-- ***************************************************************************** -- ***************************************************************************** -- ** -- ** COPYRIGHT (c) 2006 Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG -- ** Muehldorfstrasse 15 -- ** R & S D-81671 Muenchen -- ** -- ***************************************************************************** -- ** -- ** MODULE RS-XX8000-COMMON-MIB -- ** -- ** DESCRIPTION Rohde & Schwarz SNMP -- ** -- ** HISTORY -- ** 2006-11-20 hue - initial version -- ** 2007-03-14 hue - enhanced logbook messages (TC) -- ** 2007-05-16 hue - added logbook messages (TC) for XV703 -- ** 2007-09-04 sr - added logbook messages for PumpUnit and -- ** logbook messages (TC) for MediaFLO -- ** 2007-10-02 sr - extend trapSinkTable -- ** - extend LogbookEntryMessagesOST (2 new -- ** messages for PumpUnit) -- ** 2007-12-17 sr - update LogbookEntryMessagesNSU -- ** - update LogbookEntryMessagesNetCCU -- ** - new TCs: ProdInfoModuleNameTv and -- ** ProdInfoModuleNameFm -- ** 2008-02-06 sr - update LogbookEntryMessagesExcMediaFLO -- ** - add transmitterConfig with dateTime -- ** - new TCs: TimeOfDay and NoValue -- ** 2008-02-11 hu - update LogbookEntryMessagesExcATV -- ** - new TC: LockState -- ** 2008-02-18 sr - add A8 to IndexTransmitter -- ** 2008-04-23 ks - new TC EqualizerCalibrationState -- ** sr - new TC LogbookEntryMessagesExcTv -- ** - remove LogbookEntryMessagesExcMediaFLO -- ** 2008-04-30 ks - LogbookEntryMessagesExcTv extended -- ** 2008-05-13 hu - added TrapHandling under snmpConfig -- ** 2008-06-02 sr - LogbookEntryMessagesExcTv extended -- ** 2008-06-09 sr - dateTime with UTC values -- ** - LogbookMaxEntryNumber: range to max 255 -- ** 2008-06-16 sr - new TC 'TvStandard' -- ** 2008-07-23 sr - new TC 'AtvStandard' -- ** hu - obsoleted TC LogbookEntryMessagesExcATV -- ** and DVB -> use LogbookEntryMessagesExcTv -- ** 2008-09-03 sr - eventHistoryModule: additional values for -- ** pump and antenna -- ** 2008-09-30 ks - NTP configuration -- ** 2008-10-10 sr - eventHistoryTable with new index 'eventHistoryTxIdx' -- ** 2008-12-12 sr - new: swMaintenance and eventTx, -- ** - rackExtCoolingWarning renamed to rackGpiWarning -- ** - rackExtCoolingFault renamed to rackGpiFault -- ** 2009-02-10 ks - add to eventHistoryModule: gps, dvbRecMon, gpParIOsr -- ** sr - LogbookEntryMessagesExcTv updated -- ** 2008-03-13 ks - reserveInputLost added to LogbookEntryMessagesExcTv -- ** - rackProbeNotCalibrated added to LogbookEntryMessagesOST -- ** - update LogbookEntryMessagesNSU -- ** - update LogbookEntryMessagesNetCCU -- ** 2008-04-30 ks - Sx801 messages added to LogbookEntryMessagesExcTv -- ** 2008-06-03 ks - intPwrSupply, extPwrSupply, rackTemperatureWarning added -- ** 2008-06-26 ks - new textual convention InputSource -- ** 2008-09-10 ks - new value "inconsistent" for textual convention TvStandard -- ** - additional values for LogbookEntryMessagesNetCCU -- ** 2009-12-08 ks - excSFNIdleRegulation, excInput1Available, excInput2Available, -- ** excInput1LPAvailable, excInput2LPAvailable added to LogbookEntryMessagesExcTv -- ** 2010-01-11 ks - xlxInputStepProtection, excNoSfnData, excNoMobileDtvContent added -- ** 2010-05-06 ks - ntpSyncFailed added -- ** 2010-05-11 ks - indexProgram added -- ** 2011-02-23 ks - trapSinkInformUnacknowledged obsoleted -- ** 2011-05-11 ks - FailDelayMode, FailDelayStatus added -- ** -- ***************************************************************************** -- ***************************************************************************** RS-XX8000-COMMON-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS rsProdBroadcastTransmitter, rsRegModules FROM RS-COMMON-MIB OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF IpAddress, Integer32, Counter32, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI DateAndTime, TruthValue, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC; rsXx8000MibModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201105110800Z" -- May 11, 2011 at 08:00 GMT ORGANIZATION "Rohde&Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG" CONTACT-INFO "Torsten Huebscher Department 7TS2 Broadcasting Division Muehldorfstrasse 15 81671 Munich, Germany torsten.huebscher@rohde-schwarz.com" DESCRIPTION "This MIB defines general objects of XX8000 transmitting systems from Rohde & Schwarz. Use this MIB for things all transmitters support via SNMP, e.g.: - product information - installation / configuration issues (trapsinks, managers aso.) The following MIBs are related to this: - RS-COMMON-MIB - mandatory for this MIB." REVISION "201105110800Z" -- May 11, 2011 at 08:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "FailDelayMode, FailDelayStatus added" REVISION "201102230800Z" -- February 23, 2011 at 08:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "trapSinkInformUnacknowledged obsoleted" REVISION "201005060800Z" -- May 06, 2010 at 08:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "ntpSyncFailed, indexProgram added" REVISION "200912080800Z" -- December 08, 2009 at 08:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "excSFNIdleRegulation, excInput1Available, excInput2Available, excInput1LPAvailable, excInput2LPAvailable added to LogbookEntryMessagesExcTv" REVISION "200909100800Z" -- September 10, 2009 at 08:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "new value 'inconsistent' for textual convention TvStandard additional values for LogbookEntryMessagesNetCCU" REVISION "200906260900Z" -- June 26, 2009 at 09:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "new textual convention InputSource" REVISION "200906030900Z" -- June 03, 2009 at 09:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "intPwrSupply, extPwrSupply added to LogbookEntryMessagesNetCCU; rackTemperatureWarning added to LogbookEntryMessagesOST" REVISION "200904300900Z" -- April 30, 2009 at 09:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "Sx801 messages added to LogbookEntryMessagesExcTv" REVISION "200903130900Z" -- March 13, 2009 at 09:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "reserveInputLost added to LogbookEntryMessagesExcTv rackProbeNotCalibrated added to LogbookEntryMessagesOST update LogbookEntryMessagesNSU update LogbookEntryMessagesNetCCU" REVISION "200902101600Z" -- February 10, 2009 at 16:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "add to eventHistoryModule: gps, dvbRecMon, gpParIO LogbookEntryMessagesExcTv updated" REVISION "200812121400Z" -- December 12, 2008 at 14:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "new: swMaintenance and eventTx, rackExtCoolingWarning renamed to rackGpiWarning rackExtCoolingFault renamed to rackGpiFault" REVISION "200810200900Z" -- October 20, 2008 at 09:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "LogbookEntryMessagesNSU: antennaRedundancySumWarning(196) tcbTxBPowerSupply(197) txBPosition(198) antennaRedundancySumFault(226) LogbookEntryMessagesNetCCU: monitorFaultExcA(107) monitorFaultExcA(108)" REVISION "200810100900Z" -- October 10, 2008 at 09:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "eventHistoryTable with new index 'eventHistoryTxIdx'" REVISION "200809300900Z" -- September 30, 2008 at 09:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "NTP configuration" REVISION "200809030900Z" -- September 03, 2008 at 09:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "eventHistoryModule: additional values for pump and antenna" REVISION "200807231530Z" -- July 23, 2008 at 15:30 GMT DESCRIPTION "- new TC 'AtvStandard' - obsoleted TC LogbookEntryMessagesExcATV and DVB -> use LogbookEntryMessagesExcTv" REVISION "200806160900Z" -- June 16, 2008 at 09:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "new TC 'TvStandard'" REVISION "200806100800Z" -- June 10, 2008 at 08:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "dateTime with UTC values LogbookMaxEntryNumber: range to max 255" REVISION "200806021030Z" -- June 02, 2008 at 10:30 GMT DESCRIPTION "LogbookEntryMessagesExcTv extended" REVISION "200805131500Z" -- May 13, 2008 at 15:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "LogbookEntryMessagesExcTv extended added TrapHandling under snmpConfig" REVISION "200804231100Z" -- April 23, 2008 at 11:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "new TC EqualizerCalibrationState new TC LogbookEntryMessagesExcTv remove LogbookEntryMessagesExcMediaFLO" REVISION "200802181330Z" -- February 18, 2008 at 13:30 GMT DESCRIPTION "add A8 to IndexTransmitter" REVISION "200802111200Z" -- February 11, 2008 at 12:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "updated LogbookEntryMessagesExcATV, added LockState" REVISION "200802061200Z" -- February 06, 2008 at 12:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "update LogbookEntryMessagesExcMediaFLO add transmitterConfig with dateTime new TCs: TimeOfDay and NoValue" REVISION "200712171200Z" -- December 17, 2007 at 12:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "update LogbookEntryMessagesNSU update LogbookEntryMessagesNetCCU new TCs: ProdInfoModuleNameTv and ProdInfoModuleNameFm" REVISION "200710021000Z" -- October 02, 2007 at 10:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "extend trapSinkTable extend LogbookEntryMessagesOST (2 new messages for PumpUnit)" REVISION "200709041300Z" -- September 04, 2007 at 13:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "Added logbook messages for PumpUnit and logbook messages (TC) for MediaFLO." REVISION "200706291000Z" -- June 29, 2007 at 10:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "Enhanced logbook messages for ExcFM." REVISION "200705161000Z" -- May 16, 2007 at 10:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "Added logbook messages (TC) for XV703 transposers." REVISION "200703141000Z" -- March 14, 2007 at 10:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "Enhanced logbook messsages for ExcDVB and ExcFM (TextualConvention)." REVISION "200612211000Z" -- December 21, 2006 at 10:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "Added IndexAB for easier handling of exciterA/B and outputstageA/B in other MIBs." REVISION "200611201000Z" -- November 20, 2006 at 10:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "This is the initial version." ::= { rsRegModules 163 } -- -- Textual conventions -- ReadableString ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "255a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An octet string containing a human-readable string. This string may have originally been encoded as specified in EN 300 468 Annex A, but this is not a requirement. To maintain generality, the information is represented using the ISO/IEC IS 10646-1 character set, encoded as an octet string using the UTF-8 transformation format described in RFC2279. Control codes are interpreted as specified in EN 300 468 Annex A, section A.1. The interpretation of other control codes is undefined. For information encoded in 7-bit US-ASCII, the UTF-8 encoding is identical to the US-ASCII encoding. UTF-8 may require multiple bytes to represent a single character/code point; thus the length of this object in octets may be different from the number of characters encoded. Similarly, size constraints refer to the number of encoded octets, not the number of characters represented by an encoding." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) FloatingPoint ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FloatingPoint provides a way of representing non-integer numbers in SNMP. Numbers are represented as a string of ASCII characters in the natural way. So for example, '3', '3.142' and '0.3142E1' are all valid numbers. The syntax for the string is as follows. [] enclose an optional element, | is the separator for a set of alternatives. () enclose syntax which is to be viewed as a unit. FloatingPoint ::= [Sign] (Float1 | Float2 | DigitSequence) [ExponentPart] Float1 ::= DigitSequence '.' [DigitSequence] Float2 ::= '.' DigitSequence DigitSequence ::= Digit [DigitSequence] ExponentPart ::= ('e' | 'E') [Sign] DigitSequence Digit ::= '0'..'9' Sign ::= '+' | '-'" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..63)) TimeOfDay ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1d:1d:1d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A time of day specification. octets contents range ------ -------- ----- 1 hour 0..23 2 minute 0..59 3 second 0..59 For example, 1:30:17 PM would be displayed as 13:30:17. The second can be omitted. " SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (2 | 3)) EventMask ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables / Disables this event. enable(1) --> active, will be sent in case the event occurs disable(2) --> inactive, will not be sent in case the event occurs." SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } EventPriority ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The priority of the event. Users can freely set this value in range 0..255." SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) EventClass ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "These are the levels of events a transmitter has. Info(3): Are events which only inform about changes, e.g. 'local/remote' or 'reboot of the control unit'. They don't affect the transmission. Warning(2): Are minor problems which do not influence transmission itself, but may cause a bigger problem when no action is taken, e.g. 'RF Loop Program'. Warnings may appear and disappear without the need of acknowledgment. Fault(1): Have a direct impact on the transmission, e.g. 'failure power supply'. Faults never disappear without acknowledgment." SYNTAX INTEGER { fault(1), warning(2), info(3) } EventState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current state of an event: active(1) --> event is active (coming) inactive(2) --> event is inactive (going) This is used in all logbooks and in all event handling tables." SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), inactive(2) } EventMaxEntryNumber ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of events. This is used in other MIBs as a placeholder." SYNTAX Integer32 (1..999) SwitchOnOff ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is for all on/off-switches." SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2) } Trigger ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trigger for starting a certain action. idle(1) --> ready, do nothing trigger(2) --> do now A GET will always return idle(1). A SET idle(1) will return NO_ERROR without doing anything." SYNTAX INTEGER { idle(1), trigger(2) } LogbookEntryMessagesNetCCU ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inserted information in the logbook of NetCCU." SYNTAX INTEGER { local(3), rfOn(4), excAutoReady(6), excAutoChanged(7), ostAutoReady(8), ostAutoChanged(9), rfOnSound1(10), rfOnSound2(11), activeExcA(12), activeExcB(13), activeOstA(14), activeOstB(15), rfOnVision(16), rfOnActiveExc(17), rfOnDLoad(18), rfOkDLoad(19), swBackupStarted(20), swBackupDone(21), swBackupFailed(22), swRestoreStarted(23), swRestoreDone(24), swRestoreFailed(25), optionKeyExpired(30), txModeSwitchOverStarted(37), txModeSwitchOverEnded(38), reboot(40), rfLoopProgram(41), rfLoopReserve(42), rfWarning(43), reflectionWarning(44), intPwrSupply(45), extPwrSupply(46), rfVisionWarning(47), rfSound1Warning(48), rfSound2Warning(49), fanFault(51), sumWarningRec(52), sumWarningExcA(53), sumWarningExcB(54), sumWarningOstA(55), sumWarningOstB(56), rfDLoadWarning(57), rfDLoadReflection(58), receiverConnect(59), receiverSumFault(60), txModeInconsistent(61), boardTemperatureWarning(62), optionKeyWillExpire(70), powerSupply(81), rfFail(82), reflectionFault(83), boardTemperature(84), excSwitch(85), ostSwitch(86), connectionExcA(87), connectionExcB(88), connectionOstA(89), connectionOstB(90), rfVision(91), rfSound1Fault(92), rfSound2Fault(93), connectionRec(95), summaryFaultRec(96), summaryFaultExcA(97), summaryFaultExcB(98), summaryFaultOstA(99), summaryFaultOstB(100), rfDLoadFault(101), rfDLoadReflectionFault(102), apaConnect(103), absorber(104), monitorFaultExcA(107), monitorFaultExcB(108), txModeSwitchOverFailed(109) } LogbookEntryMessagesExcTv ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inserted information in the logbook of TV exciters." SYNTAX INTEGER { excReboot(0), excSumFault(1), excSumWarning(2), excLocal(3), excExciterOn(4), excRfOk(5), excNoInput(6), excReference(7), excRfOn(8), excMute(9), excRelieveReq(10), excSwDiag(11), excOneFan(12), excNoCCUComm(13), excSwUpdated(14), excBiosUpdated(15), excPowerSupply(16), excTemperature(17), excFans(18), excHwMainboard(19), excHwCfCard(20), excOutputOpen(21), excRebootRqst(22), excHwEEPROM(23), excWatchdog(24), excRfFail(25), excLoopOpen(26), excNoFPGA(27), excCarrierLock(28), excInputFail(30), excOptionExpired(37), excOptionWillEnd(38), excFPGAConfig(40), excHwIIFBoard(41), excHwRfBoard(42), excHwSynth1(43), excHwSynth2(44), excHwSynth3(45), excMuteAudio1(46), excMuteAudio2(47), excVideoInp1(48), excVideoInp2(49), excVideoInpAct(50), excRfOutExcV(51), excRfOutAntV(52), excRfOutExcA1(53), excRfOutAntA1(54), excRfOutExcA2(55), excRfOutAntA2(56), excClippingAntInp(57), excNoHeadroomAnt(58), excAudioMode(59), excWhiteLine(60), excWhiteLineLnAmp(61), excWhiteLineLnAmpW(62), excSyncCheck(63), excWhiteLimiter(64), excDevLimAud1(65), excDevLimAud2(66), excVideoInpClip(67), excAud1InpClip(68), excAud2InpClip(69), excNICAM728Data(70), excNICAM728Carr(71), excAud2OutClip(72), excRfMonFail(73), excRfVideoFail(74), excRfAudio1Fail(75), excRfAudio2Fail(76), excAudioLoopOpen(77), excVideoLoopOpen(78), excTestMode(100), excExtRefFail(101), excExtRefWeak(102), excExtPPSFail(103), excInputSwitched(104), excInputFail2(105), excWrongDatarate(106), excFifoOverUnderflow(107), excDelayChanged(108), excSFNDelay(109), excNoMIP(110), excWrongMFArrivalTime(111), excExtPPSAsynchron(112), excPacketUnlock(113), excMaxDelayChanged(114), excReferenceAbsent(115), excNoPPS(116), excRfFailAmplifier(117), excWarningAmplifier(118), excAmpOverflow(119), excModError(120), excFLOModErr(121), excInput1(122), excInput2(123), excInput1LP(124), excInput2LP(125), excNoReserveAvailable(126), excSynthesizerUnlocked(127), excSFNIdleRegulation(128), excAmpVSWR(170), excAmpTempWarn(171), excAmpTempFault(172), excAmpRegulation(173), excAmpTransistor(174), excAmpReducedPower(175), excHWAmpEEPROM(176), excRFWarningAmp(177), excModSfnRAMInitErr(180), excModTransportErr(181), excModFIFOParErr(182), excModFIFOSeqErr(183), excModSfnBufEmpty(184), excModSfnBufFull(185), excModSsfMultiple(186), excModSsfMissing(187), excModLofTS1(188), excModLofTS2(189), excModCoreStall(190), excModIqInactive(191), excModMtiVersErr(192), excModCoreReset(193), excModConfigChanged(194), excSFNBuffer(195), excModIdleMode(196), excSFNBufferTooEmpty(197), excModMemError(198), excSfnBufferTooFull(199), excMissingSIP(205), excTCLevelOutOfRange(210), excTCLevelOverflow(211), excInputFail3(212), excInputWarning(213), excEchoWarning(214), xlxInputStepProtection(215), excExt1PPSReference(220), excInt1PPSReference(221), exc5MHzReference(222), exc10MHzReference(223), excPrecorrectionSetupInfo(230), excPrecorrectionSetupFail(231), excFramecounter(240), excMissingIIP(241), excPSUOvertemp(250), excPowerSupplyWarning(251), excNSUConnected(256), excMonHWError(260), excRecvRxAUXHWError(261), excRecvHWError(262), excMonNoFrontendLock(263), excRecvAUXNoFrontendLock(264), excRecvNoFrontendLock(265), excMonBadInputSignal(266), excRecvAUXBadInputSignal(267), excRecvBadInputSignal(268), excMonNoInputSignal(269), excRecvAUXWarningInputSignal(270), excRecvWarningInputSignal(271), excMonAUXHWError(272), excMonAUXNoFrontendLock(273), excMonAUXBadInputSignal(274), excMonitorNoInputFail(280), excNoSfnData(300), excNoMobileDtvContent(301), excInput1Available(320), excInput2Available(321), excInput1LPAvailable(322), excInput2LPAvailable(323), excRfTest(400), excPRBSInsertion(401), excTestEnsemble(402), excInvalidTII(403), excTIITransmission(404), excTxModeChange(405), excTIIChange(406), excNullTIST(407), excTISTJitter(408), excTS1FrameLock(409), excTS2FrameLock(410), excCrcViolationRateTooHigh(411), excSeamlessReady(412), excTestFIC(413), dvbt2NoL1Present(500), dvbt2InvalidConfiguration(501), dvbT2UnsupportedConfiguration(502), dvbt2BandwidthMismatch(503), iqHeader1Integrity(550), iqHeader2Integrity(551), iqHeader1Issues(552), iqHeader2Issues(553), iqInputRegulation(554), iqWrongConfiguration(555), iqTseMute(556), iqInputOrder(557), sx801PowerFail7Vpositive(600), sx801PowerFail7Vnegative(601), sx801PowerFail12V(602), preAmpTemperatureFault(603), preAmpRFFault(604), parIoExcLink(605), parIoTxLink(606), parIoGpIoLink(607), rfBoardRFFault(608), sx801PhaseError(640), sx801ReflectionWarning(641), sx801ReflectionFault(642), sx801RfWarning(643), sx801AmplShutdown(644), sx801PA1Supply1TooHot(650), sx801PA1Supply2TooHot(651), sx801PA1ReserveSupplyTooHot(652), sx801PA1Supply1Fail(653), sx801PA1Supply2Fail(654), sx801PA1ReserveSupplyFail(655), sx801PA1AcFail(656), sx801PA1BlowerFail(657), sx801PA1TransistorFail(658), sx801PA1DriverFail(659), sx801PA1RfInFail(660), sx801PA1Reflection(661), sx801PA1VSWR(662), sx801PA1PowerFail(663), sx801PA1Regulation(664), sx801PA1Temperature(665), sx801PA1Communication(666), sx801PA1Update(667), sx801PA2Supply1TooHot(675), sx801PA2Supply2TooHot(676), sx801PA2ReserveSupplyTooHot(677), sx801PA2Supply1Fail(678), sx801PA2Supply2Fail(679), sx801PA2ReserveSupplyFail(680), sx801PA2AcFail(681), sx801PA2BlowerFail(682), sx801PA2TransistorFail(683), sx801PA2DriverFail(684), sx801PA2RfInFail(685), sx801PA2Reflection(686), sx801PA2VSWR(687), sx801PA2PowerFail(688), sx801PA2Regulation(689), sx801PA2Temperature(690), sx801PA2Communication(691), sx801PA2Update(692), pa3Supply1TooHot(700), pa3Supply2TooHot(701), pa3ReserveSupplyTooHot(702), pa3Supply1Fault(703), pa3Supply2Fault(704), pa3ReserveSupplyFault(705), pa3ACFault(706), pa3BlowerFault(707), pa3TransistorFault(708), pa3DriverFault(709), pa3RFinFault(710), pa3Reflection(711), pa3VSWR(712), pa3PowerFault(713), pa3Regulation(714), pa3Temperature(715), pa3Communication(716), pa3Update(717), pa4Supply1TooHot(725), pa4Supply2TooHot(726), pa4ReserveSupplyTooHot(727), pa4Supply1Fault(728), pa4Supply2Fault(729), pa4ReserveSupplyFault(730), pa4ACFault(731), pa4BlowerFault(732), pa4TransistorFault(733), pa4DriverFault(734), pa4RFinFault(735), pa4Reflection(736), pa4VSWR(737), pa4PowerFault(738), pa4Regulation(739), pa4Temperature(740), pa4Communication(741), pa4Update(742), tse800NoConnect(770), tse800Warning(771), tse800Fault(772), automaticOn(800), automaticFault(801), autoCtrlExcActive(802), autoPrgmExcActive(803), changeoverByUser(804), changeoverByAuto(805), automaticReady(806), autoPrgmExcNoConnect(807), autoPrgmExcFault(808) } LogbookEntryMessagesExcDVB ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Inserted information in the logbook of DVB exciters. This is obsolete! Please use LogbookEntryMessagesExcTv!" SYNTAX INTEGER { excReboot(0), excSummaryFault(1), excSummaryWarning(2), excLocal(3), excOn(4), excRfOk(5), excNoInput(6), excReferenceFail(7), excRfOn(8), excMute(9), excFanWarning(12), excNoCommunicationToNetCCU(13), excPowerSupply(16), excBoardTemperature(17), excFanFault(18), excSelfTest(19), excHwCfCard(20), excOutputOpen(21), excHwEeprom(23), excRfFail(25), excLoop(26), excCarrierLock(28), excInputFault(30), excOptionExpired(37), excOptionExpires(38), excHwFpgaConfig(40), excHwIifBoard(41), excHwRfBoard(42), excHwSynth1(43), excHwSynth2(44), excHwSynth3(45), excTestMode(100), excExtRefFail(101), excExtRefWeak(102), excExtPPSFail(103), excWrongConfig(104), excInputFail(105), excWrongDatarate(106), excFifoWarning(107), excExtDelayChanged(108), excWrongDelay(109), excNoMIP(110), excWrongMFArrivalTime(111), excExtPPSAsynchron(112), excPacketUnlock(113), excMaxDelayChanged(114), excNoReference(115), excNoPPS(116), excRfFailAmplifier(117), excWarningAmplifier(118), excOverflowAmplifier(119), excSynthUnlock(127) } LogbookEntryMessagesExcFM ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inserted information in the logbook of FM exciters." SYNTAX INTEGER { excReboot(0), excSummaryFault(1), excSummaryWarning(2), excLocal(3), excOn(4), excRfOk(5), excNoInput(6), excReferenceFail(7), excRfOn(8), excMute(9), excNoCommunicationToNetCCU(13), excBiosUpdated(15), excPowerSupply(16), excOutputOpen(21), excEEPROMError(23), excRfFail(25), excLoop(26), excFPGANotLoaded(27), excCarrierLock(28), excInputFault(30), ostSummaryFault(32), excSoftFault(33), ostSoftFault(34), ostSummaryWarning(36), excOptionKeyExpired(37), excOptionKeyWarning(38), excTemperatureWarning(41), excTemperatureFault(42), excRfUnitFault(43), excFan1NotOk(47), excFan2NotOk(48), excMainPLLUnlocked(49), excMainUPCUnlocked(50), excMainCLKUnlocked(51), exc12VFanWarning(67), exc12VRackControllerWarning(71), excInfoFrequencyChanged(81), excLevelAESLeftTooLow(84), excLevelAESRightTooLow(85), excLevelMPXTooLow(86), excNoDataInput(87), excLevelAFLeftTooLow(88), excLevelAFRightTooLow(89), excLevelAUX1TooLow(90), excLevelAUX2TooLow(91), excLevelAUX3TooLow(92), excLevelAESLeftTooHigh(93), excLevelAESRightTooHigh(94), excLevelMPXTooHigh(95), excLevelAFLeftTooHigh(97), excLevelAFRightTooHigh(98), excLevelAUX1TooHigh(99), excLevelAUX2TooHigh(100), excLevelAUX3TooHigh(101), excAESNoClock(102), excAESParityBiphaseError(103), excAESStateNotValid(104), excInpCh1NotOk(105), excInpCh2NotOk(106), excInpCh1Active(107), excInpCh2Active(108), excInpAutomaticActive(109), recSummaryWarning(110), recSummaryFault(111), ostRfPresent(112), recRfWarning(113), recCarrierNotPresent(114), recNoConnection(115), ostRfWarn(116), ostRfFault(117), ostNoInput(118), recRfFault(119), recRfPresent(120), ostPowerRegulationActive(121), ostTemperatureWarning(122), ostSwrWarning(123), ostSwrFault(124), ostNoConnection(125) } LogbookEntryMessagesOST ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inserted information in the logbook of outputstage." SYNTAX INTEGER { ostRfOn(42), ostRfOk(43), ostRfReduced(44), ostNoInput(45), ostRfWarning(46), ostReflectionWarning(47), ostRackWarning(48), ostCoolingWarning(49), ostRfFail(50), ostReflectionFault(51), ostACFault(52), ostCoolingFault(53), ostCommunicationFault(54), rackLinkOk(58), rackOn(59), reducedRfExcA(60), reducedRfExcB(61), rackGpiWarning(62), rackFan1Fault(63), rackFan2Fault(64), rackCoolingSumWarning(65), rackAmplifierSumFault(66), rackGpiFault(67), rackTemperatureFault(68), rackACFault(69), rackCoolingSumFault(70), rackTempFaultAbs1(71), rackTempFaultAbs2(72), rackDCFault(73), ampNumberDiffers(76), ampOn(77), ampDCOk(78), ampACOk(79), ampRfInFail(80), ampRfFail(81), ampReflectionFault(82), ampTemperatureFault(83), ampFanFault(84), ampTransistorFault(85), pucFault(86), pucWarning(87), pucLink(88), pucFan1Link(89), pucFan2Link(90), pucFan3Link(91), pucFan4Link(92), pucPump1Link(93), pucPump2Link(94), pucOn(95), pucFan1(96), pucFan2(97), pucFan3(98), pucFan4(99), pucPump1(100), pucPump2(101), pucPressure(102), pucMaintenance(103), pucConfig(104), pucFan1Fault(105), pucFan2Fault(106), pucFan3Fault(107), pucFan4Fault(108), pucPump1Fault(109), pucPump2Fault(110), pucPressureFault(111), pucFilter(117), pucPuOff(118), rackProbeNotCalibrated(119), rackTemperatureWarning(120), rackSumFault(121), rackAbsorberFault(122), rackOvervoltageProtection(123), psu1Fault(124), psu2Fault(125), psuRFault(126), ampDriverFault(127), ctxPowerFault(128), ampRegulationFault(129) } LogbookEntryMessagesNSU ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inserted information in the logbook of Nplus1-Switchoverunit." SYNTAX INTEGER { local(3), automaticOn(5), automaticReady(6), automaticChangeover(7), swBackupStarted(10), program1RfOn(11), program2RfOn(12), program3RfOn(13), program4RfOn(14), program5RfOn(15), program6RfOn(16), program7RfOn(17), program8RfOn(18), programReserveRfOn(19), swBackupDone(20), txA1ToDummyLoad(21), txA2ToDummyLoad(22), txA3ToDummyLoad(23), txA4ToDummyLoad(24), txA5ToDummyLoad(25), txA6ToDummyLoad(26), txA7ToDummyLoad(27), txA8ToDummyLoad(28), txBToDummyLoad(29), optionkeyExpired(30), txA1Local(31), txA2Local(32), txA3Local(33), txA4Local(34), txA5Local(35), txA6Local(36), txA7Local(37), txA8Local(38), txBLocal(39), reboot(40), txA1SumWarning(41), txA2SumWarning(42), txA3SumWarning(43), txA4SumWarning(44), txA5SumWarning(45), txA6SumWarning(46), txA7SumWarning(47), txA8SumWarning(48), txBSumWarning(49), swBackupFailed(50), txA1NoConnect(51), txA2NoConnect(52), txA3NoConnect(53), txA4NoConnect(54), txA5NoConnect(55), txA6NoConnect(56), txA7NoConnect(57), txA8NoConnect(58), txBNoConnect(59), swRestoreStarted(60), txA1SumFault(61), txA2SumFault(62), txA3SumFault(63), txA4SumFault(64), txA5SumFault(65), txA6SumFault(66), txA7SumFault(67), txA8SumFault(68), txBSumFault(69), swRestoreDone(70), swRestoreFailed(80), connBoardTxA1Updating(81), connBoardTxA2Updating(82), connBoardTxA3Updating(83), connBoardTxA4Updating(84), connBoardTxA5Updating(85), connBoardTxA6Updating(86), connBoardTxA7Updating(87), connBoardTxA8Updating(88), connBoardTxBUpdating(89), inputSwitchUpdating(90), connBoardTxA1SumWarning(91), connBoardTxA2SumWarning(92), connBoardTxA3SumWarning(93), connBoardTxA4SumWarning(94), connBoardTxA5SumWarning(95), connBoardTxA6SumWarning(96), connBoardTxA7SumWarning(97), connBoardTxA8SumWarning(98), connBoardTxBSumWarning(99), inputSwitchSumWarning(100), fanFault(101), sumWngRCV(102), rcvNoConnect(103), sumFltRCV(104), optionkeyWillExpire(105), powerSupply(106), boardTemperature(107), automaticFault(108), rcvNoConnectx(109), sumFltRCVx(110), connBoardTxA1SumFault(111), connBoardTxA2SumFault(112), connBoardTxA3SumFault(113), connBoardTxA4SumFault(114), connBoardTxA5SumFault(115), connBoardTxA6SumFault(116), connBoardTxA7SumFault(117), connBoardTxA8SumFault(118), connBoardTxBSumFault(119), inputSwitchSumFault(120), outputSwitch(122), inputSwitchChangeOver(123), txBParameterSet(124), antennaRedundancySumWarning(196), tcbTxBPowerSupply(197), txBPosition(198), intPwrSupply(200), extPwrSupply(201), antennaRedundancySumFault(226) } LogbookEntryMessagesXV703 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inserted information in the logbook of XV703 transposers." SYNTAX INTEGER { noNetCCUConnection(0), summaryFault(1), summaryWarning(2), local(3), on(4), ok(5), fanWarning(7), rfOn(8), updatedBIOS(9), powerSupply(10), boardTemperature(11), fanFault(12), reboot(14), loopOpen(15), noConnection(16), ampFail(17), ifrPllFail(18), rfiPllFail(19), refFreqFail(20), pInFail(21), rfFail(22) } LogbookEntrySlope ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "These are the information which are inserted in the logbook." SYNTAX INTEGER { set(1), reset(2) } LogbookMaxEntryNumber ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of entries in a logbook. This is used in other MIBs as a placeholder." SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) IndexTransmitter ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used for Nplus1 systems to indicate a transmitter (physical view). TransmitterB(1) is the reserve transmitter, transmitterA1(2) to transmitterA8(9) are the main transmitter. In difference to the logical view, transmitterB(1) has special parameters available." SYNTAX INTEGER { transmitterB(1), transmitterA1(2), transmitterA2(3), transmitterA3(4), transmitterA4(5), transmitterA5(6), transmitterA6(7), transmitterA7(8), transmitterA8(9) } IndexRack ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used for systems with more than 1 rack to display a designated rack." SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10) IndexAmplifier ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used to display a designated amplifier." SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10) IndexProgram ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used for Nplus1 systems to indicate a program sent out (logical view). ProgramRes(1) is the reserve program, program1(2) to program8(9) are the main programs. In difference to the physical view, programRes(1) has no special parameters available. Furthermore it has no priority." SYNTAX INTEGER { programRes(1), program1(2), program2(3), program3(4), program4(5), program5(6), program6(7), program7(8), program8(9) } IndexAB ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value for the module A (exciterA, outputstageA) or B (exciterB, outputstageB) for alarms. This is a helper column." SYNTAX INTEGER { a(1), b(2) } ProdInfoModuleNameTv ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The product information module names for TV." SYNTAX INTEGER { exciter(1), exciterMainboard(2), exciterInputInterface(3), exciterRfBoard(4), exciterSynth1(5), exciterSynth2(6), exciterSynth3(7), netCCU(50), rackcontroller(100), amplifier(101) } ProdInfoModuleNameFm ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The product information module names for FM." SYNTAX INTEGER { exciter(1), exciterMainboard(2), exciterBootprog(3), exciterBootload(4), exciterOs(5), exciterFpga(6), netCCU(50), rackcontroller(100), amplifier(101) } ProdInfoModuleNameNsu ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The product information module names for NSU." SYNTAX INTEGER { tcBoard(70) } LogbookEntryMessagesExcATV ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Inserted information in the logbook of ATV exciters. This is obsolete! Please use LogbookEntryMessagesExcTv!" SYNTAX INTEGER { reboot(0), summaryFault(1), summaryWarning(2), local(3), exciterOn(4), rfOk(5), noInput(6), reference(7), rfOn(8), mute(9), relieveReq(10), oneFan(12), noCcuComm(13), swUpdated(14), biosUpdated(15), powerSupply(16), temperature(17), fans(18), hwMainboard(19), hwCfCard(20), outputOpen(21), hwEEPROM(23), rfFail(25), loopOpen(26), noFPGA(27), carrierLock(28), inputFail(30), optionExpired(37), optionWillEnd(38), fpgaConfig(40), hwIifBoard(41), hwRfBoard(42), hwSynth1(43), hwSynth2(44), hwSynth3(45), muteAudio1(46), muteAudio2(47), videoInput1(48), videoInput2(49), videoInputAct(50), rfOutExcV(51), rfOutAntV(52), rfOutExcA1(53), rfOutAntA1(54), rfOutExcA2(55), rfOutAntA2(56), clippingAntennaInput(57), noHeadroomAntenna(58), audioMode(59), whiteLine(60), whiteLineLnAmp(61), whiteLineLnAmpW(62), syncCheck(63), whiteLimiter(64), devLimAud1(65), devLimAud2(66), videoInputClipping(67), aud1InpClip(68), aud2InpClip(69), nicam728Data(70), nicam728Carr(71), aud2OutClip(72), rfMonFail(73), rfVideoFail(74), rfAudio1Fail(75), rfAudio2Fail(76), audioLoopOpen(77), videoLoopOpen(78), testMode(100), extRefFail(101), extRefWeak(102), extPpsFail(103), wrongConfig(104), wrongDatarate(106), fifoOverUnderFlow(107), delayChanged(108), wrongDelay(109), noMIP(110), wrongMfArrivalTime(111), packetUnlock(113), maxDelayChanged(114), referenceAbsent(115), noPPS(116), rfFailAmplifier(117), warningAmplifier(118), amplifierOverflow(119), synthesizerUnlocked(127) } LockState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is for carrier locking." SYNTAX INTEGER { locked(1), unlocked(2) } EqualizerCalibrationState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "possible precorrection equalizer calibration states" SYNTAX INTEGER { inactive(1), active(2), warning(3), fail(4) } TvStandard ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TV standards. The value 'inconsistent' cannot be written. It is shown only when switching from one standard to another in between." SYNTAX INTEGER { atv(1), dvb(2), atsc(3), dtmb(4), mediaFLO(5), test(6), dab(7), isdbt(8), dvbt2(9), inconsistent(100) } AtvStandard ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ATV standards." SYNTAX INTEGER { bg(1), m(2), m1(3), n(4), dk(5), i(6), i1(7), dkfm2(8), l(9), k1(10), h(11), b(12), g(13) } InputSource ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "input source selection type" SYNTAX INTEGER { bnc(1), rx(2), sat(3), ip(4), reserved(5), tp(6), vf(7), t2Mi(8), iq(9) } Sx801AmplifierState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." SYNTAX INTEGER { off(1), warning(2), ok(3), unknown(4) } FailDelayMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mode how fail delay is handled. always(1) - the fail delay action is always carried out after the user specified fail delay time. ifQualified(2) - the fail delay action is carried out after the user specified fail delay time only if the FailDelayStatus is ok(3). Otherwise (Fail DelayStatus warning(2)) 30 minutes after GPS was lost a reference fault is signaled and the input is muted." SYNTAX INTEGER { always(1), ifQualified(2) } FailDelayStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current state of time drift prediction. off(1) - not used warning(2) - Availability of GPS not sufficient for time drift prediction ok(3) - Time drift prediction is functional." SYNTAX INTEGER { off(1), warning(2), ok(3) } -- -- Node definitions -- rsXx8000 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The subtree for all transmitters of series 8000." ::= { rsProdBroadcastTransmitter 167 } rsXx8000Common OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the subtree for values which every equipement of series 8000 suports." ::= { rsXx8000 1 } -- ***************************************************************************** -- ** object definitions -- ***************************************************************************** rsXx8000CommonObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rsXx8000Common 1 } -- ***************************************************************************** -- ** product information -- ***************************************************************************** productInformation OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rsXx8000CommonObjs 1 } serialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReadableString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the device." ::= { productInformation 2 } identNumberSW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReadableString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Rohde&Schwarz identification number of the software, for example 2094.2090.02." ::= { productInformation 3 } versionNumberSW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReadableString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Rohde&Schwarz revision number of the software, for example 1.2.1." ::= { productInformation 4 } identNumberHW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReadableString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Rohde&Schwarz identification number of the hardware, for example 2095.8007.02 (NetCCU)." ::= { productInformation 5 } versionNumberHW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReadableString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Rohde&Schwarz revision number (product index) of the hardware, for example 03.03." ::= { productInformation 6 } -- ***************************************************************************** -- ** SNMP configuration -- ***************************************************************************** snmpConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rsXx8000CommonObjs 2 } trapSinkTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TrapSinkEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is for configuration of trapsinks - the IP-addresses where traps/informs are sent to. This table gives you possibility for easier remote configuration of trapsinks. Another way, which is predefined by IETF, is to use the MIBs SNMP-TARGET and SNMP-NOTIFICATION." ::= { snmpConfig 2 } trapSinkEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrapSinkEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry for a trapsink." INDEX { trapSinkNumber } ::= { trapSinkTable 1 } TrapSinkEntry ::= SEQUENCE { trapSinkNumber Integer32, trapSinkVersion INTEGER, trapSinkAddress IpAddress, trapSinkPort Integer32, trapSinkCommunity ReadableString, trapSinkInformRetry Integer32, trapSinkInformTimeout Integer32, trapSinkInformUnacknowledged Integer32, trapSinkUse TruthValue } trapSinkNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..5) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The arbitrary number in the list." ::= { trapSinkEntry 1 } trapSinkVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { v1Trap(1), v2Trap(2), v2Inform(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SNMP-version of sent out alarm. 1: v1Trap 2: v2Trap 3: v2Inform" ::= { trapSinkEntry 2 } trapSinkAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP-Address of the SNMP manager to which the alarms are sent to." ::= { trapSinkEntry 3 } trapSinkPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port of the SNMP manager to which the alarms are sent to." ::= { trapSinkEntry 4 } trapSinkCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReadableString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "community used in alarm" ::= { trapSinkEntry 5 } trapSinkInformRetry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "only used for informs: number of times to resend the inform" ::= { trapSinkEntry 6 } trapSinkInformTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..255) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "only used for informs: timeout between retries" ::= { trapSinkEntry 7 } trapSinkInformUnacknowledged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "only used for informs: maximum number of waiting informs if this is reached, the oldest pending inform is discarded" ::= { trapSinkEntry 8 } trapSinkUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "on/off-switch for this sink" ::= { trapSinkEntry 9 } sendTestTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Trigger MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "1: idle 2: Agent generates the trap 'testTrap', which is useful when checking the connection between agent (NetCCU) and your trapsink." ::= { snmpConfig 3 } irtTrapsAllOn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Trigger MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This switches all IRT-traps on - traps for all events are sent out. In detail, this means in the IRT-MIBs under branches *EventEnable all OIDs are set to 1. Caution! Setting this value influences remote controlling of devices. Too many alarms may flood your network. Use this only for testing - for operation, we suggest switch on only a few important traps." ::= { snmpConfig 4 } irtTrapsAllOff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Trigger MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This switches all IRT-traps off - no traps are sent out. In detail, this means in the IRT-MIBs under branches *EventEnable all OIDs are set to 2. Note: This is typically set when using only R&S-MIBs and you don't need IRT-MIBs." ::= { snmpConfig 5 } rsTrapsAllOn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Trigger MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This switches all R&S-traps on - traps for all events (info, warning, fault) are sent out. In detail, this means in the R&S-MIBs under *Events - Events*Table in column event*Mask all OIDs are set to 1. Caution! Enabling all traps is not recommended! Caution! Setting this value influences remote controlling of devices! Too many alarms may flood your network. Use this only for testing - for operation, we suggest switch on only a few important traps. Caution! This enables absolutely all R&S alarms! Make sure you can handle it (network speed, routers, firewalls, NOC database performance etc.)." ::= { snmpConfig 6 } rsTrapsAllOff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Trigger MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This switches all R&S-traps off - no traps are sent out. In detail, this means in the R&S-MIBs under *Events - Events*Table in column event*Mask all OIDs are set to 2. Note: This is typically set when using only IRT-MIBs and you don't need R&S-MIBs." ::= { snmpConfig 7 } rsTrapsAllFaultsOn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Trigger MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This switches all R&S-traps for faults on - traps for all 'faults' are sent out. In detail, this means in the R&S-MIBs under *Events - Events*Table in column event*Mask all 'fault'-OIDs are set to '1'. These traps include the value 'fault(1)' in binding 'eventAlarmClass'. Note: This is the recommended setting when using R&S-MIBs. It gives you an overview of the device state." ::= { snmpConfig 8 } rsTrapsAllFaultsOff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Trigger MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This switches all R&S-traps for faults off - no traps for 'faults' are sent out. In detail, this means in the R&S-MIBs under *Events - Events*Table in column event*Mask all 'fault'-OIDs are set to '2'. These traps include the value 'fault(1)' in binding 'eventAlarmClass'." ::= { snmpConfig 9 } rsTrapsAllWarningsOn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Trigger MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This switches all R&S-traps for warnings on - traps for all 'warnings' are sent out. In detail, this means in the R&S-MIBs under *Events - Events*Table in column event*Mask all 'warning'-OIDs are set to '1'. These traps include the value 'warning(2)' in binding 'eventAlarmClass'. Note: This is the recommended setting when using R&S-MIBs and you want much more informations from the device than only faults. Caution! This enables lots of alarms. Make sure you can handle it (network speed, NOC database performance etc.)..." ::= { snmpConfig 10 } rsTrapsAllWarningsOff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Trigger MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This switches all R&S-traps for warnings off - no traps for 'warnings' are sent out. In detail, this means in the R&S-MIBs under *Events - Events*Table in column event*Mask all 'warning'-OIDs are set to '2'. These traps include the value 'warning(2)' in binding 'eventAlarmClass'." ::= { snmpConfig 11 } transmitterConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rsXx8000CommonObjs 3 } dateTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The date and time for the transmitter. Notes: Deci-seconds different from 0 are ignored. The range of distance from UTC is -12h..+14h. Omitting the optional UTC fields in a set-request results in keeping the old UTC offset values." ::= { transmitterConfig 1 } ntp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { transmitterConfig 2 } ntpMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), disabled(2), stepAdjust(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configures the working mode of the NTP client. disabled: no ntp synchronisation will be done step: the time will synchronized every NTP sync-time unknown: NTP mode is currently not determinable. This value must not be written." ::= { ntp 1 } ntpSyncTimeInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (6..1440) UNITS "minute" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set the intervall, how often the NTP client will be synchronized to the NTP server. Note: this is useful in step mode only ." ::= { ntp 2 } ntpServerAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF NtpServerAddrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table with server adresses. Currently maximal one entry is allowed." ::= { ntp 3 } ntpServerAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NtpServerAddrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry for a ntpServerAddrTable." INDEX { ntpServerAddrIdx } ::= { ntpServerAddrTable 1 } NtpServerAddrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ntpServerAddrIdx Integer32, ntpServerAddress ReadableString } ntpServerAddrIdx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "index for table entry." ::= { ntpServerAddrEntry 1 } ntpServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReadableString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "host name or IP address of server." ::= { ntpServerAddrEntry 2 } ntpState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), disabled(2), enabled(3), notRunning(4), syncFailed(5), synchronizing(6), syncOk(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the actual state of the NTP synchronisation." ::= { ntp 4 } ntpLastSync OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The date/time of the last successful synchronisation." ::= { ntp 5 } swMaintenance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { transmitterConfig 5 } restart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Trigger MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Restart the software of transmitter's control unit." ::= { swMaintenance 1 } swUpdate OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swMaintenance 5 } swUpdateStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Trigger MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Start software update tool at transmitter side in manual mode. The PC tool can only connect to transmitter's control unit if the software update tool on the transmitter is started." ::= { swUpdate 2 } swUpdateMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { manual(1), permanent(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Run mode of the software update tool at the transmitter side. manual: Software update can be started with the Start button. It will stop automaticly after an idle period of 90 seconds. permanent: Software update is always running and will never stop." ::= { swUpdate 3 } swUpdateDeviceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReadableString (SIZE (0..30)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Device Name is dedicated to this control unit. It will be shown in the software update tool on the PC to differ devices." ::= { swUpdate 4 } swUpdateDeviceGroup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReadableString (SIZE (0..30)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Device Group can be used to separate devices in large networks. It must match the Device Group in software update tool on the PC." ::= { swUpdate 5 } -- ***************************************************************************** -- ** event definitions -- ***************************************************************************** rsXx8000CommonEvents OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rsXx8000Common 2 } rsXx8000EventsV2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rsXx8000CommonEvents 0 } testTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { serialNumber, counterEvents } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent to check whether the trapsink is receiving any traps from this agent. To trigger this trap, set 'sendTestTrap' to '2'." ::= { rsXx8000EventsV2 1 } eventTx OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rsXx8000EventsV2 10 } eventsTxV2 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Compatibility to SMIv1." ::= { eventTx 0 } swUpdateStarted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { eventAlarmPriority, eventAlarmClass, eventEvent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Software update started. The PC tool can only connect to transmitter's control unit if the software update tool on the transmitter is started. It uses the network 17 (TCP and UDP)." ::= { eventsTxV2 1 } ntpSyncFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { eventAlarmPriority, eventAlarmClass, eventEvent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NTP synchronisation failed." ::= { eventsTxV2 2 } eventsTxTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EventsTxEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains necessary information for handling alarms. For each alarm you have the following information: - name (get), - mask to enable/disable sending out (set/get), - priority (set/get) and - the current state (get only)." ::= { eventTx 1 } eventsTxEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EventsTxEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An event entry always consists of 3 values: - name: an enumerated list of all possible notifications - mask: the corresponding mask (enable/disable) - priority: the corresponding priority (value in range 0..255) - event: the event itself (active/inactive)" INDEX { eventTxNameIdx } ::= { eventsTxTable 1 } EventsTxEntry ::= SEQUENCE { eventTxNameIdx EventMaxEntryNumber, eventTxName INTEGER, eventTxMask EventMask, eventTxPriority EventPriority, eventTxEvent EventState } eventTxNameIdx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EventMaxEntryNumber MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The event number as integer. This is a helper column and therefore not-accessible." ::= { eventsTxEntry 1 } eventTxName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { swUpdateStarted(1), ntpSyncFailed(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The event number as integer and the value as readable text. The enumeration correlates with the notifications under eventsTxV2." ::= { eventsTxEntry 2 } eventTxMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EventMask MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See TextualConvention for details." ::= { eventsTxEntry 3 } eventTxPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EventPriority MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See TextualConvention for details." ::= { eventsTxEntry 4 } eventTxEvent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EventState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See TextualConvention for details." ::= { eventsTxEntry 5 } eventHistory OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about sent out events." ::= { rsXx8000CommonEvents 1 } counterEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of traps sent out. This is an increasing value." ::= { eventHistory 1 } eventHistoryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EventHistoryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table of the last 100 messages sent out." ::= { eventHistory 2 } eventHistoryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EventHistoryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An event entry." INDEX { eventHistoryNumber } ::= { eventHistoryTable 1 } EventHistoryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { eventHistoryNumber Integer32, eventHistoryModule INTEGER, eventHistoryEvent Integer32, eventHistoryEventState EventState, eventHistoryEventDate DateAndTime, eventHistoryTx IndexTransmitter } eventHistoryNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap number." ::= { eventHistoryEntry 1 } eventHistoryModule OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { switchoverUnit(1), netccu(2), exciterA(3), exciterB(4), outputstageA(5), outputstageB(6), dvbReceiver(7), pumpA(8), pumpB(9), antenna(10), gps(11), dvbRecMon(12), gpParIO(13), program(14) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This column indicates the physical module the corresponding message is for." ::= { eventHistoryEntry 2 } eventHistoryEvent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This column indicates the event. In correlation with column eventHistoryModule, you can see the name of the event here. For this, you need to have a look at the event definitions of the corresponding MIB. Example: For a DVB transmitter an entry in eventHistoryModule is netccu(2) and the value in eventHistoryEvent is 1. A look at eventsTxV2 of RS-XX8000-DVB-TX-MIB shows, 1 is txSummaryFault." ::= { eventHistoryEntry 3 } eventHistoryEventState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EventState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See TextualConvention for details." ::= { eventHistoryEntry 4 } eventHistoryEventDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This column indicates the date and time of the event." ::= { eventHistoryEntry 5 } eventHistoryTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IndexTransmitter MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The transmitter index in case of NTx or Np1 systems. For variants with one transmitter only (SingleTx) this index is always transmitterB(1)." ::= { eventHistoryEntry 101 } -- The following objects are ment only for internal use. -- They are used to store values for notification bindings. eventMapObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rsXx8000CommonEvents 3 } eventAlarmPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EventPriority MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID holds the value for the priority when sending out a notification." ::= { eventMapObjects 1 } eventAlarmClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EventClass MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See TextualConvention for details." ::= { eventMapObjects 2 } eventEvent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EventState MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID holds the value for the event itself when sending out a notification." ::= { eventMapObjects 3 } indexTransmitter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IndexTransmitter MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID holds the value for the transmitter when sending out a notification." ::= { eventMapObjects 4 } indexAB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IndexAB MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID holds the value for the module A (exciterA, outputstageA) or B (exciterB, outputstageB) when sending out a notification." ::= { eventMapObjects 5 } indexRack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IndexRack MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID holds the value for the rack when sending out a notification." ::= { eventMapObjects 6 } indexAmplifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IndexAmplifier MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID holds the value for the amplifier when sending out a notification." ::= { eventMapObjects 7 } indexProgram OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IndexProgram MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object holds the value for the program when sending out a notification." ::= { eventMapObjects 8 } -- ***************************************************************************** -- ** conformance statements -- ***************************************************************************** rsXx8000CommonConf OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rsXx8000Common 3 } rsXx8000CommonGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rsXx8000CommonConf 1 } groupNotifyTest NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { testTrap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "test notifications." ::= { rsXx8000CommonGroups 1 } groupNotify NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { swUpdateStarted } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "notifications for all transmitters." ::= { rsXx8000CommonGroups 2 } groupEventTest OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { sendTestTrap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The objects sent with testTrap." ::= { rsXx8000CommonGroups 6 } groupEventHistory OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { counterEvents, eventHistoryModule, eventHistoryEvent, eventHistoryEventState, eventHistoryEventDate, eventHistoryTx } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains all objects from 'eventHistory'." ::= { rsXx8000CommonGroups 8 } groupEventObjects OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { eventTxName, eventTxMask, eventTxPriority, eventTxEvent, eventAlarmPriority, eventAlarmClass, eventEvent, indexTransmitter, indexAB, indexRack, indexAmplifier, indexProgram } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains all objects from 'eventMapObjects'." ::= { rsXx8000CommonGroups 9 } groupProductInformation OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { serialNumber, identNumberSW, versionNumberSW, identNumberHW, versionNumberHW } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains all objects from 'productInformation' (R&S typeplate)." ::= { rsXx8000CommonGroups 11 } groupSnmpConfig OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { trapSinkVersion, trapSinkAddress, trapSinkPort, trapSinkCommunity, trapSinkInformRetry, trapSinkInformTimeout, trapSinkUse, irtTrapsAllOn, irtTrapsAllOff, rsTrapsAllOn, rsTrapsAllOff, rsTrapsAllFaultsOn, rsTrapsAllFaultsOff, rsTrapsAllWarningsOn, rsTrapsAllWarningsOff } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains all objects from 'snmpConfig'." ::= { rsXx8000CommonGroups 12 } groupTransmitterConfig OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { dateTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "objects from 'transmitterConfig'." ::= { rsXx8000CommonGroups 13 } groupNTP OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ntpMode, ntpSyncTimeInterval, ntpServerAddress, ntpState, ntpLastSync } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "objects from 'ntp'" ::= { rsXx8000CommonGroups 14 } groupSwMaintenance OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { restart, swUpdateStart, swUpdateMode, swUpdateDeviceName, swUpdateDeviceGroup } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "objects from 'swMaintenance'" ::= { rsXx8000CommonGroups 15 } groupNotifyNTP NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { ntpSyncFailed } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications from the NTP client." ::= { rsXx8000CommonGroups 16 } groupObsoletedObjects OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { trapSinkInformUnacknowledged } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { rsXx8000CommonGroups 17 } rsXx8000CommonCompls OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rsXx8000CommonConf 2 } xx8000BasicCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for XX8000 entities which implement this MIB module." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { groupNotifyTest, groupNotify, groupEventTest, groupEventHistory, groupEventObjects, groupProductInformation, groupSnmpConfig, groupTransmitterConfig, groupSwMaintenance } GROUP groupNTP DESCRIPTION "only for transmitters with NetCCU" GROUP groupNotifyNTP DESCRIPTION "only for transmitters with NetCCU" ::= { rsXx8000CommonCompls 1 } END