------------------------------- -- VeloCloud MIB Definitions -- -- -- -- Contains: -- -- .velocloud(45346) -- -- .orchestrator(1) -- -- .edge(2) -- -- .gateway(3) -- ------------------------------- VELOCLOUD-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, enterprises FROM SNMPv2-SMI ; velocloud MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201908020000Z" ORGANIZATION "VMware Corporation" CONTACT-INFO "postal: VMware Corporation World Headquarters 3401 Hillview Avenue Palo Alto, CA 943043 USA web: www.velocloud.com email: contact@velocloud.com" DESCRIPTION "Top-level infrastructure of the VeloCloud enterprise MIB tree" REVISION "201908020000Z" DESCRIPTION "Implementation of VeloCloud Edge MIB Objects" REVISION "201701180000Z" DESCRIPTION "Implementation of VCO MIB Objects" REVISION "201701130000Z" DESCRIPTION "Inital definition of VeloCloud MIB Objects" ::= { enterprises 45346 } modules OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { velocloud 1 } END