-- -- Copyright (C) 2014 All Rights Reserved. -- DIGIPDU-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, OBJECT-TYPE, enterprises FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215; smart MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200904161627Z" -- April 16 2009 ORGANIZATION "" CONTACT-INFO "" DESCRIPTION "This is the MIB module for the All DIGIPDU Device" REVISION "200904161627Z" -- April 16 2009 DESCRIPTION "V1.00 for the DIGIPDU Device" ::= { digipdu 3 } digipdu OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 10456 } -- -- Product -- product OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smart 1 } productModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..50)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicate the Model of Device." ::= { product 1 } productPartNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The part number of this appliance as shown on the label." ::= { product 2 } productSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The serial number of this appliance as shown on the label." ::= { product 3 } productFirmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version of the firmware of this product." ::= { product 4 } productTemperatureKind OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature Kind(0:CELSIUS, 1:FAHRENHEIT)." ::= { product 11 } productResetDetector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Display the Nearest Operated Time of Reset Buttom." ::= { product 21 } -- -- Device Tables -- deviceTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smart 2 } deviceATSKind OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..3) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device ATS Kind." ::= { deviceTable 1 } deviceInFeedTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..3) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input Feed Total." ::= { deviceTable 2 } deviceInFeedKind OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..4) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input Feed Kind." ::= { deviceTable 3 } deviceInFeedBranch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..2) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input Feed Kind." ::= { deviceTable 4 } deviceOutTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..24) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Out Total." ::= { deviceTable 5 } deviceOutKind OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..4) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Out Kind." ::= { deviceTable 6 } deviceInbuiltTempTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inbuilt Temperature Total." ::= { deviceTable 7 } deviceExtendTemperatureTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..6) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Extend ENV Total." ::= { deviceTable 8 } deviceExtendRHTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..4) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Extend ENV Total." ::= { deviceTable 9 } devicePDUTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDU Total." ::= { deviceTable 10 } deviceInputTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input Total." ::= { deviceTable 11 } deviceUPS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ no(0), yes(1)} MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UPS." ::= { deviceTable 12 } deviceDaisyChain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ no(0), yes(1)} MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Daisy Chain." ::= { deviceTable 13 } deviceUnitTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..16) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device Unit Total." ::= { deviceTable 20 } -- -- Device Unit Table -- deviceUnitTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DeviceUnitEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table of Device Unit." ::= { deviceTable 21 } deviceUnitEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DeviceUnitEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row definition for Device Unit table." INDEX { deviceUnitIndex } ::= { deviceUnitTable 1 } DeviceUnitEntry ::= SEQUENCE { deviceUnitIndex INTEGER, deviceUnitStatus INTEGER, deviceUnitInfeedTotal INTEGER, deviceUnitOutTotal INTEGER } deviceUnitIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..16) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device Unit table index." ::= { deviceUnitEntry 1 } deviceUnitStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "status in the Device Unit." ::= { deviceUnitEntry 2 } deviceUnitInfeedTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Infeed Total of Device Unit." ::= { deviceUnitEntry 3 } deviceUnitOutTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Out Total of Device Unit." ::= { deviceUnitEntry 4 } -- -- peripheral Tables -- peripheralTables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smart 3 } -- -- ATS Table -- aTSTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ATSEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table of Auto Transfer Switch." ::= { peripheralTables 1 } aTSEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ATSEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row definition for Input Feed table." INDEX { aTSIndex } ::= { aTSTable 1 } ATSEntry ::= SEQUENCE { aTSIndex INTEGER, aTSStatus INTEGER, aTSVoltage INTEGER, aTSFrequency INTEGER } aTSIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..2) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Auto Transfer Switch table index." ::= { aTSEntry 1 } aTSStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "status in the Auto Transfer Switch." ::= { aTSEntry 2 } aTSVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Voltage of Auto Transfer Switch." ::= { aTSEntry 3 } aTSFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frequency of Auto Transfer Switch." ::= { aTSEntry 4 } -- -- InFeed Table -- inFeedTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF InFeedEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table of Input Feed." ::= { peripheralTables 2 } inFeedEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InFeedEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row definition for Input Feed table." INDEX { inFeedIndex } ::= { inFeedTable 1 } InFeedEntry ::= SEQUENCE { inFeedIndex INTEGER, inFeedStatus INTEGER, inFeedVoltage INTEGER, inFeedFrequency INTEGER, inFeedCurrent INTEGER, inFeedPowerLoad INTEGER, inFeedPowerFactor INTEGER, inFeedPowerEnergy INTEGER, inFeedOverLoad INTEGER, inFeedHighWarning INTEGER, inFeedLowWarning INTEGER, inFeedBranch INTEGER, inFeedBranch1Current INTEGER, inFeedBranch1PowerLoad INTEGER, inFeedBranch1PowerFactor INTEGER, inFeedBranch1OverLoad INTEGER, inFeedBranch1HighWarning INTEGER, inFeedBranch1LowWarning INTEGER, inFeedBranch2Current INTEGER, inFeedBranch2PowerLoad INTEGER, inFeedBranch2PowerFactor INTEGER, inFeedBranch2OverLoad INTEGER, inFeedBranch2HighWarning INTEGER, inFeedBranch2LowWarning INTEGER } inFeedIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..3) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input Feed table index." ::= { inFeedEntry 1 } inFeedStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "status in the Input Feed." ::= { inFeedEntry 2 } inFeedVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Voltage of Input Feed." ::= { inFeedEntry 3 } inFeedFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frequency of Input Feed." ::= { inFeedEntry 4 } inFeedCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total Current of Input Feed(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { inFeedEntry 5 } inFeedPowerLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Actual value of power in the Input Feed." ::= { inFeedEntry 6 } inFeedPowerFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Actual value of power factor in the Input Feed." ::= { inFeedEntry 7 } inFeedPowerEnergy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Actual value of energy in the Input Feed." ::= { inFeedEntry 8 } inFeedOverLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OverLoad of Input Feed(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { inFeedEntry 9 } inFeedHighWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "High Warning of Input Feed(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { inFeedEntry 10 } inFeedLowWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Low Warning of Input Feed(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { inFeedEntry 11 } inFeedBranch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Average Current of Input Feed(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { inFeedEntry 12 } inFeedBranch1Current OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Average Current of Input Feed(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { inFeedEntry 13 } inFeedBranch1PowerLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Actual value of power in the PDU." ::= { inFeedEntry 14 } inFeedBranch1PowerFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Actual value of power factor in the PDU." ::= { inFeedEntry 15 } inFeedBranch1OverLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OverLoad of Input Feed(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { inFeedEntry 16 } inFeedBranch1HighWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Average Current of Input Feed(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { inFeedEntry 17 } inFeedBranch1LowWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Average Current of Input Feed(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { inFeedEntry 18 } inFeedBranch2Current OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Average Current of Input Feed(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { inFeedEntry 19 } inFeedBranch2PowerLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Actual value of power in the PDU." ::= { inFeedEntry 20 } inFeedBranch2PowerFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Actual value of power factor in the PDU." ::= { inFeedEntry 21 } inFeedBranch2OverLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OverLoad of Input Feed(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { inFeedEntry 22 } inFeedBranch2HighWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Average Current of Input Feed(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { inFeedEntry 23 } inFeedBranch2LowWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Average Current of Input Feed(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { inFeedEntry 24 } -- -- Outlet Table -- outTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OutletEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table of Outlet." ::= { peripheralTables 3 } outEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OutletEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row definition for Outlet table." INDEX { outIndex } ::= { outTable 1 } OutletEntry ::= SEQUENCE { outIndex INTEGER, outComputerStatus INTEGER, outCurrentStatus INTEGER, outSwitchStatus INTEGER, outSwitchCtrl INTEGER, outVoltage INTEGER, outCurrent INTEGER, outPowerFactor INTEGER, outPowerLoad INTEGER, outOverload INTEGER, outHighWarning INTEGER, outLowWarning INTEGER } outIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..24) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Out table index." ::= { outEntry 1 } outComputerStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Out computer status." ::= { outEntry 2 } outCurrentStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Out Current status." ::= { outEntry 3 } outSwitchStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1), off-act(2), on-act(3)} MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID is provided for Outlet Status information. '0' if the out is Switch Off. '1' if the out is Switch On. '2' if the out is Switch Off Acting. '3' if the out is Switch On Acting. " ::= { outEntry 4 } outSwitchCtrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), ctrl-on(1), ctrl-off(2), ctrl-reboot(3), ctrl-on-off(4)} MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID is provided for Outlet Status information. '0' if the out is None. '1' Switch Ctrl On. '2' Switch Ctrl Off. '3' Switch Ctrl Reboot. '4' Switch Ctrl On Off. " ::= { outEntry 5 } outVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Voltage of Outlet." ::= { outEntry 6 } outCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current of Outlet(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { outEntry 7 } outPowerFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Actual value of power factor in the Outlet." ::= { outEntry 8 } outPowerLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Actual value of power in the Outlet." ::= { outEntry 9 } outOverload OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Overload of Outlet(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { outEntry 10 } outHighWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "High Warning of Outlet(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { outEntry 11 } outLowWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Low Warning of Outlet(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { outEntry 12 } -- -- PDU Table -- pduTables OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PDUEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table of PDU." ::= { peripheralTables 4 } pduEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PDUEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row definition for PDU table." INDEX { pduIndex } ::= { pduTables 1 } PDUEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pduIndex INTEGER, pduModel DisplayString, pduMonitor INTEGER, pduStatus INTEGER, pduVoltage INTEGER, pduFrequency INTEGER, pduCurrent INTEGER, pduPowerLoad INTEGER, pduPowerFactor INTEGER, pduPowerEnergy INTEGER, pduOverload INTEGER, pduHighWarning INTEGER, pduLowWarning INTEGER, pduBranch INTEGER, pduBranch1Current INTEGER, pduBranch1Overload INTEGER, pduBranch1HighWarning INTEGER, pduBranch1LowWarning INTEGER, pduBranch2Current INTEGER, pduBranch2Overload INTEGER, pduBranch2HighWarning INTEGER, pduBranch2LowWarning INTEGER } pduIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDU table index." ::= { pduEntry 1 } pduModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Now Power Data Log of PDU(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { pduEntry 2 } pduMonitor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1)} MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDU Monitor Status." ::= { pduEntry 3 } pduStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1), warning(2)} MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDU Connect Status." ::= { pduEntry 4 } pduVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Voltage of PDU." ::= { pduEntry 5 } pduFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frequency of PDU." ::= { pduEntry 6 } pduCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total Current of PDU(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { pduEntry 7 } pduPowerLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Actual value of power in the PDU." ::= { pduEntry 8 } pduPowerFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Actual value of power factor in the PDU." ::= { pduEntry 9 } pduPowerEnergy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Actual value of power in the PDU." ::= { pduEntry 10 } pduOverload OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Overload of PDU(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { pduEntry 11 } pduHighWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "High Warning of PDU(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { pduEntry 12 } pduLowWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "High Warning of PDU(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { pduEntry 13 } pduBranch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Average Current of Input Feed(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { pduEntry 14 } pduBranch1Current OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Average Current of Input Feed(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { pduEntry 15 } pduBranch1Overload OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Overload of Input Feed(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { pduEntry 16 } pduBranch1HighWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Average Current of Input Feed(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { pduEntry 17 } pduBranch1LowWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Average Current of Input Feed(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { pduEntry 18 } pduBranch2Current OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Average Current of Input Feed(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { pduEntry 19 } pduBranch2Overload OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Overload of Input Feed(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { pduEntry 20 } pduBranch2HighWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Average Current of Input Feed(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { pduEntry 21 } pduBranch2LowWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Average Current of Input Feed(In tenths of amps, divide by 10 for value in amps)." ::= { pduEntry 22 } -- -- InbuiltTemperature Table -- inbuiltTemperatureTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF InbuiltTemperatureEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table of Inbuilt Temperature Sensor." ::= { peripheralTables 5 } inbuiltTemperatureEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InbuiltTemperatureEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row definition for Inbuilt Temperature Sensor table." INDEX { inbuiltTemperatureIndex } ::= { inbuiltTemperatureTable 1 } InbuiltTemperatureEntry ::= SEQUENCE { inbuiltTemperatureIndex INTEGER, inbuiltTemperatureStatus INTEGER, inbuiltTemperature INTEGER, inbuiltTemperatureHighWarning INTEGER, inbuiltTemperatureLowWarning INTEGER } inbuiltTemperatureIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..8) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index for the Inbuilt Temperature Sensor table." ::= { inbuiltTemperatureEntry 1 } inbuiltTemperatureStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1)} MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inbuilt Temperature Sensor Connect Status." ::= { inbuiltTemperatureEntry 2 } inbuiltTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Detected Temperature from Inbuilt Temperature Sensor." ::= { inbuiltTemperatureEntry 3 } inbuiltTemperatureHighWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "High Warning Temperature from Inbuilt Temperature Sensor." ::= { inbuiltTemperatureEntry 4 } inbuiltTemperatureLowWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Low Warning Temperature from Inbuilt Temperature Sensor." ::= { inbuiltTemperatureEntry 5 } -- -- ExtendTemperature Table -- extendTemperatureTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ExtendTemperatureEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table of Extend Temperature Sensor." ::= { peripheralTables 6 } extendTemperatureEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ExtendTemperatureEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row definition for Extend Temperature Sensor table." INDEX { extendTemperatureIndex } ::= { extendTemperatureTable 1 } ExtendTemperatureEntry ::= SEQUENCE { extendTemperatureIndex INTEGER, extendTemperatureDeviceId INTEGER, extendTemperaturePort INTEGER, extendTemperatureMonitor INTEGER, extendTemperatureStatus INTEGER, extendTemperature INTEGER, extendTemperatureHighWarning INTEGER, extendTemperatureLowWarning INTEGER } extendTemperatureIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..8) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index for the Extend Temperature Sensor table." ::= { extendTemperatureEntry 1 } extendTemperatureDeviceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Extend Temperature Monitor Status." ::= { extendTemperatureEntry 2 } extendTemperaturePort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Extend Temperature Monitor Status." ::= { extendTemperatureEntry 3 } extendTemperatureMonitor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1)} MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Extend Temperature Monitor Status." ::= { extendTemperatureEntry 4 } extendTemperatureStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1)} MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Extend Temperature Sensor Connect Status." ::= { extendTemperatureEntry 5 } extendTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Detected Temperature from Inbuilt Temperature Sensor." ::= { extendTemperatureEntry 6 } extendTemperatureHighWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "High Warning Temperature from Extend Temperature Sensor." ::= { extendTemperatureEntry 7 } extendTemperatureLowWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Low Warning Temperature from Extend Temperature Sensor." ::= { extendTemperatureEntry 8 } -- -- extendRH Table -- extendRHTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ExtendRHEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table of Extend RH Sensor." ::= { peripheralTables 7 } extendRHEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ExtendRHEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row definition for Extend RH table." INDEX { extendRHIndex } ::= { extendRHTable 1 } ExtendRHEntry ::= SEQUENCE { extendRHIndex INTEGER, extendRHDeviceId INTEGER, extendRHPort INTEGER, extendRHMonitor INTEGER, extendRHStatus INTEGER, extendRH INTEGER, extendRHHighWarning INTEGER, extendRHLowWarning INTEGER } extendRHIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..8) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index for the Extend RH Sensor table." ::= { extendRHEntry 1 } extendRHDeviceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..8) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index for the Extend RH Sensor table." ::= { extendRHEntry 2 } extendRHPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..8) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index for the Extend RH Sensor table." ::= { extendRHEntry 3 } extendRHMonitor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1)} MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Extend RH Monitor Status." ::= { extendRHEntry 4 } extendRHStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1)} MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Extend RH Sensor Connect Status." ::= { extendRHEntry 5 } extendRH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Detected RH from Inbuilt Temperature Sensor." ::= { extendRHEntry 6 } extendRHHighWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "High Warning RH from Extend Temperature Sensor." ::= { extendRHEntry 7 } extendRHLowWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Low Warning RH from Extend Temperature Sensor." ::= { extendRHEntry 8 } -- -- Input Table -- inputTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF InputEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table of Input." ::= { peripheralTables 8 } inputEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InputEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row definition for Input table." INDEX { inputIndex } ::= { inputTable 1 } InputEntry ::= SEQUENCE { inputIndex INTEGER, inputStatus INTEGER, inputState INTEGER, inputTimeout INTEGER, inputDefault INTEGER, inputDetectTime DisplayString } inputIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index for Input table." ::= { inputEntry 1 } inputStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID is provided for Input Status. '0' NORMAL. '1' WARNING. '2' TIMEOUT. " ::= { inputEntry 2 } inputState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID is provided for Input Default. '0' NORMAL_CLOSE. '1' NORMAL_OPEN. " ::= { inputEntry 3 } inputTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TimeOut of Input Status." ::= { inputEntry 4 } inputDefault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID is provided for Input Default. '0' NORMAL_CLOSE. '1' NORMAL_OPEN. " ::= { inputEntry 5 } inputDetectTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Detect the nearest Changed Time of Input Status." ::= { inputEntry 6 } -- -- RFID reader -- rfidReader OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { peripheralTables 9 } rfidCardNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RFID Card Number." ::= { rfidReader 1 } rfidDetectTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Nearest Time to detect RFID Card." ::= { rfidReader 2 } -- -- UPS -- uPS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { peripheralTables 10 } uPSModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UPS Model." ::= { uPS 1 } uPSConnectStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UPS Connect Status." ::= { uPS 2 } uPSFirmware OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UPS Firmware." ::= { uPS 3 } uPSSerial OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UPS Serial." ::= { uPS 4 } uPSTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UPS Temperature." ::= { uPS 5 } uPSInputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UPS Input Voltage." ::= { uPS 6 } uPSOutputOnBattery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UPS Output On Battery." ::= { uPS 7 } uPSOutputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UPS Output Voltage." ::= { uPS 8 } uPSOutputFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UPS Output Voltage." ::= { uPS 9 } uPSOutputCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UPS Output Current." ::= { uPS 10 } uPSOutputLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UPS Output Load." ::= { uPS 11 } uPSOutputOverload OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UPS Output Overload." ::= { uPS 12 } uPSBatteryDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UPS Battery Date." ::= { uPS 13 } uPSBatteryVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UPS Battery Voltage." ::= { uPS 14 } uPSBatteryLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UPS Battery Level." ::= { uPS 15 } uPSBatteryRunTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UPS Battery RunTime." ::= { uPS 16 } uPSBatteryLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UPS Battery Low." ::= { uPS 17 } uPSBatteryReplace OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UPS Battery Need Replace." ::= { uPS 18 } uPSUARTId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UPS UART Id." ::= { uPS 19 } -- -- MIC Detect -- micDetec OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { peripheralTables 11 } micDetectTimes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MIC Detect Times." ::= { micDetec 1 } micDetectPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MIC Detect Period." ::= { micDetec 2 } micLastDetectTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MIC Detect Detect Time." ::= { micDetec 3 } -- -- Vibration Detect -- vibrationDetec OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { peripheralTables 12 } vibrationDetectTimes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Vibration Detect Times." ::= { vibrationDetec 1 } vibrationDetectPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Vibration Detect Period." ::= { vibrationDetec 2 } vibrationLastDetectTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Vibration Detect Detect Time." ::= { vibrationDetec 3 } dataLogTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smart 4 } -- -- Input Feed Data Table -- inFeedDataList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input Feed Data List." ::= { dataLogTable 1 } -- -- Outlet Table -- outDataList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Outlet Data List." ::= { dataLogTable 2 } -- -- PDU Table -- pduDataList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDU Data List." ::= { dataLogTable 3 } -- -- Enterprise Traps -- smartTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smart 100 } trap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smartTraps 1 } -- the 0 is for V1 compatibility arg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smartTraps 2 } trapArg1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicate the Trap Arg1." ::= { arg 1 } trapArg2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicate the Trap Arg2." ::= { arg 2 } trapArg3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicate the Trap Arg3." ::= { arg 3 } trapArg4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicate the Trap Arg4." ::= { arg 4 } trapArg5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicate the Trap Arg5." ::= { arg 5 } trapArg6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicate the Trap Arg6." ::= { arg 6 } trapArg7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicate the Trap Arg7." ::= { arg 7 } trapArg8 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicate the Trap Arg8." ::= { arg 8 } trapArg9 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicate the Trap Arg9." ::= { arg 9 } testTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "testData" ::= { trap 1 } -- Input Feed Traps inFeedOverloadTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4, trapArg5 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " deviceIndex, inFeedIndex, inFeedStatus, inFeedCurrent, inFeedOverload Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 101 } inFeedHighCurrentTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4, trapArg5 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " deviceIndex, inFeedIndex, inFeedStatus, inFeedCurrent, inFeedHighWarning Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 102 } inFeedLowCurrentTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4, trapArg5 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " deviceIndex, inFeedIndex, inFeedStatus, inFeedCurrent, inFeedHighWarning Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 103 } inFeedBranchOverloadTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4, trapArg5 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " inFeedIndex, BranchIndex, inFeedStatus, inFeedCurrent, inFeedOverload Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 104 } inFeedBranchHighCurrentTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4, trapArg5 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " inFeedIndex, BranchIndex, inFeedStatus, inFeedCurrent, inFeedHighWarning Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 105 } inFeedBranchLowCurrentTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4, trapArg5 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " inFeedIndex, BranchIndex, inFeedStatus, inFeedCurrent, inFeedHighWarning Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 106 } outWebOperationTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Outlet on/off change event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the outStatus changes from any 'on' state ('on', 'onWait', 'onError', or 'onFuse') to any 'off' state ('off', 'offWait', 'offError', or 'offFuse'), and vice-versa." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 201 } outPanelOperationTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Outlet on/off change event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the outStatus changes from any 'on' state ('on', 'onWait', 'onError', or 'onFuse') to any 'off' state ('off', 'offWait', 'offError', or 'offFuse'), and vice-versa." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 202 } outAPIOperationTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Outlet on/off change event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the outStatus changes from any 'on' state ('on', 'onWait', 'onError', or 'onFuse') to any 'off' state ('off', 'offWait', 'offError', or 'offFuse'), and vice-versa." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 203 } outScheduleTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4, trapArg5, trapArg6, trapArg7, trapArg8, trapArg9 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Outlet on/off change event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the outStatus changes from any 'on' state ('on', 'onWait', 'onError', or 'onFuse') to any 'off' state ('off', 'offWait', 'offError', or 'offFuse'), and vice-versa." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 211 } outScheduleErrorTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4, trapArg5, trapArg6, trapArg7 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Outlet on/off change event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the outStatus changes from any 'on' state ('on', 'onWait', 'onError', or 'onFuse') to any 'off' state ('off', 'offWait', 'offError', or 'offFuse'), and vice-versa." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 212 } outPingTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Outlet on/off change event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the outStatus changes from any 'on' state ('on', 'onWait', 'onError', or 'onFuse') to any 'off' state ('off', 'offWait', 'offError', or 'offFuse'), and vice-versa." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 221 } outPingRebootTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Outlet on/off change event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the outStatus changes from any 'on' state ('on', 'onWait', 'onError', or 'onFuse') to any 'off' state ('off', 'offWait', 'offError', or 'offFuse'), and vice-versa." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 222 } outOverloadTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4, trapArg5 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " deviceIndex, outIndex, outCurrentStatus, outCurrent, outHighWarning Outlet load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the outLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the outLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the outLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error outLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 231 } outHighCurrentTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4, trapArg5 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " deviceIndex, outIndex, outCurrentStatus, outCurrent, outHighWarning Outlet load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the outLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the outLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the outLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error outLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 232 } outLowCurrentTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4, trapArg5 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " deviceIndex, outIndex, outCurrentStatus, outCurrent, outLowWarning Outlet load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the outLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the outLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the outLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error outLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 233 } outConditionCtrlTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4, trapArg5 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " deviceIndex, outIndex, outCurrentStatus, outCurrent, outLowWarning Outlet load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the outLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the outLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the outLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error outLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 241 } outUPSACFaultOffTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " deviceIndex, value Outlet load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the outLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the outLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the outLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error outLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 311 } outUPSBatteryLevelOffTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " deviceIndex, value Outlet load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the outLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the outLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the outLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error outLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 312 } outUPSBatteryLowOffTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " deviceIndex, value Outlet load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the outLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the outLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the outLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error outLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 313 } outUPSACRecoveryOnTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " deviceIndex, value Outlet load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the outLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the outLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the outLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error outLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 314 } outUPSBatteryLevelOnTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " deviceIndex, value Outlet load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the outLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the outLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the outLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error outLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 315 } outUPSBatteryLowRecoveryOnTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " deviceIndex, value Outlet load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the outLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the outLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the outLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error outLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 316 } pduConnectTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PDUIndex, PDUConnectStatus Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 401 } pduOverloadTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4, trapArg5 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " deviceIndex, PDUIndex, PDUStatus, PDUCurrent, PDUOverload Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 402 } pduHighCurrentTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4, trapArg5 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " deviceIndex, PDUIndex, PDUStatus, PDUCurrent, PDUHighWarning Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 403 } pduLowCurrentTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4, trapArg5 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " deviceIndex, PDUIndex, PDUStatus, PDUCurrent, PDUHighWarning Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 404 } pduBranchOverloadTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4, trapArg5 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PDUIndex, BranchIndex, PDUStatus, PDUCurrent, PDUOverload Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 405 } pduBranchHighCurrentTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4, trapArg5 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PDUIndex, BranchIndex, PDUStatus, PDUCurrent, PDUHighWarning Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 406 } pduBranchLowCurrentTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4, trapArg5 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PDUIndex, BranchIndex, PDUStatus, PDUCurrent, PDUHighWarning Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 407 } inbuiltTemperatureHighTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " InTempId, InTempStatus, InTempTemperature, InTempTemperatureWarning Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 501 } inbuiltTemperatureLowTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " InTempId, InTempStatus, InTempTemperature, InTempTemperatureWarning Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 502 } envConnectTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " deviceIndex, ENVIndex, ENVConnectStatus Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 511 } envTemperatureConnectTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " deviceIndex, ENVIndex, ENVConnectStatus Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 512 } envTemperatureHighTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4, trapArg5, trapArg6 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " deviceIndex, EnvId, EnvStatus, EnvTemperature, EnvTemperatureWarning Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 513 } envTemperatureLowTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4, trapArg5, trapArg6 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " deviceIndex, EnvId, EnvStatus, EnvTemperature, EnvTemperatureWarning Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 514 } envRHConnectTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4, trapArg5 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " deviceIndex, EnvId, EnvStatus, EnvRH, EnvRHWarning Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 515 } envRHHighTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4, trapArg5 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " deviceIndex, EnvId, EnvStatus, EnvRH, EnvRHWarning Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 516 } envRHLowTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4, trapArg5 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " deviceIndex, EnvId, EnvStatus, EnvRH, EnvRHWarning Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 517 } inputTimeOutTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " deviceIndex, EnvId, EnvStatus, EnvTemperature, EnvTemperatureWarning Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 601 } inputTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2, trapArg3, trapArg4 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " deviceIndex, EnvId, EnvStatus, EnvTemperature, EnvTemperatureWarning Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 602 } upsConnectTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Model, ConnectStatus Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 701 } upsOnBatteryTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Model, ConnectStatus Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 702 } upsOverloadTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Model, ConnectStatus Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 703 } upsBatteryLowTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Model, ConnectStatus Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 704 } upsBatteryReplace NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Model, ConnectStatus Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 705 } daisyChainConnectTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Model, ConnectStatus Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 801 } micDetectOccurTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Model, ConnectStatus Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 901 } vibrationDetectOccurTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapArg1, trapArg2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Model, ConnectStatus Input feed load event. If enabled, this trap is sent when the infeedLoadStatus indicates an error state ('loadLow', 'loadHigh', 'overLoad', 'readError', or 'noComm'). This trap is repeated periodically while the infeedLoadStatus remains in an error state. If the infeedLoadStatus returns to a non-error state ('normal' or 'notOn'), this trap is sent once more with the non-error infeedLoadStatus, and then stops being repeated." --#SUMMARY "The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user: %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --NAME "Appliance Rebooting" --SHORT "appliance rebooting" --EVENT evt_reboot --% TrapTypeEnum=15 ::= { trap 902 } END