-- ********************************************************************* -- ** -- ** BATM Advanced Communications. -- ** -- ********************************************************************* -- ** Filename: PRVT-CFM-MIB.mib -- ** Project: T-Metro Switches. -- ** Purpose: Private MIB -- ********************************************************************* -- (c) Copyright, 2009, BATM Advanced Communications. All rights reserved. -- WARNING: -- -- BY UTILIZING THIS FILE, YOU AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING: -- -- This file is the property of BATM Advanced Communications and contains -- proprietary and confidential information. 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The enumeration 'chassisComponent(1)' represents a chassis identifier based on the value of entPhysicalAlias object (defined in IETF RFC 2737) for a chassis component (i.e., an entPhysicalClass value of 'chassis(3)'). The enumeration 'interfaceAlias(2)' represents a chassis identifier based on the value of ifAlias object (defined in IETF RFC 2863) for an interface on the containing chassis. The enumeration 'portComponent(3)' represents a chassis identifier based on the value of entPhysicalAlias object (defined in IETF RFC 2737) for a port or backplane component (i.e., entPhysicalClass value of 'port(10)' or 'backplane(4)'), within the containing chassis. The enumeration 'macAddress(4)' represents a chassis identifier based on the value of a unicast source address (encoded in network byte order and IEEE 802.3 canonical bit order), of a port on the containing chassis as defined in IEEE Std 802-2001. The enumeration 'networkAddress(5)' represents a chassis identifier based on a network address, associated with a particular chassis. The encoded address is actually composed of two fields. The first field is a single octet, representing the IANA AddressFamilyNumbers value for the specific address type, and the second field is the network address value. The enumeration 'interfaceName(6)' represents a chassis identifier based on the value of ifName object (defined in IETF RFC 2863) for an interface on the containing chassis. The enumeration 'local(7)' represents a chassis identifier based on a locally defined value." SYNTAX INTEGER { notSet(0), chassisComponent(1), interfaceAlias(2), portComponent(3), macAddress(4), networkAddress(5), interfaceName(6), local(7) } LldpChassisId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "250a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This TC describes the format of a chassis identifier string. Objects of this type are always used with an associated LldpChassisIdSubtype object, which identifies the format of the particular LldpChassisId object instance. If the associated LldpChassisIdSubtype object has a value of 'chassisComponent(1)', then the octet string identifies a particular instance of the entPhysicalAlias object (defined in IETF RFC 2737) for a chassis component (i.e., an entPhysicalClass value of 'chassis(3)'). If the associated LldpChassisIdSubtype object has a value of 'interfaceAlias(2)', then the octet string identifies a particular instance of the ifAlias object (defined in IETF RFC 2863) for an interface on the containing chassis. If the particular ifAlias object does not contain any values, another chassis identifier type should be used. If the associated LldpChassisIdSubtype object has a value of 'portComponent(3)', then the octet string identifies a particular instance of the entPhysicalAlias object (defined in IETF RFC 2737) for a port or backplane component within the containing chassis. If the associated LldpChassisIdSubtype object has a value of 'macAddress(4)', then this string identifies a particular unicast source address (encoded in network byte order and IEEE 802.3 canonical bit order), of a port on the containing chassis as defined in IEEE Std 802-2001. If the associated LldpChassisIdSubtype object has a value of 'networkAddress(5)', then this string identifies a particular network address, encoded in network byte order, associated with one or more ports on the containing chassis. The first octet contains the IANA Address Family Numbers enumeration value for the specific address type, and octets 2 through N contain the network address value in network byte order. If the associated LldpChassisIdSubtype object has a value of 'interfaceName(6)', then the octet string identifies a particular instance of the ifName object (defined in IETF RFC 2863) for an interface on the containing chassis. If the particular ifName object does not contain any values, another chassis identifier type should be used. If the associated LldpChassisIdSubtype object has a value of 'local(7)', then this string identifies a locally assigned Chassis ID." SYNTAX OCTET STRING LldpPortIdSubtype ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This TC describes the source of a particular type of port identifier used in the LLDP MIB. The enumeration 'interfaceAlias(1)' represents a port identifier based on the ifAlias MIB object, defined in IETF RFC 2863. The enumeration 'portComponent(2)' represents a port identifier based on the value of entPhysicalAlias (defined in IETF RFC 2737) for a port component (i.e., entPhysicalClass value of 'port(10)'), within the containing chassis. The enumeration 'macAddress(3)' represents a port identifier based on a unicast source address (encoded in network byte order and IEEE 802.3 canonical bit order), which has been detected by the agent and associated with a particular port (IEEE Std 802-2001). The enumeration 'networkAddress(4)' represents a port identifier based on a network address, detected by the agent and associated with a particular port. The enumeration 'interfaceName(5)' represents a port identifier based on the ifName MIB object, defined in IETF RFC 2863. The enumeration 'agentCircuitId(6)' represents a port identifier based on the agent-local identifier of the circuit (defined in RFC 3046), detected by the agent and associated with a particular port. The enumeration 'local(7)' represents a port identifier based on a value locally assigned." SYNTAX INTEGER { notSet(0), interfaceAlias(1), portComponent(2), macAddress(3), networkAddress(4), interfaceName(5), agentCircuitId(6), local(7) } LldpPortId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "250a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This TC describes the format of a port identifier string. Objects of this type are always used with an associated LldpPortIdSubtype object, which identifies the format of the particular LldpPortId object instance. If the associated LldpPortIdSubtype object has a value of 'interfaceAlias(1)', then the octet string identifies a particular instance of the ifAlias object (defined in IETF RFC 2863). If the particular ifAlias object does not contain any values, another port identifier type should be used. If the associated LldpPortIdSubtype object has a value of 'portComponent(2)', then the octet string identifies a particular instance of the entPhysicalAlias object (defined in IETF RFC 2737) for a port or backplane component. If the associated LldpPortIdSubtype object has a value of 'macAddress(3)', then this string identifies a particular unicast source address (encoded in network byte order and IEEE 802.3 canonical bit order) associated with the port (IEEE Std 802-2001). If the associated LldpPortIdSubtype object has a value of 'networkAddress(4)', then this string identifies a network address associated with the port. The first octet contains the IANA AddressFamilyNumbers enumeration value for the specific address type, and octets 2 through N contain the networkAddress address value in network byte order. If the associated LldpPortIdSubtype object has a value of 'interfaceName(5)', then the octet string identifies a particular instance of the ifName object (defined in IETF RFC 2863). If the particular ifName object does not contain any values, another port identifier type should be used. If the associated LldpPortIdSubtype object has a value of 'agentCircuitId(6)', then this string identifies a agent-local identifier of the circuit (defined in RFC 3046). If the associated LldpPortIdSubtype object has a value of 'local(7)', then this string identifies a locally assigned port ID." SYNTAX OCTET STRING PrvtCfmMaintAssocName ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "45a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Denotes a generic Maintenance Association Name. It is the part of the Maintenance Association Identifier which is unique within the Maintenance Domain Name and is appended to the Maintenance Domain Name to form the Maintenance Association Identifier (MAID). A PrvtCfmMaintAssocName value is always interpreted within the context of a PrvtCfmMaintAssocNameType value. Every usage of the PrvtCfmMaintAssocName textual convention is required to specify the PrvtCfmMaintAssocNameType object that provides the context. It is suggested that the PrvtCfmMaintAssocNameType object be logically registered before the object(s) that use the PrvtCfmMaintAssocName textual convention, if they appear in the same logical row. The value of a PrvtCfmMaintAssocName object must always be consistent with the value of the associated PrvtCfmMaintAssocNameType object. Attempts to set an PrvtCfmMaintAssocName object to a value inconsistent with the associated PrvtCfmMaintAssocNameType must fail with an inconsistentValue error. When this textual convention is used as the syntax of an index object, there may be issues with the limit of 128 sub-identifiers specified in SMIv2, IETF STD 58. In this case, the object definition MUST include a 'SIZE' clause to limit the number of potential instance sub-identifiers; otherwise the applicable constraints MUST be stated in the appropriate conceptual row DESCRIPTION clauses, or in the surrounding documentation if there is no single DESCRIPTION clause that is appropriate." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses,," SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..22)) PrvtCfmMaintAssocNameOrNone ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "22a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Same as PrvtCfmMaintAssocName except that zero length string represents no association name. " SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..22)) PrvtCfmMhfCreation ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the Management Entity can create MHFs. The valid values are: defMHFnone(1) No MHFs can be created for this VID. defMHFdefault(2) MHFs can be created on this VID on any Bridge port through which this VID can pass. defMHFexplicit(3) MHFs can be created for this VID only on Bridge ports through which this VID can pass, and only if a MEP is created at some lower MD Level. defMHFdefer(4) The creation of MHFs is determined by the corresponding Maintenance Domain variable (prvtCfmMaMhfCreation)." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause and 22.2.3" SYNTAX INTEGER { defMHFnone(1), defMHFdefault(2), defMHFexplicit(3), defMHFdefer(4) } PrvtCfmMhfCreationDef ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the Management Entity can create MHFs. The valid values are: defMHFnone(1) No MHFs can be created for this VID. defMHFdefault(2) MHFs can be created on this VID on any Bridge port through which this VID can pass. defMHFexplicit(3) MHFs can be created for this VID only on Bridge ports through which this VID can pass, and only if a MEP is created at some lower MD Level. defMHFdefer(4) The creation of MHFs is determined by the corresponding Maintenance Domain variable (prvtCfmMaMhfCreation)." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause and 22.2.3" SYNTAX INTEGER { defMHFnone(1), defMHFdefault(2), defMHFexplicit(3) } PrvtCfmIdPermission ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates what, if anything, is to be included in the Sender ID TLV transmitted in CCMs, LBMs, LTMs, and LTRs. The valid values are: sendIdNone(1) The Sender ID TLV is not to be sent. sendIdChassis(2) The Chassis ID Length, Chassis ID Subtype, and Chassis ID fields of the Sender ID TLV are to be sent. sendIdManage(3) The Management Address Length and Management Address of the Sender ID TLV are to be sent. sendIdChassisManage(4) The Chassis ID Length, Chassis ID Subtype, Chassis ID, Management Address Length and Management Address fields are all to be sent. sendIdDefer(5) The contents of the Sender ID TLV are determined by the corresponding Maintenance Domain variable (prvtCfmMaIdPermission)." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause and 21.5.3" SYNTAX INTEGER { sendIdNone(1), sendIdChassis(2), sendIdManage(3), sendIdChassisManage(4), sendIdDefer(5) } PrvtCfmIdPermissionDef ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates what, if anything, is to be included in the Sender ID TLV transmitted in CCMs, LBMs, LTMs, and LTRs. The valid values are: sendIdNone(1) The Sender ID TLV is not to be sent. sendIdChassis(2) The Chassis ID Length, Chassis ID Subtype, and Chassis ID fields of the Sender ID TLV are to be sent. sendIdManage(3) The Management Address Length and Management Address of the Sender ID TLV are to be sent. sendIdChassisManage(4) The Chassis ID Length, Chassis ID Subtype, Chassis ID, Management Address Length and Management Address fields are all to be sent. sendIdDefer(5) The contents of the Sender ID TLV are determined by the corresponding Maintenance Domain variable (prvtCfmMaIdPermission)." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause and 21.5.3" SYNTAX INTEGER { sendIdNone(1), sendIdChassis(2), sendIdManage(3), sendIdChassisManage(4) } PrvtCfmMaintAssocNameType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A value that represents a type (and thereby the format) of a PrvtCfmMaintAssocName. The value can be one of the following: ieeeReserved(0) Reserved for definition by IEEE 802.1 recommend to not use zero unless absolutely needed. primaryVid(1) Primary VLAN ID. 12 bits represented in a 2-octet integer: - 4 least significant bits of the first byte contains the 4 most significant bits of the 12 bits primary VID - second byte contains the 8 least significant bits of the primary VID 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |0 0 0 0| (MSB) | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | VID LSB | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ charString(2) RFC2579 DisplayString, except that the character codes 0-31 (decimal) are not used. (1..45) octets unsignedInt16 (3) 2-octet integer/big endian rfc2865VpnId(4) RFC 2685 VPN ID 3 octet VPN authority Organizationally Unique Identifier followed by 4 octet VPN index identifying VPN according to the OUI: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | VPN OUI (MSB) | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | VPN OUI | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | VPN OUI (LSB) | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |VPN Index (MSB)| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | VPN Index | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | VPN Index | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |VPN Index (LSB)| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ieeeReserved(xx) Reserved for definition by IEEE 802.1 xx values can be [5..31] and [64..255] ituReserved(xx) Reserved for definition by ITU-T Y.1731 xx values range from [32..63] To support future extensions, the PrvtCfmMaintAssocNameType textual convention SHOULD NOT be sub-typed in object type definitions. It MAY be sub-typed in compliance statements in order to require only a subset of these address types for a compliant implementation. Implementations must ensure that PrvtCfmMaintAssocNameType objects and any dependent objects (e.g., PrvtCfmMaintAssocName objects) are consistent. An inconsistentValue error must be generated if an attempt to change an PrvtCfmMaintAssocNameType object would, for example, lead to an undefined PrvtCfmMaintAssocName value. In particular, PrvtCfmMaintAssocNameType/PrvtCfmMaintAssocName pairs must be changed together if the nameType changes. The Maintenance Domain name and Maintenance Association name, when put together into the CCM PDU, MUST total 48 octets or less. If the PrvtCfmMaintDomainNameType object contains none(1), then the PrvtCfmMaintAssocName object MUST be 45 octets or less in length. Otherwise, the length of the PrvtCfmMaintDomainName object plus the length of the PrvtCfmMaintAssocName object, added together, MUST total less than or equal to 44 octets." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause, Table 21-20" SYNTAX INTEGER { primaryVid(1), charString(2), icc(32) } PrvtCfmCcmInterval ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the interval at which CCMs are sent by a MEP. The possible values are: -- intervalInvalid(0) No CCMs are sent (disabled). interval300Hz(1) CCMs are sent every 3 1/3 milliseconds (300Hz). interval10ms(2) CCMs are sent every 10 milliseconds. interval100ms(3) CCMs are sent every 100 milliseconds. interval1s(4) CCMs are sent every 1 second. interval10s(5) CCMs are sent every 10 seconds. interval1min(6) CCMs are sent every minute. interval10min(7) CCMs are sent every 10 minutes. Note: enumerations start at zero to match the 'CCM Interval field' protocol field." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses, 20.8.1 and" SYNTAX INTEGER { interval300Hz(1), interval10ms(2), interval100ms(3), interval1s(4), interval10s(5), interval1min(6), interval10min(7) } PrvtCfmIndexIntegerNextFree ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An integer which may be used as a new Index in a table. The special value of 0 indicates that no more new entries can be created in the relevant table. When a MIB is used for configuration, an object with this SYNTAX always contains a legal value (if non-zero) for an index that is not currently used in the relevant table. The Command Generator (Network Management Application) reads this variable and uses the (non-zero) value read when creating a new row with an SNMP SET. When the SET is performed, the Command Responder (agent) must determine whether the value is indeed still unused; Two Network Management Applications may attempt to create a row (configuration entry) simultaneously and use the same value. If it is currently unused, the SET succeeds and the Command Responder (agent) changes the value of this object, according to an implementation-specific algorithm. If the value is in use, however, the SET fails. The Network Management Application must then re-read this variable to obtain a new usable value. An OBJECT-TYPE definition using this SYNTAX MUST specify the relevant table for which the object is providing this functionality." SYNTAX Unsigned32 PrvtCfmMaintDomainNameType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A value that represents a type (and thereby the format) of a PrvtCfmMaintDomainName. The value can be one of the following: ieeeReserved(0) Reserved for definition by IEEE 802.1 recommend to not use zero unless absolutely needed. none(1) No format specified, usually because there is not (yet) a Maintenance Domain Name. In this case, a zero length OCTET STRING for the Domain Name field is acceptable. dnsLikeName(2) Domain Name like string, globally unique text string derived from a DNS name. macAddrAndUint(3) MAC address + 2-octet (unsigned) integer. charString(4) RFC2579 DisplayString, except that the character codes 0-31 (decimal) are not used. ieeeReserved(xx) Reserved for definition by IEEE 802.1 xx values can be [5..31] and [64..255] ituReserved(xx) Reserved for definition by ITU-T Y.1731 xx values range from [32..63] To support future extensions, the PrvtCfmMaintDomainNameType textual convention SHOULD NOT be sub-typed in object type definitions. It MAY be sub-typed in compliance statements in order to require only a subset of these address types for a compliant implementation. Implementations must ensure that PrvtCfmMaintDomainNameType objects and any dependent objects (e.g., PrvtCfmMaintDomainName objects) are consistent. An inconsistentValue error must be generated if an attempt to change an PrvtCfmMaintDomainNameType object would, for example, lead to an undefined PrvtCfmMaintDomainName value. In particular, PrvtCfmMaintDomainNameType/PrvtCfmMaintDomainName pairs must be changed together if the nameType changes." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause 21.6.5, Table 21-19" SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), charString(4) } PrvtCfmMaintDomainName ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "43a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Denotes a generic Maintenance Domain Name. A PrvtCfmMaintDomainName value is always interpreted within the context of a PrvtCfmMaintDomainNameType value. Every usage of the PrvtCfmMaintDomainName textual convention is required to specify the PrvtCfmMaintDomainNameType object that provides the context. It is suggested that the PrvtCfmMaintDomainNameType object be logically registered before the object(s) that use the PrvtCfmMaintDomainName textual convention, if they appear in the same logical row. The value of a PrvtCfmMaintDomainName object must always be consistent with the value of the associated PrvtCfmMaintDomainNameType object. Attempts to set an PrvtCfmMaintDomainName object to a value inconsistent with the associated PrvtCfmMaintDomainNameType must fail with an inconsistentValue error. When this textual convention is used as the syntax of an index object, there may be issues with the limit of 128 sub-identifiers specified in SMIv2, IETF STD 58. In this case, the object definition MUST include a 'SIZE' clause to limit the number of potential instance sub-identifiers; otherwise the applicable constraints MUST be stated in the appropriate conceptual row DESCRIPTION clauses, or in the surrounding documentation if there is no single DESCRIPTION clause that is appropriate. A value of none(1) in the associated PrvtCfmMaintDomainNameType object means that no Maintenance Domain name is present, and the contents of the PrvtCfmMaintDomainName object are meaningless. See the DESCRIPTION of the PrvtCfmMaintAssocNameType TEXTUAL-CONVENTION for a discussion of the length limits on the Maintenance Domain name and Maintenance Association name." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause 21.6.5" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..22)) PrvtCfmMaintDomainNameOrNone ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "22a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Same as PrvtCfmMaintDomainName except that zero length string represents no domain name." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..22)) PrvtCfmMDLevelTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Integer identifying the Maintenance Domain Level (MD Level). Higher numbers correspond to higher Maintenance Domains, those with the greatest physical reach, with the highest values for customers' CFM PDUs. Lower numbers correspond to lower Maintenance Domains, those with more limited physical reach, with the lowest values for CFM PDUs protecting single bridges or physical links." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses 18.3, 21.4.1" SYNTAX Integer32 (0..7) PrvtCfmMpDirection ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the direction in which the Maintenance association (MEP or MIP) faces on the bridge port: down(1) Sends Continuity Check Messages away from the MAC Relay Entity. up(2) Sends Continuity Check Messages towards the MAC Relay Entity." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses" SYNTAX INTEGER { down(1), up(2) } PrvtCfmMepIdOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maintenance association End Point Identifier (MEPID): A small integer, unique over a given Maintenance Association, identifying a specific MEP. The special value 0 is allowed to indicate special cases, for example that no MEPID is configured. Whenever an object is defined with this SYNTAX, then the DESCRIPTION clause of such an object MUST specify what the special value of 0 means." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause 19.2.1" SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..8191) PrvtCfmMepId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maintenance association End Point Identifier (MEPID): A small integer, unique over a given Maintenance Association, identifying a specific MEP." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses 3.19 and 19.2.1" SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8191) PrvtCfmFngState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the diferent states of the MEP Fault Notification Generator State Machine. fngReset(1) No defect has been present since the prvtCfmMepFngResetTime timer expired, or since the state machine was last reset. fngDefect(2) A defect is present, but not for a long enough time to be reported (prvtCfmMepFngAlarmTime). fngReportDefect(3) A momentary state during which the defect is reported by sending a prvtCfmFaultAlarm notification, if that action is enabled. fngDefectReported(4) A defect is present, and some defect has been reported. fngDefectClearing(5) No defect is present, but the prvtCfmMepFngResetTime timer has not yet expired." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause and 20.35" SYNTAX INTEGER { fngReset(1), fngDefect(2), fngReportDefect(3), fngDefectReported(4), fngDefectClearing(5) } PrvtCfmLowestAlarmPri ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An integer value specifying the lowest priority defect that is allowed to generate a Fault Alarm (20.9.5), either: allDef(1) DefRDICCM, DefMACstatus, DefRemoteCCM, DefErrorCCM, and DefXconCCM; macRemErrXcon(2) Only DefMACstatus, DefRemoteCCM, DefErrorCCM, and DefXconCCM (default); remErrXcon(3) Only DefRemoteCCM, DefErrorCCM, and DefXconCCM; errXcon(4) Only DefErrorCCM and DefXconCCM; xcon(5) Only DefXconCCM; or noXcon(6) No defects DefXcon or lower are to be reported;" REFERENCE "802.1ag clause and 20.9.5" SYNTAX INTEGER { allDef(1), macRemErrXcon(2), remErrXcon(3), errXcon(4), xcon(5), noXcon(6) } PrvtCfmHighestDefectPri ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An enumerated value, equal to the contents of the variable highestDefect (20.33.9 and Table 20-1), indicating the highest-priority defect that has been present since the MEP Fault Notification Generator State Machine was last in the FNG_RESET state, either: none(0) no defects since FNG_RESET defRDICCM(1) DefRDICCM defMACstatus(2) DefMACstatus defRemoteCCM(3) DefRemoteCCM defErrorCCM(4) DefErrorCCM defXconCCM(5) DefXconCCM The value 0 is used for no defects so that additional higher priority values can be added, if needed, at a later time, and so that these values correspond with those in PrvtCfmLowestAlarmPri." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause 20.1.2, and 20.33.9" SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), defRDICCM(1), defMACstatus(2), defRemoteCCM(3), defErrorCCM(4), defXconCCM(5) } PrvtCfmRelayActionFieldValue ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Possible values the Relay action field can take." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses,, 21.9.5, and Table 21-27" SYNTAX INTEGER { rlyHit(1), rlyFdb(2), rlyMpdb(3) } PrvtCfmIngressActionFieldValue ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Possible values returned in the ingress action field." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses,,, and Table 21-30" SYNTAX INTEGER { ingOk(1), ingDown(2), ingBlocked(3), ingVid(4) } PrvtCfmEgressActionFieldValue ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Possible values returned in the egress action field" REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses,,, and Table 21-32" SYNTAX INTEGER { notSet(0), egrOK(1), egrDown(2), egrBlocked(3), egrVid(4) } PrvtCfmRemoteMepState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operational state of the remote MEP state machine. This state machine monitors the reception of valid CCMs from a remote MEP with a specific MEPID. It uses a timer that expires in 3.5 times the length of time indicated by the PrvtCfmMaCcmInterval object. rMepIdle(1) Momentary state during reset. rMepStart(2) The timer has not expired since the state machine was reset, and no valid CCM has yet been received. rMepFailed(3) The timer has expired, both since the state machine was reset, and since a valid CCM was received. rMepOk(4) The timer has not expired since a valid CCM was received." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses, 20.22" SYNTAX INTEGER { rMepIdle(1), rMepStart(2), rMepFailed(3), rMepOk(4) } PrvtCfmPortStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An enumerated value from he Port Status TLV from the last CCM received from the last MEP. It indicates the ability of the Bridge Port on which the transmitting MEP resides to pass ordinary data, regardless of the status of the MAC (Table 21-10). psNoPortStateTLV(0) Indicates either that no CCM has been received or that no port status TLV was present in the last CCM received. psBlocked(1) Ordinary data cannot pass freely through the port on which the remote MEP resides. Value of enableRmepDefect is equal to false. psUp(2): Ordinary data can pass freely through the port on which the remote MEP resides. Value of enableRmepDefect is equal to true. NOTE: A 0 value is used for psNoPortStateTLV, so that additional code points can be added in a manner consistent with the PrvtCfmInterfaceStatus textual convention." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause, 20.19.3 and 21.5.4" SYNTAX INTEGER { psNoPortStateTLV(0), psBlocked(1), psUp(2) } PrvtCfmInterfaceStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An enumerated value from the Interface Status TLV from the last CCM received from the last MEP. It indicates the status of the Interface within which the MEP transmitting the CCM is configured, or the next lower Interface in the Interface Stack, if the MEP is not configured within an Interface. isNoInterfaceStatusTLV(0) Indicates either that no CCM has been received or that no interface status TLV was present in the last CCM received. isUp(1) The interface is ready to pass packets. isDown(2) The interface cannot pass packets isTesting(3) The interface is in some test mode. isUnknown(4) The interface status cannot be determined for some reason. isDormant(5) The interface is not in a state to pass packets but is in a pending state, waiting for some external event. isNotPresent(6) Some component of the interface is missing isLowerLayerDown(7) The interface is down due to state of the lower layer interfaces NOTE: A 0 value is used for isNoInterfaceStatusTLV, so that these code points can be kept consistent with new code points added to ifOperStatus in the IF-MIB." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause, 20.19.4 and 21.5.5" SYNTAX INTEGER { isNoInterfaceStatusTLV(0), isUp(1), isDown(2), isTesting(3), isUnknown(4), isDormant(5), isNotPresent(6), isLowerLayerDown(7) } prvtCfmMIBNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { prvtCfmMIB 0 } prvtCfmMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { prvtCfmMIB 1 } prvtCfmUpdateInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time between monitoring parameters update (in seconds). A value of 0 suspends the monitoring task and a value different from 0 resumes it. Default is 20 seconds." ::= { prvtCfmMIBObjects 1 } prvtCfmShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set to 'true' to disable CFM, or to 'false', to enable." ::= { prvtCfmMIBObjects 2 } prvtCfmStack OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { prvtCfmMIBObjects 3 } prvtCfmStackTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PrvtCfmStackEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "There is one CFM Stack table per bridge. It permits the retrieval of information about the Maintenance Points configured on any given interface." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses 12.14.2" ::= { prvtCfmStack 1 } prvtCfmStackEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmStackEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Stack table entry" INDEX { prvtCfmStackInterfaceIndex, prvtCfmStackServiceIdOrNone, prvtCfmStackMdLevel, prvtCfmStackDirection } ::= { prvtCfmStackTable 1 } PrvtCfmStackEntry ::= SEQUENCE { prvtCfmStackInterfaceIndex InterfaceIndex, prvtCfmStackServiceIdOrNone Unsigned32, prvtCfmStackMdLevel PrvtCfmMDLevelTC, prvtCfmStackDirection PrvtCfmMpDirection, prvtCfmStackMdName PrvtCfmMaintDomainNameOrNone, prvtCfmStackMaName PrvtCfmMaintAssocNameOrNone, prvtCfmStackMepId Unsigned32, prvtCfmStackMacAddress MacAddress } prvtCfmStackInterfaceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the Bridge Port or aggregated port on which MEPs or MHFs might be configured. Upon a restart of the system, the system SHALL, if necessary, change the value of this variable, and rearrange the prvtCfmStackTable, so that it indexes the entry in the interface table with the same value of ifAlias that it indexed before the system restart. If no such entry exists, then the system SHALL delete all entries in the prvtCfmStackTable with the interface index." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmStackEntry 1 } prvtCfmStackServiceIdOrNone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VLAN ID to which the MP is attached, or 0, if none." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmStackEntry 2 } prvtCfmStackMdLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmMDLevelTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MD Level of the Maintenance Point." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmStackEntry 3 } prvtCfmStackDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmMpDirection MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Direction in which the MP faces on the Bridge Port" REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmStackEntry 4 } prvtCfmStackMdName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmMaintDomainNameOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the Maintenance Domain in the prvtCfmMdTable to which the MP is associated, or zero-length, if none." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmStackEntry 5 } prvtCfmStackMaName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmMaintAssocNameOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the MA in the prvtCfmMaTable to which the MP is associated, or zero-length, if none." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmStackEntry 6 } prvtCfmStackMepId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If an MEP is configured, the MEPID, else 0" REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmStackEntry 7 } prvtCfmStackMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC address of the MP." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmStackEntry 8 } prvtCfmMd OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { prvtCfmMIBObjects 4 } prvtCfmMdTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PrvtCfmMdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Maintenance Domain table. Each row in the table represents a different Maintenance Domain. A Maintenance Domain is described in 802.1ag (3.22) as the network or the part of the network for which faults in connectivity are to be managed. The boundary of a Maintenance Domain is defined by a set of DSAPs, each of which can become a point of connectivity to a service instance." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses 3.22 and 18.1" ::= { prvtCfmMd 2 } prvtCfmMdEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmMdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Maintenance Domain table entry. This entry is not lost upon reboot. It is backed up by stable storage." INDEX { prvtCfmMdName } ::= { prvtCfmMdTable 1 } PrvtCfmMdEntry ::= SEQUENCE { prvtCfmMdName PrvtCfmMaintDomainName, prvtCfmMdRowStatus RowStatus, prvtCfmMdLevel PrvtCfmMDLevelTC, prvtCfmMdFormat PrvtCfmMaintDomainNameType, prvtCfmMdMhfCreation PrvtCfmMhfCreationDef, prvtCfmMdMhfIdPermission PrvtCfmIdPermissionDef } prvtCfmMdName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmMaintDomainName MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Maintenance Domain name. Each Maintenance Domain has unique name amongst all those used or available to a service provider or operator. It facilitates easy identification of administrative responsibility for each Maintenance Domain. Clause 3.24 defines a Maintenance Domain name as the identifier, unique over the domain for which CFM is to protect against accidental concatenation of Service Instances, of a particular Maintenance Domain." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses 3.24, 12.14.5, and" ::= { prvtCfmMdEntry 1 } prvtCfmMdRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of the row. The writable columns in a row can not be changed if the row is active. All columns must have a valid value before a row can be activated." ::= { prvtCfmMdEntry 2 } prvtCfmMdLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmMDLevelTC MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Maintenance Domain Level." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmMdEntry 4 } prvtCfmMdFormat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmMaintDomainNameType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type (and thereby format) of the Maintenance Domain Name." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmMdEntry 5 } prvtCfmMdMhfCreation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmMhfCreationDef MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumerated value indicating whether the management entity can create MHFs (MIP Half Function) for this Maintenance Domain. Since, in this variable, there is no encompassing Maintenance Domain, the value defMHFdefer is not allowed." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmMdEntry 6 } prvtCfmMdMhfIdPermission OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmIdPermissionDef MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumerated value indicating what, if anything, is to be included in the Sender ID TLV (21.5.3) transmitted by MPs configured in this Maintenance Domain. Since, in this variable, there is no encompassing Maintenance Domain, the value sendIdDefer is not allowed." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmMdEntry 7 } prvtCfmMa OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { prvtCfmMIBObjects 5 } prvtCfmMaTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PrvtCfmMaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Maintenance Association table. Each row in the table represents an MA. An MA is a set of MEPs, each configured with a single service instance. The writable objects in this table need to be persistent upon reboot or restart of a device. Table includes extra variables needed for Y.1731 support and service awareness" ::= { prvtCfmMa 1 } prvtCfmMaEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmMaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "prvtCfmMaEntry" INDEX { prvtCfmMdName, prvtCfmMaName } ::= { prvtCfmMaTable 1 } PrvtCfmMaEntry ::= SEQUENCE { prvtCfmMaName PrvtCfmMaintAssocName, prvtCfmMaRowStatus RowStatus, prvtCfmMaServiceId Unsigned32, prvtCfmMaVlanId Integer32, prvtCfmMaMhfCreation PrvtCfmMhfCreation, prvtCfmMaPermission PrvtCfmIdPermission, prvtCfmMaFormat PrvtCfmMaintAssocNameType, prvtCfmMaCcmInterval PrvtCfmCcmInterval, prvtCfmMaAisLckReceive TruthValue, prvtCfmMaAisLckLevel Unsigned32, prvtCfmMaAisLckInterval INTEGER, prvtCfmMaAisLckPriority Unsigned32, prvtCfmMaClearConnectivity Unsigned32 } prvtCfmMaName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmMaintAssocName MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Short Maintenance Association name. This name must be unique within a maintenance domain." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses, and Table 21-20" ::= { prvtCfmMaEntry 1 } prvtCfmMaRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of the row. The writable columns in a row can not be changed if the row is active. All columns must have a valid value before a row can be activated." ::= { prvtCfmMaEntry 2 } prvtCfmMaServiceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967294) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The primary service ID attached to this MA" ::= { prvtCfmMaEntry 4 } prvtCfmMaVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The primary vlan ID attached to this MA" ::= { prvtCfmMaEntry 5 } prvtCfmMaMhfCreation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmMhfCreation MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the Management entity can create MHFs (MIP Half Function) for this MA." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmMaEntry 6 } prvtCfmMaPermission OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmIdPermission MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumerated value indicating what, if anything, is to be included in the Sender ID TLV (21.5.3) transmitted by MPs configured in this MA." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmMaEntry 7 } prvtCfmMaFormat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmMaintAssocNameType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type (and thereby format) of the Maintenance Association Name." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses" ::= { prvtCfmMaEntry 8 } prvtCfmMaCcmInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmCcmInterval MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Interval between CCM transmissions to be used by all MEPs in the MA." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmMaEntry 9 } prvtCfmMaAisLckReceive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Turn the AIS & LCK features on/off." REFERENCE "ITU-T Recommendation Y.1731 clauses 7.4 and 7.6" ::= { prvtCfmMaEntry 10 } prvtCfmMaAisLckLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MD level at which AIS & LCK frames will be sent." REFERENCE "ITU-T Recommendation Y.1731 clauses 7.4 and 7.6" ::= { prvtCfmMaEntry 11 } prvtCfmMaAisLckInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { interval1s(1), interval1min(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time interval at which AIS and LCK frames will be sent" REFERENCE "ITU-T Recommendation Y.1731 clauses 7.4 and 7.6" ::= { prvtCfmMaEntry 12 } prvtCfmMaAisLckPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "COS parameter for the outgoing AIS & LCK frames." REFERENCE "ITU-T Recommendation Y.1731 clauses 7.4 and 7.6" ::= { prvtCfmMaEntry 13 } prvtCfmMaClearConnectivity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..8191) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ID of the MEP to be cleared from the MEP table, or 0 for all" ::= { prvtCfmMaEntry 15 } prvtCfmMep OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { prvtCfmMIBObjects 6 } prvtCfmMepTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PrvtCfmMepEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Maintenance Association End Point (MEP) table. Each row in the table represents a different MEP. A MEP is an actively managed CFM entity, associated with a specific DSAP of a Service Instance, which can generate and receive CFM PDUs and track any responses. It is an end point of a single Maintenance Association, and is an endpoint of a separate Maintenance Entity for each of the other MEPs in the same Maintenance Association (802.1ag clause 3.18). This table uses three indices. The first two indices are the indices of the Maintenance Domain and MA tables, the reason being that a MEP is always related to an MA and Maintenance Domain. The MEP table also stores all the managed objects for sending LBM and LTM. *LBM Managed objects LBM Managed objects in the MEP table enables the management entity to initiate transmission of Loopback messages. It will signal the MEP that it should transmit some number of Loopback messages and detect the detection (or lack thereof) of the corresponding Loopback messages. Steps to use entries in this table: 1) Set prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmStatus to true 2) Set the target by: a) target mep - configue prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmDestIsMepId on true and then configure prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmDestMepId with the remote mep id b) target mac - configue prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmDestIsMepId on false and then configure prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmDestMacAddress with the remote device mac address 3) Setup the different data to be sent (number of messages, optional TLVs,...). 4) Record the current values of prvtCfmMepLbrIn, prvtCfmMepLbrInOutOfOrder, and prvtCfmMepLbrBadMsdu. 6) Change prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmStatus value to false to initiate transmission of Loopback messages. 7) Check the value of prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmResultOK to find out if the operation was successfully initiated or not. 8) If prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmInfinite is set to false you can monitor the value of prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmRemainingMessages. When it reaches 0, the last LBM has been transmitted and the operation is finished. Wait an additional 5 seconds to ensure that all LBRs have been returned. 9) If prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmInfinite is set to true you must stop the operation yourself by setting prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmStatus to true. 10) Compare prvtCfmMepLbrIn, prvtCfmMepLbrInOutOfOrder, and prvtCfmMepLbrBadMsdu to their old values from step 4, above, to get the results of the test. *LTM Managed objects The LTM Managed objects in the MEP table are used in a manner similar to that described for LBM transmission, above. Upon successfully initiating the transmission, the variables pvrtCfmMepTransmitLtmSeqNumber and prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmEgressIdentifier return the information required to recover the results of the LTM from the prvtCfmLtrTable." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses 12.14.7 and 19.2" ::= { prvtCfmMep 1 } prvtCfmMepEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmMepEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "prvtCfmMepEntry" INDEX { prvtCfmMdName, prvtCfmMaName, prvtCfmMepIdentifier } ::= { prvtCfmMepTable 1 } PrvtCfmMepEntry ::= SEQUENCE { prvtCfmMepIdentifier PrvtCfmMepId, prvtCfmMepRowStatus RowStatus, prvtCfmMepInterfaceIndex InterfaceIndex, prvtCfmMepDirection PrvtCfmMpDirection, prvtCfmMepShutdown TruthValue, prvtCfmMepFngState PrvtCfmFngState, prvtCfmMepCciEnabled TruthValue, prvtCfmMepCcmLtmPriority Unsigned32, prvtCfmMepMacAddress MacAddress, prvtCfmMepLowPrDef PrvtCfmLowestAlarmPri, prvtCfmMepHighestPrDefect PrvtCfmHighestDefectPri, prvtCfmMepDefects BITS, prvtCfmMepErrorCcmLastFailure OCTET STRING, prvtCfmMepXconCcmLastFailure OCTET STRING, prvtCfmMepCcmSequenceErrors Counter32, prvtCfmMepCciSentCcms Counter32, prvtCfmMepNextLbmTransId Unsigned32, prvtCfmMepLbrIn Counter32, prvtCfmMepLbrInOutOfOrder Counter32, prvtCfmMepLbrBadMsdu Counter32, prvtCfmMepLtmNextSeqNumber Unsigned32, prvtCfmMepUnexpLtrIn Counter32, prvtCfmMepLbrOut Counter32, prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmStatus TruthValue, prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmDestMacAddress MacAddress, prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmDestMepId PrvtCfmMepIdOrZero, prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmDestIsMepId TruthValue, prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmMessages Integer32, prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmDataTlv OCTET STRING, prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmVlanPriority Integer32, prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmVlanDropEnable TruthValue, prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmResultOK TruthValue, prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmSeqNumber Unsigned32, prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmStatus TruthValue, prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmFlags BITS, prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmTargetMacAddress MacAddress, prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmTargetMepId PrvtCfmMepIdOrZero, prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmTargetIsMepId TruthValue, prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmTtl Unsigned32, prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmResult TruthValue, prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmSeqNumber Unsigned32, prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmEgressIdentifier OCTET STRING, prvtCfmMepAlarmSupressed TruthValue, prvtCfmMepAisCondition TruthValue, prvtCfmMepLckCondition TruthValue, prvtCfmMepAisLifetime INTEGER, prvtCfmMepLckLifetime INTEGER, prvtCfmMepTransmitMcastLbm TruthValue, prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmInfinite TruthValue, prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmDelay Unsigned32, prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmTimeout Unsigned32, prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmTimeout Unsigned32, prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmSentPkts Unsigned32, prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmSuccessRate Unsigned32, prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmMinTime Unsigned32, prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmAvgTime Unsigned32, prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmMaxTime Unsigned32, prvtCfmMepFngAlarmTime Unsigned32, prvtCfmMepFngResetTime Unsigned32, prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmRemainingMessages Integer32, prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmCurrentStatus TruthValue } prvtCfmMepIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmMepId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Integer that is unique among all the MEPs in the same MA. Other definition is: a small integer, unique over a given Maintenance Association, identifying a specific Maintenance association End Point (3.19). MEP Identifier is also known as the MEPID." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses 3.19, 19.2 and 12.14.7" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 1 } prvtCfmMepRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of the row. The writable columns in a row can not be changed if the row is active. All columns must have a valid value before a row can be activated." ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 2 } prvtCfmMepInterfaceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is the interface index (from ifTable) of either a bridge port, or an aggregated IEEE 802.1 link, to which the MEP is attached." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 3 } prvtCfmMepDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmMpDirection MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The direction in which the MEP faces on the Bridge port." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and 19.2" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 4 } prvtCfmMepShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Administrative state of the MEP The value 'true' will shutdown/disable the MEP. The value 'false' will enable the MEP." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and 20.9.1" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 5 } prvtCfmMepFngState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmFngState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current state of the MEP Fault Notification Generator State Machine." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and 20.35" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 6 } prvtCfmMepCciEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true, the MEP will generate CCM messages." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and 20.10.1" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 7 } prvtCfmMepCcmLtmPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The priority value for CCMs and LTMs transmitted by the MEP. Default Value is the highest priority value allowed to pass through the bridge port for any of this MEPs VIDs. The management entity can obtain the default value for this variable from the priority regeneration table by extracting the highest priority value in this table on this MEPs bridge port. (1 is lowest, then 2, then 0, then 3-7)." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 8 } prvtCfmMepMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC address of the MEP." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause and 19.4" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 9 } prvtCfmMepLowPrDef OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmLowestAlarmPri MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An integer value specifying the lowest priority defect that is allowed to generate fault alarm." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause and 20.9.5 and Table 20-1" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 10 } prvtCfmMepHighestPrDefect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmHighestDefectPri MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest priority defect that has been present since the MEPs Fault Notification Generator State Machine was last in the FNG_RESET state." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause 20.33.9 and Table 21-1" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 11 } prvtCfmMepDefects OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { bDefRDICCM(0), bDefMACstatus(1), bDefRemoteCCM(2), bDefErrorCCM(3), bDefXconCCM(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A vector of Boolean error conditions from Table 20-1, any of which may be true." REFERENCE ".1ag clauses,,,,, 20.21.3, 20.23.3, 20.33.5, 20.33.6, 20.33.7." ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 12 } prvtCfmMepErrorCcmLastFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last-received CCM that triggered an DefErrorCCM fault." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and 20.21.2" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 13 } prvtCfmMepXconCcmLastFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last-received CCM that triggered a DefXconCCM fault." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and 20.23.2" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 14 } prvtCfmMepCcmSequenceErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of out-of-sequence CCMs received from all remote MEPs." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and 20.16.12" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 15 } prvtCfmMepCciSentCcms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of Continuity Check messages transmitted." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and 20.10.2" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 16 } prvtCfmMepNextLbmTransId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Next sequence number/transaction identifier to be sent in a Loopback message. This sequence number can be zero because it wraps around." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and 20.28.2" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 17 } prvtCfmMepLbrIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of valid, in-order Loopback Replies received." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause and 20.31.1" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 18 } prvtCfmMepLbrInOutOfOrder OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of valid, out-of-order Loopback Replies received." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause and 20.31.1" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 19 } prvtCfmMepLbrBadMsdu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of LBRs received whose mac_service_data_unit did not match (except for the OpCode) that of the corresponding LBM (20.2.3)." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause 20.2.3" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 20 } prvtCfmMepLtmNextSeqNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Next transaction identifier/sequence number to be sent in a Linktrace message. This sequence number can be zero because it wraps around." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause and 20.36.1" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 21 } prvtCfmMepUnexpLtrIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of unexpected LTRs received (20.39.1)." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause 20.39.1" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 22 } prvtCfmMepLbrOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of Loopback Replies transmitted." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause and 20.26.2" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 23 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Boolean flag set to true by the bridge port to indicate that another LBM may be transmitted. Reset to false by the MEP Loopback Initiator State Machine." ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 24 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmDestMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Target MAC Address Field to be transmitted: A unicast destination MAC address. This address will be used if the value of the column prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmDestIsMepId is 'false'." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 25 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmDestMepId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmMepIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Maintenance association End Point Identifier of another MEP in the same Maintenance Association to which the LBM is to be sent. This address will be used if the value of the column prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmDestIsMepId is 'true'." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 26 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmDestIsMepId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "True indicates that MEPID of the target MEP is used for Loopback transmission. False indicates that unicast destination MAC address of the target MEP is used for Loopback transmission." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 27 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmMessages OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..1024) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of Loopback messages to be transmitted." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 28 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmDataTlv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..1462)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary amount of data to be included in the Data TLV, if the Data TLV is selected to be sent." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 29 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmVlanPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority. 3 bit value to be used in the VLAN tag, if present in the transmitted frame. The default value is CCM priority." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 30 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmVlanDropEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Drop Enable bit value to be used in the VLAN tag, if present in the transmitted frame. For more information about VLAN Drop Enable, please check IEEE 802.1ad." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 31 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmResultOK OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the result of the operation: - true The Loopback Message(s) will be (or has been) sent. - false The Loopback Message(s) will not be sent." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 32 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmSeqNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Loopback Transaction Identifier (prvtCfmMepNextLbmTransId) of the first LBM (to be) sent. The value returned is undefined if prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmResultOK is false." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 33 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Boolean flag set to true by the bridge port to indicate that another LTM may be transmitted. In order to start linktrace following step should be executed: 1.Verify CFM connectivity 2.Set prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmTargetIsMepId to TRUE (if using target Mep) 3.Set prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmTargetMepId with the remote Mep Id 4.Set prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmTimeout (timeout for LTM packets) 5.Set prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmStatus to TRUE" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 34 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { useFDBonly(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The flags field for LTMs transmitted by the MEP." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause and 20.37.1" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 35 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmTargetMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Target MAC Address Field to be transmitted: A unicast destination MAC address. This address will be used if the value of the column prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmTargetIsMepId is 'false'." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 36 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmTargetMepId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmMepIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An indication of the Target MAC Address Field to be transmitted: The Maintenance association End Point Identifier of another MEP in the same Maintenance Association This address will be used if the value of the column prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmTargetIsMepId is 'true'." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 37 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmTargetIsMepId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "True indicates that MEPID of the target MEP is used for Linktrace transmission. False indicates that unicast destination MAC address of the target MEP is used for Loopback transmission." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 38 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmTtl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The LTM TTL field. Default value, if not specified, is 64. The TTL field indicates the number of hops remaining to the LTM. Decremented by 1 by each Linktrace Responder that handles the LTM. The value returned in the LTR is one less than that received in the LTM. If the LTM TTL is 0 or 1, the LTM is not forwarded to the next hop, and if 0, no LTR is generated." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause and 21.8.4" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 39 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the result of the operation: - true The Linktrace Message will be (or has been) sent. - false The Linktrace Message will not be sent" REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 40 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmSeqNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The LTM Transaction Identifier (prvtCfmMepLtmNextSeqNumber) of the LTM sent. The value returned is undefined if prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmResult is false." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 41 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmEgressIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(8)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identifies the MEP Linktrace Initiator that is originating, or the Linktrace Responder that is forwarding, this LTM. The low-order six octets contain a 48-bit IEEE MAC address unique to the system in which the MEP Linktrace Initiator or Linktrace Responder resides. The high-order two octets contain a value sufficient to uniquely identify the MEP Linktrace Initiator or Linktrace Responder within that system. For most Bridges, the address of any MAC attached to the Bridge will suffice for the low-order six octets, and 0 for the high-order octets. In some situations, e.g. if multiple virtual Bridges utilizing emulated LANs are implemented in a single physical system, the high-order two octets can be used to differentiate among the transmitting entities. The value returned is undefined if prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmResult is false." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause and 21.8.8" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 42 } prvtCfmMepAlarmSupressed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A boolean showing if an AIS or LCK packet was received from a lower level" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 43 } prvtCfmMepAisCondition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AIS condition Is true by detection of signal fail condition at a Server layer or reception of AIS at a server (sub-) layer MEP [AIS condition/Rec. ITU-T Y.1731] Respectively AIS condition Exit criteria: 'During an interval equal to 3.5 times the AIS transmission period indicated in the AIS frames received earlier, the MEP does not receive AIS frames or, when ETH-CC is used, upon clearing of LOC defect at MEP' /Appendix I/Rec. ITU-T Y.1731 If prvtCfmMaAisLckLevel is configured the MEP should send AIS packets" REFERENCE "ITU-T Recommendation Y.1731 APPENDIX I Defect Conditions, I.7 AIS Condition" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 44 } prvtCfmMepLckCondition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A boolean showing if the MEP should lock the service towards the client and send LCK packets" REFERENCE "ITU-T Recommendation Y.1731 APPENDIX I Defect Conditions, I.9 LCK Condition" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 45 } prvtCfmMepAisLifetime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), lifetime35s(1), lifetime35min(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lifetime of the last received AIS packet" REFERENCE "ITU-T Recommendation Y.1731 APPENDIX I Defect Conditions, I.7 AIS Condition" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 46 } prvtCfmMepLckLifetime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), lifetime35s(1), lifetime35min(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lifetime of the last received LCK packet" REFERENCE "ITU-T Recommendation Y.1731 APPENDIX I Defect Conditions, I.9 LCK Condition" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 47 } prvtCfmMepTransmitMcastLbm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A boolean to control sending Y.1731 multicast loopback." ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 48 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmInfinite OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A boolean to control sending LBMs continuously until the operation is explicitly stopped by setting this back to false" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 49 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..60) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An amount of time to wait between sent LBMs (in seconds)." ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 50 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..60) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An amount of time to wait after the last sent LBM if no LBR is received (in seconds)." ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 51 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLtmTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..60) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An amount of time to wait after the last sent LTM if no LTR is received (in seconds)." ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 52 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmSentPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of successfully sent packets in the current LBM session." ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 53 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmSuccessRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Success rate of the current LBM session (in percentage*100)." ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 54 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmMinTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minimum LBR response time (in msec)." ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 55 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmAvgTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Average LBR response time (in msec)." ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 56 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmMaxTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum LBR response time (in msec)." ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 57 } prvtCfmMepFngAlarmTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (250..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time that defects must be present before a Fault Alarm is issued (fngAlarmTime. 20.33.3) (default 2.5s)." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and 20.33.3" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 58 } prvtCfmMepFngResetTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (250..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time that defects must be absent before re-enabling a Fault Alarm (fngResetTime, 20.33.4) (default 10s)." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and 20.33.4" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 59 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmRemainingMessages OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1024) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of LBMs (Loopback messages) to be transmitted" ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 60 } prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmCurrentStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Boolean flag set to true by the bridge port to indicate that another LBM may be transmitted. Reset to false by the MEP Loopback Initiator State Machine." ::= { prvtCfmMepEntry 61 } prvtCfmMepDbTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PrvtCfmMepDbEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MEP Database. A database, maintained by every MEP, that maintains received information about other MEPs in the Maintenance Domain. The SMI does not allow to state in a MIB that an object in a table is an array. The solution is to take the index (or indices) of the first table and add one or more indices." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause 19.2.15" ::= { prvtCfmMep 2 } prvtCfmMepDbEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmMepDbEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MEP Database table entry." INDEX { prvtCfmMdName, prvtCfmMaName, prvtCfmMepIdentifier, prvtCfmMepDbRMepIdentifier } ::= { prvtCfmMepDbTable 1 } PrvtCfmMepDbEntry ::= SEQUENCE { prvtCfmMepDbRMepIdentifier Unsigned32, prvtCfmMepDbRMepState PrvtCfmRemoteMepState, prvtCfmMepDbRMepFailedOkTime TimeStamp, prvtCfmMepDbMacAddress MacAddress, prvtCfmMepDbRdi TruthValue, prvtCfmMepDbPortStatusTlv PrvtCfmPortStatus, prvtCfmMepDbInterfaceStatusTlv PrvtCfmInterfaceStatus, prvtCfmMepDbChassisIdSubtype LldpChassisIdSubtype, prvtCfmMepDbChassisId LldpChassisId, prvtCfmMepDbManAddressDomain TDomain, prvtCfmMepDbManAddress TAddress } prvtCfmMepDbRMepIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maintenance association End Point Identifier of a remote MEP whose information from the MEP Database is to be returned." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmMepDbEntry 1 } prvtCfmMepDbRMepState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmRemoteMepState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state of the remote MEP IFF State machines." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause and 20.22" ::= { prvtCfmMepDbEntry 2 } prvtCfmMepDbRMepFailedOkTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time (SysUpTime) at which the IFF Remote MEP state machine last entered either the RMEP_FAILED or RMEP_OK state." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmMepDbEntry 3 } prvtCfmMepDbMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MAC address of the remote MEP." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause and 20.19.7" ::= { prvtCfmMepDbEntry 4 } prvtCfmMepDbRdi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of the RDI bit in the last received CCM (true for RDI=1), or false if none has been received." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and 20.19.2" ::= { prvtCfmMepDbEntry 5 } prvtCfmMepDbPortStatusTlv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmPortStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An enumerated value of the Port status TLV received in the last CCM from the remote MEP or the default value psNoPortStateTLV indicating either no CCM has been received, or that nor port status TLV was received in the last CCM." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause and 20.19.3" ::= { prvtCfmMepDbEntry 6 } prvtCfmMepDbInterfaceStatusTlv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmInterfaceStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An enumerated value of the Interface status TLV received in the last CCM from the remote MEP or the default value isNoInterfaceStatus TLV indicating either no CCM has been received, or that no interface status TLV was received in the last CCM." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause and 20.19.4" ::= { prvtCfmMepDbEntry 7 } prvtCfmMepDbChassisIdSubtype OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LldpChassisIdSubtype MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the format of the Chassis ID received in the last CCM." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and" ::= { prvtCfmMepDbEntry 8 } prvtCfmMepDbChassisId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LldpChassisId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Chassis ID. The format of this object is determined by the value of the prvtCfmLtrChassisIdSubtype object." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and" ::= { prvtCfmMepDbEntry 9 } prvtCfmMepDbManAddressDomain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDomain MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TDomain that identifies the type and format of the related prvtCfmMepDbManAddress object, used to access the SNMP agent of the system transmitting the CCM. Received in the CCM Sender ID TLV from that system. Typical values will be one of (not all inclusive) list: snmpUDPDomain (from SNMPv2-TM, RFC3417) snmpIeee802Domain (from SNMP-IEEE802-TM-MIB, RFC4789) The value 'zeroDotZero' (from RFC2578) indicates 'no LTR Sender ID TLV received', in which case the related object prvtCfmMepDbManAddress must have a zero-length OCTET STRING as a value." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses,, 21.6.7" ::= { prvtCfmMepDbEntry 10 } prvtCfmMepDbManAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TAddress that can be used to access the SNMP agent of the system transmitting the CCM, received in the CCM Sender ID TLV from that system. If the related object prvtCfmMepDbManAddressDomain contains the value 'zeroDotZero', this object prvtCfmMepDbManAddress must have a zero-length OCTET STRING as a value." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses,, 21.6.7" ::= { prvtCfmMepDbEntry 11 } prvtCfmLtrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PrvtCfmLtrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table extends the MEP table and contains a list of Linktrace replies received by a specific MEP in response to a linktrace message. SNMP SMI does not allow to state in a MIB that an object in a table is an array. The solution is to take the index (or indices) of the first table and add one or more indices." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmMep 3 } prvtCfmLtrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmLtrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Linktrace Reply table entry." INDEX { prvtCfmMdName, prvtCfmMaName, prvtCfmMepIdentifier, prvtCfmLtrSeqNumber, prvtCfmLtrReceiveOrder } ::= { prvtCfmLtrTable 1 } PrvtCfmLtrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { prvtCfmLtrSeqNumber Unsigned32, prvtCfmLtrReceiveOrder Unsigned32, prvtCfmLtrTtl Unsigned32, prvtCfmLtrForwarded TruthValue, prvtCfmLtrTerminalMep TruthValue, prvtCfmLtrLastEgressIdentifier OCTET STRING, prvtCfmLtrNextEgressIdentifier OCTET STRING, prvtCfmLtrRelay PrvtCfmRelayActionFieldValue, prvtCfmLtrChassisIdSubtype LldpChassisIdSubtype, prvtCfmLtrChassisId LldpChassisId, prvtCfmLtrManAddressDomain TDomain, prvtCfmLtrManAddress TAddress, prvtCfmLtrIngress PrvtCfmIngressActionFieldValue, prvtCfmLtrIngressMac MacAddress, prvtCfmLtrIngressPortIdSubtype LldpPortIdSubtype, prvtCfmLtrIngressPortId LldpPortId, prvtCfmLtrEgress PrvtCfmEgressActionFieldValue, prvtCfmLtrEgressMac MacAddress, prvtCfmLtrEgressPortIdSubtype LldpPortIdSubtype, prvtCfmLtrEgressPortId LldpPortId, prvtCfmLtrOrganizationSpecificTlv OCTET STRING, prvtCfmLtrTime Unsigned32, prvtCfmLtrSourceMac MacAddress } prvtCfmLtrSeqNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transaction identifier/Sequence number returned by a previous transmit linktrace message command, indicating which LTM's response is going to be returned." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmLtrEntry 1 } prvtCfmLtrReceiveOrder OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index to distinguish among multiple LTRs with the same LTR Transaction Identifier field value. prvtCfmLtrReceiveOrder are assigned sequentially from 1, in the order that the Linktrace Initiator received the LTRs." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmLtrEntry 2 } prvtCfmLtrTtl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TTL field value for a returned LTR." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause and" ::= { prvtCfmLtrEntry 3 } prvtCfmLtrForwarded OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if a LTM was forwarded by the responding MP, as returned in the 'FwdYes' flag of the flags field." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and" ::= { prvtCfmLtrEntry 4 } prvtCfmLtrTerminalMep OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A boolean value stating whether the forwarded LTM reached a MEP enclosing its MA, as returned in the Terminal MEP flag of the Flags field." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and" ::= { prvtCfmLtrEntry 5 } prvtCfmLtrLastEgressIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An octet field holding the Last Egress Identifier returned in the LTR Egress Identifier TLV of the LTR. The Last Egress Identifier identifies the MEP Linktrace Initiator that originated, or the Linktrace Responder that forwarded, the LTM to which this LTR is the response. This is the same value as the Egress Identifier TLV of that LTM." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and" ::= { prvtCfmLtrEntry 6 } prvtCfmLtrNextEgressIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An octet field holding the Next Egress Identifier returned in the LTR Egress Identifier TLV of the LTR. The Next Egress Identifier Identifies the Linktrace Responder that transmitted this LTR, and can forward the LTM to the next hop. This is the same value as the Egress Identifier TLV of the forwarded LTM, if any. If the FwdYes bit of the Flags field is false, the contents of this field are undefined, i.e. any value can be transmitted, and the field is ignored by the receiver." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and" ::= { prvtCfmLtrEntry 7 } prvtCfmLtrRelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmRelayActionFieldValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value returned in the Relay Action field." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and" ::= { prvtCfmLtrEntry 8 } prvtCfmLtrChassisIdSubtype OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LldpChassisIdSubtype MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the format of the Chassis ID returned in the Sender ID TLV of the LTR, if any. This value is meaningless if the prvtCfmLtrChassisId has a length of 0." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and" ::= { prvtCfmLtrEntry 9 } prvtCfmLtrChassisId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LldpChassisId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Chassis ID returned in the Sender ID TLV of the LTR, if any. The format of this object is determined by the value of the prvtCfmLtrChassisIdSubtype object." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and" ::= { prvtCfmLtrEntry 10 } prvtCfmLtrManAddressDomain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDomain MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TDomain that identifies the type and format of the related prvtCfmLtrManAddress object, used to access the SNMP agent of the system transmitting the LTR. Received in the LTR Sender ID TLV from that system. Typical values will be one of (not all inclusive) list: snmpUDPDomain (from SNMPv2-TM, RFC3417) snmpIeee802Domain (from SNMP-IEEE802-TM-MIB, RFC4789) The value 'zeroDotZero' (from RFC2578) indicates 'no LTR Sender ID TLV received', in which case the related object prvtCfmLtrManAddress must have a zero-length OCTET STRING as a value." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses,, 21.9.6" ::= { prvtCfmLtrEntry 11 } prvtCfmLtrManAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TAddress that can be used to access the SNMP agent of the system transmitting the CCM, received in the CCM Sender ID TLV from that system. If the related object prvtCfmLtrManAddressDomain contains the value 'zeroDotZero', this object prvtCfmLtrManAddress must have a zero-length OCTET STRING as a value." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses,, 21.9.6" ::= { prvtCfmLtrEntry 12 } prvtCfmLtrIngress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmIngressActionFieldValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value returned in the Ingress Action Field of the LTM." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and" ::= { prvtCfmLtrEntry 13 } prvtCfmLtrIngressMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC address returned in the ingress MAC address field." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and" ::= { prvtCfmLtrEntry 14 } prvtCfmLtrIngressPortIdSubtype OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LldpPortIdSubtype MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Format of the Ingress Port ID." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and" ::= { prvtCfmLtrEntry 15 } prvtCfmLtrIngressPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LldpPortId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ingress Port ID. The format of this object is determined by the value of the prvtCfmLtrIngressPortIdSubtype object." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and" ::= { prvtCfmLtrEntry 16 } prvtCfmLtrEgress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmEgressActionFieldValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value returned in the Egress Action Field of the LTM." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and" ::= { prvtCfmLtrEntry 17 } prvtCfmLtrEgressMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC address returned in the egress MAC address field." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and" ::= { prvtCfmLtrEntry 18 } prvtCfmLtrEgressPortIdSubtype OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LldpPortIdSubtype MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Format of the egress Port ID." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and" ::= { prvtCfmLtrEntry 19 } prvtCfmLtrEgressPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LldpPortId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Egress Port ID. The format of this object is determined by the value of the prvtCfmLtrEgressPortIdSubtype object." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and" ::= { prvtCfmLtrEntry 20 } prvtCfmLtrOrganizationSpecificTlv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "All Organization specific TLVs returned in the LTR, if any. Includes all octets including and following the TLV Length field of each TLV, concatenated together." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses, 21.5.2" ::= { prvtCfmLtrEntry 21 } prvtCfmLtrTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote MPs response time in milliseconds." ::= { prvtCfmLtrEntry 22 } prvtCfmLtrSourceMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC address that originated the LTR." ::= { prvtCfmLtrEntry 23 } prvtCfmLbrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PrvtCfmLbrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table contains loopback results following the last loopback operation." ::= { prvtCfmMep 4 } prvtCfmLbrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmLbrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "prvtCfmLbrEntry" INDEX { prvtCfmMdName, prvtCfmMaName, prvtCfmMepIdentifier, prvtCfmLbrSeqNumber, prvtCfmLbrReceiveOrder } ::= { prvtCfmLbrTable 1 } PrvtCfmLbrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { prvtCfmLbrSeqNumber Unsigned32, prvtCfmLbrReceiveOrder Unsigned32, prvtCfmLbrTime Unsigned32, prvtCfmLbrMacAddress MacAddress, prvtCfmLbrBadMsdu TruthValue } prvtCfmLbrSeqNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transaction identifier/Sequence number of the received LBR." ::= { prvtCfmLbrEntry 1 } prvtCfmLbrReceiveOrder OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index to distinguish among multiple LBRs with the same LBR Transaction Identifier field value. This situation can appear in the case of multicast loopback." ::= { prvtCfmLbrEntry 2 } prvtCfmLbrTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote MEPs response time in milliseconds." ::= { prvtCfmLbrEntry 3 } prvtCfmLbrMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote MEPs mac address. For unicast loopback this is the same as prvtCfmMepTransmitLbmDestMacAddress, but for multicast loopback there will be different entries." ::= { prvtCfmLbrEntry 4 } prvtCfmLbrBadMsdu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Result of the Data TLV verification." ::= { prvtCfmLbrEntry 5 } prvtCfmProfile OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { prvtCfmMIBObjects 7 } prvtCfmProfileTableNextIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmIndexIntegerNextFree MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains an unused value for prvtCfmProfileIndex in the prvtCfmProfileTable or a zero to indicate that none exist." ::= { prvtCfmProfile 1 } prvtCfmProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PrvtCfmProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table contains loopback results from all remote MEPs in the MA." ::= { prvtCfmProfile 2 } prvtCfmProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry in profile table" INDEX { prvtCfmProfileIndex } ::= { prvtCfmProfileTable 1 } PrvtCfmProfileEntry ::= SEQUENCE { prvtCfmProfileIndex Unsigned32, prvtCfmProfileRowStatus RowStatus, prvtCfmProfileDescr OCTET STRING, prvtCfmProfilePriority Unsigned32, prvtCfmProfileRate Unsigned32, prvtCfmProfileSize Unsigned32, prvtCfmProfileBucketSize Unsigned32, prvtCfmProfile1wJitterError Unsigned32, prvtCfmProfile1wJitterWarning Unsigned32, prvtCfmProfileJitterError Unsigned32, prvtCfmProfileJitterErrorPeriod Unsigned32, prvtCfmProfileJitterWarning Unsigned32, prvtCfmProfileJitterWarningPeriod Unsigned32, prvtCfmProfileFrameLossError Unsigned32, prvtCfmProfileFrameLossWarning Unsigned32, prvtCfmProfileLatencyError Unsigned32, prvtCfmProfileLatencyErrorPeriod Unsigned32, prvtCfmProfileLatencyWarning Unsigned32, prvtCfmProfileLatencyWarningPeriod Unsigned32, prvtCfmProfileOneWayJitterEnabled TruthValue, prvtCfmProfileTwoWayJitterEnabled TruthValue, prvtCfmProfileFramelossEnabled TruthValue, prvtCfmProfileLatencyEnabled TruthValue } prvtCfmProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..96) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table index." ::= { prvtCfmProfileEntry 1 } prvtCfmProfileRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of the row. The writable columns in a row can not be changed if the row is active. All columns must have a valid value before a row can be activated." ::= { prvtCfmProfileEntry 2 } prvtCfmProfileDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A description for this profile. This field must be unique among all profiles." ::= { prvtCfmProfileEntry 3 } prvtCfmProfilePriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "802.1p class-of-service setting." ::= { prvtCfmProfileEntry 4 } prvtCfmProfileRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..3) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of Request packets to send each time." ::= { prvtCfmProfileEntry 5 } prvtCfmProfileSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..1462) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of data TLV included in probe packets (in octets)." ::= { prvtCfmProfileEntry 6 } prvtCfmProfileBucketSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (2..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of the results to save for results calculation." ::= { prvtCfmProfileEntry 7 } prvtCfmProfile1wJitterError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies one-way jitter error values to monitor in milliseconds." ::= { prvtCfmProfileEntry 8 } prvtCfmProfile1wJitterWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies one-way jitter warning values to monitor in milliseconds." ::= { prvtCfmProfileEntry 9 } prvtCfmProfileJitterError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies round-trip jitter error values to monitor in milliseconds." ::= { prvtCfmProfileEntry 10 } prvtCfmProfileJitterErrorPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..3600) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the duration jitter occurs in seconds." ::= { prvtCfmProfileEntry 11 } prvtCfmProfileJitterWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies round-trip jitter warning values to monitor in milliseconds. If set value is greater than the jitter-error it means that the warning is disabled." ::= { prvtCfmProfileEntry 12 } prvtCfmProfileJitterWarningPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..3600) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the duration jitter occurs in seconds." ::= { prvtCfmProfileEntry 13 } prvtCfmProfileFrameLossError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..99) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies round-trip frame-loss error values to monitor. The default is frame-loss of 10% is reported." ::= { prvtCfmProfileEntry 14 } prvtCfmProfileFrameLossWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..99) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies round-trip frame-loss warning values to monitor. The default is frame-loss of 8% is reported. If set value is greater than the frame-loss-error it means that the warning is disable." ::= { prvtCfmProfileEntry 15 } prvtCfmProfileLatencyError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies round-trip latency error values to monitor in milliseconds." ::= { prvtCfmProfileEntry 16 } prvtCfmProfileLatencyErrorPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..3600) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the duration latency increase occurs in seconds." ::= { prvtCfmProfileEntry 17 } prvtCfmProfileLatencyWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies round-trip latency error values to monitor in milliseconds. If set value is greater than the latency-error it means that the warning is disabled." ::= { prvtCfmProfileEntry 18 } prvtCfmProfileLatencyWarningPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..3600) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the duration latency increase occurs." ::= { prvtCfmProfileEntry 19 } prvtCfmProfileOneWayJitterEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify if one-way jitter is monitored." ::= { prvtCfmProfileEntry 20 } prvtCfmProfileTwoWayJitterEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify if two-way jitter is monitored." ::= { prvtCfmProfileEntry 21 } prvtCfmProfileFramelossEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify if frame-loss is monitored." ::= { prvtCfmProfileEntry 22 } prvtCfmProfileLatencyEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify if two-way latency is monitored." ::= { prvtCfmProfileEntry 23 } prvtCfmProcess OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { prvtCfmMIBObjects 8 } prvtCfmProcessTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PrvtCfmProcessEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Private extension of prvtCfmMaTable. Controls the two-way monitoring process for MEP's in the MA." ::= { prvtCfmProcess 1 } prvtCfmProcessEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmProcessEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "prvtCfmProcessEntry" INDEX { prvtCfmProcessIndex, prvtCfmMdName, prvtCfmMaName } ::= { prvtCfmProcessTable 1 } PrvtCfmProcessEntry ::= SEQUENCE { prvtCfmProcessIndex Unsigned32, prvtCfmProcessRowStatus RowStatus, prvtCfmProcessProfileIndex Unsigned32, prvtCfmProcessName OCTET STRING, prvtCfmProcessShutdown TruthValue, prvtCfmProcessRepeatInterval Unsigned32, prvtCfmProcessPacketType INTEGER, prvtCfmProcessUnreturnedPkts Unsigned32 } prvtCfmProcessIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..256) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table index." ::= { prvtCfmProcessEntry 1 } prvtCfmProcessRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of the row. The writable columns in a row can not be changed if the row is active. All columns must have a valid value before a row can be activated." ::= { prvtCfmProcessEntry 2 } prvtCfmProcessProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..64) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of the monitoring profile to be used." ::= { prvtCfmProcessEntry 3 } prvtCfmProcessName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the process. Should be unique per domain/MA" ::= { prvtCfmProcessEntry 4 } prvtCfmProcessShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value 'true' will disable two-way monitoring process for MEP's in the MA." ::= { prvtCfmProcessEntry 5 } prvtCfmProcessRepeatInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..420) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Repeating frequency of the monitoring process." ::= { prvtCfmProcessEntry 6 } prvtCfmProcessPacketType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { cfm(1), y1731(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Use CFM Loopback or Y.1731 LMMs and DMMs packets." ::= { prvtCfmProcessEntry 7 } prvtCfmProcessUnreturnedPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of requests for which a reply hasn't been received. These packets will be counted as lost when they enter timeout." ::= { prvtCfmProcessEntry 8 } prvtCfmProcessResultTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PrvtCfmProcessResultEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table contains process results." ::= { prvtCfmProcess 2 } prvtCfmProcessResultEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmProcessResultEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "prvtCfmProcessResultEntry" INDEX { prvtCfmMdName, prvtCfmMaName, prvtCfmProcessIndex, prvtCfmMepDbRMepIdentifier } ::= { prvtCfmProcessResultTable 1 } PrvtCfmProcessResultEntry ::= SEQUENCE { prvtCfmProcessResultOneWayJitter Unsigned32, prvtCfmProcessResultTwoWayJitter Unsigned32, prvtCfmProcessResultLatency Unsigned32, prvtCfmProcessResultFrameloss Unsigned32 } prvtCfmProcessResultOneWayJitter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One way jitter calculated for a specific remote MEP in milliseconds" ::= { prvtCfmProcessResultEntry 1 } prvtCfmProcessResultTwoWayJitter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Two way jitter calculated for a specific remote MEP in milliseconds" ::= { prvtCfmProcessResultEntry 2 } prvtCfmProcessResultLatency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Two way latency calculated for a specific remote MEP in milliseconds" ::= { prvtCfmProcessResultEntry 3 } prvtCfmProcessResultFrameloss OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Two way frameloss calculated for a specific remote MEP in units of hundredths of percent. Note: When prvtCfmProcessResultFrameloss has value of 10000, all the values of prvtCfmProcessResultOneWayJitter, prvtCfmProcessResultTwoWayJitter and prvtCfmProcessResultLatency are irrelevant." ::= { prvtCfmProcessResultEntry 4 } prvtCfmMaAisLckVlan OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { prvtCfmMIBObjects 9 } prvtCfmMaAisLckVlanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PrvtCfmMaAisLckVlanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table includes extra variables needed for AIS/LCK configurable vlans" ::= { prvtCfmMaAisLckVlan 1 } prvtCfmMaAisLckVlanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtCfmMaAisLckVlanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table includes extra variables needed for AIS/LCK configurable vlans" INDEX { prvtCfmMdName, prvtCfmMaName, prvtCfmMaAisLckVlanId } ::= { prvtCfmMaAisLckVlanTable 1 } PrvtCfmMaAisLckVlanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { prvtCfmMaAisLckVlanId Integer32, prvtCfmMaAisLckVlanRowStatus RowStatus } prvtCfmMaAisLckVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..4094) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Vlan ID (towards customer level) that the generated AIS/LCK packets should use." ::= { prvtCfmMaAisLckVlanEntry 1 } prvtCfmMaAisLckVlanRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of the row." ::= { prvtCfmMaAisLckVlanEntry 2 } prvtCfm1wJitterThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { prvtCfmProcessResultOneWayJitter, prvtCfmProfile1wJitterWarning, prvtCfmProfile1wJitterError } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap should be sent whenever the one way jitter on a CFM test will surpass one of the 2 defined thresholds." ::= { prvtCfmMIBNotifications 1 } prvtCfmJitterThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { prvtCfmProcessResultTwoWayJitter, prvtCfmProfileJitterWarning, prvtCfmProfileJitterWarningPeriod, prvtCfmProfileJitterError, prvtCfmProfileJitterErrorPeriod } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap should be sent whenever the two way jitter on a CFM test will surpass one of the 2 defined thresholds." ::= { prvtCfmMIBNotifications 2 } prvtCfmFrameLossThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { prvtCfmProcessResultFrameloss, prvtCfmProfileFrameLossWarning, prvtCfmProfileFrameLossError } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap should be sent whenever the frame loss on a CFM test will surpass one of the 2 defined thresholds." ::= { prvtCfmMIBNotifications 3 } prvtCfmLatencyThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { prvtCfmProcessResultLatency, prvtCfmProfileLatencyWarning, prvtCfmProfileLatencyWarningPeriod, prvtCfmProfileLatencyError, prvtCfmProfileLatencyErrorPeriod } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap should be sent whenever the latency on a CFM test will surpass one of the 2 defined thresholds." ::= { prvtCfmMIBNotifications 4 } prvtCfmUnexpectedPriority NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { prvtCfmMepDirection, prvtCfmMepDbMacAddress, prvtCfmMepInterfaceIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "References to in the [G.8021/Y.1341] : Unexpected Priority defect (dUNPr) The Unexpected Priority defect is calculated at the ETH layer. It detects the configuration of different Priorities for CCM at different MEPs belonging to the same MEG." ::= { prvtCfmMIBNotifications 5 } prvtCfmFaultAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { prvtCfmMepDirection, prvtCfmMepHighestPrDefect, prvtCfmMepInterfaceIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A MEP has a persistent defect condition. A notification (fault alarm) is sent to the management entity with the OID of the MEP that has detected the fault. Whenever a MEP has a persistent defect, it may or may not generate a Fault Alarm to warn the system administrator of the problem, as controlled by the MEP Fault Notification Generator State Machine and associated Managed Objects. Only the highest-priority defect, as shown in Table 20-1, is reported in the Fault Alarm. If a defect with a higher priority is raised after a Fault Alarm has been issued, another Fault Alarm is issued. The management entity receiving the notification can identify the system from the network source address of the notification, and can identify the MEP reporting the defect by the indices in the OID of the prvtCfmMepHighestPrDefect variable in the notification: prvtCfmMdName - Also the index of the MEP's Maintenance Domain table entry (prvtCfmMdTable). prvtCfmMaName - Also an index (with the MD table index) of the MEP's Maintenance Association table entry (prvtCfmMaTable), prvtCfmMepIdentifier - MEP Identifier and final index into the MEP table (prvtCfmMepTable)." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { prvtCfmMIBNotifications 6 } prvtCfmAisLckRecieved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { prvtCfmMepAisCondition } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A MEP may generate a AIS/LCK notification each time its AIS/LCK condition is activated." REFERENCE "ITU-T Recommendation Y.1731 APPENDIX I Defect Conditions I.7 AIS Condition, I.9 LCK Condition" ::= { prvtCfmMIBNotifications 7 } prvtCfmAisLckCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { prvtCfmMepAisCondition } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The notification is sent each time AIS/LCK condition is cleared." REFERENCE "ITU-T Recommendation Y.1731 APPENDIX I Defect Conditions I.7 AIS Condition, I.9 LCK Condition" ::= { prvtCfmMIBNotifications 8 } prvtCfmFaultAlarmCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { prvtCfmMepDirection, prvtCfmMepFngState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A MEP's persistent defect condition has cleared. A notification is sent to the management entity with the OID of the MEP that has cleared the fault. The management entity receiving the notification can identify the system from the network source address of the notification, and can identify the MEP by the indices in the OID of the prvtCfmMepIdentifier variable in the notification: prvtCfmMdName - Also the index of the MEP's Maintenance Domain table entry (prvtCfmMdTable). prvtCfmMaName - Also an index (with the MD table index) of the MEP's Maintenance Association table entry (prvtCfmMaTable), prvtCfmMepIdentifier - MEP Identifier and final index into the MEP table (prvtCfmMepTable)." ::= { prvtCfmMIBNotifications 9 } END -- end of module PRVT-CFM-MIB.