--******************************************************************* --* SAGEM, IONOS * --******************************************************************* --******************************************************************* -- Filename: session -- -- File type: .mib -- -- Description: SNMP source Mib file. -- -- Gives information about a way to handle access -- conflicts between several applications -- (SNMP, HTTP, CLI, vt100) that could try to modify -- the equipment configuration at the same time and -- session inactivity. -- -- -- Version: 19 11 2002 -- -- Date(DD MM YYYY): 15 11 02 last update for IONOS NMS -- -- Contact: D. Mobuchon, F. Bonnevialle -- -- History: -- Version: MIB-P0-301199 Date: 30 11 1999 -- -- Name: F.Bonnevialle -- Date: 30 11 1999 -- Desc: original -- -- Name: F.Bonnevialle -- Date: 11 06 2002 -- Desc: New variable: savePending -- -- Name: F.Bonnevialle -- Date: 15 11 2002 -- Desc: Modification for SilverCreek Compiler --******************************************************************* --******************************************************************* --* Copyright (c) 2002, SAGEM , All rights reserved. * --******************************************************************* --******************************************************************* -- MIB: SESSION-MIB --******************************************************************* SESSION-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN --******************************************************************* -- IMPORTS --******************************************************************* IMPORTS sagemDr FROM SAGEM-DR-MIB -- CommunityAccessList FROM SAGEM-DR-MIB SagemBoolean FROM EQUIPMENT-MIB MODULE-IDENTITY,OBJECT-TYPE,IpAddress FROM SNMPv2-SMI; -- DisplayString FROM RFC1213-MIB; --******************************************************************* -- OBJECTS --******************************************************************* session MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "0206110000Z" ORGANIZATION "SAGEM/DR Tolbiac Centre" CONTACT-INFO "" DESCRIPTION " Modification: Date: 20 12 1999 Description: modification of comments Name: sessionTrap Description: sessionTrap and sessionReason are no more used in SESSION-MIB. They have been replaced by a logTrap (see LOG-MIB) New Object: Date: 19 11 1999 Name: tInactivity Description: Name: sessionType Description: Add of tpiEmulated Creation: Description: This MIB module gives information about a way to handle access conflicts between several applications (SNMP, HTTP, CLI, vt100) that could try to modify the equipment configuration at the same time " ::= { sagemDr 201 } --******************************************************************* -- Description: -- -- Manager or Configurator write session (1 session max at -- the same time) tLock OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..30) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Number of minutes for which a write session is active on the equipment. When the value of this variable is 0, the equipment is not locked. When a SNMP manager (iONOSANMSupervisor and Operator) start a write session, tLock can be set to a value by the manager (up to 30 minutes, so it has time to configure the equipment). Each time an action is done under the equipment tLock is set again to its value. tLock is a decremental counter; when the value of tLock return to 0, the write session is ended and the equipment is unlocked. The SNMP manager can choose to unlock the equipment by setting the value of tLock to 0 before it reach this value itself. " ::= { session 1 } sessionIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of the application that holds the session" ::= { session 2 } sessionType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0),snmp (1), http (2), telnet (3), vt100 (4), tpiEmulated (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of the application protocol that holds the session" ::= { session 3 } tLockDefault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..20) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " tLockDefault is used to define initial value of tLock. tLockDefault can be changed only by iONOSANMSupervisor or by dIRECTACCESSsupervisor. The normal value is 10 minutes" ::= { session 5 } --******************************************************************* -- Description: -- Manager or Configurator read/write inactivity -- (n session at the same time) tInactivity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..60) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The normal configuration is tInactivity > tLock; tInactivityDefault is about 30 min. The session with a manager is closed by the equipment if there is no activity during tInactivity min. It is not used with SNMP. This is used to protect the acces to the manager when the operator is not there during a long time. " ::= { session 6 } -- P0: sessionName,sessionCommunity not used. -- sessionName OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) -- MAX-ACCESS read-only -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "Login name used for the session" -- ::= { session 10 } -- sessionCommunity OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX CommunityAccessList -- MAX-ACCESS read-only -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "Access community (User rights) used for the session" -- ::= { session 11 } savePending OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SagemBoolean MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Return TRUE if the write session is unlocked for more than 30 seconds " ::= { session 20 } --******************************************************************* END