NETGEAR-INVENTORY-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- Copyright Netgear Inc (2003-2013) All rights reserved. -- This SNMP Management Information Specification -- embodies Netgear Inc's confidential and proprietary -- intellectual property. Netgear Inc retains all title -- and ownership in the Specification including any revisions. -- This Specification is supplied "AS IS", Netgear Inc -- makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, -- as to the use, operation, condition, or performance of the -- Specification. IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, Gauge32, Counter32, Unsigned32, TimeTicks, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString, RowStatus FROM SNMPv2-TC MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF lb6m FROM QUANTA-LB6M-REF-MIB; fastPathInventory MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201310150000Z" -- 15 Oct 2013 12:00:00 GMT ORGANIZATION "Netgear Inc" CONTACT-INFO "" DESCRIPTION "This MIB defines the objects used for FastPath to configure and report information and status of units, slots and supported cards." -- Revision history. REVISION "201310150000Z" -- 15 Oct 2013 12:00:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "Object support modifications for LinuxHost systems." REVISION "201101260000Z" -- 26 Jan 2011 12:00:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "Postal address updated." REVISION "200705230000Z" -- 23 May 2007 12:00:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "Netgear branding related changes." REVISION "200410282037Z" -- Thu Jun 26 20:37:34 2003 GMT DESCRIPTION "Version 2 - Add support for Front Panel Stacking configuration." REVISION "200305261930Z" -- Thu Jun 26 19:30:54 2003 GMT DESCRIPTION "Initial version." ::= { lb6m 13 } AgentInventoryUnitPreference ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the preference the unit has for being the management unit in the chassis. If the value is 0, it indicates the unit is disabled for management." SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), unsassigned(1), assigned(2) } AgentInventoryUnitType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "x" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Unit Type value for a given unit, displayed in hexadecimal." SYNTAX Unsigned32 AgentInventoryCardType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "x" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Card Type value for a given card, displayed in hexadecimal." SYNTAX Unsigned32 --************************************************************************************** -- agentInventoryChassisGroup -- --************************************************************************************** agentInventoryChassisGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fastPathInventory 10 } agentInventoryChassisReplicateSTK OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Initiates STK copy from management unit to all other management capable units in the chassis." ::= { agentInventoryChassisGroup 1 } agentInventoryChassisReload OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Initiates chassis reload." ::= { agentInventoryChassisGroup 2 } agentInventoryChassisMaxUnitNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the maximum allowed Unit Number configurable on the chassis." ::= { agentInventoryChassisGroup 3 } agentInventoryChassisReplicateSTKStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { inProgress(1), notInProgress(2), finishedWithSuccess(3), finishedWithError(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the current status of an STK copy from management unit to all other management capable units in the chassis." ::= { agentInventoryChassisGroup 4 } agentInventoryChassisSTKname OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unconfigured(1), image1(2), image2(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "STK file on management unit for copy/activate/delete operations to all units in the chassis unconfigured(1) - indicates a default state and can not be set." ::= { agentInventoryChassisGroup 5 } agentInventoryChassisActivateSTK OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Activates the specified STK file on all units on the chassis." ::= { agentInventoryChassisGroup 6 } agentInventoryChassisDeleteSTK OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Deletes the specified STK file from all units on the chassis." ::= { agentInventoryChassisGroup 7 } --************************************************************************************** -- agentInventoryUnitGroup -- --************************************************************************************** agentInventoryUnitGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fastPathInventory 2 } --************************************************************************************** -- agentInventorySupportedUnitTable -- --************************************************************************************** agentInventorySupportedUnitTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AgentInventorySupportedUnitEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TODO" ::= { agentInventoryUnitGroup 1 } agentInventorySupportedUnitEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AgentInventorySupportedUnitEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TODO" INDEX { agentInventorySupportedUnitIndex } ::= { agentInventorySupportedUnitTable 1 } AgentInventorySupportedUnitEntry ::= SEQUENCE { agentInventorySupportedUnitIndex Unsigned32, agentInventorySupportedUnitModelIdentifier DisplayString, agentInventorySupportedUnitDescription DisplayString, agentInventorySupportedUnitExpectedCodeVer DisplayString } agentInventorySupportedUnitIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unit identifier associated with the supported unit." ::= { agentInventorySupportedUnitEntry 1 } agentInventorySupportedUnitModelIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The model identifier for the supported unit." ::= { agentInventorySupportedUnitEntry 4 } agentInventorySupportedUnitDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description of the supported unit." ::= { agentInventorySupportedUnitEntry 5 } agentInventorySupportedUnitExpectedCodeVer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The expected code version." ::= { agentInventorySupportedUnitEntry 6 } --************************************************************************************** -- agentInventoryUnitTable -- --************************************************************************************** agentInventoryUnitTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AgentInventoryUnitEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of Per-Unit configuration objects." ::= { agentInventoryUnitGroup 2 } agentInventoryUnitEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AgentInventoryUnitEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each Instance corresponds with a different unit managed by this agent." INDEX { agentInventoryUnitNumber } ::= { agentInventoryUnitTable 1 } AgentInventoryUnitEntry ::= SEQUENCE { agentInventoryUnitNumber Unsigned32, agentInventoryUnitAssignNumber Unsigned32, agentInventoryUnitType AgentInventoryUnitType, agentInventoryUnitSupportedUnitIndex Unsigned32, agentInventoryUnitMgmtAdmin INTEGER, agentInventoryUnitHWMgmtPref AgentInventoryUnitPreference, agentInventoryUnitHWMgmtPrefValue Unsigned32, agentInventoryUnitAdminMgmtPref AgentInventoryUnitPreference, agentInventoryUnitAdminMgmtPrefValue Unsigned32, agentInventoryUnitStatus INTEGER, agentInventoryUnitDetectedCodeVer DisplayString, agentInventoryUnitDetectedCodeInFlashVer DisplayString, agentInventoryUnitUpTime TimeTicks, agentInventoryUnitDescription DisplayString, agentInventoryUnitReplicateSTK INTEGER, agentInventoryUnitReload INTEGER, agentInventoryUnitRowStatus RowStatus, agentInventoryUnitSerialNumber DisplayString, agentInventoryUnitImage1Version DisplayString, agentInventoryUnitImage2Version DisplayString, agentInventoryUnitSTKname INTEGER, agentInventoryUnitActivateSTK INTEGER, agentInventoryUnitDeleteSTK INTEGER, agentInventoryUnitReplicateSTKStatus INTEGER, agentInventoryUnitStandby INTEGER ,agentInventoryUnitSFSTransferStatus INTEGER ,agentInventoryUnitSFSLastAttemptStatus INTEGER } agentInventoryUnitNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unit number associated with this unit." ::= { agentInventoryUnitEntry 1 } agentInventoryUnitAssignNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Allows setting the unit number associated with this unit. This number must be less than the value returned by agentInventoryChassisMaxUnitNumber. Setting this object to a non-zero value will initate unit renumbering. The switch will be reset to perform unit renumbering and the configuration of switch interfaces will be cleared. If the unit being renumbered is the manager of the chassis, then all the switches in the chassis will be reset to perform manager unit renumbering and the configuration of Manager switch interfaces will be cleared." ::= { agentInventoryUnitEntry 2 } agentInventoryUnitType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AgentInventoryUnitType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Unit Type identifier for this unit." ::= { agentInventoryUnitEntry 3 } agentInventoryUnitSupportedUnitIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the unit type in agentInventorySupportedUnitTable which this unit is associated with." ::= { agentInventoryUnitEntry 4 } agentInventoryUnitMgmtAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { mgmtUnit(1), chassisUnit(2), mgmtUnassigned(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the unit is a management unit, a chassis unit, or has been configured to be a management unit. Setting this object to mgmtUnit(1) initiates transfer of the management functionality to the specified chassis unit. Object values chassisUnit(2) and mgmtUnassigned(3) cannot be set." ::= { agentInventoryUnitEntry 6 } agentInventoryUnitHWMgmtPref OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AgentInventoryUnitPreference MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Indicates the default preference assigned to the unit." ::= { agentInventoryUnitEntry 7 } agentInventoryUnitHWMgmtPrefValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0|1..15) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Indicates the default preference value assigned to the unit. The preference value indicates how likely this unit is to be chosen as the management unit. A value of 0 indicates a disabled or unassigned preference." ::= { agentInventoryUnitEntry 8 } agentInventoryUnitAdminMgmtPref OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AgentInventoryUnitPreference MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Indicates the configured preference assigned to the unit. This object can not be set to assigned(3). Setting this object to disabled(1), or unassigned(2) will set agentInventoryUnitHWMgmtPrefValue to 0." ::= { agentInventoryUnitEntry 9 } agentInventoryUnitAdminMgmtPrefValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0|1..15) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Indicates the configured preference value assigned to the unit. The preference value indicates how likely this unit is to be chosen as the management unit. A value of 0 indicates a disabled or unassigned preference. Setting this object to 0 will also set agentInventoryUnitHWMgmtPref to unassigned(2). Setting this object to a non-zero value will set agentInventoryUnitHWMgmtPref to assigned(3). This value overrides the value of agentInventoryUnitHWMgmtPref if assigned." ::= { agentInventoryUnitEntry 10 } agentInventoryUnitStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), unsupported(2), codeMismatch(3), configMismatch(4), sdmMismatch(5), notPresent(6), codeUpdate(7) ,stmMismatch(8) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unit status of this unit." ::= { agentInventoryUnitEntry 11 } agentInventoryUnitDetectedCodeVer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version of code running on this unit. If the unit is not detected then the code version is an empty string." ::= { agentInventoryUnitEntry 12 } agentInventoryUnitDetectedCodeInFlashVer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version of code that is currently stored in FLASH memory on the unit. This code will execute after the unit is reset. If the unit is not detected then this object will return an empty string." ::= { agentInventoryUnitEntry 13 } agentInventoryUnitUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system up time of the unit." ::= { agentInventoryUnitEntry 14 } agentInventoryUnitDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description of the unit." ::= { agentInventoryUnitEntry 15 } agentInventoryUnitReplicateSTK OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Initiates the specified STK file copy from management unit to this unit." ::= { agentInventoryUnitEntry 16 } agentInventoryUnitReload OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reload a specific unit in the chassis." ::= { agentInventoryUnitEntry 17 } agentInventoryUnitRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this unit instance. Creation of new instances requires the object agentInventoryUnitSupportedUnitIndex to be set at the same time to indicate the type of of unit to pre-configure. active(1) - This instance is active. createAndGo(4) - Creates a new instance. destroy(6) - Removes this instance." ::= { agentInventoryUnitEntry 18 } agentInventoryUnitSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Serial Number of the unit." ::= { agentInventoryUnitEntry 19 } agentInventoryUnitImage1Version OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Code version for Image1." ::= { agentInventoryUnitEntry 20 } agentInventoryUnitImage2Version OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Code version for Image2." ::= { agentInventoryUnitEntry 21 } agentInventoryUnitSTKname OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { image1(2), image2(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "STK file to be used for copy/delete/activate operatiosn." ::= { agentInventoryUnitEntry 22 } agentInventoryUnitActivateSTK OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Activates the specified STK file on this unit." ::= { agentInventoryUnitEntry 23 } agentInventoryUnitDeleteSTK OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Deletes the specified STK file on this unit." ::= { agentInventoryUnitEntry 24 } agentInventoryUnitReplicateSTKStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { inProgress(1), notInProgress(2), finishedWithSuccess(3), finishedWithError(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the current status of an STK copy from the management unit to another management capable unit in the chassis." ::= { agentInventoryUnitEntry 25 } agentInventoryUnitStandby OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unassigned(1), standby-opr(2), standby-cfg(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configures the standby status of this unit. The Management unit may not be configured. A unit that is standby_cfg(3) may be set to uassigned(1) to clear standby configuration. A unit that is standby_opr(2) may NOT be set to unassigned(1)." ::= { agentInventoryUnitEntry 26 } agentInventoryUnitSFSTransferStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noAction(1), inProgress(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status parameter to indicate firmware synchronization operation status for a particular unit. If SFS transfer is in progress for a particular unit status will be inProgress(2),otherwise status will be noAction(1)." ::= { agentInventoryUnitEntry 27 } agentInventoryUnitSFSLastAttemptStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), success(2), failure(3), min-bootcode-version-not-present(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status parameter to indicate whether the last synchronization attempt succeeded or failed.If SFS is initated for a particular unit and if it completes successfully this object will return success(2),if SFS operation failed lasttime for this unit,this object will return failure(3).if SFS did not initiate for this unit,this object will retunrn none(1). If activation of the image failed because the underlying bootcode version is older than the minimum boot code version specified in the image, this object returns min-bootcode-version-not-met(4)" ::= { agentInventoryUnitEntry 28 } --************************************************************************************** -- agentInventorySlotGroup -- --************************************************************************************** agentInventorySlotGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fastPathInventory 3 } --************************************************************************************** -- agentInventorySlotTable -- --************************************************************************************** agentInventorySlotTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AgentInventorySlotEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TODO" ::= { agentInventorySlotGroup 1 } agentInventorySlotEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AgentInventorySlotEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TODO" INDEX { agentInventoryUnitNumber, agentInventorySlotNumber } ::= { agentInventorySlotTable 1 } AgentInventorySlotEntry ::= SEQUENCE { agentInventorySlotNumber Unsigned32, agentInventorySlotStatus INTEGER, agentInventorySlotPowerMode INTEGER, agentInventorySlotAdminMode INTEGER, agentInventorySlotInsertedCardType AgentInventoryCardType, agentInventorySlotConfiguredCardType AgentInventoryCardType, agentInventorySlotCapabilities BITS } agentInventorySlotNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An incrimental index of the slot in this unit." ::= { agentInventorySlotEntry 1 } agentInventorySlotStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { empty(1), full(2), error(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the current status of the slot." ::= { agentInventorySlotEntry 3 } agentInventorySlotPowerMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether a card in this slot will be powered on." ::= { agentInventorySlotEntry 4 } agentInventorySlotAdminMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether this card is administratively enabled or disabled." ::= { agentInventorySlotEntry 5 } agentInventorySlotInsertedCardType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AgentInventoryCardType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the inserted card type. Will return 0 if the slot is not full." ::= { agentInventorySlotEntry 6 } agentInventorySlotConfiguredCardType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AgentInventoryCardType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the configured card type. This object may be set with a corresponding value of agentInventoryCardType if this slot supports removable cards." ::= { agentInventorySlotEntry 7 } agentInventorySlotCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { pluggable(0), power-down(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the different capabilities this slot has. pluggable(0) - This slot can contain pluggable cards. power-down(1) - Power to this slot can be controlled through the object agentInventorySlotPowerMode " ::= { agentInventorySlotEntry 8 } --************************************************************************************** -- agentInventoryCardGroup -- --************************************************************************************** agentInventoryCardGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fastPathInventory 4 } --************************************************************************************** -- agentInventoryCardTypeTable -- --************************************************************************************** agentInventoryCardTypeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AgentInventoryCardTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains information for all supported Card Types in the system." ::= { agentInventoryCardGroup 1 } agentInventoryCardTypeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AgentInventoryCardTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains information related to a specific Card Type." INDEX { agentInventoryCardIndex } ::= { agentInventoryCardTypeTable 1 } AgentInventoryCardTypeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { agentInventoryCardIndex Unsigned32, agentInventoryCardType AgentInventoryCardType, agentInventoryCardModelIdentifier DisplayString, agentInventoryCardDescription DisplayString } agentInventoryCardIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary index used to identify cards in the table." ::= { agentInventoryCardTypeEntry 1 } agentInventoryCardType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AgentInventoryCardType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Card Type associated with this instance." ::= { agentInventoryCardTypeEntry 2 } agentInventoryCardModelIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The model identifier for the supported Card Type." ::= { agentInventoryCardTypeEntry 3 } agentInventoryCardDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The card description for the supported Card Type." ::= { agentInventoryCardTypeEntry 4 } --************************************************************************************** -- agentInventoryComponentGroup -- --************************************************************************************** agentInventoryComponentGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fastPathInventory 5 } --************************************************************************************** -- agentInventoryComponentTable -- --************************************************************************************** agentInventoryComponentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AgentInventoryComponentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains information for all supported Components in the system." ::= { agentInventoryComponentGroup 1 } agentInventoryComponentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AgentInventoryComponentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains information related to a specific Components." INDEX { agentInventoryComponentIndex } ::= { agentInventoryComponentTable 1 } AgentInventoryComponentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { agentInventoryComponentIndex Unsigned32, agentInventoryComponentMnemonic DisplayString, agentInventoryComponentName DisplayString } agentInventoryComponentIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary index used to reference components in the table." ::= { agentInventoryComponentEntry 1 } agentInventoryComponentMnemonic OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The abreviated name of this component." ::= { agentInventoryComponentEntry 2 } agentInventoryComponentName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the component for this instance." ::= { agentInventoryComponentEntry 3 } --************************************************************************************** -- agentInventoryBackplanePortGroup -- --************************************************************************************** agentInventoryBackplanePortGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fastPathInventory 11 } --************************************************************************************** -- agentInventorySFSGroup -- --************************************************************************************** agentInventorySFSGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fastPathInventory 8 } agentInventoryChassisUnitNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unit number associated with chassis unit ." ::= { agentInventorySFSGroup 5 } agentInventorySFS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Controls whether the firmware synchronization is enabled or disabled." ::= { agentInventorySFSGroup 2 } agentInventorySFSAllowDowngrade OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Controls whether downgrading the image on the chassis member is allowed or not if the firmware version of manager is older to firmware version of chassis member" ::= { agentInventorySFSGroup 3 } agentInventorySFSTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Controls sending of traps during firmware synchronization operation" ::= { agentInventorySFSGroup 4 } --************************************************************************************** -- agentInventoryBackplanePortTable -- --************************************************************************************** agentInventoryBackplanePortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AgentInventoryBackplanePortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains information for all backplane ports present in the system." ::= { agentInventoryBackplanePortGroup 2 } agentInventoryBackplanePortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AgentInventoryBackplanePortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains information related to a specific backplane Port." INDEX { agentInventoryBackplanePortIndex } ::= { agentInventoryBackplanePortTable 1 } AgentInventoryBackplanePortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { agentInventoryBackplanePortIndex Unsigned32, agentInventoryBackplanePortUnit Unsigned32, agentInventoryBackplanePortTag DisplayString, agentInventoryBackplanePortLinkStatus INTEGER, agentInventoryBackplanePortLinkSpeed Gauge32, agentInventoryBackplanePortDataRate Counter32, agentInventoryBackplanePortErrorRate Counter32, agentInventoryBackplanePortTotalErrors Counter32 } agentInventoryBackplanePortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary index used to reference backplane ports in the table." ::= { agentInventoryBackplanePortEntry 1 } agentInventoryBackplanePortUnit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Unit Index this backplane port is physically located on." ::= { agentInventoryBackplanePortEntry 2 } agentInventoryBackplanePortTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the backplane port for this instance." ::= { agentInventoryBackplanePortEntry 3 } agentInventoryBackplanePortLinkStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Link status of the backplane port." ::= { agentInventoryBackplanePortEntry 6 } agentInventoryBackplanePortLinkSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Speed of the backplane port measured in Gb/s." ::= { agentInventoryBackplanePortEntry 7 } agentInventoryBackplanePortDataRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Approximate data rate on the backplane port. Measured in Gb/s." ::= { agentInventoryBackplanePortEntry 8 } agentInventoryBackplanePortErrorRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Approximate error rate on the backplane port. Measured in errors per second." ::= { agentInventoryBackplanePortEntry 9 } agentInventoryBackplanePortTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of errors since boot. The counter may wrap." ::= { agentInventoryBackplanePortEntry 10 } --************************************************************************************** -- agentInventoryChassisBackplaneGroup -- --************************************************************************************** agentInventoryChassisBackplaneGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fastPathInventory 12 } agentInventoryChassisBackplaneModelID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Chassis Model ID." ::= { agentInventoryChassisBackplaneGroup 1 } agentInventoryChassisBackplaneFpgaVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Chassis FPGA version." ::= { agentInventoryChassisBackplaneGroup 2 } agentInventoryChassisBackplaneSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Chassis serial number." ::= { agentInventoryChassisBackplaneGroup 3 } --************************************************************************************** -- agentInventory Traps -- --************************************************************************************** agentInventoryTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fastPathInventory 0 } agentInventoryCardMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { agentInventoryUnitNumber, agentInventorySlotNumber, agentInventorySlotInsertedCardType, agentInventorySlotConfiguredCardType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sent when a card is inserted which is a different type than what the slot was configured for." ::= { agentInventoryTraps 1 } agentInventoryCardUnsupported NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { agentInventoryUnitNumber, agentInventorySlotNumber, agentInventorySlotInsertedCardType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sent when a card is inserted which is of a type that is not supported by the slot." ::= { agentInventoryTraps 2 } agentInventoryBackplanePortLinkUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { agentInventoryBackplanePortUnit, agentInventoryBackplanePortTag } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sent when a backplane port is connected to annother chassis member." ::= { agentInventoryTraps 8 } agentInventoryBackplanePortLinkDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { agentInventoryBackplanePortUnit, agentInventoryBackplanePortTag } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sent when a backplane port is disconnected from a chassis member." ::= { agentInventoryTraps 9 } agentInventorySFSStart NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { agentInventoryChassisUnitNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sent when firmware synchronization operation is started on a chassis member." ::= { agentInventoryTraps 5 } agentInventorySFSComplete NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { agentInventoryChassisUnitNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sent when firmware synchronization operation is complete on a chassis member." ::= { agentInventoryTraps 6 } agentInventorySFSFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { agentInventoryChassisUnitNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sent when firmware synchronization operation failed for a chassis member." ::= { agentInventoryTraps 7 } -- conformance information fastPathInventoryConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fastPathInventory 6 } fastPathInventoryCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fastPathInventoryConformance 1 } fastPathInventoryGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fastPathInventoryConformance 2 } -- compliance statements fastPathInventoryCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which implement version 1 of the fastPathInventory MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { fastPathInventorySlotGroup, fastPathInventoryCardGroup, fastPathInventoryCardGroup } GROUP fastPathInventoryUnitGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of the agentInventoryUnitTable is only mandatory on systems which support the capability of managing multiple units in a chassis." ::= { fastPathInventoryCompliances 1 } fastPathInventoryCompliance2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which implement version 2 of the fastPathInventory MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { fastPathInventorySlotGroup, fastPathInventoryCardGroup, fastPathInventoryCardGroup } GROUP fastPathInventoryUnitGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of the agentInventoryUnitTable is only mandatory on systems which support the capability of managing multiple units in a chassis." ::= { fastPathInventoryCompliances 2 } -- MIB groupings fastPathInventorySupportedUnitGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { agentInventorySupportedUnitIndex, agentInventorySupportedUnitModelIdentifier, agentInventorySupportedUnitDescription, agentInventorySupportedUnitExpectedCodeVer } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The collection of objects which are used to represent multiple units in the chassis." ::= { fastPathInventoryGroups 1 } fastPathInventoryUnitGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { agentInventoryUnitNumber, agentInventoryUnitAssignNumber, agentInventoryUnitType, agentInventoryUnitMgmtAdmin, agentInventoryUnitHWMgmtPref, agentInventoryUnitAdminMgmtPref, agentInventoryUnitStatus, agentInventoryUnitDetectedCodeVer, agentInventoryUnitDetectedCodeInFlashVer, agentInventoryUnitUpTime, agentInventoryUnitDescription, agentInventoryUnitReplicateSTK, agentInventoryUnitRowStatus ,agentInventoryUnitImage1Version ,agentInventoryUnitImage2Version ,agentInventoryUnitSTKname ,agentInventoryUnitActivateSTK ,agentInventoryUnitDeleteSTK ,agentInventoryUnitSTKname } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The collection of objects which are used to represent multiple units in the chassis." ::= { fastPathInventoryGroups 2 } fastPathInventorySlotGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { agentInventorySlotNumber, agentInventorySlotStatus, agentInventorySlotPowerMode, agentInventorySlotAdminMode, agentInventorySlotInsertedCardType, agentInventorySlotConfiguredCardType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The collection of objects which are used to represent slots in the each unit managed by this agent." ::= { fastPathInventoryGroups 3 } fastPathInventoryCardGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { agentInventoryCardIndex, agentInventoryCardType, agentInventoryCardModelIdentifier, agentInventoryCardDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The collection of objects which are used to represent the card types this system can manage." ::= { fastPathInventoryGroups 4 } fastPathInventoryNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { agentInventoryCardMismatch, agentInventoryCardUnsupported } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The collection of notifications used to indicate problems associated with the insertion of cards." ::= { fastPathInventoryGroups 5 } END