-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- SIAE MICROELETTRONICA s.p.a. -- -- Via Michelangelo Buonarroti, 21 -- 20093 - Cologno Monzese -- Milano -- ITALY -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIAE-PTP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString, RowStatus, TruthValue, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC InterfaceIndex FROM IF-MIB siaeMib FROM SIAE-TREE-MIB AlarmStatus, AlarmSeverityCode FROM SIAE-ALARM-MIB; ptp MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201605050000Z" ORGANIZATION "SIAE MICROELETTRONICA spa" CONTACT-INFO "SIAE MICROELETTONICA s.p.a. Via Michelangelo Buonarroti, 21 20093 - Cologno Monzese Milano - ITALY Phone : +39-02-27325-1 E-mail: help@siaemic.com " DESCRIPTION "SIAE's Precision Time Protocol MIB. For details see: [1] IEEE Std 1588(TM)-2008, Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems, 2008. [2] Recommendation ITU-T G.8275.1/Y1369.1, Precision time protocol telecom profile for phase/time synchronization with full timing support from the network, draft 4 Apr 2014 . " ::= { siaeMib 100 } -- -- Textual Conventions for PTP -- ClockDomainType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Domain is identified by an integer, the domainNumber, in the range of 0 to 255. An integer value that is used to assign each PTP device to a particular domain. The following values define the valid domains. [1] Section 7.1 Domains Table 2 Value definition. --------- ------------------- 0 Default domain 1 Alternate domain 1 2 Alternate domain 2 3 Alternate domain 3 4 - 23 User-defined domains 24 - 43 Telecom Profile domains 44 - 127 User-defined domains 128 - 255 Reserved" REFERENCE "Section 7.1 Domains and Table 2 of [1]" SYNTAX Unsigned32 (24..43) ClockProfileType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Clock Profile used. A profile is the set of allowed Precision Time Protocol (PTP) features applicable to a device." REFERENCE "Section 3.1.30 and 19.3 PTP profiles of [IEEE 1588-2008]" SYNTAX INTEGER { default(1), telecom(2), vendorspecific(3) } ClockQualityAccuracyType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ClockQuality as specified in section 5.3.7, and Table 6 of [1]. The following values are not represented in the enumerated values. 0x01-0x1F Reserved 0x32-0x7F Reserved It is important to note that section 7.1.1 RFC2578 allows for gaps and enumerate values to start with zero when indicated by the protocol." REFERENCE "Section 5.3.7, and Table 6 of [1]" SYNTAX INTEGER { reserved00(1), -- 0 nanoSecond25(32), -- 0x20 nanoSecond100(33), -- 0x21 nanoSecond250(34), -- 0x22 microSec1(35), -- 0x23 microSec2dot5(36), -- 0x24 microSec10(37), -- 0x25 microSec25(38), -- 0x26 microSec100(39), -- 0x27 microSec250(40), -- 0x28 milliSec1(41), -- 0x29 milliSec2dot5(42), -- 0x2A milliSec10(43), -- 0x2B milliSec25(44), -- 0x2C milliSec100(45), -- 0x2D milliSec250(46), -- 0x2E second1(47), -- 0x2F second10(48), -- 0x30 secondGreater10(49), -- 0x31 unknown(254), -- 0xFE reserved255(255) -- 0xFF } ClockQualityClassType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ClockQuality as specified in section 5.3.7, and Table 5 of [1]. Value Description ------ ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 Reserved to enable compatibility with future versions. 1-5 Reserved 6 Shall designate a clock that is synchronized to a primary reference time source. The timescale distributed shall be PTP. A clockClass 6 clock shall not be a slave to another clock in the domain. 7 Shall designate a clock that has previously been designated as clockClass 6 but that has lost the ability to synchronize to a primary reference time source and is in holdover mode and within holdover specifications. The timescale distributed shall be PTP. A clockClass 7 clock shall not be a slave to another clock in the domain. 8 Reserved. 9-10 Reserved to enable compatibility with future versions. 11-12 Reserved. 13 Shall designate a clock that is synchronized to an application-specific source of time. The timescale distributed shall be ARB. A clockClass 13 clock shall not be a slave to another clock in the domain. 14 Shall designate a clock that has previously been designated as clockClass 13 but that has lost the ability to synchronize to an application-specific source of time and is in holdover mode and within holdover specifications. The timescale distributed shall be ARB. A clockClass 14 clock shall not be a slave to another clock in the domain. 15-51 Reserved. 52 Degradation alternative A for a clock of clockClass 7 that is not within holdover specification. A clock of clockClass 52 shall not be a slave to another clock in the domain. 53-57 Reserved. 58 Degradation alternative A for a clock of clockClass 14 that is not within holdover specification. A clock of clockClass 58 shall not be a slave to another clock in the domain. 59-67 Reserved. 68-122 For use by alternate PTP profiles. 123-127 Reserved. 128-132 Reserved. 133-170 For use by alternate PTP profiles. 171-186 Reserved. 187 Degradation alternative B for a clock of clockClass 7 that is not within holdover specification. A clock of clockClass 187 may be a slave to another clock in the domain. 188-192 Reserved. 193 Degradation alternative B for a clock of clockClass 14 that is not within holdover specification. A clock of clockClass 193 may be a slave to another clock in the domain. 194-215 Reserved. 216-232 For use by alternate PTP profiles. 233-247 Reserved. 248 Default. This clockClass shall be used if none of the other clockClass definitions apply. 249-250 Reserved. 251 Reserved for version 1 compatibility; see Clause 18. 252-254 Reserved. 255 Shall be the clockClass of a slave-only clock; see 9.2.2. The ClockQuality as specified in section 6.4 and Table 2 of [2]. Value Description ------ ---------------------------------------------------------- 6 T-GM connected to a PRTC in locked mode (e.g. PRTC traceable to GNSS) 140 T-GM in holdover, out of holdover specification, traceable to Category 1 frequency source 150 T-GM in holdover, out of holdover specification, traceable to Category 2 frequency source 160 T-GM in holdover, out of holdover specification, traceable to Category 3 frequency source 165 T-BC in holdover, out of holdover specification, using unspecified frequency source 255 Slave only OC (does not send Announce messages) " REFERENCE "section 5.3.7, and Table 5 of [1]. section 6.4 and Table 2 of [2]" SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) ClockStateType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The clock state returned by PTP engine. Clock State Value Description -------------------------------------------------------------- Freerun state 1 The PTP clock has never been synchronized to a time source and is not in the process of synchronizing to a time source. As it relates to the PTP port state defined in [IEEE 1588], a clock is in Free-Run state if there are no PTP ports in: MASTER, PRE-MASTER, PASSIVE, UNCALIBRATED, or SLAVE states. Acquiring state 2 The PTP clock is in process of synchronizing to a time source. The duration and functionality of this state is implementation specific. This state is not required in an implementation. As it relates to the PTP port state defined in [IEEE 1588], a clock is in Acquiring state if there is a PTP port in UNCALIBRATED state. Locked state 3 The PTP clock is synchronized to a time source and is within some internal acceptable accuracy. As it relates to the PTP port state defined in [IEEE 1588], a clock is in Locked state if there is a PTP port in SLAVE state. HoldoverInSpec state 4 The PTP clock is no longer synchronized to a time source and is using information obtained while it was previously synchronized or other information sources were still available, to maintain performance within desired specification. The node may be relying solely on its own facilities for holdover or may use something like a frequency input from the network to achieve a holdover of time and/or phase. As it relates to the PTP port state defined in [IEEE 1588], a clock is in HoldoverInSpec state if there are no PTP ports in: INITIALIZING, LISTENING, UNCALIBRATED or SLAVE states, and performance is within desired specification. HoldoverOutOfSpec state 5 The PTP clock is no longer synchronized to a time source and, while it may be using information obtained while it was previously synchronized or other information sources were still available, it is unable to maintain performance within desired specification. As it relates to the PTP port state defined in [IEEE 1588], a clock is in HoldoverOutOfSpec state if there are no PTP ports in: INITIALIZING, LISTENING, UNCALIBRATED or SLAVE states, and performance is not within desired specification." SYNTAX INTEGER { freerun(1), acquiring(2), locked(3), holdoverInSpec(4), holdoverOutOfSpec(5) } ClockTimeSourceType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ClockQuality as specified in section 5.3.7, and Table 7 of [1]. The following values are not represented in the enumerated values. 0xF0-0xFE For use by alternate PTP profiles 0xFF Reserved It is important to note that section 7.1.1 RFC2578 allows for gaps and enumerate values to start with zero when indicated by the protocol." REFERENCE "section 5.3.7, and Table 7 of [1]." SYNTAX INTEGER { atomicClock(16), -- 0x10 gps(32), -- 0x20 terrestrialRadio(48), -- 0x22 ptp(64), -- 0x40 ntp(80), -- 0x50 handSet(96), -- 0x60 other(144), -- 0x90 internalOscillator(160), -- 0xA0 reserved(255) --0xFF } ClockInstanceType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The instance of the Clock of a given clock type in a given domain." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) ClockPPSInstanceType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The instance of the PPS (and ToD) socket." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) ClockPortNumber ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index identifying a specific Precision Time Protocol (PTP) port on a PTP node." REFERENCE "Section Port Number and 5.3.5 of [1]" SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) ClockPortState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the value of the current state of the protocol engine associated with this port. Port state Value Description ----------------------------------------------------------- initializing 1 In this state a port initializes its data sets, hardware, and communication facilities. faulty 2 The fault state of the protocol. disabled 3 The port shall not place any messages on its communication path. listening 4 The port is waiting for the announceReceiptTimeout to expire or to receive an Announce message from a master. preMaster 5 The port shall behave in all respects as though it were in the MASTER state except that it shall not place any messages on its communication path except for Pdelay_Req, Pdelay_Resp, Pdelay_Resp_Follow_Up, signaling, or management messages. master 6 The port is behaving as a master port. passive 7 The port shall not place any messages on its communication path except for Pdelay_Req, Pdelay_Resp, Pdelay_Resp_Follow_Up, or signaling messages, or management messages that are a required response to another management message uncalibrated 8 The local port is preparing to synchronize to the master port. slave 9 The port is synchronizing to the selected master port." REFERENCE "Section portState and 9.2.5 of [1]" SYNTAX INTEGER { initializing(1), faulty(2), disabled(3), listening(4), preMaster(5), master(6), passive(7), uncalibrated(8), slave(9) } ClockMechanismType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The clock type based on whether End to End or peer to peer mechanisms are used. The mechanism used to calculate the Mean Path Delay as indicated in Table 9 of IEEE 1588-2008. Delay mechanism Value(hex) Specification E2E 01 The port is configured to use the delay request-response mechanism. P2P 02 The port is configured to use the peer delay mechanism. DISABLED FE The port does not implement the delay mechanism." REFERENCE "Sections, 6.6.4 and 7.4.2 of [1]." SYNTAX INTEGER { e2e(1) -- p2p(2), -- disabled(254) } ClockTimeInterval ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This textual convention corresponds to the TimeInterval structure indicated in section 5.3.2 of [1]. It will be presented in the form of a character array. The TimeInterval type represents time intervals. struct TimeInterval { Integer64 scaledNanoseconds; }; The scaledNanoseconds member is the time interval expressed in units of nanoseconds and multiplied by 2**16. Positive or negative time intervals outside the maximum range of this data type shall be encoded as the largest positive and negative values of the data type, respectively. For example, 2.5 ns is expressed as 0000 0000 0002 8000 in Base16." REFERENCE "Section 5.3.2 and setion Timer interval specification of [1]" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..255)) ClockType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The clock types as defined in the MIB module description." REFERENCE "section 6.5.1 of [1]." SYNTAX INTEGER { --ordinaryClock(1), boundaryClock(2) --transparentClock(3), --boundaryNode(4) } PtpClockToDFormatType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the format used for ToD signal in input or in output direcdtion. ----------------------------------------------------------- Format Value Description ----------------------------------------------------------- telecomTimeEvent 1 telecomTimeAnnounce 2 telecomGNSSstatus 3 NMEAzda 4 ASCII format (eg: $GPZDA,003157.00,01,01,1970,00,00*69) ISO8601 5 ASCII format (eg: 1970-01-01T00:32:47Z) NTP 6 ASCII format (eg: 70 001 00:30:51.000 S) Ublox 7 Not ASCII ChinaMobile 8 Not ASCII ChinaTelecom 9 Not ASCII (standard ITU G.8271 is derived from this) BCM 10 Not ASCII BCMTS 11 Not ASCII -----------------------------------------------------------" SYNTAX INTEGER { telecomTimeEvent(1), telecomTimeAnnounce(2), telecomGNSSstatus(3), nmeazda(4), iso8601(5), ntp(6), ublox(7), chinaMobile(8), chinaTelecom(9), bcm(10), bcmts(11) } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- PTP GROUP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- This group is used for Precision Time Protocol version 2 configuration and alarm reporting -- -- For details see: -- [1] IEEE Std 1588(TM)-2008, Standard for a Precision Clock -- Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement and -- Control Systems, 2008. -- [2] Recommendation ITU-T G.8275.1/Y1369.1, Precision time protocol -- telecom profile for phase/time synchronization with full timing -- support from the network, draft 4 Apr 2014 . -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Beginning -------------------------------------------------------------- ptpMibVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Numerical version of this module. The string version of this MIB have the following format: XX.YY.ZZ so, for example, the value 1 should be interpreted as 00.00.01 and the value 10001 should be interpreted as 01.00.01." DEFVAL {1} ::= { ptp 1 } ptpProfileDataSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ptp 2 } ptpSpecificDataSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ptp 3 } ptpDefaultDataSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ptp 4 } ptpCurrentDataSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ptp 5 } ptpParentDataSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ptp 6 } ptpTimePropertiesDataSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ptp 7 } ptpPortDataSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ptp 8 } ptpClockPPSDataSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ptp 9 } ptpRadioAsymmetryDataSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ptp 10 } ------- Begin of Ptp Profile data set. -- ptpSystemProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClockProfileType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the PTP Profile implemented on the system." REFERENCE "Section 19.3 PTP profiles of [1]" ::= { ptpProfileDataSet 1 } ptpProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the PTP Profile implemented on the system." REFERENCE "Section 19.3 PTP profiles of [1]" -- DEFVAL { "ITU-T PTP profile for phase/time distribution with full timing support from the network" } ::= { ptpProfileDataSet 2 } ptpProfilePrimaryVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version of the profile consist of two fields: a primaryVersion and a revisionNumber. The profileVersion shall be printed as primaryVersion.revisionNumber " REFERENCE "Section 19.3 PTP profiles of [1]" DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { ptpProfileDataSet 3 } ptpProfileRevisionNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version of the profile consist of two fields: a primaryVersion and a revisionNumber. The profileVersion shall be printed as primaryVersion.revisionNumber " REFERENCE "Section 19.3 PTP profiles of [1]" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { ptpProfileDataSet 4 } ptpProfileIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(6)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object show the PTP Profile version on the system." REFERENCE "Section 19.3 PTP profiles of [1]" DEFVAL {'0019A7010100'h} ::= { ptpProfileDataSet 5 } -- ------- End of Ptp Profile data set. ------- Begin of Ptp Default data set. -- Characterizes the PTP clock of the system. -- ptpClockDataSetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PtpClockDataSetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of information about the PTP clock Default Datasets for all domains." ::= { ptpDefaultDataSet 1 } ptpClockDataSetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PtpClockDataSetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains the information of the clock on a particular doamin. This table will be initialised with default values if the clock is operating as a boundary or ordinary clock in the domain." INDEX { ptpClockDomainIndex, ptpClockTypeIndex, ptpClockInstanceIndex } ::= { ptpClockDataSetTable 1 } PtpClockDataSetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ptpClockDomainIndex ClockDomainType, ptpClockTypeIndex ClockType, ptpClockInstanceIndex ClockInstanceType, ptpClockIdentity OCTET STRING, ptpClockTwoStepFlag TruthValue, ptpClockNumberPorts Integer32, ptpClockClass ClockQualityClassType, ptpClockAccuracy ClockQualityAccuracyType, ptpClockOffsetScaledLogVariance Integer32, ptpClockPriority1 Integer32, ptpClockPriority2 Integer32, ptpClockSlaveOnly TruthValue, ptpClockLocalPriority INTEGER, ptpClockRowStatus RowStatus } ptpClockDomainIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClockDomainType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the domain number used to create logical group of PTP devices. The Clock Domain is a logical group of clocks and devices that synchronize with each other using the PTP protocol." ::= { ptpClockDataSetEntry 1 } ptpClockTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClockType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the clock type as defined in the Textual convention description." ::= { ptpClockDataSetEntry 2 } ptpClockInstanceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClockInstanceType (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the instance of the Clock for this clock type for the given domain." ::= { ptpClockDataSetEntry 3 } ptpClockIdentity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the unique identity of the local clock or management node. This should be the smptpDomainClockIdentity of the domain indicated by the ptpDomainNumber. Configuration of this value will take effect only when the PTP module is enabled." ::= {ptpClockDataSetEntry 4 } ptpClockTwoStepFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value is TRUE if the clock is two step clock, otherwise it is FALSE. If this value is configured as TRUE, then PTP will transmit the originTimeStamp only through follow-up messages." DEFVAL { false } ::= { ptpClockDataSetEntry 5 } ptpClockNumberPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..128) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of PTP ports on the device. For an ordinary clock this value should be 1." DEFVAL { 6 } ::= { ptpClockDataSetEntry 6 } ptpClockClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClockQualityClassType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the default dataset Quality Class." DEFVAL { 248 } ::= { ptpClockDataSetEntry 7 } ptpClockAccuracy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClockQualityAccuracyType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the default dataset Quality Accurarcy." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { ptpClockDataSetEntry 8 } ptpClockOffsetScaledLogVariance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value is an estimate of the variations of the local clock from a linear timescale when it is not synchronized to another clock using the protocol. The initialization value depends on the inherent characteristics of the clock during initialization. This value is used by the BMC algorithm to select the best master clock" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { ptpClockDataSetEntry 9 } ptpClockPriority1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (128) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value is used by BMC algorithm to select the best master clock. Lower values take precedence." DEFVAL { 128 } ::= { ptpClockDataSetEntry 10 } ptpClockPriority2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value is used by BMC algorithm to select the best master clock. This is used as a tiebreaker when the BMC failes to order the clock using ptpClockPriority1, ptpClockClass, ptpClockAccuracy and ptpClockOffsetScaledLogVariance. Lower values take precedence" DEFVAL { 128 } ::= { ptpClockDataSetEntry 11 } ptpClockSlaveOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configuring this value as true will make the clock to behave as slave clock. A boundary clock can not be a slave only clock." DEFVAL { false } ::= { ptpClockDataSetEntry 12 } ptpClockLocalPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is used in the alternate BMCA as a tie-breaker in the dataset comparison algorithm, in the event that all other previous attributes of the datasets being compared are equal." REFERENCE "Section 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 of [2]" DEFVAL { 128 } ::= { ptpClockDataSetEntry 13 } ptpClockRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus for creating the entries into this table. This object support only destroy and createAndGo values." ::= { ptpClockDataSetEntry 14 } -- ------- End of Ptp Default data set. ------- Begin of Ptp Specific data set -- Contains global configuration/information -- of a particular PTP clock. -- ptpSpecificDataSetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PtpSpecificDataSetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of vendor specific information about the PTP clock for all domains." ::= { ptpSpecificDataSet 1 } ptpSpecificDataSetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PtpSpecificDataSetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains vendor specific information for a particular PTP clock. Where not otherwise specified, every object of this entry can be modified with the conceptual row active." INDEX { ptpClockDomainIndex, ptpClockTypeIndex, ptpClockInstanceIndex } ::= { ptpSpecificDataSetTable 1 } PtpSpecificDataSetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ptpAdminStatus INTEGER, ptpStaticPortRole TruthValue, ptpClockState ClockStateType, ptpCompliance INTEGER } ptpAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { down (1), up (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object states if PTP is enabled or disabled for this PTP Clock in order to switch on/off the PTP protocol." DEFVAL { down } ::= { ptpSpecificDataSetEntry 1 } ptpStaticPortRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object states that in the PTP Clock the A-BMCA is disabled and it is working in Static PTP Port Role mode." DEFVAL { false } ::= { ptpSpecificDataSetEntry 2 } ptpClockState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClockStateType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object shows the current state of the PTP Clock State Machine" ::= { ptpSpecificDataSetEntry 3 } ptpCompliance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { strictCompatibility (1), looseCompatibility (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object states if the clock is strictly profile compliant. The meaning of looseCompatibility is application dependent." DEFVAL { looseCompatibility } ::= { ptpSpecificDataSetEntry 4 } -- -- Ptp Specific alarms. Contains alarms of a particular PTP clock -- . ptpSpecificAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PtpSpecificAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of vendor specific information about the PTP clock for all domains." ::= { ptpSpecificDataSet 2 } ptpSpecificAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PtpSpecificAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains vendor specific alarm information for a particular PTP clock." INDEX { ptpClockDomainIndex, ptpClockTypeIndex, ptpClockInstanceIndex } ::= { ptpSpecificAlarmTable 1 } PtpSpecificAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ptpFreeRunningAlarm AlarmStatus, ptpHoldoverInSpecAlarm AlarmStatus, ptpHoldoverOutOfSpecAlarm AlarmStatus } ptpFreeRunningAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlarmStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This alarm is raised when ptpClockState is set to freerun(1). " ::= { ptpSpecificAlarmEntry 1 } ptpHoldoverInSpecAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlarmStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This alarm is raised when ptpClockState is set to holdoverInSpec(4). " ::= { ptpSpecificAlarmEntry 2 } ptpHoldoverOutOfSpecAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlarmStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This alarm is raised when ptpClockState is set to holdoverOutOfSpec(5). " ::= { ptpSpecificAlarmEntry 3 } -- -- Ptp specific alarm severities. -- ptpFreeRunningAlarmSeverityCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlarmSeverityCode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object defines the severity associated to ptpFreeRunningAlarm and enables or disables the sending of the SNMP Trap on the alarm status transition. " DEFVAL { warningTrapEnable } ::= { ptpSpecificDataSet 3 } ptpHoldoverInSpecAlarmSeverityCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlarmSeverityCode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object defines the severity associated to ptpHoldoverInSpecAlarm and enables or disables the sending of the SNMP Trap on the alarm status transition. " DEFVAL { warningTrapEnable } ::= { ptpSpecificDataSet 4 } ptpHoldoverOutOfSpecAlarmSeverityCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlarmSeverityCode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object defines the severity associated to ptpHoldoverOutOfSpecAlarm and enables or disables the sending of the SNMP Trap on the alarm status transition. " DEFVAL { majorTrapEnable } ::= { ptpSpecificDataSet 5 } -- ------- End of Ptp Specific data set. ------- Begin of Ptp Current data set. -- Synchronization information of the PTP clock. -- ptpCurrentDataSetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PtpCurrentDataSetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of information about the PTP clock Current Datasets for all domains." ::= { ptpCurrentDataSet 1 } ptpCurrentDataSetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PtpCurrentDataSetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Contains synchronization information on a particular domain." INDEX { ptpClockDomainIndex, ptpClockTypeIndex, ptpClockInstanceIndex } ::= { ptpCurrentDataSetTable 1 } PtpCurrentDataSetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ptpCurrentStepsRemoved Integer32, ptpCurrentOffsetFromMaster ClockTimeInterval, ptpCurrentMeanPathDelay ClockTimeInterval } ptpCurrentStepsRemoved OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the distance measured by the number of Boundary clocks between the local clock and the Foreign master as indicated in the stepsRemoved field of Announce messages. Slave clock will update this field once port is selected as slave." REFERENCE "1588 Version 2.0 Section stepsRemoved" ::= { ptpCurrentDataSetEntry 1 } ptpCurrentOffsetFromMaster OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClockTimeInterval MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the current clock dataset ClockOffset value. The value of the computation of the offset in time between a slave and a master clock." REFERENCE "1588 Version 2.0 Section of [1]" ::= { ptpCurrentDataSetEntry 2 } ptpCurrentMeanPathDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClockTimeInterval MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the current clock dataset MeanPathDelay value. The mean path delay between a pair of ports as measure by the delay request-response mechanism." REFERENCE "1588 Version 2.0 Section mean path delay" ::= { ptpCurrentDataSetEntry 3 } -- ------- End of Ptp Current data set. ------- Begin of Ptp Parent data set. -- Information about parent PTP clock. -- ptpParentDataSetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PtpParentDataSetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of information about the PTP clock Parent Datasets for all domains." ::= { ptpParentDataSet 1 } ptpParentDataSetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PtpParentDataSetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains parent clock information on a particular domain. " INDEX { ptpClockDomainIndex, ptpClockTypeIndex, ptpClockInstanceIndex } ::= { ptpParentDataSetTable 1 } PtpParentDataSetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ptpParentClockIdentity OCTET STRING, ptpParentPortNumber ClockPortNumber, ptpParentGMClockIdentity OCTET STRING, ptpParentGMClockClass ClockQualityClassType, ptpParentGMClockAccuracy ClockQualityAccuracyType, ptpParentGMClockOffsetScaledLogVariance Integer32, ptpParentGMPriority1 Integer32, ptpParentGMPriority2 Integer32 } ptpParentClockIdentity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the clock identity of the port on the master that issues sync messages used in synchronizing this clock. The initial value of this field is the value of ptpClockIdentity" REFERENCE "section parentDS.parentPortIdentity of [1]" ::= { ptpParentDataSetEntry 1 } ptpParentPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClockPortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the port number identity of the port on the master that issues sync message used in synchronizing this clock. Combination of ptpParentClockIdentity and ptpParentPortNumber gives the port identity of the parent clock." REFERENCE "section parentDS.parentPortIdentity of [1]" ::= { ptpParentDataSetEntry 2 } ptpParentGMClockIdentity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the clock identity attribute of the grand master clock. The initial value is ptpClockIdentity." REFERENCE "section parentDS.grandmasterIdentity of [1]" ::= { ptpParentDataSetEntry 3 } ptpParentGMClockClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClockQualityClassType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the clock class of the grandmaster. The initialization value of this variable is ptpClockClass." REFERENCE "section parentDS.grandmasterClockQuality of [1]" ::= { ptpParentDataSetEntry 4 } ptpParentGMClockAccuracy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClockQualityAccuracyType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the clock accuracy of the grandmaster. The initialization value of this variable is ptpClockAccuracy" REFERENCE "section parentDS.grandmasterClockQuality of [1]" ::= { ptpParentDataSetEntry 5 } ptpParentGMClockOffsetScaledLogVariance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the offset scaled log variance of the grandmaster. The initialization value of this variable is ptpClockOffsetScaledLogVariance" REFERENCE "section parentDS.grandmasterClockQuality of [1]" ::= { ptpParentDataSetEntry 6 } ptpParentGMPriority1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the priority1 of the grandmaster clock. The initialization value of this variable is ptpClockPriority1" REFERENCE "section parentDS.grandmasterPriority1 of [1]" ::= { ptpParentDataSetEntry 7 } ptpParentGMPriority2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the priority2 of the grandmaster clock. The initialization value of this variable is ptpClockPriority2" REFERENCE "section parentDS.grandmasterPriority2 of [1]" ::= { ptpParentDataSetEntry 8 } -- ------- End of Ptp Parent data set. ------- Begin of Ptp Time properties data set. -- Global time properties of the clock. -- ptpTimeDataSetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PtpTimeDataSetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of information about the PTP clock Timeproperties Datasets for all domains." ::= { ptpTimePropertiesDataSet 1 } ptpTimeDataSetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PtpTimeDataSetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains parent Time properties information of the clock on a particular domain." INDEX { ptpClockDomainIndex, ptpClockTypeIndex, ptpClockInstanceIndex } ::= { ptpTimeDataSetTable 1 } PtpTimeDataSetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ptpTimeCurrentUTCOffset Integer32, ptpTimeCurrentUTCOffsetValid TruthValue, ptpTimeLeap59 TruthValue, ptpTimeLeap61 TruthValue, ptpTimeTimeTraceable TruthValue, ptpTimeFrequencyTraceable TruthValue, ptpTimescale TruthValue, ptpTimeTimeSource ClockTimeSourceType } ptpTimeCurrentUTCOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If systems epoch is the PTP epoch then this value indicates the offset in seconds between TAI and UTC." REFERENCE "section timePropertiesDS.currentUtcOffset of [1]" ::= { ptpTimeDataSetEntry 1 } ptpTimeCurrentUTCOffsetValid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value of this variable is TRUE if the ptpTimeCurrentUTCOffset is known to be correct." REFERENCE "section timePropertiesDS.currentUtcOffsetValid of [1]" ::= { ptpTimeDataSetEntry 2 } ptpTimeLeap59 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the systems epoch is PTP epoch then TRUE value of this variable indicates that the last minute of the current UTC day contains 59 seconds." REFERENCE "section timePropertiesDS.leap59 of [1]" ::= { ptpTimeDataSetEntry 3 } ptpTimeLeap61 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the systems epoch is PTP epoch then TRUE value of this variable indicates that the last minute of the current UTC day contains 61 seconds." REFERENCE "section timePropertiesDS.leap61 of [1]" ::= { ptpTimeDataSetEntry 4 } ptpTimeTimeTraceable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable is TRUE if the timescale and value of ptpTimeCurrentUTCOffset are traceable to a primary reference otherwise, the value shall be FALSE." REFERENCE "section timePropertiesDS.timeTraceable of [1]" ::= { ptpTimeDataSetEntry 5 } ptpTimeFrequencyTraceable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable is TRUE if the frequecy determining the timescale is traceable to a primary reference otherwise, the value shall be FALSE." REFERENCE "section timePropertiesDS.frequencyTraceable of [1]" ::= { ptpTimeDataSetEntry 6 } ptpTimescale OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable is TRUE if the clock timescale of the grandmaster clock is PTP otherwise, the value shall be FALSE." REFERENCE "section timePropertiesDS.ptpTimescale of [1]" ::= { ptpTimeDataSetEntry 7 } ptpTimeTimeSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClockTimeSourceType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the source of time used by the grandmaster clock. If the time source is known at the time of initialization then the value will be set to that otherwise the initial value is INTERNAL_OSCILLATOR(160)." REFERENCE "section timePropertiesDS.timeSource of [1]" DEFVAL { internalOscillator } ::= { ptpTimeDataSetEntry 8 } -- ------- End of Ptp Time properties data set. ------- Begin of Ptp PPS and ToD properties data set. -- ptpClockPPSDataSetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PtpClockPPSDataSetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of information about the PTP clock PPS and ToD properties." ::= { ptpClockPPSDataSet 1 } ptpClockPPSDataSetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PtpClockPPSDataSetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains PPS and ToD properties information of the specific domain and clock on a specific PPS socket." INDEX { ptpClockDomainIndex, ptpClockTypeIndex, ptpClockInstanceIndex, ptpClockPPSInstanceIndex } ::= { ptpClockPPSDataSetTable 1 } PtpClockPPSDataSetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ptpClockPPSInstanceIndex ClockPPSInstanceType, ptpClockPPSInstanceCapability Unsigned32, ptpClockPPSDirection INTEGER, ptpClockPPSLabel DisplayString, ptpClockPPSAdminStatus INTEGER, ptpClockPPSOffsetEnabled TruthValue, ptpClockPPSOffsetValue Integer32, ptpClockToDLabel DisplayString, ptpClockToDAdminStatus INTEGER, ptpClockToDDelay Unsigned32, ptpClockToDBaudrate Unsigned32, ptpClockToDFormat PtpClockToDFormatType } ptpClockPPSInstanceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClockPPSInstanceType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the id of PPS interface socket. It represents the id of ToD interface socket too." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { ptpClockPPSDataSetEntry 1 } ptpClockPPSInstanceCapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is a bitmap and each bit represents a specific capability of the PPS or ToD interface. Bit 0 : 1 = the interface can be used either in input or in output and the user can select the direction using ptpClockPPSDirection object; 0 = the interface can have one direction specified by the system, in this case the ptpClockPPSDirection object is read only. Bit 1 : 1 = the ToD interface allows more baudrate; 0 = the ToD interface allows one only baudrate, fixed by system. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { ptpClockPPSDataSetEntry 2 } ptpClockPPSDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { input (1), output (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the direction (input or output) of PPS signal and ToD data" DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { ptpClockPPSDataSetEntry 3 } ptpClockPPSLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the label as appears near the PPS signal socket" DEFVAL { "PPS" } ::= { ptpClockPPSDataSetEntry 4 } ptpClockPPSAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { down (1), up (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is the administrive status of PPS interface and specifies whether the node is enabled for PTP input/output clocking using the PPS interface." DEFVAL { down } ::= { ptpClockPPSDataSetEntry 5 } ptpClockPPSOffsetEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies whether an offset is configured in order to compensate for a known phase error such as network asymmetry." ::= { ptpClockPPSDataSetEntry 6 } ptpClockPPSOffsetValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the fixed offset signed value in nanoseconds configured to be added for the PPS output or input." ::= { ptpClockPPSDataSetEntry 7 } ptpClockToDLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the label as appears near the ToD socket" DEFVAL { "ToD" } ::= { ptpClockPPSDataSetEntry 8 } ptpClockToDAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ down (1), up (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is the administrive status of PPS interface and specifies whether the ToD interface is enabled." DEFVAL { down } ::= { ptpClockPPSDataSetEntry 9 } ptpClockToDDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..999999) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies microseconds of delay between PPS edge and ToD data emitted, used only in output direction." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { ptpClockPPSDataSetEntry 10 } ptpClockToDBaudrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (300|600|1200|1800|2400|4800|9600|19200|38400|57600|115200|230400) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the Baudrate of ToD signal in input or output direction." DEFVAL { 9600 } ::= { ptpClockPPSDataSetEntry 11 } ptpClockToDFormat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PtpClockToDFormatType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the format of ToD signal in input or output direction." DEFVAL { telecomTimeEvent } ::= { ptpClockPPSDataSetEntry 12 } -- ------- End of Ptp PPS and ToD properties data set. ------- Begin of Ptp Port data set. -- Configuration information of a particular PTP port. -- ptpPortDataSetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PtpPortDataSetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table Contains PTP configuration information for a particular port of boundary or an ordinary clock" ::= { ptpPortDataSet 1 } ptpPortDataSetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PtpPortDataSetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains PTP configuration information for a particular port. Valid ptpPortIfIndex need to be given to make this entry active. Where not otherwise specified, every object of this entry can be modified with the conceptual row active." INDEX { ptpClockDomainIndex, ptpClockTypeIndex, ptpClockInstanceIndex, ptpPortIndex } ::= { ptpPortDataSetTable 1 } PtpPortDataSetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ptpPortIndex ClockPortNumber, ptpPortClockIdentity OCTET STRING, ptpPortIfIndex InterfaceIndex, ptpPortStaticRole INTEGER, ptpPortAdminStatus INTEGER, ptpPortState ClockPortState, ptpPortMinDelayReqInterval Integer32, ptpPortLogAnnounceInterval Integer32, ptpPortAnnounceReceiptTimeout Integer32, ptpPortSyncInterval Integer32, ptpPortDelayMechanism ClockMechanismType, ptpPortVersionNumber Integer32, ptpPortNotSlave TruthValue, ptpPortLocalPriority Integer32, ptpPortDestMacAddress INTEGER, ptpPortTxAsymmetryCompensation Integer32, ptpPortRxAsymmetryCompensation Integer32, ptpPortRowStatus RowStatus } ptpPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClockPortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index value used to identify the port component on the device. The value of this object is used as a port index to the ptpPortConfigDataSetTable." ::= { ptpPortDataSetEntry 1 } ptpPortClockIdentity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the clock Identity of the port" REFERENCE "section portDS.portIdentity of [1]" ::= { ptpPortDataSetEntry 2 } ptpPortIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the index in ifTable of this port. This object can't be modified." ::= { ptpPortDataSetEntry 3 } ptpPortStaticRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { master (6), passive (7), slave (9) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Role of this port. This object forces the role of the port if ptpStaticPortRole is true." DEFVAL { master } ::= { ptpPortDataSetEntry 4} ptpPortAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { down (1), up (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Administrive status of the port. The value down turns off the PTP protocol on the ethernet port." DEFVAL { down } ::= { ptpPortDataSetEntry 5 } ptpPortState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClockPortState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This denotes the PTP State of the PTP port as computed by the PTP State event machine. initializing: While a port is in the INITIALIZING state, the port initializes its data sets, hardware, and communication facilities. No port of the clock shall place any PTP messages on its communication path. If one port of a boundary clock is in the INITIALIZING state, then all ports shall be in the INITIALIZING state. faulty: The fault state of the protocol. A port in this state shall not place any PTP messages except for management messages that are a required response to another management message on its communication path. disabled: The port shall not place any messages on its communication path. In a boundary clock, no activity at the port shall be allowed to affect the activity at any other port of the boundary clock. A port in this state shall discard all PTP received messages except for management messages. listening: The port is waiting for the announceReceiptTimeout to expire or to receive an Announce message from a master. The purpose of this state is to allow orderly addition of clocks to a domain. A port in this state shall not place any PTP messages on its communication path except for Pdelay_Req, Pdelay_Resp, Pdelay_Resp_Follow_Up, or signaling messages, or management messages that are a required response to another management message. premaster: The port shall behave in all respects as though it were in the MASTER state except that it shall not place any messages on its communication path except for Pdelay_Req, Pdelay_Resp, Pdelay_Resp_Follow_Up, signaling or management messages. master: The port is behaving as a master port. It will periodically send announce and sync messages. passive: The port shall not place any messages on its communication path except for Pdelay_Req, Pdelay_Resp, Pdelay_Resp_Follow_Up, or signaling messages or management messages that are a required response to another management message. uncalibrated: This is a transient state to allow initialization of synchronization servos, updating of data sets when a new master port has been selected, and other implementation-specific activity. slave: The port is synchronizing to the selected master port." REFERENCE "section portDS.portState of [1]" ::= { ptpPortDataSetEntry 6 } ptpPortMinDelayReqInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-7..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the log to the base 2 of the delay request interval in seconds. This speifies the time to the members devices to send delay request messages when the port is in the master. It specify the minimum permitted mean time interval between successive Delay_Req messages, min delay request interval value is a compromise between the fluctuation in link delay and startup time and the communication and computation load imposed by transmission of these messages." REFERENCE "section portDS.logMinDelayReqInterval of [1]" DEFVAL { -4 } ::= { ptpPortDataSetEntry 7 } ptpPortLogAnnounceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-3..6) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the log to the base 2 of the mean Announce message interval in seconds." REFERENCE "section portDS.logAnnounceInterval of [1]" DEFVAL { -3 } ::= { ptpPortDataSetEntry 8 } ptpPortAnnounceReceiptTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (3..10) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the Announce receipt time out value. This should be an integral multiple of announce interval in seconds" REFERENCE "section portDS.announceReceiptTimeout of [1]" DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { ptpPortDataSetEntry 9 } ptpPortSyncInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-7..0) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the logarithm to the base 2 of the sync message interval in seconds" REFERENCE "section portDS.logSyncInterval of [1]" DEFVAL { -4 } ::= { ptpPortDataSetEntry 10 } ptpPortDelayMechanism OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClockMechanismType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the propagation delay measuring option used by the port in computing meanpathDelay." DEFVAL { e2e } ::= { ptpPortDataSetEntry 11 } ptpPortVersionNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (2) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the PTP version in use on the port." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { ptpPortDataSetEntry 12 } ptpPortNotSlave OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is used in the alternate BMCA to prevent that a port can be placed in the SLAVE state." REFERENCE "Section 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 of [2]" DEFVAL { true } ::= { ptpPortDataSetEntry 13 } ptpPortLocalPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is used in the alternate BMCA as a tie-breaker in the dataset comparison algorithm, in the event that all other previous attributes of the datasets being compared are equal." REFERENCE "Section 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 of [2]" DEFVAL { 128 } ::= { ptpPortDataSetEntry 14 } ptpPortDestMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { forwardable (1), nonForwardable (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is used in to select the destination MAC address inserted in the outgoing packets: forwardable: 01-1B-19-00-00-00 nonForwardable: 01-80-C2-00-00-0E " REFERENCE "Section 6.2.6 of [3]" DEFVAL { nonForwardable } ::= { ptpPortDataSetEntry 15 } ptpPortTxAsymmetryCompensation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is used to compensate in nanoseconds the asymmetric delay. It works in TX direction." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { ptpPortDataSetEntry 16 } ptpPortRxAsymmetryCompensation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is used to compensate in nanoseconds the asymmetric delay. It works in RX direction." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { ptpPortDataSetEntry 17 } ptpPortRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus for creating the entries into this table. This object can't be modified." ::= { ptpPortDataSetEntry 18 } -- -- Ptp Port alarms. Contains alarms of a particular PTP port -- ptpPortAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PtpPortAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table Contains PTP alarm information for a particular port of boundary or an ordinary clock." ::= { ptpPortDataSet 2 } ptpPortAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PtpPortAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains PTP alarm information for a particular port." INDEX { ptpClockDomainIndex, ptpClockTypeIndex, ptpClockInstanceIndex, ptpPortIndex } ::= { ptpPortAlarmTable 1 } PtpPortAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ptpPortFaultyAlarm AlarmStatus, ptpPortInitializingAlarm AlarmStatus, ptpPortUncalibratedAlarm AlarmStatus, ptpPortListeningAlarm AlarmStatus, ptpPortActiveStatus AlarmStatus } ptpPortFaultyAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlarmStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This alarm is raised when ptpPortState is set to faulty(2)." ::= { ptpPortAlarmEntry 1 } ptpPortInitializingAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlarmStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This alarm is raised when ptpPortState is set to initializing(1). " ::= { ptpPortAlarmEntry 2 } ptpPortUncalibratedAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlarmStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This alarm is raised when ptpPortState is set to uncalibrated(8). " ::= { ptpPortAlarmEntry 3 } ptpPortListeningAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlarmStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This alarm is raised when ptpPortState is set to listening(4). " ::= { ptpPortAlarmEntry 4 } ptpPortActiveStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlarmStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This alarm is raised when ptpPortState is set to slave(9). " ::= { ptpPortAlarmEntry 5 } -- -- Ptp Radio Port alarms. Contains alarms of a Radio PTP port -- ptpPortRadioAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PtpPortRadioAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table Contains PTP alarm information for a radio port of boundary or an ordinary clock." ::= { ptpPortDataSet 3 } ptpPortRadioAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PtpPortRadioAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains PTP alarm information for a radio port." INDEX { ptpClockDomainIndex, ptpClockTypeIndex, ptpClockInstanceIndex, ptpPortIndex } ::= { ptpPortRadioAlarmTable 1 } PtpPortRadioAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ptpPortRadioCapacityAlarm AlarmStatus } ptpPortRadioCapacityAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlarmStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This alarm is raised when the capacity of a radio link is not big enough to transport PTP packets." ::= { ptpPortRadioAlarmEntry 1 } -- -- Ptp Port alarm severities. -- ptpPortFaultyAlarmSeverityCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlarmSeverityCode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object defines the severity associated to ptpPortFaultyAlarm and enables or disables the sending of the SNMP Trap on the alarm status transition. " DEFVAL { majorTrapEnable } ::= { ptpPortDataSet 4 } ptpPortInitializingAlarmSeverityCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlarmSeverityCode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object defines the severity associated to ptpPortInitializingAlarm and enables or disables the sending of the SNMP Trap on the alarm status transition. " DEFVAL { warningTrapEnable } ::= { ptpPortDataSet 5 } ptpPortUncalibratedAlarmSeverityCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlarmSeverityCode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object defines the severity associated to ptpPortUncalibratedAlarm and enables or disables the sending of the SNMP Trap on the alarm status transition. " DEFVAL { warningTrapEnable } ::= { ptpPortDataSet 6 } ptpPortListeningAlarmSeverityCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlarmSeverityCode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object defines the severity associated to ptpPortListeningAlarm and enables or disables the sending of the SNMP Trap on the alarm status transition. " DEFVAL { warningTrapEnable } ::= { ptpPortDataSet 7 } ptpPortActiveStatusSeverityCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlarmSeverityCode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object enables or disables the sending of the SNMP Trap on ptpPortActiveStatus transition. " DEFVAL { statusTrapEnable } ::= { ptpPortDataSet 8 } ptpPortRadioCapacityAlarmSeverityCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlarmSeverityCode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object enables or disables the sending of the SNMP Trap on ptpPortRadioCapacityAlarm transition. " DEFVAL { majorTrapEnable } ::= { ptpPortDataSet 9 } -- ------- End of Ptp Port data set. ------- Begin of PTP Radio Asymmetry data set. -- Configuration asymmetry of a specific Radio unit. -- ptpRadioAsymmetryDataSetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PtpRadioAsymmetryDataSetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table contains delay offset for asymmetries compensation for the Radio unit." ::= { ptpRadioAsymmetryDataSet 1 } ptpRadioAsymmetryDataSetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PtpRadioAsymmetryDataSetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each ntry contains delay offset for asymmetries compensation for a specific Radio unit." INDEX { ptpRadioBrIndex } ::= { ptpRadioAsymmetryDataSetTable 1 } PtpRadioAsymmetryDataSetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ptpRadioBrIndex Integer32, ptpRadioOffset Integer32 } ptpRadioBrIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the index in radioTable of this unit. This object can't be modified." ::= { ptpRadioAsymmetryDataSetEntry 1 } ptpRadioOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is an offset in nanoseconds for asymmetry compensation and can have both positive and negative values." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { ptpRadioAsymmetryDataSetEntry 2 } -- ------- End of PTP Radio Asymmetry data set. END