RUGGEDCOM-TRAPS-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE,Integer32, IpAddress FROM SNMPv2-SMI OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC ruggedcomTraps, ruggedcomMgmt FROM RUGGEDCOM-MIB rcDeviceInfoBootSwVersion, rcDeviceInfoMainSwVersion, rcDeviceInfoPendingBootSwVersion, rcDeviceInfoPendingMainSwVersion, rcDeviceInfoCfgRevision, rcDeviceInfoMinBootSwVer, RcHotswapModuleSlot, RcHotswapModuleState, rcDeviceStsKeysDflt, rcDeviceStsPwdsWeak FROM RUGGEDCOM-SYS-INFO-MIB ifIndex FROM RUGGEDCOM-SWITCH-MIB; ruggedcomTrapsModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201802091100Z" -- Feb. 09, 11:00 EST 2018 ORGANIZATION "Siemens Canada Ltd., Process Industries and Drives" CONTACT-INFO "Postal: Siemens Canada Ltd. 300 Applewood Crescent Concord, Ontario, L4K 5C7 Canada Tel: 1-905-856-5288 E-Mail:" DESCRIPTION "The RuggedCom MIB providing traps information." REVISION "202002141100Z" -- Feb. 14, 11:00 EST 2020 DESCRIPTION "Added localConsoleServiceChanged traps." REVISION "201802091100Z" -- Feb. 09, 11:00 EST 2018 DESCRIPTION "Added deviceErrTrap, privKeySnmpV3UserUnknwnTrap, loginInformationTrap loginFailureTrap, excessLoginFailureTrap, rcGMRPCantLrnMoreAddrs, rcGVRPCantLrnMoreVLANs, rcMcastCpuFiltTblFull, rcIgmpGrpMembershipTblFull, rcIgmpMcastForwardTblFull, rcMacAddressNotLearned, rcPortSecurityViolatedTrap, rcIeee1588HoldoverStateTrap, rcIeee1588BMCErrorTrap, rcLoopedBpduRcvd, rcBpduGuardActivated, serialCommBlockedTrap and unknownRouteSerialProto traps." REVISION "201702151000Z" -- Feb 15, 10:00 EST 2017 DESCRIPTION "Fixed CONTACT-INF. Added comment note that ruggedcomTraps nodes 19,20,21 are reserved for other RUGGEDCOM MIBs." REVISION "201411051000Z" -- Nov 5, 10:00 EST 2014 DESCRIPTION "Added comment note that ruggedcomTraps.18 node is reserved for RUGGEDCOM-DIGITAL-INPUTS-MIB." REVISION "201304291510Z" -- Apr 29, 15:10 EST 2013 DESCRIPTION "Added Brute Force Attacks (BFA) traps" REVISION "201208301700Z" -- Aug 30, 17:00 EST 2012 DESCRIPTION "Added defaultKeysTrap, bootVersionMismatchTrap and ruggedcomSecurityGroup01. Added moduleTypeMismatchTrap and ruggedcomHotswapModuleSCNotifGroup01." REVISION "201206011700Z" -- Jun 01, 17:00 EST 2012 DESCRIPTION "Added weakPasswordTrap and ruggedcomSecurityGroup." REVISION "201009161030Z" -- Sep 16, 10:30 EST 2010 DESCRIPTION "Added traps related to the fan bank and hot swap-able modules state." REVISION "201001121030Z" -- January 12, 10:30 EST 2010 DESCRIPTION "Added cfgChangeNoRevTrap and ruggedcomNoRevCfgNotifGroup. Updated MIB comments with product specific information." REVISION "200809041030Z" -- September 04, 10:30 EST 2008 DESCRIPTION "Fixed error where rcDeviceInfoCfgInternalVersion object was included instead of rcDeviceinfoCfgRevision." REVISION "200802121630Z" -- February 12, 16:30 EST 2008 DESCRIPTION "Added trap upon software upgrade (swUpgradeTrap) and configuration change (cfgChangeTrap). Fixed definitions causing SMIC compiler errors." REVISION "200609061630Z" -- September 6, 16:30 EST 2006 DESCRIPTION "IMPORT clause was missing for OBJECT-GROUP. Changed description of object powerSupplyTrap, referring to the RUGGEDCOM-SYS-INFO-MIB to retrieve status of traps. Updated CONTACT-INFO." REVISION "200301171400Z" -- January 17, 14:00 EST 2003 DESCRIPTION "The initial version of MIB providing RuggedCom traps information." ::= { ruggedcomMgmt 1 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ruggedcomTrapsModuleObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {ruggedcomTrapsModule 1} -- ruggedcomTrapsModule 2 to 4 are reserved for future implementation -- ruggedcomTrapsModuleConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {ruggedcomTrapsModule 2} ruggedcomTrapsModuleConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {ruggedcomTrapsModule 5} -- ruggedcomTrapsModuleCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleConformance 1 } ruggedcomTrapsModuleGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleConformance 2 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Trap sub-trees -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- trapGenericTrap OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The main sub-tree for RuggedCom generic traps." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleObjects 1 } trapPowerSupplyTrap OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The main sub-tree for RuggedCom power supply trap." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleObjects 2 } trapSwUpgradeTrap OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The main sub-tree for RuggedCom software upgrade trap." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleObjects 3 } trapCfgChangeTrap OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The main sub-tree for RuggedCom configuration change trap." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleObjects 4 } trapFanBankTrap OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The main sub-tree for RuggedCom fan bank trap." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleObjects 5 } trapHotswapModuleStateChangeTrap OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The main sub-tree for RuggedCom hot-swap module state change trap." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleObjects 6 } trapWeakPasswordTrap OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The main sub-tree for RuggedCom weak password generation trap." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleObjects 7 } trapModuleTypeMismatchTrap OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The main sub-tree for RuggedCom module type mismatch trap." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleObjects 8 } trapDefaultKeysTrap OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The main sub-tree for RuggedCom default keys use trap." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleObjects 9 } trapBootVersionMismatchTrap OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The main sub-tree for RuggedCom boot version mismatch trap." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleObjects 10 } trapRTCBatteryLowTrap OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The main sub-tree for RuggedCom RTC Battery low trap." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleObjects 11 } trapSecurityCertificateExpiryTrap OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The main sub-tree for RuggedCom security certificate expiration trap." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleObjects 12 } trapBFATrap OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The main sub-tree for RuggedCom brute force detection attack traps." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleObjects 13 } trapDeviceLogin OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The main sub-tree for RuggedCom device login traps." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleObjects 14 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generic Trap Objects -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- genericTrapSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { emergency(1), alert(2), critical(3), error(4), warning(5), notification(6), informational(7), debugging(8) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The severity level of the generic trap." ::= { trapGenericTrap 1 } genericTrapDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A description of a generic trap." ::= { trapGenericTrap 2 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Power Supply Failure Objects -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- powerSupplyDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A description of power supply that fails." ::= { trapPowerSupplyTrap 1 } powerSupplyIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The power supply identified (i.e. power supply 1)" ::= { trapPowerSupplyTrap 2 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Fan Bank Failure Objects -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- fanBankDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A description of Fan Bank failure." ::= { trapFanBankTrap 1 } fanBankIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Fan Bank identified (i.e. Fan Bank 1)" ::= { trapFanBankTrap 2 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- hot-swap Module State Change Objects -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- hotswapModuleSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RcHotswapModuleSlot MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The physical slot the module is in" ::= { trapHotswapModuleStateChangeTrap 1 } hotswapModulePreviousState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RcHotswapModuleState MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The previous state of the module" ::= { trapHotswapModuleStateChangeTrap 2 } hotswapModuleCurrentState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RcHotswapModuleState MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current state of the module" ::= { trapHotswapModuleStateChangeTrap 3 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Brute Force Attack (BFA) Objects -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- bfaInfoIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address that informs about an on-going BFA without blocking any IP." ::= { trapBFATrap 1 } bfaBlockedIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address that is being blocked from now on." ::= { trapBFATrap 2 } bfaReleasedIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address that is being released from now on." ::= { trapBFATrap 3 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Device Login Trap Objects -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- loginUser OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User that tried to access management application." ::= {trapDeviceLogin 1 } loginMgmtApp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { serial(1), telnet(2), ssh(3), rsh(4), webServer(5), cliShel(6), snmp(7) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Management application used to login to the device." ::= {trapDeviceLogin 2 } loginRemoteIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address where remote access is attempted." ::= {trapDeviceLogin 3 } loginAccessLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { "no access"(0), guest(1), operator(2), admin(3), factory(4) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Access level granted to login to the device." ::= {trapDeviceLogin 4 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Definition of generic trap -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- genericTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { genericTrapSeverity, genericTrapDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A generic trap generated by RuggedCom devices." REFERENCE "See rcSysInfo module to find out about status of generic traps that can be retrieved from RuggedCom devices." ::= { ruggedcomTraps 1 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Definition of power supply trap -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- powerSupplyTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { powerSupplyDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A trap generated when a power supply fails or comes up. The first trap would be generated on first power supply failure. The state of power supply (failed or restored ) is retrieved via object powerSupplyDescription at the time when trap is generated. The status of power supply units in device can be retrieved via objects rcDeviceStsPowerSupply1 and rcDeviceStsPowerSupply2. powerSupplyIdentifier object is recommended to be added as an optional parameter to the list of objects." REFERENCE "rcDeviceStsPowerSupply1 and rcDeviceStsPowerSupply2 object are defined in rcSysInfo module." ::= { ruggedcomTraps 2 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Definition of software upgrade trap -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- swUpgradeTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcDeviceInfoBootSwVersion, rcDeviceInfoMainSwVersion, rcDeviceInfoPendingBootSwVersion, rcDeviceInfoPendingMainSwVersion } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A generic trap generated upon software upgrade. The rate at which this notification can be provided is 60 seconds." REFERENCE "See rcSysInfo module for definition of objects." ::= { ruggedcomTraps 3 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Definition of configuration change -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfgChangeTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcDeviceInfoCfgRevision } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A generic trap generated upon configuration change. The rate at which this notification can be provided is 60 seconds." REFERENCE "See rcSysInfo module for definition of object." ::= { ruggedcomTraps 4 } cfgChangeNoRevTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A generic trap generated upon configuration change by device that does not use the concept of configuration revision number." ::= { ruggedcomTraps 5 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Definition of fan bank trap -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- fanBankTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { fanBankDescription, fanBankIdentifier } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A trap generated when a fan bank fails or fails to comes up. The first trap would be generated on first fan bank failure. The state of fan bank (failed or restored ) is retrieved via object fan bank Description at the time when trap is generated. The status of power supply units in device can be retrieved via objects rcDeviceStsFanBank1 and rcDeviceStsFanBank2." REFERENCE "rcDeviceStsPowerSupply1 and rcDeviceStsPowerSupply2 object are defined in rcSysInfo module." ::= { ruggedcomTraps 6 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Definition of hot swap module state change trap -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- hotswapModuleStateChangeTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hotswapModuleSlot, hotswapModulePreviousState, hotswapModuleCurrentState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A trap generated when a ROX 2 Module changes state. The first traps would be generated during initial start up." REFERENCE "RcHotswapModuleSlot and RcHotswapModuleState are types defined in rcSysInfo module." ::= { ruggedcomTraps 7 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Definition of weak password trap -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- weakPasswordTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcDeviceStsPwdsWeak } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A weak password indication trap generated by RuggedCom devices." ::= { ruggedcomTraps 8 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Definition of module type mismatch trap -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- moduleTypeMismatchTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hotswapModuleSlot } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A trap generated when ROX 2 sees that, for a given slot, the configured module type does not match the detected module type. The first traps would be generated during initial start up." REFERENCE "RcHotswapModuleSlot and RcHotswapModuleState are types defined in rcSysInfo module." ::= { ruggedcomTraps 9 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Definition of default keys use trap -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- defaultKeysTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcDeviceStsKeysDflt } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A use of default keys for secure services (SSH and SSL) indication trap generated by RuggedCom devices." ::= { ruggedcomTraps 13 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Definition of boot version mismatch trap -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- bootVersionMismatchTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcDeviceInfoBootSwVersion, rcDeviceInfoMinBootSwVer } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A boot software version indication trap generated by RuggedCom devices." ::= { ruggedcomTraps 14 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Definition of RTC Battery Low trap -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- rtcBatteryLowTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A trap indicating that the device's RTC Battery level is low enough that there may be a problem after the next device reboot cycle. It is generated by RuggedCom devices." ::= { ruggedcomTraps 15 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Definition of Security Certificate Expiry trap -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- securityCertificateExpiryTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A trap indicating that at least one security certificate on the device is within 30 days of expiration. It is generated by RuggedCom devices." ::= { ruggedcomTraps 16 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Definition of Brute Force Attack trap -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- bfaTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bfaTrap is generated when Brute Force Attack is detected on the unit and source of attack is blocked, or released. Different devices might block attacking IP address for all the IP services, others might block the service on which attack is detected for all IP addresses, while some might just give a status of unit being under attack." ::= { ruggedcomTraps 17 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Definition of Successful User Changed Password trap -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- rcSuccessUsrChgPwdTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { successUsrChgPwd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A trap generated when a user's password is successfully changed." ::= { ruggedcomTraps 20 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Definition of Device Error trap -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- deviceErrTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcDeviceErrSystem } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A device error indication trap generated by RuggedCom devices." ::= { ruggedcomTraps 24 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Private Key SNMP V3 User Unknown trap -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- privKeySnmpV3UserUnknwnTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A trap indicating unknown private key from an SNMP V3 user." ::= { ruggedcomTraps 25 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Definition of login information trap -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- loginInformationTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { loginUser, loginMgmtApp, loginRemoteIP, loginAccessLevel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A trap informing successful login to the device." ::= { ruggedcomTraps 26 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Definition of login failure trap -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- loginFailureTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { loginUser, loginMgmtApp, loginRemoteIP, loginAccessLevel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A trap indicating login failure attempt to the device." ::= { ruggedcomTraps 27 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Definition of excessive login failure trap -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- excessLoginFailureTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { loginUser, loginMgmtApp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A trap indicating excessive login failure attempts to the device." ::= { ruggedcomTraps 28 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- GMRP Cannot Learn More Addresses trap -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- rcGMRPCantLrnMoreAddrs NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A trap indicating GMRP cannot learn more addresses" ::= { ruggedcomTraps 29 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- GVRP Cannot Learn More VLANs trap -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- rcGVRPCantLrnMoreVLANs NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A trap indicating GVRP cannot learn more VLANs" ::= { ruggedcomTraps 30 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Mcast CPU Filtering Table Full trap -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- rcMcastCpuFiltTblFull NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A trap indicating Mcast CPU filtering table is full" ::= { ruggedcomTraps 31 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- IGMP Group Membership Table Full trap -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- rcIgmpGrpMembershipTblFull NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A trap indicating IGMP Group Membership table full" ::= { ruggedcomTraps 32 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- IGMP Mcast Forward Table Full trap -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- rcIgmpMcastForwardTblFull NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A trap indicating IGMP Mcast Forwarding table full" ::= { ruggedcomTraps 33 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Mac Address Not Learned trap -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- rcMacAddressNotLearned NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A trap indicating MAC address not learned" ::= { ruggedcomTraps 34 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- IEEE1588 Holdover State trap -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- rcIeee1588HoldoverStateTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A trap generated to indicate that IEEE1588 PTP lost master clock, in holdover state now." ::= { ruggedcomTraps 36 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- IEEE1588 BMC Error trap -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- rcIeee1588BMCErrorTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A trap generated to indicate that IEEE1588 PTP BMC foreign master comparison error." ::= { ruggedcomTraps 37 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Definition of Port Security related traps -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- rcPortSecurityViolatedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex -- ifIndex of interface on which violation happened } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A trap generated upon port security violation." ::= { ruggedcomTraps 38 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Definition of BPDU related traps -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- rcLoopedBpduRcvd NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex -- interface index of the port where -- looped BPDU was detected } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A trap generated when looped back BPDU received on the port." ::= { ruggedcomTraps 40 } rcBpduGuardActivated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A trap generated when BPDU Guard is activated on the port." ::= { ruggedcomTraps 41 } serialCommBlockedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A trap generated to indicate serial communication is blocked." ::= { ruggedcomTraps 42 } unknownRouteSerialProto NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A trap generated to indicate unknown route for serial protocol." ::= { ruggedcomTraps 43 } rcConsoleServiceChangedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A trap generated to indicate the console service changed." ::= { ruggedcomTraps 44 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- DON't USE THIS OIDs in any new traps definition. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ruggedcomTraps.18 is reserved for digitalInputTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE -- defined in RUGGEDCOM-DIGITAL-INPUTS-MIB -- ruggedcomTraps.19 is reserved for rcGpsStatusChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE -- defined in RUGGEDCOM-GPS-MIB -- ruggedcomTraps.21 is reserved for rcNTPServiceStatusChangedTrap -- NOTIFICATION-TYPE defined in RUGGEDCOM-NTP-MIB -- ruggedcomTraps.22 is reserved for radiusServiceAvailableChange -- NOTIFICATION-TYPE defined in RUGGEDCOM-AAA-SERVER-MIB -- ruggedcomTraps.23 is reserved for tacacsServiceAvailableChange -- NOTIFICATION-TYPE defined in RUGGEDCOM-AAA-SERVER-MIB -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ruggedcomTraps.10 branch is reserved for ruggedmaxTraps defined in -- BS-E-12-MIB -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ruggedmaxTraps OBJECT-IDENTIFIER ::= {ruggedcomTraps 10} -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ruggedcomTraps.11 branch is reserved for ruggedcomRstpTraps defined in -- RUGGEDCOM-RSTP-MIB -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ruggedcomRstpTraps OBJECT-IDENTIFIER ::= {ruggedcomTraps 11} -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ruggedcomTraps.12 branch is reserved for ruggedcomPoeTraps defined in -- RUGGEDCOM-POE-MIB -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ruggedcomPoeTraps OBJECT-IDENTIFIER ::= {ruggedcomTraps 12} rcChgPswdAdminTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Admin Level Password Changed" ::= { rcSuccessUsrChgPwdTrap 1 } rcChgPswdOperTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operator Level Password Changed" ::= { rcSuccessUsrChgPwdTrap 2 } rcChgPswdGuestTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Guest Level Password Changed" ::= { rcSuccessUsrChgPwdTrap 3 } rcChgPswdRadiusTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RADIUS authenticate key changed" ::= { rcSuccessUsrChgPwdTrap 4 } rcChgPswdTacplusTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tacacs+ authenticate key changed" ::= { rcSuccessUsrChgPwdTrap 5 } rcChgPswdDataStoreTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Data Storage pass-phrase changed" ::= { rcSuccessUsrChgPwdTrap 6 } rcChgPswdSnmpCommunityTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP community character string changed" ::= { rcSuccessUsrChgPwdTrap 7 } rcChgPswdSnmpAuthKeyTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP authenticate key changed" ::= { rcSuccessUsrChgPwdTrap 8 } rcChgPswdSnmpPrivKeyTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP private Key changed" ::= { rcSuccessUsrChgPwdTrap 9 } rcLocalConsoleServiceEnabledTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Local Console Enabled" ::= { rcConsoleServiceChangedTrap 1 } rcLocalConsoleServiceDisabledTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Local Console Disabled" ::= { rcConsoleServiceChangedTrap 2 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Trap Groups -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ruggedcomGenericTrapGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { genericTrapSeverity, genericTrapDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of objects that define RuggedCom generic traps." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleGroups 1 } ruggedcomPowerSupplyGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { powerSupplyDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of objects that define RuggedCom power supply failure trap." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleGroups 2 } ruggedcomNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { genericTrap, powerSupplyTrap, swUpgradeTrap, cfgChangeTrap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RuggedCom notifications group." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleGroups 3 } ruggedcomNoRevCfgNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { cfgChangeNoRevTrap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RuggedCom notifications group for devices that do not use the concept of configuration revision number." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleGroups 4 } ruggedcomPowerSupplyIdentGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { powerSupplyIdentifier } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of objects that define RuggedCom power supply identification." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleGroups 5 } ruggedcomFanBankNotiGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { fanBankTrap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RuggedCom notifications group." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleGroups 6 } ruggedcomHotswapModuleSCNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { hotswapModuleStateChangeTrap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RuggedCom Hot-swap Module notifications group." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleGroups 7 } ruggedcomFanBankGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { fanBankDescription, fanBankIdentifier } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of objects that define RuggedCom fan bank failure trap." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleGroups 8 } ruggedcomModuleStateChangeGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hotswapModuleSlot, hotswapModulePreviousState, hotswapModuleCurrentState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of objects that define RuggedCom Module State Change trap." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleGroups 9 } ruggedcomSecurityGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { weakPasswordTrap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of objects for insecurity indication." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleGroups 10 } ruggedcomHotswapModuleSCNotifGroup01 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { hotswapModuleStateChangeTrap, moduleTypeMismatchTrap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RuggedCom Hot-swap Module notifications group." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleGroups 11 } ruggedcomSecurityGroup01 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { weakPasswordTrap, defaultKeysTrap, bootVersionMismatchTrap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of objects for insecurity indication." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleGroups 12 } ruggedcomRTCBatteryLowGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { trapRTCBatteryLowTrap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of objects for RTC Battery Low indication." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleGroups 13 } ruggedcomSecurityGroup02 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { trapSecurityCertificateExpiryTrap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of objects for security certificate expiry indication." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleGroups 14 } ruggedcomBFATrapGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { trapBFATrap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of objects for security certificate expiry indication." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleGroups 15 } ruggedcomDeviceErrTrapGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { deviceErrTrap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of objects for device error indication." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleGroups 16 } ruggedcomDeviceLoginTrapGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { loginInformationTrap, loginFailureTrap, excessLoginFailureTrap, privKeySnmpV3UserUnknwnTrap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of objects to notify device login events." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleGroups 17 } ruggedcomGMRPTrapGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { rcGMRPCantLrnMoreAddrs } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of objects to notify GMRP events." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleGroups 18 } ruggedcomGVRPTrapGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { rcGVRPCantLrnMoreVLANs } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of objects to notify GMRP events." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleGroups 19 } ruggedcomMcastCpuFiltTblTrapGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { rcMcastCpuFiltTblFull } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of objects to notify Mcast CPU Filter Table events." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleGroups 20 } ruggedcomIgmpTrapGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { rcIgmpGrpMembershipTblFull, rcIgmpMcastForwardTblFull } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of objects to notify IGMP events." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleGroups 21 } ruggedcomMacAddrAuthTrapGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { rcMacAddrAuthFailedTrap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of objects to notify MAC Address Authentication events." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleGroups 22 } ruggedcomBpduTrapGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { rcLoopedBpduRcvd, rcBpduGuardActivated } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of objects to notify BPDU events." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleGroups 23 } ruggedcomSerialCommGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { serialCommBlockedTrap, unknownRouteSerialProto } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of objects to notify serial communication events." ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleGroups 24 } rcPswdChgTrapNotifyGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rcChgPswdAdminTrap, rcChgPswdOperTrap, rcChgPswdGuestTrap, rcChgPswdRadiusTrap, rcChgPswdTacplusTrap, rcChgPswdDataStoreTrap, rcChgPswdSnmpCommunityTrap, rcChgPswdSnmpAuthKeyTrap, rcChgPswdSnmpPrivKeyTrap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A group of trap objects to notify password successfully changed" ::= { ruggedcomTrapsModuleGroups 25 } END