-- DiffServ MIB overview: -- DiffServ Private MIB falls under lb6m QOS MIB node of the private subtree. -- Various MIB groups defined within this MIB are: -- a) General Status Group -> All objects within this group are scalar and are not part of a -- conceptual MIB table. The objects of this group define the current and maximum sizes of -- conceptual DiffServ MIB tables like, DiffServ Class Table, DiffServ Class Rule Table, -- DiffServ Policy Table,DiffServ Policy-Class Instance Table, DiffServ Policy Attribute -- Table, DiffServ Service Table. Also, one object of this group named GenStatusAdminMode, is -- used to enable or disable DiffServ on the switch. -- b) Class Group -> This MIB group represents classifiers, which are used to differentiate -- among types of traffic. There are two conceptual MIB tables within the class group : -- 1) Class Table - The Class Table entry contains a name and type, plus a referenced ACL -- type and number if the class type is 'acl'. -- 2) Class Rule Table - Each Class Rule Table entry in the private MIB represents a single -- match criterion that belongs to a class definition. Depending on the class type, -- multiple criteria are evaluated as either an all-inclusive or sequential-ordered -- relationship to determine if a packet belongs to the class. The -- classRuleMatchEntryType object indicates specifically which of the match items is -- described by this entry. -- c) Policy Group -> DiffServ Policy group is used to define: -- traffic conditioning actions - policing and marking applied to traffic classes, and -- service provisioning actions - specifying bandwidth, shaping and queue depth management -- requirements of service levels like Expedite Forwarding, Assured Forwarding etc. There -- are five conceptual MIB tables within the policy group: -- 1) Policy Table - The Policy Table entry contains policy-name, policy-type and next free -- per-policy policyInstIndex for the Policy-Class Instance table. The policy-type defines -- whether policy is applied inbound or outbound to an interface. -- 2) Policy-Class Instance Table - An entry in this table is used to connect an policy with -- an already created DiffServ class. It contains a class index, which identifies the -- classifier definition used by the policy to establish an instance of that class (to -- which policy attributes can be attached). It also contains the next free per-policy -- policyAttrIndex for the policy attribute table. -- 3) Policy Attribute Table - Each Policy Table Attribute entry attaches various policy -- attributes to a policy-class instance. There is an object named -- policyAttrStmtEntryType, that specifies which policy attributes are meaningful for a -- particular policy-class instance. -- 4) Policy-Class Inbound Performance Table - Contains performance counters for each -- policy-class instance assigned to an interface in the inbound direction. This table -- contains offered and discarded counters. These rows are automatically created/deleted -- when a policy is attached to/removed from a service interface in an inbound direction. -- 5) Policy-Class Outbound Performance Table - Contains performance counters for each -- policy-class instance assigned to an interface in the outbound direction. This table -- contains offered and discarded counters. These rows are automatically created/deleted -- when a policy is attached to/removed from a service interface in an outbound direction. -- d) Service Group -> DiffServ Service group associates a policy with an interface in a -- specific direction. There are two conceptual MIB tables within the service group: -- 1) Service Table - Contains rows for each interface (ifIndex) that has a policy index -- attached to it in a specific direction (ifDirection). -- 2) Service Performance Table - Augments the Service Table to provide performance -- counters for each row. This table contains offered, discarded and sent counters that -- are aggregated for the attached policy as a whole based on the individual -- policy-class instance counts. -- General Notes: -- 1) All objects of this MIB are prefixed with 'agentDiffServ' followed by the name of the -- object with the first letter in uppercase. -- 2) All counter tables like Policy-Class Inbound Performance Table, Policy-Class Outbound -- Performance Table and Service Performance Table contain both 32-bit and 64-bit (high- -- capacity) counters. NETGEAR-QOS-DIFFSERV-PRIVATE-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- Netgear Inc NETGEAR DiffServ MIB -- Copyright Netgear Inc (2002-2007) All rights reserved. -- This SNMP Management Information Specification -- embodies Netgear Inc's confidential and proprietary -- intellectual property. Netgear Inc retains all title -- and ownership in the Specification including any revisions. -- This Specification is supplied "AS IS", Netgear Inc -- makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, -- as to the use, operation, condition, or performance of the -- Specification. IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, IpAddress, Integer32, Unsigned32, Counter32, Counter64 FROM SNMPv2-SMI InetPortNumber FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB TEXTUAL-CONVENTION,RowStatus, RowPointer,MacAddress, StorageType,TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC lb6m FROM QUANTA-LB6M-REF-MIB TimeTicks FROM RFC1155-SMI DisplayString,PhysAddress FROM RFC1213-MIB IANAifType FROM IANAifType-MIB ifIndex,InterfaceIndex FROM IF-MIB; fastPathQOSDiffServPrivate MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201101260000Z" -- 26 Jan 2011 12:00:00 GMT ORGANIZATION "Netgear Inc" CONTACT-INFO "" DESCRIPTION "The Netgear Private MIB for NETGEAR DiffServ" -- Revision history. REVISION "201101260000Z" -- 26 Jan 2011 12:00:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "Postal address updated." REVISION "200711120000Z" -- 12 Nov 2007 12:00:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "Deprecated outbound policy instance performance counters, added new ones." REVISION "200705230000Z" -- 23 May 2007 12:00:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "Netgear branding related changes." REVISION "200506230000Z" -- 23 Jun 2005 12:00:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "Added mirror policy attribute." REVISION "200410060000Z" -- 06 Oct 2004 12:00:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "DiffServ enhancements for NETGEAR Release 4.3.0." REVISION "200311210000Z" -- 21 Nov 2003 12:00:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "Revisions made for new release." ::= { lb6m 7 } QosBurstSize ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of kilobytes (Kbytes) in a packet that may be sent in a traffic stream without regard for other traffic streams." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..128) IntfDirection ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IntfDirection specifies a direction of data travel on an interface. 'inbound' traffic is operated on during reception from the interface, while 'outbound' traffic is operated on prior to transmission on the interface." SYNTAX INTEGER { in(1), -- ingress interface out(2) -- egress interface } EtypeValue ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "x" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ethertype value of a packet. The allowed value is 0x0600 to 0xFFFF." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1536..65535) -- hex value 0x0600 to 0xFFFF Ipv6AddressPrefix ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "2x:" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type is used to model IPv6 address prefixes. This is a binary string of up to 16 octets in network byte-order." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..16)) --************************************************************************************** -- agentDiffServGenStatusGroup --************************************************************************************** agentDiffServGenStatusGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fastPathQOSDiffServPrivate 1 } agentDiffServGenStatusAdminMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " DiffServ Admin Mode" DEFVAL { disable } ::= { agentDiffServGenStatusGroup 1 } agentDiffServGenStatusClassTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Current size of the Class Table" ::= { agentDiffServGenStatusGroup 2 } agentDiffServGenStatusClassTableMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Max size of the Class Table" ::= { agentDiffServGenStatusGroup 3 } agentDiffServGenStatusClassRuleTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Current size of Class Rule Table" ::= { agentDiffServGenStatusGroup 4 } agentDiffServGenStatusClassRuleTableMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Max size of the Class Rule Table." ::= { agentDiffServGenStatusGroup 5 } agentDiffServGenStatusPolicyTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Current Size of the Policy Table." ::= { agentDiffServGenStatusGroup 6 } agentDiffServGenStatusPolicyTableMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Max size of the Policy Table" ::= { agentDiffServGenStatusGroup 7 } agentDiffServGenStatusPolicyInstTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Current size of the Policy-Class Instance Table" ::= { agentDiffServGenStatusGroup 8 } agentDiffServGenStatusPolicyInstTableMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Max size of the Policy-Class Instance Table" ::= { agentDiffServGenStatusGroup 9 } agentDiffServGenStatusPolicyAttrTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Current size of the Policy Attribute Table" ::= { agentDiffServGenStatusGroup 10 } agentDiffServGenStatusPolicyAttrTableMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Max size of the Policy Attribute Table" ::= { agentDiffServGenStatusGroup 11 } agentDiffServGenStatusServiceTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Current size of the Service Table" ::= { agentDiffServGenStatusGroup 12 } agentDiffServGenStatusServiceTableMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Max size of the Service Table" ::= { agentDiffServGenStatusGroup 13 } --********************************************************************************** -- agentDiffServClassGroup -- --********************************************************************************** agentDiffServClassGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fastPathQOSDiffServPrivate 2 } --*********************** classTable *********************** agentDiffServClassIndexNextFree OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains an unused value for classIndex, or a zero to indicate that none exists." ::= { agentDiffServClassGroup 1 } agentDiffServClassTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AgentDiffServClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of the DiffServ class entries" ::= { agentDiffServClassGroup 2 } agentDiffServClassEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AgentDiffServClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents entry for a DiffServ traffic class" INDEX { agentDiffServClassIndex } ::= { agentDiffServClassTable 1 } AgentDiffServClassEntry ::= SEQUENCE { agentDiffServClassIndex Unsigned32, agentDiffServClassName DisplayString, agentDiffServClassType INTEGER, agentDiffServClassAclNum Unsigned32, agentDiffServClassRuleIndexNextFree Unsigned32, agentDiffServClassStorageType StorageType, agentDiffServClassRowStatus RowStatus, agentDiffServClassAclType INTEGER, agentDiffServClassProtoType INTEGER } agentDiffServClassIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The identifier for DiffServ Class entry " ::= { agentDiffServClassEntry 1 } agentDiffServClassName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the DiffServ traffic class" ::= { agentDiffServClassEntry 2 } agentDiffServClassType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { all(1), any(2), acl(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The class type indicates how the individual class match criteria are evaluated. For type all, all of the individual match conditions must be true for a packet to be considered a member of the class. For types any and acl, only one of the match criteria must be true for a packet to belong to the class; multiple matching criteria are evaluated in a sequential order, with the highest precedence awarded to the first criterion defined for the class. An acl class type copies its set of match criteria from the current rule definition of the specified ACL number." ::= { agentDiffServClassEntry 3 } agentDiffServClassAclNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The access list number used to define the match conditions for the DiffServ class. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServClassType is set to acl(3). Match conditions are copied from the ACL definition at the time the class is created and do not reflect subsequent changes to the ACL definition. This attribute requires that the agentDiffServClassAclType object also be set so that the ACL number can be interpreted relative to ip(1) or mac(2) ACLs. The objects may be set in either order. The NETGEAR-QOS-ACL-MIB defines an aclIndex for IP ACLs and an aclMacIndex for MAC ACLs. Setting this object to one of these values per the agentDiffServClassAclType causes the corresponding ACL rules to be used for creating the DiffServ class." ::= { agentDiffServClassEntry 4 } agentDiffServClassRuleIndexNextFree OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains an unused value for classRuleIndex, or a zero to indicate that none exists. This index is maintained on a per-class basis." ::= { agentDiffServClassEntry 5 } agentDiffServClassStorageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StorageType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Storage-type for this conceptual row" DEFVAL { nonVolatile } ::= { agentDiffServClassEntry 6 } agentDiffServClassRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row. All RowStatus operations are permitted. Other columns in this row may be modified when the status is 'active'. Entries can not be deleted until all rows in agentDiffServClassRuleTable with corresponding values of agentDiffServClassIndex have been deleted." ::= { agentDiffServClassEntry 7 } agentDiffServClassAclType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ip(1), mac(2), ipv6(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The access list type used to define the match conditions for the DiffServ class. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServClassType is set to acl(3). When this attribute is set to ip(1), the agentDiffServClassAclNum object is interpreted as an IP ACL number per the aclIndex definition from the NETGEAR-QOS-ACL-MIB. When set to mac(2), the agentDiffServClassAclNum object is interpreted as a MAC ACL index per the aclMacIndex definition in the NETGEAR-QOS-ACL-MIB. When set to ipv6(3), the agentDiffServClassAclNum object is interpreted as a IPv6 ACL index per the aclIpv6Index definition in the NETGEAR-QOS-ACL-MIB. All these objects and agentDiffServClassAclNum must be set (in either order) for an agentDiffServClassType of acl(3)." ::= { agentDiffServClassEntry 8 } agentDiffServClassProtoType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ipv4(1), ipv6(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The diffserv class protocol type used to indicate how to interpret any layer 3. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServClassProtoType is set to all(1) or any(2)." ::= { agentDiffServClassEntry 9 } --*********************** agentDiffServClassRuleTable *********************** agentDiffServClassRuleTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AgentDiffServClassRuleEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of the DiffServ Class Rule entries" ::= { agentDiffServClassGroup 3 } agentDiffServClassRuleEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AgentDiffServClassRuleEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents entry for a set of class-match rules" INDEX { agentDiffServClassIndex,agentDiffServClassRuleIndex } ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleTable 1 } AgentDiffServClassRuleEntry ::= SEQUENCE { agentDiffServClassRuleIndex Unsigned32, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType INTEGER, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchCos Unsigned32, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchDstIpAddr IpAddress, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchDstIpMask IpAddress, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchDstL4PortStart InetPortNumber, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchDstL4PortEnd InetPortNumber, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchDstMacAddr MacAddress, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchDstMacMask MacAddress, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEvery TruthValue, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchIpDscp Unsigned32, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchIpPrecedence Unsigned32, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchIpTosBits OCTET STRING, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchIpTosMask OCTET STRING, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchProtocolNum Unsigned32, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchRefClassIndex Unsigned32, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchSrcIpAddr IpAddress, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchSrcIpMask IpAddress, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchSrcL4PortStart InetPortNumber, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchSrcL4PortEnd InetPortNumber, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchSrcMacAddr MacAddress, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchSrcMacMask MacAddress, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchVlanId Unsigned32, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchExcludeFlag TruthValue, agentDiffServClassRuleStorageType StorageType, agentDiffServClassRuleRowStatus RowStatus, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchCos2 Unsigned32, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEtypeKey INTEGER, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEtypeValue EtypeValue, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchVlanIdStart Unsigned32, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchVlanIdEnd Unsigned32, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchVlanId2Start Unsigned32, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchVlanId2End Unsigned32, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchFlowLabel Unsigned32, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchDstIpv6Prefix Ipv6AddressPrefix, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchSrcIpv6Prefix Ipv6AddressPrefix, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchDstIpv6PrefixLength Integer32, agentDiffServClassRuleMatchSrcIpv6PrefixLength Integer32 } agentDiffServClassRuleIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The identifier for DiffServ Class Rule Table entry within a class" ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 1 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { cos(1), dstip(2), dstl4port(3), dstmac(4), every(5), ipdscp(6), ipprecedence(7), iptos(8), protocol(9), refclass(10), srcip(11), srcl4port(12), srcmac(13), vlan(14), cos2(15), etype(16), vlanid(17), vlanid2(18), flowLabel(19), srcPrefix(20), dstPrefix(21) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Class Rule match entry type, it determines which one of the individual match conditions is defined for the present class rule. This object must be created before any other match object in this row." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 2 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Three-bit user priority field in the 802.1Q tag header of a tagged Ethernet frame used as a class-match parameter - only valid if the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is set to cos(1). For frames containing a double VLAN tag, this field is located in the first/outer tag." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 3 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchDstIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination IP address match value for the class - only valid if the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is set to dstip(2)." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 4 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchDstIpMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination IP address mask match value for the class - only valid if the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is set to dstip(2). This mask value identifies the portion of agentDiffServClassRuleMatchDstIpAddr that is compared against a packet. A non-contiguous mask value is permitted." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 5 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchDstL4PortStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetPortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination layer 4 port range start match value for the class - only valid if the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is set to dstl4port(3)." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 6 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchDstL4PortEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetPortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination layer 4 port range end match value for the class - only valid if the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is set to dstl4port(3)." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 7 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchDstMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination MAC address match value for the class - only valid if the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is set to dstmac(4)." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 8 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchDstMacMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination MAC address mask match value for the class - only valid if the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is set to dstmac(4). This mask value identifies the portion of agentDiffServClassRuleMatchDstMacAddr that is compared against a packet. A non-contiguous mask value is permitted." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 9 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEvery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that the class rule is defined to match on every packet, regardless of content. - only valid if the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is set to every(5)." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 10 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchIpDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..63) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) match value for the class - only valid if the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is set to ipdscp(6). The DSCP is defined as the high-order six bits of the Service Type octet in the IPv4 header." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 11 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchIpPrecedence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP Precedence match value for the class - only valid if the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is set to ipprecedence(7). The Precedence bits are defined as the high-order three bits of the Service Type octed in the IPv4 header." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 12 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchIpTosBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP TOS bits match value for the class - only valid if the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is set to iptos(8). The TOS bits are defined as all eight bits of the Service Type octet in the IPv4 header." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 13 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchIpTosMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP TOS bits mask match value for the class - only valid if the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is set to iptos(8). This mask value identifies the portion of agentDiffServClassRuleMatchIpTosBits that is compared against a packet. A non-contiguous mask value is permitted." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 14 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchProtocolNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Protocol number match value for the class - only valid if the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is set to protocol(9)." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 15 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchRefClassIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of the corresponding referenced class - only valid if the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is set to refclass(10). The set of match conditions defined for the reference class are directly inherited by the current class. Restrictions: 1) The class types of both, current class and the reference class must be identical (i.e., any vs. any, or all vs. all). 2) Self-referencing of class-name is not allowed. 3) Any attempt to delete the reference class while still referenced by any class shall fail. 4) The combined match criteria of classname and reference class name must be an allowed combination based on the class type. Any subsequent changes to the reference class name match criteria must maintain this validity, or the change attempt shall fail." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 16 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchSrcIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source IP address match value for the class - only valid if the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is set to srcip(11)." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 17 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchSrcIpMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source IP address mask match value for the class - only valid if the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is set to srcip(11). This mask value identifies the portion of agentDiffServClassRuleMatchSrcIpAddr that is compared against a packet. A non-contiguous mask value is permitted." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 18 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchSrcL4PortStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetPortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source layer 4 port range start match value for the class - only valid if the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is set to srcl4port(12)." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 19 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchSrcL4PortEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetPortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source layer 4 port range end match value for the class - only valid if the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is set to srcl4port(12)." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 20 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchSrcMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source MAC address match value for the class - only valid if the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is set to srcmac(13)." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 21 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchSrcMacMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source MAC address mask match value for the class - only valid if the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is set to srcmac(13). This mask value identifies the portion of agentDiffServClassRuleMatchSrcMacAddr that is compared against a packet. A non-contiguous mask value is permitted." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 22 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "VLAN ID match value for the class - only valid if the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is set to vlan(14). This object is obsoleted by agentDiffServClassRuleMatchVlanIdStart and agentDiffServClassRuleMatchVlanIdEnd." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 23 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchExcludeFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Class Rule exclude flag - when set to true(1), the match condition identified by agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is negated. This means that for a given field, every value is considered to be a match EXCEPT for the value specified in the class rule. This flag must be false(2) for an agendDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType of refClass(10). This object must be set after the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType object, but before any other match object in this row" ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 24 } agentDiffServClassRuleStorageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StorageType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Storage-type for this conceptual row" DEFVAL { nonVolatile } ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 25 } agentDiffServClassRuleRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row. All RowStatus operations are permitted. Other columns in this row may be modified when the status is 'active'." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 26 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchCos2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Three-bit user priority field in the second/inner 802.1Q tag header of a double VLAN tagged Ethernet frame used as a class-match parameter - only valid if the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is set to cos2(15)." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 27 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEtypeKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { custom(1), appletalk(2), arp(3), ibmsna(4), ipv4(5), ipv6(6), ipx(7), mplsmcast(8), mplsucast(9), netbios(10), novell(11), pppoe(12), rarp(13) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ethertype keyword match value for the class - only valid if the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is set to etype(16). A keyword of custom(1) requires that the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEtypeValue object also be set." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 28 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEtypeValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EtypeValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ethertype match value for the class - only valid if the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is set to etype(16) and the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEtypeKey is set to custom(1). The allowed value for this object is 0x0600 to 0xFFFF." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 29 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchVlanIdStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4093) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VLAN ID range start match value for the class - only valid if the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is set to vlanid(17). The VLAN ID field is defined as the 12-bit VLAN identifier in the 802.1Q tag header of a tagged Ethernet frame. This is contained in the first/outer tag of a double VLAN tagged frame." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 30 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchVlanIdEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4093) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VLAN ID range end match value for the class - only valid if the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is set to vlanid(17). The VLAN ID field is defined as the 12-bit VLAN identifier in the 802.1Q tag header of a tagged Ethernet frame. This is contained in the first/outer tag of a double VLAN tagged frame." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 31 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchVlanId2Start OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4093) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Secondary VLAN ID range start match value for the class - only valid if the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is set to vlanid2(18). The Secondary VLAN ID field is defined as the 12-bit VLAN identifier in the second/inner 802.1Q tag header of a double VLAN tagged Ethernet frame." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 32 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchVlanId2End OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4093) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Secondary VLAN ID range end match value for the class - only valid if the agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType is set to vlanid2(18). The Secondary VLAN ID field is defined as the 12-bit VLAN identifier in the second/inner 802.1Q tag header of a double VLAN tagged Ethernet frame." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 33 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchFlowLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..1048575) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Flow label is 20-bit number that is unique to an IPv6 packet, used by end stations to signify quality-of-service handling in routers." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 34 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchDstIpv6Prefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ipv6AddressPrefix MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Ipv6 Prefix Address configured on the Service Port." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 35 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchSrcIpv6Prefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ipv6AddressPrefix MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Ipv6 Prefix Address configured on the Service Port." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 36 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchDstIpv6PrefixLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..128) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Prefix Length." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 37 } agentDiffServClassRuleMatchSrcIpv6PrefixLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..128) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Prefix Length." ::= { agentDiffServClassRuleEntry 38 } --********************************************************************************** -- agentDiffServPolicyGroup -- --********************************************************************************** agentDiffServPolicyGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fastPathQOSDiffServPrivate 3 } --*********************** agentDiffServPolicyTable ************************ agentDiffServPolicyIndexNextFree OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains an unused value for agentDiffServPolicyIndex, or a zero to indicate that none exists." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyGroup 1 } agentDiffServPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AgentDiffServPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of the DiffServ policy entries." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyGroup 2 } agentDiffServPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AgentDiffServPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents entry for a DiffServ policy." INDEX { agentDiffServPolicyIndex } ::= { agentDiffServPolicyTable 1 } AgentDiffServPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { agentDiffServPolicyIndex Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyName DisplayString, agentDiffServPolicyType IntfDirection, agentDiffServPolicyInstIndexNextFree Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyStorageType StorageType, agentDiffServPolicyRowStatus RowStatus } agentDiffServPolicyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The identifier for DiffServ Policy table entry." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyEntry 1 } agentDiffServPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the policy" ::= { agentDiffServPolicyEntry 2 } agentDiffServPolicyType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntfDirection MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The policy type dictates whether inbound or outbound policy attribute statements are used in the policy definition." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyEntry 3 } agentDiffServPolicyInstIndexNextFree OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains an unused value for agentDiffServPolicyInstIndex, or a zero to indicate that none exists. This index is maintained on a per-policy basis." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyEntry 4 } agentDiffServPolicyStorageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StorageType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Storage-type for this conceptual row" DEFVAL { nonVolatile } ::= { agentDiffServPolicyEntry 5 } agentDiffServPolicyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row. active(1) - this Diffserv Policy is active createAndGo(4) - set to this value to create an instance destroy(6) - set to this value to delete an instance All RowStatus operations are permitted. Other columns in this row may be modified when the status is 'active'. Entries can not be deleted until all rows in agentDiffServPolicyInstTable with corresponding values of agentDiffServPolicyIndex have been deleted." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyEntry 6 } --*********************** agentDiffServPolicyInstTable ************************ agentDiffServPolicyInstTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AgentDiffServPolicyInstEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of the policy-class instance entries." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyGroup 3 } agentDiffServPolicyInstEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AgentDiffServPolicyInstEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents entry for a policy-class instance." INDEX { agentDiffServPolicyIndex,agentDiffServPolicyInstIndex } ::= { agentDiffServPolicyInstTable 1 } AgentDiffServPolicyInstEntry ::= SEQUENCE { agentDiffServPolicyInstIndex Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyInstClassIndex Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyInstAttrIndexNextFree Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyInstStorageType StorageType, agentDiffServPolicyInstRowStatus RowStatus } agentDiffServPolicyInstIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The identifier for policy-class Instance table entry within a policy." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyInstEntry 1 } agentDiffServPolicyInstClassIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of the DiffServ Class Table row, whose class definition is used as the policy class instance. The class index identifies the classifier definition used by the policy to establish an instance of that class (to which policy attributes can be attached). This is what connects a class (instance) to a policy." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyInstEntry 2 } agentDiffServPolicyInstAttrIndexNextFree OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains an unused value for agentDiffServPolicyAttrIndex, or a zero to indicate that none exists. This index is maintained on a per-policy-class-instance basis." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyInstEntry 3 } agentDiffServPolicyInstStorageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StorageType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Storage-type for this conceptual row." DEFVAL { nonVolatile } ::= { agentDiffServPolicyInstEntry 4 } agentDiffServPolicyInstRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row. active(1) - this Diffserv Policy Instance is active createAndGo(4) - set to this value to create an instance destroy(6) - set to this value to delete an instance All RowStatus operations are permitted. Other columns in this row may be modified when the status is 'active'. Entries can not be deleted until all rows in agentDiffServPolicyAttrTable with corresponding values of agentDiffServPolicyIndex and agentDiffServPolicyInstIndex have been deleted." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyInstEntry 5 } --*********************** agentDiffServPolicyAttrTable ************************ agentDiffServPolicyAttrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AgentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of policy attribute entries" ::= { agentDiffServPolicyGroup 4 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AgentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents entry for policy attributes" INDEX { agentDiffServPolicyIndex, agentDiffServPolicyInstIndex, agentDiffServPolicyAttrIndex } ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrTable 1 } AgentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { agentDiffServPolicyAttrIndex Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType INTEGER, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtBandwidthCrate Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtBandwidthCrateUnits INTEGER, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtExpediteCrate Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtExpediteCrateUnits INTEGER, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtExpediteCburst QosBurstSize, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtMarkCosVal Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtMarkIpDscpVal Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtMarkIpPrecedenceVal Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceConformAct INTEGER, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceConformVal Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceExceedAct INTEGER, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceExceedVal Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceNonconformAct INTEGER, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceNonconformVal Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceSimpleCrate Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceSimpleCburst QosBurstSize, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceSinglerateCrate Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceSinglerateCburst QosBurstSize, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceSinglerateEburst QosBurstSize, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceTworateCrate Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceTworateCburst QosBurstSize, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceTworatePrate Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceTworatePburst QosBurstSize, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtRandomdropMinThresh Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtRandomdropMaxThresh Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtRandomdropMaxDropProb Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtRandomdropSamplingRate Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtRandomdropDecayExponent Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtShapeAverageCrate Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtShapePeakCrate Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtShapePeakPrate Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStorageType StorageType, agentDiffServPolicyAttrRowStatus RowStatus, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtAssignQueueId Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtDrop TruthValue, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtMarkCos2Val Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceColorConformIndex Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceColorConformMode INTEGER, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceColorConformVal Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceColorExceedIndex Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceColorExceedMode INTEGER, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceColorExceedVal Unsigned32, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtRedirectIntf InterfaceIndex, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtMirrorIntf InterfaceIndex, agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtMarkCosAsSecCos TruthValue } agentDiffServPolicyAttrIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The identifier for policy-attribute entry " ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 1 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bandwidth(1), expedite(2), markCosVal(3), markIpDscpVal(4), markIpPrecedenceVal(5), policeSimple(6), policeSinglerate(7), policeTworate(8), randomdrop(9), shapeAverage(10), shapePeak(11), assignQueue(12), drop(13), markCos2Val(14), redirect(15), mirror(16), markCosAsSecCos(17) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Policy attribute statement entry type -- this entry type is essential to determine which of the individual object(s) is defined for this policy attribute statement. This object must be created before any other policy attribute statement object in the row. The markIpDscpVal(4), markIpPrecedenceVal(5), policeSimple(6), policeSinglerate(7) and policeTworate(8) values are only allowed for an agentDiffServPolicyType of in(1). The remaining values are only allowed for an agentDiffServPolicyType of out(2)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 2 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtBandwidthCrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Bandwidth committed rate attribute statement value -- identifies the minimum amount of bandwidth to be reserved for the specified class instance within the policy. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to bandwidth(1)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 3 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtBandwidthCrateUnits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { kbps(1), percentage(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Bandwidth committed rate units attribute statement value -- this value determines the interpretation of the agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtBandwidthCrate object as either kilobits-per-second or as a percentage of interface link speed. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to bandwidth(1)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 4 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtExpediteCrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Expedited (bandwidth) committed rate attribute statement value -- it identifies the maximum guaranteed amount of bandwidth to be reserved for the specified class instance within the policy. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to expedite(2). " ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 5 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtExpediteCrateUnits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { kbps(1), percentage(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Expedited (bandwidth) committed rate units attribute statement value -- determines the interpretation of the agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtExpediteCrate object as either kilobits-per-second or as a percentage of interface link speed. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to expedite(2)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 6 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtExpediteCburst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QosBurstSize MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Expedited (bandwidth) committed burst size attribute statement value, specified in Kbytes. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to expedite(2)." DEFVAL { 4 } ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 7 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtMarkCosVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Three-bit user priority field value in the 802.1Q tag header of a tagged Ethernet frame, marked as part of the inbound policy for a class instance. For frames containing a double VLAN tag, this field is located in the first/outer tag. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to markCosVal(3)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 8 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtMarkIpDscpVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..63) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specified IP DSCP value to mark in all inbound packets belonging to the class-instance. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to markIpDscpVal(4)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 9 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtMarkIpPrecedenceVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specified IP Precedence value to mark in all inbound packets belonging to the class-instance. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to markIpPrecedenceVal(5)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 10 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceConformAct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { drop(1), markdscp(2), markprec(3), send(4), markcos(5), markcos2(6), markcosAsSecCos(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Policing conform action attribute statement value -- determines the action taken on conforming traffic for the policing style (simple,singlerate,tworate) currently configured for the specified class instance within the policy. The default conform action is send(3). This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is policeSimple(6), policeSinglerate(7), or policeTworate(8)." DEFVAL { send } ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 11 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceConformVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..63) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Policing conform value attribute statement -- used to mark conforming packets when the conform action is one of the following: markdscp(2) - mark IP DSCP field markprec(3) - mark IP Precedence field markcos(5) - mark 802.1p CoS field (first/only tag) markcos2(6) - mark secondary 802.1p CoS field (inner tag) markcosAsSecCos(7) - mark CoS as Secondary CoS value This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is policeSimple(6), policeSinglerate(7), or policeTworate(8)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 12 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceExceedAct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { drop(1), markdscp(2), markprec(3), send(4), markcos(5), markcos2(6), markcosAsSecCos(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Policing exceed action attribute statement value -- determines the action taken on excess traffic for the policing style (singlerate, tworate) currently configured for the specified class instance within the policy. The default exceed action is drop(1). This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is policeSinglerate(7) or policeTworate(8)." DEFVAL { drop } ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 13 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceExceedVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..63) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Policing exceed value attribute statement -- used to mark excess packets when the exceed action is one of the following: markdscp(2) - mark IP DSCP field markprec(3) - mark IP Precedence field markcos(5) - mark 802.1p CoS field (first/only tag) markcos2(6) - mark secondary 802.1p CoS field (inner tag) markcosAsSecCos(7) - mark CoS as Secondary CoS value This is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is policeSinglerate(7) or policeTworate(8)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 14 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceNonconformAct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { drop(1), markdscp(2), markprec(3), send(4), markcos(5), markcos2(6), markcosAsSecCos(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Policing non-conform action attribute statement value -- determines the action taken on nonconforming traffic for the policing style (simple, singlerate,tworate) currently configured for the specified class instance within the policy. The default non-conform action is drop(1). This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is policeSimple(6), policeSinglerate(7), or policeTworate(8)." DEFVAL { drop } ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 15 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceNonconformVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..63) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Policing non-conform value attribute statement -- used to mark nonconforming packets when the nonconform action is one of the following: markdscp(2) - mark IP DSCP field markprec(3) - mark IP Precedence field markcos(5) - mark 802.1p CoS field (first/only tag) markcos2(6) - mark secondary 802.1p CoS field (inner tag) markcosAsSecCos(7) - mark CoS as Secondary CoS value This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is policeSimple(6), policeSinglerate(7), or policeTworate(8)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 16 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceSimpleCrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple policing committed rate attribute statement value, specified in kbps. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to policeSimple(6)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 17 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceSimpleCburst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QosBurstSize MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple policing committed burst size attribute statement value, specified in Kbytes. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to policeSimple(6)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 18 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceSinglerateCrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Single-rate policing committed rate attribute statement value, specified in kbps. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to policeSinglerate(7)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 19 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceSinglerateCburst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QosBurstSize MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Single-rate policing committed burst size attribute statement value, specified in Kbytes. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to policeSinglerate(7)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 20 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceSinglerateEburst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QosBurstSize MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Single-rate policing excess burst size attribute statement value, specified in Kbytes. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to policeSinglerate(7)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 21 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceTworateCrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Two-rate policing committed rate attribute statement value, specified in kbps. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to policeTworate(8)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 22 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceTworateCburst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QosBurstSize MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Two-rate policing committed burst size attribute statement value, specified in Kbytes. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to policeTworate(8)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 23 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceTworatePrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Two-rate policing peak rate attribute statement value, specified in kbps. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to policeTworate(8)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 24 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceTworatePburst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QosBurstSize MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Two-rate policing peak burst size attribute statement value, specified in Kbytes. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to policeTworate(8)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 25 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtRandomdropMinThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..250000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Random drop minimum threshold attribute statement value -- the average queue depth minimum threshold in bytes used by the WRED algorithm. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to randomdrop(9)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 26 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtRandomdropMaxThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..500000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Random drop maximum threshold attribute statement value -- the average queue depth maximum threshold in bytes used by the WRED algorithm. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to randomdrop(9)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 27 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtRandomdropMaxDropProb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Random drop maximum drop probability attribute statement value -- the packet drop probability when the queue depth average reaches its maximum threshold. It is expressed as a percentage, and is an integer from 0 to 100. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to randomdrop(9)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 28 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtRandomdropSamplingRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..1000000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Random drop sampling rate attribute statement value -- the period at which the queue depth is sampled for computing an average, expressed in microseconds. This value is an integer from 0 to 1000000, with a default value of 0 (meaning per packet sampling). This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to randomdrop(9)." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 29 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtRandomdropDecayExponent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..16) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Random drop decay exponent attribute statement value -- determines how quickly the average queue length calculation decays over time, with a higher number causing a slower decay. This value is an integer from 0 to 16, with a default of 9. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to randomdrop(9)." DEFVAL { 9 } ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 30 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtShapeAverageCrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Average-rate shaping committed rate attribute statement value, specified in kbps -- used to establish average rate traffic shaping for the specified class , which limits transmissions for the class to the committed information rate, with any excess traffic delayed via queueing. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to shapeAverage(10)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 31 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtShapePeakCrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Peak-rate shaping committed rate attribute statement value, specified in kbps -- used to establish peak rate traffic shaping for the specified class , which allows transmissions for the class to exceed the committed information rate by sending excess traffic with the understanding that it could be dropped by a downstream network element. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to shapePeak(11)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 32 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtShapePeakPrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Peak-rate shaping peak rate attribute statement value, specified in kbps -- used to establish peak rate traffic shaping for the specified class, which allows transmissions for the class to exceed the committed information rate by sending excess traffic with the understanding that it could be dropped by a downstream network element. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to shapePeak(11)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 33 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStorageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StorageType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Storage-type for this conceptual row." DEFVAL { nonVolatile } ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 34 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row. active(1) - this Diffserv Policy Attribute is active createAndGo(4) - set to this value to create an instance destroy(6) - set to this value to delete an instance All RowStatus operations are permitted. Other columns in this row may be modified when the status is 'active'." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 35 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtAssignQueueId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Queue identifier to which all inbound packets belonging to this class-instance are directed. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to assignQueue(12)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 36 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtDrop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that all inbound packets belonging to this class-instance are dropped at ingress. This attribute is only valid if the agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to drop(13)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 37 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtMarkCos2Val OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Three-bit user priority field value in the second/inner 802.1Q tag header of a double VLAN tagged Ethernet frame, marked as part of the inbound policy for a class instance. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to markCos2Val(14)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 38 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceColorConformIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of the DiffServ Class Table row whose class definition is used to specify the policing color conform mode and value. This identifies incoming traffic categorized as 'green' packets in the network. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is policeSimple(6), policeSinglerate(7), or policeTworate(8). The DiffServ class referred to by this object must comply with the following restrictions: 1) Contains only a single, non-excluded match condition identifying one of the following fields: COS, IP DSCP, IP Precedence, or Secondary COS, in accordance with platform support capabilities. This is represented by an agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType value of cos(1), ipdscp(6), ipprecedence(7), or cos2(15), respectively. 2) Must not conflict with any (non-excluded) match conditions in the classifier used for this policy-class instance, as indicated by the agentDiffServPolicyInstClassIndex object. 3) The color conform mode and value identified by this class index must not be the same as an existing color-aware exceed mode and value defined by the agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceColorExceedIndex object. A class index value of 0 for this object indicates conform color awareness is not being used (e.g. color-blind mode). Setting this object to 0 causes the agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceColorExceedIndex object to be set to 0 as well." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 39 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceColorConformMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { blind(1), cos(2), cos2(3), ipdscp(4), ipprec(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Policing color conform mode -- indicates the color awareness mode of conforming traffic for the policing style (simple, singlerate, or tworate) currently configured for the specified class instance within the policy. The default value is blind(1). Any value other than blind(1) denotes the packet field to check for the existing conform color marking, which is compared to the agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceColorConformVal object value. Packets matching this specification are considered to be colored 'green'. This read-only object reflects the DiffServ class definition as indicated by agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceColorConformIndex. This attribute is only valid for agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType values of policeSimple(6), policeSinglerate(7), or policeTworate(8)." DEFVAL { blind } ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 40 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceColorConformVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Policing color conform value -- indicates the color awareness packet mark value of conforming traffic for the policing style (simple, singlerate, or tworate) currently configured for the specified class instance within the policy. For the color conform field indicated by agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceColorConformMode, packets containing this value are considered to be colored 'green'. This read-only object reflects the DiffServ class definition as indicated by agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceColorConformIndex. This attribute is only valid for agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType values of policeSimple(6), policeSinglerate(7), or policeTworate(8), and agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceColorConformMode values of cos(2), cos2(3), ipdscp(4), or ipprec(5)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 41 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceColorExceedIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of the DiffServ Class Table row whose class definition is used to specify the policing color exceed mode and value. This identifies incoming traffic categorized as 'yellow' packets in the network. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is policeSinglerate(7) or policeTworate(8). The DiffServ class referred to by this object must comply with the following restrictions: 1) Contains only a single, non-excluded match condition identifying one of the following fields: COS, IP DSCP, IP Precedence, or Secondary COS, in accordance with platform support capabilities. This is represented by an agentDiffServClassRuleMatchEntryType value of cos(1), ipdscp(6), ipprecedence(7), or cos2(15), respectively. 2) Must not conflict with any (non-excluded) match conditions in the classifier used for this policy-class instance, as indicated by the agentDiffServPolicyInstClassIndex object. 3) The color exceed mode and value identified by this class index must not be the same as an existing color-aware exceed mode and value defined by the agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceColorConformIndex object. A class index value of 0 for this object indicates exceed color awareness is not being used. When the agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceColorConformIndex object is 0, indicating color-blind operation, this object must also be 0. When a non-0 value is used for the agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceColorConformIndex object, this object may remain set to 0 if exceed color awareness is not desired, or may be set to an appropriate class index value to activate exceed color aware mode." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 42 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceColorExceedMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { blind(1), cos(2), cos2(3), ipdscp(4), ipprec(5), unused(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Policing color exceed mode -- indicates the color awareness mode of exceeding traffic for the policing style (singlerate or tworate) currently configured for the specified class instance within the policy. The default value is blind(1). Any value other than blind(1) or unused(6) denotes the packet field to check for the existing exceed color marking, which is compared to the agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceColorExceedVal object value. Packets matching this specification are considered to be colored 'yellow'. Use of exceed color awareness is optional, and this field is set to unused(6) when color conform aware policing is used but the color exceed value is not used. When agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceColorConformMode value is blind(1), this object is blind(1) as well. This read-only object reflects the DiffServ class definition as indicated by agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceColorExceedIndex. This attribute is only valid for agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType values of policeSinglerate(7) or policeTworate(8)." DEFVAL { blind } ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 43 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceColorExceedVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Policing color exceed value -- indicates the color awareness packet mark value of exceeding traffic for the policing style (singlerate or tworate) currently configured for the specified class instance within the policy. For the color exceed field indicated by agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceColorExceedMode, packets containing this value are considered to be colored 'yellow'. This read-only object reflects the DiffServ class definition as indicated by agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceColorExceedIndex. This attribute is only valid for agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType values of policeSinglerate(7) or policeTworate(8), and agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtPoliceColorExceedMode values of cos(2), cos2(3), ipdscp(4), or ipprec(5)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 44 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtRedirectIntf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "External interface number to which all inbound packets belonging to this class-instance are redirected. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to redirect(15)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 45 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtMirrorIntf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "External interface number to which all inbound packets belonging to this class-instance are mirrored. This attribute is only valid if the value of agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to mirror(16)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 46 } agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtMarkCosAsSecCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate that all inbound packets belonging to this class-instance are marked with secondary cos at ingress. This attribute is only valid if the agentDiffServPolicyAttrStmtEntryType is set to markCosAsSecCos(17)." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyAttrEntry 47 } --*********************** agentDiffServPolicyPerfInTable ************************ agentDiffServPolicyPerfInTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AgentDiffServPolicyPerfInEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of inbound policy-class performance entries" ::= { agentDiffServPolicyGroup 5 } agentDiffServPolicyPerfInEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AgentDiffServPolicyPerfInEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents entry for the performance attributes of the associated inbound policy-class instance" INDEX { agentDiffServPolicyIndex,agentDiffServPolicyInstIndex,ifIndex } ::= { agentDiffServPolicyPerfInTable 1 } AgentDiffServPolicyPerfInEntry ::= SEQUENCE { agentDiffServPolicyPerfInOfferedPackets Counter32, agentDiffServPolicyPerfInDiscardedPackets Counter32, agentDiffServPolicyPerfInHCOfferedPackets Counter64, agentDiffServPolicyPerfInHCDiscardedPackets Counter64, agentDiffServPolicyPerfInStorageType StorageType, agentDiffServPolicyPerfInRowStatus RowStatus } agentDiffServPolicyPerfInOfferedPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Offered packets count for the inbound policy-class instance performance entry." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyPerfInEntry 2 } agentDiffServPolicyPerfInDiscardedPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Discarded packets count for the inbound policy-class instance performance entry." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyPerfInEntry 4 } agentDiffServPolicyPerfInHCOfferedPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Offered packets high capacity count for the inbound policy-class instance performance entry." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyPerfInEntry 6 } agentDiffServPolicyPerfInHCDiscardedPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Discarded packets high capacity count for the inbound policy-class instance performance entry." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyPerfInEntry 8 } agentDiffServPolicyPerfInStorageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StorageType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Storage-type for this conceptual row." DEFVAL { nonVolatile } ::= { agentDiffServPolicyPerfInEntry 9 } agentDiffServPolicyPerfInRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyPerfInEntry 10 } --*********************** agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutTable ************************ agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AgentDiffServPolicyPerfOutEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of outbound policy-class performance entries" ::= { agentDiffServPolicyGroup 6 } agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AgentDiffServPolicyPerfOutEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents entry for the performance attributes of the associated outbound policy-class instance" INDEX { agentDiffServPolicyIndex,agentDiffServPolicyInstIndex,ifIndex } ::= { agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutTable 1 } AgentDiffServPolicyPerfOutEntry ::= SEQUENCE { agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutTailDroppedPackets Counter32, agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutRandomDroppedPackets Counter32, agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutShapeDelayedPackets Counter32, agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutHCTailDroppedPackets Counter64, agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutHCRandomDroppedPackets Counter64, agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutHCShapeDelayedPackets Counter64, agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutOfferedPackets Counter32, agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutDiscardedPackets Counter32, agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutHCOfferedPackets Counter64, agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutHCDiscardedPackets Counter64, agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutStorageType StorageType, agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutRowStatus RowStatus } agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutTailDroppedPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Tail-dropped packets count for the outbound policy-class instance performance entry." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutEntry 2 } agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutRandomDroppedPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Random-dropped packets count for the outbound policy-class instance performance entry." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutEntry 4 } agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutShapeDelayedPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Shape-delayed packets count for the outbound policy-class instance performance entry." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutEntry 6 } agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutHCTailDroppedPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Tail-dropped packets high capacity count for the outbound policy-class instance performance entry." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutEntry 10 } agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutHCRandomDroppedPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Random-dropped packets high capacity count for the outbound policy-class instance performance entry." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutEntry 12 } agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutHCShapeDelayedPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Shape-delayed packets high capacity count for the outbound policy-class instance performance entry." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutEntry 14 } agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutOfferedPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Offered packets count for the outbound policy-class instance performance entry." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutEntry 18 } agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutDiscardedPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Discarded packets count for the outbound policy-class instance performance entry." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutEntry 20 } agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutHCOfferedPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Offered packets high capacity count for the outbound policy-class instance performance entry." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutEntry 22 } agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutHCDiscardedPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Discarded packets high capacity count for the outbound policy-class instance performance entry." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutEntry 24 } agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutStorageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StorageType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Storage-type for this conceptual row." DEFVAL { nonVolatile } ::= { agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutEntry 25 } agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row." ::= { agentDiffServPolicyPerfOutEntry 26 } --********************************************************************************** -- agentDiffServService Group -- --********************************************************************************** --*********************** agentDiffServServiceTable ************************ agentDiffServServiceGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fastPathQOSDiffServPrivate 4 } agentDiffServServiceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AgentDiffServServiceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of the service entries." ::= { agentDiffServServiceGroup 1 } agentDiffServServiceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AgentDiffServServiceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents entry for policy assigned to an interface in a particular direction." INDEX { agentDiffServServiceIfIndex,agentDiffServServiceIfDirection } ::= { agentDiffServServiceTable 1 } AgentDiffServServiceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { agentDiffServServiceIfIndex InterfaceIndex, agentDiffServServiceIfDirection IntfDirection, agentDiffServServicePolicyIndex Unsigned32, agentDiffServServiceIfOperStatus INTEGER, agentDiffServServiceStorageType StorageType, agentDiffServServiceRowStatus RowStatus } agentDiffServServiceIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "External interface number of the interface to which policy is assigned." ::= { agentDiffServServiceEntry 1 } agentDiffServServiceIfDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntfDirection MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Interface direction to which the policy is assigned." ::= { agentDiffServServiceEntry 2 } agentDiffServServicePolicyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of the Policy Table row whose policy definition is attached to the interface in the specified direction." ::= { agentDiffServServiceEntry 3 } agentDiffServServiceIfOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), -- ready for DiffServ operation down(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current operational state of the DiffServ service interface. If agentDiffServGenStatusAdminMode is disable(2) then agentDiffServServiceIfOperStatus should be down(2). If agentDiffServServiceGenStatusAdminMode is changed to enable(1) then agentDiffServServiceIfOperStatus should change to up(1) if the service interface is ready to send and receive DiffServ traffic; it should remain in the down(2) state if the underlying interface hardware is not in a link up condition, if the policy definition represented by agentDiffServServicePolicyIndex is incompatible with the interface (e.g., requires more bandwidth than the current capacity of the interface), or if the policy definition is considered to be incomplete (e.g., one or more composite rows is not in the active(1) state)." ::= { agentDiffServServiceEntry 4 } agentDiffServServiceStorageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StorageType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Storage-type for this conceptual row" DEFVAL { nonVolatile } ::= { agentDiffServServiceEntry 5 } agentDiffServServiceRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row. active(1) - Diffserv is active createAndGo(4) - set to this value to create an instance destroy(6) - set to this value to delete an instance All RowStatus operations are permitted. Other columns in this row may be modified when the status is 'active'." ::= { agentDiffServServiceEntry 6 } END