--File Name : TERRA-SMI --Date : Thu Aug 21 10:59:28 EEST 2008 --Author : Tadas Leskevicius TERRA-SMI DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS enterprises, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI; terraRoot MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "199505160000Z" ORGANIZATION "TERRA Electronics" CONTACT-INFO "TERRA Electronics Draugystes 22 Kaunas Lithuania LT-51256 E-mail design@terraelectronics.com" DESCRIPTION "The Structure of Management Information for the TERRA enterprise." REVISION "200808191104Z" DESCRIPTION "" ::= { enterprises 30631 } terraProducts OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "terraProducts is the root OBJECT IDENTIFIER from which sysObjectID values are assigned. Actual values are defined in TERRA-PRODUCTS-MIB." ::= { terraRoot 1 } terraExperimental OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "terraExperimental provides a root object identifier from which experimental mibs may be temporarily based. mibs are typicially based here if they are TERRA work-in-process which has not been assigned a permanent object identifier by the TERRA assigned number authority, typicially because the mib is not ready for deployment. NOTE WELL: support for mibs in the terraExperimental subtree will be deleted when a permanent object identifier assignment is made." ::= { terraRoot 2 } terraDefIdent OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MIB module represents specific Textual Conventions" ::= { terraRoot 3 } END