--******************************************************************* --* SAGEM SA * --******************************************************************* --******************************************************************* -- Filename: protection -- File type: .mib -- -- Description: SNMPc source Mib file. -- -- Version: 19 11 2002 -- -- Date(DD MM YYYY): 15 11 02 last update for IONOS NMS -- -- Contact: D. Mobuchon, F. Bonnevialle -- -- History: -- -- Name: F.Bonnevialle -- Date: 12 12 2000 -- Desc: original -- -- Name: F.Bonnevialle/S.Laurent -- Date: 04 05 2001 -- Desc: Modification to fit with SDH-ETS MIB -- -- Name: F.Bonnevialle/S.Laurent -- Date: 05 06 2001 -- Desc: Bug correction -- -- Name: J.Thieser -- Date: 10 08 01 -- Desc: modifications for IONOS NMS (SPRing) -- -- Name: F.Bonnevialle -- Date: 15 11 2002 -- Desc: Modification for SilverCreek Compiler -- --******************************************************************* --******************************************************************* --* Copyright (c) 2002, SAGEM , All rights reserved. * --******************************************************************* --******************************************************************* -- MIB: PROTECTION-MIB --******************************************************************* PROTECTION-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN --******************************************************************* -- IMPORTS --******************************************************************* IMPORTS sagemDr FROM SAGEM-DR-MIB SagemBoolean, Severity FROM EQUIPMENT-MIB MODULE-IDENTITY,OBJECT-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI; protection MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "9911290000Z" ORGANIZATION "SAGEM-Tolbiac drd/ddp/tmhd" CONTACT-INFO " " DESCRIPTION " This MIB describe protection mechanisms used by SDH equipment" ::= { sagemDr 130 } -- multiplex section protection msp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { protection 10 } -- multiplex section shared protection ring msSPRing OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { protection 20 } -- sub network connection protection sncp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { protection 30 } -- card protection cardp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { protection 40 } --******************************************************************* --* Common declarations --******************************************************************* TrafficStatus ::= INTEGER { none(0), -- Future case of a non-implemented link working(1), protection(2) } --******************************************************************* --* multiplex section protection (msp) --******************************************************************* MspInitiator ::= INTEGER { unknown(0), local(1), remote(2) } MspFailure ::= INTEGER { none(0),pam(1),scm(2),otm(4),scmOtm(6) } MspPriority ::= INTEGER { unknown(0), highG783(1), low(2) } MspStatus ::= INTEGER { lockoutProtection(15),forcedSwitch(14), highSF(13),lowSF(12),highSD(11),lowSD(10), manualSwitch(8),waitToRestore(6),exercise(4), reverseRequest(2),doNotRevert(1),noRequest(0) } MspType ::= INTEGER { unknown(0), onePlusOneOptimized(1), onePlusOneCompatible(2), oneForN(3) } MspDirection ::= INTEGER { unknown(0), unidirectionnal(1), bidirectionnal(2) } MspCommand ::= INTEGER { clear(0),lw(1),lp(2),fsW(3),fsP(4),msW(5),msP(6),exer(7) } mspNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of multiplex section protection in equipment." ::= { msp 1 } mspTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MspEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of multiplex section protection in equipment." ::= { msp 2 } mspEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MspEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A particular multiplex section protection of the equipment. Each entry is created in using the msTTPTable of the Sdh-Ets MIB." INDEX { mspIndex } ::= { mspTable 1 } MspEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mspIndex INTEGER, -- msTTPIndex = mspWorkingPointer mspWorkingPointer INTEGER, -- mst working mspProtectionPointer INTEGER, -- mst protection mspType MspType, mspDir MspDirection, mspTraffic TrafficStatus, mspRevertive SagemBoolean, mspWtr INTEGER, mspSfSdPriority MspPriority, mspSfSdHoldOffTime INTEGER, mspCommand MspCommand, mspInitiator MspInitiator, mspStatus MspStatus, mspMonitor SagemBoolean, mspFailure MspFailure, mspSeverity Severity, mspPam Severity, mspScm Severity, mspOtm Severity } mspIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value which identify a particular multiplex section protection. This index is equal to an msTTPIndex(=spiIndex) which gives the interface involved . The value of index is a constant assigned to an entry at equipment design time. It is usualy related to harware." ::= { mspEntry 1 } mspWorkingPointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to the object which sends the data flow to this function on working synchronous port interface side. In most equipments, this value cannot be changed and points to the working MST it is hard wired with." ::= { mspEntry 2 } mspProtectionPointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to the object which sends the data flow to this function on protection synchronous port interface side. In most equipments, this value cannot be changed and points to the protection MST it is hard wired with. When this variable is setting, the protection is created and activated (if it's possible). The two considerated sections must have the same Stm Level. " ::= { mspEntry 3 } mspType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MspType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indication of the protection type." ::= { mspEntry 4 } mspDir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MspDirection MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indication of the direction." ::= { mspEntry 5 } mspTraffic OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrafficStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this field indicates the protection switch position." ::= { mspEntry 6 } mspRevertive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SagemBoolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the value is true the msp function is allowed to spontaneously switch back to working chanel when it is available. If not, the msp can switch back to working chanel only if protection chanel fails." ::= { mspEntry 7 } mspWtr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time (in seconds) the msp function waits before considering a chanel as good after a fail." ::= { mspEntry 8 } mspSfSdPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MspPriority MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signal Fail and Signal Degrade can be treated according to two set of priority. The equipement will send SF and SD events according to the value of this field." ::= { mspEntry 9 } mspSfSdHoldOffTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The period (in tenth of seconds) during which a sf or a Signal Degrade is ignored by the MSP switch." ::= { mspEntry 10 } mspCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MspCommand MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manual or forced commands can be apply to the protection switch. The forced and manual switch can be refused or cleared by equipment if a higher priority APS command is received or if the protection chanel is down. When this field is set to manual or forced, the mspTraffic field becomes read-write, and a set can be issued to specifie on which chanel the command does apply. Commands: LP (Lockout of Protection) LW (Lockout of Working channel) FSW (Forced Switch of a Working channel to protection) FSP (Forced Switch of a Protection channel to working) case 1+1 MSW (Manual Switch of a Working channel to protection) MSp (Manual Switch of a Protection channel to working) case 1+1 EXER (EXERcise) " ::= { mspEntry 11 } mspInitiator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MspInitiator MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the initiator equipment." ::= { mspEntry 12 } mspStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MspStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the initiator equipment status : lockoutProtection(15), forcedSwitch(14), highSF(13), lowSF(12), highSD(11), lowSD(10), manualSwitch(8), waitToRestore(6), exercise(4), reverseRequest(2), doNotRevert(1), noRequest(0) " ::= { mspEntry 13 } mspMonitor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SagemBoolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of this field is set to false, the failure detection is stopped for this multiplex section protection." ::= { mspEntry 14 } mspFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MspFailure MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Active failures on multiplex section protection." ::= { mspEntry 15 } mspSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to failure severity for multiplex section protection." ::= { mspEntry 16 } mspPam OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Protection Architecture Mismatch failure for multiplex section protection." ::= { mspEntry 20 } mspScm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Selector Control Mismatch failure for multiplex section protection." ::= { mspEntry 21 } mspOtm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Operation Type Mismatch failure for multiplex section protection." ::= { mspEntry 22 } -- End of multiplex section protection description --******************************************************************* --* multiplex section shared protection ring (ms SpRing) --******************************************************************* MsSPRingFailure ::= INTEGER { none(0), ato(1), arv(2), aun (3), ptm (4), mms (5), exr(6) } MsSPRingStatus ::= INTEGER { off(19),lockoutProtection (15), forcedSwitchR (13), sfR (11), sdR (8), manualSwitchR (6), waitToRestore (5), exerR (3), reverseRequestR (1), noRequest (0) } MsSPRingCommand ::= INTEGER { clear(16),lpS(15),fsR(13),msR(6),exerR(3),on(20),off(19) } MsSPRingID ::= INTEGER { node0(0), node1(1), node2(2),node3 (3), node4 (4), node5(5), node6(6), node7(7),node8 (8), node9 (9), node10(10), node11(11), node12(12),node13 (13), node14 (14), node15(15), nodeUNK(255) } State ::= INTEGER { off (0), idle (1), pass (2), switch (3), unknown (4) } msSPRingNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of multiplex section protection in equipment." ::= { msSPRing 1 } msSPRingTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MsSPRingEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of multiplex section protection in equipment." ::= { msSPRing 6 } msSPRingEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MsSPRingEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A particular multiplex section protection of the equipment. Each entry is created in using the msTTPTable of the Sdh-Ets MIB. spiIndex gives the interface involved (line east or west)" INDEX { msSPRingIndex } ::= { msSPRingTable 1 } MsSPRingEntry ::= SEQUENCE { msSPRingIndex INTEGER, -- West index msSPRingWestPointer INTEGER, -- vers mst msSPRingEastPointer INTEGER, -- vers mst msSPRingWtr INTEGER, -- 0-30 min,+/-1min,def 5min msSPRingSfSdHoldOffTime INTEGER, msSPRingCommandSide INTEGER, -- vers mst msSPRingCommand MsSPRingCommand, msSPRingInitiator1 MsSPRingID, -- 0..15 msSPRingInitiator2 MsSPRingID, -- 0..15 msSPRingNodeState State, msSPRingSwitchingSide INTEGER, -- vers mst msSPRingWestTraffic TrafficStatus, msSPRingEastTraffic TrafficStatus, msSPRingWestStatus MsSPRingStatus, msSPRingEastStatus MsSPRingStatus, msSPRingMonitor SagemBoolean, msSPRingFailure MsSPRingFailure, msSPRingSeverity Severity, msSPRingAto Severity, msSPRingArv Severity, msSPRingAun Severity, msSPRingPtm Severity, msSPRingMms Severity, msSPRingExr Severity, msSPRingSimpleFailure SagemBoolean, msSPRingId MsSPRingID } msSPRingIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value which identify a particular SPRing = West STM index." ::= { msSPRingEntry 1 } msSPRingWestPointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to the object which sends the data flow to this function on synchronous port interface side. In most equipments, this value cannot be changed and points to the West MST it is hard wired with." ::= { msSPRingEntry 2 } msSPRingEastPointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to the object which sends the data flow to this function on synchronous port interface side. In most equipments, this value cannot be changed and points to the East MST it is hard wired with. When this variable is setting, the protection is created and activated (if it's possible). The two considerated sections must have the same Stm Level." ::= { msSPRingEntry 3 } msSPRingWtr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time (in seconds) the spring function waits before considering a chanel as good after a fail." ::= { msSPRingEntry 5 } msSPRingSfSdHoldOffTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The period (in tenth of seconds) during which a sf or a Signal Degrade is ignored by the SPRing switch." ::= { msSPRingEntry 6 } msSPRingCommandSide OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Side of the command" ::= { msSPRingEntry 7 } msSPRingCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MsSPRingCommand MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manual or forced commands can be apply to the protection switch. " ::= { msSPRingEntry 8 } msSPRingInitiator1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MsSPRingID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference(ID) to the equipment that initiate the SWITCH; this is mainly the Master when the equipment is in SWITCH state; in some case like bidirectional SF both equipment of the couple equipment are Master. In PASS state Master and Slave are undeterminated" ::= { msSPRingEntry 10 } msSPRingInitiator2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MsSPRingID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference(ID) to the equipment that respond to the SWITCH; this is mainly the Slave when the equipment is in SWITCH state; in some case like bidirectional SF both equipment of the couple equipment are Master. In PASS state Master and Slave are undeterminated" ::= { msSPRingEntry 11 } msSPRingNodeState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX State MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { msSPRingEntry 29 } msSPRingSwitchingSide OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Switching SideSide" ::= { msSPRingEntry 30 } msSPRingWestTraffic OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrafficStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this field indicates the protection switch position." ::= { msSPRingEntry 31 } msSPRingEastTraffic OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrafficStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this field indicates the protection switch position." ::= { msSPRingEntry 32 } msSPRingWestStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MsSPRingStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the local status: OFF (19), lockoutProtection (16), forcedSwitch-R(13),sf-R(11),sd-R(8), manualSwitch-R(6), waitToRestore(5),exer-R(3),noRequest(0)" ::= { msSPRingEntry 33 } msSPRingEastStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MsSPRingStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the local status: OFF (19), lockoutProtection (16), forcedSwitch-R(13),sf-R(11),sd-R(8), manualSwitch-R(6), waitToRestore(5),exer-R(3),noRequest(0)" ::= { msSPRingEntry 34 } msSPRingMonitor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SagemBoolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of this field is set to false, the failure detection is stopped for this multiplex section protection." ::= { msSPRingEntry 12 } msSPRingFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MsSPRingFailure MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Active failures on multiplex section protection" ::= { msSPRingEntry 13 } msSPRingSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to failure severity for multiplex section protection." ::= { msSPRingEntry 14 } msSPRingAto OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with APS Time Out failure failure for MS-SPRing." ::= { msSPRingEntry 21 } msSPRingArv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with APS Rules Violation failure failure for MS-SPRing." ::= { msSPRingEntry 22 } msSPRingAun OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with APS Unknown Node failure failure for MS-SPRing." ::= { msSPRingEntry 23 } msSPRingPtm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Potential Traffic Misconnection failure for MS-SPRing." ::= { msSPRingEntry 24 } msSPRingMms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Mutiple Multiplex Section Fail failure for MS-SPRing." ::= { msSPRingEntry 25 } msSPRingExr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with EXeRcise failure for MS-SPRing." ::= { msSPRingEntry 26 } msSPRingSimpleFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SagemBoolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicate if simple or multi ring failure must be considerated" ::= { msSPRingEntry 27 } msSPRingId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MsSPRingID MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ring Identifier of the equipement" ::= { msSPRingEntry 28 } --******************************************************************* msSPRingTopoMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MsSPRingTopoMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Topology Map of the ring = West STM index + Val (1<=Val<=16)." ::= { msSPRing 11 } msSPRingTopoMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MsSPRingTopoMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A particular entry of the ring topology map." INDEX { msSPRingTopoMapIndex } ::= { msSPRingTopoMapTable 1 } -- 16 entries in this table MsSPRingTopoMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { msSPRingTopoMapIndex INTEGER, msSPRingTopoMapID MsSPRingID } msSPRingTopoMapIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "index" ::= { msSPRingTopoMapEntry 1 } msSPRingTopoMapID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MsSPRingID MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "identifier of the node" ::= { msSPRingTopoMapEntry 2 } --******************************************************************* MisconMapType ::= INTEGER { terminated(1), passedThrough (2) } MsSPRingSide ::= INTEGER { west(0),east(1), unknown(2) } msSPRingMisconMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MsSPRingMisconMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Connectivity (misconnection) Map of the ring." ::= { msSPRing 21 } msSPRingMisconMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MsSPRingMisconMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A particular entry of the ring connectivity (misconnection) map. All entries are created after setting the msSPRingWestPointer." INDEX { msSPRingMisconMapIndex } ::= { msSPRingMisconMapTable 1 } -- 8 West + 8 East entries in this table for each SPRing MsSPRingMisconMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { msSPRingMisconMapIndex INTEGER, msSPRingMisconMapSide MsSPRingSide, msSPRingMisconMapIn MsSPRingID, msSPRingMisconMapOut MsSPRingID , msSPRingMisconMapTimeSlot INTEGER, msSPRingMisconMapType MisconMapType, msSPRingMisconMapLOAccess SagemBoolean } msSPRingMisconMapIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index = West STM index + Val (1<=Val<=16) ADR2500c : val = 1 to 8 for West and 9 to 16 for East" ::= { msSPRingMisconMapEntry 1 } msSPRingMisconMapSide OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MsSPRingSide MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Side (WestPointer/msSPRingEast) of the interface that supports the AU4" ::= { msSPRingMisconMapEntry 2 } msSPRingMisconMapIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MsSPRingID MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Node of the ring where the Au4 traffic enters the ring" ::= { msSPRingMisconMapEntry 3 } msSPRingMisconMapOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MsSPRingID MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Node of the ring where the Au4 traffic exits the ring" ::= { msSPRingMisconMapEntry 4 } msSPRingMisconMapTimeSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time Slot assignment for the AU4" ::= { msSPRingMisconMapEntry 5 } msSPRingMisconMapType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MisconMapType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the value is equal to terminated, the traffic in the ring is inserted or extracted at this node. If the value is equal to passedThrough the traffic only cross the node" ::= { msSPRingMisconMapEntry 6 } msSPRingMisconMapLOAccess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SagemBoolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "True if the AU4 is accessed at LO layers somewhere in the ring" ::= { msSPRingMisconMapEntry 7 } --******************************************************************* msSPRingNUTTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MsSPRingNUTEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Topology Map of the ring." ::= { msSPRing 31 } msSPRingNUTEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MsSPRingNUTEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A particular entry of the ring topology map." INDEX { msSPRingNUTIndex } ::= { msSPRingNUTTable 1 } -- 8 entries in this table MsSPRingNUTEntry ::= SEQUENCE { msSPRingNUTIndex INTEGER, -- time slot msSPRingNUTisNut SagemBoolean } msSPRingNUTIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AU4 index = West STM index + Val (Val = working timeSlot; 1<=Val<=8)" ::= { msSPRingNUTEntry 1 } msSPRingNUTisNut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SagemBoolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define if the traffic is used for NUT Traffic" ::= { msSPRingNUTEntry 2 } -- End of multiplex section shared protection ring (ms spRing) --******************************************************************* --* sncp --******************************************************************* LinkType ::= INTEGER { unknown(0), au(1), au4c(2), au16c(3), tu3(10), tu12(20) } TriggerCriterion ::= INTEGER { none(0), sncI(1), sncN(2), sncIRdi(3), sncNRdi(4) } SNCStateProcess ::= INTEGER { nrnormal(0), nrsecours(1), wtr(2), dontRev(3), mssecours(4), msnormal(5), sdnormal(6), sdsecours(7), sfnormal(8), fssecours(9), sfsecours(10), fsnormal(11), lockout(12) -- msRDInormal(11), -- sfmsRDInormal(12), -- sdmsRDInormal(13), -- msRDIsecours(16), -- sfmsRDIsecours (17), -- sdmsRDIsecours(18) } SNCCommand ::= INTEGER { clear(0), manualWorking(1), manualProtection(2), forcedWorking(3), forcedProtection(4), lockout(5), off(19), on(20) } sncNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of snc in equipment." ::= { sncp 1 } sncTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SncEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of snc protection in equipment." ::= { sncp 2 } sncEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SncEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A particular SNC protection which is created in using the linkTable of the Xconnection MIB." INDEX { sncIndex } ::= { sncTable 1 } SncEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sncIndex INTEGER, -- linkIndex sncLinkType LinkType, sncCTPSink INTEGER, sncCTPSourceW INTEGER, sncCTPSourceP INTEGER, sncTrafficStatus TrafficStatus, sncWorkingTriggerType TriggerCriterion, sncProtectionTriggerType TriggerCriterion, sncRevertive SagemBoolean, sncWtr INTEGER, sncStateProcess SNCStateProcess, sncHoldOffTime INTEGER, sncCommand SNCCommand } sncIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "sncIndex = 1000*sncType + sncTTPSink = linkIndex" ::= { sncEntry 1 } sncCTPSink OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this field is the index of the Output Connection to which an snc function is applied." ::= { sncEntry 2 } sncLinkType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LinkType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trail level of the connection" ::= { sncEntry 3 } sncCTPSourceW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this field indicates the Working Input Connection Point which composes the protection link of the Output Connection Point (sncIndex)." ::= { sncEntry 4 } sncCTPSourceP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this field indicates the Protected Input Connection Point which composes the protection link of the Output Connection Point (sncIndex). When this variable is setting, the protection is created and activated (if it's possible). " ::= { sncEntry 5 } sncTrafficStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrafficStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the Protection unit switch position." ::= { sncEntry 6} sncWorkingTriggerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TriggerCriterion MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The value of this field is the criterion to trigger a switch for the Working Input Connection Point.SNC/I uses SF criterion for switching: TU-AIS/TU-LOP for VC12/VC3 , AU-AIS/AU-LOP for VC4 and , by extension, ppiLOS and ppiAIS for pdh inputs. SNC/N uses also SD criterion for switching: SD-V5 for VC12, SD-B3 for VC3/VC4. SNC+LAN adds MS-RDI as switching criterion for LAN connection. NONE means that just board extractions and some board failures activate switching." ::= { sncEntry 8 } sncProtectionTriggerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TriggerCriterion MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The value of this field is the criterion to trigger a switch for the Protection Input Connection Point. SNC/I uses SF criterion for switching: TU-AIS/TU-LOP for VC12/VC3 , AU-AIS/AU-LOP for VC4 and , by extension, ppiLOS and ppiAIS for pdh inputs. SNC/N uses also SD criterion for switching: SD-V5 for VC12, SD-B3 for VC3/VC4. SNC+LAN adds MS-RDI as switching criterion for LAN connection. NONE means that just board extractions and some board failures activate switching." ::= { sncEntry 9 } sncRevertive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SagemBoolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the value is true the Protection unit function is allowed to spontaneously switch back to working chanel when it is available. If not, the snc can switch back to working chanel only if protection chanel fails." ::= { sncEntry 20 } sncWtr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time (in seconds) the Protection unit function waits before considering a chanel as good after a fail." ::= { sncEntry 21 } sncStateProcess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SNCStateProcess MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The value of this field indicates the state of the snc protection process." ::= { sncEntry 22 } sncHoldOffTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time in tenth of seconds during which a protection trigger criterion is ignored." ::= { sncEntry 23 } sncCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SNCCommand MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manual or forced commands can be apply to the protection unit. The forced and manual switch can be refused or cleared by equipment if a higher priority evenement is received or if the protection chanel is down." ::= { sncEntry 24 } --******************************************************************* --* Card Protection --******************************************************************* CardpFamily ::= INTEGER { none(0), switch (1) } CardpCommand ::= INTEGER { clear(0), manualSwitch (1) } CardpStatus ::= INTEGER { notSwitched(0), manualSwitch (1), automaticSwitch (2) } cardpNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of card protections in equipment." ::= { cardp 1 } cardpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CardpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of card protections in equipment." ::= { cardp 2 } cardpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CardpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A particular card protection which is created in using the boardTable of the Shelf MIB." INDEX { cardpIndex } ::= { cardpTable 1 } CardpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cardpIndex INTEGER, -- working BoardIndex cardpBoardFamily CardpFamily, cardpReliefIndex INTEGER, -- protection BoardIndex cardpTrafficStatus TrafficStatus, cardpCommand CardpCommand, cardpStatus CardpStatus } cardpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "cardpIndex = boardIndex in the Shelf Mib. This index points to the working board." ::= { cardpEntry 1 } cardpBoardFamily OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CardpFamily MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the family of board concerned by the protection." ::= { cardpEntry 2 } cardpReliefIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to the relief card. It must be an existing index in the boardTable of Shelf Mib. The relief card and the protected Card must below to the same familly. When this variable is setting, the protection is created and activated (if it's possible)." ::= { cardpEntry 3 } cardpTrafficStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrafficStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indication of the protection switch position." ::= { cardpEntry 4 } cardpCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CardpCommand MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manual commands can be apply to the protection unit. The manual switch can be refused or cleared by equipment if a higher priority evenement is received or if the protection chanel is down." ::= { cardpEntry 5 } cardpStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CardpStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indication of the current protection status" ::= { cardpEntry 6 } END