgrQosSRowStatus, custMssEgrQosSLastMgmtChange, custMssEgrQosSOverrideFlags, custMssEgrQosSSummedCIR, custIngSchedPlcyStatsFwdPkt, custIngSchedPlcyStatsFwdOct, custEgrSchedPlcyStatsFwdPkt, custEgrSchedPlcyStatsFwdOct, custIngSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdPkt, custIngSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdOct, custEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdPkt, custEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdOct, custMultSvcSiteFrameBasedAccnt, custMultSvcSiteSubscriberMss } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services customers general capabilities on Nokia SROS 13.0 series systems." ::= { tmnxCustGroups 472 } tmnxCustObsoletedV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { custMultSvcSiteEgressAggRateLimit } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects supporting management of Services customers general capabilities on Nokia SROS 13.0 series systems." ::= { tmnxCustGroups 473 } tmnxCustV14v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { custNumEntries, custNextFreeId, custId, custRowStatus, custDescription, custContact, custPhone, custLastMgmtChange, custMultSvcSiteName, custMultSvcSiteRowStatus, custMultSvcSiteDescription, custMultSvcSiteScope, custMultSvcSiteAssignment, custMultSvcSiteIngressSchedulerPolicy, custMultSvcSiteEgressSchedulerPolicy, custMultSvcSiteLastMgmtChange, custMultSvcSiteFrameBasedAccnt, custIngQosSchedStatsForwardedPackets, custIngQosSchedStatsForwardedOctets, custEgrQosSchedStatsForwardedPackets, custEgrQosSchedStatsForwardedOctets, custIngQosPortSchedFwdPkts, custIngQosPortSchedFwdOctets, custEgrQosPortSchedFwdPkts, custEgrQosPortSchedFwdOctets, custMssIngQosSRowStatus, custMssIngQosSLastMgmtChange, custMssIngQosSOverrideFlags, custMssIngQosSSummedCIR, custMssEgrQosSRowStatus, custMssEgrQosSLastMgmtChange, custMssEgrQosSOverrideFlags, custMssEgrQosSSummedCIR, custMultSvcSiteFrameBasedAccnt, custMultSvcSiteSubscriberMss } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services customers general capabilities on Nokia SROS 14.0 series systems." ::= { tmnxCustGroups 503 } tmnxCustObsoletedV14v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { custMultSvcSiteTodSuite, custMultSvcSiteCurrentIngrSchedPlcy, custMultSvcSiteCurrentEgrSchedPlcy, custMultSvcSiteIntendedIngrSchedPlcy, custMultSvcSiteIntendedEgrSchedPlcy, custIngSchedPlcyStatsFwdPkt, custIngSchedPlcyStatsFwdOct, custEgrSchedPlcyStatsFwdPkt, custEgrSchedPlcyStatsFwdOct, custIngSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdPkt, custIngSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdOct, custEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdPkt, custEgrSchedPlcyPortStatsFwdOct } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsolete objects supporting management of Services customers general capabilities on Nokia SROS 14.0 series systems." ::= { tmnxCustGroups 504 } tmnxSvcConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxServConformance 2 } tmnxSvcCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 1 } tmnxSvc7450V6v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia 7450 ESS series systems release R6.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcRdntV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsEgrV6v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV6v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcPEV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV6v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV6v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV6v0Group, tmnxSvcBsxV6v0Group } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 100 } tmnxSvc7750V6v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia 7750 SR series systems release R6.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsFdbV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcRdntV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsEgrV6v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV6v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcPEV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV6v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV6v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV6v0Group, tmnxApipeV3v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV5v0Group, tmnxSvcBsxV6v0Group } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 101 } tmnxSvc7710V6v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia 7710 SR series systems release R6.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsFdbV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcRdntV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsEgrV6v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV6v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcPEV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV6v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV6v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV6v0Group, tmnxApipeV3v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV5v0Group } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 102 } tmnxSvc7450V6v1Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia 7450 ESS series systems release R6.1." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcRdntV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsEgrV6v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV6v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcPEV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV6v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV6v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV6v0Group, tmnxSvcBsxV6v0Group } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 103 } tmnxSvc7750V6v1Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia 7750 SR series systems release R6.1." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsFdbV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcRdntV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsEgrV6v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV6v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcPEV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV6v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV6v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV6v0Group, tmnxApipeV3v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV5v0Group, tmnxSvcBsxV6v0Group } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 104 } tmnxSvc7710V6v1Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia 7710 SR series systems release R6.1." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsFdbV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcRdntV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsEgrV6v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV6v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcPEV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV6v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV6v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV6v0Group, tmnxApipeV3v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV5v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpBgpV7v0Group } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 105 } tmnxSvc7450V7v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia 7450 ESS series systems release R7.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcRdntV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsEgrV6v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV7v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcPEV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV6v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV7v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV7v0Group, tmnxSvcBsxV6v0Group, tmnxArpHostGroup, tmnxArpHostNotifyGroup, tmnxArpHostBgpGroup, svcIgmpTrkGroup, svcTlsMacV7v0Group, svcTlsEndPointV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeV7v0Group, tmnxSvcMCEPNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcDhcpBgpV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV7v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV7v0Group } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 106 } tmnxSvc7750V7v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia 7750 SR series systems release R7.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsFdbV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcRdntV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsEgrV6v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV7v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcPEV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV6v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV7v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV7v0Group, tmnxApipeV3v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV7v0Group, tmnxSvcBsxV6v0Group, tmnxArpHostGroup, tmnxArpHostNotifyGroup, tmnxArpHostBgpGroup, svcIgmpTrkGroup, svcTlsMacV7v0Group, svcTlsEndPointV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeV7v0Group, tmnxSvcMCEPNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcDhcpBgpV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV7v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV7v0Group } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 107 } tmnxSvc7710V7v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia 7710 SR series systems release R7.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsFdbV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcRdntV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsEgrV6v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV7v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcPEV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV6v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV7v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV7v0Group, tmnxApipeV3v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV7v0Group, tmnxArpHostGroup, tmnxArpHostNotifyGroup, tmnxArpHostBgpGroup, svcIgmpTrkGroup, svcTlsMacV7v0Group, svcTlsEndPointV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeV7v0Group, tmnxSvcMCEPNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcV7v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV7v0Group } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 108 } tmnxSvc7450V8v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia 7450 ESS series systems release R8.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcRdntV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsEgrV6v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcPEV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV7v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV7v0Group, tmnxSvcBsxV8v0Group, tmnxArpHostV8v0Group, tmnxArpHostNotifyGroup, tmnxArpHostBgpGroup, svcIgmpTrkGroup, svcTlsMacV7v0Group, svcTlsEndPointV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMCEPNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcDhcpBgpV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV7v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMrpPolicyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcSiteV8v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedVplsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcPwV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMvrpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMacReNotifyGroup } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 109 } tmnxSvc7750V8v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia 7750 SR series systems release R8.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsFdbV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcRdntV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsEgrV6v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcPEV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV7v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV7v0Group, tmnxApipeV3v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV8v0Group, tmnxSvcBsxV8v0Group, tmnxArpHostV8v0Group, tmnxArpHostNotifyGroup, tmnxArpHostBgpGroup, svcIgmpTrkGroup, svcTlsMacV7v0Group, svcTlsEndPointV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMCEPNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcDhcpBgpV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV7v0Group, tmnxSvcMrpPolicyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcSiteV8v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV8v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedVplsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcPwV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMvrpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMacReNotifyGroup } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 110 } tmnxSvc7710V8v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia 7710 SR series systems release R8.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsFdbV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcRdntV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsEgrV6v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcPEV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV7v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV7v0Group, tmnxApipeV3v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV8v0Group, tmnxArpHostV8v0Group, tmnxArpHostNotifyGroup, tmnxArpHostBgpGroup, svcIgmpTrkGroup, svcTlsMacV7v0Group, svcTlsEndPointV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMCEPNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV7v0Group, tmnxSvcMrpPolicyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcSiteV8v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV8v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedVplsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcPwV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMvrpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMacReNotifyGroup } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 111 } tmnxSvc7450V9v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia 7450 ESS series systems release R9.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcRdntV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsEgrV6v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV9v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcPEV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV7v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV7v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV9v0Group, tmnxSvcBsxV8v0Group, tmnxArpHostV8v0Group, tmnxArpHostNotifyGroup, tmnxArpHostBgpGroup, svcIgmpTrkGroup, svcTlsMacV7v0Group, svcTlsEndPointV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMCEPNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcDhcpBgpV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV7v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMrpPolicyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcSiteV8v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedVplsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcPwV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMvrpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV8v0Group, tmnxSvcInterAsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV8v0Group, tmnxSvcOperGrpV9v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMSPwPeV9v0Group, tmnxSvcV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMacReNotifyGroup } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 112 } tmnxSvc7750V9v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia 7750 SR series systems release R9.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsFdbV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcRdntV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsEgrV6v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV9v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcPEV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV7v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV7v0Group, tmnxApipeV3v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV9v0Group, tmnxSvcBsxV8v0Group, tmnxArpHostV8v0Group, tmnxArpHostNotifyGroup, tmnxArpHostBgpGroup, svcIgmpTrkGroup, svcTlsMacV7v0Group, svcTlsEndPointV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMCEPNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcDhcpBgpV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV7v0Group, tmnxSvcMrpPolicyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcSiteV8v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV8v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedVplsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcPwV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMvrpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV8v0Group, tmnxSvcInterAsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV8v0Group, tmnxSvcOperGrpV9v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMSPwPeV9v0Group, tmnxSvcV9v0Group, tmnxSvcApipeInfoV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMacReNotifyGroup } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 113 } tmnxSvc7710V9v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia 7710 SR series systems release R9.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsFdbV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcRdntV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsEgrV6v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV9v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcPEV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV7v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV7v0Group, tmnxApipeV3v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV9v0Group, tmnxArpHostV8v0Group, tmnxArpHostNotifyGroup, tmnxArpHostBgpGroup, svcIgmpTrkGroup, svcTlsMacV7v0Group, svcTlsEndPointV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMCEPNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV7v0Group, tmnxSvcMrpPolicyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcSiteV8v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV8v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedVplsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcPwV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMvrpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV8v0Group, tmnxSvcInterAsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV8v0Group, tmnxSvcOperGrpV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMSPwPeV9v0Group, tmnxSvcV9v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV9v0Group, tmnxSvcEthCfmGroup, tmnxSvcV9v0R4Group, tmnxSvcApipeInfoV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMacReNotifyGroup } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 114 } tmnxSvc7450V10v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia 7450 ESS series systems release R10.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcRdntV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsEgrV6v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV9v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV10v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcPEV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV7v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV7v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV9v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV10v0Group, tmnxSvcBsxV8v0Group, tmnxArpHostV10v0Group, tmnxArpHostNotifyGroup, tmnxArpHostBgpGroup, svcIgmpTrkGroup, svcTlsMacV7v0Group, svcTlsEndPointV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMCEPNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcDhcpBgpV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV7v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMrpPolicyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcSiteV8v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedVplsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcPwV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMvrpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV8v0Group, tmnxSvcInterAsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV8v0Group, tmnxSvcOperGrpV9v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMSPwPeV9v0Group, tmnxSvcV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMacReNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcSpbGroup, tmnxSvcVllBgpGroup, tmnxSvcV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfNHV10v0Group, tmnxSvcP2mpGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyV10v0Group } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 115 } tmnxSvc7750V10v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia 7750 SR series systems release R10.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsFdbV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcRdntV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsEgrV6v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV9v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV10v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcPEV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV7v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV11v0Group, tmnxApipeV3v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV9v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV10v0Group, tmnxSvcBsxV8v0Group, tmnxArpHostV10v0Group, tmnxArpHostNotifyGroup, tmnxArpHostBgpGroup, svcIgmpTrkGroup, svcTlsMacV7v0Group, svcTlsEndPointV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMCEPNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcDhcpBgpV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV7v0Group, tmnxSvcMrpPolicyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcSiteV8v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV8v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedVplsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcPwV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMvrpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV8v0Group, tmnxSvcInterAsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV8v0Group, tmnxSvcOperGrpV9v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMSPwPeV9v0Group, tmnxSvcV9v0Group, tmnxSvcApipeInfoV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMacReNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcSpbGroup, tmnxSvcVllBgpGroup, tmnxSvcV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfNHV10v0Group, tmnxSvcP2mpGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyV10v0Group } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 116 } tmnxSvc7710V10v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia 7710 SR series systems release R10.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsFdbV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcRdntV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsEgrV6v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV9v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV10v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcPEV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV7v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV11v0Group, tmnxApipeV3v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV9v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV10v0Group, tmnxArpHostV10v0Group, tmnxArpHostNotifyGroup, tmnxArpHostBgpGroup, svcIgmpTrkGroup, svcTlsMacV7v0Group, svcTlsEndPointV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMCEPNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV7v0Group, tmnxSvcMrpPolicyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcSiteV8v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV8v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedVplsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcPwV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMvrpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV8v0Group, tmnxSvcInterAsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV8v0Group, tmnxSvcOperGrpV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMSPwPeV9v0Group, tmnxSvcV9v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV9v0Group, tmnxSvcEthCfmGroup, tmnxSvcV9v0R4Group, tmnxSvcApipeInfoV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMacReNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcSpbGroup, tmnxSvcVllBgpGroup, tmnxSvcV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfNHV10v0Group, tmnxSvcP2mpGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyV10v0Group } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 117 } tmnxSvc7450V11v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia 7450 ESS series systems release R11.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV16v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcRdntV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsEgrV6v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV11v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV7v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV11v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV9v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV10v0Group, tmnxSvcBsxV8v0Group, tmnxArpHostV11v0Group, tmnxArpHostNotifyGroup, tmnxArpHostBgpGroup, svcIgmpTrkGroup, svcTlsMacV7v0Group, svcTlsEndPointV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMCEPNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcDhcpBgpV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV7v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMrpPolicyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcSiteV8v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedVplsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcPwV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMvrpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV8v0Group, tmnxSvcInterAsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV8v0Group, tmnxSvcOperGrpV9v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMSPwPeV9v0Group, tmnxSvcV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMacReNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcSpbGroup, tmnxSvcVllBgpGroup, tmnxSvcV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfNHV10v0Group, tmnxSvcP2mpGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyV10v0Group, tmnxSvcPEObsoletedGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyObsoletedV11v0Group, svcBgpVpwsGroup, tmnxSvcIesIfV11v0Group, tmnxSvcSpbV11v0Group, tmnxSvcMHGroup, tmnxSvcCondStaticMacGroup, tmnxSvcSchedulerRateV11v0Group } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 118 } tmnxSvc7750V11v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia 7750 SR series systems release R11.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV16v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsFdbV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcRdntV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsEgrV6v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV11v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV7v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV11v0Group, tmnxApipeV3v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV9v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV10v0Group, tmnxSvcBsxV8v0Group, tmnxArpHostV11v0Group, tmnxArpHostNotifyGroup, tmnxArpHostBgpGroup, svcIgmpTrkGroup, svcTlsMacV7v0Group, svcTlsEndPointV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMCEPNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcDhcpBgpV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV7v0Group, tmnxSvcMrpPolicyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcSiteV8v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV8v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedVplsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcPwV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMvrpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV8v0Group, tmnxSvcInterAsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV8v0Group, tmnxSvcOperGrpV9v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMSPwPeV9v0Group, tmnxSvcV9v0Group, tmnxSvcApipeInfoV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMacReNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcSpbGroup, tmnxSvcVllBgpGroup, tmnxSvcV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfNHV10v0Group, tmnxSvcP2mpGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyV10v0Group, tmnxSvcPEObsoletedGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyObsoletedV11v0Group, svcBgpVpwsGroup, tmnxSvcIesIfV11v0Group, tmnxSvcSpbV11v0Group, tmnxSvcMHGroup, tmnxSvcCondStaticMacGroup, tmnxSvcSchedulerRateV11v0Group } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 119 } tmnxSvc7710V11v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia 7710 SR series systems release R11.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV16v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsFdbV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcRdntV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsEgrV6v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV11v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV7v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV11v0Group, tmnxApipeV3v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV9v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV10v0Group, tmnxArpHostV11v0Group, tmnxArpHostNotifyGroup, tmnxArpHostBgpGroup, svcIgmpTrkGroup, svcTlsMacV7v0Group, svcTlsEndPointV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMCEPNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV7v0Group, tmnxSvcMrpPolicyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcSiteV8v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV8v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedVplsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcPwV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMvrpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV8v0Group, tmnxSvcInterAsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV8v0Group, tmnxSvcOperGrpV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMSPwPeV9v0Group, tmnxSvcV9v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV9v0Group, tmnxSvcEthCfmGroup, tmnxSvcV9v0R4Group, tmnxSvcApipeInfoV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMacReNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcSpbGroup, tmnxSvcVllBgpGroup, tmnxSvcV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfNHV10v0Group, tmnxSvcP2mpGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyV10v0Group, tmnxSvcPEObsoletedGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyObsoletedV11v0Group, svcBgpVpwsGroup, tmnxSvcIesIfV11v0Group, tmnxSvcSpbV11v0Group, tmnxSvcMHGroup, tmnxSvcCondStaticMacGroup, tmnxSvcSchedulerRateV11v0Group } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 120 } tmnxSvc7450V12v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia 7450 ESS series systems release R12.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV16v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcRdntV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsEgrV6v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV11v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV7v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV11v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV9v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV10v0Group, tmnxSvcBsxV8v0Group, tmnxArpHostV11v0Group, tmnxArpHostNotifyGroup, tmnxArpHostBgpGroup, svcIgmpTrkGroup, svcTlsMacV7v0Group, svcTlsEndPointV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMCEPNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcDhcpBgpV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV7v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV12v0Group, tmnxSvcV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMrpPolicyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcSiteV8v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedVplsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcPwV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMvrpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV8v0Group, tmnxSvcInterAsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV8v0Group, tmnxSvcOperGrpV9v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMSPwPeV9v0Group, tmnxSvcV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMacReNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcSpbGroup, tmnxSvcVllBgpGroup, tmnxSvcV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfNHV10v0Group, tmnxSvcP2mpGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyV10v0Group, tmnxSvcPEObsoletedGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyObsoletedV11v0Group, svcBgpVpwsGroup, tmnxSvcIesIfV11v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV12v0Group, tmnxSvcSpbV11v0Group, tmnxSvcCondStaticMacGroup, tmnxSvcSchedulerRateV11v0Group, svcTlsFdbMacStatsGroup, svcOperGrpBfdGroup, svcTlsEtreeGroup, svcVxlanGroup, svcBgpEvpnGroup, tmnxIesIfRtrSolicitGroup, tmnxSvcMHGroup, tmnxSvcV12v0Group, svcVsdGroup, tmnxSvcQosV12v0Group, svcBgpEvpnNotifGroup, svcVxlanNotifGroup, svcBgpEvpnIPRouteGroup, svcTlsEsPbrL2Group, svcVprnEsPbrL3Group } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 121 } tmnxSvc7750V12v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia 7750 SR series systems release R12.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV16v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsFdbV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcRdntV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsEgrV6v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV11v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV7v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV11v0Group, tmnxApipeV3v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV9v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV10v0Group, tmnxSvcBsxV8v0Group, tmnxArpHostV11v0Group, tmnxArpHostNotifyGroup, tmnxArpHostBgpGroup, svcIgmpTrkGroup, svcTlsMacV7v0Group, svcTlsEndPointV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMCEPNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcDhcpBgpV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV12v0Group, tmnxSvcMrpPolicyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcSiteV8v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV8v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedVplsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcPwV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMvrpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV8v0Group, tmnxSvcInterAsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV8v0Group, tmnxSvcOperGrpV9v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMSPwPeV9v0Group, tmnxSvcV9v0Group, tmnxSvcApipeInfoV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMacReNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcSpbGroup, tmnxSvcVllBgpGroup, tmnxSvcV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfNHV10v0Group, tmnxSvcP2mpGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyV10v0Group, tmnxSvcPEObsoletedGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyObsoletedV11v0Group, svcBgpVpwsGroup, tmnxSvcIesIfV11v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV12v0Group, tmnxSvcSpbV11v0Group, tmnxSvcCondStaticMacGroup, tmnxSvcSchedulerRateV11v0Group, svcTlsFdbMacStatsGroup, svcOperGrpBfdGroup, svcTlsEtreeGroup, svcVxlanGroup, svcBgpEvpnGroup, tmnxIesIfRtrSolicitGroup, tmnxSvcMHGroup, tmnxSvcV12v0Group, tmnxSvcQosV12v0Group, svcTlsEsPbrL2Group, svcVprnEsPbrL3Group } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 122 } tmnxSvc7710V12v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia 7710 SR series systems release R12.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV16v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsFdbV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcRdntV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsEgrV6v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV11v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV7v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV11v0Group, tmnxApipeV3v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV9v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV10v0Group, tmnxArpHostV11v0Group, tmnxArpHostNotifyGroup, tmnxArpHostBgpGroup, svcIgmpTrkGroup, svcTlsMacV7v0Group, svcTlsEndPointV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMCEPNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV12v0Group, tmnxSvcMrpPolicyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcSiteV8v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV8v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedVplsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcPwV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMvrpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV8v0Group, tmnxSvcInterAsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV8v0Group, tmnxSvcOperGrpV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMSPwPeV9v0Group, tmnxSvcV9v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV9v0Group, tmnxSvcEthCfmGroup, tmnxSvcV9v0R4Group, tmnxSvcApipeInfoV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMacReNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcSpbGroup, tmnxSvcVllBgpGroup, tmnxSvcV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfNHV10v0Group, tmnxSvcP2mpGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyV10v0Group, tmnxSvcPEObsoletedGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyObsoletedV11v0Group, svcBgpVpwsGroup, tmnxSvcIesIfV11v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV12v0Group, tmnxSvcSpbV11v0Group, tmnxSvcCondStaticMacGroup, tmnxSvcSchedulerRateV11v0Group, svcTlsFdbMacStatsGroup, svcOperGrpBfdGroup, svcTlsEtreeGroup, svcVxlanGroup, svcBgpEvpnGroup, tmnxIesIfRtrSolicitGroup, tmnxSvcMHGroup, tmnxSvcV12v0Group, tmnxSvcQosV12v0Group, tmnxSvcTestGroup, tmnxSvcTlsProxyArpGroup, tmnxSvcCreation12v0Group, svcTlsEsPbrL2Group, svcVprnEsPbrL3Group } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 123 } tmnxSvc7450V13v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia 7450 ESS series systems release R13.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV16v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV13v0Group, tmnxSvcRdntV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsEgrV6v0Group, tmnxCustV9v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV11v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV13v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV7v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV11v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV9v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV10v0Group, tmnxSvcBsxV8v0Group, tmnxArpHostV11v0Group, tmnxArpHostV13v0Group, tmnxArpHostNotifyGroup, tmnxArpHostBgpGroup, svcIgmpTrkGroup, svcTlsMacV7v0Group, svcTlsEndPointV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMCEPNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcDhcpBgpV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV7v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV12v0Group, tmnxSvcV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMrpPolicyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcSiteV8v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedVplsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcPwV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMvrpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV8v0Group, tmnxSvcInterAsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV8v0Group, tmnxSvcOperGrpV9v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMSPwPeV9v0Group, tmnxSvcV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMacReNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcSpbGroup, tmnxSvcVllBgpGroup, tmnxSvcV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfNHV10v0Group, tmnxSvcP2mpGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyV10v0Group, tmnxSvcPEObsoletedGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyObsoletedV11v0Group, svcBgpVpwsGroup, tmnxSvcIesIfV11v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV12v0Group, tmnxSvcSpbV11v0Group, tmnxSvcCondStaticMacGroup, tmnxSvcSchedulerRateV11v0Group, svcTlsFdbMacStatsGroup, svcOperGrpBfdGroup, svcTlsEtreeGroup, svcVxlanGroup, svcBgpEvpnGroup, tmnxIesIfRtrSolicitGroup, tmnxSvcMHGroup, tmnxSvcV12v0Group, svcVsdGroup, tmnxSvcQosV12v0Group, svcBgpEvpnNotifGroup, svcVxlanNotifGroup, svcBgpEvpnIPRouteGroup, tmnxSvcGrpIfGroup, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeV13v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeFaultPropGroup, tmnxSvcQosSchedV13v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsProxyArpGroup, tmnxSvcTlsProxyNdGroup, svcTlsProxyNdNotifGroup, svcTlsProxyArpNotifyObjsGroup, tmnxSvcTlsProxyArpEnhGroup, svcTlsProxyArpNotifGroup, tmnxSvcTlsEvpnProxyArpGroup, tmnxSvcVprnV13v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV13v0Group, svcBgpEvpnMplsGroup, svcBgpEvpnMplsMh1Group, svcAutoBindTunnelGroup, svcEvpnMplsNotifGroup, tmnxSvcQosRateV13v0Group, svcBgpMHSiteGroup, svcSiteMinDnTimerNotifyObjsGroup, svcSiteMinDnTimerNotifGroup, tmnxSvcShcvPolicyGroup, tmnxCustV13v0Group, svcArpHostNotifGroup, svcEvpnDestNotifGroup, svcTlsEsPbrL2Group, svcVprnEsPbrL3Group, svcEvpnMhEsDFNotifGroup } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 124 } tmnxSvc7750V13v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia 7750 SR series systems release R13.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV16v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsFdbV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcRdntV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsEgrV6v0Group, tmnxCustV9v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV11v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV13v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV7v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV11v0Group, tmnxApipeV3v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV9v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV10v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV13v0Group, tmnxSvcBsxV8v0Group, tmnxArpHostV11v0Group, tmnxArpHostV13v0Group, tmnxArpHostNotifyGroup, tmnxArpHostBgpGroup, svcIgmpTrkGroup, svcTlsMacV7v0Group, svcTlsEndPointV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMCEPNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcDhcpBgpV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV12v0Group, tmnxSvcMrpPolicyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcSiteV8v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV8v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedVplsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcPwV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMvrpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV8v0Group, tmnxSvcInterAsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV8v0Group, tmnxSvcOperGrpV9v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMSPwPeV9v0Group, tmnxSvcV9v0Group, tmnxSvcApipeInfoV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMacReNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcSpbGroup, tmnxSvcVllBgpGroup, tmnxSvcV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfNHV10v0Group, tmnxSvcP2mpGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyV10v0Group, tmnxSvcPEObsoletedGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyObsoletedV11v0Group, svcBgpVpwsGroup, tmnxSvcIesIfV11v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV12v0Group, tmnxSvcSpbV11v0Group, tmnxSvcCondStaticMacGroup, tmnxSvcSchedulerRateV11v0Group, svcTlsFdbMacStatsGroup, svcOperGrpBfdGroup, svcTlsEtreeGroup, svcVxlanGroup, svcBgpEvpnGroup, tmnxIesIfRtrSolicitGroup, tmnxSvcMHGroup, tmnxSvcV12v0Group, tmnxSvcQosV12v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeV13v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeFaultPropGroup, tmnxSvcQosSchedV13v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsProxyArpGroup, tmnxSvcTlsProxyNdGroup, svcTlsProxyNdNotifGroup, svcTlsProxyArpNotifyObjsGroup, tmnxSvcTlsProxyArpEnhGroup, svcTlsProxyArpNotifGroup, tmnxSvcTlsEvpnProxyArpGroup, tmnxSvcVprnV13v0Group, svcBgpEvpnMplsGroup, svcBgpEvpnMplsMh1Group, svcAutoBindTunnelGroup, svcEvpnMplsNotifGroup, svcBgpAutoRDGroup, svcRipListenerGroup, tmnxSvcQosRateV13v0Group, tmnxSvcGrpIfGroup, svcBgpMHSiteGroup, svcSiteMinDnTimerNotifyObjsGroup, svcSiteMinDnTimerNotifGroup, tmnxCustV13v0Group, svcArpHostNotifGroup, svcEvpnDestNotifGroup, svcTlsEsPbrL2Group, svcVprnEsPbrL3Group, svcEvpnMhEsDFNotifGroup, svcBgpEvpnMplsV14v0Group } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 125 } tmnxSvc7710V13v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia 7710 SR series systems release R13.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV16v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsFdbV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcRdntV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsEgrV6v0Group, tmnxCustV9v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV11v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV13v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV7v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV11v0Group, tmnxApipeV3v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV9v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV10v0Group, tmnxArpHostV11v0Group, tmnxArpHostV13v0Group, tmnxArpHostNotifyGroup, tmnxArpHostBgpGroup, svcIgmpTrkGroup, svcTlsMacV7v0Group, svcTlsEndPointV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMCEPNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV12v0Group, tmnxSvcMrpPolicyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcSiteV8v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV8v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedVplsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcPwV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMvrpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV8v0Group, tmnxSvcInterAsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV8v0Group, tmnxSvcOperGrpV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMSPwPeV9v0Group, tmnxSvcV9v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV9v0Group, tmnxSvcEthCfmGroup, tmnxSvcV9v0R4Group, tmnxSvcApipeInfoV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMacReNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcSpbGroup, tmnxSvcVllBgpGroup, tmnxSvcV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfNHV10v0Group, tmnxSvcP2mpGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyV10v0Group, tmnxSvcPEObsoletedGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyObsoletedV11v0Group, svcBgpVpwsGroup, tmnxSvcIesIfV11v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV12v0Group, tmnxSvcSpbV11v0Group, tmnxSvcCondStaticMacGroup, tmnxSvcSchedulerRateV11v0Group, svcTlsFdbMacStatsGroup, svcOperGrpBfdGroup, svcTlsEtreeGroup, svcVxlanGroup, svcBgpEvpnGroup, tmnxIesIfRtrSolicitGroup, tmnxSvcMHGroup, tmnxSvcV12v0Group, tmnxSvcQosV12v0Group, tmnxSvcTestGroup, tmnxSvcCreation12v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeV13v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeFaultPropGroup, tmnxSvcQosSchedV13v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsProxyArpGroup, tmnxSvcTlsProxyNdGroup, svcTlsProxyNdNotifGroup, svcTlsProxyArpNotifyObjsGroup, tmnxSvcTlsProxyArpEnhGroup, svcTlsProxyArpNotifGroup, tmnxSvcTlsEvpnProxyArpGroup, tmnxSvcVprnV13v0Group, tmnxSvcVsdGlobalObjsV13v0Group, svcBgpEvpnMplsGroup, svcBgpEvpnMplsMh1Group, svcAutoBindTunnelGroup, svcEvpnMplsNotifGroup, svcSpiLoadBalGroup, svcTeidLoadBalGroup, svcBgpAutoRDGroup, svcRipListenerGroup, tmnxSvcQosRateV13v0Group, tmnxSvcGrpIfGroup, svcBgpMHSiteGroup, svcSiteMinDnTimerNotifyObjsGroup, svcSiteMinDnTimerNotifGroup, tmnxCustV13v0Group, svcArpHostNotifGroup, tmnxSvcVsdDynamicSvcGroup, svcEvpnDestNotifGroup, svcTlsEsPbrL2Group, svcVprnEsPbrL3Group } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 126 } tmnxSvcV14v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia SROS series systems release 14.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV16v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsFdbV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV13v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxCustV9v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV11v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV13v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV7v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxApipeV3v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV9v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV10v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV13v0Group, tmnxSvcBsxV8v0Group, tmnxArpHostV11v0Group, tmnxArpHostV13v0Group, tmnxArpHostNotifyGroup, tmnxArpHostBgpGroup, svcIgmpTrkGroup, svcTlsMacV7v0Group, svcTlsEndPointV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMCEPNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcDhcpBgpV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV12v0Group, tmnxSvcMrpPolicyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcSiteV8v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV8v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedVplsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcPwV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMvrpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV8v0Group, tmnxSvcInterAsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV8v0Group, tmnxSvcOperGrpV9v0Group, tmnxSvcEthCfmGroup, tmnxSvcV9v0R4Group, tmnxSvcMSPwPeV9v0Group, tmnxSvcApipeInfoV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMacReNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcSpbGroup, tmnxSvcVllBgpGroup, tmnxSvcV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfNHV10v0Group, tmnxSvcP2mpGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyV10v0Group, tmnxSvcPEObsoletedGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyObsoletedV11v0Group, svcBgpVpwsGroup, tmnxSvcIesIfV11v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV12v0Group, tmnxSvcSpbV11v0Group, tmnxSvcCondStaticMacGroup, tmnxSvcSchedulerRateV11v0Group, svcTlsFdbMacStatsGroup, svcOperGrpBfdGroup, svcTlsEtreeGroup, svcBgpEvpnGroup, tmnxIesIfRtrSolicitGroup, tmnxSvcMHGroup, tmnxSvcV12v0Group, svcVsdGroup, tmnxSvcQosV12v0Group, svcBgpEvpnNotifGroup, svcVxlan14v0NotifGroup, svcBgpEvpnIPRouteGroup, tmnxSvcTestGroup, tmnxSvcCreation12v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeV13v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeFaultPropGroup, tmnxSvcQosSchedV13v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsProxyArpGroup, tmnxSvcTlsProxyNdGroup, svcTlsProxyNdNotifGroup, svcTlsProxyArpNotifyObjsGroup, tmnxSvcTlsProxyArpEnhGroup, svcTlsProxyArpNotifGroup, tmnxSvcTlsEvpnProxyArpGroup, tmnxSvcVprnV13v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV13v0Group, tmnxSvcVsdGlobalObjsV13v0Group, svcBgpEvpnMplsGroup, svcBgpEvpnMplsMh1Group, svcAutoBindTunnelGroup, svcEvpnMplsNotifGroup, svcSpiLoadBalGroup, svcTeidLoadBalGroup, svcBgpAutoRDGroup, svcRipListenerGroup, tmnxSvcQosRateV13v0Group, tmnxSvcGrpIfGroup, svcBgpMHSiteGroup, svcSiteMinDnTimerNotifyObjsGroup, svcSiteMinDnTimerNotifGroup, tmnxSvcShcvPolicyGroup, svcArpHostNotifGroup, tmnxSvcVsdDynamicSvcGroup, svcTlsEsPbrL2Group, svcVprnEsPbrL3Group, svcEvpnMhEsDFNotifGroup, svcBgpEvpnMplsV14v0Group, tmnxSvcV14v0Group, svcEvpnMhEsDFNotifGroup, tmnxSvcRadClassGroup, svcAutoBindTunnelSRTEGroup, svcTlsStaticBHGroup, svcBgpEvpnP2mpMldpGroup, tmnxSvcVplsGroup, svcBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSRTEGroup, tmnxSvcVllBgpEvpnGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyV14v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyObjsV14v0Group, tmnxCustV14v0Group, svcEvpnAlmpNotifGroup, tmnxSvcSysVxlanARGroup, svcBgpEvpnMplsRcdSrcMacGroup, svcVxlanV14v0Group, svcEpipePwPortGroup, tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermGroup, svcTlsPbbV14v0Group, svcVplsEvpnV14v0Group, svcBgpEvpnMplsMhAdEviRtGroup, svcVplsEvpnInclMcastV14v0Group, svcTlsVxlanReplicatorNotifGroup } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 127 } tmnxSvcV15v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetBHGroup, svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetBHNotifGroup, svcProxyArpNdMacListGroup, svcVplsIpv6McastV15v0Group, tmnxSvcSysVirtualEthSegGroup, svcAutoBindTunnelV15v0Group, svcBgpEvpnMplsMhDfPrefGroup, svcBgpEvpnEtreeV15v0Group, tmnxSvcSelectiveUrpfGroup, svcBgpEvpnAutoBindUdpTnlGroup, tmnxSvcEpipeVxlanVtepGroup, tmnxSvcEpipeNatOutsideV15v0Group, svcPbbEvpnIsidRtGroup, tmnxSvcTlsV15v0Group, tmnxSvcRateV15v0Group, svcBgpEvpnEtreeNotifGroup, svcTlsPmsiV15v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV15v0Group, tmnxArpHostV15v0Group, svcTlsFdbV15v0Group, svcVxlanEvpnMplsDestNotifGroup, svcSysEvpnESDfPrefNotifGroup, svcVprnWeightedLoadBalanceGroup, svcVxlanMhV15v0Group, svcVxlanInstBgpEvpnMhV15v0Group, tmnxSvcSysFdbUsgNotifGroup, svcPbbEvpnEtreeV15v0Group, svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmGroup, svcVplsProxyArpNdRtmV15v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV15v0Group, svcVprnBgpAutoBindUdpTnlGroup, svcTlsFdbMacScaleV15v0Group, tmnxSvcV15v0Group, tmnxSvcCustomerNameGroup, svcVxlanEcmpGroup, svcV15v0NotifyObjsGroup, svcEvpnMHStandbyNotifGroup } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 128 } tmnxSvcV15v1Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.1." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV16v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsFdbV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV13v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxCustV9v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV11v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV13v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV7v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxApipeV3v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV9v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV10v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV13v0Group, tmnxSvcBsxV8v0Group, tmnxArpHostV11v0Group, tmnxArpHostV13v0Group, tmnxArpHostNotifyGroup, tmnxArpHostBgpGroup, svcIgmpTrkGroup, svcTlsMacV7v0Group, svcTlsEndPointV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMCEPNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcDhcpBgpV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV12v0Group, tmnxSvcMrpPolicyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcSiteV15v1Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV8v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedVplsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcPwV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMvrpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV8v0Group, tmnxSvcOperGrpV9v0Group, tmnxSvcEthCfmGroup, tmnxSvcV9v0R4Group, tmnxSvcMSPwPeV9v0Group, tmnxSvcApipeInfoV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMacReNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcSpbGroup, tmnxSvcVllBgpV15v1Group, tmnxSvcV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfNHV10v0Group, tmnxSvcP2mpGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyV10v0Group, tmnxSvcPEObsoletedGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyObsoletedV11v0Group, svcBgpVpwsGroup, tmnxSvcIesIfV11v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV12v0Group, tmnxSvcSpbV11v0Group, tmnxSvcCondStaticMacGroup, tmnxSvcSchedulerRateV11v0Group, svcTlsFdbMacStatsGroup, svcOperGrpBfdGroup, svcTlsEtreeGroup, tmnxIesIfRtrSolicitGroup, tmnxSvcMHGroup, tmnxSvcV12v0Group, svcVsdGroup, tmnxSvcQosV12v0Group, svcBgpEvpnNotifGroup, svcBgpEvpnIPRouteGroup, tmnxSvcTestGroup, tmnxSvcCreation15v1Group, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeV13v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeFaultPropGroup, tmnxSvcQosSchedV13v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsProxyArpGroup, tmnxSvcTlsProxyNdGroup, svcTlsProxyNdNotifGroup, svcTlsProxyArpNotifyObjsGroup, tmnxSvcTlsProxyArpEnhGroup, svcTlsProxyArpNotifGroup, tmnxSvcTlsEvpnProxyArpGroup, tmnxSvcVprnV13v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV13v0Group, tmnxSvcVsdGlobalObjsV13v0Group, svcAutoBindTunnelGroup, svcEvpnMplsNotifGroup, svcSpiLoadBalGroup, svcTeidLoadBalGroup, svcBgpAutoRDV15v1Group, svcRipListenerGroup, tmnxSvcQosRateV13v0Group, tmnxSvcGrpIfGroup, svcBgpMHSiteGroup, svcSiteMinDnTimerNotifyObjsGroup, svcSiteMinDnTimerNotifGroup, tmnxSvcShcvPolicyGroup, svcArpHostNotifGroup, tmnxSvcVsdDynamicSvcGroup, svcTlsEsPbrL2Group, svcVprnEsPbrL3Group, svcEvpnMhEsDFNotifGroup, svcBgpEvpnMplsV14v0Group, tmnxSvcV14v0Group, svcEvpnMhEsDFNotifGroup, tmnxSvcRadClassGroup, svcAutoBindTunnelSRTEGroup, svcTlsStaticBHGroup, svcBgpEvpnP2mpMldpGroup, tmnxSvcVllBgpEvpnV16v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV14v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyObjsV14v0Group, tmnxCustV14v0Group, svcEvpnAlmpNotifGroup, tmnxSvcSysVxlanARV16v0Group, svcBgpEvpnMplsRSMV16v0Group, svcEpipePwPortGroup, tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermGroup, svcTlsPbbV14v0Group, svcVplsEvpnV14v0Group, svcBgpEvpnMplsMhAdEviRtGroup, svcVplsEvpnInclMcastV14v0Group, svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetBHGroup, svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetBHNotifGroup, svcProxyArpNdMacListGroup, svcVplsIpv6McastV15v0Group, tmnxSvcSysVirtualEthSegGroup, svcAutoBindTunnelV15v0Group, svcBgpEvpnMplsMhDfPrefGroup, svcBgpEvpnEtreeV15v0Group, tmnxSvcSelectiveUrpfGroup, tmnxSvcEpipeVxlanVtepGroup, tmnxSvcEpipeNatOutsideV15v0Group, svcPbbEvpnIsidRtGroup, tmnxSvcTlsV15v0Group, tmnxSvcRateV15v0Group, svcBgpEvpnEtreeNotifGroup, svcTlsPmsiV15v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV15v0Group, tmnxArpHostV15v0Group, svcTlsFdbV15v0Group, svcVxlanEvpnMplsDestNotifGroup, svcSysEvpnESDfPrefNotifGroup, svcVprnWeightedLoadBalanceGroup, svcVxlanMhV16v0Group, tmnxSvcSysFdbUsgNotifGroup, svcPbbEvpnEtreeV15v0Group, svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmGroup, svcVplsProxyArpNdRtmV15v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV15v0Group, svcVprnBgpAutoBindUdpTnlGroup, svcTlsFdbMacScaleV15v0Group, tmnxSvcV15v0Group, tmnxSvcCustomerNameGroup, svcVxlanEcmpGroup, svcVxlanTermV15v0Group, svcV15v0NotifyObjsGroup, svcEvpnMHStandbyNotifGroup, svcBgpEvpnMplsV16v0Group, svcEvpnMplsBindsTransportGroup, svcBgpEvpnMplsMh1V15v0Group, svcEvpnMplsMhBindsTransportGroup, tmnxSvcInterAsObsoletedGroup } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 129 } tmnxSvcV16v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia SROS series systems release 16.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV16v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsFdbV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV13v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxCustV9v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV11v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV13v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV7v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxApipeV3v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV9v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV10v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV13v0Group, tmnxSvcBsxV8v0Group, tmnxArpHostV11v0Group, tmnxArpHostV13v0Group, tmnxArpHostNotifyGroup, tmnxArpHostBgpGroup, svcIgmpTrkGroup, svcTlsMacV7v0Group, svcTlsEndPointV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMCEPNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcDhcpBgpV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV12v0Group, tmnxSvcMrpPolicyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcSiteV15v1Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV8v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedVplsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcPwV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMvrpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV8v0Group, tmnxSvcOperGrpV9v0Group, tmnxSvcEthCfmGroup, tmnxSvcV9v0R4Group, tmnxSvcMSPwPeV9v0Group, tmnxSvcApipeInfoV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMacReNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcSpbGroup, tmnxSvcVllBgpV15v1Group, tmnxSvcV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfNHV10v0Group, tmnxSvcP2mpGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyV10v0Group, tmnxSvcPEObsoletedGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyObsoletedV11v0Group, svcBgpVpwsGroup, tmnxSvcIesIfV11v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV12v0Group, tmnxSvcSpbV11v0Group, tmnxSvcCondStaticMacGroup, tmnxSvcSchedulerRateV11v0Group, svcTlsFdbMacStatsGroup, svcOperGrpBfdGroup, svcTlsEtreeGroup, tmnxIesIfRtrSolicitGroup, tmnxSvcMHGroup, tmnxSvcV12v0Group, svcVsdGroup, tmnxSvcQosV12v0Group, svcBgpEvpnNotifGroup, svcBgpEvpnIPRouteGroup, tmnxSvcTestGroup, tmnxSvcCreation15v1Group, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeV13v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeFaultPropGroup, tmnxSvcQosSchedV13v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsProxyArpGroup, tmnxSvcTlsProxyNdGroup, svcTlsProxyNdNotifGroup, svcTlsProxyArpNotifyObjsGroup, tmnxSvcTlsProxyArpEnhGroup, svcTlsProxyArpNotifGroup, tmnxSvcTlsEvpnProxyArpGroup, tmnxSvcVprnV13v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV13v0Group, tmnxSvcVsdGlobalObjsV13v0Group, svcAutoBindTunnelGroup, svcEvpnMplsNotifGroup, svcSpiLoadBalGroup, svcTeidLoadBalGroup, svcBgpAutoRDV15v1Group, svcRipListenerGroup, tmnxSvcQosRateV13v0Group, tmnxSvcGrpIfGroup, svcBgpMHSiteGroup, svcSiteMinDnTimerNotifyObjsGroup, svcSiteMinDnTimerNotifGroup, tmnxSvcShcvPolicyGroup, svcArpHostNotifGroup, tmnxSvcVsdDynamicSvcGroup, svcTlsEsPbrL2Group, svcVprnEsPbrL3Group, svcEvpnMhEsDFNotifGroup, svcBgpEvpnMplsV14v0Group, tmnxSvcV14v0Group, svcEvpnMhEsDFNotifGroup, tmnxSvcRadClassGroup, svcAutoBindTunnelSRTEGroup, svcTlsStaticBHGroup, svcBgpEvpnP2mpMldpGroup, tmnxSvcVllBgpEvpnV16v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV14v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyObjsV14v0Group, tmnxCustV14v0Group, svcEvpnAlmpNotifGroup, tmnxSvcSysVxlanARV16v0Group, svcBgpEvpnMplsRSMV16v0Group, svcEpipePwPortGroup, tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermGroup, svcTlsPbbV14v0Group, svcVplsEvpnV14v0Group, svcBgpEvpnMplsMhAdEviRtGroup, svcVplsEvpnInclMcastV14v0Group, svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetBHGroup, svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetBHNotifGroup, svcProxyArpNdMacListGroup, svcVplsIpv6McastV15v0Group, tmnxSvcSysVirtualEthSegGroup, svcAutoBindTunnelV15v0Group, svcBgpEvpnMplsMhDfPrefGroup, svcBgpEvpnEtreeV15v0Group, tmnxSvcSelectiveUrpfGroup, tmnxSvcEpipeVxlanVtepGroup, tmnxSvcEpipeNatOutsideV15v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeVxlanV16v0Group, svcPbbEvpnIsidRtGroup, tmnxSvcTlsV15v0Group, tmnxSvcRateV15v0Group, svcBgpEvpnEtreeNotifGroup, svcTlsPmsiV15v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV15v0Group, tmnxArpHostV15v0Group, svcTlsFdbV15v0Group, svcVxlanEvpnMplsDestNotifGroup, svcSysEvpnESDfPrefNotifGroup, svcVprnWeightedLoadBalanceGroup, svcVxlanMhV16v0Group, tmnxSvcSysFdbUsgNotifGroup, svcPbbEvpnEtreeV15v0Group, svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmGroup, svcVplsProxyArpNdRtmV15v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV15v0Group, svcVprnBgpAutoBindUdpTnlGroup, svcTlsFdbMacScaleV15v0Group, tmnxSvcV15v0Group, tmnxSvcCustomerNameGroup, svcVxlanEcmpGroup, tmnxSvcIesIfV16v0Group, svcVxlanTermV15v0Group, svcV15v0NotifyObjsGroup, svcEvpnMHStandbyNotifGroup, svcBgpEvpnMplsV16v0Group, svcEvpnMplsBindsTransportGroup, svcBgpEvpnMplsMh1V15v0Group, svcEvpnMplsMhBindsTransportGroup, svcPppoeRedirectGroup, tmnxSvcV16v0ObsoletedGroup, tmnxSvcInterAsObsoletedGroup, svcVxlan16v0NotifGroup, svcBgpEvpnMhEthSegPwPortGroup, svcOperGroupConfigGroup, svcVxlanV16v0Group, svcBgpEvpnInstGroup, tmnxSvcAdminTagsV16v0Group, tmnxSvcEvpnMplsQinqV16v0Group, svcMdAutoIdV16v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipePwPortFlexV16v0Group, tmnxSvcSysPwPortListV16v0Group, svcTlsVxInstReplicatorNotifGroup, svcTlsStaticVxlanV16v0Group, svcTlsStaticVxlanNotifGroup, svcEpipeVxInstV16v0Group, svcBgpEvpnDefRtTagV16v0Group, svcBgpEvpnMplsABTV16v0Group, svcVprnAaaTacPlusV16v0Group, svcVprnAaaLdapV16v0Group, svcVprnAaaRadiusV16v0Group, svcVprnRibApiV16v0Group, svcSysVpnGreSrcIpV16v0Group, svcVprnMgmtIfV16v0Group, svcMplsFwdPlcyV16v0Group, tmnxSvcEvpnVpwsVxlanV16v0Group, tmnxIesIfVplsEvpnGroup, svcVplsVxlanRxDiscardGroup, svcEvpnMplsEPGroup, tmnxSvcSrOspf3V16v0Group, svcVplsEvpnMplsTnlIdGroup } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 130 } tmnxSvcV19v5Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia SROS series systems release 19.5." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSvcV16v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsFdbV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV13v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxCustV9v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV11v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV13v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV7v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxApipeV3v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV9v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV10v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV13v0Group, tmnxSvcBsxV8v0Group, tmnxArpHostV11v0Group, tmnxArpHostV13v0Group, tmnxArpHostNotifyGroup, tmnxArpHostBgpGroup, svcIgmpTrkGroup, svcTlsMacV7v0Group, svcTlsEndPointV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMCEPNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcDhcpBgpV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV12v0Group, tmnxSvcMrpPolicyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcSiteV15v1Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV8v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedVplsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcPwV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMvrpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV8v0Group, tmnxSvcOperGrpV9v0Group, tmnxSvcEthCfmGroup, tmnxSvcV9v0R4Group, tmnxSvcMSPwPeV9v0Group, tmnxSvcApipeInfoV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMacReNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcSpbGroup, tmnxSvcVllBgpV15v1Group, tmnxSvcV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfNHV10v0Group, tmnxSvcP2mpGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyV10v0Group, tmnxSvcPEObsoletedGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyObsoletedV11v0Group, svcBgpVpwsGroup, tmnxSvcIesIfV11v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV12v0Group, tmnxSvcSpbV11v0Group, tmnxSvcCondStaticMacGroup, tmnxSvcSchedulerRateV11v0Group, svcTlsFdbMacStatsGroup, svcOperGrpBfdGroup, svcTlsEtreeGroup, tmnxIesIfRtrSolicitGroup, tmnxSvcMHGroup, tmnxSvcV12v0Group, svcVsdGroup, tmnxSvcQosV12v0Group, svcBgpEvpnNotifGroup, svcBgpEvpnIPRouteGroup, tmnxSvcTestGroup, tmnxSvcCreation15v1Group, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeV13v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeFaultPropGroup, tmnxSvcQosSchedV13v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsProxyArpGroup, tmnxSvcTlsProxyNdGroup, svcTlsProxyNdNotifGroup, svcTlsProxyArpNotifyObjsGroup, tmnxSvcTlsProxyArpEnhGroup, svcTlsProxyArpNotifGroup, tmnxSvcTlsEvpnProxyArpGroup, tmnxSvcVprnV13v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV13v0Group, tmnxSvcVsdGlobalObjsV13v0Group, svcAutoBindTunnelGroup, svcEvpnMplsNotifGroup, svcSpiLoadBalGroup, svcTeidLoadBalGroup, svcBgpAutoRDV15v1Group, svcRipListenerGroup, tmnxSvcQosRateV13v0Group, tmnxSvcGrpIfGroup, svcBgpMHSiteGroup, svcSiteMinDnTimerNotifyObjsGroup, svcSiteMinDnTimerNotifGroup, tmnxSvcShcvPolicyGroup, svcArpHostNotifGroup, tmnxSvcVsdDynamicSvcGroup, svcTlsEsPbrL2Group, svcVprnEsPbrL3Group, svcEvpnMhEsDFNotifGroup, svcBgpEvpnMplsV14v0Group, tmnxSvcV14v0Group, svcEvpnMhEsDFNotifGroup, tmnxSvcRadClassGroup, svcAutoBindTunnelSRTEGroup, svcTlsStaticBHGroup, svcBgpEvpnP2mpMldpGroup, tmnxSvcVllBgpEvpnV16v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV14v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyObjsV14v0Group, tmnxCustV14v0Group, svcEvpnAlmpNotifGroup, tmnxSvcSysVxlanARV16v0Group, svcBgpEvpnMplsRSMV16v0Group, svcEpipePwPortGroup, tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermGroup, svcTlsPbbV14v0Group, svcVplsEvpnV14v0Group, svcBgpEvpnMplsMhAdEviRtGroup, svcVplsEvpnInclMcastV14v0Group, svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetBHGroup, svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetBHNotifGroup, svcProxyArpNdMacListGroup, svcVplsIpv6McastV15v0Group, tmnxSvcSysVirtualEthSegGroup, svcAutoBindTunnelV15v0Group, svcBgpEvpnMplsMhDfPrefGroup, svcBgpEvpnEtreeV15v0Group, tmnxSvcSelectiveUrpfGroup, tmnxSvcEpipeVxlanVtepGroup, tmnxSvcEpipeNatOutsideV15v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeVxlanV16v0Group, svcPbbEvpnIsidRtGroup, tmnxSvcTlsV15v0Group, tmnxSvcRateV15v0Group, svcBgpEvpnEtreeNotifGroup, svcTlsPmsiV15v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV15v0Group, tmnxArpHostV15v0Group, svcTlsFdbV15v0Group, svcVxlanEvpnMplsDestNotifGroup, svcSysEvpnESDfPrefNotifGroup, svcVprnWeightedLoadBalanceGroup, svcVxlanMhV16v0Group, tmnxSvcSysFdbUsgNotifGroup, svcPbbEvpnEtreeV15v0Group, svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmGroup, svcVplsProxyArpNdRtmV15v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV15v0Group, svcVprnBgpAutoBindUdpTnlGroup, svcTlsFdbMacScaleV15v0Group, tmnxSvcV15v0Group, tmnxSvcCustomerNameGroup, svcVxlanEcmpGroup, tmnxSvcIesIfV16v0Group, svcVxlanTermV15v0Group, svcV15v0NotifyObjsGroup, svcEvpnMHStandbyNotifGroup, svcBgpEvpnMplsV16v0Group, svcEvpnMplsBindsTransportGroup, svcBgpEvpnMplsMh1V15v0Group, svcEvpnMplsMhBindsTransportGroup, svcPppoeRedirectGroup, tmnxSvcV16v0ObsoletedGroup, tmnxSvcInterAsObsoletedGroup, svcVxlan16v0NotifGroup, svcBgpEvpnMhEthSegPwPortGroup, svcOperGroupConfigGroup, svcVxlanV16v0Group, svcBgpEvpnInstGroup, tmnxSvcAdminTagsV16v0Group, tmnxSvcEvpnMplsQinqV16v0Group, svcMdAutoIdV16v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipePwPortFlexV16v0Group, tmnxSvcSysPwPortListV16v0Group, svcTlsVxInstReplicatorNotifGroup, svcTlsStaticVxlanV16v0Group, svcTlsStaticVxlanNotifGroup, svcEpipeVxInstV16v0Group, svcBgpEvpnDefRtTagV16v0Group, svcBgpEvpnMplsABTV16v0Group, svcVprnAaaTacPlusV16v0Group, svcVprnAaaLdapV16v0Group, svcVprnAaaRadiusV16v0Group, svcVprnRibApiV16v0Group, svcSysVpnGreSrcIpV16v0Group, svcMplsFwdPlcyV16v0Group, tmnxSvcEvpnVpwsVxlanV16v0Group, tmnxIesIfVplsEvpnGroup, svcVplsVxlanRxDiscardGroup, svcEvpnMplsEPGroup, tmnxSvcSrOspf3V16v0Group, svcVplsEvpnMplsTnlIdGroup, svcVplsResFilterV19v5Group, svcBgpEvpnOperGrpGroup, svcBgpEvpnVxlanMhGroup, svcV19v0NotifyObjsGroup, svcBgpEvpnVxlanMhNotifGroup, svcVprnMgmtIfV19v0Group } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 131 } tmnxSvcV19v10Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia SROS series systems release 19.10." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { svcSysEthSegOperGrpGroup, svcVllBgpVsiPolicyGroup, svcBgpEvpnMplsIpv6Group, svcEvpnOISMGroup, svcEvpnRvplsMcastGwGroup, svcBgpEvpnAutoBindOspfGroup, svcRvplsEvpnHostRouteGroup, svcBgpEvpnABTEcmpGroup, svcMplsEvpnRvplsEcmpGroup, svcEvpnMcastLabelBlockGroup, tmnxSvcV19v0Group } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 132 } tmnxSvcV20v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia SROS series systems release 20.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { svcRvplsEvpnNdHostRouteGroup, tmnxSvcV20v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsFdbV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV13v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV11v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV13v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV7v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV9v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV10v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV13v0Group, tmnxSvcBsxV8v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMCEPNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcDhcpBgpV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV12v0Group, tmnxSvcMrpPolicyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcSiteV15v1Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV8v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedVplsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcPwV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMvrpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV8v0Group, tmnxSvcOperGrpV9v0Group, tmnxSvcEthCfmGroup, tmnxSvcV9v0R4Group, tmnxSvcMSPwPeV9v0Group, tmnxSvcApipeInfoV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMacReNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcSpbGroup, tmnxSvcVllBgpV15v1Group, tmnxSvcV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfNHV10v0Group, tmnxSvcP2mpGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyV10v0Group, tmnxSvcPEObsoletedGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyObsoletedV11v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV11v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV12v0Group, tmnxSvcSpbV11v0Group, tmnxSvcCondStaticMacGroup, tmnxSvcSchedulerRateV11v0Group, tmnxSvcMHGroup, tmnxSvcV12v0Group, tmnxSvcQosV12v0Group, tmnxSvcTestGroup, tmnxSvcCreation15v1Group, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeV13v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeFaultPropGroup, tmnxSvcQosSchedV13v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsProxyArpGroup, tmnxSvcTlsProxyNdGroup, tmnxSvcTlsProxyArpEnhGroup, tmnxSvcTlsEvpnProxyArpGroup, tmnxSvcVprnV13v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV13v0Group, tmnxSvcVsdGlobalObjsV13v0Group, tmnxSvcQosRateV13v0Group, tmnxSvcGrpIfGroup, tmnxSvcShcvPolicyGroup, tmnxSvcVsdDynamicSvcGroup, tmnxSvcV14v0Group, tmnxSvcRadClassGroup, tmnxSvcVllBgpEvpnV16v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV14v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyObjsV14v0Group, tmnxSvcSysVxlanARV16v0Group, tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermGroup, tmnxSvcSysVirtualEthSegGroup, tmnxSvcSelectiveUrpfGroup, tmnxSvcEpipeVxlanVtepGroup, tmnxSvcEpipeNatOutsideV15v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV15v0Group, tmnxSvcRateV15v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV15v0Group, tmnxSvcSysFdbUsgNotifGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyV15v0Group, tmnxSvcV15v0Group, tmnxSvcCustomerNameGroup, svcV15v0NotifyObjsGroup, tmnxSvcInterAsObsoletedGroup, tmnxSvcEpipeVxlanV16v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV16v0Group, svcPppoeRedirectGroup, svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmGroup, svcSysEvpnESDfPrefNotifGroup, tmnxSvcV16v0ObsoletedGroup, tmnxSvcAdminTagsV16v0Group, tmnxSvcEvpnMplsQinqV16v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipePwPortFlexV16v0Group, tmnxSvcSysPwPortListV16v0Group, svcSysVpnGreSrcIpV16v0Group, tmnxSvcEvpnVpwsVxlanV16v0Group, tmnxSvcSrOspf3V16v0Group, svcV19v0NotifyObjsGroup, tmnxCustV9v0Group, tmnxCustV14v0Group, tmnxApipeV3v0Group, tmnxArpHostV11v0Group, tmnxArpHostV13v0Group, tmnxArpHostNotifyGroup, tmnxArpHostBgpGroup, svcArpHostNotifGroup, tmnxArpHostV15v0Group, svcIgmpTrkGroup, svcTlsMacV7v0Group, svcTlsEndPointV7v0Group, svcTlsFdbMacStatsGroup, svcTlsEtreeGroup, svcTlsProxyNdNotifGroup, svcTlsProxyArpNotifyObjsGroup, svcTlsProxyArpNotifGroup, svcTlsEsPbrL2Group, svcTlsStaticBHGroup, svcTlsPbbV14v0Group, svcVplsEvpnV14v0Group, svcVplsEvpnInclMcastV14v0Group, svcVplsIpv6McastV15v0Group, svcTlsPmsiV15v0Group, svcTlsFdbV15v0Group, svcVplsProxyArpNdRtmV15v0Group, svcTlsFdbMacScaleV15v0Group, svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniGroup, tmnxSvcIesGrpIfV20v0Group, svcTlsVxInstReplicatorNotifGroup, svcTlsStaticVxlanV16v0Group, svcTlsStaticVxlanNotifGroup, svcVplsVxlanRxDiscardGroup, svcVplsEvpnMplsTnlIdGroup, svcVplsResFilterV19v5Group, svcOperGrpBfdGroup, svcOperGroupConfigGroup, tmnxIesIfRtrSolicitGroup, tmnxIesIfVplsEvpnGroup, svcVsdGroup, svcBgpEvpnNotifGroup, svcBgpEvpnIPRouteGroup, svcBgpAutoRDV15v1Group, svcEvpnMplsNotifGroup, svcAutoBindTunnelGroup, svcBgpVpwsGroup, svcBgpMHSiteGroup, svcEvpnMhEsDFNotifGroup, svcBgpEvpnMplsV14v0Group, svcEvpnMhEsDFNotifGroup, svcAutoBindTunnelSRTEGroup, svcBgpEvpnP2mpMldpGroup, svcEvpnAlmpNotifGroup, svcBgpEvpnMplsRSMV16v0Group, svcBgpEvpnMplsMhAdEviRtGroup, svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetBHGroup, svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetBHNotifGroup, svcAutoBindTunnelV15v0Group, svcBgpEvpnMplsMhDfPrefGroup, svcBgpEvpnEtreeV15v0Group, svcBgpEvpnEtreeNotifGroup, svcEvpnMHStandbyNotifGroup, svcBgpEvpnMplsV16v0Group, svcEvpnMplsBindsTransportGroup, svcBgpEvpnMplsMh1V15v0Group, svcEvpnMplsMhBindsTransportGroup, svcBgpEvpnMhEthSegPwPortGroup, svcBgpEvpnDefRtTagV16v0Group, svcBgpEvpnMplsABTV16v0Group, svcEvpnMplsEPGroup, svcBgpEvpnOperGrpGroup, svcBgpEvpnVxlanMhNotifGroup, svcBgpEvpnV20v0Group, svcBgpEvpnVxlanMhV20v0Group, svcSpiLoadBalGroup, svcTeidLoadBalGroup, svcRipListenerGroup, svcSiteMinDnTimerNotifyObjsGroup, svcSiteMinDnTimerNotifGroup, svcVprnEsPbrL3Group, svcVprnWeightedEcmpGroup, svcVprnEcmpGroup, svcVprnBgpAutoBindUdpTnlGroup, svcVprnAaaTacPlusV16v0Group, svcVprnAaaLdapV16v0Group, svcVprnAaaRadiusV16v0Group, svcVprnRibApiV16v0Group, svcVprnMgmtIfV19v0Group, svcEpipePwPortGroup, svcEpipeVxInstV16v0Group, svcProxyArpNdMacListGroup, svcTlsProxyV20v0Group, svcPbbEvpnIsidRtGroup, svcPbbEvpnEtreeV15v0Group, svcVxlanEvpnMplsDestNotifGroup, svcVxlanMhV16v0Group, svcVxlanEcmpGroup, svcVxlanTermV15v0Group, svcVxlan16v0NotifGroup, svcVxlanV16v0Group, tmnxVxlanV20v0Group, svcMdAutoIdV16v0Group, svcMplsFwdPlcyV16v0Group, svcDHCPLeaseV20v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpMRtV20v0Group, svcVplsMacProtect, svcEvpnOismV20v0Group, svcNotifyV20v0Group, svcMacListV20v0Group, svcAutoBindTunnelV20v0Group, tmnxSvcBgpEvpnV20v0Group, svcEvpnMpls2SapV20v0Group, svcHostSessionLimitV20v0Group, svcEvpnMplsV20v0NotifGroup } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 133 } tmnxSvcV21v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia SROS series systems release 21.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { svcVprnRadiusServerV21v0Group, svcSysBgpEvpnAttrPropV21v0Group, svcSrv6V21v0Group, svcDhcpLeaseV21v0Group, tmnxSvcVprnIngClassPlcyV21v0Grp, tmnxSvcObsoletedV21v0Group, svcBgpEvpnInstV21v0Group, svcEthSegV21v0Group, svcEthSegEvpnV21v0Group, svcEvpnMHAutoEsiV21v0Group, svcEvpnEtreeLeafLabelV21v0Group, svcIfSubStatsV21v0Group, svcEpipeSrv6V21v0Group, svcEpipeEvpnSrv6V21v0Group, iesLastChangeV21v0Group, svcLastChangeV21v0Group, tmnxSvcSubV21v0Group, svcEvpnSrv6NotifGroup, svcSrv6NotificationGroup, svcSrv6NotifyObjsGroup, svcEvpnRvplsMcastGwV21v0Group, svcEpipePbbRedEnhV21v0Group, svcDPathAttrObj21Group, svcEvpnCandListPrefDataObj21Grp, svcVplsEvpnMplsV21v0Group, svcEvpnEvi3ByteAutoRTObj21Grp, svcRtdVplsEvpnGWV22v0NotifGroup, svcVprnTacPlusAccCmdOp21v0Group } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 134 } tmnxSvcV22v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of services on Nokia SROS series systems release 22.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { svcRvplsEvpnNdHostRouteGroup, tmnxSvcV20v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsFdbV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMFibV13v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV11v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV13v0Group, tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group, tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group, tmnxSvcTlsBgpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV7v0Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV9v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV10v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedCOV13v0Group, tmnxSvcBsxV8v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMCEPNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcDhcpBgpV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV7v0Group, tmnxSvcV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV7v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV7v0Group, tmnxSvcPbbMacV12v0Group, tmnxSvcMrpPolicyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcSiteV15v1Group, tmnxSvcObsoletedV8v0Group, tmnxSvcRoutedVplsV8v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV8v0Group, tmnxSvcPwV8v0Group, tmnxSvcMvrpV8v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV8v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsPipV8v0Group, tmnxSvcOperGrpV9v0Group, tmnxSvcEthCfmGroup, tmnxSvcV9v0R4Group, tmnxSvcMSPwPeV9v0Group, tmnxSvcApipeInfoV9v0Group, tmnxSvcMacReNotifyGroup, tmnxSvcSpbGroup, tmnxSvcVllBgpV15v1Group, tmnxSvcV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV10v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfNHV10v0Group, tmnxSvcP2mpGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyV10v0Group, tmnxSvcPEObsoletedGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyObsoletedV11v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV11v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV12v0Group, tmnxSvcSpbV11v0Group, tmnxSvcCondStaticMacGroup, tmnxSvcSchedulerRateV11v0Group, tmnxSvcMHGroup, tmnxSvcV12v0Group, tmnxSvcQosV12v0Group, tmnxSvcTestGroup, tmnxSvcCreation15v1Group, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeV13v0Group, tmnxSvcIpipeFaultPropGroup, tmnxSvcQosSchedV13v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsProxyArpGroup, tmnxSvcTlsProxyNdGroup, tmnxSvcTlsProxyArpEnhGroup, tmnxSvcTlsEvpnProxyArpGroup, tmnxSvcVprnV13v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV13v0Group, tmnxSvcVsdGlobalObjsV13v0Group, tmnxSvcQosRateV13v0Group, tmnxSvcGrpIfGroup, tmnxSvcShcvPolicyGroup, tmnxSvcVsdDynamicSvcGroup, tmnxSvcV14v0Group, tmnxSvcRadClassGroup, tmnxSvcVllBgpEvpnV16v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyV14v0Group, tmnxSvcNotifyObjsV14v0Group, tmnxSvcSysVxlanARV16v0Group, tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermGroup, tmnxSvcSysVirtualEthSegGroup, tmnxSvcSelectiveUrpfGroup, tmnxSvcEpipeVxlanVtepGroup, tmnxSvcEpipeNatOutsideV15v0Group, tmnxSvcTlsV15v0Group, tmnxSvcRateV15v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpV15v0Group, tmnxSvcSysFdbUsgNotifGroup, tmnxSvcNotifyV15v0Group, tmnxSvcV15v0Group, tmnxSvcCustomerNameGroup, svcV15v0NotifyObjsGroup, tmnxSvcInterAsObsoletedGroup, tmnxSvcEpipeVxlanV16v0Group, tmnxSvcIesIfV16v0Group, svcPppoeRedirectGroup, svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmGroup, svcSysEvpnESDfPrefNotifGroup, tmnxSvcV16v0ObsoletedGroup, tmnxSvcAdminTagsV16v0Group, tmnxSvcEvpnMplsQinqV16v0Group, tmnxSvcEpipePwPortFlexV16v0Group, tmnxSvcSysPwPortListV16v0Group, svcSysVpnGreSrcIpV16v0Group, tmnxSvcEvpnVpwsVxlanV16v0Group, tmnxSvcSrOspf3V16v0Group, svcV19v0NotifyObjsGroup, tmnxCustV9v0Group, tmnxCustV14v0Group, tmnxApipeV3v0Group, tmnxArpHostV11v0Group, tmnxArpHostV13v0Group, tmnxArpHostNotifyGroup, tmnxArpHostBgpGroup, svcArpHostNotifGroup, tmnxArpHostV15v0Group, svcIgmpTrkGroup, svcTlsMacV7v0Group, svcTlsEndPointV7v0Group, svcTlsFdbMacStatsGroup, svcTlsEtreeGroup, svcTlsProxyNdNotifGroup, svcTlsProxyArpNotifyObjsGroup, svcTlsProxyArpNotifGroup, svcTlsEsPbrL2Group, svcTlsStaticBHGroup, svcTlsPbbV14v0Group, svcVplsEvpnV14v0Group, svcVplsEvpnInclMcastV14v0Group, svcVplsIpv6McastV15v0Group, svcTlsPmsiV15v0Group, svcTlsFdbV15v0Group, svcVplsProxyArpNdRtmV15v0Group, svcTlsFdbMacScaleV15v0Group, svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniGroup, tmnxSvcIesGrpIfV20v0Group, svcTlsVxInstReplicatorNotifGroup, svcTlsStaticVxlanV16v0Group, svcTlsStaticVxlanNotifGroup, svcVplsVxlanRxDiscardGroup, svcVplsResFilterV19v5Group, svcOperGrpBfdGroup, svcOperGroupConfigGroup, tmnxIesIfRtrSolicitGroup, tmnxIesIfVplsEvpnGroup, svcVsdGroup, svcBgpEvpnNotifGroup, svcBgpEvpnIPRouteGroup, svcBgpAutoRDV15v1Group, svcEvpnMplsNotifGroup, svcAutoBindTunnelGroup, svcBgpVpwsGroup, svcBgpMHSiteGroup, svcEvpnMhEsDFNotifGroup, svcBgpEvpnMplsV14v0Group, svcEvpnMhEsDFNotifGroup, svcAutoBindTunnelSRTEGroup, svcBgpEvpnP2mpMldpGroup, svcEvpnAlmpNotifGroup, svcBgpEvpnMplsRSMV16v0Group, svcBgpEvpnMplsMhAdEviRtGroup, svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetBHGroup, svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetBHNotifGroup, svcAutoBindTunnelV15v0Group, svcBgpEvpnMplsMhDfPrefGroup, svcBgpEvpnEtreeV15v0Group, svcBgpEvpnEtreeNotifGroup, svcEvpnMHStandbyNotifGroup, svcBgpEvpnMplsV22v0Group, svcBgpEvpnMhEthSegPwPortGroup, svcBgpEvpnDefRtTagV16v0Group, svcBgpEvpnMplsABTV16v0Group, svcEvpnMplsEPGroup, svcBgpEvpnOperGrpGroup, svcBgpEvpnVxlanMhNotifGroup, svcBgpEvpnV20v0Group, svcBgpEvpnVxlanMhV20v0Group, svcSpiLoadBalGroup, svcTeidLoadBalGroup, svcRipListenerGroup, svcSiteMinDnTimerNotifyObjsGroup, svcSiteMinDnTimerNotifGroup, svcVprnEsPbrL3Group, svcVprnWeightedEcmpGroup, svcVprnEcmpGroup, svcVprnBgpAutoBindUdpTnlGroup, svcVprnAaaTacPlusV16v0Group, svcVprnAaaLdapV16v0Group, svcVprnAaaRadiusV16v0Group, svcVprnRibApiV16v0Group, svcVprnMgmtIfV19v0Group, svcEpipePwPortGroup, svcEpipeVxInstV16v0Group, svcProxyArpNdMacListGroup, svcTlsProxyV20v0Group, svcPbbEvpnIsidRtGroup, svcPbbEvpnEtreeV15v0Group, svcVxlanEvpnMplsDestNotifGroup, svcVxlanMhV16v0Group, svcVxlanEcmpGroup, svcVxlanTermV15v0Group, svcVxlan16v0NotifGroup, svcVxlanV16v0Group, tmnxVxlanV20v0Group, svcMdAutoIdV16v0Group, svcMplsFwdPlcyV16v0Group, svcDHCPLeaseV20v0Group, tmnxSvcDhcpMRtV20v0Group, svcVplsMacProtect, svcNotifyV20v0Group, svcMacListV20v0Group, svcAutoBindTunnelV20v0Group, tmnxSvcBgpEvpnV20v0Group, svcEvpnMpls2SapV20v0Group, svcHostSessionLimitV20v0Group, svcEvpnMplsV20v0NotifGroup, svcSubStatsV22v0NotifGroup, svcBgpMTUSignalling22v0Grp, svcLblEthOrIPL4TEID22v0Grp, svcEvpnExtEgLblLmtV22v0Grp, svcEvpnESV2v0Group, svcBgpEvpnMplsMh1V22v0Group, svcVplsEvpnMplsTnlIdV22Group, svcEvpnMplsMhBindsV22Group, svcSysEthSegOperGrpGroup, svcVllBgpVsiPolicyGroup, svcBgpEvpnMplsIpv6Group, svcEvpnOISMV22Group, svcEvpnRvplsMcastGwGroup, svcBgpEvpnAutoBindOspfGroup, svcRvplsEvpnHostRouteGroup, svcBgpEvpnABTEcmpGroup, svcMplsEvpnRvplsEcmpGroup, svcEvpnMcastLabelBlockGroup, tmnxSvcV19v0Group, svcEpipePwPortTldp22v0Group } ::= { tmnxSvcCompliances 135 } tmnxSvcGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 2 } tmnxSvcV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcNumEntries, svcId, svcRowStatus, svcType, svcCustId, svcIpRouting, svcDescription, svcMtu, svcAdminStatus, svcOperStatus, svcNumSaps, svcNumSdps, svcLastMgmtChange, svcDefMeshVcId, svcVpnId, svcVRouterId, svcAutoBind, svcLastStatusChange, svcVllType, svcMgmtVpls, svcRadiusDiscovery, svcRadiusUserName, svcRadiusUserNameType, svcVcSwitching, svcRadiusPEDiscPolicy, svcRadiusDiscoveryShutdown, svcVplsType, svcTotalFdbMimDestIdxEntries } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services general capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 101 } tmnxSvcTlsV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsMacLearning, svcTlsDiscardUnknownDest, svcTlsFdbTableSize, svcTlsFdbNumEntries, svcTlsFdbNumStaticEntries, svcTlsFdbLocalAgeTime, svcTlsFdbRemoteAgeTime, svcTlsStpAdminStatus, svcTlsStpPriority, svcTlsStpBridgeAddress, svcTlsStpTimeSinceTopologyChange, svcTlsStpTopologyChanges, svcTlsStpDesignatedRoot, svcTlsStpRootCost, svcTlsStpRootPort, svcTlsStpMaxAge, svcTlsStpHelloTime, svcTlsStpForwardDelay, svcTlsStpBridgeMaxAge, svcTlsStpBridgeHelloTime, svcTlsStpBridgeForwardDelay, svcTlsStpOperStatus, svcTlsStpVirtualRootBridgeStatus, svcTlsMacAgeing, svcTlsStpTopologyChangeActive, svcTlsFdbTableFullHighWatermark, svcTlsFdbTableFullLowWatermark, svcTlsVpnId, svcTlsCustId, svcTlsStpVersion, svcTlsStpHoldCount, svcTlsStpPrimaryBridge, svcTlsStpBridgeInstanceId, svcTlsStpVcpOperProtocol, svcTlsMacMoveMaxRate, svcTlsMacMoveRetryTimeout, svcTlsMacMoveAdminStatus, svcTlsMacRelearnOnly, svcTlsMfibTableSize, svcTlsMfibTableFullHighWatermark, svcTlsMfibTableFullLowWatermark, svcTlsMacFlushOnFail, svcTlsStpRegionName, svcTlsStpRegionRevision, svcTlsStpBridgeMaxHops, svcTlsStpCistRegionalRoot, svcTlsStpCistIntRootCost, svcTlsStpCistRemainingHopCount, svcTlsStpCistRegionalRootPort, svcTlsFdbNumLearnedEntries, svcTlsFdbNumOamEntries, svcTlsFdbNumDhcpEntries, svcTlsFdbNumHostEntries, svcTlsShcvAction, svcTlsShcvSrcIp, svcTlsShcvSrcMac, svcTlsShcvInterval, svcTlsPriPortsCumulativeFactor, svcTlsSecPortsCumulativeFactor, svcTlsL2ptTermEnabled, svcTlsPropagateMacFlush, svcTlsMrpAdminStatus, svcTlsMrpMaxAttributes, svcTlsMrpAttributeCount, svcTlsMrpFailedRegisterCount, svcTlsMrpFloodTime, svcTlsMrpAttrTblHighWatermark, svcTlsMrpAttrTblLowWatermark, svcTlsMcPathMgmtPlcyName, tlsEgrMcGrpAdminQinqFixedTagVal } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services TLS general capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 102 } tmnxSvcTlsFdbV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tlsFdbMacAddr, tlsFdbRowStatus, tlsFdbType, tlsFdbLocale, tlsFdbPortId, tlsFdbEncapValue, tlsFdbSdpId, tlsFdbVcId, tlsFdbVpnId, tlsFdbCustId, tlsFdbLastStateChange, tlsFdbProtected, tlsFdbBackboneDstMac, tlsFdbNumIVplsMac, tlsFdbEndPointName, tlsFdbEPMacOperSdpId, tlsFdbEPMacOperVcId, tlsFdbPbbNumEpipes, tlsProtMacRowStatus, tlsProtMacLastMgmtChange } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services TLS FDB capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 103 } tmnxSvcIesIfV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { iesIfIndex, iesIfRowStatus, iesIfName, iesIfDescription, iesIfAdminStatus, iesIfOperStatus, iesIfLastMgmtChange, iesIfVpnId, iesIfCustId, iesIfLoopback, iesIfLastStatusChange, iesIfType, iesIfShcvSource, iesIfShcvAction, iesIfShcvInterval, iesGrpIfOperUpWhileEmpty } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services IES interface capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 104 } tmnxSvcTlsShgV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tlsShgRowStatus, tlsShgCustId, tlsShgInstanceId, tlsShgDescription, tlsShgLastMgmtChange, tlsShgResidential, tlsShgRestProtSrcMac, tlsShgRestUnprotDstMac, tlsShgCreationOrigin, tlsShgRestProtSrcMacAction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services TLS Split Horizon Group capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 105 } tmnxSvcTlsMFibV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tlsMFibFwdOrBlk, tlsMFibSvcId, tlsMFibStatsForwardedPkts, tlsMFibStatsForwardedOctets } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services TLS MFib capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 106 } tmnxSvcRdntV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tlsRdntGrpRowStatus, tlsRdntGrpDescription, tlsRdntGrpLastMgmtChange, tlsRdntGrpMemberRowStatus, tlsRdntGrpMemberLastMgmtChange } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services Redundancy group capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 107 } tmnxSvcTlsMstiV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tlsMstiRowStatus, tlsMstiPriority, tlsMstiLastMgmtChange, tlsMstiRegionalRoot, tlsMstiIntRootCost, tlsMstiRemainingHopCount, tlsMstiRegionalRootPort, tlsMstiMvplsRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services TLS MSTI capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 108 } tmnxSvcTlsEgrV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tlsEgrMcGrpRowStatus, tlsEgrMcGrpLastMgmtChange, tlsEgrMcGrpDescription, tlsEgrMcGrpChainLimit, tlsEgrMcGrpEncapType, tlsEgrMcGrpDot1qEtherType, tlsEgrMcGrpQinqEtherType, tlsEgrMcGrpMacFilterId, tlsEgrMcGrpIpFilterId, tlsEgrMcGrpIpv6FilterId, tlsEgrMcGrpQinqFixedTagPosition, tlsEgrMcGrpOperQinqFixedTagVal } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services TLS Egress capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 109 } tmnxSvcDhcpV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcDhcpLseStateLocale, svcDhcpLseStatePortId, svcDhcpLseStateEncapValue, svcDhcpLseStateSdpId, svcDhcpLseStateVcId, svcDhcpLseStateChAddr, svcDhcpLseStateRemainLseTime, svcDhcpLseStateOption82, svcDhcpLseStatePersistKey, svcDhcpLseStateSubscrIdent, svcDhcpLseStateSubProfString, svcDhcpLseStateSlaProfString, svcDhcpLseStateShcvOperState, svcDhcpLseStateShcvChecks, svcDhcpLseStateShcvReplies, svcDhcpLseStateShcvReplyTime, svcDhcpLseStateClientId, svcDhcpLseStateIAID, svcDhcpLseStateIAIDType, svcDhcpLseStateCiAddrMaskLen, svcDhcpLseStateRetailerSvcId, svcDhcpLseStateRetailerIf, svcDhcpLseStateAncpString, svcDhcpLseStateFramedIpNetMaskTp, svcDhcpLseStateFramedIpNetMask, svcDhcpLseStateBCastIpAddrType, svcDhcpLseStateBCastIpAddr, svcDhcpLseStateDefaultRouterTp, svcDhcpLseStateDefaultRouter, svcDhcpLseStatePrimaryDnsType, svcDhcpLseStatePrimaryDns, svcDhcpLseStateSecondaryDnsType, svcDhcpLseStateSecondaryDns, svcDhcpLseStateSessionTimeout, svcDhcpLseStateServerLeaseStart, svcDhcpLseStateServerLastRenew, svcDhcpLseStateServerLeaseEnd, svcDhcpLseStateDhcpServerAddrType, svcDhcpLseStateDhcpServerAddr, svcDhcpLseStateOriginSubscrId, svcDhcpLseStateOriginStrings, svcDhcpLseStateOriginLeaseInfo, svcDhcpLseStateDhcpClientAddrType, svcDhcpLseStateDhcpClientAddr, svcDhcpLseStateLeaseSplitActive, svcDhcpLseStateInterDestId, svcDhcpLseStatePrimaryNbnsType, svcDhcpLseStatePrimaryNbns, svcDhcpLseStateSecondaryNbnsType, svcDhcpLseStateSecondaryNbns, svcDhcpLseStateNextHopMacAddr, svcDhcpLseStateModifySubIndent, svcDhcpLseStateModifySubProfile, svcDhcpLseStateModifySlaProfile, svcDhcpLseStateEvaluateState, svcDhcpLseStateModInterDestId, svcDhcpLseStateModifyAncpString, svcDhcpLseStateForceRenew, svcDhcpManagedRouteStatus } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services DHCP Lease capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 110 } tmnxSvcEndPointV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEndPointRowStatus, svcEndPointDescription, svcEndPointTxActiveType, svcEndPointTxActivePortId, svcEndPointTxActiveEncap, svcEndPointTxActiveSdpId, svcEndPointForceSwitchOver, svcEndPointForceSwitchOverSdpId, svcEndPointActiveHoldDelay, svcEndPointIgnoreStandbySig, svcEndPointMacPinning, svcEndPointMacLimit, svcEndPointSuppressStandbySig, svcEndPointTxActiveChangeCount, svcEndPointTxActiveLastChange, svcEndPointTxActiveUpTime, svcEndPointRevertTime, svcEndPointRevertTimeCountDn } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services endpoint capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 111 } tmnxSvcPEV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcPEDiscoveryPolicyRowStatus, svcPEDiscoveryPolicyPassword, svcPEDiscoveryPolicyInterval, svcPEDiscoveryPolicyTimeout, svcPEDiscPolServerRowStatus, svcPEDiscPolServerAddressType, svcPEDiscPolServerAddress, svcPEDiscPolServerSecret, svcPEDiscPolServerOperStatus, svcPEDiscPolServerPort } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services PE Discovery capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 112 } tmnxSvcIfDHCP6V6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcIfDHCP6MsgStatsLstClrd, svcIfDHCP6MsgStatsRcvd, svcIfDHCP6MsgStatsSent, svcIfDHCP6MsgStatsDropped } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services interface DHCP capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 114 } tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsBackboneSrcMac, svcTlsBackboneVplsSvcId, svcTlsBackboneVplsSvcISID, svcTlsBackboneOperSrcMac, svcTlsBackboneOperVplsSvcISID, svcTlsBackboneLDPMacFlush, svcTlsBackboneVplsStp } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services PBB capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 115 } tmnxSvcTlsBgpV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsBgpADTableLastChanged, svcTlsBgpADRowStatus, svcTlsBgpADLastChanged, svcTlsBgpADVplsId, svcTlsBgpADVsiPrefix, svcTlsBgpADVsiRD, svcTlsBgpADExportRteTarget, svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy1, svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy2, svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy3, svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy4, svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy5, svcTlsBgpADImportRteTarget, svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy1, svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy2, svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy3, svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy4, svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy5, svcTlsBgpADAdminStatus } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services BGP AD capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 116 } tmnxSvcEpipeV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEpipePbbTableLastChanged, svcEpipePbbRowStatus, svcEpipePbbLastChngd, svcEpipePbbBvplsSvcId, svcEpipePbbBvplsDstMac, svcEpipePbbSvcISID, svcEpipePbbOperState, svcEpipePbbFlooding, svcEpipePbbLastStatusChange } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services PBB Epipe capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 117 } tmnxSvcTlsPipV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tlsPipStpPortState, tlsPipStpPortRole, tlsPipStpDesignatedBridge, tlsPipStpDesignatedPort, tlsPipStpException, tlsPipStpForwardTransitions, tlsPipStpInConfigBpdus, tlsPipStpInTcnBpdus, tlsPipStpInRstBpdus, tlsPipStpInMstBpdus, tlsPipStpInBadBpdus, tlsPipStpOutConfigBpdus, tlsPipStpOutTcnBpdus, tlsPipStpOutRstBpdus, tlsPipStpOutMstBpdus, tlsPipStpOperStatus, tlsPipStpMvplsPruneState, tlsPipStpOperProtocol, tlsPipStpPortNum, tlsPipMstiPortRole, tlsPipMstiPortState, tlsPipMstiDesignatedBridge, tlsPipMstiDesignatedPort } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services TLS PIP capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 118 } tmnxApipeV3v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcApipeInterworking } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of APIPE services on Nokia SROS series systems release 3.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 119 } tmnxSvcRoutedCOV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { iesIfParentIf, iesIfFwdServId, iesIfFwdSubIf, iesGrpIfRedInterface, svcWholesalerNumStaticHosts, svcWholesalerNumDynamicHosts } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting routed CO Nokia SROS systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 120 } tmnxSvcBsxV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcDhcpLseStateAppProfString, svcDhcpLseStateModifyAppProfile } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of BSX (Application Assurance) capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 121 } tmnxSvcTlsBackbone6v1Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsBackboneSrcMac, svcTlsBackboneVplsSvcId, svcTlsBackboneVplsSvcISID, svcTlsBackboneOperSrcMac, svcTlsBackboneOperVplsSvcISID, svcTlsBackboneLDPMacFlush, svcTlsBackboneLDPMacFlushNotMine, svcTlsBackboneVplsStp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services PBB capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 122 } tmnxArpHostGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcArpHostTableLastChanged, svcArpHostLocale, svcArpHostSapPortId, svcArpHostSapEncapValue, svcArpHostSdpId, svcArpHostVcId, svcArpHostSessionTimeout, svcArpHostStart, svcArpHostLastAuth, svcArpHostRefresh, svcArpHostRemainingTime, svcArpHostShcvOperState, svcArpHostShcvChecks, svcArpHostShcvReplies, svcArpHostShcvReplyTime, svcArpHostSubscrIdent, svcArpHostSubProfString, svcArpHostSlaProfString, svcArpHostAppProfString, svcArpHostAncpString, svcArpHostInterDestId, svcArpHostRetailerSvcId, svcArpHostRetailerIf, svcArpHostMacAddr, svcArpHostPersistKey, svcArpHostCategoryMapName, svcArpHostRadiusClassAttr, svcArpHostRadiusUserName, svcArpHostIfTableLastMgmtChange, svcArpHostIfLastMgmtChange, svcArpHostIfAdminState, svcArpHostIfMaxNumHosts, svcArpHostIfMaxNumHostsSap, svcArpHostIfMinAuthInterval, svcArpHostIfNumHosts, svcArpHostDefaultSessionTimeout, svcArpHostMRtStatus } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services ARP hosts capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 130 } svcIgmpTrkGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcIgmpTrkTableLastMgmtChange, svcIgmpTrkLastMgmtChange, svcIgmpTrkAdminState, svcIgmpTrkExpiryTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services IGMP host tracking capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 131 } svcTlsMacV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsMacMoveNumRetries, svcTlsMacSubNetLen, svcTlsSendFlushOnBVplsFail, svcTlsPropMacFlushFromBVpls } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services mac-related capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems in 7.0 release." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 132 } tmnxSvcRoutedCOV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { iesIfParentIf, iesIfFwdServId, iesIfFwdSubIf, iesGrpIfRedInterface, svcWholesalerNumStaticHosts, svcWholesalerNumDynamicHosts, iesIfPrivateRetailSubnets, svcWholesalerNumDhcpLeaseStates, svcWholesalerNumPppoeSessions, svcWholesalerNumArpHosts } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting routed CO Nokia SROS systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 133 } svcTlsEndPointV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEndPointMCEPId, svcEndPointMCEPPeerAddr, svcEndPointMCEPPeerAddrType, svcEndPointMCEPPeerName, svcEndPointMCEPPsvModeActive, svcEndPointBlockOnMeshFail, svcEpMcEpStatsPktsRxConfig, svcEpMcEpStatsPktsRxState, svcEpMcEpStatsPktsTxConfig, svcEpMcEpStatsPktsTxFailed, svcEpMcEpStatsPktsTxState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services Endpoint capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems in 7.0 release." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 134 } tmnxSvcIpipeV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcIpipeInfoLastMgmtChange, svcIpipeCeAddressDiscovery, svcIpipeInfoTableLastMgmtChange } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of IPIPE Service on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 135 } tmnxSvcDhcpBgpV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcDhcpLseStateBgpPrngPlcyName, svcDhcpLseStateBgpAuthKeyChain, svcDhcpLseStateBgpMD5AuthKey, svcDhcpLseStateBgpImportPolicy, svcDhcpLseStateBgpExportPolicy, svcDhcpLseStateBgpPeerAS, svcDhcpLseStateBgpPeeringStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects containing the BGP-parameters set by DHCP." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 136 } tmnxSvcTlsPipV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tlsPipStpPortState, tlsPipStpPortRole, tlsPipStpDesignatedBridge, tlsPipStpDesignatedPort, tlsPipStpException, tlsPipStpForwardTransitions, tlsPipStpInConfigBpdus, tlsPipStpInTcnBpdus, tlsPipStpInRstBpdus, tlsPipStpInMstBpdus, tlsPipStpInBadBpdus, tlsPipStpOutConfigBpdus, tlsPipStpOutTcnBpdus, tlsPipStpOutRstBpdus, tlsPipStpOutMstBpdus, tlsPipStpOperStatus, tlsPipStpMvplsPruneState, tlsPipStpOperProtocol, tlsPipStpPortNum, tlsPipMstiPortRole, tlsPipMstiPortState, tlsPipMstiDesignatedBridge, tlsPipMstiDesignatedPort, tlsPipStpInsideRegion } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services TLS PIP capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 137 } tmnxArpHostBgpGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcArpHostBgpPrngPlcyName, svcArpHostBgpAuthKeyChain, svcArpHostBgpMD5AuthKey, svcArpHostBgpImportPolicy, svcArpHostBgpExportPolicy, svcArpHostBgpPeerAS, svcArpHostBgpPeeringStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services ARP hosts' BGP capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 138 } tmnxSvcDhcpV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcDhcpLseStateLocale, svcDhcpLseStatePortId, svcDhcpLseStateEncapValue, svcDhcpLseStateSdpId, svcDhcpLseStateVcId, svcDhcpLseStateChAddr, svcDhcpLseStateRemainLseTime, svcDhcpLseStateOption82, svcDhcpLseStatePersistKey, svcDhcpLseStateSubscrIdent, svcDhcpLseStateSubProfString, svcDhcpLseStateSlaProfString, svcDhcpLseStateShcvOperState, svcDhcpLseStateShcvChecks, svcDhcpLseStateShcvReplies, svcDhcpLseStateShcvReplyTime, svcDhcpLseStateClientId, svcDhcpLseStateIAID, svcDhcpLseStateIAIDType, svcDhcpLseStateCiAddrMaskLen, svcDhcpLseStateRetailerSvcId, svcDhcpLseStateRetailerIf, svcDhcpLseStateAncpString, svcDhcpLseStateFramedIpNetMaskTp, svcDhcpLseStateFramedIpNetMask, svcDhcpLseStateBCastIpAddrType, svcDhcpLseStateBCastIpAddr, svcDhcpLseStateDefaultRouterTp, svcDhcpLseStateDefaultRouter, svcDhcpLseStatePrimaryDnsType, svcDhcpLseStatePrimaryDns, svcDhcpLseStateSecondaryDnsType, svcDhcpLseStateSecondaryDns, svcDhcpLseStateSessionTimeout, svcDhcpLseStateServerLeaseStart, svcDhcpLseStateServerLastRenew, svcDhcpLseStateServerLeaseEnd, svcDhcpLseStateDhcpServerAddrType, svcDhcpLseStateDhcpServerAddr, svcDhcpLseStateOriginSubscrId, svcDhcpLseStateOriginStrings, svcDhcpLseStateOriginLeaseInfo, svcDhcpLseStateDhcpClientAddrType, svcDhcpLseStateDhcpClientAddr, svcDhcpLseStateLeaseSplitActive, svcDhcpLseStateInterDestId, svcDhcpLseStatePrimaryNbnsType, svcDhcpLseStatePrimaryNbns, svcDhcpLseStateSecondaryNbnsType, svcDhcpLseStateSecondaryNbns, svcDhcpLseStateNextHopMacAddr, svcDhcpLseStateCategoryMapName, svcDhcpLseStateNakNextRenew, svcDhcpLseStateRadiusClassAttr, svcDhcpLseStateRadiusUserName, svcDhcpLseStateModifySubIndent, svcDhcpLseStateModifySubProfile, svcDhcpLseStateModifySlaProfile, svcDhcpLseStateEvaluateState, svcDhcpLseStateModInterDestId, svcDhcpLseStateModifyAncpString, svcDhcpLseStateForceRenew, svcDhcpManagedRouteStatus } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services DHCP Lease capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 139 } tmnxSvcPbbMacV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEpipePbbBvplsDstMacName, svcEpipePbbBvplsOperDstMac, svcMacNameAddr, svcMacNameLastChngd, svcMacNameRowStatus, svcMacNameTableLastChanged, svcPbbSrcBVplsMacAddr, svcMacNotifCount, svcMacNotifInterval, svcTlsMacNotifAdminState, svcTlsMacNotifCount, svcTlsMacNotifInterval, svcTlsBackboneUseSapBMac, svcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrRowStatus, svcTlsPbbIgmpSnpgMRtrLastCh, svcTlsBackboneUseEsBMac } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services PBB MAC capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 140 } tmnxSvcTlsFdbV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tlsFdbMacAddr, tlsFdbRowStatus, tlsFdbType, tlsFdbLocale, tlsFdbPortId, tlsFdbEncapValue, tlsFdbSdpId, tlsFdbVcId, tlsFdbVpnId, tlsFdbCustId, tlsFdbLastStateChange, tlsFdbProtected, tlsFdbBackboneDstMac, tlsFdbNumIVplsMac, tlsFdbEndPointName, tlsFdbEPMacOperSdpId, tlsFdbEPMacOperVcId, tlsFdbPbbNumEpipes, tlsProtMacRowStatus, tlsProtMacLastMgmtChange, tlsProtMacImplCount } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services TLS FDB capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 141 } tmnxSvcV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcNumMcStandbySaps } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems added in release 7.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 142 } tmnxSvcV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcName, svcNameId, svcNameRowStatus, svcNameLastChanged, svcNameTableLastChanged, svcNameType, svcEndPointStandbySigMaster, svcTlsPerSvcHashing, svcEpipePerSvcHashing, svcTlsBackboneForceQTagFwd, svcEpipeBackboneForceQTagFwd, svcEpipeBackboneLastChngd, svcEpipeBackboneTableLastChanged, svcEpipeLastChngd, svcEpipeTableLastChanged, svcHashLabel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems for release 8.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 143 } tmnxSvcMrpPolicyV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcMrpPlcyTableLastChgd, svcMrpPlcyParamsTblLastChgd, svcMrpPlcyParamsISIDTblLastChgd, svcMrpPolicyRowStatus, svcMrpPolicyLastChanged, svcMrpPolicyDescription, svcMrpPolicyScope, svcMrpPolicyDefaultAction, svcMrpPolicyParamsRowStatus, svcMrpPolicyParamsLastChanged, svcMrpPolicyParamsDescription, svcMrpPolicyParamsAction, svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDHigh, svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDRowStatus, svcMrpPolicyParamsISIDLastChgd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting mrp-policies on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 144 } tmnxSvcSiteV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsSiteIdAdminStatus, svcTlsSiteIdEncapValue, svcTlsSiteIdLastChanged, svcTlsSiteIdPortId, svcTlsSiteIdRowStatus, svcTlsSiteIdSdpBindId, svcTlsSiteIdShgMeshSdp, svcTlsSiteIdShgName, svcTlsSiteIdSiteId, svcTlsSiteIdFailedThresh, svcTlsSiteIdOperStatus, svcTlsSiteIdDesignatedFwdr, svcTlsSiteIdDfUpTime, svcTlsSiteIdDfChgCnt, svcTlsSiteIdTblLastChanged, svcBgpVplsVeId, svcBgpVplsVeName, svcBgpVplsMaxVeId, svcBgpVplsAdminStatus, svcBgpVplsLastChanged, svcBgpVplsRowStatus, svcBgpVplsTblLastChanged, svcTlsBgpExportRteTarget, svcTlsBgpImportRteTarget, svcTlsBgpLastChanged, svcTlsBgpTableLastChanged, svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy1, svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy2, svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy3, svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy4, svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy5, svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy1, svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy2, svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy3, svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy4, svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy5, svcTlsBgpVsiRD, tlsShgSiteName, svcTlsSiteIdBootTimer, svcTlsSiteIdSiteActTimer, svcTlsSiteIdTimerRemain } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting sites on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 145 } tmnxSvcRoutedCOV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { iesIfParentIf, iesIfFwdServId, iesIfFwdSubIf, iesGrpIfRedInterface, svcWholesalerNumStaticHosts, svcWholesalerNumDynamicHosts, iesIfPrivateRetailSubnets, svcWholesalerNumDhcpLeaseStates, svcWholesalerNumPppoeSessions, svcWholesalerNumArpHosts, iesIfDelegatedPrefixLen, iesIfLns, iesIfDefaultPrimaryDnsIPv4Addr, iesIfDefaultSecondaryDnsIPv4Addr, iesIfDefaultPrimaryDnsIPv6Addr, iesIfDefaultSecondaryDnsIPv6Addr, iesIfIPv6ConfigAllowed } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting routed CO Nokia SROS systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 146 } tmnxArpHostV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcArpHostTableLastChanged, svcArpHostLocale, svcArpHostSapPortId, svcArpHostSapEncapValue, svcArpHostSdpId, svcArpHostVcId, svcArpHostSessionTimeout, svcArpHostStart, svcArpHostLastAuth, svcArpHostRefresh, svcArpHostRemainingTime, svcArpHostShcvOperState, svcArpHostShcvChecks, svcArpHostShcvReplies, svcArpHostShcvReplyTime, svcArpHostSubscrIdent, svcArpHostSubProfString, svcArpHostSlaProfString, svcArpHostAppProfString, svcArpHostAncpString, svcArpHostInterDestId, svcArpHostRetailerSvcId, svcArpHostRetailerIf, svcArpHostMacAddr, svcArpHostPersistKey, svcArpHostCategoryMapName, svcArpHostRadiusClassAttr, svcArpHostRadiusUserName, svcArpHostOriginSubscrId, svcArpHostOriginStrings, svcArpHostIfTableLastMgmtChange, svcArpHostIfLastMgmtChange, svcArpHostIfAdminState, svcArpHostIfMaxNumHosts, svcArpHostIfMaxNumHostsSap, svcArpHostIfMinAuthInterval, svcArpHostIfNumHosts, svcArpHostDefaultSessionTimeout, svcArpHostMRtStatus } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services ARP hosts capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems in release 8.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 147 } tmnxSvcTlsBgpV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsBgpADTableLastChanged, svcTlsBgpADRowStatus, svcTlsBgpADLastChanged, svcTlsBgpADVplsId, svcTlsBgpADVsiPrefix, svcTlsBgpADAdminStatus, svcL2MhRteDf, svcL2MhRteState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services BGP AD capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 148 } tmnxSvcDhcpV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcDhcpLeaseChAddr, svcDhcpLeaseLocale, svcDhcpLeasePortId, svcDhcpLeaseEncapValue, svcDhcpLeaseSdpId, svcDhcpLeaseVcId, svcDhcpLeaseRemainLseTime, svcDhcpLeaseOption82, svcDhcpLeasePersistKey, svcDhcpLeaseSubscrIdent, svcDhcpLeaseSubProfString, svcDhcpLeaseSlaProfString, svcDhcpLeaseShcvOperState, svcDhcpLeaseShcvChecks, svcDhcpLeaseShcvReplies, svcDhcpLeaseShcvReplyTime, svcDhcpLeaseClientId, svcDhcpLeaseIAID, svcDhcpLeaseIAIDType, svcDhcpLeaseCiAddrMaskLen, svcDhcpLeaseRetailerSvcId, svcDhcpLeaseRetailerIf, svcDhcpLeaseAncpString, svcDhcpLeaseFramedIpNetMaskTp, svcDhcpLeaseFramedIpNetMask, svcDhcpLeaseBCastIpAddrType, svcDhcpLeaseBCastIpAddr, svcDhcpLeaseDefaultRouterTp, svcDhcpLeaseDefaultRouter, svcDhcpLeasePrimaryDnsType, svcDhcpLeasePrimaryDns, svcDhcpLeaseSecondaryDnsType, svcDhcpLeaseSecondaryDns, svcDhcpLeaseSessionTimeout, svcDhcpLeaseServerLeaseStart, svcDhcpLeaseServerLastRenew, svcDhcpLeaseServerLeaseEnd, svcDhcpLeaseDhcpServerAddrType, svcDhcpLeaseDhcpServerAddr, svcDhcpLeaseOriginSubscrId, svcDhcpLeaseOriginStrings, svcDhcpLeaseOriginLeaseInfo, svcDhcpLeaseDhcpClientAddrType, svcDhcpLeaseDhcpClientAddr, svcDhcpLeaseLeaseSplitActive, svcDhcpLeaseInterDestId, svcDhcpLeasePrimaryNbnsType, svcDhcpLeasePrimaryNbns, svcDhcpLeaseSecondaryNbnsType, svcDhcpLeaseSecondaryNbns, svcDhcpLeaseCategoryMapName, svcDhcpLeaseNakNextRenew, svcDhcpLeaseRadiusClassAttr, svcDhcpLeaseRadiusUserName, svcDhcpManagedRouteStatus, svcDhcpLeaseModifySubIndent, svcDhcpLeaseModifySubIndent, svcDhcpLeaseModifySubProfile, svcDhcpLeaseModifySlaProfile, svcDhcpLeaseEvaluateState, svcDhcpLeaseModInterDestId, svcDhcpLeaseModifyAncpString, svcDhcpLeaseForceRenew, svcDhcpLeaseBgpPrngPlcyName, svcDhcpLeaseBgpAuthKeyChain, svcDhcpLeaseBgpMD5AuthKey, svcDhcpLeaseBgpImportPolicy, svcDhcpLeaseBgpExportPolicy, svcDhcpLeaseBgpPeerAS, svcDhcpLeaseBgpPeeringStatus } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services DHCP Lease capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 150 } tmnxSvcBsxV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcDhcpLeaseAppProfString, svcDhcpLeaseModifyAppProfile } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of BSX (Application Assurance) capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 151 } tmnxSvcTlsV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsShcvRetryTimeout, svcTlsShcvRetryCount } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services TLS general capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems added in release 7.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 152 } tmnxSvcIesIfV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { iesIfShcvRetryTimeout, iesIfShcvRetryCount } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services IES interface capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems added in release 7.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 153 } tmnxSvcRoutedVplsV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsAllowIpIfBinding, iesIfVplsName, iesIfVplsStatus, iesIfVplsFailedReason, iesIfSapEgressQosId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services Routed VPLS capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 154 } tmnxSvcMvrpV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTmplLastChanged, svcTmplMtu, svcTmplRowStatus, svcTmplTblLastChanged, svcTmplType, svcTmplTlsTblLastChanged, svcTmplTlsLastChanged, svcTlsGroupAdminStatus, svcTlsGroupEnd, svcTlsGroupLastChanged, svcTlsGroupRowStatus, svcTlsGroupSapTmplName, svcTlsGroupStart, svcTlsGroupSvcTmplName, svcTlsGroupTblLastChanged, svcTlsGroupMvrpControl, svcTlsGroupStartVlanTag, svcTlsTempFloodTime, svcTlsTempFloodActive, svcTlsTempFloodChangeCount, svcTmplSvcCount, svcTmplUsed, svcCtrlSvcId, svcTlsExtMvrpAttributeCount, svcTlsExtMmrpAdminStatus, svcTlsExtMmrpOperStatus, svcTmplUserCreationOrigin, svcTmplUserCreatorSvcId, svcTmplTlsDiscardUnknownDest, svcTmplTlsFdbLocalAgeTime, svcTmplTlsFdbRemoteAgeTime, svcTmplTlsFdbTableFullHighWMark, svcTmplTlsFdbTableFullLowWMark, svcTmplTlsFdbTableSize, svcTmplTlsMacAgeing, svcTmplTlsMacLearning, svcTmplTlsMacMoveAdminStatus, svcTmplTlsMacMoveMaxRate, svcTmplTlsMacMoveNumRetries, svcTmplTlsMacMoveRetryTimeout, svcTmplTlsPerSvcHashing, svcTmplTlsPriPortsCumFactor, svcTmplTlsSecPortsCumFactor, svcTmplTlsStpAdminStatus, svcTmplTlsStpBridgeForwardDelay, svcTmplTlsStpBridgeHelloTime, svcTmplTlsStpBridgeMaxAge, svcTmplTlsStpHoldCount, svcTmplTlsStpPriority, svcTmplTlsStpVersion, svcTmplTlsTempFloodTime, svcTlsExtMvrpAttrTblHighWM, svcTlsExtMvrpAttrTblLowWM, svcTlsExtMvrpHoldTime, svcTlsExtMvrpMaxAttributes, svcTlsExtMvrpAdminStatus, svcTlsExtMvrpOperStatus, svcTlsGroupOperStatus, svcTlsGroupLastError, svcTlsExtMmrpDeclaredAttrCnt, svcTlsExtMmrpFailedRegCnt, svcTlsExtMmrpRegAttrCnt, svcTlsExtMvrpDeclaredAttrCnt, svcTlsExtMvrpFailedRegCnt, svcTlsExtMvrpRegAttrCnt, svcTmplCustId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of MVRP capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 155 } tmnxSvcIpipeV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcIpipeInfoLastMgmtChange, svcIpipeCeAddressDiscovery, svcIpipeInfoTableLastMgmtChange, svcIpipeIpv6CeAddressDiscovery, svcIpipeStackCapabilitySignaling } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of IPIPE Service on Nokia SROS series systems for Release 8.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 156 } tmnxSvcInterAsV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcInterASMvpn } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of inter-AS Service on Nokia SROS series systems for Release 8.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 157 } tmnxSvcPwV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEndPointStandbySigSlave } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of services specific pseudo-wire capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems for release 8.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 158 } tmnxSvcTlsPipV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tlsPipInTcBitBpdus, tlsPipOutTcBitBpdus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services TLS PIP capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems added in release 8.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 159 } tmnxSvcIesIfV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { iesGrpIfPolicyControl } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services IES interface capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems added in release 8.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 160 } tmnxSvcV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcCreationOrigin, svcMacFdbRecords } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems for release 9.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 161 } tmnxSvcMSPwPeV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcMSPwPeAdminStatus, svcMSPwPeLastChange, svcMSPwPeRowStatus, svcMSPwPeTblLastChanged, svcMSPwPeFecType, svcMSPwPeAiiType, svcMSPwPeAgi, svcMSPwPeAutoConfig, svcMSPwPeEndPoint, svcMSPwPeStandbySigSlave, svcMSPwPeIsICB, svcMSPwPePathName, svcMSPwPePolicyId, svcMSPwPePrecedence, svcMSPwPeRetryCount, svcMSPwPeRetryTimer, svcMSPwPeSaiiAcId, svcMSPwPeSaiiGlobalId, svcMSPwPeSaiiPrefix, svcMSPwPeSignaling, svcMSPwPeTaiiAcId, svcMSPwPeTaiiGlobalId, svcMSPwPeTaiiPrefix, svcPwRtPathAdminStatus, svcPwRtPathHopAddr, svcPwRtPathHopAddrType, svcPwRtPathHopLastChange, svcPwRtPathHopRowStatus, svcPwRtPathHopTblLastChgd, svcPwRtPathLastChange, svcPwRtPathRowStatus, svcPwRtPathTblLastChanged, svcPwRtLclPrefixLastChange, svcPwRtLclPrefixRowStatus, svcPwRtLclPrefixTblLastChanged, svcPwRtStaticRtLastChange, svcPwRtStaticRtRowStatus, svcPwRtStaticRtTblLastChgd, svcPwSpeTaiiOperSdpBind1, svcPwSpeTaiiOperSdpBind2, svcPwSpeTaiiSvcId, svcPwSpeTaiiSaiiAcId, svcPwSpeTaiiSaiiGlobalId, svcPwSpeTaiiSaiiPrefix, svcPwSpeSaiiOperSdpBind1, svcPwSpeSaiiOperSdpBind2, svcPwSpeSaiiSvcId, svcPwSpeSaiiTaiiAcId, svcPwSpeSaiiTaiiGlobalId, svcPwSpeSaiiTaiiPrefix, svcMSPwPeRetryRemain, svcMSPwPeTimeRemain, svcMSPwPeOperSdpBind, svcEndPointTxActiveSdpFec, svcPwRtSpeAddrGlobalId, svcPwRtSpeAddrPrefix, svcEndPointForceSwitchOvrSdpFec, svcMSPwPeRetryExpired, svcMSPwPeLastError, svcPwRtBgpRoutes, svcPwRtBootTimer, svcPwRtHostRoutes, svcPwRtLocalRoutes, svcPwRtRetryCount, svcPwRtRetryTimer, svcPwRtStaticRoutes, svcPwRtLclPfxRDCommunity, svcPwRtLclPfxRDLastChange, svcPwRtLclPfxRDRowStatus, svcPwRtLclPfxRDTblLastChanged, svcPwRtBootTimerRemain } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems for release 9.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 162 } tmnxSvcOperGrpV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsSiteIdMonitorOperGrp, svcOperGrpCreationOrigin, svcOperGrpHoldUpTime, svcOperGrpHoldDownTime, svcOperGrpNumMembers, svcOperGrpNumMonitoring, svcOperGrpLastChange, svcOperGrpOperStatus, svcOperGrpRowStatus, svcOperGrpTblLastChanged, svcOperGrpHoldUpTimeRemain, svcOperGrpHoldDownTimeRemain } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems for release 9.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 163 } tmnxSvcDhcpV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcDhcpLeaseAleDatalink, svcDhcpLeaseAleEncaps1, svcDhcpLeaseAleEncaps2, svcDhcpLeaseOvrPIR, svcDhcpLeaseOvrCIR, svcDhcpLeaseOvrCBS, svcDhcpLeaseOvrMBS, svcDhcpLeaseOvrWrrWeight } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services DHCP Lease capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems that were added in release 9.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 164 } tmnxSvcRoutedCOV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { iesIfParentIf, iesIfFwdServId, iesIfFwdSubIf, iesGrpIfRedInterface, svcWholesalerNumStaticHosts, svcWholesalerNumDynamicHosts, iesIfPrivateRetailSubnets, svcWholesalerNumDhcpLeaseStates, svcWholesalerNumPppoeSessions, svcWholesalerNumArpHosts, iesIfDelegatedPrefixLen, iesIfLns, iesIfDefaultPrimaryDnsIPv4Addr, iesIfDefaultSecondaryDnsIPv4Addr, iesIfDefaultPrimaryDnsIPv6Addr, iesIfDefaultSecondaryDnsIPv6Addr, iesIfIPv6ConfigAllowed, iesIfSrrpRoutingEnabled, iesIfSrrpRoutingHoldTime, iesIfAllowUnmatchingSubnets } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting routed CO on R9.0 Nokia SROS systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 165 } tmnxSvcV9v0R4Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { iesIfMonitorOperGrp, svcTlsExtMmrpEndStationOnly } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems for release 9.0 R4." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 166 } tmnxSvcMacReNotifyGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsExtMacReNotifInterval } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of mac-notification capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 167 } tmnxSvcDhcpV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcDhcpLeaseWppState, svcDhcpLeaseWppPortalRouter, svcDhcpLeaseWppPortalName, svcDhcpLeasePoolName, svcDhcpLeaseServerId, svcDhcpLeaseInterfaceId, svcDhcpLeaseRemoteId, svcDhcpLeaseOption60, svcDhcpLeaseRadCalledStationId } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services DHCP Lease capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems that were added in release 10.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 170 } tmnxSvcRoutedCOV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { iesIfGroupInterfaceType, svcIfSapCfgTableLastChanged, svcIfSapCfgLastMgmtChange, svcIfSapCfgDescription, svcIfSapCfgDefSubProfile, svcIfSapCfgDefSlaProfile, svcIfSapCfgDefAppProfile, svcIfSapCfgSubIdentPolicy, svcIfSapCfgDefSubIdent, svcIfSapCfgDefSubIdentString, svcIfSapCfgDefFilterProfile } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting routed CO on R10.0 Nokia SROS systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 171 } tmnxSvcV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEndPointRestProtSrcMac, svcEndPointRestProtSrcMacAction, svcEndPointAutoLearnMacProtect, tlsShgAutoLearnMacProtect, custMssIngQosArbitStatsFwdPkts, custMssIngQosArbitStatsFwdPktsLo, custMssIngQosArbitStatsFwdPktsHi, custMssIngQosArbitStatsFwdOcts, custMssIngQosArbitStatsFwdOctsLo, custMssIngQosArbitStatsFwdOctsHi, custMssEgrQosArbitStatsFwdPkts, custMssEgrQosArbitStatsFwdPktsLo, custMssEgrQosArbitStatsFwdPktsHi, custMssEgrQosArbitStatsFwdOcts, custMssEgrQosArbitStatsFwdOctsLo, custMssEgrQosArbitStatsFwdOctsHi, custIngQosPortIdArbitFwdPkts, custIngQosPortIdArbitFwdPktsLo, custIngQosPortIdArbitFwdPktsHi, custIngQosPortIdArbitFwdOcts, custIngQosPortIdArbitFwdOctsLo, custIngQosPortIdArbitFwdOctsHi, custEgrQosPortIdArbitFwdPkts, custEgrQosPortIdArbitFwdPktsLo, custEgrQosPortIdArbitFwdPktsHi, custEgrQosPortIdArbitFwdOcts, custEgrQosPortIdArbitFwdOctsLo, custEgrQosPortIdArbitFwdOctsHi } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting generic services on R10.0 Nokia SROS systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 172 } tmnxSvcIesIfV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { iesIfShcvFamily, iesIfIPv6IpoeBridgedModeEnabled } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services IES interface capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 173 } tmnxArpHostV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcArpHostTableLastChanged, svcArpHostLocale, svcArpHostSapPortId, svcArpHostSapEncapValue, svcArpHostSdpId, svcArpHostVcId, svcArpHostSessionTimeout, svcArpHostStart, svcArpHostLastAuth, svcArpHostRefresh, svcArpHostRemainingTime, svcArpHostShcvOperState, svcArpHostShcvChecks, svcArpHostShcvReplies, svcArpHostShcvReplyTime, svcArpHostSubscrIdent, svcArpHostSubProfString, svcArpHostSlaProfString, svcArpHostAppProfString, svcArpHostAncpString, svcArpHostInterDestId, svcArpHostRetailerSvcId, svcArpHostRetailerIf, svcArpHostMacAddr, svcArpHostPersistKey, svcArpHostCategoryMapName, svcArpHostRadiusClassAttr, svcArpHostRadiusUserName, svcArpHostOriginSubscrId, svcArpHostOriginStrings, svcArpHostIfTableLastMgmtChange, svcArpHostIfLastMgmtChange, svcArpHostIfAdminState, svcArpHostIfMaxNumHosts, svcArpHostIfMaxNumHostsSap, svcArpHostIfMinAuthInterval, svcArpHostIfNumHosts, svcArpHostDefaultSessionTimeout, svcArpHostMRtStatus, svcArpHostOvrPIR, svcArpHostOvrCIR, svcArpHostOvrCBS, svcArpHostOvrMBS, svcArpHostOvrWrrWeight } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services ARP hosts capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems in release 10.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 174 } tmnxSvcIesIfV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { iesIfIPv6AllowUnmatchingPfxs, iesIfMcastNetDomainEgrIfCon } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services IES interface capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems in release 11.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 175 } tmnxSvcIesIfNHV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { iesIfIsaTnlNHTableLastChanged, iesIfIsaTnlNHLastChanged, iesIfIsaTnlNHStaticAddrType, iesIfIsaTnlNHStaticAddr, iesIfIsaTnlNHDynAddrType, iesIfIsaTnlNHDynAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services IES interface capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems in release 11.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 176 } tmnxArpHostV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcArpHostTableLastChanged, svcArpHostLocale, svcArpHostSapPortId, svcArpHostSapEncapValue, svcArpHostSdpId, svcArpHostVcId, svcArpHostSessionTimeout, svcArpHostStart, svcArpHostLastAuth, svcArpHostRefresh, svcArpHostRemainingTime, svcArpHostShcvOperState, svcArpHostShcvChecks, svcArpHostShcvReplies, svcArpHostShcvReplyTime, svcArpHostSubscrIdent, svcArpHostSubProfString, svcArpHostSlaProfString, svcArpHostAppProfString, svcArpHostAncpString, svcArpHostInterDestId, svcArpHostRetailerSvcId, svcArpHostRetailerIf, svcArpHostMacAddr, svcArpHostPersistKey, svcArpHostCategoryMapName, svcArpHostRadiusClassAttr, svcArpHostRadiusUserName, svcArpHostIfTableLastMgmtChange, svcArpHostIfLastMgmtChange, svcArpHostIfAdminState, svcArpHostIfMaxNumHosts, svcArpHostIfMaxNumHostsSap, svcArpHostIfMinAuthInterval, svcArpHostIfNumHosts, svcArpHostDefaultSessionTimeout, svcArpHostMRtStatus, svcArpHostMRtMetric, svcArpHostMRtPreference, svcArpHostMRtTag, svcArpHostOvrPIR, svcArpHostOvrCIR, svcArpHostOvrCBS, svcArpHostOvrMBS, svcArpHostOvrWrrWeight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services ARP hosts capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems in release 11.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 177 } tmnxSvcDhcpV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcDhcpLeaseChAddr, svcDhcpLeaseLocale, svcDhcpLeasePortId, svcDhcpLeaseEncapValue, svcDhcpLeaseSdpId, svcDhcpLeaseVcId, svcDhcpLeaseRemainLseTime, svcDhcpLeaseOption82, svcDhcpLeasePersistKey, svcDhcpLeaseSubscrIdent, svcDhcpLeaseSubProfString, svcDhcpLeaseSlaProfString, svcDhcpLeaseShcvOperState, svcDhcpLeaseShcvChecks, svcDhcpLeaseShcvReplies, svcDhcpLeaseShcvReplyTime, svcDhcpLeaseClientId, svcDhcpLeaseIAID, svcDhcpLeaseIAIDType, svcDhcpLeaseCiAddrMaskLen, svcDhcpLeaseRetailerSvcId, svcDhcpLeaseRetailerIf, svcDhcpLeaseAncpString, svcDhcpLeaseFramedIpNetMaskTp, svcDhcpLeaseFramedIpNetMask, svcDhcpLeaseBCastIpAddrType, svcDhcpLeaseBCastIpAddr, svcDhcpLeaseDefaultRouterTp, svcDhcpLeaseDefaultRouter, svcDhcpLeasePrimaryDnsType, svcDhcpLeasePrimaryDns, svcDhcpLeaseSecondaryDnsType, svcDhcpLeaseSecondaryDns, svcDhcpLeaseServerLeaseStart, svcDhcpLeaseServerLastRenew, svcDhcpLeaseServerLeaseEnd, svcDhcpLeaseDhcpServerAddrType, svcDhcpLeaseDhcpServerAddr, svcDhcpLeaseOriginLeaseInfo, svcDhcpLeaseDhcpClientAddrType, svcDhcpLeaseDhcpClientAddr, svcDhcpLeaseLeaseSplitActive, svcDhcpLeaseInterDestId, svcDhcpLeasePrimaryNbnsType, svcDhcpLeasePrimaryNbns, svcDhcpLeaseSecondaryNbnsType, svcDhcpLeaseSecondaryNbns, svcDhcpLeaseCategoryMapName, svcDhcpLeaseNakNextRenew, svcDhcpLeaseRadiusClassAttr, svcDhcpLeaseRadiusUserName, svcDhcpManagedRouteStatus, svcDhcpManagedRouteMetric, svcDhcpManagedRoutePreference, svcDhcpManagedRouteTag, svcDhcpLeaseModifySubIndent, svcDhcpLeaseModifySubIndent, svcDhcpLeaseModifySubProfile, svcDhcpLeaseModifySlaProfile, svcDhcpLeaseEvaluateState, svcDhcpLeaseModInterDestId, svcDhcpLeaseModifyAncpString, svcDhcpLeaseForceRenew, svcDhcpLeaseBgpPrngPlcyName, svcDhcpLeaseBgpAuthKeyChain, svcDhcpLeaseBgpMD5AuthKey, svcDhcpLeaseBgpImportPolicy, svcDhcpLeaseBgpExportPolicy, svcDhcpLeaseBgpPeerAS, svcDhcpLeaseBgpPeeringStatus, svcDhcpLeaseAleDatalink, svcDhcpLeaseAleEncaps1, svcDhcpLeaseAleEncaps2, svcDhcpLeaseOvrPIR, svcDhcpLeaseOvrCIR, svcDhcpLeaseOvrCBS, svcDhcpLeaseOvrMBS, svcDhcpLeaseOvrWrrWeight, svcDhcpLeaseWppState, svcDhcpLeaseWppPortalRouter, svcDhcpLeaseWppPortalName, svcDhcpLeasePoolName, svcDhcpLeaseServerId, svcDhcpLeaseInterfaceId, svcDhcpLeaseRemoteId, svcDhcpLeaseOption60, svcDhcpLeaseRadCalledStationId, svcDhcpLeaseLeaseTime, svcDhcpLeaseSessTimeout, svcDhcpLeaseUptime, svcDhcpLeaseRemainingSessTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services DHCP Lease capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems in release 11.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 178 } tmnxSvcRoutedCOV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcWholesalerNumDhcp6LeaseStates, svcWholesalerNumSlaacHosts, svcWholesalerNumStatic6Hosts, svcWholesalerNumIpoeSessions, svcWholesalerNumIpcpHosts } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting routed CO on R13.0 Nokia SROS systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 179 } tmnxSvcNotifyObjsV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcDhcpRestoreLseStateCiAddr, svcDhcpRestoreLseStateProblem, svcDhcpLseStateOldCiAddr, svcDhcpLseStateOldChAddr, svcDhcpLseStateNewCiAddr, svcDhcpLseStateNewChAddr, svcDhcpClientLease, svcDhcpPacketProblem, svcDhcpLseStatePopulateError, hostConnectivityCiAddrType, hostConnectivityCiAddr, hostConnectivityChAddr, protectedMacForNotify, staticHostDynamicMacIpAddress, staticHostDynamicMacConflict, tmnxSvcObjRow, tmnxSvcObjRowDescr, tmnxSvcObjTodSuite, tmnxFailureDescription, svcDhcpProxyError, svcDhcpCoAError, svcDhcpSubAuthError, svcTlsMrpAttrRegFailedReason, svcTlsMrpAttrType, svcTlsMrpAttrValue, svcMstiInstanceId, tmnxCustomerBridgeId, tmnxCustomerRootBridgeId, tmnxOtherBridgeId, tmnxOldSdpBindTlsStpPortState, tmnxVcpState, macPinningMacAddress, macPinningPinnedRow, macPinningPinnedRowDescr, macPinningViolatingRow, macPinningViolatingRowDescr } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services notification objects on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 200 } tmnxArpHostNotifyObjsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcNotifSapPortId, svcNotifSapEncapValue, svcArpHostPopulateError } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services notification objects on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 201 } tmnxSvcNotifyObjsV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcDhcpRestoreLseStateCiAddr, svcDhcpRestoreLseStateProblem, svcDhcpLseStateOldCiAddr, svcDhcpLseStateOldChAddr, svcDhcpLseStateNewCiAddr, svcDhcpLseStateNewChAddr, svcDhcpClientLease, svcDhcpPacketProblem, svcDhcpLseStatePopulateError, hostConnectivityCiAddrType, hostConnectivityCiAddr, hostConnectivityChAddr, protectedMacForNotify, staticHostDynamicMacIpAddress, staticHostDynamicMacConflict, tmnxSvcObjRow, tmnxSvcObjRowDescr, tmnxSvcObjTodSuite, tmnxFailureDescription, svcDhcpProxyError, svcDhcpCoAError, svcDhcpSubAuthError, svcTlsMrpAttrRegFailedReason, svcTlsMrpAttrType, svcTlsMrpAttrValue, svcMstiInstanceId, tmnxCustomerBridgeId, tmnxCustomerRootBridgeId, tmnxOtherBridgeId, tmnxOldSdpBindTlsStpPortState, tmnxVcpState, macPinningMacAddress, macPinningPinnedRow, macPinningPinnedRowDescr, macPinningViolatingRow, macPinningViolatingRowDescr, svcHostAddrType, svcHostAddr } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services notification objects on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 202 } tmnxSvcObsoletedV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsStpHoldTime, tlsMFibInfoFwdOrBlk, tlsMFibInfoSvcId, tlsMFibGrpSrcStatsForwardedPkts, tlsMFibGrpSrcStatsForwardedOctets, tlsDHCPClientLease, tlsDhcpLseStateOldCiAddr, tlsDhcpLseStateOldChAddr, tlsDhcpLseStateNewCiAddr, tlsDhcpLseStateNewChAddr, tlsDhcpRestoreLseStateCiAddr, tlsDhcpRestoreLseStateSvcId, tlsDhcpRestoreLseStatePortId, tlsDhcpRestoreLseStateEncapVal, tlsDhcpRestoreLseStateProblem, tlsDhcpPacketProblem, tlsDhcpLseStatePopulateError } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsolete objects for the services feature on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 300 } tmnxSvcObsoletedV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsBgpADVsiRD, svcTlsBgpADExportRteTarget, svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy1, svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy2, svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy3, svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy4, svcTlsBgpADVsiExportPolicy5, svcTlsBgpADImportRteTarget, svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy1, svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy2, svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy3, svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy4, svcTlsBgpADVsiImportPolicy5, svcDhcpLseStateLocale, svcDhcpLseStatePortId, svcDhcpLseStateEncapValue, svcDhcpLseStateSdpId, svcDhcpLseStateVcId, svcDhcpLseStateChAddr, svcDhcpLseStateRemainLseTime, svcDhcpLseStateOption82, svcDhcpLseStatePersistKey, svcDhcpLseStateSubscrIdent, svcDhcpLseStateSubProfString, svcDhcpLseStateSlaProfString, svcDhcpLseStateShcvOperState, svcDhcpLseStateShcvChecks, svcDhcpLseStateShcvReplies, svcDhcpLseStateShcvReplyTime, svcDhcpLseStateClientId, svcDhcpLseStateIAID, svcDhcpLseStateIAIDType, svcDhcpLseStateCiAddrMaskLen, svcDhcpLseStateRetailerSvcId, svcDhcpLseStateRetailerIf, svcDhcpLseStateAncpString, svcDhcpLseStateFramedIpNetMaskTp, svcDhcpLseStateFramedIpNetMask, svcDhcpLseStateBCastIpAddrType, svcDhcpLseStateBCastIpAddr, svcDhcpLseStateDefaultRouterTp, svcDhcpLseStateDefaultRouter, svcDhcpLseStatePrimaryDnsType, svcDhcpLseStatePrimaryDns, svcDhcpLseStateSecondaryDnsType, svcDhcpLseStateSecondaryDns, svcDhcpLseStateSessionTimeout, svcDhcpLseStateServerLeaseStart, svcDhcpLseStateServerLastRenew, svcDhcpLseStateServerLeaseEnd, svcDhcpLseStateDhcpServerAddrType, svcDhcpLseStateDhcpServerAddr, svcDhcpLseStateOriginSubscrId, svcDhcpLseStateOriginStrings, svcDhcpLseStateOriginLeaseInfo, svcDhcpLseStateDhcpClientAddrType, svcDhcpLseStateDhcpClientAddr, svcDhcpLseStateLeaseSplitActive, svcDhcpLseStateInterDestId, svcDhcpLseStatePrimaryNbnsType, svcDhcpLseStatePrimaryNbns, svcDhcpLseStateSecondaryNbnsType, svcDhcpLseStateSecondaryNbns, svcDhcpLseStateNextHopMacAddr, svcDhcpLseStateCategoryMapName, svcDhcpLseStateNakNextRenew, svcDhcpLseStateRadiusClassAttr, svcDhcpLseStateRadiusUserName, svcDhcpLseStateModifySubIndent, svcDhcpLseStateModifySubProfile, svcDhcpLseStateModifySlaProfile, svcDhcpLseStateEvaluateState, svcDhcpLseStateModInterDestId, svcDhcpLseStateModifyAncpString, svcDhcpLseStateForceRenew, svcDhcpLseStateAppProfString, svcDhcpLseStateModifyAppProfile, svcDhcpLseStateBgpPrngPlcyName, svcDhcpLseStateBgpAuthKeyChain, svcDhcpLseStateBgpMD5AuthKey, svcDhcpLseStateBgpImportPolicy, svcDhcpLseStateBgpExportPolicy, svcDhcpLseStateBgpPeerAS, svcDhcpLseStateBgpPeeringStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group services feature objects obsoleted in release 8.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 301 } tmnxSvcObsoletedV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { iesIfVpnId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group services feature objects obsoleted in release 9.0 of Nokia SROS SR series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 302 } tmnxSvcObsoletedV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcDhcpLeaseOriginSubscrId, svcDhcpLeaseOriginStrings, svcDhcpLeaseSessionTimeout, svcArpHostOriginSubscrId, svcArpHostOriginStrings } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group services feature objects obsoleted in release 11.0 of Nokia SROS SR series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 303 } tmnxSvcObsoletedGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcDhcpManagedRouteStatus, svcDhcpManagedRouteMetric, svcDhcpManagedRoutePreference, svcDhcpManagedRouteTag, tlsRdntGrpRowStatus, tlsRdntGrpDescription, tlsRdntGrpLastMgmtChange, tlsRdntGrpMemberRowStatus, tlsRdntGrpMemberLastMgmtChange } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted service objects of Nokia SROS SR series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 304 } tmnxSvcNotifyV6v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcStatusChanged, svcTlsFdbTableFullAlarmRaised, svcTlsFdbTableFullAlarmCleared, iesIfStatusChanged, svcTlsMfibTableFullAlarmRaised, svcTlsMfibTableFullAlarmCleared, svcTlsMacPinningViolation, svcDHCPLseStateRestoreProblem, tmnxSvcObjTodSuiteApplicFailed, tmnxEndPointTxActiveChanged, tmnxSvcPEDiscPolServOperStatChg, svcEndPointMacLimitAlarmRaised, svcEndPointMacLimitAlarmCleared, svcTlsMrpAttrRegistrationFailed, svcTlsMrpAttrTblFullAlarmRaised, svcTlsMrpAttrTblFullAlarmCleared, svcEpipePbbOperStatusChanged, topologyChangeVcpState, newRootVcpState, newRootBridge, vcpActiveProtocolChange, tmnxNewCistRegionalRootBridge, tmnxNewMstiRegionalRootBridge, topologyChangePipMajorState, topologyChangePipState, tmnxPipStpExcepCondStateChng, pipActiveProtocolChange, svcFdbMimDestTblFullAlrm, svcFdbMimDestTblFullAlrmCleared, svcDHCPMiscellaneousProblem, svcPersistencyProblem } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications for the services feature on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 401 } tmnxSvcNotifyObsoletedGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { custCreated, custDeleted, custMultSvcSiteCreated, custMultSvcSiteDeleted, svcCreated, svcDeleted, iesIfCreated, iesIfDeleted, svcTlsDHCPLseStRestoreProblem, svcTlsDHCPLseStatePopulateErr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications for the services feature on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 402 } tmnxArpHostNotifyGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcArpHostPopulateErr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications for the Services ARP hosts feature on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 403 } tmnxSvcMCEPNotifyGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcEPMCEPConfigMismatch, svcEPMCEPConfigMismatchResolved, svcEPMCEPPassiveModeActive, svcEPMCEPPassiveModePassive } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications for the Services multi-chassis endpoint feature on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 404 } tmnxSvcNotifyV7v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcStatusChanged, svcTlsFdbTableFullAlarmRaised, svcTlsFdbTableFullAlarmCleared, iesIfStatusChanged, svcTlsMfibTableFullAlarmRaised, svcTlsMfibTableFullAlarmCleared, svcTlsMacPinningViolation, svcDHCPLseStateRestoreProblem, tmnxSvcObjTodSuiteApplicFailed, tmnxEndPointTxActiveChanged, tmnxSvcPEDiscPolServOperStatChg, svcEndPointMacLimitAlarmRaised, svcEndPointMacLimitAlarmCleared, svcTlsMrpAttrRegistrationFailed, svcTlsMrpAttrTblFullAlarmRaised, svcTlsMrpAttrTblFullAlarmCleared, svcEpipePbbOperStatusChanged, topologyChangeVcpState, newRootVcpState, newRootBridge, vcpActiveProtocolChange, tmnxNewCistRegionalRootBridge, tmnxNewMstiRegionalRootBridge, topologyChangePipMajorState, topologyChangePipState, tmnxPipStpExcepCondStateChng, pipActiveProtocolChange, svcFdbMimDestTblFullAlrm, svcFdbMimDestTblFullAlrmCleared, svcDHCPMiscellaneousProblem, svcPersistencyProblem, svcRestoreHostProblem } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications for the services feature on Nokia SROS series systems for release 7.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 405 } tmnxSvcNotifyV8v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcTlsSiteDesigFwdrChg, svcTlsGroupOperStatusChanged } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications for the services feature on Nokia SROS series systems for release 8.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 406 } tmnxSvcEthCfmGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEthCfmTblLastChanged, svcEthCfmTunnelFaultNotification, svcEthCfmVMepExtensions } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting Ethernet Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) for the services feature on Nokia SROS series systems for release 9.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 407 } tmnxSvcNotifyV9v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcMSPwRtMisconfig, svcMSPwRetryExpiredNotif, svcMacFdbTblFullAlarm, svcMacFdbTblFullAlarmCleared, svcOperGrpOperStatusChanged } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications for the services feature on Nokia SROS series systems for release 9.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 408 } tmnxSvcApipeInfoV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcApipeSignaledVllTypeOverride } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of APIPE services on Nokia SROS series systems for release 9.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 409 } tmnxSvcSpbGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcSpbIfEncapValue, svcSpbIfLocale, svcSpbIfPortId, svcSpbIfSdpId, svcSpbIfVcId, svcSpbIfSvcId, svcSpbIfIsisInstance, tlsSpbFdbMEncapValue, tlsSpbFdbMLocale, tlsSpbFdbMPortId, tlsSpbFdbMSdpId, tlsSpbFdbMState, tlsSpbFdbMVcId, tlsSpbFidFdbMEncapValue, tlsSpbFidFdbMLocale, tlsSpbFidFdbMPortId, tlsSpbFidFdbMSdpId, tlsSpbFidFdbMVcId, tlsSpbFidMFibIsid, tlsSpbMFibState, tlsSpbMFibIsid, tlsSpbFdbEncapValue, tlsSpbFdbLocale, tlsSpbFdbPortId, tlsSpbFdbSdpId, tlsSpbFdbState, tlsSpbFdbVcId, tlsSpbFidFdbEncapValue, tlsSpbFidFdbLocale, tlsSpbFidFdbPortId, tlsSpbFidFdbSdpId, tlsSpbFidFdbVcId, tlsSpbFidFdbLastUpdate, tlsSpbFidFdbMLastUpdate, tlsSpbFidMFibLastUpdate, svcTlsSpbUserSvcLastUpdate, svcTlsExtSpbmCtrlVpls, svcTlsExtSpbmFid, svcTlsSpbFid, svcTlsSpbIsisInstance, svcTlsSpbLastChanged, svcTlsSpbRowStatus, svcTlsSpbTableLastChanged, svcTlsSpbL1BridgePriority, svcTlsSpbL1FwdTreeTopoUcast, svcTlsSpbL1FwdTreeTopoMcast, svcTlsSpbL1BridgeId, svcTlsSpbL1McastDesigBridgeId, svcTlsSpbAdminState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Shortest Path Bridging feature on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 410 } tmnxSvcVllBgpGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVllBgpExportRteTarget, svcVllBgpImportRteTarget, svcVllBgpLastChanged, svcVllBgpTableLastChanged, svcVllBgpVsiRD, svcVllSiteIdAdminStatus, svcVllSiteIdBootTimer, svcVllSiteIdDesignatedFwdr, svcVllSiteIdDfChgCnt, svcVllSiteIdDfUpTime, svcVllSiteIdEncapValue, svcVllSiteIdLastChanged, svcVllSiteIdOperStatus, svcVllSiteIdPortId, svcVllSiteIdRowStatus, svcVllSiteIdSiteActTimer, svcVllSiteIdSiteId, svcVllSiteIdTblLastChanged, svcVllSiteIdTimerRemain, svcVllBgpRowStatus, svcTlsBgpRowStatus } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Epipe BGP multi-homing feature on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 411 } tmnxSvcP2mpGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsIPmsiAdminState, svcTlsIPmsiDataDelayIntvl, svcTlsIPmsiRemainDataDelayIntvl, svcTlsIPmsiType, svcTlsIPmsiRootAndLeaf, svcTlsIPmsiLspTmpl, svcTlsIPmsiLspName, svcTlsPmsiLastChanged, svcTlsPmsiRowStatus, svcTlsPmsiTableLastChanged } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of P2MP for vpls feature on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 412 } tmnxSvcNotifyV10v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcVllSiteDesigFwdrChg } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications for the services feature on Nokia SROS series systems for release 8.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 413 } tmnxSvcV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { custCreationOrigin, svcNumEntries, svcId, svcRowStatus, svcType, svcCustId, svcIpRouting, svcDescription, svcMtu, svcAdminStatus, svcOperStatus, svcNumSaps, svcNumSdps, svcLastMgmtChange, svcDefMeshVcId, svcVpnId, svcVRouterId, svcAutoBind, svcLastStatusChange, svcVllType, svcMgmtVpls, svcRadiusDiscovery, svcRadiusUserName, svcRadiusUserNameType, svcVcSwitching, svcVplsType, svcTotalFdbMimDestIdxEntries } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services general capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems that were added in release 11.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 415 } tmnxSvcPEObsoletedGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcRadiusPEDiscPolicy, svcRadiusDiscoveryShutdown, svcPEDiscoveryPolicyRowStatus, svcPEDiscoveryPolicyPassword, svcPEDiscoveryPolicyInterval, svcPEDiscoveryPolicyTimeout, svcPEDiscPolServerRowStatus, svcPEDiscPolServerAddressType, svcPEDiscPolServerAddress, svcPEDiscPolServerSecret, svcPEDiscPolServerOperStatus, svcPEDiscPolServerPort } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services PE Discovery capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 416 } tmnxSvcNotifyObsoletedV11v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxSvcPEDiscPolServOperStatChg } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications for the services feature on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 417 } tmnxSvcNotifyV11v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcStatusChanged, svcTlsFdbTableFullAlarmRaised, svcTlsFdbTableFullAlarmCleared, iesIfStatusChanged, svcTlsMfibTableFullAlarmRaised, svcTlsMfibTableFullAlarmCleared, svcTlsMacPinningViolation, svcDHCPLseStateRestoreProblem, tmnxSvcObjTodSuiteApplicFailed, tmnxEndPointTxActiveChanged, svcEndPointMacLimitAlarmRaised, svcEndPointMacLimitAlarmCleared, svcTlsMrpAttrRegistrationFailed, svcTlsMrpAttrTblFullAlarmRaised, svcTlsMrpAttrTblFullAlarmCleared, svcEpipePbbOperStatusChanged, topologyChangeVcpState, newRootVcpState, newRootBridge, vcpActiveProtocolChange, tmnxNewCistRegionalRootBridge, tmnxNewMstiRegionalRootBridge, topologyChangePipMajorState, topologyChangePipState, tmnxPipStpExcepCondStateChng, pipActiveProtocolChange, svcFdbMimDestTblFullAlrm, svcFdbMimDestTblFullAlrmCleared, svcDHCPMiscellaneousProblem, svcPersistencyProblem, svcRestoreHostProblem } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications for the services feature on Nokia SROS series systems for release 11.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 418 } svcBgpVpwsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEndPointCreationOrigin, svcBgpVplsPwTemplateId, svcBgpVpwsPwTemplateId, svcL2MhRteVplsPreference, svcVllSiteIdPreference, svcBgpVpwsAdminStatus, svcBgpVpwsLastChanged, svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeId, svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeLastChanged, svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeRowStatus, svcBgpVpwsRemoteVeTblLastChanged, svcBgpVpwsRowStatus, svcBgpVpwsTblLastChanged, svcBgpVpwsVeId, svcBgpVpwsVeName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services PE Discovery capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 419 } tmnxSvcSchedulerRateV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { custMssIngQosSPIRHi, custMssIngQosSPIRLo, custMssIngQosSCIRHi, custMssIngQosSCIRLo, custMssEgrQosSPIRHi, custMssEgrQosSPIRLo, custMssEgrQosSCIRHi, custMssEgrQosSCIRLo } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Scheduler policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 11.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 420 } tmnxSvcSpbV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeRowStatus, svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeLastChanged, svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeLow, svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeHigh, svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeUseDefMCTree, svcTlsIsidPlcyRangeAdvLocal } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of SPB feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 11.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 421 } tmnxSvcV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcNumMHStandbySaps, svcDhcpLeaseWppRestoreOnDiscon, svcDhcpLeaseWppIsTriggered, svcDhcpLeaseWppInitialSubProfile, svcDhcpLeaseWppInitialSLAProfile, svcDhcpLeaseWppInitialAppProfile, svcDhcpLeaseWppLocalUserDb, svcDhcpLeaseWppAuthPolicy, iesIfIPv6Dhcp6PDManagedRoute, svcDhcpLeaseMngdRtStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of services feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 12.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 423 } tmnxSvcMHGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsSiteIdActTimerRemain, svcVllSiteIdActTimerRemain } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of multi-homing for vpls and epipe feature on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 424 } tmnxSvcCondStaticMacGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tlsCondStaticMacLastChanged, tlsCondStaticMacTblLastChanged, tlsCondStaticMacAddr, tlsCondStaticMacPreference, tlsCondStaticMacRowStatus, tlsCondStaticMacLocale, tlsCondStaticMacPortId, tlsCondStaticMacEncapValue, tlsCondStaticMacSdpId, tlsCondStaticMacVcId, tlsCondStaticMacMonitor } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of multi-homing for vpls and epipe feature on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 425 } svcTlsFdbMacStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsFdbMacStatsNumEntries } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of services feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 12.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 426 } svcOperGrpBfdGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcOperGrpBfdTblLastChgd, svcOperGrpBfdRowStatus, svcOperGrpBfdLastChgd, svcOperGrpBfdSvcId, svcOperGrpBfdIfName, svcOperGrpBfdDestIpType, svcOperGrpBfdDestIp, svcOperGrpBfdSrcIpType, svcOperGrpBfdSrcIp, svcOperGrpBfdSessOperState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of operational-group BFD feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 12.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 427 } svcTlsEtreeGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsModeEtree } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group objects supporting service ETree feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 12.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 428 } svcVxlanGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tlsFdbVTEPAddrType, tlsFdbVTEPAddr, tlsFdbVNI, svcTlsVxlanRowStatus, svcTlsVxlanLastChgd, svcTlsVxlanTblLastChgd, svcTlsVxlanCreationOrigin, svcVTEPAddrType, svcVTEPAddress, svcVTEPNumEgrVNIs, svcVTEPOperState, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddrType, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIEgrVNI, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNINumMACs, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIInMcastList, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIOperState, svcVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddrType, svcVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress, svcVTEPEgrVNIEgrVNI, svcVTEPEgrVNISvcId, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIL2EsPbr, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIMcast } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group objects supporting service VXLAN (virtual extensible LAN) feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 12.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 429 } svcBgpEvpnGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnTableLastChanged, svcBgpEvpnRowStatus, svcBgpEvpnLastChanged, svcBgpEvpnMacAdvertisement, svcBgpEvpnMacAdvDefaultRoute, svcBgpEvpnVxlanAdminStatus, svcBgpEvpnCreationOrigin, svcTlsProxyArpTblLastChngd, svcTlsProxyArpMacAddr, svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetNumMoves, svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetWindow, svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetRetry, svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetNumDups, svcBgpEvpnDetDupMacAddress, svcBgpEvpnDetDupMacTime } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group objects supporting service EVPN (Ethernet - VPN) feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 12.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 430 } tmnxSvcV11v4Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { custCreationOrigin, svcNumEntries, svcId, svcRowStatus, svcType, svcCustId, svcIpRouting, svcDescription, svcMtu, svcAdminStatus, svcOperStatus, svcNumSaps, svcNumSdps, svcLastMgmtChange, svcDefMeshVcId, svcVpnId, svcVRouterId, svcAutoBind, svcLastStatusChange, svcVllType, svcMgmtVpls, svcRadiusDiscovery, svcVcSwitching, svcVplsType, svcTotalFdbMimDestIdxEntries } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services general capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems that were added in release R11.4." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 431 } svcBaseInfoObsoletedGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcRadiusUserName, svcRadiusUserNameType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of services feature on Nokia SROS series systems release R11.4." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 432 } tmnxIesIfRtrSolicitGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxIesIfRtrSolTableLastChanged, tmnxIesIfRtrSolLastMgmtChange, tmnxIesIfRtrSolAdminStatus, tmnxIesIfRtrSolUserDb, tmnxIesIfRtrSolMinAuthInterval, tmnxIesIfRtrSolInactivityTimer, iesIfIPv6AllowMultiWanAddr, iesIfIPv6Dhcp6OverrideSlaac } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group objects supporting router solicit feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 12.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 433 } svcVsdGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVsdDomainName, svcVsdDomainTblLastChngd, svcVsdDomainAdminState, svcVsdDomainDescription, svcVsdDomainRowStatus, svcVsdDomainType, svcVsdDomainCreationOrigin, svcVsdDomainToSvcTblLastChngd, svcVsdDomainToSvcRowStatus, svcVsdDomainToSvcCreationOrigin, svcVsdDomainLastErrStr, svcVsdDomainVsdLastErrStr, svcVsdDomainStatCfgChgEvtRcvd, svcVsdDomainStatLastCfgChgEvt, svcVsdDomainStatCfgUpdRcvd, svcVsdDomainStatLastCfgUpdRcvd, svcVsdDomainStatLastCfgUpdDone, svcVsdDomainStatCfgSuccess, svcVsdDomainStatCfgFailed, svcVsdDomainRecParams, svcVsdDomainExecParams, svcVsdDomainRecParams1, svcVsdDomainRecParams2, svcVsdDomainRecParams3, svcVsdDomainRecParams4, svcVsdDomainExecParams1, svcVsdDomainExecParams2, svcVsdDomainExecParams3, svcVsdDomainExecParams4 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group objects supporting service VSD (Virtualized Services Directory) domain configuration on Nokia SROS series systems R12.4." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 434 } tmnxSvcQosV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { custMultSvcSiteEgressAggRateLUB } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of services QoS capabilities for release 12.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 435 } tmnxSvcCreation12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcNameCreationOrigin, svcTlsBgpADCreationOrigin, svcTlsBgpCreationOrigin, iesIfCreationOrigin } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of service creation entities for release 12.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 436 } svcBgpEvpnNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcBgpEvpnDupMacAddrsDetected, svcBgpEvpnDupMacAddrsCleared, svcTlsEvpnTunnNHopHiUsgAlarmSet, svcTlsEvpnTunnNHopHiUsgAlarmClr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group notifications supporting notifications for the service EVPN (Ethernet - VPN) feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 12.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 437 } svcVxlanNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcTlsDupVTEPEgrVNIDetected, svcTlsDupVTEPEgrVNICleared, svcTlsVTEPHiUsageAlarmRaised, svcTlsVTEPHiUsageAlarmCleared, svcTlsVTEPEgrVniSysHiUsgAlarmSet, svcTlsVTEPEgrVniSysHiUsgAlarmClr, svcTlsVTEPEgrVniSvcHiUsgAlarmSet, svcTlsVTEPEgrVniSvcHiUsgAlarmClr, svcBindSysHiUsageAlarmRaised, svcBindSysHiUsageAlarmCleared, svcTlsRvplsEgrVniSysHiUsgAlrmSet, svcTlsRvplsEgrVniSysHiUsgAlrmClr } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group notifications supporting service VXLAN (virtual extensible LAN) feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 12.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 438 } tmnxSvcPbbMacV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrRowStatus, svcTlsPbbMldSnpgMRtrLastCh } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services PBB MAC capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems release 12.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 439 } tmnxSvcTestGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcIsTestSvc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of test service entities for release 12.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 440 } svcBgpEvpnIPRouteGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { iesIfVplsEvpnTunnel, svcBgpEvpnIpRouteAdvertisement, svcBgpEvpnIpRouteAdverInclHost } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group objects supporting service EVPN (Ethernet - VPN) feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 12.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 441 } tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeTableLastChanged, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeLastChange, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeAdminState, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeDescription, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoePolicy, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeUserDb, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeSessionLimit, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeSapSessionLimit, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeMinAuthInterval, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeForceAuth } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services IES interface IPoE session on Nokia SROS series systems in release 13.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 442 } tmnxSvcIesIfV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { iesIfExportHostRoutes } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services IES interface capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems in release 12.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 443 } tmnxSvcIpipeFaultPropGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcIpipeCeAddressDiscoveryKeep, svcIpipeEthFaultNotifRecTimer, svcIpipeEthFaultNotifAdminState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of IPIPE fault propagation capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 444 } tmnxSvcQosSchedV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { custMssIngQosSParentWeight, custMssIngQosSParentCIRWeight, custMssEgrQosSParentWeight, custMssEgrQosSParentCIRWeight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos scheduler overrides for release 13.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 445 } tmnxSvcTlsProxyArpGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsProxyArpCfgTblLastChngd, svcTlsProxyArpCfgRowStatus, svcTlsProxyArpCfgLastChgd, svcTlsProxyArpCfgAdminState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of proxy ARP capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 446 } tmnxSvcVprnV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVprnInfoTableLastChanged, svcVprnInfoEntryLastChanged, svcNetIngQosPolicyId, svcNetIngQosFPQGrp, svcNetIngQosFPQGrpInstanceId, svcNetIngIPFilterId, svcNetIngIPv6FilterId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of VPRN network capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems for release 13.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 447 } tmnxSvcTlsProxyArpEnhGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsProxyArpDynPopulate, svcTlsProxyArpAgeTime, svcTlsProxyArpSendRefresh, svcTlsProxyArpAntiSpoofingMac, svcTlsProxyArpAntiSpoofHoldDown, svcTlsProxyArpDupDetectWindow, svcTlsProxyArpAntiSpoofNumMoves, svcTlsProxyArpUnknReqFloodEvpn, svcTlsProxyArpStaticTblLastChngd, svcTlsProxyArpStaticRowStatus, svcTlsProxyArpStaticLastChgd, svcTlsProxyArpStaticMac, svcTlsProxyArpTableSize, svcTlsProxyArpGarpFloodEvpn } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of enhanced proxy ARP capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 448 } tmnxSvcTlsEvpnProxyArpGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsProxyArpType, svcTlsProxyArpLastChgd, svcTlsProxyArpStatus, svcTlsProxyArpCount } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of BGP EVPN and enhanced proxy ARP capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 449 } tmnxSvcIesIfV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { iesIfSuppressAaSub, iesGrpIfDiameterAuthPolicy, tmnxIesIfIpv6IpoeDhcp6Hosts, tmnxIesIfIpv6PppDhcp6Hosts, tmnxIesIfIpv6PppSLAACHosts, tmnxIesIfIpv6IpoeSLAACHosts, tmnxIesIfIpv6StaticHostsUp, iesIfIpv6Dhcp6UserIdent, iesGrpIfIpv6AutoReply, svcIfSapCfgAntiSpoof, iesIfIPv6Dhcp6PDManagedRouteNH } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services IES interface capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems in release 13.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 450 } svcTlsProxyArpNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcTlsProxyArpDupDetect, svcTlsProxyArpDupClear, svcTlsProxyArpSysHiUsgSet, svcTlsProxyArpSysHiUsgClr, svcTlsProxyArpSvcHiUsgSet, svcTlsProxyArpSvcHiUsgClr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of VPLS proxy ARP/ND feature in release 13.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 452 } tmnxSvcVsdGlobalObjsV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVsdServiceRangeStart, svcVsdServiceRangeEnd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services VSD Global objects on Nokia SROS series systems in release 13.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 453 } svcBgpEvpnMplsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnMplsTableLastChanged, svcBgpEvpnEvi, svcBgpEvpnMplsLastChanged, svcBgpEvpnMplsForceVlanVcFwding, svcBgpEvpnMplsControlWord, svcBgpEvpnMplsShgName, tlsFdbEvpnMplsTEPAddrType, tlsFdbEvpnMplsTEPAddr, tlsFdbEvpnMplsLabel, svcEvpnMplsTEPAddrType, svcEvpnMplsTEPAddress, svcEvpnMplsTEPNumEvpnMplsDest, svcEvpnMplsTEPNumESDest, svcEvpnMplsTEPNumESBMacDest, svcTlsBgpEvpnABTnlTblLastChanged, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlLastChg, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlLdp, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlBgp, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlRsvpTe, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrIsis, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrOspf, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBndTnlStatus, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPAddrType, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPAddress, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPLabel, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblNumMACs, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblInMcastList, svcTlsBgpOperImportRteTgtOrigin, svcTlsBgpOperImportRteTarget, svcTlsBgpOperExportRteTgtOrigin, svcTlsBgpOperExportRteTarget, svcBgpEvpnMplsIngressLabel, svcBgpEvpnMplsIngressBumLabel, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblLastChanged, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTunnelType, svcBgpEvpnMplsAdminState } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting service BGP EVPN (Ethernet - VPN) MPLS feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 13.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 454 } svcBgpEvpnMplsMhGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnMplsIngressRepBumLabel, svcBgpEvpnMplsMaxEcmpRoutes, tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnRD, tmnxSvcSysEthSegRowStatus, tmnxSvcSysEthSegLastChg, tmnxSvcSysEthSegAdminState, tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsi, tmnxSvcSysEthSegMultiHoming, tmnxSvcSysEthSegSvcCarving, tmnxSvcSysEthSegLagId, tmnxSvcSysEthSegPortId, tmnxSvcSysEthSegSdpId, tmnxSvcSysEthSegSourceBMacLSB, tmnxSvcSysEthSegBMacTblSize, tmnxSvcSysEthSegBMacTblEntries, tmnxSvcSysEthSegOperMultiHoming, tmnxSvcSysEthSegTblLastChanged, svcEthSegCarvEviRngTblLastChgd, svcEthSegCarvIsidRngTblLastChgd, svcEthSegCarvEviRngRowStatus, svcEthSegCarvEviRngLastChg, svcEthSegCarvEviRngTo, svcEthSegCarvIsidRngRowStatus, svcEthSegCarvIsidRngLastChg, svcEthSegCarvIsidRngTo, tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsActTimer, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviIsDF, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidIsDF, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviActTimRem, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidActTimRem, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviSvcId, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidSvcId, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFLastChanged, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFLastChanged, tlsFdbEvpnMplsEthSegId, svcSysEthSegBMacAddress, tmnxSvcSysEthSegOperState, tmnxSvcSysEthSegSHGLabel, svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPLastChanged, svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPLstChg, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtAdded, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtAdded, svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPTunnelType, svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPTnlType, svcEvpnMplsESDestNumMacs, svcEvpnMplsPbbESegDestNumMacs, svcNumEvpnMHStandbySaps, svcEvpnMplsESDestLastChanged, svcEvpnMplsPbbESegDestLstChg, tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnOperRD, tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnRDType } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting service BGP EVPN (Ethernet - VPN) MPLS Multi Home feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 13.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 455 } svcEvpnMplsNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcEvpnMplsTEPHiUsageRaised, svcEvpnMplsTEPHiUsageCleared, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrBndSysHiUsgSet, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrBndSysHiUsgClr, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrBndSvcHiUsgSet, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrBndSvcHiUsgClr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group notifications supporting service BGP EVPN MPLS feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 13.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 457 } tmnxSvcTlsMFibV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tlsMFibNgFwdOrBlk, tlsMFibNgSvcId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services TLS MFib capabilities on Nokia SROS 13.0 series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 458 } svcSpiLoadBalGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsExtSpiLoadBalancing, svcTmplTlsSpiLoadBalancing } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of SPI load-balancing feature capabilities on Nokia SROS 13.0 series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 459 } svcBgpAutoRDGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsBgpAutoRD, svcTlsBgpOperRD, svcTlsBgpOperRDType, svcVllBgpAutoRD, svcVllBgpOperRD, svcVllBgpOperRDType, svcBgpAutoRDType1IpAddr, svcBgpAutoRDType1CommValStart, svcBgpAutoRDType1CommValEnd, svcBgpAutoRDType1InUse } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting BGP auto route-distinguisher feature in Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 460 } svcRipListenerGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcDhcpLeaseRipPlcyName, svcDhcpLeaseRipListenerStatus, svcArpHostRipPlcyName, svcArpHostRipListenerStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of RIP listener feature in Nokia SROS 13.0 series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 461 } tmnxSvcQosRateV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { custMultSvcSiteEgrAggRateLimit } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of services QoS capabilities for release 13.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 462 } tmnxSvcGrpIfGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSvcGrpIfVRouterId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the tmnxSvcGrpIfTable on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 463 } svcTeidLoadBalGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsExtTeidLoadBalancing, svcTmplTlsTeidLoadBalancing } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of TE-ID load-balancing feature capabilities on Nokia SROS 13.0 series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 464 } svcBgpMHSiteGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsSiteIdMinDnTimer, svcTlsSiteIdMinDnTimerRemain, svcVllSiteIdMinDnTimer, svcVllSiteIdMinDnTimerRemain } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of objects supporting service BGP multi-homing site feature on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 465 } svcSiteMinDnTimerNotifyObjsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcNotifSiteName, svcNotifSiteMinDnTimer, svcNotifSiteMinDnTimerRemain, svcNotifSiteMinDnTimerState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of notification objects supporting service site minimum-down-timer feature on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 466 } svcSiteMinDnTimerNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcSiteMinDnTimerStateChg } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting service site minimum-down-timer feature on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 467 } tmnxSvcShcvPolicyGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { iesIfShcvPolicy, iesIfShcvPolicyIpv4, iesIfShcvPolicyIpv6, svcTlsShcvPolicyIpv4 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of references to Subscriber Host Connectivity Verification (SHCV) policies in Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 468 } tmnxSvcV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { custCreationOrigin, svcNumEntries, svcId, svcRowStatus, svcType, svcCustId, svcIpRouting, svcDescription, svcMtu, svcAdminStatus, svcOperStatus, svcNumSaps, svcNumSdps, svcLastMgmtChange, svcDefMeshVcId, svcVpnId, svcVRouterId, svcLastStatusChange, svcVllType, svcMgmtVpls, svcRadiusDiscovery, svcVcSwitching, svcVplsType, svcTotalFdbMimDestIdxEntries, svcDhcpLeaseTerminationType, tmnxSvcDhcpMRtStatus, tmnxSvcDhcpMRtMetric, tmnxSvcDhcpMRtPreference, tmnxSvcDhcpMRtTag, svcBgpEvpnCfmMacAdvertisement, svcDhcpLeaseIpoeSessionHost, svcDhcpLeasePppSession } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services general capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems that were added in release R13.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 469 } tmnxSvcObsoletedV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcAutoBind } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of services feature on Nokia SROS series systems release R13.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 470 } svcTlsProxyArpNotifyObjsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcNotifTlsProxyMacAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of notification objects supporting service proxy ARP/ND feature on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 471 } svcAutoBindTunnelGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVprnBgpAutoBindLastChg, svcVprnBgpAutoBindLdp, svcVprnBgpAutoBindRsvpTe, svcVprnBgpAutoBindSrIsis, svcVprnBgpAutoBindSrOspf, svcVprnBgpAutoBindGre, svcVprnBgpAutoBindTblLastChgd, svcVprnBgpAutoBindTnlStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting service BGP EVPN (Ethernet - VPN) MPLS feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 13.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 474 } tmnxSvcTlsProxyNdGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsProxyNdDynPopulate, svcTlsProxyNdAgeTime, svcTlsProxyNdSendRefresh, svcTlsProxyNdAntiSpoofingMac, svcTlsProxyNdAntiSpoofHoldDown, svcTlsProxyNdDupDetectWindow, svcTlsProxyNdAntiSpoofNumMoves, svcTlsProxyNdUnknSolFloodEvpn, svcTlsProxyNdStaticTblLastChngd, svcTlsProxyNdStaticRowStatus, svcTlsProxyNdStaticLastChgd, svcTlsProxyNdStaticMac, svcTlsProxyNdCfgTblLastChngd, svcTlsProxyNdCfgRowStatus, svcTlsProxyNdCfgLastChgd, svcTlsProxyNdCfgAdminState, svcTlsProxyNdTblLastChngd, svcTlsProxyNdMacAddr, svcTlsProxyNdType, svcTlsProxyNdLastChgd, svcTlsProxyNdStatus, svcTlsProxyNdTableSize, svcTlsProxyNdRtrUnSolNAFloodEvpn, svcTlsProxyNdHstUnSolNAFloodEvpn, svcTlsProxyNdEvpnNdAdvRouter, svcTlsProxyNdStaticIsRouter, svcTlsProxyNdIsRouter, svcTlsProxyNdCount } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of enhanced proxy ND capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 475 } svcTlsProxyNdNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcTlsProxyNdDupDetect, svcTlsProxyNdDupClear, svcTlsProxyNdSysHiUsgSet, svcTlsProxyNdSysHiUsgClr, svcTlsProxyNdSvcHiUsgSet, svcTlsProxyNdSvcHiUsgClr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of VPLS proxy ND feature in release 13.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 476 } svcV13v0NotifyObjsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcNotifyMacAddress, svcNotifyText } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of notification objects added in release 13.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 477 } svcArpHostNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcArpHostOverride } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting Subscriber Host Connectivity Verification (SHCV) policies." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 478 } tmnxSvcVsdDynamicSvcGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxVsdRootObjInstance, tmnxVsdRootObjOrphanTime, tmnxVsdRootObjSnippetName, tmnxVsdRootObjSnippetInstance, tmnxVsdScriptStatsDescr, tmnxVsdScriptStatsVal, tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRefCount, tmnxVsdScriptSnippetDictLength, tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRootObjOid, tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRefSnipName, tmnxVsdScriptSnippetRefSnipInst, tmnxVsdScriptSnippetResIdType, tmnxVsdScriptSnippetResIdValue, tmnxVsdRootObjTableLastCh, tmnxVsdNonStoredRootObjCount, tmnxVsdSnippetTableLastCh, tmnxVsdSnipRootObjTblLastCh, tmnxVsdSnippetRefTableLastCh, tmnxVsdSnippetResIdTblLastCh, tmnxVsdStatsLastClearedTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Dynamic Services using VSD Nokia SROS series systems in release 13.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 479 } svcEvpnDestNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcEvpnDestSysHiUsgSet, svcEvpnDestSysHiUsgClr } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group notifications supporting service BGP EVPN MPLS and VXLAN feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 13.0. " ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 480 } tmnxSvcV14v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeRadSessTimeout, tmnxSvcIesIfIpoeStatelessRed } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of services feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 14.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 481 } svcTlsEsPbrL2Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsEsPbrL2Status, svcTlsEsPbrL2NumUsers, svcTlsEsPbrL2VTEPAddrType, svcTlsEsPbrL2VTEPAddress, svcTlsEsPbrL2EgrVNI } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting service L2 EVPN ESPBR on Nokia SROS series systems release 13.0. " ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 482 } svcVprnEsPbrL3Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVprnEsPbrL3Esi, svcVprnEsPbrL3IPIfIndex, svcVprnEsPbrL3Status, svcVprnEsPbrL3NumUsers, svcVprnEsPbrL3MAC, svcVprnEsPbrL3VTEPAddrType, svcVprnEsPbrL3VTEPAddress, svcVprnEsPbrL3EgrVNI } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting service L3 VPRN ESPBR on Nokia SROS series systems release 13.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 483 } tmnxSvcDhcpV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcDhcpLeaseOvrSummedCIR } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services DHCP Lease capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems added in release 13.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 484 } tmnxArpHostV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcArpHostOvrSummedCIR } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services ARP hosts capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems added in release 13.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 485 } svcEvpnMhEsDFNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcEvpnMHEsEviDFStateChgd, svcEvpnMHEsIsidDFStateChgd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group notification supporting service EVPN MH feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 13.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 486 } svcBgpEvpnMplsV14v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnMplsEntropyLabel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting EVPN MPLS feature on Nokia SROS series systems in release 14.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 487 } tmnxSvcRadClassGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSvcDhcpLeaseRadClassAscii, tmnxSvcDhcpLeaseRadClass, tmnxSvcArpHostRadClassAscii, tmnxSvcArpHostRadClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of DHCP lease state multiple Radius Class Attributes on the Nokia SROS series." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 488 } svcAutoBindTunnelSRTEGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVprnBgpAutoBindSrTe } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting service BGP EVPN (Ethernet - VPN) MPLS feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 14.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 489 } svcTlsStaticBHGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsProxyArpCfgStaticBH, svcTlsProxyNdCfgStaticBH } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the static black hole feature for proxy arp and proxy-nd on Nokia SROS series systems in release 14.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 490 } svcVxlanObsoletedNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcTlsRvplsEgrVniSysHiUsgAlrmSet, svcTlsRvplsEgrVniSysHiUsgAlrmClr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications which are obsoleted in Nokia SROS series systems release 14.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 491 } svcVxlan14v0NotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcTlsDupVTEPEgrVNIDetected, svcTlsDupVTEPEgrVNICleared, svcTlsVTEPHiUsageAlarmRaised, svcTlsVTEPHiUsageAlarmCleared, svcTlsVTEPEgrVniSysHiUsgAlarmSet, svcTlsVTEPEgrVniSysHiUsgAlarmClr, svcTlsVTEPEgrVniSvcHiUsgAlarmSet, svcTlsVTEPEgrVniSvcHiUsgAlarmClr, svcBindSysHiUsageAlarmRaised, svcBindSysHiUsageAlarmCleared } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group notifications supporting service VXLAN (virtual extensible LAN) feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 14.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 492 } svcBgpEvpnP2mpMldpGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnIngressRepIncMcastAdv, svcTlsIPmsiOwner } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the p2mp mldp feature on Nokia SROS series systems in release 14.0" ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 493 } svcBgpEvpnMplsMh1Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnMplsIngressRepBumLabel, svcBgpEvpnMplsMaxEcmpRoutes, tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnRD, tmnxSvcSysEthSegRowStatus, tmnxSvcSysEthSegLastChg, tmnxSvcSysEthSegAdminState, tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsi, tmnxSvcSysEthSegMultiHoming, tmnxSvcSysEthSegSvcCarving, tmnxSvcSysEthSegLagId, tmnxSvcSysEthSegPortId, tmnxSvcSysEthSegSdpId, tmnxSvcSysEthSegSourceBMacLSB, tmnxSvcSysEthSegBMacTblSize, tmnxSvcSysEthSegBMacTblEntries, tmnxSvcSysEthSegOperMultiHoming, tmnxSvcSysEthSegTblLastChanged, svcEthSegCarvEviRngTblLastChgd, svcEthSegCarvIsidRngTblLastChgd, svcEthSegCarvEviRngRowStatus, svcEthSegCarvEviRngLastChg, svcEthSegCarvEviRngTo, svcEthSegCarvIsidRngRowStatus, svcEthSegCarvIsidRngLastChg, svcEthSegCarvIsidRngTo, tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsActTimer, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviIsDF, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidIsDF, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviActTimRem, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidActTimRem, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviSvcId, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidSvcId, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFLastChanged, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFLastChanged, tlsFdbEvpnMplsEthSegId, svcSysEthSegBMacAddress, tmnxSvcSysEthSegOperState, tmnxSvcSysEthSegSHGLabel, svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPLastChanged, svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPLstChg, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtAdded, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtAdded, svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPTunnelType, svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPTnlType, svcEvpnMplsESDestNumMacs, svcNumEvpnMHStandbySaps, svcEvpnMplsESDestLastChanged, svcEvpnMplsPbbESegDestLstChg, tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnOperRD, tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnRDType } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting service BGP EVPN (Ethernet - VPN) MPLS Multi Home feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 13.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 494 } svcBgpEvpnMplsMhObsoletedGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEvpnMplsPbbESegDestNumMacs } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects obsoleted from service BGP EVPN (Ethernet - VPN) MPLS Multi Home feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 13.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 495 } tmnxSvcVplsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsVxlanNetIngQosPolicyId, svcTlsVxlanNetIngQosFPQGrp, svcTlsVxlanNetIngQosFPQGrpInstId } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of VPLS network capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems for release 14.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 496 } svcBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSRTEGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrTe } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting service BGP EVPN (Ethernet - VPN) MPLS feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 14.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 497 } tmnxSvcVllBgpEvpnGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVllBgpEvpnABTnlTblLastChanged, svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlLastChg, svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlLdp, svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlBgp, svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlRsvpTe, svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrIsis, svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrOspf, svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBndTnlStatus, svcBgpEvpnVpwsLastTblChg, svcBgpEvpnVpwsLastChg, svcBgpEvpnVpwsLclAcName, svcBgpEvpnVpwsLclAcEthTag, svcBgpEvpnVpwsRemAcName, svcBgpEvpnVpwsRemAcEthTag, svcVllBgpOperImportRteTgtOrigin, svcVllBgpOperImportRteTarget, svcVllBgpOperExportRteTgtOrigin, svcVllBgpOperExportRteTarget } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of EPIPE BGP EVPN capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems for release 14.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 498 } tmnxSvcNotifyV14v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcStatusChanged, svcTlsFdbTableFullAlarmRaised, svcTlsFdbTableFullAlarmCleared, iesIfStatusChanged, svcTlsMfibTableFullAlarmRaised, svcTlsMfibTableFullAlarmCleared, svcTlsMacPinningViolation, svcDHCPLseStateRestoreProblem, tmnxEndPointTxActiveChanged, svcEndPointMacLimitAlarmRaised, svcEndPointMacLimitAlarmCleared, svcTlsMrpAttrRegistrationFailed, svcTlsMrpAttrTblFullAlarmRaised, svcTlsMrpAttrTblFullAlarmCleared, svcEpipePbbOperStatusChanged, topologyChangeVcpState, newRootVcpState, newRootBridge, vcpActiveProtocolChange, tmnxNewCistRegionalRootBridge, tmnxNewMstiRegionalRootBridge, topologyChangePipMajorState, topologyChangePipState, tmnxPipStpExcepCondStateChng, pipActiveProtocolChange, svcFdbMimDestTblFullAlrm, svcFdbMimDestTblFullAlrmCleared, svcDHCPMiscellaneousProblem, svcPersistencyProblem, svcRestoreHostProblem } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications for the services feature on Nokia SROS series systems for release 14.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 499 } tmnxSvcObsoletedNotifsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxSvcObjTodSuiteApplicFailed } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted notifications for the services feature on Nokia SROS series systems for release 14.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 500 } tmnxSvcNotifyObjsV14v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcDhcpRestoreLseStateCiAddr, svcDhcpRestoreLseStateProblem, svcDhcpLseStateOldCiAddr, svcDhcpLseStateOldChAddr, svcDhcpLseStateNewCiAddr, svcDhcpLseStateNewChAddr, svcDhcpClientLease, svcDhcpPacketProblem, svcDhcpLseStatePopulateError, hostConnectivityCiAddrType, hostConnectivityCiAddr, hostConnectivityChAddr, protectedMacForNotify, staticHostDynamicMacIpAddress, staticHostDynamicMacConflict, tmnxFailureDescription, svcDhcpProxyError, svcDhcpCoAError, svcDhcpSubAuthError, svcTlsMrpAttrRegFailedReason, svcTlsMrpAttrType, svcTlsMrpAttrValue, svcMstiInstanceId, tmnxCustomerBridgeId, tmnxCustomerRootBridgeId, tmnxOtherBridgeId, tmnxOldSdpBindTlsStpPortState, tmnxVcpState, macPinningMacAddress, macPinningPinnedRow, macPinningPinnedRowDescr, macPinningViolatingRow, macPinningViolatingRowDescr, svcHostAddrType, svcHostAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services notification objects on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 501 } tmnxSvcNotifyObsoletedV14v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSvcObjRow, tmnxSvcObjRowDescr, tmnxSvcObjTodSuite } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects supporting management of Services notification objects on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 502 } svcEpipeBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrTe } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting service EPIPE BGP EVPN (Ethernet - VPN) MPLS feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 14.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 505 } svcEvpnAlmpNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcEvpnRcvdProtSrcMac } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group notification supporting Auto learn mac protect feature for EVPN feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 14.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 506 } tmnxSvcSysVxlanARGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSvcSysVxlanARIpAddrType, tmnxSvcSysVxlanARRepIpAddr, svcTlsVxlanAsstdRepl, svcTlsVxlanARActTime, svcTlsVxlanARLeafReplCndtInUse, svcTlsVxlanARLeafReplCndtActive, svcTlsVxlanARLeafReplCndtPndTime } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group notification supporting Optimized Ingress Replication for for VXLAN feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 14.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 507 } svcBgpEvpnMplsRcdSrcMacGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnMplsResProtSrcMac, svcBgpEvpnMplsResProtSrcMacAct, svcTlsVxlanResProtSrcMac, svcTlsVxlanResProtSrcMacAct } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group notification supporting Restricted Source MAC Protection feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 14.0" ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 508 } svcVxlanV14v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tlsFdbVTEPAddrType, tlsFdbVTEPAddr, tlsFdbVNI, svcTlsVxlanRowStatus, svcTlsVxlanLastChgd, svcTlsVxlanTblLastChgd, svcTlsVxlanCreationOrigin, svcVTEPAddrType, svcVTEPAddress, svcVTEPNumEgrVNIs, svcVTEPOperState, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddrType, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIEgrVNI, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNINumMACs, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIOperState, svcVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddrType, svcVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress, svcVTEPEgrVNIEgrVNI, svcVTEPEgrVNISvcId, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIL2EsPbr, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIMcast } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting service VXLAN (virtual extensible LAN) feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 14.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 509 } svcVxlanObsoletedGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIInMcastList } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects supporting service VXLAN (virtual extensible LAN) feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 14.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 510 } svcEpipePwPortGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEpipePwPortTableLastChgd, svcEpipePwPortRowStatus, svcEpipePwPortLastChngd, svcEpipePwPortId, svcEpipePwPortFpeId, svcEpipePwPortEgrShapVPort, svcEpipePwPortEgrShapIntDestId, svcEpipePwPortMonOperGrp, svcEpipePwPortAdminStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of PW port objects supporting EPIPE service feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 14.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 512 } tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermTblLstChg, tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermRowStatus, tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermLastChg, tmnxSvcSysVxlanTunTermFpeId, svcTlsExtVxlanSrcTepIpAddrType, svcTlsExtVxlanSrcTepIpAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group notification supporting tunnel termination for VXLAN feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 14.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 513 } svcTlsPbbV14v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnAcceptIvplsEvpnFlush, svcTlsBackboneEvpnFlush } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional PBB objects supporting TLS service feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 14.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 514 } svcVplsEvpnV14v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnVxlanBgpInstance, svcBgpEvpnMplsBgpInstance, svcVplsBgpTableLastChanged, svcVplsBgpLastChanged, svcVplsBgpVsiRD, svcVplsBgpExportRteTarget, svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy1, svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy2, svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy3, svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy4, svcVplsBgpVsiExportPolicy5, svcVplsBgpImportRteTarget, svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy1, svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy2, svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy3, svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy4, svcVplsBgpVsiImportPolicy5, svcVplsBgpRowStatus, svcVplsBgpCreationOrigin, svcVplsBgpAutoRD, svcVplsBgpOperRD, svcVplsBgpOperRDType, svcVplsBgpOperImportRteTgtOrigin, svcVplsBgpOperImportRteTarget, svcVplsBgpOperExportRteTgtOrigin, svcVplsBgpOperExportRteTarget } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional EVPN objects supporting VPLS service feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 14.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 515 } svcBgpEvpnMplsMhAdEviRtGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnAdEsRtTgtType, tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnADESRDAddrType, tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnADPerESRDIpAddr, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviOperRD } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects obsoleted from service BGP EVPN (Ethernet - VPN) MPLS Multi Home AD per-ES route advertisement feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 14.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 516 } svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetBHGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnMacDupBlkHoleDupMac } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting BGP EVPN MAC duplicate-detection 'blackhole' feature in the Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 518 } svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetBHNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcBgpEvpnBHDupMacAddrsDetected } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group notification supporting BGP EVPN MAC duplicate-detection 'blackhole' feature in the Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0" ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 519 } svcProxyArpNdMacListGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcProxyArpNdMacListTblLastChngd, svcProxyArpNdMacListLastChgd, svcProxyArpNdMacListRowStatus, svcProxyArpNdMacListMacRowStatus, svcProxyArpNdMacListMacLastChgd, svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgTblLastChgd, svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgRowStatus, svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgMacList, svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgResolve, svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgTblLastChgd, svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgRowStatus, svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgMacList, svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgResolve, svcTlsProxyArpDynCfgRemResolve, svcTlsProxyNdDynCfgRemResolve, svcProxyArpNdMacListNumMacs, svcProxyArpNdMacListNumAssocs, svcProxyArpNdAssocsLastChgd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting Proxy Arp/ND Multiple MAC service feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0" ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 520 } svcVplsEvpnInclMcastV14v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnIncMcastOrigAddr, svcBgpEvpnIncMcastOrigAddrType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional EVPN objects supporting Inclusive multicast VPLS service on Nokia SROS series systems release 14.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 521 } svcVplsIpv6McastV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsMcastIpv6SnpgScope } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting Ipv6 multicast VPLS service on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 522 } tmnxSvcSysVirtualEthSegGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngTblLstChd, tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngRowStatus, tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngLastChg, tmnxSvcSysEthSegQTagRngTo, tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngTblLstChd, tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngRowStatus, tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngLastChg, tmnxSvcSysEthSegVcIdRngTo, tmnxSvcSysEthSegType, tmnxESSTagRngTblLstChd, tmnxESSTagRngRowStatus, tmnxESSTagRngLastChg, tmnxESSTagRngTo, tmnxESSTagCTagRngTblLstChd, tmnxESSTagCTagRngRowStatus, tmnxESSTagCTagRngLastChg, tmnxESSTagCTagRngTo } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting Virtual Es feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 523 } svcTlsVxlanReplicatorNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcTlsVxlanReplicatorChgd } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group notification supporting Vxlan assisted replication feature in the Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 524 } svcAutoBindTunnelV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVprnBgpAutoBindBgp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting service BGP EVPN (Ethernet - VPN) MPLS feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 525 } svcBgpEvpnMplsMhDfPrefGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecTblLstChgd, svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecRowStatus, svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecPrefMode, svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecValue, svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecLastChg, tmnxSvcSysESOperServCarvMode, tmnxSvcSysESEviIsidCfgRngsType, svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecOperValue, svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecDntPreempt } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting DF preference election feature for BGP EVPN MPLS Multi Home on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 526 } svcBgpEvpnEtreeV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnEtreeLeafLabel, tlsFdbIsEvpnEtreeLeaf, tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnAllocLeafLabel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting BGP EVPN ETREE feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 527 } tmnxSvcSelectiveUrpfGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcNetIngUrpfCheckState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting selective unicast RPF checking capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 528 } svcBgpEvpnAutoBindUdpTnlGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlUdp, svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlUdp, svcBgpEvpnMplsEvpnEncapMpls, svcBgpEvpnMplsEvpnEncapMplsoUdp, svcBgpEvpnVxlanSendEvpnEncap } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting BGP EVPN MPLS over UDP feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 529 } tmnxSvcEpipeVxlanVtepGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEpipeVxlanSrcTepIpAddrType, svcEpipeVxlanSrcTepIpAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting Epipe Vxlan feature on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 530 } tmnxSvcEpipeNatOutsideV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEpipeNatOSRowStatus, svcEpipeNatOSLastChngd, svcEpipeNatOSAdminState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting NAT Outside feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 531 } tmnxSvcEpipeVxlanGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEpipeVxlanRowStatus, svcEpipeVxlanLastChgd, svcEpipeVxlanCreationOrigin, svcEpipeVxlanEgrVTEPIpAddrType, svcEpipeVxlanEgrVTEPIpAddr, svcEpipeVxlanEgrVTEPIpOperGrp, svcEpipeVxlanTblLastChgd, svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddrType, svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress, svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIEgrVNI, svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIOperState, svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIVxlanType } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting EPIPE Vxlan feature on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 532 } svcPbbEvpnIsidRtGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcPbbEvpnIsidRtRowStatus, svcPbbEvpnIsidRtLastChgd, svcPbbEvpnIsidRtIsidRngTo, svcPbbEvpnIsidRtTgtType, svcPbbEvpnIsidRtTarget, svcPbbEvpnIsidRtTblLastChgd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting PBB-EVPN Isid based route target feature on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 533 } tmnxSvcTlsEgrObsoletedGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tlsEgrMcGrpRowStatus, tlsEgrMcGrpLastMgmtChange, tlsEgrMcGrpDescription, tlsEgrMcGrpChainLimit, tlsEgrMcGrpEncapType, tlsEgrMcGrpDot1qEtherType, tlsEgrMcGrpQinqEtherType, tlsEgrMcGrpMacFilterId, tlsEgrMcGrpIpFilterId, tlsEgrMcGrpIpv6FilterId, tlsEgrMcGrpQinqFixedTagPosition, tlsEgrMcGrpOperQinqFixedTagVal, tlsEgrMcGrpAdminQinqFixedTagVal } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted egress multicast group service objects on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 534 } tmnxSvcTlsV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsMacLearning, svcTlsDiscardUnknownDest, svcTlsFdbTableSize, svcTlsFdbNumEntries, svcTlsFdbNumStaticEntries, svcTlsFdbLocalAgeTime, svcTlsFdbRemoteAgeTime, svcTlsStpAdminStatus, svcTlsStpPriority, svcTlsStpBridgeAddress, svcTlsStpTimeSinceTopologyChange, svcTlsStpTopologyChanges, svcTlsStpDesignatedRoot, svcTlsStpRootCost, svcTlsStpRootPort, svcTlsStpMaxAge, svcTlsStpHelloTime, svcTlsStpForwardDelay, svcTlsStpBridgeMaxAge, svcTlsStpBridgeHelloTime, svcTlsStpBridgeForwardDelay, svcTlsStpOperStatus, svcTlsStpVirtualRootBridgeStatus, svcTlsMacAgeing, svcTlsStpTopologyChangeActive, svcTlsFdbTableFullHighWatermark, svcTlsFdbTableFullLowWatermark, svcTlsVpnId, svcTlsCustId, svcTlsStpVersion, svcTlsStpHoldCount, svcTlsStpPrimaryBridge, svcTlsStpBridgeInstanceId, svcTlsStpVcpOperProtocol, svcTlsMacMoveMaxRate, svcTlsMacMoveRetryTimeout, svcTlsMacMoveAdminStatus, svcTlsMacRelearnOnly, svcTlsMfibTableSize, svcTlsMfibTableFullHighWatermark, svcTlsMfibTableFullLowWatermark, svcTlsMacFlushOnFail, svcTlsStpRegionName, svcTlsStpRegionRevision, svcTlsStpBridgeMaxHops, svcTlsStpCistRegionalRoot, svcTlsStpCistIntRootCost, svcTlsStpCistRemainingHopCount, svcTlsStpCistRegionalRootPort, svcTlsFdbNumLearnedEntries, svcTlsFdbNumOamEntries, svcTlsFdbNumDhcpEntries, svcTlsFdbNumHostEntries, svcTlsShcvAction, svcTlsShcvSrcIp, svcTlsShcvSrcMac, svcTlsShcvInterval, svcTlsPriPortsCumulativeFactor, svcTlsSecPortsCumulativeFactor, svcTlsL2ptTermEnabled, svcTlsPropagateMacFlush, svcTlsMrpAdminStatus, svcTlsMrpMaxAttributes, svcTlsMrpAttributeCount, svcTlsMrpFailedRegisterCount, svcTlsMrpFloodTime, svcTlsMrpAttrTblHighWatermark, svcTlsMrpAttrTblLowWatermark, svcTlsMcPathMgmtPlcyName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services TLS general capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 535 } tmnxSvcRateV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { custMultSvcSiteEgrAggRateLimitHi } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects enhancing the management of Services rates configuration on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 536 } svcBgpEvpnEtreeNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcEvpnEtreeBumLabelSysHiUsgSet, svcEvpnEtreeBumLabelSysHiUsgClr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group notifications supporting BGP EVPN ETREE feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 537 } svcTlsPmsiV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsIPmsiOperState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the P2MP for VPLS feature on Nokia SROS series systems in release 15.0" ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 538 } tmnxSvcDhcpV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcDhcpLeaseOvrClassWeight, svcDhcpLeaseRadSubIfPfxType, svcDhcpLeaseRadSubIfPfx, svcDhcpLeaseRadSubIfPfxLen, svcDhcpLeaseRtrAdvPlcy, svcDhcpLeaseWlanGwBridgeId, svcDhcpLeaseWppPortalGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of services DHCP Lease capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems added in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 539 } tmnxArpHostV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcArpHostOvrClassWeight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of services ARP hosts capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems added in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 540 } svcTlsFdbV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsSelLearnedFdb } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Selective Learned FDB feature on Nokia SROS series systems added in 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 541 } svcVxlanEvpnMplsDestNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcVxlanEvpnMplsDestSysHiUsgSet, svcVxlanEvpnMplsDestSysHiUsgClr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group notifications supporting service BGP EVPN MPLS and VXLAN feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0. " ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 542 } svcEvpnDestObsoletedNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcEvpnDestSysHiUsgSet, svcEvpnDestSysHiUsgClr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted notifications supporting service BGP EVPN MPLS and VXLAN feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0. " ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 543 } svcSysEvpnESDfPrefNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcSysEvpnESDfPrefOperValChange } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group notifications supporting service BGP EVPN MPLS MH DF Preference election feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 544 } svcVprnWeightedLoadBalanceGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVprnBgpAutoBindWeightedEcmp, svcVprnBgpAutoBindMaxEcmpRoutes } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting VPRN weighted load balancing feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 545 } svcVxlanMhV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEpipeVxlanInstanceId, svcTlsVxlanInstanceId, svcVxlanInstEthSegName, svcVxlanInstEthSegStatus, svcVxlanInstOperFlagsMhStandby } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting VXLAN MH feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 546 } svcVxlanInstBgpEvpnMhV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSvcSysEthSegVxlanInstanceId, tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngTblLstChd, tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngTo, tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngRowStatus, tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngLastChgd, svcBgpEvpnVxlanSendImetIrOnNdf } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting VXLAN MH feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 547 } tmnxSvcSysFdbUsgNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxSvcSysFdbTableHighUsgSet, tmnxSvcSysFdbTableHighUsgClr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group notifications supporting MAC scale feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 548 } svcPbbEvpnEtreeV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcPbbLeafSrcBVplsMacAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting PBB EVPN ETREE feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 549 } svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmTblLstChg, svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmRowStatus, svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmLastChg, svcSysGreEthBrgdTnlTrmFpeId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group notification supporting tunnel termination for Ethernet over GRE bridge feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 550 } tmnxSvcNotifyV15v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcMSPwRtMisconfig, svcMSPwRetryExpiredNotif, svcOperGrpOperStatusChanged } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications for the services feature on Nokia SROS series systems for release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 552 } tmnxSvcMacScaleObsoletedGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcMacFdbTblFullAlarm, svcMacFdbTblFullAlarmCleared } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted notifications for the services feature on Nokia SROS series systems for release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 553 } svcVplsProxyArpNdRtmV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsProxyArpCfgRouteTag, svcTlsProxyNdCfgRouteTag } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting EVPN RTM host route learning for Proxy Arp/Nd on Nokia SROS series systems for release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 554 } svcVprnBgpAutoBindUdpTnlGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVprnBgpAutoBindUdp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting BGP EVPN MPLS over UDP feature for VPRN on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 555 } svcTlsFdbMacScaleV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tlsFdbCmplxMap, tmnxSvcSysFdbTableSize, tmnxSvcSysFdbAllocEntries, tmnxSvcSysFdbGlobalEntries, tmnxSvcSysFdbRvplsEntriesInUse, tmnxSvcSysFdbRvplsEntriesAlloc, tmnxSvcSysFdbEsBmacEntriesInUse, tmnxSvcSysFdbEsBmacEntriesAlloc, svcTlsFdbNumEntriesInUse } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of MAC scale feature on Nokia SROS series systems added in 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 556 } tmnxSvcV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcCreationOrigin } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems for release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 557 } tmnxSvcV15v0ObsoletedGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcMacFdbRecords } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects supporting management of Services capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems for release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 558 } tmnxSvcCustomerNameGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { custName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting customer names for services on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 559 } svcVxlanEcmpGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsExtVxlanIpv4TepEcmp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects associated with VXLAN ECMP feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 560 } tmnxSvcIesIfV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { iesIfIPv6WanMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services IES interface capabilities added in Nokia SROS series systems release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 561 } tmnxSvcSiteV15v1Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsSiteIdAdminStatus, svcTlsSiteIdEncapValue, svcTlsSiteIdLastChanged, svcTlsSiteIdPortId, svcTlsSiteIdRowStatus, svcTlsSiteIdSdpBindId, svcTlsSiteIdShgMeshSdp, svcTlsSiteIdShgName, svcTlsSiteIdSiteId, svcTlsSiteIdFailedThresh, svcTlsSiteIdOperStatus, svcTlsSiteIdDesignatedFwdr, svcTlsSiteIdDfUpTime, svcTlsSiteIdDfChgCnt, svcTlsSiteIdTblLastChanged, svcBgpVplsVeId, svcBgpVplsVeName, svcBgpVplsMaxVeId, svcBgpVplsAdminStatus, svcBgpVplsLastChanged, svcBgpVplsRowStatus, svcBgpVplsTblLastChanged, tlsShgSiteName, svcTlsSiteIdBootTimer, svcTlsSiteIdSiteActTimer, svcTlsSiteIdTimerRemain } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting sites on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 562 } svcTlsBgpObsoletedGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsBgpExportRteTarget, svcTlsBgpImportRteTarget, svcTlsBgpLastChanged, svcTlsBgpTableLastChanged, svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy1, svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy2, svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy3, svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy4, svcTlsBgpVsiExportPolicy5, svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy1, svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy2, svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy3, svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy4, svcTlsBgpVsiImportPolicy5, svcTlsBgpVsiRD, svcTlsBgpAutoRD, svcTlsBgpOperRD, svcTlsBgpOperRDType, svcTlsBgpCreationOrigin, svcTlsBgpOperImportRteTgtOrigin, svcTlsBgpOperImportRteTarget, svcTlsBgpOperExportRteTgtOrigin, svcTlsBgpOperExportRteTarget, svcTlsBgpRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects supporting older BGP objects on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 563 } svcBgpAutoRDV15v1Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVllBgpAutoRD, svcVllBgpOperRD, svcVllBgpOperRDType, svcBgpAutoRDType1IpAddr, svcBgpAutoRDType1CommValStart, svcBgpAutoRDType1CommValEnd, svcBgpAutoRDType1InUse } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting BGP auto route-distinguisher feature in Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 564 } tmnxSvcCreation15v1Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcNameCreationOrigin, svcTlsBgpADCreationOrigin, iesIfCreationOrigin } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of service creation entities for release 15.1 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 565 } svcBgpEvpnMplsV15v1Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnMplsTableLastChanged, svcBgpEvpnEvi, svcBgpEvpnMplsLastChanged, svcBgpEvpnMplsForceVlanVcFwding, svcBgpEvpnMplsControlWord, svcBgpEvpnMplsShgName, tlsFdbEvpnMplsTEPAddrType, tlsFdbEvpnMplsTEPAddr, tlsFdbEvpnMplsLabel, svcEvpnMplsTEPAddrType, svcEvpnMplsTEPAddress, svcEvpnMplsTEPNumEvpnMplsDest, svcEvpnMplsTEPNumESDest, svcEvpnMplsTEPNumESBMacDest, svcTlsBgpEvpnABTnlTblLastChanged, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlLastChg, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlLdp, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlBgp, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlRsvpTe, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrIsis, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrOspf, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBndTnlStatus, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPAddrType, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPAddress, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPLabel, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblNumMACs, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblInMcastList, svcBgpEvpnMplsIngressLabel, svcBgpEvpnMplsIngressBumLabel, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblLastChanged, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTunnelType, svcBgpEvpnMplsAdminState } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting service BGP EVPN (Ethernet - VPN) MPLS feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 13.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 566 } tmnxSvcVllBgpV15v1Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVllBgpExportRteTarget, svcVllBgpImportRteTarget, svcVllBgpLastChanged, svcVllBgpTableLastChanged, svcVllBgpVsiRD, svcVllSiteIdAdminStatus, svcVllSiteIdBootTimer, svcVllSiteIdDesignatedFwdr, svcVllSiteIdDfChgCnt, svcVllSiteIdDfUpTime, svcVllSiteIdEncapValue, svcVllSiteIdLastChanged, svcVllSiteIdOperStatus, svcVllSiteIdPortId, svcVllSiteIdRowStatus, svcVllSiteIdSiteActTimer, svcVllSiteIdSiteId, svcVllSiteIdTblLastChanged, svcVllSiteIdTimerRemain, svcVllBgpRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Epipe BGP multi-homing feature on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 567 } svcVxlanTermV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVprnVxlanTunTermTableLastChgd, svcVprnVxlanTunTermRowStatus, svcVprnVxlanTunTermFpeId, svcVprnVxlanTunTermLastChg } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting VXLAN termination feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 568 } svcEvpnMHStandbyNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcEvpnMHStandbyStatusChg } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group notifications supporting EVPN multi-homing feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 569 } svcV15v0NotifyObjsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcNotifVxlanInstance, svcNotifEvpnMHStandbyStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of notification objects added in release 15.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 570 } svcV19v0NotifyObjsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcNotifEthSegName, svcNotifInetAddr, svcNotifInetAddrType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of notification objects added in release 19.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 571 } svcSrv6NotifyObjsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcSrv6LocatorName, svcSrv6FunctionType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of notification objects added in release 19.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcGroups 572 } svcBgpEvpnMplsObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnMplsTableLastChanged, svcBgpEvpnEvi, svcBgpEvpnMplsLastChanged, svcBgpEvpnMplsForceVlanVcFwding, svcBgpEvpnMplsControlWord, svcBgpEvpnMplsShgName, tlsFdbEvpnMplsTEPAddrType, tlsFdbEvpnMplsTEPAddr, tlsFdbEvpnMplsLabel, svcEvpnMplsTEPAddrType, svcEvpnMplsTEPAddress, svcEvpnMplsTEPNumEvpnMplsDest, svcEvpnMplsTEPNumESDest, svcEvpnMplsTEPNumESBMacDest, svcTlsBgpEvpnABTnlTblLastChanged, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlLastChg, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlLdp, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlBgp, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlRsvpTe, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrIsis, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrOspf, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBndTnlStatus, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPAddrType, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPAddress, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPLabel, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblNumMACs, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblInMcastList, svcBgpEvpnMplsIngressLabel, svcBgpEvpnMplsIngressBumLabel, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblLastChanged, svcBgpEvpnMplsAdminState } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting service BGP EVPN (Ethernet - VPN) MPLS feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 572 } svcBgpEvpnMplsObsoletedGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTunnelType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects supporting service BGP EVPN (Ethernet - VPN) MPLS feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 573 } svcEvpnMplsBindsTransportGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblResType } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting transport type for service BGP EVPN MPLS binds in Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 574 } svcBgpEvpnMplsMh1V15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnMplsIngressRepBumLabel, svcBgpEvpnMplsMaxEcmpRoutes, tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnRD, tmnxSvcSysEthSegRowStatus, tmnxSvcSysEthSegLastChg, tmnxSvcSysEthSegAdminState, tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsi, tmnxSvcSysEthSegMultiHoming, tmnxSvcSysEthSegSvcCarving, tmnxSvcSysEthSegLagId, tmnxSvcSysEthSegPortId, tmnxSvcSysEthSegSdpId, tmnxSvcSysEthSegSourceBMacLSB, tmnxSvcSysEthSegBMacTblSize, tmnxSvcSysEthSegBMacTblEntries, tmnxSvcSysEthSegOperMultiHoming, tmnxSvcSysEthSegTblLastChanged, svcEthSegCarvEviRngTblLastChgd, svcEthSegCarvIsidRngTblLastChgd, svcEthSegCarvEviRngRowStatus, svcEthSegCarvEviRngLastChg, svcEthSegCarvEviRngTo, svcEthSegCarvIsidRngRowStatus, svcEthSegCarvIsidRngLastChg, svcEthSegCarvIsidRngTo, tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsActTimer, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviIsDF, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidIsDF, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviActTimRem, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidActTimRem, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviSvcId, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidSvcId, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFLastChanged, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFLastChanged, tlsFdbEvpnMplsEthSegId, svcSysEthSegBMacAddress, tmnxSvcSysEthSegOperState, tmnxSvcSysEthSegSHGLabel, svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPLastChanged, svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPLstChg, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtAdded, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtAdded, svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPTunnelType, svcEvpnMplsESDestNumMacs, svcNumEvpnMHStandbySaps, svcEvpnMplsESDestLastChanged, svcEvpnMplsPbbESegDestLstChg, tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnOperRD, tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnRDType } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting service BGP EVPN (Ethernet - VPN) MPLS Multi Home feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 575 } svcBgpEvpnMplsMh1ObsoletedGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPTunnelType, svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPTnlType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects supporting service BGP EVPN (Ethernet - VPN) MPLS Multi Home feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 576 } svcEvpnMplsMhBindsTransportGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPResType, svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPResType } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting transport type for service BGP EVPN MPLS Multi Home feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 577 } svcPppoeRedirectGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEpipeFwdWhlSalePortId, svcEpipeFwdWhlSaleEncapValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting PPPoE redirect on subscriber SAP feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 578 } tmnxSvcV16v0ObsoletedGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcIfSapCfgDefFilterProfile, svcEthCfmVMepExtensions } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects supporting management of Services capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems for release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 579 } tmnxSvcInterAsObsoletedGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcInterASMvpn } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects supporting management of inter-AS Service on Nokia SROS series systems for Release .0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 580 } svcBgpEvpnVxlanGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnVxlanMaxEcmpRoutes, svcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPLastChanged, svcVTEPNumVxlanESDest, svcVTEPNumVxlanNonESDest, svcEvpnVxlanESDestLastChanged } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of BGP-EVPN VXLAN feature on Nokia SROS series systems for Release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 581 } svcVxlan16v0NotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcTlsVTEPHiUsageAlarmRaised, svcTlsVTEPHiUsageAlarmCleared, svcTlsVTEPEgrVniSysHiUsgAlarmSet, svcTlsVTEPEgrVniSysHiUsgAlarmClr, svcTlsVTEPEgrVniSvcHiUsgAlarmSet, svcTlsVTEPEgrVniSvcHiUsgAlarmClr, svcBindSysHiUsageAlarmRaised, svcBindSysHiUsageAlarmCleared } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group notifications supporting service VXLAN (virtual extensible LAN) feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 582 } svcVxlan16v0ObsoletedNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcTlsDupVTEPEgrVNIDetected, svcTlsDupVTEPEgrVNICleared } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted notifications supporting service VXLAN (virtual extensible LAN) feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 583 } svcBgpEvpnMhEthSegPwPortGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSvcSysEthSegPwPortId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting PW Port for BGP EVPN (Ethernet - VPN) Multi Home feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 584 } svcOperGroupConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcOperGroupConfigLastChange, svcOperGroupConfigName, svcOperGroupConfigTblLastChgd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting oper-group for services feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 585 } svcVxlanV16v0ObsoletedGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVTEPNumEgrVNIs, svcVTEPEgrVNIEgrVNI, svcVTEPEgrVNISvcId, svcVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddrType, svcVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddrType, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIEgrVNI, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNINumMACs, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIL2EsPbr, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIMcast, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIOperState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects supporting service VXLAN (virtual extensible LAN) feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 586 } svcVxlanV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tlsFdbVTEPAddrType, tlsFdbVTEPAddr, tlsFdbVNI, svcVTEPAddrType, svcVTEPAddress, svcVTEPOperState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting service VXLAN (virtual extensible LAN) feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 587 } svcBgpEvpnInstGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnInstTableLastChgd, svcBgpEvpnInstRowStatus, svcBgpEvpnInstLastChanged, svcBgpEvpnInstAdminState, svcBgpEvpnInstCreationOrigin, svcBgpEvpnInstType, svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanTblLastChgd, svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanLastChanged, svcBgpEvpnVxlanInstance, svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanSendEvpnEncap, svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanSndImtIrOnNdf, svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanMaxEcmpRoutes, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsTblLastChgd, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsLastChanged, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsFrceVlanVcFwd, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsControlWord, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsShgName, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsIngRepBumLabel, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsMaxEcmpRoutes, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsIngressLabel, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsIngBumLabel, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntropyLabel, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsResProtSrcMac, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsRPSMacAct, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEvpnEncapMpls, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEvpnEncapMoUdp, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsForceQinqVcFwd, svcBgpEvpnInstABTTblLastChgd, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlLastChg, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlLdp, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlRsvpTe, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlSrIsis, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlSrOspf, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlStatus, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlBgp, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlSrTe, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlUdp, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlTag, svcTlsVxInstVTEPAddrType, svcTlsVxInstVTEPAddress, svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVni, svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniNumMACs, svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniOperState, svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniL2EsPbr, svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniMcast, svcTlsVxlanInstARLfRplCndInUse, svcTlsVxlanInstARLfRplCndActive, svcTlsVxlanInstARLfRplCndPndTime, svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPVni, svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPLastChg, svcEvpnVxlanInstESDestLastChgd, svcTlsVxInstRowStatus, svcTlsVxInstLastChgd, svcTlsVxInstCreationOrigin, svcTlsVxInstNetIngQosPolicyId, svcTlsVxInstNetIngQosFPQGrp, svcTlsVxInstNetIngQosFPQGrpInst, svcTlsVxInstAsstdRepl, svcTlsVxInstARActTime, svcTlsVxInstResProtSrcMac, svcTlsVxInstResProtSrcMacAct, svcTlsVxInstVni, svcTlsVxInstTableLastChgd, tlsFdbVxlanInstance, svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniVxlanType, svcEvpnVxlanInstESDestNumMacs } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting BGP-EVPN instance feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 588 } tmnxSvcV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { custCreationOrigin, svcNumEntries, svcId, svcRowStatus, svcType, svcCustId, svcIpRouting, svcDescription, svcMtu, svcAdminStatus, svcOperStatus, svcNumSaps, svcNumSdps, svcLastMgmtChange, svcVpnId, svcVRouterId, svcLastStatusChange, svcVllType, svcMgmtVpls, svcRadiusDiscovery, svcVcSwitching, svcVplsType, svcTotalFdbMimDestIdxEntries, svcDhcpLeaseTerminationType, tmnxSvcDhcpMRtStatus, tmnxSvcDhcpMRtMetric, tmnxSvcDhcpMRtPreference, tmnxSvcDhcpMRtTag, svcBgpEvpnCfmMacAdvertisement, svcDhcpLeaseIpoeSessionHost, svcDhcpLeasePppSession, svcBgpEvpnMplsEvpnEncapMpls, svcBgpEvpnMplsEvpnEncapMplsoUdp, tmnxSvcSysEthSegVxlanInstanceId, tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngTblLstChd, tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngTo, tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngRowStatus, tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngLastChgd, svcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPLastChanged, svcVTEPNumVxlanESDest, svcVTEPNumVxlanNonESDest, svcEvpnVxlanESDestLastChanged, svcBgpEvpnTableLastChanged, svcBgpEvpnRowStatus, svcBgpEvpnLastChanged, svcBgpEvpnMacAdvertisement, svcBgpEvpnMacAdvDefaultRoute, svcBgpEvpnCreationOrigin, svcTlsProxyArpTblLastChngd, svcTlsProxyArpMacAddr, svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetNumMoves, svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetWindow, svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetRetry, svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetNumDups, svcBgpEvpnDetDupMacAddress, svcBgpEvpnDetDupMacTime } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services general capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems that were added in release R16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 589 } tmnxSvcObsoletedV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcDefMeshVcId, svcBgpEvpnMplsLastChanged, svcBgpEvpnMplsForceVlanVcFwding, svcBgpEvpnMplsControlWord, svcBgpEvpnMplsShgName, svcBgpEvpnMplsIngressRepBumLabel, svcBgpEvpnMplsMaxEcmpRoutes, svcBgpEvpnMplsIngressLabel, svcBgpEvpnMplsIngressBumLabel, svcBgpEvpnMplsAdminState, svcBgpEvpnMplsEntropyLabel, svcBgpEvpnMplsResProtSrcMac, svcBgpEvpnMplsResProtSrcMacAct, svcBgpEvpnMplsBgpInstance, svcBgpEvpnMplsEvpnEncapMpls, svcBgpEvpnMplsEvpnEncapMplsoUdp, svcBgpEvpnMplsForceQinqVcFwding, svcBgpEvpnVxlanSendEvpnEncap, svcBgpEvpnVxlanSendImetIrOnNdf, svcBgpEvpnVxlanMaxEcmpRoutes, svcBgpEvpnVxlanAdminStatus, svcVllBgpEvpnABTnlTblLastChanged, svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlLastChg, svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlLdp, svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlBgp, svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlRsvpTe, svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrIsis, svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrOspf, svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBndTnlStatus, svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlUdp, svcVllBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrTe, svcTlsBgpEvpnABTnlTblLastChanged, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlLastChg, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlLdp, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlBgp, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlRsvpTe, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrIsis, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrOspf, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBndTnlStatus, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlSrTe, svcTlsBgpEvpnAutoBindTnlUdp, svcTlsVxlanRowStatus, svcTlsVxlanLastChgd, svcTlsVxlanTblLastChgd, svcTlsVxlanCreationOrigin, svcTlsVxlanNetIngQosPolicyId, svcTlsVxlanNetIngQosFPQGrp, svcTlsVxlanNetIngQosFPQGrpInstId, svcTlsVxlanAsstdRepl, svcTlsVxlanARActTime, svcTlsVxlanResProtSrcMac, svcTlsVxlanResProtSrcMacAct, svcTlsVxlanInstanceId, svcTlsVxlanARLeafReplCndtInUse, svcTlsVxlanARLeafReplCndtActive, svcTlsVxlanARLeafReplCndtPndTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects supporting management of Services general capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems that were added in release R16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 590 } tmnxSvcAdminTagsV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVprnBgpAutoBindAdminTags } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of service auto-bind admin-tags parameters on Nokia SROS series systems since release 16.0.R1." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 591 } tmnxSvcEvpnMplsQinqV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnMplsForceQinqVcFwding } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qinq preserve and translation feature on Nokia SROS series systems in release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 592 } svcMdAutoIdV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcMdAutoIdSvcRangeStart, svcMdAutoIdSvcRangeEnd, svcMdAutoIdCustRangeStart, svcMdAutoIdCustRangeEnd, svcMdAutoIdPwTmplRangeStart, svcMdAutoIdPwTmplRangeEnd, svcMdAutoIdSvcCount, svcMdAutoIdCustCount, svcMdAutoIdPwTmplCount } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of model-driven CLI auto range of identifiers in Nokia SROS series systems in release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 593 } tmnxSvcEpipePwPortFlexV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEpipePwPortOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of PW Port objects supporting EPIPE service feature on VSR platform on Nokia SROS series systems in release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 594 } svcBgpEvpnMplsV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnMplsTableLastChanged, svcBgpEvpnEvi, tlsFdbEvpnMplsTEPAddrType, tlsFdbEvpnMplsTEPAddr, tlsFdbEvpnMplsLabel, svcEvpnMplsTEPAddrType, svcEvpnMplsTEPAddress, svcEvpnMplsTEPNumEvpnMplsDest, svcEvpnMplsTEPNumESDest, svcEvpnMplsTEPNumESBMacDest, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPAddrType, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPAddress, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPLabel, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblNumMACs, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblInMcastList, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblLastChanged } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting service BGP EVPN (Ethernet - VPN) MPLS feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 595 } tmnxSvcVllBgpEvpnV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnVpwsLastTblChg, svcBgpEvpnVpwsLastChg, svcBgpEvpnVpwsLclAcName, svcBgpEvpnVpwsLclAcEthTag, svcBgpEvpnVpwsRemAcName, svcBgpEvpnVpwsRemAcEthTag, svcVllBgpOperImportRteTgtOrigin, svcVllBgpOperImportRteTarget, svcVllBgpOperExportRteTgtOrigin, svcVllBgpOperExportRteTarget } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of EPIPE BGP EVPN capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems for release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 596 } tmnxSvcSysPwPortListV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSvcSysPwPortListRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of Flex PW Port objects supporting addition of Port list entries on VSR platform in release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 597 } tmnxSvcSysVxlanARV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSvcSysVxlanARIpAddrType, tmnxSvcSysVxlanARRepIpAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group notification supporting Optimized Ingress Replication for for VXLAN feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 598 } svcBgpEvpnMplsRSMV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnMplsResProtSrcMac, svcBgpEvpnMplsResProtSrcMacAct } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group notification supporting Restricted Source MAC Protection feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 14.0" ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 599 } svcVxlanMhV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVxlanInstEthSegName, svcVxlanInstEthSegStatus, svcVxlanInstOperFlagsMhStandby } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting VXLAN MH feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 600 } svcTlsVxInstReplicatorNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcTlsVxInstReplicatorChgd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group notification supporting Vxlan assisted replication feature in the Nokia SROS series systems release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 601 } svcTlsStaticVxlanV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsVxlanInstEgrVTEPRowStatus, svcTlsVxInstSrcVTEPSecurity, svcTlsVxInstMacAgeing, svcTlsVxInstMacLearning, svcTlsVxInstDiscardUnknownSource, svcTlsVxInstMacAddressLimit } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the static VXLAN feature for VPLS services on Nokia SROS series systems release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 602 } svcTlsStaticVxlanNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcTlsVxInstMacAdrLimitAlrmRsd, svcTlsVxInstMacAdrLimitAlrmClrd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group notification supporting Vxlan assisted replication feature in the Nokia SROS series systems release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 603 } svcEpipeVxInstV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEpipeVxInstVni, svcEpipeVxInstRowStatus, svcEpipeVxInstLastChgd, svcEpipeVxInstCreationOrigin, svcEpipeVxInstEgrVTEPIpAddrType, svcEpipeVxInstEgrVTEPIpAddr, svcEpipeVxInstEgrVTEPIpOperGrp, svcEpipeVxInstTblLastChgd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the static VXLAN feature for VPLS services on Nokia SROS series systems release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 604 } svcBgpEvpnDefRtTagV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnInstDefRtTag } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the BGP EVPN route-tag feature for VPLS services on Nokia SROS series systems release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 605 } svcBgpEvpnMplsABTV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlSrPlcy } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the static VXLAN feature for VPLS services on Nokia SROS series systems release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 606 } svcVprnAaaTacPlusV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVprnTacPlusAdminStatus, svcVprnTacPlusRowStatus, svcVprnTacPlusTimeout, svcVprnTacPlusServerSecret, svcVprnTacPlusServerRowStatus, svcVprnTacPlusServerOperStatus, svcVprnTacPlusServInetAddrType, svcVprnTacPlusServerInetAddress, svcVprnTacPlusServerPort, svcVprnTacPlusServerLastChanged, svcVprnTacPlusServerTblLastChgd, svcVprnTacPlusLastChanged, svcVprnTacPlusTblLastChgd, svcVprnTacPlusAccounting, svcVprnTacPlusAcctRecType, svcVprnTacPlusAuthorization, svcVprnTacplusUseTemplate, svcVprnTacPlusInteractiveAuthen, svcVprnTacPlusAuthorUsePrivLvl, svcVprnTacPlusPrivLvlRowStatus, svcVprnTacPlusPriLvlMapUserProf, svcVprnTPlusPriLvlMpLastChanged, svcVprnTcPlusPriLvlMpTblLstChgd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of tac plus for VPRN services on Nokia SROS series systems in release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 607 } svcVprnAaaLdapV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVprnLdapAdminState, svcVprnLdapRowStatus, svcVprnLdapOperState, svcVprnLdapRetryAttempts, svcVprnLdapTimeout, svcVprnLdapUseTemplate, svcVprnLdapPublicKeyAuth, svcVprnLdapLastChanged, svcVprnLdapTblLastChgd, svcVprnLdapServerLastChanged, svcVprnLdapServerTblLstChgd, svcVprnLdapServerRowStatus, svcVprnLdapServerAdminState, svcVprnLdapServerOperState, svcVprnLdapServerInetAddressType, svcVprnLdapServInetAddr, svcVprnLdapServerPort, svcVprnLdapServBindAuthRtDn, svcVprnLdapServBindAuthPwd, svcVprnLdapServerName, svcVprnLdapServerSearch, svcVprnLdapServerTlsProf } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of ldap for VPRN services on Nokia SROS series systems in release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 608 } svcVprnAaaRadiusV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVprnRadiusServerSecret, svcVprnRadiusServerOperStatus, svcVprnRadiusServerRowStatus, svcVprnRadiusRetryAttempts, svcVprnRadiusAccountingPort, svcVprnRadiusServerInetAddrType, svcVprnRadiusServerInetAddress, svcVprnRadiusServerLastChanged, svcVprnRadiusServerTblLstChgd, svcVprnRadiusUseTemplate, svcVprnRadiusAccounting, svcVprnRadiusAdminStatus, svcVprnRadiusRowStatus, svcVprnRadiusAuthAlgorithm, svcVprnRadiusAuthorization, svcVprnRadiusInteractiveAuthen, svcVprnRadiusLastChanged, svcVprnRadiusTblLastChgd, svcVprnRadiusPort, svcVprnRadiusTimeout } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of radius for VPRN services on Nokia SROS series systems in release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 609 } svcVprnRibApiV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVprnBgpAutoBindRibApi } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management RIB API on VPRN services on Nokia SROS series systems in release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 610 } svcSysVpnGreSrcIpV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcSysVpnGreSrcIpAddrType, svcSysVpnGreSrcIpAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of VPN GRE encapsualtion service objects on Nokia SROS series systems in release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 611 } svcVprnMgmtIfV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVprnEnableServers, svcVprnTelnetServerOperStatus, svcVprnSSHServerOperStatus, svcVprnFTPServerOperStatus, svcVprnTelnet6ServerOperStatus, svcVprnServerCtlRowStatus, svcVprnServerCtlLastChanged, svcVprnServerCtlTblLstChgd } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management interface protocols configuration for the VPRN services on Nokia SROS series systems in release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 612 } svcMplsFwdPlcyV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVprnBgpAutoBindMplsFwdPlcy, svcBgpEvpnInstBndTnlMplsFwdPlcy, svcVprnBgpAutoBindSrPolicy } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of MPLS Forwarding Policy on VPRN and VPLS services on Nokia SROS series systems in release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 613 } tmnxSvcEvpnVpwsVxlanV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsOrigIpAddrType, tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsOrigIpAddr, tmnxSvcSysEthSegRouteNxtHopType, tmnxSvcSysEthSegRouteNxtHopAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting EVPN VXLAN VPWS multi-homing for non-system IPv4/v6 feature on Nokia SROS series systems in release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 614 } tmnxIesIfVplsEvpnGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { iesIfVplsEvpnTnlIp6GwAddrType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting interface evpn-tunnel IPv6 gateway address feature on Nokia SROS series systems in release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 615 } svcVplsVxlanRxDiscardGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsVxInstRxDiscardOnNdf, svcTlsVxInstIgmpSnpgMrouter, svcTlsVxInstMldSnpgMrouter } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting VPLS VXLAN feature on Nokia SROS series systems in release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 616 } svcEvpnMplsEPGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnInstEndpoint, svcEPTxActiveBgpEvpnMplsInstId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting endpoint in BGP EVPN MPLS feature on Nokia SROS series systems in release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 617 } tmnxSvcEpipeVxlanObsoletedGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEpipeVxlanInstanceId, svcEpipeVxlanRowStatus, svcEpipeVxlanLastChgd, svcEpipeVxlanCreationOrigin, svcEpipeVxlanEgrVTEPIpAddrType, svcEpipeVxlanEgrVTEPIpAddr, svcEpipeVxlanEgrVTEPIpOperGrp, svcEpipeVxlanTblLastChgd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting EPIPE Vxlan feature on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 618 } tmnxSvcEpipeVxlanV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddrType, svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress, svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIEgrVNI, svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIOperState, svcEpipeVTEPEgrVNIVxlanType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting EPIPE Vxlan feature on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 619 } svcVplsResFilterV19v5Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnInstBndTnlRibApi } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of RIB API on VPLS services on Nokia SROS series systems in release 19.5." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 620 } tmnxSvcSrOspf3V16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVprnBgpAutoBindSrOspf3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of service auto-bind sr-ospf3 parameters on Nokia SROS series systems since release 16.0.R5." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 621 } svcVplsEvpnMplsTnlIdGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tlsFdbEvpnMplsTnlId, tlsFdbEvpnMplsTnlResType, svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPTnlId, svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPTnlId, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlLastCh, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlNumMACs, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlInMcList, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlResType } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of EVPN MPLS Tunnel VPLS services on Nokia SROS series systems in release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 622 } svcBgpEvpnOperGrpGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnInstOperGrp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting endpoint in BGP EVPN operational-group feature on Nokia SROS series systems in release 19.5." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 623 } svcBgpEvpnVxlanMhGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanAutoDiscRtAdv, svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanMhMode, svcEvpnVxlanESDestNumMacs } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting VXLAN multi-homing in BGP EVPN feature on Nokia SROS series systems in release 19.5." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 624 } svcBgpEvpnVxlanMhNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcEvpnVxVTepLclBiasAddFailSet, svcEvpnESVxVTepLclBiasAddFailSet, svcEvpnVxVTepLclBiasAddFailClr, svcEvpnESVxVTepLclBiasAddFailClr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group notification supporting Vxlan multi-homing feature in the Nokia SROS series systems release 19.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 625 } svcSysEthSegOperGrpGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSvcSysEthSegOperGrp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting oper-group in ethernet-segment feature on Nokia SROS series systems in release 19.10." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 626 } svcVllBgpVsiPolicyGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy1, svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy2, svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy3, svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy4, svcVllBgpVsiExportPolicy5, svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy1, svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy2, svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy3, svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy4, svcVllBgpVsiImportPolicy5 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting VSI export/import policies in VLL feature on Nokia SROS series systems in release 19.10." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 627 } svcVprnMgmtIfV19v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVprnEnableServers, svcVprnServerCtlRowStatus, svcVprnServerCtlLastChanged, svcVprnServerCtlTblLstChgd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management interface protocols configuration for the VPRN services on Nokia SROS series systems in release 19.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 628 } svcVprnMgmtIfV19v0ObsoletedGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVprnTelnetServerOperStatus, svcVprnSSHServerOperStatus, svcVprnFTPServerOperStatus, svcVprnTelnet6ServerOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects obsoleted in release 19.0 of the capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 629 } svcBgpEvpnMplsIpv6Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnInstMplsRtNHType, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsRtNHAddrType, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsRtNHAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management interface protocols configuration for the BGP EVPN MPLS IPv6 support on Nokia SROS series systems in release 19.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 630 } svcEvpnOISMGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { iesIfVplsEvpnTnlSupBcastDomain, svcBgpEvpnSelMcastAdvertise, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlSbdMcast } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management interface protocols configuration for the EVPN OISM support on Nokia SROS series systems in release 19.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 631 } svcEvpnRvplsMcastGwGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWTblLastChgd, svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWRowStatus, svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWLastChgd, svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWAdminState, svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWType, svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrActTimer } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management interface protocols configuration for the EVPN R-VPLS multicast gateway support on Nokia SROS series systems in release 19.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 632 } svcBgpEvpnAutoBindOspfGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlSrOspf3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management interface protocols configuration for the BGP EVPN auto-bind tunnel OSPFv3 support on Nokia SROS series systems in release 19.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 633 } svcRvplsEvpnHostRouteGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtRowStatus, svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtLastChgd, svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtRouteTag, svcRvplsEvpnArpAdvrtTblLstChg, iesIfRvplsEvpnLastChgd, iesIfRvplsEvpnArpLearnDynamic, iesIfRvplsEvpnFldGarpAndUnknReq } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of host-routes on router interfaces on Nokia SROS series systems in 19.0 release." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 634 } svcBgpEvpnABTEcmpGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlEcmp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of ECMP on BGP-EVPN auto-bind tunnel on services on Nokia SROS series systems in 19.0 release." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 635 } svcMplsEvpnRvplsEcmpGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsExtEvpnMplsRvplsEcmp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of ECMP on R-VPLS EVPN-MPLS service on Nokia SROS series systems in 19.0 release." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 636 } svcEvpnMcastLabelBlockGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnMcastLblBlk } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of BGP-EVPN multicast labels for services on Nokia SROS series systems in 19.0 release." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 637 } tmnxSvcV19v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcLogServicesAllEvents } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems added in release 19.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 638 } svcRvplsEvpnNdHostRouteGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtRowStatus, svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtLastChgd, svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtRouteTag, svcRvplsEvpnNdAdvrtTblLstChg, iesIfRvplsEvpnNdLearnDynamic } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of host-routes on router interfaces on Nokia SROS series systems in 19.0 release." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 639 } svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniSbdMcast } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of VTEP Egress VNI on router interfaces on Nokia SROS series systems in 20.0 release." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 640 } tmnxSvcIesGrpIfV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { iesGrpIfIgnoreDfBit } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services IES group interface capabilities added in Nokia SROS series systems release 20.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 641 } tmnxSvcV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { custCreationOrigin, svcNumEntries, svcId, svcRowStatus, svcType, svcCustId, svcIpRouting, svcDescription, svcMtu, svcAdminStatus, svcOperStatus, svcNumSaps, svcNumSdps, svcLastMgmtChange, svcVpnId, svcVRouterId, svcLastStatusChange, svcVllType, svcMgmtVpls, svcRadiusDiscovery, svcVcSwitching, svcVplsType, svcTotalFdbMimDestIdxEntries } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Services general capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems that were supported in release R20.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 642 } svcVxlanV20v0ObsoletedGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEvpnVxlanESDestTEPLastChanged, svcEvpnVxlanESDestLastChanged, svcEvpnVxlanESDestNumMacs } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects made obsolete related to the service Vxlan feature in release 20.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 643 } svcDHCPLeaseV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcDhcpLeaseTerminationType, svcDhcpLeaseIpoeSessionHost, svcDhcpLeasePppSession } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the DHCP Lease on Nokia SROS series systems release R20.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 644 } tmnxSvcDhcpMRtV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSvcDhcpMRtStatus, tmnxSvcDhcpMRtMetric, tmnxSvcDhcpMRtPreference, tmnxSvcDhcpMRtTag } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting Dhcp Managed Route on Nokia SROS series systems release R20.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 645 } svcBgpEvpnV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnCfmMacAdvertisement, svcBgpEvpnMplsEvpnEncapMpls, svcBgpEvpnMplsEvpnEncapMplsoUdp, svcBgpEvpnTableLastChanged, svcBgpEvpnRowStatus, svcBgpEvpnLastChanged, svcBgpEvpnMacAdvertisement, svcBgpEvpnMacAdvDefaultRoute, svcBgpEvpnCreationOrigin, svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetNumMoves, svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetWindow, svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetRetry, svcBgpEvpnMacDupDetNumDups, svcBgpEvpnDetDupMacAddress, svcBgpEvpnDetDupMacTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting service BGP EVPN on Nokia SROS series systems release R20.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 646 } tmnxVxlanV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngTblLstChd, tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngTo, tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngRowStatus, tmnxSvcSysEthSegVxlanInstanceId, tmnxESVxlanInstSvcRngLastChgd, svcVTEPNumVxlanESDest, svcVTEPNumVxlanNonESDest } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting VXLAN feature on Nokia SROS series systems release R20.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 647 } svcTlsProxyV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsProxyArpTblLastChngd, svcTlsProxyArpMacAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting vpls proxy on Nokia SROS series systems release R20.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 648 } svcBgpEvpnVxlanMhV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanAutoDiscRtAdv, svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanMhMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting VXLAN multi-homing in BGP EVPN feature on Nokia SROS series systems in release 20.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 649 } svcVplsMacProtect OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcTlsPbbRestProtSrcMac, svcTlsPbbRestProtSrcMacAction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting VXLAN multi-homing in BGP EVPN feature on Nokia SROS series systems in release 20.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 650 } svcEvpnOismV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblMcast } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of EVPN MPLS Tunnel services on Nokia SROS series systems in release 20.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 651 } svcNotifyV20v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcEvpnRcvdPbbProtSrcMac } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group notification supporting Auto learn mac protect feature for EVPN feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 20.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 652 } svcMacListV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcMacListTableLastChanged, svcMacListEntryTableLastChanged, svcMacListRowStatus, svcMacListLastChanged, svcMacListDescr, svcMacListEntryMask, svcMacListEntryRowStatus, svcMacListEntryLastChanged, tlsShgAutoLearnMacProtectExcList } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of MAC address list on services on Nokia SROS series systems in release 20.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 653 } svcAutoBindTunnelV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVprnBgpAutoBindFlexAlgoFb, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlFlxAlgFb } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of auto-bind-tunnel feature on BGP-EVPN services on Nokia SROS series systems in release 20.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 654 } tmnxSvcBgpEvpnV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnMcLeaveSyncProp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of BGP-EVPN services on Nokia SROS series systems in release 20.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 655 } svcEvpnMpls2SapV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcRowStatus, svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcEthTag, svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcLastChanged, svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcEndpoint, svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcTblLastChg, svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcRowStatus, svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcEthTag, svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcLastChanged, svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcEndpoint, svcEvpnVpwsRemoteAcTblLastChg, svcEvpnVpwsLocalAcIngressLabel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of EVPN VPWS services on Nokia SROS series systems in release 20.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 656 } svcHostSessionLimitV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcArpHostSpiHLimit, svcArpHostSpiHLim4, svcArpHostSpiHLim4Ppp, svcArpHostSpiHLim4Dhcp, svcArpHostSpiHLim4Arp, svcArpHostSpiHLim6, svcArpHostSpiHLim6Wan, svcArpHostSpiHLim6WanPppSlaac, svcArpHostSpiHLim6WanPppDhcp, svcArpHostSpiHLim6WanIpoeSlaac, svcArpHostSpiHLim6WanIpoeDhcp, svcArpHostSpiHLim6Pd, svcArpHostSpiHLim6PdPppDhcp, svcArpHostSpiHLim6PdIpoeDhcp, svcArpHostSpiHLimLac, svcArpHostSpiSLimIpoe, svcArpHostSpiSLimPppoeLcl, svcArpHostSpiSLimPppoeLac, svcArpHostSpiSLimPppoeOvrl, svcArpHostSpiSLimL2tpLns, svcArpHostSpiSLimL2tpLts, svcArpHostSpiSLimL2tpOvrl, svcArpHostSpiSLimOvrl, svcArpHostSubHLimit, svcArpHostSubHLim4, svcArpHostSubHLim4Ppp, svcArpHostSubHLim4Dhcp, svcArpHostSubHLim4Arp, svcArpHostSubHLim6, svcArpHostSubHLim6Wan, svcArpHostSubHLim6WanPppSlaac, svcArpHostSubHLim6WanPppDhcp, svcArpHostSubHLim6WanIpoeSlaac, svcArpHostSubHLim6WanIpoeDhcp, svcArpHostSubHLim6Pd, svcArpHostSubHLim6PdPppDhcp, svcArpHostSubHLim6PdIpoeDhcp, svcArpHostSubHLimLac, svcArpHostSubSLimIpoe, svcArpHostSubSLimPppoeLcl, svcArpHostSubSLimPppoeLac, svcArpHostSubSLimPppoeOvrl, svcArpHostSubSLimL2tpLns, svcArpHostSubSLimL2tpLts, svcArpHostSubSLimL2tpOvrl, svcArpHostSubSLimOvrl, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLimit, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim4, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim4Ppp, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim4Dhcp, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim4Arp, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6Wan, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6WanPppSlaac, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6WanPppDhcp, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6WanIpoeSlaac, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6WanIpoeDhcp, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6Pd, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6PdPppDhcp, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLim6PdIpoeDhcp, svcDhcpLeaseSpiHLimLac, svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimIpoe, svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimPppoeLcl, svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimPppoeLac, svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimPppoeOvrl, svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimL2tpLns, svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimL2tpLts, svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimL2tpOvrl, svcDhcpLeaseSpiSLimOvrl, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLimit, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim4, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim4Ppp, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim4Dhcp, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim4Arp, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6Wan, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6WanPppSlaac, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6WanPppDhcp, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6WanIpoeSlaac, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6WanIpoeDhcp, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6Pd, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6PdPppDhcp, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLim6PdIpoeDhcp, svcDhcpLeaseSubHLimLac, svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimIpoe, svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimPppoeLcl, svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimPppoeLac, svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimPppoeOvrl, svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimL2tpLns, svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimL2tpLts, svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimL2tpOvrl, svcDhcpLeaseSubSLimOvrl } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting host session limit overrides on Nokia SROS series systems in release 20.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 657 } svcEvpnMplsV20v0NotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcEvpnMplsTEPIpSysHiUsgSet, svcEvpnMplsTEPIpSysHiUsgClr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group notification supporting MPLS feature for EVPN feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 20.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 658 } svcSysBgpEvpnAttrPropV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnIffAttrUnfmProp, tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnIffPthSelection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting EVPN attribute propagation feature on Nokia SROS series systems in release 21.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 670 } svcSrv6V21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcSrv6RowStatus, svcSrv6LastChngd, svcSrv6LocatorRowStatus, svcSrv6LocatorLastChngd, svcSrv6LocatorEndDt4, svcSrv6LocatorEndDt6, svcSrv6LocatorEndDt46, svcSrv6LocatorEndDt4StaticValue, svcSrv6LocatorEndDt6StaticValue, svcSrv6LocatorEndDt46StaticValue, svcSrv6LocEndDt4OperValue, svcSrv6LocEndDt4OperState, svcSrv6LocEndDt4OperErrorCode, svcSrv6LocEndDt4OperSidAddrType, svcSrv6LocEndDt4OperSidAddr, svcSrv6LocEndDt6OperValue, svcSrv6LocEndDt6OperState, svcSrv6LocEndDt6OperErrorCode, svcSrv6LocEndDt6OperSidAddrType, svcSrv6LocEndDt6OperSidAddr, svcSrv6LocEndDt46OperValue, svcSrv6LocEndDt46OperState, svcSrv6LocEndDt46OperErrorCode, svcSrv6LocEndDt46OpSidAddrType, svcSrv6LocEndDt46OpSidAddr, svcSrv6TblLastCh, svcSrv6LocatorTblLastCh } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting segment-routing V6 feature on Nokia SROS series systems in release 21.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 671 } svcDhcpLeaseV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcDhcpLeaseDnsV4AddrType, svcDhcpLeaseDnsV4Addr, svcDhcpLeaseNbnsV4AddrType, svcDhcpLeaseNbnsV4Addr, svcDhcpLeaseDnsV6AddrType, svcDhcpLeaseDnsV6Addr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the DHCP Lease on Nokia SROS series systems added in release 21.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 672 } tmnxSvcVprnIngClassPlcyV21v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcNetIngIngressClassPlcy } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting VPRN network ingress ingress-classification-policy on Nokia SROS series systems for release 21.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 673 } tmnxSvcObsoletedV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnVpwsLclAcEthTag, svcBgpEvpnVpwsLclAcName, svcBgpEvpnVpwsRemAcEthTag, svcBgpEvpnVpwsRemAcName, svcBgpEvpnVpwsLastChg, svcBgpEvpnInstEndpoint } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects supporting management of Services general capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems that were added in release R21.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 674 } svcBgpEvpnInstV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnInstMplsTnlEncapMpls, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsTnlEncapMoUdp, svcBgpEvpnInstTableLastChgd, svcBgpEvpnInstRowStatus, svcBgpEvpnInstLastChanged, svcBgpEvpnInstAdminState, svcBgpEvpnInstCreationOrigin, svcBgpEvpnInstType, svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanTblLastChgd, svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanLastChanged, svcBgpEvpnVxlanInstance, svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanSendTnlEncap, svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanSndImtIrOnNdf, svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanMaxEcmpRoutes, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsTblLastChgd, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsLastChanged, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsFrceVlanVcFwd, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsControlWord, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsShgName, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsIngRepBumLabel, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsMaxEcmpRoutes, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsIngressLabel, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsIngBumLabel, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEntropyLabel, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsResProtSrcMac, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsRPSMacAct, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsForceQinqVcFwd, svcBgpEvpnInstABTTblLastChgd, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlLastChg, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlLdp, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlRsvpTe, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlSrIsis, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlSrOspf, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlStatus, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlBgp, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlSrTe, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlUdp, svcBgpEvpnInstAutoBndTnlTag, svcTlsVxInstVTEPAddrType, svcTlsVxInstVTEPAddress, svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVni, svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniNumMACs, svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniOperState, svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniL2EsPbr, svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniMcast, svcTlsVxlanInstARLfRplCndInUse, svcTlsVxlanInstARLfRplCndActive, svcTlsVxlanInstARLfRplCndPndTime, svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPVni, svcEvpnVxlanInstESDstTEPLastChg, svcEvpnVxlanInstESDestLastChgd, svcTlsVxInstRowStatus, svcTlsVxInstLastChgd, svcTlsVxInstCreationOrigin, svcTlsVxInstNetIngQosPolicyId, svcTlsVxInstNetIngQosFPQGrp, svcTlsVxInstNetIngQosFPQGrpInst, svcTlsVxInstAsstdRepl, svcTlsVxInstARActTime, svcTlsVxInstResProtSrcMac, svcTlsVxInstResProtSrcMacAct, svcTlsVxInstVni, svcTlsVxInstTableLastChgd, tlsFdbVxlanInstance, svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVniVxlanType, svcEvpnVxlanInstESDestNumMacs } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting BGP-EVPN instance feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 21.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 675 } svcBgpEvpnObsoletedV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEvpnEncapMpls, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEvpnEncapMoUdp, svcBgpEvpnInstVxlanSendEvpnEncap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects obsoleting BGP-EVPN instance objects on Nokia SROS series systems release 21.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 676 } svcEthSegV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSvcSysEthSegAutoEsi, tmnxSvcSysEthSegOperEsi } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting ethernet segment feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 21.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 677 } svcEthSegEvpnV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSvcSysEthSegAcDfCap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting ethernet segment feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 21.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 679 } svcEvpnMHAutoEsiV21v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcEvpnMHAutoEsiCreated, svcEvpnMHAutoEsiConflict } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting ethernet segment auto-esi type-1 feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 21.0" ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 680 } svcEvpnEtreeLeafLabelV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnLeafLabelValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting ethernet segment feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 21.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 681 } svcIfSubStatsV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcIfSubStatsLastCleared, svcIfSubStatsIngPkts, svcIfSubStatsIngOctets, svcIfSubStatsEgrPkts, svcIfSubStatsEgrOctets } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting subscriber traffice statistics feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 21.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 682 } svcEpipeSrv6V21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEpipeSrv6LocatorEndDx2, svcEpipeSrv6LocatorEndDx2Static, svcEpipeSrv6LocEndDx2Value, svcEpipeSrv6LocEndDx2State, svcEpipeSrv6LocEndDx2ErrorCode, svcEpipeSrv6LocEndDx2SidAddrType, svcEpipeSrv6LocEndDx2SidAddr, svcEpipeSrv6RowStatus, svcEpipeSrv6LastChngd, svcEpipeSrv6LocatorRowStatus, svcEpipeSrv6LocatorLastChngd, svcEpipeSrv6TblLastCh, svcEpipeSrv6LocatorTblLastCh } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting subscriber traffice statistics feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 21.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 683 } svcEpipeEvpnSrv6V21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEvpnSrv6TblLastCh, svcEvpnSrv6LastChanged, svcBgpEvpnInstSrv6Instance, svcBgpEvpnInstSrv6DefLocator, svcEvpnSrv6SrcAddrType, svcEvpnSrv6SrcAddr, svcEvpnSrv6MaxEcmpRoutes, svcEvpnSrv6ForceVlanVcFwd, svcEvpnSrv6RtNextHopType, svcEvpnSrv6RtNextHopAddrType, svcEvpnSrv6RtNextHopAddr, svcSrv6TEPNumNonESDest, svcSrv6TEPNumESDest, svcSrv6InstTEPSidNumMACs, svcSrv6InstTEPSidL2EsPbr, svcSrv6InstTEPSidMcast, svcSrv6InstTEPSidSrv6Type, svcSrv6InstTEPSidSbdMcast, svcSrv6InstESDstTEPLastChg, svcSrv6InstESDestLastChgd, svcSrv6InstESDestNumMacs } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting subscriber traffice statistics feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 21.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 684 } iesLastChangeV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { iesIfTableLastChanged } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group pf objects supporting last-changed objects on Nokia SROS series systems release 21.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 686 } svcLastChangeV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBaseInfoTableLastChanged, svcTlsInfoTableLastChanged, svcTlsInfoLastMgmtChange } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group pf objects supporting last-changed objects on Nokia SROS series systems release 21.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 687 } tmnxSvcSubV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSvcSubTableLastChanged, tmnxSvcSubLastCh, tmnxSvcSubMcShuntId, tmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpTableLastCh, tmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpRowStatus, tmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpLastCh, tmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpHlthDrop, tmnxSvcSubMonOperGrpActHlthDrop } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting subscriber management for services on Nokia SROS series systems release 21.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 688 } svcEvpnSrv6NotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcSrv6TEPEgrBndSysHiUsgSet, svcSrv6TEPEgrBndSysHiUsgClr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group notifications supporting service BGP EVPN SRv6 feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 21.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 689 } svcSrv6NotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcSrv6FunctionExhaustion } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting SRv6 notifications on virtual routers for version 21.5 Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 690 } svcEvpnRvplsMcastGwV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWNonDrAtrtTraf, svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrState, svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrLstChg, svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrTblLastChgd, svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrCndtIpAdded, svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrActTimeRem } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management interface protocols configuration for the EVPN R-VPLS multicast gateway support on Nokia SROS series systems in release 21.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 691 } svcEpipePbbRedEnhV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEpipeBackboneLocalSwitchSvc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management interface protocols configuration for the EPIPE PBB redundancy enhancements on Nokia SROS series systems in release 21.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 692 } svcDPathAttrObj21Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnIpRouteAdvDomainId, tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnDpathLgthIgnr, svcTlsRvplsIpIfSvcId, svcTlsRvplsIpIfIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting D-Path Attribute for routes advertisement for Release 21 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 693 } svcSubStatsV22v0NotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcIfSubForwardingStatsDisNotify, svcIfSubForwardingStatsEnNotify } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting SRv6 notifications on virtual routers for version 21.5 Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 694 } svcEvpnCandListPrefDataObj21Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtPEOprVal, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtPEDntPmt, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtPEOprVl, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtPEDtPmt } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting service BGP EVPN (Ethernet - VPN) MPLS Multi Home enhancement for Release 21 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 695 } svcVprnWeightedEcmpGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVprnBgpAutoBindWeightedEcmp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting VPRN weighted load balancing feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 696 } svcVprnEcmpGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVprnBgpAutoBindMaxEcmpRoutes } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting BGP-IPVPN mpls auto-bind tunnel ECMP feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 21.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 697 } svcVplsEvpnMplsV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblTnlTblLC, svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblTnlLstCh, svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgLblTnlNumMAC, svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgLblTnlInMLst, svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgLblTnlRsType, svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgLbTnlSbdMcst, svcEvpnInstMplsTEPEgrLblMcast, svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPTblLstCh, svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPLastChgd, svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPResType, svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTEPTnlId, svcEvpnInstMplsESDestTblLastChgd, svcEvpnInstMplsESDestNumMacs, svcEvpnInstMplsESDestLastChanged, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsMhMode, tlsFdbEvpnMplsInstance } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Multi-instance EVPN-MPLS VPLS services on Nokia SROS series systems in release 21.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 698 } svcEvpnEvi3ByteAutoRTObj21Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnInstVxlnEvi3ByteAutoRT, svcBgpEvpnInstMplsEvi3ByteAutoRT, svcEvpnSrv6Evi3ByteAutoRT, tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnAdEsRtTgtExtEvi } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting service BGP EVPN (Ethernet - VPN) 3-Byte EVI feature for Release 21 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 699 } svcVprnRadiusServerV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVprnRadiusServerTLSClientProf, svcVprnRadiusServerSecretErr, svcVprnRadiusServerTLSClntPrfErr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of RADIUS capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems since release 21.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 700 } svcBgpMTUSignalling22v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVllBgpAdvServiceMtu, svcVplsBgpAdvServiceMtu, svcTlsExtIgnoreL2VpnMtuMismatch, svcEpipeIgnoreL2VpnMtuMismatch } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects suporting service BGP MTU signalling feature for Release 22 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 701 } svcLblEthOrIPL4TEID22v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEpipeLblEthOrIpL4TEID, svcTlsExtLblEthOrIpL4TEID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects suporting service load balancing hash based on feature ethernet Or IP L4 TEID for Release 22 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 702 } svcEvpnExtEgLblLmtV22v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnInstMplsDynEgrLblLmt } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting for extending Egress Label Limit for Release 22 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 703 } svcRtdVplsEvpnGWV22v0NotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrStateChgd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting routed-VPLS EVPN multicast gateway notifications on virtual routers for version 21.10 Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 704 } svcEvpnESV2v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSvcSysEthSegPwPortHeadEnd, svcEpipePwPortOprUpOnMhStdby, svcEvpnHdEndMHEthSegPwPortId, svcEvpnPwPortHdEndMHEthSegName, svcEvpnPwPortHdEndMHEthSegStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting EVPN Ethernet Segment objects on virtual routers for version 22.0 Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 705 } svcBgpEvpnMplsMh1V22v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnMplsIngressRepBumLabel, svcBgpEvpnMplsMaxEcmpRoutes, tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnRD, tmnxSvcSysEthSegRowStatus, tmnxSvcSysEthSegLastChg, tmnxSvcSysEthSegAdminState, tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsi, tmnxSvcSysEthSegMultiHoming, tmnxSvcSysEthSegSvcCarving, tmnxSvcSysEthSegLagId, tmnxSvcSysEthSegPortId, tmnxSvcSysEthSegSdpId, tmnxSvcSysEthSegSourceBMacLSB, tmnxSvcSysEthSegBMacTblSize, tmnxSvcSysEthSegBMacTblEntries, tmnxSvcSysEthSegOperMultiHoming, tmnxSvcSysEthSegTblLastChanged, svcEthSegCarvEviRngTblLastChgd, svcEthSegCarvIsidRngTblLastChgd, svcEthSegCarvEviRngRowStatus, svcEthSegCarvEviRngLastChg, svcEthSegCarvEviRngTo, svcEthSegCarvIsidRngRowStatus, svcEthSegCarvIsidRngLastChg, svcEthSegCarvIsidRngTo, tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsActTimer, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviIsDF, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidIsDF, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviActTimRem, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidActTimRem, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviSvcId, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidSvcId, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFLastChanged, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFLastChanged, tlsFdbEvpnMplsEthSegId, svcSysEthSegBMacAddress, tmnxSvcSysEthSegOperState, tmnxSvcSysEthSegSHGLabel, svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPLstChg, svcEvpnMHEthSegEviDFCndtAdded, svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidDFCndtAdded, svcNumEvpnMHStandbySaps, svcEvpnMplsPbbESegDestLstChg, tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnOperRD, tmnxSvcSysBgpEvpnRDType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting service BGP EVPN (Ethernet - VPN) MPLS Multi Home feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 22.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 707 } svcBgpEvpnObsoletedV22v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEvpnMplsESDestNumMacs, svcEvpnMplsESDestLastChanged, svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPLastChanged, svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPTunnelType, svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPResType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting service BGP EVPN (Ethernet - VPN) MPLS Multi Home feature obsoleted on Nokia SROS series systems release 22.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 708 } svcEvpnMplsMhBindsV22Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPResType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting transport type for service BGP EVPN MPLS Multi Home feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 22.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 709 } svcEvpnMplsTnlIdObsoletedGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEvpnMplsESDestTEPTnlId, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlLastCh, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlNumMACs, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlInMcList, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlResType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of EVPN MPLS Tunnel VPLS services obsoleted on Nokia SROS series systems in release 22.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 710 } svcVplsEvpnMplsTnlIdV22Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tlsFdbEvpnMplsTnlId, tlsFdbEvpnMplsTnlResType, svcEvpnMplsPbbESDestTEPTnlId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of EVPN MPLS Tunnel VPLS services on Nokia SROS series systems in release 16.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 711 } svcEvpnOISMObsoleteGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTnlSbdMcast, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblMcast } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management interface protocols configuration for the EVPN OISM support obsoleted on Nokia SROS series systems in release 22.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 712 } svcEvpnOISMV22Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { iesIfVplsEvpnTnlSupBcastDomain, svcBgpEvpnSelMcastAdvertise } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management interface protocols configuration for the EVPN OISM support on Nokia SROS series systems in release 22.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 713 } svcBgpEvpnMplsObsoleteGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPAddrType, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPAddress, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblTEPLabel, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblNumMACs, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblInMcastList, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblLastChanged, svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrLblResType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting service BGP EVPN (Ethernet - VPN) MPLS feature obsoleted on Nokia SROS series systems release 22.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 714 } svcBgpEvpnMplsV22v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcBgpEvpnMplsTableLastChanged, svcBgpEvpnEvi, tlsFdbEvpnMplsTEPAddrType, tlsFdbEvpnMplsTEPAddr, tlsFdbEvpnMplsLabel, svcEvpnMplsTEPAddrType, svcEvpnMplsTEPAddress, svcEvpnMplsTEPNumEvpnMplsDest, svcEvpnMplsTEPNumESDest, svcEvpnMplsTEPNumESBMacDest } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting service BGP EVPN (Ethernet - VPN) MPLS feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 22.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 715 } svcEpipePwPortTldp22v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcEpipePwPortDnPeerTldpFault } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting EPIPE service PW port feature related to TLDP faults on Nokia SROS series systems release 22.0." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 717 } svcVprnTacPlusAccCmdOp21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { svcVprnTacPlusAccessOpCmd1 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of TacPlus access operation authorization since release 21.10." ::= { tmnxSvcConformance 718 } tmnxTstpConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxServConformance 5 } tmnxTstpCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxTstpConformance 1 } tmnxTstpGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxTstpConformance 2 } tmnxServNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSRNotifyPrefix 4 } custTrapsPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxServNotifications 1 } custTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { custTrapsPrefix 0 } custCreated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The trap custCreated is sent when a new row is created in the custInfoTable. The object is obsoleted and replaced with tmnxConfigModify notification." ::= { custTraps 1 } custDeleted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The trap custDeleted is sent when an existing row is deleted from the custInfoTable. The object is obsoleted and replaced with tmnxConfigModify notification." ::= { custTraps 2 } custMultSvcSiteCreated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, custMultSvcSiteName } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The trap custMultSvcSiteCreated is sent when a new row is created in the custMultiServiceSiteTable. The object is obsoleted and replaced with tmnxConfigModify notification." ::= { custTraps 3 } custMultSvcSiteDeleted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, custMultSvcSiteName } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The trap custMultSvcSiteDeleted is sent when an existing row is deleted from the custMultiServiceSiteTable. The object is obsoleted and replaced with tmnxConfigModify notification." ::= { custTraps 4 } svcTrapsPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxServNotifications 2 } svcTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { svcTrapsPrefix 0 } svcCreated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, svcId, svcVpnId, svcType } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new row is created in the svcBaseInfoTable. The object is obsoleted and replaced with tmnxConfigModify notification." ::= { svcTraps 1 } svcDeleted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, svcId, svcVpnId } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when an existing row is deleted from the svcBaseInfoTable. The object is obsoleted and replaced with tmnxConfigModify notification." ::= { svcTraps 2 } svcStatusChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, svcId, svcVpnId, svcAdminStatus, svcOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcStatusChanged notification is generated when there is a change in the administrative or operating status of a service." ::= { svcTraps 3 } svcTlsFdbTableFullAlarmRaised NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, svcId, svcVpnId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsFdbTableFullAlarmRaised notification is generated when the utilization of the FDB table increases to reach the value specified by svcTlsFdbTableFullHighWatermark." ::= { svcTraps 4 } svcTlsFdbTableFullAlarmCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, svcId, svcVpnId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsFdbTableFullAlarmCleared notification is generated when the utilization of the FDB table drops to the value specified by svcTlsFdbTableFullLowWatermark." ::= { svcTraps 5 } iesIfCreated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, svcId, svcVpnId, iesIfIndex } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The iesIfCreated notification is generated when a new row is created in the iesIfTable. The object is obsoleted and replaced with tmnxConfigModify notification." ::= { svcTraps 6 } iesIfDeleted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, svcId, svcVpnId, iesIfIndex } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The iesIfDeleted notification is sent when an existing row is deleted from the iesIfTable. The object is obsoleted and replaced with tmnxConfigModify notification." ::= { svcTraps 7 } iesIfStatusChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, svcId, svcVpnId, iesIfIndex, iesIfAdminStatus, iesIfOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The iesIfStatusChanged notification is generated when there is a change in the administrative or operating status of an IES interface." ::= { svcTraps 8 } svcTlsMfibTableFullAlarmRaised NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, svcId, svcVpnId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsMfibTableFullAlarmRaised notification is generated when the utilization of the MFIB table increases to reach the value specified by svcTlsMfibTableFullHighWatermark." ::= { svcTraps 9 } svcTlsMfibTableFullAlarmCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, svcId, svcVpnId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsMfibTableFullAlarmCleared notification is generated when the utilization of the MFIB table drops to the value specified by svcTlsMfibTableFullLowWatermark." ::= { svcTraps 10 } svcTlsMacPinningViolation NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, svcId, svcVpnId, macPinningMacAddress, macPinningPinnedRow, macPinningPinnedRowDescr, macPinningViolatingRow, macPinningViolatingRowDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsMacPinningViolation notification is generated when an attempt is made to assign a MAC address to another interface while this MAC address is pinned (i.e. assigned fixed to an interface)." ::= { svcTraps 11 } svcTlsDHCPLseStRestoreProblem NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tlsDhcpRestoreLseStateSvcId, tlsDhcpRestoreLseStatePortId, tlsDhcpRestoreLseStateEncapVal, tlsDhcpRestoreLseStateCiAddr, tlsDhcpRestoreLseStateProblem } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsDHCPLseStRestoreProblem notification is generated when an an error is detected while processing a persistency record." ::= { svcTraps 12 } svcTlsDHCPLseStatePopulateErr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, svcId, tlsDhcpLseStatePopulateError } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsDHCPLseStatePopulateErr notification indicates that the system was unable to update the Lease State Table with the information contained in the DHCP ACK message. The DHCP ACK message has been discarded." ::= { svcTraps 13 } svcDHCPLseStateRestoreProblem NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcDhcpRestoreLseStateCiAddr, svcDhcpRestoreLseStateProblem } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcDHCPLseStateRestoreProblem notification is generated when an an error is detected while processing a persistency record." ::= { svcTraps 14 } tmnxSvcObjTodSuiteApplicFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxSvcObjRow, tmnxSvcObjRowDescr, tmnxSvcObjTodSuite, tmnxFailureDescription } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSvcObjTodSuiteApplicFailed notification is generated when the object has failed to perform the set action requested by the Time-Of-Day Suite. The object can be either a SAP or a Customer Multi-Service Site." ::= { svcTraps 15 } tmnxEndPointTxActiveChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcEndPointTxActiveType, svcEndPointTxActivePortId, svcEndPointTxActiveEncap, svcEndPointTxActiveSdpId, svcEPTxActiveBgpEvpnMplsInstId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEndPointTxActiveChanged notification is generated when the transmit active object on an endpoint changes." ::= { svcTraps 16 } tmnxSvcPEDiscPolServOperStatChg NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcPEDiscPolServerAddressType, svcPEDiscPolServerAddress, svcPEDiscPolServerOperStatus } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSvcPEDiscPolServOperStatChg notification is generated when the operational status of a Radius server, configured for use as PE Discovery Policy Server, has transitioned either from 'up' to 'down' or from 'down' to 'up'." ::= { svcTraps 17 } svcEndPointMacLimitAlarmRaised NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, svcId, svcVpnId, svcEndPointMacLimit } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEndPointMacLimitAlarmRaised notification is sent whenever the number of MAC addresses stored in the FDB for this endpoint exceeds the watermark specified by the object svcTlsFdbTableFullHighWatermark. This alarm also takes into consideration static MAC addresses configured on the endpoint and learned MAC addresses in all spokes associated with this endpoint." ::= { svcTraps 18 } svcEndPointMacLimitAlarmCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, svcId, svcVpnId, svcEndPointMacLimit } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEndPointMacLimitAlarmCleared notification is sent whenever the number of MAC addresses stored in the FDB for this endpoint drops below the watermark specified by the object svcTlsFdbTableFullLowWatermark. This alarm also takes into consideration static MAC addresses configured on the endpoint and learned MAC addresses in all spokes associated with this endpoint." ::= { svcTraps 19 } svcTlsMrpAttrRegistrationFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, svcId, svcTlsMrpAttrRegFailedReason, svcTlsMrpAttrType, svcTlsMrpAttrValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsMrpAttrRegistrationFailed notification is generated when registration fails for an MRP attribute." ::= { svcTraps 20 } svcFdbMimDestTblFullAlrm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcTotalFdbMimDestIdxEntries } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcFdbMimDestTblFullAlrm notification is raised when system limit of Backbone MAC address indices limit is reached. Further traps are not generated as long as the value of svcTotalFdbMimDestIdxEntries object remains under 5 percent of the limit." ::= { svcTraps 21 } svcFdbMimDestTblFullAlrmCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcTotalFdbMimDestIdxEntries } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcFdbMimDestTblFullAlrmCleared notification is raised when number of Backbone MAC address indices used reaches under 95 percent of the system limit after svcFdbMimDestTblFullAlrm notification had been raised." ::= { svcTraps 22 } svcDHCPMiscellaneousProblem NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxFailureDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcDHCPMiscellaneousProblem notification is generated on miscellaneous DHCP problems." ::= { svcTraps 23 } svcPersistencyProblem NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcId, tmnxFailureDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcPersistencyProblem notification is generated on persistency problems." ::= { svcTraps 24 } svcTlsMrpAttrTblFullAlarmRaised NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, svcId, svcVpnId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsMrpAttrTblFullAlarmRaised notification is generated when the utilization of the MRP attribute table is above the value specified by svcTlsMrpAttrTblHighWatermark." ::= { svcTraps 25 } svcTlsMrpAttrTblFullAlarmCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, svcId, svcVpnId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsMrpAttrTblFullAlarmCleared notification is generated when the utilization of the MRP attribute table is below the value specified by svcTlsMrpAttrTblLowWatermark." ::= { svcTraps 26 } svcArpHostPopulateErr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcId, svcNotifSapPortId, svcNotifSapEncapValue, svcArpHostPopulateError } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcArpHostPopulateErr notification indicates that the system failed to update the ARP Host table with the information contained in the ARP message." ::= { svcTraps 27 } svcEpipePbbOperStatusChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcEpipePbbOperState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEpipePbbOperStatusChanged notification is generated when there is a change in the operating status of the PBB tunnel associated with this Epipe service." ::= { svcTraps 28 } svcEPMCEPConfigMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcEndPointMCEPId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEPMCEPConfigMismatch notification is generated when service multi-chassis endpoint detects a mismatch in the config of the multi-chassis endpoint peer." ::= { svcTraps 29 } svcEPMCEPConfigMismatchResolved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcEndPointMCEPId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEPMCEPConfigMismatchResolved notification is generated when multi-chassis endpoint resolves the mismatch in the config of the multi-chassis endpoint peer." ::= { svcTraps 30 } svcEPMCEPPassiveModeActive NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcEndPointMCEPId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEPMCEPPassiveModeActive notification is generated when multi-chassis endpoint on a multi-chassis peer in passive-mode (of multi-chassis peer) becomes passive-mode active by detecting more than one active spoke-sdp in the multi-chassis endpoint with 'pwFwdingStandby' bit cleared per sdpBindPwPeerStatusBits object." ::= { svcTraps 31 } svcEPMCEPPassiveModePassive NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcEndPointMCEPId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcEPMCEPPassiveModePassive notification is generated when multi-chassis endpoint on a multi-chassis peer in passive-mode (of multi-chassis peer) becomes passive-mode passive by detecting at most one active spoke-sdp in the multi-chassis endpoint with 'pwFwdingStandby' bit set per sdpBindPwPeerStatusBits object." ::= { svcTraps 32 } svcRestoreHostProblem NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcHostAddrType, svcHostAddr, tmnxFailureDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcRestoreHostProblem notification is generated when an an error is detected while processing a host persistency record. From release 9.0 of SROS onwards, the notification TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB::persistenceRestoreProblem is used instead." ::= { svcTraps 33 } svcTlsSiteDesigFwdrChg NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcTlsSiteIdDesignatedFwdr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsSiteDesigFwdrChg notification is generated when there is a change in the 'designated forwarder' status for the TLS site." ::= { svcTraps 34 } svcTlsGroupOperStatusChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcTlsGroupOperStatus, svcTlsGroupLastError } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The svcTlsGroupOperStatusChanged notification is generated when there is a change in the value of svcTlsGroupOperStatus object. svcTlsGroupLastError provides information related to svcTlsGroupOperStatus object." ::= { svcTraps 35 } svcMacFdbTblFullAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcMacFdbRecords } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcMacFdbTblFullAlarm notification is raised when system limit of FDB records is reached. Further traps are not generated as long as the value of svcMacFdbRecords object remains under 5 percent of the limit. [EFFECT] System will not be able to add new MAC addresses to the FDB table. [RECOVERY] Optimize the MAC FDB addresses assigned to different services." ::= { svcTraps 36 } svcMacFdbTblFullAlarmCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcMacFdbRecords } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcMacFdbTblFullAlarmCleared notification is raised when number of FDB records used reaches under 95 percent of the system limit after svcMacFdbTblFullAlarm notification had been raised. [EFFECT] System will now be able to add new MAC addresses to the FDB table. [RECOVERY] None." ::= { svcTraps 37 } svcMSPwRtMisconfig NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcMSPwPeSaiiGlobalId, svcMSPwPeSaiiPrefix, svcMSPwPeSaiiAcId, svcMSPwPeTaiiGlobalId, svcMSPwPeTaiiPrefix, svcMSPwPeTaiiAcId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcMSPwRtMisconfig notification is raised when there is misconfiguration discovered between two signaling multi-segment pseudo-wires. The following misconfiguration would cause this notification: - Both multi-segment pseudo-wires are configured to be master [EFFECT] Communication between the multi-segment pseudo-wires will fail. [RECOVERY] Misconfiguration between the two multi-segment pseudo-wire needs to be corrected." ::= { svcTraps 38 } svcOperGrpOperStatusChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcOperGrpOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcOperGrpOperStatusChanged notification is generated when there is a change in the value of svcOperGrpOperStatus. [EFFECT] Status of the one or more of the members of the operational group has changed. [RECOVERY] Operational status of the members of the operational-group will need to be investigated." ::= { svcTraps 39 } svcMSPwRetryExpiredNotif NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcMSPwPeRetryExpired } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcMSPwRetryExpiredNotif notification is raised when retry timer expires for this multi-segment pseudo-wire provider-edge (svcMSPwPeId) in the service. [EFFECT] There will be no more retries to establish connection from this svcMSPwPeId. [RECOVERY] svcMSPwPeId may need to be shutdown and may need to restart the retries." ::= { svcTraps 40 } svcVllSiteDesigFwdrChg NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcVllSiteIdDesignatedFwdr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcVllSiteDesigFwdrChg notification is generated when there is a change in the 'designated forwarder' status for the site. [EFFECT] The new designated forwarder will be used to forward traffic. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 41 } svcBgpEvpnDupMacAddrsDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcBgpEvpnDupMacAddrsDetected notification is generated when at least one MAC address is detected as duplicate in a VPLS EVPN context. [EFFECT] At least one MAC address is detected as duplicate. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 42 } svcBgpEvpnDupMacAddrsCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcBgpEvpnDupMacAddrsCleared notification is generated when no more MAC addresses are detected as duplicate in a VPLS EVPN context. [EFFECT] No MAC addresses are detected as duplicate. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 43 } svcTlsDupVTEPEgrVNIDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddrType, svcVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress, svcVTEPEgrVNIEgrVNI } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcTlsDupVTEPEgrVNIDetected notification is generated when an attempt is made to use the same VTEP-Egress VNI in more than one service in the system. [EFFECT] A VTEP-Egress VNI is detected as duplicate. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 44 } svcTlsDupVTEPEgrVNICleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddrType, svcVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress, svcVTEPEgrVNIEgrVNI } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcTlsDupVTEPEgrVNICleared notification is generated when a previously duplicate VTEP-Egress VNI is no longer used in more than one service in the system. [EFFECT] The VTEP-Egress VNI is no longer duplicate. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 45 } svcTlsVTEPHiUsageAlarmRaised NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcTlsVTEPHiUsageAlarmRaised notification is generated when the number of VTEPs in the system exceeds 95% of the system VTEP limit. [EFFECT] 95% of the system VTEP limit is reached. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 46 } svcTlsVTEPHiUsageAlarmCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcTlsVTEPHiUsageAlarmCleared notification is generated when the number of VTEPs in the system drops below 90% of system VTEP limit. [EFFECT] 90% of the system VTEP limit is reached. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 47 } svcTlsVTEPEgrVniSysHiUsgAlarmSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcTlsVTEPEgrVniSysHiUsgAlarmSet notification is generated when the number of VTEP-Egress VNIs in the system exceeds 95% of the system VTEP-Egress VNI limit. [EFFECT] 95% of the system VTEP-Egress VNI limit is reached. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 48 } svcTlsVTEPEgrVniSysHiUsgAlarmClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcTlsVTEPEgrVniSysHiUsgAlarmClr notification is generated when the number of VTEP-Egress VNIs in the system drops below 90% of the system VTEP-Egress VNI limit. [EFFECT] 90% of the system VTEP-Egress VNI limit is reached. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 49 } svcTlsVTEPEgrVniSvcHiUsgAlarmSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcTlsVTEPEgrVniSvcHiUsgAlarmSet notification is generated when the number of VTEP-Egress VNIs in a VPLS service exceeds 95% of the per-service VTEP-Egress VNI multicast limit. [EFFECT] The VPLS service has reached 95% of the VTEP-Egress VNI multicast limit. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 50 } svcTlsVTEPEgrVniSvcHiUsgAlarmClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcTlsVTEPEgrVniSvcHiUsgAlarmClr notification is generated when the number of VTEP-Egress VNIs in a VPLS service drops below 90% of the per-service VTEP-Egress VNI multicast limit. [EFFECT] The VPLS service has reached 90% of the VTEP-Egress VNI multicast limit. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 51 } svcBindSysHiUsageAlarmRaised NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcBindSysHiUsageAlarmRaised notification is generated when the number of VXLAN binds exceeds 95% of the system VXLAN bind limit. [EFFECT] 95% of the system VXLAN bind limit is reached. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 52 } svcBindSysHiUsageAlarmCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcBindSysHiUsageAlarmCleared notification is generated when the number of VXLAN binds drops below 90% of the system VXLAN bind limit. [EFFECT] 90% of the system VXLAN bind limit is reached. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 53 } svcTlsRvplsEgrVniSysHiUsgAlrmSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcTlsRvplsEgrVniSysHiUsgAlrmSet notification is generated when the number of RVPLS-Egress VNIs in the system exceeds 95% of the system RVPLS-Egress VNI limit. [EFFECT] 95% of the system RVPLS-Egress VNI limit is reached. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 54 } svcTlsRvplsEgrVniSysHiUsgAlrmClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcTlsRvplsEgrVniSysHiUsgAlrmClr notification is generated when the number of RVPLS-Egress VNIs in the system drops below 90% of the system RVPLS-Egress VNI limit. [EFFECT] 90% of the system RVPLS-Egress VNI limit is reached. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 55 } svcTlsProxyArpDupDetect NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcTlsProxyArpMacAddr, svcNotifTlsProxyMacAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcTlsProxyArpDupDetect notification is generated when duplicate detection criteria is met when a new mac address overwrites the existing mac address for the proxy arp entry. [EFFECT] A traffic disruption may occur if both systems are active. [RECOVERY] Identify and correct configuration of one of the systems." ::= { svcTraps 56 } svcTlsProxyArpDupClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcTlsProxyArpMacAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcTlsProxyArpDupClear notification is generated when duplicate ARP entry is cleared. [EFFECT] The proxy ARP entry is deleted or is overwritten by static entry. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 57 } svcTlsProxyNdDupDetect NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcTlsProxyNdMacAddr, svcNotifTlsProxyMacAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcTlsProxyNdDupDetect notification is generated when duplicate detection criteria is met when a new mac address overwrites the existing mac address for the proxy ND entry. [EFFECT] A traffic disruption may occur if both systems are active. [RECOVERY] Identify and correct configuration of one of the systems." ::= { svcTraps 58 } svcTlsProxyNdDupClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcTlsProxyNdMacAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcTlsProxyNdDupClear notification is generated when duplicate Neighbor Discovery (ND) entry is cleared. [EFFECT] The proxy ND entry is deleted or is overwritten by static entry. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 59 } svcTlsEvpnTunnNHopHiUsgAlarmSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcTlsEvpnTunnNHopHiUsgAlarmSet notification is generated when the number of EVPN tunnels next-hops in the service exceeds 95% of the limit. [EFFECT] Reached 95% of EVPN tunnel interface IP next-hop limit for service. [RECOVERY] Verify the BGP-EVPN configuration to see if configuration changes are needed to reduce this." ::= { svcTraps 60 } svcTlsEvpnTunnNHopHiUsgAlarmClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcTlsEvpnTunnNHopHiUsgAlarmClr notification is generated when the number of EVPN tunnels next-hop in the service drops to 90% of the limit. [EFFECT] Dropped below 90% of EVPN tunnel interface IP next-hop limit for service. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 61 } svcEvpnMplsTEPHiUsageRaised NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcEvpnMplsTEPHiUsageRaised notification is generated when the number of EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoints in the system exceeds 95% of the system limit. [EFFECT] 95% of the system EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint limit is reached. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 62 } svcEvpnMplsTEPHiUsageCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcEvpnMplsTEPHiUsageCleared notification is generated when the number of EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoints in the system drops below 90% of system limit. [EFFECT] 90% of the system EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint limit is reached. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 63 } svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrBndSysHiUsgSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrBndSysHiUsgSet notification is generated when the number of EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint-egress binds in the system exceeds 95% of the system limit. [EFFECT] 95% of the system EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint-egress binds limit is reached. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 64 } svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrBndSysHiUsgClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrBndSysHiUsgClr notification is generated when the number of EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint-egress binds in the system drops below 90% of the system limit. [EFFECT] 90% of the system EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint-egress binds limit is reached. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 65 } svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrBndSvcHiUsgSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrBndSvcHiUsgSet notification is generated when the number of EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint-egress multicast binds in a VPLS service exceeds 95% of the per-service limit. [EFFECT] The VPLS service has reached 95% of the EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint-egress multicast binds limit. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 66 } svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrBndSvcHiUsgClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcEvpnMplsTEPEgrBndSvcHiUsgClr notification is generated when the number of EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint-egress multicast binds in a VPLS service drops below 90% of the per-service limit. [EFFECT] The VPLS service has reached 90% of the EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint-egress multicast binds limit. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 67 } svcTlsProxyArpSysHiUsgSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcTlsProxyArpSysHiUsgSet notification is generated when the number of proxy ARP entries in the system exceeds 95% of the system limit. [EFFECT] 95% of the system proxy ARP entries limit is reached. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 68 } svcTlsProxyArpSysHiUsgClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcTlsProxyArpSysHiUsgClr notification is generated when the number of proxy ARP entries in the system drops below 90% of the system limit. [EFFECT] 90% of the system proxy ARP entries limit is reached. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 69 } svcTlsProxyArpSvcHiUsgSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcTlsProxyArpSvcHiUsgSet notification is generated when the number of proxy ARP entries in a VPLS service exceeds 95% of the per-service limit. [EFFECT] The VPLS service has reached 95% of the proxy ARP limit. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 70 } svcTlsProxyArpSvcHiUsgClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcTlsProxyArpSvcHiUsgClr notification is generated when the number of proxy ARP entries in a VPLS service drops below 90% of the per-service limit. [EFFECT] The VPLS service has reached 90% of the proxy ARP limit. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 71 } svcTlsProxyNdSysHiUsgSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcTlsProxyNdSysHiUsgSet notification is generated when the number of proxy Neighbor Discovery (ND) entries in the system exceeds 95% of the system limit. [EFFECT] 95% of the system proxy Neighbor Discovery (ND) entries limit is reached. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 72 } svcTlsProxyNdSysHiUsgClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcTlsProxyNdSysHiUsgClr notification is generated when the number of proxy Neighbor Discovery (ND) entries in the system drops below 90% of the system limit. [EFFECT] 90% of the system proxy Neighbor Discovery (ND) entries limit is reached. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 73 } svcTlsProxyNdSvcHiUsgSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcTlsProxyNdSvcHiUsgSet notification is generated when the number of proxy Neighbor Discovery (ND) entries in a VPLS service exceeds 95% of the per-service limit. [EFFECT] The VPLS service has reached 95% of the proxy Neighbor Discovery (ND) limit. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 74 } svcTlsProxyNdSvcHiUsgClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcTlsProxyNdSvcHiUsgClr notification is generated when the number of Neighbor Discovery (ND) entries in a VPLS service drops below 90% of the per-service limit. [EFFECT] The VPLS service has reached 90% of the proxy Neighbor Discovery (ND) limit. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 75 } svcSiteMinDnTimerStateChg NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcId, svcNotifSiteName, svcNotifSiteMinDnTimerState, svcNotifSiteMinDnTimer, svcNotifSiteMinDnTimerRemain } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcSiteMinDnTimerStateChg notification is generated when site specific minimum-down-timer starts/canceled/extended/expires. [EFFECT] svcNotifSiteMinDnTimerState indicate the new state of the site minimum-down-timer. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 76 } svcArpHostOverride NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcArpHostMacAddr, svcNotifyMacAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system generates an svcArpHostOverride notification when it overrides the MAC address of an ARP host. The new MAC address is in svcArpHostMacAddr, while the old MAC address is in svcNotifyMacAddress. [CAUSE] The system overrides the MAC address of an ARP host, because an ARP host with the same IP address as a known ARP host has appeared with a different MAC address. [EFFECT] The MAC address of the known ARP host has changed. [RECOVERY] No recovery required." ::= { svcTraps 77 } svcEvpnDestSysHiUsgSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcEvpnDestSysHiUsgSet notification is generated when the number of EVPN destinations(MPLS and VXLAN) in the system exceeds 95% of the system limit. [EFFECT] 95% of the system EVPN destinations(MPLS and VXLAN) limit is reached. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 78 } svcEvpnDestSysHiUsgClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcEvpnDestSysHiUsgClr notification is generated when the number of EVPN destinations(MPLS and VXLAN) in the system drops below 90% of the system limit. [EFFECT] The system EVPN destinations(MPLS and VXLAN) limit drops below 90%. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 79 } svcEvpnMHEsEviDFStateChgd NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcEvpnMHEthSegEviIsDF } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcEvpnMHEsEviDFStateChgd notification is generated when there is a change in the ethernet segment EVI designated forwarder state. [EFFECT] The forwarding state of the ethernet segment evi is changed. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 80 } svcEvpnMHEsIsidDFStateChgd NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcEvpnMHEthSegIsidIsDF } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcEvpnMHEsIsidDFStateChgd notification is generated when there is a change in the ethernet segment ISID designated forwarder state. [EFFECT] The forwarding state of the ethernet segment isid is changed. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 81 } svcEvpnRcvdProtSrcMac NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcId, protectedMacForNotify } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcEvpnRcvdProtSrcMac notification is generated when a protected source MAC is received. [EFFECT] The frame is discarded. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 82 } svcBgpEvpnBHDupMacAddrsDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcId, tlsFdbMacAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcBgpEvpnBHDupMacAddrsDetected notification is generated when the MAC address(es) detected as duplicate, is not installed in the FDB as blackhole. [EFFECT] At least one MAC address is detected as duplicate. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 83 } svcTlsVxlanReplicatorChgd NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcId, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddrType, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIVTEPAddress, svcTlsVTEPEgrVNIEgrVNI, svcNotifVxlanInstance } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcTlsVxlanReplicatorChgd notification is generated when there is a change in the replicator. [EFFECT] The replicator associated with a VPLS service is changed. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 84 } svcEvpnEtreeBumLabelSysHiUsgSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcEvpnEtreeBumLabelSysHiUsgSet notification is generated when the number of EVPN Etree Egress BUM labels received from advertising Etree PEs in the system exceeds 95% of the system limit. [EFFECT] The number of EVPN Etree Egress BUM labels received from advertising Etree PEs exceeds 95%. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 85 } svcEvpnEtreeBumLabelSysHiUsgClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcEvpnEtreeBumLabelSysHiUsgClr notification is generated when the number of EVPN Etree Egress BUM labels received from advertising PEs in the system drops below 90% of the system limit. [EFFECT] The number of EVPN Etree Egress BUM labels received from advertising Etree PEs drops below 90%. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 86 } svcVxlanEvpnMplsDestSysHiUsgSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcVxlanEvpnMplsDestSysHiUsgSet notification is generated when the number of EVPN destinations(MPLS and VXLAN) in the system exceeds 95% of the system limit. [EFFECT] 95% of the system EVPN destinations(MPLS and VXLAN) limit is reached. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 87 } svcVxlanEvpnMplsDestSysHiUsgClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcVxlanEvpnMplsDestSysHiUsgClr notification is generated when the number of EVPN destinations (MPLS and VXLAN) in the system drops below 90% of the system limit. [EFFECT] The system EVPN destinations (MPLS and VXLAN) limit drops below 90%. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 88 } svcSysEvpnESDfPrefOperValChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecOperValue, svcSysEvpnESDfPrefElecDntPreempt } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcSysEvpnESDfPrefOperValChange notification is generated when the ES route is first advertised or when the Oper preference and/or DP value changes. [EFFECT] None. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 89 } tmnxSvcSysFdbTableHighUsgSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxSvcSysFdbAllocEntries } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxSvcSysFdbTableHighUsgSet notification is generated when the system FDB table usage exceeds 95% of the system FDB table size. [EFFECT] The system FDB table usage is above 95% of system FDB table size. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 90 } tmnxSvcSysFdbTableHighUsgClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxSvcSysFdbAllocEntries } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxSvcSysFdbTableHighUsgClr notification is generated when the system FDB table usage drops below 90% of the system FDB table size. [EFFECT] The system FDB table usage is below 90% of system FDB table size. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 91 } svcEvpnMHStandbyStatusChg NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcId, svcNotifVxlanInstance, svcNotifEvpnMHStandbyStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcEvpnMHStandbyStatusChg notification is generated when there is a change in status of EVPN multi-homing standby. [EFFECT] EVPN multi-homing standby status has changed. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 92 } svcTlsVxInstReplicatorChgd NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcId, svcTlsVxInstVTEPAddrType, svcTlsVxInstVTEPAddress, svcTlsVxInstVTEPEgrVni, svcNotifVxlanInstance } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcTlsVxInstReplicatorChgd notification is generated when there is a change in the replicator. [EFFECT] The replicator associated with a VPLS service is changed. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 93 } svcTlsVxInstMacAdrLimitAlrmRsd NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, svcId, svcVpnId, svcTlsVxInstMacAddressLimit } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The trap svcTlsVxInstMacAdrLimitAlrmRsd is sent whenever the number of MAC addresses stored in the FDB for this VXLAN instance, increases to reach the watermark specified by the object svcTlsFdbTableFullHighWatermark. [EFFECT] The number of MAC addresses stored in the FDB, increases to reach the watermark specified by svcTlsFdbTableFullHighWatermark. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 94 } svcTlsVxInstMacAdrLimitAlrmClrd NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, svcId, svcVpnId, svcTlsVxInstMacAddressLimit } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The trap svcTlsVxInstMacAdrLimitAlrmClrd is sent whenever the number of MAC addresses stored in the FDB for this VXLAN instance, drops to the watermark specified by the object svcTlsFdbTableFullLowWatermark. [EFFECT] The number of MAC addresses stored in the FDB drops below svcTlsFdbTableFullLowWatermark. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 95 } svcEvpnVxVTepLclBiasAddFailSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcNotifInetAddrType, svcNotifInetAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The trap svcEvpnVxVTepLclBiasAddFailSet is sent whenever local bias cannot be enabled for the Vxlan VTEP svcNotifInetAddr, due to system limits. [EFFECT] Vxlan local bias might not work correctly for all services with ethernet-segment shared with this VTEP. [RECOVERY] Configuration change may be required." ::= { svcTraps 96 } svcEvpnESVxVTepLclBiasAddFailSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcNotifEthSegName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The trap svcEvpnESVxVTepLclBiasAddFailSet is raised when the system limit of three local bias peers per ethernet-segment is exceeded while enabling local bias for a VTEP svcNotifInetAddr. [EFFECT] Vxlan local bias might not work correctly for all services with ethernet-segment peering to the VTEP. [RECOVERY] Configuration change may be required." ::= { svcTraps 97 } svcEvpnVxVTepLclBiasAddFailClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcNotifInetAddrType, svcNotifInetAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The trap svcEvpnVxVTepLclBiasAddFailClr is sent whenever local bias failure condition for the Vxlan VTEP svcNotifInetAddr, is cleared. [EFFECT] Vxlan local bias is enabled for the VTEP. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 98 } svcEvpnESVxVTepLclBiasAddFailClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcNotifEthSegName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The trap svcEvpnESVxVTepLclBiasAddFailClr is raised when the number of local bias peers is less than or equal system limit of three and the failure condition is cleared. [EFFECT] Vxlan local bias is enabled for all VTEP's peering with this ethernet-segment. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 99 } svcEvpnRcvdPbbProtSrcMac NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcTlsBackboneVplsSvcId, protectedMacForNotify } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcEvpnRcvdPbbProtSrcMac notification is generated when a protected source MAC protected in i-vpls is received on EVPN in b-vpls(svcTlsBackboneVplsSvcId) service. [EFFECT] The frame is discarded. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 100 } svcEvpnMplsTEPIpSysHiUsgSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcEvpnMplsTEPIpSysHiUsgSet notification is generated when the number of EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint IP in the system exceeds 95% of the system limit. [EFFECT] 95% of the system EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint IP limit is reached. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 101 } svcEvpnMplsTEPIpSysHiUsgClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcEvpnMplsTEPIpSysHiUsgClr notification is generated when the number of EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint IP in the system drops below 90% of the system limit. [EFFECT] 90% of the system EVPN MPLS tunnel endpoint IP limit is reached. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 102 } svcEvpnMHAutoEsiCreated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsi } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcEvpnMHAutoEsiCreated notification is generated when the auto-esi type-1 is configured and the ESI is automatically detected from the CE LACP PDUs. [EFFECT] If the ESI is generated, the Ethernet Segment can become function. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 103 } svcEvpnMHAutoEsiConflict NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxSvcSysEthSegEsi } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcEvpnMHAutoEsiConflict notification is generated when the auto-esi type-1 ESI generated from CE LACP PDUs for an ES conflicts with one already associated to another ES. [EFFECT] The type-1 ESI currently used on the ES is deleted. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 104 } svcSrv6TEPEgrBndSysHiUsgSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcSrv6TEPEgrBndSysHiUsgSet notification is generated when the number of EVPN SRv6 tunnel endpoint-egress binds in the system exceeds 95% of the system limit. [EFFECT] 95% of the system EVPN SRv6 tunnel endpoint-egress binds limit is reached. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 105 } svcSrv6TEPEgrBndSysHiUsgClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcSrv6TEPEgrBndSysHiUsgClr notification is generated when the number of EVPN SRv6 tunnel endpoint-egress binds in the system drops below 90% of the system limit. [EFFECT] 90% of the system EVPN SRv6 tunnel endpoint-egress binds limit is reached. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { svcTraps 106 } svcSrv6FunctionExhaustion NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcSrv6LocatorName, svcSrv6FunctionType, svcType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcSrv6FunctionExhaustion notification is generated when the function or label allocation fails. [EFFECT] A log entry is generated. [RECOVERY] if another entity or local config change returns resources, then it will automatically allocated." ::= { svcTraps 107 } svcIfSubForwardingStatsDisNotify NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcId, iesIfIndex, tmnxFailureDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcIfSubForwardingStatsDisNotify notification is generated when adding the subscriber/group-interface statistics fail due to exceeded scale limits. [EFFECT] A log entry is generated. [RECOVERY] If another subscriber/group-interface returns resources then missing subscriber/group-interfaces are enabled in random order." ::= { svcTraps 108 } svcIfSubForwardingStatsEnNotify NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcId, iesIfIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The svcIfSubForwardingStatsEnNotify notification is generated when previously disbaled subscriber/group-interface statistics are enabled again due to available resources. [EFFECT] A log entry is generated. [RECOVERY] None." ::= { svcTraps 109 } svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrStateChgd NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcRoutedVplsEvpnGWDrState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] Any addition of new evpn-mcast-gw or deletion of existing evpn-mcast-gw configuration leads to change in the state based on DF election algorithm the node chooses, and generates trap. [EFFECT] When this state is true, indicates this node will forward the outgoing traffic towards the PIM/MVPN network. [RECOVERY] Any addition of new evpn-mcast-gw or deletion of existing evpn-mcast-gw configuration leads to change in the state based on DF election algorithm the node chooses, and generates trap." ::= { svcTraps 110 } tstpTrapsPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxServNotifications 5 } tstpTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tstpTrapsPrefix 0 } topologyChangeVcpState NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, svcId, tmnxVcpState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The topologyChangeVcpState notification is generated when a VCP has transitioned its state from disabled to forwarding or from forwarding to disabled. The spanning tree topology has been modified and it may denote loss of customer access or redundancy. Check the new topology against the provisioned topology to determine severity of connectivity loss." ::= { tstpTraps 3 } newRootVcpState NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, svcId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The newRootVcpState notification is generated when the previous root bridge has been aged out and a new root bridge has been elected. The new root bridge creates a new spanning tree topology and it may denote loss of customer access or redundancy. Check the new topology against the provisioned topology to determine severity of connectivity loss." ::= { tstpTraps 4 } newRootBridge NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, svcId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The newRootBridge notification is generated when this bridge has been elected as the new root bridge. A new root bridge creates a new spanning tree topology and may denote loss of customer access or redundancy. Check the new topology against the provisioned topology to determine severity of connectivity loss." ::= { tstpTraps 7 } vcpActiveProtocolChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, svcId, svcTlsStpVcpOperProtocol } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vcpActiveProtocolChange notification is generated when the spanning tree protocol on this VCP changes from rstp to stp or vise versa. No recovery is needed." ::= { tstpTraps 32 } tmnxNewCistRegionalRootBridge NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcId, svcTlsStpCistRegionalRoot } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxNewCistRegionalRootBridge notification is generated when a new regional root bridge has been elected for the Common and Internal Spanning Tree. A new regional root bridge creates a new spanning tree topology and may denote loss of customer access or redundancy. Check the new topology against the provisioned topology to determine severity of connectivity loss." ::= { tstpTraps 33 } tmnxNewMstiRegionalRootBridge NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { svcId, svcMstiInstanceId, tlsMstiRegionalRoot } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxNewMstiRegionalRootBridge notification is generated when a new regional root bridge has been elected for the Multiple Spanning Tree Instance. A new regional root bridge creates a new spanning tree topology and may denote loss of customer access or redundancy. Check the new topology against the provisioned topology to determine severity of connectivity loss." ::= { tstpTraps 34 } topologyChangePipMajorState NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, svcId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The topologyChangePipMajorState notification is generated when a PIP Uplink has transitioned its state from learning to forwarding or from forwarding to blocking or broken. The spanning tree topology has been modified and it may denote loss of customer access or redundancy. Check the new topology against the provisioned topology to determine the severity of connectivity loss." ::= { tstpTraps 39 } topologyChangePipState NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, svcId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The topologyChangePipState notification is generated when a PIP Uplink has transitioned state to blocking or broken from a state other than forwarding. This event complements what is not covered by topologyChangePipMajorState. The spanning tree topology has been modified and it may denote loss of customer access or redundancy. Check the new topology against the provisioned topology to determine severity of connectivity loss." ::= { tstpTraps 40 } tmnxPipStpExcepCondStateChng NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, svcId, tlsPipStpException } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPipStpExcepCondStateChng notification is generated when the value of the object tlsPipStpException has changed, i.e. when the exception condition changes on the indicated PIP Uplink." ::= { tstpTraps 41 } pipActiveProtocolChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { custId, svcId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The pipActiveProtocolChange notification is generated when the spanning tree protocol on this PIP Uplink changes from rstp to stp or vice versa. No recovery is needed." ::= { tstpTraps 42 } END