-- ***************************************************************** -- TN-ACL-MIB -- -- Copyright (c) 2014, Transition Networks Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- ***************************************************************** TN-ACL-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, OBJECT-TYPE, Unsigned32, Integer32, Counter32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI InetAddress FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF entPhysicalIndex FROM ENTITY-MIB TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TruthValue, RowStatus, MacAddress, StorageType FROM SNMPv2-TC SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB VlanIdOrAny, VlanIdOrNone, VlanIdOrAnyOrNone, PortList FROM Q-BRIDGE-MIB ifIndex, InterfaceIndexOrZero FROM IF-MIB tnDevMgmt FROM TN-MGMT-MIB; tnAclMgmt MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201305160000Z" ORGANIZATION "Transition Networks, Inc." CONTACT-INFO " Transition Networks Technical Support 10900 Red Circle Drive Minnetonka, MN 55343 USA Tel: +1-800-526-9267 E-mail: techsupport@transition.com" DESCRIPTION --Jing "The mib provides functionalities for ACL managing in TN modules." REVISION "201305160000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial Revision of this module" REVISION "201405050000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added Serval MIB tnAceLookup to this module" ::= { tnDevMgmt 5 } RateLimiterValue ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rate limiter valid value. Here '0' means 'disabled'." SYNTAX Integer32 (0 | 1..16) TruthValueOrAny ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Truth value 0/1 and any." SYNTAX INTEGER { any(1), val0(2), val1(3) } HostOrNetworkOrAny ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Truth value 0/1 and any." SYNTAX INTEGER { any(1), host(2), network(3) } tnAclPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TnAclPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table displays and sets the ACL parameters (ACE) of each switch port." ::= { tnAclMgmt 1 } tnAclPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TnAclPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This entry represents an ACL port configuration." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { tnAclPortTable 1 } TnAclPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tnAclPortPolicyId INTEGER, tnAclPortAction INTEGER, tnAclPortRateLimiterId RateLimiterValue, tnAclPortEvcPolicerState INTEGER, tnAclPortEvcPolicerId INTEGER, tnAclPortRedirect PortList, tnAclPortMirrorState INTEGER, tnAclPortLoggingState INTEGER, tnAclPortShutdownState INTEGER, tnAclPortAclState INTEGER, tnAclPortCounter Counter32 } tnAclPortPolicyId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Select the policy to apply to this port. The allowed values are 0 through 255. The default value is 0." ::= { tnAclPortEntry 1 } tnAclPortAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { deny(1), permit(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Select the policy to apply to this port. The allowed values are 0 through 255. The default value is 0." ::= { tnAclPortEntry 2 } tnAclPortRateLimiterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RateLimiterValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Select which rate limiter to apply on this port. The allowed values are Disabled or the values 1 through 16. The default value is 'Disabled'." ::= { tnAclPortEntry 3 } tnAclPortEvcPolicerState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Select whether EVC policer is enabled or disabled. The default value is 'Disabled'." ::= { tnAclPortEntry 4 } tnAclPortEvcPolicerId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..128) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Select which EVC policer ID to apply on this port. when 'tnAclPortEvcPolicerState' is enabled, the valid value is from 1 to 128." ::= { tnAclPortEntry 5 } tnAclPortRedirect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortList MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Select which port frames are redirected on. The allowed values is a specific port number and it can't be set when action is permitted. When no bit is selected, port redirect is 'disabled'." ::= { tnAclPortEntry 6 } tnAclPortMirrorState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the mirror operation of this port. The allowed values are: Enabled: Frames received on the port are mirrored. Disabled: Frames received on the port are not mirrored. The default value is 'Disabled'." ::= { tnAclPortEntry 7 } tnAclPortLoggingState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the logging operation of this port. The allowed values are: Enabled: Frames received on the port are stored in the System Log. Disabled: Frames received on the port are not logged. The default value is 'Disabled'." ::= { tnAclPortEntry 8 } tnAclPortShutdownState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the port shut down operation of this port. The allowed values are: Enabled: If a frame is received on the port, the port will be disabled. Disabled: Port shut down is disabled. The default value is 'Disabled'." ::= { tnAclPortEntry 9 } tnAclPortAclState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the port state of this port. The allowed values are: Enabled: To reopen ports by changing the volatile port configuration of the ACL user module. Disabled: To close ports by changing the volatile port configuration of the ACL user module. The default value is 'Enabled'." ::= { tnAclPortEntry 10 } tnAclPortCounter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts the number of frames that match this ACE." ::= { tnAclPortEntry 11 } -- ACL rate limiter tnAclRateLimiterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TnAclRateLimiterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table displays and sets the rate limiter for the ACL of the switch." ::= { tnAclMgmt 2 } tnAclRateLimiterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TnAclRateLimiterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This entry represents an ACL rate limiter." INDEX { entPhysicalIndex, tnAclRateLimitId } ::= { tnAclRateLimiterTable 1 } TnAclRateLimiterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tnAclRateLimitId INTEGER, tnAclRateLimitRate INTEGER, tnAclRateLimitUnit INTEGER } tnAclRateLimitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..16) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The rate limiter ID for the settings contained in the same row." ::= { tnAclRateLimiterEntry 1 } tnAclRateLimitRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The allowed values are: 0-3276700 in pps or 0, 100, 200, 300, ..., 1000000 in kbps." ::= { tnAclRateLimiterEntry 2 } tnAclRateLimitUnit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { pps(1), kbps(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the rate unit. The allowed values are: pps: packets per second. kbps: Kbits per second." ::= { tnAclRateLimiterEntry 3 } tnAclOperTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TnAclOperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table sets the ACL operation." ::= { tnAclMgmt 3 } tnAclOperEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TnAclOperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This entry represents an ACL operation." INDEX { entPhysicalIndex } ::= { tnAclOperTable 1 } TnAclOperEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tnAclClearCounter INTEGER } tnAclClearCounter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nooper(1), clear(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify ACL clear operation. The allowed values are: nooper: no operation. clear: Clear all ACL counters, including counts the number of frames that match this ACE and ACL port counters." ::= { tnAclOperEntry 1 } -- tnAceTable tnAceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TnAceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the configuration of ACE(ACL control entry) of the switch." ::= { tnAclMgmt 4 } tnAceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TnAceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This entry represents an ACE. Each entry in this table represents an ACE and can be created or deleted by the management system." INDEX { entPhysicalIndex, tnAceIndex } ::= { tnAceTable 1 } TnAceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tnAceIndex INTEGER, tnAceNextIndex INTEGER, tnAceIngressPort PortList, tnAcePolicyFilterType INTEGER, tnAcePolicyValue INTEGER, tnAcePolicyBitMask INTEGER, tnAcePolicyFrameType INTEGER, tnAceAction INTEGER, tnAceRateLimiter RateLimiterValue, tnAceEvcPolicerState INTEGER, tnAceEvcPolicerId INTEGER, tnAcePortRedirect PortList, tnAceMirrorState INTEGER, tnAceLoggingState INTEGER, tnAceShutdownState INTEGER, tnAceCounter Counter32, tnAceVlan8021qTagged INTEGER, tnAceVlanIdFilter INTEGER, tnAceVlanId INTEGER, tnAceTagPriority INTEGER, tnAceRowStatus INTEGER, tnAceLookup TruthValue } tnAceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of ACE." ::= { tnAceEntry 1 } tnAceNextIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the created ACE is placed before which ACE." ::= { tnAceEntry 2 } tnAceIngressPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortList MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Select the ingress port for which this ACE applies." ::= { tnAceEntry 3 } tnAcePolicyFilterType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { any(1), specific(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the policy number filter for this ACE. Any: No policy filter is specified. (policy filter status is 'dont-care'.) Specific: If you want to filter a specific policy with this ACE, choose this value. Two field for entering an policy value and bitmask appears." ::= { tnAceEntry 4 } tnAcePolicyValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When 'Specific' is selected for the policy filter, you can enter a specific policy value. The allowed range is 0 to 255." ::= { tnAceEntry 5 } tnAcePolicyBitMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When 'Specific' is selected for the policy filter, you can enter a specific policy bitmask. The allowed range is 0x0 to 0xff." ::= { tnAceEntry 6 } tnAcePolicyFrameType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { any(1), etherType(2), arp(3), ipv4(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Select the frame type for this ACE. These frame types are mutually exclusive. any: Any frame can match this ACE. etherType: Only Ethernet Type frames can match this ACE. The IEEE 802.3 describes the value of Length/Type Field specifications to be greater than or equal to 1536 decimal (equal to 0600 hexadecimal). arp: Only ARP frames can match this ACE. Notice the ARP frames won't match the ACE with ethernet type. ipv4: Only IPv4 frames can match this ACE. Notice the IPv4 frames won't match the ACE with ethernet type." ::= { tnAceEntry 7 } tnAceAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { permit(1), deny(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the action to take with a frame that hits this ACE. permit: The frame that hits this ACE is granted permission for the ACE operation. deny: The frame that hits this ACE is dropped." ::= { tnAceEntry 8 } tnAceRateLimiter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RateLimiterValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the rate limiter in number of base units. The allowed range is 1 to 16. 'disabled' indicates that the rate limiter operation is disabled." ::= { tnAceEntry 9 } tnAceEvcPolicerState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Select whether EVC policer is enabled or disabled. The default value is 'Disabled'." ::= { tnAceEntry 10 } tnAceEvcPolicerId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..128) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Select which EVC policer ID to apply on this ACE. The allowed values are from 1 through 128." ::= { tnAceEntry 11 } tnAcePortRedirect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortList MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frames that hit the ACE are redirected to the port number specified here. The allowed range is the same as the switch port number range. 'disabled' indicates that the port redirect operation is disabled and the specific port number of 'Port Redirect' can't be set when action is permitted." ::= { tnAceEntry 12 } tnAceMirrorState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the mirror operation of this port. Frames matching the ACE are mirrored to the destination mirror port. The allowed values are: Enabled: Frames received on the port are mirrored. Disabled: Frames received on the port are not mirrored. The default value is 'Disabled'." ::= { tnAceEntry 13 } tnAceLoggingState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the logging operation of the ACE. The allowed values are: Enabled: Frames matching the ACE are stored in the System Log. Disabled: Frames matching the ACE are not logged." ::= { tnAceEntry 14 } tnAceShutdownState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the port shut down operation of the ACE. The allowed values are: Enabled: If a frame matches the ACE, the ingress port will be disabled. Disabled: Port shut down is disabled for the ACE." ::= { tnAceEntry 15 } tnAceCounter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The counter indicates the number of times the ACE was hit by a frame." ::= { tnAceEntry 16 } tnAceVlan8021qTagged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { any(1), enabled(2), disabled(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify whether frames can hit the action according to the 802.1Q tagged. The allowed values are: any: Any value is allowed ('dont-care'). enabled: Tagged frame only. disabled: Untagged frame only. The default value is 'Any'." ::= { tnAceEntry 17 } tnAceVlanIdFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { any(1), specific(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the VLAN ID filter for this ACE. any: No VLAN ID filter is specified. (VLAN ID filter status is 'dont-care'.) specific: If you want to filter a specific VLAN ID with this ACE, choose this value. A field for entering a VLAN ID number appears." ::= { tnAceEntry 18 } tnAceVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When 'Specific' is selected for the VLAN ID filter, you can enter a specific VLAN ID number. The allowed range is 1 to 4095. A frame that hits this ACE matches this VLAN ID value." ::= { tnAceEntry 19 } tnAceTagPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ tp0(1), tp1(2), tp2(3), tp3(4), tp4(5), tp5(6), tp6(7), tp7(8), any(9) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the tag priority for this ACE. A frame that hits this ACE matches this tag priority. The allowed number range is 0 to 7. The value Any means that no tag priority is specified (tag priority is 'dont-care')." ::= { tnAceEntry 20 } tnAceRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row entry of ACE table. This object isused to manage the creation and deletion of conceptual rows. The status column has six defined values: - 'active', which indicates that the conceptual row is available for use by the managed device; - 'notInService', which indicates that the conceptual row exists in the agent, but is unavailable for use by the managed device (see NOTE below); - 'notReady', which indicates that the conceptual row exists in the agent, but is missing information necessary in order to be available for use by the managed device; - 'createAndGo', which is supplied by a management station wishing to create a new instance of a conceptual row and to have its status automatically set to active, making it available for use by the managed device; - 'createAndWait', which is supplied by a management station wishing to create a new instance of a conceptual row (but not make it available for use by the managed device); and, - 'destroy', which is supplied by a management station wishing to delete all of the instances associated with an existing conceptual row. For a detailed description of this object, please refer to SNMPv2-TC MIB." ::= { tnAceEntry 21 } tnAceLookup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the second lookup operation of the ACE." ::= { tnAceEntry 22 } -- tnAceEtherTable tnAceEtherTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TnAceEtherEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the related configuration of ACE when frame type is etherType." ::= { tnAclMgmt 5 } tnAceEtherEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TnAceEtherEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This entry represents an etherType related ACE configuration." INDEX { entPhysicalIndex, tnAceIndex } ::= { tnAceEtherTable 1 } TnAceEtherEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tnAceEtherSmacFilter INTEGER, tnAceEtherSmacVal MacAddress, tnAceEtherDmacFilter INTEGER, tnAceEtherDmacVal MacAddress, tnAceEtherTypeFilter INTEGER, tnAceEtherTypeVal INTEGER } tnAceEtherSmacFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ any(1), specific(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the source MAC filter for this ACE. any: No SMAC filter is specified. (SMAC filter status is 'dont-care'.) specific: If you want to filter a specific source MAC address with this ACE, choose this value. A field for entering an SMAC value appears." ::= { tnAceEtherEntry 1 } tnAceEtherSmacVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When 'Specific' is selected for the SMAC/DMAC filter, you can enter a specific value. The legal format is 'xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx' or 'xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx' or 'xxxxxxxxxxxx' (x is a hexadecimal digit). A frame that hits this ACE matches this SMAC value." ::= { tnAceEtherEntry 2 } tnAceEtherDmacFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ any(1), unicast(2), multicast(3), broadcast(4), specific(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the destination MAC filter for this ACE. any: No DMAC filter is specified. (DMAC filter status is 'dont-care'.) unicast: Frame must be unicast. multicast: Frame must be multicast. broadcast: Frame must be broadcast. specific: If you want to filter a specific destination MAC address with this ACE, choose this value. A field for entering a DMAC value appears." ::= { tnAceEtherEntry 3 } tnAceEtherDmacVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When 'Specific' is selected for the DMAC filter, you can enter a specific value. The legal format is 'xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx' or 'xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx' or 'xxxxxxxxxxxx' (x is a hexadecimal digit). A frame that hits this ACE matches this DMAC value." ::= { tnAceEtherEntry 4 } tnAceEtherTypeFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ any(1), specific(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the Ethernet type filter for this ACE: any: No EtherType filter is specified. (EtherType filter status is 'don't-care'. specific: If you want to filter a specific EtherType filter with this ACE, you can enter a specific EtherType value. A field for entering a EtherType value appears." ::= { tnAceEtherEntry 5 } tnAceEtherTypeVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1536..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When 'Specific' is selected for the EtherType filter, you can enter a specific EtherType value. The allowed range is 0x600 to 0xFFFF but excluding 0x800(IPv4), 0x806(ARP) and 0x86DD(IPv6). A frame that hits this ACE matches this EtherType value." ::= { tnAceEtherEntry 6 } -- tnAceArpTable tnAceArpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TnAceArpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the related configuration of ACE when frame type is ARP." ::= { tnAclMgmt 6 } tnAceArpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TnAceArpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This entry represents an ARP related ACE configuration." INDEX { entPhysicalIndex, tnAceIndex } ::= { tnAceArpTable 1 } TnAceArpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tnAceArpSmacFilter INTEGER, tnAceArpSmacVal MacAddress, tnAceArpDmacFilter INTEGER, tnAceArpParmArpRarp INTEGER, tnAceArpParmRequestReply INTEGER, tnAceArpParmSenderIpFilter HostOrNetworkOrAny, tnAceArpParmSenderIpAddress InetAddress, tnAceArpParmSenderIpMask InetAddress, tnAceArpParmTargetIpFilter HostOrNetworkOrAny, tnAceArpParmTargetIpAddress InetAddress, tnAceArpParmTargetIpMask InetAddress, tnAceArpSenderMacMatch TruthValueOrAny, tnAceArpRarpTargetMacMatch TruthValueOrAny, tnAceArpIpEthernetLength TruthValueOrAny, tnAceArpIp TruthValueOrAny, tnAceArpEthernet TruthValueOrAny } tnAceArpSmacFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ any(1), specific(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the source MAC filter for this ACE. any: No SMAC filter is specified. (SMAC filter status is 'dont-care'.) specific: If you want to filter a specific source MAC address with this ACE, choose this value. A field for entering an SMAC value appears." ::= { tnAceArpEntry 1 } tnAceArpSmacVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When 'Specific' is selected for the SMAC/DMAC filter, you can enter a specific value. The legal format is 'xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx' or 'xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx' or 'xxxxxxxxxxxx' (x is a hexadecimal digit). A frame that hits this ACE matches this SMAC value." ::= { tnAceArpEntry 2 } tnAceArpDmacFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ any(1), unicast(2), multicast(3), broadcast(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the destination MAC filter for this ACE. any: No DMAC filter is specified. (DMAC filter status is 'dont-care'.) unicast: Frame must be unicast. multicast: Frame must be multicast. broadcast: Frame must be broadcast. " ::= { tnAceArpEntry 3 } tnAceArpParmArpRarp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ any(1), arp(2), rarp(3), other(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the available ARP/RARP opcode (OP) flag for this ACE. any: No ARP/RARP OP flag is specified. (OP is 'dont-care'.) arp: Frame must have ARP/RARP opcode set to ARP. rarp: Frame must have ARP/RARP opcode set to RARP. other: Frame has unknown ARP/RARP Opcode flag." ::= { tnAceArpEntry 4 } tnAceArpParmRequestReply OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ any(1), request(2), reply(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the available requset/reply opcode (OP) flag for this ACE. any: No ARP/RARP OP flag is specified. (OP is 'dont-care'.) request: Frame must have ARP Request or RARP Request OP flag set. reply: Frame must have ARP Reply or RARP Reply OP flag." ::= { tnAceArpEntry 5 } tnAceArpParmSenderIpFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HostOrNetworkOrAny MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the sender IP filter for this ACE. any: No sender filter is specified. (sender ip filter status is 'don't-care'.) host: If you want to filter a specific host address with this ECE, choose this value. A field for entering a host address appears. network: If you want to filter a specific network address with this ECE, choose this value. A Two fields for entering a specific network address and network mask appears." ::= { tnAceArpEntry 6 } tnAceArpParmSenderIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When 'Host' or 'Network' is selected for the sender ip filter, you can enter a specific host or network address." ::= { tnAceArpEntry 7 } tnAceArpParmSenderIpMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When 'Network' is selected for the sender ip filter, you can enter a specific network mask." ::= { tnAceArpEntry 8 } tnAceArpParmTargetIpFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HostOrNetworkOrAny MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the target IP filter for this ACE. any: No sender filter is specified. (target ip filter status is 'don't-care'.) host: If you want to filter a specific host address with this ECE, choose this value. A field for entering a host address appears. network: If you want to filter a specific network address with this ECE, choose this value. A Two fields for entering a specific network address and network mask appears." ::= { tnAceArpEntry 9 } tnAceArpParmTargetIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When 'Host' or 'Network' is selected for the target ip filter, you can enter a specific host or network address." ::= { tnAceArpEntry 10 } tnAceArpParmTargetIpMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When 'Network' is selected for the target ip filter, you can enter a specific network mask." ::= { tnAceArpEntry 11 } tnAceArpSenderMacMatch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValueOrAny MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify whether frames can hit the action according to their sender hardware address field (SHA) settings. 0: ARP frames where SHA is not equal to the SMAC address. 1: ARP frames where SHA is equal to the SMAC address. Any: Any value is allowed ('dont-care')." ::= { tnAceArpEntry 12 } tnAceArpRarpTargetMacMatch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValueOrAny MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify whether frames can hit the action according to their target hardware address field (THA) settings. 0: RARP frames where THA is not equal to the SMAC address. 1: RARP frames where THA is equal to the SMAC address. Any: Any value is allowed ('dont-care')." ::= { tnAceArpEntry 13 } tnAceArpIpEthernetLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValueOrAny MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify whether frames can hit the action according to their ARP/RARP hardware address length (HLN) and protocol address length (PLN) settings. 0: ARP/RARP frames where the HLN is not equal to Ethernet (0x06) or the (PLN) is not equal to IPv4 (0x04). 1: ARP/RARP frames where the HLN is equal to Ethernet (0x06) and the (PLN) is equal to IPv4 (0x04). Any: Any value is allowed ('dont-care')." ::= { tnAceArpEntry 14 } tnAceArpIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValueOrAny MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify whether frames can hit the action according to their ARP/RARP hardware address space (HRD) settings. 0: ARP/RARP frames where the HLD is not equal to Ethernet (1). 1: ARP/RARP frames where the HLD is equal to Ethernet (1). Any: Any value is allowed ('dont-care')." ::= { tnAceArpEntry 15 } tnAceArpEthernet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValueOrAny MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify whether frames can hit the action according to their ARP/RARP protocol address space (PRO) settings. 0: ARP/RARP frames where the PRO is not equal to IP (0x800). 1: ARP/RARP frames where the PRO is equal to IP (0x800). Any: Any value is allowed ('dont-care')." ::= { tnAceArpEntry 16 } -- tnAceIpv4Table tnAceIpv4Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TnAceIpv4Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the related configuration of ACE when frame type is IPv4." ::= { tnAclMgmt 7 } tnAceIpv4Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TnAceIpv4Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This entry represents an IPv4 related ACE configuration." INDEX { entPhysicalIndex, tnAceIndex } ::= { tnAceIpv4Table 1 } TnAceIpv4Entry ::= SEQUENCE { tnAceIpv4ProtoFilter INTEGER, tnAceIpv4ProtoValue INTEGER, tnAceIpv4Ttl INTEGER, tnAceIpv4Fragment INTEGER, tnAceIpv4Option INTEGER, tnAceIpv4SipFilter HostOrNetworkOrAny, tnAceIpv4SipAddress InetAddress, tnAceIpv4SipMask InetAddress, tnAceIpv4DipFilter HostOrNetworkOrAny, tnAceIpv4DipAddress InetAddress, tnAceIpv4DipMask InetAddress, --ICMP tnAceIpv4IcmpTypeFilter INTEGER, tnAceIpv4IcmpTypeValue INTEGER, tnAceIpv4IcmpCodeFilter INTEGER, tnAceIpv4IcmpCodeValue INTEGER, --UDP/TCP tnAceIPv4SrcPortFilterType INTEGER, tnAceIPv4SrcPortFilterNo INTEGER, tnAceIPv4SrcPortRangeStart INTEGER, tnAceIPv4SrcPortRangeEnd INTEGER, tnAceIPv4DstPortFilterType INTEGER, tnAceIPv4DstPortFilterNo INTEGER, tnAceIPv4DstPortRangeStart INTEGER, tnAceIPv4DstPortRangeEnd INTEGER, --TCP tnAceIPv4TcpFin TruthValueOrAny, tnAceIPv4TcpSyn TruthValueOrAny, tnAceIPv4TcpRst TruthValueOrAny, tnAceIPv4TcpPsh TruthValueOrAny, tnAceIPv4TcpAck TruthValueOrAny, tnAceIPv4TcpUrg TruthValueOrAny } tnAceIpv4ProtoFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ any(1), other(2), icmp(3), udp(4), tcp(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the IP protocol filter for this ACE. any: No IP protocol filter is specified. (Protocol filter status is 'don't-care'.) other: If you want to filter a specific IP protocol filter with this ACE, choose this value. A field for entering an IP protocol filter appears. icmp: Select ICMP to filter IPv4 ICMP protocol frames. Extra fields for defining ICMP parameters will appear. These fields are explained later in this help file. udp: Select UDP to filter IPv4 UDP protocol frames. Extra fields for defining UDP parameters will appear. These fields are explained later in this help file. tcp: Select TCP to filter IPv4 TCP protocol frames. Extra fields for defining TCP parameters will appear. These fields are explained later in this help file." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 1 } tnAceIpv4ProtoValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When 'Specific' is selected for the IP protocol value, you can enter a specific value. The allowed range is 0 to 255. A frame that hits this ACE matches this IP protocol value." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 2 } tnAceIpv4Ttl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ any(1), zero(2), nonZero(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the Time-to-Live settings for this ACE. zero: IPv4 frames with a Time-to-Live field greater than zero must not be able to match this entry. nonZero: IPv4 frames with a Time-to-Live field greater than zero must be able to match this entry. any: Any value is allowed ('don't-care')." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 3 } tnAceIpv4Fragment OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { any(1), yes(2), no(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the fragment offset settings for this ACE. This involves the settings for the More Fragments (MF) bit and the Fragment Offset (FRAG OFFSET) field for an IPv4 frame. any: Any value is allowed ('don't-care'). yes: IPv4 frames where the MF bit is set or the FRAG OFFSET field is greater than zero must be able to match this entry. no: IPv4 frames where the MF bit is set or the FRAG OFFSET field is greater than zero must not be able to match this entry." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 4 } tnAceIpv4Option OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { any(1), yes(2), no(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the options flag setting for this ACE. any: Any value is allowed ('don't-care'). yes: IPv4 frames where the options flag is set must be able to match this entry. no: IPv4 frames where the options flag is set must not be able to match this entry." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 5 } tnAceIpv4SipFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HostOrNetworkOrAny MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the source IP filter for this ACE. any: No source IP filter is specified. (source ip filter is 'don't-care'.) host: Source IP filter is set to Host. Specify the source IP address in the SIP Address field that appears. network: Source IP filter is set to Network. Specify the source IP address and source IP mask in the SIP Address and SIP Mask fields that appear." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 6 } tnAceIpv4SipAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When 'Host' or 'Network' is selected for the source ip filter, you can enter a specific host or network address." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 7 } tnAceIpv4SipMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When 'Network' is selected for the source ip filter, you can enter a specific network mask." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 8 } tnAceIpv4DipFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HostOrNetworkOrAny MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the destination IP filter for this ACE. any: No destination IP filter is specified. (source ip filter is 'don't-care'.) host: Destination IP filter is set to Host. Specify the destination IP address in the SIP Address field that appears. network: Destination IP filter is set to Network. Specify the destination IP address and source IP mask in the DIP Address and DIP Mask fields that appear." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 9 } tnAceIpv4DipAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When 'Host' or 'Network' is selected for the destination ip filter, you can enter a specific host or network address." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 10 } tnAceIpv4DipMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When 'Network' is selected for the destination ip filter, you can enter a specific network mask." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 11 } tnAceIpv4IcmpTypeFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ any(1), specific(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the ICMP filter for this ACE. any: No ICMP filter is specified. (ICMP filter status is 'dont-care'.) specific: If you want to filter a specific ICMP filter with this ACE, you can enter a specific ICMP value. A field for entering an ICMP value appears." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 12 } tnAceIpv4IcmpTypeValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When 'Specific' is selected for the ICMP filter, you can enter a specific ICMP value. The allowed range is 0 to 255. A frame that hits this ACE matches this ICMP value." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 13 } tnAceIpv4IcmpCodeFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ any(1), specific(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the ICMP code filter for this ACE. any: No ICMP code is specified. (ICMP filter status is 'dont-care'.) specific: If you want to filter a specific ICMP code filter with this ACE, you can enter a specific ICMP code value. A field for entering an ICMP code value appears." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 14 } tnAceIpv4IcmpCodeValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When 'Specific' is selected for the ICMP code filter, you can enter a specific ICMP code value. The allowed range is 0 to 255. A frame that hits this ACE matches this ICMP code value." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 15 } tnAceIPv4SrcPortFilterType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ any(1), specific(2), range(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TCP/UDP source port for matching the ACE. It only significant if protocol filter 'UDP' or 'TCP' is selected. The possible values are: any: No TCP/UDP source port filter is specified. (Source port filter status is 'don't-care'.) specific: If you want to filter a specific TCP/UDP source port No. with this ACE, choose this value. A field for entering a specific source port No. appears. range: If you want to filter a specific TCP/UDP source port range filter with this ACE, choose this value. A field for entering a range appears." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 16 } tnAceIPv4SrcPortFilterNo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When 'Specific' is selected for the source port filter, you can enter a specific value. The allowed value is from 0 through 65535." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 17 } tnAceIPv4SrcPortRangeStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When 'Range' is selected for the source port filter, you can enter a specific range. The allowed range start is from 0 through 65535." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 18 } tnAceIPv4SrcPortRangeEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When 'Range' is selected for the source port filter, you can enter a specific range. The allowed range end is from 0 through 65535." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 19 } tnAceIPv4DstPortFilterType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ any(1), specific(2), range(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TCP/UDP destination port for matching the ACE. It only significant if protocol filter 'UDP' or 'TCP' is selected. The possible values are: any: No TCP/UDP destination port filter is specified. (Destination port filter status is 'don't-care'.) specific: If you want to filter a specific TCP/UDP destination port No. with this ACE, choose this value. A field for entering a specific No. appears. range: If you want to filter a specific TCP/UDP destination port range filter with this ACE, choose this value. A field for entering a range appears." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 20 } tnAceIPv4DstPortFilterNo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When 'Specific' is selected for the destination port filter, you can enter a specific value. The allowed value is from 0 through 65535." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 21 } tnAceIPv4DstPortRangeStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When 'Range' is selected for the destination port filter, you can enter a specific range. The allowed range start is from 0 through 65535." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 22 } tnAceIPv4DstPortRangeEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When 'Range' is selected for the destination port filter, you can enter a specific range. The allowed range end is from 0 through 65535." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 23 } tnAceIPv4TcpFin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValueOrAny MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the TCP 'No more data from sender' (FIN) value for this ACE. 0: TCP frames where the FIN field is set must not be able to match this entry. 1: TCP frames where the FIN field is set must be able to match this entry. Any: Any value is allowed ('dont-care')." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 24 } tnAceIPv4TcpSyn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValueOrAny MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the TCP 'Synchronize sequence numbers' (SYN) value for this ACE. 0: TCP frames where the SYN field is set must not be able to match this entry. 1: TCP frames where the SYN field is set must be able to match this entry. Any: Any value is allowed ('dont-care')." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 25 } tnAceIPv4TcpRst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValueOrAny MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the TCP 'Reset the connection' (RST) value for this ACE. 0: TCP frames where the RST field is set must not be able to match this entry. 1: TCP frames where the RST field is set must be able to match this entry. Any: Any value is allowed ('dont-care')." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 26 } tnAceIPv4TcpPsh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValueOrAny MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the TCP 'Push Function' (PSH) value for this ACE. 0: TCP frames where the PSH field is set must not be able to match this entry. 1: TCP frames where the PSH field is set must be able to match this entry. Any: Any value is allowed ('dont-care')." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 27 } tnAceIPv4TcpAck OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValueOrAny MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the TCP 'Acknowledgment field significant' (ACK) value for this ACE. 0: TCP frames where the ACK field is set must not be able to match this entry. 1: TCP frames where the ACK field is set must be able to match this entry. Any: Any value is allowed ('dont-care')." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 28 } tnAceIPv4TcpUrg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValueOrAny MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the TCP 'Urgent Pointer field significant' (URG) value for this ACE. 0: TCP frames where the URG field is set must not be able to match this entry. 1: TCP frames where the URG field is set must be able to match this entry. Any: Any value is allowed ('dont-care')." ::= { tnAceIpv4Entry 29 } -- ACL Status tnAclStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TnAclStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table shows the ACL status by different ACL users. Each row describes the ACE that is defined. It is a conflict if a specific ACE is not applied to the hardware due to hardware limitations. The maximum number of ACEs is 256 on each switch." ::= { tnAclMgmt 8 } tnAclStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TnAclStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This entry represents ACL status by different ACL users." INDEX { entPhysicalIndex, tnAclStatusUser, tnAceIndex } ::= { tnAclStatusTable 1 } TnAclStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tnAclStatusUser INTEGER, tnAclStatusIngressPort PortList, tnAclStatusFrameType INTEGER, tnAclStatusEtypeVal INTEGER, tnAclStatusAction INTEGER, tnAclStatusRateLimiter RateLimiterValue, tnAclStatusPortRedirect PortList, tnAclStatusMirror INTEGER, tnAclStatusCpu INTEGER, tnAclStatusCpuOnce INTEGER, tnAclStatusCounter Counter32, tnAclStatusConflict INTEGER } tnAclStatusUser OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { static(1), ipsourceguard(2), ipmc(3), mep(4), arpinspection(5), ptp(6), dhcp(7), loopprotect(8), ethersat(9), linkoam(10) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the ACL user." ::= { tnAclStatusEntry 1 } tnAclStatusIngressPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortList MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the ingress port of the ACE. Possible values are: All: The ACE will match all ingress port. Port: The ACE will match a specific ingress port." ::= { tnAclStatusEntry 2 } tnAclStatusFrameType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { any(1), eType(2), arp(3), ipv4(4), ipv4icmp(5), ipv4udp(6), ipv4tcp(7), ipv4other(8), ipv6(9) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the frame type of the ACE. Possible values are: Any: The ACE will match any frame type. EType: The ACE will match Ethernet Type frames. Note that an Ethernet Type based ACE will not get matched by IP and ARP frames. ARP: The ACE will match ARP/RARP frames. IPv4: The ACE will match all IPv4 frames. IPv4/ICMP: The ACE will match IPv4 frames with ICMP protocol. IPv4/UDP: The ACE will match IPv4 frames with UDP protocol. IPv4/TCP: The ACE will match IPv4 frames with TCP protocol. IPv4/Other: The ACE will match IPv4 frames, which are not ICMP/UDP/TCP. IPv6: The ACE will match all IPv6 standard frames." ::= { tnAclStatusEntry 3 } tnAclStatusEtypeVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type value when frame type of the ACE is Ethernet Type." ::= { tnAclStatusEntry 4 } tnAclStatusAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { permit(1), deny(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the forwarding action of the ACE. Permit: Frames matching the ACE may be forwarded and learned. Deny: Frames matching the ACE are dropped." ::= { tnAclStatusEntry 5 } tnAclStatusRateLimiter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RateLimiterValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the rate limiter number of the ACE. The allowed range is 1 to 16. When Disabled is displayed, the rate limiter operation is disabled." ::= { tnAclStatusEntry 6 } tnAclStatusPortRedirect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortList MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the port redirect operation of the ACE. Frames matching the ACE are redirected to the port number. The allowed values are Disabled or a specific port number. When Disabled is displayed, the port redirect operation is disabled." ::= { tnAclStatusEntry 7 } tnAclStatusMirror OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the mirror operation of this port. The allowed values are: Enabled: Frames received on the port are mirrored. Disabled: Frames received on the port are not mirrored. The default value is 'Disabled'." ::= { tnAclStatusEntry 8 } tnAclStatusCpu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes(1), no(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Forward packet that matched the specific ACE to CPU." ::= { tnAclStatusEntry 9 } tnAclStatusCpuOnce OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes(1), no(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Forward first packet that matched the specific ACE to CPU." ::= { tnAclStatusEntry 10 } tnAclStatusCounter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The counter indicates the number of times the ACE was hit by a frame." ::= { tnAclStatusEntry 11 } tnAclStatusConflict OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes(1), no(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the hardware status of the specific ACE. The specific ACE is not applied to the hardware due to hardware limitations." ::= { tnAclStatusEntry 12 } END