PEGASUS-LEAN-TRAP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, OBJECT-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC pegasusMibModule FROM PEGASUS-MIB; pegasusLeanTrapModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200502020000Z" -- 2 Feb, 2005 ORGANIZATION "Schmid Telecom, Zurich" CONTACT-INFO "Schmid Telecom AG Binzstrasse 35, CH-8048 Zurich Switzerland Email:" DESCRIPTION "Pegasus is an SDSL system manufactured by Schmid Telecom Zurich. The information base is defined in PEGASUS-MIB. This MIB singles out the definitions of notification types from that MIB. This allows us to keep the base MIB clearer, and also to have alternative sets of notifications as separate MIBs. The notification types defined in this module are centered around the idea of having a minimal set of notification types, and add the information to the varbindings list of the notification. Here are some examples. The first two were caused by interrupting the DSL line of an running Iad (DSL link and card both unlocked). The third and fourth are generated when the DSL line is restored. sysUpTime.0 0:0:42:36.21 snmpTrapOID.0 pegasusAlarm sender dslInterfaceAvailabilityStatus.5.1.ltu senderObjectName LineCard:DSLInterfaceId=LTU,DSLLinkId=0,slotId=5 senderDescription dslInterface 5.1.ltu probableCause dslLoswFailure probableCauseText DSL_LOSW_FAILURE perceivedSeverity minor perceivedSeverityText MINOR sysUpTime.0 0:0:42:36.22 snmpTrapOID.0 pegasusAlarm sender dslLinkActiveLoop.5.1 senderObjectName LineCard:DSLLinkId=0,slotId=5 senderDescription dslLink 5.1 probableCause dslUserService probableCauseText DSL_USER_SERVICE perceivedSeverity minor perceivedSeverityText MINOR sysUpTime.0 0:0:42:56.21 snmpTrapOID.0 pegasusAlarm sender dslInterfaceAvailabilityStatus.5.1.ltu senderObjectName LineCard:DSLInterfaceId=LTU,DSLLinkId=0,slotId=5 senderDescription dslInterface 5.1.ltu probableCause dslLoswFailure probableCauseText DSL_LOSW_FAILURE perceivedSeverity cleared perceivedSeverityText CLEARED sysUpTime.0 0:0:42:59.21 snmpTrapOID.0 pegasusAlarm sender dslLinkActiveLoop.5.1 senderObjectName LineCard:DSLLinkId=0,slotId=5 senderDescription dslLink 5.1 probableCause dslUserService probableCauseText DSL_USER_SERVICE perceivedSeverity cleared perceivedSeverityText CLEARED Note - If the Dsl link (or the DSL card) is locked, the traps would have been suppressed. - Two traps are for the DSL interface, with probableCause dslLoswFailure, indicating a condition of loss of synchronization word. The first has perceivedSeverity minor, the second cleared, to show that the condition has ceased and synchronization regained. - Likewise, for the DSL link, a pair of probableCause dslUserService is sent, with severity minor and then again cleared. - The 'affected managed object' is identified by the JMX object name in senderObjectName, and also be the variable name (OID) in sender. The choice of the variable is arbitrary, usually it is the variable with the lowest OID value (the first variable) of tha 'affected managed object'. - The JMX senderObjectName contains a domain (LineCard in our examples), and a list of attributes, e.g. link, interface and slot numbers. The numbers usually start at zero, while the SNMP index values start at one, as is usual with SNMP. To get the SNMP index value, add one to the JMX value." REVISION "200502020000Z" -- 2 Feb, 2005 DESCRIPTION "Added new probableCause values." REVISION "200412170000Z" -- 17 Dec, 2004 DESCRIPTION "Updated probableCause values." REVISION "200403180000Z" -- 15 Mar, 2004 DESCRIPTION "Updated probableCause. Added some new values and modified existing values." REVISION "200401150000Z" -- 15 Jan, 2004 DESCRIPTION "Updated probableCause. New value writeError(77)." REVISION "200311110000Z" -- 11 Nov, 2003 DESCRIPTION "Updated probableCause. New last value is m16ProgramTransfer(76)." REVISION "200303210000Z" -- 21 Mar, 2003 DESCRIPTION "Appended five new literals into enumeration ProbableCause: - unsupported2ndV5Card(47), - currentLimit(48), - watsonDTRFailed(49), - softwareMismatch(50), - hardwareProblem(51)" REVISION "200209190000Z" -- 19 Sep, 2002 DESCRIPTION "Inserted four new literals into enumeration ProbableCause: - iadDCContinuity(34), - v5InterfaceIDFailure(44), - v5InterfaceProvisMismatch(45), - v5LinkIdFailure(46) Warning: dslConfig and all other old literals defined after it have changed their ordinal values!" REVISION "200204250000Z" -- 25 Apr, 2002 DESCRIPTION "Added senderDescription. Renamed 'alarm' to 'pegasusAlarm', to help with name conflicts. Made corresponding changes to trap examples above." REVISION "200204020000Z" -- 2 Apr, 2002 DESCRIPTION "Added missing import of DisplayString." REVISION "200203140000Z" -- 14 Mar, 2002 DESCRIPTION "Added some trap example dumps and explanation to the module description." REVISION "200202180000Z" -- 18 Feb, 2002 DESCRIPTION "The two trap types were collapsed into one. The former changedAlarm is now represented by an 'alarm' with exactly the same parameters. The former newAlarm was used when the perceivedSeverity changed from CLEARED (i.e. alarm not present) to other than cleared. This is now also reported through the single trap type 'alarm'. The senderText variable was removed. Each of sender and senderObjectName alone exactly identifies the object affected, and senderText was redundant." REVISION "200202140000Z" -- 14 Feb, 2002 DESCRIPTION "Initial revision." ::= { pegasusMibModule 5 } leanTrapObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pegasusLeanTrapModule 1 } leanNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pegasusLeanTrapModule 2 } leanTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { leanNotifications 0 } sender OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 'sender' of the trap is the SNMP object which caused the event or experienced the condition reported by this trap. Typically, the object identifier is the first accessible column of the table entry representing the sender, in the SNMP table representing objects of the senders type." ::= { leanTrapObjects 1 } senderObjectName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The canonical form of the JMX object name for the object which sent the trap. This is a compact and unique representation readable both to man and machine. " ::= { leanTrapObjects 2 } senderDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A description of the sender (affected managed object). The description is human readable, unique, and easy to parse. It consists of a single word describing the kind of sender, optionally followed by a space and a complete SNMP index value for the MIB table related to the sender. The space is omitted if there is no index (pegasusSystem only). The index value is expressed as a sequence of numbers separated by dots. The last number may actually be a string (only with dslInterface, 'ltu' or 'ntu'). The table below contains schematic representations for all types of objects, with ranges for the index values, and examples. In the table, s is a slot number, l a link or trunk number, i an interface number, n a user port number (on the Iad) or a logical comm channel number. dataPort s.l s=1,0