-- ***************************************************************** -- TRELLIX CONFIDENTIAL -- TRELLIX-INTRUVERT-TC: -- Trellix (Textual Conventions) -- -- Copyright (c) 2022 MUSARUBRA US, LLC -- All rights reserved. -- -- ***************************************************************** TRELLIX-INTRUVERT-TC DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC ivConventions FROM TRELLIX-INTRUVERT-SMI; ivTextualConventions MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200707090000Z" ORGANIZATION "MUSARUBRA US LLC" CONTACT-INFO "Trellix Customer Service Department Postal: 6220 American Center Drive San Jose CA 95002-2563 Tel: +1 800 338 8754 E-mail: support@mcafee.com" DESCRIPTION "This module defines textual conventions used throughout the Trellix enterprise MIBs." ::= { ivConventions 1 } TrellixEventCategory ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" SYNTAX INTEGER { other (0), equipment (1), commnunication (2), qos (3), environment (4), application (5) } TrellixEventSeverity ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), inform (1), clear (2), warning (3), error (4), critical (5) } TrellixFEType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify speed for Fast Ethernet ports. example: 10 or 100 Mbps" SYNTAX INTEGER { other (0), ten-Mbps (1), hundred-Mbps (2), auto-negotiate (3) } TrellixGEType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify speed for Gigabit Ethernet ports." SYNTAX INTEGER { other (0), one-gbps (2), auto-negotiate (3) } TrellixIDSAction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "These specify IDS-specific actions on the management and sensor/analysis card. " SYNTAX INTEGER { other (0), enable (1), disable (2), reset (3), sigupdate (4), swupdate (5), sensordown (6), certupdate (7), hitlessreboot (8) } TrellixIDSActionResult ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bitmap-encoded integer that indicates detailed results of an action" SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) TrellixIDSActionStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status reflecting action outcome." SYNTAX INTEGER { failed (0), succeeded (1), sigupdated (2), enabled (3), disabled (4) } TrellixIDSCardType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Card type aplicable to Trellix IPS. Current support limted to - Management card - Sensor Analysis card" SYNTAX INTEGER { other (0), mgmt (1), sensor (2) } TrellixIDSOperatingMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operating mode for Trellix IPS Sensor inline-fail-open-passive: read and forward packets to destination. This will be fail-open (passive kit) monitor-dual-intf: monitor two interfaces using Tap monitor-single-intf: monitor span/hub inline-fail-close: Uses span dongle cables for the 10/100 uses external bypass switch for gigabit inline-fail-open-active:read and forward packets to destination. This will be fail-open. This is available on M-series only. " SYNTAX INTEGER { inline-fail-open-passive (1), monitor-dual-intf (2), monitor-single-intf (3), inline-fail-close (4), inline-fail-open-active (5) } TrellixIDSPortType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates type of port. gigabitEthernet supports only 1000Mbps, fastEthernet supports 10/100 Mbps, copperGigabitEthernet supports 10/100/1000 Mbps and tenGigabitEthernet supports only 10 Gbps." SYNTAX INTEGER { other (0), gigabitEthernet (1), fastEthernet (2), copperGigabitEthernet (3), tenGigabitEthernet (4), fortyGigabitEthernet (5), -- support in R-series only vnic(6) -- support in V-series only } TrellixIDSResponseMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" SYNTAX INTEGER { interace-port(0), response-port (1), management-port (2) } TrellixProductType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" SYNTAX INTEGER { ids (0) } TrellixTFTPAction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" SYNTAX INTEGER { other (0), download-image (1), download-signature (2), upload-dos (3), upload-trace (4), download-dos (5), abort-transfer (6), download-sslcert (7), download-image-and-signature (8), download-mpecert (9), download-sgap-ssl-cert (10), upload-sgap-ssl-csr (11), upload-ibac-ad-file (12), download-ibac-ad-file (13), upload-sw-tlv-file (14), download-PacketCaptureFilter-file(15), upload-PacketCaptureFilter-file(16), download-geolocation-db-file (17), upload-PacketCapturePCAP-file(18), download-usrid-acl-file(19), download-bot-dat-file(20), download-ntba-ssl-cert-file(21), upload-dev-prof-file(22), -- values 23 and 24 not used as NSM has reserved them for NTBA download-matd-ssl-cert-file(25), download-ffp-bulk-update(28), download-zcenter-ssl-cert(33), download-gti-pc-ssl-cert(34), upload-suricata-failed-rules-file(35), upload-ca-sensor-csr (36), download-ca-sensor-cert (37), download-syslog-ssl-cert (38) } TrellixTFTPFailedResult ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object defines reasons for TFTP failure. Applicable only when the corresponding is set to 'failed'." SYNTAX INTEGER { other (0), invalidFileName (1), invalidFileType (2), cannotReachServer (3), noResponseFromServer (4), insufficientDiskSpace (5), decryptionError (6), accessViolation (7), fileAlreadyExists (8), channelOutOfSync (9), sensorNotInitialized (10), realtimeUpdateError (11), sigfile1OpenError (12), sigfile1StatError (13), sigfile1MemoryError (14), sigfile1ReadError (15), sigfile1NullError (16), sigfile1MD5Error (17), sigfile1InsufficientSpaceForTotalRules (18), sigfile1ConvertError (19), sigfile1SplitError (20), sigfile2OpenError (21), sigfile2StatError (22), sigfile2MemoryError (23), sigfile2ReadError (24), sigfile2NullError (25), sigfile2MD5Error (26), sigfile2InsufficientSpaceForTotalRules (27), sigfile2ConvertError (28), sigfile2SplitError (29), initIDConvertTablesError (30), sigfileMarkError (31), sigfileUndoMarkError (32), compareSigfilesError (33), updateBaseSigfileError (34), sensorRebootRequired (35), fileParseError (36), sigfile1FormatVersionError (37), sigfile2FormatVersionError (38), fileDoesNotExists (39), outOfMemoryError (40), transferAborted (41), internalApplyError (42), incrSigfileUnspportedError (53), incrSigfileFormatError (61), incrSigfileHasSigsetMismatchError (62), incrSigfileMergeError (63) } TrellixTFTPFileType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" SYNTAX INTEGER { other (0), image (1), signature (2), trace (3), dos (4), configuration (5), sslcert (6), image-and-signature (7), mpecert (8) } TrellixTFTPInProgressResult ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object defines user feedback during TFTP progress. Applicable only when corresponding is set to 'inProgress'. Indicates percentage of TFTP up/download during the inProgress mode " SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) TrellixTFTPStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates status of corresponding TFTP action request." SYNTAX INTEGER { other (0), failed (1), inProgress (2), succeeded (3), dwnldFailed (11), applyFailed (12), dwnlding (21), dwnldingComplete (22), applying (23), applyingComplete (24) } TrellixCUGEType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify speed for copper gigabit ethernet ports. example: 10 or 100 or 1000Mbps or auto" SYNTAX INTEGER { other (0), ten-Mbps (1), hundred-Mbps (2), auto-negotiate (3), one-gbps (4) } TrellixPortSpeed ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify speed for all types of ports. example: 10 or 100 or 1000Mbps or auto or 10Gbps" SYNTAX INTEGER { other (0), fixed-ten-Mbps (1), fixed-hundred-Mbps (2), auto-negotiate-down-hundred-Mbps(3), fixed-one-Gbps(4), fixed-ten-Gbps(5), -- support in M-series only auto-negotiate-ten-Mbps (6), auto-negotiate-hundred-Mbps (7), auto-negotiate-one-Gbps(8), auto-negotiate-ten-Gbps(9), -- support in M-series only auto-negotiate-down-one-Gbps(10), fixed-forty-Gbps(11) -- support in R-series only } TrellixPluggableModuleType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Types of supported pluggable modules." SYNTAX INTEGER { other (0), pluggable-module-qsfp (1), -- two 40 gig QSFP ports pluggable-module-sfp-plus (2), -- eight SFP+ ports pluggable-module-qsfp-4 (3), -- four port QSFP pluggable-module-sfp-plus-12 (4), -- 12 port SFP+ pluggable-module-rj45-6 (5), -- 6 port RJ45 pluggable-module-sfp-plus-pfo-4-sm (6), -- 4 port SFP+ BPFO single mode pluggable-module-sfp-plus-pfo-4-mm-50um (7), -- 4 port SFP+ BPFO multi mode 50um pluggable-module-sfp-plus-pfo-4-mm-62-5um (8), -- 4 port SFP+ BPFO multi mode 62.5um fixed-ports-sfp-12 (9), -- twelve SFP ports pluggable-module-rj45-4 (10) -- 4 port RJ45 } TrellixPortLinearIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB object type indicates the Linear Index of the monitoring port. This index is generated by the sensor appliance using the pair of slot index and the port index values. The other MIB tables would directly use this linear index, whereever applicable." SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1024) END