PEGASUS-SDH-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS Integer32, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC InterfaceIndex, InterfaceIndexOrZero, ifIndex FROM IF-MIB pegasusMibModule, OperStateEnum, AvailabilityStatusElem, CommStateEnum FROM PEGASUS-MIB; pegasusSdhMibModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200403180000Z" -- 18 March, 2004 ORGANIZATION "Schmid Telecom, Zurich" CONTACT-INFO "Schmid Telecom AG Binzstrasse 35, CH-8048 Zurich Switzerland Email:" DESCRIPTION "This MIB applies to the PEGASUS SDSL product manufactured by Schmid Telecom Zurich. The MIB is modelled after the PEM management model, so object hierarchy and individual variables agree with the PEM client. This MIB represents an extension to the DS1-MIB and the SONET-MIB. These three MIB files are used to manage the PEGASUS STM-1 card. The PEGASUS-SDH-MIB contains five tables: - stm1CardTable one entry for each STM-1 card configured. - stm1CardClockTable one entry for each STM-1 card configured. - ethernetIfTable one entry for each Ethernet interface of a configured STM-1 card. - vcTable one entry for each Virtual Container (VC-3/4/12). - tugConfigTable one entry for each Tributary Unit Group (TUG-3). Note - The tables that represent extensions to the DS1-/SINET-MIB use the ifIndex from IF-MIB (ifTable)." REVISION "200403180000Z" -- 18 March, 2004 DESCRIPTION "Improved Alarm signalisation. A new variable stm1CardAlarmStatus shows the alarms that are active on the STM-1 card. Active Ethernet alarms are shown by ethernetIfAlarmStatus. The following values for vcAlarmStatus are can not occur (not used): - vcgTxAddTimeout - vcgDnuOk - vcgTxAdd - vcgRxAdd - vcgTxRemove - vcgRxRemove - vcgTxDnu - vcgRxFail" REVISION "200401070000Z" -- 7 January, 2004 DESCRIPTION "Actually, only GFP is supported as Ethernet Encapsulation. Therefore the variable etherIfEncapsulation is now read-only." REVISION "200311170000Z" -- 17 November, 2003 DESCRIPTION "Initial Revision." ::= { pegasusMibModule 8 } -- ******************************************************************* -- stm1 card group -- -- This group contains four tables: -- - stm1CardTable -- - ethernetIfTable -- - vcConfigTable -- - tugConfigTable -- ******************************************************************* -- STM1 Card Enumerations and Subranges ClockSourceEnum ::= INTEGER { rxLineClock(1), referenceClock(2), freeRun(3) } ClockSyncStateEnum ::= INTEGER { syncOk(1), syncNotOk(2) } ClockModeEnum ::= INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } ClockPriorityEnum ::= INTEGER { primary(1), secondary(2) } ClockQualityEnum ::= INTEGER { prc(1), ssu-a(2), ssu-b(3), sec(4), dnu(5), auto(6), unknown(7) } ClockStateEnum ::= INTEGER { invalid(1), valid(2) } MultiplexingModeEnum ::= INTEGER { au3(1), au4(2) } VirtualContainerTypeEnum ::= INTEGER { vc4(1), vc3(2), vc12(3) } LaserOperationModeEnum ::= INTEGER { off(1), als(2) } LaserStateEnum ::= INTEGER { on(1), shutdown(2), restart(3) } SdhInterfaceEnum ::= INTEGER { optical(1), e1(2) } PRBSPatternEnum ::= INTEGER { pattern2exp15(1), -- 2^15-1 = 32767 pattern2exp20(2) -- 2^20-1 = 1048575 } TraceSizeEnum ::= INTEGER { size1byte(1), size16byte(2) } SignalLabel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "x" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Representation of a VC Signal Label. The meaning of the SignalLabel depends on the type of vitual container. VC-12s use the following values: 001b Unequipped 001b Equipped (non specific) 010b Asynchronous 011b Bit Synchronous 100b Byte Synchronous 101b Reserved for future use 110b Test signal (O.181) 111b VC-AIS VC-4 and VC-3 use these values: 00h Unequipped or supervisory-unequipped 01h Equipped - non-specific 02h TUG Structure 03h Locked TU-n 04h Asynch. mapping of 34'386/44'736 kbit/s into Container-3 12h Asynch. mapping of 139'264 kbit/s into Container-4 13h ATM Mapping 14h MAN DQDB (IEEE 802.6 mapping 15h FDDI (ISO 9314) mapping 16h Mapping of HDLC/PPP framed signal 17h Mapping of SDL with SDH self synch. Scrambler 18h Mapping of HDLC/LAP-S framed signals 19h Mapping of SDL with set-reset scrambler 1Ah Mapping of 10 Gbit/s Ethernet frames (IEEE 802.3) CFh Obsolete mapping of HDLC/PPP framed signal E1h-FCh Reserved for national use FEh Test signal, O.181 specific mapping FFh VC-AIS" SYNTAX INTEGER(0..7|18..26|207|225..252|254..255) ConcatenationTypeEnum ::= INTEGER { lcas(1), nonLCAS(2) } EthernetIfEncapsulationEnum ::= INTEGER { disabled(1), -- not supported feature gfp(2), lapf(3), -- not supported feature laps(4), -- not supported feature ppp(5) -- not supported feature } OrderLevelEnum ::= INTEGER { highOrder(1), lowOrder(2) } STM1SlotNumber ::= INTEGER(2) TUGIndex ::= INTEGER(1..3) TUGIndexOrZero ::= INTEGER(0..3) -- STM-1 Card: STM-1 Card Table stm1CardTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Stm1CardEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing stm1 card specific information." ::= { pegasusSdhMibModule 1 } stm1CardEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Stm1CardEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row and index definition for stm1 card table." INDEX { stm1CardSlotNumber } ::= { stm1CardTable 1 } Stm1CardEntry ::= SEQUENCE { stm1CardSlotNumber STM1SlotNumber, -- identification stm1CardName DisplayString, stm1CardHardwareVersion DisplayString, stm1CardFirmwareVersion DisplayString, stm1CardManufacturer DisplayString, stm1CardSerialNumber DisplayString, -- configuration stm1CardMultiplexingMode MultiplexingModeEnum, stm1CardJ0TraceMonitoring OperStateEnum, stm1CardJ1TraceMonitoring OperStateEnum, stm1CardJ2TraceMonitoring OperStateEnum, stm1CardJ0PathTraceSize TraceSizeEnum, stm1CardJ0PathTraceSend DisplayString, -- same as sonetMediumCircuitIdentifier stm1CardJ0PathTraceExpected DisplayString, stm1CardJ0PathTraceReceive DisplayString, stm1CardLaserOperationMode LaserOperationModeEnum, stm1CardLaserState LaserStateEnum, -- supervision stm1CardOperState OperStateEnum, stm1CardAvailabilityState AvailabilityStatusElem, stm1CardMgmtCommState CommStateEnum, -- maintenance stm1CardPRBSGeneratorSink SdhInterfaceEnum, stm1CardPRBSAnalyzerSource SdhInterfaceEnum, stm1CardPRBSPattern PRBSPatternEnum, -- additional card alarm status stm1CardAlarmStatus Integer32 } stm1CardSlotNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX STM1SlotNumber MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Slot number for stm1 card." ::= { stm1CardEntry 1 } stm1CardName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the PEGASUS device." ::= { stm1CardEntry 2 } stm1CardHardwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hardware version of the STM-1 card. This is also called CHM-number (it always starts with the letters 'CHM'). The number '404' after 'CHM' identifies the card as a STM-1 card." ::= { stm1CardEntry 3 } stm1CardFirmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Version number and build date of the firmware running on the line card. The format is 'major.minor YYYYMMDD hh:mm'." ::= { stm1CardEntry 4 } stm1CardManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manufacturer of the STM-1 card." ::= { stm1CardEntry 5 } stm1CardSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Serial number of the line card. Also called HM-number, as it always starts with 'HM'. Example: HMVSS014810294." ::= { stm1CardEntry 6 } stm1CardMultiplexingMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MultiplexingModeEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Selects the SDH multiplexing mode. Either it is STM1-AU3-VC3 or STM1-AU4-VC4." ::= { stm1CardEntry 7 } stm1CardJ0TraceMonitoring OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OperStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If trace monitoring is disable no alarm is propagated to PEM and also no RDI/AIS is inserted." ::= { stm1CardEntry 8 } stm1CardJ1TraceMonitoring OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OperStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If trace monitoring is disable no alarm is propagated to PEM and also no RDI/AIS is inserted." ::= { stm1CardEntry 9 } stm1CardJ2TraceMonitoring OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OperStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If trace monitoring is disable no alarm is propagated to PEM and also no RDI/AIS is inserted." ::= { stm1CardEntry 10 } stm1CardJ0PathTraceSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TraceSizeEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of the Regenerator Section Trace Message." ::= { stm1CardEntry 11 } stm1CardJ0PathTraceSend OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configurable Regenerator Section (RS) Trace Message." ::= { stm1CardEntry 12 } stm1CardJ0PathTraceExpected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Regenerator Section (RS) Trace Message that should be received." ::= { stm1CardEntry 13 } stm1CardJ0PathTraceReceive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Regenerator Section (RS) Trace Message that is be received." ::= { stm1CardEntry 14 } stm1CardLaserOperationMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LaserOperationModeEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configuration of the 'Automatic Laser Shutdown' feature." ::= { stm1CardEntry 15 } stm1CardLaserState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LaserStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Actual state of the laser." ::= { stm1CardEntry 16 } stm1CardOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OperStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state is a status property indicating whether or not a device is physically installed and working. enabled The device is partially or fully operable and available for use. disabled The device is totally inoperable and unavailable to provide service." ::= { stm1CardEntry 17 } stm1CardAvailabilityState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AvailabilityStatusElem MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The availability status gives more detailed information about failures within a device. An empty status set means that no error exists. Possible status are: in test The device is under test. failed The device has an internal fault that prevents it from operating. power off The device requires power to be applied and is not powered on. off line The device requires a routine operation to be performed to place it online and make it available for use. off duty The device has been made inactive by an internal control process in accordance with a predetermined time schedule. dependency The device can not operate because some other resource on which it depends is unavailable. degraded The device is partially defective but still operable. not installed The device is not present, or incomplete. log full The log is full." ::= { stm1CardEntry 18 } stm1CardMgmtCommState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Management Comm State indicates the state of the management connection between the PEM Server and the STM-1 card. disconnected No connection has been established. init A connection has freshly been established on the underlying protocol, but no management information has been transmitted so far. identification The connected device is being identified. check hardware The connected hardware is compared to the one stored in the configuration. hardware adaptation If the configured and the existing device do not match, an adoption is made. The behaviour in this case can be configured with the 'HW Adaptation Policy' option. check program version The program version of the connected hardware is compared to the one stored in the configuration. check config version The configuration version of the connected hardware is compared to the one stored in the configuration. download config If a configuration version mismatch has been detected and the 'Config Priority' of 'PEGASUS system' is set to 'Device', the configuration is downloaded from the device to the PEM Server. upload config If a configuration version mismatch has been detected and the 'Config Priority' of 'PEGASUS system' is set to 'Server', the configuration is uploaded from the PEM Server to the device. status synch The values of the status properties are being synchronised. resetting The device is resetting. inactive The device is connected, but it is inactive, that is not operational. This may be due to a hardware mismatch. active The management connection between the device and the PEM Server is fully established and the device is active." ::= { stm1CardEntry 19 } stm1CardPRBSGeneratorSink OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdhInterfaceEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Determines, whether the PRBS Generator should be used on the optical or on the E1 links." ::= { stm1CardEntry 20 } stm1CardPRBSAnalyzerSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdhInterfaceEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Determines, whether the PRBS Analyzer should be used on the optical or on the E1 links." ::= { stm1CardEntry 21 } stm1CardPRBSPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PRBSPatternEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Determines the PRBS Pattern to be used." ::= { stm1CardEntry 22 } stm1CardAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..511) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates the status of STM-1 card, regenerator section and multiplex section. It's a bitmap represented as a sum. Therefore multiple alarms can be displayed simultaneously. The value noAlarm is only set if there isn't any alarm active. The various bit positions are: 1 No alarm present -- STM-1 card -- 2 Initialization failure 4 Firmware Version Mismatch 8 Maintenance -- regenerator section RS -- 16 Loss of Signal (LOS) 32 Loss of Frame (LOF) 64 Trace ID Mismatch (RS-TIM) -- multiplex section MS -- 128 Alarm Indication Signal (MS-AIS) 256 Remote Defect Indication (MS-RDI, former FERF)" ::= { stm1CardEntry 23 } -- STM-1 Card: STM-1 Card Clock Table stm1CardClockTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Stm1CardClockEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing stm1 card specific clock information." ::= { pegasusSdhMibModule 2 } stm1CardClockEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Stm1CardClockEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row and index definition for stm1 card clock table." INDEX { stm1CardSlotNumber } ::= { stm1CardClockTable 1 } Stm1CardClockEntry ::= SEQUENCE { -- clock settings stm1CardActiveClockSource ClockSourceEnum, stm1CardClockSyncState ClockSyncStateEnum, stm1CardTxLineClockQuality ClockQualityEnum, stm1CardRxClockMode ClockModeEnum, stm1CardRxClockPriority ClockPriorityEnum, stm1CardRxClockQuality ClockQualityEnum, stm1CardRxClockState ClockStateEnum, stm1CardReferenceClockMode ClockModeEnum, stm1CardReferenceClockPriority ClockPriorityEnum, stm1CardReferenceClockQuality ClockQualityEnum, stm1CardReferenceClockState ClockStateEnum } stm1CardActiveClockSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClockSourceEnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Displays which clock sourceis active and used as sync source." ::= { stm1CardClockEntry 1 } stm1CardClockSyncState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClockSyncStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sync status is OK if RX or Reference clock is valid and used as active sync source." ::= { stm1CardClockEntry 2 } stm1CardTxLineClockQuality OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClockQualityEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the clock quality of the outgoing SDH signal. The default sets the outgoing quality to the incoming quality. Sometime it may be useful to set a fix outgoing quality." ::= { stm1CardClockEntry 3 } stm1CardRxClockMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClockModeEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If enabled the RX line clock can be used as sync source." ::= { stm1CardClockEntry 4 } stm1CardRxClockPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClockPriorityEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value has always the opposite value of Reference Clock Priority." ::= { stm1CardClockEntry 5 } stm1CardRxClockQuality OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClockQualityEnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the clock quality of the incoming SDH signal." ::= { stm1CardClockEntry 6 } stm1CardRxClockState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClockStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Clock status is valid if a good clock can be found on input (clock checker)." ::= { stm1CardClockEntry 7 } stm1CardReferenceClockMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClockModeEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If enabled the Reference clock (V5 card input) can be used as sync source." ::= { stm1CardClockEntry 8 } stm1CardReferenceClockPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClockPriorityEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value has always the opposite value of Rx Clock Priority." ::= { stm1CardClockEntry 9 } stm1CardReferenceClockQuality OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClockQualityEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the quality of the reference clock input. This value will be transmitted in SDH-TX if reference clock is used as active sync source." ::= { stm1CardClockEntry 10 } stm1CardReferenceClockState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClockStateEnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Clock status is valid if a good clock can be found on input (clock checker)." ::= { stm1CardClockEntry 11 } -- STM-1 Card: Ethernet Interface Table ethernetIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EthernetIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains additional information concerning the ethernet interfaces of a STM-1 card. It represents an extension of the if(X)Table (see IF-MIB)." ::= { pegasusSdhMibModule 3 } ethernetIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EthernetIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row and index definition for the ethernetIfTable." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { ethernetIfTable 1 } EthernetIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { etherIfConcatenationOption ConcatenationTypeEnum, etherIfEncapsulation EthernetIfEncapsulationEnum, etherIfOrderLevel OrderLevelEnum, etherIfAlarmStatus Integer32 } etherIfConcatenationOption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ConcatenationTypeEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configuration of the Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme." ::= { ethernetIfEntry 1 } etherIfEncapsulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EthernetIfEncapsulationEnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute shows the used Ethernet encapsulation protocol." ::= { ethernetIfEntry 2 } etherIfOrderLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OrderLevelEnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Only relevant, if SDH Multiplexing Mode (see STM-1 card propertied) is set to VC3." ::= { ethernetIfEntry 3 } etherIfAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..511) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates the status of an Ethernet Interface. It's a bitmap represented as a sum. Therefore multiple defects can be displayed simultaneously. The value noAlarm is only set if there isn't any alarm. The various bit positions are (LO = LowOrder, HO = HighOrder): 1 No alarm 2 LO LCAS group identifier mismatch (Rx) 4 HO LCAS group identifier mismatch (Rx) 8 LO VCG exceeds max. differential delay (Rx) 16 HO VCG exceeds max. differential delay (Rx) 32 LO VCG exceeds max. differential delay, calculated over all containers (Rx) 64 HO VCG exceeds max. differential delay, calculated over all containers (Rx) 128 Transmit FIFO overflow (Tx) 256 Rx head-of-line blocking FIFO overflow" ::= { ethernetIfEntry 4 } -- STM-1 Card: Virtual Container (VC) Configuration Table vcTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VcEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains additional information for VC concerning the multiplexing configuration. It's an extension of the ifTable (IF-MIB) and the tables of the SONET/SDH-MIB. " ::= { pegasusSdhMibModule 4 } vcEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VcEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row and index definition for the vcConfigTable." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { vcTable 1 } VcEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vcType VirtualContainerTypeEnum, vcRelatedTUG TUGIndexOrZero, vcRelatedVC InterfaceIndexOrZero, vcAssignedIfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero, vcPathTraceSend DisplayString, -- same as dsx1CircuitIdentifier vcPathTraceExpected DisplayString, vcPathTraceReceive DisplayString, vcSignalLabelSend SignalLabel, vcSignalLabelExpected SignalLabel, vcSignalLabelReceive SignalLabel, vcAlarmStatus Integer32 } vcType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VirtualContainerTypeEnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of Virtual Container (VC). In Pegasus VC-4, VC-3 or VC-12." ::= { vcEntry 1 } vcRelatedTUG OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TUGIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the index of the Tributary Unit Group within the tugConfigTable to which this VC is assigned to. The value depends also on the multiplexing mode. If the value is 0, there doesn't exist the relation VC-x to TUG-3. Possible values: 1) multiplexing mode = AU-4: VC-4: vcRelatedTUG = 0 VC-3/12: vcRelatedTUG = 1..3 2) multiplexing mode = AU-3: vcRelatedTUG = 0 (no dependency on VC type)" ::= { vcEntry 2 } vcRelatedVC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the index of the Virtual Container within the ifTable to which this VC is assigned to. The value depends also on the multiplexing mode. If the value is 0, there doesn't exist the relation VC-x to VC-x. Possible values: 1) multiplexing mode = AU-4: vcRelatedVC = 0 (no dependency on VC type) 2) multiplexing mode = AU-3: VC-3: vcRelatedVC = 0 VC-12: vcRelatedVC = 2031..2033 (example for slot 2)" ::= { vcEntry 3 } vcAssignedIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the index of the interface within the ifTable (IF-MIB) that transmits to this VC." ::= { vcEntry 4 } vcPathTraceSend OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the outgoing J1 Byte VC Path Trace byte message." ::= { vcEntry 5 } vcPathTraceExpected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the expected J1 Byte VC Path Trace byte message." ::= { vcEntry 6 } vcPathTraceReceive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the incoming J1 Byte VC Path Trace byte message." ::= { vcEntry 7 } vcSignalLabelSend OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SignalLabel MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The outgoing C2 VC Signal Label (0x02 = TUG structure)." ::= { vcEntry 8 } vcSignalLabelExpected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SignalLabel MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The expected C2 VC Signal Label (0x02 = TUG structure)." ::= { vcEntry 9 } vcSignalLabelReceive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SignalLabel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The incoming C2 VC Signal Label (0x02 = TUG structure)." ::= { vcEntry 10 } vcAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..524287) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates the status of the VC. It's a bitmap represented as a sum. Therefore multiple defects can be displayed simultaneously. The value noDefect should only be set if there is no other defect. Some alarms can't occur actually. The various bit positions are: 1 vcNoDefect 2 vcAlarmAIS 4 vcAlarmLOP 8 vcAlarmRDI 16 vcAlarmUnequipped 32 vcAlarmPLM 64 vcAlarmTIM 128 vcAlarmLOM 256 vcAlarmRFI 512 vcgTxAddTimeout -- not used (deprecated) 1024 vcgTxAdd -- not used (deprecated) 2048 vcgTxRemove -- not used (deprecated) 4096 vcgTxDnu -- not used (deprecated) 8192 vcgDnuOk -- not used (deprecated) 16384 vcgRxAdd -- not used (deprecated) 32768 vcgRxRemove -- not used (deprecated) 65536 vcgRxFail -- not used (deprecated) 131072 vcgLcasCrcError 262144 vcgNonLcasSeqError" ::= { vcEntry 11 } -- STM-1 Card: Tributary Unit Group (TUG) Configuration Table tugConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TugConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains information concerning Tributary Unit Groups. If AU-3 structure is used, this table is empty." ::= { pegasusSdhMibModule 5 } tugConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TugConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row and index definition for the tugConfigTable." INDEX { tugIndex } ::= { tugConfigTable 1 } TugConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tugIndex TUGIndex, tugRelatedVC4 InterfaceIndex, tugOrderLevel OrderLevelEnum } tugIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TUGIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of the TUG. Range 1..3" ::= { tugConfigEntry 1 } tugRelatedVC4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { tugConfigEntry 2 } tugOrderLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OrderLevelEnum MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Individual Order Level of this TUG. If high order is used, the TUG has exactly one VC-3 and no VC-12s. If low order is used, the TUG has exactly 21 VC-12 and no VC-3." ::= { tugConfigEntry 3 } -- STM-1 Support: Additional information sdhMibRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version number assigned by the version control system. You can query this from the agent, to find out with which version of the MIB was built into the agent. The value is also present in copies of the MIB to feed into SNMP managers. Comparing the version numbers from both sources can help to detect mismatches. The revision string for this version is: $Workfile: PEGASUS-SDH-MIB.txt $ $Revision: 14 $ $Date: 3/18/04 6:40p $" DEFVAL { "$Workfile: PEGASUS-SDH-MIB.txt $ $Revision: 14 $ $Date: 3/18/04 6:40p $" } ::= { pegasusSdhMibModule 6 } END