FE-FIREEYE-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- -- Revision: $Revision: 202227 $ -- Date: $Date: 2014-04-16 17:00:10 -0700 (Wed, 16 Apr 2014) $ -- -- (C) Copyright 2005-2014 FireEye, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, enterprises, Integer32, Unsigned32, Counter32, Counter64, IpAddress, Gauge32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF InetAddressType, InetAddress FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB CounterBasedGauge64 FROM HCNUM-TC ; fireeyeMibModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201404071120Z" ORGANIZATION "FireEye, Inc." CONTACT-INFO "email: support@fireeye.com" DESCRIPTION "FireEye Inc Vendor MIB" REVISION "201404071120Z" DESCRIPTION "Added IPS traps." REVISION "201404021040Z" DESCRIPTION "Enhance feLicenseStateChanged notification." REVISION "201403191040Z" DESCRIPTION "Added MAS specific info and traps." REVISION "201403101000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add interface speed change notification." REVISION "201401212100Z" DESCRIPTION "Updated revision, FireEye 7.1" REVISION "201109081900Z" DESCRIPTION "Updated revision, FireEye 3.1" ::= { feMibAdminInfo 1 } fireeye OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 25597 } variables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fireeye 1 } notifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fireeye 3 } -- -- VARIABLES -- lms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { variables 1 } lmsVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System software version string" ::= { lms 1 } eventTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EventEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of events" ::= { lms 2 } eventCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of events" ::= { lms 3 } eventEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EventEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for one event" INDEX { eventIndex } ::= { eventTable 1 } EventEntry ::= SEQUENCE { eventIndex Unsigned32, eventId Unsigned32, eventType OCTET STRING, eventDate OCTET STRING, eventTime OCTET STRING, eventTraceId Counter64, eventSrcIp IpAddress, eventDstIp IpAddress, eventSrcMac OCTET STRING, eventDstMac OCTET STRING, eventDstPort Integer32, eventVlan Integer32, eventProtocol OCTET STRING, eventProfileId Unsigned32, eventOsInfo OCTET STRING, eventService OCTET STRING, eventAttackType OCTET STRING, eventSignatureName OCTET STRING, eventSignatureType OCTET STRING, eventSrcHost OCTET STRING, eventCncNo Unsigned32, alertSignatureId Unsigned32, alertCncHost OCTET STRING, alertCncPort Integer32, alertChecksum OCTET STRING, alertAnalysisType OCTET STRING, alertProfile OCTET STRING, alertAction OCTET STRING, alertInterface OCTET STRING, alertSensorIp IpAddress, alertSensorHost OCTET STRING, alertSensorProduct OCTET STRING, alertSensorRelease OCTET STRING, alertUrl OCTET STRING, eventSrcAddrType InetAddressType, eventSrcAddr InetAddress, eventDstAddrType InetAddressType, eventDstAddr InetAddress, eventSensorAddrType InetAddressType, eventSensorAddr InetAddress, eventSrcPort Integer32, eventDateTime OCTET STRING, ipsSignatureId Unsigned32, ipsSignatureRevision Unsigned32, ipsMatchCount Gauge32, ipsSeverity OCTET STRING, ipsSignatureName OCTET STRING, ipsReferenceId OCTET STRING, ipsBlockMode OCTET STRING, ipsAttackTarget OCTET STRING } eventIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Synthetic numeric unique ID of event" ::= { eventEntry 1 } eventId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Id of event" ::= { eventEntry 2 } eventType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of event" ::= { eventEntry 3 } eventDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Date of event" ::= { eventEntry 4 } eventTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time of event" ::= { eventEntry 5 } eventTraceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trace ID of event" ::= { eventEntry 6 } eventSrcIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source IP address of event" ::= { eventEntry 7 } eventDstIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination IP address of event" ::= { eventEntry 8 } eventSrcMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source MAC address of event" ::= { eventEntry 9 } eventDstMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination MAC address of event" ::= { eventEntry 10 } eventDstPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Attacked port of event" ::= { eventEntry 11 } eventVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VLAN of event" ::= { eventEntry 12 } eventProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP protocol of event" ::= { eventEntry 13 } eventProfileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Profile ID of event" ::= { eventEntry 14 } eventOsInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OS info of event" ::= { eventEntry 15 } eventService OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Attacked service of event" ::= { eventEntry 16 } eventAttackType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Attack type of event" ::= { eventEntry 17 } eventSignatureName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signature name of event" ::= { eventEntry 18 } eventSignatureType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signature type of event" ::= { eventEntry 19 } eventSrcHost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Host name of event" ::= { eventEntry 20 } eventCncNo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Cncno of event" ::= { eventEntry 21 } alertSignatureId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Malware Identification" ::= { eventEntry 22 } alertCncHost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alert CNC host name" ::= { eventEntry 23 } alertCncPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alert CNC Port" ::= { eventEntry 24 } alertChecksum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alert Malware Checksum" ::= { eventEntry 25 } alertAnalysisType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alert analysis type" ::= { eventEntry 26 } alertProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alert analysis profile" ::= { eventEntry 27 } alertAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alert action taken" ::= { eventEntry 28 } alertInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Appliance interface" ::= { eventEntry 29 } alertSensorIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Appliance IP address" ::= { eventEntry 30 } alertSensorHost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Appliance host name" ::= { eventEntry 31 } alertSensorProduct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Product Name" ::= { eventEntry 32 } alertSensorRelease OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alert URL" ::= { eventEntry 33 } alertUrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alert URL" ::= { eventEntry 34 } eventSrcAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source IP address type" ::= { eventEntry 35 } eventSrcAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source IP address" ::= { eventEntry 36 } eventDstAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination IP address type" ::= { eventEntry 37 } eventDstAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination IP address" ::= { eventEntry 38 } eventSensorAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sensor IP address type" ::= { eventEntry 39 } eventSensorAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sensor IP address" ::= { eventEntry 40 } eventSrcPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source port" ::= { eventEntry 41 } eventDateTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Date and time of the event" ::= { eventEntry 42 } ipsSignatureId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IPS signature id" ::= { eventEntry 43 } ipsSignatureRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IPS signature revision" ::= { eventEntry 44 } ipsMatchCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Attack count" ::= { eventEntry 45 } ipsSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity" ::= { eventEntry 46 } ipsSignatureName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the signature" ::= { eventEntry 47 } ipsReferenceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reference ID" ::= { eventEntry 48 } ipsBlockMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "isBlocked" ::= { eventEntry 49 } ipsAttackTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Attack target" ::= { eventEntry 50 } -- -- NOTIFICATIONS -- notificationPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { notifications 0 } fireeyeAlert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { eventIndex, eventId, eventType, eventDate, eventTime, eventTraceId, eventSrcIp, eventDstIp, eventSrcMac, eventDstMac, eventDstPort, eventVlan, eventProtocol, eventProfileId, eventOsInfo, eventService, eventAttackType, eventSignatureName, eventSignatureType, eventSrcHost, eventCncNo, alertSignatureId, alertCncHost, alertCncPort, alertChecksum, alertAnalysisType, alertProfile, alertAction, alertInterface, alertSensorIp, alertSensorHost, alertSensorRelease, alertSensorProduct, alertUrl, eventSrcAddrType, eventSrcAddr, eventDstAddrType, eventDstAddr, eventSensorAddrType, eventSensorAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Execution anomaly detected" ::= { notificationPrefix 1 } executionAnomaly NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { eventIndex, eventId, eventType, eventDate, eventTime, eventTraceId, eventSrcIp, eventDstIp, eventSrcMac, eventDstMac, eventDstPort, eventVlan, eventProtocol, eventProfileId, eventOsInfo, eventService, eventAttackType, eventSrcHost, eventSrcAddrType, eventSrcAddr, eventDstAddrType, eventDstAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Execution anomaly detected" ::= { notificationPrefix 2 } networkAnomaly NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { eventIndex, eventId, eventType, eventDate, eventTime, eventTraceId, eventSrcIp, eventDstIp, eventSrcMac, eventDstMac, eventDstPort, eventVlan, eventProtocol, eventProfileId, eventOsInfo, eventService, eventSrcHost, eventCncNo, eventSrcAddrType, eventSrcAddr, eventDstAddrType, eventDstAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Network anomaly detected" ::= { notificationPrefix 3 } signatureMatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { eventIndex, eventId, eventType, eventDate, eventTime, eventTraceId, eventSrcIp, eventDstIp, eventSrcMac, eventDstMac, eventDstPort, eventVlan, eventProtocol, eventSignatureName, eventSignatureType, eventSrcHost, eventSrcAddrType, eventSrcAddr, eventDstAddrType, eventDstAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signature match detected" ::= { notificationPrefix 4 } ccConnect NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { eventIndex, eventId, eventType, eventDate, eventTime, eventTraceId, eventSrcIp, eventDstIp, eventDstPort, eventVlan, eventProtocol, eventSrcHost, eventCncNo, eventSrcAddrType, eventSrcAddr, eventDstAddrType, eventDstAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CC connect detected" ::= { notificationPrefix 9 } ccSigmatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { eventIndex, eventId, eventType, eventDate, eventTime, eventTraceId, eventSrcIp, eventDstIp, eventDstPort, eventVlan, eventProtocol, eventSrcHost, eventCncNo, eventSrcAddrType, eventSrcAddr, eventDstAddrType, eventDstAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CC sigmatch detected" ::= { notificationPrefix 10 } osChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { eventIndex, eventId, eventType, eventDate, eventTime, eventTraceId, eventSrcIp, eventDstIp, eventSrcMac, eventDstMac, eventDstPort, eventVlan, eventProtocol, eventSrcHost, eventSrcAddrType, eventSrcAddr, eventDstAddrType, eventDstAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OS change anomaly detected" ::= { notificationPrefix 11 } ipsAlert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { eventIndex, eventId, eventType, eventTime, eventSrcAddrType, eventSrcAddr, eventSrcPort, eventSrcMac, eventDstAddrType, eventDstAddr, eventDstPort, eventDstMac, ipsSignatureId, ipsSignatureRevision, ipsMatchCount, ipsSeverity, ipsSignatureName, ipsReferenceId, ipsBlockMode, ipsAttackTarget, alertSensorProduct, alertSensorHost, alertSensorRelease, alertUrl } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IPS anomaly detected." ::= { notificationPrefix 12 } -- -- products -- feCommon OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fireeye 11 } feCMS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fireeye 12 } feEMPS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fireeye 13 } feWMPS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fireeye 14 } feMAS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fireeye 15 } feMibAdminInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fireeye 20 } -- -- feCommon -- feSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { feCommon 1 } feStorage OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { feCommon 2 } fePowerSupply OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { feCommon 3 } feFanHealth OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { feCommon 4 } feApplication OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { feCommon 5 } -- -- feSystem -- feSystemInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { feSystem 1 } feSystemTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { feSystem 0 } feSystemStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Overall system status" ::= { feSystemInfo 1 } feHardwareModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hardware model" ::= { feSystemInfo 2 } feSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Serial number" ::= { feSystemInfo 3 } feTemperatureValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System temperature in Celsius" ::= { feSystemInfo 4 } feTemperatureStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System temperature status" ::= { feSystemInfo 5 } feTemperatureIsHealthy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether or not the temperature is normal." ::= { feSystemInfo 6 } feIfLinkChangeIfname OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the interface that has changed its speed." ::= { feSystemInfo 7 } feIfLinkChangeOldAdminUp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The old admin up state of the interface." ::= { feSystemInfo 8 } feIfLinkChangeNewAdminUp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The new admin up state of the interface." ::= { feSystemInfo 9 } feIfLinkChangeOldLinkUp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The old link up state of the interface." ::= { feSystemInfo 10 } feIfLinkChangeNewLinkUp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The new link up state of the interface." ::= { feSystemInfo 11 } feIfLinkChangeOldSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The old speed of the interface." ::= { feSystemInfo 12 } feIfLinkChangeNewSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The new speed of the interface." ::= { feSystemInfo 13 } feIfLinkChangeOldDuplex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The old duplex of the interface." ::= { feSystemInfo 14 } feIfLinkChangeNewDuplex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The new duplex of the interface." ::= { feSystemInfo 15 } feIfLinkChangeOldAutoNeg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The old auto negotiation of the interface." ::= { feSystemInfo 16 } feIfLinkChangeNewAutoNeg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The new auto negotiation of the interface." ::= { feSystemInfo 17 } feExcessiveTemperature NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { feTemperatureIsHealthy } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Excessive temperature has reached." ::= { feSystemTraps 1 } feNormalTemperature NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { feTemperatureIsHealthy } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature is normal." ::= { feSystemTraps 2 } feIfLinkChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { feIfLinkChangeIfname, feIfLinkChangeOldAdminUp, feIfLinkChangeNewAdminUp, feIfLinkChangeOldLinkUp, feIfLinkChangeNewLinkUp, feIfLinkChangeOldSpeed, feIfLinkChangeNewSpeed, feIfLinkChangeOldDuplex, feIfLinkChangeNewDuplex, feIfLinkChangeOldAutoNeg, feIfLinkChangeNewAutoNeg } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The speed of an interface has changed." ::= { feSystemTraps 3 } -- -- feStorage -- feStorageInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { feStorage 1 } feStorageTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { feStorage 0 } feRaidStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID status" ::= { feStorageInfo 1 } feRaidIsHealthy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether or not RAID is healthy overall." ::= { feStorageInfo 2 } fePhysicalDiskTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FePhysicalDiskEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The physical disk table" ::= { feStorageInfo 3 } fePhysicalDiskEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FePhysicalDiskEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry for one physical disk" INDEX { fePhysicalDiskIndex } ::= { fePhysicalDiskTable 1 } FePhysicalDiskEntry ::= SEQUENCE { fePhysicalDiskIndex Unsigned32, fePhysicalDiskName OCTET STRING, fePhysicalDiskStatus OCTET STRING, fePhysicalDiskIsHealthy TruthValue, fePhysicalDiskDeviceSupport OCTET STRING, fePhysicalDiskSelfAssess OCTET STRING, fePhysicalDiskTotalBytes OCTET STRING } fePhysicalDiskIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each disk" ::= { fePhysicalDiskEntry 1 } fePhysicalDiskName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Physical disk name" ::= { fePhysicalDiskEntry 2 } fePhysicalDiskStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Physical disk status" ::= { fePhysicalDiskEntry 3 } fePhysicalDiskIsHealthy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether a physical disk is healthy." ::= { fePhysicalDiskEntry 4 } fePhysicalDiskDeviceSupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Physical disk configuration, e.g. RAID" ::= { fePhysicalDiskEntry 5 } fePhysicalDiskSelfAssess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Self assess of a physical disk" ::= { fePhysicalDiskEntry 6 } fePhysicalDiskTotalBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The capacity of a physical disk." ::= { fePhysicalDiskEntry 7 } feRaidFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { feRaidIsHealthy } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A RAID error has occurred." ::= { feStorageTraps 1 } feRaidRecover NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { feRaidIsHealthy } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID has recovered." ::= { feStorageTraps 2 } fePhysicalDiskFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { fePhysicalDiskIsHealthy } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A physical disk has failed." ::= { feStorageTraps 3 } fePhysicalDiskRecover NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { fePhysicalDiskIsHealthy } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A physical disk has recovered." ::= { feStorageTraps 4 } -- -- fePowerSupply -- fePowerSupplyInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fePowerSupply 1 } fePowerSupplyTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fePowerSupply 0 } fePowerSupplyOverallStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Overall power supply status" ::= { fePowerSupplyInfo 1 } fePowerSupplyOverallIsHealthy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether or not power supply is healthy overall." ::= { fePowerSupplyInfo 2 } fePowerSupplyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FePowerSupplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The power supply table" ::= { fePowerSupplyInfo 3 } fePowerSupplyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FePowerSupplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry for one physical disk" INDEX { fePowerSupplyIndex } ::= { fePowerSupplyTable 1 } FePowerSupplyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { fePowerSupplyIndex Unsigned32, fePowerSupplyStatus OCTET STRING, fePowerSupplyIsHealthy TruthValue } fePowerSupplyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each power supply" ::= { fePowerSupplyEntry 1 } fePowerSupplyStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power supply status" ::= { fePowerSupplyEntry 2 } fePowerSupplyIsHealthy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether a power supply is healthy." ::= { fePowerSupplyEntry 3 } fePowerSupplyFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { fePowerSupplyOverallIsHealthy } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A power supply has failed." ::= { fePowerSupplyTraps 1 } fePowerSupplyRecover NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { fePowerSupplyOverallIsHealthy } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A power supply has recovered." ::= { fePowerSupplyTraps 2 } -- -- feFanHealth -- feFanHealthInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { feFanHealth 1 } feFanHealthTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { feFanHealth 0 } feFanOverallStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Overall fan status" ::= { feFanHealthInfo 1 } feFanOverallIsHealthy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether or not fan is healthy overall." ::= { feFanHealthInfo 2 } feFanStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FeFanStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Fan Status table" ::= { feFanHealthInfo 3 } feFanStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FeFanStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry for one fan" INDEX { feFanIndex } ::= { feFanStatusTable 1 } FeFanStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { feFanIndex Unsigned32, feFanStatus OCTET STRING, feFanIsHealthy TruthValue, feFanSpeed Unsigned32 } feFanIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each fan status table entry" ::= { feFanStatusEntry 1 } feFanStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan status" ::= { feFanStatusEntry 2 } feFanIsHealthy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether a fan is healthy." ::= { feFanStatusEntry 3 } feFanSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan speed in rpm" ::= { feFanStatusEntry 4 } feFanFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { feFanOverallIsHealthy } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A fan has failed." ::= { feFanHealthTraps 1 } feFanRecover NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { feFanOverallIsHealthy } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A fan has recovered." ::= { feFanHealthTraps 2 } -- -- feApplication -- feApplicationInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { feApplication 1 } feApplicationTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { feApplication 0 } feInstalledSystemImage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current installed system image" ::= { feApplicationInfo 1 } feSystemImageVersionCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current system image version" ::= { feApplicationInfo 2 } feSystemImageVersionLatest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Latest system image version" ::= { feApplicationInfo 3 } feIsSystemImageLatest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether or not the current system image is the latest." ::= { feApplicationInfo 4 } feSecurityContentVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Security content version" ::= { feApplicationInfo 5 } feLastContentUpdatePassed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether the last security content updated has passed." ::= { feApplicationInfo 6 } feLastContentUpdateTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last update time for security contents" ::= { feApplicationInfo 7 } feGIVersionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FeGIVersionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The guest image version table" ::= { feApplicationInfo 8 } feGIVersionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FeGIVersionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry for one guest image" INDEX { feGIIndex } ::= { feGIVersionTable 1 } FeGIVersionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { feGIIndex Unsigned32, feGIName OCTET STRING, feGIVersion OCTET STRING, feGIEnabled TruthValue, feGIInstallDateTime OCTET STRING } feGIIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each guest image" ::= { feGIVersionEntry 1 } feGIName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Guest image name" ::= { feGIVersionEntry 2 } feGIVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Guest image version" ::= { feGIVersionEntry 3 } feGIEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether guest image is enabled." ::= { feGIVersionEntry 4 } feGIInstallDateTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Guest image install date and time" ::= { feGIVersionEntry 5 } feActiveVMs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of active VMs" ::= { feApplicationInfo 9 } feProductLicenseActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether the product license is active." ::= { feApplicationInfo 10 } feContentLicenseActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether the content license is active." ::= { feApplicationInfo 11 } feSupportLicenseActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether the support license is active." ::= { feApplicationInfo 12 } feLicenseFeatureName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "License feature name for the feLicenseStateChanged event." ::= { feApplicationInfo 13 } feLicenseNewActiveState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The new license active state for the feLicenseStateChanged event." ::= { feApplicationInfo 14 } feLicenseOldActiveState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The old license active state for the feLicenseStateChanged event." ::= { feApplicationInfo 15 } feLicenseStateChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { feLicenseFeatureName, feLicenseNewActiveState, feLicenseOldActiveState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A license state has changed." ::= { feApplicationTraps 1 } feSecurityUpdateFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Security update has failed." ::= { feApplicationTraps 2 } -- -- feCMS -- feCMSInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { feCMS 1 } feCMSTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { feCMS 0 } feTotalAppliancesAttached OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total appliances attached" ::= { feCMSInfo 1 } feTotalWMPSAttached OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total WMPS attached" ::= { feCMSInfo 2 } feTotalEMPSAttached OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total EMPS attached" ::= { feCMSInfo 3 } feTotalFMPSAttached OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total FMPS attached" ::= { feCMSInfo 4 } feTotalMASAttached OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total MAS attached" ::= { feCMSInfo 5 } feCMSApplianceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FeCMSApplianceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CMS managed appliance table" ::= { feCMSInfo 6 } feCMSApplianceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FeCMSApplianceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry for one CMS managed appliance" INDEX { feCMSApplianceIndex } ::= { feCMSApplianceTable 1 } FeCMSApplianceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { feCMSApplianceIndex Unsigned32, feCMSApplianceName OCTET STRING, feCMSApplianceDiskSpacePassed TruthValue, feCMSApplianceFanPassed TruthValue, feCMSAppliancePowerSupplyPassed TruthValue, feCMSApplianceRaidPassed TruthValue, feCMSApplianceTemperaturePassed TruthValue } feCMSApplianceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each CMS managed appliance" ::= { feCMSApplianceEntry 1 } feCMSApplianceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the CMS managed appliance" ::= { feCMSApplianceEntry 2 } feCMSApplianceDiskSpacePassed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether a CMS managed appliance passed disk space check." ::= { feCMSApplianceEntry 3 } feCMSApplianceFanPassed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether a CMS managed appliance passed fan check." ::= { feCMSApplianceEntry 4 } feCMSAppliancePowerSupplyPassed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether a CMS managed appliance passed power supply check." ::= { feCMSApplianceEntry 5 } feCMSApplianceRaidPassed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether a CMS managed appliance passed RAID check." ::= { feCMSApplianceEntry 6 } feCMSApplianceTemperaturePassed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether a CMS managed appliance passed temperature check." ::= { feCMSApplianceEntry 7 } feCMSHAUnexpectedFailover NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An unexpected fail-over on CMS-HA has occurred." ::= { feCMSTraps 1 } feCMSHAManualFailover NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A manual fail-over on CMS-HA has occurred." ::= { feCMSTraps 2 } -- -- feEMPS -- feEMPSInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { feEMPS 1 } feEMPSTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { feEMPS 0 } feTotalEmailCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the emails coming into postfix and also includes emails which do not contain any URL or attachment (email on fast path). This will be the cumulative value and maintained across appliance reboots." ::= { feEMPSInfo 1 } feTotalEmailCountH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the emails coming into postfix and also includes emails which do not contain any URL or attachment (email on fast path). This will be the cumulative value and maintained across appliance reboots. feTotalEmailCountH is the high order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feEMPSInfo 2 } feTotalEmailCountL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the emails coming into postfix and also includes emails which do not contain any URL or attachment (email on fast path). This will be the cumulative value and maintained across appliance reboots. feTotalEmailCountL is the low order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feEMPSInfo 3 } feInfectedEmailCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the email which are determined to be malicious. This is the same as 'Total Email Received with Malicious Content' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This will be the cumulative value and is maintained across appliance reboots." ::= { feEMPSInfo 4 } feInfectedEmailCountH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the email which are determined to be malicious. This is the same as 'Total Email Received with Malicious Content' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This will be the cumulative value and is maintained across appliance reboots. feInfectedEmailCountH is the high order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feEMPSInfo 5 } feInfectedEmailCountL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the email which are determined to be malicious. This is the same as 'Total Email Received with Malicious Content' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This will be the cumulative value and is maintained across appliance reboots. feInfectedEmailCountL is the low order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feEMPSInfo 6 } feAnalyzedEmailCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is cumulative count of all the email which were analyzed. This is the same as 'Total Emails Received and Analyzed' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This counter will maintain its value across reboots." ::= { feEMPSInfo 7 } feAnalyzedEmailCountH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is cumulative count of all the email which were analyzed. This is the same as 'Total Emails Received and Analyzed' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This counter will maintain its value across reboots. feAnalyzedEmailCountH is the high order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feEMPSInfo 8 } feAnalyzedEmailCountL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is cumulative count of all the email which were analyzed. This is the same as 'Total Emails Received and Analyzed' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This counter will maintain its value across reboots. feAnalyzedEmailCountL is the low order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feEMPSInfo 9 } feTotalUrlCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the URLs received whether they are processed or not. This is the same as 'Total URLs Received' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This will be the cumulative value and is maintained across appliance reboots." ::= { feEMPSInfo 10 } feTotalUrlCountH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the URLs received whether they are processed or not. This is the same as 'Total URLs Received' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This will be the cumulative value and is maintained across appliance reboots. feTotalUrlCountH is the high order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feEMPSInfo 11 } feTotalUrlCountL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the URLs received whether they are processed or not. This is the same as 'Total URLs Received' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This will be the cumulative value and is maintained across appliance reboots. feTotalUrlCountL is the low order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feEMPSInfo 12 } feInfectedUrlCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the URLs that are determined to be malicious and is the same as 'Total URLs Considered Malicious' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This will be the cumulative value and is maintained across appliance reboots." ::= { feEMPSInfo 13 } feInfectedUrlCountH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the URLs that are determined to be malicious and is the same as 'Total URLs Considered Malicious' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This will be the cumulative value and is maintained across appliance reboots. feInfectedUrlCountH is the high order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feEMPSInfo 14 } feInfectedUrlCountL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the URLs that are determined to be malicious and is the same as 'Total URLs Considered Malicious' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This will be the cumulative value and is maintained across appliance reboots. feInfectedUrlCountH is the low order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feEMPSInfo 15 } feAnalyzedUrlCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the cumulative count of all the URLs that were analyzed and is the same as 'Total URLs Analyzed' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This counter will maintain its value across reboots." ::= { feEMPSInfo 16 } feAnalyzedUrlCountH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the cumulative count of all the URLs that were analyzed and is the same as 'Total URLs Analyzed' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This counter will maintain its value across reboots. feAnalyzedUrlCountH is the high order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feEMPSInfo 17 } feAnalyzedUrlCountL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the cumulative count of all the URLs that were analyzed and is the same as 'Total URLs Analyzed' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This counter will maintain its value across reboots. feAnalyzedUrlCountL is the low order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feEMPSInfo 18 } feTotalAttachmentCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the attachment received whether they are processed or not. This is the same as 'Total Attachments Received' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This will be the cumulative value and is maintained across appliance reboots." ::= { feEMPSInfo 19 } feTotalAttachmentCountH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the attachment received whether they are processed or not. This is the same as 'Total Attachments Received' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This will be the cumulative value and is maintained across appliance reboots. feTotalAttachmentCountH is the high order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feEMPSInfo 20 } feTotalAttachmentCountL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the attachment received whether they are processed or not. This is the same as 'Total Attachments Received' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This will be the cumulative value and is maintained across appliance reboots. feTotalAttachmentCountL is the low order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feEMPSInfo 21 } feInfectedAttachmentCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the attachment that are determined to be malicious and is the same as 'Total Attachments Considered Malicious' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This will be the cumulative value and is maintained across appliance reboots." ::= { feEMPSInfo 22 } feInfectedAttachmentCountH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the attachment that are determined to be malicious and is the same as 'Total Attachments Considered Malicious' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This will be the cumulative value and is maintained across appliance reboots. feInfectedAttachmentCountH is the high order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feEMPSInfo 23 } feInfectedAttachmentCountL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the attachment that are determined to be malicious and is the same as 'Total Attachments Considered Malicious' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This will be the cumulative value and is maintained across appliance reboots. feInfectedAttachmentCountL is the low order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feEMPSInfo 24 } feAnalyzedAttachmentCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the cumulative count of all the attachment that we analyzed for maliciousness. This is the same as 'Total Attachments Analyzed' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This counter will maintain its value across reboots." ::= { feEMPSInfo 25 } feAnalyzedAttachmentCountH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the cumulative count of all the attachment that we analyzed for maliciousness. This is the same as 'Total Attachments Analyzed' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This counter will maintain its value across reboots. feAnalyzedAttachmentCountH is the high order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feEMPSInfo 26 } feAnalyzedAttachmentCountL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the cumulative count of all the attachment that we analyzed for maliciousness. This is the same as 'Total Attachments Analyzed' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This counter will maintain its value across reboots. feAnalyzedAttachmentCountL is the low order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feEMPSInfo 27 } feTotalEmailHasAttachment OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the emails containing at least one attachment. This value will be the cumulative and preserved across appliance reboots." ::= { feEMPSInfo 28 } feTotalEmailHasAttachmentH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the emails containing at least one attachment. This value will be the cumulative and preserved across appliance reboots. feTotalEmailHasAttachmentH is the high order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feEMPSInfo 29 } feTotalEmailHasAttachmentL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the emails containing at least one attachment. This value will be the cumulative and preserved across appliance reboots. feTotalEmailHasAttachmentL is the low order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feEMPSInfo 30 } feTotalEmailHasUrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the emails containing at least one URL. This value will be the cumulative and preserved across appliance reboots." ::= { feEMPSInfo 31 } feTotalEmailHasUrlH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the emails containing at least one URL. This value will be the cumulative and preserved across appliance reboots. feTotalEmailHasUrlH is the high order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feEMPSInfo 32 } feTotalEmailHasUrlL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the emails containing at least one URL. This value will be the cumulative and preserved across appliance reboots. feTotalEmailHasUrlL is the low order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feEMPSInfo 33 } feTotalEmailHasBadAttachment OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the emails containing at least one attachment determined to be malicious. This value will be the cumulative and preserved across appliance reboots." ::= { feEMPSInfo 34 } feTotalEmailHasBadAttachmentH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the emails containing at least one attachment determined to be malicious. This value will be the cumulative and preserved across appliance reboots. feTotalEmailHasBadAttachmentH is the high order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feEMPSInfo 35 } feTotalEmailHasBadAttachmentL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the emails containing at least one attachment determined to be malicious. This value will be the cumulative and preserved across appliance reboots. feTotalEmailHasBadAttachmentL is the low order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feEMPSInfo 36 } feTotalEmailHasBadUrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the emails containing at least one URL determined to be malicious. This value will be the cumulative and preserved across appliance reboots." ::= { feEMPSInfo 37 } feTotalEmailHasBadUrlH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the emails containing at least one URL determined to be malicious. This value will be the cumulative and preserved across appliance reboots. feTotalEmailHasBadUrlH is the high order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feEMPSInfo 38 } feTotalEmailHasBadUrlL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the emails containing at least one URL determined to be malicious. This value will be the cumulative and preserved across appliance reboots. feTotalEmailHasBadUrlL is the low order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feEMPSInfo 39 } feeQuarantineUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is consumed capacity in term of percentage of max capacity. This is a snapshot value and represents current consumption value." ::= { feEMPSInfo 40 } feBypassEmailCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of Bypassed Emails and is the same as 'Total Emails Bypassed' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This will be the cumulative value and is maintained across appliance reboots." ::= { feEMPSInfo 41 } feBypassEmailCountH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of Bypassed Emails and is the same as 'Total Emails Bypassed' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This will be the cumulative value and is maintained across appliance reboots. feBypassEmailCountH is the high order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feEMPSInfo 42 } feBypassEmailCountL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of Bypassed Emails and is the same as 'Total Emails Bypassed' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This will be the cumulative value and is maintained across appliance reboots. feBypassEmailCountL is the low order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feEMPSInfo 43 } feDeferredEmailCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of deferred emails and will represent snapshot current value." ::= { feEMPSInfo 44 } feHoldQueueEmailCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of emails in the hold queue and will represent current snapshot value." ::= { feEMPSInfo 45 } feOpenSmtpConnections OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a snapshot value of currently open SMTP connections." ::= { feEMPSInfo 46 } feDeferredQueueThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { feDeferredEmailCount } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Deferred queue email count exceeded a certain threshold." ::= { feEMPSTraps 1 } feBypassCountThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current bypass count exceeded a certain threshold." ::= { feEMPSTraps 2 } feSmtpInterfaceRefuseConnection NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SMTP interface set to refuse connections because of congestion." ::= { feEMPSTraps 3 } feSmtpInterfaceRecover NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SMTP interface re-enabled after recover." ::= { feEMPSTraps 4 } feEMPSBypassStateEntered NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Email bypass state entered." ::= { feEMPSTraps 5 } feEMPSBypassStateExited NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Email bypass state exited." ::= { feEMPSTraps 6 } -- -- feWMPS -- feWMPSInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { feWMPS 1 } feWMPSTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { feWMPS 0 } feHttpThroughputNotIncrease NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HTTP throughput has not increased for a specified time." ::= { feWMPSTraps 1 } feHardwareBypassEntered NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Permanent hardware bypass mode entered." ::= { feWMPSTraps 2 } -- -- feMAS -- feMASInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { feMAS 1 } feMASTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { feMAS 0 } feTotalObjectAnalyzedCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the object analyzed, including all children of any samples, including URL." ::= { feMASInfo 1 } feTotalObjectAnalyzedCountH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the object analyzed, including all children of any samples, including URL. feTotalObjectAnalyzedCountH is the high order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feMASInfo 2 } feTotalObjectAnalyzedCountL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all the object analyzed, including all children of any samples, including URL. feTotalObjectAnalyzedCountL is the low order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feMASInfo 3 } feTotalMaliciousObjectCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all malicious samples detected." ::= { feMASInfo 4 } feTotalMaliciousObjectCountH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all malicious samples detected. feTotalMaliciousObjectCountH is the high order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feMASInfo 5 } feTotalMaliciousObjectCountL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all malicious samples detected. feTotalMaliciousObjectCountL is the low order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feMASInfo 6 } feTotalUrlAnalyzedCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all samples that has file type: url." ::= { feMASInfo 7 } feTotalUrlAnalyzedCountH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all samples that has file type: url. feTotalUrlAnalyzedCountH is the high order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feMASInfo 8 } feTotalUrlAnalyzedCountL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all samples that has file type: url. feTotalUrlAnalyzedCountL is the low order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feMASInfo 9 } feTotalMaliciousUrlCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all samples that has file type 'url' and also are malicious." ::= { feMASInfo 10 } feTotalMaliciousUrlCountH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all samples that has file type 'url' and also are malicious. feTotalMaliciousUrlCountH is the high order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feMASInfo 11 } feTotalMaliciousUrlCountL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all samples that has file type 'url' and also are malicious. feTotalMaliciousUrlCountL is the low order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feMASInfo 12 } feTotalFileUploadedCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all object that has no parent (basically, children will not be counted)." ::= { feMASInfo 13 } feTotalFileUploadedCountH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all object that has no parent (basically, children will not be counted). feTotalFileUploadedCountH is the high order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feMASInfo 14 } feTotalFileUploadedCountL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all object that has no parent (basically, children will not be counted). feTotalFileUploadedCountL is the low order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feMASInfo 15 } feTotalMaliciousFileCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all object that has no parent (basically children will not be counted), and are not URL." ::= { feMASInfo 16 } feTotalMaliciousFileCountH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all object that has no parent (basically children will not be counted), and are not URL. feTotalMaliciousFileCountH is the high order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feMASInfo 17 } feTotalMaliciousFileCountL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all object that has no parent (basically children will not be counted), and are not URL. feTotalMaliciousFileCountL is the low order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feMASInfo 18 } feTotalLiveModeCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all object that are submitted for live mode." ::= { feMASInfo 19 } feTotalLiveModeCountH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all object that are submitted for live mode. feTotalLiveModeCountH is the high order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feMASInfo 20 } feTotalLiveModeCountL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all object that are submitted for live mode. feTotalLiveModeCountL is the low order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feMASInfo 21 } feTotalMaliciousLiveModeCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all object that are submitted for live mode and are malicious. Live mode object has no children." ::= { feMASInfo 22 } feTotalMaliciousLiveModeCountH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all object that are submitted for live mode and are malicious. Live mode object has no children. feTotalMaliciousLiveModeCountH is the high order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feMASInfo 23 } feTotalMaliciousLiveModeCountL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a count of all object that are submitted for live mode and are malicious. Live mode object has no children. feTotalMaliciousLiveModeCountL is the low order 32bit of the 64bit counter." ::= { feMASInfo 24 } feMaid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CounterBasedGauge64 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ID of the malicious sample/url." ::= { feMASInfo 25 } feMaliciousMaid NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { feMaid } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A malicious URL or file detected." ::= { feMASTraps 1 } -- -- feMibAdminInfo -- feMibCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { feMibAdminInfo 2 } feMibGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { feMibAdminInfo 3 } feMibCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The requirements for conformance to the FireEye MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { feVariablesGroup, feNotificationsGroup, feSystemInfoGroup, feSystemTrapGroup, feStorageInfoGroup, feStorageTrapGroup, fePowerSupplyInfoGroup, fePowerSupplyTrapGroup, feFanHealthInfoGroup, feFanHealthTrapGroup, feApplicationInfoGroup, feApplicationTrapGroup } GROUP feCMSInfoGroup DESCRIPTION "This group defines CMS info counters. It's mandatory for CMS appliances." GROUP feCMSTrapGroup DESCRIPTION "This group defines CMS traps. It's mandatory for CMS appliances." GROUP feEMPSInfoGroup DESCRIPTION "This group defines eMPS info counters. It's mandatory for eMPS appliances." GROUP feEMPSTrapGroup DESCRIPTION "This group defines eMPS traps. It's mandatory for eMPS appliances." GROUP feWMPSTrapGroup DESCRIPTION "This group defines wMPS traps. It's mandatory for wMPS appliances." GROUP feMASInfoGroup DESCRIPTION "This group defines MAS info counters. It's mandatory for MAS appliances." GROUP feMASTrapGroup DESCRIPTION "This group defines MAS traps. It's mandatory for MAS appliances." ::= { feMibCompliances 1 } feVariablesGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { lmsVersion, eventCount, eventIndex, eventId, eventType, eventDate, eventTime, eventTraceId, eventSrcIp, eventDstIp, eventSrcMac, eventDstMac, eventDstPort, eventVlan, eventProtocol, eventProfileId, eventOsInfo, eventService, eventAttackType, eventSignatureName, eventSignatureType, eventSrcHost, eventCncNo, alertSignatureId, alertCncHost, alertCncPort, alertChecksum, alertAnalysisType, alertProfile, alertAction, alertInterface, alertSensorIp, alertSensorHost, alertSensorProduct, alertSensorRelease, alertUrl, eventSrcAddrType, eventSrcAddr, eventDstAddrType, eventDstAddr, eventSensorAddrType, eventSensorAddr, eventSrcPort, eventDateTime, ipsSignatureId, ipsSignatureRevision, ipsMatchCount, ipsSeverity, ipsSignatureName, ipsReferenceId, ipsBlockMode, ipsAttackTarget } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This groups contains objects for malware alerts." ::= { feMibGroups 1 } feNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { fireeyeAlert, executionAnomaly, networkAnomaly, signatureMatch, ccConnect, ccSigmatch, osChange, ipsAlert } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This groups contains notifications for malware alerts." ::= { feMibGroups 2 } feSystemInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { feSystemStatus, feHardwareModel, feSerialNumber, feTemperatureValue, feTemperatureStatus, feTemperatureIsHealthy, feIfLinkChangeIfname, feIfLinkChangeIfname, feIfLinkChangeOldAdminUp, feIfLinkChangeNewAdminUp, feIfLinkChangeOldLinkUp, feIfLinkChangeNewLinkUp, feIfLinkChangeOldSpeed, feIfLinkChangeNewSpeed, feIfLinkChangeOldDuplex, feIfLinkChangeNewDuplex, feIfLinkChangeOldAutoNeg, feIfLinkChangeNewAutoNeg } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FireEye System Info Group." ::= { feMibGroups 11 } feSystemTrapGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { feExcessiveTemperature, feNormalTemperature, feIfLinkChange } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FireEye System Trap Group." ::= { feMibGroups 12 } feStorageInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { feRaidStatus, feRaidIsHealthy, fePhysicalDiskIndex, fePhysicalDiskName, fePhysicalDiskStatus, fePhysicalDiskIsHealthy, fePhysicalDiskDeviceSupport, fePhysicalDiskSelfAssess, fePhysicalDiskTotalBytes } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FireEye Storage Info Group." ::= { feMibGroups 13 } feStorageTrapGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { feRaidFailure, feRaidRecover, fePhysicalDiskFailure, fePhysicalDiskRecover } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FireEye Storage Trap Group." ::= { feMibGroups 14 } fePowerSupplyInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { fePowerSupplyOverallStatus, fePowerSupplyOverallIsHealthy, fePowerSupplyIndex, fePowerSupplyStatus, fePowerSupplyIsHealthy } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FireEye Power Supply Info Group." ::= { feMibGroups 15 } fePowerSupplyTrapGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { fePowerSupplyFailure, fePowerSupplyRecover } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FireEye Power Supply Trap Group." ::= { feMibGroups 16 } feFanHealthInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { feFanOverallStatus, feFanOverallIsHealthy, feFanIndex, feFanStatus, feFanIsHealthy, feFanSpeed } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FireEye Fan Health Info Group." ::= { feMibGroups 17 } feFanHealthTrapGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { feFanFailure, feFanRecover } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FireEye Fan Health Trap Group." ::= { feMibGroups 18 } feApplicationInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { feInstalledSystemImage, feSystemImageVersionCurrent, feSystemImageVersionLatest, feIsSystemImageLatest, feSecurityContentVersion, feLastContentUpdatePassed, feLastContentUpdateTime, feGIIndex, feGIName, feGIVersion, feGIEnabled, feGIInstallDateTime, feActiveVMs, feProductLicenseActive, feContentLicenseActive, feSupportLicenseActive, feLicenseFeatureName, feLicenseNewActiveState, feLicenseOldActiveState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FireEye Application Info Group." ::= { feMibGroups 19 } feApplicationTrapGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { feLicenseStateChanged, feSecurityUpdateFailed } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FireEye Application Trap Group." ::= { feMibGroups 20 } feCMSInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { feTotalAppliancesAttached, feTotalWMPSAttached, feTotalEMPSAttached, feTotalFMPSAttached, feTotalMASAttached, feCMSApplianceIndex, feCMSApplianceName, feCMSApplianceDiskSpacePassed, feCMSApplianceFanPassed, feCMSAppliancePowerSupplyPassed, feCMSApplianceRaidPassed, feCMSApplianceTemperaturePassed } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FireEye CMPS Info Group." ::= { feMibGroups 21 } feCMSTrapGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { feCMSHAUnexpectedFailover, feCMSHAManualFailover } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FireEye CMS Trap Group." ::= { feMibGroups 22 } feEMPSInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { feTotalEmailCount, feTotalEmailCountH, feTotalEmailCountL, feInfectedEmailCount, feInfectedEmailCountH, feInfectedEmailCountL, feAnalyzedEmailCount, feAnalyzedEmailCountH, feAnalyzedEmailCountL, feTotalUrlCount, feTotalUrlCountH, feTotalUrlCountL, feInfectedUrlCount, feInfectedUrlCountH, feInfectedUrlCountL, feAnalyzedUrlCount, feAnalyzedUrlCountH, feAnalyzedUrlCountL, feTotalAttachmentCount, feTotalAttachmentCountH, feTotalAttachmentCountL, feInfectedAttachmentCount, feInfectedAttachmentCountH, feInfectedAttachmentCountL, feAnalyzedAttachmentCount, feAnalyzedAttachmentCountH, feAnalyzedAttachmentCountL, feTotalEmailHasAttachment, feTotalEmailHasAttachmentH, feTotalEmailHasAttachmentL, feTotalEmailHasUrl, feTotalEmailHasUrlH, feTotalEmailHasUrlL, feTotalEmailHasBadAttachment, feTotalEmailHasBadAttachmentH, feTotalEmailHasBadAttachmentL, feTotalEmailHasBadUrl, feTotalEmailHasBadUrlH, feTotalEmailHasBadUrlL, feeQuarantineUsage, feBypassEmailCount, feBypassEmailCountH, feBypassEmailCountL, feDeferredEmailCount, feHoldQueueEmailCount, feOpenSmtpConnections } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FireEye Email MPS Group." ::= { feMibGroups 23 } feEMPSTrapGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { feDeferredQueueThreshold, feBypassCountThreshold, feSmtpInterfaceRefuseConnection, feSmtpInterfaceRecover, feEMPSBypassStateEntered, feEMPSBypassStateExited } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FireEye Email MPS Trap Group." ::= { feMibGroups 24 } feWMPSTrapGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { feHttpThroughputNotIncrease, feHardwareBypassEntered } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FireEye Web MPS Trap Group." ::= { feMibGroups 26 } feMASInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { feTotalObjectAnalyzedCount, feTotalObjectAnalyzedCountH, feTotalObjectAnalyzedCountL, feTotalMaliciousObjectCount, feTotalMaliciousObjectCountH, feTotalMaliciousObjectCountL, feTotalUrlAnalyzedCount, feTotalUrlAnalyzedCountH, feTotalUrlAnalyzedCountL, feTotalMaliciousUrlCount, feTotalMaliciousUrlCountH, feTotalMaliciousUrlCountL, feTotalFileUploadedCount, feTotalFileUploadedCountH, feTotalFileUploadedCountL, feTotalMaliciousFileCount, feTotalMaliciousFileCountH, feTotalMaliciousFileCountL, feTotalLiveModeCount, feTotalLiveModeCountH, feTotalLiveModeCountL, feTotalMaliciousLiveModeCount, feTotalMaliciousLiveModeCountH, feTotalMaliciousLiveModeCountL, feMaid } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FireEye MAS Group." ::= { feMibGroups 27 } feMASTrapGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { feMaliciousMaid } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FireEye MAS Trap Group." ::= { feMibGroups 28 } END