-- For an overview of this MIB, see the DESCRIPTION of the module. -- -- References -- -- G.964 ITU-T Recommendation G.964, V Interfaces at the digital local -- exchange (LE) - V5.1-interface (based on 2048 kbit/s) for the -- support of access network (AN), June 1994 -- -- G.965 ITU-T Recommendation G.965, V-interfaces at the digital local -- exchange (LE) - V5.2 interface (based on 2048 kbit/s) for the -- support of access network (AN), March 1995 -- -- X.721 ITU-T Recommendation X.721, Information Technology - Open Systems -- Interconnection - Structure of Management Information: Definition of -- Management Information, 1992 -- The identical text is also published as ISO/IEC International -- Standard 10165-2. -- -- X.731 ITU-T Recommendation X.731, Information Technology - Open Systems -- Interconnection - Systems Management: State Management Function, -- January 1992 -- The identical text is also published as ISO/IEC International -- Standard 10164-2. -- -- SDSL Symmetrical single pair high bitrate Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL), -- ETSI TS 101 524, V1.1.1 (2001-04). -- -- RFC 1597 Address Allocation for Private Internets -- -- 802.3 Carrier Sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) -- access method and physical layer specifications. -- IEEE Std 802.3, 1998 Edition -- -- This MIB has been tested with the following SNMP tools: -- -- AdventNet SnmpUtilities 4.0.0 Standard Editition (Evaluation) -- -- Castle Rock Computing SNMPc 6.0.9 Workgroup Edition -- -- net-snmp 5.0.6 -- -- MG-Soft MIB Browser Professional Edition (Evaluation) -- PEGASUS-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS enterprises, Integer32, Counter32, IpAddress, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString, TruthValue, RowStatus, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC; pegasusMibModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200412170000Z" -- 17 December, 2004 ORGANIZATION "Schmid Telecom, Zurich" CONTACT-INFO "Schmid Telecom AG Binzstrasse 35, CH-8048 Zurich Switzerland Email: xdslsupport@schmid-telecom.ch" DESCRIPTION "This MIB applies to the PEGASUS SDSL product manufactured by Schmid Telecom Zurich. The MIB is modelled after the PEM management model, so object hierarchy and individual variables agree with the PEM client. The overall structure is five groups, one for each of DSL, V5 and Data cards, one with global parameters for the whole rack, and finally one group for performance history measurement. The DSL group contains four tables: - dslCardTable one entry for each DSL card (line card) configured. - dslLinkTable one entry for each DSL link. - dslInterfaceTable one entry per DSL interface, i.e. two per DSL link. - iadTable one entry per DSL link. - dslLinkCosTable one entry per DSL link. The V5 group contains five tables: - v5CardTable one entry for each V5 card configured. - v5LinkTable one entry for each V5 link. - v5InterfaceTable one entry for each V5 interface. - v5IsdnPortTable one entry per ISDN User Port (S0 interface on IAD). - v5LccTable one entry per Logical Communication Channel. The data switch group contains two tables: - dataCardTable one entry per data card (normally one) - dataPortTable one entry per trunk interface. The Pegasus System group contains individual variables related to the rack as a whole. The perf group for performance histories contains two tables and one extra variable: - perfSweeperCyclePeriod how soon are unused perfDataTable entries cleared - perfControlTable configuration of performance history monitoring - perfDataTable performance history registers Note - Notification definitions are singled out to their own MIB, to allow for alternative sets of notification styles. - Tables in this MIB are indexed hierarchically with physical attributes. E.g. all cards are indexed by the slot number. DSL links are indexed by two variables: first the slot number of the DSL card which carries the link, then the number of the link within that card. - Unlike the PEM client, this MIB does not model V5 Physical Communication Channels explicitely. They have no interesting variables of their own. Rather, the user allots a range of these objects through the V5 link configuration, and then maps the Logical Communication Channels to them (using indexes within the alloted range, of course). These objects are then created, deleted and managed under the hood. - V5 interfaces are logical entities, unlike DSL interfaces. - ISDN user ports are physically part of the IAD, and are indexed by DSL attributes. Their configuration, though, belongs to V5, so the user port tables are in the V5 group, not in the DSL group." REVISION "200412170000Z" -- 17 December, 2004 DESCRIPTION "A new table dslLinkCosTable has been added to the dsl branch to allow the configuration of the Class of Service (COS) attributes. Each row within this table corresponds to a DSL link. Besides, some missing type and variable descriptions have been added." REVISION "200406140000Z" -- 14 June, 2004 DESCRIPTION "Line identifiers are have been added for ISDN user ports and V5 links." REVISION "200404080000Z" -- 8 April, 2004 DESCRIPTION "Maximum size of dslLinkAddress and trapDestination have been increased." REVISION "200312110000Z" -- 11 December, 2003 DESCRIPTION "Improved the description of DslLinkLoopEnum. The variables v5IsdnPortActiveLoop and authRespEnabled are now obsolete. The agent never sends an error message if the request contains a wrong community string." REVISION "200310300000Z" -- 30 October, 2003 DESCRIPTION "Corrected the value range of perfSweepCyclePeriod. The new maximum value is 604800 seconds (1 week)." REVISION "200310240000Z" -- 24 October, 2003 DESCRIPTION "Declared perfControlEffectiveUpdatePeriod as obsolete. The definition would be now redundant to perfControlUpdatePeriod. The behaviour of v5LccPccV5LinkNumber/v5LccPccTimeslot has been modified. The assignment of a PCC becomes active after both attributes have been set. To erase the PCC, only one of these attributes has to be set to 0. Write access is allowed for RowStatus active now. The comments of attributes and table habe been aapted." REVISION "200310020000Z" -- 2 October, 2003 DESCRIPTION "Declared hwAdaptionPolicy as obsolete. The definition of DataPortSpeedEnum and DataPortFlowConrtolEnum has been moved within the MIB file to make possible the compilation without errors using the MG-Soft MIB Compiles. This revision of the MIB is compatible with the preceeding revision." REVISION "200303140000Z" -- 14 March, 2003 DESCRIPTION "Deleted all IP base address objects: dslCardIPBaseAddress, dataCardIPBaseAddress, and v5CardIPBaseAddress. The base address of a card can no longer be set through Pegasus Management, but only through the CLI on the card itself. The remaining objects were renumbered to keep the numbering compact, so this revision of the MIB is again NOT COMPATIBLE with preceeding revisions! Changed the type of perfControlIndex and perfDataIndex from INTEGER to Integer32, with range (1..2147483647), which is the set of positive values possible for an Integer32. This change is rather formal (Integer32 is indistinguishable from INTEGER, as SNMPv2-SMI puts it, that is, its serialisation is identical to INTEGER), but it makes certain parsers happy. In fact, the value is always chosen by the client, and the agent gladly takes what it gets - including 0 and negative values." REVISION "200303110000Z" -- 11 March, 2003 DESCRIPTION "Deleted all config version objects: dslCardConfigVersion, v5CardConfigVersion, and dataCardConfigVersion. These objects were never really useful for customers, and so have been removed. Objects following them were renumbered, so this revision of the MIB is NOT COMPATIBLE with preceeding revisions! Added new literals at end of DataPortSpeedEnum and DataPortFlowControlEnum to convey that the value of a (read-only) status variable is currently unknown (for example because a sub-device like the Iad cannot be queried because is not connected). Added four new objects to the Iad table, to describe configuration and corresponding status of the Ethernet port on the Iad. This was mandated by the Iad Rev. B, which can control its Ethernet port and also report its status. For the older Iad Rev. B, control and status of the Ethernet port are not available, and the new objects will read with fixed values. The objects are: iadEthPortSpeed, iadEthCurrentPortSpeed, iadEthFlowControl, iadEthCurrentFlowControl." REVISION "200210090000Z" -- 9 October, 2002 DESCRIPTION "SignalQuality and Attenuation were prefixed with dslLink in dslInterfaceEntry sequence, changed to dslInterface. Type DslLinkNumber was defined as 1..8, but V5 configurations already hold user port parameters for future DSL cards with 16 DSL links. This caused problems with some clients, so the definition was changed to 1..16. Revamped description of writeCommunity." REVISION "200209190000Z" -- 19 September, 2002 DESCRIPTION "The following objects were added or changed: dataPortSpeed New literal autoCrossoverAndPortSpeed(1) was added to type DataPortSpeedEnum. Warning: existing literals have changed their ordinal numbers. Revamped description, added reference. v5CardFlags Four new objects added to table v5CardTable, and v5CardETSIRelease the new type V5CardFlagSet. v5CardE1LineCode v5CardFrameFormat v5LinkAlarmStatus New literal v5LinkAlarmIdFailure(6) was added to type V5LinkAlarmStatusElem (at the end, without changing the ordinal numbers of existing literals). iadAlarmStatus New literal dcContinuity(2) was added to type IadAlarmStatusElem (at the end, without changing the ordinal numbers of existing literals). dslInterfaceSignalQuality Three new objects added to dslInterfaceTable. dslInterfaceAttenuation v5InterfaceAlarmStatus" REVISION "200208230000Z" -- 23 August, 2002 DESCRIPTION "Fixed a number of typos and formatting problems. Renamed l2 group to data group. (Input from BBe)." REVISION "200207160000Z" -- 16 July, 2002 DESCRIPTION "Changed all type assignments with BITS to textual conventions (BITS is part of the OBJECT-TYPE and TEXTUAL-CONVENTION macros (for SMI v2 only), but not a ASN.1 builtin or DefinedType, and so cannot be used in a type assignment or sequence definition). The types are: AvailabilityStatusElem, DslLinkAlarmElem, DslCardAlarmStatus, IadAlarmStatusElem, DslPerformanceStatusElem, V5LinkAlarmStatusElem, V5IsdnPortAlarmStatusElem, RackAlarmStatusElem, PerfControlStatus. Added import clause for TEXTUAL-CONVENTION. Changed dataCardAvailabilityStatus in DataCardEntry from BITS to AvailabilityStatusElem. Changed spelling bit-names of AvailabilityStatusElem to agree with ASN.1 definitions in X.721. Added description for the AvailabilityStatusElem textual convention (taken from attributes, with updates). In v5CardTable and v5LccTable, changed all read-write access clauses to read-create. Improved list of references in initial comment. Added list of tools tested with this MIB to initial comment. Constrained type Priority to (0..7). Constrained dslLinkNumberOfZBits to (0..1)." REVISION "200207030000Z" -- 3 July, 2002 DESCRIPTION "dslLinkAssignedTrunk was TrunkNumber in its Object-Type definition, fixed to TrunkNumberOrZero. For dslCardIPBaseAddress, v5CardIPBaseAddress and dataCardIPBaseAddress: corrected descriptions and examples to have plausible slot-numbers. ipBaseAddress adapted, with general examples." REVISION "200206240000Z" -- 24 June, 2002 DESCRIPTION "User manual realignment with syntax errors fixed, raw version." REVISION "200206200000Z" -- 20 June, 2002 DESCRIPTION "Changed all ...IPAddressPrefix variable names to ...IPBaseAddress (dslCard, v5Card, dataCard, pegasusSystem. Changed the variable in pegasusSystem from DisplayString to IpAddress, to agree with other variables. Renamed dataCardAlarmStatus to rackAlarmStatus (also renamed the associated BITS type to RackAlarmStatusElem). Moved to pegasusSystem. Renamed dslLinkAssociatedTrunk to dslLinkAssignedTrunk, to realign with PEMClient. Eliminated type DataPortNumber, used TrunkNumber in its place. Also created type TrunkNumberOrZero, to allow reference to 'no trunk'. Renamed ...ProgramVersion to ...FirmwareVersion: dslCard, dslCardM16, iad, v5Card, dataCard. Removed dataPortVLAN (and its type VLanId): is automatically computed as part of the enhanced switching configuration. For future general VLAN switching, it will be configured through standard MIBs. Removed FilterBroadcast and FilterUnknown for both dslLink and dataPort: present in the devices, but not in the PEMClient. It was not clear if these are useful, and according to PSt it was decided to 'hide' them. Removed special(4) from DslLinkLoopEnum - no longer supported." REVISION "200206070000Z" -- 7 June, 2002 DESCRIPTION "Removed ProceduralStatus and its enumeration type from all three cards and IAD. Fixed spelling of 'v5LccIsProteced' to 'v5LccIsProtected'. Improved various descriptions." REVISION "200205220000Z" -- 22 May, 2002 DESCRIPTION "Changed Gauge32 in perfData to Integer32, removed import for Gauge32. Added description for v5CardRowStatus." REVISION "200205100000Z" -- 10 May, 2002 DESCRIPTION "Improved descriptions for dslLink{DataRate,LinkRate,NumberOfBRA} and dslLinkDynamicSlotAllocation. Added 6 remaining objects for SNMP configuration to group pegasusSystem (read/write/trapCommunity, agentPort, authRespEnabled, trapDestination). Improved description of objects in perf group. DslCard, dataCard: removed AdminState, renumbered attributes contiguously. v5Lcc: renumbered objects contiguously, starting at 1. v5Interface: added RowStatus, changed all read-write objects to read-create, renumbered objects contigously, starting at 1. v5Link: added RowStatus, changed all read-write objects to read-create. iad: removed AdminState, renumbered attributes contiguously." REVISION "200204250000Z" -- 25 Apr, 2002 DESCRIPTION "Added group for performance history of V5 links and DSL interfaces. Added description for dslLinkNumberOfBRA, dslLinkDataRate, and dslLinkLineRate." REVISION "200204160000Z" -- 16 Apr, 2002 DESCRIPTION "Changed numbering scheme. { schmidtelecom 1 } is now reserved for a centralized registry, and the pegasusMibModule is { schmidtelecom 2 }. All groups and objects in this and other Pegasus MIBs are below pegasusMibModule." REVISION "200204030000Z" -- 3 Apr, 2002 DESCRIPTION "v5CardTable and V5LccTable (LogCommChan) now have a RowStatus. For v5CardTable, this controls provisioning mode, but it does not yet support creation. For v5LccTable, it controls verification of the v5LccPccV5LinkNumber and and v5LccPccTimeslot columns, which define the Pcc (PhysCommChan) (i.e. the RowStatus supports transactions on these values). Again, creation is not yet supported for v5LccTable. The new object mibRevision holds the revision number of the MIB with which the agent was compiled." REVISION "200203190000Z" -- 19 Mar, 2002 DESCRIPTION "Added missing import of DisplayString. Changed definitions of dslInterface counter values to Counter32 consistently. Added one missing variable to V5IsdnPortEntry sequence." REVISION "200203140000Z" -- 14 Mar, 2002 DESCRIPTION "Initial comments updated and moved to the module description, where they are more useful for typical browsers." REVISION "200203010000Z" -- 1 Mar, 2002 DESCRIPTION "Added PegasusSystem." REVISION "200202280000Z" -- 28 Feb, 2002 DESCRIPTION "Removed dslInterfaceIsRestartEnabled. Renumbered dslInterfaceEntry and dslLinkEntry columns to start with one and form a compact sequence." REVISION "200202180000Z" -- 18 Feb, 2002 DESCRIPTION "Added initial comment with overview and additional hints. Corrected spelling of CommStateEnum literals to comply with SNMPv2 (dashes were replaced by mixed-case spelling). Added VLAN support (DSL link and data card port). Presently only for enhanced mode, transparent and VLAN modes to come. Removed some VLAN related definitions which are not yet used." REVISION "200202140000Z" -- 14 Feb, 2002 DESCRIPTION "Added definitions for data switch and data switch port." REVISION "200201250000Z" -- 25 Jan, 2002 DESCRIPTION "Added object-type definition of v5IsdnPortAlarmStatus. Renumbered remaining objects." REVISION "200201230000Z" -- 23 Jan, 2002 DESCRIPTION "Changed all occurrences of NetworkAddress to IpAddress (imported from SNMPv2-SMI). NetworkAddress was in SNMPv1, but was replaced by IpAddress for SNMPv2. Corrected dataCardVLANMode to SYNTAX TruthValue - it erronously used NetworkAddress. Correct the year on the previous revision clause." REVISION "200012210000Z" -- 21 Dec, 2001 DESCRIPTION "Initial revision." ::= { schmidtelecom 2 } schmidtelecom OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 6368 } --pegasus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { schmidtelecom 2 } -- groups dsl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pegasusMibModule 1 } v5 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pegasusMibModule 2 } data OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pegasusMibModule 3 } pegasusSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pegasusMibModule 4 } -- reserve { pegasusMibModule 5 } for leanTrapModule -- reserve { pegasusMibModule 6 } for oldTrapModule perf OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pegasusMibModule 7 } -- General Pegasus Enumerations and Subranges AdminStateEnum ::= INTEGER { locked(1), unlocked(2), shutdown(3) } OperStateEnum ::= INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } AvailabilityStatusElem ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The availability status gives more detailed information about failures within a device. An empty status set means that no error exists. Possible status are: inTest The device is under test. failed The device has an internal fault that prevents it from operating. powerOff The device requires power to be applied and is not powered on. offLine The device requires a routine operation to be performed to place it online and make it available for use. offDuty The device has been made inactive by an internal control process in accordance with a predetermined time schedule. dependency The device can not operate because some other resource on which it depends is unavailable. degraded The device is partially defective but still operable. notInstalled The device is not present, or incomplete. logFull The log is full." REFERENCE "X.731, section (explanation) X.721, section 14.2 (formal definition of values)" SYNTAX BITS { inTest(0), failed(1), powerOff(2), offLine(3), offDuty(4), dependency(5), degraded(6), notInstalled(7), logFull(8) } CommStateEnum ::= -- literals: must lc initial, no _ INTEGER { disconnected(1), -- agent-device connection not established init(2), -- slot-card side only: wait for agent to connect identification(3), -- identification of detected device checkHw(4), -- substate of identification: compare HW version hwAdaption(5), -- agent side only: MBean is adapted to match HW checkHwVers(6), -- substate of identification: compare program version wrongProgram(7), -- program update is initiated checkConfig(8), -- substate of identification: compare config version downloadConfig(9), -- configuration is downloaded from remote object uploadConfig(10), -- configuration is uploaded to remote object statusSynch(11), -- dynamic attributes are being synchronised resetting(12), -- the device is going to be reset inactive(13), -- object is in inactive state active(14) -- connection was successfully established } DataPortSpeedEnum ::= INTEGER { autoCrossoverAndPortSpeed(1), autoNegotiationPortSpeed(2), base100TFullDuplex(3), base100THalfDuplex(4), base10TFullDuplex(5), base10THalfDuplex(6), unknown(7) } DataPortFlowControlEnum ::= INTEGER { autoNegotiationFlowControl(1), onFlowControl(2), offFlowControl(3), unknown(4) } SlotNumber ::= INTEGER(1..12) DataCardSlotNumber ::= INTEGER(1..2) V5SlotNumber ::= INTEGER(3..4) DslSlotNumber ::= INTEGER(5..12) DslLinkNumber ::= INTEGER(1..16) TrunkNumber ::= INTEGER(1..5) TrunkNumberOrZero ::= INTEGER(0..5) Priority ::= INTEGER(0..7) -- for VLANs -- ******************************************************************* -- dsl card group -- -- This group contains four tables: -- - dslCardTable -- - dslLinkTable -- - iadTable -- - dslInterfaceTable -- ******************************************************************* -- Dsl Card Enumerations and Subranges DslLinkLoopEnum ::= INTEGER { none(1), loop1(2), -- Loopback at the output of the LTU DSL circuits loop2(3) -- Loopback at the input of the IAD DSL circuits } DslLinkAlarmElem ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bitset to represent alarms on a DSL link." SYNTAX BITS { config(0), service(1) } DslLinkPSDMaskEnum ::= INTEGER { symmetric(1), asymmetric(2) } -- DSL Card: DSL Card Table DslCardAlarmStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bitset to represent alarms on a DSL card." SYNTAX BITS { intercom(0) } dslCardTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DslCardEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing line card specific information." ::= { dsl 1 } dslCardEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DslCardEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row and index definition for line card table." INDEX { dslCardSlotNumber } ::= { dslCardTable 1 } DslCardEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dslCardSlotNumber DslSlotNumber, --Device Part, without AdminState dslCardAvailabilityStatus AvailabilityStatusElem, dslCardHardwareVersion DisplayString, dslCardManufacturer DisplayString, dslCardName DisplayString, dslCardOperState OperStateEnum, dslCardFirmwareVersion DisplayString, dslCardSerialNumber DisplayString, --action installNewSoftware --SlotCard Part dslCardCommState CommStateEnum, --DslCard Specific Part dslCardAlarmStatus DslCardAlarmStatus, dslCardM16FirmwareVersion DisplayString } dslCardSlotNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DslSlotNumber MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Slot number for line card." ::= { dslCardEntry 1 } dslCardAvailabilityStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AvailabilityStatusElem MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The availability status gives more detailed information about failures within a device. An empty status set means that no error exists. Possible status are: in test The device is under test. failed The device has an internal fault that prevents it from operating. power off The device requires power to be applied and is not powered on. off line The device requires a routine operation to be performed to place it online and make it available for use. off duty The device has been made inactive by an internal control process in accordance with a predetermined time schedule. dependency The device can not operate because some other resource on which it depends is unavailable. degraded The device is partially defective but still operable. not installed The device is not present, or incomplete. log full The log is full." ::= { dslCardEntry 2 } dslCardHardwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hardware version of the Line card. This is also called CHM-number (it always starts with the letters 'CHM'). Example: CHM40510WA0A2. The number '405' after the 'CHM' identifies the card as a line card." ::= { dslCardEntry 3 } dslCardManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of company which manufactured this line card/ltu." ::= { dslCardEntry 4 } dslCardName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User defined ame of line card." ::= { dslCardEntry 5 } dslCardOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OperStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state is a status property indicating whether or not a device is physically installed and working. enabled The device is partially or fully operable and available for use. disabled The device is totally inoperable and unavailable to provide service." ::= { dslCardEntry 6 } dslCardFirmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Version number and build date of the firmware running on the line card. This applies to the PPC part, the M16 firmware part has its own version attribute, dslCardM16FirmwareVersion. Example: '1.3 20020607 16:34' The format is 'major.minor YYYYMMDD hh:mm', where the fields are: major Major and minor version numbers, separated by a dot. Take at minor most 5 characters together, including the space. Both major and minor consist of digits only. YYYYMMDD Date (year YYYY, month MM 1-12 and day DD 1-31) of firmware build. Preceded and followed by exactly one space to separate it from the version numbers and time. hh:mm Time (hour hh 0-23 and minute mm 0-59) of firmware build." ::= { dslCardEntry 7 } dslCardSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Serial number of the line card. Also called HM-number, as it always starts with 'HM'. Example: HMVSS014810294." ::= { dslCardEntry 8 } dslCardCommState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Management Comm State indicates the state of the management connection between the PEM Server and the line card. disconnected No connection has been established. init A connection has freshly been established on the underlying protocol, but no management information has been transmitted so far. identification The connected device is being identified. check hardware The connected hardware is compared to the one stored in the configuration. hardware adaptation If the configured and the existing device do not match, an adoption is made. The behaviour in this case can be configured with the 'HW Adaptation Policy' option. check program version The program version of the connected hardware is compared to the one stored in the configuration. check config version The configuration version of the connected hardware is compared to the one stored in the configuration. download config If a configuration version mismatch has been detected and the 'Config Priority' of 'PEGASUS system' is set to 'Device', the configuration is downloaded from the device to the PEM Server. upload config If a configuration version mismatch has been detected and the 'Config Priority' of 'PEGASUS system' is set to 'Server', the configuration is uploaded from the PEM Server to the device. status synch The values of the status properties are being synchronised. resetting The device is resetting. inactive The device is connected, but it is inactive, that is not operational. This may be due to a hardware mismatch. active The management connection between the device and the PEM Server is fully established and the device is active." ::= { dslCardEntry 9 } dslCardAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DslCardAlarmStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm status of the line card. Bits assigned as follows: bit 0 intercom The intercom line between the PPC and M16 has failed." ::= { dslCardEntry 10 } dslCardM16FirmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current -- optional? (future versions have no M16?) DESCRIPTION "Version number and build date of the firmware running on the line card. This applies to the M16 part, the PPC firmware part has its own version attribute, dslCardFirmwareVersion. Example: '1.3 20020607 16:34' The format is 'major.minor YYYYMMDD hh:mm', where the fields are: major Major and minor version numbers, separated by a dot. Take at minor most 5 characters together, including the space. Both major and minor consist of digits only. YYYYMMDD Date (year YYYY, month MM 1-12 and day DD 1-31) of firmware build. Preceded and followed by exactly one space to separate it from the version numbers and time. hh:mm Time (hour hh 0-23 and minute mm 0-59) of firmware build." ::= { dslCardEntry 11 } -- DSL Card: DSL Link Table dslLinkTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DslLinkEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing dsl link specific information." ::= { dsl 2 } dslLinkEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DslLinkEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular dsl link." INDEX { dslCardSlotNumber, dslLinkNumber } ::= { dslLinkTable 1 } -- DSL Link Table Entry DslLinkEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dslLinkNumber DslLinkNumber, -- DSL Link dslLinkActiveLoop DslLinkLoopEnum, dslLinkAddress DisplayString, dslLinkAdminState AdminStateEnum, dslLinkAlarmStatus DslLinkAlarmElem, dslLinkAvailabilityStatus AvailabilityStatusElem, dslLinkContact DisplayString, dslLinkCustomerId DisplayString, dslLinkDynamicSlotAllocation TruthValue, dslLinkIsRemotePower TruthValue, dslLinkLineRate INTEGER, dslLinkDataRate INTEGER, dslLinkName DisplayString, dslLinkNotes DisplayString, dslLinkNumberOfBRA INTEGER, dslLinkOperState OperStateEnum, dslLinkNumberOfZBits INTEGER, dslLinkPSDMask DslLinkPSDMaskEnum, dslLinkAssignedTrunk TrunkNumberOrZero, dslLinkPriority Priority } dslLinkNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DslLinkNumber MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number 1-8 of link on line card." ::= { dslLinkEntry 1 } dslLinkActiveLoop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DslLinkLoopEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loop back (test) setup currently active. Disconnect the DSL link before activating the maintenance loop on the LTU (loop1)." ::= { dslLinkEntry 2 } dslLinkAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Customer address stored in configuration file of agent." ::= { dslLinkEntry 3 } dslLinkAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdminStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This configuration attribute allows the administrator to enable or disable the operability of a device. unlocked The device is administratively permitted to perform services for its users. locked The device is administratively prohibited from performing services for users." ::= { dslLinkEntry 4 } dslLinkAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DslLinkAlarmElem MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarms on the link. Bit assignments as follows: Bit 0 Configuration Alarm present on link. Some configuration attribute is invalid. Bit 1 User Service Alarm present on link. This could be for example the IAD being locked (admin-state), or a mis- configuration which keeps the LTU-NTU from operating." ::= { dslLinkEntry 5 } dslLinkAvailabilityStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AvailabilityStatusElem MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The availability status gives more detailed information about failures within a device. An empty status set means that no error exists. Possible status are: in test The device is under test. failed The device has an internal fault that prevents it from operating. power off The device requires power to be applied and is not powered on. off line The device requires a routine operation to be performed to place it online and make it available for use. off duty The device has been made inactive by an internal control process in accordance with a predetermined time schedule. dependency The device can not operate because some other resource on which it depends is unavailable. degraded The device is partially defective but still operable. not installed The device is not present, or incomplete. log full The log is full." ::= { dslLinkEntry 6 } dslLinkContact OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A contact person, address or phone number." ::= { dslLinkEntry 7 } dslLinkCustomerId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An identification number which has been assigned to this customer." ::= { dslLinkEntry 8 } dslLinkDynamicSlotAllocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true(1), the link allows timeslots reserved for voice but currently unused for usage by data. This can improve utilization of the link by increasing the effective data rate. If set to false(2), reserved and unused voice timeslots are not released for data usage." ::= { dslLinkEntry 9 } dslLinkIsRemotePower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LTU puts dc supply voltage onto link. IAD uses this if local power fails." ::= { dslLinkEntry 10 } dslLinkLineRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(3..36) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of 64Kbit timeslots per second. The signal on the DSL link is structured as 166 2/3 frames with 48 blocks each, for a total of 8000 blocks per second. Each block contains 3 to 36 bytes (also called timeslots), as configured by this object. The bit rate of the DSL link is derived from this value. Individual timeslots can be used for data, for voice, or for voice related signalling data (D-channels). The number of data and voice timeslots is configured with dslLinkDataRate and dslLinkNumberOfBRA. The value of this variable cannot be set outside the range of 3..36, inclusive. It should be chosen such that the following conditions hold: if dslLinkNumberOfBRA is zero dslLinkLineRate >= dslLinkDataRate if dslLinkNumberOfBRA is not zero dslLinkLineRate >= dslLinkDataRate + 2*dslLinkNumberOfBRA + 1 If the value violates this condition, the DSL link raises a 'configuration' alarm." ::= { dslLinkEntry 11 } dslLinkDataRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..36) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of timeslots per block reserved for data. The value of this object cannot be set outside of the range 0..36, inclusive. It should be chosen such that the following conditions hold: if dslLinkNumberOfBRA is zero dslLinkDataRate <= dslLinkLineRate if dslLinkNumberOfBRA is not zero dslLinkDataRate <= dslLinkLineRate - 2*dslLinkNumberOfBRA - 1 If the value violates this condition, the DSL link raises a 'configuration' alarm. The value of this object gives the guaranteed capacity available for data. If dslLinkDynamicSlotAllocation is true(1), the effective data rate may be higher." ::= { dslLinkEntry 12 } dslLinkName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User defined name of the DSL link." ::= { dslLinkEntry 13 } dslLinkNotes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notes stored in the configuration file of the agent." ::= { dslLinkEntry 14 } dslLinkNumberOfBRA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..4) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of basic rate interfaces on the IAD for which capacity is reserved on the DSL link. The capacity is reserved in units of timeslots, and the table below shows the number of timeslots reserved as a function of dslLinkNumberOfBRA. voice dslLinkDynamicSlotAllocation dslLinkNumberOfBRA reservation true(1) false(2) --------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 0 1 3 1-3 3 2 5 1-5 5 3 7 1-7 7 4 9 1-9 9 If dslLinkNumberOfBRA is 0, no timeslots are reserved in the DSL link. If dslLinkNumberOfBRA is non-zero, one timeslot is always reserved and used for D-channel signalling. For each BRA allowed, exactly two timeslots are reserved (one each for the two B-channels of the basic rate interface). When dynamic (time)slot allocation is off, reserved timeslots are unavailable for data. If dynamic slot allocation is in effect, reserved voice timeslots are used only on demand, that is when a phone call is being made. Reserved but unused voice timeslots are then used for data, increasing the data rate. The timeslot for the D-channel is not dynamically allocated. If a D-channel is reserved, it is unavailable for data. The value of this object cannot be set outside of the range 0..4. It should be chosen such that the following conditions hold: dslLinkNumberOrBRA <= (dslLinkLineRate - dslLinkDataRate - 1) / 2 dslLinkNumberOrBRA <= number of basic rate interfaces on the IAD where the division should round towards zero. If the value violates either of these conditions, the DSL link raises a 'configuration' alarm. Note that if the IAD is not connected, the link may raise the alarm only when the IAD connects. It is allowed to set a value less than the actual number of basic rate interfaces present on the IAD." ::= { dslLinkEntry 15 } dslLinkOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OperStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state is a status property indicating whether or not a device is physically installed and working. enabled The device is partially or fully operable and available for use. disabled The device is totally inoperable and unavailable to provide service." ::= { dslLinkEntry 16 } dslLinkNumberOfZBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of Z bits on the DSL link." ::= { dslLinkEntry 17 } dslLinkPSDMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DslLinkPSDMaskEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PSD (Power Spectral Density) Mask of DSL link. Asymmetric PSD offers a 5 - 10% longer DSL range. PSD symmetric is default setting. PSD asymmetric is only possible with line rates n = 32 or 36." ::= { dslLinkEntry 18 } dslLinkAssignedTrunk OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrunkNumberOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Determines the data trunk (aggregate side) on which the all data traffic of this DSL Link is mapped." ::= { dslLinkEntry 19 } dslLinkPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Priority MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Determines the priority according to IEEE 802.3x for data traffic coming from this DSL Link. Value range is 0 .. 7. 0 lowest priority, 7 highest priority." ::= { dslLinkEntry 20 } -- DSL Card: IAD Table IadAlarmStatusElem ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bitset to represent alarms on a IAD." SYNTAX BITS { powerdown(0), lifeline(1), dcContinuity(2) } IadISDNPoweringEnum ::= INTEGER { off(1), normal(2), lifeline(3), always(4) } IadPOTSPoweringEnum ::= INTEGER { off(1), always(2) } iadTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IadEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IAD table. IAD is for Integrated Access Device. The IAD contains the DSL NTU, and depending on the model, ISDN Adapters, POTS Terminal Adapters (TA) and Ethernet interfaces. The IAD is also called just modem or NTU. The table contains one entry per DSL link. The entry exists even if the IAD is offline (that is disconnected)." ::= { dsl 3 } iadEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IadEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Carry index for iad table." AUGMENTS { dslLinkEntry } ::= { iadTable 1 } IadEntry ::= SEQUENCE { -- Device part, without AdminState iadAvailabilityStatus AvailabilityStatusElem, iadHardwareVersion DisplayString, iadManufacturer DisplayString, iadName DisplayString, iadOperState OperStateEnum, iadFirmwareVersion DisplayString, iadSerialNumber DisplayString, --action install new software --action: reset -- Iad part iadAlarmStatus IadAlarmStatusElem, --iadBridgeFilterEnabled obsolete? --iadDslInterface really? oid? --iadFullDuplexEnabled obsolete? --iadHDLCModeOn obsolete? iadISDNPowering IadISDNPoweringEnum, iadPOTSPowering IadPOTSPoweringEnum, iadEthPortSpeed DataPortSpeedEnum, iadEthCurrentPortSpeed DataPortSpeedEnum, iadEthFlowControl DataPortFlowControlEnum, iadEthCurrentFlowControl DataPortFlowControlEnum } iadAvailabilityStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AvailabilityStatusElem MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The availability status gives more detailed information about failures within a device. An empty status set means that no error exists. Possible status are: in test The device is under test. failed The device has an internal fault that prevents it from operating. power off The device requires power to be applied and is not powered on. off line The device requires a routine operation to be performed to place it online and make it available for use. off duty The device has been made inactive by an internal control process in accordance with a predetermined time schedule. dependency The device can not operate because some other resource on which it depends is unavailable. degraded The device is partially defective but still operable. not installed The device is not present, or incomplete. log full The log is full." ::= { iadEntry 1 } iadHardwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hardware version of the IAD. This is also called CHM-number (it always starts with the letters 'CHM'). Example: CHM415080WAAA2. The number '415' after the 'CHM' identifies the device as an IAD." ::= { iadEntry 2 } iadManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of company which manufactured this IAD." ::= { iadEntry 3 } iadName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User defined name of IAD." ::= { iadEntry 4 } iadOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OperStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state is a status property indicating whether or not a device is physically installed and working. enabled The device is partially or fully operable and available for use. disabled The device is totally inoperable and unavailable to provide service." ::= { iadEntry 5 } iadFirmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Version number and build date of the firmware running on the IAD. Example: '1.3 20020607 16:34' The format is 'major.minor YYYYMMDD hh:mm', where the fields are: major Major and minor version numbers, separated by a dot. Take at minor most 5 characters together, including the space. Both major and minor consist of digits only. YYYYMMDD Date (year YYYY, month MM 1-12 and day DD 1-31) of firmware build. Preceded and followed by exactly one space to separate it from the version numbers and time. hh:mm Time (hour hh 0-23 and minute mm 0-59) of firmware build." ::= { iadEntry 6 } iadSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Serial number of the IAD. Also called HM-number, as it always starts with 'HM'. Example: HMHMZ014432064." ::= { iadEntry 7 } iadAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IadAlarmStatusElem MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm Status of IAD. Individual alarms show that specific (usually adverse) conditions are present. Bits are assigned as follows: bit 0 powerdown The IAD has no local power. bit 1 lifeline The IAD is operating on lifeline, i.e. is taking power from the DSL line, not from the local power supply." ::= { iadEntry 8 } iadISDNPowering OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IadISDNPoweringEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of the powering of the ISDN S-Bus port 0. no power No powering of ISDN S0 Bus at all. normal power Powering of ISDN S0 Bus, normal mode. lifeline power Lifeline mode always power Supporting normal operation and lifeline operation." ::= { iadEntry 9 } iadPOTSPowering OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IadPOTSPoweringEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines how the IAD powers the POTS line, i.e. the analog telephone line on the integrated TA. This feature is not reliable on older IAD models." ::= { iadEntry 10 } iadEthPortSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DataPortSpeedEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configuration of the desired speed for the IAD's Ethernet port." ::= { iadEntry 11 } iadEthCurrentPortSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DataPortSpeedEnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Displays the currently active speed of a IAD's Ethernet port." ::= { iadEntry 12 } iadEthFlowControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DataPortFlowControlEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configuration of the desired flow control." ::= { iadEntry 13 } iadEthCurrentFlowControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DataPortFlowControlEnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Displays the currently used flow control." ::= { iadEntry 14 } -- DSL Card: DSL Interface Table DslInterfaceTypeEnum ::= INTEGER { ltu(1), ntu(2) } DslPerformanceStatusElem ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Possible status values or alarms for a DSL interface." SYNTAX BITS { att(0), --loop attenuation losw(1) --LOSW failure (frame synch lost) } dslInterfaceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DslInterfaceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DSL Interface table." ::= { dsl 4 } dslInterfaceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DslInterfaceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row/index definition for dslInterfaceTable." INDEX { dslCardSlotNumber, dslLinkNumber, dslInterfaceType } ::= { dslInterfaceTable 1 } DslInterfaceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dslInterfaceType DslInterfaceTypeEnum, dslInterfaceAvailabilityStatus AvailabilityStatusElem, dslInterfaceOperState OperStateEnum, dslInterfacePerformanceStatus DslPerformanceStatusElem, dslInterfacePerfControlIndexOrZero INTEGER, dslInterfaceSignalQuality Integer32, dslInterfaceAttenuation Integer32 } dslInterfaceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DslInterfaceTypeEnum MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of device on which the interface sits: LTU (linecard) or Ntu (IAD, modem)." ::= { dslInterfaceEntry 1 } dslInterfaceAvailabilityStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AvailabilityStatusElem MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The availability status gives more detailed information about failures within a device. An empty status set means that no error exists. Possible status are: in test The device is under test. failed The device has an internal fault that prevents it from operating. power off The device requires power to be applied and is not powered on. off line The device requires a routine operation to be performed to place it online and make it available for use. off duty The device has been made inactive by an internal control process in accordance with a predetermined time schedule. dependency The device can not operate because some other resource on which it depends is unavailable. degraded The device is partially defective but still operable. not installed The device is not present, or incomplete. log full The log is full." ::= { dslInterfaceEntry 2 } dslInterfaceOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OperStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state is a status property indicating whether or not a device is physically installed and working. enabled The device is partially or fully operable and available for use. disabled The device is totally inoperable and unavailable to provide service." ::= { dslInterfaceEntry 3 } dslInterfacePerformanceStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DslPerformanceStatusElem MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Displays the current status of the DSL interface" ::= { dslInterfaceEntry 4 } dslInterfacePerfControlIndexOrZero OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the value of this variable is set to a non-zero value, there must be a row in perfControlTable with this value in perfControlIndex. The perfControlEntry thus identified controls the performance history entries in perfDataTable for the DSL interface referencing the perfControlEntry. If the value is set to zero, performance history for this interface is removed from the perfDataTable." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { dslInterfaceEntry 5 } dslInterfaceSignalQuality OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-128 .. 127) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object gives the signal quality, expressed as the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in decibels (dB). The value 127 shows that the real value is currently unavailable." REFERENCE "ETSI TS 101 524 [SDSL], clauses" ::= { dslInterfaceEntry 6 } dslInterfaceAttenuation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-128 .. 127) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object shows how much the signal has been weakened (attenuated) on the DSL line. It is expressed in decibels (dB) relative to the transmit power. The value -128 shows that the real value is currently not available. The value normally increases with the line length." REFERENCE "ETSI TS 101 524 [SDSL], clauses and" ::= { dslInterfaceEntry 7 } -- DSL Card: Class of Service (COS) table for DSL links CosClassifierEnum ::= INTEGER { vlanPriority(1), dscpPriority(2) } CosClassmap ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Meaning and length of the octet string depends on the value of dslLinkCOSClassifier. If vlanPriority(1) is used, only the first octet is valid. Each bit represents the number of a vlan that is used for the particular queue (EF, AF2 or AF1). In case of dscpPriority(2), 8 octets represent the 64 priorities. Within each octet, the most significant bit represents the lowest numbered vlan/priority, and the least significant bit represents the highest numbered vlan/priority. octet-to-vlan/prio mappings (1st number = value for MSB): octet1 octet2 octet3 octet4 octet5 octet6 octet7 octet8 vlan(1): 0..7 - - - - - - - dscp(2): 0..7 8..15 16..23 24..31 32..39 40..47 48..55 56..64" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..8)) dslLinkCosTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DslLinkCosEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Class of Service (COS) table for a DSL link. The table allows to assign vlans or priorities to the queues EF (Expedited Forwarding) and AF1/AF2 (Assured Forwarding). The last queue, BE (Best Effort) gets the bandwidth that is left. queue: priority: bandwidth: EF highest configurable AF2 higher configurable AF1 lower configurable BE lowesr left-over" ::= { dsl 5 } dslLinkCosEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DslLinkCosEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row/index definition for dslLinkCosTable." AUGMENTS { dslLinkEntry } ::= { dslLinkCosTable 1 } DslLinkCosEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dslLinkCosAvailable TruthValue, dslLinkCosEnabled TruthValue, dslLinkCosClassifier CosClassifierEnum, dslLinkCosClassmapEF CosClassmap, dslLinkCosClassmapAF2 CosClassmap, dslLinkCosClassmapAF1 CosClassmap, dslLinkCosRateLimitEF INTEGER, dslLinkCosRateLimitAF2 INTEGER, dslLinkCosRateLimitAF1 INTEGER } dslLinkCosAvailable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " If true(1), COS is supported by the LineCard." ::= { dslLinkCosEntry 1 } dslLinkCosEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enabling and disabling of COS for the specified link." ::= { dslLinkCosEntry 2 } dslLinkCosClassifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CosClassifierEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configuration of the desired classifier. Possible values are VLAN priority and DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point) priority." ::= { dslLinkCosEntry 3 } dslLinkCosClassmapEF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CosClassmap MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Classmap for the EF (Expedited Forwarding) queue. See description of CosClassmap for further information." ::= { dslLinkCosEntry 4 } dslLinkCosClassmapAF2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CosClassmap MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Classmap for the AF2 (Assured Forwarding) queue. See description of CosClassmap for further information." ::= { dslLinkCosEntry 5 } dslLinkCosClassmapAF1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CosClassmap MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Classmap for the AF1 (Assured Forwarding) queue. See description of CosClassmap for further information." ::= { dslLinkCosEntry 6 } dslLinkCosRateLimitEF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2312) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum rate in kB that the EF queue is allowed to use. Note: The sum of the maxima of EF, AF1 and AF2 queue cannot exceed the configured maximum data rate od the DSL link." ::= { dslLinkCosEntry 7 } dslLinkCosRateLimitAF2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2312) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum rate in kB that the AF2 queue is allowed to use. Note: The sum of the maxima of EF, AF1 and AF2 queue cannot exceed the configured maximum data rate od the DSL link." ::= { dslLinkCosEntry 8 } dslLinkCosRateLimitAF1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2312) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum rate in kB that the AF1 queue is allowed to use. Note: The sum of the maxima of EF, AF1 and AF2 queue cannot exceed the configured maximum data rate od the DSL link." ::= { dslLinkCosEntry 9 } -- ******************************************************************* -- v5 card group -- -- This group consist of 5 tables: -- - v5CardTable -- - v5LinkTable -- - v5InterfaceTable -- - v5LccTable -- - v5IsdnPortTable -- ******************************************************************* -- V5 Card: Enumeration and Set types used in the v5 group V5ClockModeEnum ::= INTEGER { v5ClockMaster(1), v5ClockSlave(2) } V5ClockSourceEnum ::= INTEGER { v5ClockExternal(1), v5ClockLink1(2), v5ClockLink2(3), v5ClockLink3(4), v5ClockLink4(5), v5ClockLink5(6), v5ClockLink6(7), v5ClockLink7(8), v5ClockLink8(9) } V5ProtocolVersionEnum ::= INTEGER { v51(1), v52(2) } V5CardFlagSet ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Possible configuration flags that can be applied to the V5 card." SYNTAX BITS { noFastAlign(0), --suppress accelerated alignment noLinkId(1), --suppress link identification autoPortUnblock(2), --automatic port unblock retryAutoPortUnblock(3), --retry automatic port unblock rejectLinkId(4), --reject link identification forcePSTNDL(5), --force PSTN-DL establish at startup slowStart(6), --slow start with 96 sec. delay deallocBlockedPort(7) --automatic de-alloc when port blocked } -- V5 Card: V5 Card Table v5CardTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF V5CardEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing V5 card specific information" ::= { v5 1 } v5CardEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5CardEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row and index definition for V5 card table." INDEX { v5CardSlotNumber } ::= { v5CardTable 1 } V5CardEntry ::= SEQUENCE { v5CardSlotNumber V5SlotNumber, --Device part v5CardAdminState AdminStateEnum, v5CardAvailabilityStatus AvailabilityStatusElem, v5CardHardwareVersion DisplayString, v5CardManufacturer DisplayString, v5CardName DisplayString, v5CardOperState OperStateEnum, v5CardFirmwareVersion DisplayString, v5CardSerialNumber DisplayString, --action installNewSoftware --Slotcard part v5CardCommState CommStateEnum, --V5 specific (=non-shared) part of V5 card v5CardIsProvisioning TruthValue, v5CardClockMode V5ClockModeEnum, v5CardClockSource1 V5ClockSourceEnum, v5CardClockSource2 V5ClockSourceEnum, v5CardProtocolVersion V5ProtocolVersionEnum, v5CardRowStatus RowStatus, v5CardFlags V5CardFlagSet, v5CardETSIRelease INTEGER, v5CardE1LineCode INTEGER, v5CardE1FrameFormat INTEGER } v5CardSlotNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5SlotNumber MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Slot number for v5 card." ::= { v5CardEntry 1 } v5CardAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdminStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This configuration attribute allows the administrator to enable or disable the operability of a device. unlocked The device is administratively permitted to perform services for its users. locked The device is administratively prohibited from performing services for users." ::= { v5CardEntry 2 } v5CardAvailabilityStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AvailabilityStatusElem MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The availability status gives more detailed information about failures within a device. An empty status set means that no error exists. Possible status are: in test The device is under test. failed The device has an internal fault that prevents it from operating. power off The device requires power to be applied and is not powered on. off line The device requires a routine operation to be performed to place it online and make it available for use. off duty The device has been made inactive by an internal control process in accordance with a predetermined time schedule. dependency The device can not operate because some other resource on which it depends is unavailable. degraded The device is partially defective but still operable. not installed The device is not present, or incomplete. log full The log is full." ::= { v5CardEntry 3 } v5CardHardwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hardware version of the V5 card. This is also called CHM-number (it always starts with the letters 'CHM'). Example: CHM40210WA0A2. The number '402' after the 'CHM' identifies the card as a V5 card." ::= { v5CardEntry 4 } v5CardManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of company which manufactured this V5 card." ::= { v5CardEntry 5 } v5CardName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User defined name of the V5 card." ::= { v5CardEntry 6 } v5CardOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OperStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state is a status property indicating whether or not a device is physically installed and working. enabled The device is partially or fully operable and available for use. disabled The device is totally inoperable and unavailable to provide service." ::= { v5CardEntry 7 } v5CardFirmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Version number and build date of the firmware running on the V5 card. Example: '1.3 20020607 16:34' The format is 'major.minor YYYYMMDD hh:mm', where the fields are: major Major and minor version numbers, separated by a dot. Take at minor most 5 characters together, including the space. Both major and minor consist of digits only. YYYYMMDD Date (year YYYY, month MM 1-12 and day DD 1-31) of firmware build. Preceded and followed by exactly one space to separate it from the version numbers and time. hh:mm Time (hour hh 0-23 and minute mm 0-59) of firmware build." ::= { v5CardEntry 8 } v5CardSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Serial number of the V5 card. Also called HM-number, as it always starts with 'HM'. Example: HMHMZ014532139." ::= { v5CardEntry 9 } v5CardCommState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Management Comm State indicates the state of the management connection between the PEM Server and the Data Card. disconnected No connection has been established. init A connection has freshly been established on the underlying protocol, but no management information has been transmitted so far. identification The connected device is being identified. check hardware The connected hardware is compared to the one stored in the configuration. hardware adaptation If the configured and the existing device do not match, an adoption is made. The behaviour in this case can be configured with the 'HW Adaptation Policy' option. check program version The program version of the connected hardware is compared to the one stored in the configura- tion. check config version The configuration version of the connected hardware is compared to the one stored in the configuration. download config If a configuration version mismatch has bee detected and the 'Config Priority' of 'PEGASUS system' is set to 'Device', the configuration is downloaded from the device to the PEM Server. upload config If a configuration version mismatch has been detected and the 'Config Priority' of 'PEGASUS system' is set to 'Server', the configuration is uploaded from the PEM Server to the device. status synch The values of the status properties are being synchronised. resetting The device is resetting. inactive The device is connected, but it is inactive, i.e. not operational. This may be due to a hardware mismatch. active The management connection between the device and the PEM Server is fully established and the device is active." ::= { v5CardEntry 10 } v5CardIsProvisioning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The V5 Card is in provisioning mode. Only if this flag is true, re-configuration of the V5 Card is possible." ::= { v5CardEntry 11 } v5CardClockMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5ClockModeEnum MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Clock mode of the V5 Card Master This card is the clock master. Slave This card is a clock slave." ::= { v5CardEntry 12 } v5CardClockSource1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5ClockSourceEnum MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the card is configured to be the clock master (v5CardClockMode), this property determines the source of the clock. Values range is 1 .. 8 or external clock (from plug on front panel)." ::= { v5CardEntry 13 } v5CardClockSource2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5ClockSourceEnum MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the card is configured to be the clock master (v5CardClockMode), this property determines the source of the clock in case clock source 1 is not available. Value range is 1 .. 8 or external clock (from plug on front panel)." ::= { v5CardEntry 14 } v5CardProtocolVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5ProtocolVersionEnum MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version of the V5 protocol. Can be either V5.1 or V5.2" REFERENCE "G.964 for the V5.1 protocol G.965 for the V5.2 protocol" ::= { v5CardEntry 15 } v5CardRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object allows creation and deletion of V5 card table entries. The card can only be deleted when it is disconnected. V5 cards are always created with 512 user ports. All other objects (V5 interfaces, V5 links, and log comm channels) must be created separately. If the card is deleted, all objects related to it are also deleted. To configure the card, or any object associated with it, the card must be disconnected or v5CardRowStatus must not be 'active'. Setting v5CardRowStatus to 'notInService' while the card is connected puts the card into provisioning mode. Setting v5CardRowStatus to 'active' while the card is connected commits provisioning, that is ends provisioning mode (or fails if the card finds the configuration incorrect or incomplete)." ::= { v5CardEntry 16 } v5CardFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5CardFlagSet MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object holds various flags which can be set to modify the behaviour of the V5 protocol stack." ::= { v5CardEntry 17 } v5CardETSIRelease OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { v1(1), v2(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ETSI release (version) of the V5 standard used for the V5 protocol on all V5 interface of the V5 card. This must not be confused with the choice of the V5 protocol (V5.1 or V5.2)." ::= { v5CardEntry 18 } v5CardE1LineCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { hdb3(1), ami(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The E1 line code used on all V5 links of the V5 card." ::= { v5CardEntry 19 } v5CardE1FrameFormat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { crc4(1), crc4e(2), dff(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The frame format of E1 frames used on all V5 links of the V5 card." ::= { v5CardEntry 20 } -- V5 Card: V5 Link Table V5LinkNumber ::= INTEGER(1..8) V5LinkNumberOrZero ::= INTEGER(0..8) V5InterfaceNumber ::= V5LinkNumber V5InterfaceNumberOrZero ::= V5LinkNumberOrZero V5PccCount ::= INTEGER(0..3) V5LinkAlarmStatusElem ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bitset that represents all possible alarms for a V5 link." SYNTAX BITS { v5LinkAlarmLOS(0), v5LinkAlarmLFA(1), v5LinkAlarmAIS(2), v5LinkAlarmBERH(3), v5LinkAlarmEXTLOC(4), v5LinkAlarmRAI(5), v5LinkAlarmIdFailure(6) } V5LinkTypeEnum ::= INTEGER { primary(1), secondary(2), normal(3) } v5LinkTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF V5LinkEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing V5 link specific information" ::= { v5 2 } v5LinkEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5LinkEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row and index definition for V5 link table." INDEX { v5CardSlotNumber, v5LinkNumber } ::= { v5LinkTable 1 } V5LinkEntry ::= SEQUENCE { v5LinkNumber V5LinkNumber, v5LinkAdminState AdminStateEnum, v5LinkAvailabilityStatus AvailabilityStatusElem, v5LinkId INTEGER, v5LinkOperState OperStateEnum, v5LinkInterface V5InterfaceNumberOrZero, v5LinkAlarmStatus V5LinkAlarmStatusElem, v5LinkType V5LinkTypeEnum, v5LinkNumberOfPcc V5PccCount, v5LinkPerfControlIndexOrZero INTEGER, v5LinkRowStatus RowStatus, v5LinkLineIdentifier DisplayString } v5LinkNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5LinkNumber MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of the link on the V5 card (used for table indexing)." ::= { v5LinkEntry 1 } v5LinkAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdminStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This configuration attribute allows the administrator to enable or disable the operability of a device. unlocked The device is administratively permitted to perform services for its users. locked The device is administratively prohibited from performing services for users." ::= { v5LinkEntry 2 } v5LinkAvailabilityStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AvailabilityStatusElem MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The availability status gives more detailed information about failures within a device. An empty status set means that no error exists. Possible status are: in test The device is under test. failed The device has an internal fault that prevents it from operating. power off The device requires power to be applied and is not powered on. off line The device requires a routine operation to be performed to place it online and make it available for use. off duty The device has been made inactive by an internal control process in accordance with a predetermined time schedule. dependency The device can not operate because some other resource on which it depends is unavailable. degraded The device is partially defective but still operable. not installed The device is not present, or incomplete. log full The log is full." ::= { v5LinkEntry 3 } v5LinkId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "V5 Link Identifier. Value range is 0 .. 255" ::= { v5LinkEntry 4 } v5LinkOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OperStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state is a status property indicating whether or not a device is physically installed and working. enabled The device is partially or fully operable and available for use. disabled The device is totally inoperable and unavailable to provide service." ::= { v5LinkEntry 5 } v5LinkInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5InterfaceNumberOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identifies to which V5 interface this V5 link is related." ::= { v5LinkEntry 6 } v5LinkAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5LinkAlarmStatusElem MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm status of the V5 link. Bits assigned as follows: bit 0 LOS Loss of signal bit 1 LFA Loss of frame alignment bit 2 AIS Alarm indication signal bit 3 BERH Bit error rate to high bit 4 EXTLOC Loss of external clock bit 5 RAI Remote alarm indication" ::= { v5LinkEntry 7 } v5LinkType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5LinkTypeEnum MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the type of V5 Link Primary The primary link carries all the important V5 Protocols. Therefore it needs to have at least one Physical Communi- cation Channel on timeslot 16. There must be exactly one primary link per V5 interface. Secondary The secondary link acts as 'standby' link for the primary link; i.e. if the primary link fails, the secondary link will transport the V5 Protocols instead. Therefore it needs to have an unused PhysComm Channel on timeslot 16. If more than one links are available, there must be exactly one secondary link per V5 interface. Normal All other links are 'normal' links and do not take any predefined responsibility concerning protection mechanisms." ::= { v5LinkEntry 8 } v5LinkNumberOfPcc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5PccCount MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of Physical Communication Channel (Physcommchan or PCC) configured on this V5 link. V5 links are structured as 8000 frames per second of 32 timeslots each. A timeslot can carry voice data, or alternatively signalling, e.g. synchronization data, CRC's, or D-channel data. Timeslot 0 is always used for signalling by lower level layers of E1. For higher level signalling like D-channels, additional timeslots must be explicitly allocated - these are called physcommchans. Timeslots 16, 15 and 31 are available for this purpose. So, a V5 link can have from zero to three physcommchans. Timeslots are always allocated in the order mentioned above, that is the following configurations are possible: Timeslots allocated to v5LinkNumberOfPcc higher level signalling 0 - 1 16 2 16,15 3 16,15,31 Timeslots that are not used for signalling are available for voice data. So, a link can have from 28 to 31 voice data channels." ::= { v5LinkEntry 9 } v5LinkPerfControlIndexOrZero OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this variable represents the index of a row within the perfControlTable. If the value is not 0, performance data (statistics) concerning this link are captured." ::= { v5LinkEntry 10 } v5LinkRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatis variable that allows creation and deletion of V5 links." ::= { v5LinkEntry 11 } v5LinkLineIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An idenifier assigned to the subscriber (customer)." ::= { v5LinkEntry 12 } -- V5 Card: V5 Interface Table V5InterfaceAlarmSet ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bitset that contains the possible alarms for a V5 interface" SYNTAX BITS { idFailure(0), provisioningMismatch(1) } v5InterfaceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF V5InterfaceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing V5 interface specific information. Only AN side interfaces are present." ::= { v5 3 } v5InterfaceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5InterfaceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row and index definition for V5 interface table." INDEX { v5CardSlotNumber, v5InterfaceNumber } ::= { v5InterfaceTable 1 } V5InterfaceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { v5InterfaceNumber V5InterfaceNumber, v5InterfaceAdminState AdminStateEnum, v5InterfaceAvailabilityStatus AvailabilityStatusElem, v5InterfaceId INTEGER, v5InterfaceOperState OperStateEnum, v5InterfaceVariantId INTEGER, v5InterfaceRowStatus RowStatus, v5InterfaceAlarmStatus V5InterfaceAlarmSet } v5InterfaceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5InterfaceNumber MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "interface number, used for table indexing" ::= { v5InterfaceEntry 1 } v5InterfaceAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdminStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This configuration attribute allows the administrator to enable or disable the operability of a device. unlocked The device is administratively permitted to perform services for its users. locked The device is administratively prohibited from performing services for users." ::= { v5InterfaceEntry 2 } v5InterfaceAvailabilityStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AvailabilityStatusElem MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The availability status gives more detailed information about failures within a device. An empty status set means that no error exists. Possible status are: in test The device is under test. failed The device has an internal fault that prevents it from operating. power off The device requires power to be applied and is not powered on. off line The device requires a routine operation to be performed to place it online and make it available for use. off duty The device has been made inactive by an internal control process in accordance with a predetermined time schedule. dependency The device can not operate because some other resource on which it depends is unavailable. degraded The device is partially defective but still operable. not installed The device is not present, or incomplete. log full The log is full." ::= { v5InterfaceEntry 3 } v5InterfaceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..16777215) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "V5 Interface Identifier. Value range is 0 .. 16777215." REFERENCE "G.964, section" ::= { v5InterfaceEntry 4 } v5InterfaceOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OperStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state is a status property indicating whether or not a device is physically installed and working. enabled The device is partially or fully operable and available for use. disabled The device is totally inoperable and unavailable to provide service." ::= { v5InterfaceEntry 5 } v5InterfaceVariantId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..127) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the V5 provisioning variant, which is currently valid. This is used to decide if the configuration is compliant with the LE. Value range is 0 .. 127." REFERENCE "G.964, section" ::= { v5InterfaceEntry 6 } v5InterfaceRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Variable to create and delete V5 interfaces." ::= { v5InterfaceEntry 7 } v5InterfaceAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5InterfaceAlarmSet MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Displays the currently active alarms of the V5 interface." ::= { v5InterfaceEntry 8 } -- V5 Card: V5 LCC Table (Logical Communication Channel) -- Lccs belong to exactly one V5 interface. So the V5 interface can naturally -- be used as part of the index. This yields two index columns, slot-number of -- the V5 card and V5 interface number within the V5 card. In other words, the -- index for lccTable includes the index columns of the V5 interface table. -- Because a V5 interface generally has more than one LCC, more index material -- is needed. The LCC has no really good attribute for this, so we use the -- component index. This is immutable and guaranteed to be unique within the -- V5 interface (although the fact is not helpful, it is usually unique with -- the V5 card). This makes the lccTable an extension of the V5 interface table. V5LccNumber ::= INTEGER (1..21) V5LccNumberOrZero ::= INTEGER (0..21) V5PccNumberOrZero ::= INTEGER (0..3) v5LccTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF V5LccEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "table containing all LCC (Logical Communication Channels) for a V5 interface" ::= { v5 4 } v5LccEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5LccEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "row defintion for the v5LccTable" INDEX { v5CardSlotNumber, v5InterfaceNumber, v5LccNumber } ::= { v5LccTable 1 } V5LccEntry ::= SEQUENCE { v5LccNumber V5LccNumber, v5LccIsProtected TruthValue, v5LccId INTEGER, v5LccOperState OperStateEnum, --Identify the related PCC. The PCC is uniquely described through slot number --of the V5 card, V5 link on the card, and timeslot within the link. The slot --number is redundant (it must be equal to the slot number used to index the --lcc table). So two attributes are used to identify the PCC: the V5 link and --the timeslot. We must verify them together, as a combination, and therefore --both attributes have to be set before the modification of the PCC becomes --active. The PCC can be cleared by setting one attribute to 0. v5LccPccV5LinkNumber V5LinkNumberOrZero, v5LccPccTimeslot V5PccNumberOrZero, v5LccRowStatus RowStatus } v5LccNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5LccNumber MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "index of the LCC; number in the range of 1..21" ::= { v5LccEntry 1 } v5LccIsProtected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, all information transported over this LCC is protected by the V5 Protection protocol (V5.2 only)." ::= { v5LccEntry 2 } v5LccId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique L3 address per Logical Communication Channel. Value range is 0 .. 65535." ::= { v5LccEntry 3 } v5LccOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OperStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state is a status property indicating whether or not a device is physically installed and working. enabled The device is partially or fully operable and available for use. disabled The device is totally inoperable and unavailable to provide service." ::= { v5LccEntry 4 } v5LccPccV5LinkNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5LinkNumberOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identify (together with v5LccPccTimeslot) the Physical Communication Channel used for the signalling data of this Logical Communication Channel." ::= { v5LccEntry 5 } v5LccPccTimeslot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5PccNumberOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identify (together with v5LccPccV5LinkNumber) the Physical Communication Channel used for the signalling data of this Logical Communication Channel. The value of this variable is a code with the following value: v5LccPccTimeslot Timeslot 0 none 1 16 2 15 3 31 A value of 0 cannot be set explicitly, and can only appear while the LCC object is being initialized. Once a non-zero value has been set (either through SNMP or by other means of management, a value of 0 can never again appear." ::= { v5LccEntry 6 } v5LccRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object can be active(1) in order for the value of v5LccPccV5LinkNumber or v5LccPccTimeslot to be modified. To set the PCC both attributes v5LccPccV5LinkNumber and v5LccPccTimeslot must be set before the values become active. The values become only active if v5LccPccV5LinkNumber and v5LccPccTimeslot specify an existing Physical Communication Channel on the V5 card identified by the instance of v5CardSlotNumber used to index this v5LccEntry." ::= { v5LccEntry 7 } -- V5 Card: V5 ISDN Port Table V5IsdnPortLoopEnum ::= INTEGER { none(1), loop1(2), loop2(3) } V5IsdnPortBlockingStatusEnum ::= INTEGER { none(1), local(2), remote(3), both(4) } V5IsdnPortAlarmStatusElem ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bitset representing the possible alarms for a ISDN port." SYNTAX BITS { l1ActivationFault(0), losTref(1), losDsig(2) } V5TimeslotNumber ::= INTEGER (1 .. 15 | 17 .. 31) V5EnvelopeFuncAddress ::= INTEGER (0 .. 8175) v5IsdnPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF V5IsdnPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing information specific to V5 ISDN user ports, i.e. S0 interfaces on IADs." ::= { v5 5 } v5IsdnPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5IsdnPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row and index definition for V5 ISDN user port table. Sometimes, user ports are numbered 0..511 (8 cards @ 16 ltus @ 4 bras/ntu), with an implicit assignment of linecard = port/(8*16). dsl link = port%(8*16)/4 bra = port%(8*16*4)." INDEX { dslCardSlotNumber, dslLinkNumber, v5IsdnPortBRANumber } ::= { v5IsdnPortTable 1 } --The related Dsl link attribute of the user port is already defined through --the index attributes ov V5IsdnPortEntry, so it is not reduplicated. V5IsdnPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { v5IsdnPortBRANumber INTEGER, --user port part v5IsdnPortAdminState AdminStateEnum, v5IsdnPortOperState OperStateEnum, v5IsdnPortBlockingStatus V5IsdnPortBlockingStatusEnum, v5IsdnPortV5CardSlotNumber V5SlotNumber, v5IsdnPortV5InterfaceNumber V5InterfaceNumberOrZero, --v5 user port part v5IsdnPortBearer1Timeslot V5TimeslotNumber, v5IsdnPortBearer2Timeslot V5TimeslotNumber, v5IsdnPortEnvelopeFuncAddress V5EnvelopeFuncAddress, v5IsdnPortDSignallingCommChan V5LccNumberOrZero, v5IsdnPortFrameCommChan V5LccNumberOrZero, v5IsdnPortPacketCommChan V5LccNumberOrZero, v5IsdnPortIsActivated TruthValue, v5IsdnPortAlarmStatus V5IsdnPortAlarmStatusElem, v5IsdnPortActiveLoop V5IsdnPortLoopEnum, -- obsolete v5IsdnPortLineIdentifier DisplayString } v5IsdnPortBRANumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..4) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "index number for this port" ::= { v5IsdnPortEntry 3 } v5IsdnPortAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdminStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This configuration attribute allows the administrator to enable or disable the operability of a device. unlocked The device is administratively permitted to perform services for its users. locked The device is administratively prohibited from performing services for users." ::= { v5IsdnPortEntry 4 } v5IsdnPortOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OperStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state is a status property indicating whether or not a device is physically installed and working. enabled The device is partially or fully operable and available for use. disabled The device is totally inoperable and unavailable to provide service." ::= { v5IsdnPortEntry 5 } v5IsdnPortBlockingStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5IsdnPortBlockingStatusEnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "In the case of an unlocked/disabled status, this attribute indicates, if the disabled-state is due to local or remote reasons (ETS 300 376-1, A.2), (Definition in ETS 300 377-1) None The User Port is unblocked. Local The User Port is blocked on the Access Network side only Remote The User Port is blocked on the Local Exchange side only Both The User Port is blocked both on the AN and on the LE side." ::= { v5IsdnPortEntry 6 } v5IsdnPortBearer1Timeslot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5TimeslotNumber MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Assigned bearer time slot number to port B1 channel. No assignment for V5.2 interfaces because the BCC protocol is used for dynamic assignment. In V5.1 the association between V5Interface and V5Link is one to one. The link associated to this user port is fully determined by the UserPort-V5Interface association. Value range is 1 .. 15 or 17 .. 31." ::= { v5IsdnPortEntry 7 } v5IsdnPortBearer2Timeslot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5TimeslotNumber MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Assigned bearer time slot number to port B2 channel. No assignment for V5.2 interfaces because the BCC protocol is used for dynamic assignment. In V5.1 the association between V5Interface and V5Link is one to one. The link associated to this user port is fully determined by the UserPort-V5Interface association. Value range is 1 .. 15 or 17 .. 31." ::= { v5IsdnPortEntry 8 } v5IsdnPortEnvelopeFuncAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5EnvelopeFuncAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Layer 3 Address of this User Port. Value range is 0 .. 8175." ::= { v5IsdnPortEntry 9 } v5IsdnPortIsActivated OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Layer 1 activation status" ::= { v5IsdnPortEntry 10 } v5IsdnPortAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5IsdnPortAlarmStatusElem MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "displays the currently active alarms for the ISDN port" ::= { v5IsdnPortEntry 11 } v5IsdnPortActiveLoop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5IsdnPortLoopEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "" ::= { v5IsdnPortEntry 12 } v5IsdnPortV5CardSlotNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5SlotNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Slot number of V5 card which owns this user port configuration. Physically, user ports are on IAD devices. Logically, their configuration is part of the V5 configuration, so it is the V5 card which owns the configuration, not the DSL card. For this reason, user ports are created in the context of a V5 card, which is why the V5 card cannot be changed." ::= { v5IsdnPortEntry 13 } v5IsdnPortV5InterfaceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5InterfaceNumberOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The V5 interface whose V5 links provide signalling and B channel capacity for this user port. The value zero appears only after creation. Once a non-zero value has been set here, it is no more possible to reset the value to zero." ::= { v5IsdnPortEntry 14 } v5IsdnPortDSignallingCommChan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5LccNumberOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ISDN Communication Path over which the D-Signalling control information of this User Port is transported." ::= { v5IsdnPortEntry 15 } v5IsdnPortFrameCommChan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5LccNumberOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ISDN Communication Path over which the Frame control information of this User Port is transported." ::= { v5IsdnPortEntry 16 } v5IsdnPortPacketCommChan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX V5LccNumberOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ISDN Communication Path over which the Packet control information of this User Port is transported." ::= { v5IsdnPortEntry 17 } v5IsdnPortLineIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An idenifier assigned to the subscriber (customer)." ::= { v5IsdnPortEntry 18 } -- ******************************************************************* -- data card group -- -- This group contains two tables: -- - dataCardTable -- - dataPortTable -- ******************************************************************* -- Data Card: Data Card Table dataCardTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DataCardEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "attributes concerning the data switch (slot 1)" ::= { data 1 } dataCardEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DataCardEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "entry/row within the dataCardTable" INDEX { dataCardSlotNumber } ::= { dataCardTable 1 } DataCardEntry ::= SEQUENCE { --Device part, without AdminState dataCardSlotNumber DataCardSlotNumber, dataCardAvailabilityStatus AvailabilityStatusElem, dataCardHardwareVersion DisplayString, dataCardManufacturer DisplayString, dataCardName DisplayString, dataCardOperState OperStateEnum, dataCardFirmwareVersion DisplayString, dataCardSerialNumber DisplayString, --action installNewSoftware --Slotcard Part dataCardCommState CommStateEnum, --Data Switch Part --Most data switch specific options are in MIB-2 dataCardVLANMode TruthValue } dataCardSlotNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DataCardSlotNumber MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Position of the slot card in the rack." ::= { dataCardEntry 1 } dataCardAvailabilityStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AvailabilityStatusElem MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The availability status gives more detailed information about failures within a device. An empty status set means that no error exists. Possible status are: in test The device is under test. failed The device has an internal fault that prevents it from operating. power off The device requires power to be applied and is not powered on. off line The device requires a routine operation to be performed to place it online and make it available for use. off duty The device has been made inactive by an internal control process in accordance with a predetermined time schedule. dependency The device can not operate because some other resource on which it depends is unavailable. degraded The device is partially defective but still operable. not installed The device is not present, or incomplete. log full The log is full." ::= { dataCardEntry 2 } dataCardHardwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hardware Version Number of the data card. This is also called CHM-number (it always starts with the letters 'CHM'). Example: CHM40310WA0A2. The number '403' after the 'CHM' identifies the card as a data card." ::= { dataCardEntry 3 } dataCardManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manufacturer of the data card." ::= { dataCardEntry 4 } dataCardName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User defined name of the data card." ::= { dataCardEntry 5 } dataCardOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OperStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state is a status property indicating whether or not a device is physically installed and working. enabled The device is partially or fully operable and available for use. disabled The device is totally inoperable and unavailable to provide service." ::= { dataCardEntry 6 } dataCardFirmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Version number and build date of the firmware running on the data card. Example: '1.3 20020607 16:34' The format is 'major.minor YYYYMMDD hh:mm', where the fields are: major Major and minor version numbers, separated by a dot. Take at minor most 5 characters together, including the space. Both major and minor consist of digits only. YYYYMMDD Date (year YYYY, month MM 1-12 and day DD 1-31) of firmware build. Preceded and followed by exactly one space to separate it from the version numbers and time. hh:mm Time (hour hh 0-23 and minute mm 0-59) of firmware build." ::= { dataCardEntry 7 } dataCardSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Serial number of the data card. Also called HM-number, as it always starts with 'HM'. Example: HMHMZ014332080." ::= { dataCardEntry 8 } dataCardCommState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Management Comm State indicates the state of the management connection between the PEM Server and the Data Card. disconnected No connection has been established. init A connection has freshly been established on the underlying protocol, but no management information has been transmitted so far. identification The connected device is being identified. check hardware The connected hardware is compared to the one stored in the configuration. hardware adaptation If the configured and the existing device do not match, an adoption is made. The behaviour in this case can be configured with the 'HW Adaptation Policy' option. check program version The program version of the connected hardware is compared to the one stored in the configura- tion. check config version The configuration version of the connected hardware is compared to the one stored in the configuration. download config If a configuration version mismatch has bee detected and the 'Config Priority' of 'PEGASUS system' is set to 'Device', the configuration is downloaded from the device to the PEM Server. upload config If a configuration version mismatch has been detected and the 'Config Priority' of 'PEGASUS system' is set to 'Server', the configuration is uploaded from the PEM Server to the device. status synch The values of the status properties are being synchronised. resetting The device is resetting. inactive The device is connected, but it is inactive, i.e. not operational. This may be due to a hardware mismatch. active The management connection between the device and the PEM Server is fully established and the device is active." ::= { dataCardEntry 9 } dataCardVLANMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true(1), enhanced switching (trunk assignment according to setting in DSL link configuration) is enabled. Otherwise transparent switching (any DSL link to any trunk) is used." ::= { dataCardEntry 10 } -- Data Card: Data Port Table dataPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DataPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table contains an entry for each Ethernet trunk on the data switch (card)." ::= { data 2 } dataPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DataPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "entry within the dataPortTable" INDEX { dataCardSlotNumber, dataPortNumber } ::= { dataPortTable 1 } DataPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dataPortNumber TrunkNumber, dataPortAdminState AdminStateEnum, dataPortOperState OperStateEnum, dataPortAvailabilityStatus AvailabilityStatusElem, dataPortSpeed DataPortSpeedEnum, dataPortFlowControl DataPortFlowControlEnum } dataPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrunkNumber MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "index of the (ethernet) trunk on the data switch" ::= { dataPortEntry 1 } dataPortAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdminStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This configuration attribute allows the administrator to enable or disable the operability of a device. unlocked The device is administratively permitted to perform services for its users. locked The device is administratively prohibited from performing services for users." ::= { dataPortEntry 2 } dataPortOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OperStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state is a status property indicating whether or not a device is physically installed and working. enabled The device is partially or fully operable and available for use. disabled The device is totally inoperable and unavailable to provide service." ::= { dataPortEntry 3 } dataPortAvailabilityStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AvailabilityStatusElem MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The availability status gives more detailed information about failures within a device. An empty status set means that no error exists. Possible status are: in test The device is under test. failed The device has an internal fault that prevents it from operating. power off The device requires power to be applied and is not powered on. off line The device requires a routine operation to be performed to place it online and make it available for use. off duty The device has been made inactive by an internal control process in accordance with a predetermined time schedule. dependency The device can not operate because some other resource on which it depends is unavailable. degraded The device is partially defective but still operable. not installed The device is not present, or incomplete. log full The log is full." ::= { dataPortEntry 4 } dataPortSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DataPortSpeedEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object allows specification of options for three areas: crossover Normally, DTE and hub sockets are wired such that they can connect with a straight-through cable, that is the hub has RX and TX circuits swapped (it has internal crossover). If a DTE must be connected directly to another DTE (or hub port to a port on another hub), a crossover cable must be used. The data card trunk interfaces have an automatic crossover function, which turns on or off crossover. Any sort of cable can then be used to connect to any sort of device (DTE or hub). duplex mode If duplex mode is full duplex, transmission is allowed while data are received. With half duplex, transmission must wait until the receiver is idle. speed The port can operate in 10 or 100 MBits per second. The values possible for this variable are: autoCrossoverAndPortSpeed(1) Allows the port to negotiate speed, duplex mode, and to enable or disable the internal crossover function. autoNegotiationPortSpeed(2) Allows the port to negotiate speed and and duplex mode. Internal crossover is on - a straight-through cable is needed to connect to a DTE (PC), a crossover cable is needed to connect to a repeater or hub. base100TFullDuplex(3) Speed is set to 100 MBits per second, with full duplex. Internal crossover is on. base100THalfDuplex(4) Speed is set to 100 MBits per second, with half duplex. Internal crossover is on. base10TFullDuplex(5) Speed is set to 10 MBits per second, with full duplex. Internal crossover is on. base10THalfDuplex(6) Speed is set to 10 MBits per second, with half duplex. Internal crossover is on." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.3, section 14.5.2: The Crossover Function." ::= { dataPortEntry 5} dataPortFlowControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DataPortFlowControlEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting of Flow Control according to IEEE 802.3x. Auto Enables auto negotiation of IEEE 802.3x flow control when in full-duplex mode. On Force flow control operation Off No flow control." ::= { dataPortEntry 6 } -- ******************************************************************* -- pegasus system group -- -- Note: Description, Location, Name are already in system! -- ******************************************************************* ConfigPriorityEnum ::= INTEGER { server(1), device(2) } HWAdaptionPolicyEnum ::= INTEGER { device(1), server(2) } RackAlarmStatusElem ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "possible alarms concerning the Pegasus rack" SYNTAX BITS { psu1Failure(0), psu2Failure(1), fanFailure(2), urgentExt(3), nonUrgentExt(4) } autoPersistDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If Auto Persist Config is enabled, this is the delay (in seconds) after which the configuration is persisted on the PEM Server. The default value is: 10s." ::= { pegasusSystem 1 } autoPersistEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Determines, whether configuration changes are made persistent automatically (a certain interval after the last change of a configuration attribute) or explicitly by a corresponding message from the PEM Client." ::= { pegasusSystem 2 } configPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ConfigPriorityEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Determines, which configuration is used in case of a configuration mismatch. Possible values: Server or device. Device: The device config is used (replaces server config). Server: The server config is used (replaces device config)" ::= { pegasusSystem 3 } hwAdaptionPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HWAdaptionPolicyEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "In case of a hardware mismatch (the configured device does not match with the one detected in the rack): shall the PEM Server be reconfigured with the new device or shall the device be taken out of operation? Possible Values: Server or Device. Device: The device config is used (replaces server config). Server: The server config is used (replaces device config)" ::= { pegasusSystem 4 } ipBaseAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base address for the computation of the IP addresses for the management interfaces of the cards. When the PEMServer wants to connect to a card in the rack, it computes the card IP address from ipBaseAddress, the slot number of the card, and the systemNumber of the rack (also in pegasusSystem), as follows: the slot number is added to the last byte of ipBaseAddress, modulo 256, and the systemNumber is added to the next to last byte of ipBaseAddress, again modulo 256. Example 1 2 3 iPBaseAddress |192.168. 0. 0||192.168. 0. 0 systemNumber | +4 | +4 | +4 slot number | +1| +3| +5 sum | 4 1| 4 234| 4 5 sum modulo 256 | 4 1| 4 234| 4 5 Resulting mgmt IP-# |192.168. 4. 1||192.168. 4. 5 The slot cards compute their own management interface IP addresses in a similar way, using their own ip base addresses. These base addresses are not visible through the PEM Client or SNMP. To read or change them on a card, the CLI must be used. All slot cards within a PEGASUS system must have the management IP addresses in the same network in order to communicate with each other. They must then have the same base address (with the exception of biasing, as explained below). The base addresses of all cards are usually chosen such that the management IP addresses end up in a non-routable (private) networks. Biasing: cards read slot and rack numbers through dedicated pins on their backplane plugs. If such a pin is damaged, cards read bad numbers and compute bad (possibly conflicting) IP addresses. In this case, the CLI can be used to set the base address such that the resulting address is still correct." REFERENCE "RFC 1597, Section 3, Private Address Space" ::= { pegasusSystem 5 } javaRuntimeVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Version of the installed Java Runtime." ::= { pegasusSystem 6 } javaVMName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the installed Java virtual machine." ::= { pegasusSystem 7 } javaVMVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Version of the installed Java virtual machine on the work-station." ::= { pegasusSystem 8 } mgmtIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Address of the PEGASUS system through which the PEM Server is accessible." ::= { pegasusSystem 9 } --mgmtNetmask OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX IpAddress -- MAX-ACCESS read-only -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "" -- ::= { pegasusSystem 10 } osArchitecture OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Displays information about the operating system where the PEM server is running." ::= { pegasusSystem 11 } osNameAndVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name and version of the operating system that is running on the workstation where the PEM server is running." ::= { pegasusSystem 12 } pemVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version of the PEM Software that is installed on the PEGASUS system." ::= { pegasusSystem 13 } startedBy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The username of the person that started the PEM server." ::= { pegasusSystem 14 } systemNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A number between 0 and 31 which uniquely identifies a PEGASUS system within a subnet. The system number is identified by the HW." ::= { pegasusSystem 15 } mibRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version number assigned by the version control system. You can query this from the agent, to find out with which version of the MIB was built into the agent. The value is also present in copies of the MIB to feed into SNMP managers. Comparing the version numbers from both sources can help to detect mismatches. The revision string for this version is: $Workfile: PEGASUS.mib $ $Revision: 48 $ $Date: 12/17/04 1:16p $" DEFVAL { "$Workfile: PEGASUS.mib $ $Revision: 48 $ $Date: 12/17/04 1:16p $" } ::= { pegasusSystem 16 } -- In the PEM client, the Pegasus System has an SNMP tab with the following -- properties: -- -- ReadCommunity string 40 -- WriteCommunity string 40 -- TrapCommunity string 40 -- TrapDestination string 40 -- AgentPort int -- AuthRespEnabled boolean -- AuthTrapEnabled boolean this is in SNMPv2-MIB -- SysContact string 80 this is in SNMPv2-MIB -- SetSerialNo INTEGER this is in SNMPv2-MIB -- -- Here we implement the first six objects. The last three are already -- accessible through SNMPv2-MIB, and we do not repeat them here. readCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP operations with this community name are given read access to all variables in the MIB." ::= { pegasusSystem 17 } writeCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP operations with this community name are given read access to all variables in the MIB, and write access to all writable variables in the MIB. Note that you can write this value provided you know the old value. For requests with a protocol offering no privacy, this variable always reads as three stars (***). Setting this to the empty string effectively turns off all SNMP write access." ::= { pegasusSystem 18 } trapCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This community name is used for SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c traps sent by the Pegasus system." ::= { pegasusSystem 19 } trapDestination OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP number of the system to receive traps from the Pegasus system. If this variable is set to the empty string, the Pegasus system sends no traps." ::= { pegasusSystem 20 } agentPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UDP port number of the SNMP agent on the Pegasus system. The initial value is the standard SNMP port number for SNMP, 161. If this variable is set to a non-zero value different from the old value, the agent is immediately restarted with the new port number. If the value is set to zero, the agent is turned off." ::= { pegasusSystem 21 } authRespEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "If authentication/authorization fails for an SNMP request, the agent normally replies with an SNMP standard error message. If this variable is set to false(2), the agent sends no error message. The initial value is true(1)." ::= { pegasusSystem 22 } rackAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RackAlarmStatusElem MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the alarms currently set for the Pegasus rack." ::= { pegasusSystem 23 } -- ******************************************************************* -- perf group (performance history) -- -- This group contains one object and two tables: -- - perfSweepCiclePeriod -- - perfControlTable -- - perfDataTable -- ******************************************************************* PerfControlStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "status of a performance control entry" SYNTAX BITS { busy(0), offline(1), data(2), marked(3) } perfSweepCyclePeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..604800) UNITS "Seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time in seconds between attempts to clear unused performance history data. Performance history can take a lot of memory. If the manager fails to delete entries in the perfControlTable, the memory will never be recovered. To avoid this, the agent periodically removes entries which have not been used recently. This is done through a mark-and-sweep method, as follows: - each perfControEntry has a mark - reading perfDataEntries sets the mark on associated perfControlEntry - the sweeper sweeps all perfControlEntries periodically. If an entry is not marked, it is deleted. If an entry is marked, it is unmarked, and will be deleted in the next sweep, if not used (marked) before. This value is volatile" DEFVAL { 300 } ::= { perf 1 } -- Perf: Performance Control Table perfControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PerfControlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table is used to control the gathering of G.826 statistics. This is currently possible for DSL interfaces and V5 links. If it's desired to get statstic samples, a row within this table must be created. Then link between subject and this entry must be established using the variables dslInterface- and v5LinkPerfControlIndexOrZero. Afterwards the perfDataTable is filled and can be read." ::= { perf 2 } perfControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfControlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Definition of a row within the perfControlTable. Such a row contains information about the monitored subject (currently DSL interfaces and V5 links) and the status of the monitoring." INDEX { perfControlIndex } ::= { perfControlTable 1 } PerfControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { perfControlIndex Integer32, perfControlStatus PerfControlStatus, perfControlLinkDescr DisplayString, perfControlUpdatePeriod INTEGER, perfControlEffectiveUpdatePeriod INTEGER, -- obsolete perfControlRowStatus RowStatus } perfControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "index of perfControlEntries" ::= { perfControlEntry 1 } perfControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfControlStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a set of bits giving information on the status of this entry of the perfControlTable. The meaning of the individual bits is as follows: bit name Description 0 busy This bit is one if there is a DSL interface or V5 link referencing this perfControlEntry through a dslInterfacePerfControlIndexOrZero or a v5LinkPerfControlIndexOrZero value. This indicates that this perfControlEntry is busy, and its perfControlIndex value cannot be used in another DSL interface or V5 link. If the ...PerfControlIndexOrZero of the referencing interface or link is set to zero, this bit is also set to zero to show that this perfControlEntry is no longer busy - it can be used in another interface or link. 1 offline Device is offline, data may be absent or out of date. This bit is 0 if the last attempt to get performance history data from the device succeeded. In this case, the data bit (see below) is also 1. This bit (offline) is 1 if the last attempt to get performance history data failed. In this case, if no data have been received from the device, the data bit is 0, and no perfDataEntries are associated with this perfControlEntry. If some data was received from the device before the device went offline, the data bit may be 1, but the data may be out of date. 2 data Data is present. If this perfControlEntry is active, busy, and the device is not offline, this bit is to 1, which indicates that the perfDataEntries associated with this perfControlEntry are present and can be read from the perfDataTable. 3 marked This perfControlEntry has been used recently. The sweeper periodically sweeps all perfControlEntries, deleting entries with 0 in this bit. For entries with 1 in this bit, the bit is set to 0. Reading perfDataEntries sets the marked bit of the associated perfControlEntries to 1." ::= { perfControlEntry 2 } perfControlLinkDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the interface or link using this perfControlEntry. If the perfControlEntry is busy, the value is a textual description of the object referencing this entry through its ...PerfControlIndexOrZero instance. Example: dslInterface 8.1.ltu (DSL interface on card in slot 8, link 1, on ltu) v5Link 3.8 (V5 link 8 on V5 card in slot 3) If the perfControlEntry is not busy, the value is the empty string (length zero). This object helps to find the interface or link using this entry." ::= { perfControlEntry 3 } perfControlUpdatePeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..180) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time interval in seconds to wait between querying the performance history data from the device. Minimum value is 1 second. Shorter values yield more accurate/up-to-date figures, at higher communication cost. A value of 0 turns off online reporting." ::= { perfControlEntry 4 } perfControlEffectiveUpdatePeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..180) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "If several clients monitor the same V5 link or DSL interface, each sets its own update period. The server then computes the greatest common divisor of all values. For example, if a PEM client wants to have an update every 15 seconds, and the SNMP agent wants an update every 21 seconds, the server will produce updates every 3 seconds (15=3*5, 21=3*7). The subsequence of every fifth update than has a period of 15 seconds, and the subsequence of every seventh has a period of 21 seconds." ::= { perfControlEntry 5 } perfControlRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Attribute to create and delete rows dynamically." ::= { perfControlEntry 6 } -- Perf: Performance Data Table PerfHistoryType ::= INTEGER { history15m(1), history24h(2) } perfDataTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PerfDataEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "G.826 statistics table for DSL interfaces and V5 links. Each entry is associated to exactly one perfControlEntry that represents the link between the DSL interface or V5 link and the data entry." ::= { perf 3 } perfDataEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfDataEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each perfDataEntry is associated with exactly one perfControlEntry row through the perfControlIndex instance which is part of the index." INDEX { perfControlIndex, perfDataKind, perfDataIndex } ::= { perfDataTable 1 } PerfDataEntry ::= SEQUENCE { perfDataKind PerfHistoryType, perfDataIndex Integer32, perfDataES Integer32, perfDataSES Integer32, perfDataUAS Integer32, perfDataCV Integer32, --anomaly perfDataLOSWS Integer32 --defect } perfDataKind OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfHistoryType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The second position in the index, shows the type of history - either 'history15m' (15 minute history) or 'history24h' (24 hour history)." ::= { perfDataEntry 1 } perfDataIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Register number. Each register has 5 values (ES/SES/UAS/CV/LOSWS). The 15 minute history has 32 history registers, indexed from 1 to 32. Each accumulates its measures over 15 minutes. The register with index 1 is the oldest register (numerical equals chronological order). The 15 minute history has an additional entry (index 33) for the current register (which is only updated when perfControlUpdatePeriod of the associated perfControlEntry is not zero). The 24 hour history has 7 true history registers, indexed 1 to 7. These accumulate there measures over 24 hours. Again, the register with index 1 is the oldest, and again, there is a current register with index 8. This current register is updated every 15 minutes, no matter what the value of perfControlUpdatePeriod of the associated perfControlEntry is." ::= { perfDataEntry 2 } -- For the data fields, Counter and Gauge cannot be used (both are unsigned, -- but we need negative values). Also, Counter semantics are incompatible with -- out register 'shifting'. perfDataES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "Seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of errored seconds. An errored second is one with at least one CRC anomaly (see perfDataCV below) and/or at least one LOSW defect (see perfDataLOSWS below). In the 15 minute history, this register ranges from 0 to 900. In the 24 hour history, it ranges from 0 to 86400 (=24*3600) seconds). This register is inhibited, that is not counted while UAS is counting. Due to variations in the communication delay, sampling periods can slightly deviate from their ideal length of 15 minutes or 24 hours. This can cause the register to show values somewhat above 900 (86400 resp.) seconds." REFERENCE "ETSI TS 101 524 'Symmetrical single pair high bitrate Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL)'. Clause 10.3, 'SDSL Line Related Performance Parameters'." ::= { perfDataEntry 3 } perfDataSES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "Seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of severely errored seconds. A severely errored second is one with 50 or more CRC anomalies (see perfDataCV below) or at least one LOSW defect (see perfDataLOSWS below). In the 15 minute history, this register ranges from -9 to about 450. In the 24 hour history, it ranges from -9 to about 43200. (These limits may seem strange, but are a result of the UAS derivation and SES inhibition rules of the ETSI standard. This register is inhibited, that is not counted while UAS is counting. Deviations in the sampling period length can cause this register to deviate from its true value (see perfDataES)." REFERENCE "ETSI TS 101 524 'Symmetrical single pair high bitrate Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL)'. Clause 10.3, 'SDSL Line Related Performance Parameters'." ::= { perfDataEntry 4 } perfDataUAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "Seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of unavailable seconds. Seconds from the beginning of 10 or more SES (perfDataSES) to the beginning of 10 or more non-SES are considered as unavailable. In the 15 minute history, this register ranges from -9 to 900. In the 24 hour history, it ranges from -9 to 86400 (24*3600). Deviations in the sampling period length can cause this register to deviate from the true value (see perfDataES)." REFERENCE "ETSI TS 101 524 'Symmetrical single pair high bitrate Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL)'. Clause 10.3, 'SDSL Line Related Performance Parameters'." ::= { perfDataEntry 5 } perfDataCV OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "Frames with CRC faults" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of error checking code faults (the usual error checking code is CRC). DSL links are structured as 166 2/3 frames per second, each with a CRC value. This register is subject to inhibition, that is it counts at most 50 CRC faults per second." REFERENCE "ETSI TS 101 524 'Symmetrical single pair high bitrate Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL)'. Clause 10.3, 'SDSL Line Related Performance Parameters'." ::= { perfDataEntry 6 } perfDataLOSWS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "Seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of seconds with one or more LOSW defects (loss of frame synchronization word)." REFERENCE "ETSI TS 101 524 'Symmetrical single pair high bitrate Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL)'. Clause 10.3, 'SDSL Line Related Performance Parameters'." ::= { perfDataEntry 7 } END