-- ********************************************************** -- Copyright 2020-2022 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. -- ********************************************************** VMWARE-NSX-AGENTCAP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI vmwareAgentCapabilities FROM VMWARE-ROOT-MIB AGENT-CAPABILITIES FROM SNMPv2-CONF; vmwNSXAgentCapabilityMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "202202140000Z" ORGANIZATION "VMware, Inc" CONTACT-INFO "VMware, Inc 3401 Hillview Ave Palo Alto, CA 94304 Tel: 1-877-486-9273 or 650-427-5000 Fax: 650-427-5001 Web: http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1013445 " DESCRIPTION "This module defines agent capabilities for deployed VMware NSX agents by release." REVISION "202201240000Z" DESCRIPTION "NSX-T Data Center 3.2.0 release. Supports both notifications and polling over v1/v2c/v3" REVISION "202108060000Z" DESCRIPTION "NSX-T Data Center 3.1.3 release. Supports both notifications and polling over v1/v2c/v3" REVISION "202104220000Z" DESCRIPTION "NSX-T Data Center 3.1.2 release. Supports both notifications and polling over v1/v2c/v3" REVISION "202103250000Z" DESCRIPTION "NSX-T Data Center 3.0.3 release. Supports both notifications and polling over v1/v2c/v3" REVISION "202010300000Z" DESCRIPTION "NSX-T Data Center 3.1.x releases. Supports both notifications and polling over v1/v2c/v3" REVISION "202009220000Z" DESCRIPTION "NSX-T Data Center 3.0.2 release. Supports both notifications and polling over v1/v2c/v3" REVISION "202003270000Z" DESCRIPTION "NSX-T Data Center 3.0.0 and 3.0.1 releases. Supports both notifications and polling over v1/v2c/v3" ::= { vmwareAgentCapabilities 26 } vmwNSXCapability OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vmwNSXAgentCapabilityMIB 1 } -- -- Applies to NSX-T Data Center 3.0 Release and follow up patch releases -- vmwNSXManagerDC30 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.0" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Release 3.0 VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.0. Notifications may be v1, v2c, or v3 noAuthNoPriv to authPriv securityLevel with SHA1/AES128" REFERENCE "http://www.vmware.com/products" -- NSX Specific Notifications SUPPORTS VMWARE-NSX-MIB INCLUDES { vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationInfoGroup, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationInfoGroup2, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationInfoGroup3, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationInfoGroup6, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationGroup, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationGroup2, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationGroup3, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationGroup6 } -- RFC 3418 sysObjectId in VMWARE-PRODUCTS-MIB node: vmwNSX SUPPORTS SNMPv2-MIB INCLUDES { snmpGroup, systemGroup, snmpCommunityGroup, snmpBasicNotificationsGroup, snmpWarmStartNotificationGroup -- groups not supported; snmpSetGroup, snmpNotificationGroup } VARIATION snmpSetSerialNo ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." VARIATION snmpTrapOID ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpTrapEnterprise ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpEnableAuthenTraps SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(2) } ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent does not support authentication traps. Poll snmpInBadCommunityNames for same info." -- which implies: -- VARIATION authenticationFailure -- ACCESS not-implemented -- DESCRIPTION "Agent does not provide this notification. snmpEnableAuthenTraps will return disabled." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 2863 SUPPORTS IF-MIB INCLUDES { ifGeneralInformationGroup, linkUpDownNotificationsGroup } VARIATION ifAdminStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of administrative state for each physical interface." VARIATION ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." VARIATION ifAlias ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "ifIndexes may only change across reboot." VARIATION ifInUnknownProtos ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "This counter always returns 0." -- ifRcvAddressGroup is interface/media specific VARIATION ifRcvAddressStatus ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." VARIATION ifRcvAddressType ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4293 SUPPORTS IP-MIB INCLUDES { ipSystemStatsGroup, ipAddressGroup, ipNetToPhysicalGroup, ipDefaultRouterGroup, icmpStatsGroup, ipSystemStatsHCOctetGroup, ipSystemStatsHCPacketGroup, ipv4GeneralGroup, ipv4IfGroup, ipv4SystemStatsGroup, ipv4SystemStatsHCPacketGroup, ipv6GeneralGroup2, ipv6IfGroup, ipAddressPrefixGroup, ipv6RouterAdvertGroup, ipLastChangeGroup } -- VARIATION ipv6ScopeGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4292 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS IP-FORWARD-MIB INCLUDES { inetForwardCidrRouteGroup } -- RFC 4113 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS UDP-MIB -- The next two 32 bit counters will be fixed per bug report PR 890894 -- VARIATION udpInDatagrams -- ACCESS not-implemented, use udpHCInDatagrams -- VARIATION udpOutDatagrams -- ACCESS not-implemented, use udpHCOutDatagrams INCLUDES { udpBaseGroup, udpEndpointGroup } -- RFC 4022 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS TCP-MIB INCLUDES { tcpBaseGroup, tcpConnectionGroup, tcpListenerGroup } -- RFC 2790 -- NOTE: For storage larger than Integer32 (Terabyte) this agent will report INT_MAX SUPPORTS HOST-RESOURCES-MIB INCLUDES { hrSystemGroup, hrStorageGroup, hrDeviceGroup, hrSWRunGroup, hrSWRunPerfGroup, hrSWInstalledGroup -- updates once an hour } VARIATION hrSystemNumUsers ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Value reports number of active appliace shell sessions" VARIATION hrSystemDate ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSystemInitialLoadDevice ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSystemInitialLoadParameters ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrStorageSize ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSWRunStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" -- hrDeviceStatus reports unknown for: cpu, nic either running/unknown. -- disk reports running, warning, down, unknown -- device error counters do not account for all failure cases VARIATION hrSWOSIndex ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "No operatingSystem entry exists in hrSWRunGroup hrSWRunTable" VARIATION hrFSLastFullBackupDate ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrFSLastPartialBackupDate ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrPrinterStatus ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrPrinterDetectedErrorState ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrSWInstalledTable ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4133 -- SMBIOS data provided in entPhysicalTable SUPPORTS ENTITY-MIB INCLUDES { entityPhysicalGroup, entityPhysical2Group, entityPhysical3Group, entityGeneralGroup } -- VARIATION entityNotificationsGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- VARIATION entityMappingGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- Enterprise MIB module to provide standardized product version information. -- REVISION 201008020000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-SYSTEM-MIB INCLUDES { vmwSystemGroup } -- VARIATION vmwProdUpdate -- ACCESS not-implemented -- VARIATION vmwProdPatch -- ACCESS not-implemented ::= { vmwNSXCapability 11 } -- -- Applies to NSX-T Data Center 3.1 Release and follow up patch releases -- vmwNSXManagerDC30 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.1" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Release 3.1 VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.1. Notifications may be v1, v2c, or v3 noAuthNoPriv to authPriv securityLevel with SHA1/AES128" REFERENCE "http://www.vmware.com/products" -- NSX Specific Notifications SUPPORTS VMWARE-NSX-MIB INCLUDES { vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationInfoGroup, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationInfoGroup2, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationInfoGroup3, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationInfoGroup4, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationInfoGroup6, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationInfoGroup7, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationInfoGroup8, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationGroup, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationGroup2, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationGroup3, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationGroup4, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationGroup5, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationGroup6, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationGroup7, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationGroup8 } -- RFC 3418 sysObjectId in VMWARE-PRODUCTS-MIB node: vmwNSX SUPPORTS SNMPv2-MIB INCLUDES { snmpGroup, systemGroup, snmpCommunityGroup, snmpBasicNotificationsGroup, snmpWarmStartNotificationGroup -- groups not supported; snmpSetGroup, snmpNotificationGroup } VARIATION snmpSetSerialNo ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." VARIATION snmpTrapOID ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpTrapEnterprise ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpEnableAuthenTraps SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(2) } ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent does not support authentication traps. Poll snmpInBadCommunityNames for same info." -- which implies: -- VARIATION authenticationFailure -- ACCESS not-implemented -- DESCRIPTION "Agent does not provide this notification. snmpEnableAuthenTraps will return disabled." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 2863 SUPPORTS IF-MIB INCLUDES { ifGeneralInformationGroup, linkUpDownNotificationsGroup } VARIATION ifAdminStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of administrative state for each physical interface." VARIATION ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." VARIATION ifAlias ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "ifIndexes may only change across reboot." VARIATION ifInUnknownProtos ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "This counter always returns 0." -- ifRcvAddressGroup is interface/media specific VARIATION ifRcvAddressStatus ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." VARIATION ifRcvAddressType ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4293 SUPPORTS IP-MIB INCLUDES { ipSystemStatsGroup, ipAddressGroup, ipNetToPhysicalGroup, ipDefaultRouterGroup, icmpStatsGroup, ipSystemStatsHCOctetGroup, ipSystemStatsHCPacketGroup, ipv4GeneralGroup, ipv4IfGroup, ipv4SystemStatsGroup, ipv4SystemStatsHCPacketGroup, ipv6GeneralGroup2, ipv6IfGroup, ipAddressPrefixGroup, ipv6RouterAdvertGroup, ipLastChangeGroup } -- VARIATION ipv6ScopeGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4292 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS IP-FORWARD-MIB INCLUDES { inetForwardCidrRouteGroup } -- RFC 4113 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS UDP-MIB -- The next two 32 bit counters will be fixed per bug report PR 890894 -- VARIATION udpInDatagrams -- ACCESS not-implemented, use udpHCInDatagrams -- VARIATION udpOutDatagrams -- ACCESS not-implemented, use udpHCOutDatagrams INCLUDES { udpBaseGroup, udpEndpointGroup } -- RFC 4022 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS TCP-MIB INCLUDES { tcpBaseGroup, tcpConnectionGroup, tcpListenerGroup } -- RFC 2790 -- NOTE: For storage larger than Integer32 (Terabyte) this agent will report INT_MAX SUPPORTS HOST-RESOURCES-MIB INCLUDES { hrSystemGroup, hrStorageGroup, hrDeviceGroup, hrSWRunGroup, hrSWRunPerfGroup, hrSWInstalledGroup -- updates once an hour } VARIATION hrSystemNumUsers ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Value reports number of active appliace shell sessions" VARIATION hrSystemDate ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSystemInitialLoadDevice ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSystemInitialLoadParameters ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrStorageSize ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSWRunStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" -- hrDeviceStatus reports unknown for: cpu, nic either running/unknown. -- disk reports running, warning, down, unknown -- device error counters do not account for all failure cases VARIATION hrSWOSIndex ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "No operatingSystem entry exists in hrSWRunGroup hrSWRunTable" VARIATION hrFSLastFullBackupDate ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrFSLastPartialBackupDate ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrPrinterStatus ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrPrinterDetectedErrorState ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrSWInstalledTable ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4133 -- SMBIOS data provided in entPhysicalTable SUPPORTS ENTITY-MIB INCLUDES { entityPhysicalGroup, entityPhysical2Group, entityPhysical3Group, entityGeneralGroup } -- VARIATION entityNotificationsGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- VARIATION entityMappingGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- Enterprise MIB module to provide standardized product version information. -- REVISION 201008020000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-SYSTEM-MIB INCLUDES { vmwSystemGroup } -- VARIATION vmwProdUpdate -- ACCESS not-implemented -- VARIATION vmwProdPatch -- ACCESS not-implemented ::= { vmwNSXCapability 13 } -- -- Applies to NSX-T Data Center 3.2 Release and follow up patch releases -- vmwNSXManagerDC30 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.2" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Release 3.2 VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.2. Notifications may be v1, v2c, or v3 noAuthNoPriv to authPriv securityLevel with SHA1/AES128" REFERENCE "http://www.vmware.com/products" -- NSX Specific Notifications SUPPORTS VMWARE-NSX-MIB INCLUDES { vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationInfoGroup, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationInfoGroup2, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationInfoGroup3, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationInfoGroup4, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationInfoGroup6, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationInfoGroup7, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationInfoGroup8, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationInfoGroup9, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationGroup, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationGroup2, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationGroup3, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationGroup4, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationGroup5, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationGroup6, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationGroup7, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationGroup8, vmwNsxTDataCenterNotificationGroup9 } -- RFC 3418 sysObjectId in VMWARE-PRODUCTS-MIB node: vmwNSX SUPPORTS SNMPv2-MIB INCLUDES { snmpGroup, systemGroup, snmpCommunityGroup, snmpBasicNotificationsGroup, snmpWarmStartNotificationGroup -- groups not supported; snmpSetGroup, snmpNotificationGroup } VARIATION snmpSetSerialNo ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." VARIATION snmpTrapOID ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpTrapEnterprise ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Agent does not proxy other agents RFC1157 Trap-PDUs." VARIATION snmpEnableAuthenTraps SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(2) } ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent does not support authentication traps. Poll snmpInBadCommunityNames for same info." -- which implies: -- VARIATION authenticationFailure -- ACCESS not-implemented -- DESCRIPTION "Agent does not provide this notification. snmpEnableAuthenTraps will return disabled." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 2863 SUPPORTS IF-MIB INCLUDES { ifGeneralInformationGroup, linkUpDownNotificationsGroup } VARIATION ifAdminStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of administrative state for each physical interface." VARIATION ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Agent provides read-only view of system information." VARIATION ifAlias ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "ifIndexes may only change across reboot." VARIATION ifInUnknownProtos ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "This counter always returns 0." -- ifRcvAddressGroup is interface/media specific VARIATION ifRcvAddressStatus ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." VARIATION ifRcvAddressType ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "Required if media specific mib modules are implemented." -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4293 SUPPORTS IP-MIB INCLUDES { ipSystemStatsGroup, ipAddressGroup, ipNetToPhysicalGroup, ipDefaultRouterGroup, icmpStatsGroup, ipSystemStatsHCOctetGroup, ipSystemStatsHCPacketGroup, ipv4GeneralGroup, ipv4IfGroup, ipv4SystemStatsGroup, ipv4SystemStatsHCPacketGroup, ipv6GeneralGroup2, ipv6IfGroup, ipAddressPrefixGroup, ipv6RouterAdvertGroup, ipLastChangeGroup } -- VARIATION ipv6ScopeGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4292 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS IP-FORWARD-MIB INCLUDES { inetForwardCidrRouteGroup } -- RFC 4113 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS UDP-MIB -- The next two 32 bit counters will be fixed per bug report PR 890894 -- VARIATION udpInDatagrams -- ACCESS not-implemented, use udpHCInDatagrams -- VARIATION udpOutDatagrams -- ACCESS not-implemented, use udpHCOutDatagrams INCLUDES { udpBaseGroup, udpEndpointGroup } -- RFC 4022 -- supports SNMPv2/3 Contexts for multiple instances SUPPORTS TCP-MIB INCLUDES { tcpBaseGroup, tcpConnectionGroup, tcpListenerGroup } -- RFC 2790 -- NOTE: For storage larger than Integer32 (Terabyte) this agent will report INT_MAX SUPPORTS HOST-RESOURCES-MIB INCLUDES { hrSystemGroup, hrStorageGroup, hrDeviceGroup, hrSWRunGroup, hrSWRunPerfGroup, hrSWInstalledGroup -- updates once an hour } VARIATION hrSystemNumUsers ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Value reports number of active appliace shell sessions" VARIATION hrSystemDate ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSystemInitialLoadDevice ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSystemInitialLoadParameters ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrStorageSize ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" VARIATION hrSWRunStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "agent provides read only access" -- hrDeviceStatus reports unknown for: cpu, nic either running/unknown. -- disk reports running, warning, down, unknown -- device error counters do not account for all failure cases VARIATION hrSWOSIndex ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "No operatingSystem entry exists in hrSWRunGroup hrSWRunTable" VARIATION hrFSLastFullBackupDate ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrFSLastPartialBackupDate ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrPrinterStatus ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrPrinterDetectedErrorState ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" VARIATION hrSWInstalledTable ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "is not implemented" -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- RFC 4133 -- SMBIOS data provided in entPhysicalTable SUPPORTS ENTITY-MIB INCLUDES { entityPhysicalGroup, entityPhysical2Group, entityPhysical3Group, entityGeneralGroup } -- VARIATION entityNotificationsGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- VARIATION entityMappingGroup -- ACCESS not-implemented -- ********************* ************ ************ *************** *** -- Enterprise MIB module to provide standardized product version information. -- REVISION 201008020000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-SYSTEM-MIB INCLUDES { vmwSystemGroup } -- VARIATION vmwProdUpdate -- ACCESS not-implemented -- VARIATION vmwProdPatch -- ACCESS not-implemented ::= { vmwNSXCapability 15 } END