VEL-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS enterprises FROM RFC1155-SMI MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI; vel MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201110050800Z" ORGANIZATION "Vigintos Elektronika" CONTACT-INFO "Contact: Web: Email: Address: Ozo 4, Vilnius, LT-08200, Lithuania Tel: +37052477465 Fax: +37052477466" DESCRIPTION "This is the root MIB module for VEL with OID of {iso org dod internet private enterprises 27993}. IANA allocated this enterprise OID (object identifier) for the exclusive use of Vigintos Elektronika (VEL). Other than internet network equipment distributed or licensed by VEL, no other party has any right what-so-ever to distribute or license internet network equipment which responds to the VEL enterprise OID or its subsidiary branches. VEL reserves the right to criminally prosecute and/or to seek civil damages from anyone fraudently using the VEL enterprise OID to the full extent of the law." REVISION "201110050800Z" DESCRIPTION "" ::= {enterprises 27993} END