-- ********************************************************** -- Copyright 2008-2022 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. -- ********************************************************** VMWARE-ESX-AGENTCAP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI vmwareAgentCapabilities FROM VMWARE-ROOT-MIB AGENT-CAPABILITIES FROM SNMPv2-CONF; vmwAgentCapabilityMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "202209150000Z" ORGANIZATION "VMware, Inc" CONTACT-INFO "VMware, Inc 3401 Hillview Ave Palo Alto, CA 94304 Tel: 1-877-486-9273 or 650-427-5000 Fax: 650-427-5001 Web: Downloading MIB modules http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1013445 OID list http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2054359 " DESCRIPTION "This module defines agent capabilities for deployed VMware ESX agents by release." REVISION "202209150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Capabilities for VMware VSphere (Release 8.0) ESXi 2022 added." REVISION "202003270000Z" DESCRIPTION "Capabilities for VMware VSphere (Release 7.0) ESXi 2020 added." REVISION "201710130000Z" DESCRIPTION "Capabilities for VMware VSphere (Release 6.7) ESXi 2017 added." REVISION "201604220000Z" DESCRIPTION "Capabilities for VMware VSphere ESXi 2016 added." REVISION "201501120000Z" DESCRIPTION "Renamed mib module to reflect this contains only the VMware ESX agent." REVISION "201408020000Z" DESCRIPTION "Capabilities for VMware VSphere ESXi 2015 added." REVISION "201210030000Z" DESCRIPTION "Capabilities for VMware ESX 5.5 agent added." REVISION "201207130000Z" DESCRIPTION "Capabilities for VMware ESX 5.1 agent added." REVISION "201010180000Z" DESCRIPTION "Capabilities for VMware ESX 5.0 added." REVISION "200810270000Z" DESCRIPTION "Capabilities for VMware ESX 4.0 added." ::= { vmwareAgentCapabilities 1 } vmwEsxCapability OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vmwAgentCapabilityMIB 1 } -- -- ESXi 8.0 and follow up patch releases -- vmwESX80x AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "8.0.x" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Release 8.0 for VMware ESXi supports SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3. Changes in this release were primarily bug fixing related. " REFERENCE "http://www.vmware.com/products" -- RFC 3418 SUPPORTS SNMPv2-MIB INCLUDES { snmpGroup, systemGroup, snmpCommunityGroup, snmpBasicNotificationsGroup, snmpWarmStartNotificationGroup -- groups not supported; snmpSetGroup, snmpNotificationGroup } VARIATION snmpSetSerialNo ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." VARIATION snmpTrapOID ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpTrapEnterprise ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpEnableAuthenTraps SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(2) } ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent does not allow authentication traps. Poll snmpInBadCommunityNames for same info." -- the above clause implies this: -- VARIATION authenticationFailure -- ACCESS not-implemented -- DESCRIPTION "Agent does not provide this notification. snmpEnableAuthenTraps will return disabled." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 3412 SUPPORTS SNMP-MPD-MIB INCLUDES { snmpMPDGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 2863 SUPPORTS IF-MIB INCLUDES { ifGeneralInformationGroup, linkUpDownNotificationsGroup } VARIATION ifAdminStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of administrative state for each physical interface. ESX virtual switches support changing administrative state of physical network interfaces (nics) up or down. For example the command: esxcli network nic [up|down] -n vmnic0 Virtual vmware interfaces (ifType 238) also support changing administratie state: network ip interface set --enabled [yes|no] -i vmk0 " VARIATION ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." VARIATION ifAlias ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "ifIndexes may only change across reboot." VARIATION ifInUnknownProtos ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "This counter always returns 0." -- ifRcvAddressGroup is interface/media specific VARIATION ifRcvAddressStatus ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." VARIATION ifRcvAddressType ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4293 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS IP-MIB INCLUDES { ipSystemStatsGroup, ipAddressGroup, ipNetToPhysicalGroup, ipDefaultRouterGroup, icmpStatsGroup, ipSystemStatsHCOctetGroup, ipSystemStatsHCPacketGroup, ipv4GeneralGroup, ipv4IfGroup, ipv4SystemStatsGroup, ipv4SystemStatsHCPacketGroup, ipv6GeneralGroup2, ipv6IfGroup, ipAddressPrefixGroup, ipv6RouterAdvertGroup, ipLastChangeGroup } -- VARIATION ipv6ScopeGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4292 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS IP-FORWARD-MIB INCLUDES { inetForwardCidrRouteGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4113 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS UDP-MIB -- The next two 32 bit counters will be fixed per bug report PR 890894 -- VARIATION udpInDatagrams -- ACCESS not-implemented, use udpHCInDatagrams -- VARIATION udpOutDatagrams -- ACCESS not-implemented, use udpHCOutDatagrams INCLUDES { udpBaseGroup, udpEndpointGroup, udpHCGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4022 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS TCP-MIB INCLUDES { tcpBaseGroup, tcpConnectionGroup, tcpListenerGroup } -- RFC 2790 -- NOTE: For storage luns larger than Integer32 (Terabyte) this agent will report INT_MAX -- Enable Largestorage: true CLI: esxcli system snmp set largestorage SUPPORTS HOST-RESOURCES-MIB INCLUDES { hrSystemGroup, hrStorageGroup, -- visorfs "ramdisks" are not reported hrDeviceGroup, hrSWRunGroup, hrSWRunPerfGroup, hrSWInstalledGroup -- updates once an hour } VARIATION hrSystemNumUsers ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Value reports number of active ESX Shell sessions" VARIATION hrSWRunName ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Value does not match hrSWInstalledName" VARIATION hrSystemDate ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSystemInitialLoadDevice ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSystemInitialLoadParameters ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrStorageSize ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSWRunStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" -- hrDeviceStatus reports unknown for: cpu. pnic either running/unknown. -- disk reports running, warning, down, unknown -- device error counters do not account for all failure cases VARIATION hrSWOSIndex ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "No operatingSystem entry exists in hrSWRunGroup hrSWRunTable" VARIATION hrFSLastFullBackupDate ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrFSLastPartialBackupDate ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrPrinterStatus ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrPrinterDetectedErrorState ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4133 SUPPORTS ENTITY-MIB INCLUDES { entityPhysicalGroup, entityPhysical2Group, entityPhysical3Group, entityGeneralGroup } -- VARIATION entityNotificationsGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- VARIATION entityMappingGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200810150000Z SUPPORTS IEEE8021-BRIDGE-MIB INCLUDES { ieee8021BridgeBaseBridgeGroup, ieee8021BridgeBasePortGroup, ieee8021BridgeTpPortGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200810150000Z -- virtual switch uplinks (physical ports) do perform do mac learning and will -- not report in FDB/forwarding tables SUPPORTS IEEE8021-Q-BRIDGE-MIB INCLUDES { ieee8021QBridgeBaseGroup, ieee8021QBridgeVlanGroup, ieee8021QBridgeVlanStaticGroup, ieee8021QBridgePortGroup2, ieee8021QBridgeFdbUnicastGroup, ieee8021QBridgeFdbMulticastGroup, ieee8021QBridgeFdbStaticGroup, ieee8021QBridgeVlanStatisticsGroup } -- VARATION ieee8021QBridgeVlanCurrentUntaggedPorts -- Reports count of 0 if only untagged vlan access (vid 0) is defined -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200706200000Z -- VDS link aggregations are not reported this release, issue PR 859941 -- only VSS, traditional vswitch, nic teams are reported entries SUPPORTS IEEE8023-LAG-MIB INCLUDES { dot3adAggGroup, dot3adAggPortGroup, dot3adTablesLastChangedGroup, dot3adAggPortListGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200906080000Z SUPPORTS LLDP-V2-MIB INCLUDES { lldpV2ConfigGroup, lldpV2ConfigTxGroup, lldpV2StatsTxGroup, lldpV2LocSysGroup, lldpV2ConfigRxGroup, lldpV2StatsRxGroup, lldpV2RemSysGroup, lldpV2NotificationsGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 201008020000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-SYSTEM-MIB INCLUDES { vmwSystemGroup } -- REVISION 200810150000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-RESOURCES-MIB INCLUDES { vmwResourceGroup } -- REVISION 201006220000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-VMINFO-MIB INCLUDES { vmwVmInfoGroup, vmwVmInfoNotificationGroup } -- VARIATION vmwVmNetConnType -- DESCRIPTION "This object was valid for ESX 2.5 systems only. Only value returned was 'monitor_dev'" -- STATUS deprecated -- REVISION 201706050000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-ENV-MIB INCLUDES { vmwEnvCIMToSNMP, vmwEnvironmentGroup2, vmwESXEnvNotificationGroup3 } -- REVISION 201008200000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-CIMOM-MIB INCLUDES { vmwCimOmNotificationGroup } ::= { vmwEsxCapability 18 } -- -- ESXi 7.0 and follow up patch releases -- vmwESX70x AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "7.0.x" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Release 7.0 for VMware ESXi supports SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3. Changes in this release were primarily bug fixing related. " REFERENCE "http://www.vmware.com/products" -- RFC 3418 SUPPORTS SNMPv2-MIB INCLUDES { snmpGroup, systemGroup, snmpCommunityGroup, snmpBasicNotificationsGroup, snmpWarmStartNotificationGroup -- groups not supported; snmpSetGroup, snmpNotificationGroup } VARIATION snmpSetSerialNo ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." VARIATION snmpTrapOID ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpTrapEnterprise ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpEnableAuthenTraps SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(2) } ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent does not allow authentication traps. Poll snmpInBadCommunityNames for same info." -- the above clause implies this: -- VARIATION authenticationFailure -- ACCESS not-implemented -- DESCRIPTION "Agent does not provide this notification. snmpEnableAuthenTraps will return disabled." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 3412 SUPPORTS SNMP-MPD-MIB INCLUDES { snmpMPDGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 2863 SUPPORTS IF-MIB INCLUDES { ifGeneralInformationGroup, linkUpDownNotificationsGroup } VARIATION ifAdminStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of administrative state for each physical interface. ESX virtual switches support changing administrative state of physical network interfaces (nics) up or down. For example the command: esxcli network nic [up|down] -n vmnic0 Virtual vmware interfaces (ifType 238) also support changing administratie state: network ip interface set --enabled [yes|no] -i vmk0 " VARIATION ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." VARIATION ifAlias ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "ifIndexes may only change across reboot." VARIATION ifInUnknownProtos ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "This counter always returns 0." -- ifRcvAddressGroup is interface/media specific VARIATION ifRcvAddressStatus ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." VARIATION ifRcvAddressType ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4293 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS IP-MIB INCLUDES { ipSystemStatsGroup, ipAddressGroup, ipNetToPhysicalGroup, ipDefaultRouterGroup, icmpStatsGroup, ipSystemStatsHCOctetGroup, ipSystemStatsHCPacketGroup, ipv4GeneralGroup, ipv4IfGroup, ipv4SystemStatsGroup, ipv4SystemStatsHCPacketGroup, ipv6GeneralGroup2, ipv6IfGroup, ipAddressPrefixGroup, ipv6RouterAdvertGroup, ipLastChangeGroup } -- VARIATION ipv6ScopeGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4292 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS IP-FORWARD-MIB INCLUDES { inetForwardCidrRouteGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4113 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS UDP-MIB -- The next two 32 bit counters will be fixed per bug report PR 890894 -- VARIATION udpInDatagrams -- ACCESS not-implemented, use udpHCInDatagrams -- VARIATION udpOutDatagrams -- ACCESS not-implemented, use udpHCOutDatagrams INCLUDES { udpBaseGroup, udpEndpointGroup, udpHCGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4022 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS TCP-MIB INCLUDES { tcpBaseGroup, tcpConnectionGroup, tcpListenerGroup } -- RFC 2790 -- NOTE: For storage luns larger than Integer32 (Terabyte) this agent will report INT_MAX -- Enable Largestorage: true CLI: esxcli system snmp set largestorage SUPPORTS HOST-RESOURCES-MIB INCLUDES { hrSystemGroup, hrStorageGroup, -- visorfs "ramdisks" are not reported hrDeviceGroup, hrSWRunGroup, hrSWRunPerfGroup, hrSWInstalledGroup -- updates once an hour } VARIATION hrSystemNumUsers ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Value reports number of active ESX Shell sessions" VARIATION hrSWRunName ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Value does not match hrSWInstalledName" VARIATION hrSystemDate ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSystemInitialLoadDevice ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSystemInitialLoadParameters ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrStorageSize ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSWRunStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" -- hrDeviceStatus reports unknown for: cpu. pnic either running/unknown. -- disk reports running, warning, down, unknown -- device error counters do not account for all failure cases VARIATION hrSWOSIndex ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "No operatingSystem entry exists in hrSWRunGroup hrSWRunTable" VARIATION hrFSLastFullBackupDate ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrFSLastPartialBackupDate ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrPrinterStatus ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrPrinterDetectedErrorState ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4133 SUPPORTS ENTITY-MIB INCLUDES { entityPhysicalGroup, entityPhysical2Group, entityPhysical3Group, entityGeneralGroup } -- VARIATION entityNotificationsGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- VARIATION entityMappingGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200810150000Z SUPPORTS IEEE8021-BRIDGE-MIB INCLUDES { ieee8021BridgeBaseBridgeGroup, ieee8021BridgeBasePortGroup, ieee8021BridgeTpPortGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200810150000Z -- virtual switch uplinks (physical ports) do perform do mac learning and will -- not report in FDB/forwarding tables SUPPORTS IEEE8021-Q-BRIDGE-MIB INCLUDES { ieee8021QBridgeBaseGroup, ieee8021QBridgeVlanGroup, ieee8021QBridgeVlanStaticGroup, ieee8021QBridgePortGroup2, ieee8021QBridgeFdbUnicastGroup, ieee8021QBridgeFdbMulticastGroup, ieee8021QBridgeFdbStaticGroup, ieee8021QBridgeVlanStatisticsGroup } -- VARATION ieee8021QBridgeVlanCurrentUntaggedPorts -- Reports count of 0 if only untagged vlan access (vid 0) is defined -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200706200000Z -- VDS link aggregations are not reported this release, issue PR 859941 -- only VSS, traditional vswitch, nic teams are reported entries SUPPORTS IEEE8023-LAG-MIB INCLUDES { dot3adAggGroup, dot3adAggPortGroup, dot3adTablesLastChangedGroup, dot3adAggPortListGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200906080000Z SUPPORTS LLDP-V2-MIB INCLUDES { lldpV2ConfigGroup, lldpV2ConfigTxGroup, lldpV2StatsTxGroup, lldpV2LocSysGroup, lldpV2ConfigRxGroup, lldpV2StatsRxGroup, lldpV2RemSysGroup, lldpV2NotificationsGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 201008020000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-SYSTEM-MIB INCLUDES { vmwSystemGroup } -- REVISION 200810150000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-RESOURCES-MIB INCLUDES { vmwResourceGroup } -- REVISION 201006220000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-VMINFO-MIB INCLUDES { vmwVmInfoGroup, vmwVmInfoNotificationGroup } -- VARIATION vmwVmNetConnType -- DESCRIPTION "This object was valid for ESX 2.5 systems only. Only value returned was 'monitor_dev'" -- STATUS deprecated -- REVISION 201706050000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-ENV-MIB INCLUDES { vmwEnvCIMToSNMP, vmwEnvironmentGroup2, vmwESXEnvNotificationGroup3 } -- REVISION 201008200000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-CIMOM-MIB INCLUDES { vmwCimOmNotificationGroup } ::= { vmwEsxCapability 17 } -- -- ESXi 6.7 and follow up patch releases -- vmwESX67x AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "6.7.x" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Release 6.7 for VMware ESXi supports SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3. VMWARE-ENV-MIB was fully implmented, now possible to poll BMC (IPMI) System Event Log. New notifications were created for specific SDR sensors and agent will now notify when IPMI SEL becomes full/capacity. Other changes for this release were primarily bug fixing related. " REFERENCE "http://www.vmware.com/products" -- RFC 3418 SUPPORTS SNMPv2-MIB INCLUDES { snmpGroup, systemGroup, snmpCommunityGroup, snmpBasicNotificationsGroup, snmpWarmStartNotificationGroup -- groups not supported; snmpSetGroup, snmpNotificationGroup } VARIATION snmpSetSerialNo ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." VARIATION snmpTrapOID ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpTrapEnterprise ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpEnableAuthenTraps SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(2) } ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent does not allow authentication traps. Poll snmpInBadCommunityNames for same info." -- the above clause implies this: -- VARIATION authenticationFailure -- ACCESS not-implemented -- DESCRIPTION "Agent does not provide this notification. snmpEnableAuthenTraps will return disabled." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 3412 SUPPORTS SNMP-MPD-MIB INCLUDES { snmpMPDGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 2863 SUPPORTS IF-MIB INCLUDES { ifGeneralInformationGroup, linkUpDownNotificationsGroup } VARIATION ifAdminStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of administrative state for each physical interface. ESX virtual switches support changing administrative state of physical network interfaces (nics) up or down. For example the command: esxcli network nic [up|down] -n vmnic0 Virtual vmware interfaces (ifType 238) also support changing administratie state: network ip interface set --enabled [yes|no] -i vmk0 " VARIATION ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." VARIATION ifAlias ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "ifIndexes may only change across reboot." VARIATION ifInUnknownProtos ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "This counter always returns 0." -- ifRcvAddressGroup is interface/media specific VARIATION ifRcvAddressStatus ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." VARIATION ifRcvAddressType ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4293 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS IP-MIB INCLUDES { ipSystemStatsGroup, ipAddressGroup, ipNetToPhysicalGroup, ipDefaultRouterGroup, icmpStatsGroup, ipSystemStatsHCOctetGroup, ipSystemStatsHCPacketGroup, ipv4GeneralGroup, ipv4IfGroup, ipv4SystemStatsGroup, ipv4SystemStatsHCPacketGroup, ipv6GeneralGroup2, ipv6IfGroup, ipAddressPrefixGroup, ipv6RouterAdvertGroup, ipLastChangeGroup } -- VARIATION ipv6ScopeGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4292 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS IP-FORWARD-MIB INCLUDES { inetForwardCidrRouteGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4113 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS UDP-MIB -- The next two 32 bit counters will be fixed per bug report PR 890894 -- VARIATION udpInDatagrams -- ACCESS not-implemented, use udpHCInDatagrams -- VARIATION udpOutDatagrams -- ACCESS not-implemented, use udpHCOutDatagrams INCLUDES { udpBaseGroup, udpEndpointGroup, udpHCGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4022 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS TCP-MIB INCLUDES { tcpBaseGroup, tcpConnectionGroup, tcpListenerGroup } -- RFC 2790 -- NOTE: For storage larger than Integer32 (Terabyte) this agent will report INT_MAX SUPPORTS HOST-RESOURCES-MIB INCLUDES { hrSystemGroup, hrStorageGroup, -- visorfs "ramdisks" are not reported hrDeviceGroup, hrSWRunGroup, hrSWRunPerfGroup, hrSWInstalledGroup -- updates once an hour } VARIATION hrSystemNumUsers ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Value reports number of active ESX Shell sessions" VARIATION hrSWRunName ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Value does not match hrSWInstalledName" VARIATION hrSystemDate ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSystemInitialLoadDevice ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSystemInitialLoadParameters ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrStorageSize ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSWRunStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" -- hrDeviceStatus reports unknown for: cpu. pnic either running/unknown. -- disk reports running, warning, down, unknown -- device error counters do not account for all failure cases VARIATION hrSWOSIndex ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "No operatingSystem entry exists in hrSWRunGroup hrSWRunTable" VARIATION hrFSLastFullBackupDate ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrFSLastPartialBackupDate ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrPrinterStatus ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrPrinterDetectedErrorState ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4133 SUPPORTS ENTITY-MIB INCLUDES { entityPhysicalGroup, entityPhysical2Group, entityPhysical3Group, entityGeneralGroup } -- VARIATION entityNotificationsGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- VARIATION entityMappingGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200810150000Z SUPPORTS IEEE8021-BRIDGE-MIB INCLUDES { ieee8021BridgeBaseBridgeGroup, ieee8021BridgeBasePortGroup, ieee8021BridgeTpPortGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200810150000Z -- virtual switch uplinks (physical ports) do perform do mac learning and will -- not report in FDB/forwarding tables SUPPORTS IEEE8021-Q-BRIDGE-MIB INCLUDES { ieee8021QBridgeBaseGroup, ieee8021QBridgeVlanGroup, ieee8021QBridgeVlanStaticGroup, ieee8021QBridgePortGroup2, ieee8021QBridgeFdbUnicastGroup, ieee8021QBridgeFdbMulticastGroup, ieee8021QBridgeFdbStaticGroup, ieee8021QBridgeVlanStatisticsGroup } -- VARATION ieee8021QBridgeVlanCurrentUntaggedPorts -- Reports count of 0 if only untagged vlan access (vid 0) is defined -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200706200000Z -- VDS link aggregations are not reported this release, issue PR 859941 -- only VSS, traditional vswitch, nic teams are reported entries SUPPORTS IEEE8023-LAG-MIB INCLUDES { dot3adAggGroup, dot3adAggPortGroup, dot3adTablesLastChangedGroup, dot3adAggPortListGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200906080000Z SUPPORTS LLDP-V2-MIB INCLUDES { lldpV2ConfigGroup, lldpV2ConfigTxGroup, lldpV2StatsTxGroup, lldpV2LocSysGroup, lldpV2ConfigRxGroup, lldpV2StatsRxGroup, lldpV2RemSysGroup, lldpV2NotificationsGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 201008020000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-SYSTEM-MIB INCLUDES { vmwSystemGroup } -- REVISION 200810150000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-RESOURCES-MIB INCLUDES { vmwResourceGroup } -- REVISION 201006220000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-VMINFO-MIB INCLUDES { vmwVmInfoGroup, vmwVmInfoNotificationGroup } -- VARIATION vmwVmNetConnType -- DESCRIPTION "This object was valid for ESX 2.5 systems only. Only value returned was 'monitor_dev'" -- STATUS deprecated -- REVISION 201706050000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-ENV-MIB INCLUDES { vmwEnvCIMToSNMP, vmwEnvironmentGroup2, vmwESXEnvNotificationGroup3 } -- REVISION 201008200000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-CIMOM-MIB INCLUDES { vmwCimOmNotificationGroup } ::= { vmwEsxCapability 16 } -- -- ESX 6.5 and follow up patch releases -- vmwESX65x AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "6.5.x" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Release 6.5 for VMware ESXi supports SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3 with a stand-alone snmpd process. NSX VDS now supported by BRIDGE MIB modules. No vDR instrumentation is yet available. Agent can now handle slow responses from SAN Storage when reporting LUN storage, see https://kb.vmware.com/kb/2135500 This agent supports read-only protocol operations. This implies that configuring the SNMPv3 Agent can not be done via SET operations. Hence IETF standard SNMPv3 agent configuration mibs are not provided. The SNMPv3 protocol is fully supported once configured via the CLI command interface (esxcli system snmp) command set or vCenter Server host profiles. Lastly this SNMP agent provides one read-only view of the entire system to which all SNMPv3 users configured are assigned. " REFERENCE "http://www.vmware.com/products" -- RFC 3418 SUPPORTS SNMPv2-MIB INCLUDES { snmpGroup, systemGroup, snmpCommunityGroup, snmpBasicNotificationsGroup, snmpWarmStartNotificationGroup -- groups not supported; snmpSetGroup, snmpNotificationGroup } VARIATION snmpSetSerialNo ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." VARIATION snmpTrapOID ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpTrapEnterprise ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpEnableAuthenTraps SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(2) } ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent does not allow authentication traps. Poll snmpInBadCommunityNames for same info." -- the above clause implies this: -- VARIATION authenticationFailure -- ACCESS not-implemented -- DESCRIPTION "Agent does not provide this notification. snmpEnableAuthenTraps will return disabled." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 3412 SUPPORTS SNMP-MPD-MIB INCLUDES { snmpMPDGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 2863 SUPPORTS IF-MIB INCLUDES { ifGeneralInformationGroup, linkUpDownNotificationsGroup } VARIATION ifAdminStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of administrative state for each physical interface. ESX virtual switches support changing administrative state of physical network interfaces (nics) up or down. For example the command: esxcli network nic [up|down] -n vmnic0 Virtual vmware interfaces (ifType 238) also support changing administratie state: network ip interface set --enabled [yes|no] -i vmk0 " VARIATION ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." VARIATION ifAlias ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "ifIndexes may only change across reboot." VARIATION ifInUnknownProtos ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "This counter always returns 0." -- ifRcvAddressGroup is interface/media specific VARIATION ifRcvAddressStatus ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." VARIATION ifRcvAddressType ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4293 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS IP-MIB INCLUDES { ipSystemStatsGroup, ipAddressGroup, ipNetToPhysicalGroup, ipDefaultRouterGroup, icmpStatsGroup, ipSystemStatsHCOctetGroup, ipSystemStatsHCPacketGroup, ipv4GeneralGroup, ipv4IfGroup, ipv4SystemStatsGroup, ipv4SystemStatsHCPacketGroup, ipv6GeneralGroup2, ipv6IfGroup, ipAddressPrefixGroup, ipv6RouterAdvertGroup, ipLastChangeGroup } -- VARIATION ipv6ScopeGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4292 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS IP-FORWARD-MIB INCLUDES { inetForwardCidrRouteGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4113 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS UDP-MIB -- The next two 32 bit counters will be fixed per bug report PR 890894 -- VARIATION udpInDatagrams -- ACCESS not-implemented, use udpHCInDatagrams -- VARIATION udpOutDatagrams -- ACCESS not-implemented, use udpHCOutDatagrams INCLUDES { udpBaseGroup, udpEndpointGroup, udpHCGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4022 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS TCP-MIB INCLUDES { tcpBaseGroup, tcpConnectionGroup, tcpListenerGroup } -- RFC 2790 -- NOTE: For storage larger than Integer32 (Terabyte) this agent will report INT_MAX SUPPORTS HOST-RESOURCES-MIB INCLUDES { hrSystemGroup, hrStorageGroup, -- visorfs "ramdisks" are not reported hrDeviceGroup, hrSWRunGroup, hrSWRunPerfGroup, hrSWInstalledGroup -- updates once an hour } VARIATION hrSystemNumUsers ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Value reports number of active ESX Shell sessions" VARIATION hrSWRunName ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Value does not match hrSWInstalledName" VARIATION hrSystemDate ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSystemInitialLoadDevice ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSystemInitialLoadParameters ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrStorageSize ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSWRunStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" -- hrDeviceStatus reports unknown for: cpu. pnic either running/unknown. -- disk reports running, warning, down, unknown -- device error counters do not account for all failure cases VARIATION hrSWOSIndex ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "No operatingSystem entry exists in hrSWRunGroup hrSWRunTable" VARIATION hrFSLastFullBackupDate ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrFSLastPartialBackupDate ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrPrinterStatus ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrPrinterDetectedErrorState ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4133 SUPPORTS ENTITY-MIB INCLUDES { entityPhysicalGroup, entityPhysical2Group, entityPhysical3Group, entityGeneralGroup } -- VARIATION entityNotificationsGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- VARIATION entityMappingGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200810150000Z SUPPORTS IEEE8021-BRIDGE-MIB INCLUDES { ieee8021BridgeBaseBridgeGroup, ieee8021BridgeBasePortGroup, ieee8021BridgeTpPortGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200810150000Z -- virtual switch uplinks (physical ports) do perform do mac learning and will -- not report in FDB/forwarding tables SUPPORTS IEEE8021-Q-BRIDGE-MIB INCLUDES { ieee8021QBridgeBaseGroup, ieee8021QBridgeVlanGroup, ieee8021QBridgeVlanStaticGroup, ieee8021QBridgePortGroup2, ieee8021QBridgeFdbUnicastGroup, ieee8021QBridgeFdbMulticastGroup, ieee8021QBridgeFdbStaticGroup, ieee8021QBridgeVlanStatisticsGroup } -- VARATION ieee8021QBridgeVlanCurrentUntaggedPorts -- Reports count of 0 if only untagged vlan access (vid 0) is defined -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200706200000Z -- VDS link aggregations are not reported this release, issue PR 859941 -- only VSS, traditional vswitch, nic teams are reported entries SUPPORTS IEEE8023-LAG-MIB INCLUDES { dot3adAggGroup, dot3adAggPortGroup, dot3adTablesLastChangedGroup, dot3adAggPortListGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200906080000Z SUPPORTS LLDP-V2-MIB INCLUDES { lldpV2ConfigGroup, lldpV2ConfigTxGroup, lldpV2StatsTxGroup, lldpV2LocSysGroup, lldpV2ConfigRxGroup, lldpV2StatsRxGroup, lldpV2RemSysGroup, lldpV2NotificationsGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 201008020000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-SYSTEM-MIB INCLUDES { vmwSystemGroup } -- REVISION 200810150000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-RESOURCES-MIB INCLUDES { vmwResourceGroup } -- REVISION 201006220000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-VMINFO-MIB INCLUDES { vmwVmInfoGroup, vmwVmInfoNotificationGroup } -- VARIATION vmwVmNetConnType -- DESCRIPTION "This object was valid for ESX 2.5 systems only. Only value returned was 'monitor_dev'" -- STATUS deprecated -- REVISION 201005120000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-ENV-MIB INCLUDES { vmwEnvAlertGroup, vmwESXEnvNotificationGroup2 } -- REVISION 201008200000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-CIMOM-MIB INCLUDES { vmwCimOmNotificationGroup } ::= { vmwEsxCapability 15 } -- -- ESX 6.0 and follow up patch releases -- vmwESX60x AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "6.0.x" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Release 6.0 for VMware ESXi supports SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3 with a stand-alone snmpd process. Only Minor changes and bug fixes in this release of the SNMP Agent. No vDR instrumentation is yet available. This agent supports read-only protocol operations. This implies that configuring the SNMPv3 Agent can not be done via SET operations. Hence IETF standard SNMPv3 agent configuration mibs are not provided. The SNMPv3 protocol is fully supported once configured via the CLI command interface (esxcli system snmp) command set or vCenter Server host profiles. Lastly this SNMP agent provides one read-only view of the entire system to which all SNMPv3 users configured are assigned. " REFERENCE "http://www.vmware.com/products" -- RFC 3418 SUPPORTS SNMPv2-MIB INCLUDES { snmpGroup, systemGroup, snmpCommunityGroup, snmpBasicNotificationsGroup, snmpWarmStartNotificationGroup -- groups not supported; snmpSetGroup, snmpNotificationGroup } VARIATION snmpSetSerialNo ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." VARIATION snmpTrapOID ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpTrapEnterprise ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpEnableAuthenTraps SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(2) } ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent does not allow authentication traps. Poll snmpInBadCommunityNames for same info." -- the above clause implies this: -- VARIATION authenticationFailure -- ACCESS not-implemented -- DESCRIPTION "Agent does not provide this notification. snmpEnableAuthenTraps will return disabled." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 3412 SUPPORTS SNMP-MPD-MIB INCLUDES { snmpMPDGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 2863 SUPPORTS IF-MIB INCLUDES { ifGeneralInformationGroup, linkUpDownNotificationsGroup } VARIATION ifAdminStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of administrative state for each physical interface. ESX virtual switches support changing administrative state of physical network interfaces (nics) up or down. For example the command: esxcli network nic [up|down] -n vmnic0 Virtual vmware interfaces (ifType 238) also support changing administratie state: network ip interface set --enabled [yes|no] -i vmk0 " VARIATION ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." VARIATION ifAlias ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "ifIndexes may only change across reboot." VARIATION ifInUnknownProtos ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "This counter always returns 0." -- ifRcvAddressGroup is interface/media specific VARIATION ifRcvAddressStatus ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." VARIATION ifRcvAddressType ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4293 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS IP-MIB INCLUDES { ipSystemStatsGroup, ipAddressGroup, ipNetToPhysicalGroup, ipDefaultRouterGroup, icmpStatsGroup, ipSystemStatsHCOctetGroup, ipSystemStatsHCPacketGroup, ipv4GeneralGroup, ipv4IfGroup, ipv4SystemStatsGroup, ipv4SystemStatsHCPacketGroup, ipv6GeneralGroup2, ipv6IfGroup, ipAddressPrefixGroup, ipv6RouterAdvertGroup, ipLastChangeGroup } -- VARIATION ipv6ScopeGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4292 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS IP-FORWARD-MIB INCLUDES { inetForwardCidrRouteGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4113 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS UDP-MIB -- The next two 32 bit counters will be fixed per bug report PR 890894 -- VARIATION udpInDatagrams -- ACCESS not-implemented, use udpHCInDatagrams -- VARIATION udpOutDatagrams -- ACCESS not-implemented, use udpHCOutDatagrams INCLUDES { udpBaseGroup, udpEndpointGroup, udpHCGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4022 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS TCP-MIB INCLUDES { tcpBaseGroup, tcpConnectionGroup, tcpListenerGroup } -- RFC 2790 -- NOTE: For storage larger than Integer32 (Terabyte) this agent will report INT_MAX SUPPORTS HOST-RESOURCES-MIB INCLUDES { hrSystemGroup, hrStorageGroup, -- visorfs "ramdisks" are not reported hrDeviceGroup, hrSWRunGroup, hrSWRunPerfGroup, hrSWInstalledGroup -- updates once an hour } VARIATION hrSystemNumUsers ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Value reports number of active ESX Shell sessions" VARIATION hrSWRunName ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Value does not match hrSWInstalledName" VARIATION hrSystemDate ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSystemInitialLoadDevice ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSystemInitialLoadParameters ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrStorageSize ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSWRunStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" -- hrDeviceStatus reports unknown for: cpu. pnic either running/unknown. -- disk reports running, warning, down, unknown -- device error counters do not account for all failure cases VARIATION hrSWOSIndex ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "No operatingSystem entry exists in hrSWRunGroup hrSWRunTable" VARIATION hrFSLastFullBackupDate ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrFSLastPartialBackupDate ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrPrinterStatus ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrPrinterDetectedErrorState ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4133 SUPPORTS ENTITY-MIB INCLUDES { entityPhysicalGroup, entityPhysical2Group, entityPhysical3Group, entityGeneralGroup } -- VARIATION entityNotificationsGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- VARIATION entityMappingGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200810150000Z SUPPORTS IEEE8021-BRIDGE-MIB INCLUDES { ieee8021BridgeBaseBridgeGroup, ieee8021BridgeBasePortGroup, ieee8021BridgeTpPortGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200810150000Z -- virtual switch uplinks (physical ports) do perform do mac learning and will -- not report in FDB/forwarding tables SUPPORTS IEEE8021-Q-BRIDGE-MIB INCLUDES { ieee8021QBridgeBaseGroup, ieee8021QBridgeVlanGroup, ieee8021QBridgeVlanStaticGroup, ieee8021QBridgePortGroup2, ieee8021QBridgeFdbUnicastGroup, ieee8021QBridgeFdbMulticastGroup, ieee8021QBridgeFdbStaticGroup, ieee8021QBridgeVlanStatisticsGroup } -- VARATION ieee8021QBridgeVlanCurrentUntaggedPorts -- Reports count of 0 if only untagged vlan access (vid 0) is defined -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200706200000Z -- VDS link aggregations are not reported this release, issue PR 859941 -- only VSS, traditional vswitch, nic teams are reported entries SUPPORTS IEEE8023-LAG-MIB INCLUDES { dot3adAggGroup, dot3adAggPortGroup, dot3adTablesLastChangedGroup, dot3adAggPortListGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200906080000Z SUPPORTS LLDP-V2-MIB INCLUDES { lldpV2ConfigGroup, lldpV2ConfigTxGroup, lldpV2StatsTxGroup, lldpV2LocSysGroup, lldpV2ConfigRxGroup, lldpV2StatsRxGroup, lldpV2RemSysGroup, lldpV2NotificationsGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 201008020000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-SYSTEM-MIB INCLUDES { vmwSystemGroup } -- REVISION 200810150000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-RESOURCES-MIB INCLUDES { vmwResourceGroup } -- REVISION 201006220000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-VMINFO-MIB INCLUDES { vmwVmInfoGroup, vmwVmInfoNotificationGroup } -- VARIATION vmwVmNetConnType -- DESCRIPTION "This object was valid for ESX 2.5 systems only. Only value returned was 'monitor_dev'" -- STATUS deprecated -- REVISION 201005120000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-ENV-MIB INCLUDES { vmwEnvAlertGroup, vmwESXEnvNotificationGroup2 } -- REVISION 201008200000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-CIMOM-MIB INCLUDES { vmwCimOmNotificationGroup } ::= { vmwEsxCapability 10 } -- -- ESX 5.5 and follow up patch releases -- vmwESX55 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "5.5.x" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Release 5.5 for VMware ESXi supports SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3 with a stand-alone snmpd process. This release features support for monitoring multiple IP Stacks. The standard IP-MIB, UDP-MIB, and TCP-MIB may be used with a context set to the IP Stack Name as found in ENTITY-MIB entLogicalTable or via command: esxcli network ip netstack list An example using net-snmp's snmpwalk command:: snmpwalk -v2c -n defaultTcpipStack ip No vDR instrumentation is yet available. This agent supports read-only protocol operations. This implies that configuring the SNMPv3 Agent can not be done via SET operations. Hence IETF standard SNMPv3 agent configuration mibs are not provided. The SNMPv3 protocol is fully supported once configured via the CLI command interface (esxcli system snmp) command set or vCenter Server host profiles. Lastly this SNMP agent provides one read-only view of the entire system to which all SNMPv3 users configured are assigned. " REFERENCE "http://www.vmware.com/products" -- RFC 3418 SUPPORTS SNMPv2-MIB INCLUDES { snmpGroup, systemGroup, snmpCommunityGroup, snmpBasicNotificationsGroup, snmpWarmStartNotificationGroup -- groups not supported; snmpSetGroup, snmpNotificationGroup } VARIATION snmpSetSerialNo ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." VARIATION snmpTrapOID ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpTrapEnterprise ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpEnableAuthenTraps SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(2) } ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent does not allow authentication traps. Poll snmpInBadCommunityNames for same info." -- the above clause implies this: -- VARIATION authenticationFailure -- ACCESS not-implemented -- DESCRIPTION "Agent does not provide this notification. snmpEnableAuthenTraps will return disabled." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 3412 SUPPORTS SNMP-MPD-MIB INCLUDES { snmpMPDGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 2863 SUPPORTS IF-MIB INCLUDES { ifGeneralInformationGroup, linkUpDownNotificationsGroup } VARIATION ifAdminStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of administrative state for each physical interface. ESX virtual switches support changing administrative state of physical network interfaces (nics) up or down. For example the command: esxcli network nic [up|down] -n vmnic0 Virtual vmware interfaces (ifType 238) also support changing administratie state: network ip interface set --enabled [yes|no] -i vmk0 " VARIATION ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." VARIATION ifAlias ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "ifIndexes may only change across reboot." VARIATION ifInUnknownProtos ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "This counter always returns 0." -- ifRcvAddressGroup is interface/media specific VARIATION ifRcvAddressStatus ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." VARIATION ifRcvAddressType ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4293 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS IP-MIB INCLUDES { ipSystemStatsGroup, ipAddressGroup, ipNetToPhysicalGroup, ipDefaultRouterGroup, icmpStatsGroup, ipSystemStatsHCOctetGroup, ipSystemStatsHCPacketGroup, ipv4GeneralGroup, ipv4IfGroup, ipv4SystemStatsGroup, ipv4SystemStatsHCPacketGroup, ipv6GeneralGroup2, ipv6IfGroup, ipAddressPrefixGroup, ipv6RouterAdvertGroup, ipLastChangeGroup } -- VARIATION ipv6ScopeGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4292 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS IP-FORWARD-MIB INCLUDES { inetForwardCidrRouteGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4113 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS UDP-MIB -- The next two 32 bit counters will be fixed per bug report PR 890894 -- VARIATION udpInDatagrams -- ACCESS not-implemented, use udpHCInDatagrams -- VARIATION udpOutDatagrams -- ACCESS not-implemented, use udpHCOutDatagrams INCLUDES { udpBaseGroup, udpEndpointGroup, udpHCGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4022 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS TCP-MIB INCLUDES { tcpBaseGroup, tcpConnectionGroup, tcpListenerGroup } -- RFC 2790 -- NOTE: For storage larger than Integer32 (Terabyte) this agent will report INT_MAX SUPPORTS HOST-RESOURCES-MIB INCLUDES { hrSystemGroup, hrStorageGroup, -- visorfs "ramdisks" are not reported hrDeviceGroup, hrSWRunGroup, hrSWRunPerfGroup, hrSWInstalledGroup -- updates once an hour } VARIATION hrSystemNumUsers ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Value reports number of active ESX Shell sessions" VARIATION hrSWRunName ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Value does not match hrSWInstalledName" VARIATION hrSystemDate ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSystemInitialLoadDevice ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSystemInitialLoadParameters ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrStorageSize ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSWRunStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" -- hrDeviceStatus reports unknown for: cpu. pnic either running/unknown. -- disk reports running, warning, down, unknown -- device error counters do not account for all failure cases VARIATION hrSWOSIndex ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "No operatingSystem entry exists in hrSWRunGroup hrSWRunTable" VARIATION hrFSLastFullBackupDate ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrFSLastPartialBackupDate ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrPrinterStatus ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrPrinterDetectedErrorState ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4133 SUPPORTS ENTITY-MIB INCLUDES { entityPhysicalGroup, entityPhysical2Group, entityPhysical3Group, entityGeneralGroup } -- VARIATION entityNotificationsGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- VARIATION entityMappingGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200810150000Z SUPPORTS IEEE8021-BRIDGE-MIB INCLUDES { ieee8021BridgeBaseBridgeGroup, ieee8021BridgeBasePortGroup, ieee8021BridgeTpPortGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200810150000Z -- virtual switch uplinks (physical ports) do perform do mac learning and will -- not report in FDB/forwarding tables SUPPORTS IEEE8021-Q-BRIDGE-MIB INCLUDES { ieee8021QBridgeBaseGroup, ieee8021QBridgeVlanGroup, ieee8021QBridgeVlanStaticGroup, ieee8021QBridgePortGroup2, ieee8021QBridgeFdbUnicastGroup, ieee8021QBridgeFdbMulticastGroup, ieee8021QBridgeFdbStaticGroup, ieee8021QBridgeVlanStatisticsGroup } -- VARATION ieee8021QBridgeVlanCurrentUntaggedPorts -- Reports count of 0 if only untagged vlan access (vid 0) is defined -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200706200000Z -- VDS link aggregations are not reported this release, issue PR 859941 -- only VSS, traditional vswitch, nic teams are reported entries SUPPORTS IEEE8023-LAG-MIB INCLUDES { dot3adAggGroup, dot3adAggPortGroup, dot3adTablesLastChangedGroup, dot3adAggPortListGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200906080000Z SUPPORTS LLDP-V2-MIB INCLUDES { lldpV2ConfigGroup, lldpV2ConfigTxGroup, lldpV2StatsTxGroup, lldpV2LocSysGroup, lldpV2ConfigRxGroup, lldpV2StatsRxGroup, lldpV2RemSysGroup, lldpV2NotificationsGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 201008020000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-SYSTEM-MIB INCLUDES { vmwSystemGroup } -- REVISION 200810150000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-RESOURCES-MIB INCLUDES { vmwResourceGroup } -- REVISION 201006220000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-VMINFO-MIB INCLUDES { vmwVmInfoGroup, vmwVmInfoNotificationGroup } -- VARIATION vmwVmNetConnType -- DESCRIPTION "This object was valid for ESX 2.5 systems only. Only value returned was 'monitor_dev'" -- STATUS deprecated -- REVISION 201005120000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-ENV-MIB INCLUDES { vmwEnvAlertGroup, vmwESXEnvNotificationGroup2 } -- REVISION 201008200000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-CIMOM-MIB INCLUDES { vmwCimOmNotificationGroup } ::= { vmwEsxCapability 5 } -- -- ESX 5.1 and follow up patch releases -- vmwESX51x AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "5.1.x" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Release 5.1.x for VMware ESXi supports SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3 with a stand-alone snmpd process. This agent supports read-only protocol operations. This implies that configuring the SNMPv3 Agent can not be done via SET operations. Hence IETF standard SNMPv3 agent configuration mibs are not provided. SNMPv3 protocol is fully supported once configured via the CLI command interface (esxcli system snmp) command set or host profiles. Lastly this SNMP agent provides one read-only view of the entire system to which all SNMPv3 users configured are assigned. " REFERENCE "http://www.vmware.com/products" -- RFC 3418 SUPPORTS SNMPv2-MIB INCLUDES { snmpGroup, systemGroup, snmpCommunityGroup, snmpBasicNotificationsGroup, snmpWarmStartNotificationGroup -- groups not supported; snmpSetGroup, snmpNotificationGroup } VARIATION snmpSetSerialNo ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." VARIATION snmpTrapOID ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpTrapEnterprise ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpEnableAuthenTraps SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(2) } ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent does not allow authentication traps. Poll snmpInBadCommunityNames for same info." -- the above clause implies this: -- VARIATION authenticationFailure -- ACCESS not-implemented -- DESCRIPTION "Agent does not provide this notification. snmpEnableAuthenTraps will return disabled." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 2863 SUPPORTS IF-MIB INCLUDES { ifGeneralInformationGroup, linkUpDownNotificationsGroup } VARIATION ifAdminStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of administrative state for each physical interface. ESX virtual switches support changing administrative state of physical network interfaces (nics) up or down. For example the command: esxcli network nic [up|down] -n vmnic0 Virtual vmware interfaces (ifType 238) also support changing administratie state: network ip interface set --enabled [yes|no] -i vmk0 " VARIATION ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." VARIATION ifAlias ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "ifIndexes may only change across reboot." VARIATION ifInUnknownProtos ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "This counter always returns 0." -- ifRcvAddressGroup is interface/media specific VARIATION ifRcvAddressStatus ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." VARIATION ifRcvAddressType ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4293 SUPPORTS IP-MIB INCLUDES { ipSystemStatsGroup, ipAddressGroup, ipNetToPhysicalGroup, ipDefaultRouterGroup, icmpStatsGroup, ipSystemStatsHCOctetGroup, ipSystemStatsHCPacketGroup, ipv4GeneralGroup, ipv4IfGroup, ipv4SystemStatsGroup, ipv4SystemStatsHCPacketGroup, ipv6GeneralGroup2, ipv6IfGroup, ipAddressPrefixGroup, ipv6RouterAdvertGroup, ipLastChangeGroup } -- VARIATION ipv6ScopeGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4292 SUPPORTS IP-FORWARD-MIB INCLUDES { inetForwardCidrRouteGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4113 SUPPORTS UDP-MIB -- The next two 32 bit counters will be fixed per bug report PR 890894 -- VARIATION udpInDatagrams -- ACCESS not-implemented, use udpHCInDatagrams -- VARIATION udpOutDatagrams -- ACCESS not-implemented, use udpHCOutDatagrams INCLUDES { udpBaseGroup, udpEndpointGroup, udpHCGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4022 SUPPORTS TCP-MIB INCLUDES { tcpBaseGroup, tcpConnectionGroup, tcpListenerGroup } -- RFC 2790 -- NOTE: For storage larger than Integer32 (Terabyte) this agent will report INT_MAX SUPPORTS HOST-RESOURCES-MIB INCLUDES { hrSystemGroup, hrStorageGroup, -- visorfs "ramdisks" are not reported hrDeviceGroup, hrSWRunGroup, hrSWRunPerfGroup, hrSWInstalledGroup -- updates once an hour } VARIATION hrSystemNumUsers ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Value reports number of active ESX Shell sessions" VARIATION hrSWRunName ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Value does not match hrSWInstalledName" VARIATION hrSystemDate ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSystemInitialLoadDevice ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSystemInitialLoadParameters ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrStorageSize ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSWRunStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" -- hrDeviceStatus reports unknown for: cpu. pnic either running/unknown. -- disk reports running, warning, down, unknown -- device error counters do not account for all failure cases VARIATION hrSWOSIndex ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "No operatingSystem entry exists in hrSWRunGroup hrSWRunTable" VARIATION hrFSLastFullBackupDate ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrFSLastPartialBackupDate ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrPrinterStatus ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrPrinterDetectedErrorState ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4133 SUPPORTS ENTITY-MIB INCLUDES { entityPhysicalGroup, entityPhysical2Group, entityPhysical3Group, entityGeneralGroup } -- VARIATION entityNotificationsGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- VARIATION entityMappingGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200810150000Z SUPPORTS IEEE8021-BRIDGE-MIB INCLUDES { ieee8021BridgeBaseBridgeGroup, ieee8021BridgeBasePortGroup, ieee8021BridgeTpPortGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200810150000Z -- virtual switch uplinks (physical ports) do perform do mac learning and will -- not report in FDB/forwarding tables SUPPORTS IEEE8021-Q-BRIDGE-MIB INCLUDES { ieee8021QBridgeBaseGroup, ieee8021QBridgeVlanGroup, ieee8021QBridgeVlanStaticGroup, ieee8021QBridgePortGroup2, ieee8021QBridgeFdbUnicastGroup, ieee8021QBridgeFdbMulticastGroup, ieee8021QBridgeFdbStaticGroup, ieee8021QBridgeVlanStatisticsGroup } -- VARATION ieee8021QBridgeVlanCurrentUntaggedPorts -- Reports count of 0 if only untagged vlan access (vid 0) is defined -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200706200000Z -- VDS link aggregations are not reported this release, issue PR 859941 -- only VSS, traditional vswitch, nic teams are reported entries SUPPORTS IEEE8023-LAG-MIB INCLUDES { dot3adAggGroup, dot3adAggPortGroup, dot3adTablesLastChangedGroup, dot3adAggPortListGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200906080000Z SUPPORTS LLDP-V2-MIB INCLUDES { lldpV2ConfigGroup, lldpV2ConfigTxGroup, lldpV2StatsTxGroup, lldpV2LocSysGroup, lldpV2ConfigRxGroup, lldpV2StatsRxGroup, lldpV2RemSysGroup, lldpV2NotificationsGroup } -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 201008020000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-SYSTEM-MIB INCLUDES { vmwSystemGroup } -- REVISION 200810150000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-RESOURCES-MIB INCLUDES { vmwResourceGroup } -- REVISION 201006220000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-VMINFO-MIB INCLUDES { vmwVmInfoGroup, vmwVmInfoNotificationGroup } -- VARIATION vmwVmNetConnType -- DESCRIPTION "This object was valid for ESX 2.5 systems only. Only value returned was 'monitor_dev'" -- STATUS deprecated -- REVISION 201005120000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-ENV-MIB INCLUDES { vmwEnvAlertGroup, vmwESXEnvNotificationGroup2 } -- REVISION 201008200000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-CIMOM-MIB INCLUDES { vmwCimOmNotificationGroup } ::= { vmwEsxCapability 4 } vmwESX50x AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "5.0.x" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Release 5.0.x for VMware ESXi. The SNMPv1/v2c agent is a subsystem in the hostd process" REFERENCE "http://www.vmware.com/products" -- RFC 3418 SUPPORTS SNMPv2-MIB INCLUDES { snmpGroup, systemGroup, snmpCommunityGroup, snmpBasicNotificationsGroup, snmpWarmStartNotificationGroup -- groups not supported; snmpSetGroup, snmpNotificationGroup } VARIATION snmpSetSerialNo ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." VARIATION snmpTrapOID ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpTrapEnterprise ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpEnableAuthenTraps SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(2) } ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent does not allow authentication traps. Poll snmpInBadCommunityNames for same info." -- the above implies this: -- VARIATION authenticationFailure -- ACCESS not-implemented -- DESCRIPTION "Agent does not provide this notification. snmpEnableAuthenTraps will return disabled." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 2863 SUPPORTS IF-MIB INCLUDES { ifGeneralInformationGroup, linkUpDownNotificationsGroup } VARIATION ifAdminStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of administrative state for each physical interface. Note: ESX virtual switches now may support changing administrative state of physical network interfaces (nics) up or down." VARIATION ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." VARIATION ifAlias ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "ifIndexes may only change across reboot." VARIATION ifInUnknownProtos ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "This counter always returns 0." -- ifRcvAddressGroup is interface/media specific VARIATION ifRcvAddressStatus ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." VARIATION ifRcvAddressType ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." -- RFC 2790 SUPPORTS HOST-RESOURCES-MIB INCLUDES { hrSystemGroup, hrStorageGroup, -- visorfs "ramdisks" are not reported hrDeviceGroup, hrSWRunGroup, hrSWRunPerfGroup, hrSWInstalledGroup -- updates once an hour } VARIATION hrSystemNumUsers ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Value reports number of active login sessions in host agent (hostd)" VARIATION hrSWRunName ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Value does not match hrSWInstalledName" VARIATION hrDeviceErrors ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "ESXi pcpu, network interface cards, do not provide error stats" -- hrDeviceStatus reports unknown for: cpu. pnic either running/unknown. -- disk reports running, warning, down, unknown -- device error counters do not account for all failure cases VARIATION hrSWOSIndex ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "No operatingSystem entry exists in hrSWRunGroup hrSWRunTable" VARIATION hrFSLastFullBackupDate ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrFSLastPartialBackupDate ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrPrinterStatus ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrPrinterDetectedErrorState ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrSystemDate ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSystemInitialLoadDevice ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSystemInitialLoadParameters ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrStorageSize ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSWRunStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 201008020000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-SYSTEM-MIB INCLUDES { vmwSystemGroup } -- REVISION 200810150000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-RESOURCES-MIB INCLUDES { vmwResourceGroup } -- REVISION 201006220000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-VMINFO-MIB INCLUDES { vmwVmInfoGroup, vmwVmInfoNotificationGroup } -- VARIATION vmwVmNetConnType -- DESCRIPTION "This object was valid for ESX 2.5 systems only. Only value returned was 'monitor_dev'" -- STATUS deprecated -- REVISION 201005120000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-ENV-MIB INCLUDES { vmwEnvNotificationGroup } ::= { vmwEsxCapability 3 } -- -- -- vmwESX41x AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "4.1.x" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Release 4.1.x for VMware ESX, the SNMP agent is now a subsystem in the hostd process on ESXi." REFERENCE "http://www.vmware.com/products" -- RFC 3418 SUPPORTS SNMPv2-MIB INCLUDES { snmpGroup, systemGroup, snmpCommunityGroup, snmpBasicNotificationsGroup, snmpWarmStartNotificationGroup -- groups not supported; snmpSetGroup, snmpNotificationGroup } VARIATION snmpSetSerialNo ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." VARIATION snmpTrapOID ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpTrapEnterprise ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpEnableAuthenTraps SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(2) } ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent does not allow authentication traps. Poll snmpInBadCommunityNames for same info." -- the above implies this: -- VARIATION authenticationFailure -- ACCESS not-implemented -- DESCRIPTION "Agent does not provide this notification. snmpEnableAuthenTraps will return disabled." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 2863 SUPPORTS IF-MIB INCLUDES { ifGeneralInformationGroup, linkUpDownNotificationsGroup } VARIATION ifAdminStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of administrative state for each interface. ESX virtual layer 2 switches may support changing administrative state of physical network interfaces (nics)." VARIATION ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." VARIATION ifAlias ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "ifIndexes may only change across reboot." VARIATION ifInUnknownProtos ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "This counter always returns 0." -- ifRcvAddressGroup is interface/media specific VARIATION ifRcvAddressStatus ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." VARIATION ifRcvAddressType ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200712270000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-SYSTEM-MIB INCLUDES { vmwSystemGroup } -- REVISION 200810150000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-RESOURCES-MIB INCLUDES { vmwResourceGroup } -- REVISION 200810230000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-VMINFO-MIB INCLUDES { vmwVmInfoGroup, vmwVmInfoNotificationGroup } -- VARIATION vmwVmNetConnType -- DESCRIPTION "This object was valid for ESX 2.5 systems only. Only value returned was 'monitor_dev'" -- STATUS deprecated -- REVISION 200712270000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-ENV-MIB INCLUDES { vmwEnvNotificationGroup } ::= { vmwEsxCapability 2 } -- -- -- vmwESX40x AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "4.0.x" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Release 4.0.x for VMware ESX. The SNMP agent is now part of the hostd process" REFERENCE "http://www.vmware.com/products" -- RFC 3418 SUPPORTS SNMPv2-MIB INCLUDES { snmpGroup, systemGroup, snmpCommunityGroup, snmpBasicNotificationsGroup, snmpWarmStartNotificationGroup -- groups not supported; snmpSetGroup, snmpNotificationGroup } VARIATION snmpSetSerialNo ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." VARIATION snmpTrapOID ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpTrapEnterprise ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpEnableAuthenTraps SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(2) } ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent does not allow authentication traps. Poll snmpInBadCommunityNames for same info." -- the above implies this: -- VARIATION authenticationFailure -- ACCESS not-implemented -- DESCRIPTION "Agent does not provide this notification. snmpEnableAuthenTraps will return disabled." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 2863 SUPPORTS IF-MIB INCLUDES { ifGeneralInformationGroup, linkUpDownNotificationsGroup } VARIATION ifAdminStatus SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1) } ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information and does not support changing operational state." VARIATION ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." -- ifXTable not implemented VARIATION ifTableLastChange ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "post RFC 1213 managed objects not implemented." VARIATION ifConnectorPresent ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "ifXTable not implemented." VARIATION ifHighSpeed ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "ifXTable not implemented." VARIATION ifName ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "ifXTable not implemented." VARIATION ifAlias ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "ifXTable not implemented." -- ifFixedLengthGroup VARIATION ifAlias ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifHCInOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifHCOutOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInUnknownProtos ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInErrors ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutErrors ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." -- ifHCFixedLengthGroup VARIATION ifHCInOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifHCOutOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInUnknownProtos ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInErrors ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutErrors ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." -- ifPacketGroup VARIATION ifInOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInUnknownProtos ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInErrors ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutErrors ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifMtu ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInUcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInMulticastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInBroadcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInDiscards ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutUcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutMulticastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutBroadcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutDiscards ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifPromiscuousMode ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." -- ifHCPacketGroup VARIATION ifInOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInUnknownProtos ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInErrors ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutErrors ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifMtu ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInUcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInMulticastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInBroadcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInDiscards ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutUcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutMulticastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutBroadcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutDiscards ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifPromiscuousMode ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." -- ifVHCPacketGroup VARIATION ifHCInUcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifHCInMulticastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifHCInBroadcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifHCOutUcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifHCOutMulticastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifHCOutBroadcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifHCInOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifHCOutOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutOctets ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInUnknownProtos ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInErrors ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutErrors ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifMtu ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInUcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInMulticastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInBroadcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifInDiscards ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutUcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutMulticastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutBroadcastPkts ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifOutDiscards ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." VARIATION ifPromiscuousMode ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Performance counters not implemented." -- ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup VARIATION ifCounterDiscontinuityTime ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if Performance counters are implemented." -- ifRcvAddressGroup is interface/media specific VARIATION ifRcvAddressStatus ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." VARIATION ifRcvAddressType ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- REVISION 200712270000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-SYSTEM-MIB INCLUDES { vmwSystemGroup } -- REVISION 200810150000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-RESOURCES-MIB INCLUDES { vmwResourceGroup } -- REVISION 200810230000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-VMINFO-MIB INCLUDES { vmwVmInfoGroup, vmwVmInfoNotificationGroup } -- VARIATION vmwVmNetConnType -- DESCRIPTION "This object was valid for ESX 2.5 systems only. Only value returned was 'monitor_dev'" -- STATUS deprecated -- REVISION 200712270000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-ENV-MIB INCLUDES { vmwEnvNotificationGroup } ::= { vmwEsxCapability 1 } END