TPLINK-DDMMANAGE-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI ifIndex FROM RFC1213-MIB DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC tplinkMgmt FROM TPLINK-MIB; tplinkDdmManageMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200908270000Z" ORGANIZATION "TPLINK" CONTACT-INFO "" DESCRIPTION "Private MIB for DDM configuration." REVISION "200908270000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial version of this MIB module." ::= { tplinkMgmt 96 } tplinkDdmManageMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tplinkDdmManageMIB 1 } tplinkDdmManageNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tplinkDdmManageMIB 2 } tempExceedThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A tempExceedThreshold notification is sent when the value of temperature exceeds the threshold. " ::= { tplinkDdmManageNotifications 1 } volExceedThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A volExceedThreshold notification is sent when the value of voltage exceeds the threshold. " ::= { tplinkDdmManageNotifications 2 } biasCurExceedThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A biasCurExceedThreshold notification is sent when the value of bias current exceeds the threshold. " ::= { tplinkDdmManageNotifications 3 } txPowExceedThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A txPowExceedThreshold notification is sent when the value of Tx power exceeds the threshold. " ::= { tplinkDdmManageNotifications 4 } rxPowExceedThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rxPowExceedThreshold notification is sent when the value of Rx power exceeds the threshold. " ::= { tplinkDdmManageNotifications 5 } END