--******************************************************************* --* SAGEM SA * --******************************************************************* --******************************************************************* -- Filename: sdh-ETS -- File type: .mib -- -- Description: SNMPc source Mib file. -- The MIB module defines SDH transmition part of an equipment -- as it's modeled in ETSI ETS 300 304. -- -- Version: 19 11 2002 -- -- Date(DD MM YYYY): 15 11 02 last update for IONOS NMS -- -- Contact: D. Mobuchon, F. Bonnevialle -- -- History: -- Name: F.Bonnevialle -- Date: 12 12 2000 -- Desc: original -- -- Name: S.LAURENT -- Date: 08 02 2001 -- Desc: The synchronization functions of this MIB are deleted -- and put in a new MIB SYNCHRO. -- -- Name: S.LAURENT -- Date: 11 04 2001 -- Desc: * Modifications in MSA, VC4 and AU4 Tables. -- -- Name: S.LAURENT -- Date: 25 04 2001 -- Desc: * Name Modification: ppi -> nspi (for not spi). -- This change allow to accept more non-sdh interfaces such -- as atm or Ethernet (which are not plesiochronous kind). -- * Size Modification of the vc4PathTrace Strings -- * deletion of alarme and severity fields in MsaTable. -- -- Name: F.Bonnevialle -- Date: 30 04 2001 -- Desc: Description modification to match with ETS-300 304 -- -- Name: S.LAURENT -- Date: 09 08 2001 -- Desc: * Rights access modification on variables: vc12TTPSinkPointer -- and vc3TTPSinkPointer -- * TUG3 Object Deletion: This object didn't give any adding -- information. -- * Deletion of tu3CTPLom and tu12CTPLom variables -- * Creation of au4CTPLom Variable adding to a new value in Au4CTPFailure Type( lom(3)) -- -- Name: S.LAURENT -- Date: 30 08 2001 -- Desc: * comments modification on Au4CTPTable variables -- * Add a new value 'tu(20)' in AU4CTPType -- * Deletion of tu3CTPLom and tu12CTPLom variables -- * Creation of au4CTPLom Variable adding to a new value in Au4CTPFailure Type( lom(3)) -- -- Name: S.LAURENT -- Date: 22 05 2002 -- Desc: * Creation of ChannelTable -- * Creation of BandwidthTable -- * Add a new value 'channel(4)' in NspiSrcType -- -- Name: F.Bonnevialle -- Date: 15 11 2002 -- Desc: Modification for SilverCreek Compiler -- --******************************************************************* --******************************************************************* --* Copyright (c) 2002, SAGEM , All rights reserved. * --******************************************************************* --******************************************************************* -- MIB: SDH-ETS-MIB --******************************************************************* SDH-ETS-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN --******************************************************************* -- IMPORTS --******************************************************************* IMPORTS sagemDr FROM SAGEM-DR-MIB SagemBoolean, Severity FROM EQUIPMENT-MIB MODULE-IDENTITY,OBJECT-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC; --RFC1213-MIB; sdhEts MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "0205220000Z" ORGANIZATION "SAGEM-Tolbiac drd/ddp/tmhd" CONTACT-INFO " " DESCRIPTION "The MIB module defines SDH transmition part of an equipment This MIB use the logical model defined in ETSI ETS 300 304. ETS 300 304 (February 1997) defines the SDH information model for the Network Element. This MIB refers to SHELF-MIB for the definition of the Board that supports the interface. This MIB is refered by XCON-MIB that uses the definition of termination point to create cross connection. This MIB also define configuration of the different SDH blocs such as alarm monitoring and severity and give the current status of the termination point. " ::= { sagemDr 110 } -- Synchronous Physical Interface Trail Termination Point -- Reference to ETS 300 304: -- electricalSPITTPSink, electricalSPITTPSink -- opticalSPITTPSink, opticalSPITTPSink spiTTP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdhEts 10 } -- regenerator section terminaison Trail Termination Point -- Reference to ETS 300 304: -- rsTTPSink, rsTTPSink rsTTP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdhEts 20 } -- regenerator section terminaison Connection Termination Point -- Reference to ETS 300 304: -- rsCTPSink, rsCTPSink rsCTP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdhEts 25 } -- multiplex section terminaison Trail Termination Point -- Reference to ETS 300 304: -- msTTPSink, msTTPSink msTTP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdhEts 30 } -- multiplex section terminaison Connection Termination Point -- Reference to ETS 300 304: -- msCTPSink, msCTPSink msCTP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdhEts 35 } -- multiplex section adaptation msa OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdhEts 60 } -- administrative unit order 4 Connection Termination Point -- Reference to ETS 300 304: -- au4CTPSink, au4CTPSink au4CTP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdhEts 70 } -- virtual container order 4 Trail Termination Point -- Reference to ETS 300 304: -- vc4TTPSink, vc4TPSink vc4TTP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdhEts 100 } -- tributary unit order 3 Connection Termination Point -- Reference to ETS 300 304: -- tu3CTPSink, tu3CTPSink tu3CTP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdhEts 120 } -- virtual container order 3 Trail Termination Point -- Reference to ETS 300 304: -- vc3TTPSink, vc3TTPSink vc3TTP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdhEts 130 } -- tributary unit order 12 Connection Termination Point -- Reference to ETS 300 304: -- tu12CTPSink, tu12CTPSink tu12CTP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdhEts 140 } -- virtual container order 12 Trail Termination Point -- Reference to ETS 300 304: -- vc12CTPSink, vc12CTPSink vc12TTP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdhEts 150 } -- non sdh Connection termination point Connection Termination Point -- Reference to ETS 300 304: -- p12CTPSink, p12CTPSink, p31CTPSink, p31CTPSink, ... -- for PDH terminaison. -- The object (table/type) can be updated to match other kind of -- non SDH terminaison such as Ethernet or ATM interface over SDH nspiCTP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdhEts 160 } -- non sdh physical port Trail Termination Point -- Reference to ETS 300 304: -- p12TTPSink, p12TTPSink, p31TTPSink, p31TTPSink, ... -- for PDH terminaison. -- The object (table/type) can be updated to match other kind of -- non SDH terminaison such as Ethernet or ATM interface over SDH nspiTTP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdhEts 170 } -- Channel Layer channel OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdhEts 180 } -- Non sdh adaptation layer: Bandwidth bandwidth OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sdhEts 190 } -- Note on the srcPointer ans sinkPointer -- The transmission functions and interfaces include a set of integer named -- "Pointer". -- These Pointers are used to link together the different SDH level. -- SinkPointer is used to go UP in the hierarchie (go to the physical interface) -- and SourcePointer is used to go Down (go to VC and sub VC) -- These pointer can be used to retreive all the contained TTP -- or to retrieve the containing TTP and the physical interface (and board) -- Note on CTPIndex -- A CTP index is used to find a possible Connection Termination Point -- supported by a Trail Termination Point. -- If the CTP is not used for a Cross Connection the value is set to 0. -- Remark -- rstCTP and mstCTP are not implemented. The MIB can be upgraded if these -- level of Connection are used. --******************************************************************* --* TTP synchronous physical interface (spi) --******************************************************************* SpiTTPFailure ::= INTEGER { none(0), los(1), tf(2), losTf(3) } Loopback ::= INTEGER { none(0), line(1), equipment(2), lineEquipement(3) } STMLevel ::= INTEGER { stm1(1), stm4(4), stm16(16), stm64(64) } SpiTTPType ::= INTEGER { electrical(0), optical(1) } spiTTPNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of synchronous physical interface in equipment = number of element in spiTTPTable " ::= { spiTTP 1 } spiTTPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SpiTTPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of synchronous physical interface in equipment." ::= { spiTTP 2 } spiTTPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SpiTTPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A particular synchronous physical interface of the equipment." INDEX { spiTTPIndex } ::= { spiTTPTable 1 } SpiTTPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { spiTTPIndex INTEGER, spiTTPStmLevel STMLevel, spiTTPType SpiTTPType, spiTTPName DisplayString, spiTTPBoardIndex INTEGER, spiTTPBoardAcces INTEGER, spiTTPMonitor SagemBoolean, spiTTPFailure SpiTTPFailure, spiTTPSeverity Severity, spiTTPLoopback Loopback, spiTTPLos Severity, spiTTPTf Severity } spiTTPIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value which identify a particular synchronous physical interface. The value of this index is a constant value assigned to an entry at equipment design time. It is usualy related to harware. Exemple: For ADR155c equipement index are 1,64,127,190 for STM1 interfaces. For ADR2500c equipement index are: 1,1009,2017,3025,4033,5041,6049,7057 for 8 STM16 or 8 STM4, 1,253,505,757 1009,1261,1513,1765 | 2017,2269,2521,2773 3025,3277,3529,3781 | --> for 8 (4*STM1) 4033,4285,4537,4789 5041,5293,5545,5797 | 6049,6301,6553,6805 7057,7309,7561,7813 | " ::= { spiTTPEntry 1 } spiTTPStmLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX STMLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The STM-n level of the interface." ::= { spiTTPEntry 2 } spiTTPType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SpiTTPType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The kind of the interface: electrical or optical" ::= { spiTTPEntry 3 } spiTTPName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A text string which identifies the particular entry among the synchronous physical interface entries. " ::= { spiTTPEntry 4 } spiTTPBoardIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of the Board that supports the physical acces of this interface. This index refers to another MIB that defines the board" ::= { spiTTPEntry 5 } spiTTPBoardAcces OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Friendly Index of the physical acces on the Board that supports the interface" ::= { spiTTPEntry 6 } spiTTPMonitor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SagemBoolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of this field is set to false, the failure detection is stopped for this synchronous physical interface." ::= { spiTTPEntry 7 } spiTTPFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SpiTTPFailure MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Active failures on synchronous physical interface" ::= { spiTTPEntry 8 } spiTTPSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with active failure for synchronous physical interface." ::= { spiTTPEntry 9 } spiTTPLoopback OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Loopback MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field gives the active loopback status on the synchronous physical interface. When its value is `line' the data flow recieved from the port side is sent back to the line. When its value is `equipment' the data flow recieved form equipment side is send back. The field can be set to a particular loopback value, even if there no garantee that the loopback is really done. The real loopback status of the interface must be checked in the response. The loopback can be cleared by the equipment when it cannot remain for any reason." ::= { spiTTPEntry 10 } spiTTPLos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Loss Of Signal failure for synchronous physical interface." ::= { spiTTPEntry 20 } spiTTPTf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Tranmit Fail failure for synchronous physical interface." ::= { spiTTPEntry 21 } -- End of synchronous physical interface description --******************************************************************* --* regenerator section terminaison (rst) --******************************************************************* RsTTPFailure ::= INTEGER { none(0), lof(1) } EOWMode ::= INTEGER { codirectional(0), contradirectional(1) } rsTTPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RsTTPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of regenerator section terminaison in equipment." ::= { rsTTP 2 } rsTTPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RsTTPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A particular regenerator section terminaison of the equipment." INDEX {rsTTPIndex} ::= { rsTTPTable 1 } RsTTPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rsTTPIndex INTEGER, -- spi index rsTTPMonitor SagemBoolean, rsTTPName DisplayString, rsTTPFailure RsTTPFailure, rsTTPSeverity Severity, rsTTPEOWMode EOWMode, -- co or contra rsTTPE1SrcPointer INTEGER, -- Order Wire: index in x21Src rsTTPF1SrcPointer INTEGER, -- User Chanel: not used rsTTPEOWByteLine INTEGER, rsTTPEOWByteColumn INTEGER, rsTTPSesThreshold INTEGER, rsTTPLof Severity } rsTTPIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value which identify a particular synchronous physical interface. The value of this index is always the same as spiTTPIndex. " ::= { rsTTPEntry 1 } rsTTPMonitor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SagemBoolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of this field is set to false, the failure detection is stopped for this regenerator section terminaison." ::= { rsTTPEntry 2 } rsTTPName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A text string which identifies the particular entry among the regenerator section terminaison entries. " ::= { rsTTPEntry 3 } rsTTPFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RsTTPFailure MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Active failures on regenerator section terminaison" ::= { rsTTPEntry 4 } rsTTPSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed active Failure for regenerator section terminaison." ::= { rsTTPEntry 5 } rsTTPEOWMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EOWMode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mode used for EOW: Codir or contradir Master" ::= { rsTTPEntry 8 } rsTTPE1SrcPointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to the object which sends the data flow to E1 RSOH byte (index in X21 table) Usualy E1 carries X21 EOW (engineering order wire) data and thus the pointer s value reference a mib X21 port entry. Zero indicates not used" ::= { rsTTPEntry 9 } rsTTPF1SrcPointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to the object which sends the data flow to F1 RSOH byte.Zero indicates not used" ::= { rsTTPEntry 10 } rsTTPSesThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of errors above which the second is declared severely errored for this interface/function. This value apply for near and far interface/function " ::= { rsTTPEntry 11 } rsTTPEOWByteLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The line determines the SOH byte selected for Engineering Order Wire: SOH starts with 3 lines of RSOH (1,2,3) and finish with 5 lines of MSOH (5,6,7,8,9) E1 is on line 2 column 4. Zero indicates EOW not used, value different from 2 means EOW not on E1" ::= { rsTTPEntry 12 } rsTTPEOWByteColumn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The column determines the SOH byte selected for Engineering Order Wire: SOH is composed of Col [1,9] E1 is on line 2 column 4. Zero indicates EOW not used, value different from 4 means EOW not on E1" ::= { rsTTPEntry 13 } rsTTPLof OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Loss Of Frame failure for regenerator section terminaison." ::= { rsTTPEntry 20 } -- End of regenerator section terminaison description --******************************************************************* --* multiplex section terminaison (mst) --******************************************************************* ProtectionType ::= INTEGER { none(0), msp(1), msSPRing(2) } MsTTPFailure ::= INTEGER { none(0), ais(1), eber(2), sd(4), sdRdi(12), rdi(8) } msTTPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MsTTPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of multiplex section terminaison in equipment." ::= { msTTP 2 } msTTPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MsTTPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A particular multiplex section terminaison of the equipment." INDEX { msTTPIndex } ::= { msTTPTable 1 } MsTTPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { msTTPIndex INTEGER, -- spi Index msTTPProtectionType ProtectionType, msTTPMonitor SagemBoolean, msTTPName DisplayString, msTTPFailure MsTTPFailure, msTTPSeverity Severity, msTTPEOWMode EOWMode, -- co or contra msTTPE2SrcPointer INTEGER, -- Order Wire: index in x21Src msTTPMonEber SagemBoolean, msTTPEOWByteLine INTEGER, msTTPEOWByteColumn INTEGER, msTTPSdThreshold INTEGER, msTTPSesThreshold INTEGER, msTTPEber Severity, msTTPSd Severity, msTTPRdi Severity } msTTPIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value which identify a particular synchronous physical interface. The value of this index is always the same as spiTTPIndex" ::= { msTTPEntry 1 } msTTPProtectionType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ProtectionType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this field indicates the kind of wanted multiplex section protection. The default value is NONE. if value is changed in msp(1) or msSPRing(2) then (if it's possible) an entry is created respectivelly in mspTable or msSPRingTable. But these tables have to be completed to obtain a configured protection. If value is changed in None(0)then the associated entry in mspTable or msSPRingTable is deleted (if it's possible)." ::= { msTTPEntry 2 } msTTPMonitor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SagemBoolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of this field is set to false, the failure detection is stopped for this multiplex section terminaison." ::= { msTTPEntry 3 } msTTPName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A text string which identifies the particular entry among the multiplex section terminaison entries. " ::= { msTTPEntry 4 } msTTPFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MsTTPFailure MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Active failures on multiplex section terminaison" ::= { msTTPEntry 5 } msTTPSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with active failures on multiplex section terminaison." ::= { msTTPEntry 6 } msTTPEOWMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EOWMode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mode used for EOW: Codir or contradir Master" ::= { msTTPEntry 7 } msTTPE2SrcPointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to the object which sends the data flow to E2 MSOH byte. Usualy E2 carries X21 EOW (engineering order wire) data. The reference is an index in X21 table.Zero indicates not used" ::= { msTTPEntry 8 } msTTPEOWByteLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The line determines the SOH byte selected for Engineering Order Wire: SOH starts with 3 lines of RSOH (1,2,3) and finish with 5 lines of MSOH (5,6,7,8,9) E2 is on line 9 column 7. Zero indicates not used, value different from 9 means EOW not on E2" ::= { msTTPEntry 9 } msTTPEOWByteColumn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The column determines the SOH byte selected for Engineering Order Wire: SOH is composed of Col [1,9] E2 is on line 9 column 7. Zero indicates EOW not used, value different from 7 means EOW not on E2" ::= { msTTPEntry 10 } msTTPMonEber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SagemBoolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the value of this field is true, the eber is monitored and is used as MSP and SETS criterium. If this defect is detected, an ais signal is send downstream and rdi upstream." ::= { msTTPEntry 11 } msTTPSdThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Signal Degrade failure is declared if the error block rate is greater than 1E(-mstSdThreshold). The Signal Degrade failure desapeared when the error block rate is less than 1E(1 - mstSdThreshold)." ::= { msTTPEntry 12 } msTTPSesThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of errors above which the second is declared severely errored for this interface/function. This value apply for near and far interface/function" ::= { msTTPEntry 13 } msTTPEber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Excecive Bit Error Rate failure for multiplex section terminaison." ::= { msTTPEntry 20 } msTTPSd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Signal Degrade failure for multiplex section terminaison." ::= { msTTPEntry 21 } msTTPRdi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Remote Defect Indication failure for multiplex section terminaison." ::= { msTTPEntry 22 } -- End of multiplex section terminaison description --******************************************************************* --* multiplex section adaptation (msa) --* --* This part allow to know all the VC4 provided by the current boards --* of the equipment. There is no relation with the configured connections --******************************************************************* MsaSrcType ::= INTEGER { none(0), msa(1), vc4(2) } MsaSinkType ::= INTEGER { msa(0), mst(1) } msaTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MsaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of multiplex section adaptation in equipment." ::= { msa 2 } msaEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MsaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A particular multiplex section adaptation of the equipment." INDEX { msaIndex } ::= { msaTable 1 } MsaEntry ::= SEQUENCE { msaIndex INTEGER, -- spiTTPIndex if msaSinkType = mst msaSTMLevel STMLevel, msaSinkType MsaSinkType, -- msa or mst msaSinkPointer INTEGER, -- index in msa (msaIndex) or mst (spiTTPIndex) msaName DisplayString, msaSrc1Type MsaSrcType, --msa or vc4 msaSrc2Type MsaSrcType, --msa or vc4 msaSrc3Type MsaSrcType, --msa or vc4 msaSrc4Type MsaSrcType, --msa or vc4 msaSrc1Pointer INTEGER, -- index in msa (msaIndex) or mst (vc4Index) msaSrc2Pointer INTEGER, -- index in msa (msaIndex) or mst (vc4Index), or 0 msaSrc3Pointer INTEGER, -- index in msa (msaIndex) or mst (vc4Index), or 0 msaSrc4Pointer INTEGER -- index in msa (msaIndex) or mst (vc4Index), or 0 } msaIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of a particular entry among the multiplex section adaptation entries. " ::= { msaEntry 1 } msaSTMLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX STMLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The STM-n level of the multiplex section adaptation." ::= { msaEntry 2 } msaSinkType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MsaSinkType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Type of msa sinkPointer: msa or mst" ::= { msaEntry 3 } msaSinkPointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to the object which sends the data flow to this function on synchronous port interface side. In most equipments, this value cannot be changed and points to the MST it is hard wired with." ::= { msaEntry 4 } msaName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A text string which identifies the particular entry among the multiplex section adaptation entries. " ::= { msaEntry 5 } msaSrc1Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MsaSrcType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of msa srcPointer: msa or vc4" ::= { msaEntry 6 } msaSrc2Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MsaSrcType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of msa srcPointer: msa or vc4" ::= { msaEntry 7 } msaSrc3Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MsaSrcType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of msa srcPointer: msa or vc4" ::= { msaEntry 8 } msaSrc4Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MsaSrcType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of msa srcPointer: msa or vc4" ::= { msaEntry 9 } msaSrc1Pointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table index of the object which sends the data flow to this function on equipment side. For STM16: 4 pseudo STM4 (group of 4STM1) identified by their index in msaTable. Theses indexes must be differents to thoses used by the MST Table. For STM4: 4 VC4 identified by their index in vc4Table For STM1: 1 VC4 identified by its index in vc4Table " ::= { msaEntry 10 } msaSrc2Pointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to the object which sends the data flow to this function on equipment side. In most equipments, this value cannot be changed and points to the VC4 function it is hard wired with." ::= { msaEntry 11 } msaSrc3Pointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to the object which sends the data flow to this function on equipment side. In most equipments, this value cannot be changed and points to the VC4 function it is hard wired with." ::= { msaEntry 12 } msaSrc4Pointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to the object which sends the data flow to this function on equipment side. In most equipments, this value cannot be changed and points to the VC4 function it is hard wired with." ::= { msaEntry 13 } -- End of multiplex section adaptation description --******************************************************************* --* Common Types --******************************************************************* CTPStatus ::= INTEGER { free (0), used (1) } --******************************************************************* --* CTP administrative unit order 4 (au4) --******************************************************************* Au4CTPFailure ::= INTEGER { none(0),ais(1),lop(2),lom(3) } Au4CTPCnxType ::= INTEGER { none(0),au(1),au4c(4),au16c(16),tu(20) } au4CTPNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of administrative unit order 4 in equipment." ::= { au4CTP 1 } au4CTPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Au4CTPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of administrative unit order 4 in equipment which are availables for new connection or used in connection. In that case, an indication on the connection type is set into the au4CTPCnxType Variable. All au4 CTP, which are made up of lower connection level (tu3 or tu12), are set to 'used' value with 'tu' type connection indication ." ::= { au4CTP 2 } au4CTPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Au4CTPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A particular administrative unit order 4 of the equipment." INDEX { au4CTPIndex } ::= { au4CTPTable 1 } Au4CTPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { au4CTPIndex INTEGER, au4CTPStatus CTPStatus, -- free or used au4CTPCnxType Au4CTPCnxType, -- depends on the connection type (none if no connection) au4CTPName DisplayString, au4CTPMonitor SagemBoolean, au4CTPFailure Au4CTPFailure, au4CTPSeverity Severity, au4CTPAis Severity, au4CTPLop Severity, au4CTPLom Severity } au4CTPIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value which identify a particular administrative unit order 4. The value of index is a constant assigned to an entry at equipment design time. It is usualy related to harware." ::= { au4CTPEntry 1 } au4CTPStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CTPStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "au4 connection point Status: free or used. The 'free' value is used when there is no connection with this output CTP" ::= { au4CTPEntry 2 } au4CTPCnxType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Au4CTPCnxType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "au4 connection Type: none, au4, au4-4c,au4-16c,tu. The 'none' value is used when there is no connection with this output CTP" ::= { au4CTPEntry 3 } au4CTPName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A text string which identifies the particular entry among the administrative unit order 4 entries. " ::= { au4CTPEntry 4 } au4CTPMonitor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SagemBoolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of this field is set to false, the failure detection is stopped for this administrative unit order 4." ::= { au4CTPEntry 6 } au4CTPFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Au4CTPFailure MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Active failures on administrative unit order 4" ::= { au4CTPEntry 7 } au4CTPSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to failure severity for administrative unit order 4." ::= { au4CTPEntry 8 } au4CTPAis OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Alarme Indication Signal failure for administrative unit order 4." ::= { au4CTPEntry 20 } au4CTPLop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Loss Of Pointer failure for administrative unit order 4." ::= { au4CTPEntry 21 } au4CTPLom OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Loss Of MultiFrame failure for administrative unit order 4." ::= { au4CTPEntry 22 } -- End of administrative unit order 4 description --******************************************************************* --* TTP virtual container order 4 (vc4-ttp) --******************************************************************* Vc4TTPSinkType ::= INTEGER { mst (1), nspi (2) } Vc4TTPTraceMode ::= INTEGER { size1 (1), size16 (16) } Vc4TTPSignalLabel ::= INTEGER { unequiped(0), unspecified(1), tug(2), all1(255) } Vc4TTPFailure ::= INTEGER { none (0),rdi (1), sd (2), sdRdi (3), uneq (4),uneqSd (6),plm (8), plmRdi (9), plmSd (10), plmRdiSd(11),tim (16), timRdi(17), timSd (18), timRdiSd(19) } vc4TTPNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of virtual container order 4 in equipment." ::= { vc4TTP 1 } vc4TTPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Vc4TTPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of virtual container order 4 in equipment.The number of records depends on the kinds of configured boards" ::= { vc4TTP 2 } vc4TTPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Vc4TTPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A particular virtual container order 4 of the equipment." INDEX { vc4TTPIndex } ::= { vc4TTPTable 1 } Vc4TTPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vc4TTPIndex INTEGER, vc4TTPSinkPointer INTEGER, -- MSTindex or nspiTTPindex vc4TTPSinkType Vc4TTPSinkType, -- MST or nspi vc4TTPName DisplayString, vc4TTPMonitor SagemBoolean, vc4TTPFailure Vc4TTPFailure, vc4TTPSeverity Severity, vc4TTPTraceMode Vc4TTPTraceMode, vc4TTPPathTraceExpected OCTET STRING (SIZE (16)), vc4TTPPathTraceSent OCTET STRING (SIZE (16)), vc4TTPPathTraceReceived OCTET STRING (SIZE (16)), vc4TTPLabelExpected Vc4TTPSignalLabel, vc4TTPLabelSent Vc4TTPSignalLabel, vc4TTPLabelReceived Vc4TTPSignalLabel, vc4TTPSdThreshold INTEGER, vc4TTPSesThreshold INTEGER, vc4TTPBidirectionnal SagemBoolean, vc4TTPRdi Severity, vc4TTPSd Severity, vc4TTPUneq Severity, vc4TTPPlm Severity, vc4TTPTimDis SagemBoolean, vc4TTPTim Severity } vc4TTPIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value which identify a particular virtual container order 4. The value of index is a constant assigned to an entry at equipment design time. It is usualy related to harware." ::= { vc4TTPEntry 1 } vc4TTPSinkPointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to the object which sends the data flow to this function on synchronous or unsynchronous port interface side. This pointer corresponds to an index in the msTTPTable or nspiTTPTable." ::= { vc4TTPEntry 2 } vc4TTPSinkType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Vc4TTPSinkType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to the kind of the sink Pointer" ::= { vc4TTPEntry 3 } vc4TTPName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A text string which identifies the particular entry among the virtual container order 4 entries. " ::= { vc4TTPEntry 5 } vc4TTPMonitor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SagemBoolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of this field is set to false, the failure detection is stopped for this virtual container order 4." ::= { vc4TTPEntry 6 } vc4TTPFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Vc4TTPFailure MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Active failures on virtual container order 4" ::= { vc4TTPEntry 7 } vc4TTPSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to failure severity for virtual container order 4." ::= { vc4TTPEntry 8 } vc4TTPTraceMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Vc4TTPTraceMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configuration of the pathTrace length (1 byte or 16 bytes)." ::= { vc4TTPEntry 9 } vc4TTPPathTraceExpected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (16)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The path trace is a user string that always follows the vc4. If the value the received path trace does not match this one, a tim (Trail Identifier Mismatch) failure is issued. The value `? ' match all possible received path trace." ::= { vc4TTPEntry 11 } vc4TTPPathTraceSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (16)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The path trace is a user string that always follows the vc4. The value of this field is sent in j1 byte as path trace for this vc4. The default value is `all 0'." ::= { vc4TTPEntry 12 } vc4TTPPathTraceReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The path trace is a user string that always follows the vc4. The value is the actual path trace received in j1 byte" ::= { vc4TTPEntry 13 } vc4TTPLabelExpected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Vc4TTPSignalLabel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The signal label indicates the multiplexing structure of the vc4. If the signal label received for this vc4 is not null and does not match this field, a Signal Label Mismatch failure is detected. If the received label is null a virtual container UNEQuiped failure is detected." ::= { vc4TTPEntry 14 } vc4TTPLabelSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Vc4TTPSignalLabel MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The signal label indicates the multiplexing structure of the vc4. The value of this field in sent as signal label for the vc4." ::= { vc4TTPEntry 15 } vc4TTPLabelReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Vc4TTPSignalLabel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The signal label indicates the multiplexing structure of the vc4. The value of this field is the actual received signal label for this vc4" ::= { vc4TTPEntry 16 } vc4TTPSdThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Signal Degrade failure is declared if the error block rate is greater than 1E(-SdThreshold). The Signal Degrade failure desapeared when the error block rate is less than 1E(1 - SdThreshold)." ::= { vc4TTPEntry 17 } vc4TTPSesThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of errors above which the second is declared severely errored for this interface/function. This value apply for near and far interface/function" ::= { vc4TTPEntry 18 } vc4TTPBidirectionnal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SagemBoolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to false the equipment does not send Remote Defect Indication." ::= { vc4TTPEntry 19 } vc4TTPRdi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Remote Defect Indication failure for virtual container order 4." ::= { vc4TTPEntry 20 } vc4TTPSd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Signal Degrade failure for virtual container order 4." ::= { vc4TTPEntry 21 } vc4TTPUneq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with virtual container UNEQuiped failure for virtual container order 4." ::= { vc4TTPEntry 22 } vc4TTPPlm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Path Label Mismatch failure for virtual container order 4." ::= { vc4TTPEntry 23 } vc4TTPTimDis OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SagemBoolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true the equipment does not manage the Tim Failure." ::= { vc4TTPEntry 24 } vc4TTPTim OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Trail Identifier Mismatch failure for virtual container order 4." ::= { vc4TTPEntry 25 } -- End of virtual container order 4 description --******************************************************************* --* CTP tributary unit 3 (tu3) --******************************************************************* Tu3CTPFailure ::= INTEGER { none (0), ais (1), lop (2) } tu3CTPNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of tributary unit in equipment." ::= { tu3CTP 1 } tu3CTPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Tu3CTPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of tributary units order 3 in equipment which are availables for new connection or used in the same connection level. In that case, an indication on the connection point status is set into the tu3CTPStatus Variable. All tu3 CTP, which are involved in different connection level (tu12 or au4), disappear from this List." ::= { tu3CTP 2 } tu3CTPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Tu3CTPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A particular tributary unit of the equipment." INDEX { tu3CTPIndex} ::= { tu3CTPTable 1 } Tu3CTPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tu3CTPIndex INTEGER, tu3CTPStatus CTPStatus, -- free or used tu3CTPName DisplayString, tu3CTPMonitor SagemBoolean, tu3CTPFailure Tu3CTPFailure, tu3CTPSeverity Severity, tu3CTPAis Severity, tu3CTPLop Severity } tu3CTPIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index that identifies the particular entry among the tributary unit entries. " ::= { tu3CTPEntry 1 } tu3CTPStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CTPStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tu3 connection point Status: free or used. The 'free' value is used when there is no connection with this output CTP" ::= { tu3CTPEntry 2 } tu3CTPName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A text string which identifies the particular entry among the tributary unit entries. " ::= { tu3CTPEntry 5 } tu3CTPMonitor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SagemBoolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of this field is set to false, the failure detection is stopped for this tributary unit." ::= { tu3CTPEntry 6 } tu3CTPFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Tu3CTPFailure MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Active failures on tributary unit" ::= { tu3CTPEntry 7 } tu3CTPSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to failure severity for tributary unit." ::= { tu3CTPEntry 8 } tu3CTPAis OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Alarme Indication Signal failure for tributary unit." ::= { tu3CTPEntry 20 } tu3CTPLop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Loss Of Pointer failure for tributary unit." ::= { tu3CTPEntry 21 } -- End of tributary unit description --******************************************************************* --* CTP tributary unit 12 (tu12) --******************************************************************* Tu12CTPFailure ::= INTEGER { none (0), ais (1), lop (2) } tu12CTPNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of tributary unit in equipment." ::= { tu12CTP 1 } tu12CTPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Tu12CTPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of tributary unit order 12 in equipment which are availables for new connection or used in the same connection level. In that case, an indication on the connection point Status is set into the tu12CTPStatus Variable. All tu12 CTP, which are involved in a different connection level (tu3 or au4), disappear from this List." ::= { tu12CTP 2 } tu12CTPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Tu12CTPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A particular tributary unit of the equipment." INDEX { tu12CTPIndex } ::= { tu12CTPTable 1 } Tu12CTPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tu12CTPIndex INTEGER, tu12CTPStatus CTPStatus, -- free or used tu12CTPName DisplayString, tu12CTPMonitor SagemBoolean, tu12CTPFailure Tu12CTPFailure, tu12CTPSeverity Severity, tu12CTPAis Severity, tu12CTPLop Severity } tu12CTPIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value which identify a particular tu12." ::= { tu12CTPEntry 1 } tu12CTPStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CTPStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tu12 connection point Status: free or used. The 'free' value is used when there is no connection with this output CTP" ::= { tu12CTPEntry 2 } tu12CTPName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A text string which identifies the particular entry among the tributary unit entries. " ::= { tu12CTPEntry 5 } tu12CTPMonitor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SagemBoolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of this field is set to false, the failure detection is stopped for this tributary unit." ::= { tu12CTPEntry 6 } tu12CTPFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Tu12CTPFailure MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Active failures on tributary unit" ::= { tu12CTPEntry 7 } tu12CTPSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to failure severity for tributary unit." ::= { tu12CTPEntry 8 } tu12CTPAis OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Alarme Indication Signal failure for tributary unit." ::= { tu12CTPEntry 20 } tu12CTPLop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Loss Of Pointer failure for tributary unit." ::= { tu12CTPEntry 21 } -- End of tributary unit description --******************************************************************* --* virtual container order 3 (vc3) --******************************************************************* Vc3TTPSinkType ::= INTEGER { vc4 (1), nspi (2) } Vc3TTPSignalLabel ::= INTEGER { unequiped(0), unspecified(1), mapping3445(4), all1(7) } VcLoFailure ::= INTEGER { none (0), rdi (1), sd (2), sdRdi (3), uneq (4), uneqSd (6), plm (8), plmRdi (9), plmSd (10), plmRdiSd(11), tim (16), timRdi(17), timSd (18), timRdiSd(19) } vc3TTPNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of virtual container order 3 in equipment." ::= { vc3TTP 1 } vc3TTPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Vc3TTPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of virtual container order 3 in equipment.The number of records depends on the kinds of configured boards" ::= { vc3TTP 2 } vc3TTPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Vc3TTPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A particular virtual container order 3 of the equipment." INDEX { vc3TTPIndex } ::= { vc3TTPTable 1 } Vc3TTPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vc3TTPIndex INTEGER, vc3TTPSinkPointer INTEGER, -- nspiTTPIndex or VC4index vc3TTPSinkType Vc3TTPSinkType, -- Nspi or VC4 vc3TTPName DisplayString, vc3TTPMonitor SagemBoolean, vc3TTPFailure VcLoFailure, vc3TTPSeverity Severity, vc3TTPPathTraceExpected OCTET STRING, vc3TTPPathTraceSent OCTET STRING, vc3TTPPathTraceReceived OCTET STRING, vc3TTPLabelExpected Vc3TTPSignalLabel, vc3TTPLabelSent Vc3TTPSignalLabel, vc3TTPLabelReceived Vc3TTPSignalLabel, vc3TTPSdThreshold INTEGER, vc3TTPSesThreshold INTEGER, vc3TTPBidirectionnal SagemBoolean, vc3TTPRdi Severity, vc3TTPSd Severity, vc3TTPUneq Severity, vc3TTPPlm Severity, vc3TTPTim Severity } vc3TTPIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value which identify a particular virtual container order 3. The value of index is a constant assigned to an entry at equipment design time. It is usualy related to harware." ::= { vc3TTPEntry 1 } vc3TTPSinkPointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to the object which sends the data flow to this function on non-sdh physical port side." ::= { vc3TTPEntry 2 } vc3TTPSinkType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Vc3TTPSinkType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to the kind of the sink Pointer" ::= { vc3TTPEntry 3 } vc3TTPName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A text string which identifies the particular entry among the virtual container order 3 entries. " ::= { vc3TTPEntry 5 } vc3TTPMonitor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SagemBoolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of this field is set to false, the failure detection is stopped for this virtual container order 3." ::= { vc3TTPEntry 6 } vc3TTPFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VcLoFailure MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Active failures on virtual container order 3" ::= { vc3TTPEntry 7 } vc3TTPSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to failure severity for virtual container order 3." ::= { vc3TTPEntry 8 } vc3TTPPathTraceExpected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (16)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The path trace is a user string that always follows the vc3. If the value the received path trace does not match this one, a tim (Trail Identifier Mismatch) failure is issued. The value `? ' match all possible received path trace." ::= { vc3TTPEntry 9 } vc3TTPPathTraceSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..15)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The path trace is a user string that always follows the vc3. The value of this field is sent in j1 byte as path trace for this vc3. The default value is `all 0'." ::= { vc3TTPEntry 10 } vc3TTPPathTraceReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (15)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The path trace is a user string that always follows the vc3. The value is the actual path trace received in j1 byte" ::= { vc3TTPEntry 11 } vc3TTPLabelExpected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Vc3TTPSignalLabel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The signal label indicates the multiplexing structure of the vc3. Usualy the value of this field cannot be modified as most equipment use the asynchronous bit multiplexing. For historical reasons the receipt of label `unspecified ' does not produce a Signal Label Mismatch failure." ::= { vc3TTPEntry 12 } vc3TTPLabelSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Vc3TTPSignalLabel MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The signal label indicates the multiplexing structure of the vc3. The value of this field is sent as signal label for the vc3. The unspecified value is used for compatibilty with old sdh equipments. The `unequiped' value actives low order unequiped generator (lug). In this case all 1 signal is inserted down and up stream." ::= { vc3TTPEntry 13 } vc3TTPLabelReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Vc3TTPSignalLabel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The signal label indicates the multiplexing structure of the vc3. The value of this field is the actual received signal label for this vc3" ::= { vc3TTPEntry 14 } vc3TTPSdThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Signal Degrade failure is declared if the error block rate is greater than 1E(-SdThreshold). The Signal Degrade failure desapeared when the error block rate is less than 1E(1 - SdThreshold)." ::= { vc3TTPEntry 15 } vc3TTPSesThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of errors above which the second is declared severely errored for this interface/function. This value apply for near and far interface/function" ::= { vc3TTPEntry 16 } vc3TTPBidirectionnal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SagemBoolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to false the equipment does not send Remote Defect Indication." ::= { vc3TTPEntry 17 } vc3TTPRdi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Remote Defect Indication failure for virtual container order 3." ::= { vc3TTPEntry 20 } vc3TTPSd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Signal Degrade failure for virtual container order 3." ::= { vc3TTPEntry 21 } vc3TTPUneq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with virtual container UNEQuiped failure for virtual container order 3." ::= { vc3TTPEntry 22 } vc3TTPPlm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Path Label Mismatch failure for virtual container order 3." ::= { vc3TTPEntry 23 } vc3TTPTim OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Trail Identifier Mismatch failure for virtual container order 3." ::= { vc3TTPEntry 24 } -- End of virtual container order 3 description --******************************************************************* --* virtual container order 12 (vc12) --******************************************************************* Vc12TTPSinkType ::= INTEGER { vc4 (1), nspi (2) } Vc12TTPSignalLabel ::= INTEGER { unequiped(0), unspecified(1), asyncBit(2), all1(7) } vc12TTPNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of virtual container order 12 in equipment." ::= { vc12TTP 1 } vc12TTPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Vc12TTPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of virtual container order 12 in equipment.The number of records depends on the kinds of configured boards" ::= { vc12TTP 2 } vc12TTPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Vc12TTPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A particular virtual container order 12 of the equipment." INDEX { vc12TTPIndex } ::= { vc12TTPTable 1 } Vc12TTPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vc12TTPIndex INTEGER, vc12TTPSinkPointer INTEGER, -- nspiTTPIndex or VC4index vc12TTPSinkType Vc12TTPSinkType, -- Nspi or Vc4 vc12TTPName DisplayString, vc12TTPMonitor SagemBoolean, vc12TTPFailure VcLoFailure, vc12TTPSeverity Severity, vc12TTPPathTraceExpected OCTET STRING, vc12TTPPathTraceSent OCTET STRING, vc12TTPPathTraceReceived OCTET STRING, vc12TTPLabelExpected Vc12TTPSignalLabel, vc12TTPLabelSent Vc12TTPSignalLabel, vc12TTPLabelReceived Vc12TTPSignalLabel, vc12TTPSdThreshold INTEGER, vc12TTPSesThreshold INTEGER, vc12TTPBidirectionnal SagemBoolean, vc12TTPRdi Severity, vc12TTPSd Severity, vc12TTPUneq Severity, vc12TTPPlm Severity, vc12TTPTim Severity } vc12TTPIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value which identify a particular virtual container order 12. The value of index is a constant assigned to an entry at equipment design time. It is usualy related to harware." ::= { vc12TTPEntry 1 } vc12TTPSinkPointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to the object which sends the data flow to this function on non-sdh physical port side." ::= { vc12TTPEntry 2 } vc12TTPSinkType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Vc12TTPSinkType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to the kind of the sink Pointer" ::= { vc12TTPEntry 3 } vc12TTPName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A text string which identifies the particular entry among the virtual container order 12 entries. " ::= { vc12TTPEntry 5 } vc12TTPMonitor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SagemBoolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of this field is set to false, the failure detection is stopped for this virtual container order 12." ::= { vc12TTPEntry 6 } vc12TTPFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VcLoFailure MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Active failures on virtual container order 12" ::= { vc12TTPEntry 7 } vc12TTPSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to failure severity for virtual container order 12." ::= { vc12TTPEntry 8 } vc12TTPPathTraceExpected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (16)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The path trace is a user string that always follows the vc12. If the value the received path trace does not match this one, a tim (Trail Identifier Mismatch) failure is issued. The value `? ' match all possible received path trace." ::= { vc12TTPEntry 9 } vc12TTPPathTraceSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (16)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The path trace is a user string that always follows the vc12. The value of this field is sent in j2 byte as path trace for this vc12. The default value is `all 0'." ::= { vc12TTPEntry 10 } vc12TTPPathTraceReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The path trace is a user string that always follows the vc12. The value is the actual path trace received in j2 byte" ::= { vc12TTPEntry 11 } vc12TTPLabelExpected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Vc12TTPSignalLabel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The signal label indicates the multiplexing structure of the vc12. Usualy the value of this field cannot be modified as most equipment use the asynchronous bit multiplexing. For historical reasons the receipt of label `unspecified ' does not produce a Signal Label Mismatch failure." ::= { vc12TTPEntry 12 } vc12TTPLabelSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Vc12TTPSignalLabel MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The signal label indicates the multiplexing structure of the vc12. The value of this field is sent as signal label for the vc12. The unspecified value is used for compatibilty with old sdh equipments. The `unequiped' value actives low order unequiped generator (lug). In this case all 1 signal is inserted down and up stream." ::= { vc12TTPEntry 13 } vc12TTPLabelReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Vc12TTPSignalLabel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The signal label indicates the multiplexing structure of the vc12. The value of this field is the actual received signal label for this vc12" ::= { vc12TTPEntry 14 } vc12TTPSdThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Signal Degrade failure is declared if the error block rate is greater than 1E(-SdThreshold). The Signal Degrade failure desapeared when the error block rate is less than 1E(1 - SdThreshold)." ::= { vc12TTPEntry 15 } vc12TTPSesThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of errors above which the second is declared severely errored for this interface/function. This value apply for near and far interface/function" ::= { vc12TTPEntry 16 } vc12TTPBidirectionnal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SagemBoolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to false the equipment does not send Remote Defect Indication." ::= { vc12TTPEntry 17 } vc12TTPRdi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Remote Defect Indication failure for virtual container order 12." ::= { vc12TTPEntry 20 } vc12TTPSd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Signal Degrade failure for virtual container order 12." ::= { vc12TTPEntry 21 } vc12TTPUneq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with virtual container UNEQuiped failure for virtual container order 12." ::= { vc12TTPEntry 22 } vc12TTPPlm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Path Label Mismatch failure for virtual container order 12." ::= { vc12TTPEntry 23 } vc12TTPTim OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Trail Identifier Mismatch failure for virtual container order 12." ::= { vc12TTPEntry 24 } -- End of virtual container order 12 description --******************************************************************* --* non synchronous physical port (nspi) --******************************************************************* NspiSrcType ::= INTEGER { vc12 (1), vc3 (2), vc4 (3), channel (4) } --******************************************************************* --* Nspi CTP --******************************************************************* nspiCTPNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value which identify a particular non-sdh physical port. The value of index is a constant assigned to an entry at equipment design time. It is usualy related to harware." ::= { nspiCTP 1 } nspiCTPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF NspiCTPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of non-sdh physical port in equipment." ::= { nspiCTP 2 } nspiCTPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NspiCTPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A particular non-sdh physical port of the equipment." INDEX { nspiCTPIndex } ::= { nspiCTPTable 1 } NspiCTPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { nspiCTPIndex INTEGER, nspiCTPTTPType NspiSrcType, -- VC3, VC12 or VC4 nspiCTPStatus CTPStatus, -- free or used nspiCTPName DisplayString } nspiCTPIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value which identify a particular non-sdh physical port. The value of index is a constant assigned to an entry at equipment design time. It is usualy related to harware." ::= { nspiCTPEntry 1 } nspiCTPTTPType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NspiSrcType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of VC which is associated to the nspi interface." ::= { nspiCTPEntry 2 } nspiCTPStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CTPStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "nspi connection point Status: free or used. The 'free' value is used when there is no connection with this output CTP" ::= { nspiCTPEntry 3 } nspiCTPName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A text string which identifies the particular entry among the non-sdh physical port entries. " ::= { nspiCTPEntry 4 } -- End of non-sdh physical port description --******************************************************************* --* Nspi TTP --******************************************************************* NspiTTPFailure ::= INTEGER { none (0), los (1), ais (2) } NspiTTPType ::= INTEGER { g703R75ohm (1), g703R120ohm (2), x21 (10), ethernet (20), atm (30) } NspiTTPLevel ::= INTEGER { rate2Mb (2), rate10Mb (10), rate34Mb (34), rate45Mb (45), rate100Mb (100), rate140Mb (140), rate1Gb (1000) } nspiTTPNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value which identify a particular non-sdh physical port. The value of index is a constant assigned to an entry at equipment design time. It is usualy related to harware." ::= { nspiTTP 1 } nspiTTPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF NspiTTPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of non-sdh physical port in equipment." ::= { nspiTTP 2 } nspiTTPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NspiTTPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A particular non-sdh physical port of the equipment." INDEX { nspiTTPIndex } ::= { nspiTTPTable 1 } NspiTTPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { nspiTTPIndex INTEGER, nspiTTPType NspiTTPType, nspiTTPLevel NspiTTPLevel, nspiTTPName DisplayString, nspiTTPBoardIndex INTEGER, nspiTTPBoardAcces INTEGER, nspiTTPSrcType NspiSrcType, -- VC3, VC12 or VC4 nspiTTPSrcPointer INTEGER, -- VC index nspiTTPMonitor SagemBoolean, nspiTTPFailure NspiTTPFailure, nspiTTPSeverity Severity, nspiTTPLoopback Loopback, nspiTTPLos Severity, nspiTTPAis Severity } nspiTTPIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value which identify a particular non-sdh physical port. The value of index is a constant assigned to an entry at equipment design time. It is usualy related to harware." ::= { nspiTTPEntry 1 } nspiTTPType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NspiTTPType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of media for the nspi interface." ::= { nspiTTPEntry 2 } nspiTTPLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NspiTTPLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The rate level of the nspi interface." ::= { nspiTTPEntry 3 } nspiTTPName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A text string which identifies the particular entry among the non-sdh physical port entries. " ::= { nspiTTPEntry 4 } nspiTTPBoardIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of the Board that supports the physical acces of this interface" ::= { nspiTTPEntry 5 } nspiTTPBoardAcces OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Friendly Index of the physical acces on the Board that supports the interface" ::= { nspiTTPEntry 6 } nspiTTPSrcType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NspiSrcType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to the type of object which sends the data flow to this interface. Usually the value is vc12, vc3 or vc4 types." ::= { nspiTTPEntry 7 } nspiTTPSrcPointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to the object which sends the data flow to this interface. Usually the value is the Index of a vc12, vc3 or vc4." ::= { nspiTTPEntry 8 } nspiTTPMonitor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SagemBoolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of this field is set to false, the failure detection is stopped for this non-sdh physical port." ::= { nspiTTPEntry 9 } nspiTTPFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NspiTTPFailure MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Active failures on non-sdh physical port" ::= { nspiTTPEntry 10 } nspiTTPSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to failure severity for non-sdh physical port." ::= { nspiTTPEntry 11 } nspiTTPLoopback OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Loopback MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field gives the active loopback status on the non-sdh physical port. When its value is `line' the data flow recieved from the port side is sent back to the line. When its value is `equipment' the data flow recieved form equipment side is send back. The field can be set to a particular loopback value, even if there no garantee that the loopback is really done. The real loopback status of the interface must be checked in the response. The loopback can be cleared by the equipment when it cannot remain for any reason." ::= { nspiTTPEntry 14 } nspiTTPLos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Loss Of Signal failure for non-sdh physical port." ::= { nspiTTPEntry 20 } nspiTTPAis OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associed with Alarme Indication Signal failure for non-sdh physical port." ::= { nspiTTPEntry 21 } -- End of non-sdh physical port description --******************************************************************* --* Channel --* This part allows to add a new decomposition level between nspi ports --* and SDH Containers. --******************************************************************* ChannelEncaps ::= INTEGER { none (0), atm (1), pos (2), gfp (3) } ChannelConcat ::= INTEGER { none (0), virtual (1), contiguous (2) } ChannelFailure ::= INTEGER { none (0), loa (1), lom (2), sqm (3) } channelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of SDH Channels in equipment." ::= { channel 1 } channelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ChannelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of SDH Channels in equipment." ::= { channel 2 } channelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ChannelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A particular SDH Channel of the equipment." INDEX { channelIndex } ::= { channelTable 1 } ChannelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { channelIndex INTEGER, -- nspiTTPIndex channelEncaps ChannelEncaps, channelNbVc4 INTEGER, channelNbVc3 INTEGER, channelNbVc12 INTEGER, channelConcat ChannelConcat, channelAdminStatus INTEGER, channelOperStatus INTEGER, channelFirstIndex INTEGER, channelDelay INTEGER, channelMonitor SagemBoolean, channelFailure ChannelFailure, channelSeverity Severity, channelLoa Severity, channelLom Severity, channelSqm Severity } channelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value which identify a particular SDH Channel. The value of index is a constant assigned to an entry at equipment design time. It is usualy related to harware." ::= { channelEntry 1 } channelEncaps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ChannelEncaps MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of encapsulation used to map Data stream into Sdh containers" ::= { channelEntry 2 } channelNbVc4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of VC4 into the channel. " ::= { channelEntry 5 } channelNbVc3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of VC3 into the channel. " ::= { channelEntry 6 } channelNbVc12 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of VC12 into the channel. " ::= { channelEntry 7 } channelConcat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ChannelConcat MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of Concatenation used within the channel" ::= { channelEntry 8 } channelAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), -- ready to pass packets down(2), testing(3) -- in some test mode } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The desired state of the channel. The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packets can be passed." ::= { channelEntry 9 } channelOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), -- ready to pass packets down(2), testing(3) -- in some test mode } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current operational state of the channel. The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packets can be passed." ::= { channelEntry 10 } channelFirstIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of the first Vc in the Channel when it is configured. Otherwise this field is set to 0. " ::= { channelEntry 11 } channelDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field give the maximum delay (in millisecondes) for receiving virtual concatenated frames. This field is set to 0 when channelConcat is different to virtual(1) " ::= { channelEntry 12 } channelMonitor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SagemBoolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of this field is set to false, the failure detection is stopped for this channel." ::= { channelEntry 13 } channelFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ChannelFailure MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Active failures on channel" ::= { channelEntry 14 } channelSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to failure severity for non-sdh physical port." ::= { channelEntry 15 } channelLoa OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associated with Loss Of Alignment failure for channel." ::= { channelEntry 16 } channelLom OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associated with Loss Of Multiframe failure for channel." ::= { channelEntry 17 } channelSqm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity associated with Sequence Mismatch failure for channel." ::= { channelEntry 18 } -- End of Channel description --******************************************************************* --* Bandwidth --* This part allows to configure the bandwidth allocated to a Data Card --* It gives references of VC which are used by channels. --******************************************************************* bandwidthNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of bandwidth units which are available in the equipement. The number of units depends on their type (Vc4, Vc3, Vc12), on the number of Data card and on the bandwidth size which has been configured for this card. For a Data card which is mapped on a STM16, there are 16 Vc4 entries (or 3*16 Vc3 entries or 63*16 Vc12 entries) in the BandwidthTable. " ::= { bandwidth 1 } bandwidthTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BandwidthEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of Bandwidth units in equipment. It represent the bandwidth occupation of each non-sdh card" ::= { bandwidth 2 } bandwidthEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BandwidthEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A particular unit part of a non-sdh card bandwidth." INDEX { bandwidthIndex } ::= { bandwidthTable 1 } BandwidthEntry ::= SEQUENCE { bandwidthIndex INTEGER, -- VC index bandwidthBoardIndex INTEGER, -- BoardIndex bandwidthSrcType NspiSrcType, -- VC3, VC12 or VC4 bandwidthSrcPointer INTEGER, -- VC index bandwidthSinkType NspiSrcType, -- Channel bandwidthSinkPointer INTEGER, -- channelIndex bandwidthAdminStatus INTEGER, bandwidthOperStatus INTEGER, bandwidthPrevIndex INTEGER, -- VC index bandwidthNextIndex INTEGER -- VC index } bandwidthIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value which identify a particular unit of a non-sdh card bandwidth. The value of index is a Vc Index which change when bandwidthSrcType value is modified. " ::= { bandwidthEntry 1 } bandwidthBoardIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of the Board that supports the bandwidth unit." ::= { bandwidthEntry 2 } bandwidthSrcType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NspiSrcType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define the decomposition level of the bandwidth." ::= { bandwidthEntry 3 } bandwidthSrcPointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "this field is set to bandwidthIndex when the unit is used by a channel and set to 0 otherwise. It defines the TTP and CTP index associated to the channel. " ::= { bandwidthEntry 4 } bandwidthSinkType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NspiSrcType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to the kind of the sink Pointer. Usually the value is Channel." ::= { bandwidthEntry 5 } bandwidthSinkPointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to the object which sends the data flow to this function on unsynchronous port interface side. This pointer corresponds to an index in the channelTable. " ::= { bandwidthEntry 6 } bandwidthAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), -- ready to pass packets down(2), testing(3) -- in some test mode } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The desired state of the Vc. The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packets can be passed." ::= { bandwidthEntry 7 } bandwidthOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), -- ready to pass packets down(2), testing(3) -- in some test mode } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current operational state of the Vc. The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packets can be passed." ::= { bandwidthEntry 8 } bandwidthPrevIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to the previous VC into the channel. This field is set to 0 if the VC is not associated to a channel or if it is the first Vc of the channel. " ::= { bandwidthEntry 9 } bandwidthNextIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to the next VC into the channel. This field is set to 0 if the VC is not associated to a channel or if it is the last Vc of the channel. " ::= { bandwidthEntry 10 } -- End of Bandwidth description END