-- ***************************************************************** -- Dry Contacts MIB -- ***************************************************************** SL-DRY-CON-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Counter64, Gauge32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString, TruthValue, RowStatus FROM SNMPv2-TC MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF InterfaceIndex, ifIndex FROM IF-MIB PerfCurrentCount, PerfIntervalCount, PerfTotalCount FROM PerfHist-TC-MIB sitelight FROM SL-NE-MIB; slDryConMib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200108070000Z" ORGANIZATION "PacketLight Networks Ltd." CONTACT-INFO "Omri_Viner@PacketLight.com" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module describes the Dry Contacts." ::= { sitelight 7 } slDryConOut OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { slDryConMib 1} slDryConIn OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { slDryConMib 2} slDryConTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { slDryConMib 3} -- ******************************************* -- Dry Contact Outputs -- ******************************************* slDryConAlarmCutoff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { dummy(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable cause to Alarms Cutoff." ::= {slDryConOut 1} slDryConOutTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SlDryConOutEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Dry Contact Out table configure the dry contact outputs." ::= { slDryConOut 2 } slDryConOutEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlDryConOutEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "There is an entry for each Output Dry Contact" INDEX { slDryConOutIndex } ::= { slDryConOutTable 1 } SlDryConOutEntry ::= SEQUENCE { slDryConOutIndex INTEGER, slDryConOutCommand INTEGER, slDryConOutActiveStatus TruthValue } slDryConOutIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the output dry contact." ::= {slDryConOutEntry 1} slDryConOutCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { activate(1), deactivate(2), clear(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object controls the output dry contact state: activate(1) - activate the output dry contact deactivate(2) - dectivate the output dry contact clear(3) - clears the output dry contact command The object value can also be read by the management. In this case the agent should return the current command to the management. The object value should not be kept in the NVRAM because it is used only for testing. The intial value should be clear(3)." ::= {slDryConOutEntry 2} slDryConOutActiveStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current status of the output dry contact: TRUE - means that it is currently active FLASE - means that it is not active" ::= {slDryConOutEntry 3} -- ******************************************* -- Dry Contact Inputs -- ******************************************* slDryConLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { dummy(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Sys Uptime at the last input change." ::= {slDryConIn 1} slDryConInTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SlDryConInEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Dry Contact In table describes the dry contacts inputs." ::= { slDryConIn 2 } slDryConInEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlDryConInEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "There is an entry for each Input Dry Contact" INDEX { slDryConInIndex } ::= { slDryConInTable 1 } SlDryConInEntry ::= SEQUENCE { slDryConInIndex INTEGER, slDryConInDescription DisplayString, slDryConInSeverity INTEGER, slDryConInEnable INTEGER, slDryConInPolarity INTEGER, slDryConInStatus INTEGER, slDryConInAlmType INTEGER } slDryConInIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the input dry contact." ::= {slDryConInEntry 1} slDryConInDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual description of the input dry contact alarm." REFERENCE "GR-833-CORE Appendix L (<almmsg>)." ::= {slDryConInEntry 2} slDryConInSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { critical(1), major(2), minor(3), cleared(4), notification(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A severity of the input dry contact alarm." ::= {slDryConInEntry 3} slDryConInEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable the input dry contact alarm report generation." ::= {slDryConInEntry 4} slDryConInPolarity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { activeClose(1), activeOpen(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Determines the input dry contact alarm polarity." ::= {slDryConInEntry 5} slDryConInStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), inactive(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describe the current input dry contact alarm status." ::= {slDryConInEntry 6} slDryConInAlmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { aircompr(1), -- Air compressor failure aircond(2), -- Air conditioning failure airdryd(3), -- Air dryer failure batdschrg(4), -- Battery discharging battery(5), -- Battery failure clfan(6), -- Cooling fan failure cpmajor(7), -- Centralized Power Major Environmental Alarm or Major Equipment Failure cpminor(8), -- Centralized Power Minor Environmental Alarm or Minor Equipment Failure engine(9), -- Engine failure engoprg(10), -- Engine operating explgs(11), -- Explosive gas firdetr(12), -- Fire detector failure fire(13), -- Fire flood(14), -- Flood fuse(15), -- Fuse failure gen(16), -- Generator failure hiair(17), -- High airflow hihum(18), -- High humidity hitemp(19), -- High temperature hiwtr(20), -- High water intruder(21), -- Intrusion lwbatvg(22), -- Low battery voltage lwfuel(23), -- Low fuel lwhum(24), -- Low humidity lwpres(25), -- Low cable pressure lwtemp(26), -- Low temperature lwwtr(27), -- Low water misc(28), -- Miscellaneous opendr(29), -- Open door pump(30), -- Pump failure power(31), -- Commercial power failure pwrX(32), -- X Volt power supply failure (X is a positive integer) rect(33), -- Rectifier failure recthi(34), -- Rectifier high voltage rectlo(35), -- Rectifier low voltage smoke(36), -- Smoke toxicgas(37), -- Toxic gas ventn(38) -- Ventilation system failure } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describe the current input dry contact alarm type." REFERENCE "GR-833-CORE Appendix F Table 1." ::= {slDryConInEntry 7} -- ******************************************* -- Dry Contact Traps -- ******************************************* slDryConStatusChangeTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { slDryConInIndex, slDryConInStatus, slDryConInAlmType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An slDryConStatusChangeTrap notification is sent when the the Status of an input dry contact is changed and the corresponding alarm is enabled. In order to shoten the Trap, the DisplayString that describes the alarm is not sent. To find out this string the NMS should use the index and get it from the table." ::= { slDryConTraps 1 } END