-- ********************************************************************* -- ** -- ** BATM Advanced Communications. -- ** -- ********************************************************************* -- ** Filename: PRVT-MPLS-TE-MIB.mib -- ** Project: T-Metro Switches. -- ** Purpose: Private MIB -- ********************************************************************* -- (c) Copyright, 2001, BATM Advanced Communications. All rights reserved. -- WARNING: -- -- BY UTILIZING THIS FILE, YOU AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING: -- -- This file is the property of BATM Advanced Communications and contains -- proprietary and confidential information. This file is made -- available to authorized BATM customers on the express -- condition that neither it, nor any of the information contained -- therein, shall be disclosed to third parties or be used for any -- purpose other than to replace, modify or upgrade firmware and/or -- software components of BATM manufactured equipment within the -- authorized customer's network, and that such transfer be -- completed in accordance with the instructions provided by -- BATM. Any other use is strictly prohibited. -- -- EXCEPT AS RESTRICTED BY LAW, OR AS PROVIDED IN BATM'S LIMITED -- WARRANTY, THE SOFTWARE PROGRAMS CONTAINED IN THIS FILE ARE -- PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED -- OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES -- OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- IN NO EVENT SHALL BATM BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER -- INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS -- PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION OR -- OTHER CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE, OR INABILITY -- TO USE, THE SOFTWARE CONTAINED IN THIS FILE. -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRVT-MPLS-TE-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- PRODUCT-SHORT-NAME MPLS IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Integer32, Unsigned32, Counter32, zeroDotZero, Counter64, TimeTicks FROM SNMPv2-SMI NOTIFICATION-TYPE, transmission FROM SNMPv2-SMI -- [RFC2578] MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TruthValue, RowStatus, RowPointer, StorageType, DisplayString, TimeStamp FROM SNMPv2-TC InterfaceIndexOrZero FROM IF-MIB MplsBitRate, MplsBurstSize, MplsLSPID, MplsTunnelIndex, MplsTunnelInstanceIndex, MplsTunnelAffinity, MplsExtendedTunnelId, MplsPathIndex, MplsPathIndexOrZero, MplsOwner, TeHopAddressType, TeHopAddress, TeHopAddressAS, TeHopAddressUnnum FROM MPLS-TC-PRIV-STDEXT-MIB -- [RFC3811] InetAddressPrefixLength, InetAddressType, InetAddress, InetAddressIPv4 FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB -- [RFC3291] prvtMplsTeMibEntityIndex FROM PRVT-TEMIB-ENTITY-MIB mpls FROM PRVT-CR-LDP-MIB; mplsTeMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200902170000Z" ORGANIZATION "BATM Advanced Communication" CONTACT-INFO " BATM/Telco Systems Support team Email: For North America: techsupport@telco.com For North Europe: support@batm.de, info@batm.de For the rest of the world: techsupport@telco.com" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module contains managed object definitions for MPLS Traffic Engineering (TE) as defined in: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels, Awduche et al, Internet Draft , August 2000; Constraint-Based LSP Setup using LDP, B. Jamoussi, Internet Draft , July 2000; Requirements for Traffic Engineering Over MPLS, Awduche, D., J. Malcolm, J., Agogbua, J., O'Dell, M., J. McManus, , September 1999." -- Revision history. REVISION "200902170000Z" DESCRIPTION "Removed references to undefined OBJECT-GROUPs." REVISION "200811200000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added additional timer (mplsTunnelMBBTimeOut) in the tunnel mib." REVISION "200808280000Z" DESCRIPTION "mplsTunnelReoptimized notification updates." REVISION "200803030000Z" DESCRIPTION "mplsTunnelRebuildTimer updates." REVISION "200712060000Z" DESCRIPTION "Minor TC updates." REVISION "200712020959Z" DESCRIPTION "The attribute for guarded destination has IPv4 TC." ::= { mpls 2 } -- Textual Conventions. MplsTunnelIndexSyntax ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index into mplsTunnelTable." SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MplsLsrId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier for an MPLS LSR. This MAY represent an IpV4 address." SYNTAX Unsigned32 MplsGeneralizedLabelType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The label types that are defined for Generalized MPLS." SYNTAX INTEGER { mplsLabel(1), generalizedLabel(2), wavebandLabel(3) } -- Addition MplsTunnelPrivateDataSyntax ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents private data field." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..8)) MplsTunnelTNAAddress ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TNA address of a tunnel." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..20)) MplsGeneralizedLabel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "255x" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value represents a generalized MPLS Label. The label contents are specific to the label being represented. Wherever an MplsGeneralizedLabel is copied to or from a signaling protocol message, it is copied byte for byte as is. Therefore, if the octet string is intended to represent multibyte values, it encodes those values in network (big-endian) byte order. This interpretation applies in particular to the non-generalized MPLS labels (32 bits) used in ATM, FR and generic MPLS networks." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) -- End Addition -- Top level components of this MIB. -- tables, scalars mplsTeObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsTeMIB 1 } -- traps mplsTeNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsTeMIB 2 } mplsTeNotifyPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsTeNotifications 0 } -- conformance mplsTeConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsTeMIB 3 } -- MPLS tunnel table. -- Addition mplsTunnelIndexNextTable OBJECT-TYPE -- FAMILY-SHORT-NAME MPLS_TNI SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MplsTunnelIndexNextEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the next available values of mplsTunnelIndex for all entities." ::= { mplsTeObjects 1 } mplsTunnelIndexNextEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsTunnelIndexNextEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table represents the next available mplsTunnelIndex for a specific TE-MIB entity. This MIB table is indexed by the PRVT-TE-MIB entity Index." INDEX { prvtMplsTeMibEntityIndex } ::= { mplsTunnelIndexNextTable 1 } MplsTunnelIndexNextEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mplsTunnelIndexNextIndex Integer32 } -- End Addition mplsTunnelIndexNextIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains the next appropriate value to be used for mplsTunnelIndex when creating entries in the mplsTunnelTable. If the number of unassigned entries is exhausted, this object will take on the value of 0. To obtain the mplsTunnelIndex value for a new entry, the manager must first issue a management protocol retrieval operation to obtain the current value of this object. The agent should modify the value to reflect the next unassigned index after each retrieval operation. After a manager retrieves a value the agent will determine through its local policy when this index value will be made available for reuse." ::= { mplsTunnelIndexNextEntry 1 } mplsTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE -- FAMILY-SHORT-NAME MPLS_TNNL SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MplsTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mplsTunnelTable allows new MPLS tunnels to be created between an LSR and a remote endpoint, and existing tunnels to be reconfigured or removed. Note that only point-to-point tunnel segments are supported, although multi-point-to-point and point- to-multi-point connections are supported by an LSR acting as a cross-connect. Each MPLS tunnel can thus have one out-segment originating at this LSR and/or one in-segment terminating at this LSR. To configure tunnels where the ingress and egress routers are identified by IPv6 addresses, the following approach is used. - The mplsTunnelIngressLSRId and mplsTunnelEgressLSRId fields are set to 32-bit identifiers for the ingress and egress routers. - mplsTunnelHopTableIndex must be set to a non-zero value. - The first hop in the hop table for the tunnel path must be set to a global scope IPv6 address of the local router. - The last entry in the hop table must be set to a global scope IPv6 address of the egress router." ::= { mplsTeObjects 2 } mplsTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table represents an MPLS tunnel. An entry can be created by a network administrator or by an SNMP agent as instructed by an MPLS signaling protocol. Whenever a new entry is created with mplsTunnelIsIf set to true(1), then a corresponding entry is created in ifTable as well (see RFC 2233). The ifType of this entry is mplsTunnel(150)." INDEX { prvtMplsTeMibEntityIndex, mplsTunnelIndex, mplsTunnelInstance, mplsTunnelIngressLSRId, mplsTunnelEgressLSRId } ::= { mplsTunnelTable 1 } MplsTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mplsTunnelIndex MplsTunnelIndexSyntax, mplsTunnelInstance MplsTunnelInstanceIndex, mplsTunnelIngressLSRId MplsExtendedTunnelId, mplsTunnelEgressLSRId MplsExtendedTunnelId, mplsTunnelName DisplayString, mplsTunnelDescr DisplayString, mplsTunnelIsIf TruthValue, mplsTunnelIfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero, mplsTunnelOwner MplsOwner, mplsTunnelRole INTEGER, mplsTunnelXCPointer RowPointer, mplsTunnelSignallingProto INTEGER, mplsTunnelSetupPrio Integer32, mplsTunnelHoldingPrio Integer32, mplsTunnelSessionAttributes BITS, mplsTunnelLocalProtectInUse TruthValue, mplsTunnelResourcePointer RowPointer, mplsTunnelPrimaryInstance MplsTunnelInstanceIndex, mplsTunnelInstancePriority Unsigned32, mplsTunnelHopTableIndex MplsPathIndexOrZero, mplsTunnelPathInUse MplsPathIndexOrZero, mplsTunnelARHopTableIndex MplsPathIndexOrZero, mplsTunnelCHopTableIndex MplsPathIndexOrZero, mplsTunnelIncludeAnyAffinity MplsTunnelAffinity, mplsTunnelIncludeAllAffinity MplsTunnelAffinity, mplsTunnelExcludeAnyAffinity MplsTunnelAffinity, mplsTunnelTotalUpTime TimeTicks, mplsTunnelInstanceUpTime TimeTicks, mplsTunnelPrimaryUpTime TimeTicks, mplsTunnelPathChanges Counter32, mplsTunnelLastPathChange TimeTicks, mplsTunnelCreationTime TimeStamp, mplsTunnelStateTransitions Counter32, mplsTunnelAdminStatus INTEGER, mplsTunnelOperStatus INTEGER, mplsTunnelRowStatus RowStatus, mplsTunnelStorageType StorageType, -- Addition mplsTunnelUnnumIf TruthValue, mplsTunnelAttributes BITS, mplsTunnelLSPEncoding INTEGER, mplsTunnelSwitchingType Unsigned32, mplsTunnelLinkProtection BITS, mplsTunnelGPid INTEGER, mplsTunnelSecondary TruthValue, mplsTunnelDirection INTEGER, mplsTunnelPathComp INTEGER, mplsTunnelUpNotRecipType InetAddressType, mplsTunnelUpNotRecip InetAddress, mplsTunnelDownNotRecipType InetAddressType, mplsTunnelDownNotRecip InetAddress, mplsTunnelAdminStatusFlags BITS, mplsTunnelExtraParamsPtr RowPointer, mplsTunnelUseEgressLabel TruthValue, mplsTunnelEgressLabel MplsGeneralizedLabel, mplsTunnelEgressLabelType MplsGeneralizedLabelType, mplsTunnelOmitEROIfOneHop TruthValue, mplsTunnelPrivateData MplsTunnelPrivateDataSyntax, mplsTunnelSrcTNAAddressType INTEGER, mplsTunnelSrcTNAAddress MplsTunnelTNAAddress, mplsTunnelDestTNAAddressType INTEGER, mplsTunnelDestTNAAddress MplsTunnelTNAAddress, mplsTunnelEndToEndRerouting TruthValue, mplsTunnelIsUni TruthValue, mplsTunnelUniServiceLevel Integer32, mplsTunnelUniEgressLabel MplsGeneralizedLabel, mplsTunnelUniEgressLabelType MplsGeneralizedLabelType, mplsTunnelUniEgressLabelPort Unsigned32, mplsTunnelUniRvsEgressLabel MplsGeneralizedLabel, mplsTunnelUniRvsEgressLabelType MplsGeneralizedLabelType, mplsTunnelUniRvsEgressLabelPort Unsigned32, mplsTunnelDeletionMode INTEGER, mplsTunnelUniDiversityListIndex Integer32, mplsTunnelDiffServIndex Integer32, mplsTunnelReversePrivateData MplsTunnelPrivateDataSyntax, mplsTunnelFastRerouteMode INTEGER, mplsTunnelBackupSetupPrio Integer32, mplsTunnelBackupHoldingPriority Integer32, mplsTunnelBackupIncAny MplsTunnelAffinity, mplsTunnelBackupIncAll MplsTunnelAffinity, mplsTunnelBackupExcAny MplsTunnelAffinity, mplsTunnelBackupBandwidth MplsBitRate, mplsTunnelBackupMaxHops Unsigned32, mplsTunnelIsSpc TruthValue, mplsTunnelUniIngressLabel MplsGeneralizedLabel, mplsTunnelUniIngressLabelType MplsGeneralizedLabelType, mplsTunnelUniIngressLabelPort Unsigned32, mplsTunnelUniRvsIngrLabel MplsGeneralizedLabel, mplsTunnelUniRvsIngrLabelType MplsGeneralizedLabelType, mplsTunnelUniRvsIngrLabelPort Unsigned32, mplsTunnelDiffServClassType Integer32, mplsTunnelExtendedProtection TruthValue, mplsTunnelProtecting TruthValue, mplsTunnelNotification TruthValue, mplsTunnelLspProtection Unsigned32, mplsTunnelAssociatedLspId MplsTunnelInstanceIndex, mplsTunnelCallIdType INTEGER, mplsTunnelCallId OCTET STRING, mplsTunnelIsIpv6 TruthValue, mplsTunnelMtu Integer32, mplsTunnelRebuildTimer TimeTicks, mplsTunnelOperStatusFlags BITS, mplsTunnelGuardedDest InetAddressIPv4, mplsTunnelMBBTimeOut Integer32 -- End Addition } mplsTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsTunnelIndexSyntax MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies this row." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 1 } mplsTunnelInstance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsTunnelInstanceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies an instance of a tunnel. It is useful to identify multiple instances of tunnels for the purposes of backup and parallel tunnels." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 2 } mplsTunnelIngressLSRId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsExtendedTunnelId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identity of the ingress LSR associated with this tunnel instance. When the MPLS signalling protocol is rsvp(2) this value SHOULD be equal to the Tunnel Sender Address in the Sender Template object and MAY be equal to the Extended Tunnel Id field in the SESSION object. When the MPLS signalling protocol is crldp(3) this value SHOULD be equal to the Ingress LSR Router ID field in the LSPID TLV object." REFERENCE "1. RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels, Awduche et al, RFC 3209, December 2001 2. Constraint-Based LSP Setup using LDP, Jamoussi (Editor), RFC 3212, January 2002" ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 3 } mplsTunnelEgressLSRId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsExtendedTunnelId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identity of the egress LSR associated with this tunnel instance." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 4 } mplsTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The canonical name assigned to the tunnel. This name can be used to refer to the tunnel on the LSRs console port. If mplsTunnelIsIf is set to true then the ifName of the interface corresponding to this tunnel should have a value equal to mplsTunnelName. Also see the description of ifName in RFC 2863." REFERENCE "RFC 2863 - The Interfaces Group MIB, McCloghrie, K., and F. Kastenholtz, June 2000" ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 5 } mplsTunnelDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing information about the tunnel. If there is no description this object contains a zero length string. This object is may not be signaled by MPLS signaling protocols, consequentally the value of this object at transit and egress LSRs MAY be automatically generated or absent." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 6 } mplsTunnelIsIf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Denotes whether or not this tunnel corresponds to an interface represented in the interfaces group table. Note that if this variable is set to true then the ifName of the interface corresponding to this tunnel should have a value equal to mplsTunnelName. Also see the description of ifName in RFC 2233." DEFVAL { false } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 7 } mplsTunnelIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero -- Addition -- MAX-ACCESS read-only MAX-ACCESS read-create -- End Addition STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If mplsTunnelIsIf is set to true, then this value contains the LSR-assigned ifIndex which corresponds to an entry in the interfaces table. Otherwise this variable should contain the value of zero indicating that a valid ifIndex was not assigned to this tunnel interface." REFERENCE "RFC 2863 - The Interfaces Group MIB, McCloghrie, K., and F. Kastenholtz, June 2000" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 8 } mplsTunnelOwner OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsOwner MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Denotes the entity that created and is responsible for managing this tunnel. This column is automatically filled by the agent on creation of a row." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 9 } mplsTunnelRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { head(1), transit(2), tail(3), headTail(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value signifies the role that this tunnel entry/instance represents. This value MUST be set to head(1) at the originating point of the tunnel. This value MUST be set to transit(2) at transit points along the tunnel, if transit points are supported. This value MUST be set to tail(3) at the terminating point of the tunnel if tunnel tails are supported. The value headTail(4) is provided for tunnels that begin and end on the same LSR." DEFVAL { head } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 10 } mplsTunnelXCPointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowPointer MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable points to a row in the mplsXCTable. This table identifies the segments that compose this tunnel, their characteristics, and relationships to each other. A value of zeroDotZero indicates that no LSP has been associated with this tunnel yet. The array of longs specified here is configured as the OID array for the lmgr entity cross connect row. This consists of the length, family, lmgr entity index and row index values. Only the AMB_MPLS_XC_INDEX_IDX index is referenced by the TE-MIB." REFERENCE "Srinivasan, C., Viswanathan, A., and T. Nadeau, Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Label Switching Router (LSR) Management Information Base (MIB), RFC 3813, June 2004" DEFVAL { zeroDotZero } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 11 } mplsTunnelSignallingProto OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), rsvp(2), crldp(3), other(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The signalling protocol, if any, used to setup this tunnel." DEFVAL { none } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 12 } mplsTunnelSetupPrio OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the setup priority of this tunnel." REFERENCE "1. RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels, Awduche et al, RFC 3209, December 2001 2. Constraint-Based LSP Setup using LDP, Jamoussi (Editor), RFC 3212, January 2002" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 13 } mplsTunnelHoldingPrio OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the holding priority for this tunnel." REFERENCE "1. RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels, Awduche et al, RFC 3209, December 2001 2. Constraint-Based LSP Setup using LDP, Jamoussi (Editor), RFC 3212, January 2002" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 14 } mplsTunnelSessionAttributes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { fastReroute (0), mergingPermitted (1), isPersistent (2), isPinned (3), recordRoute(4), -- Addition reserved5(5), bandwidthProtect(6), nodeProtect(7) -- End Addition } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This bitmask indicates optional session values for this tunnel. The following describes these bit fields: fastReroute This flag indicates that any tunnel hop may choose to reroute this tunnel without tearing it down. This flag permits transit routers to use a local repair mechanism which may result in violation of the explicit routing of this tunnel. When a fault is detected on an adjacent downstream link or node, a transit router can reroute traffic for fast service restoration. mergingPermitted This flag permits transit routers to merge this session with other RSVP sessions for the purpose of reducing resource overhead on downstream transit routers, thereby providing better network scalability. isPersistent Indicates whether this tunnel should be restored automatically after a failure occurs. isPinned This flag indicates whether the loose- routed hops of this tunnel are to be pinned. recordRoute This flag indicates if the signaling protocol should remember the tunnel path after it has been signaled. -- recordLabels This flag indicates if the -- signaling protocol should record labels as well as -- the tunnel path. bandwidthProtect This flag indicates whether fast reroute bandwidth protection is desired. nodeProtect This flag indicates whether fast reroute node protection is desired." REFERENCE "1. RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels, Awduche et al, RFC 3209, December 2001." DEFVAL { {} } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 15 } mplsTunnelLocalProtectInUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the local repair mechanism is in use to maintain this tunnel (usually in the face of an outage of the link it was previously routed over)." DEFVAL { false } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 16 } mplsTunnelResourcePointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowPointer MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable represents a pointer to the traffic parameter specification for this tunnel. This value may point at an entry in the mplsTunnelResourceEntry to indicate which mplsTunnelResourceEntry is to be assigned to this LSP instance. This value may optionally point at an externally defined traffic parameter specification table. A value of zeroDotZero indicates best-effort treatment. By having the same value of this object, two or more LSPs can indicate resource sharing. In this implementation of the mplsTunnelTable, the row must either be set to zeroDotZero, or must point at an entry in the mplsTunnelResourceTable. If a value other than zeroDotZero is used, then mplsTunnelExtraParamsPtr must be set to zeroDotZero." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 17 } mplsTunnelPrimaryInstance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsTunnelInstanceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the instance index of the primary instance of this tunnel." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 18 } mplsTunnelInstancePriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value indicates which priority, in descending order, with 0 indicating the lowest priority, within a group of tunnel instances. A group of tunnel instances is defined as a set of LSPs with the same mplsTunnelIndex in this table, but with a different mplsTunnelInstance. Tunnel instance priorities are used to denote the priority at which a particular tunnel instance will supercede another. Instances of tunnels containing the same mplsTunnelInstancePriority will be used for load sharing." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 19 } mplsTunnelHopTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsPathIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index into the mplsTunnelHopTable entry that specifies the explicit route hops for this tunnel. This object is meaningful only at the head-end of the tunnel. For UNI tunnels, this field should be set to 0. For tunnels with no configured explicit route hops, this field should be set to 0. In this case, the tunnel is routed using mplsTunnelEgressLSRId." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 20 } mplsTunnelPathInUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsPathIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value denotes the configured path that was chosen for this tunnel. This value reflects the secondary index into mplsTunnelHopTable. This path may not exactly match the one in mplsTunnelARHopTable due to the fact that some CSPF modification may have taken place. See mplsTunnelARHopTable for the actual path being taken by the tunnel. A value of zero denotes that no path is currently in use or available. For UNI tunnels, this field should be set to 0. For tunnels with no configued explicit route hops, this field should be set to 0." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 21 } mplsTunnelARHopTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsPathIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index into the mplsTunnelARHopTable entry that specifies the actual hops traversed by the tunnel. This is automatically updated by the agent when the actual hops becomes available." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 22 } mplsTunnelCHopTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsPathIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index into the mplsTunnelCHopTable entry that specifies the computed hops traversed by the tunnel. This is automatically updated by the agent when computed hops become available or when computed hops get modified." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 23 } mplsTunnelIncludeAnyAffinity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsTunnelAffinity MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A link satisfies the include-any constraint if and only if the constraint is zero, or the link and the constraint have a resource class in common. The field is a bitmask. Every request does not overwrite the previous one. 0 value resets the field. " REFERENCE "1. RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels, Awduche et al, RFC 3209, December 2001." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 24 } mplsTunnelIncludeAllAffinity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsTunnelAffinity MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A link satisfies the include-all constraint if and only if the link contains all of the administrative groups specified in the constraint. The field is a bitmask. Every request does not overwrite the previous one. 0 value resets the field. " REFERENCE "1. RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels, Awduche et al, RFC 3209, December 2001." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 25 } mplsTunnelExcludeAnyAffinity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsTunnelAffinity MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A link satisfies the exclude-any constraint if and only if the link contains none of the administrative groups specified in the constraint. The field is a bitmask. Every request does not overwrite the previous one. 0 value resets the field. " REFERENCE "1. RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels, Awduche et al, RFC 3209, December 2001." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 26 } mplsTunnelTotalUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value represents the aggregate up time for all instances of this tunnel, if available. If this value is unavailable, it MUST return a value of 0." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 27 } mplsTunnelInstanceUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value identifies the total time that this tunnel instance's operStatus has been Up(1)." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 28 } mplsTunnelPrimaryUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the total time the primary instance of this tunnel has been active. The primary instance of this tunnel is defined in mplsTunnelPrimaryInstance." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 29 } mplsTunnelPathChanges OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the number of times the actual path for this tunnel instance has changed." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 30 } mplsTunnelLastPathChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the time since the last change to the actual path for this tunnel instance." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 31 } mplsTunnelCreationTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the value of SysUpTime when the first instance of this tunnel came into existence. That is, when the value of mplsTunnelOperStatus was first set to up(1)." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 32 } mplsTunnelStateTransitions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the number of times the state (mplsTunnelOperStatus) of this tunnel instance has changed." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 33 } mplsTunnelAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { -- ready to pass packets up(1), down(2), -- in some test mode testing(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the desired operational status of this tunnel." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 34 } mplsTunnelOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { -- ready to pass packets up(1), down(2), -- in some test mode testing(3), -- status cannot be determined unknown(4), dormant(5), -- some component is missing notPresent(6), -- down due to the state of -- lower layer interfaces lowerLayerDown(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the actual operational status of this tunnel, which is typically but not limited to, a function of the state of individual segments of this tunnel." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 35 } mplsTunnelRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable is used to create, modify, and/or delete a row in this table. When a row in this table is in active(1) state, no objects in that row can be modified by the agent except mplsTunnelAdminStatus, mplsTunnelRowStatus and mplsTunnelStorageType." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 36 } mplsTunnelStorageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StorageType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The storage type for this tunnel entry. Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to any columnar objects in the row." DEFVAL { volatile } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 37 } -- Addition mplsTunnelUnnumIf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Denotes whether or not this tunnel corresponds to an unnumbered interface represented in the interfaces group table. This object is only used if mplsTunnelIsIf is set to 'true'. If both this object and the mplsTunnelIsIf object are set to 'true', the originating LSR adds an LSP_TUNNEL_INTERFACE_ID object to the outgoing Path message. This object contains information that is only used by the terminating LSR." REFERENCE "Signalling Unnumbered Links in RSVP-TE, Kompella, K. and Rekhter, Y., RFC 3477, January 2003." DEFVAL { false } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 38 } mplsTunnelAttributes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { reserved0(0), reserved1(1), reserved2(2), reserved3(3), reserved4(4), labelRecordingDesired (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This bitmask indicates optional parameters for this tunnel. These bits should be taken in addition to those defined in mplsTunnelSessionAttributes in order to determine the full set of options to be signaled (for example SESSION_ATTRIBUTES flags in RSVP-TE). The following describes these bitfields: labelRecordingDesired This flag indicates that label information should be included when doing a route record. This bit is not valid unless the recordRoute bit is set in the mplsTunnelSessionAttributes object." REFERENCE "RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels, Awduche et al., RFC 3209, December 2001." DEFVAL { { } } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 39 } mplsTunnelLSPEncoding OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notInUse (0), tunnelLspPacket (1), tunnelLspEthernet (2), tunnelLspAnsiEtsiPdh (3), tunnelLspSdhSonet (5), tunnelLspDigitalWrapper (7), tunnelLspLambda (8), tunnelLspFiber (9), tunnelLspFiberChannel (11) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the encoding of the LSP being requested. It is only required when a generalized label request will be used for this LSP. A value of 0 in this object indicates that a generalized label request will not be used to set up this LSP. If this object indicates Sonet / SDH LSP encoding, then the choice of QOS to use is controlled by the mplsTunnelResourcePointer object. If mplsTunnelResourcePointer is 0.0, then a Sonet/SDH QOS format is used, else an Intserv QOS is used." DEFVAL { notInUse } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 40 } mplsTunnelSwitchingType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type of switching that should be performed on a particular link. This field is needed for links that advertise more than one type of switching capability. Values of this field are as in the Switching Capability field defined in rfc3471. It is only used when mplsTunnelLSPEncoding is non-zero." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 41 } mplsTunnelLinkProtection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { extraTraffic(0), unprotected (1), shared (2), dedicatedOneToOne (3), dedicatedOnePlusOne (4), enhanced (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This bitmask indicates the level of link protection required. A value of zero (no bits set) indicates that any protection may be used. The following describes these bitfields: extraTraffic Indicates that the LSP should use links that are protecting other (primary) traffic. Such LSPs may be preempted when the links carrying the (primary) traffic being protected fail. unprotected Indicates that the LSP should not use any link layer protection. shared Indicates that a shared link layer protection scheme, such as 1:N protection, should be used to support the LSP. dedicatedOneToOne Indicates that a dedicated link layer protection scheme, i.e., 1:1 protection, should be used to support the LSP. dedicatedOnePlusOne Indicates that a dedicated link layer protection scheme, i.e., 1+1 protection, should be used to support the LSP. enhanced Indicates that a protection scheme that is more reliable than Dedicated 1+1 should be used, e.g., 4 fiber BLSR/MS-SPRING. This object is only meaningful if mplsTunnelLSPEncoding is not set to 'tunnelLspNotGmpls'." REFERENCE "Berger, L., et al., Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) Signaling Functional Description, RFC 3471, January 2003." DEFVAL { {} } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 42 } mplsTunnelGPid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), ds1SF (1), ds1ESF (2), ds3M23 (3), ds3Cbit (4), asyncE4 (5), asyncDS3 (6), asyncE3 (7), bitSyncE3 (8), byteSyncE3 (9), asyncDS2 (10), bitSyncDS2 (11), byteSyncDS2 (12), asyncE1 (13), byteSyncE1 (14), byteSync31DS0 (15), asyncDS1 (16), bitSyncDS1 (17), byteSyncDS1 (18), vcByteSyncDS2 (19), vcAsyncE1 (20), vcByteSyncE1 (21), ds1SFAsync (22), ds1ESFAsync (23), ds3M23Async (24), ds3CbitAsync (25), vt (26), sts (27), pos16CRC (28), pos32CRC (29), posScrambling16CRC (30), posScrambling32CRC (31), atmMapping (32), ethernet (33), sdh (34), sonet (35), digitalWrapper (36), lambda (37), etsiPdh (38), ansiPdh (39), laps (40), fddi (41), dqdb (42), fiberch3 (43), hdlc (44), etherV2di (45), ether8023 (46), etherGfpSonet (56) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the payload carried by the LSP.It is only required when GMPLS will be used for this LSP. Only valid if Generalized Label Request is in use as specified by mplsTunnelLSPEncodingType. This object is only meaningful if mplsTunnelLSPEncoding is not set to 0" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 43 } mplsTunnelSecondary OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the requested LSP is a secondary LSP. This is a GMPLS feature, and should only be used when GMPLS will be be used for this LSP. This object is only meaningful if mplsTunnelLSPEncoding is not set to 0." REFERENCE "Berger, L., et al., Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) Signaling Functional Description, RFC 3471, January 2003." DEFVAL { false } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 44 } mplsTunnelDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { out (0), outbidir (1), -- PRVT-Addition in (2), hwbidir (3), inbidir (4), transuni (5), transbi (6), transbih (7) -- End PRVT-Addition } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether this tunnel is unidirectional-incoming, unidirectional-outgoing, bidirectional in hardware, the terminator end of a signalled bidirectional tunnel, the initiator end of a signalled bidirectional tunnel, unidirectional at transit, signalled bidirectional at transit, or bidirectional in hardware at transit. Values of this object other than 'out' are meaningful only if mplsTunnelLSPEncoding is not set to 0." DEFVAL { out } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 45 } mplsTunnelPathComp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { dynamicFull(1),-- CSPF fully computed explicit(2),-- fully specified path dynamicPartial(3) -- CSPF partially computed } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value instructs the source node on how to perform path computation on the explicit route specified by the associated entries in the mplsTunnelHopTable. dynamicFull The user specifies at least the source and destination of the path and expects that the CSPF will calculate the remainder of the path. explicit The user specifies the entire path for the tunnel to take. This path may contain strict or loose hops. Evaluation of the explicit route will be performed hop by hop through the network. dynamicPartial The user specifies at least the source and destination of the path and expects that the CSPF will calculate the remainder of the path. The path computed by CSPF is allowed to be only partially computed allowing the remainder of the path to be filled in across the network. This object deprecates mplsTunnelHopEntryPathComp." DEFVAL { dynamicFull } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 46 } mplsTunnelUpNotRecipType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of upstream notify recipient address for this tunnel." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 101 } mplsTunnelUpNotRecip OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the address of the upstream recipient for Notify messages relating to this tunnel. This object is only valid when signaling a tunnel using RSVP. It is also not valid at the tail end of the tunnel. If set to 0, no Notify Request object will be included in outgoing Path messages." REFERENCE "Generalized MPLS Signaling - RSVP-TE Extensions, Berger, L. (Editor), RFC 3473, January 2003." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 47 } mplsTunnelDownNotRecipType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of downstream notify recipient address for this tunnel." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 102 } mplsTunnelDownNotRecip OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the address of the downstream recipient for Notify messages relating to this tunnel. This object is only valid when signaling a tunnel using RSVP. It is also not valid at the head end of the tunnel. If set to 0, no Notify Request object will be included in outgoing Resv messages." REFERENCE "Generalized MPLS Signaling - RSVP-TE Extensions, Berger, L. (Editor), RFC 3473, January 2003." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 48 } mplsTunnelAdminStatusFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { delInProgress (0), adminDown (1), testing (2), reserved3 (3), -- reserved reserved4 (4), -- reserved reserved5 (5), -- reserved reserved6 (6), -- reserved reserved7 (7), -- reserved reserved8 (8), -- reserved reserved9 (9), -- reserved reserved10 (10), -- reserved reserved11 (11), -- reserved reserved12 (12), -- reserved reserved13 (13), -- reserved reserved14 (14), -- reserved reserved15 (15), -- reserved reserved16 (16), -- reserved reserved17 (17), -- reserved reserved18 (18), -- reserved reserved19 (19), -- reserved reserved20 (20), -- reserved reserved21 (21), -- reserved reserved22 (22), -- reserved reserved23 (23), -- reserved reserved24 (24), -- reserved reserved25 (25), -- reserved reserved26 (26), -- reserved reserved27 (27), -- reserved reserved28 (28), -- reserved reserved29 (29), -- reserved reserved30 (30), -- reserved reflect (31) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Determines the setting of the Admin Status flags in the Admin Status object or TLV, as described in RFC 3471. Setting this field to a non-zero value will result in the inclusion of the admin status object on signaling messages. If the prvtMplsTeMibAllowGracefulDeletion product MIB field is set, then the delInProgress flag is not writable. Instead, Use the deletion_mode setting to indicate whether Graceful deletion should be used for the tunnel. This value of this object can be modified when the corresponding mplsTunnelRowStatus and mplsTunnelAdminStatus is active(1). By doing so, a new signaling message will be triggered including the requested Admin Status object or TLV." REFERENCE "Berger, L., et al., Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) Signaling Functional Description, RFC 3471, January 2003." DEFVAL { { } } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 49 } mplsTunnelExtraParamsPtr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowPointer MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Some Tunnels will run over transports that can usefully support technology-specific additional parameters (for example, SONET resource usage). Such parameters can be supplied in an external table and referenced from here. In this implementation of the mplsTunnelTable, the row must either be set to zeroDotZero, or must point at an entry in the mplsTunnelSonetResTable. If a value other than zeroDotZero is used, then mplsTunnelResourcePointer must be set to zeroDotZero." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 50 } mplsTunnelUseEgressLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether or not to use an explicit route Label subobject as configured in mplsTunnelEgressLabel." DEFVAL { false } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 51 } mplsTunnelEgressLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsGeneralizedLabel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The egress control Label in the explicit route, and its length. At ingress, this value must be inserted as the last hop of the explicit route. At egress this is the value of the received Label subobject. Since 0 is a valid value, the validity of this field is indicated by mplsTunnelUseEgressLabel. When this label is used in signaling protocol messages, it is copied byte for byte as is. Therefore, if the label octet string is intended to represent multibyte values, it should encode those values in network (big-endian) byte order. This interpretation applies in particular to the non-generalized MPLS labels (32 bits) used in ATM, FR and generic MPLS networks." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 52 } mplsTunnelEgressLabelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsGeneralizedLabelType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The C-Type of the egress control Label configured in mplsTunnelEgressLabel." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 53 } mplsTunnelOmitEROIfOneHop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the explicit route object should be omitted from the Path message when the tunnel consists of just one loose hop. Note that if mplsTunnelHopTableIndex is set to 0, the tunnel is routed to the address configured in mplsTunnelEgressLSRId. This avoids the need to configure a single loose hop containing the tunnel's destination address and setting this field to true." DEFVAL { false } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 54 } mplsTunnelPrivateData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsTunnelPrivateDataSyntax MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains the customer defined private data for the forward signaling direction. At ingress it is filled in with the private data present on the MIB SET message. Note that this field can be updated even when the Tunnel is OperUp. At egress it is filled in with the decoded forward private data. Note that there is a separate MIB field for the reverse signaling direction private data, mplsTunnelReversePrivateData." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 55 } mplsTunnelSrcTNAAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), ipv4 (1), ipv6 (2), nsap (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of the source TNA address of this tunnel. This field is used for UNI. For standard MPLS and GMPLS, this field must be set to none." DEFVAL { none } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 56 } mplsTunnelSrcTNAAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsTunnelTNAAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source TNA address of this tunnel. This field is only valid if mplsTunnelSrcTNAAddressType is not none." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 57 } mplsTunnelDestTNAAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), ipv4 (1), ipv6 (2), nsap (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of the destination TNA address of this tunnel. This field is used for UNI. For standard MPLS and GMPLS, this field must be set to none." DEFVAL { none } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 58 } mplsTunnelDestTNAAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsTunnelTNAAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination TNA address of this tunnel. This field is only valid if mplsTunnelDestTNAAddressType is not none." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 59 } mplsTunnelEndToEndRerouting OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates that Crankback End to End rerouting should be enabled on this LSP. Setting this flag will cause Rerouting information to be returned to the ingress node on PathErrs and Notifications. No Rerouting information will be included if the Path Message does not contain an ERO. Rerouting information will be limited to 'Node' errors unless a switch managed label space is used." DEFVAL { false } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 60 } mplsTunnelIsUni OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag indicates whether the tunnel is to conform to UNI 1.0." DEFVAL { false } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 62 } mplsTunnelUniServiceLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the UNI service level. It is only valid when _is_uni_ is set to true." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 63 } mplsTunnelUniEgressLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsGeneralizedLabel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The label to be used at the destination UNI in the forward direction. This field is only valid if one of mplsTunnelIsUni or mplsTunnelIsSpc is set, and must be filled in if mplsTunnelIsSpc is set." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 64 } mplsTunnelUniEgressLabelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsGeneralizedLabelType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The C-Type of the forward label to be used at the destination UNI. This field is only valid if one of mplsTunnelIsUni or mplsTunnelIsSpc is set, and must be filled in if mplsTunnelIsSpc is set." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 65 } mplsTunnelUniEgressLabelPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The logical port identifier used to uniquely identify and select a (forward) data link at the destination UNI. This port identifier is relative to the destination UNI-C for UNI-initiated connections, but is relative to the destination UNI-N for connections that are initiated by management at the source UNI-N. This field is only valid if one of mplsTunnelIsUni or mplsTunnelIsSpc is set, and must be filled in if mplsTunnelIsSpc is set." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 66 } mplsTunnelUniRvsEgressLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsGeneralizedLabel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The label to be used at the destination UNI in the reverse direction. This field is only valid if one of mplsTunnelIsUni or mplsTunnelIsSpc is set, and must be filled in if mplsTunnelIsSpc is set and the tunnel is bi-directional." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 67 } mplsTunnelUniRvsEgressLabelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsGeneralizedLabelType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The C-Type of the reverse label to be used at the destination UNI. This field is only valid if one of mplsTunnelIsUni or mplsTunnelIsSpc is set, and must be filled in if mplsTunnelIsSpc is set and the tunnel is bi-directional." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 68 } mplsTunnelUniRvsEgressLabelPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The logical port identifier used to uniquely identify and select a (reverse) data link at the destination UNI. This port identifier is relative to the destination UNI-C for UNI-initiated connections, but is relative to the destination UNI-N for connections that are initiated by management at the source UNI-N. This field is only valid if one of mplsTunnelIsUni or mplsTunnelIsSpc is set, and must be filled in if mplsTunnelIsSpc is set and the tunnel is bi-directional." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 69 } mplsTunnelDeletionMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { forced(1), graceful(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether to use forced or graceful deletion to delete this LSP. This field is ignored if graceful deletion is not allowed in the TE-MIB entity MIB." DEFVAL { forced } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 70 } mplsTunnelUniDiversityListIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UNI specific. This field references a prvtMplsTunnelUNIDivListIndex in the mplsTunnelUNIDiversityTable, and defines this list of tunnels to be diverse from. A value of zero indicates that no diversity is configured. Note that if the diversity requirements specified in the referenced diversity list cannot be satisfied by signaling, this tunnel will fail to move to oper_status up. See the Description in the mplsTunnelUNIDiversityTable for more information." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 71 } mplsTunnelDiffServIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index into the mplsDiffServTable entry that specifies the L-LSP or E-LSP parameters to signal when setting up the tunnel. If this field is not filled in or is assigned the value zero then no DiffServ parameters are signalled." REFERENCE "Le Faucher, et. al, MPLS Support of Differentiated Services, Internet Draft , April 2001." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 72 } mplsTunnelReversePrivateData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsTunnelPrivateDataSyntax MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains the customer defined private data for the reverse signaling direction. At egress it is initially set by the RRR_EGRESS_TRANSLATE_PRIV_DATA user exit and subsequently may be altered via MIB operations. At ingress it is filled in with the decoded reverse private data. Note that there is a separate MIB field for the forward signaling direction private data, mplsTunnelPrivateData." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 73 } mplsTunnelFastRerouteMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noFastReroute(0), detourFastReroute(1), facilityFastReroute(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not this tunnel should be protected by a fast reroute mechanism, and if so which method should be used. noFastReroute - no fast reroute protection. detourFastReroute - fast reroute protection using the one-to-one detour backup method. facilityFastReroute - fast reroute protection using the facility backup method. Fast reroute is only available for uni-directional LSPs." DEFVAL { noFastReroute } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 74 } mplsTunnelBackupSetupPrio OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setup priority for backup tunnels set up to protect this tunnel. This field is only valid if the mplsTunnelFastRerouteMode above is not noFastReroute." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 75 } mplsTunnelBackupHoldingPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Holding priority for backup tunnels set up to protect this tunnel. This field is only valid if the mplsTunnelFastRerouteMode above is not noFastReroute." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 76 } mplsTunnelBackupIncAny OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsTunnelAffinity MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Include-any resource affinity for backup tunnels set up to protect this tunnel. A link satisfies the include-any constraint if and only if the constraint is zero, or the link and the constraint have a resource class in common. This field is only valid if the mplsTunnelFastRerouteMode above is not noFastReroute." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 77 } mplsTunnelBackupIncAll OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsTunnelAffinity MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Include-all resource affinity for backup tunnels set up to protect this tunnel. A link satisfies the include-all constraint if and only if the link contains all of the adminstrative groups specified in the constraint. This field is only valid if the mplsTunnelFastRerouteMode above is not noFastReroute." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 78 } mplsTunnelBackupExcAny OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsTunnelAffinity MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Exclude-any resource affinity for backup tunnels set up to protect this tunnel. A link satisfies the exclude-any constraint if and only if the constraint is zero, or the link and the constraint have a resource class in common. This field is only valid if the mplsTunnelFastRerouteMode above is not noFastReroute." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 79 } mplsTunnelBackupBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate UNITS "1000s of bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The estimated bandwidth required for backup tunnels, in units of 1000 bits/second. A value of zero indicates best-effort. This field is only valid if the mplsTunnelFastRerouteMode above is not noFastReroute." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 80 } mplsTunnelBackupMaxHops OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of extra hops the backup path is allowed to take, from a Point of Local Repair (PLR) to a Merge Point (MP), with PLR and MP excluded in counting. A hop-limit of 0 means only direct links between PLR and MP can be used. This field is only valid if the mplsTunnelFastRerouteMode above is not noFastReroute." DEFVAL { 255 } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 81 } mplsTunnelIsSpc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This flag indicates whether the tunnel is an OIF soft permanent connection (SPC)." DEFVAL { false } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 84 } mplsTunnelUniIngressLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsGeneralizedLabel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The label to be used for the in-segment at the source UNI-N in the forward direction. This field is only valid if the mplsTunnelIsSpc field is true." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 85 } mplsTunnelUniIngressLabelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsGeneralizedLabelType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The C-Type of the forward label to be used for the in-segment at the source UNI-N. This field is only valid if the mplsTunnelIsSpc field is true." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 86 } mplsTunnelUniIngressLabelPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The logical port identifier used to uniquely identify and select a (forward) data link for the in-segment at the source UNI-N. This field is only valid if the mplsTunnelIsSpc field is true." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 87 } mplsTunnelUniRvsIngrLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsGeneralizedLabel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The label to be used at the source UNI-N for the out-segment in the reverse direction. This field is only valid if the mplsTunnelIsSpc field is true." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 88 } mplsTunnelUniRvsIngrLabelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsGeneralizedLabelType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The C-Type of the reverse label to be used for the out-segment at the source UNI-N. This field is only valid if the mplsTunnelIsSpc field is true." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 89 } mplsTunnelUniRvsIngrLabelPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The logical port identifier used to uniquely identify and select a data link for the reverse out-segment at the source UNI-N. This field is only valid if the mplsTunnelIsSpc field is true." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 90 } mplsTunnelDiffServClassType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DiffServ Class-Type of the LSP as defined in draft-ietf-tewg-diff-te-proto-03." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 91 } mplsTunnelExtendedProtection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the requested LSP should use the extended PROTECTION object as defined in draft-lang-ccamp-gmpls-recovery-e2e-signaling. This is a GMPLS feature, and should only be used when GMPLS will be used for this LSP." DEFVAL { false } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 92 } mplsTunnelProtecting OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the requested LSP is a protecting LSP and not a working LSP. This field is only valid if mplsTunnelExtendedProtection is true." DEFVAL { false } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 93 } mplsTunnelNotification OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the control plane message exchange is only used for notification during protection switching. This field is only valid if mplsTunnelExtendedProtection is true." DEFVAL { false } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 94 } mplsTunnelLspProtection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the level of end-to-end protection for this LSP. This field is only valid if mplsTunnelExtendedProtection is true. A value of zero indicates that no protection is provided for the tunnel. This field is not a bitmask; only one LSP protection may be selected. See draft-lang-ccamp-gmpls-recovery-e2e-signaling for a description of the possible values." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 95 } mplsTunnelAssociatedLspId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsTunnelInstanceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mplsTunnelInstance of an associated tunnel between the same ingress and egress and with the same mplsTunnelIndex. If this field is zero, the associated LSP ID is not known, or there are multiple. This field is only valid if mplsTunnelExtendedProtection is true." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 96 } mplsTunnelCallIdType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { operatorSpecific(1), globallyUnique(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The C-Type of the following CALL ID. This field is insignificant if the mplsTunnelCallId has zero length. This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 97 } mplsTunnelCallId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CALL ID to be used on this tunnel, including the address type, International and National segment (if applicable), source transport network element address, and Local Identifier as defined in G.7713.2 (version 0.8). This field can only be changed when the Admin Status is down." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 98 } mplsTunnelIsIpv6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Flag indicating whether this tunnel uses IPv6 addresses. If this flag is set, the tunnel may only be activated if - TE-MIB is configured to allow IPv6 tunnels - the hop path index is non-zero - all hops in the hop path have IPv6 addresses - the first and last hops in the hop path have global scope addresses." DEFVAL { false } ::= {mplsTunnelEntry 100} mplsTunnelMtu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximal transfer unit of the tunnel" ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 103 } mplsTunnelRebuildTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines a period in minutes (0..1440), after which the tunnel will be unconditionally rebuild. The maximal valid value is 1440 minutes (24 hours)" DEFVAL { 60 } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 104 } mplsTunnelOperStatusFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { empty(0), tunnelResignalling(1), tunnelSuppressed(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Flags to extend the information of the tunnel state For the behaviour - bits meaning: tunnelResignalling (1) - This status shows that currently the tunnel has been resignalled. The resignalling state of a tunnel should be considered together with the mplsTunnelOperStatus attribute value of the same tunnel. tunnelSuppressed (2) - This status shows that the tunnel has been established, but higher priority tunnel is active and in use. This tunnel can be activated, once the higher protocol tunnel fails by any reason, and in this case the tunnelSuppressed status will be cleared. " ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 105 } mplsTunnelGuardedDest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressIPv4 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The guarded destination object specifies which IP destination address the current tunnel protects used with the fast reroute feature. The tunnel must not be fast reroute enabled." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 106 } mplsTunnelMBBTimeOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the timer configuration (in minutes) for Make-before-break (MBB). The default value of this object is 10 minutes." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 107 } -- End Addition -- End of mplsTunnelTable -- Addition mplsTunnelHopIndexNextTable OBJECT-TYPE -- FAMILY-SHORT-NAME MPLS_HOPNI SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MplsTunnelHopIndexNextEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the next available values of mplsTunnelHopIndex for all entities." ::= { mplsTeObjects 3 } mplsTunnelHopIndexNextEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsTunnelHopIndexNextEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table represents the next available mplsTunnelHopIndex for a specific TE-MIB entity. This MIB table is indexed by the PRVT-TE-MIB entity Index." INDEX { prvtMplsTeMibEntityIndex } ::= { mplsTunnelHopIndexNextTable 1 } MplsTunnelHopIndexNextEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mplsTunnelHopIndexNextIndex Unsigned32 } -- End Addition mplsTunnelHopIndexNextIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains an appropriate value to be used for mplsTunnelHopListIndex when creating entries in the mplsTunnelHopTable. If the number of unassigned entries is exhausted, a retrival operation will return a value of 0. This object may also return a value of 0 when the LSR is unable to accept conceptual row creation, for example, if the mplsTunnelHopTable is implemented as read-only. To obtain the value of mplsTunnelHopListIndex for a new entry in the mplsTunnelHopTable, the manager issues a management protocol retrieval operation to obtain the current value of mplsTunnelHopIndex. After each retrieval operation, the agent should modify the value to reflect the next unassigned index. After a manager retrieves a value the agent will determine through its local policy when this index value will be made available for reuse." ::= { mplsTunnelHopIndexNextEntry 1 } mplsTunnelHopTable OBJECT-TYPE -- FAMILY-SHORT-NAME MPLS_HOP SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MplsTunnelHopEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mplsTunnelHopTable is used to indicate the hops, strict or loose, for an MPLS tunnel defined in mplsTunnelTable, when it is established via signaling, for the outgoing direction of the tunnel. Each row in this table is indexed by mplsTunnelHopListIndex. Each row also has a secondary index mplsTunnelHopIndex corresponding to the next hop that this row corresponds to. The first row in the table is the first hop after the origination point of the tunnel. In case we want to specify a particular interface on the originating LSR of an outgoing tunnel by which we want packets to exit the LSR, we specify this as the first hop for this tunnel in mplsTunnelHopTable." ::= { mplsTeObjects 4 } mplsTunnelHopEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsTunnelHopEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table represents a tunnel hop. An entry is created by a network administrator for signaled ERLSP set up by an MPLS signaling protocol." INDEX { prvtMplsTeMibEntityIndex, mplsTunnelHopListIndex, mplsTunnelHopPathOptionIndex, mplsTunnelHopIndex } ::= { mplsTunnelHopTable 1 } MplsTunnelHopEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mplsTunnelHopListIndex MplsPathIndex, mplsTunnelHopPathOptionIndex MplsPathIndex, mplsTunnelHopIndex MplsPathIndex, mplsTunnelHopAddrType TeHopAddressType, mplsTunnelHopIpAddr TeHopAddress, mplsTunnelHopIpPrefixLen Unsigned32, mplsTunnelHopAsNumber TeHopAddressAS, mplsTunnelHopAddrUnnum TeHopAddressUnnum, mplsTunnelHopLspId MplsLSPID, mplsTunnelHopType INTEGER, mplsTunnelHopInclude TruthValue, mplsTunnelHopPathOptionName DisplayString, mplsTunnelHopEntryPathComp INTEGER, mplsTunnelHopRowStatus RowStatus, mplsTunnelHopStorageType StorageType, mplsTunnelHopLabelStatuses BITS, mplsTunnelHopExpLabelType MplsGeneralizedLabelType, mplsTunnelHopExpLabel MplsGeneralizedLabel, mplsTunnelHopExpRvrsLabelType MplsGeneralizedLabelType, mplsTunnelHopExpRvrsLabel MplsGeneralizedLabel } mplsTunnelHopListIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsPathIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Primary index into this table identifying a particular explicit route object." ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 1 } mplsTunnelHopPathOptionIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsPathIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Secondary index into this table identifying a particular group of hops representing a particular configured path. This is otherwise known as a path option." ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 2 } mplsTunnelHopIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsPathIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Secondary index into this table identifying a particular hop." ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 3 } mplsTunnelHopAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TeHopAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Hop Address Type of this tunnel hop. The value of this object cannot be changed if the value of the corresponding mplsTunnelHopRowStatus object is 'active'. Note that lspid(5) is a valid option only for tunnels signaled via CRLDP. " DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 4 } mplsTunnelHopIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TeHopAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Tunnel Hop Address for this tunnel hop. The type of this address is determined by the value of the corresponding mplsTunnelHopAddrType. The value of this object cannot be changed if the value of the corresponding mplsTunnelHopRowStatus object is 'active'. " ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 5 } mplsTunnelHopIpPrefixLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If mplsTunnelHopAddrType is set to ipv4(1) or ipv6(2), then this value will contain an appropriate prefix length for the IP address in object mplsTunnelHopIpAddr. Otherwise this value is irrelevant and should be ignored. " DEFVAL { 32 } ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 6 } mplsTunnelHopAsNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TeHopAddressAS MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If mplsTunnelHopAddrType is set to asnumber(3), then this value will contain the AS number of this hop. Otherwise the agent should set this object to zero- length string and the manager should ignore this." ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 7 } mplsTunnelHopAddrUnnum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TeHopAddressUnnum MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If mplsTunnelHopAddrType is set to unnum(4) or unnumv6(6), then this value will contain the interface identifier of the unnumbered interface for this hop. This object should be used in conjunction with mplsTunnelHopIpAddress which would contain the LSR Router ID in this case. Otherwise the agent should set this object to zero-length string and the manager should ignore this." ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 8 } mplsTunnelHopLspId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsLSPID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If mplsTunnelHopAddrType is set to lspid(5), then this value will contain the LSPID of a tunnel of this hop. The present tunnel being configured is tunneled through this hop (using label stacking). This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0 to indicate this fact." ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 9 } mplsTunnelHopType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { strict(1), loose(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Denotes whether this tunnel hop is routed in a strict or loose fashion. The value of this object has no meaning if the mplsTunnelHopInclude object is set to 'false'." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 10 } mplsTunnelHopInclude OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If this value is set to true, then this indicates that this hop must be included in the tunnel's path. If this value is set to 'false', then this hop must be avoided when calculating the path for this tunnel. The default value of this object is 'true', so that by default all indicated hops are included in the CSPF path computation. If this object is set to 'false' the value of mplsTunnelHopType should be ignored." DEFVAL { true } ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 11 } mplsTunnelHopPathOptionName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description of this series of hops as they relate to the specified path option. The value of this object SHOULD be the same for each hop in the series that comprises a path option." ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 12 } mplsTunnelHopEntryPathComp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { dynamic(1), -- CSPF computed explicit(2) -- strict hop } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If this value is set to dynamic, then the user should only specify the source and destination of the path and expect that the CSPF will calculate the remainder of the path. If this value is set to explicit, the user should specify the entire path for the tunnel to take. This path may contain strict or loose hops. Each hop along a specific path SHOULD have this object set to the same value." ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 13 } mplsTunnelHopRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable is used to create, modify, and/or delete a row in this table. When a row in this table is in active(1) state, no objects in that row can be modified by the agent except mplsTunnelHopRowStatus and mplsTunnelHopStorageType." ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 14 } mplsTunnelHopStorageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StorageType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The storage type for this Hop entry. Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to any columnar objects in the row." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 15 } mplsTunnelHopLabelStatuses OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { forwardPresent (0), reversePresent (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This bitmask indicates the presence of labels indicated by the mplsTunnelHopExpLabel and mplsTunnelHopExpRvrsLabel objects. For the Present bits, a set bit indicates that a label is present for this hop in the route. This allows zero to be a valid label value." DEFVAL { { } } ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 16 } mplsTunnelHopExpLabelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsGeneralizedLabelType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Denotes the type of the label configured in mplsTunnelHopExpLabel." ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 17 } mplsTunnelHopExpLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsGeneralizedLabel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If mplsTunnelHopLabelStatuses object indicates that a forward label is present then the label to use on this hop is found in this object." ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 18 } mplsTunnelHopExpRvrsLabelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsGeneralizedLabelType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Denotes the type of the label configured in mplsTunnelHopExpRvrsLabel." ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 19 } mplsTunnelHopExpRvrsLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsGeneralizedLabel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the mplsTunnelHopLabelStatuses object indicates that a reverse label is present then the label to use on this hop is found in this object." ::= { mplsTunnelHopEntry 20 } -- End of mplsTunnelHopTable -- Begin of mplsTunnelResourceTable -- Addition mplsTunnelResourceIndexNextTable OBJECT-TYPE -- FAMILY-SHORT-NAME MPLS_RESNI SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MplsTunnelResourceIndexNextEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the next available values of mplsTunnelResourceIndex for all entities." ::= { mplsTeObjects 5 } mplsTunnelResourceIndexNextEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsTunnelResourceIndexNextEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table represents the next available mplsTunnelResourceIndex for a specific TE-MIB entity. This MIB table is indexed by the PRVT-TE-MIB entity Index." INDEX { prvtMplsTeMibEntityIndex } ::= { mplsTunnelResourceIndexNextTable 1 } MplsTunnelResourceIndexNextEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mplsTunnelResourceIndexNextIndex Unsigned32 } -- End Addition mplsTunnelResourceIndexNextIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0.. 2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains the next appropriate value to be used for mplsTunnelResourceIndex when creating entries in the mplsTunnelResourceTable. If the number of unassigned entries is exhausted, a retrival operation will return a value of 0. This object may also return a value of 0 when the LSR is unable to accept conceptual row creation, for example, if the mplsTunnelTable is implemented as read-only. To obtain the mplsTunnelResourceIndex value for a new entry, the manager must first issue a management protocol retrieval operation to obtain the current value of this object. The agent should modify the value to reflect the next unassigned index after each retrieval operation. After a manager retrieves a value the agent will determine through its local policy when this index value will be made available for reuse." ::= { mplsTunnelResourceIndexNextEntry 1 } mplsTunnelResourceTable OBJECT-TYPE -- FAMILY-SHORT-NAME MPLS_RES SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MplsTunnelResourceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mplsTunnelResourceTable allows a manager to specify which resources are desired for an MPLS tunnel. This table also allows several tunnels to point to a single entry in this table, implying that these tunnels should share resources." ::= { mplsTeObjects 6 } mplsTunnelResourceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsTunnelResourceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table represents a set of resources for an MPLS tunnel. An entry can be created by a network administrator or by an SNMP agent as instructed by any MPLS signaling protocol." INDEX { prvtMplsTeMibEntityIndex, mplsTunnelResourceIndex } ::= { mplsTunnelResourceTable 1 } MplsTunnelResourceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mplsTunnelResourceIndex Unsigned32, mplsTunnelResourceMaxRate MplsBitRate, mplsTunnelResourceMeanRate MplsBitRate, mplsTunnelResourceMaxBurstSize MplsBurstSize, mplsTunnelResourceMeanBurstSize MplsBurstSize, mplsTunnelResourceExBurstSize MplsBurstSize, mplsTunnelResourceFrequency INTEGER, mplsTunnelResourceWeight Unsigned32, mplsTunnelResourceRowStatus RowStatus, mplsTunnelResourceStorageType StorageType } mplsTunnelResourceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies this row." ::= { mplsTunnelResourceEntry 1 } mplsTunnelResourceMaxRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate UNITS "1000s of bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum rate in units of 1000 bits/second. Note that setting mplsTunnelResourceMaxRate, mplsTunnelResourceMeanRate, and mplsTunnelResourceMaxBurstSize to 0 indicates best-effort treatment. This object is copied to an instance of mplsTrafficParamMaxRate in mplsTrafficParamTable the OID of which is copied into the corresponding mplsInSegmentTrafficParamPtr. If the ingress node sets a maximum rate of positive infinity, the egress node will return a value of positive infinity on the MIB GET response. This special value may not be used when setting the maximum rate with this MIB." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelResourceEntry 2 } mplsTunnelResourceMeanRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate UNITS "1000s of bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mean rate in units of 1000 bits/second. This object is copied into an instance of mplsTrafficParamMeanRate in the mplsTrafficParamTable. The OID of this table entry is then copied into the corresponding mplsInSegmentTrafficParamPtr. When resource allocation is performed as requested by this TSpec object, it is copied into an entry in mplsTrafficParamTable [LSRMIB]: mplsTunnelInMeanRate to mplsTrafficParamMeanRate. The OID of this entry is copied to mplsInSegmentTrafficParamPtr of the corresponding in-segment entry." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelResourceEntry 3 } mplsTunnelResourceMaxBurstSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBurstSize UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum burst size in bytes. This object is copied to mplsInSegmentMaxBurstSize of the corresponding in-segment. When resource allocation is performed as requested by this TSpec object, it is copied into an entry in mplsTrafficParamTable [LSRMIB]: mplsTunnelInMaxBurstSize to mplsTrafficParamMaxBurstSize. The OID of this entry is copied to mplsInSegmentTrafficParamPtr of the corresponding in-segment entry." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelResourceEntry 4 } mplsTunnelResourceMeanBurstSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBurstSize UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mean burst size in bytes. The implementations which do not implement this variable must return 0 for this value and must not allow a user to set this value." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelResourceEntry 5 } mplsTunnelResourceExBurstSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBurstSize UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Excess burst size in bytes. The implementations which do not implement this variable must return noSuchObject(0) exception for this object and must not allow a user to set this value." REFERENCE "CR-LDP Specification, Section 4.3." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelResourceEntry 6 } mplsTunnelResourceFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unspecified(1), frequent(2), veryFrequent(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The granularity of the availability of committed rate. The implementations which do not implement this variable must return unspecified(1) for this value and must not allow a user to set this value." DEFVAL { unspecified } ::= { mplsTunnelResourceEntry 7 } mplsTunnelResourceWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The relative weight for using excess bandwidth above its committed rate. The value of 0 means that weight is not applicable for the CR-LSP." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelResourceEntry 8 } mplsTunnelResourceRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable is used to create, modify, and/or delete a row in this table." ::= { mplsTunnelResourceEntry 9 } mplsTunnelResourceStorageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StorageType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates the storage type for this object." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { mplsTunnelResourceEntry 10 } -- End mplsTunnelResourceTable -- Tunnel Actual Route Hop table. mplsTunnelARHopTable OBJECT-TYPE -- FAMILY-SHORT-NAME MPLS_ARHOP SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MplsTunnelARHopEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mplsTunnelARHopTable is used to indicate the hops, strict or loose, for an MPLS tunnel defined in mplsTunnelTable, as reported by the MPLS signaling protocol, for the outgoing direction of the tunnel. Each row in this table is indexed by mplsTunnelARHopListIndex. Each row also has a secondary index mplsTunnelARHopIndex, corresponding to the next hop that this row corresponds to. The first row in the table is the first hop after the origination point of the tunnel. In case we want to specify a particular interface on the originating LSR of an outgoing tunnel by which we want packets to exit the LSR, we specify this as the first hop for this tunnel in mplsTunnelARHopTable. Please note that since the information necessary to build entries within this table are not provided by some MPLS signaling protocols, implementation of this table is optional. Furthermore, since the information in this table is actually provided by the MPLS signaling protocol after the path has been set-up, the entries in this table are provided only for observation, and hence, all variables in this table are accessible exclusively as read-only." ::= { mplsTeObjects 7 } mplsTunnelARHopEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsTunnelARHopEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table represents a tunnel hop. An entry is created by a network administrator for signaled ERLSP set up by an MPLS signaling protocol." INDEX { prvtMplsTeMibEntityIndex, mplsTunnelARHopListIndex, mplsTunnelARHopIndex } ::= { mplsTunnelARHopTable 1 } MplsTunnelARHopEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mplsTunnelARHopListIndex MplsPathIndex, mplsTunnelARHopIndex MplsPathIndex, mplsTunnelARHopAddrType TeHopAddressType, mplsTunnelARHopIpAddr TeHopAddress, mplsTunnelARHopAddrUnnum TeHopAddressUnnum, mplsTunnelARHopLspId MplsLSPID, -- Addition mplsTunnelARHopLabelStatuses BITS, mplsTunnelARHopExpLabelType MplsGeneralizedLabelType, mplsTunnelARHopExpLabel MplsGeneralizedLabel, mplsTunnelARHopExpRvrsLabelType MplsGeneralizedLabelType, mplsTunnelARHopExpRvrsLabel MplsGeneralizedLabel, mplsTunnelARHopProtection BITS -- End Addition } mplsTunnelARHopListIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsPathIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Primary index into this table identifying a particular recorded hop list." ::= { mplsTunnelARHopEntry 1 } mplsTunnelARHopIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsPathIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Secondary index into this table identifying the particular hop." ::= { mplsTunnelARHopEntry 2 } mplsTunnelARHopAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TeHopAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Hop Address Type of this tunnel hop. If the type value is set to ipv4(1) or ipv6(2). The tunnel path can be determin using mplsTunnelARHopIpAddr object. mplsTunnelARHopAddrUnnum and mplsTunnelARHopLspId should not be used. If the type value is set to unnum(4) or unnumv6(6). The tunnel path can be determin using mplsTunnelARHopAddrUnnum object. mplsTunnelARHopIpAddr and mplsTunnelARHopLspId should not be used. Note that lspid(5) is a valid option only for tunnels signaled via CRLDP. The tunnel path can be determin using mplsTunnelARHopLspId object. mplsTunnelARHopIpAddr and mplsTunnelARHopAddrUnnum should not be used. Currently only ipv4(1) type is supported" DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { mplsTunnelARHopEntry 3 } mplsTunnelARHopIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TeHopAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Tunnel Hop Address for this tunnel hop. The type of this address is determined by the value of the corresponding mplsTunnelARHopAddrType. If mplsTunnelARHopAddrType is set to ipv4(1) or ipv6(2), then this value contains the LSR Router ID of the unnumbered interface. Otherwise the agent SHOULD set this object to the zero-length string and the manager should ignore this object." ::= { mplsTunnelARHopEntry 4 } mplsTunnelARHopAddrUnnum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TeHopAddressUnnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If mplsTunnelARHopAddrType is set to unnum(4) or unnumv6(6), then this value will contain the interface identifier of the unnumbered interface for this hop. This object should be used in conjunction with mplsTunnelARHopIpAddr which would contain the LSR Router ID in this case. Otherwise the agent should set this object to zero-length string and the manager should ignore this." ::= { mplsTunnelARHopEntry 5 } mplsTunnelARHopLspId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsLSPID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If mplsTunnelARHopAddrType is set to lspid(5), then this value will contain the LSP ID of this hop. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0 to indicate this fact." ::= { mplsTunnelARHopEntry 6 } -- Addition mplsTunnelARHopLabelStatuses OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { forwardPresent (0), reversePresent (1), forwardGlobal (2), reverseGlobal (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This bitmask indicates the presence and status of labels indicated by the mplsTunnelARHopExpLabel and mplsTunnelARHopExpRvrsLabel objects. For the Present bits, a set bit indicates that a label is present for this hop in the route. For the Global bits, a set bit indicates that the label comes from the Global Label Space. A clear bit indicates that this is a Per- Interface label. A Global bit only has meaning if the corresponding Present bit is set." ::= { mplsTunnelARHopEntry 7 } mplsTunnelARHopExpLabelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsGeneralizedLabelType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The C-Type of the following hop label. This field is insignificant unless mplsTunnelARHopLabelStatuses has the forwardPresent(0) or forwardGlobal(2) bits set." ::= { mplsTunnelARHopEntry 8 } mplsTunnelARHopExpLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsGeneralizedLabel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If mplsTunnelARHopLabelStatus has the present(0) bit set, then this value indicates the label value used for this hop. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0. When this label is read from a signaling protocol message, it is copied byte for byte as is. Therefore, if the label octet string is understood to represent multibyte values, it encodes those values in network (big-endian) byte order. This interpretation applies in particular to the non-generalized MPLS labels (32 bits) used in ATM, FR and generic MPLS networks." ::= { mplsTunnelARHopEntry 9 } mplsTunnelARHopExpRvrsLabelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsGeneralizedLabelType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The C-Type of the following hop label. This field is insignificant unless mplsTunnelARHopLabelStatuses has the reversePresent(1) or reverseGlobal(3) bits set." ::= { mplsTunnelARHopEntry 10 } mplsTunnelARHopExpRvrsLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsGeneralizedLabel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the mplsTunnelARHopLabelStatuses object indicates that a reverse label is present then the label in use on this hop is found in this object." ::= { mplsTunnelARHopEntry 11 } mplsTunnelARHopProtection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { localAvailable (0), localInUse (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Availability and usage of protection on the reported link. localAvailable Indicates that the link downstream of this node is protected via a local repair mechanism. localInUse Indicates that a local repair mechanism is in use to maintain this tunnel (usually in the face of an outage of the link it was previously routed over)." ::= { mplsTunnelARHopEntry 12 } -- End Addition -- End of mplsTunnelARHopTable -- Tunnel Computed Hop table. mplsTunnelCHopTable OBJECT-TYPE -- FAMILY-SHORT-NAME MPLS_CHOP SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MplsTunnelCHopEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mplsTunnelCHopTable is used to indicate the hops, strict or loose, for an MPLS tunnel defined in mplsTunnelTable, as computed by a constraint- based routing protocol, based on the mplsTunnelHopTable for the outgoing direction of the tunnel. Each row in this table is indexed by mplsTunnelCHopListIndex. Each row also has a secondary index mplsTunnelCHopIndex, corresponding to the next hop that this row corresponds to. The first row in the table is the first hop after the origination point of the tunnel. In case we want to specify a particular interface on the originating LSR of an outgoing tunnel by which we want packets to exit the LSR, we specify this as the first hop for this tunnel in mplsTunnelCHopTable. Please note that since the information necessary to build entries within this table may not be supported by some LSRs, implementation of this table is optional. Furthermore, since the information in this table is actually provided by routing protocol after the path has been computed, the entries in this table are provided only for observation, and hence, all variables in this table are accessible exclusively as read-only." ::= { mplsTeObjects 8 } mplsTunnelCHopEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsTunnelCHopEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table represents a tunnel hop. An entry in this table is created by a constraint- based routing protocol based on the hops specified in the corresponding mplsTunnelHopTable." INDEX { prvtMplsTeMibEntityIndex, mplsTunnelCHopListIndex, mplsTunnelCHopIndex } ::= { mplsTunnelCHopTable 1 } MplsTunnelCHopEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mplsTunnelCHopListIndex MplsPathIndex, mplsTunnelCHopIndex MplsPathIndex, mplsTunnelCHopAddrType TeHopAddressType, mplsTunnelCHopIpAddr TeHopAddress, mplsTunnelCHopIpPrefixLen Unsigned32, mplsTunnelCHopAsNumber TeHopAddressAS, mplsTunnelCHopAddrUnnum TeHopAddressUnnum, mplsTunnelCHopLspId MplsLSPID, mplsTunnelCHopType INTEGER, mplsTunnelCHopLabelStatuses BITS, mplsTunnelCHopExpLabelType MplsGeneralizedLabelType, mplsTunnelCHopExpLabel MplsGeneralizedLabel, mplsTunnelCHopExpRvrsLabelType MplsGeneralizedLabelType, mplsTunnelCHopExpRvrsLabel MplsGeneralizedLabel } mplsTunnelCHopListIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsPathIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Primary index into this table identifying a particular computed hop list." ::= { mplsTunnelCHopEntry 1 } mplsTunnelCHopIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsPathIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Secondary index into this table identifying the particular hop." ::= { mplsTunnelCHopEntry 2 } mplsTunnelCHopAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TeHopAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Hop Address Type of this tunnel hop. Note that lspid(5) is a valid option only for tunnels signaled via CRLDP." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { mplsTunnelCHopEntry 3 } mplsTunnelCHopIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TeHopAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Tunnel Hop Address for this tunnel hop. The type of this address is determined by the value of the corresponding mplsTunnelCHopAddrType. If mplsTunnelCHopAddrType is set to unnum(4) or unnumv6(6), then this value will contain the LSR Router ID of the unnumbered interface. Otherwise the agent should set this object to the zero-length string and the manager SHOULD ignore this object." ::= { mplsTunnelCHopEntry 4 } mplsTunnelCHopIpPrefixLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If mplsTunnelCHopAddrType is set to ipv4(1) or ipv6(2), then this value will contain an appropriate prefix length for the IP address in object mplsTunnelCHopIpAddr. Otherwise this value is irrelevant and should be ignored. " DEFVAL { 32 } ::= { mplsTunnelCHopEntry 5 } mplsTunnelCHopAsNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TeHopAddressAS MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If mplsTunnelCHopAddrType is set to asnumber(3), then this value will contain the AS number of this hop. Otherwise the agent should set this object to zero-length string and the manager should ignore this." ::= { mplsTunnelCHopEntry 6 } mplsTunnelCHopAddrUnnum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TeHopAddressUnnum MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If mplsTunnelCHopAddrType is set to unnum(4) or unnumv6(6), then this value will contain the unnumbered interface identifier of this hop. This object should be used in conjunction with mplsTunnelCHopIpAddr which would contain the LSR Router ID in this case. Otherwise the agent should set this object to zero- length string and the manager should ignore this." ::= { mplsTunnelCHopEntry 7 } mplsTunnelCHopLspId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsLSPID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If mplsTunnelCHopAddrType is set to lspid(5), then this value will contain the LSP ID of this hop. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0 to indicate this fact." ::= { mplsTunnelCHopEntry 8 } mplsTunnelCHopType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { strict(1), loose(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Denotes whether this is tunnel hop is routed in a strict or loose fashion." ::= { mplsTunnelCHopEntry 9 } mplsTunnelCHopLabelStatuses OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { forwardPresent (0), reversePresent (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This bitmask indicates the presence of labels indicated by the mplsTunnelCHopExpLabel and mplsTunnelCHopExpRvrsLabel objects. A set bit indicates that a label is present for this hop in the route thus allowing zero to be a valid label value." ::= { mplsTunnelCHopEntry 11 } mplsTunnelCHopExpLabelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsGeneralizedLabelType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The C-Type of the following hop label. This field is insignificant unless mplsTunnelCHopLabelStatuses has the forwardPresent(0) bit set." ::= { mplsTunnelCHopEntry 12 } mplsTunnelCHopExpLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsGeneralizedLabel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The explicit out-segment label to use on the forward path. When this label is used in signaling protocol messages, it is copied byte for byte as is. Therefore, if the label octet string is intended to represent multibyte values, it should encode those values in network (big-endian) byte order. This interpretation applies in particular to the non-generalized MPLS labels (32 bits) used in ATM, FR and generic MPLS networks." ::= { mplsTunnelCHopEntry 13 } mplsTunnelCHopExpRvrsLabelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsGeneralizedLabelType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The C-Type of the following hop label. This field is insignificant unless mplsTunnelCHopLabelStatuses has the reversePresent(0) bit set." ::= { mplsTunnelCHopEntry 14 } mplsTunnelCHopExpRvrsLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsGeneralizedLabel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The explicit in-segment label to use on the reverse path. When this label is used in signaling protocol messages, it is copied byte for byte as is. Therefore, if the label octet string is intended to represent multibyte values, it should encode those values in network (big-endian) byte order. This interpretation applies in particular to the non-generalized MPLS labels (32 bits) used in ATM, FR and generic MPLS networks." ::= { mplsTunnelCHopEntry 15 } -- End of mplsTunnelCHopTable -- MPLS Tunnel Performance Table. mplsTunnelPerfTable OBJECT-TYPE -- FAMILY-SHORT-NAME MPLS_TPRF SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MplsTunnelPerfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides per-tunnel MPLS performance information." ::= { mplsTeObjects 9 } mplsTunnelPerfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsTunnelPerfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table is created by the LSR for every tunnel. Its is an extension to mplsTunnelEntry." AUGMENTS { mplsTunnelEntry } ::= { mplsTunnelPerfTable 1 } MplsTunnelPerfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mplsTunnelPerfPackets Counter32, mplsTunnelPerfHCPackets Counter64, mplsTunnelPerfErrors Counter32, mplsTunnelPerfBytes Counter32, mplsTunnelPerfHCBytes Counter64 } mplsTunnelPerfPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of packets forwarded by the tunnel." ::= { mplsTunnelPerfEntry 1 } mplsTunnelPerfHCPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "High capacity counter for number of packets forwarded by the tunnel." ::= { mplsTunnelPerfEntry 2 } mplsTunnelPerfErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of errored packets." ::= { mplsTunnelPerfEntry 3 } mplsTunnelPerfBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of bytes forwarded by the tunnel." ::= { mplsTunnelPerfEntry 4 } mplsTunnelPerfHCBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "High capacity counter for number of bytes forwarded by the tunnel." ::= { mplsTunnelPerfEntry 5 } -- End of mplsTunnelPerfTable -- CR-LDP Tunnel Resource Table mplsTunnelCRLDPResTable OBJECT-TYPE -- FAMILY-SHORT-NAME MPLS_TCRS SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MplsTunnelCRLDPResEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mplsTunnelCRLDPResTable allows a manager to specify which CR-LDP-specific resources are desired for an MPLS tunnel if that tunnel is signaled using CR-LDP. Note that these attributes are in addition to those specified in mplsTunnelResourceTable. This table also allows several tunnels to point to a single entry in this table, implying that these tunnels should share resources." ::= { mplsTeObjects 10 } mplsTunnelCRLDPResEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsTunnelCRLDPResEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table represents a set of resources for an MPLS tunnel established using CRLDP (mplsTunnelSignallingProto equal to crldp (3)). An entry can be created by a network administrator or by an SNMP agent as instructed by any MPLS signaling protocol." INDEX { prvtMplsTeMibEntityIndex, mplsTunnelResourceIndex } ::= { mplsTunnelCRLDPResTable 1 } MplsTunnelCRLDPResEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mplsTunnelCRLDPResMeanBurstSize MplsBurstSize, mplsTunnelCRLDPResExBurstSize MplsBurstSize, mplsTunnelCRLDPResFrequency INTEGER, mplsTunnelCRLDPResWeight Unsigned32, mplsTunnelCRLDPResFlags Unsigned32, mplsTunnelCRLDPResRowStatus RowStatus, mplsTunnelCRLDPResStorageType StorageType } mplsTunnelCRLDPResMeanBurstSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBurstSize UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mean burst size in bytes." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelCRLDPResEntry 2 } mplsTunnelCRLDPResExBurstSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBurstSize UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Excess burst size in bytes." REFERENCE "CR-LDP Specification, Section 4.3." ::= { mplsTunnelCRLDPResEntry 3 } mplsTunnelCRLDPResFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unspecified(1), frequent(2), veryFrequent(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The granularity of the availability of committed rate." REFERENCE "CR-LDP Specification, Section 4.3." ::= { mplsTunnelCRLDPResEntry 4 } mplsTunnelCRLDPResWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The relative weight for using excess bandwidth above its committed rate. The value of 0 means that weight is not applicable for the CR-LSP." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelCRLDPResEntry 5 } mplsTunnelCRLDPResFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..63) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the 1 byte Flags conveyed as part of the traffic parameters during the establishment of the CRLSP. The bits in this object are to be interpreted as follows. +==+==+==+==+==+==+==+==+ | Res |F6|F5|F4|F3|F2|F1| +==+==+==+==+==+==+==+==+ Res - These bits are reserved. Zero on transmission. Ignored on receipt. F1 - Corresponds to the PDR. F2 - Corresponds to the PBS. F3 - Corresponds to the CDR. F4 - Corresponds to the CBS. F5 - Corresponds to the EBS. F6 - Corresponds to the Weight. Each flag if is a Negotiable Flag corresponding to a Traffic Parameter. The Negotiable Flag value zero denotes Not Negotiable and value one denotes Negotiable." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelCRLDPResEntry 6 } mplsTunnelCRLDPResRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable is used to create, modify, and/or delete a row in this table." ::= { mplsTunnelCRLDPResEntry 7 } mplsTunnelCRLDPResStorageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StorageType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates the storage type for this object." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { mplsTunnelCRLDPResEntry 8 } -- End of CR-LDP Tunnel Resource Table -- Addition -- MPLS DiffServ Table mplsDiffServIndexNextTable OBJECT-TYPE -- FAMILY-SHORT-NAME MPLS_DSI SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MplsDiffServIndexNextEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the next available values of mplsDiffServIndex for all entities." ::= { mplsTeObjects 11 } mplsDiffServIndexNextEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsDiffServIndexNextEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table represents the next available mplsDiffServIndex for a specific TE-MIB entity. This MIB table is indexed by the PRVT-TE-MIB entity Index." INDEX { prvtMplsTeMibEntityIndex } ::= { mplsDiffServIndexNextTable 1 } MplsDiffServIndexNextEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mplsDiffServIndexNextIndex Integer32 } mplsDiffServIndexNextIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains the next appropriate value to be used for mplsDiffServIndex when creating entries in the mplsDiffServTable. If the number of unassigned entries is exhausted, this object will take on the value of 0. To obtain the mplsDiffServIndex value for a new entry, the manager must first issue a management protocol retrieval operation to obtain the current value of this object. The agent should modify the value to reflect the next unassigned index after each retrieval operation. After a manager retrieves a value the agent will determine through its local policy when this index value will be made available for reuse." ::= { mplsDiffServIndexNextEntry 1 } mplsDiffServTable OBJECT-TYPE -- FAMILY-SHORT-NAME MPLS_DS SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MplsDiffServEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mplsDiffServTable allows DiffServ parameters to be configured for DiffServ enabled LSPs signalled by the mplsTunnelTable. If a tunnel is an E-LSP, then fields in this table must be set to indicate 0 - 8 EXP->PHB maps, and the number of such maps, to be used by LSRs in the E-LSP to determine the PHB to apply to incoming packets. If a tunnel is an L-LSP, then fields in this table must be set to indicate the PHB Scheduling Class (PSC) to use for incoming packets." REFERENCE "Le Faucher, et. al, MPLS Support of Differentiated Services, Internet Draft , April 2001." ::= { mplsTeObjects 12 } mplsDiffServEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsDiffServEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table represents either a set of 0 - 8 EXP->PHB maps, and the number of such maps, for an E-LSP or a PSC value for an L-LSP." REFERENCE "Le Faucher, et. al, MPLS Support of Differentiated Services, Internet Draft , April 2001." INDEX { prvtMplsTeMibEntityIndex, mplsDiffServIndex } ::= { mplsDiffServTable 1 } MplsDiffServEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mplsDiffServIndex Integer32, mplsDiffServType INTEGER, mplsDiffServLLSPPSC Integer32, mplsDiffServELSPNumPHBs Integer32, mplsDiffServELSPPHB0 Integer32, mplsDiffServELSPPHB1 Integer32, mplsDiffServELSPPHB2 Integer32, mplsDiffServELSPPHB3 Integer32, mplsDiffServELSPPHB4 Integer32, mplsDiffServELSPPHB5 Integer32, mplsDiffServELSPPHB6 Integer32, mplsDiffServELSPPHB7 Integer32, mplsDiffServRowStatus RowStatus } mplsDiffServIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies this row." ::= { mplsDiffServEntry 1 } mplsDiffServType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { elsp(0), llsp(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field must be set to indicate whether this row contains parameters for an E-LSP or an L-LSP." ::= { mplsDiffServEntry 2 } mplsDiffServLLSPPSC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Valid only when mplsDiffServType takes the value l-lsp (1), this field contains the16-bit encoding of the PHB Scheduling Class (PSC) to be used for packets on this LSP (RFC 3140)." ::= { mplsDiffServEntry 3 } mplsDiffServELSPNumPHBs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Valid only when mplsDiffServType takes the value e-lsp (0), this value indicates the number of EXP->PHB maps defined in this row." ::= { mplsDiffServEntry 4 } mplsDiffServELSPPHB0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Valid only when mplsDiffServType takes the value e-lsp (0), this field contains the 16-bit encoding of the PHB (RFC 3140) which is assigned to packets on this LSP with the value 0 in the EXP field of their MPLS shim header." ::= { mplsDiffServEntry 5 } mplsDiffServELSPPHB1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Valid only when mplsDiffServType takes the value e-lsp (0), this field contains the 16-bit encoding of the PHB (RFC 3140) which is assigned to packets on this LSP with the value 1 in the EXP field of their MPLS shim header." ::= { mplsDiffServEntry 6 } mplsDiffServELSPPHB2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Valid only when mplsDiffServType takes the value e-lsp (0), this field contains the 16-bit encoding of the PHB (RFC 3140) which is assigned to packets on this LSP with the value 2 in the EXP field of their MPLS shim header." ::= { mplsDiffServEntry 7 } mplsDiffServELSPPHB3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Valid only when mplsDiffServType takes the value e-lsp (0), this field contains the 16-bit encoding of the PHB (RFC 3140) which is assigned to packets on this LSP with the value 3 in the EXP field of their MPLS shim header." ::= { mplsDiffServEntry 8 } mplsDiffServELSPPHB4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Valid only when mplsDiffServType takes the value e-lsp (0), this field contains the 16-bit encoding of the PHB (RFC 3140) which is assigned to packets on this LSP with the value 4 in the EXP field of their MPLS shim header." ::= { mplsDiffServEntry 9 } mplsDiffServELSPPHB5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Valid only when mplsDiffServType takes the value e-lsp (0), this field contains the 16-bit encoding of the PHB (RFC 3140) which is assigned to packets on this LSP with the value 5 in the EXP field of their MPLS shim header." ::= { mplsDiffServEntry 10 } mplsDiffServELSPPHB6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Valid only when mplsDiffServType takes the value e-lsp (0), this field contains the 16-bit encoding of the PHB (RFC 3140) which is assigned to packets on this LSP with the value 6 in the EXP field of their MPLS shim header." ::= { mplsDiffServEntry 11 } mplsDiffServELSPPHB7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Valid only when mplsDiffServType takes the value e-lsp (0), this field contains the 16-bit encoding of the PHB (RFC 3140) which is assigned to packets on this LSP with the value 7 in the EXP field of their MPLS shim header." ::= { mplsDiffServEntry 12 } mplsDiffServRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable is used to create, modify, and/or delete a row in this table." ::= { mplsDiffServEntry 13 } -- End of MPLS DiffServ Table -- UNI Diversity table. prvtMplsTunnelUNIDvLstIdxNxtTable OBJECT-TYPE -- FAMILY-SHORT-NAME MPLS_DIVNI SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PrvtMplsTunnelUNIDvLstIdxNxtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the next available values of prvtMplsTunnelUNIDivListIdx for all entities." ::= { mplsTeObjects 13 } prvtMplsTunnelUNIDvLstIdxNxtEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtMplsTunnelUNIDvLstIdxNxtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table represents the next available prvtMplsTunnelUNIDivListIdx for a specific TE-MIB entity. This MIB table is indexed by the PRVT-TE-MIB entity Index." INDEX { prvtMplsTeMibEntityIndex } ::= { prvtMplsTunnelUNIDvLstIdxNxtTable 1 } PrvtMplsTunnelUNIDvLstIdxNxtEntry ::= SEQUENCE { prvtMplsTunnelUNIDivListIdxNext Integer32 } prvtMplsTunnelUNIDivListIdxNext OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the next available List Index in the prvtMplsTunnelUNIDiversityTable." ::= { prvtMplsTunnelUNIDvLstIdxNxtEntry 1 } prvtMplsTunnelUNIDiversityTable OBJECT-TYPE -- FAMILY-SHORT-NAME MPLS_DIV SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PrvtMplsTunnelUNIDiversityEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The prvtMplsTunnelUNIDiversityTable is used to indicate which existing tunnels a new UNI Connection is to be diverse from. This table is UNI specific. Each prvtMplsTunnelUNIDiversityTable is indexed using prvtMplsTeMibEntityIndex, prvtMplsTunnelUNIDivListIdx, prvtMplsTunnelUNIDivTnnlIdx. To create a UNI tunnel to use Diversity, set up a row entry in the prvtMplsTunnelUNIDiversityTable for each existing tunnel that the new tunnel should be diverse from. Then when creating the new UNI tunnel, set prvtMplsTunnelUNIDiversityTableIndex in the mplsTunnelTable to the list_index corresponding to the Diversity Table to be used. A diversity list is read-only if it is referenced by an active row in the mplsTunnelTable that is admin_status up. Under these circumstances, no individual rows/diversity requirements making up the list can be added, modified or deleted. A list of diversity requirements can only be satisfied by signaling if all of the referenced rows in the mplsTunnelTable are oper_status up when signaling is initiated. If the requirements cannot be satisfied, any tunnel attempting to use the list will remain oper_status down." ::= { mplsTeObjects 14 } prvtMplsTunnelUNIDiversityEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtMplsTunnelUNIDiversityEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table corresponds to an entry in the mplsTunnelTable. A subsequent Tunnel that references this entry will be created Diverse from the tunnel row entry specified here." INDEX { prvtMplsTeMibEntityIndex, prvtMplsTunnelUNIDivListIdx, prvtMplsTunnelUNIDivIdx } ::= { prvtMplsTunnelUNIDiversityTable 1 } PrvtMplsTunnelUNIDiversityEntry ::= SEQUENCE { prvtMplsTunnelUNIDivListIdx Integer32, prvtMplsTunnelUNIDivIdx Integer32, prvtMplsTunnelUNIDivRowPointer RowPointer, prvtMplsTunnelOperStatus Integer32, prvtMplsTunnelUNIDivRowStatus RowStatus, prvtMplsTunnelUNIDivRequirement INTEGER, prvtMplsTunnelUNIDivAccess Integer32 } prvtMplsTunnelUNIDivListIdx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Primary index into this table identifying a particular list of Diversity requirements." ::= { prvtMplsTunnelUNIDiversityEntry 2 } prvtMplsTunnelUNIDivIdx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Secondary index into this table identifying a Diversity requirement within the list." ::= { prvtMplsTunnelUNIDiversityEntry 3 } prvtMplsTunnelUNIDivRowPointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowPointer MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field represents a pointer to the entry in the mplsTunnelTable to which the Diversity requirement applies. The array of longs specified here is configured as the OID of the corresponding tunnel." ::= { prvtMplsTunnelUNIDiversityEntry 4 } prvtMplsTunnelOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Oper Status of the mplsTunnelTable row referred to by prvtMplsTunnelUNIDivPointer. If this tunnel is removed from the mplsTunnelTable then this is set to AMB_OPER_STATUS_DOWN. This field is used to determine whether a diversity requirement can currently be satisfied by signaling." ::= { prvtMplsTunnelUNIDiversityEntry 5 } prvtMplsTunnelUNIDivRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable is used to create or delete this row." ::= { prvtMplsTunnelUNIDiversityEntry 6 } prvtMplsTunnelUNIDivRequirement OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nodeDiverse(1), -- node diverse linkDiverse(2), -- link diverse srlg(3), -- shared risk link group sharedPath(4) -- shared path } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the Diversity Requirement for the corresponding tunnel. Once an row entry has been created and is oper status 'up' for this tunnel this value cannot be altered." ::= { prvtMplsTunnelUNIDiversityEntry 7 } prvtMplsTunnelUNIDivAccess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the access (read-only or writable) that the user has over this row entry. The circumstances under which a row is read-only are described above." ::= { prvtMplsTunnelUNIDiversityEntry 8 } -- End of UNI Diversity table. prvtMplsTunnelTrapEnableTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PrvtMplsTunnelTrapEnableEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The prvtMplsTunnelTrapEnable Table allows a manager to enable or disable TRAPs." ::= { mplsTeObjects 15 } prvtMplsTunnelTrapEnableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtMplsTunnelTrapEnableEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table is used to configure trap support for this instance of TE-MIB" INDEX { prvtMplsTeMibEntityIndex } ::= { prvtMplsTunnelTrapEnableTable 1 } PrvtMplsTunnelTrapEnableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mplsTunnelTrapEnable TruthValue } mplsTunnelTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If this object is true, then it enables the generation of mplsTunnelUp and mplsTunnelDown traps, otherwise these traps are not emitted." DEFVAL { false } ::= { prvtMplsTunnelTrapEnableEntry 2 } -- Scalar table mplsTunnelHoldTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines a period in seconds needed to wait before rebuilding backup or primary tunnels if a frr condition occurs Currently no more than 10 seconds are allowed" ::= { mplsTeObjects 19 } -- Addition mplsTeMibEntityScalarTable OBJECT-TYPE -- FAMILY-SHORT-NAME MPLS_SCALAR SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MplsTeMibEntityScalarEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mplsTeMibEntityScalarTable contains all MPLS Tunnel scalars." ::= { mplsTeObjects 16 } mplsTeMibEntityScalarEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsTeMibEntityScalarEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mplsTeMibEntityScalarTable contains all MPLS Tunnel scalars." INDEX { prvtMplsTeMibEntityIndex } ::= { mplsTeMibEntityScalarTable 1 } MplsTeMibEntityScalarEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mplsTunnelConfigured Unsigned32, mplsTunnelActive Unsigned32, mplsTunnelTEDistProto BITS, mplsTunnelMaxHops Unsigned32, mplsTunnelNotificationMaxRate Unsigned32 } -- End Addition mplsTunnelConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of tunnels configured on this device. A tunnel is considered configured if the mplsTunnelRowStatus is active(1)." ::= { mplsTeMibEntityScalarEntry 2 } mplsTunnelActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of tunnels active on this device. A tunnel is considered active if the mplsTunnelOperStatus is up(1)." ::= { mplsTeMibEntityScalarEntry 3 } mplsTunnelTEDistProto OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { other (0), ospf (1), isis (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The traffic engineering distribution protocol(s) used by this LSR. Note that an LSR may support more than one distribution protocol simultaneously." ::= { mplsTeMibEntityScalarEntry 4 } mplsTunnelMaxHops OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of hops that can be specified for a tunnel on this device." ::= { mplsTeMibEntityScalarEntry 5 } mplsTunnelNotificationMaxRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates the maximum number of notifications issued per second. If events occur more rapidly, the implementation may simply fail to emit these notifications during that period, or may queue them until an appropriate time. A value of 0 means no throttling is applied and events may be notified at the rate at which they occur." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTeMibEntityScalarEntry 6 } -- PRVT-Addition -- SONET Tunnel Resource Table mplsTunnelSonetResTable OBJECT-TYPE -- FAMILY-SHORT-NAME MPLS_TSRS SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MplsTunnelSonetResEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mplsTunnelSonetResTable allows a manager to specify which Sonet-specific resources are desired for an MPLS tunnel. Note that these attributes are in addition to those specified in mplsTunnelResourceTable. This table also allows several tunnels to point to a single entry in this table, implying that these tunnels should share resources." ::= { mplsTeObjects 17 } mplsTunnelSonetResEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsTunnelSonetResEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table represents a set of Sonet resources for an MPLS tunnel. An entry can be created by a network administrator or by an SNMP agent as instructed by any MPLS signaling protocol." INDEX { prvtMplsTeMibEntityIndex, mplsTunnelResourceIndex } ::= { mplsTunnelSonetResTable 1 } MplsTunnelSonetResEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mplsTunnelSonetResRCC Integer32, mplsTunnelSonetResNCC Unsigned32, mplsTunnelSonetResNVC Unsigned32, mplsTunnelSonetResMultiplier Unsigned32, mplsTunnelSonetResTransparency Unsigned32, mplsTunnelSonetResRowStatus RowStatus, mplsTunnelSonetResSignalType Integer32 } mplsTunnelSonetResRCC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Requested Contiguous Concatenation. Indicates the types of contiguous concatenation requested for this LSP. This field is only valid if is SDH or SONET, and the is 0.0." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelSonetResEntry 2 } mplsTunnelSonetResNCC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Requested Number of Contiguous Components. Indicates the number of identical SDH/SONET SPEs/VCs that are requested to be concatenated, as indicated in the field. This field is only valid if is SDH or SONET, and the is 0.0." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelSonetResEntry 3 } mplsTunnelSonetResNVC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field indicates the number of signals that are requested to be virtually concatenated. These signals are all of the same type. This field is valid only if is SDH or SONET, and the is 0.0." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelSonetResEntry 4 } mplsTunnelSonetResMultiplier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is a bit field indicating the number of identical signals that are requested for the LSP. This field is valid only if is SDH or SONET, and the is 0.0." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { mplsTunnelSonetResEntry 5 } mplsTunnelSonetResTransparency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is a bit field indicating the type of Transparency being requested. Several flags can be combined to provide different types of transparency. Not all combinations are necessarily valid. This field is valid only if is SDH or SONET, and the is 0.0." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelSonetResEntry 6 } mplsTunnelSonetResRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable is used to create, modify, and/or delete a row in this table." ::= { mplsTunnelSonetResEntry 7 } mplsTunnelSonetResSignalType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the overhead termination type and is interpreted in relation to the LSP Encoding Type." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelSonetResEntry 9 } -- End of Sonet Tunnel Resource Table -- GMPLS Tunnel Error Table. mplsTunnelErrorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MplsTunnelErrorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table 'augments' the mplsTunnelTable. This table provides per-tunnel information about errors. Errors may be detected locally or reported through the signaling protocol. Error reporting is not exclusive to GMPLS and this table may be applied in MPLS systems." REFERENCE "Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Traffic Engineering (TE) Management Information Base (MIB), Srinivasan, C., Viswanathan, A., Nadeau, T., RFC 3812, June 2004." ::= { mplsTeObjects 18 } mplsTunnelErrorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsTunnelErrorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table is created by the LSR for every tunnel where error information is visible to the LSR. Note that systems which read the objects in this table one at a time may experience a discontinuity as the result of a new error occurring in between object reads. Systems that are vulnerable to this should read mplsTunnelErrorLastTime before and after reading the other objects." AUGMENTS { mplsTunnelEntry } ::= { mplsTunnelErrorTable 1 } MplsTunnelErrorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mplsTunnelErrorLastErrorType INTEGER, mplsTunnelErrorLastTime TimeStamp, mplsTunnelErrorReporterType InetAddressType, mplsTunnelErrorReporter InetAddress, mplsTunnelErrorCode Unsigned32, mplsTunnelErrorSubcode Unsigned32, mplsTunnelErrorTLVs OCTET STRING, mplsTunnelErrorHelpString DisplayString } mplsTunnelErrorLastErrorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noError (0), unknown (1), protocol (2), pathComputation (3), localConfiguration (4), localResources (5), localOther (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The nature of the last error. Provides interpretation context for mplsTunnelErrorProtocolCode and mplsTunnelErrorProtocolSubcode. A value of noError (0) shows that there is no error associated with this tunnel and means that the other objects in this table entry have no meaning. A value of unknown (1) shows that there is an error but that no additional information about the cause is known. The error may have been received in a signaled message or generated locally. A value of protocol (2) or pathComputation (3) indicates that the cause of an error and identifies an error that has been received through signaling or will itself be signaled. A value of localConfiguration (4), localResources (5) or localOther (6) identifies an error which has been detected by the local node, but which will not be reported through signaling." ::= { mplsTunnelErrorEntry 1 } mplsTunnelErrorLastTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time at which the last error occurred. This is presented as the value of SysUpTime when the error occurred or was reported to this node. If mplsTunnelErrorLastErrorType has the value noError (0), then this object is ignored." ::= { mplsTunnelErrorEntry 2 } mplsTunnelErrorReporterType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The address type of the error reported. This object is used to aid in interpretation of mplsTunnelErrorReporter." ::= { mplsTunnelErrorEntry 3 } mplsTunnelErrorReporter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The address of the node reporting the last error, or the address of the resource (such as an interface) associated with the error. If mplsTunnelErrorLastErrorType has the value noError (0), then this object is ignored. If mplsTunnelErrorLastErrorType has the value unknown (1), localConfiguration (4), localResources (5), or localOther (6) this object MAY contain a zero value. This object should be interpreted in the context of the value of the object mplsTunnelErrorReporterType." REFERENCE "RFC3291, Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses, Section 4. Usage Hints." ::= { mplsTunnelErrorEntry 4 } mplsTunnelErrorCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The primary error code associated with the last error. The interpretation of this error code depends on the value of mplsTunnelErrorLastErrorType. If the value of mplsTunnelErrorLastErrorType is noError (0) the value of this object should be 0 and should be ignored. If the value of mplsTunnelErrorLastErrorType is protocol (2) the error should be interpreted in the context of the signling protocol identified by the mplsTunnelSignallingProto object. Values in excess 32767 of are not used by signaling protocols and may safely be used as implementation-specific error codes." REFERENCE "1. Braden, R. (Ed.) et al., Resource ReserVation Protocol -- Version 1 Functional Specification, RFC 2205, September 1997. 2. RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels, Awduche et al., RFC 3209, December 2001. 3. Generalized MPLS Signaling - RSVP-TE Extensions, Berger, L. (Editor), RFC 3473, January 2003." ::= { mplsTunnelErrorEntry 5 } mplsTunnelErrorSubcode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The secondary error code associated with the last error and the protocol used to signal this tunnel. This value is interpreted in the context of the value of mplsTunnelErrorCode. If the value of mplsTunnelErrorLastErrorType is noError (0) the value of this object should be 0 and should be ignored." REFERENCE "1. Braden, R. (Ed.) et al., Resource ReserVation Protocol -- Version 1 Functional Specification, RFC 2205, September 1997. 2. RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels, Awduche et al., RFC 3209, December 2001. 3. Generalized MPLS Signaling - RSVP-TE Extensions, Berger, L. (Editor), RFC 3473, January 2003." ::= { mplsTunnelErrorEntry 6 } mplsTunnelErrorTLVs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The sequence of interface identifier TLVs reported with the error by the protocol code. The interpretation of the TLVs and the encoding within the protocol are described in the references. A value of zero in the first octet indicates that no TLVs are present." REFERENCE "Generalized MPLS Signaling - RSVP-TE Extensions, Berger, L. (Editor), RFC 3473, January 2003." ::= { mplsTunnelErrorEntry 7 } mplsTunnelErrorHelpString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing information about the last error, recovery actions and support advice. If there is no help string this object contains a zero length string. If the value of mplsTunnelErrorLastErrorType is noError (0) this object should contain a zero length string, but may contain a help string indicating that there is no error." ::= { mplsTunnelErrorEntry 8 } -- End Addition -- Notifications. mplsTunnelUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mplsTunnelAdminStatus, mplsTunnelOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when a mplsTunnelOperStatus object for one of the configured tunnels is about to leave the down state and transition into some other state (but not into the notPresent state). This other state is indicated by the included value of mplsTunnelOperStatus. This structure is the same as the generic AMB_MPLS_TUNNEL_TRAP_COMMON." ::= { mplsTeNotifyPrefix 1 } mplsTunnelDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mplsTunnelAdminStatus, mplsTunnelOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when a mplsTunnelOperStatus object for one of the configured tunnels is about to enter the down state from some other state (but not from the notPresent state). This other state is indicated by the included value of mplsTunnelOperStatus. This structure is the same as the generic AMB_MPLS_TUNNEL_TRAP_COMMON." ::= { mplsTeNotifyPrefix 2 } mplsTunnelRerouted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mplsTunnelAdminStatus, mplsTunnelOperStatus, mplsTunnelARHopTableIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when a tunnel is rerouted. If the actual path is used, then this object MAY contain the new path for this tunnel some time after this trap is issued by the agent. This structure is the same as the generic AMB_MPLS_TUNNEL_TRAP_COMMON." ::= { mplsTeNotifyPrefix 3 } mplsTunnelReoptimized NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mplsTunnelAdminStatus, mplsTunnelOperStatus, mplsTunnelARHopTableIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when a tunnel is reoptimized. If the mplsTunnelARHopTable is used, then this tunnel instance's entry in the mplsTunnelARHopTable MAY contain the new path for this tunnel some time after this trap is issued by the agent. This structure is the same as the generic AMB_MPLS_TUNNEL_TRAP_COMMON." ::= { mplsTeNotifyPrefix 4 } -- End of notifications. -- Module compliance. mplsTeGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsTeConformance 1 } mplsTeCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsTeConformance 2 } mplsTeModuleFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Compliance statement for agents that provide full support the MPLS-TE-STD-MIB module." MODULE IF-MIB -- The Interfaces Group MIB, RFC 2863. MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifGeneralInformationGroup, ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup } MODULE -- this module -- The mandatory group has to be implemented by all -- LSRs that originate/terminate ESLSPs/tunnels. -- In addition, depending on the type of tunnels -- supported, other groups become mandatory as -- explained below. MANDATORY-GROUPS { mplsTunnelGroup, mplsTunnelScalarGroup } GROUP mplsTunnelManualGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for devices which support manual configuration of tunnels." GROUP mplsTunnelSignaledGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for devices which support signaled tunnel set up." GROUP mplsTunnelIsNotIntfcGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for devices which support tunnels that are not interfaces." GROUP mplsTunnelIsIntfcGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for devices which support tunnels that are interfaces." GROUP mplsTunnelCRLDPResOptionalGroup DESCRIPTION "Objects in this group are required by implementations supporting the CR-LDP protocol for signalling of TE tunnels." GROUP mplsTunnelSonetGroup DESCRIPTION "Set of objects needed to implement Sonet." GROUP mplsTunnelUniGroup DESCRIPTION "Set of objects needed to implement UNI." GROUP mplsTunnelBackupGroup DESCRIPTION "Set of objects needed for backup tunnels." GROUP mplsTunnelARHopGroup DESCRIPTION "Set of objects relating to ARHop." GROUP mplsTunnelCHopGroup DESCRIPTION "Set of objects relating to CHop." GROUP mplsDiffServGroup DESCRIPTION "Set of objects relating to DiffServ." GROUP mplsTeNotificationGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for those implementations which can implement the notifications contained in this group." OBJECT mplsTunnelRowStatus SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1), notInService(2) } WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1), notInService(2), createAndGo(4), destroy(6) } DESCRIPTION "Support for createAndWait and notReady is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelHopRowStatus SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1), notInService(2) } WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1), notInService(2), createAndGo(4), destroy(6) } DESCRIPTION "Support for createAndWait and notReady is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelCRLDPResRowStatus SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1), notInService(2) } WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1), notInService(2), createAndGo(4), destroy(6) } DESCRIPTION "Support for createAndWait and notReady is not required." ::= { mplsTeCompliances 1 } -- Compliance requirement for read-only implementations. mplsTeModuleReadOnlyCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Compliance requirement for implementations that only provide read-only support for MPLS-TE-STD-MIB. Such devices can then be monitored but cannot be configured using this MIB modules." MODULE -- this module -- mplsTunnelTable MANDATORY-GROUPS { mplsTunnelGroup, mplsTunnelScalarGroup } GROUP mplsTunnelManualGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for devices which support manual configuration of tunnels." GROUP mplsTunnelSignaledGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for devices which support signaled tunnel set up." GROUP mplsTunnelIsNotIntfcGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for devices which support tunnels that are not interfaces." GROUP mplsTunnelIsIntfcGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for devices which support tunnels that are interfaces." GROUP mplsTunnelCRLDPResOptionalGroup DESCRIPTION "Objects in this group are required by implementations supporting the CR-LDP protocol for signalling of TE tunnels." GROUP mplsTeNotificationGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for those implementations which can implement the notifications contained in this group." -- mplsTunnelTable OBJECT mplsTunnelName MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelDescr MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelIsIf MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelIfIndex DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelXCPointer MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelSignallingProto MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelSetupPrio MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelHoldingPrio MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelSessionAttributes MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelLocalProtectInUse MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelResourcePointer MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelInstancePriority MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelHopTableIndex MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelIncludeAnyAffinity MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelIncludeAllAffinity MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelExcludeAnyAffinity MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelPathInUse MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelRole MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelAdminStatus SYNTAX INTEGER { up (1), down (2) } MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Only up and down states must be supported. Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelRowStatus SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1) } MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." -- mplsTunnelHopTable OBJECT mplsTunnelHopAddrType MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelHopIpAddr MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelHopIpPrefixLen MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelHopAddrUnnum MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelHopAsNumber MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelHopLspId MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelHopType SYNTAX INTEGER { strict(1) } MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "loose(2) need not be supported. Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelHopInclude MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelHopPathOptionName MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelHopEntryPathComp MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelHopRowStatus SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1) } MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelHopStorageType MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." -- mplsTunnelResourceTable OBJECT mplsTunnelResourceMaxRate MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelResourceMeanRate MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelResourceMaxBurstSize MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelResourceMeanBurstSize MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelResourceExBurstSize MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelResourceFrequency MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelResourceWeight MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelResourceRowStatus SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1) } MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelResourceStorageType MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." -- mplsTunnelCRLDPResTable OBJECT mplsTunnelCRLDPResMeanBurstSize MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelCRLDPResExBurstSize MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelCRLDPResFrequency MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelCRLDPResWeight MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelCRLDPResFlags MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelCRLDPResRowStatus SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1) } MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT mplsTunnelCRLDPResStorageType MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." ::= { mplsTeCompliances 2 } -- Units of conformance. mplsTunnelGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { mplsTunnelIndexNextIndex, mplsTunnelName, mplsTunnelDescr, mplsTunnelOwner, mplsTunnelXCPointer, mplsTunnelIfIndex, mplsTunnelHopTableIndex, mplsTunnelARHopTableIndex, mplsTunnelCHopTableIndex, mplsTunnelAdminStatus, mplsTunnelOperStatus, mplsTunnelRowStatus, mplsTunnelStorageType, mplsTunnelDirection, mplsTunnelLSPEncoding, mplsTunnelLinkProtection, mplsTunnelGPid, mplsTunnelUseEgressLabel, mplsTunnelEgressLabel, mplsTunnelEgressLabelType, mplsTunnelOmitEROIfOneHop, mplsTunnelPrivateData, mplsTunnelSrcTNAAddressType, mplsTunnelSrcTNAAddress, mplsTunnelDestTNAAddressType, mplsTunnelDestTNAAddress, mplsTunnelSecondary, mplsTunnelUnnumIf, mplsTunnelAttributes, mplsTunnelEndToEndRerouting, mplsTunnelIsUni, mplsTunnelUniServiceLevel, mplsTunnelUniEgressLabel, mplsTunnelUniEgressLabelType, mplsTunnelUniEgressLabelPort, mplsTunnelUniRvsEgressLabel, mplsTunnelUniRvsEgressLabelType, mplsTunnelUniRvsEgressLabelPort, mplsTunnelSwitchingType, mplsTunnelDeletionMode, mplsTunnelUniDiversityListIndex, mplsTunnelDiffServIndex, mplsTunnelReversePrivateData, mplsTunnelAdminStatusFlags, mplsTunnelFastRerouteMode, mplsTunnelBackupSetupPrio, mplsTunnelBackupHoldingPriority, mplsTunnelBackupIncAny, mplsTunnelBackupIncAll, mplsTunnelBackupExcAny, mplsTunnelBackupBandwidth, mplsTunnelBackupMaxHops, mplsTunnelDownNotRecipType, mplsTunnelDownNotRecip, mplsTunnelPathComp, mplsTunnelUpNotRecipType, mplsTunnelUpNotRecip, mplsTunnelExtraParamsPtr, mplsTunnelIsSpc, mplsTunnelUniIngressLabel, mplsTunnelUniIngressLabelType, mplsTunnelUniIngressLabelPort, mplsTunnelUniRvsIngrLabel, mplsTunnelUniRvsIngrLabelType, mplsTunnelUniRvsIngrLabelPort, mplsTunnelDiffServClassType, mplsTunnelExtendedProtection, mplsTunnelProtecting, mplsTunnelNotification, mplsTunnelLspProtection, mplsTunnelAssociatedLspId, mplsTunnelCallIdType, mplsTunnelCallId, mplsTunnelIsIpv6, mplsTunnelConfigured, mplsTunnelActive, mplsTunnelPrimaryInstance, mplsTunnelPrimaryUpTime, mplsTunnelPathChanges, mplsTunnelLastPathChange, mplsTunnelCreationTime, mplsTunnelStateTransitions, mplsTunnelIncludeAnyAffinity, mplsTunnelIncludeAllAffinity, mplsTunnelExcludeAnyAffinity, -- mplsTunnelPerfPackets, -- mplsTunnelPerfHCPackets, -- mplsTunnelPerfErrors, -- mplsTunnelPerfBytes, -- mplsTunnelPerfHCBytes, mplsTunnelResourcePointer, mplsTunnelInstancePriority, mplsTunnelPathInUse, mplsTunnelRole, mplsTunnelTotalUpTime, mplsTunnelInstanceUpTime, mplsTunnelResourceMaxRate, mplsTunnelResourceMeanRate, mplsTunnelResourceMaxBurstSize, mplsTunnelResourceMeanBurstSize, mplsTunnelResourceExBurstSize, mplsTunnelResourceFrequency, mplsTunnelResourceWeight, mplsTunnelResourceRowStatus, mplsTunnelResourceStorageType, mplsTunnelResourceIndexNextIndex, mplsTunnelSonetResRCC, mplsTunnelSonetResNCC, mplsTunnelSonetResNVC, mplsTunnelSonetResMultiplier, mplsTunnelSonetResTransparency, mplsTunnelSonetResRowStatus, mplsTunnelARHopAddrType, mplsTunnelARHopIpAddr, mplsTunnelARHopAddrUnnum, mplsTunnelARHopLspId, mplsTunnelCHopAddrType, mplsTunnelCHopIpAddr, mplsTunnelCHopIpPrefixLen, mplsTunnelCHopAsNumber, mplsTunnelCHopAddrUnnum, mplsTunnelCHopLspId, mplsTunnelCHopType, mplsTunnelTrapEnable, mplsTunnelErrorLastErrorType, mplsTunnelErrorLastTime, mplsTunnelErrorReporterType, mplsTunnelErrorReporter, mplsTunnelErrorCode, mplsTunnelErrorSubcode, mplsTunnelErrorTLVs, mplsTunnelErrorHelpString } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Necessary, but not sufficient, set of objects to implement tunnels. In addition, depending on the type of the tunnels supported (for example, manually configured or signaled, persistent or non- persistent, etc.), the following other groups defined below are mandatory: mplsTunnelManualGroup and/or mplsTunnelSignaledGroup, mplsTunnelIsNotIntfcGroup and/or mplsTunnelIsIntfcGroup." ::= { mplsTeGroups 1 } mplsTunnelManualGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { mplsTunnelSignallingProto } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Object(s) needed to implement manually configured tunnels." ::= { mplsTeGroups 2 } mplsTunnelSignaledGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { mplsTunnelSetupPrio, mplsTunnelHoldingPrio, mplsTunnelSignallingProto, mplsTunnelLocalProtectInUse, mplsTunnelSessionAttributes, mplsTunnelHopAddrType, mplsTunnelHopIpAddr, mplsTunnelHopIpPrefixLen, mplsTunnelHopAddrUnnum, mplsTunnelHopAsNumber, mplsTunnelHopLspId, mplsTunnelHopType, mplsTunnelHopInclude, mplsTunnelHopPathOptionName, mplsTunnelHopEntryPathComp, mplsTunnelHopRowStatus, mplsTunnelHopStorageType, mplsTunnelHopLabelStatuses, mplsTunnelHopExpLabelType, mplsTunnelHopExpLabel, mplsTunnelHopExpRvrsLabelType, mplsTunnelHopExpRvrsLabel, mplsTunnelHopIndexNextIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects needed to implement signaled tunnels." ::= { mplsTeGroups 3 } mplsTunnelScalarGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { mplsTunnelConfigured, mplsTunnelActive, mplsTunnelTEDistProto, mplsTunnelMaxHops, mplsTunnelNotificationMaxRate } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scalar object needed to implement MPLS tunnels." ::= { mplsTeGroups 4 } mplsTunnelIsIntfcGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { mplsTunnelIsIf } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects needed to implement tunnels that are interfaces." ::= { mplsTeGroups 5 } mplsTunnelIsNotIntfcGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { mplsTunnelIsIf } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects needed to implement tunnels that are not interfaces." ::= { mplsTeGroups 6 } mplsTunnelCRLDPResOptionalGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { mplsTunnelCRLDPResMeanBurstSize, mplsTunnelCRLDPResExBurstSize, mplsTunnelCRLDPResFrequency, mplsTunnelCRLDPResWeight, mplsTunnelCRLDPResFlags, mplsTunnelCRLDPResRowStatus, mplsTunnelCRLDPResStorageType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set of objects implemented for resources applicable for tunnels signaled using CR-LDP." ::= { mplsTeGroups 7 } mplsTunnelSonetGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { mplsTunnelSonetResSignalType, mplsTunnelSonetResRCC, mplsTunnelSonetResNCC, mplsTunnelSonetResNVC, mplsTunnelSonetResMultiplier, mplsTunnelSonetResTransparency } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set of objects needed to implement Sonet. None of these objects are mandatory." ::= { mplsTeGroups 8 } mplsTunnelUniGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { mplsTunnelIsUni, mplsTunnelUniServiceLevel, mplsTunnelUniEgressLabel, mplsTunnelUniEgressLabelType, mplsTunnelUniEgressLabelPort, mplsTunnelUniRvsEgressLabel, mplsTunnelUniRvsEgressLabelType, mplsTunnelUniRvsEgressLabelPort, mplsTunnelUniDiversityListIndex, mplsTunnelUniIngressLabelType, mplsTunnelUniIngressLabelPort, mplsTunnelUniIngressLabel, mplsTunnelUniRvsIngrLabel, mplsTunnelUniRvsIngrLabelType, mplsTunnelUniRvsIngrLabelPort } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set of objects needed to implement UNI. None of these objects are mandatory." ::= { mplsTeGroups 9 } -- mplsTunnelUniDivGroup OBJECT-GROUP -- OBJECTS { -- prvtMplsTunnelUNIDivListIdxNext, -- prvtMplsTunnelUNIDivRowPointer, -- prvtMplsTunnelOperStatus, -- prvtMplsTunnelUNIDivRowStatus, -- prvtMplsTunnelUNIDivRequirement, -- prvtMplsTunnelUNIDivAccess -- } -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "Set of objects needed to implement UNI Diversity. -- None of these objects are mandatory." -- ::= { mplsTeGroups 10 } mplsTunnelBackupGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { mplsTunnelBackupSetupPrio, mplsTunnelBackupHoldingPriority, mplsTunnelBackupIncAny, mplsTunnelBackupIncAll, mplsTunnelBackupExcAny, mplsTunnelBackupBandwidth, mplsTunnelBackupMaxHops } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set of objects needed for backup tunnels. None of these objects are mandatory." ::= { mplsTeGroups 11 } mplsTunnelARHopGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { mplsTunnelARHopAddrType, mplsTunnelARHopIpAddr, mplsTunnelARHopAddrUnnum, mplsTunnelARHopLspId, mplsTunnelARHopLabelStatuses, mplsTunnelARHopExpLabelType, mplsTunnelARHopExpLabel, mplsTunnelARHopExpRvrsLabel, mplsTunnelARHopExpRvrsLabelType, mplsTunnelARHopProtection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set of objects relating to ARHop. None of these objects are mandatory." ::= { mplsTeGroups 12 } mplsTunnelCHopGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { mplsTunnelCHopAddrType, mplsTunnelCHopIpAddr, mplsTunnelCHopIpPrefixLen, mplsTunnelCHopAsNumber, mplsTunnelCHopAddrUnnum, mplsTunnelCHopLspId, mplsTunnelCHopType, mplsTunnelCHopLabelStatuses, mplsTunnelCHopExpLabelType, mplsTunnelCHopExpLabel, mplsTunnelCHopExpRvrsLabelType, mplsTunnelCHopExpRvrsLabel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set of objects relating to CHop. None of these objects are mandatory." ::= { mplsTeGroups 13 } mplsDiffServGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { mplsDiffServIndexNextIndex, mplsDiffServType, mplsDiffServLLSPPSC, mplsDiffServELSPNumPHBs, mplsDiffServELSPPHB0, mplsDiffServELSPPHB1, mplsDiffServELSPPHB2, mplsDiffServELSPPHB3, mplsDiffServELSPPHB4, mplsDiffServELSPPHB5, mplsDiffServELSPPHB6, mplsDiffServELSPPHB7, mplsDiffServRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set of objects relating to DiffServ. None of these objects are mandatory." ::= { mplsTeGroups 14 } mplsTeNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { mplsTunnelUp, mplsTunnelDown, mplsTunnelRerouted, mplsTunnelReoptimized } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set of notifications implemented in this module. None is mandatory." ::= { mplsTeGroups 15 } -- End of MPLS-TE-MIB END