-- ********************************************************** -- Copyright 2008 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. -- ********************************************************** VMWARE-AGENTCAP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI vmwareAgentCapabilities FROM VMWARE-ROOT-MIB AGENT-CAPABILITIES FROM SNMPv2-CONF; vmwAgentCapabilityMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200810270000Z" ORGANIZATION "VMware, Inc" CONTACT-INFO "VMware, Inc 3401 Hillview Ave Palo Alto, CA 94304 Tel: 1-877-486-9273 or 650-427-5000 Fax: 650-427-5001 Web: http://communities.vmware.com/community/developer/forums/managementapi " DESCRIPTION "This module defines agent capabilities for VMware agents." REVISION "200810270000Z" DESCRIPTION "Capabilities for VMware ESX 4.0 added." ::= { vmwareAgentCapabilities 1 } vmwEsxCapability OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vmwAgentCapabilityMIB 1 } vmwESX41x AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "4.1.x" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Release 4.1.x for VMware ESX" REFERENCE "http://www.vmware.com/products" -- RFC 3418 SUPPORTS SNMPv2-MIB INCLUDES { snmpGroup, systemGroup, snmpCommunityGroup, snmpBasicNotificationsGroup, snmpWarmStartNotificationGroup -- groups not supported; snmpSetGroup, snmpNotificationGroup } VARIATION snmpSetSerialNo ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." VARIATION snmpTrapOID ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpTrapEnterprise ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpEnableAuthenTraps SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(2) } ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent does not allow authentication traps. Poll snmpInBadCommunityNames for same info." -- the above implies this: -- VARIATION authenticationFailure -- ACCESS not-implemented -- DESCRIPTION "Agent does not provide this notification. snmpEnableAuthenTraps will return disabled." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 2863 SUPPORTS IF-MIB INCLUDES { ifGeneralInformationGroup, linkUpDownNotificationsGroup } VARIATION ifAdminStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of administrative state for each interface. ESX virtual layer 2 switches may support changing administrative state of physical network interfaces (nics)." VARIATION ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." VARIATION ifAlias ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "ifIndexes may only change across reboot." VARIATION ifInUnknownProtos ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "This counter always returns 0." -- ifRcvAddressGroup is interface/media specific VARIATION ifRcvAddressStatus ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." VARIATION ifRcvAddressType ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200712270000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-SYSTEM-MIB INCLUDES { vmwSystemGroup } -- REVISION 200810150000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-RESOURCES-MIB INCLUDES { vmwResourceGroup } -- REVISION 200810230000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-VMINFO-MIB INCLUDES { vmwVmInfoGroup, vmwVmInfoNotificationGroup } -- VARIATION vmwVmNetConnType -- DESCRIPTION "This object was valid for ESX 2.5 systems only. Only value returned was 'monitor_dev'" -- STATUS deprecated -- REVISION 200712270000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-ENV-MIB INCLUDES { vmwEnvNotificationGroup } ::= { vmwEsxCapability 2 } vmwESX40x AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "4.0.x" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Release 4.0.x for VMware ESX" REFERENCE "http://www.vmware.com/products" -- RFC 3418 SUPPORTS SNMPv2-MIB INCLUDES { snmpGroup, systemGroup, snmpCommunityGroup, snmpBasicNotificationsGroup, snmpWarmStartNotificationGroup -- groups not supported; snmpSetGroup, snmpNotificationGroup } VARIATION snmpSetSerialNo ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." VARIATION snmpTrapOID ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpTrapEnterprise ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpEnableAuthenTraps SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(2) } ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent does not allow authentication traps. Poll snmpInBadCommunityNames for same info." -- the above implies this: -- VARIATION authenticationFailure -- ACCESS not-implemented -- DESCRIPTION "Agent does not provide this notification. snmpEnableAuthenTraps will return disabled." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 2863 SUPPORTS IF-MIB INCLUDES { ifGeneralInformationGroup, linkUpDownNotificationsGroup } VARIATION ifAdminStatus SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1) } ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information and does not support changing operational state." VARIATION ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." -- ifXTable not implemented VARIATION ifTableLastChange ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "post RFC 1213 managed objects not implemented." VARIATION ifConnectorPresent ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "ifXTable not implemented." VARIATION ifHighSpeed ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "ifXTable not implemented." VARIATION ifName ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "ifXTable not implemented." VARIATION ifAlias ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "ifXTable not implemented." -- ifFixedLengthGroup VARIATION ifAlias ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifHCInOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifHCOutOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInUnknownProtos ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInErrors ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutErrors ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." -- ifHCFixedLengthGroup VARIATION ifHCInOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifHCOutOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInUnknownProtos ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInErrors ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutErrors ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." -- ifPacketGroup VARIATION ifInOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInUnknownProtos ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInErrors ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutErrors ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifMtu ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInUcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInMulticastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInBroadcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInDiscards ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutUcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutMulticastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutBroadcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutDiscards ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifPromiscuousMode ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." -- ifHCPacketGroup VARIATION ifInOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInUnknownProtos ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInErrors ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutErrors ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifMtu ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInUcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInMulticastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInBroadcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInDiscards ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutUcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutMulticastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutBroadcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutDiscards ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifPromiscuousMode ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." -- ifVHCPacketGroup VARIATION ifHCInUcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifHCInMulticastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifHCInBroadcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifHCOutUcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifHCOutMulticastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifHCOutBroadcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifHCInOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifHCOutOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInUnknownProtos ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInErrors ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutErrors ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifMtu ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInUcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInMulticastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInBroadcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInDiscards ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutUcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutMulticastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutBroadcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutDiscards ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifPromiscuousMode ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." -- ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup VARIATION ifCounterDiscontinuityTime ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if Performance counters are implemented." -- ifRcvAddressGroup is interface/media specific VARIATION ifRcvAddressStatus ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." VARIATION ifRcvAddressType ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200712270000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-SYSTEM-MIB INCLUDES { vmwSystemGroup } -- REVISION 200810150000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-RESOURCES-MIB INCLUDES { vmwResourceGroup } -- REVISION 200810230000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-VMINFO-MIB INCLUDES { vmwVmInfoGroup, vmwVmInfoNotificationGroup } -- VARIATION vmwVmNetConnType -- DESCRIPTION "This object was valid for ESX 2.5 systems only. Only value returned was 'monitor_dev'" -- STATUS deprecated -- REVISION 200712270000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-ENV-MIB INCLUDES { vmwEnvNotificationGroup } ::= { vmwEsxCapability 1 } END