TAIT-TN9300-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- -- Versions: -- -- Release 1 -- Preliminary support for monitoring of TN9300 DMR Node controller status. -- -- Release 2 -- Changed type of the site syscode to string -- -- Notes: -- None -- IMPORTS enterprises, Integer32, Unsigned32, Gauge32, Counter32, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString, DateAndTime, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC InetAddressType, InetAddress FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF NodeRequestedState, NodeState, NetworkCheckState, ChannelState, Mpt1327LinkState, Mpt1327ChannelState, RemoteNodeState, DipLineState, NgwLinkState, SipCallSpeechVotingPriority, SipLineIncomingType, SipLineRegistrationType, SipLineState, UnitStatusMessageId, EventSeverity, LicenseValidity, UnitAuthentication, RemoteNodeSyncState FROM TAIT-TN9300-TC taitProducts, taitModules FROM TAIT-COMMON-MIB; tn9300MibModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201903181400Z" ORGANIZATION "www.taitworld.com" CONTACT-INFO "postal: Tait International Limited 558 Wairakei Road Christchurch PO Box 1645 Christchurch New Zealand phone: +64 3358 3399 email: support@taitworld.com" DESCRIPTION "TaitNet TN9300 DMR Node Controller Module" REVISION "201903181400Z" DESCRIPTION "Added four new site and channel objects for the alternate channel." REVISION "201901281630Z" DESCRIPTION "Defined a new tn9300ChannelBaseStationNumber object then added it as a channel table index. Also updated some of the description text." REVISION "201901091200Z" DESCRIPTION "Added the description for tn9300LicenseValidity." REVISION "201812041200Z" DESCRIPTION "Defined a new set of events, 19 in total, and its corresponding groups and objects. These new events are intended to be an alternative to the original set." REVISION "201811231200Z" DESCRIPTION "Defined the channel stuck mute event." REVISION "201811211200Z" DESCRIPTION "Created a new tn9300EventBaseStationNumber object and added it to the channel jammed/unjammed traps. For the other channel traps, the channel number object previously added was replaced with this." REVISION "201810251200Z" DESCRIPTION "Replaced the added site number in site failure/ok events with site name. Added the site name and channel number to all of the channel related events. Defined tn9300EventChannelNumber to serve as the channel number object specifically for events. Changed the OID of tn9300EventUnitAddress to use the tn9300ObjectsForEvents subtree instead. Defined a new group for event objects and added the two mentioned above. Fixed some errors and warnings, and corrected some descriptions." REVISION "201807311200Z" DESCRIPTION "Added the site number to the site failure event and the channel number to the channel failure event" REVISION "201807171005Z" DESCRIPTION "Changed to Tait International Limited" REVISION "201805291200Z" DESCRIPTION "Added dual CC and syscode for dynamic adjacent site" REVISION "201804231200Z" DESCRIPTION "Fixed range restriction for tn9300UnitAddress. Removed tn9300UnitAddress from tn9300UnitAddressGroup." REVISION "201804171200Z" DESCRIPTION "Fixed identifier for tn9300UnitGroup. Fixed ranage restriction for tn9300AdjSiteSendOrder and tn9300UnitAddress. Changed to use tn9300EventIUnitAddress in the tn9300UnitStatusMessageEvent. Changed to accessible-for-notify for tn9300UnitAddress Set tn9300EventIUnitAddress to tn9300UnitGroup " REVISION "201803182203Z" DESCRIPTION "Added identifiers to conformance group. Fixed inconsistency in type of 'tn9300SipLineProxyAddress'. Changed some naming conventions." REVISION "201803081200Z" DESCRIPTION "Added table for adjacent site and added site alias in site table" REVISION "201803051200Z" DESCRIPTION "Added traps for deregistration by system" REVISION "201801260000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added traps for remote node database sync" REVISION "201711220000Z" DESCRIPTION "Fixed format and description for dual control channel" REVISION "201705240000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added CPU and memory utilization monitoring." REVISION "201703160054Z" DESCRIPTION "Fixed uppercase/lowercase inconsistencies." REVISION "201608221200Z" DESCRIPTION "Added 3 Terminal alarm descriptions" REVISION "201510301200Z" DESCRIPTION "Added SipLine objects and changed the term FxoLine to SipLine. Changed some descriptions." REVISION "201503172208Z" DESCRIPTION "added Unit object, table and status notification" REVISION "201404042307Z" DESCRIPTION "Added authentication ok and failure notifications." REVISION "201211292201Z" DESCRIPTION "Object descriptions updated." REVISION "201206282228Z" DESCRIPTION "Removed digital io tables and notifications. Changed format of notifications to include a newline between the DESCRIPTION tag and the description text." REVISION "201206270902Z" DESCRIPTION "Changed type of the syscode value to string" REVISION "201205282317Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial revision of this module" ::= { taitModules 11 } -- root for items in the tn9300 MIB module tn9300MIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { taitProducts 6 } -- conformance area, containing groups and compliance specifications tn9300Confs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tn9300MIB 1 } tn9300Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tn9300Confs 1 } tn9300Compl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tn9300Confs 2 } -- sub-tree for objects and for each functional area tn9300Objs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tn9300MIB 2 } tn9300NodeObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tn9300Objs 1 } tn9300SiteObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tn9300Objs 2 } tn9300SipLineObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tn9300Objs 3 } tn9300DipLineObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tn9300Objs 4 } tn9300Mpt1327Objs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tn9300Objs 5 } tn9300Mpt1327ChObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tn9300Objs 6 } tn9300RemoteNodeObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tn9300Objs 7 } tn9300MobileIpObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tn9300Objs 8 } tn9300UnitObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tn9300Objs 9 } tn9300NetworkGwObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tn9300Objs 10 } tn9300EventObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tn9300Objs 99 } -- sub-tree for events tn9300Events OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tn9300MIB 3 } tn9300EventsV2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tn9300Events 0 } tn9300ObjectsForEvents OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tn9300Events 99 } -- sub-tree for Channel Group Manager tn9300CgmMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tn9300MIB 4 } tn9300Version OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version of software running on the node controller." ::= { tn9300NodeObjs 1 } tn9300Name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name: Represents the name of this node controller." ::= { tn9300NodeObjs 2 } tn9300Priority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..21) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority: Represents the priority of this node. On multi-node systems the lowest priority node assumes control of the network." ::= { tn9300NodeObjs 3 } tn9300RequestedState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NodeRequestedState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Requested state: Represents the state in which this node has been instructed to operate. Status types are Unknown (0), Offline (1), Program (2) or Online (3)." ::= { tn9300NodeObjs 4 } tn9300State OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NodeState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State: Represents the state in which this node is operating. Status types are Unknown (0), Offline (1), Program (2), Switching (3) or Control (4)." ::= { tn9300NodeObjs 5 } tn9300NetCheckAddressAType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of internet address for network check A." ::= { tn9300NodeObjs 7 } tn9300NetCheckAddressA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|8|16|20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address for network check A." ::= { tn9300NodeObjs 8 } tn9300NetCheckStateA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NetworkCheckState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of network check A. Status types are Not Configured (0), OK (1) or Failed (2)." ::= { tn9300NodeObjs 9 } tn9300NetCheckAddressBType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of internet address for network check B." ::= { tn9300NodeObjs 10 } tn9300NetCheckAddressB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|8|16|20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address for network check B." ::= { tn9300NodeObjs 11 } tn9300NetCheckStateB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NetworkCheckState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of network check B. Status types are Not Configured (0), OK (1) or Failed (2)." ::= { tn9300NodeObjs 12 } tn9300CallsSwitching OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of calls being switched by this node." ::= { tn9300NodeObjs 13 } tn9300ConnectionsSwitching OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of connections being switched by this node." ::= { tn9300NodeObjs 14 } tn9300MemoryUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total physical memory used by all node processes (percent)" ::= { tn9300NodeObjs 15 } tn9300CpuUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current total CPU load of all node processes (percent)" ::= { tn9300NodeObjs 16 } tn9300DiskSpaceOk OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the available disk space is above or below threshold." ::= { tn9300NodeObjs 17 } tn9300LicenseValidity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LicenseValidity MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current validity of the license. Types are as follows: Valid (0), File not found (1), Invalid host ID (2), Invalid product code (3), Invalid version (4), Invalid expiry date (5), Expired (6), Corrupt signature (7), Conflicting features (8), Invalid tier mode (9), Invalid license format (10)" ::= { tn9300NodeObjs 18 } -- -- The site table -- tn9300SiteTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Tn9300SiteEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table stores the status of the sites connected to this node controller." ::= { tn9300SiteObjs 1 } tn9300SiteEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Tn9300SiteEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table entry index specification, just the site number." INDEX { tn9300SiteNumber } ::= { tn9300SiteTable 1 } Tn9300SiteEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tn9300SiteNumber Integer32, tn9300SiteName DisplayString, tn9300SiteSyscode DisplayString, tn9300SiteEnabled TruthValue, tn9300SiteOk TruthValue, tn9300SiteAutoQueueDepth TruthValue, tn9300SiteQueueDepth Integer32, tn9300SiteZone Integer32, tn9300SiteExtraWaitSlots Integer32, tn9300SiteCCReassignTimeout Integer32, tn9300SiteTCRotation TruthValue, tn9300SiteRxActivityTimeout Integer32, tn9300SiteRxInactiveTimeout Integer32, tn9300SiteFramelength Integer32, tn9300SiteMinFramelength Integer32, tn9300SiteMaxFramelength Integer32, tn9300SiteDualCC Integer32, tn9300SiteOpenMuteTimeout Integer32, tn9300SiteManAdjSiteRF Integer32, tn9300SiteManAdjSiteSyscode DisplayString, tn9300SiteNChannels Gauge32, tn9300SiteNControlChannels Gauge32, tn9300SiteNTrafficChannels Gauge32, tn9300SiteNIdleChannels Gauge32, tn9300SiteNDisabledChannels Gauge32, tn9300SiteNFailedChannels Gauge32, tn9300SiteNOnAirCalls Gauge32, tn9300SiteNRingingCalls Gauge32, tn9300SiteNQueuedCalls Gauge32, tn9300SiteTotalCalls Counter32, tn9300SiteTotalChannelCalls Counter32, tn9300SiteTotalQueueTime Counter32, tn9300SiteChannelTimeFailed Counter32, tn9300SiteChannelTimeTraffic Counter32, tn9300SiteChannelTimeControl Counter32, tn9300SiteChannelTimeIdle Counter32, tn9300SiteCallsQueuedUnder5 Counter32, tn9300SiteCallsQueued5To10 Counter32, tn9300SiteCallsQueued10To20 Counter32, tn9300SiteCallsQueuedOver20 Counter32, tn9300SiteAlias DisplayString, tn9300SiteControlChCountOk TruthValue, tn9300SiteNAlternateChannels Gauge32, tn9300SiteChannelTimeAlternate Counter32 } tn9300SiteNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..250) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site Number: Represents a unique identifier for this site." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 1 } tn9300SiteName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site Name: The name of this site." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 2 } tn9300SiteSyscode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Syscode: The syscode of this site." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 3 } tn9300SiteEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enabled: Boolean value, true if this site is enabled." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 4 } tn9300SiteOk OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enabled: Boolean value, true if this site is OK." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 5 } tn9300SiteAutoQueueDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Automatic Queue Depth: Boolean value, if true, the queue depth is set to twice the number of traffic channels at this site with a minimum value of 3 and a maximum of 20." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 6 } tn9300SiteQueueDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Queue Depth: Represents the maximum number of calls that are allowed to be queued at this site." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 7 } tn9300SiteZone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Zone: The ID of the zone to which this site belongs. When a call is placed to a radio that is registered on a site with a zone ID the network will attempt to contact the radio on all sites with the same zone ID. This reduces registration traffic but increases individual call request traffic. It is useful on systems with large numbers of radios and few individual calls. These systems often only make group calls. This feature is not recommended if registration based group calls are used." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 8 } tn9300SiteExtraWaitSlots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Extra Wait Slots: Represents the number of extra slots that the site should wait for a radio to reply to a control channel poll (i.e. an AHOY). This feature is used at sites where there is an extra delay in the transmission/reception of on-air codewords that puts it outside of the MPT timing specifications, e.g. a cell extender site, which can add in 1 or more slots of delay. Disadvantages: 1. To stop conflicts, the site will withdraw the extra slots when waiting. This means other radios will be unable to make call requests during this time. 2. As a site can only process one outgoing call (site to radio) at a time, it will not be able to process as many calls. 3. As a rule of thumb, each extra wait slot added to the site will halve the maximum call rate the site can handle." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 9 } tn9300SiteCCReassignTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Control Channel Reassignment Timeout: Represents the time (in minutes), between switching the control channel from one channel to another. Control channel reassignment should be used only when there is a compelling (i.e. regulatory) reason to move the control channel at intervals. If this feature is used it is recommended that jammed channels are inhibited from becoming control channels. If set to 0, the lowest numbered, uninhibited channel becomes the control channel and remains so unless it fails. If it fails the node will reassign the next lowest numbered channel. Immediately before reassignment, the control channel issues a MOVE command to all radios to transfer them to the new control channel frequency." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 10 } tn9300SiteTCRotation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Traffic Channel Rotation: If traffic channel rotation is enabled, the node will allocate a new traffic channel to each call. The traffic channels are chosen based on the channel number with lower numbers being used first. Only idle channels that are configured to be traffic channels are used in the selection process. When all the channels at the site have been used, the selection process starts again with the lowest channel number." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 11 } tn9300SiteRxActivityTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site Receiver Activity Timeout: Represents a number of slots (each of duration 106ms). If interference is detected in each consecutive slot for this number of slots, the channel is deemed to be jammed." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 12 } tn9300SiteRxInactiveTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site Receiver Activity Timeout: Represents a number of slots (each of duration 106ms). If no interference is detected in each consecutive slot for this number of slots, the channel is deemed to be not jammed." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 13 } tn9300SiteFramelength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Framelength: Represents the number of slots in a frame. Bigger framelengths reduce the probability of two radios selecting the same slot and failing. However call setup is slower when retries occur. A value of zero represents dynamic framelength. In this case the node will use an algorithm, based on codeword statistics, to determine the most appropriate framelength between the limits set by the maximum and minimum dynamic framelength." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 14 } tn9300SiteMinFramelength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minimum Dynamic Framelength: Represents the minimum number of slots in a frame when using dynamic framelength." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 15 } tn9300SiteMaxFramelength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum Dynamic Framelength: Represents the maximum number of slots in a frame when using dynamic framelength." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 16 } tn9300SiteDualCC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dual Control Channels: Allows for a second control channel on this site. Both control channels share the other channels for traffic use. This is useful at sites with lots of traffic channels and/or a large quantity of data communications. In addition to the primary control channel the next lowest numbered channel will be used as the second control channel (so long as it is correctly configured and not inhibited.) When this feature is enabled and a radio registers on the primary control channel: 1. The node determines if it is allowed to used the second control channel. 2. If it is, the node instructs the radio to register on the second control channel. When using dual control channels, you can have them with the same syscode or with complementary syscodes that have different PAR values Single (0), Dual-same syscode(1), Dual-different PAR(2)" ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 17 } tn9300SiteOpenMuteTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Open Mute Timeout: Represents the time (seconds) that a traffic channel will wait for the receiver to go idle before sending clear messages. The traffic channel waits for the receiver to go idle as parties transmitting on the channel may miss the clear messages. On some systems the receiver may get jammed from noise (stuck mute) and therefore the channel may not go 'idle'. This timeout is used to force the sending of clear messages in these circumstances." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 18 } tn9300SiteManAdjSiteRF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manual Adjacent Site RF: Represents the RF number of a manual adjacent control channel. Used for a cell extender." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 19 } tn9300SiteManAdjSiteSyscode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manual Adjacent Site Syscode: Represents the syscode of a manual adjacent control channel. Used for a cell extender." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 20 } tn9300SiteNChannels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of channels: Represents the number of channels installed at this site." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 21 } tn9300SiteNControlChannels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of control channels: Represents the number of channels operating as control channels at this site." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 22 } tn9300SiteNTrafficChannels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of traffic channels: Represents the number of channels operating as traffic channels at this site." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 23 } tn9300SiteNIdleChannels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of idle channels: Represents the number of idle channels at this site." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 24 } tn9300SiteNDisabledChannels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of disabled channels: Represents the number of disabled channels at this site." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 25 } tn9300SiteNFailedChannels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of failed channels: Represents the number of failed channels at this site." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 26 } tn9300SiteNOnAirCalls OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of on-air calls: Represents the number of calls currently on-air at this site." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 27 } tn9300SiteNRingingCalls OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of ringing calls: Represents the number of calls waiting to be answered at this site." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 28 } tn9300SiteNQueuedCalls OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of queued calls: Represents the number of calls that are queued at this site." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 29 } tn9300SiteTotalCalls OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total calls: Represents the total number of calls at this site since the node started." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 30 } tn9300SiteTotalChannelCalls OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total channel calls: Represents the total number of calls that required a traffic channel at this site since the node started." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 31 } tn9300SiteTotalQueueTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total queue time: Represents the total queue time in seconds of all calls at this site since the node started." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 32 } tn9300SiteChannelTimeFailed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Channel time failed: Represents the total time in seconds that channels at this site have spent in the failed state since the node started." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 33 } tn9300SiteChannelTimeTraffic OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Channel time traffic: Represents the total time in seconds that channels at this site have spent as traffic channels since the node started." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 34 } tn9300SiteChannelTimeControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Channel time control: Represents the total time in seconds that channels at this site have spent as control channels since the node started." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 35 } tn9300SiteChannelTimeIdle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Channel time idle: Represents the total time in seconds that channels at this site have spent in the idle state since the node started." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 36 } tn9300SiteCallsQueuedUnder5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of calls that have been queued under 5 seconds at this site since the node started." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 37 } tn9300SiteCallsQueued5To10 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of calls that have been queued between 5 and 10 seconds at this site since the node started." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 38 } tn9300SiteCallsQueued10To20 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of calls that have been queued between 10 and 20 seconds at this site since the node started." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 39 } tn9300SiteCallsQueuedOver20 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of calls that have been queued for longer than 20 seconds at this site since the node started." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 40 } tn9300SiteAlias OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site alias: The short name of this site." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 41 } tn9300SiteControlChCountOk OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the actual number of control channel for the site matches the required." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 42 } tn9300SiteNAlternateChannels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of alternate channels: Represents the number of channels operating as alternate channels at this site." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 43 } tn9300SiteChannelTimeAlternate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Channel time alternate: Represents the total time in seconds that channels at this site have spent as alternate channels since the node started." ::= { tn9300SiteEntry 44 } -- TODO Partitions, AdjacentSites, PooledSites -- -- The channel table -- tn9300ChannelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Tn9300ChannelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table stores the details of the channels." ::= { tn9300SiteObjs 2 } tn9300ChannelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Tn9300ChannelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table entry index specification, the site number and the channel number." INDEX { tn9300SiteNumber, tn9300ChannelBaseStationNumber, tn9300ChannelNumber } ::= { tn9300ChannelTable 1 } Tn9300ChannelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tn9300ChannelNumber Integer32, tn9300ChannelIpAddressType InetAddressType, tn9300ChannelIpAddress InetAddress, tn9300ChannelPort Integer32, tn9300ChannelRf Integer32, tn9300ChannelEnabled TruthValue, tn9300ChannelControlAllowed TruthValue, tn9300ChannelTrafficAllowed TruthValue, tn9300ChannelInhibitIfJammed TruthValue, tn9300ChannelState ChannelState, tn9300ChannelJammed TruthValue, tn9300ChannelMinorAlarm TruthValue, tn9300ChannelMajorAlarm TruthValue, tn9300ChannelAParty DisplayString, tn9300ChannelBParty DisplayString, tn9300ChannelBspRxPackets Counter32, tn9300ChannelBspTxPackets Counter32, tn9300ChannelBspLostPackets Counter32, tn9300ChannelRtpRxPackets Counter32, tn9300ChannelRtpTxPackets Counter32, tn9300ChannelRtpLostPackets Counter32, tn9300ChannelRtpRtt Gauge32, tn9300ChannelRtpRttJitter Gauge32, tn9300ChannelTimeFailed Counter32, tn9300ChannelTimeTraffic Counter32, tn9300ChannelTimeControl Counter32, tn9300ChannelTimeIdle Counter32, tn9300ChannelAlternateAllowed TruthValue, tn9300ChannelTimeAlternate Counter32, tn9300ChannelBaseStationNumber Integer32 } tn9300ChannelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..24) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of this channel." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 1 } tn9300ChannelIpAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of internet address for this channel." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 2 } tn9300ChannelIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|8|16|20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address for this channel." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 3 } tn9300ChannelPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port number of this channel." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 4 } tn9300ChannelRf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The radio frequency of this channel." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 5 } tn9300ChannelEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Boolean value, true if this channel is enabled." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 6 } tn9300ChannelControlAllowed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Boolean value, true if this channel is allowed to become a control channel." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 7 } tn9300ChannelTrafficAllowed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Boolean value, true if this channel is allowed to become a traffic channel." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 8 } tn9300ChannelInhibitIfJammed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Boolean value, true if this channel is configured to be inhibited if it is jammed." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 9 } tn9300ChannelState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ChannelState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of this channel. Status types are Unknown (0), Disabled (1), Idle (2), Control (3), Traffic (4), Data (5) or Failed (6)." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 10 } tn9300ChannelJammed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Boolean value, true if this channel is jammed." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 11 } tn9300ChannelMinorAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Boolean value, true if this channel has a minor alarm." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 12 } tn9300ChannelMajorAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Boolean value, true if this channel has a major alarm." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 13 } tn9300ChannelAParty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MPT1327 number of the A party (if a call is in progress on the channel)." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 14 } tn9300ChannelBParty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MPT1327 number of the B party (if a call is in progress on the channel)." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 15 } tn9300ChannelBspRxPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of BSP packets received from this channel." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 16 } tn9300ChannelBspTxPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of BSP packets transmitted to this channel." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 17 } tn9300ChannelBspLostPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of BSP packets which were lost in transmission to this channel." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 18 } tn9300ChannelRtpRxPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of RTP packets received from this channel." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 19 } tn9300ChannelRtpTxPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of RTP packets transmitted to this channel." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 20 } tn9300ChannelRtpLostPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of RTP packets which were lost in transmission to this channel." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 21 } tn9300ChannelRtpRtt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The round trip time for RTP pings." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 22 } tn9300ChannelRtpRttJitter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The round trip time jitter for RTP pings." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 23 } tn9300ChannelTimeFailed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total time in seconds that this channel has spent in the failed state since the node started." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 24 } tn9300ChannelTimeTraffic OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total time in seconds that this channel has spent as a traffic channel since the node started." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 25 } tn9300ChannelTimeControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total time in seconds that this channel has spent as a control channel since the node started." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 26 } tn9300ChannelTimeIdle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total time in seconds that this channel has spent in the idle state since the node started." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 27 } tn9300ChannelAlternateAllowed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Boolean value, true if this channel is allowed to become an alternate channel." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 28 } tn9300ChannelTimeAlternate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total time in seconds that this channel has spent as an alternate channel since the node started." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 29 } tn9300ChannelBaseStationNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..20) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the base station this channel belongs to." ::= { tn9300ChannelEntry 99 } -- -- The adjacent site table -- tn9300AdjacentSiteTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Tn9300AdjacentSiteEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table stores the details of the adjacent sites." ::= { tn9300SiteObjs 5 } tn9300AdjacentSiteEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Tn9300AdjacentSiteEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table entry index specification, the site number and the adjacent site number." INDEX { tn9300SiteNumber, tn9300AdjSiteSendOrder } ::= { tn9300AdjacentSiteTable 1 } Tn9300AdjacentSiteEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tn9300AdjSiteSendOrder Integer32, tn9300AdjSiteAlias DisplayString, tn9300AdjSiteSyscode1 DisplayString, tn9300AdjSiteRF1 Integer32, tn9300AdjSiteSyscode2 DisplayString, tn9300AdjSiteRF2 Integer32 } tn9300AdjSiteSendOrder OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..1024) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The send order of this adjacent site." ::= { tn9300AdjacentSiteEntry 1 } tn9300AdjSiteAlias OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site alias: The short name of this site." ::= { tn9300AdjacentSiteEntry 2 } tn9300AdjSiteSyscode1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Adjacent Site Syscode1: Represents the first syscode of a this adjacent control channel. Used for a cell extender." ::= { tn9300AdjacentSiteEntry 3 } tn9300AdjSiteRF1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Adjacent Site RF1: Represents the first RF number of this adjacent control channel. Used for a cell extender." ::= { tn9300AdjacentSiteEntry 4 } tn9300AdjSiteSyscode2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Adjacent Site Syscode2: Represents the second syscode of a this adjacent control channel. Used for a cell extender." ::= { tn9300AdjacentSiteEntry 5 } tn9300AdjSiteRF2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Adjacent Site RF2: Represents the second RF number of this adjacent control channel. Used for a cell extender." ::= { tn9300AdjacentSiteEntry 6 } -- -- Mpt1327 Gateway -- tn9300Mpt1327IpAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of internet address for the MPT1327 Gateway." ::= { tn9300Mpt1327Objs 1 } tn9300Mpt1327IpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|8|16|20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the MPT1327 Gateway." ::= { tn9300Mpt1327Objs 2 } tn9300Mpt1327Port OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port number for the MPT1327 Gateway." ::= { tn9300Mpt1327Objs 3 } tn9300Mpt1327State OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mpt1327LinkState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state in which the MPT1327 gateway is operating. Status types are Unknown (0), OK (1) or Failed (2)." ::= { tn9300Mpt1327Objs 4 } tn9300Mpt1327RxBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes received from the MPT1327 Gateway." ::= { tn9300Mpt1327Objs 5 } tn9300Mpt1327TxBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes transmitted to the MPT1327 Gateway." ::= { tn9300Mpt1327Objs 6 } tn9300Mpt1327LinkErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of errors detected on the link to the MPT1327 Gateway." ::= { tn9300Mpt1327Objs 7 } tn9300Mpt1327Connections OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of connections established to the MPT1327 Gateway." ::= { tn9300Mpt1327Objs 8 } -- -- The Mpt1327 gateway channel table -- tn9300Mpt1327ChTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Tn9300Mpt1327ChEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table stores the details of the MPT1327 gateway channels." ::= { tn9300Mpt1327ChObjs 1 } tn9300Mpt1327ChEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Tn9300Mpt1327ChEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table entry index specification, the MPT1327 gateway channel number." INDEX { tn9300Mpt1327ChNumber } ::= { tn9300Mpt1327ChTable 1 } Tn9300Mpt1327ChEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tn9300Mpt1327ChNumber Integer32, tn9300Mpt1327ChIpAddressType InetAddressType, tn9300Mpt1327ChIpAddress InetAddress, tn9300Mpt1327ChPort Integer32, tn9300Mpt1327ChState Mpt1327ChannelState, tn9300Mpt1327ChLinkState NgwLinkState, tn9300Mpt1327ChAParty DisplayString, tn9300Mpt1327ChBParty DisplayString, tn9300Mpt1327ChNgpRxPackets Counter32, tn9300Mpt1327ChNgpTxPackets Counter32, tn9300Mpt1327ChNgpLostPackets Counter32, tn9300Mpt1327ChRtpRxPackets Counter32, tn9300Mpt1327ChRtpTxPackets Counter32, tn9300Mpt1327ChRtpLostPackets Counter32, tn9300Mpt1327ChRtpRtt Gauge32, tn9300Mpt1327ChRtpJitter Gauge32 } tn9300Mpt1327ChNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..24) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MPT1327 gateway channel number: The number of this channel." ::= { tn9300Mpt1327ChEntry 1 } tn9300Mpt1327ChIpAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MPT1327 gateway channel IP address type: The type of internet address for the network gateway used by this channel." ::= { tn9300Mpt1327ChEntry 2 } tn9300Mpt1327ChIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|8|16|20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MPT1327 gateway channel IP address: The IP address of the network gateway used by this channel." ::= { tn9300Mpt1327ChEntry 3 } tn9300Mpt1327ChPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MPT1327 gateway channel port: The port on the network gateway used by this channel." ::= { tn9300Mpt1327ChEntry 4 } tn9300Mpt1327ChState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mpt1327ChannelState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MPT1327 gateway channel state: The state in which this channel is operating. Status types are Unknown (0), Idle (1), Traffic (2), Control (3) or Failed (4)." ::= { tn9300Mpt1327ChEntry 5 } tn9300Mpt1327ChLinkState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NgwLinkState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MPT1327 gateway channel link state: The state of the link between this channel and its associated network gateway. Status types are Unknown (0), OK (1) or Failed (2)." ::= { tn9300Mpt1327ChEntry 6 } tn9300Mpt1327ChAParty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MPT1327 gateway channel A party: The MPT1327 number of the A party (if a call is in progress on this channel)." ::= { tn9300Mpt1327ChEntry 7 } tn9300Mpt1327ChBParty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MPT1327 gateway channel B party: The MPT1327 number of the B party (if a call is in progress on this channel)." ::= { tn9300Mpt1327ChEntry 8 } tn9300Mpt1327ChNgpRxPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MPT1327 gateway channel NGP rx packets: The number of NGP packets received on this channel from its associated network gateway." ::= { tn9300Mpt1327ChEntry 9 } tn9300Mpt1327ChNgpTxPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MPT1327 gateway channel NGP tx packets: The number of NGP packets transmitted from this channel to its associated network gateway." ::= { tn9300Mpt1327ChEntry 10 } tn9300Mpt1327ChNgpLostPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MPT1327 gateway channel NGP lost packets: The number of NGP packets lost in transmission from this channel to its associated network gateway." ::= { tn9300Mpt1327ChEntry 11 } tn9300Mpt1327ChRtpRxPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MPT1327 gateway channel RTP rx packets: The number of RTP packets received on this channel from its associated network gateway." ::= { tn9300Mpt1327ChEntry 12 } tn9300Mpt1327ChRtpTxPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MPT1327 gateway channel RTP tx packets: The number of RTP packets transmitted from this channel to its associated network gateway." ::= { tn9300Mpt1327ChEntry 13 } tn9300Mpt1327ChRtpLostPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MPT1327 gateway channel RTP lost packets: The number of RTP packets lost in transmission from this channel to its associated network gateway." ::= { tn9300Mpt1327ChEntry 14 } tn9300Mpt1327ChRtpRtt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MPT1327 gateway channel RTP round trip time: The round trip time for RTP pings." ::= { tn9300Mpt1327ChEntry 15 } tn9300Mpt1327ChRtpJitter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MPT1327 gateway channel RTP round trip time jitter: The round trip time jitter for RTP pings." ::= { tn9300Mpt1327ChEntry 16 } -- -- The SIP line table -- tn9300SipLineTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Tn9300SipLineEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table stores the details of the SIP lines." ::= { tn9300SipLineObjs 1 } tn9300SipLineEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Tn9300SipLineEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table entry index specification, the SIP line number." INDEX { tn9300SipLineNumber } ::= { tn9300SipLineTable 1 } Tn9300SipLineEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tn9300SipLineNumber Integer32, tn9300SipLineName DisplayString, tn9300SipLineRegistrationType SipLineRegistrationType, tn9300SipLineUserName DisplayString, tn9300SipLineEnabled TruthValue, tn9300SipLineSpchVotePri SipCallSpeechVotingPriority, tn9300SipLineAisMultipartContents TruthValue, tn9300SipLineAisMonitor TruthValue, tn9300SipLineSipGroup DisplayString, tn9300SipLineInphoneTable DisplayString, tn9300SipLineIncomingType SipLineIncomingType, tn9300SipLineProxyAddressType InetAddressType, tn9300SipLineProxyAddress InetAddress, tn9300SipLineIpAddressType InetAddressType, tn9300SipLineIpAddress InetAddress, tn9300SipLineState SipLineState, tn9300SipLineUptime Counter32, tn9300SipLineConnects Counter32, tn9300SipLineCalls Counter32 } tn9300SipLineNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..100) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SIP line number: The number of this SIP line." ::= { tn9300SipLineEntry 1 } tn9300SipLineName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SIP line name: The name of this SIP line." ::= { tn9300SipLineEntry 2 } tn9300SipLineRegistrationType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SipLineRegistrationType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SIP line type: The registration type configured on this SIP line. Registration types are Unknown (0), Outbound (1), Inbound (2) or AIS (3)." ::= { tn9300SipLineEntry 3 } tn9300SipLineUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SIP line user name: The user name of this SIP line." ::= { tn9300SipLineEntry 4 } tn9300SipLineEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enabled: Boolean value, true if this SIP line is enabled." ::= { tn9300SipLineEntry 5 } tn9300SipLineSpchVotePri OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SipCallSpeechVotingPriority MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SIP line speech voting priority: Priorities are Unknown (0), Normal (1) or Override (2)." ::= { tn9300SipLineEntry 6 } tn9300SipLineAisMultipartContents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Multipart contents on AIS INVITE message: Boolean value, true if the multipart contents are supported." ::= { tn9300SipLineEntry 7 } tn9300SipLineAisMonitor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Registration of AIS call monitor: Boolean value, true if an AIS console is permitted to register as a call monitor." ::= { tn9300SipLineEntry 8 } tn9300SipLineSipGroup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SIP group name: The SIP group name for this SIP line." ::= { tn9300SipLineEntry 9 } tn9300SipLineInphoneTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inphone table name: The Inphone table name for this SIP line." ::= { tn9300SipLineEntry 10 } tn9300SipLineIncomingType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SipLineIncomingType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SIP line A party ID: The ident of the A party for incoming calls on this SIP line (if any). Ident types are Unknown (0), PSTNI (1) or PABXI (2)." ::= { tn9300SipLineEntry 11 } tn9300SipLineProxyAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SIP line outgoing proxy IP address type: The type of internet address for the outgoing proxy used by this SIP line." ::= { tn9300SipLineEntry 12 } tn9300SipLineProxyAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|8|16|20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SIP line outgoing proxy IP address: The IP address for the outgoing proxy used by this SIP line." ::= { tn9300SipLineEntry 13 } tn9300SipLineIpAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SIP gateway IP address type: The type of internet address for the SIP gateway connected this SIP line." ::= { tn9300SipLineEntry 14 } tn9300SipLineIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|8|16|20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SIP gateway IP address: The IP address of the SIP gateway connected by this SIP line." ::= { tn9300SipLineEntry 15 } tn9300SipLineState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SipLineState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SIP line state: The state in which this SIP line is operating. Status types are Unknown (0), Disabled (1), Up (2) or Down (3)." ::= { tn9300SipLineEntry 16 } tn9300SipLineUptime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SIP line uptime: The length of time (in days hh:mm:ss) that the connection between the SIP gateway and the node has been established since its last reset." ::= { tn9300SipLineEntry 17 } tn9300SipLineConnects OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SIP line connects: The number of times that the connection between the node and the SIP gateway has been re-established." ::= { tn9300SipLineEntry 18 } tn9300SipLineCalls OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SIP line calls: The number of calls in progress on the SIP line." ::= { tn9300SipLineEntry 19 } -- -- The DIP connection table -- tn9300DipLineTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Tn9300DipLineEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table stores the details of the DIP connection channels." ::= { tn9300DipLineObjs 1 } tn9300DipLineEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Tn9300DipLineEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table entry index specification, the DIP connection channel number." INDEX { tn9300DipLineNumber } ::= { tn9300DipLineTable 1 } Tn9300DipLineEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tn9300DipLineNumber Integer32, tn9300DipLineName DisplayString, tn9300DipLineNgwIpAddrType InetAddressType, tn9300DipLineNgwIpAddr InetAddress, tn9300DipLineAddress DisplayString, tn9300DipLinePilotAddress DisplayString, tn9300DipLineSpchVotePri SipCallSpeechVotingPriority, tn9300DipLineState DipLineState, tn9300DipLineNgwLinkState NgwLinkState, tn9300DipLineAParty DisplayString, tn9300DipLineBParty DisplayString, tn9300DipLnClientIpAddrType InetAddressType, tn9300DipLnClientIpAddr InetAddress, tn9300DipLineClientUptime Counter32, tn9300DipLineClientConnects Counter32, tn9300DipLineNgpRxPackets Counter32, tn9300DipLineNgpTxPackets Counter32, tn9300DipLineNgpLostPackets Counter32, tn9300DipLineRtpRxPackets Counter32, tn9300DipLineRtpTxPackets Counter32, tn9300DipLineRtpLostPackets Counter32, tn9300DipLineRtpRtt Gauge32, tn9300DipLineRtpJitter Gauge32 } tn9300DipLineNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..300) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIP connection number: The number of this DIP connection." ::= { tn9300DipLineEntry 1 } tn9300DipLineName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIP connection name: The name of this DIP connection." ::= { tn9300DipLineEntry 2 } tn9300DipLineNgwIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIP connection NGW IP address type: The type of internet address for the network gateway used by this DIP connection." ::= { tn9300DipLineEntry 3 } tn9300DipLineNgwIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|8|16|20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIP connection NGW IP address: The IP address of the network gateway used by this DIP connection." ::= { tn9300DipLineEntry 4 } tn9300DipLineAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIP connection Address: The MPT1327 address used for this DIP connection." ::= { tn9300DipLineEntry 5 } tn9300DipLinePilotAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIP connection Address: The MPT1327 pilot address used for this DIP connection." ::= { tn9300DipLineEntry 6 } tn9300DipLineSpchVotePri OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SipCallSpeechVotingPriority MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIP connection speech voting priority: How the node's packet switch handles incoming speech from the DIP connection. Unknown (0). Normal (1) - speech is handled in the same way as speech from a radio. Override (2) - speech will pre-empt existing speech from a radio, the dispatcher can interrupt any radio in a group call." ::= { tn9300DipLineEntry 7 } tn9300DipLineState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DipLineState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIP connection state: The state in which this DIP connection is operating. Status types are Unknown (0), Unconfigured (1), Idle (2), Active (3) or Failed (4)." ::= { tn9300DipLineEntry 8 } tn9300DipLineNgwLinkState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NgwLinkState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIP connection NGW link state: The state of the link between this DIP connection and its associated network gateway. Status types are Unknown (0), OK (1) or Failed (2)." ::= { tn9300DipLineEntry 9 } tn9300DipLineAParty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIP connection A party: The MPT1327 number of the A party (if a call is in progress on this DIP connection)." ::= { tn9300DipLineEntry 10 } tn9300DipLineBParty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIP connection channel B party: The MPT1327 number of the B party (if a call is in progress on this DIP connection)." ::= { tn9300DipLineEntry 11 } tn9300DipLnClientIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIP connection client IP address type: The type of internet address for the client connected to this DIP connection." ::= { tn9300DipLineEntry 12 } tn9300DipLnClientIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|8|16|20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIP connection client IP address: The IP address of the client connected to this DIP connection." ::= { tn9300DipLineEntry 13 } tn9300DipLineClientUptime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIP connection client uptime: The time that the client has been connected to this DIP connection." ::= { tn9300DipLineEntry 14 } tn9300DipLineClientConnects OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIP connection client connects: The number of client connections on this DIP connection since this node was last started." ::= { tn9300DipLineEntry 15 } tn9300DipLineNgpRxPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIP connection NGP rx packets: The number of NGP packets received on this DIP connection from its associated network gateway." ::= { tn9300DipLineEntry 16 } tn9300DipLineNgpTxPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIP connection NGP tx packets: The number of NGP packets transmitted from this DIP connection to its associated network gateway." ::= { tn9300DipLineEntry 17 } tn9300DipLineNgpLostPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIP connection NGP lost packets: The number of NGP packets lost in transmission from this DIP connection to its associated network gateway." ::= { tn9300DipLineEntry 18 } tn9300DipLineRtpRxPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIP connection RTP rx packets: The number of RTP packets received on this DIP connection from its associated network gateway." ::= { tn9300DipLineEntry 19 } tn9300DipLineRtpTxPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIP connection RTP tx packets: The number of RTP packets transmitted from this DIP connection to its associated network gateway." ::= { tn9300DipLineEntry 20 } tn9300DipLineRtpLostPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIP connection RTP lost packets: The number of RTP packets lost in transmission from this DIP connection to its associated network gateway." ::= { tn9300DipLineEntry 21 } tn9300DipLineRtpRtt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIP connection RTP round trip time: The round trip time for RTP pings between this DIP connection and its associated network gateway." ::= { tn9300DipLineEntry 22 } tn9300DipLineRtpJitter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIP connection RTP round trip time jitter: The round trip time jitter for RTP pings between this DIP connection and its associated network gateway." ::= { tn9300DipLineEntry 23 } -- -- The remote node table -- tn9300RemoteNodeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Tn9300RemoteNodeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table stores the details of the remote nodes." ::= { tn9300RemoteNodeObjs 1 } tn9300RemoteNodeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Tn9300RemoteNodeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table entry index specification, the node number." INDEX { tn9300RemoteNodeNumber } ::= { tn9300RemoteNodeTable 1 } Tn9300RemoteNodeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tn9300RemoteNodeNumber Integer32, tn9300RemoteNodeName DisplayString, tn9300RemoteNodeIpAddrType InetAddressType, tn9300RemoteNodeIpAddr InetAddress, tn9300RemoteNodePriority Integer32, tn9300RemoteNodeState RemoteNodeState, tn9300RemoteNodeCallSw Gauge32, tn9300RemoteNodeConnectSw Gauge32, tn9300RemoteNodeSynced RemoteNodeSyncState } tn9300RemoteNodeNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..20) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote node number: The number of this remote node." ::= { tn9300RemoteNodeEntry 1 } tn9300RemoteNodeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote node name." ::= { tn9300RemoteNodeEntry 2 } tn9300RemoteNodeIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote node IP address type: The type of internet address for this remote node." ::= { tn9300RemoteNodeEntry 3 } tn9300RemoteNodeIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|8|16|20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote node IP address: The IP address of this remote node." ::= { tn9300RemoteNodeEntry 4 } tn9300RemoteNodePriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote node priority." ::= { tn9300RemoteNodeEntry 5 } tn9300RemoteNodeState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RemoteNodeState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote node state: The state in which the this remote node is operating. Status types are Unknown (0), Offline (1), Program (2), Switching (3), Control (4), Failed (5) or Graceful Shutdown (6)." ::= { tn9300RemoteNodeEntry 6 } tn9300RemoteNodeCallSw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of calls being switched on this remote node." ::= { tn9300RemoteNodeEntry 7 } tn9300RemoteNodeConnectSw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of connections being switched on this remote node." ::= { tn9300RemoteNodeEntry 8 } tn9300RemoteNodeSynced OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RemoteNodeSyncState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of synchronisation between the control and a remote node. Types are OK (0), Failed (1), Unknown (2), or None (3)." ::= { tn9300RemoteNodeEntry 9 } -- =================================================================== -- -- Unit Table / Objects -- -- =================================================================== -- -- tn9300UnitTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Tn9300UnitEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table stores the details of the units." ::= { tn9300UnitObjs 1 } tn9300UnitEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Tn9300UnitEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table entry index specification, the unit address." INDEX { tn9300UnitAddress } ::= { tn9300UnitTable 1 } Tn9300UnitEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tn9300UnitAddress Integer32, tn9300UnitAlias DisplayString, tn9300UnitAuthentication UnitAuthentication } tn9300UnitAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..16777215) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unit address: The unit number, in the format of the DMR raw address." ::= { tn9300UnitEntry 1 } tn9300UnitAlias OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unit alias: a 7 bit ASCII character unique identifier." ::= { tn9300UnitEntry 2 } tn9300UnitAuthentication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UnitAuthentication MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The authentication state of a unit. Types are as follows: Not Polled (0), Polling (1), Not Home (2), Busy (3), Bad Authentication (4), Bad CRC Received (5), Good Authentication Received (6), Rejected (7), Not Registered (8)" ::= { tn9300UnitEntry 3 } tn9300UnitStatusMessageId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UnitStatusMessageId MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unit alarm status message IDs: PPP link to MPC down (1), GPS signal lost (2), GPS signal regained (after loss) (3), Unit antenna connection failure (VSWR out of range) (4), Unit supply voltage out of range (5), Unit temperature T0 (normal range) (6), Unit temperature T1 (over temp) (7), Unit temperature T2 (over temp) (8), Unit temperature T3 (over temp) (9), Unit loss of service (10), Radio frequency out of lock (service regained) (11), MCP configuration error (12)" ::= { tn9300UnitObjs 2 } -- -- -- -- =================================================================== -- =================================================================== tn9300MipRegistered OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of units registered on the mobile home agent." ::= { tn9300MobileIpObjs 1 } tn9300MipFailing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of units failing to register on the mobile home agent." ::= { tn9300MobileIpObjs 2 } tn9300MipTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of home agent registration timeouts that have occured." ::= { tn9300MobileIpObjs 3 } tn9300MipRejections OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of home agent registration rejections that have occured." ::= { tn9300MobileIpObjs 4 } tn9300MipIcmpRxPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of ICMP packets that have been received over mobile IP." ::= { tn9300MobileIpObjs 5 } tn9300MipIcmpTxPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of ICMP packets that have been sent over mobile IP." ::= { tn9300MobileIpObjs 6 } tn9300MipUdpRxPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of UDP packets that have been received over mobile IP." ::= { tn9300MobileIpObjs 7 } tn9300MipUdpTxPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of UDP packets that have been sent over mobile IP." ::= { tn9300MobileIpObjs 8 } tn9300MipRxBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes that have been received over mobile IP." ::= { tn9300MobileIpObjs 9 } tn9300MipTxBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes that have been sent over mobile IP." ::= { tn9300MobileIpObjs 10 } -- -- The network gateway table -- tn9300NetworkGwTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Tn9300NetworkGwEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table stores the details of network gateways." ::= { tn9300NetworkGwObjs 1 } tn9300NetworkGwEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Tn9300NetworkGwEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table entry index specification, the network gateway ID." INDEX { tn9300NetworkGwId } ::= { tn9300NetworkGwTable 1 } Tn9300NetworkGwEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tn9300NetworkGwId Integer32, tn9300NetworkGwConnOk TruthValue, tn9300NetworkGwIpAddrType InetAddressType, tn9300NetworkGwIpAddr InetAddress } tn9300NetworkGwId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ID of a network gateway." ::= { tn9300NetworkGwEntry 1 } tn9300NetworkGwConnOk OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the network gateway connection is up or not." ::= { tn9300NetworkGwEntry 2 } tn9300NetworkGwIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of internet address for this network gateway." ::= { tn9300NetworkGwEntry 3 } tn9300NetworkGwIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|8|16|20)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address for this network gateway." ::= { tn9300NetworkGwEntry 4 } -- -- Event objects -- tn9300EventSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EventSeverity MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The severity of an event. Types are OK (0), Minor (1), or Major (2)." ::= { tn9300EventObjs 2 } tn9300EventUnitAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unit number, in the format of the DMR raw address. Corresponds to tn9300UnitAddress." ::= { tn9300EventObjs 3 } tn9300EventBaseStationNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the base station the channel belongs to. Corresponds to tn9300ChannelBaseStationNumber." ::= { tn9300EventObjs 4 } tn9300EventChannelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of this channel. Corresponds to tn9300ChannelNumber." ::= { tn9300EventObjs 5 } tn9300EventNetworkGwId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ID of this network gateway. Corresponds to tn9300NetworkGwId." ::= { tn9300EventObjs 6 } -- -- Events -- tn9300NodeActivationEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300State } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Node activated: The node has entered the active state." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 1 } tn9300SiteFailureEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300SiteOk, tn9300SiteName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site failure: A site has failed." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 2 } tn9300SiteOkEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300SiteOk, tn9300SiteName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site OK: A site has recovered." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 3 } tn9300ChannelMinorAlarmEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300ChannelMinorAlarm, tn9300SiteName, tn9300EventBaseStationNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Channel minor alarm: A channel has raised a minor alarm." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 4 } tn9300ChannelMajorAlarmEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300ChannelMajorAlarm, tn9300SiteName, tn9300EventBaseStationNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Channel major alarm: A channel has raised a major alarm." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 5 } tn9300ChannelFailureEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300ChannelState, tn9300SiteName, tn9300EventBaseStationNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Channel failure: A channel has failed." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 6 } tn9300ChannelOkEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300ChannelState, tn9300SiteName, tn9300EventBaseStationNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Channel OK: A channel has recovered." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 7 } tn9300ChannelJammedEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300ChannelJammed, tn9300SiteName, tn9300EventBaseStationNumber, tn9300EventChannelNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A channel is jammed." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 8 } tn9300ChannelUnjammedEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300ChannelJammed, tn9300SiteName, tn9300EventBaseStationNumber, tn9300EventChannelNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A channel is no longer jammed." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 9 } tn9300SipLinkUpEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300SipLineState, tn9300SipLineIpAddressType, tn9300SipLineIpAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SIP link up." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 14 } tn9300SipLinkDownEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300SipLineState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SIP link down." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 15 } tn9300DipLinkUpEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300DipLineState, tn9300DipLnClientIpAddrType, tn9300DipLnClientIpAddr, tn9300DipLineAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIP link up." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 16 } tn9300DipLinkDownEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300DipLineState, tn9300DipLnClientIpAddrType, tn9300DipLnClientIpAddr, tn9300DipLineAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIP link down." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 17 } tn9300ControlChannelEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300SiteNControlChannels, tn9300SiteName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Too few control channels: The number of control channels at a site is less than required." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 18 } tn9300NetworkErrorEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300NetCheckStateA, tn9300NetCheckAddressAType, tn9300NetCheckAddressA, tn9300NetCheckStateB, tn9300NetCheckAddressBType, tn9300NetCheckAddressB } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One or both of the network checks failed." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 19 } tn9300RemoteNodeUpEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300RemoteNodeState, tn9300RemoteNodeIpAddrType, tn9300RemoteNodeIpAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A remote node is up." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 20 } tn9300RemoteNodeDownEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300RemoteNodeState, tn9300RemoteNodeIpAddrType, tn9300RemoteNodeIpAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A remote node is down." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 21 } tn9300LowDiskSpaceEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The node is low on available disk space." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 22 } tn9300LicenseCheckFailedEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The node does not have a valid license installed." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 23 } tn9300NetworkGatewayUpEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A network gateway connection has been established." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 24 } tn9300NetworkGatewayDownEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A network gateway has been disconnected." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 25 } tn9300NodeFailedEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300NetCheckStateA, tn9300NetCheckAddressAType, tn9300NetCheckAddressA, tn9300NetCheckStateB, tn9300NetCheckAddressBType, tn9300NetCheckAddressB } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "All network checks have failed." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 26 } tn9300NetworkUpEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300NetCheckStateA, tn9300NetCheckAddressAType, tn9300NetCheckAddressA, tn9300NetCheckStateB, tn9300NetCheckAddressBType, tn9300NetCheckAddressB } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A network check has succeeded." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 27 } tn9300AuthenticationOkEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A radio has passed an authentication check." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 28 } tn9300AuthenticationFailureEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A radio has failed an authentication check." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 29 } tn9300UnitStatusMessageEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300UnitStatusMessageId, tn9300EventUnitAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Terminal alarm notification (UnitStatusMessageId) from . Terminal alarm status message IDs: PPP link to MPC down (1), GPS signal lost (2), GPS signal regained (after loss) (3), Terminal antenna connection failure (VSWR out of range) (4), Terminal supply voltage out of range (5), Terminal temperature T0 (normal range) (6), Terminal temperature T1 (over temp) (7), Terminal temperature T2 (over temp) (8), Terminal temperature T3 (over temp) (9), Terminal loss of service (10), Radio frequency out of lock (service regained) (11), MCP configuration error (12), Terminal antenna connection good (13), Terminal unsolicited reset (14), Terminal gained service (15)" ::= { tn9300EventsV2 30 } tn9300RemoteNodeSyncFailedEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300RemoteNodeState, tn9300RemoteNodeIpAddrType, tn9300RemoteNodeIpAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A remote node database is out of sync." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 31 } tn9300RemoteNodeSyncOkEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300RemoteNodeState, tn9300RemoteNodeIpAddrType, tn9300RemoteNodeIpAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A remote node database is synced with this node." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 32 } tn9300UnitDeregisteredBySystemEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300EventUnitAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unit was deregistered by system (timed-out)." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 33 } tn9300NodeStateEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300EventSeverity, tn9300State } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The node has changed state." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 34 } tn9300NodeIpNetworkStateEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300EventSeverity, tn9300NetCheckStateA, tn9300NetCheckAddressAType, tn9300NetCheckAddressA, tn9300NetCheckStateB, tn9300NetCheckAddressBType, tn9300NetCheckAddressB } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "At least one of the network check results have changed." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 35 } tn9300NodeDiskSpaceEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300EventSeverity, tn9300DiskSpaceOk } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available disk space has either went below or above threshold." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 36 } tn9300NodeLicenseEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300EventSeverity, tn9300LicenseValidity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The validity of the license has changed." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 37 } tn9300SiteStateEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300EventSeverity, tn9300SiteOk, tn9300SiteName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A site has changed state." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 38 } tn9300SiteControlChCountEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300EventSeverity, tn9300SiteControlChCountOk, tn9300SiteName, tn9300SiteNControlChannels } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of control channels for a site has either went below or equal the required." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 39 } tn9300BSMinorAlarmStateEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300EventSeverity, tn9300ChannelMinorAlarm, tn9300SiteName, tn9300EventBaseStationNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A base station's minor alarm state has changed." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 40 } tn9300BSMajorAlarmStateEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300EventSeverity, tn9300ChannelMajorAlarm, tn9300SiteName, tn9300EventBaseStationNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A base station's major alarm state has changed." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 41 } tn9300BSStateEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300EventSeverity, tn9300ChannelState, tn9300SiteName, tn9300EventBaseStationNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A base station has changed state." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 42 } tn9300ChannelJammedStateEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300EventSeverity, tn9300ChannelJammed, tn9300SiteName, tn9300EventBaseStationNumber, tn9300EventChannelNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A channel's jammed state has changed." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 43 } tn9300ChannelStuckMuteEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300EventSeverity, tn9300SiteName, tn9300EventBaseStationNumber, tn9300EventChannelNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A channel has reached its site's open mute timeout." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 44 } tn9300SipLinkStateEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300EventSeverity, tn9300SipLineState, tn9300SipLineName, tn9300SipLineIpAddressType, tn9300SipLineIpAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A SIP link has changed state." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 45 } tn9300DipLinkStateEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300EventSeverity, tn9300DipLineState, tn9300DipLineName, tn9300DipLnClientIpAddrType, tn9300DipLnClientIpAddr, tn9300DipLineAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A DIP link has changed state." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 46 } tn9300RemoteNodeStateEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300EventSeverity, tn9300RemoteNodeState, tn9300RemoteNodeName, tn9300RemoteNodeIpAddrType, tn9300RemoteNodeIpAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A remote node has changed state." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 47 } tn9300RemoteNodeSyncEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300EventSeverity, tn9300RemoteNodeSynced, tn9300RemoteNodeName, tn9300RemoteNodeIpAddrType, tn9300RemoteNodeIpAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A remote node's sync state has changed." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 48 } tn9300NetworkGwConnEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300EventSeverity, tn9300NetworkGwConnOk, tn9300EventNetworkGwId, tn9300NetworkGwIpAddrType, tn9300NetworkGwIpAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A network gateway has changed state." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 49 } tn9300UnitAuthenticationEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300EventSeverity, tn9300UnitAuthentication, tn9300EventUnitAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unit's authentication state has changed." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 50 } tn9300UnitStatusMsgEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300EventSeverity, tn9300UnitStatusMessageId, tn9300EventUnitAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A status message from a unit was received." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 51 } tn9300UnitRegTimeoutEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tn9300EventSeverity, tn9300EventUnitAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unit has reached the registration time limit and was deregistered by the system." ::= { tn9300EventsV2 52 } -- -- -- ======================================================= -- -- Object and Event Groups -- tn9300StatusGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tn9300Version, tn9300Name, tn9300Priority, tn9300RequestedState, tn9300State, tn9300NetCheckAddressAType, tn9300NetCheckAddressA, tn9300NetCheckStateA, tn9300NetCheckAddressBType, tn9300NetCheckAddressB, tn9300NetCheckStateB, tn9300CallsSwitching, tn9300ConnectionsSwitching, tn9300MemoryUsage, tn9300CpuUsage, tn9300DiskSpaceOk, tn9300LicenseValidity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The objects that describe the status of the node controller." ::= { tn9300Groups 1 } tn9300SiteGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tn9300SiteName, tn9300SiteSyscode, tn9300SiteEnabled, tn9300SiteOk, tn9300SiteAutoQueueDepth, tn9300SiteQueueDepth, tn9300SiteZone, tn9300SiteExtraWaitSlots, tn9300SiteCCReassignTimeout, tn9300SiteTCRotation, tn9300SiteRxActivityTimeout, tn9300SiteRxInactiveTimeout, tn9300SiteFramelength, tn9300SiteMinFramelength, tn9300SiteMaxFramelength, tn9300SiteDualCC, tn9300SiteOpenMuteTimeout, tn9300SiteManAdjSiteRF, tn9300SiteManAdjSiteSyscode, tn9300SiteNChannels, tn9300SiteNControlChannels, tn9300SiteNTrafficChannels, tn9300SiteNIdleChannels, tn9300SiteNDisabledChannels, tn9300SiteNFailedChannels, tn9300SiteNOnAirCalls, tn9300SiteNRingingCalls, tn9300SiteNQueuedCalls, tn9300SiteTotalCalls, tn9300SiteTotalChannelCalls, tn9300SiteTotalQueueTime, tn9300SiteChannelTimeFailed, tn9300SiteChannelTimeTraffic, tn9300SiteChannelTimeControl, tn9300SiteChannelTimeIdle, tn9300SiteCallsQueuedUnder5, tn9300SiteCallsQueued5To10, tn9300SiteCallsQueued10To20, tn9300SiteCallsQueuedOver20, tn9300SiteAlias, tn9300AdjSiteAlias, tn9300AdjSiteSyscode1, tn9300AdjSiteSyscode2, tn9300AdjSiteRF1, tn9300AdjSiteRF2, tn9300SiteControlChCountOk, tn9300SiteNAlternateChannels, tn9300SiteChannelTimeAlternate } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The objects that describe the status of a site." ::= { tn9300Groups 2 } tn9300ChannelGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tn9300ChannelIpAddressType, tn9300ChannelIpAddress, tn9300ChannelPort, tn9300ChannelRf, tn9300ChannelEnabled, tn9300ChannelControlAllowed, tn9300ChannelTrafficAllowed, tn9300ChannelInhibitIfJammed, tn9300ChannelState, tn9300ChannelJammed, tn9300ChannelMinorAlarm, tn9300ChannelMajorAlarm, tn9300ChannelAParty, tn9300ChannelBParty, tn9300ChannelBspRxPackets, tn9300ChannelBspTxPackets, tn9300ChannelBspLostPackets, tn9300ChannelRtpRxPackets, tn9300ChannelRtpTxPackets, tn9300ChannelRtpLostPackets, tn9300ChannelRtpRtt, tn9300ChannelRtpRttJitter, tn9300ChannelTimeFailed, tn9300ChannelTimeTraffic, tn9300ChannelTimeControl, tn9300ChannelTimeIdle, tn9300ChannelAlternateAllowed, tn9300ChannelTimeAlternate } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The objects that describe the status of a channel." ::= { tn9300Groups 3 } tn9300Mpt1327Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tn9300Mpt1327IpAddressType, tn9300Mpt1327IpAddress, tn9300Mpt1327Port, tn9300Mpt1327State, tn9300Mpt1327RxBytes, tn9300Mpt1327TxBytes, tn9300Mpt1327LinkErrors, tn9300Mpt1327Connections } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The objects that describe the status of the MPT1327 Gateway." ::= { tn9300Groups 6 } tn9300Mpt1327ChGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tn9300Mpt1327ChIpAddressType, tn9300Mpt1327ChIpAddress, tn9300Mpt1327ChPort, tn9300Mpt1327ChState, tn9300Mpt1327ChLinkState, tn9300Mpt1327ChAParty, tn9300Mpt1327ChBParty, tn9300Mpt1327ChNgpRxPackets, tn9300Mpt1327ChNgpTxPackets, tn9300Mpt1327ChNgpLostPackets, tn9300Mpt1327ChRtpRxPackets, tn9300Mpt1327ChRtpTxPackets, tn9300Mpt1327ChRtpLostPackets, tn9300Mpt1327ChRtpRtt, tn9300Mpt1327ChRtpJitter } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The objects that describe the status of an MPT1327 gateway channel." ::= { tn9300Groups 7 } tn9300SipLineGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tn9300SipLineName, tn9300SipLineIncomingType, tn9300SipLineSpchVotePri, tn9300SipLineIpAddressType, tn9300SipLineIpAddress, tn9300SipLineState, tn9300SipLineUptime, tn9300SipLineConnects, tn9300SipLineRegistrationType, tn9300SipLineUserName, tn9300SipLineEnabled, tn9300SipLineAisMultipartContents, tn9300SipLineAisMonitor, tn9300SipLineSipGroup, tn9300SipLineInphoneTable, tn9300SipLineProxyAddressType, tn9300SipLineProxyAddress, tn9300SipLineCalls } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The objects that describe the status of a SIP line." ::= { tn9300Groups 8 } tn9300DipLineGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tn9300DipLineName, tn9300DipLineNgwIpAddrType, tn9300DipLineNgwIpAddr, tn9300DipLineAddress, tn9300DipLinePilotAddress, tn9300DipLineSpchVotePri, tn9300DipLineState, tn9300DipLineNgwLinkState, tn9300DipLineAParty, tn9300DipLineBParty, tn9300DipLnClientIpAddrType, tn9300DipLnClientIpAddr, tn9300DipLineClientUptime, tn9300DipLineClientConnects, tn9300DipLineNgpRxPackets, tn9300DipLineNgpTxPackets, tn9300DipLineNgpLostPackets, tn9300DipLineRtpRxPackets, tn9300DipLineRtpTxPackets, tn9300DipLineRtpLostPackets, tn9300DipLineRtpRtt, tn9300DipLineRtpJitter } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The objects that describe the status of a DIP connection." ::= { tn9300Groups 9 } tn9300RemoteNodeGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tn9300RemoteNodeName, tn9300RemoteNodeIpAddrType, tn9300RemoteNodeIpAddr, tn9300RemoteNodePriority, tn9300RemoteNodeState, tn9300RemoteNodeCallSw, tn9300RemoteNodeConnectSw, tn9300RemoteNodeSynced } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The objects that describe the status of a remote node." ::= { tn9300Groups 10 } tn9300EventGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tn9300NodeActivationEvent, tn9300SiteFailureEvent, tn9300SiteOkEvent, tn9300ChannelMinorAlarmEvent, tn9300ChannelMajorAlarmEvent, tn9300ChannelFailureEvent, tn9300ChannelOkEvent, tn9300ChannelJammedEvent, tn9300ChannelUnjammedEvent, tn9300SipLinkUpEvent, tn9300SipLinkDownEvent, tn9300DipLinkUpEvent, tn9300DipLinkDownEvent, tn9300ControlChannelEvent, tn9300NetworkErrorEvent, tn9300RemoteNodeUpEvent, tn9300RemoteNodeDownEvent, tn9300LowDiskSpaceEvent, tn9300LicenseCheckFailedEvent, tn9300NetworkGatewayUpEvent, tn9300NetworkGatewayDownEvent, tn9300NodeFailedEvent, tn9300NetworkUpEvent, tn9300AuthenticationOkEvent, tn9300AuthenticationFailureEvent, tn9300UnitStatusMessageEvent, tn9300RemoteNodeSyncFailedEvent, tn9300RemoteNodeSyncOkEvent, tn9300UnitDeregisteredBySystemEvent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The notification group." ::= { tn9300Groups 12 } tn9300MobileIpGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tn9300MipRegistered, tn9300MipFailing, tn9300MipTimeouts, tn9300MipRejections, tn9300MipIcmpRxPackets, tn9300MipIcmpTxPackets, tn9300MipUdpRxPackets, tn9300MipUdpTxPackets, tn9300MipRxBytes, tn9300MipTxBytes } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The objects that describe the counters for mobile IP." ::= { tn9300Groups 13 } tn9300UnitGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tn9300UnitAlias, tn9300UnitStatusMessageId, tn9300UnitAuthentication } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The objects that describe the status of a unit." ::= { tn9300Groups 14 } tn9300EventObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tn9300EventSeverity, tn9300EventUnitAddress, tn9300EventBaseStationNumber, tn9300EventChannelNumber, tn9300EventNetworkGwId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The objects that are used specifically for events." ::= { tn9300Groups 15 } tn9300EventGroupV2 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tn9300NodeStateEvent, tn9300NodeIpNetworkStateEvent, tn9300NodeDiskSpaceEvent, tn9300NodeLicenseEvent, tn9300SiteStateEvent, tn9300SiteControlChCountEvent, tn9300BSMinorAlarmStateEvent, tn9300BSMajorAlarmStateEvent, tn9300BSStateEvent, tn9300ChannelJammedStateEvent, tn9300ChannelStuckMuteEvent, tn9300SipLinkStateEvent, tn9300DipLinkStateEvent, tn9300RemoteNodeStateEvent, tn9300RemoteNodeSyncEvent, tn9300NetworkGwConnEvent, tn9300UnitAuthenticationEvent, tn9300UnitStatusMsgEvent, tn9300UnitRegTimeoutEvent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The new set of notification objects." ::= { tn9300Groups 16 } tn9300NetworkGwGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tn9300NetworkGwConnOk, tn9300NetworkGwIpAddrType, tn9300NetworkGwIpAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The objects that describe the status of a network gateway." ::= { tn9300Groups 17 } -- the compliance specifications tn9300ComplianceV1 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The implementation requirements for the Tait TN9300 MIB" MODULE -- This Module MANDATORY-GROUPS { tn9300StatusGroup, tn9300SiteGroup, tn9300ChannelGroup, tn9300SipLineGroup, tn9300DipLineGroup, tn9300Mpt1327Group, tn9300Mpt1327ChGroup, tn9300RemoteNodeGroup, tn9300EventGroup, tn9300MobileIpGroup, tn9300UnitGroup, tn9300EventObjectGroup, tn9300EventGroupV2, tn9300NetworkGwGroup } ::= { tn9300Compl 1} END