-- -- PBN-MIB.mib -- MIB generated by MG-SOFT Visual MIB Builder Version 7.0 Build 220 -- Friday, May 09, 2008 at 13:45:10 -- -- ************************************************************************** -- File PBN.mib -- -- -- Copyright (C)2007 by PBN Networks -- -- -- MODULE-IDENTITY -- -- Last Updated : 06 JULY 2007 -- -- OrgName -- Pacific Broadband Networks -- -- ContactInfo -- 8-10 Keith Campbell Court, -- SCORESBY VIC 3179, -- Australia -- Telephone: +61-3-9763-1800 -- Facsimile: +61-3-9763-5522 -- e-mail nms3@pbn.com.au -- -- Description -- MIB for the PBN advance optic products -- -- Version - dependencies -- -- -- History : -- 13-Mar-08 - Added MAU module and associated traps -- - Additional generic types for common reference -- 06/07/2007 - Added FPCM -- 04/01/2006 - Update for OSLAM-8G for beta product release -- 12/12/2006 - Updated comments for CPON-100 -- - Updating OSLAM-8G table -- 10/11/2006 - Adding OSLAM-8G -- 31/08/2006 - Adding CPON-100 -- 20/03/2006 - Update "ContactInfo" -- 30/11/2002 - Second draft -- 02/08/2002 - First draft -- ************************************************************************** PBN-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215 enterprises, IpAddress, Counter, Opaque FROM RFC1155-SMI DisplayString FROM RFC1213-MIB; -- -- Type definitions -- TypePowerSupply ::= INTEGER { ac220V(1), ac60V(2) } TypeTamper ::= INTEGER { open(1), yes(2) } TypeYesNo ::= INTEGER { no(1), yes(2) } TypeOnOff ::= INTEGER { off(1), on(2) } TypeAGCStatus ::= INTEGER { unlock(1), lock(2) } TypeGainMode ::= INTEGER { auto(1), manual(2) } -- -- Node definitions -- -- pbn OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 11606 } -- PBN Enterprise trap -- pbnTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pbn 0 } -- OCM: Optical Communication Mainframe chassis -- ============================================ -- Supported all Series 2 and Series 3 OCM -- ocm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pbn 1 } -- ************************************************************************** -- ***************** OCM - OCMF, OCMR, OCMC ****************************** -- ************************************************************************** -- ************************************************************************** -- PBNDevice : The devices managed by PBN Network Management System -- pbnDevice OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1 | 2 | 30) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PBN Networks Management Devices" ::= { ocm 1 } -- ************************************************************************** -- PBNDeviceAddress : The devices managed by PBN Network Management System -- deviceAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PBN Networks Management Device Address" ::= { ocm 2 } -- ************************************************************************** -- OCMSlot : The OCM slot of the PBN device -- ocmSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..8) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The OCM slot of the PBN device" ::= { ocm 3 } -- ************************************************************************** -- OCMPage : The device page -- ocmPage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Device Page" ::= { ocm 4 } -- ************************************************************************** -- OCMParam : The OCM Parameter -- ocmParam OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..31) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Device Parameter" ::= { ocm 5 } -- ************************************************************************** -- OCMParamStatus : The OCM Param Status -- ocmParamStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..3) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The parameter status" ::= { ocm 6 } -- ************************************************************************** -- OCMParamString : The OCM Parameter String -- ocmParamString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The parameter string" ::= { ocm 7 } -- ************************************************************************** -- OCMWriteParameterValue : The OCM Write Parameter Value -- ocmWriteParameterValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Write Parameter Value ID" ::= { ocm 8 } -- ************************************************************************** -- OCMToggleParameterValue : The OCM Toggle Parameter Value -- ocmToggleParameterValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Toggle Parameter Value ID" ::= { ocm 9 } -- ************************************************************************** -- ****************************** CPON-100 ********************************** -- ************************************************************************** -- ************************************************************************** -- OCMReadParameterValue : The OCM Read Parameter Value -- ocmReadParameterValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Toggle Parameter Value ID" ::= { ocm 10 } -- CPON-100: Customer Premises Optical Node for fast Ethernet and CATV. -- ==================================================================== -- The unit provides future-proof high bandwidth via fibre to the home services (FTTH). -- The integrated fibre splice organiser negates the need for extra boxes. -- The compact design has been tailored with security and ease of installation in mind. -- cpon100 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pbn 2 } -- CPON-100 trap -- cpon100Trap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpon100 0 } -- CATV power ON/OFF control: -- (0) - Disable CATV service -- (1) - Enable CATV service -- catvCtrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CATV Service Control" ::= { cpon100 1 } -- Master alarm status: Currently not used. -- (0) - Master alarm OFF -- (1) - Master alarm ON -- masterAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Master Alarm Status" ::= { cpon100 2 } -- Contact input aka. Tamper status: -- (0) - Contact CLOSE -- (1) - Contact OPEN -- contactInput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Tamper Status" ::= { cpon100 3 } -- CATV optical status: -- (0) - CATV-RX not present -- (1) - Urgent alarm (optical high) -- (2) - OK -- (3) - Non-Urgent alarm (optical low) -- catvStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..3) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CATV Service Status" ::= { cpon100 4 } -- Sensing input: -- (0) - OFF or CLOSE -- (1) - ON or OPEN -- sensingInput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Sensing Input" ::= { cpon100 5 } -- Global packet size support: -- (0) - Accept max packet size 1522 for tagged packets and -- 1518 for untagged packets. -- (1) - Accept packet size of up to 1536 -- (2) - Accept packet size of up to 1916 -- globalPktSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Packet Size" ::= { cpon100 6 } -- Multicast storm protection: -- (0) - "Broadcast Storm Protection" includes DA=FFFFFFFFFFFF -- and DA[40] = 1 packets -- (1) - "Broadcast Storm Protection" does not include multicast packets. -- Only DA=FFFFFFFFFFFF packets will be regulated. -- globalMulticastStormProtection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Multicast Storm Protection" ::= { cpon100 7 } -- Flow control enable/disable: -- (0) - Will enable both TRANSMIT and RECEIVE flow control based on Auto-Negotiation result. -- -- (1) - Will not enable RECEIVE flow control based regardless of strap option -- and -- Will enable TRANSMIT flow control based on Auto-Negotiation result. -- -- (2) - Will not enable TRANSMIT flow control based regardless of strap option -- and -- Will enable RECEIVE flow control based on Auto-Negotiation result. -- -- (3) - Disable both TRANSMIT and RECEIVE flow control regardless of strap option. -- globalFlowCtrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..3) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Flow Control" ::= { cpon100 8 } -- Back pressure mode: -- (0) - Collision based back pressure selected. -- (1) - Carrier sense based back pressure selected. -- globalBackPressureMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Back Pressure Mode" ::= { cpon100 9 } -- Priority buffer reserve: -- (0) - No reserved buffers for high priority packets. -- (1) - Each output queue is pre-allocated 48 buffers, -- used exclusively for hig priority packets. -- It is recommended to enable this when priority -- queue feature is turned on. -- -- globalPriorityBufferReserve OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Priority Buffer Reserve" ::= { cpon100 10 } -- Priority scheme select: -- (0) - Always deliver high priority packets first. -- (1) - Deliver high/low packets at ration 10/1 -- (2) - Deliver high/low packets at ration 5/1 -- (3) - Deliver high/low packets at ration 2/1 -- globalPriorityScheme OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..3) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Priority Scheme Select" ::= { cpon100 11 } -- 802.1p Based priority: -- Used to classify priority for incoming 802.1q packets "Use priority" -- is compared against this value. -- (+): classified as priority -- <: classified as low priority -- global802dot1PBasedPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "802.1p Based priority" ::= { cpon100 12 } -- 802.1q VLAN enable: -- (0) - 802.1q VLAN is disabled. -- (1) - 802.1q VLAN mode is turned on. VLAN table needs to set -- up before the operation. -- global802dot1qVLANEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "802.1q VLAN enable" ::= { cpon100 13 } -- Null VID Replacement: -- (0) - No replacement for null VID. -- (1) - Replace NULL VID with port VID (12bits) -- globalNullVIDReplacement OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Null VID Replacement" ::= { cpon100 14 } -- Source address MAC pause control frame: -- 48bit MAC address -- sourceMACPauseCtrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Opaque (SIZE (6)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Source Address MAC Pause" ::= { cpon100 15 } -- Fast age enable: -- (0) - Turn off fast age -- (1) - Turn on fast age (800us) -- globalFastAge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Fast Age" ::= { cpon100 16 } -- MAC address. -- cpon100MACAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..5)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CPON-100 SNMP MAC Address" ::= { cpon100 17 } -- Trap severity -- 0 - Normal -- 1 - Non-Urgent -- 2 - Urgent -- cpon100TrapStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CPON-100 Trap severity" ::= { cpon100 18 } -- Trap Message -- cpon100TrapMsg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..63)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CPON-100 Trap Message" ::= { cpon100 19 } -- CPON-100 VLAN Table -- vlanTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpon100 21 } -- CPON-100 VLAN1 -- vlanAddr1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..16777215) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CPON-100-100 VLAN1" ::= { vlanTable 1 } -- CPON-100 VLAN2 -- vlanAddr2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..16777215) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CPON-100 VLAN2" ::= { vlanTable 2 } -- CPON-100 VLAN3 -- vlanAddr3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..16777215) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CPON-100 VLAN3" ::= { vlanTable 3 } -- CPON-100 Static MAC Table -- staticMACTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpon100 22 } -- Static MAC Address entry 1: -- When reading data from this OID -- =============================== -- BIT[0:47] - 48 bit MAC address -- BIT[48:52]- Forwarding Ports. E.g. -- "10000" - Forward to port1 -- "01000" - Forward to port2 -- "01100" - Forward to port2 and 3 -- BIT[53] - Valid -- (0) This entry is not valid -- (1) This entry is valid, the lookup result will be used. -- BIT[54] - Override -- (0) No override -- (1) Override spanning tree "transmit enable = 0" -- or "receive enable = 0" setting. This bit is -- used for spanning tree implementation. -- BIT[55] - Reserve -- BIT[56] - Use FID -- (0) - Use MAC only to lookup in static table -- (1) - Use (FID+MAC) to lookup in static table -- BIT[57:60]- Filter VLAN ID, representing on of the 16 active VLANs -- -- When writing data to this OID -- ============================== -- BIT[0:47] - 48 bit MAC address -- BIT[48:52]- Forwarding Ports. E.g. -- "10000" - Forward to port1 -- "01000" - Forward to port2 -- "01100" - Forward to port2 and 3 -- BIT[53] - Valid -- (0) This entry is not valid -- (1) This entry is valid, the lookup result will be used. -- BIT[54] - Override -- (0) No override -- (1) Override spanning tree "transmit enable = 0" -- or "receive enable = 0" setting. This bit is -- used for spanning tree implementation. -- BIT[55] - Use FID -- (0) - Use MAC only to lookup in static table -- (1) - Use (FID+MAC) to lookup in static table -- BIT[56:59]- Filter VLAN ID, representing on of the 16 active VLANs -- staticMAC1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Opaque (SIZE (8)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Static MAC entry 1" ::= { staticMACTable 1 } -- Static MAC Address entry 2 -- When reading data from this OID -- =============================== -- BIT[0:47] - 48 bit MAC address -- BIT[48:52]- Forwarding Ports. E.g. -- "10000" - Forward to port1 -- "01000" - Forward to port2 -- "01100" - Forward to port2 and 3 -- BIT[53] - Valid -- (0) This entry is not valid -- (1) This entry is valid, the lookup result will be used. -- BIT[54] - Override -- (0) No override -- (1) Override spanning tree "transmit enable = 0" -- or "receive enable = 0" setting. This bit is -- used for spanning tree implementation. -- BIT[55] - Reserve -- BIT[56] - Use FID -- (0) - Use MAC only to lookup in static table -- (1) - Use (FID+MAC) to lookup in static table -- BIT[57:60]- Filter VLAN ID, representing on of the 16 active VLANs -- -- When writing data to this OID -- ============================== -- BIT[0:47] - 48 bit MAC address -- BIT[48:52]- Forwarding Ports. E.g. -- "10000" - Forward to port1 -- "01000" - Forward to port2 -- "01100" - Forward to port2 and 3 -- BIT[53] - Valid -- (0) This entry is not valid -- (1) This entry is valid, the lookup result will be used. -- BIT[54] - Override -- (0) No override -- (1) Override spanning tree "transmit enable = 0" -- or "receive enable = 0" setting. This bit is -- used for spanning tree implementation. -- BIT[55] - Use FID -- (0) - Use MAC only to lookup in static table -- (1) - Use (FID+MAC) to lookup in static table -- BIT[56:59]- Filter VLAN ID, representing on of the 16 active VLANs -- staticMAC2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Opaque (SIZE (8)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Static MAC entry 2" ::= { staticMACTable 2 } -- Static MAC Address entry 3 -- When reading data from this OID -- =============================== -- BIT[0:47] - 48 bit MAC address -- BIT[48:52]- Forwarding Ports. E.g. -- "10000" - Forward to port1 -- "01000" - Forward to port2 -- "01100" - Forward to port2 and 3 -- BIT[53] - Valid -- (0) This entry is not valid -- (1) This entry is valid, the lookup result will be used. -- BIT[54] - Override -- (0) No override -- (1) Override spanning tree "transmit enable = 0" -- or "receive enable = 0" setting. This bit is -- used for spanning tree implementation. -- BIT[55] - Reserve -- BIT[56] - Use FID -- (0) - Use MAC only to lookup in static table -- (1) - Use (FID+MAC) to lookup in static table -- BIT[57:60]- Filter VLAN ID, representing on of the 16 active VLANs -- -- When writing data to this OID -- ============================== -- BIT[0:47] - 48 bit MAC address -- BIT[48:52]- Forwarding Ports. E.g. -- "10000" - Forward to port1 -- "01000" - Forward to port2 -- "01100" - Forward to port2 and 3 -- BIT[53] - Valid -- (0) This entry is not valid -- (1) This entry is valid, the lookup result will be used. -- BIT[54] - Override -- (0) No override -- (1) Override spanning tree "transmit enable = 0" -- or "receive enable = 0" setting. This bit is -- used for spanning tree implementation. -- BIT[55] - Use FID -- (0) - Use MAC only to lookup in static table -- (1) - Use (FID+MAC) to lookup in static table -- BIT[56:59]- Filter VLAN ID, representing on of the 16 active VLANs -- staticMAC3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Opaque (SIZE (8)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Static MAC entry 3" ::= { staticMACTable 3 } -- Static MAC Address entry 4 -- When reading data from this OID -- =============================== -- BIT[0:47] - 48 bit MAC address -- BIT[48:52]- Forwarding Ports. E.g. -- "10000" - Forward to port1 -- "01000" - Forward to port2 -- "01100" - Forward to port2 and 3 -- BIT[53] - Valid -- (0) This entry is not valid -- (1) This entry is valid, the lookup result will be used. -- BIT[54] - Override -- (0) No override -- (1) Override spanning tree "transmit enable = 0" -- or "receive enable = 0" setting. This bit is -- used for spanning tree implementation. -- BIT[55] - Reserve -- BIT[56] - Use FID -- (0) - Use MAC only to lookup in static table -- (1) - Use (FID+MAC) to lookup in static table -- BIT[57:60]- Filter VLAN ID, representing on of the 16 active VLANs -- -- When writing data to this OID -- ============================== -- BIT[0:47] - 48 bit MAC address -- BIT[48:52]- Forwarding Ports. E.g. -- "10000" - Forward to port1 -- "01000" - Forward to port2 -- "01100" - Forward to port2 and 3 -- BIT[53] - Valid -- (0) This entry is not valid -- (1) This entry is valid, the lookup result will be used. -- BIT[54] - Override -- (0) No override -- (1) Override spanning tree "transmit enable = 0" -- or "receive enable = 0" setting. This bit is -- used for spanning tree implementation. -- BIT[55] - Use FID -- (0) - Use MAC only to lookup in static table -- (1) - Use (FID+MAC) to lookup in static table -- BIT[56:59]- Filter VLAN ID, representing on of the 16 active VLANs -- staticMAC4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Opaque (SIZE (8)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Static MAC entry 4" ::= { staticMACTable 4 } -- Static MAC Address entry 5 -- When reading data from this OID -- =============================== -- BIT[0:47] - 48 bit MAC address -- BIT[48:52]- Forwarding Ports. E.g. -- "10000" - Forward to port1 -- "01000" - Forward to port2 -- "01100" - Forward to port2 and 3 -- BIT[53] - Valid -- (0) This entry is not valid -- (1) This entry is valid, the lookup result will be used. -- BIT[54] - Override -- (0) No override -- (1) Override spanning tree "transmit enable = 0" -- or "receive enable = 0" setting. This bit is -- used for spanning tree implementation. -- BIT[55] - Reserve -- BIT[56] - Use FID -- (0) - Use MAC only to lookup in static table -- (1) - Use (FID+MAC) to lookup in static table -- BIT[57:60]- Filter VLAN ID, representing on of the 16 active VLANs -- -- When writing data to this OID -- ============================== -- BIT[0:47] - 48 bit MAC address -- BIT[48:52]- Forwarding Ports. E.g. -- "10000" - Forward to port1 -- "01000" - Forward to port2 -- "01100" - Forward to port2 and 3 -- BIT[53] - Valid -- (0) This entry is not valid -- (1) This entry is valid, the lookup result will be used. -- BIT[54] - Override -- (0) No override -- (1) Override spanning tree "transmit enable = 0" -- or "receive enable = 0" setting. This bit is -- used for spanning tree implementation. -- BIT[55] - Use FID -- (0) - Use MAC only to lookup in static table -- (1) - Use (FID+MAC) to lookup in static table -- BIT[56:59]- Filter VLAN ID, representing on of the 16 active VLANs -- staticMAC5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Opaque (SIZE (8)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Static MAC entry 5" ::= { staticMACTable 5 } -- CPON-100 Dynamic MAC Table -- dynamicMACTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpon100 23 } -- Dynamic MAC entry in the table -- macEntryCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1024) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Dynamic MAC Entry Count" ::= { dynamicMACTable 1 } -- MAC entry to read -- macEntryID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1024) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Dynamic MAC Entry ID" ::= { dynamicMACTable 2 } -- The dynamic MAC entry based on "macEntryID" selected -- macEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Opaque (SIZE (8)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Dynamic MAC entry data" ::= { dynamicMACTable 3 } -- CPON-100 Customer Data Port 1 Control and Status -- cpon100Port1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpon100 24 } -- Link status: -- (0) - Link not good -- (1) - Link good -- port1LinkStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Link Status" ::= { cpon100Port1 1 } -- MDI-X status: -- (0) - MDI-X or Cross Over cable plugged in -- (1) - MDI or Straight through cable plugged -- port1MDIXStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 MID-X Status" ::= { cpon100Port1 2 } -- Port Auto-negotiation status: -- (0) - Auto negotiation not done -- (1) - Auto negotiation done -- port1AutoNegotiationStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Auto-Negotiation Status" ::= { cpon100Port1 3 } -- Link capability: -- Bit0: (0) - Link partner not 10BT half-duplex capable -- (1) - Link partner 10BT halft-duplex capable -- Bit1: (0) - Link partner no 10BT full-duplex capable -- (1) - Link partner 10BT full-duplex capable -- Bit2: (0) - Link partner not 100BT half-duplex capble -- (1) - LInk partner 100BT half-duplex capable -- Bit3: (0) - Link partner not 100BT full-duplex capble -- (1) - LInk partner 100BT full-duplex capable -- port1LinkCapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..15) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Link Capability" ::= { cpon100Port1 4 } -- Flow control capability: -- (0) - Link partner flow control incapable -- (1) - Link partner flow control capable -- port1FlowCtrlCapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Flow Control Capability" ::= { cpon100Port1 5 } -- Far end fault status: -- (0) - No far end fault status detected. -- (1) - Far end fault status detected. -- port1FarEndFaultStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Far End Fault Status" ::= { cpon100Port1 6 } -- Rx Lo-priority(default) octet count including bad packets -- port1RxLoPriorityByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Receive Low Priority Octet Counter" ::= { cpon100Port1 7 } -- Rx Hi-priority(default) octet count including bad packets -- port1RxHiPriorityByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Receive High Priority Octet Counter" ::= { cpon100Port1 8 } -- Rx undersize packets with good CRC -- port1UndersizePkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Undersize Packet Counter" ::= { cpon100Port1 9 } -- Rx packets longer than 1522 byte with either CRC errors, -- alignment errors, or symbol errors ( depends on max packet size setting) -- port1RxJabbers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Receive Jabbers Counter" ::= { cpon100Port1 12 } -- Rx packet within (64, 1522) bytes with an integral number of bytes and a -- bad CRC (Upper limit depends on max packet size setting) -- port1CRCError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 CRC Error Counter" ::= { cpon100Port1 14 } -- The number of PAUSE frames received by a port. -- PAUSE frame is qualified with EtherType (88-08h), -- DA, control opcode(00-01), data length (64bytes mine), -- and a valid CRC -- port1RxPausePkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Receive Pause Packet Counter" ::= { cpon100Port1 17 } -- Rx good broadcast packets( not including errored broadcast packets -- or valid multicast packets). -- port1Broadcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Good Broadcast Packet counter" ::= { cpon100Port1 18 } -- Rx good multicast packets (not including MAC control frames, -- errored multicast packets or valid broadcast packets) -- port1RxMulticast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Receive Good Multicast Packet Counter" ::= { cpon100Port1 19 } -- Rx good unicast packets. -- port1RxUnicast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Receive Unicast Counter" ::= { cpon100Port1 20 } -- Total Rx packets (bad packets included) that were 64 octets in length -- port1Rx64Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Receive 64Octets Counter" ::= { cpon100Port1 21 } -- Total Rx packets (bad packets included) that are between 65 and 127 -- octets in length -- port1Rx65to127Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Receive 65 to 127 Octets Counter" ::= { cpon100Port1 22 } -- Total Rx packets (bad packets included) that are between 128 and 255 -- octets in length -- port1Rx128to255Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Receive 128 to 255 Octets Counter" ::= { cpon100Port1 23 } -- Total Rx packets (bad packets included) that are between 256 and 511 -- octets in length -- port1Rx256to511Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Receive 256 to 511 Octets Counter" ::= { cpon100Port1 24 } -- Total Rx packets (bad packets included) that are between 512 and 1023 -- octets in length -- port1Rx512to1023Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Receive 512 to 1023 Octets Counter" ::= { cpon100Port1 25 } -- Total Rx packets (bad packets included) that are between 1024 and 1522 -- octets in length (Upper limit depends on max packet size setting) -- port1Rx1024to1522Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Receive 1024 to 1522 Octets Counter" ::= { cpon100Port1 26 } -- Tx Lo-priority good octet count, ncluding PAUSE packets. -- port1TxLoPriorityByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Transmit Low Priority Good Octet Counter" ::= { cpon100Port1 27 } -- Tx Hi-priority good octet count, ncluding PAUSE packets. -- port1TxHiPriorityByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Transmit High Priority Good Octet Counter" ::= { cpon100Port1 28 } -- The number of PAUSE frames transmitted by a port -- port1PausePkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Pause Packet Counter" ::= { cpon100Port1 30 } -- Tx good broadcast packets (not including errored broadcast or valid -- multicast packets) -- port1TxBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Transmit Good Broadcast Packet Counter" ::= { cpon100Port1 31 } -- Tx good broadcast packets (not including errored broadcast or -- valid multicast packets) -- port1TxMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Transmit Good Multicast Packet Counter" ::= { cpon100Port1 32 } -- Tx good unicast packets. -- port1TxUnicastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Transmit Good Unicast Packet Counter" ::= { cpon100Port1 33 } -- Tx total collision, half-duplex only -- port1TxTotalCollision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Transmit Total Collision Packet Counter for half-duplex only" ::= { cpon100Port1 35 } -- Tx packets dropped due to lack of resources -- port1TxDroppedPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Transmit Drop Packet Counter" ::= { cpon100Port1 39 } -- Rx packets dropped due to lack of resources -- port1RxDroppedPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Receive Drop Packet Counter" ::= { cpon100Port1 40 } -- CPON-100 Control table for Port 1 -- cpon100Port1Ctrl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpon100Port1 45 } -- Port1 Controls -- DiffServ priority enable: -- (0) - Disable DiffServ function. -- (1) - Enable DiffServ priority classification for ingress. -- NOTE: "DiffServ", "802.1p" and port priority can be enabled at the same time -- port1CtrlDiffServPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 DiffServe Priority Control" ::= { cpon100Port1Ctrl 1 } -- 802.1p priority classification enable: -- (0) - Disable 802.1p -- (1) - Enable 802.1p priority classification for ingress -- port1Ctrl802dot1pPriorityClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 802.1p Priority Class Enable" ::= { cpon100Port1Ctrl 2 } -- Port-based priority classification enable: -- (0) - Ingress packets on port will be classified as low priority -- if "DiffSev" or "802.1p" classification is not enabled or -- fails to classify. -- (1) - Ingress packets on the port will be classified as high priority -- if "DiffServ" or "802.1p" classification is not enabled or fails -- to classify. -- port1CtrlPortBasedPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Port Based Priority" ::= { cpon100Port1Ctrl 3 } -- Priority enable: -- (0) - Single output queue on the port. There is no priority -- differentiation even though packets are classified into -- high or low priority. -- (1) - The port output queue is split into high and low priority queues. -- port1CtrlPriorityCtrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Priority Enable" ::= { cpon100Port1Ctrl 4 } -- Auto-Negotiation: -- (0) - Auto-Negotiation is on -- (1) - Disable auto-negotiation, speed and duplex are decided by bit 6 -- and 5 of the same register. -- port1CtrlAutoNegotiation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Auto-Negotiation Enable" ::= { cpon100Port1Ctrl 5 } -- Force full-Duplex: -- (0) - Forced half-duplex if Auto-negotation is disabled or -- Auto-negotiation is enabled but failed -- (1) - Forced full duplex if Auto-negotiation is disabled or -- Auto-negotiation is enabled but failed. -- port1CtrlForceFullDuplex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Force Full-duplex" ::= { cpon100Port1Ctrl 6 } -- Broadcast storm protection enable: -- (0) - Disable broadast storm protection -- (1) - Enable broadcast storm protection for ingress packets -- port1CtrlBroadcastStormProtection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Broadcast Storm Protection" ::= { cpon100Port1Ctrl 7 } -- Force flow control: -- (0) - The flow control is enabled based on Auto-Negotiation result. -- NOTE: Setting a port for both half-duplex and forced flow -- control is an illegal configuration. For half-duplex -- enable back pressure. -- (1) - Will always enable RX and TX flow control on the port, -- regardless of Auto-Negotiation result. -- port1CtrlForceFlowCtrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Force Flow Control" ::= { cpon100Port1Ctrl 8 } -- Back pressure enable: -- (0) - Disable ports's half-duplex back pressure -- (1) - Enable ports's half-duplex back pressure -- port1CtrlBackPressure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Backpressure Enable" ::= { cpon100Port1Ctrl 9 } -- Transmit enable: -- (0) - Disable packet transmission on the port. -- (1) - Enable packet transmission on the port. -- port1CtrlTxEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Transmit Enable" ::= { cpon100Port1Ctrl 10 } -- Receive enable: -- (0) - Disable packet reception on the port. -- (1) - Enable packet reception on the port. -- port1CtrlRxEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Receive Enable" ::= { cpon100Port1Ctrl 11 } -- Port Power Down: -- (0) - Normal operation -- (1) - Power down -- port1CtrlPowerDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Port Powerdown" ::= { cpon100Port1Ctrl 12 } -- MAC loopback test: -- (0) - Normal operation -- (1) - Perform MAC loopback test -- port1CtrlMACLoopBackTest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 MAC Loopback Test" ::= { cpon100Port1Ctrl 13 } -- PHY loopback test: -- (0) - Normal operation -- (1) - Perform PHY loopback test, i.e. loopback MAC's Tx back to Rx -- port1CtrlPHYLoopbackTest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 PHY Loopback Test" ::= { cpon100Port1Ctrl 14 } -- Remote loopback test: -- (0) - Normal operation -- (1) - Perform remote loopback test, i.e. loopback PHY's Tx back to Rx -- port1CtrlRemoteLoopbackTest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Remote Loopback Test" ::= { cpon100Port1Ctrl 15 } -- Tag Insertion and Tag removal: -- (0) - Disable both tag removal and tag insertion -- -- (1) - When packets are output on the port, the switch will remove -- 802.1q tags from packets with 802.1q tags when received. -- The switch will not add tags to packets already tagged. -- The tag inserted is the ingress ports's "port VID." -- and -- Disable tag insertion. -- -- (2) - Disable tag removal -- and -- When packets are output on the port, the switch will add -- 802.1q tags to packets without 802.1q tags when received. -- The switch will not add tags to packets already tagged. -- The tag inserted is the ingress port's "port VID". -- -- (3) - When packets are output on the port, the switch will remove -- 802.1q tags from packets with 802.1q tags when received. -- The switch will not add tags to packets already tagged. -- The tag inserted is the ingress ports's "port VID." -- and -- When packets are output on the port, the switch will add -- 802.1q tags to packets without 802.1q tags when received. -- The switch will not add tags to packets already tagged. -- The tag inserted is the ingress port's "port VID". -- port1CtrlTagInsertionRemoval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..3) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Tag Insertion/Tag Removal" ::= { cpon100Port1Ctrl 16 } -- Port based VLAN: -- Define the port's "Port VLAN membership." Bit 4 stands -- for port 5, bit 3 for port 4...bit 0 for port1. The port -- can only communicate within the membership. A '1' includes -- a port in the membership, a '0' excludes a port from membership. -- port1CtrlPortMembership OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..31) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Port Membership" ::= { cpon100Port1Ctrl 17 } -- Ingress VLAN filtering: -- (0) - No ingress VLAN filtering. -- (1) - The switch will discard packets whose VID port membership -- in VLAN table bit[20:16] does not include the ingress port. -- port1CtrlIngressVLANFiltering OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Ingress VLAN Filtering" ::= { cpon100Port1Ctrl 18 } -- Discard Non-PVID packet: -- (0) - No packets will be discarded. -- (1) - The switch will discard packets whose VID does not -- match ingress port default VID. -- port1CtrlDiscardNon-PVIDPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Discard Non-PVID Packet" ::= { cpon100Port1Ctrl 19 } -- Default Tag: -- This is a 16bit data for Port's default tag, containing: -- Bit Description: -- ======================= -- 0..11 - VID -- 12 - CFG bit -- 13..15 - User priority bits -- port1CtrlDefaultTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65536) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Default Tag" ::= { cpon100Port1Ctrl 20 } -- Force speed: -- (0) - Forced 10BT if Auto-Negotiation is disabled -- (1) - Forced 100BT if Auto-Negotiation is disabled -- port1CtrlForceSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port1 Force Speed" ::= { cpon100Port1Ctrl 21 } -- CPON-100 Customer Data Port 2 Control and Status -- cpon100Port2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpon100 25 } -- Link status: -- (0) - Link not good -- (1) - Link good -- port2LinkStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Link Status" ::= { cpon100Port2 1 } -- MDI-X status: -- (0) - MDI-X or Cross Over cable plugged in -- (1) - MDI or Straight through cable plugged -- port2MDIXStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 MDI-X Status" ::= { cpon100Port2 2 } -- Port Auto-negotiation status: -- (0) - Auto negotiation not done -- (1) - Auto negotiation done -- port2AutoNegotiationStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Auto-Negotiation Status" ::= { cpon100Port2 3 } -- Link capability: -- Bit0: (0) - Link partner not 10BT half-duplex capable -- (1) - Link partner 10BT halft-duplex capable -- Bit1: (0) - Link partner no 10BT full-duplex capable -- (1) - Link partner 10BT full-duplex capable -- Bit2: (0) - Link partner not 100BT half-duplex capble -- (1) - LInk partner 100BT half-duplex capable -- Bit3: (0) - Link partner not 100BT full-duplex capble -- (1) - LInk partner 100BT full-duplex capable -- port2LinkCapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..15) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Link Capability" ::= { cpon100Port2 4 } -- Flow control capability: -- (0) - Link partner flow control incapable -- (1) - Link partner flow control capable -- port2FlowCtrlCapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Flow Control Capability" ::= { cpon100Port2 5 } -- Far end fault status: -- (0) - No far end fault status detected. -- (1) - Far end fault status detected. -- port2FarEndFaultStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Far End Fault Status" ::= { cpon100Port2 6 } -- Rx Lo-priority(default) octet count including bad packets -- port2RxLoPriorityByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Receive Low Priority Octet Counter" ::= { cpon100Port2 7 } -- Rx Hi-priority(default) octet count including bad packets -- port2RxHiPriorityByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Receive High Priority Octet Counter" ::= { cpon100Port2 8 } -- Rx undersize packets with good CRC -- port2UndersizePkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Undersize Packet Counter" ::= { cpon100Port2 9 } -- Rx packets longer than 1522 byte with either CRC errors, -- alignment errors, or symbol errors ( depends on max packet size setting) -- port2RxJabbers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Receive Jabbers Counter" ::= { cpon100Port2 12 } -- Rx packet within (64, 1522) bytes with an integral number of bytes and a -- bad CRC (Upper limit depends on max packet size setting) -- port2CRCError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 CRC Error Counter" ::= { cpon100Port2 14 } -- The number of PAUSE frames received by a port. -- PAUSE frame is qualified with EtherType (88-08h), -- DA, control opcode(00-01), data length (64bytes mine), -- and a valid CRC -- port2RxPausePkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Receive Pause Packet Counter" ::= { cpon100Port2 17 } -- Rx good broadcast packets( not including errored broadcast packets -- or valid multicast packets). -- port2Broadcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Broadcast Good Packet Counter" ::= { cpon100Port2 18 } -- Rx good multicast packets (not including MAC control frames, -- errored multicast packets or valid broadcast packets) -- port2RxMulticast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Receive Multicast Good Packet Counter" ::= { cpon100Port2 19 } -- Rx good unicast packets. -- port2RxUnicast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Receive Unicast Counter" ::= { cpon100Port2 20 } -- Total Rx packets (bad packets included) that were 64 octets in length -- port2Rx64Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Receive 64 Octets Counter" ::= { cpon100Port2 21 } -- Total Rx packets (bad packets included) that are between 65 and 127 -- octets in length -- port2Rx65to127Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Receive 65 to 127 Octets Counter" ::= { cpon100Port2 22 } -- Total Rx packets (bad packets included) that are between 128 and 255 -- octets in length -- port2Rx128to255Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Receive 128 to 255 Octets Counter" ::= { cpon100Port2 23 } -- Total Rx packets (bad packets included) that are between 256 and 511 -- octets in length -- port2Rx256to511Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Receive 256 to 511 Octets Counter" ::= { cpon100Port2 24 } -- Total Rx packets (bad packets included) that are between 512 and 1023 -- octets in length -- port2Rx512to1023Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Receive 512 to 1023 Octets Counter" ::= { cpon100Port2 25 } -- Total Rx packets (bad packets included) that are between 1024 and 1522 -- octets in length (Upper limit depends on max packet size setting) -- port2Rx1024to1522Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Receive 1024 to 1522 Octets Counter" ::= { cpon100Port2 26 } -- Tx Lo-priority good octet count, ncluding PAUSE packets. -- port2TxLoPriorityByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Transmit Low Priority Packet Counter" ::= { cpon100Port2 27 } -- Tx Hi-priority good octet count, ncluding PAUSE packets. -- port2TxHiPriorityByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Transmit High Priority Packet Counter" ::= { cpon100Port2 28 } -- The number of PAUSE frames transmitted by a port -- port2PausePkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Pause Packet Counter" ::= { cpon100Port2 30 } -- Tx good broadcast packets (not including errored broadcast or valid -- multicast packets) -- port2TxBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Transmit Broadcast Packet Counter" ::= { cpon100Port2 31 } -- Tx good broadcast packets (not including errored broadcast or -- valid multicast packets) -- port2TxMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Transmit Multicast Packet Counter" ::= { cpon100Port2 32 } -- Tx good unicast packets. -- port2TxUnicastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Transmit Unicast Packet Counter" ::= { cpon100Port2 33 } -- Tx total collision, half-duplex only -- port2TxTotalCollision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Transmit Total Collision Packet Counter" ::= { cpon100Port2 35 } -- Tx packets dropped due to lack of resources -- port2TxDroppedPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Transmit Dropped Packet Counter" ::= { cpon100Port2 39 } -- Rx packets dropped due to lack of resources -- port2RxDroppedPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Receive Dropped Packet Counter" ::= { cpon100Port2 40 } -- CPON-100 Control table for Port 2 -- port2Ctrl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpon100Port2 45 } -- Port2 Controls -- DiffServ priority enable: -- (0) - Disable DiffServ function. -- (1) - Enable DiffServ priority classification for ingress. -- NOTE: "DiffServ", "802.1p" and port priority can be enabled at the same time -- port2CtrlDiffServPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 DiffServe Priority Control" ::= { port2Ctrl 1 } -- 802.1p priority classification enable: -- (0) - Disable 802.1p -- (1) - Enable 802.1p priority classification for ingress -- port2Ctrl802dot1pPriorityClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 802.1p Priority Class Enable" ::= { port2Ctrl 2 } -- Port-based priority classification enable: -- (0) - Ingress packets on port will be classified as low priority -- if "DiffSev" or "802.1p" classification is not enabled or -- fails to classify. -- (1) - Ingress packets on the port will be classified as high priority -- if "DiffServ" or "802.1p" classification is not enabled or fails -- to classify. -- port2CtrlPortBasedPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 802.1p Priority Class Enable" ::= { port2Ctrl 3 } -- Priority enable: -- (0) - Single output queue on the port. There is no priority -- differentiation even though packets are classified into -- high or low priority. -- (1) - The port output queue is split into high and low priority queues. -- port2CtrlPriorityCtrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Priority Enable" ::= { port2Ctrl 4 } -- Auto-Negotiation: -- (0) - Auto-Negotiation is on -- (1) - Disable auto-negotiation, speed and duplex are decided by bit 6 -- and 5 of the same register. -- port2CtrlAutoNegotiation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Auto-Negotiation Enable" ::= { port2Ctrl 5 } -- Forced full-Duplex: -- (0) - Forced half-duplex if Auto-negotation is disabled or -- Auto-negotiation is enabled but failed -- (1) - Forced full duplex if Auto-negotiation is disabled or -- Auto-negotiation is enabled but failed. -- port2CtrlForcedFullDuplex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Force Full-duplex" ::= { port2Ctrl 6 } -- Broadcast storm protection enable: -- (0) - Disable broadast storm protection -- (1) - Enable broadcast storm protection for ingress packets -- port2CtrlBroadcastStormProtection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Broadcast Storm Protection Enable" ::= { port2Ctrl 7 } -- Force flow control: -- (0) - The flow control is enabled based on Auto-Negotiation result. -- NOTE: Setting a port for both half-duplex and forced flow -- control is an illegal configuration. For half-duplex -- enable back pressure. -- (1) - Will always enable RX and TX flow control on the port, -- regardless of Auto-Negotiation result. -- port2CtrlForceFlowCtrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Force Flow Control" ::= { port2Ctrl 8 } -- Back pressure enable: -- (0) - Disable ports's half-duplex back pressure -- (1) - Enable ports's half-duplex back pressure -- port2CtrlBackPressure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Back Pressure Enable" ::= { port2Ctrl 9 } -- Transmit enable: -- (0) - Disable packet transmission on the port. -- (1) - Enable packet transmission on the port. -- port2CtrlTxEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Transmit Enable" ::= { port2Ctrl 10 } -- Receive enable: -- (0) - Disable packet reception on the port. -- (1) - Enable packet reception on the port. -- port2CtrlRxEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Receive Enable" ::= { port2Ctrl 11 } -- Port Power Down: -- (0) - Normal operation -- (1) - Power down -- port2CtrlPowerDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Powerdown" ::= { port2Ctrl 12 } -- MAC loopback test: -- (0) - Normal operation -- (1) - Perform MAC loopback test -- port2CtrlMACLoopBackTest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 MAC Loopback Test" ::= { port2Ctrl 13 } -- PHY loopback test: -- (0) - Normal operation -- (1) - Perform PHY loopback test, i.e. loopback MAC's Tx back to Rx -- port2CtrlPHYLoopbackTest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 PHY Loopback Test" ::= { port2Ctrl 14 } -- Remote loopback test: -- (0) - Normal operation -- (1) - Perform remote loopback test, i.e. loopback PHY's Tx back to Rx -- port2CtrlRemoteLoopbackTest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Remote Loopback Test" ::= { port2Ctrl 15 } -- Tag Insertion and Tag removal: -- (0) - Disable both tag removal and tag insertion -- -- (1) - When packets are output on the port, the switch will remove -- 802.1q tags from packets with 802.1q tags when received. -- The switch will not add tags to packets already tagged. -- The tag inserted is the ingress ports's "port VID." -- and -- Disable tag insertion. -- -- (2) - Disable tag removal -- and -- When packets are output on the port, the switch will add -- 802.1q tags to packets without 802.1q tags when received. -- The switch will not add tags to packets already tagged. -- The tag inserted is the ingress port's "port VID". -- -- (3) - When packets are output on the port, the switch will remove -- 802.1q tags from packets with 802.1q tags when received. -- The switch will not add tags to packets already tagged. -- The tag inserted is the ingress ports's "port VID." -- and -- When packets are output on the port, the switch will add -- 802.1q tags to packets without 802.1q tags when received. -- The switch will not add tags to packets already tagged. -- The tag inserted is the ingress port's "port VID". -- port2CtrlTagInsertionRemoval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..3) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Tag Insertion/Tag Removal" ::= { port2Ctrl 16 } -- Port based VLAN: -- Define the port's "Port VLAN membership." Bit 4 stands -- for port 5, bit 3 for port 4...bit 0 for port1. The port -- can only communicate within the membership. A '1' includes -- a port in the membership, a '0' excludes a port from membership. -- port2CtrlPortMembership OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..31) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Port Membership" ::= { port2Ctrl 17 } -- Ingress VLAN filtering: -- (0) - No ingress VLAN filtering. -- (1) - The switch will discard packets whose VID port membership -- in VLAN table bit -- port2CtrlIngressVLANFiltering OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Ingress VLAN Filtering" ::= { port2Ctrl 18 } -- Discard Non-PVID packet: -- (0) - No packets will be discarded. -- (1) - The switch will discard packets whose VID does not -- match ingress port default VID. -- port2CtrlDiscardNon-PVIDPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Discard Non-PVID Packet" ::= { port2Ctrl 19 } -- Default Tag: -- This is a 16bit data for Port's default tag, containging: -- Bit Description: -- ======================= -- 0..11 - VID -- 12 - CFG bit -- 13..15 - User priority bits -- port2CtrlDefaultTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65536) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Default Tag" ::= { port2Ctrl 20 } -- Forced speed: -- (0) - Forced 10BT if Auto-Negotiation is disabled -- (1) - Forced 100BT if Auto-Negotiation is disabled -- port2CtrlForceSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port2 Force Speed" ::= { port2Ctrl 21 } -- CPON-100 Uplink (Optical) port -- cpon100PriUplink OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpon100 26 } -- Primary uplink Link status -- (0) - Link failed -- (1) - Link good -- priUplinkLinkStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Uplink Link Status" ::= { cpon100PriUplink 1 } -- priUplinkPortCtrl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpon100PriUplink 45 } -- CPON-100 Uplink Port Controls -- Primary uplink Link Remote loopback test -- (0) - Normal operation -- (1) - Perform loopback test -- priUplinkLinkRemoteLoopbackTest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Primary uplink Link Remote loopback test" ::= { priUplinkPortCtrl 15 } -- Transmit low priority rate control: -- =================================== -- A 12-bit field to determine how many "32Kbps" low priority blocks -- can be transmitted (in a unit of 4K bytes in a one second period) -- -- priUplinkTxLoPriorityRateCtrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..4095) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Primary Uplink Transmit Low Priority Rate Control" ::= { priUplinkPortCtrl 22 } -- Receive low priority rate control: -- =================================== -- A 12-bit field to determine how many "32Kbps" low priority blocks -- can be received (in a unit of 4K bytes in a one second period) -- -- priUplinkRxLoPriorityRateCtrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..4095) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Primary Uplink Receive Low Priority Rate Control" ::= { priUplinkPortCtrl 23 } -- Primary uplink port Transmit Differential Priority Rate Control -- (0) - Will do transmit rate control on any packets. The rate -- counters defined in low priority will be used. -- (1) - Will do transmit rate control on both high and low priority -- packets based on the rate counters defined by the high and -- low priority packets respectively. -- priUplinkTxDiffPriorityRateCtrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Primary Uplink Transmit Differential Priority Rate Control" ::= { priUplinkPortCtrl 24 } -- NOT RELEASE -- odnrt100 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pbn 3 } -- OSLAM-8G: Optical Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer -- ==================================================== -- The new and advanced OSLAM-8G fibre optic access multiplexer provides -- the basic building block for highly scalable fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) -- and fibre-to-the-block (FTTB) applications. With 80 available line ports -- per OCMR chassis the network costs involved are greatly reduced. -- oslam8g OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pbn 4 } -- OSLAM-8G Global Controls and Status -- oslam8g-Global OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { oslam8g 1 } -- OSLAM-8G Global Control -- oslam8g-globalCtrl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { oslam8g-Global 1 } -- oslam8gSrcMACAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Opaque (SIZE (6)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Source MAC address =========================== 48bit Source address MAC address for pause control frame. NOTE: First bit of 2nd octet is as followed: This bit used to have all ports transmit the same or different source addresses in full-duplex Pause frames. 0 - All ports transmit the same Static Address (SA) 1 - Each port uses a different SA where bits 4:47 of the 'sourceMACAddress' are the same, but bits 3:0 are the port number (Port 0 = 0, Port1 = 1, Port 2 = 2, etc.)" ::= { oslam8g-globalCtrl 1 } -- oslam8gSchedulingMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { useFairQueuingScheme(1), useStrictPriorityScheme(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Scheduling Mode ========================= 1 - Use an 8,4,2,1 weighted fair queuing scheme 2 - Us a strict priority scheme" ::= { oslam8g-globalCtrl 2 } -- oslam8gMaxFrameSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sizeMax1522Octets(1), sizeMax1632Octets(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum Frame Size allowed. =========================== The Ingress block discards all frames less than 64 bytes in size. It also discards all frames greater than a certain size (regardless of whether or not the frame is iEEE802.3ac tagged) as follows: 1 - Max size is 1522 for IEEE tagged frames, 1518 for untagged frames. 2 - Max size is 1632" ::= { oslam8g-globalCtrl 3 } -- -- -- oslam8gCoreTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Core Tag Type ====================== Core Tag Ether Type. This EtherType is added to frames that egress the switch as Double Tagged frames. It is also the EtherType expected during Ingress to determine if a frame is Tagged or not on ports configured in oslam8gPortEgressMode as follows: For Ingress: =========== oslam8gUseCoreTag= 1, oslam8gDoubleTag = 1, TagType = 0x8100 oslam8gUseCoreTag= 1, oslam8gDoubleTag = 2, TagType = 0x8100 oslam8gUseCoreTag= 2, oslam8gDoubleTag = 1, TagType = oslam8gCoreTagType oslam8gUseCoreTag= 2, oslam8gDoubleTag = 2, 1st TagType = oslam8gCoreTagType then 2nd TagType in the frame = 0x8100 For Egress: =========== Normal Add a Tag (standard IEEE rule) Added Tag Type = 0x8100 Always Add a Tag (Egress DoubleTag) Added Tag Type = oslam8gCoreTagType" ::= { oslam8g-globalCtrl 4 } -- -- -- oslam8gUseDoubleTagData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ignoreRemovedTagData(1), useRemovedTagData(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Use Double Tag Data ============================ Used to determine if Double Tag data is removed from a Double Tag frame is used or ignored when making switching decisions on the frame. 1 - Ignore removed Tag data 2 - Use removed Tag data This OID have not effect if hte port's oslam8gPortDoubleTag is set to 1" ::= { oslam8g-globalCtrl 5 } -- OSLAM-8G Global Status -- oslam8g-globalStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { oslam8g-Global 2 } -- oslam8gSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Serial Number" ::= { oslam8g-globalStatus 1 } -- oslam8gMACAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (12)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G SNMP MAC Address" ::= { oslam8g-globalStatus 2 } -- oslam8gDiagnosticMsg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..63)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Diagnostic Message" ::= { oslam8g-globalStatus 3 } -- 802.1Q VLAN Table -- oslam8g-VTU OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { oslam8g-Global 3 } -- vtuOperation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { flushAllEntries(1), noOperation(2), loadOrPurgeEntry(3), getNext(4), getClearViolation(7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VLAN Table Unit Table Operation =============================== Support the following VTU operation. 0, 2 - No Operation 1 - Flush All Entries 3 - Load(1) or Purge(2) an Entry 4 - Get Next(3) 5,6 - Reserve 7 - Get/Clear Violation Data NOTE: (1) - An Entry is Loaded when the 'vtuValid' is set to a one. Load is the only 'vtuOperation' that uses the 'vtuDBNum' field and it uses it as data to be loaded along with the desired 'vtuVID'. (2) - An Entry is Purged when the 'vtuValid' is cleared to a zero. (3) - A Get Next operation finds the next higher 'vtuVID' curretnly in the database. The vtuVID value is used as the VID to start from. To find the lowest VID set the vtuVID field to ones. When the operation is done the vtuVID field contains the next higher VID currently active in the database. To find the next VID simply issue the Get Next opcode again. If the vtuVID field is returned set to a one's with the vtuValid cleared to zero, no higher VID's were found. To Search for a particular VID, perform a Get Next operation using a vtuVID field with a value one less than the one being searched for." ::= { oslam8g-VTU 1 } -- vtuDBNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VTU MAC Address Database Number =============================== On all vtuOperation except for Get Violation Data, this field is used to separate MAC address dtabases by a frame's VID. If multiple address databases are not being used, theses bits must remain zero. If multiple addresss are not being used, theses bits must remain zero. If multiple address databases are being used, these bits are used to get the desired database number that is associated with VID value on Load operations (or used to read the currently assigned vtuDBNum on Get Next operations)." ::= { oslam8g-VTU 2 } -- vtuMemberViolation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noViolation(1), violation(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VTU Member Violation ================== Source Member Violation. On Get/Clear Violation Data vtuOperation, this value is returned set to a two(2) if the Violation being serviced is due to an 802.1Q Member Violation. A member Violation occurs when an 802.1Q enabled ingress port accesses the VTU with a VID that is cotnained in the VTU but whose Mebership list does not include this Ingress port. Only the first vtuFullViolation, vtuMemberViolation, vtuMissViolation is saved per port until cleared." ::= { oslam8g-VTU 3 } -- vtuMissViolation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noViolation(1), violation(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VTU Miss Violation ================== On Get/Clear Violation operation this value is set to a two(2) if the Violation being serviced is due to 802.1Q Miss Violation. A Miss Violation occurs when an 802.1Q enabled Ingress port accesses the VTU with a VID that is contained in the VTU. Only the first atuFullViolation, atuMemberViolation, atuMissViolation is saved per port until cleared." ::= { oslam8g-VTU 4 } -- vtuValid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { invalidVIDOrEndOflist(1), validVID(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VTU Entry Valid status. ======================= At the end of Get/Next operations 1 - If VID is all ones, it indicates the end of the VID list was reached with no new valid entries. 2 - Indicates the VID value below is valid. NOTE: On Load or Purge operations, this bit indicates the desired operation of a Load (when set to a one) or a Purge (when cleared to a zero)." ::= { oslam8g-VTU 5 } -- -- -- vtuVID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..4095) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VLAN Identifier =============== This VID is used in all the vtuOperation commands (except Get/Clear Violation Data) and it is the VID that is associated with the vtuData or the vtuVID that caused the VTU Violation. Theses indicate the VID number that is associated with the MemberTag in the vtuData, 802.1s PortState, Priority and its override." ::= { oslam8g-VTU 6 } -- vtuData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Opaque (SIZE (6)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VLAN table data Entry Format as follow: ====================== BYTE#: 5 4 3 2 1 0 Frame: [0:P10][P9:P8][P7:P6][P5:P4][P3:P2][P1:P0] Px: Port control Size: 4bits total Format: [PortState][PortMemberTag] PortState: The upper two bits of each port's VTU data is called 802.1s PortState. These bits are used to support 802.1s per VLAN spanning tree as follows: 00 - 802.1s Disabled. User non-VLAN Port states (in Port control 'portState') 01 - Blocking/Listening Port State for this port for frames with this VID 10 - Learning Port State for this port for frames with this VID 11 - Forwarding Port State for this port for frames with this VID NOTE: These 802.1s PortState bits take precedence over the port's 'portState' in port control unless the port's 'portState' is Disabled (which prevents all frames from flowing). MemberTag: Size: 2bits The lower two bits of each port's VTU data is called MemberTag. These bits are used to indicate which ports are members of the VLAN and if these VLANs frames should be tagged or untagged, or unmodified when exiting the port as follows: 00 - Port is a member of this VLAN and frames are to egress unmodified. 01 - Port is a member of this VLAN and frames are to egress Untagged. 10 - Port is a member of this VLAN and frames are to egress Tagged. 11 - Port is not a member of this VLAN" ::= { oslam8g-VTU 7 } -- vtuVIDPRI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VID Priority ============ These bits are used to override the priority on any frames associated with this VID value, if the 'vtuVIDPRIOverride' is set to one." ::= { oslam8g-VTU 8 } -- vtuVIDPRIOverride OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noPriorityOverride(1), priorityOverride(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VID Priority Override ===================== 1 - No priority override. 2 - The vtuVIDPRI are used to override the priority on any frames associated with this VID as long as the port's 'portVTUPriOverride' is set. " ::= { oslam8g-VTU 9 } -- oslam8g-ATU OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { oslam8g-Global 4 } -- atuOperation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { flushAllEntries(1), flushAllDynamicEntries(2), loadOrPurgeEntry(3), getNext(4), flushAllStaticIntriesInSelectedDBNum(5), flushAllDynamicEntriesInSelectedDBNum(6), getClearViolation(7), noOperation(8) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Address Translation Unit (ATU) Opcode: ====================================== 1 - Flush All Entries 2 - Flush all Non-Static Entries 3 - Load or Purge an Entry in a particular atuDBNum Database 4 - Get Next from a particular atuDBNum Database 5 - Flush all Entries in a particular atuDBNum Database 6 - Flush all Non-Static Entries in a particular atuDBNum Database 7 - Get/Clear Violation Data. 8 - No operation" ::= { oslam8g-ATU 1 } -- atuDBNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ATU MAC Address Database Number (DBNum) ======================================= If multiple address databases are not being used theses bits must remain zero. If multiple address databases are being used theses are used to set the desired address database number that is being used on the Database supported commands (atuOperation 0x03, 0x04, 0x05 and 0x06). On Get/Clear Violation Data atuOperation these bits return the atuDBNum value associated with the ATU violation that was just serviced." ::= { oslam8g-ATU 2 } -- atuMemberViolation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noViolation(1), violation(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ATU Member Violation ================== On Get/Clear Violation operation this value is set to a two(2) if the Violation being serviced is due to a Source Address Look-up that resulted in a Hit but where the 'atuState' and 'atuPortVec' bits does not contain the frame's Ingress port bit set to a two(2) (i.e. a station moved occurred). This violation can be masked on a per port basis by setting the port's ignoreWrongData bit. Only the first atuFullViolation, atuMemberViolation, atuMissViolation is saved per port until cleared." ::= { oslam8g-ATU 3 } -- atuMissViolation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noViolation(1), violation(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ATU Miss Violation ================== On Get/CLear Violation operation this value is set to a two(2) if the Violation being serviced is due to a Source Address Look-up that resulted in a Miss on ports that are locked (i.e., CPU directed learning is enabled on the port). Only the first atuFullViolation, atuMemberViolation, atuMissViolation is saved per port until cleared." ::= { oslam8g-ATU 4 } -- atuFullViolation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noViolation(1), violation(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ATU Full Violation ================== On Get/Clear Violation operation this value is set to a two(2) if the Violation being serviced is due to a Load operation or automatic learn that could not store the desired entry. This only occurs if all available locations for the desired address contain other MAC addresses that are loaded Static. Only the first atuFullViolation, atuMemberViolation, atuMissViolation is saved per port until cleared." ::= { oslam8g-ATU 5 } -- atuAgeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ATU Age Time ============ These bits determine the time that each ATU Entry remains valid in the database, since its last access as a source address, before being purged. The value in this register times 15 is the age time in seconds. For example: The default value of 0x14 is 20 decimal. 20x15 = 300 seconds or 5 minutes. If the atuAgeTime is 0xFF or 3825 seconds or almost 64 minutes. if the atuAgeTime is set to 0 the Aging function is disabled and all learned addresses will remain in the database forever." ::= { oslam8g-ATU 6 } -- atuTrunkMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { portVectorMode(1), trunkIDMode(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TRUNK - Trunk Mappped Address ============================= 1 - The 'atuPortVec' is the port vector assigned to this address. 2 - The data bits [7:4] of 'atuPortVec' is the Trunk ID assigned to this address. 'atuPortVec' bits [10:4] must be written as zero when this value is zet to a two(2). " ::= { oslam8g-ATU 7 } -- atuPortVecorTrunkID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port Vector/Trunk ID ==================== If the atuTrunk is zero, theses bits are used as the input Port Vector for ATU Load operations and it's the resulting Trunk ID for ATU load operations and it's the resulting Trunk ID from ATU GetNext operations." ::= { oslam8g-ATU 8 } -- atuEntryState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..15) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ATU Entry State =============== Used as the Entry State for ATU Load/Purge or Flush/Move operations and it is the resulting Entry State from ATU Get Next operations (GetNext is the only ATU operation supported in the devices). If theses equal to 0x0 then the atuOperation is a Purge or a Flush. If theses bits are not 0x0 then the atuOperation is a Load or a Move (a move atuOperation requires these bits to be 0x0F). On Get/Clear Violation Data atuOperation, theses bits return the Source Port ID(SPID) associated with the ATU violation that was just serviced. If SPID = 0xF the source of the violation was the CPU's register interface (i.e. the ATU was full during a CPU Load operation)." ::= { oslam8g-ATU 9 } -- atuMACEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Opaque (SIZE (6)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ATU MAC Address Entry: ====================== Byte pattern as follow: Opaque data Location: 5 4 3 2 1 0 MAC Byte Location : [5][4][3][2][1][0]" ::= { oslam8g-ATU 10 } -- OSLAM-8G Port Specific Status and Control -- oslam8g-Port OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { oslam8g 2 } -- oslam8gPortSelect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8g-Port 1 } -- OSLAM-8G Port Control -- oslam8g-portCtrl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { oslam8g-Port 2 } -- oslam8gPortForceFlowCtrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { forceNoFlowCtrl(1), normal(2), forceFlowCtrl(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Port Force Flow Control Setting ======================================== 1 - Force No Flow Control 2 - Normal detection occurs 3 - Force Flow Control" ::= { oslam8g-portCtrl 1 } -- oslam8gPortForceLink OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { forceLinkDown(1), normal(2), forceLinkUp(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Port Force Link ======================== 1 - Force to bring link down 2 - Normal link detection occurs 3 - Force to bring link up" ::= { oslam8g-portCtrl 2 } -- oslam8gPortForceDuplex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { forceHalfDuplex(1), normal(2), forceFullDuplexx(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Port Force Duplex Control ================================== 1 - Force Half-Duplex 2 - Normal duplex detection occurs. 3 - Force Full-Duplex" ::= { oslam8g-portCtrl 3 } -- oslam8gPortForceSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { speed10Mbps(1), speed100Mbps(2), speed1000Mbps(3), speedAutoDetect(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Port Force Speed ========================= 1 - 10Mbps 2 - 100Mbps 3 - 1000Mbps 4 - Speed is not forced. Normal speed detection occurs." ::= { oslam8g-portCtrl 4 } -- oslam8gPortPortState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(1), blockingListening(2), learning(3), forwarding(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Port's Port State =========================== This OID is used to manage a port to determine what kind of frames, if any, are allowed to enter or leave a port for simple bridge loop detection or 802.1D Spanning Tree. This OID value can be change at any time without disrupting frames currently in transmit. 1 - Disabled. The port is disabled and it will not receive or transmit any frames. The QC returns any pre-allocated ingress queue buffers when the port is in this mode. 2 - Blocking/Listening. OSLAM-8G examines all frames without learning any SAs, and discards all frames. 3 - Learning. OSLAM-8G will examine all frames, learning all SA address (except those from MGMT frames), and still discard all but MGMT frames. It will allow MGMT frames only to exit the port. 4 - Forwarding. OSLAM-8G examines all frames, learning SAs from all good frames (except those from MGMT frames), and receives and transmits all frames as a normal switch." ::= { oslam8g-portCtrl 5 } -- oslam8gPortFwdUnknown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { blockUnicastWithUnknownDA(1), normalForward(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Port Forward Unknown ============================= 1 - Unicast frames with unknown DAs will not egress out of this port. 2 - Normal operation occurs and unicast frames with unknown DA addresses are allowed to egress out of this port (assuming the VLAN settings allow the frame to egress this port too)." ::= { oslam8g-portCtrl 6 } -- oslam8gPortDefFwd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { blockMulticastWithUnknownDA(1), normalForward(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Port Default Forward ============================= 1 - Multicast frames with unknown DAs do not egress from this port. 2 - Normal switch operation occurs and multicast frames with unknown DA addresses are allowed to egress out this port (assuming the VLAN settings allow the frame to egress this port too)." ::= { oslam8g-portCtrl 7 } -- oslam8gPortUseIPForPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { useIPv4AndIPv6Priority(1), useIPv4OrIPv6Priority(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Port Use IP for Priority ================================= Use IPv4 TOS and/or DiffServ fields and/or IPv6 Traffic Class fields, if present, for priority data. 1 - Ignore IPv4 and IPv6 priority fields. 2 - Use IPv4 fields if the frame is IPv4 and use IPv6 fields if the frame is IPv6 for priority data. " ::= { oslam8g-portCtrl 8 } -- oslam8gPortUseCoreTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), useCoreTag(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Port Use Core Tag ========================== Refer to 'oslam8gCoreTag' 1 - Ingressing frames are considered tagged if the 16-bits following the frame's source Address are 0x8100. 2 - Ingressing frames are considered tagged if the 16-bits following the frame's source Address are equal to 'oslam8gCoreTagType' NOTE: If a frame is Double Tagged and the first tag is removed (oslam8gPortDoubleTag) by matching the EtherType define by this bit, the resulting frame will be considered tagged only if the next 16 bits in the frame equal to 0x8100 (that is, the oslam8gCoreTagType is not used after the first tag is removed)" ::= { oslam8g-portCtrl 9 } -- oslam8gPortDoubleTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), useDoubleCoreTag(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Port Double Tag ======================== Ingress Double Tag 2 - The ingressing frames are examined to see if they contain 802.3ac tag with the IEEE standard EtherType of 0x8100 or if they contain a tag with an EtherType defined in oslam8gCoreTag. The oslam8gCoreTag will be used if this port's oslam8gPortUseCoreTag is used. If the frames do contain the expected tag, the tag is removed (and the CRC is recomputed). Essentially, untagged frames remain untagged, single tagged frames become untagged and double tagged frames become single tagged. These now single tagged frames will be considered tagged only if its EtherType value is 0x8100 no matter what the EtherType value was found on the removed tag. No padding is performed so a tagged frame must be at least 68bytes in size or it will be discarded. 1 - Tagged frames are not modified when received. The Tag data that is removed from the frame can be ignored (i.e., the frame is treated as if the removed tag never existed) or the removed Tag data can be used for switching and priority decisions (i.e., the removed Tag's VID and PRI bits are internally assigned to the frame). The action that is taken is controlled by the oslam8gUseDoubleTagData" ::= { oslam8g-portCtrl 10 } -- OSLAM-8G Port Rate Control -- oslam8g-portRateCtrl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { oslam8g-Port 3 } -- oslam8gPortEgressRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..4095) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Port Egress Rate Limit ================================ Modify this port's effective transmission rate. This support 62kbps to 256Mbps. Formula to limit the Egress data rate: EgressRate = 8 bits/ (32ns * Egress Rate bits/sec) Where, => Egress Rate is in bits per second. For example: ============ For 256Kbps rate the value of this oslam8gPortEgressRate should be: = 8/(32ns * 256Kbps) = 976 The value to be programmed for this OID is 976. 976 is actually equated to 256.14Kbps" ::= { oslam8g-portRateCtrl 1 } -- oslam8gPortIngressLimitMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { limitAllFrames(1), limitBroadcastMulticastUnicastFrame(2), limitBroadcastMulticastFrame(3), limitBroadcastFrame(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Port Ingress Limit Mode ================================ Determine what kinds of frames are limited and counted against Ingress limiting. 1 - Limit and count all frames. 2 - Limit and count Broadcast, Multicast and flooded unicast frames. 3 - Limit and count Broadcast and Multicast frames only. 4 - Limit and count Broadcast frames only. NOTE: If a frame is not limited by the above setting, its size is not counted against the limit for the other frames." ::= { oslam8g-portRateCtrl 2 } -- oslam8gPortIngressPri3Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { useIngressPri2Rate(1), useTwiceIngressPri2Rate(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Port Priority 3 Rate Control ===================================== Priority 3 frames are discarded after the ingress rate selected below is reached or exceeded: 1 - Use the same rate as oslam8gPortIngressPri2Rate 2 - Use twice the rate as oslam8gPortIngressPri2Rate (but no faster than the port's speed)" ::= { oslam8g-portRateCtrl 3 } -- oslam8gPortIngressPri2Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { useIngressPri1Rate(1), useTwiceIngressPri1Rate(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Port Priority 2 Rate Control ===================================== Priority 2 frames are discarded after the ingress rate selected below is reached or exceeded: 1 - Use the same rate as oslam8gPortIngressPri1Rate 2 - Use twice the rate as oslam8gPortIngressPri1Rate (but no faster than the port's speed)" ::= { oslam8g-portRateCtrl 4 } -- oslam8gPortIngressPri1Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { useIngressPri0Rate(1), useTwiceIngressPri0Rate(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Port Priority 1 Rate Control ===================================== Priority 1 frames are discarded after the ingress rate selected below is reached or exceeded: 1 - Use the same rate as oslam8gPortIngressPri0Rate 2 - Use twice the rate as oslam8gPortIngressPri0Rate (but no faster than the port's speed)" ::= { oslam8g-portRateCtrl 5 } -- oslam8gPortIngressPri0Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..4095) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Port Priority 0 Rate Control ===================================== Priority 1 frames are discarded after the ingress rate selected below is reached or exceeded: OSLAM-8G use the following formula to calculate rate limiting: Pri0Rate = 8 bits/ (32ns * Ingress Rate bits/sec) Where, => Ingress Rate is in bits per second. For example: ============ For 128Kbps rate the value of this oslam8gPortEgressRate should be: = 8/(32ns * 128Kbps) = 1953" ::= { oslam8g-portRateCtrl 6 } -- OSLAM-8G Port VLAN Specific Setting -- oslam8g-PortVLAN OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { oslam8g-Port 4 } -- oslam8gPortUseTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ignoreIEEE802dot1pTag(1), useIEEE802dot1pTag(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Port Use Tag ===================== Use IEEE Tags. Use IEEE 802.1p Traffic Class field for priority data if the frame is an IEEE 802.3ac tagged frame. 1 - Ignore IEEE 802.1p tag fields even it the frame is tagged. In this mode, tagged frames that enter this port and egress the OSLAM-8G tagged are re-tagged with this port's default priority bits, if no other priorities are determined fro the frame (i.e., the frame's IP priority and/or other priority overrides). This works as a Force Default Priority function on tagged frames. 2 - Use IEEE 802.1p tag Traffic Class for priority data if the frame is tagged. " ::= { oslam8g-PortVLAN 1 } -- oslam8gPortPortMembership OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2047) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Port's Port Membership =============================== Port based VLAN Table. The bits in this value are used to restrict which output ports this input port can send frames to. This value are used for all frames even if 802.1Q is enabled on this port or if ProtectedPort is enabled on this port. These bits restrict where a port can send frames (unless a oslam8gPortVLANTunnel frame is being received. => To send frames to Port 0, bit 0 of this register must be a one. => To send frames to Port 1, bit 1 of this register must be a one. etc. " ::= { oslam8g-PortVLAN 2 } -- oslam8gPortDefPri OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Port Default Priority ============================== Used as the default ingress priority to use when no other priority information is available (neither is the frame IEEE Tagged, nor is it an IPv4 nor an IPv6 frame - or the frame is a priority type that is currently disabled (see oslam8gPortUseIPPriority and oslam8gPortUseTag) and no other priority overrides are active on this frame. The default priority are remapped by the oslam8gPortPriRemap prior being used." ::= { oslam8g-PortVLAN 3 } -- oslam8gPort802dot1QMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { portBasedVLANOnly(1), fallback802dot1Q(2), check802dot1Q(3), secure802dot1Q(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Port 802.1Q Mode ========================= IEEE 802.1Q Mode for this port. These bits determine if 802.1Q based VLANs are used along with port based VLANs for this Ingress port. If also determines the action to be taken if an 802.1Q VLAN Violation is detected. 1 - 802.1Q disabled. Use Port Based VLANs only. The oslam8gPortMembership and oslam8gPortDefVID assigned to the frame during ingress determine which Egress ports this Ingress is allowed to switch frames to for all frames. 2 - Fallback. Enable 802.1Q for this Ingress port. Do not discard Ingress Membership violations and use the oslam8gPortMembership if the frame's VID is not contained in the VTU. 3 - Check. Enabled 802.1Q for this Ingress port. Do not discard Ingress Membership violation but discard the frame if its VID is not contained in the VTU. 4 - Secure. Enabled 802.1Q for this Ingress port. Do not discard Ingress Membership violations and discard frames whose VID is not contained in the VTU. " ::= { oslam8g-PortVLAN 4 } -- oslam8gPortTagUntagDiscard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noDiscard(1), discardUnTaggedFrames(2), discardTaggedFrames(3), discardBoth(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Port Tagged/Untagged Discard Mode ========================================== 1 - No discard of Frames 2 - Only Discard Untagged Frames. All non-MGMT frames that are processed as untagged are discarded as they entering this switch port. This test is performed after Ingress Double Tag removal (if enabled). 3 - Only Discard Tagged Frames. All non-MGMT frames that are processed as tagged are discarded as they entering this switch port. This test is performed after Ingress Double Tag removal (if enabled). Priority only tagged frames (with a VID of 0x00) are considered tagged. 4 - Both Discard Tagged and Untagged frames." ::= { oslam8g-PortVLAN 5 } -- oslam8gPortDefVID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..4095) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Port Default VLAN Identifier ===================================== When 802.1Q is enabled on this port this value is used as the IEEE Tagged VID added to untagged or priority tagged frames during egress that ingressed from this port. It is also used as a tagged frame's VID if the frame's VID was 0 (i.e., it is a priority tagged frame) or if the port's oslam8gPortForceDefVID is set to one. When 802.1Q is disabled on this port, this value field is assigned to all frames entering the port (if are tagged or untagged). This assignment is used internal to the switch, so only Port Based VLANs can be supported." ::= { oslam8g-PortVLAN 6 } -- oslam8gPortVLANTunnel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { vlanNoTunnelling(1), vlanTunnelling(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Port VLAN Tunnel ========================= 1 - The port based VLANs defined in oslam8gPortPortMembership, 802.1Q VLANs defined in the oslam8g-802dot1QVLAN (if 802.1Q is enabled) and oslam8gTrunkMask are enforced for ALL frames. 2 - The port based oslam8gPortPortMembership, 802.1Q VLAN membership masking and oslam8gTrunkMask is bypassed for any frame entering this port with a DA that is currently 'static' in the oslam8g-atu. This applies to unicast as well as multicast frames." ::= { oslam8g-PortVLAN 7 } -- oslam8gPortVTUPriOverride OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normalPriority(1), vtuPriOverride(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Port VTU Priority Override =================================== 1 - Normal frame priority processing occurs. 2 - The VTU priority overrides can occur on this port. A VTU priority override occurs when the determined VID of a frame resuls in a VID whose oslam8gVTUVIDPRIOverride in the VTU VLAN database is set. When this occurs the VIDPRI value assigned to the frame's VID is used to overrite the frames previously determined priority. If the frame egresses tagged the priority in the frame will be this new VIDPRI value. When used the upper two bits of the VIDPRI priority determine the Egress Queue the frame is switched into. THE VTU Priority Override has higher priority than the port's Default Priority and the frame's IEEE and/or IP priorities. The priority determined by the frame's VID can be overridden, however, by the frame's SA and/or DA prority Overrides." ::= { oslam8g-PortVLAN 8 } -- oslam8gPortForceDefVID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { vidNormal(1), forceDefaultVID(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Port Force Default VID =============================== For to use Default VID. When 802.1Q is enabled on this port and 1 - All IEEE 802.3ac Tagged frames with a non-zero VID used the frame's VID unmodified. 2 - All ingress frames with IEEE 802.3ac Tags have their VID ignored and the port's oslam8gPortDefaultVID is used and replaced into the frame instead. When 802.1Q is disabled on this port, this bit has no effect." ::= { oslam8g-PortVLAN 9 } -- oslam8gEgressMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { egressNormal(1), egressUntaggedRemoveTaggedFrame(2), egressTagAddToUntaggedFrame(3), egressAddAlways(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Port Egress Mode ========================= The first three Egrress Modes are used as the default Egress mode for frames whose VID is not valid in the oslam8g-802dot1QVLAN or if 802.1Q is disabled on the port. The fourth Egress Mode is applied to all frames all the time (if selected) even if 802.1Q is enabled on the port. 1 - Default to Normal mode. Frames are transmitted unmodified. 2 - Default to Transmit all frames Untagged. Remove the tag from any tagged frame. 3 - Default to Transmit all frames Tagged. Add a tag to any untagged frame. 4 - Always add a Tag (or Egress Double Tag). This setting is not a default setting. It ignores the MemberTag in vtuData of oslam8g-802dot1QVLAN for this port. The EtherType used for these inserted tags come from oslam8gCoreTag." ::= { oslam8g-PortVLAN 10 } -- oslam8gPortPriRemap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Opaque (SIZE (4)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OSLAM-8G Port IEEE Priority Remapping ==================================== Byte#: 3 2 1 0 Format: [TagRemap7:TagRemap6][TagRemap5:TagRemap4][TagRemap3:TagRemap2][TagRemap1:TagRemap0] TagRemap0: Tag Remap 0. All IEEE tagged frames with a priority of 0 get this value as the frame's new priority inside the switch. If a tagged frame egresses the switch tagged, this new priority is written to the frame's tag. TagRemap1: Tag Remap 1. All IEEE tagged frames with a priority of 1 get this value as the frame's new priority inside the switch. If a tagged frame egresses the switch tagged, this new priority is written to the frame's tag. TagRemapX: Tag Remap X. All IEEE tagged frames with a priority of X get this value as the frame's new priority inside the switch. If a tagged frame egresses the switch tagged, this new priority is written to the frame's tag." ::= { oslam8g-PortVLAN 11 } -- OSLAM-8G Port Status -- oslam8g-portStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { oslam8g-Port 5 } -- oslam8gPortLinkStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { linkDown(1), linkUp(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Link Status: ============ This indicates the link status of the selected port 1 - Link is down 2 - Link is Up" ::= { oslam8g-portStatus 1 } -- oslam8gPortDuplexStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { halfDuplex(1), fullDuplex(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Duplex Mode: ============ Valid if link status is up. 1 - Half-Duplex 2 - Full-Duplex" ::= { oslam8g-portStatus 2 } -- oslam8gPortSpeedStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { speed10Mbps(1), speed100MBps(2), speed1000MBps(3), speedReserved(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Speed Mode: =========== Valid if link status is up. 1 - 10MBps 2 - 100MBps 3 - 1000MBps 4 - Reserved for future used" ::= { oslam8g-portStatus 3 } -- OSLAM-8G Port Counters -- oslam8g-portRMON OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { oslam8g-Port 6 } -- oslam8gPortRMONIngress OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { oslam8g-portRMON 1 } -- oslam8gPortInGoodOctetsLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONIngress 1 } -- oslam8gPortInGoodOctetsHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONIngress 2 } -- oslam8gPortInBadOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONIngress 3 } -- oslam8gPortInUnicast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONIngress 4 } -- oslam8gPortInBroadcasts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONIngress 5 } -- oslam8gPortInMulticasts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONIngress 6 } -- oslam8gPortInPause OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONIngress 7 } -- oslam8gPortInUndersize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONIngress 8 } -- oslam8gPortInFragments OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONIngress 9 } -- oslam8gPortInOversize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONIngress 10 } -- oslam8gPortInJabber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONIngress 11 } -- oslam8gPortInRxErr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONIngress 12 } -- oslam8gPortInFCSErr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONIngress 13 } -- oslam8gPortInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONIngress 14 } -- oslam8gPortInFiltered OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONIngress 15 } -- oslam8gPortRMONEgress OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { oslam8g-portRMON 2 } -- oslam8gPortOutOctetsLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONEgress 1 } -- oslam8gPortOutOctetsHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONEgress 2 } -- oslam8gPortOutUnicast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONEgress 3 } -- oslam8gPortOutBroadcasts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONEgress 4 } -- oslam8gPortOutMulticasts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONEgress 5 } -- oslam8gPortOutPause OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONEgress 6 } -- oslam8gPortOutExcessive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONEgress 7 } -- oslam8gPortOutCollisions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONEgress 8 } -- oslam8gPortOutDeferred OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONEgress 9 } -- oslam8gPortOutSingle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONEgress 10 } -- oslam8gPortOutMultiple OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONEgress 11 } -- oslam8gPortOutFCSErr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONEgress 12 } -- oslam8gPortOutLate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONEgress 13 } -- oslam8gPortOutFiltered OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortRMONEgress 14 } -- oslam8gPortHistogram OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { oslam8g-portRMON 3 } -- oslam8gPortHistogramMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { countRxFramesOnly(1), countTxFramesOnly(2), countRxTxFrames(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Histogram Counters Mode: ======================== The Histogram mode control how the Histogram counters work as follows. 1 - Count received frames only 2 - Count transmitted frames only 3 - Count receive and tranmitted frames" ::= { oslam8gPortHistogram 1 } -- oslam8gPortOut64Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortHistogram 2 } -- oslam8gPortOut65to127Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortHistogram 3 } -- oslam8gPortOut128to255Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortHistogram 4 } -- oslam8gPortOut256to511Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortHistogram 5 } -- oslam8gPortOut512to1023Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortHistogram 6 } -- oslam8gPortOut1024toMaxOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { oslam8gPortHistogram 7 } -- fpcm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pbn 5 } -- targetNodeAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (10)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Target Node Address: ==================== FPCM is a broadcast device. 10 digits decimal address required to access the target optical node. Value of 4294967295 represent a broadcast address i.e. message will be send to all connected node. This value is the serial number of the ODN4P-ABC." ::= { fpcm 1 } -- Access Control for ODN4P node -- odn4pAccess OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fpcm 2 } -- odn4pABSwitchingMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { manual(1), automatic(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "AB Switching Mode: ================== The mode of operation for ODN4P-AB. Available operation mode are: - AUTOMATIC - MANUAL" ::= { odn4pAccess 1 } -- odn4pChannelSelect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { priOpt(1), secOpt(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Channel Select: =============== The channel to be selected by the AB redundancy switch. Upon changing the channel, AB operation mode at the target device will change to MANUAL mode automatically." ::= { odn4pAccess 2 } -- odn4pSwitchingHysteresis OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { neg3dot5dBmV(0), neg3dot0dBmV(1), neg2dot5dBmV(2), neg2dot0dBmV(3), neg1dot5dBmV(4), neg1dot0dBmV(5), neg0dot5dBmV(6), neg0dot0dBmV(7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Switch Hysteresis: ================== Primary Optical recovery level." ::= { odn4pAccess 3 } -- odn4pPrimarySwitchOverTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..15) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Primary switch-over time: ========================= The number of second wait required before change of state" ::= { odn4pAccess 4 } -- odn4pSecondarySwitchOverTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..15) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Secondary switch-over time: =========================== The number of second wait required before change of state" ::= { odn4pAccess 5 } -- odn4pAttenuator1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (2..40) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Attenuator 1: ============= Attenuation used for ingress control. Unit is in 1dB step. Acceptable value range: 2-40dB" ::= { odn4pAccess 6 } -- odn4pAttenuator2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (2..40) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Attenuator 2: ============= Attenuation used for ingress control. Unit is in 1dB step. Acceptable value range: 2-40dB" ::= { odn4pAccess 7 } -- odn4pAttenuator3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (2..40) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Attenuator 3: ============= Attenuation used for ingress control. Unit is in 1dB step. Acceptable value range: 2-40dB" ::= { odn4pAccess 8 } -- odn4pAttenuator4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (2..40) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Attenuator 4: ============= Attenuation used for ingress control. Unit is in 1dB step. Acceptable value range: 2-40dB" ::= { odn4pAccess 9 } -- odn4pHomeFskChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Remote node FSK home channel: ============================= Each network may use different default FSK channel. This is the default FSK channel to be managed by operator. Optical node always tune to home channel prior to agility." ::= { odn4pAccess 10 } -- odn4pFskMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fskFix(1), fskAgile(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "FSK Operating mode ================== Force FSK to operate in either FIX or AGILE mode. FIX - FSK receiver always try to lock to the known FSK frequency AGILE - Always search for an FSK channel that is capable of decoding data " ::= { odn4pAccess 11 } -- odn4pLoopTest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { uidSrcAddr0(22), uidSrcAddr1(23), uidSrcAddr2(24), uidSrcAddr3(25), uidAddr0(26), uidAddr1(27), uidAddr2(28), uidAddr3(29), uidMajorVer(30), uidMinorVer(31), uidAtten0(33), uidAtten1(34), uidAtten2(35), uidAtten3(36), uidFSKCh(48), uidFSKMode(50), uidPassTest112(112), uidPassTest113(113), uidPassTest114(114), uidPassTest115(115), uidPassTest116(116), uidPassTest117(117), uidPassTest118(118), uidPassTest119(119), uidPassTest120(120), uidPassTest121(121), uidPassTest122(122), uidPassTest123(123), uidPassTest124(124), uidPassTest125(125), uidPassTest126(126), uidPassTest127(127), uidModeSel(129), uidInpSel(130), uidPriRefLvl(131), uidPriSwtTime(132), uidSecSwtTime(133), uidModeChgCnt(134), uidInpChgCnt(135), uidClearTest(251) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODN4P LOOP TEST =============== Acceptable value is 0-255 or 8-bit number. Value between between 1..255 will be display on the connected RPQRM of the selected channel if this OID has been iniated. Set value to 0xFB will clear loopback test and normal data will then be seen in the RPQRM. Operator should only use value between 0x70 to 0x7F for testing Other values are reserved for NETCRAFT " ::= { odn4pAccess 12 } -- Node Access Control: -- ==================== -- This usually used by remote management software (NMS3) -- Operator should ignore or do not change these OID value. -- nodeAccess OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fpcm 3 } -- nodeAccessDataLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Node Access Control Data Length: ================================ This usually used by remote management software (NMS3) Operator should ignore or do not change this OID value." ::= { nodeAccess 1 } -- nodeAccessData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Opaque (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Node Access Control Data: ========================= This usually used by remote management software (NMS3) Operator should ignore or do not change this OID value." ::= { nodeAccess 2 } -- nodeAccessCmd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Node Access Control Command: ============================ This usually used by remote management software (NMS3) Operator should ignore or do not change this OID value." ::= { nodeAccess 3 } -- FPCM FSK Modulation Control -- fpcmCtrl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fpcm 4 } -- fpcmFSKChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "FSK Channel modulated by FPCM: ============================== Acceptable FSK channel range 0-100. FSK modulation range 80-90MHz (Channel 0-100 respectively)" ::= { fpcmCtrl 1 } -- fpcmRFLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (25..45) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "FPCM RF level ============= RF level setting in 1dBmV scale. Current supported value is 25-45dBmV" ::= { fpcmCtrl 2 } -- mau OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pbn 6 } -- Product Information Tree -- mauProductInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mau 1 } -- mauProductModelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Product model name" ::= { mauProductInfo 1 } -- mauProductVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Product version number" ::= { mauProductInfo 2 } -- mauProductVersionDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Product build date" ::= { mauProductInfo 3 } -- mauProductMAC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (6)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { mauProductInfo 4 } -- mauProductSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (6)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= { mauProductInfo 5 } -- Monitoring OID which is read-only. -- mauStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mau 2 } -- mauStatusVACType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypePowerSupply ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VAC input type. e.g. '220V'" ::= { mauStatus 1 } -- mauStatus5V OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "+5V supply voltage level. Unit is in Volt e.g. 4.92V" ::= { mauStatus 2 } -- mauStatus12V OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "+12V supply voltage level. Unit is in Volt e.g. 12.00V" ::= { mauStatus 3 } -- mauStatus24V OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "+24V supply voltage level. Unit is in Volt e.g. 24.10V" ::= { mauStatus 4 } -- mauStatusInputOpticalPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Optical input power level. Unit is in dBm e.g. -2.05dBm" ::= { mauStatus 5 } -- mauStatusOutputOpticalPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Optical input power level. Unit is in dBm e.g. -2.05dBm" ::= { mauStatus 6 } -- mauStatusRFOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total RF output power level. Unit is in dBmV e.g. 41.23dBmV total or 25.00dBmV/Ch@42Ch." ::= { mauStatus 7 } -- mauStatusTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Module internal temperature. Unit is in Degree Celsius e.g. 29.25C" ::= { mauStatus 8 } -- mauStatusLid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeTamper ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Device lid open/close status" ::= { mauStatus 9 } -- mauStatusONUInstalled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeYesNo ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "EPON-ONU installed status." ::= { mauStatus 10 } -- mauStatusMOCAInstalled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeYesNo ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MOCA installed status." ::= { mauStatus 11 } -- mauStatusPLCInstalled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeYesNo ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PLC installed status." ::= { mauStatus 12 } -- mauStatusLED OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOnOff ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status LED" ::= { mauStatus 13 } -- mauStatusGainControlLED OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOnOff ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Gain control LED (AGC/MGC) status. ON - AGC mode OFF - MGC mode" ::= { mauStatus 14 } -- mauStatusOpticalInputHighLED OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOnOff ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Optical input high led indicator ON - Optical input is too high." ::= { mauStatus 15 } -- mauStatusOpticalInputLowLED OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOnOff ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Optical input LOW led indicator ON - Optical input is too low." ::= { mauStatus 16 } -- mauStatus5VMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "+5V Supply MIN voltage alarm level" ::= { mauStatus 17 } -- mauStatus5VMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "+5V Supply MAX voltage alarm level" ::= { mauStatus 18 } -- mauStatus12VMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "+12V Supply MIN voltage alarm level" ::= { mauStatus 19 } -- mauStatus12VMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "+12V Supply MAX voltage alarm level" ::= { mauStatus 20 } -- mauStatus24VMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "+24V Supply MIN voltage alarm level" ::= { mauStatus 21 } -- mauStatus24VMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "+24V Supply MAX voltage alarm level" ::= { mauStatus 22 } -- mauStatusInputOpticalPowerMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Optical Input Power MIN alarm level" ::= { mauStatus 23 } -- mauStatusInputOpticalPowerMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Optical Input Power MAX alarm level" ::= { mauStatus 24 } -- mauStatusOutputOpticalPowerMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Optical Output Power MIN alarm level" ::= { mauStatus 25 } -- mauStatusOutputOpticalPowerMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Optical Output Power MAX alarm level" ::= { mauStatus 26 } -- mauStatusTemperatureMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature MIN alarm level" ::= { mauStatus 27 } -- mauStatusTemperatureMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature MAX alarm level" ::= { mauStatus 28 } -- mauStatusGainControlMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Gain Control MIN Level" ::= { mauStatus 29 } -- mauStatusGainControlMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Gain Control MAX Level" ::= { mauStatus 30 } -- mauStatusAgcLock OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeAGCStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "AGC lock when the controlled signal is within range. AGC unlock when agc cannot control the signal or signal is out of range for AGC to operate." ::= { mauStatus 31 } -- mauControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mau 3 } -- mauGainControlMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeGainMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RF gain control setting. 1dB control step. Control range to be adviced." ::= { mauControl 1 } -- mauTrapEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { trapDisabled(1), trapEnabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this trap entry is enabled or not." ::= { mauControl 2 } -- mauPrimaryCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Primary Community String to be used by agent for SNMP GET/SET for mauTrapPrimaryReceiverIPAddress" ::= { mauControl 3 } -- mauSecondaryCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Secondary Community String to be used by agent for SNMP GET/SET for mauTrapSecondaryReceiverIPAddress" ::= { mauControl 4 } -- mauPrimaryTrapReceiverIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The primary Trap Receiver station IP address" ::= { mauControl 5 } -- mauSecondaryTrapReceiverIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The secondary Trap Receiver station IP address" ::= { mauControl 6 } -- mauTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mau 4 } -- mauTrapMessageDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory ::= { mauTraps 1 } -- lte153 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pbn 7 } -- Product Information Tree -- lte153Laser OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lte153 1 } tagID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..23)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Displays the tag name of the device in human-readable format as set by user." ::= { lte153Laser 1 } modelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..23)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Displays the name of the device model number in human-readable format as set from the factory." ::= { lte153Laser 2 } mfgDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..23)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Displays the manufacturing date in human-readable format as set from the factory." ::= { lte153Laser 3 } serialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..23)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Displays the serial number in human-readable format as set from the factory." ::= { lte153Laser 4 } firmwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..23)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Displays the software revision of the device in human-readable format." ::= { lte153Laser 5 } engRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..23)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Displays the engineering revision in human-readable format as set from the factory." ::= { lte153Laser 6 } systemTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(-500..1200) UNITS "tenth of a Celsius degree(C)" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the unit temperature." ::= { lte153Laser 7 } laserCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..1250) UNITS "milliampere(mA)" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns measured laser bias current." ::= { lte153Laser 8 } laserTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(-500..800) UNITS "tenth of a Celsius degree(C)" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the measured laser temperature." ::= { lte153Laser 9 } inputRFLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(-1000..100) UNITS "tenth of a decibel(dB)" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the input RF level." ::= { lte153Laser 10 } compositeRFLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(-1000..100) UNITS "tenth of a decibel(dB)" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the measured composite RF level." ::= { lte153Laser 11 } opticalPowerOut1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(-1000..200) UNITS "tenth of decibel relative to one milliwatt(dBm)" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the optical power output for port 1." ::= { lte153Laser 12 } opticalPowerOut2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(-1000..200) UNITS "tenth of decibel relative to one milliwatt(dBm)" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the optical power output for port 2." ::= { lte153Laser 13 } tecCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(-25000..25000) UNITS "milliampere(mA)" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the current of thermoelectric cooler inside the laser asssembly." ::= { lte153Laser 14 } attenuationSet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(-70..30) UNITS "tenth of a decibel(dB)" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manual mode RF attenuator setpoint." ::= { lte153Laser 15 } omiSetpoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(-30..30) UNITS "tenth of a decibel(dB)" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optical modulation index is implemented for CW or Video AGC modes as RF attenuator setpoint." ::= { lte153Laser 16 } agcMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined(0),manual(1),cw(2),video(3),invalidMode(4) } UNITS "no units" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the AGC mode." ::= { lte153Laser 17 } sbsSuppression OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(140..180) UNITS "tenth of a decibel relative to one milliwatt(dBm)" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SBS suppression level." ::= { lte153Laser 18 } fiberDispersionCntl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined(0),off(1),on(2) } UNITS "no units" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fiber dispersion compensation On/Off control." ::= { lte153Laser 19 } fiberDispersionGain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(-40..40) UNITS "tenth of a volt" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fiber dispersion gain compensation." ::= { lte153Laser 20 } fiberDispersionPhase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(-40..40) UNITS "tenth of a volt" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fiber dispersion phase compensation." ::= { lte153Laser 21 } fiberDispersionSlope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(-40..40) UNITS "tenth of a volt" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fiber dispersion slope compensation." ::= { lte153Laser 22 } laserOnOff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined(0),off(1),on(2) } UNITS "no units" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "returns the active laser On/Off status." ::= { lte153Laser 23 } keyswitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined(0),off(1),on(2) } UNITS "no units" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the status of the front panel keyswitch." ::= { lte153Laser 24 } remoteLaserControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined(0),off(1),on(2) } UNITS "no units" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote laser On/Off control." ::= { lte153Laser 25 } resetCause OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined(0),other(1),powerup(2),command(3),watchdog(4),craft(5) } UNITS "no units" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reports the cause of the last reset." ::= { lte153Laser 26 } resetControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined(0),reset(1) } UNITS "no units" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to reset the transmitter module by writing a 1 to it. Other values written to the object have no effect. Reading the object returns a 1 and has no effect on the module. " ::= { lte153Laser 27 } sbs2GHzPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(-300..300) UNITS "tenth of a decibel relative to one milliwatt(dBm)" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "2GHz SBS output power level." ::= { lte153Laser 28 } sbs6GHzPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(-300..300) UNITS "tenth of a decibel relative to one milliwatt(dBm)" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "6GHz SBS output power level." ::= { lte153Laser 29 } monitor5v OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..70) UNITS "tenth of a volt(V)" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the measured value of the +5V supply." ::= { lte153Laser 30 } monitor12v OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..150) UNITS "tenth of a volt(V)" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the measured value of the +12V supply." ::= { lte153Laser 31 } monitor24v OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..300) UNITS "tenth of a volt(V)" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the measured value of the +24V supply." ::= { lte153Laser 32 } monitorM5v OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(-70..70) UNITS "tenth of a volt(V)" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the measured value of the -5V supply." ::= { lte153Laser 33 } monitorM12v OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(-150..150) UNITS "tenth of a volt(V)" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the measured value of the -12V supply." ::= { lte153Laser 34 } unitStatusEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { systemTempHigh(0), systemTempLow(1), laserCurrentHigh(2), laserCurrentLow(3), laserTempHigh(4), laserTempLow(5), inputRFHigh(6), inputRFLow(7), opticalPowerHigh(8), opticalPowerLow(9), tecCurrentHigh(10), agcUnlock(11), keyInOffPosition(12), remoteOffModeSet(13) } UNITS "no units" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the unit status alarm enable. This value is bit encoded therefore it is capable of indicating multiple alarm enable conditions. The bits are defined as follows: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ |System |System | Laser | Laser | Laser | Laser | Input | Input | | Temp | Temp |Current|Current| Temp | Temp | RF | RF | | High | Low | High | Low | High | Low | Level | Level | | | | | | | | High | Low | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ |Optical|Optical| TEC | AGC |Key in |Remote | | | | Power | Power |Current| Unlock| Off | Off | | | | Out | Out | High | |Position Mode | | | | High | Low | | | | Set | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ " ::= { lte153Laser 35 } unitStatusMajor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { systemTempHigh(0), systemTempLow(1), laserCurrentHigh(2), laserCurrentLow(3), laserTempHigh(4), laserTempLow(5), inputRFHigh(6), inputRFLow(7), opticalPowerHigh(8), opticalPowerLow(9), tecCurrentHigh(10), agcUnlock(11), keyInOffPosition(12), remoteOffModeSet(13) } UNITS "no units" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns a bit mapped status word where each bit set (as defined below) indicates a specific active alarm: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ |System |System | Laser | Laser | Laser | Laser | Input | Input | | Temp | Temp |Current|Current| Temp | Temp | RF | RF | | High | Low | High | Low | High | Low | Level | Level | | | | | | | | High | Low | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ |Optical|Optical| TEC | AGC |Key in |Remote | | | | Power | Power |Current| Unlock| Off | Off | | | | Out | Out | High | |Position Mode | | | | | | | | | Set | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ " ::= { lte153Laser 36 } unitStatusMinor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { systemTempHigh(0), systemTempLow(1), laserCurrentHigh(2), laserCurrentLow(3), laserTempHigh(4), laserTempLow(5), inputRFHigh(6), inputRFLow(7), opticalPowerHigh(8), opticalPowerLow(9), tecCurrentHigh(10), agcUnlock(11), keyInOffPosition(12), remoteOffModeSet(13) } UNITS "no units" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns a bit mapped status word where each bit set (as defined below) indicates a specific active warning: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ |System |System | Laser | Laser | Laser | Laser | Input | Input | | Temp | Temp |Current|Current| Temp | Temp | RF | RF | | High | Low | High | Low | High | Low | Level | Level | | | | | | | | High | Low | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ |Optical|Optical| TEC | AGC |Key in |Remote | | | | Power | Power |Current| Unlock| Off | Off | | | | Out | Out | High | |Position Mode | | | | High | Low | | | | Set | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ " ::= { lte153Laser 37 } unitStatusHistory OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { systemTempHigh(0), systemTempLow(1), laserCurrentHigh(2), laserCurrentLow(3), laserTempHigh(4), laserTempLow(5), inputRFHigh(6), inputRFLow(7), opticalPowerHigh(8), opticalPowerLow(9), tecCurrentHigh(10), agcUnlock(11), keyInOffPosition(12), remoteOffModeSet(13) } UNITS "no units" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns a bit mapped status word where each bit set (as defined below) indicates a an alarm had occurred since the last power up or clear: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ |System |System | Laser | Laser | Laser | Laser | Input | Input | | Temp | Temp |Current|Current| Temp | Temp | RF | RF | | High | Low | High | Low | High | Low | Level | Level | | | | | | | | High | Low | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ |Optical|Optical| TEC | AGC |Key in |Remote | | | | Power | Power |Current| Unlock| Off | Off | | | | Out | Out | High | |Position Mode | | | | High | Low | | | | Set | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ Clear status history by writing a value of 0. " ::= { lte153Laser 38 } miscStatusEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { sbs2GHzPowerHigh(0), sbs2GHzPowerLow(1), sbs6GHzPowerHigh(2), sbs6GHzPowerLow(3), system5VPowerHigh(4), system5VPowerLow(5), system12VPowerHigh(6), system12VPowerLow(7), system24VPowerHigh(8), system24VPowerLow(9), systemM5VPowerHigh(10), systemM5VPowerLow(11), systemM12VPowerHigh(12), systemM12VPowerLow(13), communicationFailure(14), powerSupplyAFailure(16), powerSupplyBFailure(17), coolingFanAFailure(18), coolingFanBFailure(19) } UNITS "no units" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the miscellaneous status alarm enable. This value is bit encoded therefore it is capable of indicating multiple alarm enable conditions. The bits are defined as follows: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | 2 GHz | 2 GHz | 6 GHz | 6 GHz |System |System |System |System | | SBS | SBS | SBS | SBS | +5V | +5V | +12V | +12V | | Power | Power | Power | Power | Power | Power | Power | Power | | High | Low | High | Low | High | Low | High | Low | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ |System |System |System |System |System |System | Comm | | | +24V | +24V | -5V | -5V | -12V | -12V |Failure| | | Power | Power | Power | Power | Power | Power | | | | High | Low | High | Low | High | Low | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | Power | Power |Cooling|Cooling| | | | | | Supply| Supply| Fan | Fan | | | | | | A | B | A | B | | | | | |Failure|Failure|Failure|Failure| | | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ " ::= { lte153Laser 39 } miscStatusMajor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { sbs2GHzPowerHigh(0), sbs2GHzPowerLow(1), sbs6GHzPowerHigh(2), sbs6GHzPowerLow(3), system5VPowerHigh(4), system5VPowerLow(5), system12VPowerHigh(6), system12VPowerLow(7), system24VPowerHigh(8), system24VPowerLow(9), systemM5VPowerHigh(10), systemM5VPowerLow(11), systemM12VPowerHigh(12), systemM12VPowerLow(13), communicationFailure(14), powerSupplyAFailure(16), powerSupplyBFailure(17), coolingFanAFailure(18), coolingFanBFailure(19) } UNITS "no units" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns a bit mapped status word where each bit set (as defined below) indicates a specific active alarm: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | 2 GHz | 2 GHz | 6 GHz | 6 GHz |System |System |System |System | | SBS | SBS | SBS | SBS | +5V | +5V | +12V | +12V | | Power | Power | Power | Power | Power | Power | Power | Power | | High | Low | High | Low | High | Low | High | Low | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ |System |System |System |System |System |System | Comm |Power | | +24V | +24V | -5V | -5V | -12V | -12V |Failure|Supply | | Power | Power | Power | Power | Power | Power | |Failure| | High | Low | High | Low | High | Low | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | Power | Power |Cooling|Cooling| | | | | | Supply| Supply| Fan | Fan | | | | | | A | B | A | B | | | | | |Failure|Failure|Failure|Failure| | | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ " ::= { lte153Laser 40 } miscStatusMinor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { sbs2GHzPowerHigh(0), sbs2GHzPowerLow(1), sbs6GHzPowerHigh(2), sbs6GHzPowerLow(3), system5VPowerHigh(4), system5VPowerLow(5), system12VPowerHigh(6), system12VPowerLow(7), system24VPowerHigh(8), system24VPowerLow(9), systemM5VPowerHigh(10), systemM5VPowerLow(11), systemM12VPowerHigh(12), systemM12VPowerLow(13), communicationFailure(14), powerSupplyAFailure(16), powerSupplyBFailure(17), coolingFanAFailure(18), coolingFanBFailure(19) } UNITS "no units" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns a bit mapped status word where each bit set (as defined below) indicates a specific active warning: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | 2 GHz | 2 GHz | 6 GHz | 6 GHz |System |System |System |System | | SBS | SBS | SBS | SBS | +5V | +5V | +12V | +12V | | Power | Power | Power | Power | Power | Power | Power | Power | | High | Low | High | Low | High | Low | High | Low | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ |System |System |System |System |System |System | Comm |Power | | +24V | +24V | -5V | -5V | -12V | -12V |Failure|Supply | | Power | Power | Power | Power | Power | Power | |Failure| | High | Low | High | Low | High | Low | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | Power | Power |Cooling|Cooling| | | | | | Supply| Supply| Fan | Fan | | | | | | A | B | A | B | | | | | |Failure|Failure|Failure|Failure| | | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ " ::= { lte153Laser 41 } miscStatusHistory OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { sbs2GHzPowerHigh(0), sbs2GHzPowerLow(1), sbs6GHzPowerHigh(2), sbs6GHzPowerLow(3), system5VPowerHigh(4), system5VPowerLow(5), system12VPowerHigh(6), system12VPowerLow(7), system24VPowerHigh(8), system24VPowerLow(9), systemM5VPowerHigh(10), systemM5VPowerLow(11), systemM12VPowerHigh(12), systemM12VPowerLow(13), communicationFailure(14), powerSupplyAFailure(16), powerSupplyBFailure(17), coolingFanAFailure(18), coolingFanBFailure(19) } UNITS "no units" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns a bit mapped status word where each bit set (as defined below) indicates a an alarm had occurred since the last power up or clear: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | 2 GHz | 2 GHz | 6 GHz | 6 GHz |System |System |System |System | | SBS | SBS | SBS | SBS | +5V | +5V | +12V | +12V | | Power | Power | Power | Power | Power | Power | Power | Power | | High | Low | High | Low | High | Low | High | Low | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ |System |System |System |System |System |System | Comm |Power | | +24V | +24V | -5V | -5V | -12V | -12V |Failure|Supply | | Power | Power | Power | Power | Power | Power | |Failure| | High | Low | High | Low | High | Low | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | Power | Power |Cooling|Cooling| | | | | | Supply| Supply| Fan | Fan | | | | | | A | B | A | B | | | | | |Failure|Failure|Failure|Failure| | | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ Clear status history by writing a value of 0. " ::= { lte153Laser 42 } frontPanelLEDStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { laserOn(0), laserOff(1), statusOkay(2), majorAlarmActive(3), minorAlarmActive(4), laserOnRearPanel(5) } UNITS "no units" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns a bit mapped status word where each bit set (as defined below) indicates a specific LED state: 0 1 2 3 4 5 +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | Laser | Laser |Status |Status |Status |LaserOn| | On | Off | Okay | Major | Minor | Rear | | | | | Alarm | Alarm | Panel | | Green | Red | Green | Red | Red | Green | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ " ::= { lte153Laser 43 } upTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the number of elapsed seconds since the last time the unit restarted." ::= { lte153Laser 44 } ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BEGIN transmitter common events ----------------------------------------------------------------------- transmitterNotificationPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lte153Laser 45 } transmitterCommonNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { transmitterNotificationPrefix 0 } transmitterNoAlarmsPresent NOTIFICATION-TYPE -- OBJECTS { } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "No alarms are present." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 0 } transmitterSystemTemperatureHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { unitStatus, systemTemp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system temperature has exceeded its normal operating value." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 1 } transmitterSystemTemperatureLow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { unitStatus, systemTemp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system temperature has exceeded its normal operating value." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 2 } transmitterLaserCurrentHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { unitStatus, laserCurrent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The laser current has exceeded its normal operating value." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 3 } transmitterLaserCurrentLow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { unitStatus, laserCurrent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The laser current has exceeded its normal operating value." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 4 } transmitterLaserTemperatureHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { unitStatus, laserTemperature } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The laser temperature has exceeded its normal operating value." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 5 } transmitterLaserTemperatureLow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { unitStatus, LaserTemp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The laser temperature has exceeded its normal operating value." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 6 } transmitterInputRFLevelHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { unitStatus, inputRFLevel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The input RF level has exceeded its normal operating value." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 7 } transmitterInputRFLevelLow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { unitStatus, inputRFLevel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The input RF level has exceeded its normal operating value." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 8 } transmitterOpticalPowerOutputHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { unitStatus, opticalPowerOut1 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The optical power output has exceeded its normal operating value." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 9 } transmitterOpticalPowerOutputLow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { unitStatus, opticalPowerOut1 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The optical power output has exceeded its normal operating value." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 10 } transmitterTECCurrentHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { unitStatus, tecCurrent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The thermoelectric cooler current has exceeded its normal operating value." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 11 } transmitterAGCUnlocked NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { unitStatus, compositeRFLevel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RF attenuator automatic gain control (AGC) is outside its normal operating range." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 12 } transmitterKeySwitchOffPosition NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { unitStatus, keyswitch } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The key switch is in the OFF position." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 13 } transmitterRemoteLaserOffMode NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { unitStatus, remoteControl } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The remote laser control is commanded to be in OFF mode." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 14 } transmitter2GHzSBSPowerHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { miscStatus, sbs2GHzPower } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 2GHz SBS output power has exceeded its normal operating value." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 15 } transmitter2GHzSBSPowerLow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { miscStatus, sbs2GHzPower } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 2GHz SBS output power has exceeded its normal operating value." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 16 } transmitter6GHzSBSPowerHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { miscStatus, sbs6GHzPower } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 6GHz SBS output power has exceeded its normal operating value." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 17 } transmitter6GHzSBSPowerLow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { miscStatus, sbs6GHzPower } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 6GHz SBS output power has exceeded its normal operating value." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 18 } transmitterSystem5VPowerHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { miscStatus, monitor5v } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system +5V power supply has exceeded its normal operating value." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 19 } transmitterSystem5VPowerLow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { miscStatus, monitor5v } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system +5V power supply has exceeded its normal operating value." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 20 } transmitterSystem12VPowerHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { miscStatus, monitor12v } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system +12V power supply has exceeded its normal operating value." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 21 } transmitterSystem12VPowerLow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { miscStatus, monitor12v } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system +12V power supply has exceeded its normal operating value." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 22 } transmitterSystem24VPowerHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { miscStatus, monitor24v } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system +24V power supply has exceeded its normal operating value." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 23 } transmitterSystem24VPowerLow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { miscStatus, monitor24v } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system +24V power supply has exceeded its normal operating value." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 24 } transmitterSystemM5VPowerHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { miscStatus, monitorM5v } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system -5V power supply has exceeded its normal operating value." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 25 } transmitterSystemM5VPowerLow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { miscStatus, monitorM5v } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system -5V power supply has exceeded its normal operating value." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 26 } transmitterSystemM12VPowerHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { miscStatus, monitorM12v } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system -12V power supply has exceeded its normal operating value." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 27 } transmitterSystemM12VPowerLow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { miscStatus, monitorM12v } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system -12V power supply has exceeded its normal operating value." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 28 } transmitterCommunicationFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { miscStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A failure was detected with the internal network communication interface." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 29 } transmitterPowerSupplyAFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { miscStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A failure was detected with power supply module A." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 30 } transmitterPowerSupplyBFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { miscStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A failure was detected with power supply module B." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 31 } transmitterCoolingFanAFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { miscStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A failure was detected with cooling fan A." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 32 } transmitterCoolingFanBFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { miscStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A failure was detected with cooling fan B." ::= { transmitterCommonNotifications 33 } ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- END transmitter common events ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Product Information Tree -- lte153PowerSupply OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lte153 2 } powerSupplyType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined(0),single5V(1),dualRedundant5V(2),single5-12-24V(3),dualRedundant5-12-24V(4) } UNITS "no units" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the installed power supply type. single5V(1) - Single AC/DC power supply with rated output of 5V at 100W. dualRedundant5V(2) - Dual, redundant AC/DC power supplies with rated output of 5V at 100W each. single5-12-24V(3) - Single AC/DC power supply with rated outputs of 5V, +/-12V and 24V at 100W total. dualRedundant5-12-24V(4) - Dual, redundant AC/DC power supplies with rated outputs of 5V, +/-12V and 24V at 100W total. " ::= { lte153PowerSupply 1 } powerSupplyTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(-500..1200) UNITS "tenth of a Celsius degree(C)" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the power supply regulator temperature." ::= { lte153PowerSupply 2 } powerSupplyStatusA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined(0),nominal(1),failure(2),notInstalled(3) } UNITS "no units" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the operating status of power supply A." ::= { lte153PowerSupply 3 } powerSupplyStatusB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined(0),nominal(1),failure(2),notInstalled(3) } UNITS "no units" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the operating status of power supply B." ::= { lte153PowerSupply 4 } coolingFanA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined(0),nominal(1),failure(2),notInstalled(3) } UNITS "no units" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the operating status of chassis cooling fan A." ::= { lte153PowerSupply 5 } coolingFanB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined(0),nominal(1),failure(2),notInstalled(3) } UNITS "no units" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the operating status of chassis cooling fan B." ::= { lte153PowerSupply 6 } upTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the number of elapsed seconds since the last time the unit restarted." ::= { lte153PowerSupply 7 } ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BEGIN power supply events ----------------------------------------------------------------------- powerSupplyNotificationPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lte153PowerSupply 8 } powerSupplyNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { powerSupplyNotificationPrefix 0 } powerSupplyNoAlarmsPresent NOTIFICATION-TYPE -- OBJECTS { } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "No alarms are present." ::= { powerSupplyNotifications 0 } powerSupplyPowerSupplyFailureA NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { powerSupplyStatusA } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A failure was detected with power supply module A." ::= { powerSupplyNotifications 1 } powerSupplyPowerSupplyFailureB NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { powerSupplyStatusB } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A failure was detected with power supply module B." ::= { powerSupplyNotifications 2 } powerSupplyCoolingFanFailureA NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { coolingFanStatusA } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A failure was detected with chassis cooling fan A." ::= { powerSupplyNotifications 3 } powerSupplyCoolingFanFailureB NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { coolingFanStatusB } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A failure was detected with chassis cooling fan B." ::= { powerSupplyNotifications 4 } ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- END power supply events ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Trap definitions -- -- ************************************************************************** -- ***************** TRAP FOR OCMF, OCMR, OCMC ****************************** -- ************************************************************************** -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap URGENT Alarm module15 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 1 Param 5 Alarm notification" ::= 15 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module16 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 1 Param 6 Alarm notification" ::= 16 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module17 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 1 Param 7 Alarm notification" ::= 17 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module18 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 1 Param 8 Alarm notification" ::= 18 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module19 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 1 Param 9 notification" ::= 19 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module25 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 2 Param 5 notification" ::= 25 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module26 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 2 Param 6 notification" ::= 26 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module27 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 2 Param 7 notification" ::= 27 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap URGENT Alarm module28 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 2 Param 8 notification" ::= 28 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module29 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 2 Param 9 notification" ::= 29 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module35 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 3 Param 5 notification" ::= 35 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module36 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 3 Param 6 notification" ::= 36 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module37 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 3 Param 7 notification" ::= 37 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module38 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 3 Param 8 notification" ::= 38 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module39 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 3 Param 9 notification" ::= 39 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module45 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 4 Param 5 notification" ::= 45 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module46 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 4 Param 6 notification" ::= 46 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module47 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 4 Param 7 notification" ::= 47 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module48 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 4 Param 8 notification" ::= 48 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module49 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 4 Param 9 notification" ::= 49 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module110 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 1 Param 10 notification" ::= 110 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module111 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 1 Param 11 notification" ::= 111 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module112 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 1 Param 12 notification" ::= 112 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module113 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 1 Param 13 notification" ::= 113 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module114 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 1 Param 14 notification" ::= 114 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap URGENT Alarm module115 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 1 Param 15 notification" ::= 115 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module116 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 1 Param 16 notification" ::= 116 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module117 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 1 Param 17 notification" ::= 117 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module118 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 1 Param 18 notification" ::= 118 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module119 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 1 Param 19 notification" ::= 119 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module120 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 1 Param 20 notification" ::= 120 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module121 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 1 Param 21 notification" ::= 121 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module122 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 1 Param 22 notification" ::= 122 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module123 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 1 Param 23 notification" ::= 123 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module124 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 1 Param 24 notification" ::= 124 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module125 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 1 Param 25 notification" ::= 125 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module126 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 1 Param 26 notification" ::= 126 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module127 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 1 Param 27 notification" ::= 127 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module128 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 1 Param 28 notification" ::= 128 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module129 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 1 Param 29 notification" ::= 129 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module130 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 1 Param 30 notification" ::= 130 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module131 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 1 Param 31 notification" ::= 131 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module210 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 2 Param 10 notification" ::= 210 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module211 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 2 Param 11 notification" ::= 211 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module212 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 2 Param 12 notification" ::= 212 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module213 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 2 Param 13 notification" ::= 213 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module214 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 2 Param 14 notification" ::= 214 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module215 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 2 Param 15 notification" ::= 215 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module216 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 2 Param 16 notification" ::= 216 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module217 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 2 Param 17 notification" ::= 217 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap URGENT Alarm module218 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 2 Param 18 notification" ::= 218 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module219 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 2 Param 19 Alarm notification" ::= 219 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module220 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 2 Param 20 notification" ::= 220 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module221 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 2 Param 21 notification" ::= 221 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module222 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 2 Param 22 notification" ::= 222 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module223 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 2 Param 23 notification" ::= 223 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module224 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 2 Param 24 notification" ::= 224 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module225 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 2 Param 25 notification" ::= 225 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module226 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 2 Param 26 notification" ::= 226 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module227 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 2 Param 27 notification" ::= 227 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module228 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 2 Param 28 notification" ::= 228 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module229 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 2 Param 29 notification" ::= 229 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module230 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 2 Param 30 notification" ::= 230 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module231 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 2 Param 31 notification" ::= 231 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module310 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 3 Param 10 notification" ::= 310 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap URGENT Alarm module311 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 3 Param 11 notification" ::= 311 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module312 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 3 Param 12 notification" ::= 312 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module313 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 3 Param 13 notification" ::= 313 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module314 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 3 Param 14 notification" ::= 314 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module315 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 3 Param 15 notification" ::= 315 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module316 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 3 Param 16 notification" ::= 316 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module317 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 3 Param 17 notification" ::= 317 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module318 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 3 Param 18 notification" ::= 318 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module319 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 3 Param 19 notification" ::= 319 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module320 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 3 Param 20 notification" ::= 320 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap URGENT Alarm module321 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 3 Param 21 notification" ::= 321 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap URGENT Alarm module322 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 3 Param 22 notification" ::= 322 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap URGENT Alarm module323 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 3 Param 23 notification" ::= 323 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap URGENT Alarm module324 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 3 Param 24 notification" ::= 324 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap URGENT Alarm module325 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 3 Param 25 notification" ::= 325 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap URGENT Alarm module326 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 3 Param 26 notification" ::= 326 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap URGENT Alarm module327 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 3 Param 27 notification" ::= 327 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap URGENT Alarm module328 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 3 Param 28 notification" ::= 328 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap URGENT Alarm module329 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 3 Param 29 notification" ::= 329 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap URGENT Alarm module330 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 3 Param 30 notification" ::= 330 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap URGENT Alarm module331 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 3 Param 31 notification" ::= 331 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module410 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 4 Param 10 notification" ::= 410 -- ************************************************************************** -- pbnTrap : The PBN enterprise trap NONURGENT Alarm module411 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { ocmSlot, ocmParam, ocmParamString, ocmParamStatus } DESCRIPTION "PBN Module 4 Param 11 notification" ::= 411 -- ************************************************************************** -- CPON-100 Contact Input Trap cpon100ContactInput TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cpon100Trap VARIABLES { cpon100TrapMsg, cpon100MACAddr, cpon100TrapStatus, contactInput } DESCRIPTION "CPON-100 Tamper alarm" ::= 412 -- ************************************************************************** -- CPON-100 Sensing Input Trap cpon100sensingInput TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cpon100Trap VARIABLES { cpon100TrapMsg, cpon100MACAddr, cpon100TrapStatus, sensingInput } DESCRIPTION "CPON-100 Battery alarm" ::= 413 -- ************************************************************************** -- CPON-100 CATV Status Trap cpon100CATVAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cpon100Trap VARIABLES { catvStatus, cpon100TrapMsg, cpon100MACAddr, cpon100TrapStatus } DESCRIPTION "CPON-100 CATV alarm" ::= 414 mauStatus5VTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { mauProductMAC, mauTrapMessageDescr, mauStatus5V } ::= 415 mauStatus12VTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { mauProductMAC, mauTrapMessageDescr, mauStatus12V } ::= 416 mauStatus24VTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { mauProductMAC, mauTrapMessageDescr, mauStatus24V } ::= 417 mauStatusInputOpticalPowerTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { mauProductMAC, mauTrapMessageDescr, mauStatusInputOpticalPower } ::= 418 mauStatusOutputOpticalPowerTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { mauProductMAC, mauTrapMessageDescr, mauStatusOutputOpticalPower } ::= 419 mauStatusRFOutputTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { mauProductMAC, mauTrapMessageDescr, mauStatusRFOutputPower } ::= 420 mauStatusTemperatureTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { mauProductMAC, mauTrapMessageDescr, mauStatusTemperature } ::= 421 mauStatusLidTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pbnTrap VARIABLES { mauProductMAC, mauTrapMessageDescr, mauStatusLid } ::= 422 END -- -- PBN-MIB.mib --