-- -- TELESTE-COMMON-MIB.mib -- MIB generated by MG-SOFT Visual MIB Builder Version 4.0 Build 349 -- Friday, May 02, 2008 at 09:31:32 -- -- ***************************************************************************** -- Copyright (c) 2000-2008 by: -- -- Teleste Corporation -- Seponkatu 1 -- FIN-20660 Littoinen, Finland -- tel. +358 2 2605 611 -- url: http://www.teleste.com -- -- Description: Common objects for all Teleste products -- -- Revision History: -- ----------------- -- 1.47 26.3.2008 Matti Susi -- - added product key control objects -- - added geographical coordinate objects -- -- 1.46 22.2.2008 Matti Susi -- - added new enumeration values to statusSw and statusSettings -- -- 1.45 28.5.2007 Matti Susi -- - added object statusSettings -- -- 1.44 30.11.2006 Matti Susi -- - added moduleSWUpdate Table -- - added totalUptime and resetCount objects -- -- 1.43 13.6.2006 Matti Susi -- - added statusHw and statusSw objects -- -- 1.42 12.4.2006 Matti Susi -- - added statusTemperature and statusFan objects -- -- 1.41 1.4.2003 Matti Susi -- - added object controlInternalAppAccess for BXX function -- control -- -- 1.40 13.9.2002 Matti Susi -- - moduleId SYNTAX changed to INTEGER -- -- 1.32 7.8.2002 Matti Susi -- - Some editorial changes -- - Note: SNMPc network manager requires an index object -- with size definitions in every SEQUENCE definition. -- This must be done manually after creating the MIB with -- MIB builder! -- -- 1.31 13.5.2002 Matti Susi -- - trap delay object inserted -- -- 1.3 9.1.2002 Matti Susi -- - module temperature limits inserted to moduleControlTable -- - trap and alarm control objects inserted -- - several objects changed to optional -- -- 1.21 18.12.2001 Matti Susi -- - editorial changes -- -- 1.2 05.11.2001 Rainer Salminen -- - added repairIndex and changed indexing of repairLogTable. -- -- 1.1 2.11.2001 Pasi Pöri -- - trapEnryId added to elementTrapReceiverTable as index -- in order to enable multiple null IP addresses ( -- Thus no table row manipulation is needed. -- - Specified LMT status info more accurately . -- -- 1.0 11.10.2001 Rainer Salminen -- - Initial release (revised version of TELESTE-GENDATA-MIB) -- -- **************************************************************************** -- TELESTE-COMMON-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 IpAddress, Counter FROM RFC1155-SMI DisplayString FROM RFC1213-MIB common, TPhysAddress, Uint16, DateAndTime FROM TELESTE-ROOT-MIB; -- -- Node definitions -- -- Common element definition -- -- An element is a common name for the managed device or system. -- It is a concept that corresponds to a network node or a network -- element in general. -- -- An element can be a single device system or it can be a modular -- system in which case it consists of several modules. The module -- in the system that instruments this MIB is called the main module -- or the main controller. -- -- The word element has this general meaning everywhere in this -- document. -- -- element OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { common 1 } -- This section contains element's common identification, classification -- and configuration information. -- -- elementInformation OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { element 1 } -- elementName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is the logical name of the controlling module of the network element. The name may or may not be the same as the module's name in the moduleTable." ::= { elementInformation 1 } -- elementStructure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), compact(2), modular(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object tells whether the device is a single compact device or a modular device." ::= { elementInformation 2 } -- elementConfigChangeCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object is an indicator about changes in the network element configuration. How the value is formed is device dependent. It can be a counter, a checksum of the device configuration parameters, a DateAndTime type variable or even SysUptime, if no other information is available. DateAndTime is the recommended value. This object is intended to permit a management application to maintain configuration (including moduleTable) syncronization with the agent." ::= { elementInformation 3 } -- elementResetCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Total number of software resets during the device's life time." ::= { elementInformation 4 } -- elementTotalUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total uptime the device (software) has been running. Unit 1 day." ::= { elementInformation 5 } -- elementLatitude OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Device latitude coordinate. Unit 0.00001 degrees." ::= { elementInformation 6 } -- elementLongitude OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Device longitude coordinate. Unit 0.00001 degrees." ::= { elementInformation 7 } -- elementAltitude OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Device altitude coordinate. Unit 1 metre." ::= { elementInformation 8 } -- This section contains element's general status objects. -- -- elementStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { element 2 } -- statusGeneral OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), notification(2), warning(3), alarm(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number stating the general status of the element. Values: 1 = Normal 2 = At least one Notification is active 3 = At least one Warning is active 4 = At least one Alarm is active If the element has more than one state active, then the state with the highest value is returned." ::= { elementStatus 1 } -- statusBusMaster OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { slaveOnly(1), configuredSlave(2), currentlySlave(3), currentlyMaster(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "A number stating the Bus Master status of the NE. Values: 1 = The NE is a slave-only device 2 = The NE is configured as slave 3 = The NE is configured as master but is currently slave because a stronger master is on the bus 4 = The NE is currently the bus master" ::= { elementStatus 2 } -- statusLmt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noLmtInterface(1), stateUnknown(2), notConnected(3), connected(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "A number telling if the Local Management Terminal (LMT) is connected to the element. Values: 1 = The element does not have an LMT interface 2 = The element can not detect if an LMT is connected 3 = The element has not detected a connected LMT 4 = The element has detected a connected LMT Note! Applies only to fysically point-to-point connected LMT's to device, not via bus ot other shared medias." ::= { elementStatus 3 } -- statusLid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noLid(1), closed(2), open(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Element lid status: 1 = no lid (no lid sensor is available) 2 = lid is closed 3 = lid is open" ::= { elementStatus 4 } -- statusTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { tempNormal(1), tempHIHI(2), tempHi(3), tempLo(4), tempLOLO(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Element temperature status: 1 = normal 2 = HIHI 3 = Hi 4 = Lo 5 = LOLO " ::= { elementStatus 5 } -- statusFan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fanNormal(1), fanFailure(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A common status object for all fans in the device. fanNormal(1) = all fans operate normally fanFailure(2) = at least one fan has a failure" ::= { elementStatus 6 } -- statusHardware OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { hwNormal(1), hwFailure(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Device hardware status: hwNormal(1) = the hardware operates normally hwFailure(2) = a hardware failure is detected" ::= { elementStatus 7 } -- statusSoftware OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { swNormal(1), swFailure(2), swMissing(3), swInitialising(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Device software status: swNormal(1) = the software operates normally swFailure(2) = a software failure is detected swMissing(3) = the software or firmware is missing sw(Initialising(4) = the software is initialising" ::= { elementStatus 8 } -- statusSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { settingsStable(1), settingsChanged(2), settingsNotAvailable(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status of device settings: settingsStable(1) = settings are stable settingsChanged(2) = settings have been (recently) changed settingsNotAvailable(3) = settings status is not available The value should stay in value 2 only a predefined time, e.g. 60 seconds or the time it takes until the settings are written into non-volatile memory. " ::= { elementStatus 9 } -- This section contains element's common control parameters. -- -- elementControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { element 3 } -- controlResetElement OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noReset(1), hardReset(2), softReset(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "On write requests this object commands the module to reset itself. If softReset(3) or hardReset(2) can not be performed, then BAD VALUE error is returned. On read requests value noReset(1) is returned." ::= { elementControl 1 } -- controlBusMasterAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { master(1), slave(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object tells whether the element is configured as a bus master or not. Only relevant for bus master type of elements. Others return no(2)." ::= { elementControl 2 } -- controlAlarmDetection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(1), enabled(2), restart(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable is used to disable or enable the element alarm checking. When disabled(1), the element will not check any alarms (or send traps). Default value is enabled(2). Note: This variable must be consistent with commonAlarmDetectionControl in SCTE-HMS-COMMON-MIB, if that is implemented." ::= { elementControl 3 } -- controlMaxNumberTrapReceivers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of entries in the elementTrapReceiverTable. At least one trap entry must be supported." ::= { elementControl 4 } -- controlTrapReceiverTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ControlTrapReceiverEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "A table of manager trap receiver addresses, ports and communities. Total number of entries can not exceed elementNumberTrapReceivers. An entry is deleted from this table by setting its IP address to ''. Note: one of the community strings must match to commonTrapCommunityString in SCTE-HMS-COMMON-MIB, if that is implemented." ::= { elementControl 5 } -- controlTrapReceiverEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ControlTrapReceiverEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional INDEX { receiverEntryId } ::= { controlTrapReceiverTable 1 } ControlTrapReceiverEntry ::= SEQUENCE { receiverEntryId INTEGER, receiverAddress IpAddress, receiverPort INTEGER, receiverCommunity DisplayString } -- receiverEntryId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unique table index. Makes possible to have several ip-address of entries so that no mechanism for row manipulation of table is needed." ::= { controlTrapReceiverEntry 1 } -- receiverAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ip address of the manager receiving Traps." ::= { controlTrapReceiverEntry 2 } -- receiverPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trap UDP port number. Default port is the standard trap port 162." ::= { controlTrapReceiverEntry 3 } -- receiverCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Community string for the trap receiver. The agent is allowed to limit the length of the string. Minimum length of eight characters must be supported. Note: one of the community strings must match to commonTrapCommunityString in SCTE-HMS-COMMON-MIB, if that is implemented." ::= { controlTrapReceiverEntry 4 } -- controlTrapSending OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enables/disables trap sending. 1 = traps enabled 2 = traps disabled" ::= { elementControl 6 } -- controlTrapInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The minimum interval between traps. - Unit 10 milliseconds - Minimum value 0 (send as fast as possible) - Maximum value 1000 (10 seconds) - Default value is 100 (1 second)" ::= { elementControl 7 } -- controlTrapLifeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The maximum time a trap stays in the trap queue waiting for sending. - Unit 1 second. - Minimum value 10 - Maximum value 300 - Default value 60" ::= { elementControl 8 } -- controlAlarmOnDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The minimum time an object's alarm/warning condition must exist before it is recorded as an alarm/warning. Common to all alarms/warnings - Unit 10 ms - Minimum value 10 (100 ms) - Maximum value 6000 (60 seconds) - Default value 100 (1 second)" ::= { elementControl 9 } -- controlAlarmOffDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The minimum time an alarm/warning entry stays active after the object has reached it's normal condition. Common to all alarms/warnings. - Unit 10 ms - Minimum value 10 (100 ms) - Maximum value 6000 (60 seconds) - default value 100 (1 second)" ::= { elementControl 10 } -- controlTrapDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The time before a trap is sent after an alarm is detected. - Unit 10 ms - Minimum value 10 (100 ms) - Maximum value 6000 (60 seconds) - Default value 500 (5 seconds) This parameter can be used to control alarm storms e.g. in an amplifier cascade by using a different value in each amplifier." ::= { elementControl 11 } -- This section contains element's product key parameters -- elementProductKey OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { element 4 } -- productKeyNumberOfKeys OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Number of product keys supported by the device." ::= { elementProductKey 4 } -- productKeyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ProductKeyEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory ::= { elementProductKey 5 } -- productKeyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ProductKeyEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory INDEX { productKeyIndex } ::= { productKeyTable 1 } ProductKeyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { productKeyIndex INTEGER, productKeyValue OCTET STRING, productKeyMask OCTET STRING, productKeyStatus INTEGER, productKeyCipher INTEGER, productKeyNumberOfFeatures INTEGER } -- productKeyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..16) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Product key index." ::= { productKeyEntry 1 } -- productKeyValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Product key value." ::= { productKeyEntry 2 } -- productKeyMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Product key mask." ::= { productKeyEntry 3 } -- productKeyStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { keyInvalid(1), keyValid(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Product key status: 1(keyInvalid) = the key is invalid or missing 2(keyValid) = the key is valid" ::= { productKeyEntry 4 } -- productKeyCipher OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { cipherOther(1), cipherBlowFish(2), cipherXXTEA(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Cipher method supported by this key: 1(cipherOther) = other ciphering is used 2(cipherBlowFish) = BlowFish ciphering is used 3(cipherXXTEA) = XXTEA ciphering is used" ::= { productKeyEntry 5 } -- productKeyNumberOfFeatures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of features available with this key." ::= { productKeyEntry 6 } -- productKeyFeatureTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ProductKeyFeatureEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory ::= { elementProductKey 6 } -- productKeyFeatureEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ProductKeyFeatureEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory INDEX { productKeyIndex, productKeyFeatureIndex } ::= { productKeyFeatureTable 1 } ProductKeyFeatureEntry ::= SEQUENCE { productKeyFeatureIndex INTEGER, productKeyFeatureName OCTET STRING, productKeyFeatureEnable INTEGER, productKeyFeatureExpirationTime INTEGER } -- productKeyFeatureIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..32) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Feature index (second index)." ::= { productKeyFeatureEntry 1 } -- productKeyFeatureName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A human-readable description of the feature." ::= { productKeyFeatureEntry 2 } -- productKeyFeatureEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { featureDisable(1), featureEnable(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status of the feature: 1(featureDisable) = the feature si disabled in this device 2(featureEnable) = the feature is enabled in this devices" ::= { productKeyFeatureEntry 3 } -- productKeyFeatureExpirationTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of days left before the feature expires. A zero value means infinite validity time. This object has a meaning only if the feature is enabled (productKeyFeatureEnable = 2(featureEnable))." ::= { productKeyFeatureEntry 4 } -- Common module definition -- -- The element consists of one or more modules. Module parameters are -- collected into several module tables. Each module has one entry -- in these tables. If the element is a single device, then the tables -- have only one entry, which is the element itself. -- -- Modules are identified within the element with a unique moduleId. -- See the moduleId description for more information. -- -- module OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { common 2 } -- This section contains the element's identification objects -- and other common element information. -- -- moduleInformation OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { module 1 } -- -- The moduleTable table shows basic module data of the element. -- Every plug-in module is represented as an entry in the Table. -- If the element is not modular, only the first row is present. -- -- moduleTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ModuleEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table lists basic module identification and configuration data of modules installed inside the managed element. The first row in the table list information about the element itself. If the element is not modular, only the first row exists in the table. Object moduleId is used for indexing the modules in all module section tables." ::= { moduleInformation 1 } -- moduleEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ModuleEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory INDEX { moduleId } ::= { moduleTable 1 } ModuleEntry ::= SEQUENCE { moduleId INTEGER, moduleName DisplayString, moduleHwType DisplayString, moduleRackNo INTEGER, moduleSlotNo INTEGER } -- moduleId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An unique module index identifying the (physical) modules inside the network element. The exact conjunction between the index and the physical modules depends on the element structural principle. For network elements containing plug-in modules the index should follow module slot numbering. This index should be used in all subsequent module tables." ::= { moduleEntry 1 } -- moduleName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The identification name ('aliasname') of the module." ::= { moduleEntry 2 } -- moduleHwType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware type name of the module." ::= { moduleEntry 3 } -- moduleRackNo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Rack number of the module. This can be used to identify the physical position of the module in the case where the agent manages modules that are in several racks." ::= { moduleEntry 4 } -- moduleSlotNo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Slot number of the module (within rack)." ::= { moduleEntry 5 } -- -- This table shows detailed module data of the element. -- Every plug-in module is represented as a row in the Table. -- If the element is not modular, only one row is present. -- -- moduleDetailTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ModuleDetailEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table lists detailed module data of modules installed inside the element. The first row in the table list information about the element itself. If the element is not modular, only the first row exists in the table." ::= { moduleInformation 2 } -- moduleDetailEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ModuleDetailEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory INDEX { moduleId } ::= { moduleDetailTable 1 } ModuleDetailEntry ::= SEQUENCE { moduleMacAddress TPhysAddress, moduleBusAddress INTEGER, moduleAppDate DateAndTime, moduleAppVersion DisplayString, moduleBiosDate DateAndTime, moduleBiosVersion DisplayString, moduleHwSerialNumber DisplayString, moduleHwVersion DisplayString } -- moduleMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPhysAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Module MAC address. If the MAC address is unknown '' is returned." ::= { moduleDetailEntry 1 } -- moduleBusAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Module bus address." ::= { moduleDetailEntry 2 } -- moduleAppDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Module application software date." ::= { moduleDetailEntry 3 } -- moduleAppVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Module application software version. If software version is undefined, then zero length string is returned." ::= { moduleDetailEntry 4 } -- moduleBiosDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Module BIOS date." ::= { moduleDetailEntry 5 } -- moduleBiosVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Module BIOS version. If bios version is undefined, a zero length string is returned." ::= { moduleDetailEntry 6 } -- moduleHwSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Module serial number." ::= { moduleDetailEntry 7 } -- moduleHwVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Module hardware version." ::= { moduleDetailEntry 8 } -- This section contains status information of the modules -- of the element. -- -- moduleStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { module 2 } -- -- This table contains common status objects for all -- modules inside the element. -- -- moduleStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ModuleStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains status objects for modules inside the network element.The first row in the table lists information about the host module. If the element is not modular, only the first row exists in the table." ::= { moduleStatus 1 } -- -- A table of common status objects for all modules. -- -- moduleStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ModuleStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Row in moduleStatusTable. The index is moduleId from the moduleTable. Row in this table exist only if there is a row with the same moduleId in the moduleTable." INDEX { moduleId } ::= { moduleStatusTable 1 } ModuleStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { statusResetCause INTEGER, statusRunningSwImage INTEGER, statusInternalTemperature INTEGER, statusLidStatus INTEGER, statusRestartCounter Counter } -- statusResetCause OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), selfReset(2), powerReset(3), commandedReset(4), softdownloadReset(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Reason for the last reset. If the reason is unknown, the value is reasonUnknown(1). If the device makes self reset and it can detect it, then value is reasonSelfReset(2). If the reset was made by the user from the power switch and it can be sensed, then the value is reasonPowerReset(3). If the reason is an external command from the user interface or from the network message (e.g. commonReset), then the reason is reasonCommandedReset(4)." ::= { moduleStatusEntry 1 } -- statusRunningSwImage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Currently running software image number. Bios is 0, applications are numbered from 1..n, where n is the maximum image number." ::= { moduleStatusEntry 2 } -- statusInternalTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-600..1300) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Device temperature, unit 0.1 deg C. Value is zero (0), if temperature is not available." ::= { moduleStatusEntry 3 } -- statusLidStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noLid(1), closed(2), open(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Current lid status detected by the device. May or may not be the same variable as the elementLidStatus." ::= { moduleStatusEntry 4 } -- statusRestartCounter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This objects counts the number of restarts of the module. A start can be a cold start or a warm start." ::= { moduleStatusEntry 5 } -- -- -- This section contains control entities of the modules -- of the element. -- -- moduleControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { module 3 } -- -- -- moduleControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ModuleControlEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This table contains common control commands for all the modules inside the element." ::= { moduleControl 1 } -- moduleControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ModuleControlEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional INDEX { moduleId } ::= { moduleControlTable 1 } ModuleControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { controlLedUsage INTEGER, controlMarkState INTEGER, controlReset INTEGER, controlTempLimitHiHi INTEGER, controlTempLimitHi INTEGER, controlTempLimitLo INTEGER, controlTempLimitLoLo INTEGER, controlTempDeadBand INTEGER, controlInternalAppAccess INTEGER, controlLocalAccess INTEGER } -- controlLedUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported(1), alwaysOn(2), offWhenLidClosed(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "A variable to instruct how device LED's behave when the lid is closed." ::= { moduleControlEntry 1 } -- controlMarkState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported(1), on(2), off(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "A variable to instruct the device to start and stop showing mark (blinking module LED). On read requests returns the current mark state." ::= { moduleControlEntry 2 } -- controlReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noReset(1), hardReset(2), softReset(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "On write requests this object commands the module to reset itself. If softReset(3) or hardReset(2) can not be performed, then BAD VALUE error is returned. On read requests value noReset(1) is returned." ::= { moduleControlEntry 3 } -- controlTempLimitHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Module temperature HiHi (high alarm) limit in 0.1 degC." ::= { moduleControlEntry 4 } -- controlTempLimitHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Module temperature Hi (high warning) limit in 0.1 degC." ::= { moduleControlEntry 5 } -- controlTempLimitLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Module temperature Lo (low warning) limit in 0.1 degC." ::= { moduleControlEntry 7 } -- controlTempLimitLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Module temperature LoLo (low alarm) limit in 0.1 degC." ::= { moduleControlEntry 8 } -- controlTempDeadBand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Module temperature alarm/warning deadband in 0.1 degC. Common to all limit values (LoLo, Lo, Hi, HiHi). The deadband defines the difference between the 'ON' limit and the 'OFF' limit of the corresponding alarm. Example: The Hi limit is 65 degC and the deadband is 5 degC. The high warning is activated when the temperature exceeds 65 degC and deactivated only after it falls below 60 degC." ::= { moduleControlEntry 9 } -- controlInternalAppAccess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { allowIntControl(1), denyIntControl(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object defines whether the internal controller application is able to access the module parameters. This corresponds to the BXX module setting 'Allow Functions'. 1 = allow internal control 2 = deny internal control (remote control is possible)" ::= { moduleControlEntry 10 } -- controlLocalAccess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(1), enabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object defines whether the local user interface (buttons, knobs etc.) is enabled or disabled. Values: 1 = disabled, local UI is locked 2 = enabled, local UI is active For modules/devices with no local UI this objects should return value 'disabled (1)." ::= { moduleControlEntry 11 } -- moduleSWUpdateTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ModuleSWUpdateEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "A table of software update control objects." ::= { moduleControl 2 } -- moduleSWUpdateEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ModuleSWUpdateEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional INDEX { moduleId } ::= { moduleSWUpdateTable 1 } ModuleSWUpdateEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sWUpdateControl INTEGER, swUpdateURL DisplayString, sWUpdateFileName DisplayString, sWUpdateStatus DisplayString } -- sWUpdateControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { updateIdle(1), updateRunning(2), updateFailed(3), updateStart(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Writing value updateStart(4) commands the module to run a software update. The software image location and file name are specified in sWUpdateURL and sWUpdateFilename. Writing a updateIdle(1) when the update is running will terminate the update process immediately. Writing any value when no update is runnign has no effect. Reading this object returns either updateIdle(1), updateRunning(2) or updateFailed(3) depending on the status of the (last) software update. " ::= { moduleSWUpdateEntry 1 } -- swUpdateURL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The URL where the software image can be downloaded. Format e.g. TFTP:\\downloads\swupdate\." ::= { moduleSWUpdateEntry 2 } -- sWUpdateFileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "File name of the software image file to be downloaded." ::= { moduleSWUpdateEntry 3 } -- sWUpdateStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Description of the software update result. After successful update this object should return a string 'Software updated successfully on '. If the update failed the returned value should be 'Software update failed'. " ::= { moduleSWUpdateEntry 4 } -- Module registry consists of one or more tables to store -- different kind of maintenance or management information. -- -- The tables do not affect on the operation of the module. -- They are used only to support management and they are -- totally controlled by the manager. -- -- moduleRegistry OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { module 4 } -- moduleSizeOfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ModuleSizeOfEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This table defines maximum number of entries in the registry tables. All the registry tables have fixed size defined in this table." ::= { moduleRegistry 1 } -- moduleSizeOfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ModuleSizeOfEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional INDEX { moduleId } ::= { moduleSizeOfTable 1 } ModuleSizeOfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sizeOfRegistry INTEGER, sizeOfRepairlog INTEGER, sizeOfNotebook INTEGER } -- sizeOfRegistry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Max number of entries in the registryTable. The entries in the registryTable are numbered from 1..sizeofRegistry." ::= { moduleSizeOfEntry 1 } -- sizeOfRepairlog OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Max number of entries in the repairlogTable. First entry (oldest entry) is deleted, when a new entry is added and the table is full." ::= { moduleSizeOfEntry 2 } -- sizeOfNotebook OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Max number of entries in the notebookTable. The lines in the notebookTable are numbered from 1..sizeofNotebook." ::= { moduleSizeOfEntry 3 } -- -- The moduleRegistryTable contains an indexed data storage -- for each module. The Manager may use registry data for -- various purposes. -- -- moduleRegistryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ModuleRegistryEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This table lists user data for all modules installed inside the element. Table is indexed by the moduleId and regIndex. regIndex can have values 1..sizeofRegistry. A registryEntry is 'deleted' by setting its name to an empty string." ::= { moduleRegistry 2 } -- moduleRegistryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ModuleRegistryEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional INDEX { moduleId, regIndex } ::= { moduleRegistryTable 1 } ModuleRegistryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { regIndex INTEGER, regName DisplayString, regValue DisplayString } -- regIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "A second index to registryTable. Can have values 1..sizeofRegistryTable." ::= { moduleRegistryEntry 1 } -- regName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Descriptive name for the parameter. The agent is allowed to limit the length of the name. Minimum length of eight characters must be supported. Writing empty string to this object removes it from the registryTable." ::= { moduleRegistryEntry 2 } -- regValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Textual information describing the parameter information. The agent is allowed to limit the length of the name. Minimum length of eight characters must be supported." ::= { moduleRegistryEntry 3 } -- moduleRepairLogTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ModuleRepairLogEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This table contains repair history entries for modules in the element. The table is indexed with moduleId and repairLogDate. The table can have sizeofRepairlog number of entries. If this number is exceeded when writing a new entry, the oldest entry is deleted and and a new entry is added." ::= { moduleRegistry 3 } -- moduleRepairLogEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ModuleRepairLogEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Row entry in RepairLogTable. Note that it uses double index: moduleId repairIndex. that uniquely identify each log entry. Rows for particular module exist only if there is row, that represents this module in the moduleTable. A row is 'deleted' by giving a date 0000-00-00." INDEX { moduleId, repairIndex } ::= { moduleRepairLogTable 1 } ModuleRepairLogEntry ::= SEQUENCE { repairIndex INTEGER, repairDate DisplayString, repairReasonCode OCTET STRING, repairNameCode OCTET STRING, repairComment DisplayString } -- repairIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..32767) ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Row number of the Repairlog entry. Can have values between 1..sizeOfRepairlog. This field is a second index to moduleRepairLogTable." ::= { moduleRepairLogEntry 1 } -- repairDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Date of this repair entry formatted as CCYY-MM-DD." ::= { moduleRepairLogEntry 2 } -- repairReasonCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (4)) ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Repair code for this entry." ::= { moduleRepairLogEntry 3 } -- repairNameCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (4)) ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Repairer name code (initials) for this entry." ::= { moduleRepairLogEntry 4 } -- repairComment OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Comment of the repair event. The agent is allowed to truncate the length of the comment, if it is too long to internal storage." ::= { moduleRepairLogEntry 5 } -- moduleNotebookTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ModuleNotebookEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Notebook is a free text area for manager or serviceman notes. It is divided into 50 character long character blocks or lines. Each line is an entry in the notebookTable. Indices are moduleName and lineNumber. A new line with the same lineNumber overwrites the old line." ::= { moduleRegistry 4 } -- moduleNotebookEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ModuleNotebookEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional INDEX { moduleId, notebookLineNumber } ::= { moduleNotebookTable 1 } ModuleNotebookEntry ::= SEQUENCE { notebookLineNumber INTEGER, notebookLineText OCTET STRING } -- notebookLineNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The line number of the notebookTextLine. The number must be in between 1..sizeofNotebook. inclusive. Numbers should be used consecutively." ::= { moduleNotebookEntry 1 } -- notebookLineText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..50)) ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Text field for storing notes about the module." ::= { moduleNotebookEntry 2 } END -- -- TELESTE-COMMON-MIB.mib --