-- ***************************************************************** -- Alarm MIB -- ***************************************************************** SL-ALARM-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString, TruthValue, TimeStamp FROM SNMPv2-TC MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF InterfaceIndex FROM IF-MIB PerfCurrentCount, PerfIntervalCount, PerfTotalCount FROM PerfHist-TC-MIB slMain FROM SL-MAIN-MIB; slAlarmMib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "0008280000Z" ORGANIZATION "PacketLight Networks Ltd." CONTACT-INFO "Omri_Viner@PacketLight.com" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module describes the ALARMS." ::= { slMain 20 } SlAlarmType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Alarms Types." SYNTAX INTEGER { -- SONET/SDH alarms losSonetAlarm(1), -- Loss Of Signal (S) lofSonetAlarm(2), -- Loss Of Frame (S) lopSonetAlarm(3), -- Loss Of Pointer (P) aisLineSonetAlarm(4), -- Alarm Indication Signal (L) rfiLineSonetAlarm(5), -- Remote Failure Indication (L) uneqSonetAlarm(6), -- Unequipped (P) timLine(7), -- Trace Indication Mismatch (S) slm(8), -- Signal Label Mismatch (P) - Defect sd(9), -- Signal Degrade (SDH only) sf(10), -- Signal Fail (SDH only) hwfail(11), -- HW Fail aisPathSonetAlarm(12), -- Alarm Indication Signal (P) rfiPathSonetAlarm(13), -- Remote Failure Indication (P) timPath(14), -- Trace Indication Mismatch (P) uplinkTransmitMismatch(15), -- Transceiver mismatch or removed (deprecated) uplinkClockSourceLol(16), -- Clock Source Loss of lock aisVtSonetAlarm(21), -- Alarm Indication Signal (V) lopVtSonetAlarm(22), -- Loss Of Pointer (V) rfiVtSonetAlarm(23), -- Remote Failure Indication (V) timVt(24), -- Trace Indication Mismatch (V) slmVt(25), -- Signal Label Mismatch (V) uneqVtSonetAlarm(26), -- Unequipped (V) lomVt(27), -- Loss of Multiframe (V) -- GFP/VCG alarms vcgFarLossClientSignal(101),-- Far-end Loss of Client Signal vcgFarLossClientSync(102), -- Far-end Loss of Client Sync vcgLossAlignment(103), -- VCG Loss of Alignment vcgLossMultiframe(104), -- VCG Loss of Multiframe vcgLossSequence(105), -- VCG Loss of Sequence vcgGfpLossSync(106), -- GFP framer Loss of Sync vcgFarGfpLossSync(107), -- Far-end GFP Loss of Sync vcgBadGidMember(108), -- Bad GID of a VCAT member -- Provisioning alarms provUnequipped(151), -- Unprovisioned service provMismatch(152), -- Mismatch provisioning -- Ethernet alarms ethConfigTransmitFault(201),-- Optical GbE transceiver transmit fault (deprecated) ethConfigLossOfSignal(202), -- Optical GbE transceiver signal detect failed ethConfigLinkFail(203), -- Mac Layer Link failed ethConfigPcsLossSync(204), -- PCS coding loss of sync -- FC alarms fcBxPortTransmitFault(301), -- Transceiver transmit fault (deprecated) fcBxPortLossOfSignal(302), -- Transceiver signal detect failed fcBxPortNoLink(303), -- No link established yet. fcBxPortLossOfSync(304), -- Loss of sync fcBxPortTransmitMismatch(306), -- Transceiver mismatch or removed (deprecated) fcBxPortPcsLossSync(307), -- PCS coding loss of sync fcipLinkNoLink(311), -- No link established yet. fcipLinkLossOfSync(312), -- Loss of sync fcipSntpFailure(313), -- SNTP failure fcipIpsecFailure(314), -- IPSec failure fcipFarLossOfClient(315), -- The Far-End lost the FC link -- Escon alarms esconPortTransmitFault(351), -- Transceiver transmit fault (deprecated) esconPortLossOfSignal(352), -- Transceiver signal detect failed esconPortNoLink(353), -- No link established yet. esconPortLossOfSync(354), -- Loss of sync -- EDFA alarms edfaPumpTemperuture(401), -- Pump temperatur is out-of-bound edfaHwFail(403), -- Pump HW failure edfaRvcSignalDetect(404), -- Loss of input signal edfaRcvPower(406), -- Rx Power is out-of-bound edfaTemprature(407), -- Edfa temperature is out-of-bound edfaEyeSafty(408), -- Eye safety alarm (available only in eye-safety mode) edafGainFlatness(409), -- Gain flatness alarm edfaXmtPower(410), -- Tx Power is out-of-bound edfaGain(411), -- Edfa Gain is out-of-bound edfaEol(412), -- Pump End Of Life -- Muxponder alarms muxAisPath(451) , -- Muxponder AIS muxLof(452), -- Muxponder LOF muxRdi(453), -- Muxponder RDI muxInbandFail(454), -- Muxponder Inband Fail muxTempLicense(455), -- Muxponder Temporary Licensed muxNoLicense(456), -- Muxponder Not Licensed -- Optical Switch alarms oswHwFail(470), -- The optical switch is defined in seep but not exist oswLossOfSignal(471), -- LOS is detected on the port of the optical switch oswEdfaLossProp(472), -- Port alarms loopback(501), -- The port is in loopback apsForceActive(502), -- Force Switch is active on this port apsManualActive(503), -- Manual Switch is active on this port -- CLU alarms cluHoldoverState(602), -- Clu is switched to holdover cluFreerunState(603), -- Clu is in free run state cluBelowLevel(604), -- Clock is below internal level cluFail(606), -- Clock fail cluJittered(608), -- Clock jittered -- WSS alarms channelLowDegrade(621), -- OCM Power Level Parameter 2 channelHighDegrade(622), -- OCM Power Level Parameter 3 channelLowFail(623), -- OCM Power Level Parameter 4 channelHighFail(624), -- OCM Power Level Parameter 5 unequalizedOuputPower(625), -- Failed to equalize channels output power -- SFP Alarms sfpTransmitFault(701), -- sfp hardware problem sfpRemoved(702), -- spf is either removed or failed sfpMuxWlMismatch(703), -- wl of the sfp does not match the wls of the mux sfpBitRateMismatch(704), -- the sfp bit rate does not match the implied port rate sfpLossOfLock(705), -- retimer problem sfpSfpWlMismatch(706), -- two sfps with the same wave length in sfpLossOfLight(707), -- no signnal detection sfpLaserEndOfLife(708), -- laser end of life indication sfpMuxSpacingMismatch(709), -- spacing of the sfp does not match the spacing of the mux sfpHardwareFault(710), -- wrong sfp crc sfpBlocked(711), -- the sfp is blocked sfpLossPropagation(712), -- shut laser due to a problem with the mate sfp sfpUnknownType(713), -- unknown sfp type warning - doesn't shut the laser sfpHighTemp(720), -- internal temperature exceeds high alarm level. sfpLowTemp(721), -- internal temperature is below low alarm level. sfpHighTxPower(726), -- TX output power exceeds high alarm level. sfpLowTxPower(727), -- TX output power is below low alarm level. sfpHighRxPower(728), -- Received Power exceeds high alarm level. sfpLowRxPower(729), -- Received Power is below low alarm level. sfpHighLaserTemp(730), -- (15xy) laser TEC current exceeds high alarm level. sfpLowLaserTemp(731), -- (15xy) laser TEC current exceeds low alarm level. sfpHighLaserWl(732), -- (15xy) laser wavelength exceeds high alarm level. sfpLowLaserWl(733), -- (15xy) laser wavelength is below low alarm level. -- XFP Alarms xfpTxNR(734), xfpTxCdrNotLocked(735), xfpRxNR(736), xfpRxCdrNotLocked(737), -- OTN Alarms otnFecExc(750), -- FEC-EXC Trail Excessive Errors (Early FEC) > 10-4 otnFecDeg(751), -- FEC-DEG Trail Degraded Errors (Early FEC) > 10-8 otnOtuDeg(752), -- S-DEG Section- Degraded Performance. Based on SM BIP otnOduDeg(753), -- P-DEG Path- Degraded Performance. Based on PM BIP otnLos(754), -- LOS Loss of Signal otnLof(755), -- LOF Loss of Frame. OOF present for at least 3ms otnLom(756), -- LOM Loss of Multiframe; OOM present for at least 3ms otuAis(757), -- S-AIS Section-Alarm Indication Signal otuBdi(758), -- S-BDI Section-Backward Defect Indicator otuTtim(759), -- S-TTIM Section-Trail Trace Identifier Mismatch (SAPI/DAPI) oduAis(780), -- P-AIS Path-Alarm Indication Signal oduOci(781), -- P-OCI Path-Open Connection indicator oduLck(782), -- P-LCK Path-Locked. Path Locked active oduBdi(783), -- P-BDI Path-Backward Error indicator. oduTtim(784), -- P-TTIM Path-Trail Trace Identifier Mismatch (SAPI/DAPI) oduPtm(785), -- P-PTM Path Payload Type Mismatch -- NE alarms entityRemoved(801), -- Card is removed from the slot entityClockFail(803), -- Clock Failure entityHwTxFail(804), -- HW or Tx failure entitySwMismatch(806), -- SW version mismatch detected entitySwUpgrade(807), -- Software Upgrade in progress entitySwInvalidBank(808), -- Software Bank is invalid entityIpLanPending(820), -- new LAN IP address is pending entityIpOscPending(821), -- new OSC IP address is pending nePowerFault(902), -- Power supply unit has failed neFanFault(903), -- Fan unit has failed neLowVoltagePower(904), -- The voltage of the Power Supply is too low entitySwUpgradeFail(905), -- SW Upgrade Failed entityRadiusPrimFail(906), -- Radius Primary Server failed entityRadiusSecFail(907), -- Radius Secondary Server failed entityDbRestoreFail(908), -- Database Restore Failed entityDbRestoreInProgress(909), -- Database Restore In Progress entitySntpFail(910), -- SNTP server failure -- Misc dcActive(1001), -- An alarm on the input dry contact lcpDown(1002), -- The LCP link is down ncpDown(1003), -- The NCP link is down rtcFailure(1004) -- RTC failure } slAlarmConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { slAlarmMib 1 } slAlarmTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { slAlarmMib 2 } slAlarmTraps0 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { slAlarmTraps 0 } -- -- SL Alarms config Table -- slAlarmConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SlAlarmConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains objects to configure the SL Alarms." ::= { slAlarmConfig 1 } slAlarmConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlAlarmConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry exist for each type of alarm. The entry describes the alarm properties." INDEX { slAlarmIfIndex, slAlarmType } ::= { slAlarmConfigTable 1 } SlAlarmConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { slAlarmIfIndex InterfaceIndex, slAlarmType SlAlarmType, slAlarmSeverity INTEGER, slAlarmServiceAffect TruthValue, slAlarmTimeStamp TimeStamp, slAlarmAcknowledged TruthValue, slAlarmAckUser DisplayString, slAlarmText DisplayString } slAlarmIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The corresponding interface index. The interface type may be one of: - Sonet Line, - Sonet Path, - CLU - NE." ::= { slAlarmConfigEntry 1 } slAlarmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlAlarmType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm type." ::= { slAlarmConfigEntry 2 } slAlarmSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noAlarm(0), critical(1), major(2), minor(3), cleared(4), notification(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm severity." ::= { slAlarmConfigEntry 3 } slAlarmServiceAffect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm service affecting Yes/No." ::= { slAlarmConfigEntry 4 } slAlarmTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The calendar time of the alarm." ::= { slAlarmConfigEntry 5 } slAlarmAcknowledged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Allow the NMS to acknowledge an active alarm." ::= { slAlarmConfigEntry 6 } slAlarmAckUser OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the user that performed the Ack." ::= { slAlarmConfigEntry 7 } slAlarmText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm text." ::= { slAlarmConfigEntry 8 } -- -- SL ALARM TRAPS -- slAlarmActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm is active Yes/No." ::= { slAlarmTraps 1 } slAlarmTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {slAlarmIfIndex, slAlarmType, slAlarmSeverity, slAlarmServiceAffect, slAlarmActive, slAlarmText } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An slAlarmTrap notification is sent when an alarm occures." ::= { slAlarmTraps 2 } slAlarmTrap0 NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {slAlarmIfIndex, slAlarmType, slAlarmSeverity, slAlarmServiceAffect, slAlarmActive, slAlarmText } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An slAlarmTrap0 notification is sent when an alarm occures. It is defined to support browsers that don't recognize RFC 2576." ::= { slAlarmTraps0 2 } END