RUGGEDCOM-SYS-INFO-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TruthValue, DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF ruggedcomMgmt FROM RUGGEDCOM-MIB; rcSysInfo MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201711021000Z" -- Nov. 02, 10:00 EST 2017 ORGANIZATION "Siemens Canada Ltd., Process Industries and Drives" CONTACT-INFO "Postal: Siemens Canad Ltd. 300 Applewood Crescent Concord, Ontario, L4K 5C7 Canada Tel: 1-905-856-5288 E-Mail:" DESCRIPTION "RuggedCom system information MIB." REVISION "201711021000Z" -- Nov. 02, 10:00 EST 2017 DESCRIPTION "Added new object rcDeviceErrSystem." REVISION "201709201100Z" -- Sept. 20, 11:00 EST 2017 DESCRIPTION "Updated DESCRIPTION of objects rcDeviceErrRadiusServerUnreachable and rcDeviceErrTacacsServerUnreachable." REVISION "201702151000Z" -- Feb 15, 10:00 EST 2017 DESCRIPTION "Updated ORGANIZATION and CONTACT-INFO. Updated DESCRIPTION of object rcDeviceErrNtpServerUnreachable." REVISION "201410081700Z" -- Oct 08, 17:00 EST 2014 DESCRIPTION "Added new board IDs in RcMainBoard TEXTUAL-CONVENTION." REVISION "201208301700Z" -- Aug 30, 17:00 EST 2012 DESCRIPTION "Added new objects: rcDeviceStsKeysDflt and rcDeviceInfoMinBootSwVer related to the device security in the group rcSysDeviceSecurityGroup01." REVISION "201206011700Z" -- Jun 01, 17:00 EST 2012 DESCRIPTION "Added new objects rcDeviceStsPwdsWeak related to the device security in the group rcSysDeviceSecurityGroup." REVISION "201104051000Z" -- Apr 05, 10:00 EST 2011 DESCRIPTION "Extended RcHardwareStatus textual convention. Added 'notConnected(4)' value." REVISION "201009161300Z" -- Sep 16, 13:00 EST 2010 DESCRIPTION "Added Fan Bank Module hardware status elements. Added new objects: rcDeviceStsFanBank1 and rcDeviceStsFanBank2 Added new types related to module Slot and state change." REVISION "200905171300Z" -- May 17, 13:00 EST 2009 DESCRIPTION "Fixed description for object rcDeviceCommClearSyslog. Added new object: rcDeviceCommClearLogs Removed statement about mandatory groups from groups descriptions." REVISION "200812171300Z" -- Dec 17, 13:00 EST 2008 DESCRIPTION "Fixed mistyped object name for rcDeviceStsErrorAlarm in rcSysStsObjectsGroup objects list. Added new object: rcDeviceCommIdentify." REVISION "200810091000Z" -- Oct 09, 10:00 EST 2008 DESCRIPTION "Added new objects: rcDeviceStsErrorAlarm, rcDeviceStsFailSafeRelay, rcDeviceStsNoOfActiveAlarms." REVISION "200809121400Z" -- Sep 12, 14:00 EST 2008 DESCRIPTION "Adde new enumeration labels for rcDeviceInfoMainBoardType for new hardware platform support." REVISION "200802151400Z" -- Feb 15, 14:00 EST 2008 DESCRIPTION "Removed '_' characters from enumeration labels. Added new objects: rcDeviceInfoPendingBootSwVersion rcDeviceInfoPendingMainSwVersion rcDeviceInfoCfgRevision rcDeviceCommReset rcDeviceCommLoadDefaultCfg, rcDeviceCommClearAlarms, rcDeviceCommClearSyslog " REVISION "200609061400Z" -- Sept 6, 14:00 EST 2006 DESCRIPTION "The initial version of RuggedCom system information MIB." ::= { ruggedcomMgmt 2 } RcHardwareStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A status of a hardware module in the RuggedCom device." SYNTAX INTEGER { notPresent(1), -- the module is not present functional(2), -- the module is present and functional notFunctional(3), -- the module is present, but not -- functional notConnected(4) -- the module is present, but not connected } RcFanStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of a fan-bank." SYNTAX INTEGER { notPresent(1), -- this bank is not present failed(2), -- this bank has failed due to a mechanical -- or sensor problem standby(3), -- the fan system is active, but this bank -- is designated as a backup and not off(4), -- currently spinning this bank is off on(5) -- this bank is currently spinning } RcHotswapModuleSlot ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A physical slot holding the hotswapable module (ROX 2 specific). As the value 0 is forbidden in SNMP enumerations, this value is the value 1 higher than some other ROX 2 slot values" SYNTAX INTEGER { pm1(1), lm1(2), lm2(3), lm3(4), cm(5), sm(6), lm4(7), lm5(8), lm6(9), pm2(10), main(11), -- The backplane is not hotswapable em(12) -- This is a logical slot not a physical one, -- not hotswapable } RcHotswapModuleState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A status of a hardware module in the RuggedCom device." SYNTAX INTEGER { empty(1), -- the module is not present disabled(2), -- the module is present, but has been -- disabled by configuration. resetting(3), -- the module is present and is on its way -- to either operating or failed. operating(4), -- the module is present and has reached -- the operating state failed(5), -- the module is present, but cannot be unknown(255) -- booted unknown status } RcMainBoard ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A main board type code. This textual convention will be updated any time when new main board type is developed." SYNTAX INTEGER { rsMCPU2(1), -- RSMCPU, otherwise known as -- 40-00-0026 Rev A1 rs400revB2(2), rmc30(3), rs900revB1F(4), -- RS900 with 6 copper, -- 2 fiber and 1 optional port rs900revB1noF(5), -- RS900 with 8 copper and 1 -- optional port rs1600M(6), -- RS1600 Modular, obsolete rs400revC1(7), rsG2100(8), rs900G(9), rsG2200(10), rs969(11), rs900v2F(12), -- RS900 88E6095 based with -- 6 copper, 2 fiber and rs900v2noF(13), -- 1 optional port RS900 -- 88E6095 based with 8 copper -- and 1 optional port rs416(15), rsRMC30Ksz80001(16), rs930(17), rs969v2(18), rs910(19), rs920(20), rs940G(21), rsi80x(22), rsG2300(23), rs416v2(24), rsg2288(25), rp110(26), rs900GP(27), rs900M(28), rs950G(29), rsG2488(61), rsG2488v2(62), rsG2488v3(63), rmc8388A(64), rmc8388B(65), rmc8388C(66), rsG920P(67), rsMCPU(255), -- RSMCPU, otherwise known -- as 40-00-0008 Rev B1 rx1000(256), rx1100(257), rx1500(258), rx1501(259), rx1510(260), rx1511(261), rx1512(262), rx5000(263), mx5000(264), rx1400(265) } rcSysInfoConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rcSysInfo 5 } -- rcSysInfoCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rcSysInfoConformance 1 } rcSysInfoGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rcSysInfoConformance 2 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- SysInfo subtrees -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- rcDeviceError OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The main subtree for various errors detected in RuggedCom devices." ::= { rcSysInfo 1 } rcDeviceStatus OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The main subtree for various status information detected in RuggedCom devices." ::= { rcSysInfo 2 } rcDeviceInfo OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The main subtree for RuggedCom devices manufacturing information." ::= { rcSysInfo 3 } rcDeviceCommands OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The main subtree for device control commands." ::= { rcSysInfo 4 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Device errors objects -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- rcDeviceErrBootupError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The error discovered during bootup process. If there was no error during device bootup, zero length string will be retreived." ::= { rcDeviceError 1} rcDeviceErrWatchdogReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the last device reboot was caused by wachdog." ::= { rcDeviceError 2} rcDeviceErrConfigurationFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether errors were detected while applying configuration settings from configuration file. Configuration is updated from the configureation file at bootup time when file is loaded from nonvolatile memory, or when new file is downloaded to the device. Whenever the value of this object changes from false(2) to true(1), the device will generate genericTrap notification." REFERENCE "genericTrap notification is defined in ruggedcomTrapsModule." ::= { rcDeviceError 3} rcDeviceErrCrashLogCreated OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the device error that caused creation of an entry in crashlog.txt file was detected. Whenever the value of this object changes from false(2) to true(1), the device will generate genericTrap notification." REFERENCE "genericTrap notification is defined in ruggedcomTrapsModule." ::= { rcDeviceError 4} rcDeviceErrStackOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the stack of any of the system tasks is used over the system threshold. Whenever the value of this object changes from false(2) to true(1), the device will generate genericTrap notification." REFERENCE "genericTrap notification is defined in ruggedcomTrapsModule." ::= { rcDeviceError 5} rcDeviceErrHeapError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the system memory corruption was detected. Whenever the value of this object changes from false(2) to true(1), the device will generate genericTrap notification." REFERENCE "genericTrap notification is defined in ruggedcomTrapsModule." ::= { rcDeviceError 6} rcDeviceErrDateAndTimeSetFailed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the date and time setting in the device falied. Whenever the value of this object changes from false(2) to true(1), the device will generate genericTrap notification." REFERENCE "genericTrap notification is defined in ruggedcomTrapsModule." ::= { rcDeviceError 7} rcDeviceErrNtpServerUnreachable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether any of NTP servers (if required) can be reached. The value of this object is 'false' if both servers become unreachable. Whenever the value of this object changes, the device will generate the ntpServiceAvailableChange notification." REFERENCE "ntpServiceAvailableChange notification is defined in RUGGEDCOM-NTP-MIB file." ::= { rcDeviceError 8 } rcDeviceErrBootPTftpTrFailed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the the file was transfered properly after obtaining IP address from the BootP server. Whenever the value of this object changes from false(2) to true(1), the device will generate genericTrap notification." REFERENCE "genericTrap notification is defined in ruggedcomTrapsModule." ::= { rcDeviceError 9 } rcDeviceErrRadiusServerUnreachable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the RADIUS server (if required) can be reached. Whenever the value of this object changes, the device will generate the radiusServiceAvailableChange notification." REFERENCE "radiusServiceAvailableChange notification is defined in ruggedcomTrapsModule." ::= { rcDeviceError 10 } rcDeviceErrTacacsServerUnreachable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the TACACS+ server (if required) can be reached. Whenever the value of this object changes, the device will generate the tacacsServiceAvailableChange notification." REFERENCE "tacacsServiceAvailableChange notification is defined in ruggedcomTrapsModule." ::= { rcDeviceError 11 } rcDeviceErrSystem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { errCrashLog(0), errWatchdogRst(1), errBootupErr(2), errCfgFailure(3), errStackOvfl(4), errHeapErr(5), errRealTimeClk(6), errRxBuffersLow(7), errClockManager_OutOfResources(8), errClockManager_PrimarySourceFailed(9), errFpgaCompatibility(10), } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicated whether a device failure occured. Whenever the value of this object changes, the device will generate the deviceErrTrap notification." REFERENCE "deviceErrTrap notification is defined in ruggedcomTrapsModule." ::= {rcDeviceError 12 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Device Status information objects -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- rcDeviceStsCpuUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "tenths of percent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The percentage in tenths of percent of available CPU cycles used for device operation as measured over the last second when object was retreived." ::= { rcDeviceStatus 1 } rcDeviceStsAvailableRam OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of bytes of RAM still available in the system control CPU." ::= { rcDeviceStatus 2 } rcDeviceStsTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "Celsius degrees" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The temperature measured in the device." ::= { rcDeviceStatus 3 } rcDeviceStsPowerSupply1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RcHardwareStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the status of Power Supply Module 1. Whenever the value of this object changes from functional(2) to notFunctional(3), or from notFunctionl(3) to functional(2), the device will generate powerSupplyTrap notification." REFERENCE "powerSupplyTrap notification is defined in ruggedcomTrapsModule." ::= { rcDeviceStatus 4 } rcDeviceStsPowerSupply2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RcHardwareStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the status of Power Supply Module 2. Whenever the value of this object changes from functional(2) to notFunctional(3), or from notFunctionl(3) to functional(2), the device will generate powerSupplyTrap notification." REFERENCE "powerSupplyTrap notification is defined in ruggedcomTrapsModule." ::= { rcDeviceStatus 5 } rcDeviceStsCpuUsagePercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The percentage of available CPU cycles used for device operation as measured over the last second when object was retreived." ::= { rcDeviceStatus 6 } rcDeviceStsFailSafeRelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { energized(1), deEnergized(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates status of fail safe relay in the device. Fail safe relay is deEnergized(2) if there is at least one active alarm recorded in the device." ::= { rcDeviceStatus 7 } rcDeviceStsErrorAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates that at least one alarm of level ERROR, ALERT or CRITICAL is active in the device." ::= { rcDeviceStatus 8 } rcDeviceStsNoOfActiveAlarms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of active alarms currently recorded in device." ::= { rcDeviceStatus 9 } rcDeviceStsFanBank1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RcFanStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the status of Fan Bank Module 1." REFERENCE "fanBankTrap notification is defined in ruggedcomTrapsModule." ::= { rcDeviceStatus 10 } rcDeviceStsFanBank2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RcFanStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the status of Fan Bank Module 2." REFERENCE "fanBankTrap notification is defined in ruggedcomTrapsModule." ::= { rcDeviceStatus 11 } rcDeviceStsPwdsWeak OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { adminPwd(0), operPwd(1), guestPwd(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if any of passwords is configured as 'weak'. Change in the value of the bit in this object from '0' to '1' will generate weakPasswordTrap." REFERENCE "weakPasswordTrap notification is defined in ruggedcomTrapsModule." ::= { rcDeviceStatus 12 } rcDeviceStsKeysDflt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { sshDfltKeys(0), sslDfltKeys(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if any of secure services uses default keys and/or certificates. Customer is advised to update keys for secure services if defaults are used. Change in the value of the bit in this object from '0' to '1' will generate defaultKeysTrap notification." REFERENCE "defaultKeysTrap notification is defined in ruggedcomTrapsModule." ::= { rcDeviceStatus 13 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- General System Information objects -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- rcDeviceInfoSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The manufacturing serial number of the device." ::= { rcDeviceInfo 1 } rcDeviceInfoBootSwVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version and the build date of the boot loader software." ::= { rcDeviceInfo 2 } rcDeviceInfoMainSwVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version and the build date of the main operating system software." ::= { rcDeviceInfo 3 } rcDeviceInfoMainBoardType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RcMainBoard MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The identification code of the device main board." ::= { rcDeviceInfo 4 } rcDeviceInfoTotalRam OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of bytes of RAM in the system control CPU." ::= { rcDeviceInfo 5 } rcDeviceInfoPendingBootSwVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version and the build date of the boot loader software that has been loaded to the device and is pending reboot. Whenever the value of this object changes from zero-length string to any string of non-zero length, the device will generate swUpgradeTrap notification." REFERENCE "swUpgradeTrap notification is defined in ruggedcomTrapsModule." ::= { rcDeviceInfo 6 } rcDeviceInfoPendingMainSwVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version and the build date of the main operating system software that has been loaded to the device and is pending reboot. Whenever the value of this object changes from zero-length string to any string of non-zero length, the device will generate swUpgradeTrap notification." REFERENCE "swUpgradeTrap notification is defined in ruggedcomTrapsModule." ::= { rcDeviceInfo 7 } rcDeviceInfoCfgRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The configuration file revision. The revision number will be updated whenever file is saved to the flash memory. This number is recorded in config.csv at the time file is uploaded from the device. Whenever the value of this object changes the device will generate cfgChangeTrap notification." REFERENCE "cfgChangeTrap notification is defined in ruggedcomTrapsModule." ::= { rcDeviceInfo 8 } rcDeviceInfoMinBootSwVer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The minimum version of the boot loader software required by ROS device. If this version is not newer than the version retreived as a value of object rcDeviceInfoBootSwVersion, trap bootVersionMismatchTrap will be generated." REFERENCE "bootVersionMismatchTrap notification is defined in ruggedcomTrapsModule." ::= { rcDeviceInfo 9 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Device control commands objects -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- rcDeviceCommReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting the value of this object to 'true(1)' will cause device to reboot. As a result of Read request the agent will return value 'false(2)'." ::= { rcDeviceCommands 1} rcDeviceCommLoadDefaultCfg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting the value of this object to 'true(1)' will force device to load default configuration to all tables. As a result of Read request the agent will return value 'false(2)'." ::= { rcDeviceCommands 2} rcDeviceCommClearAlarms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting the value of this object to 'true(1)' will cause device to clear all alarms. As a result of Read request the agent will return value 'false(2)'." ::= { rcDeviceCommands 3} rcDeviceCommClearSyslog OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting the value of this object to 'true(1)' will cause device to clear syslog.txt file. As a result of Read request the agent will return value 'false(2)'." ::= { rcDeviceCommands 4} rcDeviceCommClearLogs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting the value of this object to 'true(1)' will cause device to clear syslog.txt and crashlog.txt files. As a result of Read request the agent will return value 'false(2)'." ::= { rcDeviceCommands 5} rcDeviceCommIdentify OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..300) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time Period in seconds for which the device should continue flashing the LEDs when possible so that device is visually recognized. Setting this value to any value greater than 0 will start LED flash timer on the device.Setting the value to 0 will stop the LED flash timer. On Read request agent always sends back the existing Timeout value for LED flash Timer." ::= { rcDeviceCommands 6 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Object Groups -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- rcSysErrObjectsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rcDeviceErrBootupError, rcDeviceErrWatchdogReset, rcDeviceErrConfigurationFailure, rcDeviceErrCrashLogCreated, rcDeviceErrStackOverflow, rcDeviceErrHeapError, rcDeviceErrDateAndTimeSetFailed, rcDeviceErrNtpServerUnreachable, rcDeviceErrBootPTftpTrFailed, rcDeviceErrRadiusServerUnreachable, rcDeviceErrTacacsServerUnreachable } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A group of objects providing information about irregularities in the device." ::= { rcSysInfoGroups 1 } rcSysStsObjectsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rcDeviceStsCpuUsage, rcDeviceStsCpuUsagePercent, rcDeviceStsAvailableRam } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A group of objects providing information device resources." ::= { rcSysInfoGroups 2 } rcSysStsObjectsTemperatureGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rcDeviceStsTemperature } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group is created to allow MIBs for products that do not have temperature sensore installed to exclude rcDeviceStsTemperature object." ::= { rcSysInfoGroups 3 } rcSysStsPowerSupplyGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rcDeviceStsPowerSupply1, rcDeviceStsPowerSupply2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of objects providing information about power supply modules in the device. This group is mandatory for products with redundant power supply." ::= { rcSysInfoGroups 4 } rcSysInfoDeviceInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rcDeviceInfoMainBoardType, rcDeviceInfoTotalRam, rcDeviceInfoBootSwVersion, rcDeviceInfoMainSwVersion, rcDeviceInfoPendingBootSwVersion, rcDeviceInfoPendingMainSwVersion, rcDeviceInfoCfgRevision, rcDeviceInfoSerialNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of object providing manufacturer's information about product's main board hardware, software, identification." ::= { rcSysInfoGroups 5 } rcSysDeviceCommGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rcDeviceCommReset, rcDeviceCommLoadDefaultCfg, rcDeviceCommClearAlarms, rcDeviceCommClearSyslog, rcDeviceCommClearLogs } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of object providing device control commands." ::= { rcSysInfoGroups 6 } rcSysDeviceCommIdentifyGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rcDeviceCommIdentify } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of object providing device control commands for visual recognisation of the device (LED flashing)." ::= { rcSysInfoGroups 7 } rcSysStsObjectsGroup1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rcDeviceStsCpuUsage, rcDeviceStsCpuUsagePercent, rcDeviceStsAvailableRam, rcDeviceStsErrorAlarm, rcDeviceStsFailSafeRelay, rcDeviceStsNoOfActiveAlarms } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of objects providing information about device resources." ::= { rcSysInfoGroups 8 } rcSysStsFanBankGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rcDeviceStsFanBank1, rcDeviceStsFanBank2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of objects providing information about fan bank modules in the device. This group is mandatory for products with redundant fan banks." ::= { rcSysInfoGroups 9 } rcSysDeviceSecurityGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rcDeviceStsPwdsWeak } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of object providing device control commands." ::= { rcSysInfoGroups 10 } rcSysDeviceSecurityGroup01 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rcDeviceStsPwdsWeak, rcDeviceStsKeysDflt, rcDeviceInfoMinBootSwVer } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of object providing device control commands." ::= { rcSysInfoGroups 11 } rcSysErrObjectsGroup1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rcDeviceErrSystem } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of objects providing information about device system errors." ::= { rcSysInfoGroups 12 } END