-- *********************************************************************************************** -- TRANSITION-SMI.my: Transition Networks Enterprise Structure of Management Information -- -- Copyright (c) 2009 by Transition Networks, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- -- *********************************************************************************************** -- TRANSITION-SMI DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-IDENTITY, enterprises FROM SNMPv2-SMI; transition MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201307240000Z" ORGANIZATION "Transition Networks, Inc." CONTACT-INFO " Transition Networks Technical Support 10900 Red Circle Drive Minnetonka, MN 55343 USA Tel: +1-800-526-9267 E-mail: techsupport@transition.com" DESCRIPTION "The Structure of Management Information for the Transition Networks MIBs." REVISION "201307240000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial Revision of this module" ::= { enterprises 868 } -- IANA assigned productId OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { transition 1 } products OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { transition 2 } tnModules OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Transition networks products are assigned module identities from here." ::= { productId 5 } tnIONPlatform OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnModules 1 } tnCESwitches OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnModules 2 } tnIndSwitches OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnModules 3 } tnPBSwitches OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnModules 4 } tnLIBSwitches OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnModules 5 } tnCES3280 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnCESwitches 1 } tnCES3280TST OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnCESwitches 2 } tnCES3280S OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnCESwitches 3 } tnCES3280STST OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnCESwitches 4 } tnCES3290-24 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnCESwitches 5 } tnCES3290-42 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnCESwitches 6 } tnCES4140 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnCESwitches 20 } tnCES4212 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnCESwitches 21 } tnCES4224 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnCESwitches 22 } tnInd3280L OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnIndSwitches 1 } tnInd3284L OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnIndSwitches 2 } tnInd3280H OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnIndSwitches 3 } tnInd3284H OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnIndSwitches 4 } tnPBPLUSTDM4AC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnPBSwitches 1 } tnPBPLUSTDM4DC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnPBSwitches 2 } tnPBPLUSTDM1VXAC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnPBSwitches 3 } tnPBPLUSTDM1VXDC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnPBSwitches 4 } tnPBOAMTDM16 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnPBSwitches 5 } tnPBTDMCONTRAAC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnPBSwitches 6 } tnPBTDMCONTRADC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnPBSwitches 7 } tnLIBUnoAC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnLIBSwitches 1 } tnLIBUnoDC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnLIBSwitches 2 } tnLIBMidi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tnLIBSwitches 3 } tnProducts OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Transition networks next generation Products." ::= { products 5 } tnExperimental OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This provides a root object identifier from which experimental mibs may be temporarily based. mibs are typicially based here if they fall in one of two categories 1) are IETF work-in-process mibs which have not been assigned a permanent object identifier by the IANA. 2) are internal work-in-process which has not been assigned a permanent object identifier typicially because the mib is not ready for deployment. NOTE WELL: support for mibs in the tnExperimental subtree will be deleted when a permanent object identifier assignment is made." ::= { transition 3 } END