--MibName=raisecomCommonManagement -- ======================================================================= -- Version info -- -- Version 0.1 Created 2002.5.24 by GONGGUIDONG -- This version of MIB is created just for management of base and user. -- Added raisecomClockGroup.raisecomClockMode sub-node by XueChaomin 20081220 -- remove UserManage and OnlineUpgrade group by guoxiaodan 20070716 -- removed keepalve group by LIAOBIN 20070709 -- raisecomEnableLogMethod add local_radius radius_local by yjg 20070112 -- modify RaisecomUserEntry by cjy 20060616 -- add raisecomEnableLogPasswordˇ˘raisecomEnableLogOldPassword by cjy 20060616 -- add rcNotificationGroup by gongguidong 20041208 -- add raisecomUserStatus by gongguidong 20040205 -- add online Upgrade group by gongguidong 20040205 -- Copyright(c) 2003-2005 by RAISECOM TECH, Ltd. -- ======================================================================= -- =========================================================================== -- -- RAISECOM base management objects -- RAISECOM-COMMON-MANAGEMENT-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE , Integer32, IpAddress, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString, TimeStamp, RowStatus, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC DateAndTime, EnableVar FROM SWITCH-TC raisecomAgent FROM RAISECOM-BASE-MIB; raisecomCommonManagement MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200412170000Z" ORGANIZATION "RAISECOM TECH, Ltd." CONTACT-INFO "www.raisecom.com" DESCRIPTION "The MIB module defining objects for common management" ::= { raisecomAgent 2} --groups raisecomCommonFunctionGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {raisecomCommonManagement 1} raisecomNotificationGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {raisecomCommonManagement 4} raisecomClockGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {raisecomCommonManagement 5} -- raisecomCommonFunctionGroup raisecomConfigLoadOperation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ ready(1), saving(2), erasing(3), reboot(4), restore(5), reload(6), backupsaving(7), cpoyStaConf2BackConf(8), cpoyBackConf2StaConf(9), switStaConfBackConf(10), backuperasing(11), eraseStartupconfig(12), eraseStartupconfigAll(13), savingall(14) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Syetem Load Configuration .Includes to erase the start-up config, or to save the running config." ::= { raisecomCommonFunctionGroup 1 } raisecomConfigLoadNotificationOnCompletion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether or not a raisecomConfigLoadOnCompletion notification should be issued on completion of some operation . If such a notification is desired, it is the responsibility of the management entity to ensure that the SNMP administrative model is configured in such a way as to allow the notification to be delivered." DEFVAL { false } ::= { raisecomCommonFunctionGroup 2 } raisecomConfigLoadState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ready(1), running(2), successful(3), failed(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies the state of this load configuration." ::= { raisecomCommonFunctionGroup 3 } raisecomSystemClock OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER UNITS "second" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Seconds elapsed from Jan. 1,1970,same as UNIX TIME. " ::= { raisecomCommonFunctionGroup 4 } raisecomConfigLoadMIBTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {raisecomCommonFunctionGroup 5} raisecomConfigLoadCompletion NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { raisecomConfigLoadOperation, raisecomConfigLoadState } STATUS current -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "A raisecomConfigLoadeCompletion trap is sent when saving or erasing the configuration file. " ::= {raisecomConfigLoadMIBTraps 1} raisecomWatchdog OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableVar MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set/get watchdog status." DEFVAL { enable } ::= { raisecomCommonFunctionGroup 6} raisecomClearRunningConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ clearAll(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the operation to clear running-config" ::= { raisecomCommonFunctionGroup 7 } raisecomReloadStartupConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ clearAndReload(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operation to reload startup-config file" ::= { raisecomCommonFunctionGroup 8 } raisecomCfgUpdateState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), noupdate(1), cliupdate(2), webupdate(3), mibupdate(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the state of this configuration." ::= { raisecomCommonFunctionGroup 9 } raisecomCfgUpdateModID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies ID of the module which has updated." ::= { raisecomCommonFunctionGroup 10 } raisecomAutoWritecfgEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableVar MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set/get auto writing configuration status." DEFVAL { enable } ::= { raisecomCommonFunctionGroup 12 } raisecomMibCommandString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "comnmand string executed by mib user" ::= { raisecomCommonFunctionGroup 13 } raisecomMibCommandMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 { user-node(0), auth-node(1), view-node(2), auth-enable-node(3), enable-node(4), vlan-node(5), interface-node(6), interface-range-node(7), aggregator-node(8), tdm-node(9), ip-node(10), lbip-node(11), mpls-exppath-node(12), tunnel-node(13), vlanif-node(14), subif-node(15), vrf-node(16), config-node(17), rip-node(18), bgp-node(19) } ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "command run on specific mode" ::= { raisecomCommonFunctionGroup 14 } raisecomMibCommandState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 { cmd-success(0), cmd-warning(1), cmd-err-no-match(2), cmd-err-ambiguous(3), cmd-err-incomplete(4), cmd-err-exeed-argc-max(5), cmd-err-nothing-todo(6), cmd-complete-full-match(7), -- (8), -- (9), -- (10), cmd-no-right(11), cmd-err-author-failure(12) } ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the state of comnmand executed" ::= { raisecomCommonFunctionGroup 15 } raisecomAutoWritecfgInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Interval time of auto save module." ::= { raisecomCommonFunctionGroup 16 } raisecomConfigFileOperationTableGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {raisecomCommonFunctionGroup 17} raisecomConfigFileOperationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RaisecomConfigFileOperationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Config file operation table." ::= { raisecomConfigFileOperationTableGroup 1 } raisecomConfigFileOperationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RaisecomConfigFileOperationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in raisecomConfigFileOperationTable" INDEX { raisecomConfigFileNodeType, raisecomConfigFileNodeInfo} ::= { raisecomConfigFileOperationTable 1 } RaisecomConfigFileOperationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { raisecomConfigFileNodeType INTEGER, raisecomConfigFileNodeInfo OCTET STRING, raisecomConfigFileOperationType INTEGER } raisecomConfigFileNodeType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ slot-type (1) } ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Config file operation node type." ::= { raisecomConfigFileOperationEntry 1} raisecomConfigFileNodeInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..100)) ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Config file operation node info." ::= { raisecomConfigFileOperationEntry 2} raisecomConfigFileOperationType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ erase (1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Config file operation type." ::= { raisecomConfigFileOperationEntry 3} --raisecomNotificationGroup raisecomObjectStatusDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object status description of the notification currently being sent." ::= { raisecomNotificationGroup 1 } raisecomNotificationDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description of the notification currently being sent." ::= { raisecomNotificationGroup 2 } raisecomNotificationLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The notification severity level of the notification currently being sent." ::= { raisecomNotificationGroup 3 } raisecomNotificationCategory OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The notification category of the notification currently being sent.such as Environment,Complement" ::= { raisecomNotificationGroup 4 } raisecomNotificationLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description of location which notification generates. This is a display string which can be showned on NMS such like OpenView" ::= { raisecomNotificationGroup 101 } --raisecomClockGroup raisecomClockDateAndTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current local date and time for the system. Setting this object is equivalent to setting an automated clock and calendar. The value of the object will track the date and time from the value set. Note that due to hardware limitations some systems may not be able to preserve such meaning across reboots of the system, as indicated by csyClockLostOnReboot. A constant value of all zeros and length 8 indicates the system is not aware of the present date and time. This object may be read-only on some systems." ::= { raisecomClockGroup 1 } raisecomClockLostOnReboot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indication of whether the system can preserve knowledge of current date and time across a system reboot. A value of 'true' indicates the clock must be reset from some external source each time the system reboots. A value of 'false' indicates the system has the ability to keep time across reboots." ::= { raisecomClockGroup 2 } --raisecom Summer Time raisecomSummerTime OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { raisecomClockGroup 3 } raisecomSummerTimeEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableVar MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An indication of whether the summertime feature is enabled on this device. When this object is set to enable, then raisecomSummerTimeOffset, raisecomSummerTimeRecurringStart and raisecomSummerTimeRecurringEnd objects are set to default values. When this object is set to disable, then raisecomSummerTimeOffset, raisecomSummerTimeRecurringStart, raisecomSummerTimeRecurringEnd objects are not instantiated and the summertime feature is disabled" DEFVAL { disable } ::= { raisecomSummerTime 1 } raisecomSummerTimeOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ( 1 .. 1440) UNITS "Minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object indicates number of minutes to add or to subtract during summertime. This object is not instantiated when raisecomSummerTimeEnable object is set to disable." DEFVAL { 60 } ::= { raisecomSummerTime 2 } raisecomSummerTimeRecurringStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (6)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates summertime starts at this time every year. octets contents range 1 week 1..5,ff last = ff 2 day 1..7 where sunday = 1 saturday = 7 4 month 1..12 where january = 1 december = 12 5 hour 0..23 6 min 0..59 For example, the first Monday in Feb at 13:30pm should be given as 01 02 00 02 0e 1e For the last Tuesday in dec at 1:20am should be given as ff 03 00 0c 01 14 This object is not instantiated when raisecomSummerTimeEnable object is set to disable." ::= { raisecomSummerTime 3 } raisecomSummerTimeRecurringEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (6)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates summertime ends at this time every year. octets contents range 1 week 1..5,ff where ff = last 2-3 day 1..7 where sunday = 1 saturday = 7 4 month 1..12 where january = 1 december = 12 5 hour 0..23 6 min 0..59 For example, the third friday in February at 3:30am should be given as 03 06 00 02 03 1e For the first Tuesday in May at 1:20am should be given as 01 03 00 05 01 14 This object is not instantiated when raisecomSummerTimeEnable object is set to disable." ::= { raisecomSummerTime 4 } raisecomClockMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ sysclk-dflt(1), sysclk-ts(2), sysclk-aux(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System clock mode, which range from 1 to 3, stands for default mode, timestamp mode and auxiliary clock mode respectively. It allows network administrator to change system clock mechanism by setting this variable. For instance, if administrator intend to use auxiliary clock as system timer, whom is required to set this variable's value as 3, i.e SYSCLK_AUX. All supported values of this variable are listed as follows: 1: SYSCLK_DFLT default mode 2: SYSCLK_TS timestamp mode 3: SYSCLK_AUX auxiliary clock mode." ::= { raisecomClockGroup 4 } raisecomClockDisplay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ eraisecomClockDisplay-DFLT(1), eraisecomClockDisplay-UTC(2), eraisecomClockDisplay-other(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System clock display mode, which range from 1 to 3, stands for default mode, UTC mode and other clock mode which is made to prepare for fulture respectively. It allows network administrator to change system clock mechanism by setting this variable. For instance, if administrator intend to use default display mode, the time will be shown as 'yyyy-mm-dd, hh:mm:ss'. else if if administrator intend to use UTC display mode, the time will be shown as'dd.mm.yyyy-hh:mm:ss' All supported values of this variable are listed as follows: 1: EraisecomClockDisplay_DFLT default mode 2: EraisecomClockDisplay_UTC UTC mode 3: EraisecomClockDisplay_other other mode." ::= { raisecomClockGroup 5 } raisecomClockTimezoneName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the time zone " ::= { raisecomClockGroup 6 } END