-- ********************************************************************* -- ** -- ** BATM Advanced Communications. -- ** -- ********************************************************************* -- ** Filename: PRVT-ISIS-MIB.mib -- ** Project: T-Metro Switches. -- ** Purpose: Private MIB -- ********************************************************************* -- (c) Copyright, 2009, BATM Advanced Communications. All rights reserved. -- WARNING: -- -- BY UTILIZING THIS FILE, YOU AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING: -- -- This file is the property of BATM Advanced Communications and contains -- proprietary and confidential information. 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REVISION "201002120000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial version." ::= { routingProtocols 4 } PrvtIsisInetAddressType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A value that represents a type of Internet address." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2), ipv4z(3), ipv6z(4), dns(5) } PrvtIsisInetAddress ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "255a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An IPv4 IPv6 address depending upon the value of a matching InetAddressType object. An IPv4 address consiats of 4 octets in network-byte order. An IPv6 address consiats of 16 octets in network-byte order" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(4 | 16)) PrvtIsisIPv4Address ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1d.1d.1d.1d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An IPv4 address consisting of 4 octets in network-byte order. A length of zero octets represents no IP address has been assigned." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0 | 4)) PrvtIsisIPv6Address ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "2x:2x:2x:2x:2x:2x:2x:2x" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An IPv4 address consisting of 16 octets in network-byte order. A length of zero octets represents no IP address has been assigned." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0 | 16)) PrvtIsisHostName ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "255t" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A valid host name." SYNTAX OCTET STRING PrvtIsisAuthUserDataString ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1x:" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Authentication user data." SYNTAX OCTET STRING PrvtIsisOSINSAddress ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1x:" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OSI Network Service Address, e.g. NSAP, SNPA, or Network Entity Title" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..20)) PrvtIsisSystemID ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1x:" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ID for an Intermediate System. This should be unique within a network, and is included in all PDUs originated by an Intermediate System. The protocol does not place any meanings upon the bits, other than using ordering to break ties in electing a Designated IS on a LAN." SYNTAX OCTET STRING PrvtIsisLinkStatePDUID ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1x:" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Link State PDU Identifier." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(8)) PrvtIsisAdminState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type used in enabling and disabling a row." SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2) } PrvtIsisLSPBuffSize ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Integer sub range for maximum LSP size." SYNTAX Integer32 (512..16000) PrvtIsisLevelState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "States of the IS-IS protocol." SYNTAX INTEGER { off(1), on(2), waiting(3), overloaded(4) } PrvtIsisDefaultMetric ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Integer sub-range for default metric for single hop. ISO 10589 provides for 4 types of metric. Only the 'default' metric is used in practice." SYNTAX Integer32 (0..63) PrvtIsisWideMetric ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Wide Metric for IS Neighbors. ISO 10589 provides a 6 bit metric. Traffic Engineering extensions provide 24 bit metrics." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..16777215) PrvtIsisFullMetric ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Full Metric for IP Routes. Traffic Engineering extensions provide 32 bit metrics." SYNTAX Unsigned32 PrvtIsisMetricType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is this an Internal or External Metric?" SYNTAX INTEGER { internal(1), external(2) } PrvtIsisMetricStyle ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Do we use 1195 style Metrics or wide metrics." SYNTAX INTEGER { narrow(1), wide(2), both(3) } PrvtIsisISLevel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identifies a level." SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), area(1), domain(2) } PrvtIsisCircuitID ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1x:" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ID for a circuit." SYNTAX OCTET STRING PrvtIsisISPriority ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Integer sub-range for IS-IS priority." SYNTAX Integer32 (0..127) PrvtIsisUnsigned16TC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An Unsigned32 further restricted to 16 Bits. Note that the ASN.1 BER encoding may still require 24 Bits for some values." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) PrvtIsisUnsigned16NoZeroTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Same as Unsigned16TC, except that 0 is not permitted." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) PrvtIsisMaxAgeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TC for prvtIsisSysMaxAge." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (350..65535) PrvtIsisReceiveLSPBufferSizeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TC for prvtIsisSysReceiveLSPBufferSize" SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1492..16000) PrvtIsisUnsigned8TC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An Unsigned32 further restricted to 8 Bits. Note that the ASN.1 BER encoding may still require 16 Bits for some values." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) PrvtIsisOperStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current operational state of an IS-IS entity." SYNTAX INTEGER { operStatusUp(1), operStatusDown(2), operStatusGoingUp(3), operStatusGoingDown(4), operStatusActFailed(5) } PrvtIsisSysRestartType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of restart procedures to follow when IS-IS activates." SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), start(1), restart(2) } prvtIsisMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { prvtIsisMIB 1 } prvtIsisSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { prvtIsisMIBObjects 1 } prvtIsisSysTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PrvtIsisSysEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The set of instances of the Integrated IS-IS protocol existing on the system." ::= { prvtIsisSystem 1 } prvtIsisSysEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisSysEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row defines information specific to a single instance of the IS-IS protocol existing on the system." REFERENCE "{ISIS.poi cLNSISISBasic-P (1)}" INDEX { prvtIsisSysInstance } ::= { prvtIsisSysTable 1 } PrvtIsisSysEntry ::= SEQUENCE { prvtIsisSysInstance Integer32, prvtIsisSysExistState RowStatus, prvtIsisSysVersion INTEGER, prvtIsisSysType INTEGER, prvtIsisSysID PrvtIsisSystemID, prvtIsisSysMaxPathSplits Integer32, prvtIsisSysMaxLSPGenInt Integer32, prvtIsisSysPollESHelloRate PrvtIsisUnsigned16NoZeroTC, prvtIsisSysWaitTime PrvtIsisUnsigned16NoZeroTC, prvtIsisSysShutdown TruthValue, prvtIsisSysL2toL1Leaking TruthValue, prvtIsisSysMaxAge PrvtIsisMaxAgeTC, prvtIsisSysReceiveLSPBufferSize PrvtIsisReceiveLSPBufferSizeTC, prvtIsisSysOperStatus PrvtIsisOperStatus, prvtIsisSysAllowAutoI3Config TruthValue, prvtIsisSysCalcMaxDelay Unsigned32, prvtIsisSysCalcThrshUpdStart Unsigned32, prvtIsisSysCalcThrshUpdRestart Unsigned32, prvtIsisSysCalcThrshRestartLimit Unsigned32, prvtIsisSysCalcPauseFreq Unsigned32, prvtIsisSysCheckChecksums Unsigned32, prvtIsisSysZeroAgeLifetime Integer32, prvtIsisSysNumUpdPending Gauge32, prvtIsisSysNumUpdMerged Counter32, prvtIsisSysNumCksumsPending Gauge32, prvtIsisSysTEMetricPcntge Integer32, prvtIsisSysMaxBwidthPcntge Integer32, prvtIsisSysMaxResBwidthPcntge Integer32, prvtIsisSysUnresBwidthPcntge Integer32, prvtIsisSysMaxLSPBwidthPcntge Integer32, prvtIsisSysMinLSPBwidthPcntge Integer32, prvtIsisSysMTUSizePcntge Integer32, prvtIsisSysTERouterID IpAddress, prvtIsisSysIPv6TERouterID PrvtIsisIPv6Address, prvtIsisSysMaxExternalRoutes Unsigned32, prvtIsisSysMaxExternalRoutesAct INTEGER, prvtIsisSysLspFullSuppress INTEGER, prvtIsisSysLspFullSetDBOL TruthValue, prvtIsisSysRestartHelpPeer TruthValue, prvtIsisSysRestartActivationType PrvtIsisSysRestartType, prvtIsisSysRestartAutoResetType PrvtIsisSysRestartType, prvtIsisSysRestartAdjacencyWait Integer32, prvtIsisSysMaxRecoveryTime Integer32, prvtIsisSysClearStats TruthValue, prvtIsisSysSetAttached INTEGER, prvtIsisSysProtSupported BITS, prvtIsisSysRstrctLanAdjsToSubnet TruthValue, prvtIsisSysHostName PrvtIsisHostName, prvtIsisSysCalcSoonAfterCircChng TruthValue, prvtIsisSysSendNotifications BITS, prvtIsisSysLvl1OrigLSPBuffSize PrvtIsisLSPBuffSize, prvtIsisSysLvl1MinLSPGenInt PrvtIsisUnsigned16NoZeroTC, prvtIsisSysLvl1OverloadState PrvtIsisLevelState, prvtIsisSysLvl1SetOverload TruthValue, prvtIsisSysLvl1SetOverloadUntil TimeTicks, prvtIsisSysLvl1MetricStyle PrvtIsisMetricStyle, prvtIsisSysLvl1SPFConsiders PrvtIsisMetricStyle, prvtIsisSysLvl1TEEnabled TruthValue, prvtIsisSysLvl1IPv6TEEnabled TruthValue, prvtIsisSysLvl1RestartT2Duration Integer32, prvtIsisSysLvl1AuthUser PrvtIsisAuthUserDataString, prvtIsisSysLvl2OrigLSPBuffSize PrvtIsisLSPBuffSize, prvtIsisSysLvl2MinLSPGenInt PrvtIsisUnsigned16NoZeroTC, prvtIsisSysLvl2OverloadState PrvtIsisLevelState, prvtIsisSysLvl2SetOverload TruthValue, prvtIsisSysLvl2SetOverloadUntil TimeTicks, prvtIsisSysLvl2MetricStyle PrvtIsisMetricStyle, prvtIsisSysLvl2SPFConsiders PrvtIsisMetricStyle, prvtIsisSysLvl2TEEnabled TruthValue, prvtIsisSysLvl2IPv6TEEnabled TruthValue, prvtIsisSysLvl2RestartT2Duration Integer32, prvtIsisSysLvl2AuthUser PrvtIsisAuthUserDataString } prvtIsisSysInstance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique identifier of the Integrated IS-IS instance to which this row corresponds." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 1 } prvtIsisSysExistState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The existence state (RowStatus) of the IS-IS router. Setting this to state 'destroy' forces the router to forget all the current configuration. Setting the state to 'notInService' stops protocol processing, but retains the configuration." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 2 } prvtIsisSysVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(0), one(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version number of the IS-IS protocol that is implemented." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi version (1)}" ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 3 } prvtIsisSysType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { level1IS(1), level2IS(2), level1L2IS(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "At which levels is the Intermediate System running? This object follows the ReplaceOnlyWhileDisabled behavior." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi iSType (2)}" ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 4 } prvtIsisSysID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisSystemID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ID for this instance of the Integrated IS-IS protocol. This value is appended to each of the area addresses to form the Network Entity Titles. This value is a 6 byte MAC address. This object follows the ReplaceOnlyWhileDisabled behavior." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi systemId (119)}" ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 5 } prvtIsisSysMaxPathSplits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum number of paths with equal routing metric value which it is permitted to split between. This object follows the ReplaceOnlyWhileDisabled behavior." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi maximumPathSplits (3)}" ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 6 } prvtIsisSysMaxLSPGenInt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65235) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum interval, in seconds, between generated LSPs by this instance of the protocol. This object follows the ResettingTimer behavior. The value must be greater than any value configured for prvtIsisSysLevelxMinLSPGenInt, and should be at least 300 seconds less than prvtIsisSysMaxAge." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi maximumLSPGenerationInterval (6)}" ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 7 } prvtIsisSysPollESHelloRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisUnsigned16NoZeroTC UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value, in seconds, to be used for the suggested ES configuration timer in ISH PDUs when soliciting the ES configuration." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi pollESHelloRate (13)}" ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 8 } prvtIsisSysWaitTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisUnsigned16NoZeroTC UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of seconds to delay in state 'waiting' before entering the state 'on'. This object follows the ResettingTimer behavior." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi waitingTime (15)}" ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 9 } prvtIsisSysShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative state of this instance of the Integrated IS-IS protocol. Setting this object to the value 'false' when its current value is 'true' enables operation of this instance of the Integrated IS-IS protocol." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 10 } prvtIsisSysL2toL1Leaking OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, allow the router to leak L2 routes into L1." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 11 } prvtIsisSysMaxAge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisMaxAgeTC UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value to place in RemainingLifeTime field of the LSPs we generate. This should be at least 300 seconds greater than prvtIsisSysMaxLSPGenInt." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 12 } prvtIsisSysReceiveLSPBufferSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisReceiveLSPBufferSizeTC UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of the largest buffer we are designed or configured to store. This should be at least as big as the maximum prvtIsisSysLevelxOrigLSPBuffSize supported by the system. If resources allow, we will store and flood LSPs larger than prvtIsisSysReceiveLSPBufferSize, as this can help avoid problems in networks with different values for prvtIsisSysLevelxOrigLSPBuffSize." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 13 } prvtIsisSysOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current operational status of this instance of the Protocol Manager component of IS-IS. Note that IS-IS can only activate if there is at least one active entry in the prvtIsisManAreaAddrTable." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 14 } prvtIsisSysAllowAutoI3Config OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If 'true' then add IP addresses received from the I3 stub to the prvtIsisCircIPAddrTable with admin state 'on'. If 'false' then add them with admin state 'off'. This field follows the ReplaceOnlyWhileDisabled behavior." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 15 } prvtIsisSysCalcMaxDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..120000) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum delay before the Routing Table is recalculated following a change to the Link State Database. (Recalculation is delayed to reduce the frequency of recalculations of the Routing Table). This parameter has units of milliseconds. A value of 0 indicates that a routing calculation will immediately follow an update to the database." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 16 } prvtIsisSysCalcThrshUpdStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter can be used to override the routing calculation delay indicated by the prvtIsisSysCalcMaxDelay parameter when the number of updates to the Link State Database reaches a threshold value. This parameter specifies the threshold number of updates that can be made to the Link State Database such that any subsequent update to the database causes a full routing calculation to start immediately. - 0 indicates that a routing calculation will immediately follow an update to the database. - 0xFFFFFFFF indicates that this threshold is infinite, and hence the timing of a routing calculation is determined solely by the configured calculation delay." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 17 } prvtIsisSysCalcThrshUpdRestart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter can be used to interrupt a full routing calculation when the number of pending updates to the Link State Database has reached a threshold value. This parameter specifies the threshold number of updates that can be made to the Link State Database such that any subsequent update to the database causes the current routing calculation to be interrupted, and a new calculation to start using an up to date Link State Database. - 0 indicates that an update to the Link State Database will cause any current routing calculation to be interrupted and a new one to start. - 0xFFFFFFFF indicates that this threshold is infinite, and hence no number of pending updates to the database will cause a routing calculation to be interrupted." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 18 } prvtIsisSysCalcThrshRestartLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter limits the number of consecutive times a routing calculation can be interrupted by new updates. This guarantees that the routing calculation will actually complete. - 1 indicates that once a calculation has been interrupted once, it will not be interrupted again. - 0xFFFFFFFF indicates that the calculation can always be interrupted." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 19 } prvtIsisSysCalcPauseFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value determines how regularly a Routing Calculation is paused. It is measured in points. The points scale roughly maps to a time scale, so that the larger this value is, the longer the Routing Calculation runs before pausing. - 0 indicates that the routing calculation is paused after every calculation step. - 0xFFFFFFFF indicates that the Routing Calculation is never paused." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 20 } prvtIsisSysCheckChecksums OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value determines how often the checksums of LSPs in the Link State Database are checked. If 0, no checksums in the database are checked." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 21 } prvtIsisSysZeroAgeLifetime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the minimum amount of time in seconds for which the header of an expired LSP shall be retained after it has been flooded with zero Remaining Lifetime. All that is required is that the header be retained until the zero Remaining Lifetime LSP has been safely propagated to all the neighbors." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 22 } prvtIsisSysNumUpdPending OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of updates that are pending addition to the Link State Database." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 23 } prvtIsisSysNumUpdMerged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of updates that have been merged into the Link State Database since the last routing calculation." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 24 } prvtIsisSysNumCksumsPending OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of LSPs in the Link State Database which are now due to have their checksum checked." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 25 } prvtIsisSysTEMetricPcntge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Traffic Engineering metric is updated in real-time by the I3 Stub. In order to increase performance and reduce network traffic, this parameter determines the minimal percentage change of the TE metric that causes a new LSP to be originated." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 26 } prvtIsisSysMaxBwidthPcntge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum bandwidth on an interface is updated in real-time by the I3 Stub. In order to increase performance and reduce network traffic, this parameter determines the minimal percentage change of maximum bandwidth that causes a new LSP to be originated." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 27 } prvtIsisSysMaxResBwidthPcntge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum reservable bandwidth on an interface is updated in real-time by the I3 Stub. In order to increase performance and reduce network traffic, this parameter determines the minimal percentage change of maximum reservable bandwidth that causes a new LSP to be originated." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 28 } prvtIsisSysUnresBwidthPcntge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unreserved bandwidth on an interface is updated in real-time by the I3 Stub. In order to increase performance and reduce network traffic, this parameter determines the minimal percentage change of unreserved bandwidth that causes a new LSP to be originated." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 29 } prvtIsisSysMaxLSPBwidthPcntge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum LSP bandwidth for the various switching descriptors on an interface is updated in real-time by the I3 Stub. In order to increase performance and reduce network traffic, this parameter determines the minimal percentage change of maximum LSP bandwidth that causes a new LSP to be originated." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 30 } prvtIsisSysMinLSPBwidthPcntge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The minimum LSP bandwidth for the various switching descriptors on an interface is updated in real-time by the I3 Stub. In order to increase performance and reduce network traffic, this parameter determines the minimal percentage change of minmimum LSP bandwidth that causes a new LSP to be originated." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 31 } prvtIsisSysMTUSizePcntge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Maximum Transmission Unit size for the various switching descriptors on an interface is updated in real-time by the I3 Stub. In order to increase performance and reduce network traffic, this parameter determines the minimal percentage change of the Maximum Transmission Unit that causes a new LSP to be originated." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 32 } prvtIsisSysTERouterID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Local IPv4 TE Router ID. This is a single stable IPv4 address that can always be referenced in a path that will be reachable from multiple hops away, regardless of the state of the node's interfaces. This field is ignored if prvtIsisSysLevelxTEEnabled is 'false'." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 33 } prvtIsisSysIPv6TERouterID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisIPv6Address MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Local IPv6 TE Router ID. This is a single stable IPv6 global address that can always be referenced in a path that will be reachable from multiple hops away, regardless of the state of the node's interfaces. This field is ignored if prvtIsisSysLevelxIPv6TEEnabled is 'false'." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 34 } prvtIsisSysMaxExternalRoutes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of static routes and routes redistributed from other protocols that will be accepted. The action that will be taken when the maximum is exceeded is controlled by prvtIsisSysMaxExternalRoutesAct. 0xFFFFFFFF is a special value indicating that the threshold is infinite." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 35 } prvtIsisSysMaxExternalRoutesAct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { log(1), suppressExternal(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The action that will be take whenn the number of external routes exceeds prvtIsisSysMaxExternalRoutes. If set to 'log', IS-IS will alert the administrator by logging that the limit has been exceeded. If set to 'suppressExternal', IS-IS will remove all external routes from the local LSP (at all active levels) in addition to logging the problem. In both cases, the administrator is responsible for correcting the configuration to reduce the number of redistributed external routes. In the 'suppressExternal' case, the system is responsible for resynchronizing the set of routes with IS-IS." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 36 } prvtIsisSysLspFullSuppress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { external(1), none(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The set of routes (if any) that will be removed from the local LSP when the local LSP becomes full at either level. When set to 'external', all static routes and routes redistributed from other protocols will be removed from the local LSP (at all active levels) when the local LSP is full. If set to 'none', IS-IS will be unable to accept any additional configuration that may increase the size of the local LSP. The system administrator should modify the system configuration to reduce the local LSP size - for example, by reducing the number of addresses redistributed from other routing protocols, or by deleting circuit configuration. Once this has been done, if prvtIsisSysLspFullSuppress is set to 'external', the system is responsible for resynchronizing the set of routes with ISIS." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 37 } prvtIsisSysLspFullSetDBOL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to 'true', the database overload flag will be set in the local LSP (at all active levels) when the local LSP becomes full (at either level). The administrator can clear the database overload flag for a level by setting prvtIsisSysLevelxSetOverload to 'false' for that level." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 38 } prvtIsisSysRestartHelpPeer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the procedures defined in the IS-IS restart RFC (3847) for helping a peer to restart is implemented. Note that this object has no effect on the local restart behavior, and so may be set independently of prvtIsisSysRestartActivationType and prvtIsisSysRestartAutoResetType." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 39 } prvtIsisSysRestartActivationType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisSysRestartType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is only used when IS-IS is manually activated or deactivated (in other words, enters or leaves the state with row status 'active' and admin status 'on'), and indicates which restart procedures (if any) are followed. During the activation period, IS-IS will use the value that was configured at the start of activation. The value may be changed at any time, but the new value will only take effect the next time that manual activation takes place. During deactivation, IS-IS will purge the local LSP from remote nodes if this object is set to 'none' or 'start'. Setting the object to 'restart' before deactivation will prevent the local LSP from being purged. A planned restart may be initiated by setting prvtIsisSysShutdown to 'true' and later to 'false'. Graceful restart procedures will only function correctly if the local LSP has not been purged, and so to initiate a planned restart, prvtIsisSysRestartActivationType should be set to 'restart' before deactivation." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 40 } prvtIsisSysRestartAutoResetType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisSysRestartType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "There are cases where the IS-IS protocol requires the local node to automatically deactivate and later reactivate. This object indicates which restart procedures (if any) are followed during such an automatic reset. During the activation period, IS-IS will use the value that was configured at the start of activation. The value may be changed at any time, but the new value will only take effect the next time that automatic re-activation takes place." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 41 } prvtIsisSysRestartAdjacencyWait OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..3600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is only used when IS-IS activates with the activation type (prvtIsisSysRestartActivationType or prvtIsisSysRestartAutoResetType) set to 'start' or 'restart'. It defines how long IS-IS will wait to establish adjacencies before completing the start/restart. This object follows the ResettingTimer behavior." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 42 } prvtIsisSysMaxRecoveryTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is only used when IS-IS activates with the activation type (prvtIsisSysRestartActivationType or prvtIsisSysRestartAutoResetType) set to 'restart'. It defines the maximum time that IS-IS will take before completing restart procedures. The value specified puts an upper bound on the duration of the T3 timer described in the IS-IS restart RFC (3847). The actual duration of the timer is the minimum of the value specified and the minimum remaining holding time received on an adjacency. This object follows the ResettingTimer behavior." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 43 } prvtIsisSysClearStats OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set to 'true' to clear all system statistics, including the prvtIsisSystemCounter and prvtIsisPacketCounter tables. Note that prvtIsisSysStatsLSPCount is not reset by this object. Reading the value of this field has no meaning." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 44 } prvtIsisSysSetAttached OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { attachNoOverlapOrRedist(1), attachNoOverlapOnly(2), attachSet(3), attachClear(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If IS-IS is operating at both level 1 and level 2, this field indicates how IS-IS should decide whether to set the attached bit in its level 1 LSP. - 'attachNoOverlapOrRedist' indicates that the attached bit should be set if either of the following are true. - The IS can reach at least one other area (the IS is adjacent with a L2 router whose area addresses do not overlap with the area addresses we know about at L1). - The IS is redistributing one or more external routes into the AS. - 'attachNoOverlapOnly' indicates that the attached bit should be set only if the IS can reach at least one other area. - 'attachSet' indicates that the attached bit should always be set. - 'attachClear' indicates that the attached bit should never be set." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 45 } prvtIsisSysProtSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { reserved(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute contains the set of protocols supported by this Intermediate System." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 46 } prvtIsisSysRstrctLanAdjsToSubnet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object only affects IPv4 broadcast circuits. If this is set to 'true', IS-IS will only form adjacencies with intermediate systems that are on the same subnet as the local circuit. This object only has effect when the I3 Stub is used to determine subnet addresses and is ignored otherwise." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 47 } prvtIsisSysHostName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisHostName MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The string that this instance of IS-IS will use as the local hostname. This is advertised to other Intermediate Systems in the Dynamic Hostname TLV." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 48 } prvtIsisSysCalcSoonAfterCircChng OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set this object to 'true' to minimize the delay before triggering a routing calculation that includes any relevant circuit change. This means a change to the local neighbors (including pseudonodes), or to the reachable addresses received from the I3 stub. There are two aspects to minimizing the delay. - IS-IS overrides the setting of the prvtIsisSysLevelMinLSPGenInt object when such a change occurs, and usually regenerates the local LSP(s) immediately. The only exception is when IS-IS is performing restart procedures as defined in RFC3847. This RFC specifies when IS-IS can update the local LSP during a restart. - IS-IS overrides all of the objects that affect the scheduling of routing calculations, with the exception of the prvtIsisSysCalcThrshRestartLimit object. It ensures that a routing calculation including the updated LSPs takes place as soon as possible. It abandons an existing route calculation if necessary, unless more than prvtIsisSysCalcThrshRestartLimit successive calculations would have been interrupted." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 49 } prvtIsisSysSendNotifications OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { circuitIndication(0), databaseOverload(1), manualAreaAddressDrops(2), idLengthMismatch(3), maxAreaAddressMismatch(4), ownLspPurge(5), areaMismatch(6), rejectedAdjacency(7), adjacencyChange(8), lspErrorDetected(9) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute contains the set of notifications generated by this Intermediate System. The notifications that may be enabled are the prvtIsisCircIndTable, prvtIsisDatabaseOverload, prvtIsisManualAddressDrops, prvtIsisIDLenMismatch, prvtIsisMaxAreaAddressesMismatch, prvtIsisOwnLSPPurge, prvtIsisAreaMismatch, prvtIsisRejectedAdjacency, prvtIsisAdjacencyChange and prvtIsisLSPErrorDetected notifications." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 50 } prvtIsisSysLvl1OrigLSPBuffSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisLSPBuffSize MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum size of LSPs and SNPs originated by this Intermediate System at level 1. This object follows the ReplaceOnlyWhileDisabled behavior." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi originatingL1LSPBufferSize (9)}" ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 60 } prvtIsisSysLvl1MinLSPGenInt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisUnsigned16NoZeroTC UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minimum interval, in seconds, between successive generation of LSPs with the same LSPID at level 1 by this instance of the protocol. This object follows the ResettingTimer behavior." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi minimumLSPGenerationInterval (11)}" ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 61 } prvtIsisSysLvl1OverloadState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisLevelState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Overload state of the database at level 1. The value 'overloaded' indicates a database that is low on an essential resource, such as memory. The administrator may indirectly force the state to 'waiting' when the router is initializing by setting the object prvtIsisSysLvl1SetOverload. If the state is waiting or overloaded, we originate LSPs with the Overload bit set." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi l1State (17)}" ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 62 } prvtIsisSysLvl1SetOverload OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Administratively set the overload bit for the level. The overload bit will continue to be set if the implementation runs out of memory, independent of this variable." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 63 } prvtIsisSysLvl1SetOverloadUntil OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set, the overload bit should be set, and cleared after sysUpTime exceeds this value." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 64 } prvtIsisSysLvl1MetricStyle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisMetricStyle MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Which style of Metric do we generate in our LSPs at level 1 ?" ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 65 } prvtIsisSysLvl1SPFConsiders OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisMetricStyle MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Which style of Metric do we consider in our SPF computation at level 1 ?" ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 66 } prvtIsisSysLvl1TEEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Do we do Traffic Engineering for IPv4 at level 1 ? Currently only Traffic Engineering at L1 is supported. If Traffic Engineering is enabled, prvtIsisSysLvl1MetricStyle must be set to 'wide' or 'both', and a value must be configured for prvtIsisSysTERouterID. When Traffic Engineering is enabled for IPv4, this IS will advertise the IPv4 TE router ID in the local LSP, and will advertise traffic engineering parameters (where available) for links configured to support IPv4. This object is ignored if the 'ipv4' bit is not set in the value of prvtIsisSysProtSupported." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 67 } prvtIsisSysLvl1IPv6TEEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Do we do Traffic Engineering for IPv6 at level 1 ? Currently only Traffic Engineering at L1 is supported. If Traffic Engineering is enabled, a value must be configured for prvtIsisSysIPv6TERouterID. When Traffic Engineering is enabled for IPv6, this IS will advertise the IPv6 TE router ID in the local LSP, and will advertise traffic engineering parameters (where available) for links configured to support IPv6. This object is ignored if the 'ipv6' bit is not set in the value of prvtIsisSysProtSupported." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 68 } prvtIsisSysLvl1RestartT2Duration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..3600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is only used when IS-IS activates with the activation type (prvtIsisSysRestartActivationType or prvtIsisSysRestartAutoResetType) set to 'start' or 'restart'. It defines how long IS-IS will wait to complete database synchronization at level 1 before completing the start/restart. This object follows the ResettingTimer behavior." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 69 } prvtIsisSysLvl1AuthUser OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisAuthUserDataString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Authentication user data for area/domain level authentication. This data is passed opaquely to the authentication interface where it can be used to assist with authentication decisions." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 70 } prvtIsisSysLvl2OrigLSPBuffSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisLSPBuffSize MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum size of LSPs and SNPs originated by this Intermediate System at level 2. This object follows the ReplaceOnlyWhileDisabled behavior." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi originatingL1LSPBufferSize (9)}" ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 80 } prvtIsisSysLvl2MinLSPGenInt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisUnsigned16NoZeroTC UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minimum interval, in seconds, between successive generation of LSPs with the same LSPID at level 2 by this instance of the protocol. This object follows the ResettingTimer behavior." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi minimumLSPGenerationInterval (11)}" ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 81 } prvtIsisSysLvl2OverloadState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisLevelState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Overload state of the database at level 2. The value 'overloaded' indicates a database that is low on an essential resource, such as memory. The administrator may indirectly force the state to 'waiting' when the router is initializing by setting the object prvtIsisSysLvl2SetOverload. If the state is waiting or overloaded, we originate LSPs with the Overload bit set." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi l1State (17)}" ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 82 } prvtIsisSysLvl2SetOverload OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Administratively set the overload bit for the level. The overload bit will continue to be set if the implementation runs out of memory, independent of this variable." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 83 } prvtIsisSysLvl2SetOverloadUntil OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set, the overload bit should be set, and cleared after sysUpTime exceeds this value." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 84 } prvtIsisSysLvl2MetricStyle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisMetricStyle MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Which style of Metric do we generate in our LSPs at level 2 ?" ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 85 } prvtIsisSysLvl2SPFConsiders OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisMetricStyle MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Which style of Metric do we consider in our SPF computation at level 2 ?" ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 86 } prvtIsisSysLvl2TEEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Do we do Traffic Engineering for IPv4 at level 2 ? Currently only Traffic Engineering at L1 is supported. If Traffic Engineering is enabled, prvtIsisSysLvl2MetricStyle must be set to 'wide' or 'both', and a value must be configured for prvtIsisSysTERouterID. When Traffic Engineering is enabled for IPv4, this IS will advertise the IPv4 TE router ID in the local LSP, and will advertise traffic engineering parameters (where available) for links configured to support IPv4. This object is ignored if the 'ipv4' bit is not set in the value of prvtIsisSysProtSupported." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 87 } prvtIsisSysLvl2IPv6TEEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Do we do Traffic Engineering for IPv6 at level 2 ? Currently only Traffic Engineering at L1 is supported. If Traffic Engineering is enabled, a value must be configured for prvtIsisSysIPv6TERouterID. When Traffic Engineering is enabled for IPv6, this IS will advertise the IPv6 TE router ID in the local LSP, and will advertise traffic engineering parameters (where available) for links configured to support IPv6. This object is ignored if the 'ipv6' bit is not set in the value of prvtIsisSysProtSupported." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 88 } prvtIsisSysLvl2RestartT2Duration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..3600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is only used when IS-IS activates with the activation type (prvtIsisSysRestartActivationType or prvtIsisSysRestartAutoResetType) set to 'start' or 'restart'. It defines how long IS-IS will wait to complete database synchronization at level 2 before completing the start/restart. This object follows the ResettingTimer behavior." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 89 } prvtIsisSysLvl2AuthUser OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisAuthUserDataString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Authentication user data for area/domain level authentication. This data is passed opaquely to the authentication interface where it can be used to assist with authentication decisions." ::= { prvtIsisSysEntry 90 } prvtIsisManAreaAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PrvtIsisManAreaAddrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The set of manual area addresses configured on this Intermediate System." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi manualAreaAddresses (10)}" ::= { prvtIsisSystem 2 } prvtIsisManAreaAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisManAreaAddrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry contains one area address manually configured on this system" INDEX { prvtIsisSysInstance, prvtIsisManAreaAddr } ::= { prvtIsisManAreaAddrTable 1 } PrvtIsisManAreaAddrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { prvtIsisManAreaAddr PrvtIsisOSINSAddress, prvtIsisManAreaAddrExistState RowStatus } prvtIsisManAreaAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisOSINSAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A manually configured area address for this system. This object follows the index behavior. The area address must have a non-zero length." ::= { prvtIsisManAreaAddrEntry 1 } prvtIsisManAreaAddrExistState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The existence state (RowStatus) of the prvtIsisManAreaAddrEntry" ::= { prvtIsisManAreaAddrEntry 2 } prvtIsisAreaAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PrvtIsisAreaAddrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The union of the sets of area addresses reported in all Level 1 LSPs with segment number zero received by this instance of the protocol from Intermediate Systems which are reachable via Level 1 routing." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi areaAddresses (18)}" ::= { prvtIsisSystem 3 } prvtIsisAreaAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisAreaAddrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry contains one area address reported in a Level 1 LSP received by this instance of the IS-IS protocol. Received area addresses with a length of zero are ignored." INDEX { prvtIsisSysInstance, prvtIsisAreaAddr } ::= { prvtIsisAreaAddrTable 1 } PrvtIsisAreaAddrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { prvtIsisAreaAddr PrvtIsisOSINSAddress, prvtIsisAreaAddrInLSP TruthValue } prvtIsisAreaAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisOSINSAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An area address reported in a Level 1 LSP received by this instance of the IS-IS protocol. Received area addresses with a length of zero are ignored." ::= { prvtIsisAreaAddrEntry 1 } prvtIsisAreaAddrInLSP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Following ISO10589 section 7.1.5, we advertise the three numerically lowest level 1 area addresses in the level 2 LSP fragment zero. If 'true', then this area address is one of the three numerically lowest area addresses, and if this router is active at level 2, it is therefore one of those area addresses advertised in the level 2 LSP fragment 0." ::= { prvtIsisAreaAddrEntry 2 } prvtIsisSummAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PrvtIsisSummAddrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The set of IP summary addresses to use in forming summary TLVs originated by this Intermediate System. An administrator may use a summary address to combine and modify IP Reachability announcements. If the Intermediate system can reach any subset of the summary address, the summary address will be announced instead, at the configured metric." ::= { prvtIsisSystem 5 } prvtIsisSummAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisSummAddrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry contains one IP summary address." INDEX { prvtIsisSysInstance, prvtIsisSummAddress } ::= { prvtIsisSummAddrTable 1 } PrvtIsisSummAddrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { prvtIsisSummAddress OCTET STRING, prvtIsisSummAddrExistState RowStatus, prvtIsisSummAddrMetric PrvtIsisDefaultMetric, prvtIsisSummAddrFullMetric PrvtIsisFullMetric } prvtIsisSummAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(5)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address and prefix length value for this summary address." ::= { prvtIsisSummAddrEntry 2 } prvtIsisSummAddrExistState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The existence state (RowStatus) of this summary address." ::= { prvtIsisSummAddrEntry 4 } prvtIsisSummAddrMetric OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisDefaultMetric MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The metric value to announce this summary address within LSPs generated by this system." ::= { prvtIsisSummAddrEntry 5 } prvtIsisSummAddrFullMetric OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisFullMetric MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The wide metric value to announce this summary address within LSPs generated by this system." ::= { prvtIsisSummAddrEntry 6 } prvtIsisRedistributeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PrvtIsisRedistributeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table represents the routing protocols redistributed into the IS-IS routing domain. Creation of conceptual row in the table starts the redistribution of the specified protocol, which would lead to the injection of routing information from that protocol into IS-IS. Deletion of conceptual row would stop the redistribution of that protocol into the IS-IS." ::= { prvtIsisSystem 10 } prvtIsisRedistributeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisRedistributeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry into the prvtIsisRedistributeTable." INDEX { prvtIsisSysInstance, prvtIsisRedistributeProtocol } ::= { prvtIsisRedistributeTable 1 } PrvtIsisRedistributeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { prvtIsisRedistributeProtocol INTEGER, prvtIsisRedistributeRowStatus RowStatus, prvtIsisRedistributeLevel INTEGER, prvtIsisRedistributeMetric Integer32 } prvtIsisRedistributeProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { kernel(2), connect(3), static(4), default(17) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The specific routes redistributed into IS-IS." ::= { prvtIsisRedistributeEntry 1 } prvtIsisRedistributeRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the status of the row. Setting of this field to active enables the redistribution of the protocol. Setting this field to destroy disables the redistribution of the protocol." ::= { prvtIsisRedistributeEntry 2 } prvtIsisRedistributeLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { level1(1), level2(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IS-IS level at which this row applies to." ::= { prvtIsisRedistributeEntry 3 } prvtIsisRedistributeMetric OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..63) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IS-IS protocol metric to assign to the redistributed route." ::= { prvtIsisRedistributeEntry 4 } prvtIsisCirc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { prvtIsisMIBObjects 3 } prvtIsisCircTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PrvtIsisCircEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table of circuits used by each instance of Integrated IS-IS on this system." ::= { prvtIsisCirc 2 } prvtIsisCircEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisCircEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An prvtIsisCircEntry exists for each circuit used by Integrated IS-IS on this system." INDEX { prvtIsisSysInstance, prvtIsisCircIfIndex } ::= { prvtIsisCircTable 1 } PrvtIsisCircEntry ::= SEQUENCE { prvtIsisCircIfIndex InterfaceIndex, prvtIsisCircExistState RowStatus, prvtIsisCircIfSubIndex Integer32, prvtIsisCircShutdown TruthValue, prvtIsisCircType INTEGER, prvtIsisCircExtDomain TruthValue, prvtIsisCircLevel INTEGER, prvtIsisCircPassiveCircuit TruthValue, prvtIsisCircMeshGroupEnabled INTEGER, prvtIsisCircMeshGroup Unsigned32, prvtIsisCircSmallHellos TruthValue, prvtIsisCircLastUpTime TimeTicks, prvtIsisCirc3WayEnabled TruthValue, prvtIsisCircExtendedCircID Unsigned32, prvtIsisCircOperState PrvtIsisOperStatus, prvtIsisCircSdEntityIndex Integer32, prvtIsisCircDlBuffPoolSize Unsigned32, prvtIsisCircSdPDUBuffPoolSize Unsigned32, prvtIsisCircSdIndBuffPoolSize Unsigned32, prvtIsisCircDataLinkBlockSize Unsigned32, prvtIsisCircPhysicalAddress OCTET STRING, prvtIsisCircManualOrAutomatic INTEGER, prvtIsisCircT1TimerRunning TruthValue, prvtIsisCircProtSupported BITS, prvtIsisCircPtToPtOverLAN TruthValue, prvtIsisCircLvl1Metric PrvtIsisDefaultMetric, prvtIsisCircLvl1WideMetric PrvtIsisWideMetric, prvtIsisCircLvl1ISPriority PrvtIsisISPriority, prvtIsisCircLvl1IDOctet Integer32, prvtIsisCircLvl1ID PrvtIsisCircuitID, prvtIsisCircLvl1DesIS PrvtIsisCircuitID, prvtIsisCircLvl1HelloMultiplier Integer32, prvtIsisCircLvl1HelloTimer Integer32, prvtIsisCircLvl1DRHelloTimer Integer32, prvtIsisCircLvl1LSPThrottle PrvtIsisUnsigned16NoZeroTC, prvtIsisCircLvl1MinLSPRetransInt Integer32, prvtIsisCircLvl1CSNPInterval Integer32, prvtIsisCircLvl1PartSNPInterval Integer32, prvtIsisCircLvl1StickyDIS Integer32, prvtIsisCircLvl1AuthUser PrvtIsisAuthUserDataString, prvtIsisCircLvl1IDHostname PrvtIsisHostName, prvtIsisCircLvl1DesISHostname PrvtIsisHostName, prvtIsisCircLvl2Metric PrvtIsisDefaultMetric, prvtIsisCircLvl2WideMetric PrvtIsisWideMetric, prvtIsisCircLvl2ISPriority PrvtIsisISPriority, prvtIsisCircLvl2IDOctet Integer32, prvtIsisCircLvl2ID PrvtIsisCircuitID, prvtIsisCircLvl2DesIS PrvtIsisCircuitID, prvtIsisCircLvl2HelloMultiplier Integer32, prvtIsisCircLvl2HelloTimer Integer32, prvtIsisCircLvl2DRHelloTimer Integer32, prvtIsisCircLvl2LSPThrottle PrvtIsisUnsigned16NoZeroTC, prvtIsisCircLvl2MinLSPRetransInt Integer32, prvtIsisCircLvl2CSNPInterval Integer32, prvtIsisCircLvl2PartSNPInterval Integer32, prvtIsisCircLvl2StickyDIS Integer32, prvtIsisCircLvl2IDHostname PrvtIsisHostName, prvtIsisCircLvl2DesISHostname PrvtIsisHostName } prvtIsisCircIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of ifIndex for the interface to which this circuit corresponds. This object cannot be modified after creation. This is also used as the 3-way circuit ID on point-to-point circuits." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 2 } prvtIsisCircExistState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The existence state (RowStatus) of this circuit. Setting the state to 'notInService' halts the generation and processing of IS-IS protocol PDUs on this circuit. Setting the state to destroy will also erase any configuration associated with the circuit. Automatic circuits from the I3 stub appear as passive circuits with existence state 'active'. These circuits can be configured via the MIB like manual circuits, except that they will survive a Destroy request, with all fields reset to their automatic values. MIB configuration overrides automatic configuration." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 3 } prvtIsisCircIfSubIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A specifier for the part of the interface ifIndex to which this circuit corresponds, such as a DLCI or VPI/VCI. This object cannot be modified after creation. This field is currently ignored." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 4 } prvtIsisCircShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative state of the circuit." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 5 } prvtIsisCircType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(0), broadcast(1), ptToPt(2), staticIn(3), staticOut(4), dA(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of the circuit. This object follows the ReplaceOnlyWhileDisabled behavior. The type specified must be compatible with the type of the interface defined by the value of prvtIsisCircIfIndex. Only 'broadcast' and 'ptToPt' circuits are currently supported. An automatic circuit can have type 'unknown' until the correct MIB type is defined." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi type (33)}" ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 6 } prvtIsisCircExtDomain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, suppress normal transmission of and interpretation of Intra-domain IS-IS PDUs on this circuit." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi externalDomain (46)}" ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 7 } prvtIsisCircLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { level1(1), level2(2), level1L2(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates which type of packets will be sent and accepted on this circuit. The values used will be modified by the settings of prvtIsisSysType. This object follows the ReplaceOnlyWhileDisabled behavior." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 8 } prvtIsisCircPassiveCircuit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Should we include this interface in LSPs, even if it is not running the IS-IS Protocol? Circuits with prvtIsisCircExtDomain 'true' will only be included in LSPs if this field is also 'true', and the circuit is active." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 9 } prvtIsisCircMeshGroupEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { inactive(1), blocked(2), set(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is this port a member of a mesh group, or blocked? Circuits in the same mesh group act as a virtual multiaccess network. LSPs seen on one circuit in a mesh group will not be flooded to another circuit in the same mesh group." REFERENCE "{ RFC 2973 }" ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 10 } prvtIsisCircMeshGroup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Circuits in the same mesh group act as a virtual multiaccess network. LSPs seen on one circuit in a mesh group will not be flooded to another circuit in the same mesh group. If prvtIsisCircMeshGroupEnabled is inactive or blocked, this value is ignored." REFERENCE "{ RFC 2973 }" ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 11 } prvtIsisCircSmallHellos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Can we send unpadded hellos on LAN circuits? False means LAN Hellos must be padded. Currently only unpadded hellos are supported." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 12 } prvtIsisCircLastUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the circuit is enabled, the value of sysUpTime when prvtIsisCircShutdown most recently entered the state on. If the circuit is not on, the value of sysUpTime when the circuit last entered state on, 0 if the circuit has never been on." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 13 } prvtIsisCirc3WayEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is this circuit enabled to run 3Way handshake? Currently the 3-way handshake on point to point circuits is always run." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 14 } prvtIsisCircExtendedCircID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value to be used as the extended circuit ID in 3Way handshake. This value is only used if prvtIsisCirc3WayEnabled is true, and must be unique across all circuits on this IS. Currently the value for prvtIsisCircIfIndex is used as the extended circuit ID." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 15 } prvtIsisCircOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state of this circuit." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 16 } prvtIsisCircSdEntityIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identifies the SDC entity which will handle this circuit. This object must be specified before the circuit can run the IS-IS protocol. It cannot be changed after it has been specified." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 17 } prvtIsisCircDlBuffPoolSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Capacity of the buffer pool used by the DL stub to send data signals to the SDC. This object follows the ReplaceOnlyWhileDisabled behavior." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 18 } prvtIsisCircSdPDUBuffPoolSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Capacity of the buffer pool into which SDC transfers data signals from the DL Stub. This object follows the ReplaceOnlyWhileDisabled behavior." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 19 } prvtIsisCircSdIndBuffPoolSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Capacity of the buffer pool used by SDC to send indications to PM. This object follows the ReplaceOnlyWhileDisabled behavior." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 20 } prvtIsisCircDataLinkBlockSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum size of PDU that can be sent or received over this circuit (MTU). This object follows the ReplaceOnlyWhileDisabled behavior." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 21 } prvtIsisCircPhysicalAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The physical address of the network interface (for example a MAC address on an Ethernet card). This value is only relevant to a broadcast circuit and is ignored on a point-to-point circuit. It needs to be specified in the MIB if the information is not obtained from the I3 stub. This object follows the ReplaceOnlyWhileDisabled behavior." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 22 } prvtIsisCircManualOrAutomatic OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { manual(1), automatic(2), both(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Has this circuit been configured by MIB (manual), I3 information (automatic) or both? MIB configuration overrides I3 configuration. Automatic circuits cannot be destroyed. Destroying a manual circuit removes all configuration for that circuit. Destroying a circuit in state 'both' destroys any MIB configuration and returns the circuit to automatic state." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 23 } prvtIsisCircT1TimerRunning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is the T1 timer running on this circuit? This object is only valid on a circuit that is currently running the IS-IS protocol (prvtIsisCircExtDomain is 'false' and prvtIsisCircOperState is 'operStatusUp'). When set to 'true', this indicates that the local node is running starting or restarting node procedures." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 24 } prvtIsisCircProtSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { reserved(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Which protocols are supported on this circuit? Note that the configured value is used in conjunction with the value of prvtIsisSysProtSupported. In particular: - IPv4 is supported on the circuit if both prvtIsisSysProtSupported and this object have the 'ipv4' bit set. - IPv6 is supported on the circuit if both prvtIsisSysProtSupported and this object have the 'ipv6' bit set." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 25 } prvtIsisCircPtToPtOverLAN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Allows a broadcast circuit to be configured to operate point-to-point over LAN procedures. This is used in conjunction with the prvtIsisCircType object as follows. - If prvtIsisCircType = 'ptToPt', the circuit is a standard point-point circuit, and prvtIsisCircPtToPtOverLAN is ignored. - If prvtIsisCircType = 'broadcast' and prvtIsisCircPtToPtOverLAN is 'false', the circuit is used as a normal LAN. - If prvtIsisCircType = 'broadcast' and prvtIsisCircPtToPtOverLAN is 'true', point-point over LAN procedures are followed. Point-to-point over LAN procedures should only be configured when there are just two Intermediate Systems operating on the LAN. This object follows the ReplaceOnlyWhileDisabled behavior." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 26 } prvtIsisCircLvl1Metric OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisDefaultMetric MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The metric value of this circuit for level 1." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi l1DefaultMetric (35)}" ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 30 } prvtIsisCircLvl1WideMetric OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisWideMetric MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The wide metric value of this circuit for level 1." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 31 } prvtIsisCircLvl1ISPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisISPriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The priority for becoming the LAN-Designated Intermediate System at level 1." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi l2IntermediateSystemPriority (73)}" ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 32 } prvtIsisCircLvl1IDOctet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A one byte identifier for the circuit selected by the Intermediate System. On point-to-point circuits, the value is used as the Local Circuit ID in point-to-point IIH PDUs transmitted on this circuit. In this case, values of prvtIsisCircLvl1IDOctet do not need to be unique. For broadcast circuits, the value is used to generate the LAN ID that will be used if this Intermediate System is elected as the Designated IS on this circuit. The value is required to differ on LANs where the Intermediate System is the Designated Intermediate System." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 33 } prvtIsisCircLvl1ID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisCircuitID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "On a point to point circuit with a fully initialized adjacency to a peer IS, the value of this object is the circuit ID negotiated during adjacency initialization. On a point to point circuit without such an adjacency, the value is the concatenation of the local system ID and the one byte prvtIsisCircLvl1IDOctet for this circuit i.e. the value that would be proposed for the circuit ID. On other circuit types, the value returned is the zero length OCTET STRING." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi ptPtCircuitID (51)}" ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 34 } prvtIsisCircLvl1DesIS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisCircuitID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ID of the LAN-Designated Intermediate System on this circuit at level 1. If, for any reason, this system is not partaking in the relevant Designated Intermediate System election process, then the value returned is the zero length OCTET STRING." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi l2DesignatedIntermediateSystem (75)}" ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 35 } prvtIsisCircLvl1HelloMultiplier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (2..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value is multiplied by the corresponding HelloTimer and the result in seconds (rounded up) is used as the holding time in transmitted hellos, to be used by receivers of hello packets from this IS." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi iSISHelloTimer (45)}" ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 36 } prvtIsisCircLvl1HelloTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (10..600000) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum period, in milliseconds, between IIH PDUs on multiaccess networks at level 1 for LANs. The value at L1 is used as the period between Hellos on L1L2 point to point circuits. Setting this value at level 2 on an L1L2 point to point circuit will result in an error of InconsistentValue. This object follows the ResettingTimer behavior." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi iSISHelloTimer (45)}" ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 37 } prvtIsisCircLvl1DRHelloTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (10..120000) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Period, in milliseconds, between Hello PDUs on multiaccess networks when this IS is the Designated Intermediate System. This object follows the ResettingTimer behavior." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi iSISHelloTimer (45)}" ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 38 } prvtIsisCircLvl1LSPThrottle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisUnsigned16NoZeroTC UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minimal interval of time, in milliseconds, between transmissions of LSPs on an interface at level 1." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi minimumBroadcastLSPTransmissionInterval (5)}" ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 39 } prvtIsisCircLvl1MinLSPRetransInt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..300) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minimum interval, in seconds, between re-transmission of an LSP at level 1. This object follows the ResettingTimer behavior. Note that prvtIsisCircLvl1LSPThrottle controls how fast we send back to back LSPs. This variable controls how fast we re-send the same LSP." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi minimumLSPTransmissionInterval (5)}" ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 40 } prvtIsisCircLvl1CSNPInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Interval of time, in seconds, between periodic transmission of a complete set of CSNPs on multiaccess networks if this router is the designated router at level 1. This object follows the ResettingTimer behavior." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi completeSNPInterval (8)}" ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 41 } prvtIsisCircLvl1PartSNPInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..120) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minimum interval in seconds between sending Partial Sequence Number PDUs at level 1. This object follows the ResettingTimer behavior." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi partialSNPInterval (14)}" ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 42 } prvtIsisCircLvl1StickyDIS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..127) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Boost to add to the priority of this router (up to the maximum permitted value) when it becomes DIS at level 1 to make it more likely to remain DIS." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 43 } prvtIsisCircLvl1AuthUser OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisAuthUserDataString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Authentication user data for level 1's authentication. This data is passed opaquely to the authentication interface where it can be used to assist with authentication decisions." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 44 } prvtIsisCircLvl1IDHostname OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisHostName MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hostname corresponding to the system ID part of the prvtIsisCircLvl1ID object. This is the null string if the prvtIsisCircLvl1ID object is null, or if no hostname is known." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 45 } prvtIsisCircLvl1DesISHostname OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisHostName MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hostname corresponding to the system ID part of the prvtIsisCircLvl1DesIS object. This is the null string if the prvtIsisCircLvl1DesIS object is null, or if no hostname is known." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 46 } prvtIsisCircLvl2Metric OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisDefaultMetric MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The metric value of this circuit for level 2." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi l1DefaultMetric (35)}" ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 50 } prvtIsisCircLvl2WideMetric OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisWideMetric MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The wide metric value of this circuit for level 2." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 51 } prvtIsisCircLvl2ISPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisISPriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The priority for becoming the LAN-Designated Intermediate System at level 2." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi l2IntermediateSystemPriority (73)}" ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 52 } prvtIsisCircLvl2IDOctet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A one byte identifier for the circuit selected by the Intermediate System. On point-to-point circuits, the value is used as the Local Circuit ID in point-to-point IIH PDUs transmitted on this circuit. In this case, values of prvtIsisCircLvl2IDOctet do not need to be unique. For broadcast circuits, the value is used to generate the LAN ID that will be used if this Intermediate System is elected as the Designated IS on this circuit. The value is required to differ on LANs where the Intermediate System is the Designated Intermediate System." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 53 } prvtIsisCircLvl2ID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisCircuitID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "On a point to point circuit with a fully initialized adjacency to a peer IS, the value of this object is the circuit ID negotiated during adjacency initialization. On a point to point circuit without such an adjacency, the value is the concatenation of the local system ID and the one byte prvtIsisCircLvl2IDOctet for this circuit i.e. the value that would be proposed for the circuit ID. On other circuit types, the value returned is the zero length OCTET STRING." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi ptPtCircuitID (51)}" ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 54 } prvtIsisCircLvl2DesIS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisCircuitID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ID of the LAN-Designated Intermediate System on this circuit at level 2. If, for any reason, this system is not partaking in the relevant Designated Intermediate System election process, then the value returned is the zero length OCTET STRING." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi l2DesignatedIntermediateSystem (75)}" ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 55 } prvtIsisCircLvl2HelloMultiplier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (2..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value is multiplied by the corresponding HelloTimer and the result in seconds (rounded up) is used as the holding time in transmitted hellos, to be used by receivers of hello packets from this IS." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi iSISHelloTimer (45)}" ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 56 } prvtIsisCircLvl2HelloTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (10..600000) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum period, in milliseconds, between IIH PDUs on multiaccess networks at level 2 for LANs. The value at L1 is used as the period between Hellos on L1L2 point to point circuits. Setting this value at level 2 on an L1L2 point to point circuit will result in an error of InconsistentValue. This object follows the ResettingTimer behavior." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi iSISHelloTimer (45)}" ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 57 } prvtIsisCircLvl2DRHelloTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (10..120000) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Period, in milliseconds, between Hello PDUs on multiaccess networks when this IS is the Designated Intermediate System. This object follows the ResettingTimer behavior." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi iSISHelloTimer (45)}" ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 58 } prvtIsisCircLvl2LSPThrottle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisUnsigned16NoZeroTC UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minimal interval of time, in milliseconds, between transmissions of LSPs on an interface at level 2." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi minimumBroadcastLSPTransmissionInterval (5)}" ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 59 } prvtIsisCircLvl2MinLSPRetransInt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..300) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minimum interval, in seconds, between re-transmission of an LSP at level 2. This object follows the ResettingTimer behavior. Note that prvtIsisCircLvl2LSPThrottle controls how fast we send back to back LSPs. This variable controls how fast we re-send the same LSP." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi minimumLSPTransmissionInterval (5)}" ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 60 } prvtIsisCircLvl2CSNPInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Interval of time, in seconds, between periodic transmission of a complete set of CSNPs on multiaccess networks if this router is the designated router at level 2. This object follows the ResettingTimer behavior." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi completeSNPInterval (8)}" ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 61 } prvtIsisCircLvl2PartSNPInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..120) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minimum interval in seconds between sending Partial Sequence Number PDUs at level 2. This object follows the ResettingTimer behavior." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi partialSNPInterval (14)}" ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 62 } prvtIsisCircLvl2StickyDIS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..127) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Boost to add to the priority of this router (up to the maximum permitted value) when it becomes DIS at level 2 to make it more likely to remain DIS." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 63 } prvtIsisCircLvl2IDHostname OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisHostName MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hostname corresponding to the system ID part of the prvtIsisCircLvl2ID object. This is the null string if the prvtIsisCircLvl2ID object is null, or if no hostname is known." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 65 } prvtIsisCircLvl2DesISHostname OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisHostName MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hostname corresponding to the system ID part of the prvtIsisCircLvl2DesIS object. This is the null string if the prvtIsisCircLvl2DesIS object is null, or if no hostname is known." ::= { prvtIsisCircEntry 66 } prvtIsisISAdj OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { prvtIsisMIBObjects 6 } prvtIsisISAdjTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PrvtIsisISAdjEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table of adjacencies to Intermediate Systems." ::= { prvtIsisISAdj 1 } prvtIsisISAdjEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisISAdjEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry corresponds to one adjacency to an Intermediate System on this system." INDEX { prvtIsisSysInstance, prvtIsisCircIfIndex, prvtIsisISAdjIndex } ::= { prvtIsisISAdjTable 1 } PrvtIsisISAdjEntry ::= SEQUENCE { prvtIsisISAdjIndex Integer32, prvtIsisISAdjState INTEGER, prvtIsisISAdj3WayState INTEGER, prvtIsisISAdjNeighSNPAAddress PrvtIsisOSINSAddress, prvtIsisISAdjNeighSysType INTEGER, prvtIsisISAdjNeighSysID PrvtIsisSystemID, prvtIsisISAdjNbrExtendedCircID Unsigned32, prvtIsisISAdjUsage INTEGER, prvtIsisISAdjHoldTimer PrvtIsisUnsigned16NoZeroTC, prvtIsisISAdjNeighPriority PrvtIsisISPriority, prvtIsisISAdjLastUpTime TimeTicks, prvtIsisISAdjRestartCapable TruthValue, prvtIsisISAdjPeerRestartState INTEGER, prvtIsisISAdjSuppressed TruthValue, prvtIsisISAdjNeighLanID OCTET STRING, prvtIsisISAdjNeighHostname PrvtIsisHostName, prvtIsisISAdjNeighLanIDHostname PrvtIsisHostName } prvtIsisISAdjIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2000000000) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value identifying the IS adjacency from all other such adjacencies on this circuit. This value is automatically assigned by the system when the adjacency is created." ::= { prvtIsisISAdjEntry 1 } prvtIsisISAdjState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { down(1), initializing(2), up(3), failed(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the adjacency." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi adjacencyState (78)}" ::= { prvtIsisISAdjEntry 2 } prvtIsisISAdj3WayState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(0), initializing(1), down(2), failed(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 3Way state of the adjacency. These are picked to match the historical on-the-wire representation of the 3Way state, and are not intended to match prvtIsisISAdjState." REFERENCE "{ RFC 3373 }" ::= { prvtIsisISAdjEntry 3 } prvtIsisISAdjNeighSNPAAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisOSINSAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SNPA address of the neighboring system." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi neighbourSNPAAddress (79)}" ::= { prvtIsisISAdjEntry 4 } prvtIsisISAdjNeighSysType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { l1IntermediateSystem(1), l2IntermediateSystem(2), l1L2IntermediateSystem(3), unknown(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of the neighboring system." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi neighbourSystemType (80)}" ::= { prvtIsisISAdjEntry 5 } prvtIsisISAdjNeighSysID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisSystemID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system ID of the neighboring Intermediate System." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi neighbourSystemIds (83)}" ::= { prvtIsisISAdjEntry 6 } prvtIsisISAdjNbrExtendedCircID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 4-byte Extended Circuit ID learned from the Neighbor during 3-way handshake, or 0." ::= { prvtIsisISAdjEntry 7 } prvtIsisISAdjUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { level1(1), level2(2), level1and2(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "How is the adjacency used? On a point-to-point link, this might be level1and2, but on a LAN, the usage will be level1 on the adjacency between peers at L1, and level2 for the adjacency between peers at L2." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi adjacencyUsage (82)}" ::= { prvtIsisISAdjEntry 8 } prvtIsisISAdjHoldTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisUnsigned16NoZeroTC UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The holding time in seconds for this adjacency. This value is based on received IIH PDUs and the elapsed time since receipt." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi holdingTimer (85)}" ::= { prvtIsisISAdjEntry 9 } prvtIsisISAdjNeighPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisISPriority MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority of the neighboring Intermediate System for becoming the Designated Intermediate System." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi lANPriority (86)}" ::= { prvtIsisISAdjEntry 10 } prvtIsisISAdjLastUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the prvtIsisISAdjState is in state 'up', the value of sysUpTime when the adjacency most recently entered the state 'up', or 0 if it has never been in state 'up'." ::= { prvtIsisISAdjEntry 11 } prvtIsisISAdjRestartCapable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Does the neighbor support restart signalling? This object is set to 'true' if the peer includes the restart TLV in IIH PDUs." ::= { prvtIsisISAdjEntry 12 } prvtIsisISAdjPeerRestartState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notRestarting(1), restartingNoHelp(2), helpingRestart(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is the peer currently restarting? Set to 'notRestarting' if the neighbor is not restarting (is not including a restart TLV in the IIH, or is not setting the RR bit). Set to 'restartingNoHelp' if the neighbor is restarting (is including a restart TLV with the RR bit in IIH PDUs), but the local node is not helping the restart. Set to 'helpingRestart' if the neighbor is restarting and the local node is helping the restart." ::= { prvtIsisISAdjEntry 13 } prvtIsisISAdjSuppressed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Has the peer requested that the adjacency be suppressed? If set to 'true', the adjacency will not be added to the local LSP. This object is set to 'true' if the peer sets the SA bit in the restart TLV in IIH PDUs." ::= { prvtIsisISAdjEntry 14 } prvtIsisISAdjNeighLanID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "On a broadcast circuit, the LAN ID reported by the neighbor for the Designated Intermediate System on this circuit at this level. For a non-broadcast circuit, or if, for any reason, the neighbor is not partaking in the relevant Designated Intermediate System election process, then the value returned is the zero length OCTET STRING." ::= { prvtIsisISAdjEntry 15 } prvtIsisISAdjNeighHostname OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisHostName MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hostname corresponding to prvtIsisISAdjNeighSysID. This is the null string if prvtIsisSdEntMapHostnames is 'false' or if no hostname is known." ::= { prvtIsisISAdjEntry 16 } prvtIsisISAdjNeighLanIDHostname OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisHostName MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hostname corresponding to the system ID part of the prvtIsisISAdjNeighLanID object. This is the null string if the prvtIsisISAdjNeighLanID object is null, if prvtIsisSdEntMapHostnames is 'false', or if no hostname is known." ::= { prvtIsisISAdjEntry 17 } prvtIsisISAdjAreaAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PrvtIsisISAdjAreaAddrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the set of Area Addresses of neighboring Intermediate Systems as reported in received IIH PDUs." REFERENCE "{ISIS.aoi areaAddressesOfNeighbour (84)}" ::= { prvtIsisISAdj 2 } prvtIsisISAdjAreaAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisISAdjAreaAddrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry contains one Area Address reported by a neighboring Intermediate System in its IIH PDUs." INDEX { prvtIsisSysInstance, prvtIsisCircIfIndex, prvtIsisISAdjIndex, prvtIsisISAdjAreaAddrIndex } ::= { prvtIsisISAdjAreaAddrTable 1 } PrvtIsisISAdjAreaAddrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { prvtIsisISAdjAreaAddrIndex Integer32, prvtIsisISAdjAreaAddress PrvtIsisOSINSAddress } prvtIsisISAdjAreaAddrIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2000000000) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index for the areas associated with one neighbor. This provides a simple way to walk the table." ::= { prvtIsisISAdjAreaAddrEntry 1 } prvtIsisISAdjAreaAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisOSINSAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One Area Address as reported in IIH PDUs received from the neighbor." ::= { prvtIsisISAdjAreaAddrEntry 2 } prvtIsisISAdjIPAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PrvtIsisISAdjIPAddrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the set of IP Addresses of neighboring Intermediate Systems as reported in received IIH PDUs. If the prvtIsisSysRstrctLanAdjsToSubnet object in prvtIsisSysTable is set to 'true' then for an IPv4 broadcast circuit, only IP addresses on the same subnet as the local circuit are included in this table." ::= { prvtIsisISAdj 3 } prvtIsisISAdjIPAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisISAdjIPAddrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry contains one IP Address reported by a neighboring Intermediate System in its IIH PDUs." INDEX { prvtIsisSysInstance, prvtIsisCircIfIndex, prvtIsisISAdjIndex, prvtIsisISAdjIPAddrIndex } ::= { prvtIsisISAdjIPAddrTable 1 } PrvtIsisISAdjIPAddrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { prvtIsisISAdjIPAddrIndex Integer32, prvtIsisISAdjIPAddrType PrvtIsisInetAddressType, prvtIsisISAdjIPAddrAddress PrvtIsisInetAddress } prvtIsisISAdjIPAddrIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2000000000) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index to this table which identifies the IP addresss to which this entry belongs." ::= { prvtIsisISAdjIPAddrEntry 1 } prvtIsisISAdjIPAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisInetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of one IP Address as reported in IIH PDUs received from the neighbor." ::= { prvtIsisISAdjIPAddrEntry 2 } prvtIsisISAdjIPAddrAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisInetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One IP Address as reported in IIH PDUs received from the neighbor. The type of this address is determined by the value of the prvtIsisISAdjIPAddrType object." ::= { prvtIsisISAdjIPAddrEntry 3 } prvtIsisIPReachAddr OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { prvtIsisMIBObjects 8 } prvtIsisIPRATable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PrvtIsisIPRAEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table of IP Reachable Addresses to networks, subnetworks or hosts, learned automatically. This table is read-only. Manual addition of entries using this table is not supported." ::= { prvtIsisIPReachAddr 1 } prvtIsisIPRAEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisIPRAEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry defines an IP Reachable Address to a network, subnetwork or host. Each IP Reachable Address may have multiple entries in the table, one for each equal cost path to the reachable address." INDEX { prvtIsisSysInstance, prvtIsisIPRADestType, prvtIsisIPRADest, prvtIsisIPRADestPrefixLen, prvtIsisIPRANextHopIndex } ::= { prvtIsisIPRATable 1 } PrvtIsisIPRAEntry ::= SEQUENCE { prvtIsisIPRADestType PrvtIsisInetAddressType, prvtIsisIPRADest PrvtIsisInetAddress, prvtIsisIPRADestPrefixLen InetAddressPrefixLength, prvtIsisIPRANextHopIndex Integer32, prvtIsisIPRANextHopType PrvtIsisInetAddressType, prvtIsisIPRANextHop PrvtIsisInetAddress, prvtIsisIPRAType INTEGER, prvtIsisIPRAAdminState PrvtIsisAdminState, prvtIsisIPRAMetric PrvtIsisDefaultMetric, prvtIsisIPRAMetricType PrvtIsisMetricType, prvtIsisIPRAFullMetric PrvtIsisFullMetric, prvtIsisIPRASNPAAddress PrvtIsisOSINSAddress, prvtIsisIPRASourceType INTEGER } prvtIsisIPRADestType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisInetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of this IP Reachable Address." ::= { prvtIsisIPRAEntry 1 } prvtIsisIPRADest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisInetAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The destination of this IP Reachable Address. This is either a network address, subnetwork address or host address. The type of this address is determined by the value of the prvtIsisIPRADestType object." ::= { prvtIsisIPRAEntry 2 } prvtIsisIPRADestPrefixLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength (0..128) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of the IP Netmask for Reachability Address." ::= { prvtIsisIPRAEntry 3 } prvtIsisIPRANextHopIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of next hop. Used when there are multiple Equal Cost Multipath alternatives for the same destination." ::= { prvtIsisIPRAEntry 4 } prvtIsisIPRANextHopType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisInetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of the IP next hop address." ::= { prvtIsisIPRAEntry 5 } prvtIsisIPRANextHop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisInetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP next hop to this destination. The type of this address is determined by the value of the prvtIsisIPRANextHopType object." ::= { prvtIsisIPRAEntry 6 } prvtIsisIPRAType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { manual(1), automatic(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of this IP Reachable Address. Those of type manual are created by the network manager. Those of type automatic are created through propagation of routing information from another routing protocol. Currently only automatic entries in this table are supported." ::= { prvtIsisIPRAEntry 7 } prvtIsisIPRAAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative state of the IP Reachable Address." ::= { prvtIsisIPRAEntry 9 } prvtIsisIPRAMetric OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisDefaultMetric MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The metric value for reaching the specified destination over this circuit." ::= { prvtIsisIPRAEntry 10 } prvtIsisIPRAMetricType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisMetricType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the metric is internal or external." ::= { prvtIsisIPRAEntry 11 } prvtIsisIPRAFullMetric OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisFullMetric MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The wide metric value for reaching the specified destination over this circuit." ::= { prvtIsisIPRAEntry 12 } prvtIsisIPRASNPAAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisOSINSAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SNPA Address to which a PDU may be forwarded in order to reach a destination which matches this IP Reachable Address. This field is currently not supported." ::= { prvtIsisIPRAEntry 13 } prvtIsisIPRASourceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { static(1), direct(2), ospfv2(3), ospfv3(4), isis(5), rip(6), igrp(7), eigrp(8), bgp(9), other(10) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The origin of this route." ::= { prvtIsisIPRAEntry 14 } prvtIsisLSPDataBase OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { prvtIsisMIBObjects 9 } prvtIsisLSPSummaryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PrvtIsisLSPSummaryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table of LSP Headers." ::= { prvtIsisLSPDataBase 1 } prvtIsisLSPSummaryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisLSPSummaryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry provides a summary describing an LSP currently stored in the system." INDEX { prvtIsisSysInstance, prvtIsisLSPLevel, prvtIsisLSPID } ::= { prvtIsisLSPSummaryTable 1 } PrvtIsisLSPSummaryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { prvtIsisLSPLevel PrvtIsisISLevel, prvtIsisLSPID PrvtIsisLinkStatePDUID, prvtIsisLSPSeq Unsigned32, prvtIsisLSPZeroLife TruthValue, prvtIsisLSPChecksum PrvtIsisUnsigned16TC, prvtIsisLSPLifetimeRemain PrvtIsisUnsigned16TC, prvtIsisLSPPDULength PrvtIsisUnsigned16TC, prvtIsisLSPAttributes PrvtIsisUnsigned8TC, prvtIsisLSPIDHostname PrvtIsisHostName } prvtIsisLSPLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisISLevel MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "At which level does this LSP appear?" ::= { prvtIsisLSPSummaryEntry 1 } prvtIsisLSPID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisLinkStatePDUID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 8-byte LSP ID, consisting of the SystemID, Circuit ID, and Fragment Number." ::= { prvtIsisLSPSummaryEntry 2 } prvtIsisLSPSeq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The sequence number for this LSP." ::= { prvtIsisLSPSummaryEntry 3 } prvtIsisLSPZeroLife OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is this LSP being purged by this System?" ::= { prvtIsisLSPSummaryEntry 4 } prvtIsisLSPChecksum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisUnsigned16TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 16 bit Fletcher Checksum for this LSP." ::= { prvtIsisLSPSummaryEntry 5 } prvtIsisLSPLifetimeRemain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisUnsigned16TC UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The remaining lifetime in seconds for this LSP. For a current LSP (prvtIsisLSPZeroLife is 'false'), this indicates the time remaining before the LSP will expire. For an LSP being purged from the system (prvtIsisLSPZeroLife is 'true'), the LSP remains in the database for ZeroAgeLifetime, and this will indicate the time remaining before final deletion of the LSP." ::= { prvtIsisLSPSummaryEntry 6 } prvtIsisLSPPDULength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisUnsigned16TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of this LSP." ::= { prvtIsisLSPSummaryEntry 7 } prvtIsisLSPAttributes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisUnsigned8TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Flags carried by the LSP." ::= { prvtIsisLSPSummaryEntry 8 } prvtIsisLSPIDHostname OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisHostName MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hostname corresponding to the system ID part of the prvtIsisLSPID object. This is the null string if no hostname is known." ::= { prvtIsisLSPSummaryEntry 9 } prvtIsisLSPTLVTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PrvtIsisLSPTLVEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table of LSPs in the database." ::= { prvtIsisLSPDataBase 2 } prvtIsisLSPTLVEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisLSPTLVEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry describes a TLV within an LSP currently stored in the system." INDEX { prvtIsisSysInstance, prvtIsisLSPLevel, prvtIsisLSPID, prvtIsisLSPTLVIndex } ::= { prvtIsisLSPTLVTable 1 } PrvtIsisLSPTLVEntry ::= SEQUENCE { prvtIsisLSPTLVIndex Unsigned32, prvtIsisLSPTLVSeq Unsigned32, prvtIsisLSPTLVChecksum PrvtIsisUnsigned16TC, prvtIsisLSPTLVType PrvtIsisUnsigned8TC, prvtIsisLSPTLVLen PrvtIsisUnsigned8TC, prvtIsisLSPTLVValue OCTET STRING, prvtIsisLSPTLVHostname PrvtIsisHostName } prvtIsisLSPTLVIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of this TLV in the LSP. The first TLV has index 1 and the Nth TLV has an index of N." ::= { prvtIsisLSPTLVEntry 1 } prvtIsisLSPTLVSeq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The sequence number for this LSP." ::= { prvtIsisLSPTLVEntry 2 } prvtIsisLSPTLVChecksum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisUnsigned16TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 16 bit Fletcher Checksum for this LSP." ::= { prvtIsisLSPTLVEntry 3 } prvtIsisLSPTLVType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisUnsigned8TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of this TLV." ::= { prvtIsisLSPTLVEntry 4 } prvtIsisLSPTLVLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisUnsigned8TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of this TLV." ::= { prvtIsisLSPTLVEntry 5 } prvtIsisLSPTLVValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this TLV." ::= { prvtIsisLSPTLVEntry 6 } prvtIsisLSPTLVHostname OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrvtIsisHostName MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hostname corresponding to the system ID part of the prvtIsisLSPID object. This is the null string if no hostname is known." ::= { prvtIsisLSPTLVEntry 7 } END -- end of module PRVT-ISIS-MIB.