-- ***************************************************************** -- ROSMGMT-OSPFv2-MIB.mib -- -- May 2010, zhangyan -- -- Copyright(c) 2020 by RAISECOM TECH, Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- -- ***************************************************************** --MibName=rosMgmtOspf ROSMGMT-OSPFV2-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE,Counter32, Gauge32, Integer32, Unsigned32, IpAddress FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TruthValue, RowStatus FROM SNMPv2-TC EnableVar FROM SWITCH-TC InterfaceIndexOrZero FROM IF-MIB rosMgmt FROM RAISECOM-BASE-MIB; rosMgmtOspf MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "202005070000Z" -- May 07, 2020 ORGANIZATION "Raisecom Technology CO.,Ltd." CONTACT-INFO " Raise Systems Postal: Beijing, China Tel: 86-010-82884499 E-mail: support@raisecom.com" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module defines objects to Ospf." REVISION "202005070000Z" -- May 07, 2020 DESCRIPTION "Initial MIB creation." ::= { rosMgmt 47} ProcessID ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d-0" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The OSPF process id." SYNTAX Unsigned32 AreaID ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1d.1d.1d.1d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An OSPF Area Identifier. Note that the Area ID, in OSPF, has the same format as an IP address, but has the function of defining a summarization point for link state advertisements." SYNTAX IpAddress RouterID ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1d.1d.1d.1d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A OSPF Router Identifier. Note that the Router ID, in OSPF, has the same format as an IP address, but identifies the router independent of its IP address." SYNTAX IpAddress Metric ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d-0" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The OSPF internal metric. Note that the OSPF metric is defined as an unsigned value in the range." SYNTAX Integer32 (0..'FFFF'h) BigMetric ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d-0" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The OSPF external metric." SYNTAX Integer32 (0..'FFFFFF'h) Status ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An indication of the operability of an OSPF function or feature. For example, the status of an interface: 'enabled' indicates that it is willing to communicate with other OSPF routers, and 'disabled' indicates that it is not." SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled (1), disabled (2) } PositiveInteger ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d-0" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A positive integer. Values in excess are precluded as unnecessary and prone to interoperability issues." SYNTAX Integer32 (0..'7FFFFFFF'h) HelloRange ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d-0" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The range of intervals in seconds on which Hello messages are exchanged." SYNTAX Integer32 (1..'FFFF'h) UpToMaxAge ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d-0" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The values in seconds that one might find or configure for variables bounded by the maximum age of an LSA." SYNTAX Integer32 (0..3600) DesignatedRouterPriority ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d-0" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The range of values defined for the priority of a system for becoming the designated router." SYNTAX Integer32 (0..'FF'h) OspfAuthenticationType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The authentication type." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), simplePassword (1), md5 (2) -- reserved for specification by IANA (> 2) } -- Define groups in ROSMGMT-OSPFv2-MIB rosMgmtOspfNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtOspf 1 } rosMgmtOspfObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtOspf 2 } rosMgmtOspfConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtOspf 3 } -- rosMgmtOspfNotifications -- -- This group defines the traps related to Ospf. -- -- Define groups in rosMgmtOspfNotifications -- -- rosMgmtOspfTrapControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtOspfNotifications 1 } -- -- rosMgmtOspfTrapControl -- -- This Table defines the control infomation of Ospf Traps. -- rosMgmtOspfTrapControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RosMgmtOspfTrapControlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table enable or disable ospf traps" ::= { rosMgmtOspfNotifications 1 } rosMgmtOspfTrapControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RosMgmtOspfTrapControlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define an entry in the rosMgmtOspfTrapControl. Information in this table is persistent and when this object is written the entity SHOULD save the change to non-volatile storage." INDEX { rosMgmtOspfProcessId } ::= { rosMgmtOspfTrapControlTable 1 } RosMgmtOspfTrapControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rosMgmtOspfSetTrap EnableVar, rosMgmtOspfConfigErrorType INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfPacketType INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfPacketSrc IpAddress } rosMgmtOspfSetTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableVar MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether the Device shoule send traps." DEFVAL {disable} ::= { rosMgmtOspfTrapControlEntry 1 } rosMgmtOspfConfigErrorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { badVersion (1), areaMismatch (2), unknownNbmaNbr (3), -- Router is Dr eligible unknownVirtualNbr (4), authTypeMismatch(5), authFailure (6), netMaskMismatch (7), helloIntervalMismatch (8), deadIntervalMismatch (9), optionMismatch (10) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Potential types of configuration conflicts. Used by the ospfConfigError and ospfConfigVir- tError traps." ::= { rosMgmtOspfTrapControlEntry 2 } rosMgmtOspfPacketType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { hello (1), dbDescript (2), lsReq (3), lsUpdate (4), lsAck (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OSPF packet types." ::= { rosMgmtOspfTrapControlEntry 3 } rosMgmtOspfPacketSrc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of an inbound packet that can- not be identified by a neighbor instance." ::= { rosMgmtOspfTrapControlEntry 4 } -- -- rosMgmtOspfTraps -- -- This Table defines the Ospf Traps. -- -- Define groups in rosMgmtOspfNotifications -- rosMgmtOspfTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtOspfNotifications 0 } rosMgmtOspfIfStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap rosMgmtOspfIfIpAddress, rosMgmtOspfAddressLessIf, rosMgmtOspfIfState -- The new state } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An rosMgmtOspfIfStateChange trap signifies that there has been a change in the state of a non-virtual OSPF interface. This trap should be generated when the interface state regresses (e.g., goes from Dr to Down) or progresses to a terminal state (i.e., Point-to-Point, DR Other, Dr, or Backup)." ::= { rosMgmtOspfTraps 1 } rosMgmtOspfVirtIfStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap rosMgmtOspfVirtIfAreaId, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfNeighbor, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfState -- The new state } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An rosMgmtOspfIfStateChange trap signifies that there has been a change in the state of an OSPF vir- tual interface. This trap should be generated when the inter- face state regresses (e.g., goes from Point- to-Point to Down) or progresses to a terminal state (i.e., Point-to-Point)." ::= { rosMgmtOspfTraps 2 } rosMgmtOspfNbrStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap rosMgmtOspfNbrIpAddr, rosMgmtOspfNbrAddressLessIndex, rosMgmtOspfNbrRtrId, rosMgmtOspfNbrState -- The new state } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An rosMgmtOspfNbrStateChange trap signifies that there has been a change in the state of a non- virtual OSPF neighbor. This trap should be generated when the neighbor state regresses (e.g., goes from Attempt or Full to 1-Way or Down) or progresses to a terminal state (e.g., 2-Way or Full). When an neighbor transitions from or to Full on non-broadcast multi-access and broadcast networks, the trap should be gen- erated by the designated router. A designated router transitioning to Down will be noted by rosMgmtOspfIfStateChange." ::= { rosMgmtOspfTraps 3 } rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrArea, rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrRtrId, rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrState -- The new state } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An rosMgmtOspfIfStateChange trap signifies that there has been a change in the state of an OSPF vir- tual neighbor. This trap should be generated when the neighbor state regresses (e.g., goes from Attempt or Full to 1-Way or Down) or progresses to a terminal state (e.g., Full)." ::= { rosMgmtOspfTraps 4 } rosMgmtOspfIfConfigError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap rosMgmtOspfIfIpAddress, rosMgmtOspfAddressLessIf, rosMgmtOspfPacketSrc, -- The source IP address rosMgmtOspfConfigErrorType, -- Type of error rosMgmtOspfPacketType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An rosMgmtOspfIfConfigError trap signifies that a packet has been received on a non-virtual in- terface from a router whose configuration parameters conflict with this router's confi- guration parameters. Note that the event op- tionMismatch should cause a trap only if it prevents an adjacency from forming." ::= { rosMgmtOspfTraps 5 } rosMgmtOspfVirtIfConfigError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap rosMgmtOspfVirtIfAreaId, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfNeighbor, rosMgmtOspfConfigErrorType, -- Type of error rosMgmtOspfPacketType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An ospfConfigError trap signifies that a pack- et has been received on a virtual interface from a router whose configuration parameters conflict with this router's configuration parameters. Note that the event optionMismatch should cause a trap only if it prevents an ad- jacency from forming." ::= { rosMgmtOspfTraps 6 } rosMgmtOspfIfAuthFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap rosMgmtOspfIfIpAddress, rosMgmtOspfAddressLessIf, rosMgmtOspfPacketSrc, -- The source IP address rosMgmtOspfConfigErrorType, -- authTypeMismatch or -- authFailure rosMgmtOspfPacketType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An rosMgmtOspfIfAuthFailure trap signifies that a packet has been received on a non-virtual in- terface from a router whose authentication key or authentication type conflicts with this router's authentication key or authentication type." ::= { rosMgmtOspfTraps 7 } rosMgmtOspfVirtIfAuthFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap rosMgmtOspfVirtIfAreaId, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfNeighbor, rosMgmtOspfConfigErrorType, -- authTypeMismatch or -- authFailure rosMgmtOspfPacketType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An rosMgmtOspfVirtIfAuthFailure trap signifies that a packet has been received on a virtual interface from a router whose authentication key or au- thentication type conflicts with this router's authentication key or authentication type." ::= { rosMgmtOspfTraps 8 } rosMgmtOspfIfRxBadPacket NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap rosMgmtOspfIfIpAddress, rosMgmtOspfAddressLessIf, rosMgmtOspfPacketSrc, -- The source IP address rosMgmtOspfPacketType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An rosMgmtOspfIfRxBadPacket trap signifies that an OSPF packet has been received on a non-virtual interface that cannot be parsed." ::= { rosMgmtOspfTraps 9 } rosMgmtOspfVirtIfRxBadPacket NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap rosMgmtOspfVirtIfAreaId, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfNeighbor, rosMgmtOspfPacketType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An ospfRxBadPacket trap signifies that an OSPF packet has been received on a virtual interface that cannot be parsed." ::= { rosMgmtOspfTraps 10 } rosMgmtOspfTxRetransmit NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap rosMgmtOspfIfIpAddress, rosMgmtOspfAddressLessIf, rosMgmtOspfNbrRtrId, -- Destination rosMgmtOspfPacketType, rosMgmtOspfLsdbType, rosMgmtOspfLsdbLsId, rosMgmtOspfLsdbRouterId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An ospfTxRetransmit trap signifies than an OSPF packet has been retransmitted on a non- virtual interface. All packets that may be re- transmitted are associated with an LSDB entry. The LS type, LS ID, and Router ID are used to identify the LSDB entry." ::= { rosMgmtOspfTraps 11 } rosMgmtOspfVirtIfTxRetransmit NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap rosMgmtOspfVirtIfAreaId, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfNeighbor, rosMgmtOspfPacketType, rosMgmtOspfLsdbType, rosMgmtOspfLsdbLsId, rosMgmtOspfLsdbRouterId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An ospfTxRetransmit trap signifies than an OSPF packet has been retransmitted on a virtual interface. All packets that may be retransmit- ted are associated with an LSDB entry. The LS type, LS ID, and Router ID are used to identify the LSDB entry." ::= { rosMgmtOspfTraps 12 } rosMgmtOspfOriginateLsa NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap rosMgmtOspfLsdbAreaId, -- for AS Externals rosMgmtOspfLsdbType, rosMgmtOspfLsdbLsId, rosMgmtOspfLsdbRouterId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An ospfOriginateLsa trap signifies that a new LSA has been originated by this router. This trap should not be invoked for simple refreshes of LSAs (which happesn every 30 minutes), but instead will only be invoked when an LSA is (re)originated due to a topology change. Addi- tionally, this trap does not include LSAs that are being flushed because they have reached MaxAge." ::= { rosMgmtOspfTraps 13 } rosMgmtOspfMaxAgeLsa NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap rosMgmtOspfLsdbAreaId, -- for AS Externals rosMgmtOspfLsdbType, rosMgmtOspfLsdbLsId, rosMgmtOspfLsdbRouterId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An ospfMaxAgeLsa trap signifies that one of the LSA in the router's link-state database has aged to MaxAge." ::= { rosMgmtOspfTraps 14 } rosMgmtOspfLsdbOverflow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap rosMgmtOspfExtLsdbLimit } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An rosMgmtOspfLsdbOverflow trap signifies that the number of LSAs in the router's link-state data- base has exceeded rosMgmtOspfExtLsdbLimit." ::= { rosMgmtOspfTraps 15 } rosMgmtOspfLsdbApproachingOverflow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap rosMgmtOspfExtLsdbLimit } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An rosMgmtOspfLsdbApproachingOverflow trap signifies that the number of LSAs in the router's link- state database has exceeded ninety percent of rosMgmtOspfExtLsdbLimit." ::= { rosMgmtOspfTraps 16 } rosMgmtOspfIfKeyValid NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap rosMgmtOspfIfIpAddress, rosMgmtOspfAddressLessIf, rosMgmtOspfIfAuthKeyChain } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap will notify the network manager that some key associated with an interface recovers valid." ::= { rosMgmtOspfTraps 17 } rosMgmtOspfIfLastKeyExpiration NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap rosMgmtOspfIfIpAddress, rosMgmtOspfAddressLessIf, rosMgmtOspfIfAuthKeyChain } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap will notify the network manager that the last key associated with an interface expires." ::= { rosMgmtOspfTraps 18 } rosMgmtOspfVirtIfKeyValid NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap rosMgmtOspfVirtIfAreaId, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfNeighbor, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfAuthKeyChain } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap will notify the network manager that some key associated with an virtual link recovers valid." ::= { rosMgmtOspfTraps 19 } rosMgmtOspfVirtIfLastKeyExpiration NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap rosMgmtOspfVirtIfAreaId, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfNeighbor, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfAuthKeyChain } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap will notify the network manager that the last key associated with an virtual link expires." ::= { rosMgmtOspfTraps 20 } rosMgmtOspfRedistributeOverflow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfRedistributeProtocol, -- The originator of the trap rosMgmtOspfRedistributeProcessId, rosMgmtOspfRedistributeRouteLimit } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap should be generated when the number of redistribute routes exceeds limit." ::= { rosMgmtOspfTraps 21 } rosMgmtOspfRedistributeNotOverflow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfRedistributeProtocol, -- The originator of the trap rosMgmtOspfRedistributeProcessId, rosMgmtOspfRedistributeRouteLimit } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap should be generated when the number of redistribute routes drop to limit." ::= { rosMgmtOspfTraps 22 } -- -- rosMgmtOspfObjects -- -- This group defines all the objects related to Ospf. -- Define groups in rosMgmtOspfObjects -- rosMgmtOspfGlobalTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 1 } -- rosMgmtOspfAreaTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 2 } -- rosMgmtOspfNetWorkTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 3 } -- rosMgmtOspfStubAreaTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 4 } -- rosMgmtOspfNssaAreaTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 5 } -- rosMgmtOspfIfTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 6 } -- rosMgmtOspfVirtIfTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 7 } -- rosMgmtOspfNbrTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 8 } -- rosMgmtOspfNbmaCfgNbrTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 9 } -- rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 10} -- rosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 11} -- rosMgmtOspfExternalAggregateTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 12} -- rosMgmtOspfLsdbTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 13} -- rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 14} -- rosMgmtOspfAreaLsaCountTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 15} -- rosMgmtOspfRedistributeTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 16} -- rosMgmtOspfDefaultInfoTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 17} -- rosMgmtOspfPacketIoStatisTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 18} -- rosMgmtOspfRouteTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 19} -- rosMgmtOspfBdrRouteTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 20} -- rosMgmtOspfDistributeListGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 21} -- rosMgmtOspfDNBitOperationTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 22} -- -- -- rosMgmtOspfGlobalTable -- -- This Table defines the Global Vars. -- rosMgmtOspfGlobalTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OSPF global Vars for every ospf process." ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 1 } rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OSPF global Vars for every ospf process." INDEX { rosMgmtOspfProcessId } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalTable 1 } RosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rosMgmtOspfProcessId ProcessID, rosMgmtOspfRouterId RouterID, rosMgmtOspfAdminStat EnableVar, rosMgmtOspfVersionNumber INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfAreaBdrRtrStatus TruthValue, rosMgmtOspfASBdrRtrStatus TruthValue, rosMgmtOspfExternLsaCount Gauge32, rosMgmtOspfExternLsaCksumSum Integer32, rosMgmtOspfOriginateNewLsas Counter32, rosMgmtOspfRxNewLsas Counter32, rosMgmtOspfExtLsdbLimit Integer32, rosMgmtOspfExitOverflowInterval PositiveInteger, rosMgmtOspfReferenceBandwidth Unsigned32, rosMgmtOspfAsLsaCount Gauge32, rosMgmtOspfAsLsaCksumSum Unsigned32, rosMgmtOspfStubRouterSupport TruthValue, rosMgmtOspfStubRouterAdvertisement INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfAdminDistance Integer32, rosMgmtOspfSpfInterval Integer32, rosMgmtOspfReset INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfExportMetric Integer32, rosMgmtOspfExportTag Integer32, rosMgmtOspfExportType INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfNetCounts Integer32, rosMgmtOspfAreaCounts Integer32, rosMgmtOspfNssaAreaCounts Integer32, rosMgmtOspfSpfCounts Integer32, rosMgmtOspfGlobalStatus RowStatus, rosMgmtOspfRedistributeRouteLimit Integer32, rosMgmtOspfDistanceIntra Integer32, rosMgmtOspfDistanceInter Integer32, rosMgmtOspfDistanceExtern Integer32, rosMgmtOspfRfc1583Compatible TruthValue, rosMgmtOspfSpfHode Integer32, rosMgmtOspfBfdAllItfs TruthValue, rosMgmtOspfOpaqueCapability TruthValue, rosMgmtOspfTECapability TruthValue, rosMgmtOspfTEAreaID IpAddress, rosMgmtOspfTERouterId RouterID, rosMgmtOspfGRCapability INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfGRPeriod Integer32, rosMgmtOspfGRHelper INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfGRHelperMaxPeriod Integer32, rosMgmtOspfMaximumLoadBalancing Integer32, rosMgmtOspfMaxMetric Integer32, rosMgmtOspfMaxMetricType Integer32, rosMgmtOspfMaxMetricTime Integer32, rosMgmtOspfMaxMetricTypeStartup Integer32, rosMgmtOspfLsdbOverflowLimit Integer32, rosMgmtOspfTrafficAdjustType INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfRouteTagValue Unsigned32, rosMgmtOspfRouteTagCheckDisable TruthValue, rosMgmtOspfDNBitSetDisableSummary TruthValue, rosMgmtOspfDNBitSetDisableAse TruthValue, rosMgmtOspfDNBitSetDisableNssa TruthValue, rosMgmtOspfDNBitCheckDisableSummary TruthValue, rosMgmtOspfDNBitCheckDisableAse TruthValue, rosMgmtOspfDNBitCheckDisableNssa TruthValue, rosMgmtOspfSpfMilliInterval Integer32, rosMgmtOspfSpfMilliHode Integer32, rosMgmtOspfLoopFreeAlt TruthValue } rosMgmtOspfProcessId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ProcessID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A 32-bit unsigned integer uniquely identifying the ospf process." ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 1 } rosMgmtOspfRouterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RouterID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A 32-bit integer uniquely identifying the router in the Autonomous System. By convention, to ensure uniqueness, this should default to the value of one of the router's IP interface addresses. This object is persistent and when written the entity SHOULD save the change to non-volatile storage." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, C.1 Global parameters" ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 2 } rosMgmtOspfAdminStat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableVar MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative status of OSPF in the router. The value 'enabled' denotes that the OSPF Process is active on at least one interface; 'disabled' disables it on all interfaces. This object is persistent and when written the entity SHOULD save the change to non-volatile storage." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 3 } rosMgmtOspfVersionNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { version2 (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current version number of the OSPF protocol is 2." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Title" ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 4 } rosMgmtOspfAreaBdrRtrStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A flag to note whether this router is an Area Border Router." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Section 3 Splitting the AS into Areas" ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 5 } rosMgmtOspfASBdrRtrStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A flag to note whether this router is configured as an Autonomous System Border Router. This object is persistent and when written the entity SHOULD save the change to non-volatile storage." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Section 3.3 Classification of routers" ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 6 } rosMgmtOspfExternLsaCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of external (LS type-5) link state advertisements in the link state database." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Appendix A.4.5 AS external link advertisements" ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 7 } rosMgmtOspfExternLsaCksumSum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 32-bit sum of the LS checksums of the external link state advertisements contained in the link state database. This sum can be used to determine if there has been a change in a router's link state database and to compare the link state database of two routers. The value should be treated as unsigned when comparing two sums of checksums." ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 8 } rosMgmtOspfOriginateNewLsas OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of new link state advertisements that have been originated. This number is incremented each time the router originates a new LSA. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ospfDiscontinuityTime." ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 9 } rosMgmtOspfRxNewLsas OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of link state advertisements received that are determined to be new instantiations. This number does not include newer instantiations of self-originated link state advertisements. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ospfDiscontinuityTime." ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 10 } rosMgmtOspfExtLsdbLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..'7FFFFFFF'h) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of non-default AS-external LSAs entries that can be stored in the link state database. If the value is -1, then there is no limit. When the number of non-default AS-external LSAs in a router's link state database reaches rosMgmtOspfExtLsdbLimit, the router enters overflow state. The router never holds more than rosMgmtOspfExtLsdbLimit non-default AS-external LSAs in its database. rosMgmtOspfExtLsdbLimit MUST be set identically in all routers attached to the OSPF backbone and/or any regular OSPF area (i.e., OSPF stub areas and NSSAs are excluded). This object is persistent and when written the entity SHOULD save the change to non-volatile storage." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 11 } rosMgmtOspfExitOverflowInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PositiveInteger MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds that, after entering OverflowState, a router will attempt to leave OverflowState. This allows the router to again originate non-default AS-external LSAs. When set to 0, the router will not leave overflow state until restarted. This object is persistent and when written the entity SHOULD save the change to non-volatile storage." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 12 } rosMgmtOspfReferenceBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(1..4296967) UNITS "millionbits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reference bandwidth in millionbits/second for calculating default interface metrics. The default value is 100 MBPS. This object is persistent and when written the entity SHOULD save the change to non-volatile storage." ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 13 } rosMgmtOspfAsLsaCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of AS-scope link state advertisements in the AS-scope link state database." ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 14 } rosMgmtOspfAsLsaCksumSum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 32-bit unsigned sum of the LS checksums of the AS link state advertisements contained in the AS-scope link state database. This sum can be used to determine if there has been a change in a router's AS-scope link state database, and to compare the AS-scope link state database of two routers." ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 15 } rosMgmtOspfStubRouterSupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The router's support for stub router functionality." REFERENCE "OSPF Stub Router Advertisement" ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 16 } rosMgmtOspfStubRouterAdvertisement OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { doNotAdvertise (1), advertise(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object controls the advertisement of stub router LSAs by the router. The value doNotAdvertise will result in the advertisement of a standard router LSA and is the default value. This object is persistent and when written the entity SHOULD save the change to non-volatile storage." ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 17 } rosMgmtOspfAdminDistance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative distance of ospf process. 0 represents administration distance of ospf is not set." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 18 } rosMgmtOspfSpfInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..600) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Delay(s) between receiving a change to SPF calculation." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 19 } rosMgmtOspfReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), general(1), gr(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reset ospf process by process ID." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 20 } rosMgmtOspfExportMetric OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0.. 16777215) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The default metric of imporing route into ospf process." DEFVAL { 20 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 21 } rosMgmtOspfExportTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The default tag of importing route into ospf process." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 22 } rosMgmtOspfExportType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { type1 (1), type2 (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The default type of importing route into ospf process." DEFVAL { type2 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 23 } rosMgmtOspfNetCounts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It bas been used to describe the total number of networks in OSPF process." ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 24 } rosMgmtOspfAreaCounts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It bas been used to describe the number of areas in OSPF process." ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 25 } rosMgmtOspfNssaAreaCounts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It bas been used to describe the number of NSSA areas in OSPF process." ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 26 } rosMgmtOspfSpfCounts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It bas been used to describe the total number of SPF calculation in OSPF process. " ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 27 } rosMgmtOspfGlobalStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object permits management of the table by facilitating actions such as row creation, construction, and destruction. The value of this object has no effect on whether other objects in this conceptual row can be modified." ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 28 } rosMgmtOspfRedistributeRouteLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(-1|1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the max number in importing route.-1 represents the max number in importing route are not set." ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 29 } rosMgmtOspfDistanceIntra OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative distance of ospf Intra-area routes. 0 represents administration distance of ospf Intra-area routes are not set." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 30 } rosMgmtOspfDistanceInter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative distance of ospf Inter-area routes. 0 represents administration distance of ospf Inter-area routes are not set." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 31 } rosMgmtOspfDistanceExtern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative distance of ospf external routes. 0 represents administration distance of ospf external routes are not set." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 32 } rosMgmtOspfRfc1583Compatible OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ospf process compatible with RFC 1583." DEFVAL { true } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 33 } rosMgmtOspfSpfHode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..600) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hold time (s) between consecutive SPF calculations." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 34 } rosMgmtOspfBfdAllItfs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ospf process indicate global BFD." DEFVAL { false } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 35 } rosMgmtOspfOpaqueCapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ospf process indicate opaque capability." DEFVAL { false } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 36 } rosMgmtOspfTECapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ospf process indicate TE capability." DEFVAL { false } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 37 } rosMgmtOspfTEAreaID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A 32-bit integer uniquely identifying an area. Area ID is used for the OSPF backbone." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.2 Area parameters" ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 38 } rosMgmtOspfTERouterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RouterID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A 32-bit integer uniquely identifying the TE router in the area.By convention, to ensure uniqueness,this should default to the value of the router-id of ospf precess." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, C.1 Global parameters" ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 39 } rosMgmtOspfGRCapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { graceful (1), signaling (2), never(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Use this command to enable OSPF graceful restart or restart signaling. If a router is not restart-enabled, it cannot enter graceful restart mode and act as a helper." ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 40 } rosMgmtOspfGRPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..1800) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The grace period for the restarting router." DEFVAL { 120 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 41 } rosMgmtOspfGRHelper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { general (0), never (1), plannedonly (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the helper behavior for graceful restart." ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 42 } rosMgmtOspfGRHelperMaxPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..1800) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Help only if received grace-period is less than this value." DEFVAL { 1800 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 43 } rosMgmtOspfMaximumLoadBalancing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum load-balancing paths for OSPF." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 44 } rosMgmtOspfMaxMetric OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The router announces itself as a stub router." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 45 } rosMgmtOspfMaxMetricType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The stub router will change the cost include stub link." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 46 } rosMgmtOspfMaxMetricTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 | 90..86400) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time, in seconds, router-LSAs are originated with max-metric." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 47 } rosMgmtOspfMaxMetricTypeStartup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set maximum metric for stub links in router-LSAs on start up." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 48 } rosMgmtOspfLsdbOverflowLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1000000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set the OSPF link-state database overflow limit." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 49 } rosMgmtOspfTrafficAdjustType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), shortcut (1), fa (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set the OSPF traffic adjust feature." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 50 } rosMgmtOspfRouteTagValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set tag of the import route whcih belongs to the vpn process." ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 51 } rosMgmtOspfRouteTagCheckDisable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Block the inclusion of Tag whcih belongs to the vpn process." ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 52 } rosMgmtOspfDNBitSetDisableSummary OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configure the DN bit in an Summary LSA. The DN bit is set in an Summary LSA by default." ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 53 } rosMgmtOspfDNBitSetDisableAse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configure the DN bit in an as-external-LSA. The DN bit is set in an as-external-LSA by default." ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 54 } rosMgmtOspfDNBitSetDisableNssa OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configure the DN bit in an Nssa LSA. The DN bit is set in an Nssa LSA by default." ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 55 } rosMgmtOspfDNBitCheckDisableSummary OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Check the DN bit in an Summary LSA. The DN bit check is enabled in an Summary LSA by default." ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 56 } rosMgmtOspfDNBitCheckDisableAse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Check the DN bit in an an as-external-LSA. The DN bit check is enabled in an an as-external-LSA by default." ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 57 } rosMgmtOspfDNBitCheckDisableNssa OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Check the DN bit in an Nssa LSA. The DN bit check is enabled in an Nssa LSA by default." ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 58 } rosMgmtOspfSpfMilliInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..600000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Delay(ms) between receiving a change to SPF calculation." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 59 } rosMgmtOspfSpfMilliHode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..600000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hold time (ms) between consecutive SPF calculations." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 60 } rosMgmtOspfLoopFreeAlt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable OSPF Loop-Free Alternate(LFA)." ::= { rosMgmtOspfGlobalEntry 61 } -- rosMgmtOspfAreaTable -- The OSPF Area Table contains information -- regarding the various areas. rosMgmtOspfAreaTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RosMgmtOspfAreaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information describing the configured parameters and cumulative statistics of the router's attached areas. The interfaces and virtual links are configured as part of these areas. Area, by definition, is the backbone area." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Section 6 The Area Data Structure" ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 2 } rosMgmtOspfAreaEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RosMgmtOspfAreaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information describing the configured parameters and cumulative statistics of one of the router's attached areas. The interfaces and virtual links are configured as part of these areas. Area, by definition, is the backbone area. Information in this table is persistent and when this object is written the entity SHOULD save the change to non-volatile storage." INDEX { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfAreaId } ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaTable 1 } RosMgmtOspfAreaEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rosMgmtOspfAreaId AreaID, rosMgmtOspfAuthType OspfAuthenticationType, rosMgmtOspfImportAsExtern INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfSpfRuns Counter32, rosMgmtOspfAreaBdrRtrCount Gauge32, rosMgmtOspfAsBdrRtrCount Gauge32, rosMgmtOspfAreaLsaCount Gauge32, rosMgmtOspfAreaLsaCksumSum Integer32, rosMgmtOspfAreaSummary INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfAreaNssaTranslatorRole INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfAreaNssaTranslatorState INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfAreaNssaTranslatorStabilityInterval PositiveInteger, rosMgmtOspfAreaNssaTranslatorEvents Counter32, rosMgmtOspfAreaDefaultCost BigMetric, rosMgmtOspfAreaType INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfAreaStatus RowStatus, rosMgmtOspfAreaFilterInIpPrefixListName OCTET STRING, rosMgmtOspfAreaFilterOutIpPrefixListName OCTET STRING, rosMgmtOspfAreaTeCapability TruthValue } rosMgmtOspfAreaId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AreaID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A 32-bit integer uniquely identifying an area. Area ID is used for the OSPF backbone." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.2 Area parameters" ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaEntry 1 } rosMgmtOspfAuthType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OspfAuthenticationType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The authentication type specified for an area." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Appendix D Authentication" DEFVAL { none } -- no authentication, by default ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaEntry 2 } rosMgmtOspfImportAsExtern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { importExternal (1), importNoExternal (2), importNssa (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if an area is a stub area, NSSA, or standard area. Type-5 AS-external LSAs and type-11 Opaque LSAs are not imported into stub areas or NSSAs. NSSAs import AS-external data as type-7 LSAs" REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.2 Area parameters" DEFVAL { importExternal } ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaEntry 3 } rosMgmtOspfSpfRuns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times that the intra-area route table has been calculated using this area's link state database. This is typically done using Dijkstra's algorithm. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ospfDiscontinuityTime." ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaEntry 4 } rosMgmtOspfAreaBdrRtrCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of Area Border Routers reachable within this area. This is initially zero and is calculated in each Shortest Path First (SPF) pass." ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaEntry 5 } rosMgmtOspfAsBdrRtrCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of Autonomous System Border Routers reachable within this area. This is initially zero and is calculated in each SPF pass." ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaEntry 6 } rosMgmtOspfAreaLsaCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of link state advertisements in this area's link state database, excluding AS-external LSAs." ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaEntry 7 } rosMgmtOspfAreaLsaCksumSum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 32-bit sum of the link state advertisements' LS checksums contained in this area's link state database. This sum excludes external (LS type-5) link state advertisements. The sum can be used to determine if there has been a change in a router's link state database, and to compare the link state database of two routers. The value should be treated as unsigned when comparing two sums of checksums." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaEntry 8 } rosMgmtOspfAreaSummary OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noAreaSummary (1), sendAreaSummary (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The variable ospfAreaSummary controls the import of summary LSAs into stub and NSSA areas. It has no effect on other areas. If it is noAreaSummary, the router will not originate summary LSAs into the stub or NSSA area. It will rely entirely on its default route. If it is sendAreaSummary, the router will both summarize and propagate summary LSAs." DEFVAL { sendAreaSummary } ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaEntry 9 } rosMgmtOspfAreaNssaTranslatorRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { always (1), candidate (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates an NSSA border router's ability to perform NSSA translation of type-7 LSAs into type-5 LSAs." DEFVAL { candidate } ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaEntry 10 } rosMgmtOspfAreaNssaTranslatorState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled (1), elected (2), disabled (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if and how an NSSA border router is performing NSSA translation of type-7 LSAs into type-5 LSAs. When this object is set to enabled, the NSSA Border router's OspfAreaNssaExtTranslatorRole has been set to always. When this object is set to elected, a candidate NSSA Border router is Translating type-7 LSAs into type-5. When this object is set to disabled, a candidate NSSA border router is NOT translating type-7 LSAs into type-5." ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaEntry 11 } rosMgmtOspfAreaNssaTranslatorStabilityInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PositiveInteger UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds after an elected translator determines its services are no longer required, that it should continue to perform its translation duties." DEFVAL { 40 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaEntry 12 } rosMgmtOspfAreaNssaTranslatorEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the number of translator state changes that have occurred since the last boot-up. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ospfDiscontinuityTime." ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaEntry 13 } rosMgmtOspfAreaDefaultCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BigMetric MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It indicates the cost of default route of NSSA area or stub area." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaEntry 14 } rosMgmtOspfAreaType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { backbone (1), normal (2), stub (3), nssa (4), transmit (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It has been used to describe the type of area,area 0 indicates backbone, area that has virtual-links is transmit area. When area is configured as stub,it's a stub area, and same as nssa area.other areas are called normal areas." ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaEntry 15 } rosMgmtOspfAreaStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object permits management of the table by facilitating actions such as row creation, construction, and destruction. The value of this object has no effect on whether other objects in this conceptual row can be modified." ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaEntry 16 } rosMgmtOspfAreaFilterInIpPrefixListName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Filter incoming summary lsa,the value of this object indicates the name of an ip-prefix-list." ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaEntry 17 } rosMgmtOspfAreaFilterOutIpPrefixListName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Filter outgoing summary lsa,the value of this object indicates the name of an ip-prefix-list." ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaEntry 18 } rosMgmtOspfAreaTeCapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicate Area TE enable state." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.2 Area parameters" ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaEntry 19 } -- rosMgmtOspfNetWorkTable -- The OSPF netwrok Table contains information -- regarding the various areas. rosMgmtOspfNetWorkTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RosMgmtOspfNetWorkEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The list of directly-connected networks which enable the OSPF function." ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 3 } rosMgmtOspfNetWorkEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RosMgmtOspfNetWorkEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines an entry in the rosMgmtOspfNetWorkTable. Information in this table is persistent and when this object is written the entity SHOULD save the change to non-volatile storage." INDEX { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfAreaId, rosMgmtOspfNet, rosMgmtOspfMask } ::= { rosMgmtOspfNetWorkTable 1 } RosMgmtOspfNetWorkEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rosMgmtOspfNet IpAddress, rosMgmtOspfMask IpAddress, rosMgmtOspfNetWorkStatus RowStatus } rosMgmtOspfNet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the net or subnet indicated by the range." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.2 Area parameters" ::= { rosMgmtOspfNetWorkEntry 1 } rosMgmtOspfMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The subnet mask that pertains to the net or subnet." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.2 Area parameters" ::= { rosMgmtOspfNetWorkEntry 2 } rosMgmtOspfNetWorkStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object permits management of the table by facilitating actions such as row creation, construction, and destruction. The value of this object has no effect on whether other objects in this conceptual row can be modified." ::= { rosMgmtOspfNetWorkEntry 3 } --rosMgmtOspfStubAreaTable -- --The table define ospf stub area rosMgmtOspfStubAreaTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RosMgmtOspfStubAreaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The set of metrics that will be advertised by a default Area Border Router into a stub area." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.2, Area Parameters" ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 4 } rosMgmtOspfStubAreaEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RosMgmtOspfStubAreaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The metric for a given Type of Service that will be advertised by a default Area Border Router into a stub area. Information in this table is persistent and when this object is written the entity SHOULD save the change to non-volatile storage." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.2, Area Parameters" INDEX { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfStubAreaId } ::= { rosMgmtOspfStubAreaTable 1 } RosMgmtOspfStubAreaEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rosMgmtOspfStubAreaId AreaID, rosMgmtOspfStubAreaOption TruthValue, rosMgmtOspfStubAreaStatus RowStatus } rosMgmtOspfStubAreaId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AreaID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible -- read-only since originally an -- SMIv1 index STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 32-bit identifier for the stub area. On creation, this can be derived from the instance." ::= { rosMgmtOspfStubAreaEntry 1 } rosMgmtOspfStubAreaOption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The option of STUB area.True means that ABR cann't send summary lsa to stub area." ::= { rosMgmtOspfStubAreaEntry 2 } rosMgmtOspfStubAreaStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object permits management of the table by facilitating actions such as row creation, construction, and destruction. The value of this object has no effect on whether other objects in this conceptual row can be modified." ::= { rosMgmtOspfStubAreaEntry 3 } --rosMgmtOspfNssaAreaTable -- --The table define ospf nssa area rosMgmtOspfNssaAreaTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RosMgmtOspfNssaAreaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The set of metrics that will be advertised by a default Area Border Router into a Nssa area." REFERENCE "Rfc 1587" ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 5 } rosMgmtOspfNssaAreaEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RosMgmtOspfNssaAreaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The metric for a given Type of Service that will be advertised by a default Area Border Router into a Nssa area. Information in this table is persistent and when this object is written the entity SHOULD save the change to non-volatile storage." REFERENCE "Rfc 1587" INDEX { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfNssaAreaId } ::= { rosMgmtOspfNssaAreaTable 1 } RosMgmtOspfNssaAreaEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rosMgmtOspfNssaAreaId AreaID, rosMgmtOspfNssaAreaOption INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfNssaAreaStatus RowStatus } rosMgmtOspfNssaAreaId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AreaID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible -- read-only since originally an -- SMIv1 index STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 32-bit identifier for the nssa area. On creation, this can be derived from the instance." ::= { rosMgmtOspfNssaAreaEntry 1 } rosMgmtOspfNssaAreaOption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { summarysend (0), nosummary (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The option of Nssa area. If first bit is set, Router should generate default type-7 lsa; if second bit is set, nssa area cann't import ex- ternal route; if third bit is set, ABR cann't send summary lsas to the nssa area." ::= { rosMgmtOspfNssaAreaEntry 2 } rosMgmtOspfNssaAreaStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object permits management of the table by facilitating actions such as row creation, construction, and destruction. The value of this object has no effect on whether other objects in this conceptual row can be modified." ::= { rosMgmtOspfNssaAreaEntry 3 } -- rosMgmtOspfIfTable -- OSPF Interface Table -- rosMgmtOspfIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RosMgmtOspfIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The OSPF Interface Table describes the interfaces from the viewpoint of OSPF. It augments the ipAddrTable with OSPF specific information." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.3 Router interface parameters" ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 6 } rosMgmtOspfIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RosMgmtOspfIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The OSPF interface entry describes one interface from the viewpoint of OSPF. Information in this table is persistent and when this object is written the entity SHOULD save the change to non-volatile storage." INDEX { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfAddressLessIf } ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfTable 1 } RosMgmtOspfIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rosMgmtOspfAddressLessIf InterfaceIndexOrZero, rosMgmtOspfIfIpAddress IpAddress, rosMgmtOspfIfAreaId AreaID, rosMgmtOspfIfType INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfIfAdminStat Status, rosMgmtOspfIfRtrPriority DesignatedRouterPriority, rosMgmtOspfIfTransitDelay Integer32, rosMgmtOspfIfRetransInterval Integer32, rosMgmtOspfIfHelloInterval Integer32, rosMgmtOspfIfRtrDeadInterval Integer32, rosMgmtOspfIfPollInterval Integer32, rosMgmtOspfIfState INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfIfDesignatedRouter IpAddress, rosMgmtOspfIfBackupDesignatedRouter IpAddress, rosMgmtOspfIfEvents Counter32, rosMgmtOspfIfAuthKeyId Integer32, rosMgmtOspfIfAuthSimpleKeyType INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfIfAuthMd5KeyType INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfIfAuthSimpleKey OCTET STRING, rosMgmtOspfIfAuthMd5Key OCTET STRING, rosMgmtOspfIfAuthKeyChain OCTET STRING, rosMgmtOspfIfAuthType OspfAuthenticationType, rosMgmtOspfIfLsaCount Gauge32, rosMgmtOspfIfLsaCksumSum Unsigned32, rosMgmtOspfIfDesignatedRouterId RouterID, rosMgmtOspfIfBackupDesignatedRouterId RouterID, rosMgmtOspfIfPassive EnableVar, rosMgmtOspfIfMtu EnableVar, rosMgmtOspfIfMetric Metric, rosMgmtOspfIfBfd EnableVar, rosMgmtOspfIfGRResync Integer32 } rosMgmtOspfAddressLessIf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For the purpose of easing the instancing of addressed and addressless interfaces; this variable takes the value 0 on interfaces with IP addresses and the corresponding value of ifIndex for interfaces having no IP address." ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 1 } rosMgmtOspfIfIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of this OSPF interface." ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 2 } rosMgmtOspfIfAreaId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AreaID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A 32-bit integer uniquely identifying the area to which the interface connects. Area ID is used for the OSPF backbone." DEFVAL { '00000000'H } -- ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 3 } rosMgmtOspfIfType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), pointToPoint (1), broadcast (2), nbma (3), pointToMultipoint (4), virtuallink (5), loopback (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The OSPF interface type. By way of a default, this field may be intuited from the corresponding value of ifType. Broadcast LANs, such as Ethernet and IEEE 802.5, take the value 'broadcast', X.25 and similar technologies take the value 'nbma', and links that are definitively point to point take the value 'pointToPoint'." DEFVAL {broadcast} ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 4 } rosMgmtOspfIfAdminStat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Status MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The OSPF interface's administrative status. The value formed on the interface, and the interface will be advertised as an internal route to some area. The value 'disabled' denotes that the interface is external to OSPF." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 5 } rosMgmtOspfIfRtrPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DesignatedRouterPriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The priority of this interface. Used in multi-access networks, this field is used in the designated router election algorithm. The value 0 signifies that the router is not eligible to become the designated router on this particular network. In the event of a tie in this value, routers will use their Router ID as a tie breaker." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 6 } rosMgmtOspfIfTransitDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The estimated number of seconds it takes to transmit a link state update packet over this interface. Note that the minimal value SHOULD be 1 second." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 7 } rosMgmtOspfIfRetransInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds between link state advertisement retransmissions, for adjacencies belonging to this interface. This value is also used when retransmitting database description and Link State request packets. Note that minimal value SHOULD be 1 second." DEFVAL { 5 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 8 } rosMgmtOspfIfHelloInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of time, in seconds, between the Hello packets that the router sends on the interface. This value must be the same for all routers attached to a common network." DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 9 } rosMgmtOspfIfRtrDeadInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds that a router's Hello packets have not been seen before its neighbors declare the router down. This should be some multiple of the Hello interval. This value must be the same for all routers attached to a common network." DEFVAL { 40 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 10 } rosMgmtOspfIfPollInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The larger time interval, in seconds, between the Hello packets sent to an inactive non-broadcast multi-access neighbor." DEFVAL { 120 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 11 } rosMgmtOspfIfState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { down (1), loopback (2), waiting (3), pointToPoint (4), designatedRouter (5), backupDesignatedRouter (6), otherDesignatedRouter (7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The OSPF Interface State." DEFVAL { down } ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 12 } rosMgmtOspfIfDesignatedRouter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the designated router." DEFVAL { '00000000'H } -- ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 13 } rosMgmtOspfIfBackupDesignatedRouter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the backup designated router." DEFVAL { '00000000'H } -- ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 14 } rosMgmtOspfIfEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times this OSPF interface has changed its state or an error has occurred. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ospfDiscontinuityTime." ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 15 } rosMgmtOspfIfAuthKeyId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The key id of md5 authentication." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 16 } rosMgmtOspfIfAuthSimpleKeyType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER {plain(0), cipher(7)} MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of password for simple authentication." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 17 } rosMgmtOspfIfAuthMd5KeyType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER {plain(0), cipher(7)} MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of password for md5 authentication." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 18 } rosMgmtOspfIfAuthSimpleKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The password used as an OSPF authentication key when simple password security is enabled." DEFVAL {''h} ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 19 } rosMgmtOspfIfAuthMd5Key OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The password used as an OSPF authentication key when md5 security is enabled." DEFVAL {''h} ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 20 } rosMgmtOspfIfAuthKeyChain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of key chain." DEFVAL {''h} ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 21 } rosMgmtOspfIfAuthType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OspfAuthenticationType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The authentication type specified for an interface. Note that this object can be used to engage in significant attacks against an OSPF router." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Appendix D Authentication" DEFVAL { none } -- no authentication, by default ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 22 } rosMgmtOspfIfLsaCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of link-local link state advertisements in this interface's link-local link state database." ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 23 } rosMgmtOspfIfLsaCksumSum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 32-bit unsigned sum of the Link State Advertisements' LS checksums contained in this interface's link-local link state database. The sum can be used to determine if there has been a change in the interface's link state database and to compare the interface link state database of routers attached to the same subnet." ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 24 } rosMgmtOspfIfDesignatedRouterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RouterID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Router ID of the designated router." ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 25 } rosMgmtOspfIfBackupDesignatedRouterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RouterID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Router ID of the backup designated router." ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 26 } rosMgmtOspfIfPassive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableVar MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicate the interface is a passive interface." DEFVAL {disable} ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 27 } rosMgmtOspfIfMtu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableVar MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicate ignore the interface's mtu." DEFVAL {disable} ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 28 } rosMgmtOspfIfMetric OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Metric MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The metric of using this Type of Service on this interface. The default value of the TOS 0 metric is 10^8 / ifSpeed." ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 29 } rosMgmtOspfIfBfd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableVar MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicate the interface enables BFD function." DEFVAL {disable} ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 30 } rosMgmtOspfIfGRResync OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interval period starts from the time a restart signal is received from a neighbor." DEFVAL { 40 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfIfEntry 31 } --rosMgmtOspfVirtIfTable -- --OSPF Virtual Interface Table rosMgmtOspfVirtIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RosMgmtOspfVirtIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about this router's virtual interfaces that the OSPF Process is configured to carry on." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.4 Virtual link parameters" ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 7 } rosMgmtOspfVirtIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RosMgmtOspfVirtIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a single virtual interface. Information in this table is persistent and when this object is written the entity SHOULD save the change to non-volatile storage." INDEX { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfAreaId, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfNeighbor } ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtIfTable 1 } RosMgmtOspfVirtIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rosMgmtOspfVirtIfAreaId AreaID, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfNeighbor RouterID, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfTransitDelay UpToMaxAge, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfRetransInterval UpToMaxAge, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfHelloInterval HelloRange, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfRtrDeadInterval PositiveInteger, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfState INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfEvents Counter32, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfAuthKeyId Integer32, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfAuthSimpleKeyType INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfAuthMd5KeyType INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfAuthSimpleKey OCTET STRING, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfAuthMd5Key OCTET STRING, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfAuthKeyChain OCTET STRING, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfAuthType OspfAuthenticationType, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfLsaCount Gauge32, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfLsaCksumSum Unsigned32, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfCost Integer32, rosMgmtOspfVirtIfStatus RowStatus } rosMgmtOspfVirtIfAreaId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AreaID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The transit area that the virtual link traverses. By definition, this is not" ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtIfEntry 1 } rosMgmtOspfVirtIfNeighbor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RouterID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Router ID of the virtual neighbor." ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtIfEntry 2 } rosMgmtOspfVirtIfTransitDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpToMaxAge UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The estimated number of seconds it takes to transmit a Link State update packet over this interface. Note that the minimal value SHOULD be 1 second." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtIfEntry 3 } rosMgmtOspfVirtIfRetransInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpToMaxAge UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds between link state avertisement retransmissions, for adjacencies belonging to this interface. This value is also used when retransmitting database description and Link State request packets. This value should be well over the expected round-trip time. Note that the minimal value SHOULD be 1 second." DEFVAL { 5 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtIfEntry 4 } rosMgmtOspfVirtIfHelloInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HelloRange UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of time, in seconds, between the Hello packets that the router sends on the interface. This value must be the same for the virtual neighbor." DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtIfEntry 5 } rosMgmtOspfVirtIfRtrDeadInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PositiveInteger UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds that a router's Hello packets have not been seen before its neighbors declare the router down. This should be some multiple of the Hello interval. This value must be the same for the virtual neighbor." DEFVAL { 60 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtIfEntry 6 } rosMgmtOspfVirtIfState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { down (1), -- these use the same encoding pointToPoint (4) -- as the rosMgmtOspfIfTable } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OSPF virtual interface states." DEFVAL { down } ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtIfEntry 7 } rosMgmtOspfVirtIfEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of state changes or error events on this virtual link. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ospfDiscontinuityTime." ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtIfEntry 8 } rosMgmtOspfVirtIfAuthKeyId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The key id of md5 authentication." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtIfEntry 9 } rosMgmtOspfVirtIfAuthSimpleKeyType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER {plain(0), cipher(7)} MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of password for simple authentication." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtIfEntry 10 } rosMgmtOspfVirtIfAuthMd5KeyType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER {plain(0), cipher(7)} MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of password for md5 authentication." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtIfEntry 11 } rosMgmtOspfVirtIfAuthSimpleKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The password used as an OSPF authentication key when simple password security is enabled." DEFVAL {''h} ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtIfEntry 12 } rosMgmtOspfVirtIfAuthMd5Key OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The password used as an OSPF authentication key when md5 security is enabled." DEFVAL {''h} ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtIfEntry 13 } rosMgmtOspfVirtIfAuthKeyChain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of key chain." DEFVAL {''h} ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtIfEntry 14 } rosMgmtOspfVirtIfAuthType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OspfAuthenticationType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The authentication type specified for a virtual interface. Note that this object can be used to engage in significant attacks against an OSPF router." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Appendix E Authentication" DEFVAL { none } -- no authentication, by default ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtIfEntry 15 } rosMgmtOspfVirtIfLsaCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of link-local link state advertisements in this virtual interface's link-local link state database." ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtIfEntry 16 } rosMgmtOspfVirtIfLsaCksumSum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 32-bit unsigned sum of the link state advertisements' LS checksums contained in this virtual interface's link-local link state database. The sum can be used to determine if there has been a change in the virtual interface's link state database, and to compare the virtual interface link state database of the virtual neighbors." ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtIfEntry 17 } rosMgmtOspfVirtIfCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1.. 65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It has been used to describe the cost of virtual interface." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtIfEntry 18 } rosMgmtOspfVirtIfStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object permits management of the table by facilitating actions such as row creation, construction, and destruction. The value of this object has no effect on whether other objects in this conceptual row can be modified." ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtIfEntry 19 } --rosMgmtOspfNbrTable -- --OSPF Neighbor Table rosMgmtOspfNbrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RosMgmtOspfNbrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table describing all non-virtual neighbors in the locality of the OSPF router." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Section 10 The Neighbor Data Structure" ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 8 } rosMgmtOspfNbrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RosMgmtOspfNbrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The information regarding a single neighbor. Information in this table is persistent and when this object is written the entity SHOULD save the change to non-volatile storage." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Section 10 The Neighbor Data Structure" INDEX { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfNbrIpAddr, rosMgmtOspfNbrAddressLessIndex } ::= { rosMgmtOspfNbrTable 1 } RosMgmtOspfNbrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rosMgmtOspfNbrIpAddr IpAddress, rosMgmtOspfNbrAddressLessIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero, rosMgmtOspfNbrRtrId RouterID, rosMgmtOspfNbrOptions Integer32, rosMgmtOspfNbrPriority DesignatedRouterPriority, rosMgmtOspfNbrState INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfNbrEvents Counter32, rosMgmtOspfNbrLsRetransQLen Gauge32, rosMgmtOspfNbrMode INTEGER } rosMgmtOspfNbrIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only -- read-only since originally an -- SMIv1 index STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address this neighbor is using in its IP source address. Note that, on addressless links, this will not be but the address of another of the neighbor's interfaces." ::= { rosMgmtOspfNbrEntry 1 } rosMgmtOspfNbrAddressLessIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only -- read-only since originally an -- SMIv1 index STATUS current DESCRIPTION "On an interface having an IP address, zero. On addressless interfaces, the corresponding value of ifIndex in the Internet Standard MIB. On row creation, this can be derived from the instance." ::= { rosMgmtOspfNbrEntry 2 } rosMgmtOspfNbrRtrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RouterID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A 32-bit integer (represented as a type IpAddress) uniquely identifying the neighboring router in the Autonomous System." DEFVAL { '00000000'H } -- ::= { rosMgmtOspfNbrEntry 3 } rosMgmtOspfNbrOptions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A bit mask corresponding to the neighbor's options field. Bit 0, if set, indicates that the system will operate on Type of Service metrics other than TOS 0. If zero, the neighbor will ignore all metrics except the TOS 0 metric. Bit 1, if set, indicates that the associated area accepts and operates on external information; if zero, it is a stub area. Bit 2, if set, indicates that the system is capable of routing IP multicast datagrams, that is that it implements the multicast extensions to OSPF. Bit 3, if set, indicates that the associated area is an NSSA. These areas are capable of carrying type-7 external advertisements, which are translated into type-5 external advertisements at NSSA borders." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Section 12.1.2 Options" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfNbrEntry 4 } rosMgmtOspfNbrPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DesignatedRouterPriority MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The priority of this neighbor in the designated router election algorithm. The value 0 signifies that the neighbor is not eligible to become the designated router on this particular network." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfNbrEntry 5 } rosMgmtOspfNbrState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { down (1), attempt (2), init (3), twoWay (4), exchangeStart (5), exchange (6), loading (7), full (8) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the relationship with this neighbor." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Section 10.1 Neighbor States" DEFVAL { down } ::= { rosMgmtOspfNbrEntry 6 } rosMgmtOspfNbrEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times this neighbor relationship has changed state or an error has occurred. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ospfDiscontinuityTime." ::= { rosMgmtOspfNbrEntry 7 } rosMgmtOspfNbrLsRetransQLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current length of the retransmission queue." ::= { rosMgmtOspfNbrEntry 8 } rosMgmtOspfNbrMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { slave (1), master (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It has been used to describe the master-slave mode of neighbor. " DEFVAL { slave } ::= { rosMgmtOspfNbrEntry 9 } --rosMgmtOspfNbmaCfgNbrTable -- --OSPF Nbma Network Configed Neighbor Table rosMgmtOspfNbmaCfgNbrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RosMgmtOspfNbmaCfgNbrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table describing all configured neigbors on nbma network." ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 9 } rosMgmtOspfNbmaCfgNbrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RosMgmtOspfNbmaCfgNbrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The information regarding a Configured neighbor. Information in this table is persistent and when this object is written the entity SHOULD save the change to non-volatile storage." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Section 10 The Neighbor Data Structure" INDEX { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfNbmaCfgNbrIpAddr } ::= { rosMgmtOspfNbmaCfgNbrTable 1 } RosMgmtOspfNbmaCfgNbrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rosMgmtOspfNbmaCfgNbrIpAddr IpAddress, rosMgmtOspfNbmaCfgNbrPriority DesignatedRouterPriority, rosMgmtOspfNbmaCfgNbrStatus RowStatus } rosMgmtOspfNbmaCfgNbrIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address this neighbor is using in its IP source address. Note that, on addressless links, this will not be but the address of another of the neighbor's interfaces." ::= { rosMgmtOspfNbmaCfgNbrEntry 1 } rosMgmtOspfNbmaCfgNbrPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DesignatedRouterPriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The priority of this neighbor in the designated router election algorithm. The value 0 signifies that the neighbor is not eligible to become the designated router on this particular network." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfNbmaCfgNbrEntry 2 } rosMgmtOspfNbmaCfgNbrStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object permits management of the table by facilitating actions such as row creation, construction, and destruction. The value of this object has no effect on whether other objects in this conceptual row can be modified." ::= { rosMgmtOspfNbmaCfgNbrEntry 3 } --rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrTable -- --OSPF Virtual Neighbor Table rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RosMgmtOspfVirtNbrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table describes all virtual neighbors. Since virtual links are configured in the Virtual Interface Table, this table is read-only." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Section 15 Virtual Links" ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 10 } rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RosMgmtOspfVirtNbrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Virtual neighbor information." INDEX { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrArea, rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrRtrId } ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrTable 1 } RosMgmtOspfVirtNbrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrArea AreaID, rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrRtrId RouterID, rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrIpAddr IpAddress, rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrOptions Integer32, rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrState INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrEvents Counter32, rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrLsRetransQLen Gauge32, rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrLessIf Integer32, rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrMode INTEGER } rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrArea OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AreaID MAX-ACCESS read-only -- read-only since originally an -- SMIv1 index STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Transit Area Identifier." ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrEntry 1 } rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrRtrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RouterID MAX-ACCESS read-only -- read-only since originally an -- SMIv1 index STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A 32-bit integer uniquely identifying the neighboring router in the Autonomous System." ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrEntry 2 } rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address this virtual neighbor is using." ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrEntry 3 } rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrOptions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A bit mask corresponding to the neighbor's options field. Bit 1, if set, indicates that the system will operate on Type of Service metrics other than TOS 0. If zero, the neighbor will ignore all metrics except the TOS 0 metric. Bit 2, if set, indicates that the system is network multicast capable, i.e., that it implements OSPF multicast routing." ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrEntry 4 } rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { down (1), attempt (2), init (3), twoWay (4), exchangeStart (5), exchange (6), loading (7), full (8) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the virtual neighbor relationship." ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrEntry 5 } rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times this virtual link has changed its state or an error has occurred. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ospfDiscontinuityTime." ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrEntry 6 } rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrLsRetransQLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current length of the retransmission queue." ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrEntry 7 } rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrLessIf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It has been used to describe the out interface index of this virtual neighbor." ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrEntry 8 } rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { slave (1), master (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It has been used to describe the master-slave mode of virtual neighbor. " DEFVAL { slave } ::= { rosMgmtOspfVirtNbrEntry 9 } -- The OSPF Area Aggregate Table -- -- This table replaces the OSPF Area Summary Table, being an -- extension of that for CIDR routers. rosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Area Aggregate Table acts as an adjunct to the Area Table. It describes those address aggregates that are configured to be propagated from an area. Its purpose is to reduce the amount of information that is known beyond an Area's borders. It contains a set of IP address ranges specified by an IP address/IP network mask pair. For example, a class B address range of X.X.X.X with a network mask of includes all IP addresses from X.X.0.0 to X.X.255.255. Note that if ranges are configured such that one range subsumes another range (e.g., mask and mask, the most specific match is the preferred one." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.2 Area parameters" ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 11 } rosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A single area aggregate entry. Information in this table is persistent and when this object is written the entity SHOULD save the change to non-volatile storage." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.2 Area parameters" INDEX { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateAreaID, rosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateLsdbType, rosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateNet, rosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateMask } ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateTable 1 } RosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateAreaID AreaID, rosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateLsdbType INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateNet IpAddress, rosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateMask IpAddress, rosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateEffect INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateStatus RowStatus } rosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateAreaID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AreaID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The area within which the address aggregate is to be found." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.2 Area parameters" ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateEntry 1 } rosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateLsdbType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { summaryLink (3), nssaExternalLink (7) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of the address aggregate. This field specifies the Lsdb type that this address aggregate applies to." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Appendix A.4.1 The Link State Advertisement header" ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateEntry 2 } rosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateNet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the net or subnet indicated by the range." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.2 Area parameters" ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateEntry 3 } rosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The subnet mask that pertains to the net or subnet." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.2 Area parameters" ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateEntry 4 } rosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateEffect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { advertiseMatching (1), doNotAdvertiseMatching (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Subnets subsumed by ranges either trigger the advertisement of the indicated aggregate (advertiseMatching) or result in the subnet's not being advertised at all outside the area." DEFVAL { advertiseMatching } ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateEntry 5 } rosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object permits management of the table by facilitating actions such as row creation, construction, and destruction. The value of this object has no effect on whether other objects in this conceptual row can be modified." ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaAggregateEntry 6 } -- The OSPF External Aggregate Table -- rosMgmtOspfExternalAggregateTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RosMgmtOspfExternalAggregateEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It contains a set of IP address ranges specified by an IP address/IP network mask pair. For example, a class B address range of X.X.X.X with a network mask of includes all IP addresses from X.X.0.0 to X.X.255.255. Note that if ranges are configured such that one range subsumes another range (e.g., mask and mask, the most specific match is the preferred one." ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 12 } rosMgmtOspfExternalAggregateEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RosMgmtOspfExternalAggregateEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A single external aggregate entry. Information in this table is persistent and when this object is written the entity SHOULD save the change to non-volatile storage." INDEX { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfExternalAggregateNet, rosMgmtOspfExternalAggregateMask } ::= { rosMgmtOspfExternalAggregateTable 1 } RosMgmtOspfExternalAggregateEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rosMgmtOspfExternalAggregateNet IpAddress, rosMgmtOspfExternalAggregateMask IpAddress, rosMgmtOspfExternalAggregateEffect INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfExternalAggregateCost BigMetric, rosMgmtOspfExternalAggregateStatus RowStatus } rosMgmtOspfExternalAggregateNet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the net or subnet indicated by the range." ::= { rosMgmtOspfExternalAggregateEntry 1 } rosMgmtOspfExternalAggregateMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The subnet mask that pertains to the net or subnet." ::= { rosMgmtOspfExternalAggregateEntry 2 } rosMgmtOspfExternalAggregateEffect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { doNotAdvertise (1), advertise(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object controls the advertisement of external route summary." DEFVAL { advertise } ::= { rosMgmtOspfExternalAggregateEntry 3 } rosMgmtOspfExternalAggregateCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BigMetric MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It indicates the cost of aggregated external route, 16777215 represents the cost is not set, the metric of route while decided by ospf itself according to the route type." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfExternalAggregateEntry 4 } rosMgmtOspfExternalAggregateStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object permits management of the table by facilitating actions such as row creation, construction, and destruction. The value of this object has no effect on whether other objects in this conceptual row can be modified." ::= { rosMgmtOspfExternalAggregateEntry 5 } --rosMgmtOspfLsdbTable -- --The table define link state database rosMgmtOspfLsdbTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RosMgmtOspfLsdbEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The OSPF Process's link state database (LSDB). The LSDB contains the link state advertisements from throughout the areas that the device is attached to." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Section 12 Link State Advertisements" ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 13 } rosMgmtOspfLsdbEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RosMgmtOspfLsdbEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A single link state advertisement." INDEX { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfLsdbAreaId, rosMgmtOspfLsdbType, rosMgmtOspfLsdbLsId, rosMgmtOspfLsdbRouterId } ::= { rosMgmtOspfLsdbTable 1 } RosMgmtOspfLsdbEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rosMgmtOspfLsdbAreaId AreaID, rosMgmtOspfLsdbType INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfLsdbLsId IpAddress, rosMgmtOspfLsdbRouterId RouterID, rosMgmtOspfLsdbSequence Integer32, rosMgmtOspfLsdbAge Integer32, rosMgmtOspfLsdbChecksum Integer32, rosMgmtOspfLsdbAdvertisement OCTET STRING } rosMgmtOspfLsdbAreaId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AreaID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 32-bit identifier of the area from which the LSA was received." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.2 Area parameters" ::= { rosMgmtOspfLsdbEntry 1 } rosMgmtOspfLsdbType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { routerLink (1), networkLink (2), summaryLink (3), asSummaryLink (4), asExternalLink (5), -- but see rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbTable multicastLink (6), nssaExternalLink (7), linkOpaqueLink (9), areaOpaqueLink (10), asOpaqueLink (11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of the link state advertisement. Each link state type has a separate advertisement format. Note: External link state advertisements are permitted for backward compatibility, but should be displayed in the rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbTable rather than here." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Appendix A.4.1 The Link State Advertisement header" ::= { rosMgmtOspfLsdbEntry 2 } rosMgmtOspfLsdbLsId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Link State ID is an LS Type Specific field containing either a Router ID or an IP address; it identifies the piece of the routing domain that is being described by the advertisement." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Section 12.1.4 Link State ID" ::= { rosMgmtOspfLsdbEntry 3 } rosMgmtOspfLsdbRouterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RouterID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 32-bit number that uniquely identifies the originating router in the Autonomous System." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.1 Global parameters" ::= { rosMgmtOspfLsdbEntry 4 } rosMgmtOspfLsdbSequence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The sequence number field is a signed 32-bit integer. It starts with the value '80000001'h, or -'7FFFFFFF'h, and increments until '7FFFFFFF'h. Thus, a typical sequence number will be very negative. It is used to detect old and duplicate Link State Advertisements. The space of sequence numbers is linearly ordered. The larger the sequence number, the more recent the advertisement." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Section 12.1.6 LS sequence number" ::= { rosMgmtOspfLsdbEntry 5 } rosMgmtOspfLsdbAge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 -- Should be 0..MaxAge, except when -- doNotAge bit is set UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is the age of the link state advertisement in seconds." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Section 12.1.1 LS age" ::= { rosMgmtOspfLsdbEntry 6 } rosMgmtOspfLsdbChecksum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is the checksum of the complete contents of the advertisement, excepting the age field. The age field is excepted so that an advertisement's age can be incremented without updating the checksum. The checksum used is the same that is used for ISO connectionless datagrams; it is commonly referred to as the Fletcher checksum." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Section 12.1.7 LS checksum" ::= { rosMgmtOspfLsdbEntry 7 } rosMgmtOspfLsdbAdvertisement OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The entire link state advertisement, including its header. Note that for variable length LSAs, SNMP agents may not be able to return the largest string size." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Section 12 Link State Advertisements" ::= { rosMgmtOspfLsdbEntry 8 } --rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbTable -- --OSPF Link State Database, External rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RosMgmtOspfAsLsdbEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The OSPF Process's AS-scope LSA link state database. The database contains the AS-scope Link State Advertisements from throughout the areas that the device is attached to. This table is identical to the OSPF LSDB Table in format, but contains only AS-scope Link State Advertisements. The purpose is to allow AS-scope LSAs to be displayed once for the router rather than once in each non-stub area." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Section 12 Link State Advertisements" ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 14 } rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RosMgmtOspfAsLsdbEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A single link state advertisement." INDEX { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbType, rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbLsId, rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbRouterId } ::= { rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbTable 1 } RosMgmtOspfAsLsdbEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbType INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbLsId IpAddress, rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbRouterId RouterID, rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbSequence Integer32, rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbAge Integer32, rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbChecksum Integer32, rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbAdvertisement OCTET STRING } rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { asExternalLink (5) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of the link state advertisement. Each link state type has a separate advertisement format." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Appendix A.4.1 The Link State Advertisement header" ::= { rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbEntry 1 } rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbLsId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Link State ID is an LS Type Specific field containing either a Router ID or an IP address; it identifies the piece of the routing domain that is being described by the advertisement." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Section 12.1.4 Link State ID" ::= { rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbEntry 2 } rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbRouterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RouterID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 32-bit number that uniquely identifies the originating router in the Autonomous System." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.1 Global parameters" ::= { rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbEntry 3 } rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbSequence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The sequence number field is a signed 32-bit integer. It starts with the value '80000001'h, or -'7FFFFFFF'h, and increments until '7FFFFFFF'h. Thus, a typical sequence number will be very negative. It is used to detect old and duplicate link state advertisements. The space of sequence numbers is linearly ordered. The larger the sequence number, the more recent the advertisement." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Section 12.1.6 LS sequence number" ::= { rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbEntry 4 } rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbAge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 -- Should be 0..MaxAge, except when -- doNotAge bit is set UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is the age of the link state advertisement in seconds." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Section 12.1.1 LS age" ::= { rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbEntry 5 } rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbChecksum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is the checksum of the complete contents of the advertisement, excepting the age field. The age field is excepted so that an advertisement's age can be incremented without updating the checksum. The checksum used is the same that is used for ISO connectionless datagrams; it is commonly referred to as the Fletcher checksum." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Section 12.1.7 LS checksum" ::= { rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbEntry 6 } rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbAdvertisement OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The entire link state advertisement, including its header." REFERENCE "OSPF Version 2, Section 12 Link State Advertisements. Note that for variable length LSAs, SNMP agents may not be able to return the largest string size." ::= { rosMgmtOspfAsLsdbEntry 7 } --rosMgmtOspfAreaLsaCountTable -- --OSPF Area LSA Counter Table rosMgmtOspfAreaLsaCountTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RosMgmtOspfAreaLsaCountEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table maintains per-area, per-LSA-type counters" ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 15 } rosMgmtOspfAreaLsaCountEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RosMgmtOspfAreaLsaCountEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry with a number of link advertisements of a given type for a given area." INDEX { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfAreaLsaCountAreaId, rosMgmtOspfAreaLsaCountLsaType } ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaLsaCountTable 1 } RosMgmtOspfAreaLsaCountEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rosMgmtOspfAreaLsaCountAreaId AreaID, rosMgmtOspfAreaLsaCountLsaType INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfAreaLsaCountNumber Gauge32 } rosMgmtOspfAreaLsaCountAreaId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AreaID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This entry Area ID." ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaLsaCountEntry 1 } rosMgmtOspfAreaLsaCountLsaType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { routerLink (1), networkLink (2), summaryLink (3), asSummaryLink (4), nssaExternalLink (7), linkOpaqueLink (9), areaOpaqueLink (10) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This entry LSA type." ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaLsaCountEntry 2 } rosMgmtOspfAreaLsaCountNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of LSAs of a given type for a given area." ::= { rosMgmtOspfAreaLsaCountEntry 3 } -- rosMgmtOspfRedistributeTable -- rosMgmtOspfRedistributeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RosMgmtOspfRedistributeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Import external route to ospf protocol." ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 16 } rosMgmtOspfRedistributeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RosMgmtOspfRedistributeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define an entry in the rosMgmtOspfRedistributeTable" INDEX { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfRedistributeProtocol, rosMgmtOspfRedistributeProcessId } ::= { rosMgmtOspfRedistributeTable 1 } RosMgmtOspfRedistributeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rosMgmtOspfRedistributeProtocol INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfRedistributeProcessId ProcessID, rosMgmtOspfRedistributeCost BigMetric, rosMgmtOspfRedistributeType INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfRedistributeStatus RowStatus, rosMgmtOspfRedistributeRouteMapName OCTET STRING, rosMgmtOspfRedistributeTag Unsigned32 } rosMgmtOspfRedistributeProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { -- RFC1213 route proto define other(1), -- none of the following -- non-protocol information, -- e.g., manually configured local(2), -- entries -- set via a network netmgmt(3), -- management protocol -- obtained via ICMP, icmp(4), -- e.g., Redirect -- the remaining values are -- all gateway routing -- protocols egp(5), ggp(6), hello(7), rip(8), isis(9), esis(10), ciscoIgrp(11), bbnSpfIgp(12), ospf(13), bgp(14) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Route protocol to be redistributed." ::= { rosMgmtOspfRedistributeEntry 1 } rosMgmtOspfRedistributeProcessId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ProcessID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Process id of redistributed route protocol, only support ospf." ::= { rosMgmtOspfRedistributeEntry 2 } rosMgmtOspfRedistributeCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BigMetric MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It indicates the cost of redistributed route, 16777215 represents the cost is not set, the metric of route while decided by ospf itself according to the route type." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfRedistributeEntry 3 } rosMgmtOspfRedistributeType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { e1(1),e2(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of external route." DEFVAL { e2 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfRedistributeEntry 4 } rosMgmtOspfRedistributeStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object permits management of the table by facilitating actions such as row creation, construction, and destruction. The value of this object has no effect on whether other objects in this conceptual row can be modified." ::= { rosMgmtOspfRedistributeEntry 5 } rosMgmtOspfRedistributeRouteMapName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify a route-map." ::= { rosMgmtOspfRedistributeEntry 6 } rosMgmtOspfRedistributeTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set tag of route." ::= { rosMgmtOspfRedistributeEntry 7 } --rosMgmtOspfDefaultInfoTable -- rosMgmtOspfDefaultInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RosMgmtOspfDefaultInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table generate or delete the default route." ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 17 } rosMgmtOspfDefaultInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RosMgmtOspfDefaultInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define an entry in the rosMgmtOspfDefaultInfoTable" INDEX { rosMgmtOspfProcessId } ::= { rosMgmtOspfDefaultInfoTable 1 } RosMgmtOspfDefaultInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rosMgmtOspfDefaultInfoAlways TruthValue, rosMgmtOspfDefaultInfoCost BigMetric, rosMgmtOspfDefaultInfoType INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfDefaultInfoStatus RowStatus } rosMgmtOspfDefaultInfoAlways OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether always inform default route." DEFVAL { false } ::= { rosMgmtOspfDefaultInfoEntry 1 } rosMgmtOspfDefaultInfoCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BigMetric MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It indicates the default cost of route, 16777215 represents the default cost is not set, the metric of route while decided by ospf itself according to the route type." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfDefaultInfoEntry 2 } rosMgmtOspfDefaultInfoType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { e1(1),e2(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It indicates the type of default route." DEFVAL { e2 } ::= { rosMgmtOspfDefaultInfoEntry 3 } rosMgmtOspfDefaultInfoStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object permits management of the table by facilitating actions such as row creation, construction, and destruction. The value of this object has no effect on whether other objects in this conceptual row can be modified." ::= { rosMgmtOspfDefaultInfoEntry 4 } -- rosMgmtOspfPacketIoStatisTable -- rosMgmtOspfPacketIoStatisTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RosMgmtOspfPacketIoStatisEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table is used to storage all kinds of input and output packet statistical information of OSPF process." ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 18 } rosMgmtOspfPacketIoStatisEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RosMgmtOspfPacketIoStatisEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define an entry in the rosMgmtOspfPacketIoStatisTable" INDEX { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfPacketIoStatisIoType, rosMgmtOspfPacketIoStatisPktType } ::= { rosMgmtOspfPacketIoStatisTable 1 } RosMgmtOspfPacketIoStatisEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rosMgmtOspfPacketIoStatisIoType INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfPacketIoStatisPktType INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfPacketIoStatisNumber Integer32 } rosMgmtOspfPacketIoStatisIoType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { input (1), output (2) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It has been used to describe the IO direction of packet." ::= { rosMgmtOspfPacketIoStatisEntry 1 } rosMgmtOspfPacketIoStatisPktType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { hello (1), dbDescript (2), lsReq (3), lsUpdate (4), lsAck (5) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It has been used to describe the type of OSPF packet." ::= { rosMgmtOspfPacketIoStatisEntry 2 } rosMgmtOspfPacketIoStatisNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number indicates the number of specified type of packets on input or output direction." ::= { rosMgmtOspfPacketIoStatisEntry 3 } -- rosMgmtOspfRouteTable -- rosMgmtOspfRouteTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RosMgmtOspfRouteEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table is used to storage OSPF calculation of routing table." ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 19 } rosMgmtOspfRouteEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RosMgmtOspfRouteEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define an entry in the rosMgmtOspfRouteTable" INDEX { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfRouteDest, rosMgmtOspfRouteMask, rosMgmtOspfRouteType } ::= { rosMgmtOspfRouteTable 1 } RosMgmtOspfRouteEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rosMgmtOspfRouteDest IpAddress, rosMgmtOspfRouteMask IpAddress, rosMgmtOspfRouteType Integer32, rosMgmtOspfRouteLsType INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfRouteMetric Integer32, rosMgmtOspfRouteNextHop IpAddress, rosMgmtOspfRouteAdvRtr IpAddress, rosMgmtOspfRouteArea Integer32 } rosMgmtOspfRouteDest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It has been used to describe the destination address of an ospf route." ::= { rosMgmtOspfRouteEntry 1 } rosMgmtOspfRouteMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It has been used to describe the mask of an ospf route." ::= { rosMgmtOspfRouteEntry 2 } rosMgmtOspfRouteType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..'37'h) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It indicates the type of an ospf route. The hige 8 bits represents the ospf route type. Value 1, represents the route is a ROUTER route, whith is to a destined router. Value 2, is for a NETWORK route, most caculated ospf route is NETWORK route. Value 3, represents the route is to be DISCARDed resently. The low 8 bits represents the ospf route path type. Value 1, represents the route path is a intra area path, Value 2, represents the route path is a inter area path, Value 3, represents the route path is a type1 external path, Value 4, represents the route path is a type2 external path" ::= { rosMgmtOspfRouteEntry 3 } rosMgmtOspfRouteLsType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { stub (0), routerLink (1), networkLink (2), summaryLink (3), asSummaryLink (4), asExternalLink (5), multicastLink (6), nssaExternalLink (7), areaOpaqueLink (10) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It has been used to describe the LSA type of a router." ::= { rosMgmtOspfRouteEntry 4 } rosMgmtOspfRouteMetric OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It has been used to describe the metric of an ospf route. " ::= { rosMgmtOspfRouteEntry 5 } rosMgmtOspfRouteNextHop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It has been used to describe the nexthop address of an ospf route." ::= { rosMgmtOspfRouteEntry 6 } rosMgmtOspfRouteAdvRtr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It has been used to describe the advertising router of an ospf route." ::= { rosMgmtOspfRouteEntry 7 } rosMgmtOspfRouteArea OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It has been used to describe the ccmputing area of an ospf route." ::= { rosMgmtOspfRouteEntry 8 } -- rosMgmtOspfBdrRouteTable -- rosMgmtOspfBdrRouteTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RosMgmtOspfBdrRouteEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table is used to storage the imformation of boder router." ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 20 } rosMgmtOspfBdrRouteEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RosMgmtOspfBdrRouteEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define an entry in the rosMgmtOspfBdrRouteTable" INDEX { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfBdrRouteRtrType, rosMgmtOspfBdrRouteArea, rosMgmtOspfBdrRouteDest, rosMgmtOspfBdrRouteNextHop } ::= { rosMgmtOspfBdrRouteTable 1 } RosMgmtOspfBdrRouteEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rosMgmtOspfBdrRouteRtrType Integer32, rosMgmtOspfBdrRouteArea IpAddress, rosMgmtOspfBdrRouteDest IpAddress, rosMgmtOspfBdrRouteNextHop IpAddress, rosMgmtOspfBdrRouteLsType INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfBdrRouteMetric Integer32 } rosMgmtOspfBdrRouteRtrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..'77'h) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It indicates the type of an ospf router. The hige 8 bits is a bit mask corresponding to the ospf router type. Bit 1, if set, indicates that the router is an ABR. Bit 2, if set, indicates that the router is an ASBR.. Bit 3, if set, indicates that the router has a VLINK in this area. Bit 4, if set, indicates that the routers always translates Type-7. Bit 5, if set, indicates that it is a shortcut-ABR specific flag. The low 8 bits represents the route path type to this router. Value 1, represents the route path is a intra area path, Value 2, represents the route path is a inter area path, Value 3, represents the route path is a type1 external path, Value 4, represents the route path is a type2 external path" ::= { rosMgmtOspfBdrRouteEntry 1 } rosMgmtOspfBdrRouteArea OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It has been used to describe the area of a boder router." ::= { rosMgmtOspfBdrRouteEntry 2 } rosMgmtOspfBdrRouteDest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It has been used to describe the boder router by it's router id." ::= { rosMgmtOspfBdrRouteEntry 3 } rosMgmtOspfBdrRouteNextHop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IIt has been used to describe the nexthop router to reach a boder router." ::= { rosMgmtOspfBdrRouteEntry 4 } rosMgmtOspfBdrRouteLsType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { routerLink (1), networkLink (2), summaryLink (3), asSummaryLink (4), asExternalLink (5), multicastLink (6), nssaExternalLink (7), areaOpaqueLink (10) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It has been used to describe the LSA type of a boder router." ::= { rosMgmtOspfBdrRouteEntry 5 } rosMgmtOspfBdrRouteMetric OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It has been used to describe the metric to a boder router." ::= { rosMgmtOspfBdrRouteEntry 6 } rosMgmtOspfDistributeListGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 21} -- rosMgmtOspfDistributeListInTable -- rosMgmtOspfDistributeListInTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RosMgmtOspfDistributeListInEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table is used to config and check distribute-in policy." ::= { rosMgmtOspfDistributeListGroup 1 } rosMgmtOspfDistributeListInEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RosMgmtOspfDistributeListInEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define an entry in the rosMgmtOspfDistributeListInTable" INDEX { rosMgmtOspfProcessId } ::= { rosMgmtOspfDistributeListInTable 1 } RosMgmtOspfDistributeListInEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rosMgmtOspfDistrInIpPrefixListName OCTET STRING, rosMgmtOspfDistrInAclNum Integer32, rosMgmtOspfDistrInRowStatus RowStatus } rosMgmtOspfDistrInIpPrefixListName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Filter incoming routing updates,the value of this object indicates the name of an ip-prefix-list." ::= { rosMgmtOspfDistributeListInEntry 1 } rosMgmtOspfDistrInAclNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Filter incoming routing updates by the IP ACL number of OSPF distribute-in policy, -1 is a value to inditace no setting of acl." ::= { rosMgmtOspfDistributeListInEntry 2 } rosMgmtOspfDistrInRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object permits management of the table by facilitating actions such as row creation,construction, and destruction.The value of this object has no effect on whether other objects in this conceptual row can be modified." ::= { rosMgmtOspfDistributeListInEntry 3 } -- rosMgmtOspfDistributeListOutTable -- rosMgmtOspfDistributeListOutTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RosMgmtOspfDistributeListOutEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table is used to config and check distribute-out policy." ::= { rosMgmtOspfDistributeListGroup 2 } rosMgmtOspfDistributeListOutEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RosMgmtOspfDistributeListOutEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define an entry in the rosMgmtOspfDistributeListOutTable" INDEX { rosMgmtOspfProcessId } ::= { rosMgmtOspfDistributeListOutTable 1 } RosMgmtOspfDistributeListOutEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rosMgmtOspfDistrOutIpPrefixListName OCTET STRING, rosMgmtOspfDistrOutAclNum Integer32, rosMgmtOspfDistrOutRowStatus RowStatus } rosMgmtOspfDistrOutIpPrefixListName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Filter outgoing routing updates,the value of this object indicates the name of an ip-prefix-list." ::= { rosMgmtOspfDistributeListOutEntry 1 } rosMgmtOspfDistrOutAclNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Filter incoming outgoing updates by the IP ACL number of OSPF distribute-out policy, -1 is a value to inditace no setting of acl." ::= { rosMgmtOspfDistributeListOutEntry 2 } rosMgmtOspfDistrOutRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object permits management of the table by facilitating actions such as row creation,construction, and destruction. The value of this object has no effect on whether other objects in this conceptual row can be modified." ::= { rosMgmtOspfDistributeListOutEntry 3 } -- rosMgmtOspfDistributeListOutProtocolTable -- rosMgmtOspfDistributeListOutProtocolTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RosMgmtOspfDistributeListOutProtocolEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table is used to config and check distribute-out policy based on protocol." ::= { rosMgmtOspfDistributeListGroup 3 } rosMgmtOspfDistributeListOutProtocolEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RosMgmtOspfDistributeListOutProtocolEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define an entry in the rosMgmtOspfDistributeListOutProtocolTable" INDEX { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfDistrOutProtocol, rosMgmtOspfDistrOutProcessId } ::= { rosMgmtOspfDistributeListOutProtocolTable 1 } RosMgmtOspfDistributeListOutProtocolEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rosMgmtOspfDistrOutProtocol INTEGER, rosMgmtOspfDistrOutProcessId ProcessID, rosMgmtOspfDistrOutProIpPrefixListName OCTET STRING, rosMgmtOspfDistrOutProAclNum Integer32, rosMgmtOspfDistrOutProRowStatus RowStatus } rosMgmtOspfDistrOutProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { -- RFC1213 route proto define other(1), -- none of the following -- non-protocol information, -- e.g., manually configured local(2), -- entries -- set via a network netmgmt(3), -- management protocol -- obtained via ICMP, icmp(4), -- e.g., Redirect -- the remaining values are -- all gateway routing -- protocols egp(5), ggp(6), hello(7), rip(8), isis(9), esis(10), ciscoIgrp(11), bbnSpfIgp(12), ospf(13), bgp(14) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Redistributed route protocol." ::= { rosMgmtOspfDistributeListOutProtocolEntry 1 } rosMgmtOspfDistrOutProcessId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ProcessID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Process id of redistributed route protocol, only support ospf." ::= { rosMgmtOspfDistributeListOutProtocolEntry 2 } rosMgmtOspfDistrOutProIpPrefixListName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Filtering outgoing updates based on imported protocol, the value of this object indicates the name of an ip-prefix-list." ::= { rosMgmtOspfDistributeListOutProtocolEntry 3 } rosMgmtOspfDistrOutProAclNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Filtering outgoing updates based on imported protocol, the value of this object indicates the IP ACL number, -1 is a value to inditace no setting of acl." ::= { rosMgmtOspfDistributeListOutProtocolEntry 4 } rosMgmtOspfDistrOutProRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object permits management of the table by facilitating actions such as row creation,construction, and destruction.The value of this object has no effect on whether other objects in this conceptual row can be modified." ::= { rosMgmtOspfDistributeListOutProtocolEntry 5 } --rosMgmtOspfDNBitCheckDisableSummaryTable -- rosMgmtOspfDNBitCheckDisableSummaryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RosMgmtOspfDNBitCheckDisableSummaryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table check or set the operation of ND bit." ::= { rosMgmtOspfObjects 22 } rosMgmtOspfDNBitCheckDisableSummaryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RosMgmtOspfDNBitCheckDisableSummaryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define an entry in the RosMgmtOspfDNBitCheckDisableSummaryEntry" INDEX { rosMgmtOspfProcessId, rosMgmtOspfDNBitCheckDisableSummaryRtrId } ::= { rosMgmtOspfDNBitCheckDisableSummaryTable 1 } RosMgmtOspfDNBitCheckDisableSummaryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rosMgmtOspfDNBitCheckDisableSummaryRtrId RouterID, rosMgmtOspfDNBitCheckDisableSummaryStatus RowStatus } rosMgmtOspfDNBitCheckDisableSummaryRtrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RouterID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It indicates the router-id of summary-lsa,which can be operated the DN bit separately.This node can only be used for check operation" ::= { rosMgmtOspfDNBitCheckDisableSummaryEntry 1 } rosMgmtOspfDNBitCheckDisableSummaryStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object permits management of the table by facilitating actions such as row creation, construction, and destruction. The value of this object has no effect on whether other objects in this conceptual row can be modified." ::= { rosMgmtOspfDNBitCheckDisableSummaryEntry 2 } END