-- PPC MIB -- ==================================================================== -- Revision History -- v0.13 2011-11-10 Gavin Zhao created, Lilinhua modified -- *************************NMC v0.0.1.7*********************************** -- v0.14 2011-11-18 Lilinhua -- 1. Modify string "ppcTrap" to "eppcTrap" -- 2012-02-09 Lilinhua -- 1. Modify upsESystemFaultCode's description "The warning code of UPS" to "The fault code of UPS". -- *************************NMC v1.1.0.4************************************ -- v0.15 2012-07-20 Lilinhua -- 1. upsEShutdownWarningPeriodInterval, modify access from read-only to read-write. -- 2. upsEShutdownwarningPeriodTime, add unit second. -- 2012-07-31 Lilinhua -- 1. Modify upsEBatteryTestElapsedTime's format from hh:mm:ss.ss to hh:mm:ss -- 2012-08-09 Lilinhua -- 1. Modify values of upsEModuleWorkingMode as upsESystemStatus's. -- *************************NMC v1.1.0.6************************************ -- 2012-08-27 Lilinhua -- 1. Modify "Moudles" to "Modules", advised by Beth. -- 2. Modify module name as phase name "upsEModuleOutputCurrentR", "upsEModuleOutputWattR", "upsEModuleOutputLoadR". -- 3. Add Convert module item "upsEModuleTrapState(12)". -- 4. Add Convert module item "upsEModuleConfigOutputVA(13)". -- 5. Add Convert module item "upsEModuleOutputCurrentS(14)", "upsEModuleOutputCurrentT(15)". -- 6. Add Convert module item "upsEModuleOutputWattS(16)", "upsEModuleOutputWattT(17)". -- 7. Add Convert module item "upsEModuleOutputLoadS(18)", "upsEModuleOutputLoadT(19)". -- 8. Add Convert module item "upsEModuleOutputVAR(20)", "upsEModuleOutputVAS(21)", "upsEModuleOutputVAT(22)". -- 9. Modify upsETrapState max length from 255 to 127. -- *************************NMC v1.1.0.6************************************ -- 2012-08-27 Lilinhua -- 1. Modify trap description of Overload, OverTemperature. -- *************************NMC v1.3.0.0************************************ -- 2013-06-21 Lilinhua -- 1. Add two upsEShutdownEvents: "belowCapacityLimit(11), belowRemainTimeLimit(12)". -- 2. Add 4 traps: upsEBelowCapacityLimit, upsENotBelowCapacityLimit, upsEBelowRemainTimeLimit, upsENotBelowRemainTimeLimit. -- 3. Add 2 config data: upsESystemConfigBelowCapacityLimit, upsESystemConfigBelowRemainTimeLimit. -- 4. Modify upsETrapState's description: "trap 2(battery on)" to "trap 7(battery on)". -- *************************NMC v1.4.0.3************************************ -- 2014-10-15 Lilinhua -- 1. Modify descriptions of "upsEEnvironmentTemperatureHighSetPoint, upsEEnvironmentHumidityHighSetPoint, -- upsEEnvironmentTemperatureLowSetPoint, upsEEnvironmentHumidityLowSetPoint". -- *************************NMC v1.5.0.4************************************ -- v0.16 2015-01-05 Lilinhua -- 1. Modify MIB for add Load segment. EPPC-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215 DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 enterprises,Counter, IpAddress FROM RFC1155-SMI PositiveInteger,NonNegativeInteger FROM UPS-MIB; ppc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 935 } device OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ppc 10 } upsAgent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { device 1 } upsE OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsAgent 1 } upsETraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsAgent 2 } upsEIdentity OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsE 1 } upsESystemSummary OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsE 2 } upsEBatterySystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsE 3 } upsEPowerConverterSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsE 4 } upsELoadSegment OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsE 5 } upsEEnvironment OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsE 6 } upsEBatteryTest OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsE 7 } upsEControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsE 8 } upsETrapControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsE 9 } --======================================================================== --upsEIdentity --======================================================================== upsEIdentityManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 31 ) ) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the UPS manufacturer." ::= { upsEIdentity 1 } upsEIdentityModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 63 ) ) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UPS Model designation." ::= { upsEIdentity 2 } upsEIdentityUPSFirmwareVerison OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 31 ) ) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UPS firmware/software version(s)." ::= { upsEIdentity 3 } upsEIndentityUPSSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 31 ) ) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "optional. Most UPS don't supply the value of UPS serial No." ::= { upsEIdentity 4 } upsEIdentityDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 63 ) ) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A string to identify the UPS. This object should be set by the administrator." ::= { upsEIdentity 5 } upsEIdentityAgentSoftwareVerison OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 31 ) ) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Network Management Card software/firmware version. This variable may or may not have the same value as upsEIdentGroupUPSSoftwareVersion in some implementations." ::= { upsEIdentity 6 } upsEIdentityAttachedDevices OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 63 ) ) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A string identifying the devices attached to the output(s) of the UPS. This object should be set by the administrator" ::= { upsEIdentity 7 } --======================================================================== --upsESystemSummary --======================================================================== upsESystemStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { power-on ( 1 ) , stand-by( 2 ) , by-pass ( 3 ) , line( 4 ) , battery ( 5 ) , battery-test ( 6 ) , fault ( 7 ) , converter ( 8 ) , eco ( 9 ) , shutdown ( 10 ) , on-booster ( 11 ) , on-reducer ( 12 ) , other( 13 ) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The indication of UPS system status." ::= { upsESystemSummary 1 } upsESystemTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The temperature of UPS presented in 0.1 degree." ::= { upsESystemSummary 2 } upsESystemWarningCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 15 ) ) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The warning code of UPS. Please refer the warning table of 'Q6' for details." ::= { upsESystemSummary 3 } upsESystemFaultCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 15 ) ) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The fault code of UPS.Please refer the fault code of 'Q6' for details." ::= { upsESystemSummary 4 } upsESystemConfigInputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the nominal input voltage presented in 0.1 V. On those systems which support read-write access to this object, if there is an attempt to set this variable to a value that is not supported, the request must be rejected and the agent shall respond with an appropriate error message, i.e., badValue for SNMPv1, or inconsistentValue for SNMPv2." ::= { upsESystemSummary 5 } upsESystemConfigInputFrequence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal input frequency presented in 0.1 Hz. On those systems which support read-write access to this object, if there is an attempt to set this variable to a value that is not supported, the request must be rejected and the agent shall respond with an appropriate error message, i.e., badValue for SNMPv1, or inconsistentValue for SNMPv2." ::= { upsESystemSummary 6 } upsESystemConfigOutputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the nominal output voltage presented in 0.1V. On those systems which support read-write access to this object, if there is an attempt to set this variable to a value that is not supported, the request must be rejected and the agent shall respond with an appropriate error message, i.e., badValue for SNMPv1, or inconsistentValue for SNMPv2" ::= { upsESystemSummary 7 } upsESystemConfigOutputFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal output frequency presented in 0.1Hz. On those systems which support read-write access to this object, if there is an attempt to set this variable to a value that is not supported, the request must be rejected and the agent shall respond with an appropriate error message, i.e., badValue for SNMPv1, or inconsistentValue for SNMPv2." ::= { upsESystemSummary 8 } upsESystemConfigOutputVA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the nominal Volt-Amp rating presented in VA." ::= { upsESystemSummary 9 } upsESystemConfigOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the nominal true power rating presented in W ." ::= { upsESystemSummary 10 } upsESystemConfigOutputLoadHighSetPoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum output load allowed before the load is too high for UPS operation " ::= { upsESystemSummary 11 } upsESystemConfigOverTemperatureSetPoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum temperature allowed before the UPS operation temperature is too high, presented in 0.1 degree." ::= { upsESystemSummary 12 } upsESystemInputSourceNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The present external source of input power." ::= { upsESystemSummary 13 } upsESystemInputLineBads OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of times the Input was out of tolerance in voltage or frequency. Its value should be initialized 0 after agent restarting. " ::= { upsESystemSummary 14 } upsESystemInputNumPhases OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PositiveInteger ( 1 .. 3 ) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of input phase utilized is this device, serves as the table index. This value indicate the device initialized feature." ::= { upsESystemSummary 15 } upsESystemInputTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsSystemInputEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of input table entries. The number of entries is given by the value of upsESystemInputNumPhase." ::= { upsESystemSummary 16 } upsESystemInputEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsSystemInputEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular input line." INDEX { upsESystemInputPhase } ::= { upsESystemInputTable 1 } UpsSystemInputEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsESystemInputPhase PositiveInteger, upsESystemInputFrequency NonNegativeInteger, upsESystemInputVoltage NonNegativeInteger, upsESystemInputCurrent NonNegativeInteger, upsESystemInputWatts NonNegativeInteger } upsESystemInputPhase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PositiveInteger( 1 .. 3 ) ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of the phase. Serves as index for input table" ::= { upsESystemInputEntry 1 } upsESystemInputFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured input frquency from the UPS meters in 0.1Hz." ::= { upsESystemInputEntry 2 } upsESystemInputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured input voltage from the UPS meters in 0.1 volts" ::= { upsESystemInputEntry 3 } upsESystemInputCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured input mandatory from the UPS meters in 0.1 amps." ::= { upsESystemInputEntry 4 } upsESystemInputWatts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured input real power in watts." ::= { upsESystemInputEntry 5 } upsESystemOutputNumPhase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PositiveInteger ( 1 .. 3 ) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of metered output phases, serves as the table index. This value indicate the device initialized feature." ::= { upsESystemSummary 17 } upsESystemOutputTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsSystemOutputEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of output table entries. The number of entries is given by the value of upsESystemOutputNumPhase." ::= { upsESystemSummary 18 } upsESystemOutputEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsSystemOutputEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular line." INDEX { upsESystemOutputPhase } ::= { upsESystemOutputTable 1 } UpsSystemOutputEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsESystemOutputPhase PositiveInteger, upsESystemOutputFrequency NonNegativeInteger, upsESystemOutputVoltage NonNegativeInteger, upsESystemOutputCurrent NonNegativeInteger, upsESystemOutputWatts NonNegativeInteger, upsESystemOutputVA NonNegativeInteger, upsESystemOutputLoad NonNegativeInteger } upsESystemOutputPhase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PositiveInteger ( 1 .. 3 ) ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of the phase. Serves as index for output table" ::= { upsESystemOutputEntry 1 } upsESystemOutputFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured output frequency from the UPS meters in 0.1Hz." ::= { upsESystemOutputEntry 2 } upsESystemOutputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured output voltage from the UPS meters in 0.1 volts" ::= { upsESystemOutputEntry 3 } upsESystemOutputCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured output mandatory from the UPS meters in 0.1 amps." ::= { upsESystemOutputEntry 4 } upsESystemOutputWatts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured output real power in watts." ::= { upsESystemOutputEntry 5 } upsESystemOutputVA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured output real complex power in VA." ::= { upsESystemOutputEntry 6 } upsESystemOutputLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UPS output load in percent of rated capacity." ::= { upsESystemOutputEntry 7 } upsESystemBypassNumPhase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PositiveInteger ( 1 .. 3 ) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of bypass phases, serves as the table index. This value indicate the device initialized feature" ::= { upsESystemSummary 19 } upsESystemBypassTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsSystemBypassEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of bypass table entries. The number of entries is given by the value of upsESystemBypassNumPhase." ::= { upsESystemSummary 20 } upsESystemBypassEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsSystemBypassEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular line." INDEX { upsESystemBypassPhase } ::= { upsESystemBypassTable 1 } UpsSystemBypassEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsESystemBypassPhase PositiveInteger, upsESystemBypassFrequency NonNegativeInteger, upsESystemBypassVoltage NonNegativeInteger, upsESystemBypassCurrent NonNegativeInteger, upsESystemBypassWatts NonNegativeInteger } upsESystemBypassPhase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PositiveInteger ( 1 .. 3 ) ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of the phase. Serves as index for bypass table" ::= { upsESystemBypassEntry 1 } upsESystemBypassFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured bypass frequency from the UPS meters in 0.1 Hz." ::= { upsESystemBypassEntry 2 } upsESystemBypassVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured bypass voltage from the UPS meters in 0.1 volts" ::= { upsESystemBypassEntry 3 } upsESystemBypassCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured bypass mandatory from the UPS meters in 0.1 amps" ::= { upsESystemBypassEntry 4 } upsESystemBypassWatts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured input real power in watts." ::= { upsESystemBypassEntry 5 } upsESystemConfigBelowCapacityLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UPS batteries capacity(%) limit for shutdown" ::= { upsESystemSummary 21 } upsESystemConfigBelowRemainTimeLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UPS batteries backup time(minute) limit for shutdown" ::= { upsESystemSummary 22 } --======================================================================== --upsEBatterySystem --======================================================================== upsEBatteryStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown ( 1 ) , batteryNormal ( 2 ) , batteryLow ( 3 ) , batteryDepleted ( 4 ) , batteryDischarging ( 5 ) , batteryFailure ( 6 ) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The status of UPS battery, a value of batteryLow indicates that the battery-low status bit has been set from device. A value of batteryDepleted indicates that the UPS will be unable to sustain the present load when and if the utility power is lost (including the possibility that the utility power is mandatoryly absent and the UPS is unable to sustain the output)" ::= { upsEBatterySystem 1 } upsESecondsOnBattery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If the unit is on battery power, the elapsed time since the UPS last switched to battery power, or the time since the network management subsystem was last restarted, whichever is less. 0 shall be returned if the unit is not on battery power" ::= { upsEBatterySystem 2 } upsEBatteryEstimatedMinutesRemaining OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PositiveInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An estimate of the time to battery charge depletion under the present load conditions if the utility power is off and remains off, or if it were to be lost and remain off." ::= { upsEBatterySystem 3 } upsEBatteryEstimatedChargeRemaining OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 100 ) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An estimate of the battery charge remaining expressed as a percent of full charge" ::= { upsEBatterySystem 4 } upsEPositiveBatteryVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the present positive battery voltage in 0.1 Volt DC" ::= { upsEBatterySystem 5 } upsENegativeBatteryVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the present negative battery voltage in 0.1 Volt DC" ::= { upsEBatterySystem 6 } upsEBatteryCellNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object indicate the cell number of each set." ::= { upsEBatterySystem 7 } upsEBatteryTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ambient temperature at or near the UPS Battery casing in 0.1 degree." ::= { upsEBatterySystem 8 } upsEBatteryLastReplacedDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 10 .. 10 ) ) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The date when the Batteries in this UPS were last replaced. The format should be DD/MM/YYYY." ::= { upsEBatterySystem 9 } upsEBatteryABMStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { charge ( 1 ) , float ( 2 ) , rest ( 3 ) , discharge ( 4 ) , disable ( 5 ) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The status of ABM." ::= { upsEBatterySystem 10 } upsEChargerModulesNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ( 0 .. 32 ) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of charger modules inserted to UPS systems. served as the index of the upsEChargerModulesTable. The default value 0 indicate that the UPS system don't have separate charger module." ::= { upsEBatterySystem 11 } upsEChargerModulesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsChargerModulesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of charger modules entries. The number of entries is given by the value of upsEchargerModulesNum." ::= { upsEBatterySystem 12 } upsEChargerModulesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsChargerModulesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular charger module." INDEX { chargerModulesNum } ::= { upsEChargerModulesTable 1 } UpsChargerModulesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { chargerModulesNum PositiveInteger, chargerModulesAddress NonNegativeInteger , positiveChargeVotlage NonNegativeInteger, negativeChargeVoltage NonNegativeInteger, positiveChargeCurrent NonNegativeInteger, negativeChargeCurrent NonNegativeInteger, chargerModulesTemperature INTEGER, chargerModulesMode INTEGER } chargerModulesNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PositiveInteger ( 1 .. 32 ) ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of charger modules. Serves as index for charger module table" ::= { upsEChargerModulesEntry 1 } chargerModulesAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Charger Modules' address." ::= { upsEChargerModulesEntry 2 } positiveChargeVotlage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured positive charger voltage from the UPS meters in 0.1 volts" ::= { upsEChargerModulesEntry 3 } negativeChargeVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured nepositive charger voltage from the UPS meters in 0.1 volts" ::= { upsEChargerModulesEntry 4 } positiveChargeCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured positive charger mandatory from the UPS meters in in 0.1 amps." ::= { upsEChargerModulesEntry 5 } negativeChargeCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured nepositive charger mandatory from the UPS meters in 0.1 amps." ::= { upsEChargerModulesEntry 6 } chargerModulesTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured charger temperature from the UPS meters in 0.1 degree." ::= { upsEChargerModulesEntry 7 } chargerModulesMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { powerOn ( 1 ) , standyby ( 2 ) , fault ( 3 ) , shutdown ( 4 ) , running ( 5 ) , suicide ( 6 ) , unknown ( 7 ) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The working mode of charger modules." ::= { upsEChargerModulesEntry 8 } --======================================================================== --upsEPowerConverterSystem --======================================================================== upsEUPSModulesNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ( 0 .. 32 ) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of UPS modules inserted to UPS systems. served as the index of the upsEModulesTable. the default value 0 indicate that the UPS system do not have separate UPS module." ::= { upsEPowerConverterSystem 1 } upsEModulesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsModulesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of UPS modules entries. The number of entries is given by the value of upsEModulesNum." ::= { upsEPowerConverterSystem 2 } upsEModulesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsModulesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular upsE module." INDEX { upsEModulesNum } ::= { upsEModulesTable 1 } UpsModulesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsEModulesNum PositiveInteger, upsEModuleAddress INTEGER, upsEModulePositiveBusVolt NonNegativeInteger, upsEModuleNegativeBusVolt NonNegativeInteger, upsEModuleTemperature INTEGER, upsEModuleWorkingMode INTEGER, upsEModuleOutputCurrentR NonNegativeInteger, upsEModuleOutputWattR NonNegativeInteger, upsEModuleOutputLoadR INTEGER, upsEModuleWarningCode DisplayString, upsEModuleFaultCode DisplayString, upsEModuleTrapState DisplayString, upsEModuleConfigOutputVA NonNegativeInteger, upsEModuleOutputCurrentS NonNegativeInteger, upsEModuleOutputCurrentT NonNegativeInteger, upsEModuleOutputWattS NonNegativeInteger, upsEModuleOutputWattT NonNegativeInteger, upsEModuleOutputLoadS INTEGER, upsEModuleOutputLoadT INTEGER, upsEModuleOutputVAR NonNegativeInteger, upsEModuleOutputVAS NonNegativeInteger, upsEModuleOutputVAT NonNegativeInteger } upsEModulesNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PositiveInteger ( 1 .. 32 ) ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of UPS modules. Serves as index for UPS module table" ::= { upsEModulesEntry 1 } upsEModuleAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "the address of UPS modules." ::= { upsEModulesEntry 2 } upsEModulePositiveBusVolt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured positive upsE module voltage from the UPS meters in 0.1 volts" ::= { upsEModulesEntry 3 } upsEModuleNegativeBusVolt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured nepositive upsE module voltage from the UPS meters in 0.1 volts" ::= { upsEModulesEntry 4 } upsEModuleTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured upsE module temperature from the UPS meters in 0.1 degree." ::= { upsEModulesEntry 5 } upsEModuleWorkingMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER {power-on ( 1 ) , stand-by( 2 ) , by-pass ( 3 ) , line( 4 ) , battery ( 5 ) , battery-test ( 6 ) , fault ( 7 ) , converter ( 8 ) , eco ( 9 ) , shutdown ( 10 ) , on-booster ( 11 ) , on-reducer ( 12 ) , other( 13 ) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The working mode of UPS modules." ::= { upsEModulesEntry 6 } upsEModuleOutputCurrentR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured upsE module output mandatory from the UPS meters in 0.1 A." ::= { upsEModulesEntry 7 } upsEModuleOutputWattR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured upsE module output watts from the UPS meters in watts." ::= { upsEModulesEntry 8 } upsEModuleOutputLoadR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output load of UPS modules in %." ::= { upsEModulesEntry 9 } upsEModuleWarningCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 15 ) ) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The warning code of ups modules.Please refer the warning table of 'QU,XX' for details." ::= { upsEModulesEntry 10 } upsEModuleFaultCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 15 ) ) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The fault code of ups modules.Please refer command 'QU,XX' for details." ::= { upsEModulesEntry 11 } upsEModuleTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 127 ) ) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "the values indicate the unrestored traps. For example, after AC fail, so the value of upsETrapState should be '1'. And then the AC restore, the value of upsEModuleTrapState should change to empty." ::= { upsEModulesEntry 12 } upsEModuleConfigOutputVA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the nominal Volt-Amp rating presented in VA." ::= { upsEModulesEntry 13 } upsEModuleOutputCurrentS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured upsE module output mandatory from the UPS meters in 0.1 A." ::= { upsEModulesEntry 14 } upsEModuleOutputCurrentT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured upsE module output mandatory from the UPS meters in 0.1 A." ::= { upsEModulesEntry 15 } upsEModuleOutputWattS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured upsE module output watts from the UPS meters in watts." ::= { upsEModulesEntry 16 } upsEModuleOutputWattT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured upsE module output watts from the UPS meters in watts." ::= { upsEModulesEntry 17 } upsEModuleOutputLoadS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output load of UPS modules in %." ::= { upsEModulesEntry 18 } upsEModuleOutputLoadT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output load of UPS modules in %." ::= { upsEModulesEntry 19 } upsEModuleOutputVAR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the nominal Volt-Amp rating presented in VA." ::= { upsEModulesEntry 20 } upsEModuleOutputVAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the nominal Volt-Amp rating presented in VA." ::= { upsEModulesEntry 21 } upsEModuleOutputVAT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the nominal Volt-Amp rating presented in VA." ::= { upsEModulesEntry 22 } --======================================================================== --upsELoadSegment --======================================================================== upsELoadSegment1OffDelay OBJECT-TYPE -- Valid value is from -1 to 32767 SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this object will shutdown the UPS Load Segment output after the indicated number of seconds, or less. Setting this object to 0 will cause the shutdown to occur immediately. Setting this object to -1 will abort the countdown. Read this object will get countdown value of the Load Segment." ::= { upsELoadSegment 1 } upsELoadSegment1OnDelay OBJECT-TYPE -- Valid value is from -1 to 32767 SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this object will start the Load segment output after the indicated number of seconds, including starting the UPS, if necessary. Setting this object to 0 will cause the startup to occur immediately. Setting this object to -1 will abort the countdown." ::= { upsELoadSegment 2 } upsELoadSegment1AutoOffTimer OBJECT-TYPE -- Valid value is from -1 to 32767 SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The load segment turns automatically off after the delay while the unit operates on battery, but the shutdown is cancelled if the utility return before the delay has expired." ::= { upsELoadSegment 3 } upsELoadSegment1AutoOnTimer OBJECT-TYPE -- Valid value is from -1 to 32767 SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The load segment is automatically turned on after a selected delay if it has been shutdown due to on battery." ::= { upsELoadSegment 4 } upsELoadSegment1State OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(1), on(2), off-pending(3), on-pending(4), not-support(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Load segment output state." ::= { upsELoadSegment 5 } upsELoadSegment2OffDelay OBJECT-TYPE -- Valid value is from -1 to 32767 SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this object will shutdown the UPS Load Segment output after the indicated number of seconds, or less. Setting this object to 0 will cause the shutdown to occur immediately. Setting this object to -1 will abort the countdown. Read this object will get countdown value of the Load Segment." ::= { upsELoadSegment 6 } upsELoadSegment2OnDelay OBJECT-TYPE -- Valid value is from -1 to 32767 SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this object will start the Load segment output after the indicated number of seconds, including starting the UPS, if necessary. Setting this object to 0 will cause the startup to occur immediately. Setting this object to -1 will abort the countdown." ::= { upsELoadSegment 7 } upsELoadSegment2AutoOffTimer OBJECT-TYPE -- Valid value is from -1 to 32767 SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The load segment turns automatically off after the delay while the unit operates on battery, but the shutdown is cancelled if the utility return before the delay has expired." ::= { upsELoadSegment 8 } upsELoadSegment2AutoOnTimer OBJECT-TYPE -- Valid value is from -1 to 32767 SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The load segment is automatically turned on after a selected delay if it has been shutdown due to on battery." ::= { upsELoadSegment 9 } upsELoadSegment2State OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(1), on(2), off-pending(3), on-pending(4), not-support(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Load segment output state." ::= { upsELoadSegment 10 } --======================================================================== --upsEEnvironment --======================================================================== upsEEnvironmentTemperature OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsEEnvironment 1 } upsEEnvironmentCurrentTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measurement of temperature sensor, in 0.1 degree" ::= { upsEEnvironmentTemperature 1 } upsEEnvironmentTemperatureHighSetPoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The set point for high temperature warning, in 0.1 degrees. This value must be greater than upsEEnvironmentTemperatureLowSetPoint, and the least significant digit must be zero." ::= { upsEEnvironmentTemperature 2 } upsEEnvironmentTemperatureHighStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable ( 1 ) , disable ( 2 ) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "To enable/disable high set point check with sensor temperature." ::= { upsEEnvironmentTemperature 3 } upsEEnvironmentTemperatureLowSetPoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The set point for low temperature warning, in 0.1 degrees. This value must be less than upsEEnvironmentTemperatureHighSetPoint, and the least significant digit must be zero." ::= { upsEEnvironmentTemperature 4 } upsEEnvironmentTemperatureLowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable ( 1 ) , disable ( 2 ) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "To enable/disable low set point check with sensor temperature." ::= { upsEEnvironmentTemperature 5 } upsEEnvironmentTemperatureOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The offset to calibrate temperature of EMD, in 0.1 degrees" ::= { upsEEnvironmentTemperature 6 } upsEEnvironmentHumidity OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsEEnvironment 2 } upsEEnvironmentCurrentHumidity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measurement of sensor humidity present in %." ::= { upsEEnvironmentHumidity 1 } upsEEnvironmentHumidityHighSetPoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The set point for high humidity warning, in %. This value must be greater than upsEEnvironmentHumidityLowSetPoint." ::= { upsEEnvironmentHumidity 2 } upsEEnvironmentHumidityHighStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable ( 1 ) , disable ( 2 ) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "To enable/disable high set point check with emd humidity." ::= { upsEEnvironmentHumidity 3 } upsEEnvironmentHumidityLowSetPoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The set point for low humidity warning, in %. This value must be less than upsEEnvironmentHumidityHighSetPoint." ::= { upsEEnvironmentHumidity 4 } upsEEnvironmentHumidityLowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable ( 1 ) , disable ( 2 ) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "To enable/disable high set point check with emd humidity." ::= { upsEEnvironmentHumidity 5 } upsEEnvironmentHumidityOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The offset to calibrate humidity of EMD, in %." ::= { upsEEnvironmentHumidity 6 } upsEEnvironmentContactsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of environment contacts, serves as the table index." ::= { upsEEnvironment 3 } upsEEnvironmentContactTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsEEnvironmentContactEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of contacts table entries. The number of entries is given by the value of upsEEnvironmentContactsNum" ::= { upsEEnvironment 4 } upsEEnvironmentContactEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsEEnvironmentContactEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular contact" INDEX { upsEEnvironmentContactIndex } ::= { upsEEnvironmentContactTable 1 } UpsEEnvironmentContactEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsEEnvironmentContactIndex PositiveInteger, upsEEnvironmentContactType INTEGER, upsEEnvironmentContactState INTEGER, upsEEnvironmentContactDescription DisplayString } upsEEnvironmentContactIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PositiveInteger ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of environment contacts. Serves as index for environment contact table" ::= { upsEEnvironmentContactEntry 1 } upsEEnvironmentContactType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normallyOpen ( 1 ) , normallyClosed ( 2 ) , notUsed ( 3 ) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "operation type" ::= { upsEEnvironmentContactEntry 2 } upsEEnvironmentContactState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { open ( 1 ) , closed ( 2 ) , openWithNotice ( 3 ) , closedWithNotice ( 4 ) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The mandatory status." ::= { upsEEnvironmentContactEntry 3 } upsEEnvironmentContactDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 31 ) ) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of environment contact." ::= { upsEEnvironmentContactEntry 4 } --======================================================================== --upsEBatteryTest --======================================================================== upsEBatteryTestStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none ( 1 ) , batteryTest10Sec ( 2 ) , batteryTestUntilLow ( 3 ) , batteryTestWithTime ( 4 ) , cancelBatteryTest ( 5 ) , clearBatteryInfo ( 6 ) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object specify the battery test type and initiate battery test. If battTestWithTime selected, the test time is refer to upsEBatteryTestSettingTime." ::= { upsEBatteryTest 1 } upsEBatteryTestSettingTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The object specify the test time for battery test in seconds." ::= { upsEBatteryTest 2 } upsEBatteryTestResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { idle ( 1 ) , processing ( 2 ) , noFailure ( 3 ) , failureOrWarning ( 4 ) , notPossible ( 5 ) , testCancel ( 6 ) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object indicate the test result of battery." ::= { upsEBatteryTest 3 } upsEBatteryTestStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 19 .. 19 ) ) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of the time the test in progress was initiated, or, if no test is in progress, the time the previous test was initiated. If the value of upsETestBatteryTestResult is noTestsInitiated(6), upsETestStartTime has the value 01/01/1970 00:00:00." ::= { upsEBatteryTest 4 } upsEBatteryTestElapsedTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 11 .. 11 ) ) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The amount of time in format hh:mm:ss, since the test in progress was initiated, or, if no test is in progress, the previous test took to complete. If the value of upsTestResultsSummary is idle(1), upsTestElapsedTime has the value 00:00:00." ::= { upsEBatteryTest 5 } upsEBatteryTestScheduleTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsBatteryTestScheduleEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table describes the schedule for automatically battery test." ::= { upsEBatteryTest 6 } upsEBatteryTestScheduleEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsBatteryTestScheduleEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to schedule test." INDEX { upsEBatteryTestScheduleIndex } ::= { upsEBatteryTestScheduleTable 1 } UpsBatteryTestScheduleEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsEBatteryTestScheduleIndex PositiveInteger, upsEBatteryTestScheduleDay INTEGER, upsEBatteryTestScheduleTime DisplayString, upsEBatteryTestScheduleType INTEGER, upsEBatteryTestScheduleTestWithTime NonNegativeInteger, upsEBatteryTestScheduleSpecialDay DisplayString } upsEBatteryTestScheduleIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PositiveInteger ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of battery test scheduled." ::= { upsEBatteryTestScheduleEntry 1 } upsEBatteryTestScheduleDay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { monday ( 1 ) , tuesday ( 2 ) , wednsday ( 3 ) , thusday ( 4 ) , friday ( 5 ) , saturday ( 6 ) , sunday ( 7 ) , specialday ( 8 ) , none ( 9 ) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The weekday or specaial day on which the UPS should start battery test." ::= { upsEBatteryTestScheduleEntry 2 } upsEBatteryTestScheduleTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 5 ) ) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time that the battery test will be initiated in hh:mm format." ::= { upsEBatteryTestScheduleEntry 3 } upsEBatteryTestScheduleType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none ( 1 ) , batteryTest10sec ( 2 ) , batteryTestUntilLow ( 3 ) , batteryTestWithTime ( 4 ) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of battery test." ::= { upsEBatteryTestScheduleEntry 5 } upsEBatteryTestScheduleTestWithTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery time of setting time test in seconds." ::= { upsEBatteryTestScheduleEntry 6 } upsEBatteryTestScheduleSpecialDay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 10 ) ) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The special day that the battery test will be initiated in dd/mm/yyyy format." ::= { upsEBatteryTestScheduleEntry 7 } --======================================================================== -- upsEControl --======================================================================== upsEControlOutputOffDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this value to other than zero will cause the UPS output to turn off after the number of seconds. " ::= { upsEControl 1 } upsEControlOutputOnDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this value to other than zero will cause the UPS output to turn on after the number of seconds. " ::= { upsEControl 2 } upsEControlOutputOnOffControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { upsEOutputOff ( 1 ) , upsEOutputOffCancel ( 2 ) , upsESleep( 3 ) , none ( 4 ) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "upsEOutputOff ( 1 ) indicates the shutdown sequence, upsEOutputOffCancel ( 2 ) indicates cancel the shutdown sequence, upsESleep( 3 ) indicates shutdown UPS first, then switch on." ::= { upsEControl 3 } upsEShutdownEventsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsShutdownEventsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table describes the parametes for shutdown process when shutdown event occurs" ::= { upsEControl 4 } upsEShutdownEventsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsShutdownEventsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular shutdown event line" INDEX { upsEShutdownEvent } ::= { upsEShutdownEventsTable 1 } UpsShutdownEventsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsEShutdownEvent INTEGER, upsEShutdownEventAction INTEGER, upsEShutdownwarningPeriodTime NonNegativeInteger, upsEShutdownWarningPeriodInterval NonNegativeInteger } upsEShutdownEvent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { acFail ( 1 ) , batteryLow ( 2 ) , upsEOverLoad ( 3 ) , upsEOverTemperature ( 4 ) , upsEWeeklySchedule ( 5 ) , upsESpecialSchedule ( 6 ) , environmentTemperatureOverThreshold ( 7 ) , environmentHumidityOverThreshold ( 8 ) , environmentContact1Alarm ( 9 ) , environmentContact2Alarm ( 10 ), belowCapacityLimit( 11 ), belowRemainTimeLimit( 12 )} ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The shutdown event identification" ::= { upsEShutdownEventsEntry 1 } upsEShutdownEventAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable ( 1 ) , warning ( 2 ) , shutdownClient ( 3 ) , shutdownUPS ( 4 ) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status of the corresponding shutdown Event. When set to disable(), shutdown process will not start when corresponding event occured." ::= { upsEShutdownEventsEntry 2 } upsEShutdownwarningPeriodTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Delay in seconds after the occurance of the curresponding shutdown event, and warning message should be popped in this period." ::= { upsEShutdownEventsEntry 3 } upsEShutdownWarningPeriodInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The frequency of sending warning messages to the connected clients when the curresponding shutdown event occurs. The value is in units of seconds." ::= { upsEShutdownEventsEntry 4 } upsEControlWeeklyScheduleTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsControlWeeklyScheduleEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table to schedule shutting down the ups by weekly" ::= { upsEControl 5 } upsEControlWeeklyScheduleEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsControlWeeklyScheduleEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular line" INDEX { upsEControlWeeklyScheduleIndex } ::= { upsEControlWeeklyScheduleTable 1 } UpsControlWeeklyScheduleEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsEControlWeeklyScheduleIndex PositiveInteger, upsEWeeklyScheduleShutdownDay INTEGER, upsEWeeklyScheduleShutdownTime DisplayString, upsEWeeklyScheduleRestartDay INTEGER, upsEWeeklyScheduleRestartTime DisplayString } upsEControlWeeklyScheduleIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PositiveInteger ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "the index of schedule events." ::= { upsEControlWeeklyScheduleEntry 1 } upsEWeeklyScheduleShutdownDay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { monday ( 1 ) , tuesday ( 2 ) , wednesday ( 3 ) , thursday ( 4 ) , friday ( 5 ) , saturday ( 6 ) , sunday ( 7 ) , none ( 8 ) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "the weekday on which upsE shoud shutdown" ::= { upsEControlWeeklyScheduleEntry 2 } upsEWeeklyScheduleShutdownTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 5 ) ) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time that the process of shutting down the UPS will be initiated in hh:mm format." ::= { upsEControlWeeklyScheduleEntry 3 } upsEWeeklyScheduleRestartDay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { monday ( 1 ) , tuesday ( 2 ) , wednesday ( 3 ) , thursday ( 4 ) , friday ( 5 ) , saturday ( 6 ) , sunday ( 7 ) , none ( 8 ) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "the weekday on which the UPS should restart." ::= { upsEControlWeeklyScheduleEntry 4 } upsEWeeklyScheduleRestartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 5 .. 5 ) ) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time the UPS will restart in hh:mm format." ::= { upsEControlWeeklyScheduleEntry 5 } upsEControlSpecialDayScheduleTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsControlSpecialDayScheduleEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table to schedule shutting down the ups." ::= { upsEControl 6 } upsEControlSpecialDayScheduleEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsControlSpecialDayScheduleEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular line." INDEX { upsEControlSpecialDayScheduleIndex } ::= { upsEControlSpecialDayScheduleTable 1 } UpsControlSpecialDayScheduleEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsEControlSpecialDayScheduleIndex PositiveInteger, upsESpecialDayScheduleShutdownDay DisplayString, upsESpecialDayScheduleShutdownTime DisplayString, upsESpecialDayScheduleRestartDay DisplayString, upsESpecialDayScheduleRestartTime DisplayString } upsEControlSpecialDayScheduleIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PositiveInteger ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of special day schedule." ::= { upsEControlSpecialDayScheduleEntry 1 } upsESpecialDayScheduleShutdownDay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 10 .. 10 ) ) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The special day on which UPS should shutdown with the format of DD/MM/YYYY." ::= { upsEControlSpecialDayScheduleEntry 2 } upsESpecialDayScheduleShutdownTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 5 .. 5 ) ) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time that the process of shutting down the UPS will be initiated in hh:mm format." ::= { upsEControlSpecialDayScheduleEntry 3 } upsESpecialDayScheduleRestartDay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 10 .. 10 ) ) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The special day on which the UPS should restart with the format of DD/MM/YYYY." ::= { upsEControlSpecialDayScheduleEntry 4 } upsESpecialDayScheduleRestartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 5 .. 5 ) ) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time the UPS will restart in hh:mm format." ::= { upsEControlSpecialDayScheduleEntry 5 } upsESystemMasterOffDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UPS output will shutdown after the indicated number of seconds, -1 indicate no action." ::= { upsEControl 7 } upsESystemMasterOnDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UPS output will start on after the indicated number of seconds, -1 indicate no action." ::= { upsEControl 8 } --======================================================================== -- upsETrapControl --======================================================================== upsETrapsReceiversTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsTrapsReceiversEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " This table list the managers'IP to send traps to." ::= { upsETrapControl 1 } upsETrapsReceiversEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsTrapsReceiversEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular input line." INDEX { upsETrapsReceiversIndex } ::= { upsETrapsReceiversTable 1 } UpsTrapsReceiversEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsETrapsReceiversIndex PositiveInteger, upsETrapsReceiverAddress DisplayString, upsETrapReceiverCommunityString DisplayString, upsETrapType INTEGER, upsETrapsSeverityLevel INTEGER, upsETrapReceiverDescription DisplayString } upsETrapsReceiversIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PositiveInteger ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to a trap receiver entry" ::= { upsETrapsReceiversEntry 1 } upsETrapsReceiverAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 45 ) ) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the manager to send a trap to." ::= { upsETrapsReceiversEntry 2 } upsETrapReceiverCommunityString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 32 ) ) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The community name to use in the trap when sent to the manager." ::= { upsETrapsReceiversEntry 3 } upsETrapType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none ( 1 ) , rfc1628Trap ( 2 ) , eppcTrap ( 3 ) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of trap to be received by the manager." ::= { upsETrapsReceiversEntry 4 } upsETrapsSeverityLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { informational ( 1 ) , warning ( 2 ) , severe ( 3 ) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The severity level of traps to be received by this manager." ::= { upsETrapsReceiversEntry 5 } upsETrapReceiverDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 63 ) ) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of trap receivers" ::= { upsETrapsReceiversEntry 6 } upsETrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 127 ) ) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "the values indicate the unrestored traps. For example, after AC fail, the agent send the trap 1(AC Fail) and trap 7(battery on) to NMS. so the value of upsETrapState should be '1,7'. And then the AC restore, the value of upsETrapState should change to empty." ::= { upsETrapControl 2 } -- =========================================================================== -- Trap defination -- =========================================================================== upsEPowerFail TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Utility power not available." ::= 1 upsEPowerRestored TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Utility power has restored." ::= 2 upsELowBattery TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "SEVERE: The UPS batteries are low and will soon be exhausted." ::= 3 upsEReturnFromLowBattery TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: The UPS has return from a low battery condition." ::= 4 upsEFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "SEVERE: The UPS is not working fine." ::= 5 upsEOk TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: The UPS is working fine." ::= 6 upsEOnBattery TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps VARIABLES { upsEBatteryEstimatedMinutesRemaining, upsESecondsOnBattery } DESCRIPTION "WARNING: The UPS has switched to battery backup power." ::= 7 upsENotOnBattery TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: The UPS is not on battery power." ::= 8 upsETestInProgress TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: The testing is going on ups." ::= 9 upsETestOver TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps VARIABLES { upsEBatteryTestStart, upsEBatteryTestSettingTime, upsEBatteryTestResult, upsEBatteryTestStartTime } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: The testing of UPS is completed." ::= 10 upsEBypassOn TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: The UPS has enabled bypass." ::= 11 upsEOnline TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: The UPS is not on Bypass and return to normal status." ::= 12 upsECommunicationLost TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "SEVERE: Communication to the UPS has been lost." ::= 13 upsECommunicationEstablished TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Communication with the UPS has been established." ::= 14 upsEGoingShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: The UPS is going to shutdown output." ::= 15 upsEShutdownCancelled TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: The UPS is not going to shutdown output." ::= 16 upsEOutlet1GoingShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: The UPS is going to shutdown outlet1." ::= 17 upsEOutlet1ShutdownCancelled TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: The UPS is not going to shutdown outlet1." ::= 18 upsEOutlet2GoingShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: The UPS is going to shutdown outlet2." ::= 19 upsEOutlet2ShutdownCancelled TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: The UPS is not going to shutdown outlet2." ::= 20 upsESleeping TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps VARIABLES { upsEControlOutputOnDelay } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: UPS has entered sleep mode and power to load has been cut off." ::= 21 upsEWokeUp TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: The UPS woke up from sleep mode and power to load has been restored." ::= 22 upsEOverTemperature TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps VARIABLES { upsESystemTemperature, upsESystemConfigOverTemperatureSetPoint } DESCRIPTION "WARNING: The UPS temperature is over the setting limit." ::= 23 upsENotOverTemperature TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps VARIABLES { upsESystemTemperature, upsESystemConfigOverTemperatureSetPoint } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: The UPS temperature is not over the setting limit." ::= 24 upsEOverLoad TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps VARIABLES { upsESystemOutputLoad, upsESystemConfigOutputLoadHighSetPoint } DESCRIPTION "WARNING: The UPS load is over the setting limit." ::= 25 upsENotOverLoad TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps VARIABLES { upsESystemOutputLoad, upsESystemConfigOutputLoadHighSetPoint } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: The UPS load is not over the setting limit." ::= 26 upsEModuleInserted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: UPS module or charger module plug-in." ::= 27 upsEModuleRemoved TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: UPS module or charger module unplugs." ::= 28 sensorTemperatureTooHigh TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps VARIABLES { upsEEnvironmentTemperatureHighSetPoint, upsEEnvironmentCurrentTemperature } DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Sensor Temperature over high Set point." ::= 29 sensorTemperatureNotHigh TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps VARIABLES { upsEEnvironmentTemperatureHighSetPoint, upsEEnvironmentCurrentTemperature } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Sensor Temperature not over high Set point." ::= 30 sensorTemperatureTooLow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps VARIABLES { upsEEnvironmentTemperatureLowSetPoint, upsEEnvironmentCurrentTemperature } DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Sensor Temperature under low Set point." ::= 31 sensorTemperatureNotLow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps VARIABLES { upsEEnvironmentTemperatureLowSetPoint, upsEEnvironmentCurrentTemperature } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Sensor Temperature not under low Set point." ::= 32 sensorHumidityTooHigh TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps VARIABLES { upsEEnvironmentHumidityHighSetPoint, upsEEnvironmentCurrentHumidity } DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Sensor Humidity over high Set point." ::= 33 sensorHumidityNotHigh TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps VARIABLES { upsEEnvironmentHumidityHighSetPoint, upsEEnvironmentCurrentHumidity } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Sensor Humidity not over high Set point." ::= 34 sensorHumidityTooLow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps VARIABLES { upsEEnvironmentHumidityLowSetPoint, upsEEnvironmentCurrentHumidity } DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Sensor Humidity under low Set point." ::= 35 sensorHumidityNotLow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps VARIABLES { upsEEnvironmentHumidityLowSetPoint, upsEEnvironmentCurrentHumidity } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Sensor Humidity not under low Set point." ::= 36 contactAlarm1Active TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps VARIABLES { upsEEnvironmentContactType, upsEEnvironmentContactDescription } DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Contact Alarm-1 activated." ::= 37 concactAlarm1Normal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps VARIABLES { upsEEnvironmentContactType, upsEEnvironmentContactDescription } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Contact Alarm-1 not active." ::= 38 contactAlarm2Active TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps VARIABLES { upsEEnvironmentContactType, upsEEnvironmentContactDescription } DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Contact Alarm-2 activated." ::= 39 contactAlarm2Normal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps VARIABLES { upsEEnvironmentContactType, upsEEnvironmentContactDescription } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Contact Alarm-2 not active." ::= 40 upsEInternalwarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Internal warning." ::= 41 upsEReturnFromInternalwarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from Internal warning." ::= 42 upsEEPOActive TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: EPO Active." ::= 43 upsEReturnFromEPOActive TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from EPO Active." ::= 44 upsEModuleUnlock TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Module Unlock." ::= 45 upsEReturnFromModuleUnlock TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from Module Unlock." ::= 46 upsEMain1Neutralloss TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Main 1 Neutral loss." ::= 47 upsEReturnFromMain1Neutralloss TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from Main 1 Neutral loss." ::= 48 upsEMain1phaseerror TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Main 1 phase error." ::= 49 upsEReturnFromMain1phaseerror TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from Main 1 phase error." ::= 50 upsESitefault TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Site fault." ::= 51 upsEReturnFromSitefault TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from Site fault." ::= 52 upsEBypassAbnormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Bypass Abnormal." ::= 53 upsEReturnFromBypassAbnormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from Bypass Abnormal." ::= 54 upsEBypassPhaseError TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Bypass Phase Error." ::= 55 upsEReturnFromBypassPhaseError TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from Bypass Phase Error." ::= 56 upsEBatteryOpen TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Battery Open." ::= 57 upsEReturnFromBatteryOpen TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from Battery Open." ::= 58 upsEBatteryOverCharge TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Battery Over Charge." ::= 59 upsEReturnFromBatteryOverCharge TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from Battery Over Charge." ::= 60 upsEBatteryReverse TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Battery Reverse." ::= 61 upsEReturnFromBatteryReverse TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from Battery Reverse." ::= 62 upsEOverloadforewarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Overload forewarning." ::= 63 upsEReturnFromOverloadforewarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from Overload forewarning." ::= 64 upsEOverloadWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Overload Warning." ::= 65 upsEReturnFromOverloadWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from Overload Warning." ::= 66 upsEFanLock TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Fan Lock." ::= 67 upsEReturnFromFanLock TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from Fan Lock." ::= 68 upsEMaintaincoverisopen TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Maintain cover is open." ::= 69 upsEReturnFromMaintaincoverisopen TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from Maintain cover is open." ::= 70 upsEChargerfault TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Charger fault." ::= 71 upsEReturnFromChargerfault TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from Charger fault." ::= 72 upsEModulelocationerror TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Module location error." ::= 73 upsEReturnFromModulelocationerror TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from Module location error." ::= 74 upsETurnonabnormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Turn on abnormal." ::= 75 upsEReturnFromTurnonabnormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from Turn on abnormal." ::= 76 upsERedundancyloss TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Redundancy loss." ::= 77 upsEReturnFromRedundancyloss TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from Redundancy loss." ::= 78 upsEHotSwapActived TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Hot Swap Active." ::= 79 upsEReturnFromHotSwapActived TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from Hot Swap Active." ::= 80 upsEBatteryInform TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Battery Inform." ::= 81 upsEReturnFromBatteryInform TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from Battery Inform." ::= 82 upsEInspectionInform TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Inspection Inform." ::= 83 upsEReturnFromInspectionInform TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from Inspection Inform." ::= 84 upsEGuaranteeInform TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Guarantee Inform." ::= 85 upsEReturnFromGuaranteeInform TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from Guarantee Inform." ::= 86 upsETemperatureLow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Temperature Low." ::= 87 upsEReturnFromTemperatureLow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from Temperature Low." ::= 88 upsETemperatureHigh TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Temperature High." ::= 89 upsEReturnFromTemperatureHigh TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from Temperature High." ::= 90 upsEBatteryOverTemperature TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Battery Over Temperature." ::= 91 upsEReturnFromBatteryOverTemperature TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from Battery Over Temperature." ::= 92 upsEFanMaintainInform TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Fan Maintain Inform." ::= 93 upsEReturnFromFanMaintainInform TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from Fan Maintain Inform." ::= 94 upsEBusCapacitanceMaintainInform TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Bus Capacitance Maintain Inform." ::= 95 upsEReturnFromBusCapacitanceMaintainInform TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from Bus Capacitance Maintain Inform." ::= 96 upsESystemOverCapacity TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: System Over Capacity." ::= 97 upsEReturnFromSystemOverCapacity TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Return from System Over Capacity." ::= 98 -- Trap Id 99-122 is not defined. upsEBelowCapacityLimit TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps VARIABLES { upsEBatteryEstimatedChargeRemaining, upsESystemConfigBelowCapacityLimit } DESCRIPTION "SEVERE: The UPS batteries capacity is lower than setting limit." ::= 123 upsENotBelowCapacityLimit TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: The UPS batteries capacity is not lower than setting limit." ::= 124 upsEBelowRemainTimeLimit TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps VARIABLES { upsEBatteryEstimatedMinutesRemaining, upsESystemConfigBelowRemainTimeLimit } DESCRIPTION "SEVERE: The UPS batteries backup time is below the setting limit." ::= 125 upsENotBelowRemainTimeLimit TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: The UPS batteries backup time is not below the setting limit." ::= 126 upsELoadSegment1Off TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Load segment 1 is off." ::= 127 upsELoadSegment1On TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Load segment 1 is on." ::= 128 upsELoadSegment2Off TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "WARNING: Load segment 2 is off." ::= 129 upsELoadSegment2On TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE upsETraps DESCRIPTION "INFORMATION: Load segment 2 is on." ::= 130 END