-- ***************************************************************** -- Transponder MIB -- ***************************************************************** SL-XPDR-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, IpAddress FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString, TruthValue, TimeStamp, RowStatus FROM SNMPv2-TC MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF InterfaceIndex FROM IF-MIB PerfCurrentCount, PerfIntervalCount, PerfTotalCount FROM PerfHist-TC-MIB sitelight FROM SL-NE-MIB; slXpdr MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200501250000Z" ORGANIZATION "PacketLight Networks Ltd." CONTACT-INFO "Omri_Viner@PacketLight.com" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module describes the optical connections." ::= { sitelight 8 } -- -- The XPDR MIB consists of the following groups: -- Optical Connection Table -- Table for ODU cross connection -- XPDR Last Change -- XPDR Traps -- slXpdrConn OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { slXpdr 1 } -- slXpdrAps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { slXpdr 2 } slXpdrLastChange OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { slXpdr 6 } slXpdrTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { slXpdr 7 } slXpdrTraps0 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { slXpdrTraps 0 } TsMaskBits ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "100G Tributary Slots Mask Bits 1..80." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..10)) XpdrServiceType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The service type of the tarsponder." SYNTAX INTEGER { ds3Sts1(1), -- DS3/STS1 fe(2), -- Fast Ethernet full duplex escon(3), -- ESCON dvbVideo(4), -- DVB ASI 270 Mbps fc1gFicon(5), -- 1G FC/FICON gbE(6), -- Gigabit Ethernet fc2g(7), -- 2G FC/FICON oc3Stm1(8), -- OC3/STM1 oc12Stm4(9), -- OC12/STM4 oc48Stm16(10), -- OC48 and GPON 2.48 Gbps other(11), -- Bypass fc4g(12), -- 4G FC/FICON infiniband25G(13), -- InfiniBand 2.5G otn27g(14), -- OC48 + FEC oc24gpon(15), -- OC24/GPON 1.24G smpteSdi(16), -- SMPTE SDI 540 Mbps copperFe(17), -- Copper Fast Ethernet copperGbe(18), -- Copper GbE mux2GbE(19), -- Muxponder 2x1GBE mux4GbE(20), -- Muxponder 4x1GBE xpdr5G(21), -- Transponder 5G ficon1g(22), -- 1G FICON ficon2g(23), -- 2G FICON stm1(24), -- STM1 stm4(25), -- STM4 stm16(26), -- STM16 gpon248(27), -- GPON 2.48 Gbps ficon4g(28), -- 4G FICON eth10m(29), -- 10Base-T xfp10oc192(30), -- 9.95328 xfp10stm64(31), -- 9.95328 xfp10GbEWan(32), -- 9.95328 over sonet xfp10GbELan(33), -- 10.3125=10.0*66/64 xfp10otu2(34), -- 10.709255 xfp10GFC(35), -- 10.51875=10.2*66/64 xfp10GbEWanStm64(36), -- 9.95328 over sdh mux1GbE(37), -- Muxponder 1x1GBE mux1GbERegen(38), -- Muxponder 1x1GBE regenerator mux2GbERegen(39), -- Muxponder 2x1GBE regenerator mux4GbERegen(40), -- Muxponder 4x1GBE regenerator fc8g(41), -- 8G FC ficon8g(42), -- 8G FICON mux10GbE(43), -- Muxponder 10xGBE into 10GFC syncEgbE(44), -- SyncE Gigabit Ethernet noPm10GbE(45), -- 10G LAN without PM (with FEC) totu2(46), -- Transparent OTU2 (no SFU) otu1e(50), -- OTU1e otu2e(51), -- OTU2e otu1f(52), -- OTU1f otu2f(53), -- OTU2f oc192ToOtu2(54), -- OC192 mapped to OTU2 (G.709) stm64ToOtu2(55), -- STM64 mapped to OTU2 (G.709) gbe10WanToOtu2(56), -- 10G GBE Wan mapped to OTU2 (G.Sup43 6.1) gbe10LanToOtu2A(57), -- 10G GBE Lan mapped to OTU2 (G.Sup43 6.2) gbe10LanToOtu1e(58), -- 10G GBE Lan mapped to OTU1e (G.Sup43 7.2) gbe10LanToOtu2e(59), -- 10G GBE Lan mapped to OTU2e (G.Sup43 7.1) gbe10LanToOtu2B(60), -- 10G GBE Lan mapped to OTU2 (G.Sup43 7.3) fc10LanToOtu1f(61), -- 10G FC mapped to OTU1f (like G.Sup43 7.2) fc10LanToOtu2f(62), -- 10G FC mapped to OTU2f (like G.Sup43 7.1) fc8LanToOtu2(63), -- 8G FC mapped to OTU2 (GFP-T) otu3(64), -- OTU3 oc768(65), -- OC-768 stm256(66), -- STM-256 otu4(67), -- OTU4 gbe40lan(68), -- 40GBE-LAN gbe100lan(69), -- 100GBE-LAN fc16g(70), -- 16G FC/FICON smpteHdSdi(71), -- HD-SDI 1.485 Gbit/s SMPTE 292M smpteSdSdi(72), -- SD-SDI 270Mbit/s SMPTE 259M smpte3gSdi(73), -- 3G-SDI 2.97Gbs smpte3dSdi(74), -- 372 Dual link / 3D formats smpteHdSdiNtsc(75), -- HD-SDI for NTSC 1.485/1.001 Gbit/s SMPTE 292M smpte3gSdiNtsc(76), -- 3G-SDI for NTSC 2.97Gbs/1.001 fc16gNoIsl(77), -- 16G FC No ISL mode (NO PM) fc32g(78), -- 32G FC cpri1(81), -- CPRI Option 1 614.4 Mbps cpri2(82), -- CPRI Option 2 1228.8 Mbps cpri3(83), -- CPRI Option 3 2457.6 Mbps cpri4(84), -- CPRI Option 4 3072.0 Mbps cpri5(85), -- CPRI Option 5 4915.2 Mbps cpri6(86), -- CPRI Option 6 6144.0 Mbps cpri7(87), -- CPRI Option 7 9830.4 Mbps enc10GbELan(91), -- Encrypted 10GbE 10.36208 Gbps enc1GbELan(92), -- Encrypted 1GbE 2.125 Gbps encfc1g(93), -- Encrypted 1G FC encfc2g(94), -- Encrypted 2G FC encfc4g(95), -- Encrypted 4G FC encfc8g(96), -- Encrypted 8G FC encfc16g(97), -- Encrypted 16G FC encfc10g(98), -- Encrypted 10G FC enc1GbE10g(99), -- Encrypted 1GbE over 10.3125 Gbps encGbe40lan(100), -- Encrypted 40GBE-LAN encGbe100lan(101), -- Encrypted 100GBE-LAN encOtu2(102), -- Encrypted OTU2 encOtu2e(103), -- Encrypted OTU2e encOtu3(104), -- Encrypted OTU3 encOtu4(105), -- Encrypted OTU4 encOc192(106), -- Encrypted OC-192 encStm64(107), -- Encrypted STM-64 encfc32g(108), -- Encrypted 32G FC encfc16gNoIsl(110), -- Encrypted 16G FC without PM (with FEC) encCpri1(111), -- Encrypted CPRI Option 1 614.4 Mbps encCpri2(112), -- Encrypted CPRI Option 2 1228.8 Mbps encCpri3(113), -- Encrypted CPRI Option 3 2457.6 Mbps encCpri4(114), -- Encrypted CPRI Option 4 3072.0 Mbps encCpri5(115), -- Encrypted CPRI Option 5 4915.2 Mbps encCpri6(116), -- Encrypted CPRI Option 6 6144.0 Mbps encCpri7(117), -- Encrypted CPRI Option 7 9830.4 Mbps enc10GbENoPm(118), -- Encrypted 10G LAN without PM (with FEC) otuc2(120), -- The 200G uplink encOtuc2(121), -- Encrypted 200G uplink copper10m(170), -- Copper 10Base-T Ethernet copper10mAn(171), -- Copper 10Base-T Ethernet with Auto-negotiation copperFeAn(1701) -- Copper Fast Ethernet with Auto-negotiation } -- -- The Static Transponding Connection Table -- This table defines the connections between the Transponding modules -- xpdrConnConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XpdrConnConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The connection table contains for each transponding connection a single bi-directional entry. The index to the table is the ifIndex of both XPDR interfaces. The ifType valued used for the index is: 196." ::= { slXpdrConn 1 } xpdrConnConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XpdrConnConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the transponding connection table." INDEX { xpdrConnConfigIf1, xpdrConnConfigIf2 } ::= { xpdrConnConfigTable 1 } XpdrConnConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xpdrConnConfigIf1 InterfaceIndex, xpdrConnConfigIf2 InterfaceIndex, xpdrConnConfigRateControlAdmin INTEGER, xpdrConnConfigRateControlOper INTEGER, xpdrConnConfigLosPropagation TruthValue, xpdrServiceType XpdrServiceType, xpdrConnAddMask INTEGER, xpdrMuxInbandAdmin INTEGER, xpdrMuxInbandOper INTEGER, xpdrDirection INTEGER, xpdrConnConfigCpriRateControl TruthValue, xpdrFaultPropagationDelay INTEGER, xpdrFecMode INTEGER, xpdrConnAddMask1 TsMaskBits, xpdrConnAddMask2 TsMaskBits, xpdrCryptoUser DisplayString } xpdrConnConfigIf1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The first XPDR interface." ::= { xpdrConnConfigEntry 1 } xpdrConnConfigIf2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The second XPDR interface." ::= { xpdrConnConfigEntry 2 } xpdrConnConfigRateControlAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable ask the rate of the traffic used by this interface. Frequency is in Kbp/s. The value 0-30 is used for rate control Bypass." ::= { xpdrConnConfigEntry 3 } xpdrConnConfigRateControlOper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable tells the rate of the traffic used by this interface. Frequency is in Kbp/s. The value 0 returned for rate control Bypass." ::= { xpdrConnConfigEntry 4 } xpdrConnConfigLosPropagation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to detrmine if the LOS propagation should be active." ::= { xpdrConnConfigEntry 5 } xpdrServiceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XpdrServiceType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The service type of the transponder." ::= { xpdrConnConfigEntry 6 } xpdrConnAddMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is a bit mask relevant only for 10G Muxponder entry. It contains a bit for each Muxponder service. To add a service the management should set the corresponding bit to 1. To remove a service the bit should be set to 0. For ODU allocation, the value of xpdrConnAddMask should be set to reflect the odus/time-slots provisioned for the service according to the following rules: a. For ODU1 the first byte is 0; for ODU0 the first byte is 1. b. The second byte. Is equal to: i. The 4 bits of the first nibble correspond to Uplink 1 allocated odus counted from right to left ii. The 4 bits of the second nibble correspond to Uplink 2 allocated odus counted from right to left c. The Third and Forth bytes keep bit-mask of the allocated time-slots within the odu." ::= { xpdrConnConfigEntry 7 } xpdrMuxInbandAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2), standby(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is relevant only for muxponder. up value means that the muxponder inband management is enabled." ::= { xpdrConnConfigEntry 8 } xpdrMuxInbandOper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2), standby(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state of the inband interface." ::= { xpdrConnConfigEntry 9 } xpdrDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bidirectional(1), -- transponder is bidierctional (default) unidirectionalTx(2), -- tranponder uplink is TX and client is RX unidirectionalRx(3), -- tranponder uplink is RX and client is TX loopback(4) -- transponder with a single tranciever } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used for unidirectional services. The upper port is the uplink as with the aps configuration. The transponder on one side should be configured as TX and the peer as RX." ::= { xpdrConnConfigEntry 10 } xpdrConnConfigCpriRateControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to detrmine if the CPRI rate control should be active." ::= { xpdrConnConfigEntry 11 } xpdrFaultPropagationDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to determine the fault propagation delay. The value 0 mean no delay, the value 1 means 100ms delay, the value 2 means 200ms delay etc. 0 is the default value." ::= { xpdrConnConfigEntry 12 } xpdrFecMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to determine the IEEE FEC mode for 10G and 16G services: 0 - No FEC (default) 1 - FEC Monitoring 2 - FEC Generation 3 - FEC Regeneration" ::= { xpdrConnConfigEntry 13 } xpdrConnAddMask1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TsMaskBits MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is a bit mask relevant only for 100G Muxponder entry. It contains a bit for each tributary slot allocated to the service port from Uplink 1. To incluse a tributary slot the management should set the corresponding bit to 1. To remove a tributary slot service the bit should be set to 0." ::= { xpdrConnConfigEntry 14 } xpdrConnAddMask2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TsMaskBits MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is a bit mask relevant only for 100G Muxponder entry. It contains a bit for each tributary slot allocated to the service port from Uplink 2. To incluse a tributary slot the management should set the corresponding bit to 1. To remove a tributary slot service the bit should be set to 0. This entry is relevant only for protected services." ::= { xpdrConnConfigEntry 15 } xpdrCryptoUser OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The user name of the crypto officer assigned to this service. Default value is Crypto" ::= { xpdrConnConfigEntry 16 } -- -- This table supports two cases: -- 1. ODU Cross Connection Table - for 10G Muxponder -- 2. Tributary Cross Connection - for 100G Muxponder -- oduXcConnConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OduXcConnConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description for 10G: 1. The port numbers are: 0 unassigned 1..10 ODUs of Uplink 1 11..20 ODUs of Uplink 2 (not available without 20G or 1+1 license) 2. All connections are unidirectional 3. P1 is the Source port and P2 is the Sync port 4. Port 0 is used as P2 when P1 is dropped 5. Port 0 is used as P1 when P2 is added 6. In the case of APS the two mate ODUs will apear with oduXcConnConfigProtected=TRUE 7. The allocation of ODUs per service port is described in xpdrConnAddMask above Description for 100G: The ports are the ifIndex of the tributary slots, where the path byte equals to the tributary slot." ::= { slXpdrConn 2 } oduXcConnConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OduXcConnConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the ODU connection table. An entry describes uni-directional connection of traffic from P1 (Source port) to port P2 (Sync port)." INDEX { oduXcConnConfigP1, oduXcConnConfigP2 } ::= { oduXcConnConfigTable 1 } OduXcConnConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { oduXcConnConfigP1 INTEGER, oduXcConnConfigP2 INTEGER, oduXcConnConfigProtected TruthValue, oduXcConnConfigRowStatus RowStatus } oduXcConnConfigP1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Source port." ::= { oduXcConnConfigEntry 1 } oduXcConnConfigP2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Sync port." ::= { oduXcConnConfigEntry 2 } oduXcConnConfigProtected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indication for entry with Protection Mates" ::= { oduXcConnConfigEntry 3 } oduXcConnConfigRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Status of this connection entry." ::= { oduXcConnConfigEntry 4 } -- -- This table supports Tributary Cross Connection for 100G Muxponder ADM -- tribXcConnConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TribXcConnConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ports are: For service port - the first tributary (1..80) For Uplink 1 - 100 + first tributary (101..180) For Uplink 2 - 200 + first tributary (201..280)" ::= { slXpdrConn 3 } tribXcConnConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TribXcConnConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tributary cross connection table. An entry describes uni-directional connection of traffic from P1 (Source port) to port P2 (Sync port)." INDEX { tribXcConnConfigP1, tribXcConnConfigP2 } ::= { tribXcConnConfigTable 1 } TribXcConnConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tribXcConnConfigP1 INTEGER, tribXcConnConfigP2 INTEGER, tribXcConnServiceType XpdrServiceType, tribXcConnMask1 TsMaskBits, tribXcConnMask2 TsMaskBits, tribXcConnConfigProtected TruthValue, tribXcConnConfigRowStatus RowStatus } tribXcConnConfigP1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Source port." ::= { tribXcConnConfigEntry 1 } tribXcConnConfigP2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Sync port." ::= { tribXcConnConfigEntry 2 } tribXcConnServiceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XpdrServiceType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The service type of the service." ::= { tribXcConnConfigEntry 3 } tribXcConnMask1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TsMaskBits MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is a bit mask relevant only for 100G Muxponder entry. It contains a bit for each tributary slot allocated to the service port from Uplink 1. To incluse a tributary slot the management should set the corresponding bit to 1. To remove a tributary slot service the bit should be set to 0." ::= { tribXcConnConfigEntry 4 } tribXcConnMask2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TsMaskBits MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is a bit mask relevant only for 100G Muxponder entry. It contains a bit for each tributary slot allocated to the service port from Uplink 2. To incluse a tributary slot the management should set the corresponding bit to 1. To remove a tributary slot service the bit should be set to 0. This entry is relevant only for protected services." ::= { tribXcConnConfigEntry 5 } tribXcConnConfigProtected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indication for entry with Protection Mates" ::= { tribXcConnConfigEntry 6 } tribXcConnConfigRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Status of this connection entry." ::= { tribXcConnConfigEntry 7 } smmOwnerMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { gui(1), -- (default) ems(2) -- } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The owner of the SMM tables." ::= { slXpdrConn 4 } -- -- The traps -- xpdrConnConfigTableChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A xpdrConnConfigTableChange trap is sent when the content of the xpdrConnConfigTable is changed." ::= { slXpdrTraps 1 } xpdrConnConfigTableChange0 NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A xpdrConnConfigTableChange trap is sent when the content of the xpdrConnConfigTable is changed. It is defined to support browsers that don't recognize RFC 2576." ::= { slXpdrTraps0 1 } END