-- -- RADWIN Management Information Base (MIB) -- Generated 01/05/16 14:23:32 Version: 10.2.40_b9653 -- RADWIN-MIB-WINLINK1000 DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS enterprises, IpAddress, Counter, Gauge, TimeTicks FROM RFC1155-SMI OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 DisplayString, ifIndex FROM RFC1213-MIB TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215; radwin OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 4458 } winlink1000 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { radwin 1000 } -- ########################################################### -- ODU -- ########################################################### winlink1000Odu OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { winlink1000 1 } -- ########################################################### -- ODU Admin -- ########################################################### winlink1000OduAdmin OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { winlink1000Odu 1 } winlink1000OduAdmProductType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU configuration description." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 1 } winlink1000OduAdmHwRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU Hardware Version." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 2 } winlink1000OduAdmSwRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU Software Version." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 3 } winlink1000OduAdmLinkName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Link Name. A change is effective immediately." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 4 } winlink1000OduAdmResetCmd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Reset Command. A set command with a value of 3 will cause a device reset. HBS only: A set command with a value of 4 will cause a device reset for the entire sector. The read value is always 0." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 5 } winlink1000OduAdmAddres OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU IP address. A change is effective after reset. The parameter is kept for backward compatibility. Using the alternative parameter: winlink1000OduAdmIpParamsCnfg is recommended." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 6 } winlink1000OduAdmMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU Subnet Mask. A change is effective after reset. The parameter is kept for backward compatibility. Using the alternative parameter: winlink1000OduAdmIpParamsCnfg is recommended." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 7 } winlink1000OduAdmGateway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU default gateway. A change is effective after reset. The parameter is kept for backward compatibility. Using the alternative parameter: winlink1000OduAdmIpParamsCnfg is recommended." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 8 } winlink1000OduAdmBroadcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter is reserved for the Manager application provided with the product." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 10 } -- ########################################################### -- ODU Admin Hosts Table -- ########################################################### winlink1000OduAdmHostsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Winlink1000OduAdmHostsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trap destinations table. Each trap destination is defined by an IP address and a UDP port. Up to 10 addresses can be configured." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 12 } winlink1000OduAdmHostsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Winlink1000OduAdmHostsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trap destinations table entry." INDEX { winlink1000OduAdmHostsIndex } ::= { winlink1000OduAdmHostsTable 1 } Winlink1000OduAdmHostsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { winlink1000OduAdmHostsIndex INTEGER, winlink1000OduAdmHostsIp IpAddress, winlink1000OduAdmHostsPort INTEGER, winlink1000OduAdmHostsSecurityModel INTEGER, winlink1000OduAdmHostsUserName DisplayString, winlink1000OduAdmHostsPassword DisplayString, winlink1000OduAdmHostsIPv6 DisplayString } winlink1000OduAdmHostsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trap destinations table index." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmHostsEntry 1 } winlink1000OduAdmHostsIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trap destination IP address. A change is effective immediately." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmHostsEntry 2 } winlink1000OduAdmHostsPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "UDP port of the trap destination. A change is effective immediately." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmHostsEntry 3 } winlink1000OduAdmHostsSecurityModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { snmpv1(1), snmpv3(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Security model used for this trap generation." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmHostsEntry 4 } winlink1000OduAdmHostsUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "User name used to generate the snmpv3 trap." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmHostsEntry 5 } winlink1000OduAdmHostsPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Password used to generate the snmpv3 trap." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmHostsEntry 6 } winlink1000OduAdmHostsIPv6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trap destination IPv6 address. A change is effective immediately." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmHostsEntry 7 } winlink1000OduBuzzerAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter controls the activation of the buzzer while the unit is in install mode. A change is effective immediately. The valid values are: disabled (0), enabledAuto (1), enabledConstantly(2), advancedAuto (3)." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 13 } winlink1000OduProductId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter is reserved for the Manager application provided with the product." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 14 } winlink1000OduReadCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Read Community String. This parameter always returns ***** when retrieving its value. It is used by the Manager application to change the Read Community String. The SNMP agent accepts only encrypted values." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 15 } winlink1000OduReadWriteCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Read/Write Community String. This parameter always returns ***** when retrieving its value. It is used by the Manager application to change the Read/Write Community String. The SNMP agent accepts only encrypted values." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 16 } winlink1000OduTrapCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trap Community String. This parameter is used by the Manager application to change the Trap Community String. The SNMP agent accepts only encrypted values." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 17 } winlink1000OduAdmSnmpAgentVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Major version of the SNMP agent." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 18 } winlink1000OduAdmRemoteSiteName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Remote site name. Returns the same value as sysLocation parameter of the remote site." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 19 } winlink1000OduAdmSnmpAgentMinorVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Minor version of the SNMP agent." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 20 } winlink1000OduAdmLinkPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Link Password. This parameter always returns ***** when retrieving its value. It is used by the Manager application to change the Link Password. The SNMP agent accepts only encrypted values." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 21 } winlink1000OduAdmSiteLinkPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Site Link Password. This parameter always returns ***** when retrieving its value. It is used by the Manager application to change the Link Password of the site. The SNMP agent accepts only encrypted values." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 22 } winlink1000OduAdmDefaultPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { default(1), nonDefault(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates if the current Link Password is the default password." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 23 } winlink1000OduAdmConnectionType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { directConnection(1), indirectConnection(2), unknown(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates if the Manager application is connected to the local ODU or to the remote ODU over the air. A value of 'unknown' indicates community string mismatch." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 24 } winlink1000OduAdmBackToFactorySettingsCmd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { withIP(1), withoutIP(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Back to factory settings Command. A change is effective after reset. The read value is always 0." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 25 } winlink1000OduAdmIpParamsCnfg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU IP address Configuration. The format is: |||" ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 26 } winlink1000OduAdmVlanID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..4094) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VLAN ID. Valid values are 1 to 4094. Initial value is 0 meaning VLAN unaware." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 27 } winlink1000OduAdmVlanPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VLAN Priority. 0 is lowest priority, 7 is highest priority." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 28 } winlink1000OduAdmSN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU Serial Number" ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 29 } winlink1000OduAdmProductName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is the product name as it exists at EC" ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 30 } winlink1000OduAdmActivationKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Activates a general key." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 31 } winlink1000OduAdmRmtPermittedOduType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Mobile Application: permitted partner OduType." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 32 } winlink1000OduAdmCpuID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..64) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CPU ID" ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 33 } winlink1000OduAdmOvrdCmd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ability to perform special command in the ODU." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 34 } winlink1000OduAdmLinkMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { pmpHbs (1), pmpHsu (2), pmpHsuHyb (3), pmpHbsHyb (4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit PMP operation mode." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 35 } winlink1000OduAdmActualConnectMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), ptp (2), ptmp (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit connected as part to ptp or ptmp." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 36 } winlink1000OduAdmAES256Support OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), supported (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "AES-256 security support indication." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 37 } winlink1000OduAdmAES256State OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (1), enabled (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable AES-256 security mode over the air link." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 38 } winlink1000OduAdmAES256Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notOperating (1), partiallyOperating (2), operating (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "AES256 operating status" ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 39 } winlink1000OduAdmBatterySavingShutdownTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1000) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Battery Saving Shutdown Time in minutes, 0 till battery run out, -1 if not supported." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 40 } winlink1000OduAdmWiFiPowerMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined (1), powerON (2), powerOFF (3), alwaysON (4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "WIFI unit power mode." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 41 } winlink1000OduAdmShutdownTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shutdown Timer in seconds." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 42 } winlink1000OduAdmGPSState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined (1), notSynchronized (2), fixed (3), shortCircuit (4), faulty (5), synchronized (6), synchronizedGlonass (7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "GPS state" ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 43 } winlink1000OduAdmTemperatureC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The temperature (Celsius) inside the Board." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 44 } winlink1000OduAdmIPStackMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { v4 (1), v6 (2), v4andv6 (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The IP stack mode." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 45 } winlink1000OduAdmIPv6ParamsCnfg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU IPv6 address Configuration. The format is: |||" ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 46 } winlink1000OduAdmIPv6Address OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU IPv6 address." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 47 } winlink1000OduAdmIPv6Prefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU IPv6 subnet mask." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 48 } winlink1000OduAdmIPv6DefaultGateWay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU IPv6 default gateway." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 49 } winlink1000OduAdmPowerConsumption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Power Consumption (mWatt)" ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 50 } -- ########################################################### -- ODU Wifi -- ########################################################### winlink1000OduAdmWifi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 51 } winlink1000OduAdmWifiChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..11) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Wifi Channel" ::= { winlink1000OduAdmWifi 1 } winlink1000OduAdmWifiTxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (11..15) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Wifi TX Power" ::= { winlink1000OduAdmWifi 2 } winlink1000OduAdmWifiSSID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Wifi SSID" ::= { winlink1000OduAdmWifi 3 } winlink1000OduAdmWifiSecurityType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { open (1), wep (2), wpa2 (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Wifi Security type" ::= { winlink1000OduAdmWifi 4 } winlink1000OduAdmWifiPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Wifi Password" ::= { winlink1000OduAdmWifi 5 } winlink1000OduAdmWifiNetwork OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Wifi Network" ::= { winlink1000OduAdmWifi 6 } winlink1000OduAdmWifiRssi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Wifi RSSI" ::= { winlink1000OduAdmWifi 7 } winlink1000OduAdmWifiStationMAC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Wifi Station MAC" ::= { winlink1000OduAdmWifi 8 } winlink1000OduAdmWifiRestart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A set command with a value of 1 will cause a Wifi restart. The read value is always 0." ::= { winlink1000OduAdmWifi 9 } winlink1000OduAdmWifiApStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off (1), on (2), connected (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Wifi AP Status" ::= { winlink1000OduAdmWifi 10 } winlink1000OduAdmBsaOperationMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { inactive (1), hbsTracking (2), hsuAlignment (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "BSA Operation Mode" ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 52 } winlink1000OduAdmMngConnection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Management Connection" ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 53 } winlink1000OduAdm1588TCSupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), supported (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates that 1588TC license activated" ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 54 } winlink1000OduAdmSyncESupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), supported (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ndicates that SyncE license activated" ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 55 } winlink1000OduAdmRadioRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Radio Revision" ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 56 } winlink1000OduAdmProductRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Product Revision" ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 57 } winlink1000OduAdmPMPSUSupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), supported (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates that PMP SU license is activated" ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 58 } winlink1000OduAdmManagerDownloadURL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is the URL from which management tool can be downloaded" ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 59 } winlink1000OduAdmAntennaDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The is a description of the antenna connected to the ODU" ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 60 } winlink1000OduAdmSwCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is used to describe which Software Capabilities the current ODU supports" ::= { winlink1000OduAdmin 61 } -- ########################################################### -- ODU Service -- ########################################################### winlink1000OduService OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { winlink1000Odu 2 } winlink1000OduSrvMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { installMode (1), normalMode (2), slaveMode (3), tempInstallMode (4), inactiveMode (5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "System mode. The only values that can be set are installMode and slaveMode; normalMode reserved to the Manager application provided with the product. A change is effective after link re-synchronization." ::= { winlink1000OduService 1 } winlink1000OduSrvBridging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Bridging Mode. Valid values are: disabled (0), enabled (1)." ::= { winlink1000OduService 3 } -- ########################################################### -- ODU Ring Topology -- ########################################################### winlink1000OduServiceRingTopology OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { winlink1000OduService 4 } winlink1000OduSrvRingLinkMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { independentLink (1), nonRpl (2), rpl (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Mode of the link regarding ring topology." ::= { winlink1000OduServiceRingTopology 1 } winlink1000OduSrvRingTopologySupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), supported (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ring Topology, options are: supported, not supported" ::= { winlink1000OduServiceRingTopology 2 } winlink1000OduSrvRingVlanIdTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Winlink1000OduSrvRingVlanIdEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ring VLAN IDs table." ::= { winlink1000OduServiceRingTopology 3 } winlink1000OduSrvRingVlanIdEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Winlink1000OduSrvRingVlanIdEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VLAN ID of the internal ring messages. Valid values are 1 to 4094. Initial value is 0 meaning VLAN unaware." INDEX { winlink1000OduSrvRingVlanIdIndex } ::= { winlink1000OduSrvRingVlanIdTable 1 } Winlink1000OduSrvRingVlanIdEntry ::= SEQUENCE { winlink1000OduSrvRingVlanIdIndex INTEGER, winlink1000OduSrvRingVlanId INTEGER } winlink1000OduSrvRingVlanIdIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..3) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of VLAN ID of the internal ring messages." ::= { winlink1000OduSrvRingVlanIdEntry 1 } winlink1000OduSrvRingVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..4094) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VLAN ID of the internal ring messages. Valid values are 1 to 4094. Initial value is 0 meaning VLAN unaware." ::= { winlink1000OduSrvRingVlanIdEntry 2 } winlink1000OduSrvRingEthStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unblocked(1), blocked(2), notApplicable(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Represents the Ethernet service blocking state of a Rings link" ::= { winlink1000OduServiceRingTopology 4 } winlink1000OduSrvRingMaxAllowedTimeFromLastRpm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines the minimal time (in ms) required for determination of ring failure." ::= { winlink1000OduServiceRingTopology 5 } winlink1000OduSrvRingWTR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines the minimal time (in ms) required for ring recovery." ::= { winlink1000OduServiceRingTopology 6 } -- ########################################################### -- ODU QoS -- ########################################################### winlink1000OduServiceQoS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { winlink1000OduService 5 } winlink1000OduSrvQoSMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), notActive (2), classVlan (3), classDiffserv (4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Mode of QoS feature." ::= { winlink1000OduServiceQoS 1 } winlink1000OduSrvQoSConfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Winlink1000OduSrvQoSConfEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "QoS configuration table." ::= { winlink1000OduServiceQoS 2 } winlink1000OduSrvQoSConfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Winlink1000OduSrvQoSConfEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "QoS configuration table." INDEX { winlink1000OduSrvQoSConfIndex } ::= { winlink1000OduSrvQoSConfTable 1 } Winlink1000OduSrvQoSConfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { winlink1000OduSrvQoSConfIndex INTEGER, winlink1000OduSrvConfVlanQGroups INTEGER, winlink1000OduSrvConfDiffservQGroups INTEGER, winlink1000OduSrvConfQueMir INTEGER, winlink1000OduSrvConfQueWeight INTEGER } winlink1000OduSrvQoSConfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..3) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of QoS Configuration." ::= { winlink1000OduSrvQoSConfEntry 1 } winlink1000OduSrvConfVlanQGroups OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Frames classification according to VLAN Priority IDs." ::= { winlink1000OduSrvQoSConfEntry 2 } winlink1000OduSrvConfDiffservQGroups OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..48) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Frames classification according to Diffserv." ::= { winlink1000OduSrvQoSConfEntry 3 } winlink1000OduSrvConfQueMir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Desired Private MIR." ::= { winlink1000OduSrvQoSConfEntry 4 } winlink1000OduSrvConfQueWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "QoS queueu's weights in percent." ::= { winlink1000OduSrvQoSConfEntry 5 } winlink1000OduSrvQoSVlanQGroupsSetStr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Frames classification according to VLAN IDs string for set." ::= { winlink1000OduServiceQoS 3 } winlink1000OduSrvQoSDiffservQGroupsSetStr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Frames classification according to Diffserv IDs string for set." ::= { winlink1000OduServiceQoS 4 } winlink1000OduSrvQoSMaxRTQuePercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximal percent for RT & NRT queues." ::= { winlink1000OduServiceQoS 5 } -- ########################################################### -- ODU VLAN Configuration -- ########################################################### winlink1000OduServiceVlan OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { winlink1000OduService 6 } winlink1000OduSrvVlanSupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), supported(2), available(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU Ethernet port VLAN support and configuration availability indication. 1 - ODU VLAN Functionality Not Supported 2 - ODU VLAN Functionality Supported 3 - ODU VLAN Functionality Supported and Available" ::= { winlink1000OduServiceVlan 1 } winlink1000OduSrvVlanIngressMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { transparent (1), untagAll (2), filter (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU Ethernet port ingress VLAN mode." ::= { winlink1000OduServiceVlan 2 } winlink1000OduSrvVlanEgressMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { transparent (1), tag (2), provider (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU Ethernet port egress VLAN mode." ::= { winlink1000OduServiceVlan 3 } winlink1000OduSrvEgressTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..40947) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU ethernet port egress VLAN tag. Right most digit is Vlan priority (0-7), other digits compose Vlan Id (2-4094)" ::= { winlink1000OduServiceVlan 4 } winlink1000OduSrvEgressProviderTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..40947) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU ethernet port egress Provider VLAN tag. Right most digit is Vlan priority (0-7), other digits compose Vlan Id (2-4094)" ::= { winlink1000OduServiceVlan 5 } winlink1000OduSrvVlanIngressAllowedVIDs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU ethernet port VLAN IDs that will not be filtered on ingress. w|w|w|w|w|w|w|w| ( where w = {0-4094} and w != 1 )" ::= { winlink1000OduServiceVlan 6 } winlink1000OduSrvVlanDisable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Disable VLAN functionality. The following values can be set: 3 - Disable ODU & IDU VLAN Configurations." ::= { winlink1000OduServiceVlan 7 } winlink1000OduServiceVlanProviderListTPIDstr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Holds the possible Provider TPIDs." ::= { winlink1000OduServiceVlan 8 } -- ########################################################### -- ODU Ethernet -- ########################################################### winlink1000OduEthernet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { winlink1000Odu 3 } winlink1000OduEthernetRemainingRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current Ethernet bandwidth in bps." ::= { winlink1000OduEthernet 1 } -- ########################################################### -- ODU Ethernet Interface Table -- ########################################################### winlink1000OduEthernetIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Winlink1000OduEthernetIfEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU Ethernet Interface table." ::= { winlink1000OduEthernet 2 } winlink1000OduEthernetIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Winlink1000OduEthernetIfEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU Ethernet Interface table entry." INDEX { winlink1000OduEthernetIfIndex } ::= { winlink1000OduEthernetIfTable 1 } Winlink1000OduEthernetIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { winlink1000OduEthernetIfIndex INTEGER, winlink1000OduEthernetIfAddress DisplayString, winlink1000OduEthernetIfAdminStatus INTEGER, winlink1000OduEthernetIfOperStatus INTEGER, winlink1000OduEthernetIfFailAction INTEGER, winlink1000OduEthernetIf1588v2PTPEventRXRate INTEGER, winlink1000OduEthernetIf1588v2PTPEventTXRate INTEGER } winlink1000OduEthernetIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU Ethernet Interface Index." ::= { winlink1000OduEthernetIfEntry 1 } winlink1000OduEthernetIfAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU MAC address." ::= { winlink1000OduEthernetIfEntry 5 } winlink1000OduEthernetIfAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { portAutoSense(1), portAutoSense100Mbps(5), forceHalfDuplex10Mbps(10), forceFullDuplex10Mbps(11), forceHalfDuplex100Mbps(15), forceFullDuplex100Mbps(16), forceFullDuplex1000Mbps(21), disablePoePort(254), disablePort(255) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Required state of the interface." ::= { winlink1000OduEthernetIfEntry 6 } winlink1000OduEthernetIfOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notConnected(1), connectedHalfDuplex10Mbps(10), connectedFullDuplex10Mbps(11), connectedHalfDuplex100Mbps(15), connectedFullDuplex100Mbps(16), connectedHalfDuplex1000Mbps(20), connectedFullDuplex1000Mbps(21), unknown(65535) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current operational state of the interface." ::= { winlink1000OduEthernetIfEntry 7 } winlink1000OduEthernetIfFailAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { faNoAction(1), faForceHalfDuplex10Mbps(10), faForceFullDuplex10Mbps(11), faDisablePort(255) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Failure action of the interface." ::= { winlink1000OduEthernetIfEntry 8 } winlink1000OduEthernetIf1588v2PTPEventRXRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "For debug use" ::= { winlink1000OduEthernetIfEntry 9 } winlink1000OduEthernetIf1588v2PTPEventTXRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "For debug use" ::= { winlink1000OduEthernetIfEntry 10 } winlink1000OduEthernetNumOfPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of ODU network interfaces." ::= { winlink1000OduEthernet 3 } winlink1000OduEthernetGbeSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER {notSupported(1), supported(2)} ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Supported Giga bit Ethernet in ODU." ::= { winlink1000OduEthernet 4 } winlink1000OduEthernetSfpProperties OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Sfp port properties." ::= { winlink1000OduEthernet 5 } -- ########################################################### -- ODU Bridge -- ########################################################### winlink1000OduBridge OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { winlink1000Odu 4 } -- ########################################################### -- ODU Bridge Base -- ########################################################### winlink1000OduBridgeBase OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { winlink1000OduBridge 1 } -- ########################################################### -- ODU Bridge Ports Table -- ########################################################### winlink1000OduBridgeBasePortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Winlink1000OduBridgeBasePortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU Bridge Ports table." ::= { winlink1000OduBridgeBase 4 } winlink1000OduBridgeBasePortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Winlink1000OduBridgeBasePortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU Bridge Ports table entry." INDEX { winlink1000OduBridgeBasePortIndex } ::= { winlink1000OduBridgeBasePortTable 1 } Winlink1000OduBridgeBasePortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { winlink1000OduBridgeBasePortIndex INTEGER, winlink1000OduBridgeBaseIfIndex INTEGER } winlink1000OduBridgeBasePortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU Bridge Port Number." ::= { winlink1000OduBridgeBasePortEntry 1 } winlink1000OduBridgeBaseIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IfIndex corresponding to ODU Bridge port." ::= { winlink1000OduBridgeBasePortEntry 2 } -- ########################################################### -- ODU Bridge Tp -- ########################################################### winlink1000OduBridgeTp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { winlink1000OduBridge 4 } winlink1000OduBridgeTpMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU bridge mode. A change is effective after reset. Valid values: hubMode (0), bridgeMode (1)." ::= { winlink1000OduBridgeTp 101 } -- ########################################################### -- ODU Transparent Bridge Ports Table -- ########################################################### winlink1000OduBridgeTpPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Winlink1000OduBridgeTpPortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU Transparent Bridge Ports table." ::= { winlink1000OduBridgeTp 3 } winlink1000OduBridgeTpPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Winlink1000OduBridgeTpPortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU Transparent Bridge Ports table entry." INDEX { winlink1000OduBridgeTpPortIndex } ::= { winlink1000OduBridgeTpPortTable 1 } Winlink1000OduBridgeTpPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { winlink1000OduBridgeTpPortIndex INTEGER, winlink1000OduBridgeTpPortInFrames Counter, winlink1000OduBridgeTpPortOutFrames Counter, winlink1000OduBridgeTpPortInBytes Counter, winlink1000OduBridgeTpPortOutBytes Counter } winlink1000OduBridgeTpPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU Transparent Bridge Port Number." ::= { winlink1000OduBridgeTpPortEntry 1 } winlink1000OduBridgeTpPortInFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of frames received by this port." ::= { winlink1000OduBridgeTpPortEntry 3 } winlink1000OduBridgeTpPortOutFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of frames transmitted by this port." ::= { winlink1000OduBridgeTpPortEntry 4 } winlink1000OduBridgeTpPortInBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of bytes received by this port." ::= { winlink1000OduBridgeTpPortEntry 101 } winlink1000OduBridgeTpPortOutBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of bytes transmitted by this port." ::= { winlink1000OduBridgeTpPortEntry 102 } winlink1000OduBridgeConfigMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ enable (1), disable (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU bridge configuration mode" ::= { winlink1000OduBridgeTp 102 } -- ########################################################### -- ODU Air -- ########################################################### winlink1000OduAir OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { winlink1000Odu 5 } winlink1000OduAirFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Installation Center Frequency. Valid values are product dependent. A change is effective after link re-synchronization." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 1 } winlink1000OduAirDesiredRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Deprecated parameter, actual behavior is read-only. Required Air Rate. For Channel Bandwidth of 20, 10, 5 MHz divide the value by 1, 2, 4 respectively." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 2 } winlink1000OduAirSSID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Reserved for the Manager application provided with the product. The Sector ID in Point-To-Multi-Point systems." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 3 } winlink1000OduAirTxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Required Transmit power in dBm . This is a nominal value while the actual transmit power includes additional attenuation. The min and max values are product specific. A change is effective immediately." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 4 } winlink1000OduAirSesState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sessionDown (1), basicRate (2), active (3), installation (4), scanning (5), probing (6), transmitting (7), activeWithDefaultEncryptionKey (8), installationWithDefaultEncryptionKey (9), bitFailed (10), activeWithVersionsMismatch (11), installationWithVersionsMismatch (12), inactive (13), iduIncompatible (14), spectrumAnalysis (15) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current Link State. The value is active (3) during normal operation." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 5 } winlink1000OduAirMstrSlv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates if the device was automatically selected into the radio link master or slave. The value is undefined if there is no link. The value is relevant only for point to point systems." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 6 } winlink1000OduAirResync OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this parameter to 1 will cause the link to restart the synchronization process." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 8 } -- ########################################################### -- ODU Air Perf -- ########################################################### winlink1000OduAirPerf OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { winlink1000OduAir 9 } winlink1000OduAirRxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Received Signal Strength in dBm. Relevant only for point to point systems." ::= { winlink1000OduAirPerf 1 } winlink1000OduAirTotalFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total number of radio frames." ::= { winlink1000OduAirPerf 2 } winlink1000OduAirBadFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total number of received radio frames with CRC error. The value is relevant only for point to point systems ." ::= { winlink1000OduAirPerf 3 } winlink1000OduAirCurrentRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Deprecated parameter. Actual rate of the air interface in Mbps. For Channel Bandwidth of 20, 10, 5 MHz divide the value by 1, 2, 4 respectively." ::= { winlink1000OduAirPerf 4 } winlink1000OduAirCurrentRateIdx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of current air rate." ::= { winlink1000OduAirPerf 5 } winlink1000OduAirChainsRxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Received Signal Strength of Cpe chains in dBm. Chain 1 RSS: (1 Byte) Chain 2 RSS: (1 Byte) Chain 3 RSS: (1 Byte)" ::= { winlink1000OduAirPerf 6 } winlink1000OduAirCurrentRateCBW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CBW of current air rate." ::= { winlink1000OduAirPerf 7 } winlink1000OduAirCurrentRateGI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "GI of current air rate." ::= { winlink1000OduAirPerf 8 } winlink1000OduAirTxPower36 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Deprecated parameter. Actual behavior is read-only." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 10 } winlink1000OduAirTxPower48 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Deprecated parameter. Actual behavior is read-only." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 11 } winlink1000OduAirCurrentTxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current Transmit Power in dBm. This is a nominal value while the actual transmit power includes additional attenuation." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 12 } winlink1000OduAirMinFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Minimum center frequency in MHz." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 13 } winlink1000OduAirMaxFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum center frequency in MHz." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 14 } winlink1000OduAirFreqResolution OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Center Frequency resolution. Measured in MHz if value < 100, otherwise in KHz." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 15 } winlink1000OduAirCurrentFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current Center Frequency. Measured in MHz if center frequency resolution value < 100, otherwise in KHz." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 16 } winlink1000OduAirNumberOfChannels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of channels that can be used." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 17 } -- ########################################################### -- Channels Table -- ########################################################### winlink1000OduAirChannelsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Winlink1000OduAirChannelsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table of channels used by automatic channels selection (ACS)." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 18 } winlink1000OduAirChannelsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Winlink1000OduAirChannelsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ACS channels table entry." INDEX { winlink1000OduAirChannelsIndex } ::= { winlink1000OduAirChannelsTable 1 } Winlink1000OduAirChannelsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { winlink1000OduAirChannelsIndex INTEGER, winlink1000OduAirChannelsFrequency INTEGER, winlink1000OduAirChannelsOperState INTEGER, winlink1000OduAirChannelsAvail INTEGER, winlink1000OduAirChannelsDefaultFreq INTEGER } winlink1000OduAirChannelsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Channel Index." ::= { winlink1000OduAirChannelsEntry 1 } winlink1000OduAirChannelsFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Channel frequency in MHz." ::= { winlink1000OduAirChannelsEntry 2 } winlink1000OduAirChannelsOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Channel state. Can be set by the user. Automatic Channel Selection uses channels that are AirChannelsOperState enabled and AirChannelsAvail enabled. A change is effective after link re-synchronization. Valid values: disabled (0), enabled (1). Rewriteable only in Point-To-Point products." ::= { winlink1000OduAirChannelsEntry 3 } winlink1000OduAirChannelsAvail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Channel state. Product specific and cannot be changed by the user. Automatic Channel Selection uses channels that are AirChannelsOperState enabled and AirChannelsAvail enabled. Valid values: disabled (0), enabled (1)." ::= { winlink1000OduAirChannelsEntry 4 } winlink1000OduAirChannelsDefaultFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Default channel's availability for all CBWs. The valid values are: forbidden (0), available (1)." ::= { winlink1000OduAirChannelsEntry 5 } winlink1000OduAirDfsState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Radar detection state. Valid values: disabled (0), enabled (1)." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 19 } winlink1000OduAirAutoChannelSelectionState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Deprecated parameter. Indicating Automatic Channel Selection availability at current channel bandwidth. Valid values: disabled (0), enabled (1)." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 20 } winlink1000OduAirEnableTxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled (1), disabled (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicating Transmit power configuration enabled or disabled." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 21 } winlink1000OduAirMinTxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Minimum Transmit power in dBm." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 22 } -- ########################################################### -- Max Tx Power Table -- ########################################################### winlink1000OduAirMaxTxPowerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Winlink1000OduAirMaxTxPowerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table of Maximum transmit power per air rate, in dBm." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 23 } winlink1000OduAirMaxTxPowerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Winlink1000OduAirMaxTxPowerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum Transmit power table entry." INDEX { winlink1000OduAirMaxTxPowerIndex } ::= { winlink1000OduAirMaxTxPowerTable 1 } Winlink1000OduAirMaxTxPowerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { winlink1000OduAirMaxTxPowerIndex INTEGER, winlink1000OduAirMaxTxPower INTEGER } winlink1000OduAirMaxTxPowerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Air interface rate index." ::= { winlink1000OduAirMaxTxPowerEntry 1 } winlink1000OduAirMaxTxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum Transmit power in dBm." ::= { winlink1000OduAirMaxTxPowerEntry 2 } winlink1000OduAirChannelBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Channel bandwidth in KHz. A change is effective after reset." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 24 } -- ########################################################### -- Channel BW Table -- ########################################################### winlink1000OduAirChannelBWTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Winlink1000OduAirChannelBWEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Channel Bandwidths table." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 25 } winlink1000OduAirChannelBWEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Winlink1000OduAirChannelBWEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Channel Bandwidth table entry." INDEX { winlink1000OduAirChannelBWIndex } ::= { winlink1000OduAirChannelBWTable 1 } Winlink1000OduAirChannelBWEntry ::= SEQUENCE { winlink1000OduAirChannelBWIndex INTEGER, winlink1000OduAirChannelBWAvail INTEGER, winlink1000OduAirChannelsAdminState DisplayString, winlink1000OduAirChannelBWHSSATDDConflictPerCBW INTEGER, winlink1000OduAirChannelBWMinRatioForSupporting INTEGER, winlink1000OduAirChannelBWMaxRatioForSupporting INTEGER } winlink1000OduAirChannelBWIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { channelBW5MHz(1), channelBW10MHz(2), channelBW20MHz(3), channelBW40MHz(4), channelBW80MHz(5), channelBW7MHz(6), channelBW14MHz(7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Channel Bandwidth index." ::= { winlink1000OduAirChannelBWEntry 1 } winlink1000OduAirChannelBWAvail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported(1), supportedManual(2), supportedWithACS(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Channel Bandwidth availability, product specific. Options are: Not supported, supported with manual channel selection, supported with Automatic Channel Selection." ::= { winlink1000OduAirChannelBWEntry 2 } winlink1000OduAirChannelsAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Channels' availability per CBW." ::= { winlink1000OduAirChannelBWEntry 3 } winlink1000OduAirChannelBWHSSATDDConflictPerCBW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noConflict(1), conflictSingle(2), conflictDual(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indication for possible Link drop per CBW due to conflict between HSS and ATDD." ::= { winlink1000OduAirChannelBWEntry 4 } winlink1000OduAirChannelBWMinRatioForSupporting OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Minimal TX ratio that may be used by the HSM and still enable proper operation of the aforementioned CBW." ::= { winlink1000OduAirChannelBWEntry 5 } winlink1000OduAirChannelBWMaxRatioForSupporting OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximal TX ratio that may be used by the HSM and still enable proper operation of the aforementioned CBW." ::= { winlink1000OduAirChannelBWEntry 6 } winlink1000OduAirRFD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current radio frame duration in microseconds." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 26 } -- ########################################################### -- Available Rates Table -- ########################################################### winlink1000OduAirRatesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Winlink1000OduAirRatesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Air Rate indexes table for current channel bandwidth." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 27 } winlink1000OduAirRatesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Winlink1000OduAirRatesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Air Rate indexes table entry." INDEX { winlink1000OduAirRatesIndex } ::= { winlink1000OduAirRatesTable 1 } Winlink1000OduAirRatesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { winlink1000OduAirRatesIndex INTEGER, winlink1000OduAirRatesAvail INTEGER } winlink1000OduAirRatesIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Air Rate index." ::= { winlink1000OduAirRatesEntry 1 } winlink1000OduAirRatesAvail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { rateNotAvailable(1), rateAvailable(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Air Rate availability, depending on air interface conditions." ::= { winlink1000OduAirRatesEntry 2 } winlink1000OduAirDesiredRateIdx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Required Air Rate index. 0 reserved for Adaptive Rate. A change is effective immediately after Set operation to the master side while the link is up." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 28 } winlink1000OduAirLinkDistance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Link distance in meters. A value of -1 indicates an illegal value and is also used when a link is not established." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 29 } winlink1000OduAirLinkWorkingMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), normal(2), fullCompatibilityRemoteUpgradeAvailable(3), fullCompatibilityLocalUpgradeAvailable(4), restrictedCompatibilityRemoteUpgradeRecomended(5), restrictedCompatibilityLocalUpgradeRecomended(6), softwareUpgradeRemoteUpgradeRequired(7), softwareUpgradeLocalUpgradeRequired(8), versionsIncompatibilityRemoteUpgradeRequired(9), versionsIncompatibilityLocalUpgradeRequired(10) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Link working mode as a result of comparing versions of both sides of the link. Possible modes are: Unknown - no link, Normal - versions on both sides are identical with full compatibility, with restricted compatibility, or versions on both sides are different with software upgrade or versions incompatibility." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 30 } winlink1000OduAirMajorLinkIfVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Major link interface version" ::= { winlink1000OduAir 31 } winlink1000OduAirMinorLinkIfVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Minor link interface version" ::= { winlink1000OduAir 32 } winlink1000OduAirHss OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { winlink1000OduAir 40 } winlink1000OduAirHssDesiredOpState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported(1), independentUnit(2), hubSyncMaster(3), hubSyncClientContinueTx(4), hubSyncClientDisableTx(5), gpsSync(6), independentSyncUnit-ISU(7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Required Hub Site Synchronization operating state. For HssSyncUnits : For hssISU :[2,7] ,For hssGSU :[2,6] For HBS: [2,3,4,5]" ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 1 } winlink1000OduAirHssCurrentOpState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported(1), independentUnit(2), hubSyncMaster(3), hubSyncClientContinueTx(4), hubSyncClientDisableTx(5), gpsSync(6), independentSyncUnit-ISU(7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current Hub Site Synchronization operating state." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 2 } winlink1000OduAirHssSyncStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable(1), notSynchronized(2), synchronized(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Hub Site Synchronization sync status." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 3 } winlink1000OduAirHssExtPulseStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notDetected(1), generating(2), generatingAndDetected(3), generatingAndImproperDetected(4), detected(5), improperDetected(6), multipleSourcesDetected(7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Hub Site Synchronization external pulse detection status. In GSS mode: if generating then 1PSP is auto generated by the GSS Unit. if generatingAndDetecting then 1PSP is generated by GPS satellites signal." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 4 } winlink1000OduAirHssExtPulseType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable(1), typeA(2), typeB(3), typeC(4), typeD(5), typeE(6), typeF(7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Hub Site Synchronization external pulse type." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 5 } winlink1000OduAirHssDesiredExtPulseType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable(1), typeA(2), typeB(3), typeC(4), typeD(5), typeE(6), typeF(7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Hub Site Synchronization required external pulse type. Valid values for read write: {typeA(2),typeB(3),typeC(4),typeD(5),typeE(6),typeF(7)}. Valid value for read only: {notApplicable(1)}." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 6 } -- ########################################################### -- HSS Radio Frame Pattern Table -- ########################################################### winlink1000OduAirHssRfpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU Radio Frame Patterns (RFP) Table." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 7 } winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU RFP Table entry." INDEX { winlink1000OduAirHssRfpIndex } ::= { winlink1000OduAirHssRfpTable 1 } Winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { winlink1000OduAirHssRfpIndex INTEGER, winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEthChannelBW5MHz INTEGER, winlink1000OduAirHssRfpTdmChannelBW5MHz INTEGER, winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEthChannelBW10MHz INTEGER, winlink1000OduAirHssRfpTdmChannelBW10MHz INTEGER, winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEthChannelBW20MHz INTEGER, winlink1000OduAirHssRfpTdmChannelBW20MHz INTEGER, winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEthChannelBW40MHz INTEGER, winlink1000OduAirHssRfpTdmChannelBW40MHz INTEGER, winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEthChannelBW80MHz INTEGER, winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEthChannelBW7MHz INTEGER, winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEthChannelBW14MHz INTEGER } winlink1000OduAirHssRfpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (2..7) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU RFP Table index. The index represent the Radio Frame Pattern: typeA(2), typeB(3), typeC(4), typeD(5),typeE(6),typeF(7)." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEntry 1 } winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEthChannelBW5MHz OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bestFit(1), nonOptimal(2), notAvailable(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Represents the compatibility of Ethernet service under Channel BW of 5MHz in the specific Radio Frame Pattern." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEntry 2 } winlink1000OduAirHssRfpTdmChannelBW5MHz OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bestFit(1), nonOptimal(2), notAvailable(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Represents the compatibility of TDM service under Channel BW of 5MHz in the specific Radio Frame Pattern." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEntry 3 } winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEthChannelBW10MHz OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bestFit(1), nonOptimal(2), notAvailable(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Represents the compatibility of Ethernet service under Channel BW of 10MHz in the specific Radio Frame Pattern." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEntry 4 } winlink1000OduAirHssRfpTdmChannelBW10MHz OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bestFit(1), nonOptimal(2), notAvailable(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Represents the compatibility of TDM service under Channel BW of 10MHz in the specific Radio Frame Pattern." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEntry 5 } winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEthChannelBW20MHz OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bestFit(1), nonOptimal(2), notAvailable(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Represents the compatibility of Ethernet service under Channel BW of 20MHz in the specific Radio Frame Pattern." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEntry 6 } winlink1000OduAirHssRfpTdmChannelBW20MHz OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bestFit(1), nonOptimal(2), notAvailable(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Represents the compatibility of TDM service under Channel BW of 20MHz in the specific Radio Frame Pattern." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEntry 7 } winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEthChannelBW40MHz OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bestFit(1), nonOptimal(2), notAvailable(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Represents the compatibility of Ethernet service under Channel BW of 40MHz in the specific Radio Frame Pattern." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEntry 8 } winlink1000OduAirHssRfpTdmChannelBW40MHz OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bestFit(1), nonOptimal(2), notAvailable(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Represents the compatibility of TDM service under Channel BW of 40MHz in the specific Radio Frame Pattern." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEntry 9 } winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEthChannelBW80MHz OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bestFit(1), nonOptimal(2), notAvailable(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Represents the compatibility of Ethernet service under Channel BW of 80MHz in the specific Radio Frame Pattern." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEntry 10 } winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEthChannelBW7MHz OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bestFit(1), nonOptimal(2), notAvailable(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Represents the compatibility of Ethernet service under Channel BW of 7MHz in the specific Radio Frame Pattern." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEntry 11 } winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEthChannelBW14MHz OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bestFit(1), nonOptimal(2), notAvailable(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Represents the compatibility of Ethernet service under Channel BW of 14MHz in the specific Radio Frame Pattern." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEntry 12 } winlink1000OduAirHssRfpStr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Hub Site Synchronization supported patterns" ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 8 } winlink1000OduAirHssHsmID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A unique ID which is common to the HSM and all its collocated ODUs" ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 9 } winlink1000OduAirHssTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Hub Site Synchronization GPS time" ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 10 } winlink1000OduAirHssLatitude OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Hub Site Synchronization GPS Latitude" ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 11 } winlink1000OduAirHssNSIndicator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Hub Site Synchronization GPS N/S Indicator" ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 12 } winlink1000OduAirHssLongitude OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Hub Site Synchronization GPS Longitude" ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 13 } winlink1000OduAirHssEWIndicator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Hub Site Synchronization GPS E/W Indicator" ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 14 } winlink1000OduAirHssNumSatellites OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Hub Site Synchronization GPS Number of satellites" ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 15 } winlink1000OduAirHssAltitude OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Hub Site Synchronization GPS Altitude" ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 16 } winlink1000OduAirHssRfpPhase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { rfpNormalPhase(1), rfpShiftedPhase(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Hub Site Synchronization GPS RFP phase" ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 17 } winlink1000OduAirHssInterSiteSynchronizationMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { independent(1), synchronized(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Inter-Site Synchronization Mode - independent / synchronized" ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 18 } winlink1000OduAirHssInterSiteSynchronizationAvailability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvailable(1), available(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Inter-Site Synchronization Availability" ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 19 } winlink1000OduAirHssSatellitesSatSyncRequired OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notRequired(1), required(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Satellites Synchronization Is Required" ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 20 } winlink1000OduAirHssDomainID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "EHSS domain. Indentify set of CUs with same HSS synchronization" ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 21 } winlink1000OduAirHssSupportedSynchronizationProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { serialOnly(1), ethOnly(2), both(3), ghssAndEth(4), ghssEthSerial(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Supported Synchronization Protocols" ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 22 } winlink1000OduAirHssDesiredSynchronizationProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { serialOnly(1), ethOnly(2), both(3), ghssOnly(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Desired Synchronization Protocols" ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 23 } winlink1000OduAirHssDiscover OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { startAll(1), startAllMstr(2), startMyDmn(3), startMyMstr(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Initiate Discovery process of ODUs on the network." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 24 } winlink1000OduAirHssNumberOfDiscoveredODUs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1000) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number OF Discovered ODUs in network." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 25 } -- ########################################################### -- HSS Discover Table -- ########################################################### winlink1000OduAirHssDiscoverTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Winlink1000OduAirHssDiscoverEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "HSS Discover Table." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 26 } winlink1000OduAirHssDiscoverEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Winlink1000OduAirHssDiscoverEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ODU Discover Table entry." INDEX { winlink1000OduAirHssDiscoverIndex } ::= { winlink1000OduAirHssDiscoverTable 1 } Winlink1000OduAirHssDiscoverEntry ::= SEQUENCE { winlink1000OduAirHssDiscoverIndex INTEGER, winlink1000OduAirHssDiscoverODUDescription DisplayString } winlink1000OduAirHssDiscoverIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "HSS Discover Table Index." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHssDiscoverEntry 1 } winlink1000OduAirHssDiscoverODUDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Hold ODU HSS status in compress format: Domain,IP,HSS Role,Hss support, Enabled HSS protocol,Sync Status, Location, IPv6." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHssDiscoverEntry 2 } -- ###################### End of Discover Table ################### winlink1000OduAirHssMasterSlaveCompatibility OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { compatible(1), notCompatible(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "EHSM version compatibility. Relevant to Ethernet HSS Clients only." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 27 } winlink1000OduAirHssNumberOfAssociatedCU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..256) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of associated Ethernet HSS Clients. Relevant to Ethernet HSS Masters only" ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 28 } -- ########################################################### -- HSS Associated CU Table -- ########################################################### winlink1000OduAirHssAssociatedCUTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Winlink1000OduAirHssAssociatedCUTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Associated Ethernet HSS Clients Table. Releant for Ethernet HSS Masters only." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 29 } winlink1000OduAirHssAssociatedCUTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Winlink1000OduAirHssAssociatedCUTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Associated Ethernet HSS Clients Table Entry. Releant for Ethernet HSS Masters only." INDEX { winlink1000OduAirHssAssociatedCUIndex } ::= { winlink1000OduAirHssAssociatedCUTable 1 } Winlink1000OduAirHssAssociatedCUTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { winlink1000OduAirHssAssociatedCUIndex INTEGER, winlink1000OduAirHssAssociatedCUDescription DisplayString } winlink1000OduAirHssAssociatedCUIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Associated Ethernet HSS Clients Table Index. Releant for Ethernet HSS Masters only." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHssAssociatedCUTableEntry 1 } winlink1000OduAirHssAssociatedCUDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Holds Associated Ethernet HSS Clients Description in compress format: IP,Delay,Compatibility,Ethernet Speed, Ethernet Rx rate, IPv6" ::= { winlink1000OduAirHssAssociatedCUTableEntry 2 } -- ###################### End of Associated CU Table ################### winlink1000OduAirHssSyncStatusEth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable(1), notSynchronized(2), goodSynchronizationLevel(3), mediumSynchronizationLevel(4), badSynchronizationLevel(5), startSynchronization(6) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet HSS Client Synchronization Level" ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 30 } winlink1000OduAirHssEthVLANTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..40947) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet HSS VLan Tag: The least significate decimal digit is the VLan Priority(0-6) and the rest of the digits represents VLan ID (2-4094)" ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 31 } winlink1000OduAirHssHSMIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "HSMs IP address. Relevant for HSC synchronized over Ethernet." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 32 } winlink1000OduAirHssDelayToHSM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1000000) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Delay in microseconds to HSM. Relevant for HSC synchronized over Ethernet." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 33 } winlink1000OduAirHssSyncAcquisitionSeconds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Accumulated quantity of seconds in clock acquisition while connected to current HSM" ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 34 } winlink1000OduAirHssHSMIPv6Address OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "HSMs IPv6 address. Relevant for HSC synchronized over Ethernet." ::= { winlink1000OduAirHss 35 } -- ###################### End of HSS Section ################### winlink1000OduAirLockRemote OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unlock(1), lock(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter enables locking the link with a specific ODU. The following values can be set: Unlock (default) - The ODU is not locked on a specific remote ODU. Unlock can only be performed when the link is not connected. Lock - The ODU is locked on a specific remote ODU. Lock can only be performed when the link is active." ::= { winlink1000OduAir 41 } winlink1000OduAirAntennaGain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current Antenna Gain in 0.1 dBi resolution. User defined value for external antenna. Legal range: MinAntennaGain - Alarm. " ::= { winlink1000OduAir 42 } externalAlarmInPort1Alarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " The trap is sent every time an alarm occurs in the External Alarm Input of port #1. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: External Alarm 1 - - Alarm. " ::= 105 externalAlarmInPort2Alarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " The trap is sent every time an alarm occurs in the External Alarm Input of port #2. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: External Alarm 2 - - Alarm. " ::= 106 bitFailedAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { critical } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " The trap is sent if there is no way to recover from the situation. Contains two parameters: 1 - Description: ODU power up built in test failed. Error code is: %n 2 - %n number " ::= 107 wrongConfigurationLoadedAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " The trap is sent if there is a way to recover from the situation. Contains two parameters: 1 - Description: Wrong configuration loaded. Error code is: %n 2 - %n number " ::= 108 lanPort1DisconnectedAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates the LAN port 1 status changed to disconnected. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: LAN port 1 status changed to disconnected. " ::= 109 lanPort2DisconnectedAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates the LAN port 2 status changed to disconnected. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: LAN port 2 status changed to disconnected. " ::= 110 mngPortDisconnectedAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates the LAN1 port status changed to disconnected. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: LAN1 port status changed to disconnected. " ::= 111 externalAlarmInPort3Alarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " The trap is sent every time an alarm occurs in the External Alarm Input of port #3. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: External Alarm 3 - - Alarm. " ::= 112 externalAlarmInPort4Alarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " The trap is sent every time an alarm occurs in the External Alarm Input of port #4. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: External Alarm 4 - - Alarm. " ::= 113 swVersionsMismatchFullCompatibilityAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { warning } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " The trap is sent if SW versions mismatch with full link functionality. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: Software versions mismatch - full link functionality " ::= 114 swVersionsMismatchRestrictedCompatibilityAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { minor } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " The trap is sent if SW versions mismatch with restricted link functionality. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: Software versions mismatch - restricted link functionality " ::= 115 swVersionsMismatchSoftwareUpgradeRequired TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " The trap is sent if SW versions mismatch and SW upgrade is required. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: Software versions mismatch - Software upgrade required " ::= 116 swVersionsIncompatible TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { critical } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " The trap is sent if SW versions are incompatible. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: SW Versions incompatible " ::= 117 hssMultipleSourcesDetectedAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that multiple sync pulse sources were detected. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: HSS multiple sync sources were detected. " ::= 118 hssSyncToProperSourceStoppedAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that synchronization to a proper sync pulse source was stopped. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: HSS sync pulse - Down. The reason is: %s. %s - Is the reason for the sync down. " ::= 119 hssSyncPulseDetectedAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that HSS additional sync pulse was detected. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: HSS additional sync pulse was detected. " ::= 120 tdmBackupAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that the TDM backup link was activated. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: TDM backup alarm - backup link was activated. " ::= 121 linkLockUnauthorizedRemoteODU TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that the remote ODU is unauthorized. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: Unauthorized remote ODU connection rejected. " ::= 122 linkLockUnauthorizedODU TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that the ODU is unauthorized. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: Unauthorized ODU connection rejected. " ::= 123 hotStandbyAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that the hot standby secondary link was activated. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: Secondary Link Is Active. " ::= 124 sfpInsertion TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that a device was inserted to SFP Port " ::= 126 sfpPort1DisconnectedAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates the SFP port 1 status changed to disconnected. Contains a single parameter which is its description: 1 - Description: SFP port 1 status changed to disconnected. " ::= 127 ringRplStateActiveAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " RPL state changed to Active. " ::= 128 desiredRatioCanNotBeAppliedAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { minor } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates Desired UL/DL RAtio Can Not Be Applied. " ::= 129 cbwMismatch TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that a Channel Bandwidth mismatch was detected. Contains two parameters: 1 - Description: Channel Bandwidth Mismatch: one side is %n0 MHz and the other is %n1 MHz. %n0 is the local Channel Bandwidth value in MHz. %n1 is the remoet Channel Bandwidth value in MHz." ::= 130 gpsNotSynchronized TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that the GPS is not synchronized with satellites. Pulses are self generated. " ::= 131 pdTooHighDueCbwLimitations TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that link cannot be established because link range is too large for channel bandwidth. " ::= 132 hbsEncryptionAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates an encryption key mismatch. Contains a single parameter, which is its description, including the HSU's name " ::= 133 hbsEhServiceClosedToHsu TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates an encryption key mismatch. Contains a single parameter, which is its description, including the HSU's name " ::= 134 hbsUnsynchronizedHsuAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { critical } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates a registered HSU lost synchronization. " ::= 135 hbsInactiveHbsAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates HBS is InActive. " ::= 136 incompatibleHsu TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { critical } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that the HSU is not compatible to HBS. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: Incompatible ODUs. " ::= 137 hsuUnsupportedBeacon TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { warning } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates an unsupported beacon has arrived at HSU " ::= 138 lanPortDisconnectedAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates the LAN port status changed to disconnected. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: LAN port status changed to disconnected. " ::= 139 poePortDisconnectedAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates the LAN2 port status changed to disconnected. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: LAN2 port status changed to disconnected. " ::= 140 poePowerConsumptionAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates the POE Power Consumption is above allowed maximum. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: POE consumption above allowed maximum. port closed. " ::= 141 hobupFaultyStateAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " This Alarm will indicate that the Hot Backup module is in faulty state. 1 - Description: Hot Backup fault detected: %s unit. %s - Primary Or Secondary Unit " ::= 149 gpsOverCurrentAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates the GPS Antenna current consumption is above allowed maximum. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: GPS Antenna current consumption above allowed maximum. GPS closed. " ::= 150 gpsCommunicationFailiureAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates the GPS data isn't received. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: GPS Communication failiure. " ::= 151 temperatureThresholdAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates the board temperature is above allowed maximum. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: GPS Antenna current consumption above allowed maximum. GPS closed. " ::= 152 localRouterDiscoveryStatus TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " This Alarm will indicate that we have no connection with local train router. 1 - Description: MacLearningUpdate detected disconnection with local train router %s %s - local train IP " ::= 153 trackRouterDiscoveryStatus TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " This Alarm will indicate that we have no connection with Track side router. 1 - Description: MacLearningUpdate detected disconnection with Track side router %s %s - Default gateway IP " ::= 154 lastUserSnmpAccessOverHourAgo TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " This trap will indicate that the last access of the accessing user was more than an hour ago. 1 - Description: User %s performed SNMP access after more than an hour. %s - user name " ::= 155 btsTargetUnreachable TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " This Alarm will indicate that we have no connection with Bts desired target. 1 - Description: TNC detected disconnection with the BTS target %s %s - Default gateway IP " ::= 156 tdmServiceClear TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 100 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that TDM Service fault is cleared. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: TDM Service - Normal. " ::= 200 ethServiceOpened TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 101 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that Ethernet Service has been opened. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: Ethernet Service has been opened. " ::= 201 encryptionClear TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 103 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that encryption is OK. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: Encryption Status - Normal. " ::= 203 changeLinkPasswordClear TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 104 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that the Link Password was changed successfully. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: Link Password has been changed at/on: %s. %s - Is the Local Site name or Remote Site name or both sides of the Link. " ::= 204 externalAlarmInPort1Clear TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 105 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " This Trap is sent every time an External Alarm Input fault of port # 1 is cleared. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: External Alarm 1 - - Alarm Cleared. " ::= 205 externalAlarmInPort2Clear TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 106 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " This Trap is sent every time an External Alarm Input fault of port # 2 is cleared. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: External Alarm 2 - - Alarm Cleared. " ::= 206 lanPort1Clear TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 109 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates the LAN port 1 status changed to connected. Contains two parameters: 1 - Description: LAN port 1 status changed to connected - %s 2 - %s Is the Eth. mode (speed & duplex) " ::= 209 lanPort2Clear TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 110 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates the LAN port 2 status changed to connected. Contains two parameters: 1 - Description: LAN port 2 status changed to connected - %s. 2 - %s Is the Eth. mode (speed & duplex). " ::= 210 mngPortClear TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 111 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates the LAN1 port status changed to connected. Contains two parameters: 1 - Description: LAN1 port status changed to connected - %s 2 - %s Is the Eth. mode (speed & duplex) " ::= 211 externalAlarmInPort3Clear TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 112 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " This Trap is sent every time an External Alarm Input fault of port # 3 is cleared. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: External Alarm 3 - - Alarm Cleared. " ::= 212 externalAlarmInPort4Clear TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 113 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " This Trap is sent every time an External Alarm Input fault of port # 4 is cleared. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: External Alarm 4 - - Alarm Cleared. " ::= 213 swVersionsMatchFullCompatibilityClear TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 114 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " The trap is sent if SW versions match. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: Software Versions compatible " ::= 214 swVersionsMatchRestrictedCompatibilityClear TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 115 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " The trap is sent if SW versions match and link functionality is not restricted. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: Software Versions compatible " ::= 215 swVersionsMatchSoftwareUpgradeRequiredClear TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 116 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " The trap is sent if SW versions match and SW upgrade is successful. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: Software Versions compatible " ::= 216 swVersionsCompatibleClear TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 117 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " The trap is sent if SW versions compatible Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: Software Versions compatible " ::= 217 hssMultipleSourcesDisappearedClear TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 118 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that multiple sync pulse sources disappeared. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: HSS multiple sync pulse sources disappeared. " ::= 218 hssSyncToProperSourceAchievedClear TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 119 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that synchronization to a proper Sync source was achieved. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: HSS sync pulse - Up. " ::= 219 hssSyncPulseDisappearedClear TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 120 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that HSS additional sync pulse disappeared. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: HSS additional sync pulse was disappeared. " ::= 220 tdmBackupClear TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 121 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that the TDM main link was activated. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: TDM main link was activated. " ::= 221 linkLockAuthorizedRemoteODU TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 122 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that the remote ODU is authorized. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: Authorized remote ODU connection accepted. " ::= 222 linkLockAuthorizedODU TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 123 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that the ODU is authorized. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: Authorized ODU connection permitted. " ::= 223 linkAuthenticationDisabled TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 122 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that the Link Lock is disabled. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: Link Authentication has been disabled. " ::= 224 hotStandbyClear TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 124 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that the Primary Link Was Activated. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: Primary Link Is Active. " ::= 225 sfpExtraction TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that a device was extracted from SFP Port " ::= 226 sfpPort1Clear TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 127 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates the SFP port 1 status changed to connected. Contains two parameters: 1 - Description: SFP port 1 status changed to connected - %s 2 - %s Is the Eth. mode (speed & duplex) " ::= 227 compatibleIdus TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 10 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that the ODU has identified compatible Idus on both sides of the link. " ::= 228 desiredRatioCanNotBeAppliedClear TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 129 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates Current UL/DL Ratio Is Equal To Desired Ratio. " ::= 229 cbwMatch TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 130 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that a Channel Bandwidth match was detected. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Channel Bandwidth value in MHz. " ::= 230 switchCbwAndChannel TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that the system is switching Channel Bandwidth and channel frequency. Contains two parameters: 1 - Switching to Channel Bandwith %n0 MHz and to channel %n1 GHz. " ::= 231 ringRplStateIdle TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 128 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " RPL state changed to Idle. " ::= 232 ringEthServiceStatus TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates Ethernet service's state - blocked \ unblocked. Contains a single parameter: 1 - Description: Ethernet's state (blocked \ unblocked) " ::= 233 ringFirstRpmReceived TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Ring application: in non-RPL link indicates first from a specific RPL was received. Contains a single parameter: 1 - Description: RPM's VLAN ID " ::= 234 ringEthernetSrviceUnblockedTO TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Ring application: in non-RPL link Ethernet service is unblocked due to RPM timeout. " ::= 235 gpsSynchronized TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 131 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that the GPS is synchronized with satellites. " ::= 236 hbsEncryptionClear TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 133 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that encryption is OK. Contains a single parameter, which is its description, including the HSU's name " ::= 237 hbsEhServiceOpenedToHsu TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 134 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates that encryption is OK. Contains a single parameter, which is its description, including the HSU's name " ::= 238 hbsSynchronizedHsuAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 135 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates a registered HSU is synchronized. " ::= 239 hbsActiveHbs TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 136 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates when HBS has been activated. " ::= 240 switchCBW TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Switching Channel Bandwidth. " ::= 241 changeRatio TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " HBS Tx ratio has changed. " ::= 242 lanPortClear TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 139 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates the LAN port status changed to connected. Contains two parameters: 1 - Description: LAN port status changed to connected - %s 2 - %s Is the Eth. mode (speed & duplex) " ::= 243 poePortClear TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 140 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates the LAN2 port status changed to connected. Contains two parameters: 1 - Description: LAN2 port status changed to connected - %s 2 - %s Is the Eth. mode (speed & duplex) " ::= 244 poePowerConsumptionClear TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 141 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates the POE power consumption is valid. Contains two parameters: 1 - Description: POE consumption within limits. port is opened. 2 - %s Is the Eth. mode (speed & duplex) " ::= 245 incompatibleHbsHsu TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Incompatible HBS/HSU software versions - no service. " ::= 246 mobilityLinkOff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Mobility - Link cannot be established due to: 1 - The HBS does not support Mobility 2 - Lack of resources in the HBS for HSU level " ::= 247 enterLocalConnection TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Entering Local Connection (Broadcast) Mode. " ::= 248 hobupActiveStateFaultyClear TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 149 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " this clear alarm will indicate that the Hot Backup unit is in active state. Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: Hot Backup %s unit activated. %s - Primary Or Secondary Unit " ::= 249 hobupStandbyState TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " This info fault will indicate that the Hot backup module has entered standby/peer_detection state Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: Hot Backup in Standby state: %s unit. %s - Primary Or Secondary Unit " ::= 250 gpsOverCurrentClear TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 150 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates the GPS Antenna current consumption is valid. " ::= 251 temperatureThresholdClear TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 152 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicates the board temperature is valid. " ::= 252 localRouterDiscoverySucceed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 153 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicated the we succeeded to discover train router in ip %s MAC address %s %s Train IP %s Train MAC Address " ::= 253 trackRouterDiscoverySucceed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 154 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicated the we succeeded to discover track router in ip %s MAC address %s %s Train IP %s Train MAC Address " ::= 254 qosVersion2StrictMismatch TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " CPE doesn't support strict QOS configuration. " ::= 255 qosVersion2TtlMismatch TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " CPE doesn't support TTL configuration. " ::= 256 btsTargetIsReachable TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 156 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicated the we succeeded to establish connection with the Bts desired target (%s) %s Target IP " ::= 257 tcNotSupportedByHSU TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " CPE doesn't support TC functionality. " ::= 258 syncEPortHOStateChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Enter/leave HO state of SyncE port. " ::= 259 syncEPortFailureStateChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Enter/leave Failure state of SyncE port. " ::= 260 btsCpeUpdateServiceFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Update service Failed " ::= 261 btsCpeUpdateServiceSucceed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Update service Succeed " ::= 262 radiusServerNoREsponse TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " No response from radius server " ::= 263 noRadiusServerRespond TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { major } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Alarm indicates that no Radius server is connected " ::= 264 radiusServerRespondedSuccessfully TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&CLEARS { 264 } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " indicates that Radius server responded seccessfully. " ::= 265 bsaAlignmentStarted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicate the beginning of Alignment Process " ::= 266 bsaAlignmentFinished TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicate the completion of Alignment Process " ::= 267 bsaAlignmentTriggered TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE winlink1000 VARIABLES { winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT, winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId } --&ACTIONS { normal } --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION " Indicate the triggering of Alignment Process due to exceeding thresholds " ::= 268 -- ########################################################### -- Products Section -- ########################################################### radwinProducts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { radwin 20 } winlink1000Family OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { radwinProducts 2 } radwin2000Family OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { radwinProducts 3 } gpsSynchronizerFamily OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { radwinProducts 4 } radwin5000HBSFamily OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { radwinProducts 5 } radwin5000HSUFamily OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { radwinProducts 6 } radwin6000Family OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { radwinProducts 10 } radwinWiFiAPFamily OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { radwinProducts 20 } -- -- the following identifiers are assigned to ODU Products -- odu OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { winlink1000Family 1 } oduIntegratedAntenna OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { odu 1 } oduExternalAntenna OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { odu 2 } -- -- Suffix 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 in the products section -- are reserved for backward compatibility. -- odu2000 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { radwin2000Family 1 } odu2KIntegratedAntenna OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { odu2000 1 } odu2KExternalAntenna OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { odu2000 2 } oduGSU OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gpsSynchronizerFamily 1 } oduGSUExternalAntenna OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { oduGSU 2 } hssSyncUnits OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gpsSynchronizerFamily 2 } hssISU OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hssSyncUnits 1 } hssGSU OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hssSyncUnits 2 } oduHBS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { radwin5000HBSFamily 1 } oduHBSIntegratedAntenna OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { oduHBS 1 } oduHBSExternalAntenna OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { oduHBS 2 } oduHSU OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { radwin5000HSUFamily 1 } oduHSUIntegratedAntenna OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { oduHSU 1 } oduHSUExternalAntenna OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { oduHSU 2 } odu6000 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { radwin6000Family 1 } odu6K OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { odu6000 1 } gateway6000 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { radwin6000Family 2 } gateway6K OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gateway6000 1 } odu600 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { radwinWiFiAPFamily 1 } oduWiFiAP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { odu600 1 } END