PM8ECCMIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS enterprises FROM RFC1155-SMI OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215; AlarmType ::= INTEGER { overValue( 10 ), overPower( 11 ), overReversePower( 12 ), underValue( 20 ), underPower( 21 ), phaseRotationReversal( 51 ), phaseLossVoltage( 52 ), phaseLossCurrent( 53 ), powerFactorLeading( 54 ), powerFactorLagging( 55 ), digitalInputOFFtoON( 60 ), digitalInputONtoOFF( 61 ), unaryEvent( 70 ), voltageOrCurrentSwell( 80 ), voltageOrCurrentSag( 90 ), combinatorialAND( 100 ), combinatorialNAND( 101 ), combinatorialOR( 102 ), combinatorialNOR( 103 ), combinatorialXOR( 104 ), combinatorialNOT( 105 ), diagnostic( 1280 ) } IOPointType ::= INTEGER { digitalInput( 1 ), digitalOutput( 2 ), analogInput( 3 ), analogOutput( 4 ) } IOPointLabel ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..16)) AlarmLabel ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..16)) schneiderElectric OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 3833 } transparentFactoryEthernet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { schneiderElectric 1 } equipmentProfile OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { transparentFactoryEthernet 7 } tfProducts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { equipmentProfile 255 } ecc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tfProducts 15 } pm8ecc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ecc 1 } metering OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pm8ecc 1 } systemWiringTypeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SystemWiringTypeEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The wiring system type of the host meter." ::= { metering 1 } systemWiringTypeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemWiringTypeEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter System Wiring Type" INDEX { swtIndex } ::= { systemWiringTypeTable 1 } SystemWiringTypeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { swtIndex INTEGER, swtWiringType INTEGER } swtIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "System Wiring Type Table Index" ::= { systemWiringTypeEntry 1 } swtWiringType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (10 | 11 | 12 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 40 | 42 | 44) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Single Phase Line to Neutral 2 Wire 1CT 1PT is '10' Single Phase Line to Line 2 Wire 1CT 1PT is '11' Single Phase 3-Wire 3 wire 2CT 2PT is '12' Three Phase 3 Wire 2CT 2PT is '30' Three Phase 3 Wire 3CT 2PT is '31' Three Phase 3 Wire 1CT 2PT is '32' Three Phase 4 Wire 3CT 3PT is '40' Three Phase 4 Wire 3CT 2PT is '42' Three Phase 4 Wire 1CT 3PT is '44'" ::= { systemWiringTypeEntry 2 } loadCurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF LoadCurrentEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Load Current Table" ::= { metering 2 } loadCurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LoadCurrentEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Load Current Table" INDEX { lcIndex } ::= { loadCurrentTable 1 } LoadCurrentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { lcIndex INTEGER, lcIa OCTET STRING, lcIb OCTET STRING, lcIc OCTET STRING, lcIAvg OCTET STRING } lcIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Load Current Table Index" ::= { loadCurrentEntry 1 } lcIa OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Load Current Phase A Units = A (Amps)" ::= { loadCurrentEntry 2 } lcIb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Load Current Phase B Units = A (Amps)" ::= { loadCurrentEntry 3 } lcIc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Load Current Phase C Units = A (Amps)" ::= { loadCurrentEntry 4 } lcIAvg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Load Current 3 Phase Average Units = A (Amps)" ::= { loadCurrentEntry 5 } powerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PowerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Power Table" ::= { metering 3 } powerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PowerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Power Table" INDEX { pIndex } ::= { powerTable 1 } PowerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pIndex INTEGER, pReal OCTET STRING, pReactive OCTET STRING, pApparent OCTET STRING } pIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Power Table Index" ::= { powerEntry 1 } pReal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Real Power Units = kW" ::= { powerEntry 2 } pReactive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Reactive Power Units = kVAR" ::= { powerEntry 3 } pApparent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Apparent Power Units = kVA" ::= { powerEntry 4 } powerFactorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PowerFactorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Power Factor Table" ::= { metering 4 } powerFactorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PowerFactorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Power Factor Table" INDEX { pfIndex } ::= { powerFactorTable 1 } PowerFactorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pfIndex INTEGER, pfPowerFactorTotal OCTET STRING, pfPowerFactorDescription OCTET STRING } pfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Power Factor Table Index" ::= { powerFactorEntry 1 } pfPowerFactorTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter 3 Phase Total Power Factor" ::= { powerFactorEntry 2 } pfPowerFactorDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Describes the current power factor Lead/Lag for IEEE mode Cap/Ind for IEC mode" ::= { powerFactorEntry 3 } voltageTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VoltageEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Voltage Table" ::= { metering 5 } voltageEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VoltageEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Voltage Table" INDEX { vIndex } ::= { voltageTable 1 } VoltageEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vIndex INTEGER, vVab OCTET STRING, vVbc OCTET STRING, vVca OCTET STRING, vVllAvg OCTET STRING, vVan OCTET STRING, vVbn OCTET STRING, vVcn OCTET STRING, vVlnAvg OCTET STRING } vIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Voltage Table Index" ::= { voltageEntry 1 } vVab OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Voltage Line A to Line B Units = V (Volts)" ::= { voltageEntry 2 } vVbc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Voltage Line B to Line C Units = V (Volts)" ::= { voltageEntry 3 } vVca OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Voltage Line C to Line A Units = V (Volts)" ::= { voltageEntry 4 } vVllAvg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Voltage Line to Line Average Voltage Units = V (Volts)" ::= { voltageEntry 5 } vVan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Voltage Line A to Neutral Units = V (Volts)" ::= { voltageEntry 6 } vVbn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Voltage Line B to Neutral Units = V (Volts)" ::= { voltageEntry 7 } vVcn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Voltage Line C to Neutral Units = V (Volts)" ::= { voltageEntry 8 } vVlnAvg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Voltage Line to Neutral 3 Phase Average Units = V (Volts)" ::= { voltageEntry 9 } frequencyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FrequencyEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Frequency Table" ::= { metering 6 } frequencyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FrequencyEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Frequency Table" INDEX { fIndex } ::= { frequencyTable 1 } FrequencyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { fIndex INTEGER, fFrequency OCTET STRING } fIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Frequency Table Index" ::= { frequencyEntry 1 } fFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Frequency Units = Hz" ::= { frequencyEntry 2 } currentDemandTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CurrentDemandEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Current Demand Table" ::= { metering 7 } currentDemandEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CurrentDemandEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Current Demand Table" INDEX { cdPhase, cdIndex } ::= { currentDemandTable 1 } CurrentDemandEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cdIndex INTEGER, cdPhase OCTET STRING, cdPresentCurrentDemand OCTET STRING, cdPeakCurrentDemand OCTET STRING, cdLastCurrentDemand OCTET STRING, cdPeakDateTime OCTET STRING, cdResetDateTime OCTET STRING, cdPhaseEnum INTEGER } cdIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Demand Current Table Index" ::= { currentDemandEntry 1 } cdPhase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Current Demand Phase Name" ::= { currentDemandEntry 2 } cdPresentCurrentDemand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Present Demand Current Units = A (Amps)" ::= { currentDemandEntry 3 } cdPeakCurrentDemand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Peak Current Demand Units = A (Amps)" ::= { currentDemandEntry 4 } cdLastCurrentDemand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Current Demand Last Interval Units = A (Amps)" ::= { currentDemandEntry 5 } cdPeakDateTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Peak Current Demand Date and Time" ::= { currentDemandEntry 6 } cdResetDateTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Date and Time of Demand Current Reset" ::= { currentDemandEntry 7 } cdPhaseEnum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { currentPhaseA( 1 ), currentPhaseB( 2 ), currentPhaseC( 3 ) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Current Demand Phase" ::= { currentDemandEntry 8 } powerDemandTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PowerDemandEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Power Demand" ::= { metering 8 } powerDemandEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PowerDemandEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Power Demand Table" INDEX { pdComponent, pdIndex } ::= { powerDemandTable 1 } PowerDemandEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pdIndex INTEGER, pdComponent OCTET STRING, pdPresentPowerDemand OCTET STRING, pdPeakPowerDemand OCTET STRING, pdLastPowerDemand OCTET STRING, pdPeakDateTime OCTET STRING, pdResetDateTime OCTET STRING, pdComponentEnum INTEGER } pdIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Power Demand Table Index" ::= { powerDemandEntry 1 } pdComponent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(4..8)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Power Demand Component Units: Real = kW Reacitve = kVAR Apparent = kVA" ::= { powerDemandEntry 2 } pdPresentPowerDemand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Present Demand Power" ::= { powerDemandEntry 3 } pdPeakPowerDemand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Peak Power Demand" ::= { powerDemandEntry 4 } pdLastPowerDemand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Power Demand Last Interval" ::= { powerDemandEntry 5 } pdPeakDateTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Peak Power Demand Date and Time" ::= { powerDemandEntry 6 } pdResetDateTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Date and Time of Power Demand Reset" ::= { powerDemandEntry 7 } pdComponentEnum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { realPower( 1 ), reactivePower( 2 ), apparentPower( 3 ) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Power Demand Component" ::= { powerDemandEntry 8 } energyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EnergyEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Energy Table" ::= { metering 9 } energyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnergyEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Energy Table" INDEX { eIndex } ::= { energyTable 1 } EnergyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { eIndex INTEGER, eRealEnergy OCTET STRING, eDateTimeRealEnergyReset OCTET STRING, eReactiveEnergy OCTET STRING, eDateTimeReactiveEnergyReset OCTET STRING, eApparentEnergy OCTET STRING, eDateTimeApparentEnergyReset OCTET STRING } eIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Energy Table Index" ::= { energyEntry 1 } eRealEnergy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Real Energy Units = Wh" ::= { energyEntry 2 } eDateTimeRealEnergyReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Date and Time Real Energy Accumulation was reset" ::= { energyEntry 3 } eReactiveEnergy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Reactive Energy Units = VARh" ::= { energyEntry 4 } eDateTimeReactiveEnergyReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Date and Time Reative Energy Accumulation was reset" ::= { energyEntry 5 } eApparentEnergy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Apparent Energy Units = VAh" ::= { energyEntry 6 } eDateTimeApparentEnergyReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Date and Time Reactive Energy Accumulation was reset" ::= { energyEntry 7 } alarms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pm8ecc 2 } alarmConfigurationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AlarmConfigurationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Displays the current configuration of the Host Meter On-board alarms" ::= { alarms 1 } alarmConfigurationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlarmConfigurationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Contains configuration information for the Host Meter On-board Alarms" INDEX { acIndex, acPosition } ::= { alarmConfigurationTable 1 } AlarmConfigurationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { acIndex INTEGER, acPosition INTEGER, acAlarmLabel AlarmLabel, acEnabled INTEGER, acStatus INTEGER, acCounter INTEGER, acPriority INTEGER, acType AlarmType, acAlarmList1 INTEGER, acAlarmList2 INTEGER, acAlarmList3 INTEGER, acAlarmList4 INTEGER } acIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarm Configuration Table Index" ::= { alarmConfigurationEntry 1 } acPosition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..74) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the position of the alarm. 1 - 74" ::= { alarmConfigurationEntry 2 } acAlarmLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlarmLabel ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the alarm (user configurable)" ::= { alarmConfigurationEntry 3 } acEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0 | 255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the alarm is enabled or not. 0 = Disabled 255 = Enabled" ::= { alarmConfigurationEntry 4 } acStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the alarm is active. 0 = Inactive 1 = Active" ::= { alarmConfigurationEntry 5 } acCounter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..32767) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the number of times the alarm has been activated. Note: This counter resets at 32767" ::= { alarmConfigurationEntry 6 } acPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..3) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The priority of the alarm. 0 = No Priority 1 = Low Priority 2 = Medium Priority 3 = High Priority" ::= { alarmConfigurationEntry 7 } acType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlarmType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type of the alarm." ::= { alarmConfigurationEntry 8 } acAlarmList1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Used for combinatorial type alarms - The position of the first alarm that is used to evaluate the alarm state." ::= { alarmConfigurationEntry 9 } acAlarmList2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Used for combinatorial type alarms - The position of the second alarm that is used to evaluate the alarm state." ::= { alarmConfigurationEntry 10 } acAlarmList3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Used for combinatorial type alarms - The position of the third alarm that is used to evaluate the alarm state." ::= { alarmConfigurationEntry 11 } acAlarmList4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Used for combinatorial type alarms - The position of the fourth alarm that is used to evaluate the alarm state." ::= { alarmConfigurationEntry 12 } alarmSummaryBitmapsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AlarmSummaryBitmapsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the state of the Host Meter On-Board Alarms" ::= { alarms 2 } alarmSummaryBitmapsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlarmSummaryBitmapsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the status of the Host Meter On-Board Alarms" INDEX { alSumIndex } ::= { alarmSummaryBitmapsTable 1 } AlarmSummaryBitmapsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { alSumIndex INTEGER, alSumAlarms1to16 OCTET STRING, alSumAlarms17to32 OCTET STRING, alSumAlarms33to48 OCTET STRING, alSumAlarms49to64 OCTET STRING, alSumAlarms65to74 OCTET STRING } alSumIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarm Summary Bitmap Table Index" ::= { alarmSummaryBitmapsEntry 1 } alSumAlarms1to16 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(16)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the status of Alarms 1 - 16 (16-bits, bit-0 = Alarm 1)" ::= { alarmSummaryBitmapsEntry 2 } alSumAlarms17to32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(16)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the status of Alarms 17 - 32 (16-bits, bit-0 = Alarm 17)" ::= { alarmSummaryBitmapsEntry 3 } alSumAlarms33to48 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(16)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the status of Alarms 33 - 48 (16-bits, bit-0 = Alarm 33)" ::= { alarmSummaryBitmapsEntry 4 } alSumAlarms49to64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(16)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the status of Alarms 49 - 64 (16-bits, bit-0 = Alarm 49)" ::= { alarmSummaryBitmapsEntry 5 } alSumAlarms65to74 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(16)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the status of Alarms 65 - 74 (16-bits, bit-0 = Alarm 65, bit-9 = Alarm 74)" ::= { alarmSummaryBitmapsEntry 6 } alarmCountersTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AlarmCountersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter On-Board Alarm Counters" ::= { alarms 3 } alarmCountersEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlarmCountersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter On-Board Alarm Counters" INDEX { alCntAlarmPosition, alCntIndex } ::= { alarmCountersTable 1 } AlarmCountersEntry ::= SEQUENCE { alCntIndex INTEGER, alCntAlarmPosition INTEGER, alCntCount INTEGER } alCntIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarm Counters Table Index" ::= { alarmCountersEntry 1 } alCntAlarmPosition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..74) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Host Meter Alarm Position" ::= { alarmCountersEntry 2 } alCntCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of times the Host Meter On-Board alarm has transitioned from an inactive state to an active state" ::= { alarmCountersEntry 3 } io OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pm8ecc 3 } ioOptionIDTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IoOptionIDEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "I/O Option Module Installed on the Host Meter" ::= { io 1 } ioOptionIDEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IoOptionIDEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "I/O Option Card Installed On-board the Host Meter" INDEX { ioIDIndex } ::= { ioOptionIDTable 1 } IoOptionIDEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ioIDIndex INTEGER, ioIDInstalledOptionSlot1 INTEGER, ioIDInstalledOptionSlot2 INTEGER } ioIDIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "I/O Installed Option ID Table Index" ::= { ioOptionIDEntry 1 } ioIDInstalledOptionSlot1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unused( 1 ), io-22( 2 ), io-26( 3 ), io-2222( 4 ) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0 = Not Installed 1 = Unused 2 = IO22 3 = IO26 4 = IO 2222" ::= { ioOptionIDEntry 2 } ioIDInstalledOptionSlot2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unused( 1 ), io-22( 2 ), io-26( 3 ), io-2222( 4 ) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0 = Not Installed 1 = Unused 2 = IO22 3 = IO26 4 = IO 2222" ::= { ioOptionIDEntry 3 } ioConfigurationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IoConfigurationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Displays the current I/O configuration for each I/O point" ::= { io 2 } ioConfigurationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IoConfigurationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Contains configuration information for the Host Meter On-board I/O" INDEX { iocIndex, iocPointNumber } ::= { ioConfigurationTable 1 } IoConfigurationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { iocIndex INTEGER, iocPointNumber INTEGER, iocLabel IOPointLabel, iocStateOrValue OCTET STRING, iocPointType IOPointType, iocMode INTEGER, iocType INTEGER, iocCount OCTET STRING } iocIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "I/O Configuration Table Index" ::= { ioConfigurationEntry 1 } iocPointNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..18) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The point number for this I/O Point" ::= { ioConfigurationEntry 2 } iocLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IOPointLabel ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the I/O Point (user configurable)" ::= { ioConfigurationEntry 3 } iocStateOrValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Displays the current value for the I/O Point Digial I/O: 1 = Active or 0 = Inactive Analog I/O: Scaled input/output value" ::= { ioConfigurationEntry 4 } iocPointType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IOPointType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of I/O at this point" ::= { ioConfigurationEntry 5 } iocMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..9) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "For Digital Inputs and Outputs this object is always 0 indicating “Discrete”. For Analog Inputs and Outputs this object indicates the range of analog I/O values (used without units) 0 = 0 – 1 1 = 0 – 5 2 = 0 – 10 3 = 0 – 20 4 = 1 – 5 5 = 4 – 20 6 = -5 – 5 7 = -10 – 10 8 = -100 – 100 9 = User defined (values default to 0)" ::= { ioConfigurationEntry 6 } iocType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "For Digital Inputs this object indicates input type 1 = Unused 2 = AC/DC For Digital Outputs this object indicates output type 1 = solid state relay 2 = electromechanical relay For Analog Inputs and Outputs this object indicates the digital resolution of the I/O hardware. 0 = 8-Bit, unipolar 1 = 10-Bit, unipolar 2 = 12-Bit, unipolar 3 = 14-Bit, unipolar 4 = 16-Bit, unipolar 5 = 16-Bit, bipolar with sign 6 = reserved 7 = reserved 8 = Resolution for IO2222 Voltage range 0 - 4000 9 = Resolution for IO2222 Current range 800 - 4000" ::= { ioConfigurationEntry 7 } iocCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(8)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of times digital I/O point has transitioned from OFF to ON" ::= { ioConfigurationEntry 8 } ioStatusBitmapsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IoStatusBitmapsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter I/O Status Bitmaps" ::= { io 3 } ioStatusBitmapsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IoStatusBitmapsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter On-Board I/O Status Bitmaps" INDEX { ioStatIndex } ::= { ioStatusBitmapsTable 1 } IoStatusBitmapsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ioStatIndex INTEGER, ioStatSummaryBitmap OCTET STRING } ioStatIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "I/O Summary Bitmaps Table Index" ::= { ioStatusBitmapsEntry 1 } ioStatSummaryBitmap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(18)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Status of the Host Meter I/O Points Bit-0 = I/O Point 1 Bit-1 = I/O Point 2 ... Bit-17 = I/O Point 18" ::= { ioStatusBitmapsEntry 2 } meterSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pm8ecc 4 } meterIdentificationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MeterIdentificationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Identification" ::= { meterSystem 1 } meterIdentificationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeterIdentificationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Identification" INDEX { midIndex } ::= { meterIdentificationTable 1 } MeterIdentificationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { midIndex INTEGER, midSerialNumber INTEGER, midFirmwareVersion OCTET STRING, midModelNumber OCTET STRING, midDeviceName OCTET STRING } midIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Meter Identification Table Index" ::= { meterIdentificationEntry 1 } midSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host meter 32 bit Serial Number" ::= { meterIdentificationEntry 2 } midFirmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Firmware Version" ::= { meterIdentificationEntry 3 } midModelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Model Number" ::= { meterIdentificationEntry 4 } midDeviceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host Meter Label plus Nameplate" ::= { meterIdentificationEntry 5 } trapVariables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pm8ecc 5 } alarmDateAndTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Date and Time of the alarm state change." ::= { trapVariables 1 } alarmLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Descriptive Label given to the alarm" ::= { trapVariables 2 } alarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The state of the Alarm - pickup, dropout, unary, diagnostic" ::= { trapVariables 3 } alarmValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of the alarm when it changed state." ::= { trapVariables 4 } alarmPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { highPriority( 1 ), mediumPriority( 2 ), lowPriority( 3 ) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The priority defined for the alarm." ::= { trapVariables 5 } mibVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is the current version of the MIB" ::= { pm8ecc 6 } pm8OnBoardAlarmP1 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pm8ecc VARIABLES { alarmDateAndTime, alarmLabel, alarmState, alarmValue, alarmPriority } DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Host Meter On-Board Alarm system has detected a state change of an enabled alarm with a priority of 1" ::= 1 pm8OnBoardAlarmP2 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pm8ecc VARIABLES { alarmDateAndTime, alarmLabel, alarmState, alarmValue, alarmPriority } DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Host Meter On-Board Alarm system has detected a state change of an enabled alarm with a priority of 2" ::= 2 pm8OnBoardAlarmP3 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pm8ecc VARIABLES { alarmDateAndTime, alarmLabel, alarmState, alarmValue, alarmPriority } DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Host Meter On-Board Alarm system has detected a state change of an enabled alarm with a priority of 3" ::= 3 END