RADLAN-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- Title: RADLAN ROS -- Version: 7.45 -- Date: 24 Jan 2006 -- -- 05-Jun-2003 Added rlHostParamTable -- 12-Jun-2003 Added enumeration to rndErrorSeverity -- 14-Jun-2003 Added field rlCopyHistoryErrorMessage to table rlCopyHistoryTable -- 29-Jun-2003 Tables rlOspf...LnkTable replayed tables rlOspf...LSATable) -- 08-Jul-2003 The low range boundary and the default value of rlDvmrpPruneLifetime -- were changed from 300 to 200 seconds -- 16-Jul-2003 The following values VesuvioT and VesuvioF were added to -- rlPhDModuleType -- 22-Jul-2003 Added rlStartupCDBChanged, rlManualReboot -- 23-Jul-2003 New group rldot1x was added -- 24-Jul-2003 Changed ipMRouteStdMIB to rlIpMRouteStdMIB -- 27-Jul-2003 Changed access of rlMaxNumberOfAccessRules to read-only -- 27-Jul-2003 Changed access of rlMaxNumberOfAccessRulesAfterReset to read-write -- 30-Jul-2003 Added 802.1x traps rldot1xPortStatusAuthorizedTrap and -- rldot1xPortStatusUnauthorizedTrap -- 30-Jul-2003 Added rlFile -- 31-Jul-2003 Added rlAAAEap -- 10-Aug-2003 Renamed enumeration values resetCDB to resetStartupCDB and -- eraseCDB to eraseStartupCDB and -- added enumeration values eraseRunningCDB and copyStartupToRunning -- 16-Aug-2003 Added rlSnmp -- 18-Aug-2002 Added rldot1xExtAuthSessionStatsTable -- 21-Aug-2003 Added rlOspfTuning -- 09-Sep-2003 Added rlPortCopyVlanTaggingTable -- 13-Sep-2003 Added IMPLIED to INDEX { IMPLIED rlTranslationNameToIpName } -- 15-Sep-2003 rlPhysicalDescription's version (a value of variable rlPhDMibVersion) -- was changed from 2 to 3 -- 15-Sep-2003 Added field rldot1dStpPortRole to rldot1dStpPortTable -- 15-Sep-2003 Added field rldot1sMStpInstancePortRole to rldot1sMstpInstancePortTable -- 15-Sep-2003 Added field rldot1sMstpExtPortBoundary to rldot1sMstpExtPortEntryTable -- 19-Sep-2003 Added rldot1xGuestVlanSupported, rldot1xGuestVlanVID, rldot1xGuestVlanPorts, -- rldot1xUnAuthenticatedVlanSupported, rldot1xUnAuthenticatedVlanTable, -- rldot1xUserBasedVlanSupported, rldot1xUserBasedVlanPorts -- 26-Sep-2003 Added rlMridTable -- 26-Sep-2003 Added rlMirModel -- 26-Sep-2003 Deleted JackType from IMPORTS clause -- 26-Sep-2003 Changed naming of SMIv2-like types -- 26-Sep-2003 Moved rlSyslog branch to new MIB -- 26-Sep-2003 Moved rlCopy branch to new MIB -- 26-Sep-2003 Editorial changes -- 02-Oct-2003 Added vlanSpecialTagTable -- 02-Oct-2003 Added field branch rlMibTree and table rlMibTreeTable -- 02-Oct-2003 rlPhysicalDescription's version (a value of variable rlPhDMibVersion) -- was changed from 3 to 4 -- 02-Oct-2003 Added vlanSpecialTagCurrentTable -- 09-Oct-2003 Added field rldot1sMstpInstanceRemainingHopes to rldot1sMstpInstanceTable -- 11-Oct-2003 Changed OSPF tuning -- 24-Oct-2003 Change range of rldot1sMstpInstancePortPathCost -- from (1..65535) to (1..200000000) -- 26-Oct-2003 Added rsMaxNumberRpAddresesInGroupRange,rsMaxNumberRpAddresesInGroupRangeAfterReset -- 26-Oct-2003 Removed rlPimSMBootStrapInfoEnable -- 27-Oct-2003 Change range of rldot1sMStpInstancePortAdminPathCost -- from (0..65535) to (0..200000000) -- 29-Oct-2003 Added rlIfExistingPortList -- 07-Nov-2003 rldot1sMstpMaxHopes: -- a. range was changed from 1..20 to 1..40 -- b. default value was chaged from 10 to 20 -- rldot1sMstpDesignatedMaxHopes: -- a. range was changed from 1..40 to 1..20 -- 02-Dec-2003 Unused group rsIpZeroHopRouting was deleted -- 03-Dec-2003 Added rlSNMPDomains branch -- 03-Dec-3003 Added rlTstBasicRateTable -- 14-Dec-2003 Added field rldot1dStpBpduType to rldot1dStpPortEntry -- 14-Dec-2003 Added rldot1dStpFilterBpdu -- 21-Dec-2003 Updated imports of DisplayString, PhysAddress, TimeInterval, -- DateAndTime, ipAddrEntry -- 21-Dec-3003 Added rlEmWebHttpsActiveCertificateId and rlSsl -- 24-Dec-3003 Added rldot1sMstpRemainingHops -- 13-Jan-2004 Change MSTP tables indexes to read-only. -- 30-Jan-2004 add field rldot1sMstpExtPortInternalAdminPathCost to rldot1sMstpExtPortTable. -- 30-Jan-2004 change field rldot1sMstpExtPortInternalPathCost to rldot1sMstpExtPortInternalOperPathCost -- and make it read-only, change range to (0..200000000). -- 03-Feb-2004 traps 186-191 are implemeted in the Physicaldescription MIB - for stacking. -- 09-Feb-2004 Change the upper rage of rldot1sMstpVlan to 4094. -- 11-Mar-2004 Added swIfPortLockIfRangeTable -- 26-Mar-2004 rlLcli MIB was moved to separated file -- 30-Mar-2004 Added traps swIfTablePortLock and swIfTablePortUnLock -- 19-Apr-2004 Moved to separate MIBS IP Multicast & DVMRP -- 24-Apr-2004 Moved to separate MIBS VLAN -- 05-May-2004 Deleted default values in swIfEntry -- 07-May-2004 Added mac base priority MIB as RND 101 -- 16-May-2004 Added value invalidImage(3) to rndActiveSoftwareFileAfterReset -- of rndActiveSoftwareFileTable -- 18-May-2004 Moved to separate files: ipSpec, rlBgp, rsTunning, rlFft, -- rndMng, rndApplications -- 31-May-2004 Added rlWlanAccessPoint -- 31-May-2004 Moved to separate files: rsUDP, swInterfaces, rlRmonControl -- 09-Jun-2004 change field rldot1sMstpInstancePortEnable in rldot1sMstpInstancePortEntry -- to read-only -- 16-Jun-2004 Added rndIpHostManagementSupported and rndIpHostManagementIfIndex -- 10-Nov-2004 Added rndNotifications -- 11-Nov-2004 Added rlAAAUserLocked trap -- 23-Nov-2004 Added type kiloBitsPerSecond RlStormCtrlRateUnit. -- 29-Nov-2004 limit rldot1sMstpPendingConfigurationName to 32 characters. -- 17-Jan-2005 Add rldot1dStpPortRestrictedRole field to rldot1dStpPortEntry -- 16-Mar-2005 Add rlLocalization branch -- 14-Apr-2005 Add rlRs232 -- 18-Apr-2005 Add rldot1dStpPortAutoEdgePort to rldot1dStpPortEntry -- 27-Apr-2005 ZachM add rlStackLinkChange trap. -- 16-Jun-2005 Added rlNicRedundancy -- 01-Jul-2005 Added rlIgmpSnoopMulticastTvTable -- 07-Dec-2005 Added rlUPnP branch -- 12-Dec-2005 Added rldot1dStpFloodBpduMethod -- 14-Dec-2005 Add rlLldp branch -- 02-Feb-2006 GalVA added rlEmWebExtraPort -- 02-Feb-2006 GalVA added rlEmWebExtraPortType -- 12-Feb-2006 Import V2 textual conventions from SNMPv2-TC-v1 instead of SNMPv2-TC and RADLAN-SNMPv2 -- 12-Feb-2006 Removed private trunk MIB to separate MIB module. -- 06-Mar-2006 Added rldot1dStpSeparatedBridges -- 13-Mar-2006 GalVA added rlEmWebMaxHttpsIdleTimeout -- 26-Mar-2006 Removed IMPORTs from IEEE8023-LAG-MIB + editorial change in rldot1dStpSeparatedBridges -- 24-May-2006 Added BPDU Guard support -- 31-May-2006 Added rldot1xAuthenticationPortTable OBJECT-TYPE -- 08-Jun-2006 Added rlDhcpSpoofing -- 08-Jun-2006 Added rldot1xAuthMultiStatsTable, rldot1xAuthMultiDiagTable, rldot1xAuthMultiSessionStatsEntry -- 02-Jul-2006 Added Bonjour branch -- 02-Jul-2006 Added rlLinksysSmartMIB branch -- 05-Jul-2006 Added rldot1xAuthConfigTable -- 10-Jul-2006 Moved branch rlMacMulticast to rlbridgemulticast -- 07-Aug-2006 Moved definitios of traps rlCopyFinished and rlCopyFailed TRAP-TYPE -- to ADLAN-COPY-MIB -- 23-Aug-2006 Added rlGlobalIpAddrTable -- 29-Aug-2006 Added rndImageSize -- 21-Sep-2006 Added rldot1xBpduFilteringEnabled -- 07-Sep-2006 Moved all rlEmbWeb definitions to rlembweb.mib -- 06-Oct-2006 Added rndBackupConfigurationEnabled -- 09-Oct-2006 Added rndImageInfoTable -- 03-Nov-2006 Added dlPrivate -- 18-Dec-2006 Added rlDhcpClCommandTable -- 24-Jan-2007 Added rlIntel -- 01-APR-2007 Added rlAutoUpdate -- 08-MAY-2007 Added rlCpuCounters -- 01-OCT-2007 Added 802.1x supplicant traps -- 09-Oct-2007 Added rldot1dStpPortLoopback in rldot1dStpPortEntry -- 09-Oct-2007 Added loopback traps IMPORTS IpAddress, Counter, TimeTicks, enterprises FROM RFC1155-SMI OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 DisplayString, PhysAddress, TimeInterval, DateAndTime, TruthValue, RowStatus, RowPointer FROM SNMPv2-TC-v1 -- TRAP-TYPE -- FROM RFC-1215 InterfaceIndexOrZero, InterfaceIndex, ifIndex FROM IF-MIB BridgeId, Timeout, dot1dBasePort, dot1dBasePortEntry FROM BRIDGE-MIB EnabledStatus FROM P-BRIDGE-MIB PortList FROM Q-BRIDGE-MIB dot1xAuthSessionStatsEntry FROM IEEE8021-PAE-MIB MacAddress FROM BRIDGE-MIB Unsigned-32, Counter-32, Integer-32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI-v1 SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB VlanIndex, dot1qFdbId FROM Q-BRIDGE-MIB dot1xPaePortNumber, PaeControlledPortStatus FROM IEEE8021-PAE-MIB Counter32, Counter64, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI; Percents ::= INTEGER (0..100) NetNumber ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) VlanPriority ::= INTEGER (0..7) RlStormCtrlRateUnit ::= INTEGER { packetsPerSecond(1), bytesPerSecond(2), framesPerBuffer(3), precentages(4), kiloBytesPerSecond(5), kiloBitsPerSecond(6) } -- Some MIB compilers require that the following 7 lines which define the path -- to RND MIB are commented out: -- mib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgmt 1 } -- directory OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 1 } -- experimental OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 3 } -- private OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 4 } -- enterprises OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { private 1 } rnd OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 89 } -- Objects in this MIB are arranged into groups: --01 rndMng - Management/Action --02 rndDeviceParams - General parameters --04 rndInterface - Obsolete --09 rndBackup - Obsolete --12 rndIPX - Parameters for management of IPX router --16 rndFACS - Obsolete --20 rndCOD - Obsolete --22 rndBrgHub - Obsolete --23 rndAdapter - Obsolete --24 rndBootP - BootP configurgaration. --26 ipSpec - IP Private MIBs --27 virtualLan - Obsolete --28 rsConf - Obsolete --29 rsTunning - Tunning sub group --30 rndISDN - Obsolete --31 rndPPP - Obsolete --34 frameRelay - Obsolete --35 rndApplications - --38 rsDHCP - DHCP server configuration --39 radWiz - Obsolete --40 rsCfgUpgrade - Obsolete --42 rsUDP - --43 swInterfaces - --44 securityZone - Obsolete --45 rll3SwtchETMdl - Obsolete --46 rlIPmulticast - --47 rlFFT - --48 vlan - --49 rlRmonControl - --50 rlBrgMacSwitch - --51 rlExperience - --52 rlCli - --53 rlPhysicalDescription - --54 rlIfInterfaces - --55 rlMacMulticast - --56 rlGalileo - --57 rlpBridgeMIBObjects- --58 rlTelnet - --59 rlPolicy - --60 rlArpSpoofing - --61 rlMir - --62 rlIpMRouteStdMIB - --63 rl3sw2swTables - --64 rlGvrp - --65 rlDot3adAgg - --66 rlEmbWeb - --67 rlSwPackageVersion - --68 rlBroadcom - --69 rlMultiSessionTerminal - --70 rlRCli - --71 rlBgp - --72 rlAgentsCapabilitiesGroups - --73 rlAggregateVlan - --74 rlLCli - --75 rlGmrp - --76 rlDhcpCl - Dhcp client --77 rlStormCtrl - --78 rlSsh - --79 rlAAA - --80 Radius - --81 rlTraceRoute - --82 rlSyslog - --83 rlEnv - HardWare status indication --84 rlSmon - --85 rlSocket - --86 rlDigitalKeyManage - --87 rlCopy - --88 rlQosCliMib - --89 rlMngInf - --90 rlPhy - --91 rlJumboFrames - --92 rlTimeSynchronization --93 rlDnsCl - Dns client --94 rlCDB --95 rldot1x --96 rlFile --97 rlAAAEap - AAA for 1x --98 rlSNMP --99 rlQosServ --100 rlSsl --101 rlMacBasePrio --102 Wireless Access Point Private MIB --103 rlLocalization --104 rlRs232 --105 rlNicRedundancy --106 rlAmap --107 rlStack --108 rlPoe --109 rlUPnP --110 rlLldp --111 rlOib --112 rlBridgeSecurity --113 rlDhcpSpoofing --114 rlBonjour --115 rlLinksysSmartMIB --116 rlBrgMulticast --117 rlBrgMcMngr --118 rlGlobalIpAddrTable --119 dlPrivate --120 rlSecuritySuiteMib --121 rlIntel --123 rlAutoUpdate --124 rlCpuCounters --200 rlWanMib -- At the end of the MIB there is a definition of all RND-specific traps. rndNotifications OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION " All the rnd notifications will reside under this branch as specified in RFC2578 'Structure of Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2)' 8.5" ::= { rnd 0 } -- rndMng group contains Management Variables for RND devices rndMng OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 1 } -- see rlMng.mib -- rndDeviceParams group contains a number of general variables rndDeviceParams OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 2 } rndBridgeType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reb(1), ceb(2), ceblb(3), xeb(4), xeb1(5), rebsx(6), rtb(7), ltb(8), tre(9), rtre(10), -- remote TRE xtb(11), ete(12), rete(13), -- remote ETE ielb(30), leb(31), openGate12(32), openGate4(33), ran(34), itlb(35), gatelinx(36), openGate2(37), ogRanTR(38), rdapter(39), ogVan(40), wanGate(41), ogRubE(42), ogRubT(43), wanGateI(44), vGate4(45), lre(46), mrt(47), vGate2(48) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Identification of the RND bridge type." ::= { rndDeviceParams 1 } rndInactiveArpTimeOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable defines the maximum time period that can pass between ARP requests concerning an entry in the ARP table. After this time period, the entry is deleted from the table." ::= { rndDeviceParams 2 } -- The following two variables define the format of RND specific -- error messages issued by the RND devices rndBridgeAlarm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rndDeviceParams 3 } rndErrorDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A textual description of the enterprise-specific trap sent to the Network Management Station by the RND managed device." ::= { rndBridgeAlarm 1 } rndErrorSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { info(0), warning(1), error(2), fatal-error(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The severity type of the enterprise-specific trap sent to the Network Management Station by the RND managed device." ::= { rndBridgeAlarm 2 } rndBrgVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The bridge version." ::= { rndDeviceParams 4 } rndBrgFeatures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING -- SIZE 20 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A bit mask that defines the features supported by a particular configuration of this network element: __________________________________________ | Byte 1|Byte 2 |Byte 3 | ....|Byte 20 | |87654321| | 87654321| |________|_______________________________| Byte1 : bit1: TX Block mask bit2: Source Routing Encapulation bit3: SNA/SDLC bit4: Frame Relay bit5: SNMP bit6: LAN Manager bit7: High Performance bit8: Translation Byte2 : bit1: DEC Router bit2: IPX Router bit3: IP Router Byte3 : bit1: Dial Up Backup bit2: COD bit3: FACS bit4: Load Balance bit5: Remote Configuration bit6: RIP 2 bit7: OSPF bit8: IPX RIP/SAP Filter Byte4 : bit1: BootP Server bit2: BootP Client bit3: Compression bit4: V25.bis bit5: ISDN bit6: CODv2 bit7: NSPF bit8: UDP Relay Byte5 bit1:VirtualLAN bit2:Static IP Multicast bit3:IP Redundancy bit4:CCM2 bit5:ISDN Bonding bit6:Backup Link Selection -- for the VAN/Rdapter ver 4.0 bit7:IP/IPX Forwarding -- for the WANgate ver 4.0 bit8:Improved COD Byte6 bit1: Server Disptacher bit2: ISDN_US -- for the VANSX/WANGATE ver 5.0 bit3: PPP bit4: IP Rip Filter -- for Vgate3 bit5: Zero Hop Routing -- for Vgate3 bit6: ISDN Japan bit7: PPP-Security Byte7 bit1: With unmanaged Switch bit2: 2 LANs bit3: OSPF Ver 2.0 bit4: FACS Ver 2.0 bit5: Multiple WEB Farm bit6: Backup Server bit7: Check Connectivity bit8: WSD multiplexing Byte8 bit1: MRT3 bit2: WSD Redundancy bit3: DHCP Server bit4: WSD Connection Limit bit5: WSD Distributed System bit6: WSD Load Report bit7: WSD super farm bit8: RadWiz leased line Byte9 bit1: PPP IP address negotiaton bit2: DNS bit3: Nat bit4: WSD Static proximity bit5: WSD Dynamic proximity bit6: WSD Proxy bit7: WSD Proximity client bit8: MAC Load balancing Byte10 bit1: Unnum Inf bit2: Power Supply redundancy bit3: MRT PPP Compression bit4: ZHR Apolo bit5: Copy port bit6: UDP Relay 2.0 bit7: NVRAM bit8: URL table Byte11 bit1: URL super farm bit2: NAT on LAN bit3: Remote Con bit4: AP5000 bit5: Session tracking bit6: Mirroring bit7: Alias IP bit8: CSD Nat Byte12 bit1: content check bit2: mlb virtual ip bit3: reserved RadLan bit4: csd nat exception bit5: statistics monitor bit6: reserved-for-radware " ::= { rndDeviceParams 5 } rndBrgLicense OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING -- SIZE 20 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter is used for entering a s/w license number for a device. A separate license number is supplied for each device." ::= { rndDeviceParams 6 } -- IP Host Parameters --All the new parameters under this section will be added to the -- rndMng group, as rndIpHost sub-group. -- rndIpHost OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rndDeviceParams 7 } -- --ICMP Transmission Enable\Disable --The new variable will be -- Obsolete -- rndICMPTransmitionEnable OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER { -- enable(1), -- disable(2) -- } -- ACCESS read-write -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION -- "This variable controlls the ability to transmit ICMP frames" -- ::= { rndIpHost 1 } rndCommunityTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RndCommunityEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The community table of the agent" ::= { rndIpHost 2 } rndCommunityEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RndCommunityEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The row definition for this table." INDEX { rndCommunityMngStationAddr, IMPLIED rndCommunityString } ::= { rndCommunityTable 1 } RndCommunityEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rndCommunityMngStationAddr IpAddress, rndCommunityString DisplayString, rndCommunityAccess INTEGER, rndCommunityTrapsEnable INTEGER, rndCommunityStatus INTEGER, rndCommunityPortSecurity INTEGER, rndCommunityOwner DisplayString, rndCommunityTrapDestPort INTEGER } rndCommunityMngStationAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The management station that will be allowed to communicate with the agent IP address" ::= { rndCommunityEntry 1 } rndCommunityString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(1..20)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The community string with which the management station will communicate with the agent" ::= { rndCommunityEntry 2 } rndCommunityAccess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { readOnly(1), readWrite(2), super(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The allowed access to this management station" ::= { rndCommunityEntry 3} rndCommunityTrapsEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { snmpV1(1), snmpV2(2), snmpV3(3), trapsDisable(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Should the agent send traps to the management station, and what version is required" ::= { rndCommunityEntry 4 } rndCommunityStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), invalid(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of this entry. If the status is invalid the community entry will be deleted" ::= { rndCommunityEntry 5 } rndCommunityPortSecurity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If enabled the device will only receive SNMP messages from the port, through which this NMS is reachable from the device." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { rndCommunityEntry 6 } rndCommunityOwner OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(1..32)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The owner of this community" ::= { rndCommunityEntry 7 } rndCommunityTrapDestPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The transport protocol (usually UDP) port to which traps to the management station represebted by this entry will be sent. The default is the well-known IANA assigned port number for SNMP traps. This object is relevant only if rndCommunityTrapsEnable has a value different from trapsDisable." DEFVAL { 162 } ::= { rndCommunityEntry 8 } rlMridTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RlMridEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The MRID related configurations table of the agent" ::= { rndIpHost 3 } rlMridEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RlMridEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The row definition for this table." INDEX { rndCommunityMngStationAddr, IMPLIED rndCommunityString } ::= { rlMridTable 1 } RlMridEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rlMridConnection INTEGER, rlManagedMrid INTEGER } rlMridConnection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The router instance connecting the NMS who accessed the agent through the community table entry corresponding to the keys of this entry." ::= { rlMridEntry 1 } rlManagedMrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The router instance currently managed by the NMS who accessed the agent through the community table entry corresponding to the keys of this entry " ::= { rlMridEntry 2 } rndManagedTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(6)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time will be sent in the format hhmmss" ::= { rndDeviceParams 8 } rndManagedDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(6)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The date will be sent in the format ddmmyy" ::= { rndDeviceParams 9 } rndBaseBootVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines the boot version of the product." ::= { rndDeviceParams 10 } rndIpHostManagement OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rndIpHost 4 } rndIpHostManagementSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ifindex manage supported." ::= { rndIpHostManagement 1 } rndIpHostManagementIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "if supported manage , indicate ifindex, if 0 thaen disable" ::= { rndIpHostManagement 2 } genGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rndDeviceParams 11 } genGroupHWVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines the HW version of the product." ::= { genGroup 1 } genGroupConfigurationSymbol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(1)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines the Configuration Symbol attached to any hardware module manufactured by LANNET. One single character A..Z defines the CS version." ::= { genGroup 2 } genGroupHWStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), hardwareProblems(2), notSupported(255) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This attribute describes the status of the group hardware as detected by the sensors software." ::= { genGroup 3 } rndBasePhysicalAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Base physical (MAC) address of the device." ::= { rndDeviceParams 12 } rndSoftwareFile OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rndDeviceParams 13 } rndActiveSoftwareFileTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RndActiveSoftwareFileEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The (conceptual) table listing the active software file of the requested unit." ::= {rndSoftwareFile 1 } rndActiveSoftwareFileEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RndActiveSoftwareFileEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " An entry (conceptual row) in the rndActiveSoftwareFileTable." INDEX {rndUnitNumber } ::= {rndActiveSoftwareFileTable 1 } RndActiveSoftwareFileEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rndUnitNumber INTEGER, rndActiveSoftwareFile INTEGER, rndActiveSoftwareFileAfterReset INTEGER } rndUnitNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The unit number (for stackable devices) or 1 for 'stand alone' device." ::= {rndActiveSoftwareFileEntry 1 } rndActiveSoftwareFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { image1(1), image2(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the current active software file, image1 or image2." ::= {rndActiveSoftwareFileEntry 2 } rndActiveSoftwareFileAfterReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { image1(1), image2(2), invalidImage(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the software file that will be active after reset (image1 or image2). If an error occurred in the download process, resulting in the corruption of the single software file, The value 'invalidImage' will be returned. This value can not be set by the user." ::= {rndActiveSoftwareFileEntry 3 } rndImageSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Max number of sectors currently allocated for image(s)." ::= { rndDeviceParams 14 } rndBackupConfigurationEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether the device supports backup-config parameters in lcli commands." ::= { rndDeviceParams 15 } rndImageInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rndDeviceParams 16 } rndImageInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RndImageInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The table contains information about images." ::= {rndImageInfo 1 } rndImageInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RndImageInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " An entry in the rndImageInfoTable." INDEX {rndStackUnitNumber } ::= {rndImageInfoTable 1 } RndImageInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rndStackUnitNumber INTEGER, rndImage1Name DisplayString, rndImage2Name DisplayString, rndImage1Version DisplayString, rndImage2Version DisplayString, rndImage1Date DisplayString, rndImage2Date DisplayString, rndImage1Time DisplayString, rndImage2Time DisplayString } rndStackUnitNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The unit number (for stackable devices) or 1 for 'stand alone' device." ::= {rndImageInfoEntry 1 } rndImage1Name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the file name of image-1 in the system." ::= {rndImageInfoEntry 2 } rndImage2Name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the file name of image-2 (if present) in the system.If image-2 is not present show 'no info' text" ::= {rndImageInfoEntry 3 } rndImage1Version OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the version of image-1 in the system." ::= {rndImageInfoEntry 4 } rndImage2Version OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the version of image-2 (if present) in the system.If image-2 is not present show 'no info' text" ::= {rndImageInfoEntry 5 } rndImage1Date OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the compilation date of image-1 in the system." ::= {rndImageInfoEntry 6 } rndImage2Date OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the compilation date of image-2 (if present) in the system.If image-2 is not present show 'no info' text" ::= {rndImageInfoEntry 7 } rndImage1Time OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the compilation time of image-1 in the system." ::= {rndImageInfoEntry 8 } rndImage2Time OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the compilation time of image-2 (if present) in the system.If image-2 is not present show 'no info' text" ::= {rndImageInfoEntry 9 } -- Obsolete -- rndInterface OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 4 } -- Obsolete -- rndBackup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 9 } -- Obsolete -- rndIPX OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 12 } -- Obsolete -- rndFACS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 16 } -- Obsolete -- rndCOD OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 20 } -- Obsolete -- rndBrgHub OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 22 } -- Obsolete -- rndAdapter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 23 } rndBootP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 24 } rndBootPServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The IPAddress of the BOOTP server. the OpenGate will act as a BootP relay if this parameter is not equale to" DEFVAL {'00000000'H} ::= { rndBootP 1 } rndBootPRelaySecThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "BootP requests are relayed only if their SEC field is greater or equal to the threshold value in order to allow local BootP Servers to answer first." ::= { rndBootP 2 } -- ip Specific group Addition parameters to ip group in MIB-2 ipSpec OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 26 } -- see rlIp.mib -- Obsolete -- virtualLan OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 27 } -- Obsolete -- rsConf OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 28 } rsTunning OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 29 } -- see rlTuning.mib -- Obsolete -- rndISDN OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 30} -- Obsolete -- rndPPP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 31 } -- Obsolete -- frameRelay OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 34 } rndApplications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 35 } -- see rlApplication.mib -- Obsolete -- rndOGCompression OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 36 } -- Obsolete -- rndEthernet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 37 } --rsDHCP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 38 } --see rlDhcl.mib -- Obsolete -- radWiz OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 39 } -- Obsolete -- rsCfgUpgrade OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 40 } -- Obsolete --rsRMON OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 41 } -- rsCopyPort was deleted -- { rsRMON 1 } reserved -- rsMonitPort was deleted -- { rsRMON 2 } reserved rsUDP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 42} -- see rlUdp.mib swInterfaces OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 43 } -- see rlInterfaces.mib -- Obsolete -- securityZone OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 44 } -- Obsolete -- rll3SwtchETMdl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 45 } rlIPmulticast OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 46 } rlFFT OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 47 } vlan OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 48 } rlRmonControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 49} -- see rlRmon.mib rlBrgMacSwitch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 50 } rlBrgMacSwVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MIB's version, the current version is 2." ::= { rlBrgMacSwitch 1 } rlBrgMacSwMaxTableNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum number of MAC Tables supported by the device." ::= { rlBrgMacSwitch 2 } rlBrgMacSwDynamicTables OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { supported (1), unsupported (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether the device supports port dynamic MAC tables." ::= { rlBrgMacSwitch 3 } --rlBrgMacSwTblPollingTimeout OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER -- ACCESS read-write -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION -- "The units of this MIB object is seconds." -- ::= { rlBrgMacSwitch 4 } rlBrgMacSwOldEntryDeleteMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { refreshFlag (1), agingFlag(2), agingTime(3), boundaries(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The method used to delete old unused entries refresh_flag: The high level sets a flag when it adds or updates an entry, the Switch clears the flag each time, when it learns the station once more. aging_flag: The high level clears a flag when it adds or updates an entry, the Switch sets the flag each time, when it learns the station once more. aging_time: The high level defines a timeout, the Switch sends a message to the high level each time when the station doesn't send messages during interval between timeout and 2*timeout. Boundaries: The Switch doesn't support any mechanism, and the high level uses two boundaries: red and yellow. When the number of entries exceeds the red boundary, the high level deletes the oldest entries." ::= { rlBrgMacSwitch 5 } rlBrgMacSwSpanningTree OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { supported (1), unsupported (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether the device supports port the Spanning Tree Protocol." ::= { rlBrgMacSwitch 6 } rlBrgMacSwKeyType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { macOnly (1), tagAndMac(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specified the used MAC Address Table kye format: macOnly: One global MAC Address Table per device (leaky VLANs). tagAndMac: MAC Address Table per each VLAN (strick VLANs)." ::= { rlBrgMacSwitch 7 } rlBrgMacSwYellowBoundary OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The yellow boundary." ::= { rlBrgMacSwitch 8 } rlBrgMacSwRedBoundary OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The yellow boundary." ::= { rlBrgMacSwitch 9 } rlBrgMacSwTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates whether to create a SNMP trap if adding dynamic mac failed due to full hash chain." DEFVAL { false } ::= { rlBrgMacSwitch 10 } rlBrgMacSwOperTrapCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates the trap counter status (i.e. number of received MAC addresses since the last trap sent that haven't been inserted into the hash). It is relevant only when trap is enabled." ::= { rlBrgMacSwitch 11 } rlBrgMacSwAdminTrapFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1 .. 86400) -- UNITS "seconds" ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates the minimal frequency (in seconds) of sending a trap. It is relevant only when trap is enabled." DEFVAL { 60 } ::= { rlBrgMacSwitch 12 } rlExperience OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 51 } -- Used for Drafts not received yet OBJECT IDENTIFIER rlCli OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 52 } rlCliMibVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MIB's version, the current version is 1." ::= { rlCli 1 } rlCliPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..20)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CLI Password" ::= { rlCli 2 } rlCliTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (5..3600) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CLI Timer" ::= { rlCli 3 } rlCliFileEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CLI File Enable/Disable" ::= { rlCli 4 } rlCliFileEnableAfterReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CLI File Enable/Disable After Reset" ::= { rlCli 5 } rlPhysicalDescription OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 53 } rlIfInterfaces OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 54 } -- see rlInterfaces.mib rlMacMulticast OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 55 } --see rlbrgmulticast.mib rlGalileo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 56 } rlpBridgeMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 57 } rldot1dPriority OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rlpBridgeMIBObjects 1 } rldot1dPriorityMibVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MIB's version, the current version is 1." ::= { rldot1dPriority 1 } -- -- rldot1dPriorityPortGroupTable -- rldot1dPriorityPortGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Rldot1dPriorityPortGroupEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of PortGroupNumber for each port." ::= { rldot1dPriority 2 } rldot1dPriorityPortGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Rldot1dPriorityPortGroupEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "All ports belonging to a same group have the same User Priority to Traffic Class mapping." INDEX { dot1dBasePort } ::= { rldot1dPriorityPortGroupTable 1 } Rldot1dPriorityPortGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rldot1dPriorityPortGroupNumber INTEGER } rldot1dPriorityPortGroupNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A group, that port belongs to. All ports belonging to a same group have the same User Priority to Traffic Class mapping." ::= { rldot1dPriorityPortGroupEntry 1 } rldot1dStp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rlpBridgeMIBObjects 2 } -- -- Scalars -- rldot1dStpMibVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MIB's version, the current version is 2." ::= { rldot1dStp 1 } rldot1dStpType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { perDevice (1), mstp (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether the device supports Spanning Tree per device, or per group." ::= { rldot1dStp 2 } rldot1dStpEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable / Disable spanning tree. When working in per vlan mode enable / disable STP per all vlans." DEFVAL { true } ::= { rldot1dStp 3 } rldot1dStpPortMustBelongToVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether a port must belong to a VLAN in order to participate in the STP." DEFVAL { true } ::= { rldot1dStp 4 } rldot1dStpExtendedPortNumberFormat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether the STP uses the extended port fnumber format." DEFVAL { false } ::= { rldot1dStp 5 } -- -- The Spanning Tree Vlan Table -- rldot1dStpVlanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Rldot1dStpVlanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table that contains vlan-specific information for the Spanning Tree Protocol." ::= { rldot1dStp 6 } rldot1dStpVlanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Rldot1dStpVlanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of information maintained by every Vlan about the Spanning Tree Protocol state for that Vlan." INDEX { rldot1dStpVlan } ::= { rldot1dStpVlanTable 1 } Rldot1dStpVlanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rldot1dStpVlan INTEGER, rldot1dStpVlanEnable TruthValue, rldot1dStpTimeSinceTopologyChange TimeTicks, rldot1dStpTopChanges Counter, rldot1dStpDesignatedRoot BridgeId, rldot1dStpRootCost INTEGER, rldot1dStpRootPort INTEGER, rldot1dStpMaxAge Timeout, rldot1dStpHelloTime Timeout, rldot1dStpHoldTime INTEGER, rldot1dStpForwardDelay Timeout } rldot1dStpVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Vlan index." ::= { rldot1dStpVlanEntry 1 } rldot1dStpVlanEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether this vlan is STP enable or disable" REFERENCE " ?? " DEFVAL { true } ::= { rldot1dStpVlanEntry 2 } rldot1dStpTimeSinceTopologyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time (in hundredths of a second) since the last time a topology change was detected by the bridge entity." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1dStpVlanEntry 3 } rldot1dStpTopChanges OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of topology changes detected by this bridge since the management entity was last reset or initialized." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1dStpVlanEntry 4 } rldot1dStpDesignatedRoot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BridgeId ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The bridge identifier of the root of the spanning tree as determined by the Spanning Tree Protocol as executed by this node. This value is used as the Root Identifier parameter in all Configuration Bridge PDUs originated by this node." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1dStpVlanEntry 5 } rldot1dStpRootCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The cost of the path to the root as seen from this bridge." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1dStpVlanEntry 6 } rldot1dStpRootPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The port number of the port which offers the lowest cost path from this bridge to the root bridge." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1dStpVlanEntry 7 } rldot1dStpMaxAge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Timeout ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum age of Spanning Tree Protocol information learned from the network on any port before it is discarded, in units of hundredths of a second. This is the actual value that this bridge is currently using." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1dStpVlanEntry 8 } rldot1dStpHelloTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Timeout ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The amount of time between the transmission of Configuration bridge PDUs by this node on any port when it is the root of the spanning tree or trying to become so, in units of hundredths of a second. This is the actual value that this bridge is currently using." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1dStpVlanEntry 9 } rldot1dStpHoldTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This time value determines the interval length during which no more than two Configuration bridge PDUs shall be transmitted by this node, in units of hundredths of a second." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1dStpVlanEntry 10 } rldot1dStpForwardDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Timeout ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This time value, measured in units of hundredths of a second, controls how fast a port changes its spanning state when moving towards the Forwarding state. The value determines how long the port stays in each of the Listening and Learning states, which precede the Forwarding state. This value is also used, when a topology change has been detected and is underway, to age all dynamic entries in the Forwarding Database. [Note that this value is the one that this bridge is currently using, in contrast to dot1dStpBridgeForwardDelay which is the value that this bridge and all others would start using if/when this bridge were to become the root.]" REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1dStpVlanEntry 11 } -- -- rldot1dStpVlanPortTable -- rldot1dStpVlanPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Rldot1dStpVlanPortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table that contains pair specific information for the Spanning Tree Protocol." ::= { rldot1dStp 7 } rldot1dStpVlanPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Rldot1dStpVlanPortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of information maintained by every pair about the Spanning Tree Protocol state for that pair." INDEX { rldot1dStpVlanPortVlan, rldot1dStpVlanPortPort } ::= { rldot1dStpVlanPortTable 1 } Rldot1dStpVlanPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rldot1dStpVlanPortVlan INTEGER, rldot1dStpVlanPortPort INTEGER, rldot1dStpVlanPortPriority INTEGER, rldot1dStpVlanPortState INTEGER, rldot1dStpVlanPortEnable INTEGER, rldot1dStpVlanPortPathCost INTEGER, rldot1dStpVlanPortDesignatedRoot BridgeId, rldot1dStpVlanPortDesignatedCost INTEGER, rldot1dStpVlanPortDesignatedBridge BridgeId, rldot1dStpVlanPortDesignatedPort OCTET STRING, rldot1dStpVlanPortForwardTransitions Counter } rldot1dStpVlanPortVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4095) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Vlan number that the port belongs to, and for which this entry contains Spanning Tree Protocol management information." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1s/D2-1999 " ::= { rldot1dStpVlanPortEntry 1 } rldot1dStpVlanPortPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4096) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The port number of the port for which this entry contains Spanning Tree Protocol management information." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1t/D2-1999: Section 9.2.6" ::= { rldot1dStpVlanPortEntry 2 } rldot1dStpVlanPortPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of the priority field which is contained in the more significant 4 bits of the most significant octet of the (2 octet long) Port ID. The other octet of the Port ID is given by the value of rldot1dStpVlanPort." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1t/D2-1999: Section 9.2.6" ::= { rldot1dStpVlanPortEntry 3 } rldot1dStpVlanPortState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(1), blocking(2), listening(3), learning(4), forwarding(5), broken(6) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The port's current state as defined by application of the Spanning Tree Protocol. This state controls what action a port takes on reception of a frame. If the bridge has detected a port that is malfunctioning it will place that port into the broken(6) state. For ports which are disabled (see dot1dStpVlanPortEnable), this object will have a value of disabled(1)." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1dStpVlanPortEntry 4 } rldot1dStpVlanPortEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The enabled/disabled status of the port." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1dStpVlanPortEntry 5 } rldot1dStpVlanPortPathCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The contribution of this port to the path cost of paths towards the spanning tree root which include this port. 802.1D-1990 recommends that the default value of this parameter be in inverse proportion to the speed of the attached LAN." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1dStpVlanPortEntry 6 } rldot1dStpVlanPortDesignatedRoot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BridgeId ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The unique Bridge Identifier of the Bridge recorded as the Root in the Configuration BPDUs transmitted by the Designated Bridge for the segment to which the port is attached." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1dStpVlanPortEntry 7 } rldot1dStpVlanPortDesignatedCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The path cost of the Designated Port of the segment connected to this port. This value is compared to the Root Path Cost field in received bridge PDUs." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1dStpVlanPortEntry 8 } rldot1dStpVlanPortDesignatedBridge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BridgeId ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Bridge Identifier of the bridge which this port considers to be the Designated Bridge for this port's segment." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1dStpVlanPortEntry 9 } rldot1dStpVlanPortDesignatedPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (2)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Port Identifier of the port on the Designated Bridge for this port's segment." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1dStpVlanPortEntry 10 } rldot1dStpVlanPortForwardTransitions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of times this port has transitioned from the Learning state to the Forwarding state." ::= { rldot1dStpVlanPortEntry 11 } -- -- STP Private TRAP variables -- rldot1dStpTrapVariable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rldot1dStp 8 } rldot1dStpTrapVrblifIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex of port which STP status was changed" ::= { rldot1dStpTrapVariable 1 } rldot1dStpTrapVrblVID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The VID of VLAN to which the port belongs which STP status was changed" ::= { rldot1dStpTrapVariable 2 } rldot1dStpTypeAfterReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { perDevice(1), mstp(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "New mode of spaning tree supported by the device after the next reset." DEFVAL { perDevice } ::= { rldot1dStp 9 } rldot1dStpMonitorTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..20) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Factor of hello-time during which a port is monotored to determine if it is stable." DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { rldot1dStp 10 } rldot1dStpBpduCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..60) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of bpdu that need to received for the link to be considered stable." DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { rldot1dStp 11 } rldot1dStpLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The last time any object in this table was changed by SNMP or other local management means." REFERENCE "" ::= { rldot1dStp 12 } -- -- rldot1dStpPortTable -- rldot1dStpPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Rldot1dStpPortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table that contains extended pair port specific information." ::= { rldot1dStp 13 } rldot1dStpPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Rldot1dStpPortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of information maintained by every port about the Spanning Tree Protocol state for that port." INDEX { rldot1dStpPortPort } ::= { rldot1dStpPortTable 1 } Rldot1dStpPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rldot1dStpPortPort INTEGER, rldot1dStpPortDampEnable TruthValue, rldot1dStpPortDampStable TruthValue, rldot1dStpPortFilterBpdu TruthValue, rldot1dStpPortBpduSent Counter-32, rldot1dStpPortBpduReceived Counter-32, rldot1dStpPortRole INTEGER, rldot1dStpBpduType INTEGER, rldot1dStpPortRestrictedRole TruthValue, rldot1dStpPortAutoEdgePort TruthValue, rldot1dStpPortLoopback TruthValue } rldot1dStpPortPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4096) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The port number of the port for which this entry contains Spanning Tree Protocol management information." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1t/D2-1999: Section 9.2.6" ::= { rldot1dStpPortEntry 1 } rldot1dStpPortDampEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specified if dampening is enabled on this port." REFERENCE "" DEFVAL { false } ::= { rldot1dStpPortEntry 2 } rldot1dStpPortDampStable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specified if the port is stable." REFERENCE "" DEFVAL { true } ::= { rldot1dStpPortEntry 3 } rldot1dStpPortFilterBpdu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specified if this port should filter bpdus when stp is disabled." REFERENCE "" DEFVAL { false } ::= { rldot1dStpPortEntry 4 } rldot1dStpPortBpduSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter-32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specified the number of bpdu sent from this port." REFERENCE "" ::= { rldot1dStpPortEntry 5 } rldot1dStpPortBpduReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter-32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specified the number of bpdu received in this port." REFERENCE "" ::= { rldot1dStpPortEntry 6 } rldot1dStpPortRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(0), disabled(1), alternate(2), backup(3), root(4), designated(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specified the role of this this port." REFERENCE "" ::= { rldot1dStpPortEntry 7 } rldot1dStpBpduType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { stp(0), rstp(1) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specified the type of BPDU transmitted by this port." ::= { rldot1dStpPortEntry 8 } rldot1dStpPortRestrictedRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If TRUE causes the Port not to be selected as Root Port for the CIST or any MSTI, even if it has the best spanning tree priority vector. Such a Port will be selected as an Alternate Port after the Root Port has been selected." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1ad-D3-1: Section 13.24.29" DEFVAL { false } ::= { rldot1dStpPortEntry 9 } rldot1dStpPortAutoEdgePort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If TRUE causes the Port when become up, to enter the blocking state, and if during 3 seconds it doesn't receive a BPDU, it will enter the forwarding state." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-2004: Section 17.13.3" DEFVAL { false } ::= { rldot1dStpPortEntry 10 } rldot1dStpPortLoopback OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specified loopback was detected on port." REFERENCE "" ::= { rldot1dStpPortEntry 11 } rldot1dStpPortsEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable / Disable spanning tree on ports by default ." DEFVAL { true } ::= { rldot1dStp 14 } rldot1dStpTaggedFlooding OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "flooding can be done in tagged bpdu ." ::= { rldot1dStp 15 } rldot1dStpPortBelongToVlanDefault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The default value of rldot1dStpPortMustBelongToVlan ." ::= { rldot1dStp 16 } rldot1dStpEnableByDefault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The default value of rldot1dStpEnable ." ::= { rldot1dStp 17 } rldot1dStpPortToDefault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "To order port/s to revert to default setings ." ::= { rldot1dStp 18 } rldot1dStpSupportedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { perDevice(1), perVlan(2), mstp(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of stp supported by the device." ::= { rldot1dStp 19 } rldot1dStpEdgeportSupportInStp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If EdgePort is supported in stpCompatible mode ." ::= { rldot1dStp 20 } rldot1dStpFilterBpdu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specified if the device should filter BPDUs when STP is disabled." ::= { rldot1dStp 21 } rldot1dStpFloodBpduMethod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { classic(0), bridging(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specified flooding method: 1 - classic - untagged to all stp disabled ports 2 - bridging -normal bridging." ::= { rldot1dStp 22 } rldot1dStpSeparatedBridges OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rldot1dStp 23 } -- -- rldot1dStpPortBpduGuardTable -- rldot1dStpPortBpduGuardTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Rldot1dStpPortBpduGuardEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table that contains for each port whether it is bpdu guard ." ::= { rldot1dStp 24 } rldot1dStpPortBpduGuardEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Rldot1dStpPortBpduGuardEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of information maintained by every port whether it is bpdu guard." INDEX { dot1dBasePort } ::= { rldot1dStpPortBpduGuardTable 1 } Rldot1dStpPortBpduGuardEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rldot1dStpPortBpduGuardEnable TruthValue } rldot1dStpPortBpduGuardEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specified if bpdu guard is enabled on this port." REFERENCE "" DEFVAL { false } ::= { rldot1dStpPortBpduGuardEntry 1 } rldot1dStpSeparatedBridgesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Rldot1dStpSeparatedBridgesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Define if separated bridges feature is enabled for each interface." ::= { rldot1dStpSeparatedBridges 1 } rldot1dStpSeparatedBridgesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Rldot1dStpSeparatedBridgesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines the contents of each line in the rlSeparatedBridgesTable table." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { rldot1dStpSeparatedBridgesTable 1 } Rldot1dStpSeparatedBridgesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rldot1dStpSeparatedBridgesPortEnable TruthValue } rldot1dStpSeparatedBridgesPortEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates whether the separated bridge feature is enabled on a specified ifIndex." DEFVAL { false } ::= { rldot1dStpSeparatedBridgesEntry 1 } rldot1dStpSeparatedBridgesEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable / Disable Separated Bridges Feature." DEFVAL { false } ::= { rldot1dStpSeparatedBridges 2 } rldot1dStpSeparatedBridgesAutoConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable / Disable Separated Bridges Automatic Configuration." DEFVAL { false } ::= { rldot1dStpSeparatedBridges 3 } rldot1dExtBase OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rlpBridgeMIBObjects 3 } rldot1dExtBaseMibVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MIB's version, the current version is 1." ::= { rldot1dExtBase 1 } rldot1dDeviceCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX BITS { -- rldot1dIGMPSnoopingFilteringServices(0) -- ## can perform filtering of -- ## individual multicast addresses -- ## controlled by IGMP snooping. -- rldot1dDefaultFilteringAllServices(1) -- ## can perform default filtering -- ## behavior for All multicast addresses. -- ## controlled by Multicast DB. -- rldot1dDefaultFilteringUnregServices(2) -- ## can perform default filtering -- ## behavior for Unregistered -- ## multicast addresses. -- ## controlled by Multicast DB. -- } SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the optional parts of private extension of IEEE 802.1D and 802.1Q that are implemented by this device and are manageable through this MIB. Capabilities that are allowed on a per-port basis are indicated in dot1dPortCapabilities." ::= { rldot1dExtBase 2 } rldot1wRStp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rlpBridgeMIBObjects 4 } -- -- rldot1wStpVlanEdgePortTable -- rldot1wRStpVlanEdgePortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Rldot1wRStpVlanEdgePortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table that contains pair specific information for the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol." ::= { rldot1wRStp 1 } rldot1wRStpVlanEdgePortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Rldot1wRStpVlanEdgePortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of information maintained by every pair about the RAPID Spanning Tree Protocol state for that pair." INDEX { rldot1wRStpVlanEdgePortVlan, rldot1wRStpVlanEdgePortPort } ::= { rldot1wRStpVlanEdgePortTable 1 } Rldot1wRStpVlanEdgePortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rldot1wRStpVlanEdgePortVlan INTEGER, rldot1wRStpVlanEdgePortPort INTEGER, rldot1wRStpEdgePortStatus TruthValue } rldot1wRStpVlanEdgePortVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4095) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Vlan number that the port belongs to, and for which this entry contains Spanning Tree Protocol management information, If STP per device then only one value of 1 is allowed. If STP per a VLAN then all value of 1..4095 are allowed." ::= { rldot1wRStpVlanEdgePortEntry 1 } rldot1wRStpVlanEdgePortPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The port number of the port for which this entry contains Spanning Tree Protocol management information." ::= { rldot1wRStpVlanEdgePortEntry 2 } rldot1wRStpEdgePortStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether this port is an Edge Port or not" REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1wd6-2000: Section " DEFVAL { false } ::= { rldot1wRStpVlanEdgePortEntry 3 } -- -- rldot1wStpForceVersionTable -- rldot1wRStpForceVersionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Rldot1wRStpForceVersionEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table that contains specific information for the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol." ::= { rldot1wRStp 2 } rldot1wRStpForceVersionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Rldot1wRStpForceVersionEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of information maintained by every about the RAPID Spanning Tree Protocol state for that pair." INDEX { rldot1wRStpForceVersionVlan } ::= { rldot1wRStpForceVersionTable 1 } Rldot1wRStpForceVersionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rldot1wRStpForceVersionVlan INTEGER, rldot1wRStpForceVersionState INTEGER } rldot1wRStpForceVersionVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4095) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Vlan number that the port belongs to, and for which this entry contains Spanning Tree Protocol management information, If STP per device then only one value of 1 is allowed. If STP per a VLAN then all value of 1..4095 are allowed." ::= { rldot1wRStpForceVersionEntry 1 } rldot1wRStpForceVersionState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether this Bridge uses the normal RSTP algorithm, or STP Compatibility algorythm: 0 - STP Compatibility 2 - Normal RSTP" REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1wd9-2000: Section 17.16.1 " DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { rldot1wRStpForceVersionEntry 2 } rldot1pPriorityMap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rlpBridgeMIBObjects 5 } rldot1pPriorityMapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable (1), disable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "enable / disable" ::= { rldot1pPriorityMap 1 } rldot1pPriorityMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Rldot1pPriorityMapEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table hold information the priority maps" ::= { rldot1pPriorityMap 2 } rldot1pPriorityMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Rldot1pPriorityMapEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The row definition for this table." INDEX { rldot1pPriorityMapName } ::= { rldot1pPriorityMapTable 1 } Rldot1pPriorityMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rldot1pPriorityMapName DisplayString, rldot1pPriorityMapPriority OCTET STRING, rldot1pPriorityMapPort PortList, rldot1pPriorityMapPortList PortList, rldot1pPriorityMapStatus RowStatus } rldot1pPriorityMapName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..25)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The map name" ::= { rldot1pPriorityMapEntry 1 } rldot1pPriorityMapPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The map holding the queue" ::= { rldot1pPriorityMapEntry 2 } rldot1pPriorityMapPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortList ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "the port that the map, is applied on in config" ::= { rldot1pPriorityMapEntry 3 } rldot1pPriorityMapPortList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortList ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "the ports that the map, is applied on in actual" ::= { rldot1pPriorityMapEntry 4 } rldot1pPriorityMapStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the table entry. It's used to delete an entry" ::= { rldot1pPriorityMapEntry 5 } rldot1sMstp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rlpBridgeMIBObjects 6 } -- -- The Multiple Spanning Tree Instance Table -- rldot1sMstpInstanceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Rldot1sMstpInstanceEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table that contains Mstp instance specific information for the Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol." ::= { rldot1sMstp 1 } rldot1sMstpInstanceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Rldot1sMstpInstanceEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of information maintained by every instance about the multiple Spanning Tree Protocol state for that instance." INDEX { rldot1sMstpInstanceId } ::= { rldot1sMstpInstanceTable 1 } Rldot1sMstpInstanceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rldot1sMstpInstanceId INTEGER, rldot1sMstpInstanceEnable TruthValue, rldot1sMstpInstanceTimeSinceTopologyChange TimeTicks, rldot1sMstpInstanceTopChanges Counter, rldot1sMstpInstanceDesignatedRoot BridgeId, rldot1sMstpInstanceRootCost INTEGER, rldot1sMstpInstanceRootPort INTEGER, rldot1sMstpInstanceMaxAge Timeout, rldot1sMstpInstanceHelloTime Timeout, rldot1sMstpInstanceHoldTime INTEGER, rldot1sMstpInstanceForwardDelay Timeout, rldot1sMstpInstancePriority INTEGER, rldot1sMstpInstanceRemainingHopes INTEGER } rldot1sMstpInstanceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..64) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Instance index." ::= { rldot1sMstpInstanceEntry 1 } rldot1sMstpInstanceEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether this Instance is STP enable or disable" REFERENCE " ?? " ::= { rldot1sMstpInstanceEntry 2 } rldot1sMstpInstanceTimeSinceTopologyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time (in hundredths of a second) since the last time a topology change was detected by the Mstp Instance ." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1sMstpInstanceEntry 3 } rldot1sMstpInstanceTopChanges OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of topology changes detected by this Instance since the management entity was last reset or initialized." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1sMstpInstanceEntry 4 } rldot1sMstpInstanceDesignatedRoot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BridgeId ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The bridge identifier of the root of the spanning tree as determined by the Muliple Spanning Tree Protocol as executed by this node. This value is used as the Root Identifier parameter in all Configuration Bridge PDUs originated by this node." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1sMstpInstanceEntry 5 } rldot1sMstpInstanceRootCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The cost of the path to the root as seen from this bridge." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1sMstpInstanceEntry 6 } rldot1sMstpInstanceRootPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The port number of the port which offers the lowest cost path from this bridge to the root bridge." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1sMstpInstanceEntry 7 } rldot1sMstpInstanceMaxAge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Timeout ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum age of Spanning Tree Protocol information learned from the network on any port before it is discarded, in units of hundredths of a second. This is the actual value that this bridge is currently using." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1sMstpInstanceEntry 8 } rldot1sMstpInstanceHelloTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Timeout ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The amount of time between the transmission of Configuration bridge PDUs by this node on any port when it is the root of the spanning tree or trying to become so, in units of hundredths of a second. This is the actual value that this bridge is currently using." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1sMstpInstanceEntry 9 } rldot1sMstpInstanceHoldTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This time value determines the interval length during which no more than two Configuration bridge PDUs shall be transmitted by this node, in units of hundredths of a second." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1sMstpInstanceEntry 10 } rldot1sMstpInstanceForwardDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Timeout ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This time value, measured in units of hundredths of a second, controls how fast a port changes its spanning state when moving towards the Forwarding state. The value determines how long the port stays in each of the Listening and Learning states, which precede the Forwarding state. This value is also used, when a topology change has been detected and is underway, to age all dynamic entries in the Forwarding Database. [Note that this value is the one that this bridge is currently using, in contrast to dot1dStpBridgeForwardDelay which is the value that this bridge and all others would start using if/when this bridge were to become the root.]" REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1sMstpInstanceEntry 11 } rldot1sMstpInstancePriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..61440) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of the write-able portion of the Bridge ID, i.e., the first four bits of the first octet of the (8 octet long) Bridge ID.The value is a product of 4096. The next 12 bit are the msti id . The other (last) 6 octets of the Bridge ID are given by the value of dot1dBaseBridgeAddress." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1S-2001: Section 13.24.2" ::= {rldot1sMstpInstanceEntry 12 } rldot1sMstpInstanceRemainingHopes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This count value determines the amount of hopes the information transmited by this bridge on this instance can travel." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1sMstpInstanceEntry 13 } -- -- rldot1sMstpInstancePortTable -- rldot1sMstpInstancePortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Rldot1sMstpInstancePortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table that contains pair specific information for the Spanning Tree Protocol." ::= { rldot1sMstp 2 } rldot1sMstpInstancePortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Rldot1sMstpInstancePortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of information maintained by every pair about the Spanning Tree Protocol state for that pair." INDEX { rldot1sMstpInstancePortMstiId, rldot1sMstpInstancePortPort } ::= { rldot1sMstpInstancePortTable 1 } Rldot1sMstpInstancePortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rldot1sMstpInstancePortMstiId INTEGER, rldot1sMstpInstancePortPort INTEGER, rldot1sMstpInstancePortPriority INTEGER, rldot1sMstpInstancePortState INTEGER, rldot1sMstpInstancePortEnable INTEGER, rldot1sMstpInstancePortPathCost INTEGER, rldot1sMstpInstancePortDesignatedRoot BridgeId, rldot1sMstpInstancePortDesignatedCost INTEGER, rldot1sMstpInstancePortDesignatedBridge BridgeId, rldot1sMstpInstancePortDesignatedPort OCTET STRING, rldot1sMstpInstancePortForwardTransitions Counter, rldot1sMStpInstancePortAdminPathCost INTEGER, rldot1sMStpInstancePortRole INTEGER } rldot1sMstpInstancePortMstiId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..64) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Vlan group number that the port belongs to, and for which this entry contains Spanning Tree Protocol management information." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1s/D11-2001 " ::= { rldot1sMstpInstancePortEntry 1 } rldot1sMstpInstancePortPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4096) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The port number of the port for which this entry contains Spanning Tree Protocol management information." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1t/D2-1999: Section 9.2.6" ::= { rldot1sMstpInstancePortEntry 2 } rldot1sMstpInstancePortPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..240) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of the priority field which is contained in the more significant 4 bits of the most significant octet of the (2 octet long) Port ID. The value is a product of 16. The other octet of the Port ID is given by the value of rldot1dStpVlanGroupPort." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1t/D2-1999: Section 9.2.6" ::= { rldot1sMstpInstancePortEntry 3 } rldot1sMstpInstancePortState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(1), blocking(2), listening(3), learning(4), forwarding(5), broken(6) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The port's current state as defined by application of the Spanning Tree Protocol. This state controls what action a port takes on reception of a frame. If the bridge has detected a port that is malfunctioning it will place that port into the broken(6) state. For ports which are disabled (see dot1dStpVlanPortEnable), this object will have a value of disabled(1)." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1sMstpInstancePortEntry 4 } rldot1sMstpInstancePortEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The enabled/disabled status of the port." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1sMstpInstancePortEntry 5 } rldot1sMstpInstancePortPathCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..200000000) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The contribution of this port to the path cost of paths towards the spanning tree root which include this port. 802.1D-1990 recommends that the default value of this parameter be in inverse proportion to the speed of the attached LAN." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1sMstpInstancePortEntry 6 } rldot1sMstpInstancePortDesignatedRoot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BridgeId ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The unique Bridge Identifier of the Bridge recorded as the Root in the Configuration BPDUs transmitted by the Designated Bridge for the segment to which the port is attached." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1sMstpInstancePortEntry 7 } rldot1sMstpInstancePortDesignatedCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The path cost of the Designated Port of the segment connected to this port. This value is compared to the Root Path Cost field in received bridge PDUs." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1sMstpInstancePortEntry 8 } rldot1sMstpInstancePortDesignatedBridge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BridgeId ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Bridge Identifier of the bridge which this port considers to be the Designated Bridge for this port's segment." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1sMstpInstancePortEntry 9 } rldot1sMstpInstancePortDesignatedPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (2)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Port Identifier of the port on the Designated Bridge for this port's segment." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1sMstpInstancePortEntry 10 } rldot1sMstpInstancePortForwardTransitions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of times this port has transitioned from the Learning state to the Forwarding state." ::= { rldot1sMstpInstancePortEntry 11 } rldot1sMStpInstancePortAdminPathCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..200000000) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The administratively assigned value for the contribution of this port to the path cost of paths towards the spanning tree root. Writing a value of '0' assigns the automatically calculated default Path Cost value to the port. If the default Path Cost is being used, this object returns '0' when read. This complements the object dot1dStpPortPathCost, which returns the operational value of the path cost." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1998: Section" ::= { rldot1sMstpInstancePortEntry 12 } rldot1sMStpInstancePortRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(0), disabled(1), alternate(2), backup(3), root(4), designated(5), master(6) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specify the role of this this port." REFERENCE "" ::= { rldot1sMstpInstancePortEntry 13 } rldot1sMstpMaxHopes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..40) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Max number of hopes that an MST BPDU will travel inside a region." DEFVAL { 20 } ::= { rldot1sMstp 3 } rldot1sMstpConfigurationName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The active configuration name as will be caried in MST BPDU's." ::= { rldot1sMstp 4 } rldot1sMstpRevisionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The active revision level." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rldot1sMstp 5 } -- -- rldot1sMstpVlanTable -- rldot1sMstpVlanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Rldot1sMstpVlanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the alocation of vlans to groups." ::= { rldot1sMstp 6 } rldot1sMstpVlanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Rldot1sMstpVlanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of information maintained by every vlan about the group it belongs to." INDEX { rldot1sMstpVlan } ::= { rldot1sMstpVlanTable 1 } Rldot1sMstpVlanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rldot1sMstpVlan INTEGER, rldot1sMstpGroup INTEGER, rldot1sMstpPendingGroup INTEGER } rldot1sMstpVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4094) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The vlan number of the vlan for which this entry contains Spanning Tree Protocol management information." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1s/D11-2001: Section 13.7" ::= { rldot1sMstpVlanEntry 1 } rldot1sMstpGroup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..64) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifid the active group number this vlan belonges to." REFERENCE "" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rldot1sMstpVlanEntry 2 } rldot1sMstpPendingGroup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..64) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifid the pending group number this vlan belonges to." REFERENCE "" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rldot1sMstpVlanEntry 3 } -- -- rldot1sMstpExtPortTable -- rldot1sMstpExtPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Rldot1sMstpExtPortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table that contains MSTP information about ports of the CIST." ::= { rldot1sMstp 7 } rldot1sMstpExtPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Rldot1sMstpExtPortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of information maintained by every port of the CIST." INDEX { rldot1sMstpExtPortPort } ::= { rldot1sMstpExtPortTable 1 } Rldot1sMstpExtPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rldot1sMstpExtPortPort INTEGER, rldot1sMstpExtPortInternalOperPathCost INTEGER, rldot1sMstpExtPortDesignatedRegionalRoot BridgeId, rldot1sMstpExtPortDesignatedRegionalCost INTEGER, rldot1sMstpExtPortBoundary TruthValue, rldot1sMstpExtPortInternalAdminPathCost INTEGER } rldot1sMstpExtPortPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4096) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The port number of the port for which this entry contains Spanning Tree Protocol management information." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1t/D2-1999: Section 9.2.6" ::= { rldot1sMstpExtPortEntry 1 } rldot1sMstpExtPortInternalOperPathCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..200000000) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The contribution of this port to the path cost of paths towards the spanning tree regional root which include this port. 802.1S-2002 recommends that the default value of this parameter be in inverse proportion to the speed of the attached LAN." ::= { rldot1sMstpExtPortEntry 2 } rldot1sMstpExtPortDesignatedRegionalRoot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BridgeId ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The unique Bridge Identifier of the Bridge recorded as the Root in the Configuration BPDUs transmitted by the Designated Bridge for the segment to which the port is attached." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1sMstpExtPortEntry 3 } rldot1sMstpExtPortDesignatedRegionalCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The regional path cost of the Designated Port of the segment connected to this port. This value is compared to the Root Path Cost field in received bridge PDUs." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1sMstpExtPortEntry 4 } rldot1sMstpExtPortBoundary OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indication if the port is conented to to a lan segment outside or inside the region." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rldot1sMstpExtPortEntry 5 } rldot1sMstpExtPortInternalAdminPathCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..200000000) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The administratively assigned value for the contribution of this port to the path cost of paths towards the spanning tree root. Writing a value of '0' assigns the automatically calculated default Path Cost value to the port. If the default Path Cost is being used, this object returns '0' when read. This complements the object dot1dStpPortPathCost, which returns the operational value of the path cost." ::= { rldot1sMstpExtPortEntry 6 } rldot1sMstpDesignatedMaxHopes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..40) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Max number of hopes that an MST BPDU will travel inside a region." ::= { rldot1sMstp 8 } rldot1sMstpRegionalRoot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BridgeId ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CIST Regional Root Identifier (13.16.4). The Bridge Identifier of the current CIST Regional Root." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1S-2002: Section 13.16.4" ::= { rldot1sMstp 9 } rldot1sMstpRegionalRootCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The CIST path cost from the transmitting Bridge to the CIST Regional Root." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1S-2002: Section" ::= { rldot1sMstp 10 } rldot1sMstpPendingConfigurationName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The pending configuration name." ::= { rldot1sMstp 11 } rldot1sMstpPendingRevisionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The pending revision level." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rldot1sMstp 12 } rldot1sMstpPendingAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { copyPendingActive(1), copyActivePending(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The action to be done with the pending configuration. copyPendingActive - to copy the pending mst configuration to the active one. copyActivePending - to copy the active mst configuration to the pending one. " ::= { rldot1sMstp 13 } rldot1sMstpRemainingHops OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This count value determines the amount of hops the information transmitted by this bridge can travel." ::= { rldot1sMstp 14 } rldot1dTpAgingTime OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rlpBridgeMIBObjects 7 } rldot1dTpAgingTimeMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The min timeout period in seconds for aging out dynamically learned forwarding information." REFERENCE "P802.1d/D9, July 14, 1989: Section" ::= { rldot1dTpAgingTime 1 } rldot1dTpAgingTimeMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The max timeout period in seconds for aging out dynamically learned forwarding information." REFERENCE "P802.1d/D9, July 14, 1989: Section" ::= { rldot1dTpAgingTime 2 } rlTelnet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 58 } rlTelnetMibVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MIB's version, the current version is 1." ::= { rlTelnet 1 } rlTelnetPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..20)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Telnet Password" ::= { rlTelnet 2 } rlTelnetTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of minutes after which the TCP connection is closed if no activity is detected from the Client" DEFVAL {0} ::= { rlTelnet 3 } rlTelnetUsersTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RlTelnetUsersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table hold information about current telnet sessions" ::= { rlTelnet 4 } rlTelnetUsersEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RlTelnetUsersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The row definition for this table." INDEX { rlTelnetSessionId } ::= { rlTelnetUsersTable 1 } RlTelnetUsersEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rlTelnetSessionId INTEGER, rlTelnetSessionClientAddress IpAddress, rlTelnetSessionLoginTime DisplayString, rlTelnetSessionStatus INTEGER } rlTelnetSessionId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Telnet Session ID" ::= { rlTelnetUsersEntry 1 } rlTelnetSessionClientAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Telnet Session Client IP address" ::= { rlTelnetUsersEntry 2 } rlTelnetSessionLoginTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Telnet Session Login Time string" ::= { rlTelnetUsersEntry 3 } rlTelnetSessionStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { connected(1), disconnect(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Telnet Session status. After status has been set to diconnect the sessions is closed and the matching entry is deleted from the table." ::= { rlTelnetUsersEntry 4 } rlTelnetLoginBanner OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Telnet Login Banner. When telnet connection is established, the banner is the concatanation of this MIB and rlTelnetSecondLoginBanner." ::= { rlTelnet 5 } rlTelnetSecondLoginBanner OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Telnet Login Banner Extension. When telnet connection is established, the banner is the concatanation of rlTelnetLoginBanner and this MIB" ::= { rlTelnet 6 } rlPolicy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 59 } rlArpSpoofing OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 60 } rlArpSpoofingMibVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MIB's version, the current version is 1." ::= { rlArpSpoofing 1 } rlArpSpoofingTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RlArpSpoofingEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of the ifIndexes, IP addresses and corresponding MAC addresses." ::= { rlArpSpoofing 2 } rlArpSpoofingEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RlArpSpoofingEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry of this table specifis ifIndex,IP Address and MAC address." INDEX { rlArpSpoofingIfIndex, rlArpSpoofingLocalIpAddr } ::= { rlArpSpoofingTable 1 } RlArpSpoofingEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rlArpSpoofingIfIndex InterfaceIndex, rlArpSpoofingLocalIpAddr IpAddress, rlArpSpoofingMacAddr PhysAddress, rlArpSpoofingRemoteIpAddr IpAddress, rlArpSpoofingOutPhysIfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero, rlArpSpoofingStatus RowStatus } rlArpSpoofingIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The physical interface for which this entry contains information." ::= { rlArpSpoofingEntry 1 } rlArpSpoofingLocalIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ip addres for which the device will send ARP reply (ARP spoofing)." ::= { rlArpSpoofingEntry 2 } rlArpSpoofingMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MAC addres with which the device will send ARP reply. If the field is ommited or its value the device will send with the interface's MAC address." ::= { rlArpSpoofingEntry 3 } rlArpSpoofingRemoteIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ip addres for which the device will send periodically ARP requests if its value differs from" ::= { rlArpSpoofingEntry 4 } rlArpSpoofingOutPhysIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The physical interface to which the device will send periodically ARP requests if its value differs from 0. If its value is 0 then ARP requests will send to all the VLAN's ports." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rlArpSpoofingEntry 5 } rlArpSpoofingStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "It is used to insert, update or delete an entry" ::= { rlArpSpoofingEntry 6 } rlMir OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 61 } rlMirMibVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MIB's version, the current version is 1." ::= { rlMir 1 } rlMirMaxNumOfMRIsAfterReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximun instanses of IP Multi Instance Routers after the following reset." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { rlMir 2 } rlMirMaxNumOfMRIs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximun instanses of IP Multi Instance Routers." ::= { rlMir 3 } rlMirCurMriNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of the MRI of which MIB variables are treated at the same time by the SNMP agent." ::= { rlMir 4 } rlMirInterfaceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RlMirInterfaceEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of the assignment ifinterfaces to IP Router instances." ::= { rlMir 5 } rlMirInterfaceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RlMirInterfaceEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry of this table specifies the MRID assignement to a L2 interfrace." INDEX { rlMirInterfaceIfIndex } ::= { rlMirInterfaceTable 1 } RlMirInterfaceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rlMirInterfaceIfIndex InterfaceIndex, rlMirInterfaceMrid INTEGER } rlMirInterfaceIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The L2 interface for which this entry contains information." ::= { rlMirInterfaceEntry 1 } rlMirInterfaceMrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Multi IP Router Instance Identifier to which the interface is assgned." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rlMirInterfaceEntry 2 } rlMirVlanBaseReservedPortsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RlMirVlanBaseReservedPortsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list VLAN based reserved physical ports." ::= { rlMir 6 } rlMirVlanBaseReservedPortsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RlMirVlanBaseReservedPortsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A VLAN based reserved physical port." INDEX { rlMirVlanBaseReservedPortsIfIndex } ::= { rlMirVlanBaseReservedPortsTable 1 } RlMirVlanBaseReservedPortsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rlMirVlanBaseReservedPortsIfIndex InterfaceIndex, rlMirVlanBaseReservedPortsStatus RowStatus } rlMirVlanBaseReservedPortsIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IfIndex of VLAN based reserved physical port." ::= { rlMirVlanBaseReservedPortsEntry 1 } rlMirVlanBaseReservedPortsStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "It is used to delete an entry" ::= { rlMirVlanBaseReservedPortsEntry 2 } rlMirVlanBaseLogicalPortsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RlMirVlanBaseLogicalPortsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list VLAN based logical ports." ::= { rlMir 7 } rlMirVlanBaseLogicalPortsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RlMirVlanBaseLogicalPortsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A VLAN based logical point-to-point port." INDEX { rlMirVlanBaseLogicalPortsIfIndex } ::= { rlMirVlanBaseLogicalPortsTable 1 } RlMirVlanBaseLogicalPortsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rlMirVlanBaseLogicalPortsIfIndex InterfaceIndex, rlMirVlanBaseLogicalPortsReservedIfIndex InterfaceIndex, rlMirVlanBaseLogicalPortsVlanTag INTEGER, rlMirVlanBaseLogicalPortsStatus RowStatus } rlMirVlanBaseLogicalPortsIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IfIndex of VLAN based Logical point-to-point port." ::= { rlMirVlanBaseLogicalPortsEntry 1 } rlMirVlanBaseLogicalPortsReservedIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IfIndex of VLAN based reserved physical port on which the logical port is defined." ::= { rlMirVlanBaseLogicalPortsEntry 2 } rlMirVlanBaseLogicalPortsVlanTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4095) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VLAN tag." ::= { rlMirVlanBaseLogicalPortsEntry 3 } rlMirVlanBaseLogicalPortsStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "It is used to add, update and delete an entry" ::= { rlMirVlanBaseLogicalPortsEntry 4 } rlIpMRouteStdMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 62 } rl3sw2swTables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 63 } rl3sw2swTablesPollingInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The polling interval for dynamic 3SW/2SW tables in seconds." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { rl3sw2swTables 1 } rlGvrp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 64 } rlPortGvrpTimersTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RlPortGvrpTimersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of GVRP timer values for every bridge port. This is indexed by dot1dBasePort." ::= { rlGvrp 1 } rlPortGvrpTimersEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RlPortGvrpTimersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "GVRP timer values for a bridge port." INDEX { dot1dBasePort } ::= { rlPortGvrpTimersTable 1 } RlPortGvrpTimersEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rlPortGvrpJoinTime TimeInterval, rlPortGvrpLeaveTime TimeInterval, rlPortGvrpLeaveAllTime TimeInterval, rlPortGvrpOverrideGarp EnabledStatus } rlPortGvrpJoinTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The GVRP Join time, in centiseconds." DEFVAL { 20 } ::= { rlPortGvrpTimersEntry 1 } rlPortGvrpLeaveTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The GVRP Leave time, in centiseconds." DEFVAL { 60 } ::= { rlPortGvrpTimersEntry 2 } rlPortGvrpLeaveAllTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The GVRP LeaveAll time, in centiseconds." DEFVAL { 1000 } ::= { rlPortGvrpTimersEntry 3 } rlPortGvrpOverrideGarp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnabledStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If enabled{1}, GVRP timer values for this port are determined by the values in this entry. Otherwise, they are determined by the values in dot1dPortGarpTable." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { rlPortGvrpTimersEntry 4 } rlGvrpSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Is GVRP supported in this device or not" ::= { rlGvrp 2 } rlGvrpMibVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MIB's version, the current version is 3." ::= { rlGvrp 3 } -- rlPortGvrpStatisticsTable rlPortGvrpStatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RlPortGvrpStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of GVRP statistics values for every bridge port. This is indexed by dot1dBasePort." ::= { rlGvrp 4 } rlPortGvrpStatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RlPortGvrpStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "GVRP statistics values for a bridge port." INDEX { dot1dBasePort } ::= { rlPortGvrpStatisticsTable 1 } RlPortGvrpStatisticsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rlPortGvrpStatisticsRJE Counter, rlPortGvrpStatisticsRJIn Counter, rlPortGvrpStatisticsREmp Counter, rlPortGvrpStatisticsRLIn Counter, rlPortGvrpStatisticsRLE Counter, rlPortGvrpStatisticsRLA Counter, rlPortGvrpStatisticsSJE Counter, rlPortGvrpStatisticsSJIn Counter, rlPortGvrpStatisticsSEmp Counter, rlPortGvrpStatisticsSLIn Counter, rlPortGvrpStatisticsSLE Counter, rlPortGvrpStatisticsSLA Counter, rlPortGvrpStatisticsClear INTEGER } rlPortGvrpStatisticsRJE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Join Empty Received on the port, since the last clearance." ::= { rlPortGvrpStatisticsEntry 1 } rlPortGvrpStatisticsRJIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Join In Received on the port, since the last clearance." ::= { rlPortGvrpStatisticsEntry 2 } rlPortGvrpStatisticsREmp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Empty Received on the port, since the last clearance." ::= { rlPortGvrpStatisticsEntry 3 } rlPortGvrpStatisticsRLIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Leave In Received on the port, since the last clearance." ::= { rlPortGvrpStatisticsEntry 4 } rlPortGvrpStatisticsRLE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Leave Empty Received on the port, since the last clearance." ::= { rlPortGvrpStatisticsEntry 5 } rlPortGvrpStatisticsRLA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Leave All Received on the port, since the last clearance." ::= { rlPortGvrpStatisticsEntry 6 } rlPortGvrpStatisticsSJE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Join Empty Sent on the port, since the last clearance." ::= { rlPortGvrpStatisticsEntry 7 } rlPortGvrpStatisticsSJIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Join In Sent on the port, since the last clearance." ::= { rlPortGvrpStatisticsEntry 8 } rlPortGvrpStatisticsSEmp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Empty Sent on the port, since the last clearance." ::= { rlPortGvrpStatisticsEntry 9 } rlPortGvrpStatisticsSLIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Leave In Sent on the port, since the last clearance." ::= { rlPortGvrpStatisticsEntry 10 } rlPortGvrpStatisticsSLE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Leave Empty Sent on the port, since the last clearance." ::= { rlPortGvrpStatisticsEntry 11 } rlPortGvrpStatisticsSLA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Leave All Sent on the port, since the last clearance." ::= { rlPortGvrpStatisticsEntry 12 } rlPortGvrpStatisticsClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { activate(1), passive(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "activate - the signal/trigger to clear ALL the rlPortGvrpStatisticsEntry's fields. passive - specify that the rlPortGvrpStatisticsClear field is not activate, or finshed the clearnce process. the rlPortGvrpStatisticsClear return automatically to passive after it was activate." DEFVAL { passive } ::= { rlPortGvrpStatisticsEntry 13 } -- rlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsTable rlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of GVRP ErrorStatistics values for every bridge port. This is indexed by dot1dBasePort." ::= { rlGvrp 5 } rlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "GVRP ErrorStatistics values for a bridge port." INDEX { dot1dBasePort } ::= { rlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsTable 1 } RlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsInvProt Counter, rlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsInvAtyp Counter, rlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsInvAval Counter, rlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsInvPlen Counter, rlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsInvAlen Counter, rlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsInvEvent Counter, rlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsClear INTEGER } rlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsInvProt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Invalid Protocol Id encountered by the GVRP port. (since the last clearance)" ::= { rlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsEntry 1 } rlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsInvAtyp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Invalid Attribute Type encountered by the GVRP port. (since the last clearance)" ::= { rlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsEntry 2 } rlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsInvAval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Invalid Attribute Value encountered by the GVRP port. (since the last clearance)" ::= { rlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsEntry 3 } rlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsInvPlen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Invalid PDU Length encountered by the GVRP port. (since the last clearance)" ::= { rlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsEntry 4 } rlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsInvAlen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Invalid Attribute Length encountered by the GVRP port. (since the last clearance)" ::= { rlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsEntry 5 } rlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsInvEvent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Invalid Event encountered by the GVRP port. (since the last clearance)" ::= { rlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsEntry 6 } rlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { activate(1), passive(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "activate - the signal/trigger to clear ALL the rlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsEntry's fields. passive - specify that the rlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsClear field is not activate, or finshed the clearnce process. the rlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsClear return automatically to passive after it was activate." DEFVAL { passive } ::= { rlPortGvrpErrorStatisticsEntry 7 } -- rlPortGvrpApplicantStatusTable rlPortGvrpApplicantStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RlPortGvrpApplicantStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of GVRP Applicant Status values for every bridge port. This is indexed by dot1dBasePort." ::= { rlGvrp 6 } rlPortGvrpApplicantStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RlPortGvrpApplicantStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "GVRP Applicant Status value for a bridge port." INDEX { dot1dBasePort } ::= { rlPortGvrpApplicantStatusTable 1 } RlPortGvrpApplicantStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rlPortGvrpApplicantStatusValue INTEGER } rlPortGvrpApplicantStatusValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { participant(1), nonParticipant(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "participant - the Gvrp enabled port sending GARP PDUs. nonParticipant - preventing the Gvrp enabled port from sending GARP PDUs." DEFVAL { participant } ::= { rlPortGvrpApplicantStatusEntry 1 } -- rlGvrpDynamicVlanCreation was deleted -- { rlGvrp 7 } reserved -- rlPortGvrpRegistrationModeTable rlPortGvrpRegistrationModeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RlPortGvrpRegistrationModeEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of GVRP Registration Mode values for every bridge port. This is indexed by dot1dBasePort." ::= { rlGvrp 8 } rlPortGvrpRegistrationModeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RlPortGvrpRegistrationModeEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "GVRP Registration Mode value for a bridge port." INDEX { dot1dBasePort } ::= { rlPortGvrpRegistrationModeTable 1 } RlPortGvrpRegistrationModeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rlPortGvrpRegistrationModeForbidden TruthValue } rlPortGvrpRegistrationModeForbidden OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "true - deregisters all VLANS on the specified port and prevents any VLAN creation or registration on that port. false - the registration operation on this port behaves normally." DEFVAL { false } ::= { rlPortGvrpRegistrationModeEntry 1 } rlDot3adAgg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 65 } rlEmbWeb OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 66 } rlSwPackageVersion OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 67 } rlSwPackageVersionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RlSwPackageVersionEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table listing the current versions of packages that are included in the running software." ::= { rlSwPackageVersion 1 } rlSwPackageVersionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RlSwPackageVersionEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The row definition for this table." INDEX {IMPLIED rlSwPackageVersionName } ::= { rlSwPackageVersionTable 1 } RlSwPackageVersionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rlSwPackageVersionName DisplayString, rlSwPackageVersionVesrion DisplayString } rlSwPackageVersionName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..20)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Package name." ::= { rlSwPackageVersionEntry 1 } rlSwPackageVersionVesrion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..20)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Package version." ::= { rlSwPackageVersionEntry 2 } rlBroadcom OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 68 } rlMultiSessionTerminal OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 69 } rlTerminalDebugModePassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..20)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When a user wants to change the terminal mode from debug mode to ASCII he must enter this password first" ::= { rlMultiSessionTerminal 1 } rlRCli OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 70 } rlRCliMibVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MIB's version, the current version is 1." ::= { rlRCli 1 } rlRCliUserPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..32)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RCLI User mode Password" ::= { rlRCli 2 } rlRCliEnablePassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..32)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RCLI Enable mode Password" ::= { rlRCli 3 } rlRCliConfigPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..32)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RCLI Config mode Password" ::= { rlRCli 4 } rlRCliTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (5..3600) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RCLI Timeout" ::= { rlRCli 5 } rlRcliFileAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notUsedAfterReset(1), usedAfterReset (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RCLI Configuration File action determines whether The device configuration after reset will be set by the configuration file content or not." ::= { rlRCli 6 } rlBgp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 71 } rlAgentsCapabilitiesGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 72 } rlAggregateVlan OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {rnd 73} rlAggregateVlanMibVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MIB's version, the current version is 1." ::= { rlAggregateVlan 1 } rlAggregateVlanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RlAggregateVlanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table creates an aggregateVlans, the IfIndex is from 10000" ::= { rlAggregateVlan 2 } rlAggregateVlanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RlAggregateVlanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The row definition for this table." INDEX { rlAggregateVlanIndex } ::= { rlAggregateVlanTable 1 } RlAggregateVlanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rlAggregateVlanIndex InterfaceIndex, rlAggregateVlanName DisplayString, rlAggregateVlanPhysAddressType INTEGER, rlAggregateVlanStatus RowStatus } rlAggregateVlanIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This index indicate the aggrigateVlan id, the aggregate vlan index is starting from 10000 " ::= { rlAggregateVlanEntry 1 } rlAggregateVlanName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..32)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the aggregateVlan " DEFVAL {""} ::= { rlAggregateVlanEntry 2 } rlAggregateVlanPhysAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { default(1), reserve(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " This variable indicates whether the physical address assigned to this VLAN should be the default one or be chosen from the set of reserved physical addresses of the device." DEFVAL{default} ::= { rlAggregateVlanEntry 3} rlAggregateVlanStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the aggregateVlan table entry. It's used to delete an entry" ::= { rlAggregateVlanEntry 4} rlAggregateSubVlanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RlAggregateSubVlanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table indicates all the allocated sub-vlans to the aggregateVlans, an entry in the rlAggregateVlanTable must be exist before allocating the subVlans" ::= { rlAggregateVlan 3 } rlAggregateSubVlanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RlAggregateSubVlanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The row definition for this table." INDEX { rlAggregateVlanIndex, rlAggregateSubVlanIfIndex } ::= { rlAggregateSubVlanTable 1 } RlAggregateSubVlanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rlAggregateSubVlanIfIndex InterfaceIndex, rlAggregateSubVlanStatus RowStatus } rlAggregateSubVlanIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicate the subVlan that allocated to the aggregate vlan" ::= { rlAggregateSubVlanEntry 1} rlAggregateSubVlanStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the aggregateSubVlan table entry. It's used to delete an entry" ::= { rlAggregateSubVlanEntry 2} rlAggregateVlanArpProxy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When ARP Proxy is enabled, the router can respond to ARP requests for nodes located on different sub-vlans, which belong to the same Super VLAN.The router responds with its own MAC address. When ARP Proxy is disabled, the router responds only to ARP requests for its own IP addresses." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { rlAggregateVlan 4 } -- rlLCli OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 74 } rlGmrp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 75 } rlGmrpSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Is Gmrp supported in the device or not." ::= { rlGmrp 1 } rlGmrpMibVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MIB's version, the current version is 1." ::= { rlGmrp 2 } rlPortGmrpTimersTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RlPortGmrpTimersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of Gmrp timer values for every bridge port. This is indexed by dot1dBasePort." ::= { rlGmrp 3 } rlPortGmrpTimersEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RlPortGmrpTimersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Gmrp timer values for a bridge port." INDEX { dot1dBasePort } ::= { rlPortGmrpTimersTable 1 } RlPortGmrpTimersEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rlPortGmrpJoinTime TimeInterval, rlPortGmrpLeaveTime TimeInterval, rlPortGmrpLeaveAllTime TimeInterval, rlPortGmrpOverrideGarp EnabledStatus } rlPortGmrpJoinTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Gmrp Join time, in centiseconds." DEFVAL { 20 } ::= { rlPortGmrpTimersEntry 1 } rlPortGmrpLeaveTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Gmrp Leave time, in centiseconds." DEFVAL { 60 } ::= { rlPortGmrpTimersEntry 2 } rlPortGmrpLeaveAllTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Gmrp LeaveAll time, in centiseconds." DEFVAL { 1000 } ::= { rlPortGmrpTimersEntry 3 } rlPortGmrpOverrideGarp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnabledStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If enabled{1}, Gmrp timer values for this port are determined by the values in this entry. Otherwise, they are determined by the values in dot1dPortGarpTable." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { rlPortGmrpTimersEntry 4 } rlGmrpVlanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RlGmrpVlanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table is to Enable/Disable Gmrp in the vlan." ::= { rlGmrp 4 } rlGmrpVlanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RlGmrpVlanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry in the rlGmrpVlanTable." INDEX { rlGmrpVlanTag } ::= { rlGmrpVlanTable 1 } RlGmrpVlanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rlGmrpVlanTag INTEGER, rlGmrpVlanEnable TruthValue } rlGmrpVlanTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The tag of the VLAN for which this entry contains information." ::= { rlGmrpVlanEntry 1 } rlGmrpVlanEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable Gmrp in the vlan." DEFVAL { false } ::= { rlGmrpVlanEntry 2 } rlDhcpCl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 76 } -- rlDhcpCl 1,2 saved for future use rlDhcpClActionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RlDhcpClActionEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The (conceptual) table mentione IP address which must be released/renewed on the interface." ::= { rlDhcpCl 3 } rlDhcpClActionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RlDhcpClActionEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in dhcpClActionTable." INDEX { rlDhcpClActionIfIndex } ::= { rlDhcpClActionTable 1 } RlDhcpClActionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rlDhcpClActionIfIndex InterfaceIndex, rlDhcpClActionStatus RowStatus, rlDhcpClActionHostName SnmpAdminString } rlDhcpClActionIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The interface which the action is implemented for or NULL if it implemented for all device. " ::= { rlDhcpClActionEntry 1 } rlDhcpClActionStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of this entry. Creating the entry renewing Dhcp address on the interface; destroying the entry release Dhcp address on the interface." ::= { rlDhcpClActionEntry 2} rlDhcpClActionHostName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..20)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " This option specifies the name of the client." ::= { rlDhcpClActionEntry 3 } ------------------------------ -- DHCP Approval feature ------------------------------ -- rlDhcpApprovalEnabled -- rlDhcpApprovalEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DHCP Approval feature status - enable (True) or desable (False). Must be True only if DHCP Approval supported, device has only one ip interface and default ip exist." ::= { rlDhcpCl 4 } -- rlDhcpApprovalWaitingTable -- rlDhcpApprovalWaitingTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RlDhcpApprovalWaitingEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP addresses waiting for approval." ::= { rlDhcpCl 5 } rlDhcpApprovalWaitingEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RlDhcpApprovalWaitingEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry in rlDhcpApprovalWaitingTable." INDEX { rlDhcpApprovalWaitingIfIndex } ::= { rlDhcpApprovalWaitingTable 1 } RlDhcpApprovalWaitingEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rlDhcpApprovalWaitingIfIndex InterfaceIndex, rlDhcpApprovalWaitingAddress IpAddress, rlDhcpApprovalWaitingMask IpAddress, rlDhcpApprovalWaitingGateway IpAddress } rlDhcpApprovalWaitingIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP interface ifIndex." ::= { rlDhcpApprovalWaitingEntry 1 } rlDhcpApprovalWaitingAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP Address waiting for approval." ::= { rlDhcpApprovalWaitingEntry 2} rlDhcpApprovalWaitingMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Mask waiting for approval." ::= { rlDhcpApprovalWaitingEntry 3} rlDhcpApprovalWaitingGateway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Default gateway of received address." ::= { rlDhcpApprovalWaitingEntry 4} -- rlDhcpApprovalActionTable -- rlDhcpApprovalActionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RlDhcpApprovalActionEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Action for waiting ip address (approve/decline)." ::= { rlDhcpCl 6 } rlDhcpApprovalActionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RlDhcpApprovalActionEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry in rlDhcpApprovalActionTable." INDEX {rlDhcpApprovalActionIfIndex, rlDhcpApprovalActionAddress, rlDhcpApprovalActionMask } ::= { rlDhcpApprovalActionTable 1 } RlDhcpApprovalActionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rlDhcpApprovalActionIfIndex InterfaceIndex, rlDhcpApprovalActionAddress IpAddress, rlDhcpApprovalActionMask IpAddress, rlDhcpApprovalActionApprove TruthValue } rlDhcpApprovalActionIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP interface ifIndex." ::= { rlDhcpApprovalActionEntry 1 } rlDhcpApprovalActionAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP Address." ::= { rlDhcpApprovalActionEntry 2 } rlDhcpApprovalActionMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP Address mask." ::= { rlDhcpApprovalActionEntry 3 } rlDhcpApprovalActionApprove OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Approve or decline ip address." ::= { rlDhcpApprovalActionEntry 4} -- ======================================================= -- DHCP Renew -- ======================================================= rlDhcpClCommandTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RlDhcpClCommandEntry ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Action MIB for DHCP Renew command." ::= { rlDhcpCl 7 } rlDhcpClCommandEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RlDhcpClCommandEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The row definition for this table." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { rlDhcpClCommandTable 1 } RlDhcpClCommandEntry::= SEQUENCE { rlDhcpClCommandAction INTEGER } rlDhcpClCommandAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), renew(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Action to apply." ::= { rlDhcpClCommandEntry 2 } ------------------------------ rlStormCtrl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 77 } rlStormCtrlSupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Identify if the strom control protection is supported" ::= { rlStormCtrl 1 } rlStormCtrlMibVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MIB's version, the current version is 3." ::= { rlStormCtrl 2 } rlStormCtrlRateUnitTypeSupport OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX BITS { -- packetsPerSecond(0), -- bytesPerSecond(1), -- framesPerBuffer(2), -- percentages(3), -- kiloBytesPerSecond(4), -- kiloBitsPerSecond(5) -- } SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "the supported rate unit type for the storm rate control" ::= { rlStormCtrl 3 } rlStormCtrlTypeSupport OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX BITS { -- unknownUnicast(0), -- unknownMulticast(1), -- broadcast(2), -- multicast(3), -- } SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "the supported frame type for the storm control protection" ::= { rlStormCtrl 4 } rlStormCtrlRateSupportPerType OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX BITS { -- unknownUnicast(0), -- unknownMulticast(1), -- broadcast(2), -- multicast(3), -- } SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "identify if rate control is supported for each frame type" ::= { rlStormCtrl 5 } rlStormCtrlEnbaleDependencyBetweenTypes OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX BITS { -- unknownUnicast(0), -- unknownMulticast(1), -- broadcast(2), -- multicast(3), -- } SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "indicate enable limitation of dependency between frame types, such as enabling of multicast should be with the enabling of broadcast type (bcm 5632)" ::= { rlStormCtrl 6 } rlStormCtrlRateDependencyBetweenTypes OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX BITS { -- unknownUnicast(0), -- unknownMulticast(1), -- broadcast(2), -- multicast(3), -- } SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "indicate limitation of dependency between frame types for rate assignment, for example: assigning of rate limit for unicast frame must assigning the same rate for multicast and bradcast frame (bcm 5615), in case the device support enbale per each frame type but with the same rate limitation." ::= { rlStormCtrl 7 } -- -- rlStormCtrlTable -- rlStormCtrlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RlStormCtrlEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table contains the storm control protection per port" ::= { rlStormCtrl 8 } rlStormCtrlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RlStormCtrlEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "storm control protection, defined per port,frame type and rate" INDEX { dot1dBasePort } ::= { rlStormCtrlTable 1 } RlStormCtrlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rlStormCtrlRateType RlStormCtrlRateUnit, rlStormCtrlUnknownUnicastEnable TruthValue, rlStormCtrlUnknownUnicastRate Unsigned-32, rlStormCtrlUnknownMulticastEnable TruthValue, rlStormCtrlUnknownMulticastRate Unsigned-32, rlStormCtrlBroadcastEnable TruthValue, rlStormCtrlBroadcastRate Unsigned-32, rlStormCtrlMulticastEnable TruthValue, rlStormCtrlMulticastRate Unsigned-32, rlStormCtrlSetDefaultRateType TruthValue, rlStormCtrlSetDefaultUnknownUnicastEnable TruthValue, rlStormCtrlSetDefaultUnknownUnicastRate TruthValue, rlStormCtrlSetDefaultUnknownMulticastEnable TruthValue, rlStormCtrlSetDefaultUnknownMulticastRate TruthValue, rlStormCtrlSetDefaultBroadcastEnable TruthValue, rlStormCtrlSetDefaultBroadcastRate TruthValue, rlStormCtrlSetDefaultMulticastEnable TruthValue, rlStormCtrlSetDefaultMulticastRate TruthValue } rlStormCtrlRateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RlStormCtrlRateUnit ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "indicate the rate unit type" ::= { rlStormCtrlEntry 1 } rlStormCtrlUnknownUnicastEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "enable or disable the storm control for unknown unicast frames" DEFVAL { false } ::= { rlStormCtrlEntry 2 } rlStormCtrlUnknownUnicastRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned-32 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "set the storm control rate limit for the unknown unicast frames, 0 indicate blocking of frames from this type." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rlStormCtrlEntry 3 } rlStormCtrlUnknownMulticastEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "enable or disable the storm control for unknown multicast frames" DEFVAL { false } ::= { rlStormCtrlEntry 4 } rlStormCtrlUnknownMulticastRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned-32 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "set the storm control rate limit for the unknown multicast frames, 0 indicate blocking of frames from this type." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rlStormCtrlEntry 5 } rlStormCtrlBroadcastEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "enable or disable the storm control for Broadcast frames" DEFVAL { false } ::= { rlStormCtrlEntry 6 } rlStormCtrlBroadcastRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned-32 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "set the storm control rate limit for the Broadcast frames, 0 indicate blocking of frames from this type." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rlStormCtrlEntry 7 } rlStormCtrlMulticastEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "enable or disable the storm control for multicast frames" DEFVAL { false } ::= { rlStormCtrlEntry 8 } rlStormCtrlMulticastRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned-32 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "set the storm control rate limit for the multicast frames, 0 indicate blocking of frames from this type." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rlStormCtrlEntry 9 } rlStormCtrlSetDefaultRateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "indicate if return the rate unit type to its default." DEFVAL { false } ::= { rlStormCtrlEntry 10 } rlStormCtrlSetDefaultUnknownUnicastEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "indicate if return the storm control enable for unknown unicast frames to its default." DEFVAL { false } ::= { rlStormCtrlEntry 11 } rlStormCtrlSetDefaultUnknownUnicastRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "indicate if return the storm control rate limit for the unknown unicast frames to its default." DEFVAL { false } ::= { rlStormCtrlEntry 12 } rlStormCtrlSetDefaultUnknownMulticastEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "indicate if return the storm control enable for unknown multicast frames to its default." DEFVAL { false } ::= { rlStormCtrlEntry 13 } rlStormCtrlSetDefaultUnknownMulticastRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "indicate if return the storm control rate limit for the unknown multicast frames to its default." DEFVAL { false } ::= { rlStormCtrlEntry 14 } rlStormCtrlSetDefaultBroadcastEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "indicate if return the storm control enable for Broadcast frames to its default." DEFVAL { false } ::= { rlStormCtrlEntry 15 } rlStormCtrlSetDefaultBroadcastRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "indicate if return the storm control rate limit for the Broadcast frames to its default." DEFVAL { false } ::= { rlStormCtrlEntry 16 } rlStormCtrlSetDefaultMulticastEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "indicate if return the storm control for multicast frames to its default." DEFVAL { false } ::= { rlStormCtrlEntry 17 } rlStormCtrlSetDefaultMulticastRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "indicate if return the storm control rate limit for the multicast frames to its default." DEFVAL { false } ::= { rlStormCtrlEntry 18 } -- -- rlStormCtrlGroupTable -- rlStormCtrlGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RlStormCtrlGroupEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table contains per port for each supported frame type to which group it belongs." ::= { rlStormCtrl 9 } rlStormCtrlGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RlStormCtrlGroupEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "group id for each supported frame type defined per port." INDEX { dot1dBasePort } ::= { rlStormCtrlGroupTable 1 } RlStormCtrlGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rlStormCtrlGroupUnknownUnicastId INTEGER, rlStormCtrlGroupUnknownMulticastId INTEGER, rlStormCtrlGroupBroadcastId INTEGER, rlStormCtrlGroupMulticastId INTEGER } rlStormCtrlGroupUnknownUnicastId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the id of the group for unknown unicast frame type that the port belongs to, 0 indicates that unknown unicast frame type is not supported." ::= { rlStormCtrlGroupEntry 1 } rlStormCtrlGroupUnknownMulticastId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the id of the group for unknown multicast frame type that the port belongs to, 0 indicates that unknown multicast frame type is not supported." ::= { rlStormCtrlGroupEntry 2 } rlStormCtrlGroupBroadcastId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the id of the group for broadcast frame type that the port belongs to, 0 indicates that broadcast frame type is not supported." ::= { rlStormCtrlGroupEntry 3 } rlStormCtrlGroupMulticastId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the id of the group for multicast frame type that the port belongs to, 0 indicates that multicast frame type is not supported." ::= { rlStormCtrlGroupEntry 4 } rlSsh OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 78 } rlAAA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 79 } rlRadius OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 80 } -- see rlAAA.mib rlTraceRoute OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 81 } rlTraceRouteMibVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MIB's version, the current version is 1." ::= { rlTraceRoute 1 } rlSyslog OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 82 } rlEnv OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 83 } -- rlPhysicalDescription OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rlEnv 1 } -- entitySensorMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rlEnv 2 } rlSmon OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 84 } rlPortCopyMibVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MIB's version, the current version is 1." ::= { rlSmon 1 } rlPortCopySupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { supported(1), notSupported(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "supported - The standard portCopy is supported. notSupported - the standard portCopy is not supported. only basic portCopy operation is supported. " ::= { rlSmon 2 } rlPortCopyVlanTaggingTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RlPortCopyVlanTaggingEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A supplementing table for portCopyTable. For every portCopyDest a vlan-tagging option is available." ::= { rlSmon 3 } rlPortCopyVlanTaggingEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RlPortCopyVlanTaggingEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Each entry specify how mirrored packets will transmit from the portCopyDest: Tagged or unTagged. The values in this entry will be valid only when the dot1dBasePort will be configured as a portCopyDest in the portCopyTable." INDEX { dot1dBasePort } ::= { rlPortCopyVlanTaggingTable 1 } RlPortCopyVlanTaggingEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rlPortCopyVlanTagging TruthValue } rlPortCopyVlanTagging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TRUE - Mirrored packets will transmit from portCopyDest - Tagged FALSE - Mirrored packets will transmit from portCopyDest - unTagged" DEFVAL { true } ::= { rlPortCopyVlanTaggingEntry 1 } rlSocket OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 85 } rlSocketMibVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MIB's version, the current version is 1." ::= { rlSocket 1 } rlSocketTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RlSocketEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the sockets which are currently open in the system." ::= { rlSocket 2 } rlSocketEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RlSocketEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the SocketTable." INDEX { rlSocketId } ::= { rlSocketTable 1 } RlSocketEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rlSocketId INTEGER, rlSocketType INTEGER, rlSocketState INTEGER, rlSocketBlockMode INTEGER, rlSocketUpTime TimeTicks } rlSocketId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of the id of the socket. " ::= { rlSocketEntry 1 } rlSocketType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { stream(1), dgram(2), raw(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies the type of the socket. " ::= { rlSocketEntry 2 } rlSocketState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { connected(1), notConnected(2), recvClosed(3), sendClosed(4), closed(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies the state in which the socket is in. " ::= { rlSocketEntry 3 } rlSocketBlockMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { blocking(1), nonBlocking(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies the blocking mode of the socket. " ::= { rlSocketEntry 4 } rlSocketUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time elapsed since this socket was created." ::= { rlSocketEntry 5 } rlDigitalKeyManage OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 86 } rlMD5KeyChainTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RlMD5KeyChainEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Key-chains and key ID's" ::= { rlDigitalKeyManage 1 } rlMD5KeyChainEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RlMD5KeyChainEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Key-chain with key ID that belongs to this chain" INDEX {rlMD5KeyChainName, rlMD5KeyChainKeyId} ::= { rlMD5KeyChainTable 1 } RlMD5KeyChainEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rlMD5KeyChainName DisplayString, rlMD5KeyChainKeyId INTEGER, rlMD5KeyChainKeyRowStatus RowStatus } rlMD5KeyChainName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name of the key-chain to which belongs the secret authentication key" ::= { rlMD5KeyChainEntry 1 } rlMD5KeyChainKeyId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A 8-bit identifier for the secret authentication key. This identifier is the same as key ID used in rlMD5KeyTable." ::= { rlMD5KeyChainEntry 2 } rlMD5KeyChainKeyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "It is used to insert, update or delete an entry" ::= { rlMD5KeyChainEntry 3 } rlMD5KeyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RlMD5KeyEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Secret authentication keys used by MD5 Authentication Algorithm" ::= { rlDigitalKeyManage 2 } rlMD5KeyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RlMD5KeyEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Secret authentication key with all related parameters" INDEX {rlMD5KeyId} ::= { rlMD5KeyTable 1 } RlMD5KeyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rlMD5KeyId INTEGER, rlMD5Key DisplayString, rlMD5KeyStartAccept DateAndTime, rlMD5KeyStartGenerate DateAndTime, rlMD5KeyStopGenerate DateAndTime, rlMD5KeyStopAccept DateAndTime, rlMD5KeyRowStatus RowStatus } rlMD5KeyId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A 8-bit identifier for the secret authentication key" ::= { rlMD5KeyEntry 1 } rlMD5Key OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..16)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The 128-bit secret authentication key. The key can get value only once and cannot be modified. When read, rlMD5KeyChainKey always returns an Octet String of length zero." ::= { rlMD5KeyEntry 2 } rlMD5KeyStartAccept OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time that the router will start accepting packets that have been created with the given key" DEFVAL { '00000000'H } ::= { rlMD5KeyEntry 3 } rlMD5KeyStartGenerate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time that the router will start using the key for packet generation" DEFVAL { '00000000'H } ::= { rlMD5KeyEntry 4 } rlMD5KeyStopGenerate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time that the router will stop using the key for packet generation" DEFVAL { 'FFFFFFFF'H } ::= { rlMD5KeyEntry 5 } rlMD5KeyStopAccept OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time that the router will stop accepting packets that have been created with the given key" DEFVAL { 'FFFFFFFF'H } ::= { rlMD5KeyEntry 6 } rlMD5KeyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "It is used to insert, update or delete an entry" ::= { rlMD5KeyEntry 7 } rlCopy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 87 } rlQosCliMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 88 } rlMngInf OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 89 } rlPhy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 90 } rlJumboFrames OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 91 } rlJumboFramesCurrentStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Show the current Jumbo Frames status" ::= { rlJumboFrames 1 } rlJumboFramesStatusAfterReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Set the Jumbo Frames status after reset" ::= { rlJumboFrames 2 } rlTimeSynchronization OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 92 } rlDnsCl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 93 } rlCDB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 94 } rlStartupCDBChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the startup CDB has changed between the router's last two reboots" ::= {rlCDB 1 } rlManualReboot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the device was shutdown orderly before reboot or not (i.e. power failure)" ::= {rlCDB 2 } rldot1x OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 95 } rldot1xMibVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MIB's version, the current version is 1." ::= { rldot1x 1 } rldot1xExtAuthSessionStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Rldot1xExtAuthSessionStatsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table that contains the session statistics objects for the Authenticator PAE associated with each Port. An entry appears in this table for each port that may authenticate access to itself." ::= { rldot1x 2 } rldot1xExtAuthSessionStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Rldot1xExtAuthSessionStatsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The session statistics information for an Authenticator PAE. This shows the current values being collected for each session that is still in progress, or the final values for the last valid session on each port where there is no session currently active." AUGMENTS { dot1xAuthSessionStatsEntry } ::= { rldot1xExtAuthSessionStatsTable 1 } Rldot1xExtAuthSessionStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rlDot1xAuthSessionAuthenticMethod INTEGER } rlDot1xAuthSessionAuthenticMethod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { remoteAuthServer(1), localAuthServer(2), none(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The authentication method used to establish the session." ::= { rldot1xExtAuthSessionStatsEntry 1 } rldot1xGuestVlanSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "indicate if guest vlan is supported." ::= { rldot1x 3 } rldot1xGuestVlanVID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanIndex ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "specify the guest vlan tag , 0 for non exiting." ::= { rldot1x 4 } rldot1xGuestVlanPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortList ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "the ports that can be members in the guest vlan" ::= { rldot1x 5 } rldot1xUnAuthenticatedVlanSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "indicate if unauthenticated Vlan is supported." ::= { rldot1x 6 } rldot1xUnAuthenticatedVlanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Rldot1xUnAuthenticatedVlanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "port belong to vlan in all port authenticated state except force unauthenticated table" ::= { rldot1x 7 } rldot1xUnAuthenticatedVlanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Rldot1xUnAuthenticatedVlanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " port belong to vlan in all port authenticated state except force unauthenticated entry" INDEX { dot1qFdbId } ::= { rldot1xUnAuthenticatedVlanTable 1 } Rldot1xUnAuthenticatedVlanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rldot1xUnAuthenticatedVlanStatus RowStatus } rldot1xUnAuthenticatedVlanStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The row status variable, used according to row installation and removal conventions." ::= { rldot1xUnAuthenticatedVlanEntry 1 } rldot1xUserBasedVlanSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "indicate if user based Vlan is supported." ::= { rldot1x 8 } rldot1xUserBasedVlanPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortList ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "the ports that can be members in the user based vlan" ::= { rldot1x 9 } rldot1xAuthenticationPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Rldot1xAuthenticationPortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of system level information for each port supported by the Port Access Entity. An entry appears in this table for each port of this system." ::= { rldot1x 10 } rldot1xAuthenticationPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Rldot1xAuthenticationPortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Port number and mac method" INDEX { dot1xPaePortNumber } ::= { rldot1xAuthenticationPortTable 1 } Rldot1xAuthenticationPortEntry::= SEQUENCE { rldot1xAuthenticationPortMethod INTEGER } rldot1xAuthenticationPortMethod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { eapolOnly(1), macAndEapol(2), macOnly(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of the mac based authenication." DEFVAL { eapolOnly } ::= { rldot1xAuthenticationPortEntry 1 } -------------------------------------------------------------- -- The Authenticator Statistics Table -------------------------------------------------------------- rldot1xAuthMultiStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Rldot1xAuthMultiStatsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table that contains the statistics objects for the Authenticator PAE associated with each Port and MAC for multisession 802.1x mode of operation. An entry appears in this table for each port and MAC that have an authentication session currently running under way for them." REFERENCE "9.4.2 Authenticator Statistics" ::= { rldot1x 11 } rldot1xAuthMultiStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Rldot1xAuthMultiStatsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The statistics information for an Authenticator PAE." INDEX { rldot1xAuthMultiStatsPortNumber, rldot1xAuthMultiStatsSourceMac } ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiStatsTable 1 } Rldot1xAuthMultiStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rldot1xAuthMultiStatsPortNumber INTEGER, rldot1xAuthMultiStatsSourceMac MacAddress, rldot1xAuthMultiEapolFramesRx Counter32, rldot1xAuthMultiEapolFramesTx Counter32, rldot1xAuthMultiEapolStartFramesRx Counter32, rldot1xAuthMultiEapolLogoffFramesRx Counter32, rldot1xAuthMultiEapolRespIdFramesRx Counter32, rldot1xAuthMultiEapolRespFramesRx Counter32, rldot1xAuthMultiEapolReqIdFramesTx Counter32, rldot1xAuthMultiEapolReqFramesTx Counter32, rldot1xAuthMultiInvalidEapolFramesRx Counter32, rldot1xAuthMultiEapLengthErrorFramesRx Counter32 } rldot1xAuthMultiStatsPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port Number." ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiStatsEntry 1 } rldot1xAuthMultiStatsSourceMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Mac of the authentication session." ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiStatsEntry 2 } rldot1xAuthMultiEapolFramesRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of valid EAPOL frames of any type that have been received by this Authenticator." REFERENCE "9.4.2, EAPOL frames received" ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiStatsEntry 3 } rldot1xAuthMultiEapolFramesTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of EAPOL frames of any type that have been transmitted by this Authenticator." REFERENCE "9.4.2, EAPOL frames transmitted" ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiStatsEntry 4 } rldot1xAuthMultiEapolStartFramesRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of EAPOL Start frames that have been received by this Authenticator." REFERENCE "9.4.2, EAPOL Start frames received" ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiStatsEntry 5 } rldot1xAuthMultiEapolLogoffFramesRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of EAPOL Logoff frames that have been received by this Authenticator." REFERENCE "9.4.2, EAPOL Logoff frames received" ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiStatsEntry 6 } rldot1xAuthMultiEapolRespIdFramesRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of EAP Resp/Id frames that have been received by this Authenticator." REFERENCE "9.4.2, EAPOL Resp/Id frames received" ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiStatsEntry 7 } rldot1xAuthMultiEapolRespFramesRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of valid EAP Response frames (other than Resp/Id frames) that have been received by this Authenticator." REFERENCE "9.4.2, EAPOL Response frames received" ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiStatsEntry 8 } rldot1xAuthMultiEapolReqIdFramesTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of EAP Req/Id frames that have been transmitted by this Authenticator." REFERENCE "9.4.2, EAPOL Req/Id frames transmitted" ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiStatsEntry 9 } rldot1xAuthMultiEapolReqFramesTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of EAP Request frames (other than Rq/Id frames) that have been transmitted by this Authenticator." REFERENCE "9.4.2, EAPOL Request frames transmitted" ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiStatsEntry 10 } rldot1xAuthMultiInvalidEapolFramesRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of EAPOL frames that have been received by this Authenticator in which the frame type is not recognized." REFERENCE "9.4.2, Invalid EAPOL frames received" ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiStatsEntry 11 } rldot1xAuthMultiEapLengthErrorFramesRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of EAPOL frames that have been received by this Authenticator in which the Packet Body Length field is invalid." REFERENCE "9.4.2, EAP length error frames received" ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiStatsEntry 12 } -------------------------------------------------------------- -- The Authenticator Diagnostics Table -------------------------------------------------------------- rldot1xAuthMultiDiagTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Rldot1xAuthMultiDiagEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table that contains the diagnostics objects for the Authenticator PAE associated with each Port and MAC. An entry appears in this table for each port and MAC that have an authentication session currently running under way for them." REFERENCE "9.4.3 Authenticator Diagnostics" ::= { rldot1x 12 } rldot1xAuthMultiDiagEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Rldot1xAuthMultiDiagEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The diagnostics information for an Authenticator PAE." INDEX { rldot1xAuthMultiDiagPortNumber, rldot1xAuthMultiDiagSourceMac } ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiDiagTable 1 } Rldot1xAuthMultiDiagEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rldot1xAuthMultiDiagPortNumber INTEGER, rldot1xAuthMultiDiagSourceMac MacAddress, rldot1xAuthMultiEntersConnecting Counter32, ---------- rldot1xAuthMultiEapLogoffsWhileConnecting ---------- Counter32, rldot1xAuthMultiEntersAuthenticating Counter32, rldot1xAuthMultiAuthSuccessWhileAuthenticating Counter32, ---------- rldot1xAuthMultiAuthTimeoutsWhileAuthenticating ---------- Counter32, rldot1xAuthMultiAuthFailWhileAuthenticating Counter32, rldot1xAuthMultiAuthReauthsWhileAuthenticating Counter32, rldot1xAuthMultiAuthEapStartsWhileAuthenticating Counter32, ---------- rldot1xAuthMultiAuthEapLogoffWhileAuthenticating ---------- Counter32, rldot1xAuthMultiAuthReauthsWhileAuthenticated Counter32, rldot1xAuthMultiAuthEapStartsWhileAuthenticated Counter32, ---------- rldot1xAuthMultiAuthEapLogoffWhileAuthenticated ---------- Counter32, rldot1xAuthMultiBackendResponses Counter32, rldot1xAuthMultiBackendAccessChallenges Counter32, rldot1xAuthMultiBackendOtherRequestsToSupplicant Counter32, rldot1xAuthMultiBackendNonNakResponsesFromSupplicant Counter32, rldot1xAuthMultiBackendAuthSuccesses Counter32 ---------- rldot1xAuthMultiBackendAuthFails ---------- Counter32 } rldot1xAuthMultiDiagPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port Number." ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiDiagEntry 1 } rldot1xAuthMultiDiagSourceMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Mac of the authentication session." ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiDiagEntry 2 } rldot1xAuthMultiEntersConnecting OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions to the CONNECTING state from any other state." REFERENCE "9.4.2," ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiDiagEntry 3 } rldot1xAuthMultiEntersAuthenticating OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions from CONNECTING to AUTHENTICATING, as a result of an EAP-Response/Identity message being received from the Supplicant." REFERENCE "9.4.2," ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiDiagEntry 4 } rldot1xAuthMultiAuthSuccessWhileAuthenticating OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions from AUTHENTICATING to AUTHENTICATED, as a result of the Backend Authentication state machine indicating successful authentication of the Supplicant (authSuccess = TRUE)." REFERENCE "9.4.2," ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiDiagEntry 5 } rldot1xAuthMultiAuthFailWhileAuthenticating OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions from AUTHENTICATING to HELD, as a result of the Backend Authentication state machine indicating authentication failure (authFail = TRUE)." REFERENCE "9.4.2," ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiDiagEntry 6 } rldot1xAuthMultiAuthReauthsWhileAuthenticating OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions from AUTHENTICATING to ABORTING, as a result of a reauthentication request (reAuthenticate = TRUE)." REFERENCE "9.4.2," ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiDiagEntry 7 } rldot1xAuthMultiAuthEapStartsWhileAuthenticating OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions from AUTHENTICATING to ABORTING, as a result of an EAPOL-Start message being received from the Supplicant." REFERENCE "9.4.2," ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiDiagEntry 8 } rldot1xAuthMultiAuthReauthsWhileAuthenticated OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions from AUTHENTICATED to CONNECTING, as a result of a reauthentication request (reAuthenticate = TRUE)." REFERENCE "9.4.2," ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiDiagEntry 9 } rldot1xAuthMultiAuthEapStartsWhileAuthenticated OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions from AUTHENTICATED to CONNECTING, as a result of an EAPOL-Start message being received from the Supplicant." REFERENCE "9.4.2," ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiDiagEntry 10 } rldot1xAuthMultiBackendResponses OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counts the number of times that the state machine sends an initial Access-Request packet to the Authentication server (i.e., executes sendRespToServer on entry to the RESPONSE state). Indicates that the Authenticator attempted communication with the Authentication Server." REFERENCE "9.4.2," ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiDiagEntry 11 } rldot1xAuthMultiBackendAccessChallenges OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counts the number of times that the state machine receives an initial Access-Challenge packet from the Authentication server (i.e., aReq becomes TRUE, causing exit from the RESPONSE state). Indicates that the Authentication Server has communication with the Authenticator." REFERENCE "9.4.2," ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiDiagEntry 12 } rldot1xAuthMultiBackendOtherRequestsToSupplicant OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counts the number of times that the state machine sends an EAP-Request packet (other than an Identity, Notification, Failure or Success message) to the Supplicant (i.e., executes txReq on entry to the REQUEST state). Indicates that the Authenticator chose an EAP-method." REFERENCE "9.4.2," ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiDiagEntry 13 } rldot1xAuthMultiBackendNonNakResponsesFromSupplicant OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counts the number of times that the state machine receives a response from the Supplicant to an initial EAP-Request, and the response is something other than EAP-NAK (i.e., rxResp becomes TRUE, causing the state machine to transition from REQUEST to RESPONSE, and the response is not an EAP-NAK). Indicates that the Supplicant can respond to the Authenticators chosen EAP-method." REFERENCE "9.4.2," ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiDiagEntry 14 } rldot1xAuthMultiBackendAuthSuccesses OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counts the number of times that the state machine receives an EAP-Success message from the Authentication Server (i.e., aSuccess becomes TRUE, causing a transition from RESPONSE to SUCCESS). Indicates that the Supplicant has successfully authenticated to the Authentication Server." REFERENCE "9.4.2," ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiDiagEntry 15 } -------------------------------------------------------------- -- The Authenticator Session Statistics Table -------------------------------------------------------------- rldot1xAuthMultiSessionStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Rldot1xAuthMultiSessionStatsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table that contains the session statistics objects for the Authenticator PAE associated with each Port. An entry appears in this table for each port that may authenticate access to itself." REFERENCE "9.4.4" ::= { rldot1x 13 } rldot1xAuthMultiSessionStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Rldot1xAuthMultiSessionStatsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The session statistics information for an Authenticator PAE. This shows the mandatory values being collected for each session that is still in progress, or the final values for the last valid session on each port where there is no session currently active." INDEX { rldot1xAuthMultiSessionStatsPortNumber, rldot1xAuthMultiSessionStatsSourceMac } ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiSessionStatsTable 1 } Rldot1xAuthMultiSessionStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rldot1xAuthMultiSessionStatsPortNumber INTEGER, rldot1xAuthMultiSessionStatsSourceMac MacAddress, rldot1xAuthMultiSessionOctetsRx Counter64, rldot1xAuthMultiSessionOctetsTx Counter64, rldot1xAuthMultiSessionFramesRx Counter32, rldot1xAuthMultiSessionFramesTx Counter32, rldot1xAuthMultiSessionId SnmpAdminString, ---------- rldot1xAuthMultiSessionAuthenticMethod ---------- INTEGER, rldot1xAuthMultiSessionTime TimeTicks, ---------- rldot1xAuthMultiSessionTerminateCause ---------- INTEGER, rldot1xAuthMultiSessionUserName SnmpAdminString } rldot1xAuthMultiSessionStatsPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port Number." ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiSessionStatsEntry 1 } rldot1xAuthMultiSessionStatsSourceMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Mac of the authentication session." ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiSessionStatsEntry 2 } rldot1xAuthMultiSessionOctetsRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of octets received in user data frames on this Port during the session." REFERENCE "9.4.4, Session Octets Received" ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiSessionStatsEntry 3 } rldot1xAuthMultiSessionOctetsTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of octets transmitted in user data frames on this Port during the session." REFERENCE "9.4.4, Session Octets Transmitted" ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiSessionStatsEntry 4 } rldot1xAuthMultiSessionFramesRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of user data frames received on this Port during the session." REFERENCE "9.4.4, Session Frames Received" ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiSessionStatsEntry 5 } rldot1xAuthMultiSessionFramesTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of user data frames transmitted on this Port during the session." REFERENCE "9.4.4, Session Frames Transmitted" ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiSessionStatsEntry 6 } rldot1xAuthMultiSessionId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier for the session, in the form of a printable ASCII string of at least three characters." REFERENCE "9.4.4, Session Identifier" ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiSessionStatsEntry 7 } rldot1xAuthMultiSessionTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The duration of the session in seconds." REFERENCE "9.4.4, Session Time" ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiSessionStatsEntry 8 } rldot1xAuthMultiSessionUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The User-Name representing the identity of the Supplicant PAE." REFERENCE "9.4.4, Session User Name" ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiSessionStatsEntry 9 } -------------------------------------------------------------- -- The Authenticator Configuration Table -------------------------------------------------------------- rldot1xAuthMultiConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Rldot1xAuthMultiConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table that contains the configuration objects for the Authenticator PAE associated with each port and MAC. An entry appears in this table for each port and MAC that may authenticate access to itself." REFERENCE "9.4.1 Authenticator Configuration" ::= { rldot1x 14 } rldot1xAuthMultiConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Rldot1xAuthMultiConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The configuration information for an Authenticator PAE." INDEX { rldot1xAuthMultiPortNumber, rldot1xAuthMultiSourceMac } ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiConfigTable 1 } Rldot1xAuthMultiConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rldot1xAuthMultiPortNumber INTEGER, rldot1xAuthMultiSourceMac MacAddress, rldot1xAuthMultiPaeState INTEGER, rldot1xAuthMultiBackendAuthState INTEGER, rldot1xAuthMultiControlledPortStatus PaeControlledPortStatus } rldot1xAuthMultiPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port Number." ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiConfigEntry 1 } rldot1xAuthMultiSourceMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Mac of the authentication session." ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiConfigEntry 2 } rldot1xAuthMultiPaeState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { initialize(1), disconnected(2), connecting(3), authenticating(4), authenticated(5), aborting(6), held(7), forceAuth(8), forceUnauth(9) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current value of the Authenticator PAE state machine." REFERENCE "9.4.1, Authenticator PAE state" ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiConfigEntry 3 } rldot1xAuthMultiBackendAuthState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { request(1), response(2), success(3), fail(4), timeout(5), idle(6), initialize(7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current state of the Backend Authentication state machine." REFERENCE "9.4.1, Backend Authentication state" ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiConfigEntry 4 } rldot1xAuthMultiControlledPortStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PaeControlledPortStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current value of the controlled Port status parameter for the Port." REFERENCE "9.4.1, AuthControlledPortStatus" ::= { rldot1xAuthMultiConfigEntry 5 } rldot1xBpduFilteringEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specify that when 802.1x is globally disabled, 802.1x BPDU packets would be filtered or bridged." ::= { rldot1x 15 } rlFile OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 96 } rlAAAEap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 97 } rlSNMP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 98 } --rlQosServ OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 99 } rlSsl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 100 } rlMacBasePrio OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 101 } rlWlanAccessPoint OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 102 } rlLocalization OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 103 } rlRs232 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 104 } rlNicRedundancy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 105 } rlAmap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 106 } rlStack OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 107 } rlPoe OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 108 } rlUPnP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 109 } rlLldp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 110 } rlOib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 111 } rlBridgeSecurity OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 112 } rlDhcpSpoofing OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 113 } rlBonjour OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 114 } rlLinksysSmartMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 115 } rlBrgMulticast OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 116 } rlBrgMcMngr OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 117 } rlGlobalIpAddrTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 118 } dlPrivate OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 119 } rlSecuritySuiteMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 120 } rlIntel OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 121 } --xxxx OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 122 } rlAutoUpdate OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 123 } rlCpuCounters OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 124 } rlWlanMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 200 } rndEndOfMibGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rnd 1000 } rndEndOfMib OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " This variable indicates this is the end of RND MIB." ::= { rndEndOfMibGroup 1 } -- Enterprise-specific traps for RND -- Each enterprise-specific trap has two bound variables describing the exact nature of -- the trap. rndErrorDesc provides a detailed description of the problem, including the -- related interface number, board number or any other applicable variable. -- rndErrorSeverity describes the severity of this problem. -- Trap template -- ------------- -- TRAP-TYPE -- ENTERPRISE rnd -- VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } -- DESCRIPTION -- "" -- ::= -- ------------- rxOverflowHWFault TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "An RX buffer overflow has occurred in one of the LAN or link interfaces. The bound variable rndErrorDesc provides the interface number." ::= 3 txOverflowHWFault TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Interport queue overflow has occurred in one of the LAN or link interfaces. The bound variable rndErrorDesc provides the interface number." ::= 4 routeTableOverflow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "An overflow condition has occurred in the Routing Table. The Routing Table is used for IP routing algorithm (RIP)." ::= 5 resetRequired TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that in order to perform the last SET request, a reset operation of the router/bridge is required. This occurs when the layer 2 routing algorithm is changed between SPF and Spanning Tree. The reset can be performed manually or using the variable rndAction." ::= 10 endTftp TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that in the device finished a TFTP transaction with the management station. variable rndErrorDesc and rndErrorSeverity provides the actual message text and severity respectively." ::= 12 abortTftp TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that in the device aborted a TFTP session with the management station. Variable rndErrorDesc and rndErrorSeverity provides the actual message text and severity respectively." ::= 13 startTftp TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating that the device has intiated a TFTP session. rndErrorDesc will contain the file type in question" ::= 14 faultBackUp TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Automantic switchover to backup link because of main link fault." ::= 23 mainLinkUp TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Communication returened to main link." ::= 24 ipxRipTblOverflow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that in an OpenGate IPX RIP table overflow. The bound variable rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity provides the actual message text and severity respectively." ::= 36 ipxSapTblOverflow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that in an OpenGate IPX SAP table overflow. The bound variable rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity provides the actual message text and severity respectively." ::= 37 facsAccessVoilation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that message that fits FACS statenebt with operation blockAndReport was forward to the interface. The bound variable rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity(== info ) and interface Number." ::= 49 autoConfigurationCompleted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that auto comfiguration completetd succssefully. The bound variable rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity(== info )" ::= 50 forwardingTabOverflow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that an overflow condition has occurred in the layer II Forward Table. The bound variable rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity(== warning )" ::= 51 framRelaySwitchConnectionUp TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a connection establish between the Frame relay Switch and the WanGate. The bound variable rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity(== warning )" ::= 53 framRelaySwitchConnectionDown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a connection between the Frame Relay Switch and the WanGate failed. The bound variable rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity(== warning )" ::= 54 errorsDuringInit TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the an error occured during initialization The bound variable rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity(== error )" ::= 61 vlanDynPortAdded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "" ::= 66 vlanDynPortRemoved TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "" ::= 67 rsSDclientsTableOverflow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "This warning is generated when an overflow occurs in the clients table." ::= 68 rsSDinactiveServer TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "This warning is generated when a server does not respond to the dispatchers polling and is thought to be inactive." ::= 69 rsIpZhrConnectionsTableOverflow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "The Zero Hop Routing connections Table has been overflown." ::= 70 rsIpZhrReqStaticConnNotAccepted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "The requested static connection was not accepted because there is no available IP virtual address to allocate to it." ::= 71 rsIpZhrVirtualIpAsSource TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "The virtual IP address appeared as a source IP. All the connections using it will be deleted and it will not be further allocated to new connections." ::= 72 rsIpZhrNotAllocVirtualIp TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "The source IP address sent an ARP specifying a virtual IP which was not allocated for this source. This virtual IP will not be allocated to connections of this specific source IP." ::= 73 rsSnmpSetRequestInSpecialCfgState TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "An incoming SNMP SET request was rejected because no such requests (except action requests) are accepted after start of new configuration reception or during sending the current configuration to an NMS." ::= 74 rsPingCompletion TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "A rsPingCompleted trap is sent at the completion of a sequence of pings if such a trap was requested when the sequence was initiated. The trap severity is info. The trap text will specify the following information: rsPingCompletionStatus, rsPingSentPackets, rsPingReceivedPackets In addition to the above listed objects (which are always present), the message will also specify the following quantities: if any responses were received: rsPingMinReturnTime rsPingAvgReturnTime rsPingMaxReturnTime" ::= 136 pppSecurityViolation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a PPP link got an unrecognized secret. The bound variables rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity(== warning ), interface Number. and pppSecurityIdentity" ::= 137 frDLCIStatudChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "" ::= 138 papFailedCommunication TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "" ::= 139 chapFailedCommunication TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "" ::= 140 rsWSDRedundancySwitch TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Whenever main server fails and backup takes over or server comes up after failure a trap of this type is issued." ::= 141 rsDhcpAllocationFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "DHCP failed to allocate an IP address to a requesting host because of memory shortage or inadequate configuration of available IP addresses." ::= 142 -- Traps 143 - 144 reserved for IP Multicast rlIpFftStnOverflow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "The IP SFFT overflow." ::= 145 rlIpFftSubOverflow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "The IP NFFT overflow." ::= 146 rlIpxFftStnOverflow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "The IPX SFFT overflow." ::= 147 rlIpxFftSubOverflow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "The IPX NFFT overflow." ::= 148 rlIpmFftOverflow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "The IPM FFT overflow." ::= 149 rlPhysicalDescriptionChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the physical decription of the device has changed" ::= 150 rldot1dStpPortStateForwarding TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity, rldot1dStpTrapVrblifIndex, rldot1dStpTrapVrblVID } DESCRIPTION "The trap is sent by a bridge when any of its configured ports transitions from the Learning state to the Forwarding state." ::= 151 rldot1dStpPortStateNotForwarding TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity, rldot1dStpTrapVrblifIndex, rldot1dStpTrapVrblVID } DESCRIPTION "The trap is sent by a bridge when any of its configured ports transitions from the Forwarding state to the Blocking state." ::= 152 rlPolicyDropPacketTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the packet drop due to the policy " ::= 153 rlPolicyForwardPacketTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the packet has forward based on policy" ::= 154 -- Trap 155 - 144 reserved for DVMRP rlIgmpProxyTableOverflow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "An IGMP PROXY Table overflow." ::= 156 rlIgmpV1MsgReceived TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "An IGMP Message of v1 received on ifIndex. " ::= 157 rlVrrpEntriesDeleted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity} DESCRIPTION "One or more VRRP entries deleted due to IP interface deletion or transition. " ::= 158 rlHotSwapTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES {rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity} DESCRIPTION "Hot swap trap." ::= 159 rlTrunkPortAddedTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating that a port is added to a trunk" ::= 160 rlTrunkPortRemovedTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "This warning is generated when a port removed from a trunk." ::= 161 rlTrunkPortNotCapableTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating that a port can not be added to a trunk because of device limitations or diffrent swIfType." ::= 162 -- Traps 163 - 169 reserved for IP Multicast rlLockPortTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating that a locked port receive a frame with new source Mac Address." ::= 170 vlanDynVlanAdded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "add gvrp dynamic vlan" ::= 171 vlanDynVlanRemoved TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "remove gvrp dynamic vlan" ::= 172 vlanDynamicToStatic TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "vlan status was changed from dynamic to static" ::= 173 vlanStaticToDynamic TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "vlan status was changed from static to dynamic" ::= 174 dstrSysLog TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Master receive trap from slave , and forward it as trap" ::= 175 rlEnvMonFanStateChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Trap indicating the fan state. rndErrorSeverity will be: 0 for fan state nomal, notPresent 1 for fan state warning, notFunctioning 2 for fan state critical 3 for fan state fatal The error text will specify the fan index, fan description and the exact fan state" ::= 176 rlEnvMonPowerSupplyStateChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Trap indicating the power supply state. rndErrorSeverity will be: 0 for power supply state nomal, notPresent 1 for power supply state warning, notFunctioning 2 for power supply state critical 3 for power supply state fatal The error text will specify the power supply index, power supply description and the exact power supply state" ::= 177 rlStackStateChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Trap indicating the stack connection state 0 for stack state connected, 1 for stack state disconnected " ::= 178 rlEnvMonTemperatureRisingAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Trap indicating that the temperature in the device has exceeded the device specific safe temperature threshold." ::= 179 -- Traps 180, 181 reserved for copy -- Trap 182 reserved for IP Multicast rlBrgMacAddFailedTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating that adding dynamic mac/s failed due to full hash chain." ::= 183 rldot1xPortStatusAuthorizedTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating that port 802.1x status is authorized." ::= 184 rldot1xPortStatusUnauthorizedTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Warning trap is indicating that port 802.1x status is unAuthorized." ::= 185 -- 186-191 are used in the rlPhysicalDescription MIB swIfTablePortLock TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Warning trap is indicating port lock hase began." ::= 192 swIfTablePortUnLock TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Warning trap is indicating port lock has ended." ::= 193 rlAAAUserLocked TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Warning trap indicating that the user was locked after number of consecutives unsuccessful login attempts." ::= 194 -- 195-199 are used in the rlPhysicalDescription MIB bpduGuardPortSuspended TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Warning trap indicating - Port was suspended because there was BPDU Guard violation." ::= 202 rldot1xSupplicantMacAuthorizedTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating that MAC authentication supplicant is authenticated and is allowed to access the network." ::= 203 rldot1xSupplicantMacUnauthorizedTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Warning trap is indicating that Radius server rejects MAC authentication supplicant." ::= 204 stpLoopbackDetection TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Warning trap indicating - A loopback was detected on port." ::= 205 stpLoopbackDetectionResolved TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE rnd VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Warning trap indicating - A loopback detection resolved on port." ::= 206 END