-- ********************************************************** -- Copyright 2016-2020 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. -- ********************************************************** VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-AGENTCAP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI vmwareAgentCapabilities FROM VMWARE-ROOT-MIB AGENT-CAPABILITIES FROM SNMPv2-CONF; vmwNSXAgentCapabilityMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "202006030000Z" ORGANIZATION "VMware, Inc" CONTACT-INFO "VMware, Inc 3401 Hillview Ave Palo Alto, CA 94304 Tel: 1-877-486-9273 or 650-427-5000 Fax: 650-427-5001 Web: http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1013445 " DESCRIPTION "This module defines agent capabilities for deployed VMware NSX Manager agents by release." REVISION "202006030000Z" DESCRIPTION "Capabilities for NSX Manager 6.4.x releases." REVISION "201610240001Z" DESCRIPTION "Capabilities for NSX Manager 6.3.x releases." REVISION "201610240000Z" DESCRIPTION "Update release version for 2016x to was 6.2.x from 6.5." REVISION "201606020000Z" DESCRIPTION "Capabilities for NSX Manager releases." ::= { vmwareAgentCapabilities 25 } vmwNSXMCapability OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vmwNSXAgentCapabilityMIB 1 } vmwNSXManager2020x647 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "6.4.7" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Release 6.4.7 for VMware NSX Manager supporting only SNMPv2c trap PDUs. It describes all the notifications sent from the NSX Manager appliance. WARNING: This mib module will not be backward compatible with next version. " REFERENCE "http://www.vmware.com/products" SUPPORTS VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-MIB INCLUDES { vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup1, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup2, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup3, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup5, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup7, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup8, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup9, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup10 } ::= { vmwNSXMCapability 14 } vmwNSXManager2019x646 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "6.4.6" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Release 6.4.6 for VMware NSX Manager supporting only SNMPv2c trap PDUs. It describes all the notifications sent from the NSX Manager appliance. WARNING: This mib module will not be backward compatible with next version. " REFERENCE "http://www.vmware.com/products" SUPPORTS VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-MIB INCLUDES { vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup1, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup2, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup3, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup5, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup7, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup8, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup9 } ::= { vmwNSXMCapability 13 } vmwNSXManager2019x645 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "6.4.5" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Release 6.4.5 for VMware NSX Manager supporting only SNMPv2c trap PDUs. It describes all the notifications sent from the NSX Manager appliance. WARNING: This mib module will not be backward compatible with next version. " REFERENCE "http://www.vmware.com/products" SUPPORTS VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-MIB INCLUDES { vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup1, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup2, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup3, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup5, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup7, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup8 } ::= { vmwNSXMCapability 12 } vmwNSXManager2018x642 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "6.4.2" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Release 6.4.2 for VMware NSX Manager supporting only SNMPv2c trap PDUs. It describes all the notifications sent from the NSX Manager appliance. WARNING: This mib module will not be backward compatible with next version. " REFERENCE "http://www.vmware.com/products" SUPPORTS VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-MIB INCLUDES { vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup1, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup2, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup3, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup5, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup7 } ::= { vmwNSXMCapability 11 } vmwNSXManager2018x637 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "6.3.7" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Release 6.3.7 for VMware NSX Manager supporting only SNMPv2c trap PDUs. It describes all the notifications sent from the NSX Manager appliance. WARNING: This mib module will not be backward compatible with next version. " REFERENCE "http://www.vmware.com/products" SUPPORTS VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-MIB INCLUDES { vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup1, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup2, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup3, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup4, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup6 } ::= { vmwNSXMCapability 10 } -- -- Applies to 2018 Release and follow up patch releases -- vmwNSXManager2018x641 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "6.4.1" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Release 6.4.1 for VMware NSX Manager supporting only SNMPv2c trap PDUs. It describes all the notifications sent from the NSX Manager appliance. WARNING: This mib module will not be backward compatible with next version. " REFERENCE "http://www.vmware.com/products" SUPPORTS VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-MIB INCLUDES { vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup1, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup2, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup3, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup5 } ::= { vmwNSXMCapability 9 } -- -- Applies to 2018 Release and follow up patch releases -- vmwNSXManager2018x636 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "6.3.6" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Release 6.3.6 for VMware NSX Manager supporting only SNMPv2c trap PDUs. It describes all the notifications sent from the NSX Manager appliance. WARNING: This mib module will not be backward compatible with next version. " REFERENCE "http://www.vmware.com/products" SUPPORTS VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-MIB INCLUDES { vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup1, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup2, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup3, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup4 } ::= { vmwNSXMCapability 8 } -- -- Applies to 2017 Release and follow up patch releases -- vmwNSXManager2017x640 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "6.4.0" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Release 6.4.0 for VMware NSX Manager supporting only SNMPv2c trap PDUs. It describes all the notifications sent from the NSX Manager appliance. WARNING: This mib module will not be backward compatible with next version. " REFERENCE "http://www.vmware.com/products" SUPPORTS VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-MIB INCLUDES { vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup1, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup2, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup3 } ::= { vmwNSXMCapability 7 } vmwNSXManager2017x630 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "6.3.0" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Release 6.3.0 for VMware NSX Manager supporting only SNMPv2c trap PDUs. It describes all the notifications sent from the NSX Manager appliance. WARNING: This mib module will not be backward compatible with next version. " REFERENCE "http://www.vmware.com/products" SUPPORTS VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-MIB INCLUDES { vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup1, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup2 } ::= { vmwNSXMCapability 6 } vmwNSXManager2016x AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "6.2.x" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Release 6.2.x for VMware NSX Manager supporting only SNMPv2c trap PDUs. It describes all the notifications sent from the NSX Manager appliance. " REFERENCE "http://www.vmware.com/products" -- REVISION 201606020000Z First Version. SUPPORTS VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-MIB INCLUDES { vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup1 } ::= { vmwNSXMCapability 5 } END