-- ***************************************************************** -- TN-LLDP-MIB.mib : TN LLPD private MIB -- -- Copyright (c) 2015 by Transition Networks, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- -- ***************************************************************** TN-LLDP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC tnProducts FROM TRANSITION-SMI Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC TNDisplayString FROM TN-TC TNInteger64 FROM TN-TC TNInterfaceIndex FROM TN-TC TNRowEditorState FROM TN-TC TNUnsigned16 FROM TN-TC TNUnsigned64 FROM TN-TC TNUnsigned8 FROM TN-TC ; tnLldpMib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201506080000Z" ORGANIZATION "Transition Networks, Inc." CONTACT-INFO "Transition Networks Technical Support 10900 Red Circle Drive Minnetonka, MN 55343 USA Tel: +1-800-526-9267 E-mail: techsupport@transition.com" DESCRIPTION "This is a private version of the LLDP MIB" REVISION "201506080000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial version" ::= { tnProducts 151 } TNlldpAdminState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This enumerations the admin state." SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), txAndRx(1), txOnly(2), rxOnly(3) } TNlldpmedAltitudeType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This enumerations the altitude type." SYNTAX INTEGER { meters(1), floors(2) } TNlldpmedCivicAddressType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This enumerations the civic address type." SYNTAX INTEGER { state(1), county(2), city(3), district(4), block(5), street(6), leadingStreetDirection(16), trailingStreetSuffix(17), streetSuffix(18), houseNo(19), houseNoSuffix(20), landmark(21), additionalInformation(22), name(23), zipCode(24), building(25), apartment(26), floor(27), roomNumber(28), placeType(29), postalCommunityName(30), poBox(31), additionalCode(32) } TNlldpmedDatumType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This enumerations the datum (geodetic system)." SYNTAX INTEGER { wgs84(1), nad83navd88(2), nad83mllw(3) } TNlldpmedDeviceType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This enumerations the device type that the device shall operate as." SYNTAX INTEGER { connectivity(0), endpoint(1) } TNlldpmedRemoteDeviceType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This enumerations the remote neighbor's device type." SYNTAX INTEGER { notDefined(0), endpointClassI(1), endpointClassII(2), endpointClassIII(3), networkConnectivity(4), reserved(5) } TNlldpmedRemoteNetworkPolicyApplicationType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This enumerations the remote neighbor's network policy's application type." SYNTAX INTEGER { voice(1), voiceSignaling(2), guestVoice(3), guestVoiceSignaling(4), softphoneVoice(5), videoConferencing(6), streamingVideo(7), videoSignaling(8) } tnLldpMibObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnLldpMib 1 } tnLldpConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnLldpMibObjects 2 } tnLldpConfigGlobal OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnLldpConfig 1 } tnLldpConfigGlobalReInitDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNUnsigned16 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set the LLDP tx reinitialization delay in seconds. Valid range 1-10. When a port is disabled, LLDP is disabled or the switch is rebooted, a LLDP shutdown frame is transmitted to the neighboring units, signaling that the LLDP information isn't valid anymore. Tx reinitialization delay controls the amount of seconds between the shutdown frame and a new LLDP initialization. Note: Must be less than 0.25 times the Tx interval." ::= { tnLldpConfigGlobal 1 } tnLldpConfigGlobalMsgTxHold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNUnsigned16 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set the LLDP tx hold times . Valid range 2-10. Each LLDP frame contains information about how long time the information in the LLDP frame shall be considered valid. The LLDP information valid period is set to tx hold times multiplied by tx interval seconds." ::= { tnLldpConfigGlobal 2 } tnLldpConfigGlobalMsgTxInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNUnsigned16 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set the LLDP tx interval in seconds. The switch periodically transmits LLDP frames to its neighbors for having the network discovery information up-to-date. The interval between each LLDP frame is determined by the tx Interval value. Valid range 5-32768 seconds." ::= { tnLldpConfigGlobal 3 } tnLldpConfigGlobalTxDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNUnsigned16 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set the LLDP tx delay in seconds. Valid range 1-8192. If some configuration is changed (e.g. the IP address) a new LLDP frame is transmitted, but the time between the LLDP frames will always be at least the value of tx delay seconds. Note: tx Delay cannot be larger than 1/4 of the tx interval." ::= { tnLldpConfigGlobal 4 } tnLldpConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNLldpConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a table to configure LLDP configurations for a specific interface." ::= { tnLldpConfig 2 } tnLldpConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNLldpConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each interface has a set of control parameters" INDEX { tnLldpConfigIfIndex } ::= { tnLldpConfigTable 1 } TNLldpConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tnLldpConfigIfIndex TNInterfaceIndex, tnLldpConfigAdminState TNlldpAdminState, tnLldpConfigCdpAware TruthValue, tnLldpConfigOptionalTlvs TNUnsigned8 } tnLldpConfigIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNInterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Logical interface number index." ::= { tnLldpConfigEntry 1 } tnLldpConfigAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNlldpAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sets the LLDP admin state for the interface." ::= { tnLldpConfigEntry 3 } tnLldpConfigCdpAware OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables/disables CDP awareness for the interface. CDP is Cisco's equivalent to LLDP. The CDP operation is restricted to decoding incoming CDP frames (The switch doesn't transmit CDP frames). CDP frames are only decoded if LLDP on the port is enabled. Only CDP TLVs that can be mapped to a corresponding field in the LLDP neighbors' table are decoded. All other TLVs are discarded (Unrecognized CDP TLVs and discarded CDP frames are not shown in the LLDP statistics.). CDP TLVs are mapped onto LLDP neighbors' table as shown below. CDP TLV 'Device ID' is mapped to the LLDP 'Chassis ID' field. CDP TLV 'Address' is mapped to the LLDP 'Management Address' field. The CDP address TLV can contain multiple addresses, but only the first address is shown in the LLDP neighbors table. CDP TLV 'Port ID' is mapped to the LLDP 'Port ID' field. CDP TLV 'Version and Platform' is mapped to the LLDP 'System Description' field. Both the CDP and LLDP support 'system capabilities', but the CDP capabilities cover capabilities that are not part of the LLDP. These capabilities are shown as 'others' in the LLDP neighbors' table. If all ports have CDP awareness disabled the switch forwards CDP frames received from neighbor devices. If at least one port has CDP awareness enabled all CDP frames are terminated by the switch. Note: When CDP awareness on a port is disabled the CDP information isn't removed immediately, but gets removed when the hold time is exceeded." ::= { tnLldpConfigEntry 4 } tnLldpConfigOptionalTlvs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNUnsigned8 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables/Disables the LLDP optional TLVs. Bit mask, where setting the bit to 1 means enable transmission of the corresponding TLV. Bit 0 represents Port Description TLV. Bit 1 represents System Name TLV. Bit 2 represents System Description. Bit 3 represents System Capabilities TLV. Bit 4 represents Management Address TLV." ::= { tnLldpConfigEntry 5 } tnLldpConfigMed OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnLldpConfig 3 } tnLldpConfigMedTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNLldpConfigMedEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a table to configure LLDP MEDIA configurations for a specific interface." ::= { tnLldpConfigMed 1 } tnLldpConfigMedEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNLldpConfigMedEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each interface has a set of control parameters" INDEX { tnLldpConfigMedIfIndex } ::= { tnLldpConfigMedTable 1 } TNLldpConfigMedEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tnLldpConfigMedIfIndex TNInterfaceIndex, tnLldpConfigMedOptionalTlvs TNUnsigned8, tnLldpConfigMedDeviceType TNlldpmedDeviceType } tnLldpConfigMedIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNInterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Logical interface number index." ::= { tnLldpConfigMedEntry 1 } tnLldpConfigMedOptionalTlvs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNUnsigned8 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables/Disables the LLDP optional TLVs. Bit mask, where setting the bit to 1 means enable transmission of the corresponding optional TLV. Bit 0 represents the capabilities TLV. Bit 1 represents the network Policy TLV. Bit 2 represents the location TLV. Bit 3 represents the PoE TLV." ::= { tnLldpConfigMedEntry 3 } tnLldpConfigMedDeviceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNlldpmedDeviceType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting device type to configure the mode the device shall operate as." ::= { tnLldpConfigMedEntry 4 } tnLldpConfigMedPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNLldpConfigMedPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a table to configure LLDP MED Policies for the device." ::= { tnLldpConfigMed 2 } tnLldpConfigMedPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNLldpConfigMedPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Network Policy Discovery enables the efficient discovery and diagnosis of mismatch issues with the VLAN configuration, along with the associated Layer 2 and Layer 3 attributes, which apply for a set of specific protocol applications on that port. Improper network policy configurations are a very significant issue in VoIP environments that frequently result in voice quality degradation or loss of service. Policies are only intended for use with applications that have specific 'real-time' network policy requirements, such as interactive voice and/or video services." INDEX { tnLldpConfigMedPolicyLldpmedPolicy } ::= { tnLldpConfigMedPolicyTable 1 } TNLldpConfigMedPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tnLldpConfigMedPolicyLldpmedPolicy Integer32, tnLldpConfigMedPolicyApplicationType TNlldpmedRemoteNetworkPolicyApplicationType, tnLldpConfigMedPolicyTagged TruthValue, tnLldpConfigMedPolicyVlanId TNUnsigned16, tnLldpConfigMedPolicyL2Priority TNUnsigned8, tnLldpConfigMedPolicyDscp TNUnsigned8, tnLldpConfigMedPolicyAction TNRowEditorState } tnLldpConfigMedPolicyLldpmedPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..31) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Policy index." ::= { tnLldpConfigMedPolicyEntry 1 } tnLldpConfigMedPolicyApplicationType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNlldpmedRemoteNetworkPolicyApplicationType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The LLDP policy application type." ::= { tnLldpConfigMedPolicyEntry 3 } tnLldpConfigMedPolicyTagged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The LLDP policy tagged flag. Defines if LLDP policy uses tagged VLAN." ::= { tnLldpConfigMedPolicyEntry 4 } tnLldpConfigMedPolicyVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNUnsigned16 (1..4095) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The LLDP policy VLAN ID. Only valid when policy 'Tagged' is TRUE" ::= { tnLldpConfigMedPolicyEntry 5 } tnLldpConfigMedPolicyL2Priority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNUnsigned8 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The LLDP policy L2 priority." ::= { tnLldpConfigMedPolicyEntry 6 } tnLldpConfigMedPolicyDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNUnsigned8 (0..63) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The LLDP policy DSCP." ::= { tnLldpConfigMedPolicyEntry 7 } tnLldpConfigMedPolicyAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNRowEditorState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Action" ::= { tnLldpConfigMedPolicyEntry 100 } tnLldpConfigMedPolicyListTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNLldpConfigMedPolicyListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each interface can be mapped to multiple policies. Set to TRUE in order to enable the corresponding policy to be transmitted at the interface. It is a requirement that the policy is defined." ::= { tnLldpConfigMed 3 } tnLldpConfigMedPolicyListEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNLldpConfigMedPolicyListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each location information has a control parameter" INDEX { tnLldpConfigMedPolicyListIfIndex, tnLldpConfigMedPolicyListLldpmedPolicy } ::= { tnLldpConfigMedPolicyListTable 1 } TNLldpConfigMedPolicyListEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tnLldpConfigMedPolicyListIfIndex TNInterfaceIndex, tnLldpConfigMedPolicyListLldpmedPolicy Integer32, tnLldpConfigMedPolicyListLldpmedPoliciesList TruthValue } tnLldpConfigMedPolicyListIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNInterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Logical interface number index." ::= { tnLldpConfigMedPolicyListEntry 1 } tnLldpConfigMedPolicyListLldpmedPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..31) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Policy index." ::= { tnLldpConfigMedPolicyListEntry 3 } tnLldpConfigMedPolicyListLldpmedPoliciesList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set to TRUE assign the corresponding policy index to the interface." ::= { tnLldpConfigMedPolicyListEntry 4 } tnLldpConfigMedGlobal OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnLldpConfigMed 4 } tnLldpConfigMedGlobalFastRepeatCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNUnsigned8 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of times to repeat LLDP frame transmission at fast start Rapid startup and Emergency Call Service Location Identification Discovery of endpoints is a critically important aspect of VoIP systems in general. In addition, it is best to advertise only those pieces of information which are specifically relevant to particular endpoint types (for example only advertise the voice network policy to permitted voice-capable devices), both in order to conserve the limited LLDPU space and to reduce security and system integrity issues that can come with inappropriate knowledge of the network policy. With this in mind LLDP-MED defines an LLDP-MED Fast Start interaction between the protocol and the application layers on top of the protocol, in order to achieve these related properties. Initially, a Network Connectivity Device will only transmit LLDP TLVs in an LLDPDU. Only after an LLDP-MED Endpoint Device is detected, will an LLDP-MED capable Network Connectivity Device start to advertise LLDP-MED TLVs in outgoing LLDPDUs on the associated port. The LLDP-MED application will temporarily speed up the transmission of the LLDPDU to start within a second, when a new LLDP-MED neighbor has been detected in order share LLDP-MED information as fast as possible to new neighbors. Because there is a risk of an LLDP frame being lost during transmission between neighbors, it is recommended to repeat the fast start transmission multiple times to increase the possibility of the neighbors receiving the LLDP frame. With fast start repeat count it is possible to specify the number of times the fast start transmission would be repeated. The recommended value is 4 times, given that 4 LLDP frames with a 1 second interval will be transmitted, when an LLDP frame with new information is received. It should be noted that LLDP-MED and the LLDP-MED Fast Start mechanism is only intended to run on links between LLDP-MED Network Connectivity Devices and Endpoint Devices, and as such does not apply to links between LAN infrastructure elements, including Network Connectivity Devices, or other types of links." ::= { tnLldpConfigMedGlobal 1 } tnLldpConfigMedGlobalLatitude OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNInteger64 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Latitude degrees in 2s-complement as specified in RFC 3825. Positive numbers are north of the equator and negative numbers are south of the equator." ::= { tnLldpConfigMedGlobal 2 } tnLldpConfigMedGlobalLongitude OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNInteger64 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Longitude degrees in 2s-complement as specified in RFC 3825. Positive values are East of the prime meridian and negative numbers are West of the prime meridian." ::= { tnLldpConfigMedGlobal 3 } tnLldpConfigMedGlobalAltitudeType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNlldpmedAltitudeType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting altitude type Possible to select between two altitude types (floors or meters). Meters are representing meters of altitude defined by the vertical datum specified. Floors are representing altitude in a form more relevant in buildings which have different floor-to-floor dimensions. An altitude = 0.0 is meaningful even outside a building, and represents ground level at the given latitude and longitude. Inside a building, 0.0 represents the floor level associated with ground level at the main entrance." ::= { tnLldpConfigMedGlobal 4 } tnLldpConfigMedGlobalAltitude OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Altitude value in 2s-complement as specified in RFC 3825" ::= { tnLldpConfigMedGlobal 5 } tnLldpConfigMedGlobalElinAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..25)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Emergency Call Service ELIN identifier data format is defined to carry the ELIN identifier as used during emergency call setup to a traditional CAMA or ISDN trunk-based PSAP. This format consists of a numerical digit string, corresponding to the ELIN to be used for emergency calling. Maximum number of octets are 25." ::= { tnLldpConfigMedGlobal 6 } tnLldpConfigMedGlobalDatum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNlldpmedDatumType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting datum to configure the datum (geodetic system) to use. The Map Datum is used for the coordinates given in these options: WGS84: (Geographical 3D) - World Geodesic System 1984, CRS Code 4327, Prime Meridian Name: Greenwich. NAD83/NAVD88: North American Datum 1983, CRS Code 4269, Prime Meridian Name: Greenwich;The associated vertical datum is the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88).This datum pair is to be used when referencing locations on land, not near tidal water(which would use Datum = NAD83/MLLW). NAD83/MLLW: North American Datum 1983, CRS Code 4269, Prime Meridian Name: Greenwich; The associated vertical datum is Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW). This datum pair is to be used when referencing locations on water/sea/ocean." ::= { tnLldpConfigMedGlobal 7 } tnLldpConfigMedGlobalCountryCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..2)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The two-letter ISO 3166 country code in capital ASCII letters - Example: DK, DE or US." ::= { tnLldpConfigMedGlobal 8 } tnLldpConfigMedLocationInformationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNLldpConfigMedLocationInformationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The civic address location information. Each civic address can contain up to 250 characters, but the total amount of characters for the combined civic address locations must not exceed 250 bytes. Note: If an civic address location is non-empty it uses the amount of characters plus addition two characters. This is described in TIA1057, Section" ::= { tnLldpConfigMed 5 } tnLldpConfigMedLocationInformationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNLldpConfigMedLocationInformationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each civic address type as defined in TIA1057, Section 3.4 in Annex B" INDEX { tnLldpConfigMedLocationInformationLldpmedIndex } ::= { tnLldpConfigMedLocationInformationTable 1 } TNLldpConfigMedLocationInformationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tnLldpConfigMedLocationInformationLldpmedIndex TNlldpmedCivicAddressType, tnLldpConfigMedLocationInformationCivicAddress TNDisplayString } tnLldpConfigMedLocationInformationLldpmedIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNlldpmedCivicAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Civic address type. 1 - State/National subdivisions 2 - County, parish, gun (JP), district (IN) 3 - City, township 4 - City division, borough, city district, ward, chou (JP) 5 - Neighborhood, block 6 - Street 16 - Leading street direction 17 - Trailing street direction 18 - Street suffix 19 - House number 20 - House number suffix 21 - Landmark or vanity address 22 - Additional location information 23 - Name 24 - Postal/zip code 25 - Building 26 - Unit 27 - Floor 28 - Room 29 - Place type 30 - Postal 31 - Post office 32 - Additional code" ::= { tnLldpConfigMedLocationInformationEntry 2 } tnLldpConfigMedLocationInformationCivicAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..250)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Civic address" ::= { tnLldpConfigMedLocationInformationEntry 3 } tnLldpConfigMedPolicyRowEditor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnLldpConfigMed 6 } tnLldpConfigMedPolicyRowEditorLldpmedPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..31) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Policy index." ::= { tnLldpConfigMedPolicyRowEditor 1 } tnLldpConfigMedPolicyRowEditorApplicationType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNlldpmedRemoteNetworkPolicyApplicationType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The LLDP policy application type." ::= { tnLldpConfigMedPolicyRowEditor 3 } tnLldpConfigMedPolicyRowEditorTagged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The LLDP policy tagged flag. Defines if LLDP policy uses tagged VLAN." ::= { tnLldpConfigMedPolicyRowEditor 4 } tnLldpConfigMedPolicyRowEditorVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNUnsigned16 (1..4095) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The LLDP policy VLAN ID. Only valid when policy 'Tagged' is TRUE" ::= { tnLldpConfigMedPolicyRowEditor 5 } tnLldpConfigMedPolicyRowEditorL2Priority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNUnsigned8 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The LLDP policy L2 priority." ::= { tnLldpConfigMedPolicyRowEditor 6 } tnLldpConfigMedPolicyRowEditorDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNUnsigned8 (0..63) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The LLDP policy DSCP." ::= { tnLldpConfigMedPolicyRowEditor 7 } tnLldpConfigMedPolicyRowEditorAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNRowEditorState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Action" ::= { tnLldpConfigMedPolicyRowEditor 100 } tnLldpStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnLldpMibObjects 3 } tnLldpStatusStatistics OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnLldpStatus 1 } tnLldpStatusStatisticsGlobalCounters OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnLldpStatusStatistics 1 } tnLldpStatusStatisticsGlobalCountersTableInserts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the number of new entries added since switch reboot." ::= { tnLldpStatusStatisticsGlobalCounters 1 } tnLldpStatusStatisticsGlobalCountersTableDeletes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the number of new entries deleted since switch reboot." ::= { tnLldpStatusStatisticsGlobalCounters 2 } tnLldpStatusStatisticsGlobalCountersTableDrops OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the number of LLDP frames dropped due to the entry table being full." ::= { tnLldpStatusStatisticsGlobalCounters 3 } tnLldpStatusStatisticsGlobalCountersTableAgeOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the number of entries deleted due to Time-To-Live expiring." ::= { tnLldpStatusStatisticsGlobalCounters 4 } tnLldpStatusStatisticsGlobalCountersLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNUnsigned64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the time when the last entry was last deleted or added. It also shows the time elapsed since the last change was detected." ::= { tnLldpStatusStatisticsGlobalCounters 5 } tnLldpStatusStatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNLldpStatusStatisticsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table represents the LLDP interface counters" ::= { tnLldpStatusStatistics 2 } tnLldpStatusStatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNLldpStatusStatisticsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each port interface has a set of statistics counters" INDEX { tnLldpStatusStatisticsIfIndex } ::= { tnLldpStatusStatisticsTable 1 } TNLldpStatusStatisticsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tnLldpStatusStatisticsIfIndex TNInterfaceIndex, tnLldpStatusStatisticsTxTotal Unsigned32, tnLldpStatusStatisticsRxTotal Unsigned32, tnLldpStatusStatisticsRxError Unsigned32, tnLldpStatusStatisticsRxDiscarded Unsigned32, tnLldpStatusStatisticsTLVsDiscarded Unsigned32, tnLldpStatusStatisticsTLVsUnrecognized Unsigned32, tnLldpStatusStatisticsTLVsOrgDiscarded Unsigned32, tnLldpStatusStatisticsAgeOuts Unsigned32 } tnLldpStatusStatisticsIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNInterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Logical interface number index." ::= { tnLldpStatusStatisticsEntry 1 } tnLldpStatusStatisticsTxTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the number of LLDP frames transmitted." ::= { tnLldpStatusStatisticsEntry 2 } tnLldpStatusStatisticsRxTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the number of LLDP frames received." ::= { tnLldpStatusStatisticsEntry 3 } tnLldpStatusStatisticsRxError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the number of received LLDP frames containing some kind of error." ::= { tnLldpStatusStatisticsEntry 4 } tnLldpStatusStatisticsRxDiscarded OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Show the number of LLDP frames discarded. If a LLDP frame is received at an interface, and the switch's internal table has run full, the LLDP frame is counted and discarded. This situation is known as 'Too Many Neighbors' in the LLDP standard. LLDP frames require a new entry in the table when the Chassis ID or Remote Port ID is not already contained within the table. Entries are removed from the table when a given interface's link is down, an LLDP shutdown frame is received, or when the entry ages out." ::= { tnLldpStatusStatisticsEntry 5 } tnLldpStatusStatisticsTLVsDiscarded OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the number of TLVs discarded. Each LLDP frame can contain multiple pieces of information, known as TLVs (TLV is short for 'Type Length Value'). If a TLV is malformed, it is counted and discarded." ::= { tnLldpStatusStatisticsEntry 6 } tnLldpStatusStatisticsTLVsUnrecognized OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the number of well-formed TLVs, but with an unknown type value." ::= { tnLldpStatusStatisticsEntry 7 } tnLldpStatusStatisticsTLVsOrgDiscarded OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the number of well-formed TLVs, but with an organizationally TLV which is not supported." ::= { tnLldpStatusStatisticsEntry 8 } tnLldpStatusStatisticsAgeOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Show the number of age-outs. Each frame contains information about how long time the LLDP information is valid (age-out time). If no new LLDP frame is received within the age out time, the information is removed, and the counter is incremented." ::= { tnLldpStatusStatisticsEntry 9 } tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNLldpStatusNeighborsInformationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a table to show the LLDP neighbors information for a specific interface." ::= { tnLldpStatus 2 } tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNLldpStatusNeighborsInformationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each interface has a set of neighbors information" INDEX { tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationIfIndex, tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationLldpmedIndex } ::= { tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationTable 1 } TNLldpStatusNeighborsInformationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationIfIndex TNInterfaceIndex, tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationLldpmedIndex Integer32, tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationChassisId TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationPortId TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationPortDescription TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationSystemName TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationSystemDescription TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationSystemCapabilities TNUnsigned16, tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationSystemCapabilitiesEnable TNUnsigned16 } tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNInterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Logical interface number index." ::= { tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationEntry 1 } tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationLldpmedIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..192) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Neighbor information table entry index." ::= { tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationEntry 2 } tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationChassisId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..254)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the LLDP neighbor's chassis Id." ::= { tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationEntry 4 } tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..254)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the LLDP neighbor's port id." ::= { tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationEntry 5 } tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationPortDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..254)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the LLDP neighbor's port description." ::= { tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationEntry 6 } tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationSystemName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..254)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the LLDP neighbor's system name." ::= { tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationEntry 7 } tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationSystemDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..254)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the LLDP neighbor's system description." ::= { tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationEntry 8 } tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationSystemCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNUnsigned16 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the LLDP neighbor's system capabilities as bit mask. If the bit is set, it means that the functionality is supported by the neighbor system. Bit 0 represents Other. Bit 1 represents Repeater. Bit 2 represents Bridge. Bit 3 represents WLAN Access Point. Bit 4 represents Router. Bit 5 represents Telephone. Bit 6 represents DOCSIS cable device. Bit 7 represents Station Only. Bit 8 represents Reserved." ::= { tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationEntry 9 } tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationSystemCapabilitiesEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNUnsigned16 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the LLDP neighbor's system capabilities which is enabled. If the bit is set, it means that the functionality is currently enabled at the neighbor system. Bit 0 represents Other. Bit 1 represents Repeater. Bit 2 represents Bridge. Bit 3 represents WLAN Access Point. Bit 4 represents Router. Bit 5 represents Telephone. Bit 6 represents DOCSIS cable device. Bit 7 represents Station Only. Bit 8 represents Reserved." ::= { tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationEntry 10 } tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a table to show the LLDP neighbors information for a specific interface." ::= { tnLldpStatus 3 } tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each interface has a set of neighbors information" INDEX { tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationIfIndex, tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationLldpmedIndex, tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationLldpManagement } ::= { tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationTable 1 } TNLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationIfIndex TNInterfaceIndex, tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationLldpmedIndex Integer32, tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationLldpManagement Integer32, tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationSystemMgmAddressSubtype TNUnsigned8, tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationSystemMgmtAddress TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationSystemMgmtInterfaceSubtype Integer32, tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationSystemMgmtInterface Integer32, tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationSystemMgmtOid OBJECT IDENTIFIER } tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNInterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Logical interface number index." ::= { tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationEntry 1 } tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationLldpmedIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..192) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Neighbor information table entry index." ::= { tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationEntry 2 } tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationLldpManagement OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Neighbor management information table entry index." ::= { tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationEntry 4 } tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationSystemMgmAddressSubtype OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNUnsigned8 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LLDP neighbor's management address subtype , section IEEE802.1AB-2005." ::= { tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationEntry 5 } tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationSystemMgmtAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LLDP neighbor's management address string, section IEEE802.1AB-2005." ::= { tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationEntry 6 } tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationSystemMgmtInterfaceSubtype OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Interface numbering subtype, section IEEE802.1AB-2005." ::= { tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationEntry 7 } tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationSystemMgmtInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Interface number, section IEEE802.1AB-2005." ::= { tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationEntry 8 } tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationSystemMgmtOid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Object identifier, section IEEE802.1AB-2005." ::= { tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationEntry 9 } tnLldpStatusMed OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnLldpStatus 4 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a table to show the LLDP neighbors information for a specific interface." ::= { tnLldpStatusMed 1 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each interface has a set of neighbors information" INDEX { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoIfIndex, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoLldpmedIndex } ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoTable 1 } TNLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoIfIndex TNInterfaceIndex, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoLldpmedIndex Integer32, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoCapabilities TNUnsigned16, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoCapabilitiesEnabled TNUnsigned16, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoLatitude TNInteger64, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoLongitude TNInteger64, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoAltitudeType TNlldpmedAltitudeType, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoAltitude Integer32, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoDatum TNlldpmedDatumType, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoElinaddr TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoDeviceType TNlldpmedRemoteDeviceType, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoHwRev TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoFwRev TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoSwRev TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoSerialNo TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoManufacturerName TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoModelName TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoAssetId TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEeeRxTwSys TNUnsigned16, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEeeTxTwSys TNUnsigned16, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEeeFbTwSys TNUnsigned16, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEeeTxTwSysEcho TNUnsigned16, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEeeRxTwSysEcho TNUnsigned16 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNInterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Logical interface number index." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEntry 1 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoLldpmedIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..192) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Neighbor information table entry index." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEntry 2 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNUnsigned16 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LLDP neighbor's capabilities bit mask. Bit 0 represents LLDP-MED capabilities. Bit 1 represents Network Policy. Bit 2 represents Location Identification. Bit 3 represents Extended Power via MDI - PSE. Bit 4 represents Extended Power via MDI - PD Bit 5 represents Inventory " ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEntry 4 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoCapabilitiesEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNUnsigned16 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LLDP neighbor's capabilities bit mask for the capabilities which are currently enabled. Bit 0 represents LLDP-MED capabilities. Bit 1 represents Network Policy. Bit 2 represents Location Identification. Bit 3 represents Extended Power via MDI - PSE. Bit 4 represents Extended Power via MDI - PD Bit 5 represents Inventory " ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEntry 5 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoLatitude OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNInteger64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Latitude degrees in 2s-complement as specified in RFC 3825. Positive numbers are north of the equator and negative numbers are south of the equator." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEntry 6 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoLongitude OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNInteger64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Longitude degrees in 2s-complement as specified in RFC 3825. Positive values are East of the prime meridian and negative numbers are West of the prime meridian." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEntry 7 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoAltitudeType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNlldpmedAltitudeType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Altitude type as either floors or meters. Meters are representing meters of altitude defined by the vertical datum specified. Floors are representing altitude in a form more relevant in buildings which have different floor-to-floor dimensions. An altitude = 0.0 is meaningful even outside a building, and represents ground level at the given latitude and longitude. Inside a building, 0.0 represents the floor level associated with ground level at the main entrance." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEntry 8 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoAltitude OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Altitude value in 2s-complement as specified in RFC 3825" ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEntry 9 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoDatum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNlldpmedDatumType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Datum (geodetic system) . The Map Datum is used for the coordinates given in these options: WGS84: (Geographical 3D) - World Geodesic System 1984, CRS Code 4327, Prime Meridian Name: Greenwich. NAD83/NAVD88: North American Datum 1983, CRS Code 4269, Prime Meridian Name: Greenwich; The associated vertical datum is the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). This datum pair is to be used when referencing locations on land, not near tidal water(which would use Datum = NAD83/MLLW). NAD83/MLLW: North American Datum 1983, CRS Code 4269, Prime Meridian Name: Greenwich; The associated vertical datum is Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW). This datum pair is to be used when referencing locations on water/sea/ocean." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEntry 10 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoElinaddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..25)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Emergency Call Service ELIN identifier data format is defined to carry the ELIN identifier as used during emergency call setup to a traditional CAMA or ISDN trunk-based PSAP. This format consists of a numerical digit string, corresponding to the ELIN to be used for emergency calling. Maximum number of octets are 25." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEntry 11 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoDeviceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNlldpmedRemoteDeviceType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the LLDP neighbor's device type." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEntry 12 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoHwRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the LLDP neighbor's hardware revision." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEntry 13 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoFwRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the LLDP neighbor's firmware revision." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEntry 14 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoSwRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the LLDP neighbor's software revision." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEntry 15 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoSerialNo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the LLDP neighbor's serial number." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEntry 16 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoManufacturerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the LLDP neighbor's manufacturer name." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEntry 17 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoModelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the LLDP neighbor's model name." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEntry 18 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoAssetId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the LLDP neighbor's asset id." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEntry 19 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEeeRxTwSys OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNUnsigned16 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the LLDP neighbor's Receive tw_sys_rx . Tw_sys_rx is defined as the time (expressed in microseconds) that the transmitting link partner will wait before it starts transmitting data after leaving the Low Power Idle (LPI) mode. Section, IEEE802.3az." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEntry 20 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEeeTxTwSys OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNUnsigned16 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the LLDP neighbor's Transmit Tw_sys_tx . Tw_sys_tx is defined as the time (expressed in microseconds) that the receiving link partner is requesting the transmitting link partner to wait before starting the transmission data following the Low Power Idle (LPI) mode. Section, IEEE802.3az." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEntry 21 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEeeFbTwSys OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNUnsigned16 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the LLDP neighbor's Fallback tw_sys_tx. A receiving link partner may inform the transmitter of an alternate desired Tw_sys_tx. Since a receiving link partner is likely to have discrete levels for savings, this provides the transmitter with additional information that it may use for a more efficient allocation. Section, IEEE802.3az." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEntry 22 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEeeTxTwSysEcho OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNUnsigned16 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the LLDP neighbor's echo transmit Tw. The respective echo values shall be defined as the local link partners reflection (echo) of the remote link partners respective values. When a local link partner receives its echoed values from the remote link partner it can determine whether or not the remote link partner has received, registered, and processed its most recent values. Section, IEEE802.3az." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEntry 23 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEeeRxTwSysEcho OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNUnsigned16 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the LLDP neighbor's echo receive Tw. The respective echo values shall be defined as the local link partners reflection (echo) of the remote link partners respective values. When a local link partner receives its echoed values from the remote link partner it can determine whether or not the remote link partner has received, registered, and processed its most recent values. Section, IEEE802.3az." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEntry 24 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a table to show the LLDP-MED remote device (neighbor) civic location information for a specific interface." ::= { tnLldpStatusMed 2 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each interface has a set of neighbors information" INDEX { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoIfIndex, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoLldpmedIndex } ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoTable 1 } TNLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoIfIndex TNInterfaceIndex, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoLldpmedIndex Integer32, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoState TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoCounty TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoCity TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoDistrict TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoBlock TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoStreet TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoLeadingStreetDirection TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoTrailingStreetSuffix TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoStreetSuffix TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoHouseNo TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoHouseNoSuffix TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoLandmark TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoAdditionalInfo TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoName TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoZipCode TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoBuilding TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoApartment TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoFloor TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoRoomNumber TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoPlaceType TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoPostalCommunityName TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoPoBox TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoAdditionalCode TNDisplayString, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoCountryCode TNDisplayString } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNInterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Logical interface number index." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry 1 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoLldpmedIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..192) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Neighbor information table entry index." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry 2 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..250)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "National subdivision" ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry 5 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoCounty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..250)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "County" ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry 6 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoCity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..250)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "City" ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry 7 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoDistrict OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..250)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "City district" ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry 8 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoBlock OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..250)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Block (Neighborhood)" ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry 9 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoStreet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..250)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Street" ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry 10 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoLeadingStreetDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..250)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Street Direction" ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry 11 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoTrailingStreetSuffix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..250)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trailing Street Suffix" ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry 12 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoStreetSuffix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..250)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Street Suffix" ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry 13 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoHouseNo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..250)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "House No." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry 14 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoHouseNoSuffix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..250)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "House No. Suffix" ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry 15 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoLandmark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..250)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Landmark" ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry 16 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoAdditionalInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..250)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Additional Location Info" ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry 17 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..250)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name" ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry 18 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoZipCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..250)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Zip code" ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry 19 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoBuilding OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..250)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Building" ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry 20 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoApartment OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..250)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Apartment/unit" ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry 21 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoFloor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..250)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Floor" ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry 22 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoRoomNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..250)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Room Number" ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry 23 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoPlaceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..250)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Place type" ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry 24 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoPostalCommunityName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..250)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Postal Community Name" ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry 25 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoPoBox OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..250)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Post Office Box" ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry 26 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoAdditionalCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..250)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Addination Code" ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry 27 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoCountryCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNDisplayString (SIZE(0..2)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The two-letter ISO 3166 country code in capital ASCII letters - Example: DK, DE or US." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoEntry 28 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a table to show the LLDP-MED remote device (neighbor) network policies information for a specific interface." ::= { tnLldpStatusMed 3 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each interface has a set of neighbors information" INDEX { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoIfIndex, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoLldpmedIndex, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoLldpmedPolicy } ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoTable 1 } TNLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoIfIndex TNInterfaceIndex, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoLldpmedIndex Integer32, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoLldpmedPolicy Integer32, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoApplicationType TNlldpmedRemoteNetworkPolicyApplicationType, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoUnknownPolicy TruthValue, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoTagged TruthValue, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoVlanId TNUnsigned16, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoL2Priority TNUnsigned8, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoDscp TNUnsigned8 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNInterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Logical interface number index." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoEntry 1 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoLldpmedIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..192) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Neighbor information table entry index." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoEntry 2 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoLldpmedPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..31) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Policy index." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoEntry 3 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoApplicationType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNlldpmedRemoteNetworkPolicyApplicationType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The LLDP policy application type." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoEntry 5 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoUnknownPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Policy indicates that an Endpoint Device wants to explicitly advertise that the policy is required by the device. Can be either Defined or Unknown Unknown: The network policy for the specified application type is currently unknown. Defined: The network policy is defined (known)." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoEntry 6 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoTagged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines if LLDP policy uses tagged VLAN." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoEntry 7 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNUnsigned16 (1..4095) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The policy VLAN ID. Only valid when policy 'Tagged' is TRUE" ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoEntry 8 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoL2Priority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNUnsigned8 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the LLDP neighbor's policy L2 priority." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoEntry 9 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNUnsigned8 (0..63) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LLDP policy DSCP." ::= { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoEntry 10 } tnLldpControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnLldpMibObjects 4 } tnLldpControlStatisticsClear OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnLldpControl 1 } tnLldpControlStatisticsClearTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNLldpControlStatisticsClearEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a table to clear LLDP statistics for a specific interface." ::= { tnLldpControlStatisticsClear 1 } tnLldpControlStatisticsClearEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNLldpControlStatisticsClearEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each interface has a set of statistics counters" INDEX { tnLldpControlStatisticsClearIfIndex } ::= { tnLldpControlStatisticsClearTable 1 } TNLldpControlStatisticsClearEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tnLldpControlStatisticsClearIfIndex TNInterfaceIndex, tnLldpControlStatisticsClearStatisticsClear TruthValue } tnLldpControlStatisticsClearIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNInterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Logical interface number index." ::= { tnLldpControlStatisticsClearEntry 1 } tnLldpControlStatisticsClearStatisticsClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set to TRUE to clear the LLDP statistics of an interface." ::= { tnLldpControlStatisticsClearEntry 2 } tnLldpControlStatisticsClearGlobal OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnLldpControlStatisticsClear 2 } tnLldpControlStatisticsClearGlobalClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNUnsigned8 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Clear LLDP global counters." ::= { tnLldpControlStatisticsClearGlobal 1 } tnLldpMibConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnLldpMib 2 } tnLldpMibCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnLldpMibConformance 1 } tnLldpMibGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnLldpMibConformance 2 } tnLldpConfigGlobalInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tnLldpConfigGlobalReInitDelay, tnLldpConfigGlobalMsgTxHold, tnLldpConfigGlobalMsgTxInterval, tnLldpConfigGlobalTxDelay } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects suitable for bulk operations." ::= { tnLldpMibGroups 1 } tnLldpConfigInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tnLldpConfigAdminState, tnLldpConfigCdpAware, tnLldpConfigOptionalTlvs } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects suitable for bulk operations." ::= { tnLldpMibGroups 2 } tnLldpConfigMedInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tnLldpConfigMedOptionalTlvs, tnLldpConfigMedDeviceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects suitable for bulk operations." ::= { tnLldpMibGroups 3 } tnLldpConfigMedPolicyInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tnLldpConfigMedPolicyApplicationType, tnLldpConfigMedPolicyTagged, tnLldpConfigMedPolicyVlanId, tnLldpConfigMedPolicyL2Priority, tnLldpConfigMedPolicyDscp, tnLldpConfigMedPolicyAction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects suitable for bulk operations." ::= { tnLldpMibGroups 4 } tnLldpConfigMedPolicyListInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tnLldpConfigMedPolicyListLldpmedPoliciesList } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects suitable for bulk operations." ::= { tnLldpMibGroups 5 } tnLldpConfigMedGlobalInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tnLldpConfigMedGlobalFastRepeatCount, tnLldpConfigMedGlobalLatitude, tnLldpConfigMedGlobalLongitude, tnLldpConfigMedGlobalAltitudeType, tnLldpConfigMedGlobalAltitude, tnLldpConfigMedGlobalElinAddr, tnLldpConfigMedGlobalDatum, tnLldpConfigMedGlobalCountryCode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects suitable for bulk operations." ::= { tnLldpMibGroups 6 } tnLldpConfigMedLocationInformationInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tnLldpConfigMedLocationInformationCivicAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects suitable for bulk operations." ::= { tnLldpMibGroups 7 } tnLldpConfigMedPolicyRowEditorInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tnLldpConfigMedPolicyRowEditorLldpmedPolicy, tnLldpConfigMedPolicyRowEditorApplicationType, tnLldpConfigMedPolicyRowEditorTagged, tnLldpConfigMedPolicyRowEditorVlanId, tnLldpConfigMedPolicyRowEditorL2Priority, tnLldpConfigMedPolicyRowEditorDscp, tnLldpConfigMedPolicyRowEditorAction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects suitable for bulk operations." ::= { tnLldpMibGroups 8 } tnLldpStatusStatisticsGlobalCountersInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tnLldpStatusStatisticsGlobalCountersTableInserts, tnLldpStatusStatisticsGlobalCountersTableDeletes, tnLldpStatusStatisticsGlobalCountersTableDrops, tnLldpStatusStatisticsGlobalCountersTableAgeOuts, tnLldpStatusStatisticsGlobalCountersLastChangeTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects suitable for bulk operations." ::= { tnLldpMibGroups 9 } tnLldpStatusStatisticsTableInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tnLldpStatusStatisticsTxTotal, tnLldpStatusStatisticsRxTotal, tnLldpStatusStatisticsRxError, tnLldpStatusStatisticsRxDiscarded, tnLldpStatusStatisticsTLVsDiscarded, tnLldpStatusStatisticsTLVsUnrecognized, tnLldpStatusStatisticsTLVsOrgDiscarded, tnLldpStatusStatisticsAgeOuts } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects suitable for bulk operations." ::= { tnLldpMibGroups 10 } tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationChassisId, tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationPortId, tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationPortDescription, tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationSystemName, tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationSystemDescription, tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationSystemCapabilities, tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationSystemCapabilitiesEnable } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects suitable for bulk operations." ::= { tnLldpMibGroups 11 } tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationSystemMgmAddressSubtype, tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationSystemMgmtAddress, tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationSystemMgmtInterfaceSubtype, tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationSystemMgmtInterface, tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationSystemMgmtOid } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects suitable for bulk operations." ::= { tnLldpMibGroups 12 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoCapabilities, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoCapabilitiesEnabled, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoLatitude, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoLongitude, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoAltitudeType, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoAltitude, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoDatum, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoElinaddr, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoDeviceType, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoHwRev, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoFwRev, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoSwRev, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoSerialNo, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoManufacturerName, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoModelName, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoAssetId, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEeeRxTwSys, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEeeTxTwSys, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEeeFbTwSys, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEeeTxTwSysEcho, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoEeeRxTwSysEcho } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects suitable for bulk operations." ::= { tnLldpMibGroups 13 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoState, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoCounty, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoCity, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoDistrict, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoBlock, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoStreet, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoLeadingStreetDirection, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoTrailingStreetSuffix, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoStreetSuffix, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoHouseNo, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoHouseNoSuffix, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoLandmark, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoAdditionalInfo, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoName, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoZipCode, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoBuilding, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoApartment, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoFloor, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoRoomNumber, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoPlaceType, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoPostalCommunityName, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoPoBox, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoAdditionalCode, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoCountryCode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects suitable for bulk operations." ::= { tnLldpMibGroups 14 } tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoApplicationType, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoUnknownPolicy, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoTagged, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoVlanId, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoL2Priority, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoDscp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects suitable for bulk operations." ::= { tnLldpMibGroups 15 } tnLldpControlStatisticsClearTableInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tnLldpControlStatisticsClearStatisticsClear } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects suitable for bulk operations." ::= { tnLldpMibGroups 16 } tnLldpControlStatisticsClearGlobalInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tnLldpControlStatisticsClearGlobalClear } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects suitable for bulk operations." ::= { tnLldpMibGroups 17 } tnLldpMibCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for the implementation." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { tnLldpConfigGlobalInfoGroup, tnLldpConfigInfoGroup, tnLldpConfigMedInfoGroup, tnLldpConfigMedPolicyInfoGroup, tnLldpConfigMedPolicyListInfoGroup, tnLldpConfigMedGlobalInfoGroup, tnLldpConfigMedLocationInformationInfoGroup, tnLldpConfigMedPolicyRowEditorInfoGroup, tnLldpStatusStatisticsGlobalCountersInfoGroup, tnLldpStatusStatisticsTableInfoGroup, tnLldpStatusNeighborsInformationInfoGroup, tnLldpStatusNeighborsMgmtInformationInfoGroup, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceInfoInfoGroup, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceLocInfoInfoGroup, tnLldpStatusMedRemoteDeviceNetworkPolicyInfoInfoGroup, tnLldpControlStatisticsClearTableInfoGroup, tnLldpControlStatisticsClearGlobalInfoGroup } ::= { tnLldpMibCompliances 1 } END