--MibName=raisecomCommonManagement -- ======================================================================= -- Version info -- -- Version 0.1 Created 2002.5.24 by GONGGUIDONG -- This version of MIB is created just for management of base and user. -- Added raisecomClockGroup.raisecomClockMode sub-node by XueChaomin 20081220 -- remove UserManage and OnlineUpgrade group by guoxiaodan 20070716 -- removed keepalve group by LIAOBIN 20070709 -- raisecomEnableLogMethod add localradius radiuslocal by yjg 20070112 -- modify RaisecomUserEntry by cjy 20060616 -- add raisecomEnableLogPasswordˇ˘raisecomEnableLogOldPassword by cjy 20060616 -- add rcNotificationGroup by gongguidong 20041208 -- add raisecomUserStatus by gongguidong 20040205 -- add online Upgrade group by gongguidong 20040205 -- Copyright(c) 2003-2005 by RAISECOM TECH, Ltd. -- ======================================================================= -- =========================================================================== -- -- RAISECOM base management objects -- ROSMGMT-COMMON-MANAGEMENT-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE , Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC EnableVar FROM SWITCH-TC rosMgmt FROM RAISECOM-BASE-MIB; rosMgmtCommonManagement MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "202004120000Z" ORGANIZATION "RAISECOM TECH, Ltd." CONTACT-INFO "www.raisecom.com" DESCRIPTION "The MIB module defining objects for common management" REVISION "202004120000Z" DESCRIPTION "MIB file check and modification" ::= { rosMgmt 2} rosMgmtCommonFunctionGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {rosMgmtCommonManagement 1} rosMgmtCommonNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtCommonFunctionGroup 0 } rosMgmtCommonObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtCommonFunctionGroup 1 } rosMgmtCommonConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtCommonFunctionGroup 2 } rosMgmtLoadcfg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtCommonObjects 1 } rosMgmtAutoWrite OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtCommonObjects 2 } rosMgmtLoadcfgScalar OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtLoadcfg 1 } rosMgmtConfigLoadOperation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ ready(1), saving(2), erasing(3), reboot(4), restore(5), reload(6), backupsaving(7), cpoyStaConf2BackConf(8), cpoyBackConf2StaConf(9), switStaConfBackConf(10), backuperasing(11), eraseStartupconfig(12), eraseStartupconfigAll(13), savingall(14)} MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Syetem Load Configuration .Includes to erase the start-up config, or to save the running config." ::= { rosMgmtLoadcfgScalar 1 } rosMgmtConfigLoadNotificationOnCompletion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether or not a raisecomConfigLoadOnCompletion notification should be issued on completion of some operation . If such a notification is desired, it is the responsibility of the management entity to ensure that the SNMP administrative model is configured in such a way as to allow the notification to be delivered." DEFVAL { false } ::= { rosMgmtLoadcfgScalar 2 } rosMgmtConfigLoadState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ready(1), running(2), successful(3), failed(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the state of this load configuration." ::= { rosMgmtLoadcfgScalar 3 } rosMgmtAutoWritecfgEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableVar MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set/get auto writing configuration status." DEFVAL { enable } ::= { rosMgmtAutoWrite 1 } rosMgmtAutoWritecfgInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Interval time of auto save module." ::= { rosMgmtAutoWrite 2 } rosMgmtConfigLoadCompletion NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rosMgmtConfigLoadOperation, rosMgmtConfigLoadState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A raisecomConfigLoadeCompletion trap is sent when saving or erasing the configuration file. " ::= { rosMgmtCommonNotifications 1} END