-- ********************************************************** -- Copyright 2016-2020 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. -- ********************************************************** VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DateAndTime FROM SNMPv2-TC UUID FROM UUID-TC-MIB vmwNsxManager FROM VMWARE-ROOT-MIB; vmwNsxManagerMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "202006030001Z" ORGANIZATION "VMware, Inc" CONTACT-INFO "VMware, Inc 3401 Hillview Ave Palo Alto, CA 94304 Tel: 1-877-486-9273 or 650-427-5000 Fax: 650-427-5001 Web: http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1013445 " DESCRIPTION "This MIB file contains the information that the receiving party needs in order to interpret SNMP traps sent by NSX Manager. VMware NSX for vSphere is a key product in the SDDC architecture. With NSX, virtualization delivers for networking what it has already delivered for compute and storage. In much the same way that server virtualization programmatically creates, snapshots, deletes and restores software-based virtual machines (VMs), NSX network virtualization programmatically creates, snapshots, deletes, and restores software-based virtual networks. The result is a completely transformative approach to networking that not only enables data center managers to achieve orders of magnitude better agility and economics, but also allows for a vastly simplified operational model for the underlying physical network. With the ability to be deployed on any IP network, including both existing traditional networking models and next-generation fabric architectures from any vendor, NSX is a completely non-disruptive solution. In fact, with NSX, the physical network infrastructure you already have is all you need to deploy a software-defined data center. The NSX Manager provides the graphical user interface (GUI) and the REST APIs for creating, configuring, and monitoring NSX components, such as controllers, logical switches, and edge services gateways. The NSX Manager provides an aggregated system view and is the centralized network management component of NSX. NSX Manager is installed as a virtual appliance on any ESX host in your vCenter environment. Support requests can be filed with VMware using KB article: http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2006985 To reach NSX Manager Service Composer UI, login to vSphere UI(https://)->Networking & Security->Service Composer" REVISION "202006030001Z" DESCRIPTION "Addition of traps for releases 6.4.7" REVISION "201907090001Z" DESCRIPTION "Addition of traps for releases 6.4.6" REVISION "201902120001Z" DESCRIPTION "Addition of traps for releases 6.4.5" REVISION "201805310001Z" DESCRIPTION "Addition of traps for releases 6.4.2" REVISION "201804250001Z" DESCRIPTION "Addition of traps for releases 6.3.7" REVISION "201803080000Z" DESCRIPTION "Addition of traps for releases 6.3.6 and 6.4.1." REVISION "201712080000Z" DESCRIPTION "Addition of one new trap for capacity dashbard events." REVISION "201711220000Z" DESCRIPTION "Addition of one new varbinds : vmwNsxMVxlanHostEvents. Represents the security events received from host to NSX Manager." REVISION "201711010000Z" DESCRIPTION "See VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-AGENTCAP-MIB.mib for Versions of NSX manager which support this MIB version. This file describes all the notifications sent from the NSX Manager appliance. Includes Addition of three new varbinds: vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType and vmwNsxMEventSourceIP to vmwNsxMMessagingConfigFailed, vmwNsxMMessagingConfigFailed, vmwNsxMMessagingReconfigFailed, vmwNsxMMessagingConfigFailedNotifSkip, vmwNsxMMessagingInfraUp, vmwNsxMMessagingInfraDown, vmwNsxMMessagingDisabled, vmwNsxMVxlanControllerDisconnected, vmwNsxMVxlanControllerConnected, vmwNsxMVxlanControllerVmPoweredOn. Represents the Controller VM connected or disconnected, and Controller VM Powered On respectively. WARNING: This mib module will not be backward compatible with next version." REVISION "201707050000Z" DESCRIPTION "Addition of two new varbinds : vmwNsxMVxlanPortgroupDeleted, vmwNsxMVxlanVDSandPgMismatch. Represents the Vxlan Port Group Deleted and DVS, Vxlan PG Mismatch respectively." REVISION "201707030000Z" DESCRIPTION "Addition of traps for capacity dashboard events." REVISION "201706010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Addition of three new varbinds : vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType and vmwNsxMEventSourceIP. Represents the event source's ID, Type and IP address respectively." REVISION "201704270000Z" DESCRIPTION "This is the 6.3.0 version of the NSX Manager MIB. It describes all the notifications sent from the NSX Manager appliance. Added new traps to indicate Application Rule Manager related events See https://pubs.vmware.com/NSX-62/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.vmware.nsx.admin.doc%2FGUID-8BC71FF1-9A94-4CBD-BA95-551B0B2266FA.html" REVISION "201606020000Z" DESCRIPTION "Release 6.2.3 for VMware NSX Manager supporting only SNMPv2c trap PDUs. It describes all the notifications sent from the NSX Manager appliance. WARNING: This mib module will not be backward compatible with next version." ::= { vmwNsxManager 1 } -- -- Data type definitions -- VmwNsxManagerTypeSeverity ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity enumeration definition of NSX Manager events" SYNTAX INTEGER { informational(1), low(2), medium(3), major(4), critical(5), high(6) } VmwNsxManagerSourceID ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "256a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The event sources' IDs for the NSX Manager system event. This data type can be used to specify multiple event source IDs seperated by a semicolon. In NSX Manager, we can have multiple event sources and hence multiple event source IDs." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..256)) VmwNsxManagerSourceType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "256a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The event sources' types for the NSX Manager system event. This data type can be used to specify multiple event source types seperated by a semicolon. In NSX Manager, we can have multiple event sources and hence multiple event source types." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..256)) VmwNsxManagerSourceIPAddress ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "256a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address(es) of the source(s) of the NSX Manager event. This data type can be used to specify multiple IP addresses seperated by a semicolon. Using InetAddress and InetAddressType from INET-ADDRESS-MIB would have been relevant in case there was a single event source. In NSX Manager, we can have multiple event sources and hence multiple IP addresses." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..256)) -- -- Top-level MIB groups -- -- Group 1: Generic data sent in All Alerts vmwNsxMAlertData OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This members of this group are the OIDs for VarBinds that contain data for ALL Alerts." ::= { vmwNsxManagerMIB 1 } -- Group 2: Alerts sent as notifications vmwNsxMNotification OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "All notifications for NSX Manager use this oid prefix." ::= { vmwNsxManagerMIB 2 } vmwNsxMEventCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The event code of the alert that was generated. To fetch a list of all the events with their code, severity and description please invoke the nsx-manager url https:///api/2.0/systemevent/eventcode . The event code specifically identifies each individual event type. This event code is uniquely assigned only once to a particular event type." ::= { vmwNsxMAlertData 1 } vmwNsxMEventTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The timestamp when the event was raised in the NSX Manager." ::= { vmwNsxMAlertData 2 } vmwNsxMEventMessage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides a human readable description of the event or group of events" ::= { vmwNsxMAlertData 3 } vmwNsxMEventSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VmwNsxManagerTypeSeverity MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The severity for the event that was generated. The severity is pre-defined and can only be changed from the NSX Manager section of vsphere web client if the administrator so wishes." ::= { vmwNsxMAlertData 4 } vmwNsxMEventComponent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The NSX manager component where this event was generated." ::= { vmwNsxMAlertData 5 } vmwNsxMUuid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UUID MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The NSX manager UUID where this event was generated." ::= { vmwNsxMAlertData 6 } vmwNsxMCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The count of the number of events for a particular group raised in the last 5 minute interval." ::= { vmwNsxMAlertData 7 } vmwNsxMEventSourceID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VmwNsxManagerSourceID MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object ID(s) of the source(s) of the event." ::= { vmwNsxMAlertData 8 } vmwNsxMEventSourceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VmwNsxManagerSourceType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object type(s) of the source(s) of the event." ::= { vmwNsxMAlertData 9 } vmwNsxMEventSourceIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VmwNsxManagerSourceIPAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address(es) of the source(s) of the event." ::= { vmwNsxMAlertData 10 } -- -- Groups related traps -- vmwNsxMBranch OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Branch segregated out for various groups and other future requirements." ::= { vmwNsxMNotification 0 } vmwNsxMGroupsBranch OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Grouped Notifications will have this OID prefix." ::= { vmwNsxMBranch 1 } vmwNsxMGroupsPrefix OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Prefix added to place zero in penultimate sub-identifier of group oids." ::= { vmwNsxMGroupsBranch 0 } vmwNsxMConfigGroup NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMCount, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMUuid } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configuration notifications that are grouped will have this OID prefix." ::= { vmwNsxMGroupsPrefix 1 } -- -- Snmp related traps -- vmwNsxMSnmp OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications that are Snmp related will have this OID prefix." ::= { vmwNsxMNotification 1 } vmwNsxMSnmpPrefix OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group is actually the prefix one uses when creating vmware NSX manager specific trap OID's for Snmp module." ::= { vmwNsxMSnmp 0 } vmwNsxMSnmpDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is sent when the sending out of Snmp traps is disabled. This would most likely be the last Snmp trap the snmp manager receives. You may some times not receive it in case of high volume of traps. In those cases you can rely on the heartbeat traps not being sent out. Action required: None. If the sending of Snmp traps is enabled a warmStart trap is received. Frequency of traps: Once, whenever the sending snmp traps is disabled." ::= { vmwNsxMSnmpPrefix 1 } vmwNsxMSnmpManagerConfigUpdated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is sent when the snmp manager configuration has been updated. The event message will carry the semicolon separated new snmp managers' details. Action required: None Frequency of traps: Once, whenever the Snmp manager configuration is updated." ::= { vmwNsxMSnmpPrefix 2 } -- -- Security related traps -- vmwNsxMSecurity OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications that are security related will have this OID prefix." ::= { vmwNsxMNotification 2 } vmwNsxMSecurityPrefix OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group is actually the prefix one uses when creating vmware NSX manager specific trap OID's for security module." ::= { vmwNsxMSecurity 0 } vmwNsxMIpAddedBlackList NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whenever user authentication fails for number of times that user is blacklisted and further login attempts are disabled for that user from given IP address for some time. Action required: None Frequency of traps: Whenever user authentication fails consecutively within some time." ::= { vmwNsxMSecurityPrefix 1 } vmwNsxMIpRemovedBlackList NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "After user is blacklisted, after blacklist duration expires, user is removed from blacklist. Action required: None Frequency of traps: Whenever blacklist duration expires for any user." ::= { vmwNsxMSecurityPrefix 2 } vmwNsxMSsoConfigFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whenever configuration of lookup service / SSO fails due to various reasons like invalid credentials, invalid configuration, time sync problem etc. Action required: Check the event message and reconfigure lookup service with correct details. Frequency of traps: Once per failed configuration of lookup service." ::= { vmwNsxMSecurityPrefix 3 } vmwNsxMSsoUnconfigured NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whenever user unconfigures lookup service. Action required: None Frequency of traps: Once per unconfiguration event of lookup service." ::= { vmwNsxMSecurityPrefix 4 } vmwNsxMUserRoleAssigned NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When role is assigned on NSX manager for vCenter user. Action required: None Frequency of traps: Once for each user who is assigned role." ::= { vmwNsxMSecurityPrefix 5 } vmwNsxMUserRoleUnassigned NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When role is unassigned on NSX manager for vCenter user. Action: None Frequency of traps: Once for each user where role is removed." ::= { vmwNsxMSecurityPrefix 6 } vmwNsxMGroupRoleAssigned NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When role is assigned on NSX manager for vCenter group. Action required: None Frequency of traps: Once for each group who is assigned role." ::= { vmwNsxMSecurityPrefix 7 } vmwNsxMGroupRoleUnassigned NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When role is unassigned on NSX manager for vCenter group. Action required: None Frequency of traps: Once for each group where role is removed." ::= { vmwNsxMSecurityPrefix 8 } vmwNsxMVcLoginFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whenever Connection with vCenter starts failing due to invalid credentials. Action required: Reconfigure NSX Manager vCenter configuration with correct credentials." ::= { vmwNsxMSecurityPrefix 9 } vmwNsxMVcDisconnected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whenever there is disconnectivity for default VCenter Connection maintained by NSX. Action required: Administrator needs to check the connectivity with vCenter for network problems or any other reasons." ::= { vmwNsxMSecurityPrefix 10 } vmwNsxMLostVcConnectivity NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whenever there is disconnectivity for default VCenter Connection maintained by NSX. Action required: Administrator needs to check the connectivity with vCenter for network problems or any other reasons." ::= { vmwNsxMSecurityPrefix 11 } vmwNsxMSsoDisconnected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whenever there is disconnection with SSO lookup service. Action required: Please check the configuration for possible disconnection reasons like Invalid Credentials, Time sync issues, Network connectivity problems etc. Navigate to Appliance management Web UI in browser (https:///) traverse to Manage vCenter Registration tab and verify the configuration for SSO Lookupservice. Frequency of traps: Once per disconnect event, default frequency to check SSO connection state is 1 hour." ::= { vmwNsxMSecurityPrefix 12 } vmwNsxMSsoTimeout NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When we try to configure VC on a system where SSO is already configured, we fetch the token to login to the VC using SSO. If it times out during that, this trap is raised. Action required: Try reconnecting to the SSO server and if the service remains unresponsive, try restarting the NSX management service from the NSX appliance management UI. Contact the SSO administrator if the issue persists. Frequency of traps: Whenever we try to configure VC on a system where SSO is already configured." ::= { vmwNsxMSecurityPrefix 13 } -- -- Distributed Firewall related traps -- vmwNsxMFirewall OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications that are firewall related will have this OID prefix." ::= { vmwNsxMNotification 3 } vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group is actually the prefix one uses when creating vmware NSX manager specific trap OID's for firewall module." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewall 0 } vmwNsxMFltrCnfgUpdateFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NSX Manager failed to enforce DFW. VMs on this host may not be protected by the DFW. Contextual data provided with this event may indicate the cause of this failure. This could happen if the VIB version mismatches on the NSX Manager and ESX host. This may happen during an upgrade. Please collect ESX and NSX Manager tech support bundle and open a SR with Vmware techsupport. See http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2074678 and http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1010705" ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 1 } vmwNsxMFltrCnfgNotAppliedToVnic NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NSX Manager failed to enforce DFW configuration on a vnic. This particular VM may not be protected by the DFW. Contextual data provided with this event may indicate the cause of this failure.This could happen if the VIB version mismatches on the NSX Manager and ESX host. This may happen during an upgrade. Please collect ESX and NSX Manager tech support bundle and open a SR with Vmware techsupport. See http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2074678 and http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1010705" ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 2 } vmwNsxMFltrCnfgAppliedToVnic NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Successfully updated filter config. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 3 } vmwNsxMFltrCreatedForVnic NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Filter created. DFW is enforced in the datapath for the vnic. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 4 } vmwNsxMFltrDeletedForVnic NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Filter deleted. DFW is removed from the vnic. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 5 } vmwNsxMFirewallConfigUpdateFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Firewall rule Configuration between the NSX Manager and the host is not in sync. Contextual data provided with this event may indicate the cause of this failure. Verify that the host in question was properly prepared by NSX Manager. Collect error logs (vsfwd.log) when the host received firewall config. Force sync firewall config using ForceSync API/UI. See kb.vmware.com/kb/2125437 . If the issue persists, please collect ESX and NSX Manager tech support bundle and open a SR with Vmware techsupport. See http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2074678 and http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1010705" ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 6 } vmwNsxMFirewallRuleFailedVnic NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to apply Distributed Firewall configuration. Contextual data provided with this event may indicate the cause of this failure. Collect error logs (vmkernel.log) when the firewall configuration was applied to the vnic. vsip kernel heaps may not have enough free memory. Check VSFWD logs . See kb.vmware.com/kb/2125437. If the issue persists, please collect the ESX and NSX Manager tech support bundle and open a SR with Vmware techsupport. See http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2074678 and http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1010705" ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 7 } vmwNsxMFirewallRuleAppliedVnic NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Applied firewall config. Key value will have context info like generation number and also other debugging info. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 8 } vmwNsxMCntnrCnfgUpdateFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed receive, parse or update the container configuration. Contextual data provided with this event may indicate the cause of this failure. Collect error logs (vmkernel.log) when firewall configuration was applied to the vnic. Verify that vsip kernel heaps have enough free memory. Check VSFWD logs. See kb.vmware.com/kb/2125437 . If the issue persists, please collect ESX and NSX Manager tech support bundle and open a SR with Vmware techsupport. See http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2074678 and http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1010705" ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 9 } vmwNsxMFlowMissed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Flow missed. Contextual data provided with this event may indicate the cause of this failure. Collect error logs (vmkernel.log) when firewall configuration was applied to the vnic. Verify that vsip kernel heaps have enough free memory and vsfwd memory consumption is within resource limits. Check VSFWD logs. See kb.vmware.com/kb/2125437. If the issue persists, please collect ESX and NSX Manager tech support bundle and open a SR with Vmware techsupport. See http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2074678 and http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1010705" ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 10 } vmwNsxMSpoofGuardCnfgUpdateFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to receive, parse or Update the spoofguard configuration. Contextual data provided with this event may indicate the cause of this failure. Verify that the host in question was properly prepared by NSX Manager. Collect error logs (vmkernel.log) when the spoofguard configuration was applied to the host. For Sync the firewall configuration . See kb.vmware.com/kb/2125437." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 11 } vmwNsxMSpoofGuardFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to apply spoofguard to the vnic. Contextual data provided with this event may indicate the cause of this failure. Verify that vsip kernel heaps have enough free memory. Please collect ESX and NSX Manager tech support bundle and open a SR with Vmware techsupport. See http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2074678 and http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1010705" ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 12 } vmwNsxMSpoofGuardApplied NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enabled spoofguard for vnic. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 13 } vmwNsxMSpoofGuardDisableFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to disable spoofguard on the vnic. Please collect ESX and NSX Manager tech support bundle and open a SR with Vmware techsupport. See http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2074678 and http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1010705" ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 14 } vmwNsxMSpoofGuardDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Disabled spoofguard for vnic. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 15 } vmwNsxMLegacyAppServiceDeletionFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when legacy application service VM deletion failed." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 16 } vmwNsxMFirewallCpuThresholdCrossed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "vsfwd CPU usage threshold was exceeded. Reduce the amount of traffic of VMs on the host in question." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 17 } vmwNsxMFirewallMemThresholdCrossed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "vsfwd heap memory threshold exceeded for the specified heap. Reduce the number of of VMs on the host in question, reduce the number of rules or containers in firewall config. Use appliedTo feature to limit the number of rules for the current cluster." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 18 } vmwNsxMConnPerSecThrshldCrossed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "vsfwd Connectons Per Second (CPS) threshold exceeded for the specified vnic. Reduce the amount of new connections of VMs on the host in question." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 19 } vmwNsxMFirewallCnfgUpdateTimedOut NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NSX Manager waits for 2 minutes after publishing the Firewall configuration to each host in the cluster. If a host takes more than 2 minutes to process the data, it times out. Please check the Host in question. See if VSFWD is functioning or not. Also use CLI commands to verify if the rule realization is working properly or not. See kb.vmware.com/kb/2125437. Please collect ESX and NSX Manager tech support bundle and open a SR with Vmware techsupport. See http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2074678 and http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1010705" ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 20 } vmwNsxMSpoofGuardCnfgUpdateTmOut NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NSX Manager waits for 2 minutes after publishing the Spoofguard configuration to each host in the cluster. If a host takes more than 2 minutes to process the data, it times out. Please check the Host in question. See if VSFWD is functioning or not. Also use CLI commands to verify if the rule realization is working properly or not. See kb.vmware.com/kb/2125437. Please collect ESX and NSX Manager tech support bundle and open a SR with Vmware techsupport. See http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2074678 and http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1010705" ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 21 } vmwNsxMFirewallPublishFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Firewall Configuration Publishing has failed for a given cluster/host. Please collect ESX and NSX Manager tech support bundle and open a SR with Vmware techsupport. See http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2074678 and http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1010705" ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 22 } vmwNsxMCntnrUpdatePublishFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Publishing of container (IP/MAC/vNIC) update pdate failed for a given host/cluster object. Please collect ESX and NSX Manager tech support bundle and open a SR with Vmware techsupport. See http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2074678 and http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1010705" ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 23 } vmwNsxMSpoofGuardUpdatePublishFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The publishing of the spoofguard updates on this host has failed. Please collect ESX and NSX Manager tech support bundle and open a SR with Vmware techsupport. See http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2074678 and http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1010705" ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 24 } vmwNsxMExcludeListPublishFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The publishing of the exclude list or updates to the exclude list on this host has failed. Please collect ESX and NSX Manager tech support bundle and open a SR with Vmware techsupport. See http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2074678 and http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1010705" ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 25 } vmwNsxMFirewallCnfgUpdateOnDltCntnr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Deletion of the object referenced in firewall rules. Action required: Go to the NSX manager DFW UI. All the invalid reference are marked invalid on the UI as well. Please remove the orphaned referenced and update the firewall rules." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 26 } vmwNsxMHostSyncFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Host-level force synchronization has failed. Please collect ESX and NSX Manager tech support bundle and open a SR with Vmware techsupport. See http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2074678 and http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1010705" ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 27 } vmwNsxMHostSynced NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Force Sync operation for host succeeded. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 28 } vmwNsxMFirewallInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Distributed Firewall was successfully Installed on the host." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 29 } vmwNsxMFirewallInstallFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Distributed Firewall Installation has failed. Please collect ESX and NSX Manager tech support bundle and open a SR with Vmware techsupport. See http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2074678 and http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1010705" ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 30 } vmwNsxMFirewallClusterInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Distributed Firewall has been installed at the request of a user." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 31 } vmwNsxMFirewallClusterUninstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Distributed Firewall has been uninstalled at the request of a user." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 32 } vmwNsxMFirewallClusterDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Distributed Firewall has been disabeld on the cluster at the request of a user." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 33 } vmwNsxMFirewallForceSyncClusterFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Force Sync operation for the cluster has failed. Use CLI commands to look at the logs and verify if any error messages appeared during the operation. See kb.vmware.com/kb/2125437. Please collect ESX and NSX Manager tech support bundle and open a SR with Vmware techsupport. See http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2074678 and http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1010705" ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 34 } vmwNsxMFirewallForceSyncClusterSuccess NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Force Sync operation for cluster succeeded. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 35 } vmwNsxMFirewallVsfwdProcessStarted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "vsfwd process started on host. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 36 } vmwNsxMFirewallRulesetApplyAllFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failure to apply all the rule section configuration. Contextual data provided with this event may indicate the cause of this failure. Collect error logs (vmkernel.log) when firewall configuration was applied to the vnic. Verify that vsip kernel heaps have enough free memory. Check VSFWD logs. See kb.vmware.com/kb/2125437 . If the issue persists, please collect ESX and NSX Manager tech support bundle and open a SR with Vmware techsupport. See http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2074678 and http://kb.vmware.com/kb/653." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 37 } vmwNsxMFirewallRulesetAppliedAll NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Successfully applied all rule section config. Action required: None." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 38 } vmwNsxMCntnrCnfgApplyFailedToVnic NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failure to apply the container configuration. Contextual data provided with this event may indicate the cause of this failure. Collect error logs (vmkernel.log) when firewall configuration was applied to the vnic. Verify that vsip kernel heaps have enough free memory. Check VSFWD logs. See kb.vmware.com/kb/2125437 . If the issue persists, please collect ESX and NSX Manager tech support bundle and open a SR with Vmware techsupport. See http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2074678 and http://kb.vmware.com/kb/653." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 39 } vmwNsxMCntnrCnfgApplyAllFailedToVnic NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failure to apply all container configuration. Contextual data provided with this event may indicate the cause of this failure. Collect error logs (vmkernel.log) when firewall configuration was applied to the vnic. Verify that vsip kernel heaps have enough free memory. Check VSFWD logs. See kb.vmware.com/kb/2125437 . If the issue persists, please collect ESX and NSX Manager tech support bundle and open a SR with Vmware techsupport. See http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2074678 and http://kb.vmware.com/kb/653." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 40 } vmwNsxMCntnrCnfgAppliedAllToVnic NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Successfully applied all container config to all vnics. Action required: None." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 41 } vmwNsxMSpoofGuardApplyAllFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to apply all spoofguard to the vnics. Contextual data provided with this event may indicate the cause of this failure. Verify that vsip kernel heaps have enough free memory. Please collect ESX and NSX Manager tech support bundle and open a SR with Vmware techsupport. See http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2074678 and http://kb.vmware.com/kb/653." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 42 } vmwNsxMSpoofGuardAppliedAll NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Applied all spoofguard for vnics. Action required: None." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 43 } vmwNsxMFirewallTimeoutUpdateFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Firewall session timer timeout configuration parse/update failed. Timeout values are unchanged. Contextual data provided with this event may indicate the cause of this failure. Collect error logs (vsfwd.log) when the host received firewall config. Force sync firewall config using ForceSync API/UI. See kb.vmware.com/kb/2125437 . If the issue persists, please collect ESX and NSX Manager tech support bundle and open a SR with Vmware techsupport. See http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2074678 and http://kb.vmware.com/kb/653." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 44 } vmwNsxMFirewallTimeoutApplyFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Firewall session timer timeout configuration apply failed. Certain timeout values are unchanged. Contextual data provided with this event may indicate the cause of this failure. Collect error logs (vsfwd.log) when the host received firewall config. Force sync firewall config using ForceSync API/UI. See kb.vmware.com/kb/2125437 . If the issue persists, please collect ESX and NSX Manager tech support bundle and open a SR with Vmware techsupport. See http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2074678 and http://kb.vmware.com/kb/653." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 45 } vmwNsxMFirewallTimeoutApplied NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Applied session timeout values for a vnic. Action required: None." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 46 } vmwNsxMFirewallTimeoutApplyAllFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to apply all firewall session timer timeout configuration. Some timeout values are unchanged. Contextual data provided with this event may indicate the cause of this failure. Collect error logs (vsfwd.log) when the host received firewall config. Force sync firewall config using ForceSync API/UI. See kb.vmware.com/kb/2125437 . If the issue persists, please collect ESX and NSX Manager tech support bundle and open a SR with Vmware techsupport. See http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2074678 and http://kb.vmware.com/kb/653." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 47 } vmwNsxMFirewallTimeoutAppliedAll NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Applied session timeout values for all vnics. Action required: None." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 48 } vmwNsxMCntnrCnfgAppliedToVnic NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Successfully applied container config to all vnics. Action required: None." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 49 } vmwNsxMFirewallMaxConcurrentConnectionsThresholdCrossed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "vsfwd maximum concurrent connections threshold was exceeded for the specified vnic. Reduce the amount of traffic on the vnic in question." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 50 } vmwNsxMFirewallProcessMemoryThresholdCrossed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "vsfwd memory utilization threshold was exceeded for the specified process. Reduce the number of rules or containers in firewall config. If persists, there may be memory leaks in the process so restarting it may be necessary." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 51 } vmwNsxMFirewallCpuThresholdCrossCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "vsfwd CPU usage is back to below threshold level. Action required: None." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 52 } vmwNsxMFirewallMemThresholdCrossCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "vsfwd heap memory usage is back to below threshold level for the specified heap. Action required: None." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 53 } vmwNsxMConnPerSecThrshldCrossCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "vsfwd Connectons Per Second (CPS) is back to below threshold level for the specified vnic. Action required: None." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 54 } vmwNsxMFirewallMaxConcurrentConnectionsThresholdCrossCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "vsfwd maximum concurrent connections is back to below threshold level for the specified vnic. Action required: None." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 55 } vmwNsxMFirewallProcessMemoryThresholdCrossCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "vsfwd memory utilization is back to below threshold level for the specified process. Action required: None." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 56 } vmwNsxMFirewallThresholdConfigApplied NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Successfully applied all threshold config. Action required: None." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 57 } vmwNsxMFirewallThresholdConfigApplyFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Firewall threshold configuration apply failed. Certain threshold values are unchanged. Contextual data provided with this event may indicate the cause of this failure. Collect error logs (vsfwd.log) when the host received firewall config. Force sync firewall config using ForceSync API/UI. See kb.vmware.com/kb/2125437 . If the issue persists, please collect ESX and NSX Manager tech support bundle and open a SR with Vmware techsupport. See http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2074678 and http://kb.vmware.com/kb/653." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 58 } vmwNsxMUnsupportedIPsetConfigured NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whenever an IP address or is configured as IPSet. KB article: https://ikb.vmware.com/kb/53157 Action: Information-only event. No action required. Workaround to this issue documented in KB article." ::= { vmwNsxMFirewallPrefix 59 } -- -- Edge related traps -- vmwNsxMEdge OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications that are edge related will have this OID prefix." ::= { vmwNsxMNotification 4 } vmwNsxMEdgePrefix OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group is actually the prefix one uses when creating vmware NSX manager specific trap OID's for edge module." ::= { vmwNsxMEdge 0 } vmwNsxMEdgeNoVmServing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "None of the Edge VMs found in serving state. There is a possibility of network disruption. Action required: System auto recovers from this state today. Event should be followed by traps with event code 30202 or 30203" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 1 } vmwNsxMEdgeGatewayCreated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Edge Gateway created. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 2 } vmwNsxMEdgeVmBadState NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Edge VM in bad state. Needs a force sync. Action required: System auto triggres force sync but if problem is sustained then manual force sync should be triggered. For ESG force sync is disruptive and will reboot edge VMs." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 3 } vmwNsxMEdgeVmCommFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to communicate with the Edge VM. Action required: Need investigation depending upon comunication channel. Log needs to be checked for VIX error code for futher action." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 4 } vmwNsxMEdgeVmCnfgChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when NSX Edge VM configuration is changed. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 5 } vmwNsxMEdgeGatewayDeleted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Edge Gateway is deleted. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 6 } vmwNsxMEdgeGatewayReDeployed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Edge Gateway is redeployed. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 7 } vmwNsxMEdgeVmPowerOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when NSX Edge VM is powered off. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 8 } vmwNsxMEdgeApplianceSizeChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Edge appliance size has changed. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 9 } vmwNsxMEdgeUpgrade51x NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Edge Gateway is upgraded to 5.1.x. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 10 } vmwNsxMEdgeLicenseChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Edge licensing changed on vCenter Server. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 11 } vmwNsxMEdgeApplianceMoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Edge appliance is moved in the vCenter inventory." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 12 } vmwNsxMEdgeApplianceNotFound NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Edge appliance not found in the vCenter inventory. Action required: If VM is accidentally deleted, redeploy edge." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 13 } vmwNsxMEdgeVMHealthCheckMiss NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Edge VM is not responding to health check. Action required: Communicaiton issues between manager and edge. Log analysis required to root cause issue." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 14 } vmwNsxMEdgeHealthCheckMiss NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when none of the Edge VMs are found in serving state. There is a possibility of network disruption. Action required: Commnunicaiton issues between manager and edge. Log analysis required to root cause issue." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 15 } vmwNsxMEdgeCommAgentNotConnected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Edge Communication Agent is not connected to vCenter Server. Action required: Check VSM and VC connectivity. Try registering VSM to VC" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 16 } vmwNsxMApplianceWithDifferentId NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Edge VM is discovered with a different vmId. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 17 } vmwNsxMFirewallRuleModified NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Edge firewall rule is modified. Action required: Revisit firewall rule and perform required updates" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 18 } vmwNsxMEdgeAntiAffinityRuleViolated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when powering on NSX Edge appliance violates a virtual machine anti-affinity rule. Action required: Anti affinity rules removed from cluster. Both HA VM may run on same host. Go to VC and please revisit anti affinity rules on Cluster" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 19} vmwNsxMEdgeHaEnabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when NSX Edge HighAvailability is enabled. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 20 } vmwNsxMEdgeHaDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when NSX Edge HighAvailability is disabled. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 21 } vmwNsxMEdgeGatewayRecovered NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when NSX Edge Gateway has recovered and now responding to health check. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 22 } vmwNsxMEdgeVmRecovered NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when NSX Edge VM has recovered and now responding to health check. Actione required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 23 } vmwNsxMEdgeGatewayUpgraded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Edge Gateway is upgraded. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 24 } vmwNsxMEdgeVmHlthChkDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Edge VM health check is disabled on consecutive critical vix errors. Please redeploy or force sync vm to resume health check. Action required: This points to environmental issues that lead to repeated failure over vix. Log analysis needs to be done to identify root cause. Post resoving issues force sync edge vm to resume health check. Force sync and redeploy are disruptive operation." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 25 } vmwNsxMEdgePrePublishFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Pre Publish has failed on Edge VM. Action required: Firewall rules might be out of sync. System auto recovers but if problem persists then trigger force sync." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 26 } vmwNsxMEdgeForcedSync NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Edge VM was force synced. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 27 } vmwNsxMEdgeVmBooted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Edge VM was booted. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 28 } vmwNsxMEdgeVmInBadState NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Edge VM is in Bad State. Needs a force sync. Action required: Force sync required." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 29 } vmwNsxMEdgeVmCpuUsageIncreased NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Edge VM CPU usage has increased. Action required: Spikes are normal but collect tech support logs for further analysis if high CPU sustained for longer duration." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 30 } vmwNsxMEdgeVmMemUsageIncreased NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Edge VM Memory usage has increased. Action required: System recovers but collect tech support logs for further analysis." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 31 } vmwNsxMEdgeVmProcessFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Edge VM process monitor detects a process failure. Action required: System recovers but collect tech support logs for further analysis." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 32 } vmwNsxMEdgeVmSysTimeBad NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Edge VM system time is bad. Action required: System recovers. Check NTP setting on hosts." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 33 } vmwNsxMEdgeVmSysTimeSync NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Edge VM system time sync up happens. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 34 } vmwNsxMEdgeAesniCryptoEngineUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when AESNI crypto engine is up. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 35 } vmwNsxMEdgeAesniCryptoEngineDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when AESNI crypto engine is down. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 36 } vmwNsxMEdgeVmOom NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Edge VM is out of memory. The Edge is rebooting in 3 seconds. Action required: Collect tech support for further analysis." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 37 } vmwNsxMEdgeFileSysRo NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Edge file system is read only. Action required: Check datastore issues, once resolved force sync is required." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 38 } vmwNsxMEdgeHaCommDisconnected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Edge HighAvailability communication channel is disconnected from peer node. Action required: User will need to check network infrastructure (virtual and physical) to look for any failures, specially on the interfaces and the path configured for HA." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 39 } vmwNsxMEdgeHaSwitchOverSelf NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when High Availability is disabled for NSX Edge. The primary NSX Edge VM has its state transitioned from ACTIVE to SELF. High Availability (HA) ensures that NSX Edge services are always available, by deploying an additional Edge VM for failover. The primary NSX Edge VM is the ACTIVE node and the secondary VM is the STANDBY node. Whenever the ACTIVE VM is unreachable on account of VM powered off or network connectivity issues, the STANDBY VM takes over the ACTIVE vm's role. In the event NSX Edge High Availability is disabled, the STANDBY VM is deleted and the ACTIVE VM continues to function with its ACTIVE state transitioned to SELF. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 40 } vmwNsxMEdgeHaSwitchOverActive NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when High Availability switch over has happened for NSX Edge. The secondary NSX Edge VM has its state transitioned from STANDBY to ACTIVE. High Availability (HA) ensures that NSX Edge services are always available, by deploying an additional Edge VM for failover. The primary NSX Edge VM is the ACTIVE node and the secondary VM is the STANDBY node. Whenever the ACTIVE VM is unreachable on account of VM powered off or network connectivity issues, the STANDBY VM takes over the ACTIVE vm's role. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 41 } vmwNsxMEdgeHaSwitchOverStandby NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when High Availability switch over has happened for NSX Edge. The primary NSX Edge VM has its state transitioned from ACTIVE to STANDBY. High Availability (HA) ensures that NSX Edge services are always available, by deploying an additional Edge VM for failover. The primary NSX Edge VM is the ACTIVE node and the secondary VM is the STANDBY node. Whenever the ACTIVE VM is unreachable on account of VM powered off or network connectivity issues, the STANDBY VM takes over the ACTIVE vm's role. When connectivity is re-established between the NSX Edge VM's, one of the VM's state is transitioned from ACTIVE to STANDBY. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 42 } vmwNsxMEdgeMonitorProcessFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Edge process monitor detected a process failure. Action required: Collect tech support logs for further analysis." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 43 } vmwNsxMLbVirtualServerPoolUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when LoadBalancer virtualServer/pool is up. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 44 } vmwNsxMLbVirtualServerPoolDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when LoadBalancer virtualServer/pool is down." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 45 } vmwNsxMLbVirtualServerPoolWrong NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when LoadBalancer virtualServer/pool state is wrong." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 46 } vmwNsxMLbPoolWarning NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when LoadBalancer pool changed to a warning state." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 47 } vmwNsxMIpsecChannelUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when IPsec Channel is up. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 48 } vmwNsxMIpsecChannelDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when IPsec Channel is down. Action required: Collect tech support logs for further analysis." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 49 } vmwNsxMIpsecTunnelUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when IPsec Tunnel is up. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 50 } vmwNsxMIpsecTunnelDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when IPsec Tunnel is down. Action required: Collect tech support logs for further analysis." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 51 } vmwNsxMIpsecChannelUnknown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when IPsec Channel status is unknown. Action required: Collect tech support logs for further analysis." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 52 } vmwNsxMIpsecTunnelUnknown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when IPsec Tunnel status is unknown. Action required: Collect tech support logs for further analysis." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 53 } vmwNsxMGlobalLbMemberUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Global Loadbalancer member status is up. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 54 } vmwNsxMGlobalLbMemberWarning NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Global Loadbalancer member status is warning." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 55 } vmwNsxMGlobalLbMemberDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Global Loadbalancer member status is down." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 56 } vmwNsxMGlobalLbMemberUnknown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Global Loadbalancer member status is unknown." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 57 } vmwNsxMGlobalLbPeerUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Global Loadbalancer peer status is up. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 58 } vmwNsxMGlobalLbPeerDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Global Loadbalancer peer status is down." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 59 } vmwNsxMDhcpServiceDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when DHCP Relay Service is disabled." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 60 } vmwNsxMEdgeResourceReservationFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Insufficient CPU and/or Memory Resources available on Host or Resource Pool, during resource reservation at the time of NSX Edge deployment. Resources are explicitly reserved to ensure sufficient resources are available for NSX Edge to service High Availability. User can view the available resources vs reserved resources by navigating to the page Home > Hosts and Clusters > [Cluster-name] > Monitor > Resource Reservation. Action required: After checking available resources, re-specify the resources as part of appliance configuration so that resource reservation succeeds." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 61 } vmwNsxMEdgeSplitBrainDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Split Brain detected for NSX Edge with HighAvailability. NSX Edge VM's configured for High Availability are unable to determine if the other VM is alive due to network failure. In such scenario, both the VM's think the other is not alive and take on the ACTIVE state. This may cause network disruption. Action required: User will need to check network infrastructure (virtual and physical) to look for any failures, specially on the interfaces and the path configured for HA." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 62 } vmwNsxMEdgeSplitBrainRecovered NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Resolved Split Brain for NSX Edge with HighAvailability. The network path used by the NSX Edge VM's High Availability has been re-established. NSX Edge VM's are able to communicate with each other, and one of the VM has taken the STANDBY role, resolving the ACTIVE-ACTIVE split brain scenario. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 63 } vmwNsxMEdgeSplitBrainRecoveryAttempt NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Attempted Split Brain resolution for NSX Edge. Split Brain recovery is being attempted on NSX Edge by NSX Manager. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 64 } vmwNsxMEdgeResourceReservationSuccess NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User specified or system managed CPU and/or Memory Resource reservation for Edge VM is successful on Cluster or Resource Pool, during deployment/redeployment of NSX Edge or Edge VM appliance configuration. Resources are explicitly reserved to ensure sufficient resources are available for NSX Edge to service High Availability. User can view the available resources vs reserved resources by navigating to the page Home > Hosts and Clusters > [Cluster-name] > Monitor > Resource Reservation. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 65 } vmwNsxMEdgeSddcChannelUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VMCI communication channel to vmcd is up on specified NSX Edge. Action required: None Frequency: Once when the VMCI communication channel come up. URL: Nil" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 66 } vmwNsxMEdgeSddcChannelDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VMCI communication channel to vmcd is down on specified NSX Edge. Action required: Check status of vmcd daemon process. Go to the ESX host and check vmcd status /etc/init.d/vmcd status If not running, start vmcd /etc/init.d/vmcd start. Frequency: Once when the VMCI communication channel goes down. URL: Nil" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 67 } vmwNsxMEdgeDuplicateIpDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The NSX Edge IP has been assigned to another device on the network. MAC address of the conflicting device is provided. Action required: Change the IP address of the other device on network. Frequency: Once when the Edge detects the duplication of its IP by another macAddress in the same network. URL: Nil" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 68 } vmwNsxMEdgeDuplicateIpResolved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NSX Edge Duplicate IP address issue is resolved. Action required: None Frequency: Once when the Edge detects the duplication is resolved URL: Nil" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 69 } vmwNsxMEdgeBgpNeighborUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Raised when BGP neighbor is up. BGP neighbor IP address in the eventSourceId tells us for which neighbor this event is getting raised. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 70 } vmwNsxMEdgeBgpNeighborDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Raised when BGP neighbor is down. Once per neighbor. BGP neighbor IP address in the eventSourceId tells us for which neighbor this event is getting raised. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 71 } vmwNsxMEdgeBgpNeighborASMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Raised when there is a mismatch in AS number configured. Raised repeatedly when BGP neighbor is getting established. BGP neighbor IP address in the eventSourceId tells us for which neighbor this event is getting raised. Action required: Correct the configured AS number" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 72 } vmwNsxMEdgeOSPFNeighborUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Raised when OSPF neighbor is up. OSPF router Id in the eventSourceId tells us for which neighbor this event is getting raised. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 73 } vmwNsxMEdgeOSPFNeighborDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Raised when OSPF neighbor is down. OSPF router Id in the eventSourceId tells us for which neighbor this event is getting raised. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 74 } vmwNsxMEdgeOSPFNeighborMTUMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Raised when there is a MTU mismatch in neighbor ship request. OSPF router Id in the eventSourceId tells us for which neighbor this event is getting raised. Action required: Correct the MTU configured." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 75 } vmwNsxMEdgeOSPFNeighborAreaIdMisMatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Raised when there is a areaId mismatch in neighbor ship request. OSPF router Id in the eventSourceId tells us for which neighbor this event is getting raised. Action required: Correct the areaId configured." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 76 } vmwNsxMEdgeOSPFNeighborHelloTimerMisMatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Raised when there is hello timer mismatch in neighbor ship request. OSPF router Id in the eventSourceId tells us for which neighbor this event is getting raised. Action required: Correct the hello timer configured." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 77 } vmwNsxMEdgeOSPFNeighborDeadTimerMisMatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Raised when there is dead timer mismatch in neighbor ship request. OSPF router Id in the eventSourceId tells us for which neighbor this event is getting raised. Action required: Correct the dead timer configured." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 78 } vmwNsxMEdgeL2vpnTunnelUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Raised when the l2vpn tunnel is up. Action required: None" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 79 } vmwNsxMEdgeL2vpnTunnelDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Raised when the l2vpn tunnel is down. We can debug why the l2vpn tunnel is down using the following cli commands, show service l2vpn, show configuration l2vpn, show service l2vpn bridge Action required: None." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 80 } vmwNsxMEdgeHAForceStandbyRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when forced standby for edge enforced by NSX Manager gets removed. Action required: None." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 81 } vmwNsxMEdgeHAForceStandbyRemovalFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Raised when the force standby removal for edge failed. Action required: None." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 82 } vmwNsxMEdgeVmBADStateRecovered NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Raised when edge VM is recovered from bad state. Action required: None." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 83 } vmwNsxMEdgeVmBADStateAutoHealRecoveryDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Raised when VM can not be recovered from bad state after system specified retry of auto recovery ForceSync operation. Action required: Trigger force sync to recover edge VM from bad state. To trigger force sync from UI see (https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-NSX-for-vSphere/6.2/com.vmware.nsx.admin.doc/GUID-21FF2937-4CDF-491C-933E-8F44E21ED55E.html) or call the API (POST https:///api/4.0/edges/?action=forcesync)" ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 84 } vmwNsxMEdgeHaInUseVnicChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when internally allocated vnic for HA internal communication is changed because vnic configurations have changed. Action required: None." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 85 } vmwNsxMEdgeHaCommConnected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Edge HighAvailability communication channel is established with peer node. Action required: None." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 86 } vmwNsxMEdgeVmRenameFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Raised when Edge VM rename operation failed. Given Edge name has invalid characters or exceeds maximum number of characters permitted. There is no functionality effect on the Edge. User may choose a shorter name and rename the Edge. Action required: None." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 87 } vmwNsxMEdgeBgpNeighborshipError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Raised when something goes wrong in neighborship establishment. Error message will have error code and sub error code. BGP neighbor IP address in the eventSourceId tells us for which neighbor this event is getting raised. vmwNsxMEventMessage for example will contain following details: (Error when establishing BGP neighborship with neighbor having AS number 1201 with error code 6, error sub code 5.) Action required: The error code given in message are standard error codes. Act accordingly as per the error codes." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 88 } vmwNsxMEdgeVmBadStateNotRecovered NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Raised when failed to recover NSX Edge VM from Bad State after force sync. Action required: None." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 89 } vmwNsxMEdgeVmDcnOutOfSync NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Raised when GroupingObject sync is timed out on NSX Edge VM. Action required: None." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 90 } vmwNsxMEdgeConsumedResourcesMissingInInventory NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Raised when missing or deleted resources from inventory are found used in NSX Edges. Action required: Please reconfigure these NSX Edges to use existing resources. Refer to NSX Manager logs for the complete list of missing resources." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 91 } vmwNsxMEdgeIpsecDeprecatedComplianceSuiteInUse NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Raised when a deprecated compliance suite is used in an IPSec site in NSX Edges. Action required: Please reconfigure IPSec site to use supported compliance suite." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 92 } vmwNsxMEdgeConnectedToMultipleTZHavingSameClusters NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Raised when a NSX Distributed Logical Router is connected to multiple transport zones having same clusters. Action required: None." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 93 } vmwNsxMEdgeConnectedToMultipleTZHavingDifferentClusters NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Raised when a NSX Distributed Logical Router is connected to multiple transport zones having different clusters. This may cause network disruption on clusters which are not common to all transport zones. Action required: Please fix the configuration by either reconfiguring transport zones to have same clusters or by connecting NSX Distributed Logical Router to a single transport zone." ::= { vmwNsxMEdgePrefix 94 } -- -- Endpoint related traps -- vmwNsxMEndpoint OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications that are Endpoint related will have this OID prefix." ::= { vmwNsxMNotification 5 } vmwNsxMEndpointPrefix OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group is actually the prefix one uses when creating vmware NSX manager specific trap OID's for Endpoint module." ::= { vmwNsxMEndpoint 0 } vmwNsxMEndpointThinAgentEnabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Thin agent is enabled." ::= { vmwNsxMEndpointPrefix 1 } vmwNsxMGuestIntrspctnEnabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Guest Introspection solution is enabled." ::= { vmwNsxMEndpointPrefix 2 } vmwNsxMGuestIntrspctnIncompatibleEsx NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Guest Introspection solution was contacted by an incompatible version of the ESX module." ::= { vmwNsxMEndpointPrefix 3 } vmwNsxMGuestIntrspctnEsxConnFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when connection between the ESX module and the Guest Introspection solution failed." ::= { vmwNsxMEndpointPrefix 4 } vmwNsxMGuestIntrspctnStatusRcvFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when failed to receive status from Guest Introspection solution." ::= { vmwNsxMEndpointPrefix 5 } vmwNsxMEsxModuleEnabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when ESX module is enabled." ::= { vmwNsxMEndpointPrefix 6 } vmwNsxMEsxModuleUninstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when ESX module is uninstalled." ::= { vmwNsxMEndpointPrefix 7 } vmwNsxMGuestIntrspctnHstMxMssngRep NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Guest Introspection host MUX is missing report." ::= { vmwNsxMEndpointPrefix 8 } vmwNsxMEndpointUndefined NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Endpoint is undefined." ::= { vmwNsxMEndpointPrefix 9 } -- -- Eam related traps -- vmwNsxMEam OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications that are Eam related will have this OID prefix." ::= { vmwNsxMNotification 6 } vmwNsxMEamPrefix OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group is actually the prefix one uses when creating vmware NSX manager specific trap OID's for Eam module." ::= { vmwNsxMEam 0 } vmwNsxMEamGenericAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "EAM reports problems to NSX during vib/service VM install/upgrade as these traps. Action required: Use resolve API to resolve the Alarm. Frequency of traps: N times per cluster per user action, where N is number of hosts in a cluster." ::= { vmwNsxMEamPrefix 1 } -- -- Fabric related traps -- vmwNsxMFabric OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications that are Fabric related will have this OID prefix." ::= { vmwNsxMNotification 7 } vmwNsxMFabricPrefix OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group is actually the prefix one uses when creating vmware NSX manager specific trap OID's for Fabric module." ::= { vmwNsxMFabric 0 } vmwNsxMFabricDplymntStatusChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of a service on a cluster has changed. It can change to RED(Failure), GREEN(Success), YELLOW(in-progress). Action required: RED state would be accompanied with an EAM Alarm/Event/Trap, that indicates root cause. Use resolver API to fix it. Frequency of traps: Once per state change. State could change 2-3 times per user operation [Deploy/Undeploy/Update]" ::= { vmwNsxMFabricPrefix 1 } vmwNsxMFabricDplymntUnitCreated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NSX Manager has created the required objects for deploying a service on a cluster. This would be followed by deployment of the service on all hosts in the cluster. Action required: None Frequency: Once per cluster" ::= { vmwNsxMFabricPrefix 2 } vmwNsxMFabricDplymntUnitUpdated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NSX Manager has made changes in the objects required for deploying a service on a cluster. This would be followed by updation of the service on all hosts in the cluster. Action required: None Frequency of traps: Once per cluster per user operation [Update]" ::= { vmwNsxMFabricPrefix 3 } vmwNsxMFabricDplymntUnitDestroyed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A service has been removed from all hosts in a cluster. NSX Manager has deleted the objects for the service on the cluster. Action required: None Frequency of traps: Once per cluster" ::= { vmwNsxMFabricPrefix 4 } vmwNsxMDataStoreNotCnfgrdOnHost NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Datastore could not be configured on host, probably its not connected. Action required: Ensure that datastore is connected to the host. Use resolve API to resolve the Alarm. Service will be deployed. Frequency of traps: Once per cluster per user operation [Deploy]." ::= { vmwNsxMFabricPrefix 5 } vmwNsxMFabricDplymntInstallationFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Installation of service failed, please check if ovf/vib urls are accessible, in correct format and all the properties in ovf environment have been configured in service attributes. Please check logs for details. Action required: Ensure that ovf/vib urls accessible from VC and are in correct format. Use resolve API to resolve the Alarm. Service will be deployed. Frequency of traps: Once per cluster per user operation [Deploy]." ::= { vmwNsxMFabricPrefix 6 } vmwNsxMFabricAgentCreated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The service has been successfully installed on a host. Action required: None Frequency of traps: N times per cluster, where N is number of hosts in a cluster." ::= { vmwNsxMFabricPrefix 7 } vmwNsxMFabricAgentDestroyed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The service has been successfully removed from a host. Action required: None Frequency of traps: N times per cluster, where N is number of hosts in a cluster." ::= { vmwNsxMFabricPrefix 8 } vmwNsxMFabricSrvceNeedsRedplymnt NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Service will need to be redeployed as the location of the OVF / VIB bundles to be deployed has changed. Action required: Use resolve API to resolve the Alarm. Service will be redeployed. Frequency of traps: N times per NSX Manager IP change, where N is number of cluster and service combinations deployed." ::= { vmwNsxMFabricPrefix 9 } vmwNsxMUpgradeOfDplymntFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upgrade of deployment unit failed, please check if ovf/vib urls are accessible, in correct format and all the properties in ovf environment have been configured in service attributes. Please check logs for details. Action required: Ensure that ovf/vib urls accessible from VC and are in correct format. Use resolve API to resolve the Alarm. Service will be redeployed. Frequency of traps: Once per cluster per user operation [Upgrade]" ::= { vmwNsxMFabricPrefix 10 } vmwNsxMFabricDependenciesNotInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The service being installed is dependent on another service that has not yet been installed. Action required: Deploy the required service on the cluster. Frequency of traps: Once per cluster per user operation [Deploy]" ::= { vmwNsxMFabricPrefix 11 } vmwNsxMFabricErrorNotifSecBfrUpgrade NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Error while notifying security solution before upgrade. The solution may not be reachable/responding. Action required: Ensure that solution urls are accessible from NSX. Use resolve API to resolve the Alarm. Service will be redeployed. Frequency of traps: Once per cluster per user operation [Upgrade]" ::= { vmwNsxMFabricPrefix 12 } vmwNsxMFabricErrCallbackNtRcvdUpgrade NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Did not receive callback from security solution for upgrade notification even after timeout. Action required: Ensure that solution urls are accessible from NSX, and NSX is reachable from the solution. Use resolve API to resolve the Alarm. Service will be redeployed. Frequency : Once per cluster per user operation [Upgrade]" ::= { vmwNsxMFabricPrefix 13 } vmwNsxMFabricErrCallbackNtRcvdUninstall NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uninstallation of service failed. Action required: Ensure that solution urls are accessible from NSX, and NSX is reachable from the solution. Use resolve API to resolve the Alarm. Service will be removed. Frequency of traps: Once per cluster per user operation [Uninstall]" ::= { vmwNsxMFabricPrefix 14 } vmwNsxMFabricUninstallServiceFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Error while notifying security solution before uninstall. Resolve to notify once again, or delete to uninstall without notification. Action required: Ensure that solution urls are accessible from NSX, and NSX is reachable from the solution. Use resolve API to resolve the Alarm. Service will be removed. Frequency of traps: Once per cluster per user operation [Uninstall]" ::= { vmwNsxMFabricPrefix 15 } vmwNsxMFabricErrorNotifSecBfrUninstall NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Error while notifying security solution before uninstall. Resolve to notify once again, or delete to uninstall without notification. Action required: Ensure that solution urls are accessible from NSX, and NSX is reachable from the solution. Use resolve API to resolve the Alarm. Service will be removed. Frequency of traps: Once per cluster per user operation [Uninstall]" ::= { vmwNsxMFabricPrefix 16 } vmwNsxMFabricServerRebootUninstall NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Server rebooted while security solution notification for uninstall was going on. Action required: Ensure that solution urls are accessible from NSX. Use resolve API to resolve the Alarm. Service will be uninstalled. Frequency of traps: Once per cluster per user operation [Uninstall]" ::= { vmwNsxMFabricPrefix 17 } vmwNsxMFabricServerRebootUpgrade NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Server rebooted while security solution notification for upgrade was going on. Action required: Ensure that solution urls are accessible from NSX. Use resolve API to resolve the Alarm. Service will be redeployed. Frequency of traps: Once per cluster per user operation [Upgrade]" ::= { vmwNsxMFabricPrefix 18 } vmwNsxMFabricConnEamFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NSX Manager relies on the ESX Agent Manager service in VC for deploying/monitoring NSX vibs on ESX. The connection to this EAM service has gone down. This could be due to EAM service or VC restart/stop or an issue in the EAM service. Action required: In the NSX UI, traverse to Manage, then NSX Management Service. Verify that the status of VC connection on this page is Green. Use the VC IP to verify that EAM is UP by visiting https:///eam/mob. Frequency of traps: Once per switch from success to failed EAM connection" ::= { vmwNsxMFabricPrefix 19 } vmwNsxMFabricConnEamRestored NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NSX Manager relies on the EAM service in VC for deploying/monitoring NSX vibs on ESX. The connection of NSX to this EAM service was re-established successfully. Action required: None Frequency of traps: Once per switch from failed to success EAM connection" ::= { vmwNsxMFabricPrefix 20 } vmwNsxMFabricPreUninstallCleanUpFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Pre Uninstall cleanup failed. Action required: Use resolve API to resolve the Alarm. Service will be removed. Frequency of traps: Once per cluster per user operation [Uninstall]" ::= { vmwNsxMFabricPrefix 21 } vmwNsxMFabricBackingEamNotFound NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The backing EAM agency for this deployment could not be found. It is possible that the VC services may still be initializing. Please try to resolve the alarm to check existence of the agency. In case you have deleted the agency manually, please delete the deployment entry from NSX. Action required: Use resolve API to check existence of the agency, if backing agency exists in EAM, else delete the deployment entry from NSX. Frequency of traps: Once per cluster." ::= { vmwNsxMFabricPrefix 22 } vmwNsxMFabricVibManualInstallationRequired NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when an attempt is made to upgrade or uninstall NSX vibs on stateless host using EAM. All stateless host should be prepared using the auto deploy feature (Refer : https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2005131). Fix configuration using auto deploy feature and use the resolve API to resolve the alarm. Action required: Use the resolve API to resolve the alarm. Frequency of traps: Once per host." ::= { vmwNsxMFabricPrefix 23 } vmwNsxMFabricUninstallDeploymentUnit NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Deployment unit fabric state is UNINSTALLED and health Status is SUCCEEDED. Resolve this alarm to complete uninstallation. Frequency of traps: Once per cluster." ::= { vmwNsxMFabricPrefix 24 } -- -- DeploymentPlugin related traps -- vmwNsxMDepPlugin OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications that are DeploymentPlugin related will have this OID prefix." ::= { vmwNsxMNotification 8 } vmwNsxMDepPluginPrefix OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group is actually the prefix one uses when creating vmware NSX manager specific trap OID's for DeploymentPlugin module." ::= { vmwNsxMDepPlugin 0 } vmwNsxMDepPluginIpPoolExhausted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When deploying Guest Introspection or other VM based service with static IP, NSX Manager needs to have a IP pool, for IP assignment to the VM. This pool has been exhausted, and new service VMs cannot be provisioned. Action required: Traverse to the Networking & Security page on VMWare vSphere Web Client, then go to Installation, followed by Service Deployments. Note the IP pool name for the failed service. Now traverse to NSX Managers, then go to Manage tab, followed by Grouping Objects sub-tab. Click on IP Pools, and add more Ips to the static IP pool. Use resolve API to resolve the Alarm. Service will be deployed. Frequency of traps: N times per cluster, where N is number of hosts in the cluster." ::= { vmwNsxMDepPluginPrefix 1 } vmwNsxMDepPluginGenericAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Deployment plugin generic alarm. Action required: Use resolve API to resolve the Alarm. Service will be deployed. Frequency of traps: N times per cluster, where N is number of hosts in the cluster." ::= { vmwNsxMDepPluginPrefix 2 } vmwNsxMDepPluginGenericException NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Deployment plugin generic exception alarm. Action required: Use resolve API to resolve the Alarm. Service will be deployed. Frequency of traps: N times per cluster, where N is number of hosts in the cluster." ::= { vmwNsxMDepPluginPrefix 3 } vmwNsxMDepPluginVmReboot NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VM needs to be rebooted for some changes to be made/take effect. Action required: Use resolve API to resolve the Alarm. Frequency of traps: N times per cluster, where N is number of hosts in the cluster." ::= { vmwNsxMDepPluginPrefix 4 } -- -- Messaging related traps -- vmwNsxMMessaging OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications that are Messaging related will have this OID prefix." ::= { vmwNsxMNotification 9 } vmwNsxMMessagingPrefix OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group is actually the prefix one uses when creating vmware NSX manager specific trap OID's for Messaging module." ::= { vmwNsxMMessaging 0 } vmwNsxMMessagingConfigFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when host messaging configuration failed." ::= { vmwNsxMMessagingPrefix 1 } vmwNsxMMessagingReconfigFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when host messaging connection reconfiguration failed." ::= { vmwNsxMMessagingPrefix 2 } vmwNsxMMessagingConfigFailedNotifSkip NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when host messaging configuration failed and notifications were skipped." ::= { vmwNsxMMessagingPrefix 3 } vmwNsxMMessagingInfraUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manager runs a heartbeat with all hosts it manages. Missing heartbeat responses from a host indicate a communication issue between manager and the host. Such instances are indicated by event code 391002. When the communication is restored after such an instance, it is indicated by this event/trap. Action required: Refer to KB article http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2133897 Frequency of traps: Will be seen within 3 minutes of communication being restored between manager and a host. URL: http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2133897" ::= { vmwNsxMMessagingPrefix 4 } vmwNsxMMessagingInfraDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manager runs a heartbeat with all hosts it manages. Missing heartbeat responses from a host indicate a communication issue between manager and the host. In the case of such a communication issue, this trap will be sent. Action required: Refer to KB article http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2133897 Frequency of traps: Will be seen within 6 minutes of a communication failure between manager and a host. URL: http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2133897" ::= { vmwNsxMMessagingPrefix 5 } vmwNsxMMessagingDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A messaging client such as a Host, an Edge appliance or a USVM appliance is expected to change its password within 2 hours of being prepped or deployed. If the password isn't changed in this duration, the messaging account for the client is disabled. Action required: This event will indicate communication issue between the manager and the client. Verify if the client is running. If running, in case of a Host, re-sync messaging. In case of an Edge or a USVM, redeploy. Frequency of traps: Will be seen 2 hours after prep, host re-sync or deployment of appliance. URL: http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2133897" ::= { vmwNsxMMessagingPrefix 6 } -- -- ServiceComposer related traps -- vmwNsxMServiceComposer OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications that are ServiceComposer related will have this OID prefix." ::= { vmwNsxMNotification 10 } vmwNsxMServiceComposerPrefix OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group is actually the prefix one uses when creating vmware NSX manager specific trap OID's for ServiceComposer module." ::= { vmwNsxMServiceComposer 0 } vmwNsxMServiceComposerPolicyOutOfSync NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Service Composer encountered an error while attempting to enforce rules on this Policy. Action required: Administrator needs to check the rules on the given Policy for any errors, as reported in the message. After fixing the rules in the Policy, user would need to resolve the alarm to bring this Policy back in sync. Policy's alarm can either be resolved from NSX Manager Service Composer UI or by using alarms API. Frequency of traps: This trap is generated only once, if an error is encountered while enforcing the Policy." ::= { vmwNsxMServiceComposerPrefix 1 } vmwNsxMServiceComposerPolicyDeleted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Policy got deleted as a result of the internal SecurityGroup, over which the Policy was created, got deleted. Frequency of traps: This event is generated once every time any internal SecurityGroup, that is being consumed by a policy, gets deleted." ::= { vmwNsxMServiceComposerPrefix 2 } vmwNsxMServiceComposerFirewallPolicyOutOfSync NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Service Composer encountered an error while attempting to enforce Firewall rules on this Policy. Firewall related changes on this Policy will not take effect, until this alarm is resolved. Action required: Administrator needs to check the rules on the given Policy for any errors, as reported in the message. After fixing the rules in the Policy, user would need to resolve the alarm to bring this Policy back in sync. Policy's alarm can either be resolved from NSX Manager Service Composer UI or by using alarms API. Frequency of traps: This trap is generated only once, if an error is encountered while enforcing the Policy." ::= { vmwNsxMServiceComposerPrefix 3 } vmwNsxMServiceComposerNetworkPolicyOutOfSync NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Service Composer encountered an error while attempting to enforce Network Introspection rules on this Policy. Network Introspection related changes on this Policy will not take effect, until this alarm is resolved. Action required: Administrator needs to check the rules on the given Policy for any errors, as reported in the message. After fixing the rules in the Policy, user would need to resolve the alarm to bring this Policy back in sync. Policy's alarm can either be resolved from NSX Manager Service Composer UI or by using alarms API. Frequency of traps: This trap is generated only once, if an error is encountered while enforcing the Policy." ::= { vmwNsxMServiceComposerPrefix 4 } vmwNsxMServiceComposerGuestPolicyOutOfSync NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Service Composer encountered an error while attempting to enforce Guest Introspection rules on this Policy. Guest Introspection related changes on this Policy will not take effect, until this alarm is resolved. Action required: Administrator needs to check the rules on the given Policy for any errors, as reported in the message. After fixing the rules in the Policy, user would need to resolve the alarm to bring this Policy back in sync. Policy's alarm can either be resolved from NSX Manager Service Composer UI or by using alarms API. Frequency of traps: This trap is generated only once, if an error is encountered while enforcing the Policy." ::= { vmwNsxMServiceComposerPrefix 5 } vmwNsxMServiceComposerOutOfSync NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Service Composer encountered an error synchronizing Policies. Any changes on Service Composer will not be pushed to Firewall/Network Introspection Services, until this alarm is resolved. Action required: Administrator needs to check Policies and/or Firewall sections for any errors, as reported in the message. After fixing the errors, user would need to resolve the alarm to bring Service Composer back in sync. Alarm can either be resolved from NSX Manager Service Composer UI or by using alarms API. Frequency of traps: This trap is generated only once, whenever an error is encountered." ::= { vmwNsxMServiceComposerPrefix 6 } vmwNsxMServiceComposerOutOfSyncRebootFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Service Composer encountered an error while synchronizing Policies on reboot. Action required: Administrator needs to check Policies and/or Firewall config for any errors, as reported in the message. After fixing the errors, user would need to resolve the alarm to bring Service Composer back in sync. Alarm can either be resolved from NSX Manager Service Composer UI or by using alarms API. Frequency of traps: This trap is generated only once on NSX Manager reboot, if an error is encountered." ::= { vmwNsxMServiceComposerPrefix 7 } vmwNsxMServiceComposerOutOfSyncDraftRollback NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Service Composer went out of sync due to rollback of drafts from Firewall. Any changes on Service Composer will not be pushed to Firewall/Network Introspection Services, until this alarm is resolved. Action required: Administrator needs to resolve the alarm to bring Service Composer back in sync. Alarm can either be resolved from NSX Manager Service Composer UI or by using alarms API. Frequency of traps: This trap is generated only once, whenever Firewall config is reverted to an older version of drafts." ::= { vmwNsxMServiceComposerPrefix 8 } vmwNsxMServiceComposerOutOfSyncSectionDeletionFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Service Composer encountered an error while deleting the section corresponding to the Policy. This generally happens if third party(NetX) service's Manager is not reachable. Action required: Administrator needs to check connectivity with third party(NetX) service's Manager. Once the connectivity is restored, user would need to resolve the alarm. Alarm can either be resolved from Service Composer UI or by using alarms API. Frequency of traps: This trap is generated only once if a failure is encountered while deleting a Policy's section on Policy deletion." ::= { vmwNsxMServiceComposerPrefix 9 } vmwNsxMServiceComposerOutOfSyncPrecedenceChangeFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Service Composer encountered an error reordering sections to reflect Policy's precedence change. This generally happens if there are Alarms on any other Policy. Action required: Administrator needs to check Policies and/or Firewall sections for any errors, as reported in the message. After fixing the errors, user would need to resolve the alarm. Alarm can either be resolved from NSX Manager Service Composer UI or by using alarms API. Frequency of traps: This trap is generated only once if a failure is encountered while reordering section to reflect precedence change." ::= { vmwNsxMServiceComposerPrefix 10 } vmwNsxMServiceComposerOutOfSyncDraftSettingFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Service Composer encountered an error while initializing auto save drafts setting. Action required: Administrator needs to check Policies and/or Firewall sections for any errors, as reported in the message. After fixing the errors, user would need to resolve the alarm. Alarm can either be resolved from NSX Manager Service Composer UI or by using alarms API. Frequency of traps: This trap is generated only once if a failure is encountered while initializing auto save drafts setting." ::= { vmwNsxMServiceComposerPrefix 11 } -- -- SvmOperations related traps -- vmwNsxMSvmOperations OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications that are SvmOperations related will have this OID prefix." ::= { vmwNsxMNotification 11 } vmwNsxMSvmOperationsPrefix OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group is actually the prefix one uses when creating vmware NSX manager specific trap OID's for SvmOperations module." ::= { vmwNsxMSvmOperations 0 } vmwNsxMInconsistentSvmAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Service VMs are deployed per ESX host, to provide functionality like guest introspection and McAfee/Trend virus checking in VMs on the host. An issue is detected with the state of the deployed Service VM. Follow instructions in http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2125482 to analyze the logs further. Warning: Resolving this alarm will delete the VM. After deletion you will see a different alarm saying VM is deleted. If you resolve same, it will reinstall the VM. If redeployment of the VM does not fix the original issue, the original alarm will be added back immediately. Action required: Use resolve API to resolve the Alarm. Frequency of traps: Once per host." ::= { vmwNsxMSvmOperationsPrefix 1 } vmwNsxMSvmRestartAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Service VMs are deployed per ESX host, to provide functionality like guest introspection and McAfee/Trend virus checking in VMs on the host. An issue is detected with the state of the deployed Service VM. Follow instructions in http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2125482 to analyze the logs further. Warning: Resolving this alarm will restart the VM. If the root cause here is not solved, the same alarm will be added back immediately. Action required: Use resolve API to resolve the Alarm. Frequency of traps: Once per host." ::= { vmwNsxMSvmOperationsPrefix 2 } vmwNsxMSvmAgentUnavailable NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An issue is detected while marking agent as available. Kindly check the logs. Resolving this alarm will attempt to mark the agent as available. Action required: Use resolve API to resolve the Alarm. Frequency of traps: Once per host." ::= { vmwNsxMSvmOperationsPrefix 3 } -- -- Translation related traps -- vmwNsxMTranslation OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications that are Translation related will have this OID prefix." ::= { vmwNsxMNotification 12 } vmwNsxMTranslationPrefix OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group is actually the prefix one uses when creating vmware NSX manager specific trap OID's for Translation module." ::= { vmwNsxMTranslation 0 } vmwNsxMVmAddedToSg NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A VM has got added to the SecurityGroup. Frequency of traps: Once for every VM getting added to any SecurityGroup." ::= { vmwNsxMTranslationPrefix 1 } vmwNsxMVmRemovedFromSg NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A VM has got removed from the SecurityGroup. Frequency of traps: Once for every VM getting removed from any SecurityGroup." ::= { vmwNsxMTranslationPrefix 2 } -- -- UniversalSync related traps -- vmwNsxMUniversalSync OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications that are UniversalSync related will have this OID prefix." ::= { vmwNsxMNotification 13 } vmwNsxMUniversalSyncPrefix OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group is actually the prefix one uses when creating vmware NSX manager specific trap OID's for UniversalSync module." ::= { vmwNsxMUniversalSync 0 } vmwNsxMFullUniversalSyncFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A failure is encountered when doing full sync of universal objects on a secondary NSX manager. IP address of the secondary NSX manager is present in event's message variable. Action required: Kindly check NSX manager logs on the secondary NSX manager on which the full sync has failed. Frequency of traps: This trap is generated once per NSX manager on which full sync failure is seen." ::= { vmwNsxMUniversalSyncPrefix 1 } vmwNsxMSecondaryDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Secondary NSX manager is unreachable. Action required: Kindly check if NSX manager is running and is reachable from primary NSX manager. IP address of the secondary NSX manager is present in event's message variable. Frequency of traps: This trap is generated once per NSX manager for which connection issue is seen." ::= { vmwNsxMUniversalSyncPrefix 2 } vmwNsxMUniversalSyncFailedForEntity NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A failure is encountered when doing sync of universal object on a secondary NSX manager. IP address of the secondary NSX manager is present in event's message variable. Action required: Kindly check NSX manager logs on the secondary NSX manager on which the sync has failed. Frequency of traps: This trap is generated once per universal object on a NSX manager on which sync failure is seen." ::= { vmwNsxMUniversalSyncPrefix 3 } vmwNsxMUniversalSyncStoppedOnSecondary NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Secondary NSX manager is no longer receiving periodic universal sync updates. IP address of the NSX manager is present in event's message variable. Action required: Kindly check NSX manager logs and universal configuration on the primary NSX manager to check if the secondary NSX manager has got removed. Frequency of traps: This trap is generated one every 4 hours if secondary NSX manager has not received universal sync updates for more than 4 hours." ::= { vmwNsxMUniversalSyncPrefix 4 } vmwNsxMUniversalSyncResumedOnSecondary NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Secondary NSX manager has resumed receiving periodic universal sync updates. Frequency of traps: This trap is generated whenever communication between primary and secondary managers resumes." ::= { vmwNsxMUniversalSyncPrefix 5 } -- -- AsyncRest related traps -- vmwNsxMAsyncRest OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications that are AsyncRest related will have this OID prefix." ::= { vmwNsxMNotification 14 } vmwNsxMAsyncRestPrefix OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group is actually the prefix one uses when creating vmware NSX manager specific trap OID's for AsyncRest module." ::= { vmwNsxMAsyncRest 0 } vmwNsxMServerUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Denotes that NSX manager server is up and in running state, Informs clients of NSX Manager of the current state. Action required: None Frequency of traps: Once for every query" ::= { vmwNsxMAsyncRestPrefix 1 } -- -- ExtensionRegistration related traps -- vmwNsxMExtensionRegistration OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications that are ExtensionRegistration related will have this OID prefix." ::= { vmwNsxMNotification 15 } vmwNsxMExtensionRegistrationPrefix OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group is actually the prefix one uses when creating vmware NSX manager specific trap OID's for ExtensionRegistration module." ::= { vmwNsxMExtensionRegistration 0 } vmwNsxMExtensionRegistered NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Registers NSX manager as a vCenter extenstion. This is applicable when no other NSX Manager is registered with vCenter and the current NSX manager is the one registering with vCenter. Action required: None Frequency of traps: Only once when the extension is registered for the very first time." ::= { vmwNsxMExtensionRegistrationPrefix 1 } vmwNsxMExtensionUpdated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Updates the vCenter extension registration with the new NSX Manager. This is applicable when there already exists another NSX manager that is registered as a vCenter extension and the current one overwrites it. Action required: None Frequency of traps: Every time a NSX Manager registers as a vCenter extension when there already exists another NSX manager registered with vCenter" ::= { vmwNsxMExtensionRegistrationPrefix 2 } -- -- Dlp related traps -- vmwNsxMDlp OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications that are Dlp related will have this OID prefix." ::= { vmwNsxMNotification 16 } vmwNsxMDlpPrefix OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group is actually the prefix one uses when creating vmware NSX manager specific trap OID's for Dlp module." ::= { vmwNsxMDlp 0 } vmwNsxMDataSecScanStarted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when NSX Data Security scan started on VirtualMachine." ::= { vmwNsxMDlpPrefix 1 } vmwNsxMDataSecScanEnded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when NSX Data Security scan ended on VirtualMachine." ::= { vmwNsxMDlpPrefix 2 } -- -- SamSystem related traps -- vmwNsxMSamSystem OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications that are SamSystem related will have this OID prefix." ::= { vmwNsxMNotification 17 } vmwNsxMSamSystemPrefix OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group is actually the prefix one uses when creating vmware NSX manager specific trap OID's for SamSystem module." ::= { vmwNsxMSamSystem 0 } vmwNsxMSamDataCollectionEnabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Service Activity Monitoring will start collecting data. Action required: None Frequency of traps: Event is triggered when SAM data collection state is toggled." ::= { vmwNsxMSamSystemPrefix 1 } vmwNsxMSamDataCollectionDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Service Activity Monitoring will stop collecting data. Action required: SAM data collection can be enabled to start collectiing data. Frequency of traps: Event is triggered when SAM data collection state is toggled" ::= { vmwNsxMSamSystemPrefix 2 } vmwNsxMSamDataStoppedFlowing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Service Activity Monitoring data stopped flowing from USVM Action required: Check the following - USVM log to see if heartbeats are recieved and sent - is the USVM running - is the Mux - USVM connection healthy - is the USVM - RMQ connection healthy - does the VM have endpoint driver installed Frequency of traps: Event is triggered when NSX Manager does not receives SAM data from USVM" ::= { vmwNsxMSamSystemPrefix 3 } vmwNsxMSamDataResumedFlowing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Service Activity Monitoring data resumes flowing from USVM Action required: None Frequency of traps: Event is triggered when SAM data is received from USVM." ::= { vmwNsxMSamSystemPrefix 4 } -- -- Usvm related traps -- vmwNsxMUsvm OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications that are Usvm related will have this OID prefix." ::= { vmwNsxMNotification 18 } vmwNsxMUsvmPrefix OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group is actually the prefix one uses when creating vmware NSX manager specific trap OID's for Usvm module." ::= { vmwNsxMUsvm 0 } vmwNsxMUsvmHeartbeatStopped NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "USVM stopped sending heartbeats to management plane. Action required: Connection to NSX Manager was lost. Check why the Manager didn't send a heartbeat. Frequency of traps: Event is triggered when NSX Manager does not receives heartbeats from USVM" ::= { vmwNsxMUsvmPrefix 1 } vmwNsxMUsvmHeartbeatResumed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "USVM will start sending heartbeats to management plane. Action required: None Frequency of traps: Event is triggered when NSX Manager receives heartbeats from USVM" ::= { vmwNsxMUsvmPrefix 2 } vmwNsxMUsvmReceivedHello NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "USVM sent a HELLO message to Mux Action: None Frequency of traps: Event is triggered when Epsec Mux receives HELLO message from USVM during initial connection establishement." ::= { vmwNsxMUsvmPrefix 3 } -- -- VsmCore related traps -- vmwNsxMVsmCore OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications that are VsmCore related will have this OID prefix." ::= { vmwNsxMNotification 19 } vmwNsxMVsmCorePrefix OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group is actually the prefix one uses when creating vmware NSX manager specific trap OID's for VsmCore module." ::= { vmwNsxMVsmCore 0 } vmwNsxMUpgradeSuccess NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when NSX Manager upgraded successfully." ::= { vmwNsxMVsmCorePrefix 1 } vmwNsxMRestoreSuccess NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when NSX Manager restored successfully." ::= { vmwNsxMVsmCorePrefix 2 } vmwNsxMDuplicateIp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The NSX Manager IP has been assigned to another machine Action: None Frequency: This is triggered whenever NSX Manager detects that its IP address is being used by another machine in the same network" ::= { vmwNsxMVsmCorePrefix 3 } vmwNsxMCPUHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NSX Manager CPU usage is currently high.CPU usage is based on load across all cores. Action: If NSX Manager is facing performance issue, please collect the technical support logs for NSX Manager and the host, and contact VMware technical support. Frequency: This is triggered whenever NSX Manager CPU is above high threshold for consecutive 5 intervals. Default value of high threshold and interval are 80% and 1 minute respectively." ::= { vmwNsxMVsmCorePrefix 12 } vmwNsxMCPUNormal NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NSX Manager CPU usage is back to normal.CPU usage is based on load across all cores. Action: None Frequency: This is triggered whenever NSX Manager CPU is below high threshold after 1 interval from CPU being above high threshold. Default value of high threshold and interval are 80% and 1 minute respectively." ::= { vmwNsxMVsmCorePrefix 13 } vmwNsxMVirtualMachineMarkedAsSystemResource NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Virtual machine is marked as system resource Action: None Frequency: This is triggered whenever any virtual machine is marked as system resource" ::= { vmwNsxMVsmCorePrefix 4 } vmwNsxMScaleAboveSupportedLimits NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The scale value(s) of the mentioned parameter(s) has crossed the supported scale limits Action: Reduce the scale of the parameter(s) mentioned Frequency: This is triggered every hour if any new parameters cross the supported scale limits" ::= { vmwNsxMVsmCorePrefix 5 } vmwNsxMScaleAboveThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The scale value(s) of the mentioned parameter(s) has crossed set threshold scale value Action: Reduce the scale of the parameter(s) mentioned Frequency: This is triggered every hour if any new parameters cross the set threshold value" ::= { vmwNsxMVsmCorePrefix 6 } vmwNsxMScaleNormalized NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The scale value(s) of the mentioned parameter(s) is back to normal after being above the set threshold or the supported value Action: No action required. Frequency: This is triggered every hour if any new parameters return to normal after being above the set threshold or the supported value" ::= { vmwNsxMVsmCorePrefix 7 } vmwNsxMScaleNotEqualToRecommendedValue NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The scale value(s) of the mentioned parameter(s) is not matching the recommended value Action: Increase/Decrease number of objects for the parameter(s) mentioned, to match with recommended value. Please refer NSX Administration guide. Frequency: This is triggered every hour if any new parameters does not match the recommended value" ::= { vmwNsxMVsmCorePrefix 8 } vmwNsxMCertificateExpired NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Certificate with mentioned id has expired. Action: Replace expired certificate. Please refer to NSX Administration and API guide for details on certificate related operations. Frequency: This is triggered every day until expired certificate is replaced." ::= { vmwNsxMVsmCorePrefix 10 } vmwNsxMCertificateAboutToExpire NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Certificate with mentioned id will expire on mentioned date. Action: Replace expiring certificate. Please refer to NSX Administration and API guide for details on certificate related operations. Frequency: This is triggered every day until expiring certificate is replaced." ::= { vmwNsxMVsmCorePrefix 11 } -- -- Vxlan related traps -- vmwNsxMVxlan OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications that are Vxlan related will have this OID prefix." ::= { vmwNsxMNotification 20 } vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group is actually the prefix one uses when creating vmware NSX manager specific trap OID's for Vxlan module." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlan 0 } vmwNsxMVxlanLogicalSwitchImproperlyCnfg NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This event is triggered if one or more distributed virtual port groups backing a certain Logical Switch were modified and/or removed. Or if migration of Control plane mode for a Logical Switch/Transport Zone failed. Action required: (1) If the event was triggered due to deletion/modification of backing distributed virtual port groups, then the error will be visible on Logical Switch UI page. Resolve from there will try and create missing distributed virtual port groups for the Logical Switch. (2) If event was triggered due to failure of Control plan mode migration, redo the migration for that Logical Switch or Transport Zone. Frequency of traps: Event is triggered due to user actions as explained in description. Affects: Logical Switch network traffic." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 1 } vmwNsxMVxlanLogicalSwitchProperlyCnfg NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Logical Switch status has been marked good, most probably as result of resolving any errors on it. Action required: None Frequency of traps: Event is triggered when user resolves the Logical Switch error and as a result missing backing distributed virtual port groups are recreated." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 2 } vmwNsxMVxlanInitFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to configure vmknic as a VTEP, VXLAN traffic through this interface will be dropped until this is resolved. Action required: Check the host's vmkernel.log for more details. Frequency of traps: Every time a VTEP vmknic tries to connect to it's Distributed Virtual Port. Affects: VXLAN traffic on the affected Host." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 3 } vmwNsxMVxlanPortInitFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to configure VXLAN on the Distributed Virtual Port, the port will be disconnected. Action required: Check the host's vmkernel.log for more details. Frequency of traps: Every time a VXLAN vNic tries to connect to it's Distributed Virtual Port on the host. Affects: VXLAN traffic on the affected Host." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 4 } vmwNsxMVxlanInstanceDoesNotExist NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VXLAN configuration was received for a Distributed Virtual Port, but the host has not yet enabled VXLAN on the vSphere Distributed Switch. VXLAN ports on affected Host will fail to connect until resolved. Action required: See KB 2107951 (https://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?cmd=displayKC&docType=kc&externalId=2107951&sliceId=1&docTypeID=DT_KB_1_1&dialogID=40732862&stateId=0%200%2040754197) Frequency of traps: Every time any VXLAN related port (vNic or vmknic) tries to connect to it's Distributed Virtual Port on the host. Affects: VXLAN Traffic on that Host." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 5 } vmwNsxMVxlanLogicalSwitchWrkngImproperly NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTEP interface was unable to join the specified multicast address, the VTEP will be unable to receive some traffic from other hosts until this is resolved. The host will periodically retry joining the group until it is successful. Action required: Check the host's vmkernel.log for more details. Frequency of traps: NSX retries joining failed mcast groups every 5 seconds. Affects: Logical Switch associated with problem VTEP interface won't work properly." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 6 } vmwNsxMVxlanTransportZoneIncorrectlyWrkng NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of a VTEP vmknic has changed. Action required: None. Frequency of traps: Every time a VTEP IP changes" ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 7 } vmwNsxMVxlanTransportZoneNotUsed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTEP vmknic does not have a valid IP address assigned, all VXLAN traffic through this vmknic will be dropped. Action required: Verify the IP configuration for the interface, and the DHCP server if DHCP is used. Frequency of traps: Once per VTEP loosing it's IP address." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 8 } vmwNsxMVxlanOverlayClassMissingOnDvs NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NSX packages where not installed prior to DVS configuration for VXLAN. All VXLAN ports will fail to connect until resolved. Action required: See KB 2107951 https://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?cmd=displayKC&docType=kc&externalId=2107951&sliceId=1&docTypeID=DT_KB_1_1&dialogID=40732862&stateId=0%200%2040754197 Frequency of traps: Once per setting of the com.vmware.netoverlay.layer0=vxlan opaque property or whenver the host is configured for vxlan or Host reconnects to VCEnter and host has some problem. Affects: VXLAN Traffic for that Host will be affected." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 9 } vmwNsxMVxlanControllerRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when VXLAN Controller has been removed due to the connection cant be built, please check controller IP configuration and deploy again." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 10 } vmwNsxMVxlanControllerConnProblem NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NSX manager detected the connection between two controller nodes is broken. Action required: It is a warning event, users need to check the controller cluster for the further steps. Check following KB 2127655 https://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?cmd=displayKC&docType=kc&externalId=2127655&sliceId=1&docTypeID=DT_KB_1_1&dialogID=40732913&stateId=0%200%2040754965 to see if issue matches. Frequency of traps: Whenever the controller reports the issue. Affects: Networking might get affected." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 11 } vmwNsxMVxlanControllerInactive NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Host Certification information couldn't be sent to NSX Controllers. Action required: Ensure that NSX Controller cluster is in healthy state before preparing a new Host. Invoke Controller Sync API to try and rectify this error. Frequency of traps: When a new host is prepared for NSX networking. Affects: Newly prepared Host. Communication channel between Host and NSX Controllers might have issues." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 12 } vmwNsxMVxlanControllerActive NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when Controller cluster state is now active. Controller Synchronization job is in progress. Frequency of traps: Controller cluster becomes active again from a previous inactive state. Action required: User doesnt have to take any corrective action. NSX will auto-sync the controllers." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 13 } vmwNsxMVxlanVmknicMissingOrDeleted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VXLAN vmknic is missing or deleted from host. Action required: Issue can be resolved from Logical Network Preparation - VXLAN Transport UI section. Clicking on resolve will try to rectify the issue. Frequency of traps: First time NSX Manager finds that VXLAN vmknic is missing or deleted from Host. Affects: VXLAN Traffic to/from the mentioned Host will be affected." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 14 } vmwNsxMVxlanInfo NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NSX Manager will raise this event when connection between either of the following component is established/re-established (i) connection between NSX Manager and Host Firewall agent. (ii) connection between NSX Manager and Control Plane Agent. (iii) connection between Control Plane Agent to Controllers. Action required: None Frequency of traps: NSX Manager will raise this event when connection between either of the following component is established/re-established (i) connection between NSX Manager and Host Firewall agent. (ii) connection between NSX Manager and Control Plane Agent (iii) connection between Control Plane Agent to Controllers." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 15 } vmwNsxMVxlanVmknicPortGrpMissing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NSX manager detected one vxlan vmknic is missing on VC. Action required: Check the host, if that vmknic is deleted, click on the resolve button on UI, or call the remediate API (POST /api/2.0/vdn/config/host/{hostId}/vxlan/vteps?action=remediate) to recreate the vxlan vmknic. Frequency of traps: First time when vxlan vmknic is detected missing (manually deleted by user or inventory report the incorrect information) Affects: The VXLAN traffic on that host may be interrupted." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 16 } vmwNsxMVxlanVmknicPortGrpAppears NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NSX manager detected one vxlan vmknic that was marked as missing has now reappeared on VC. Action required: None Frequency of traps: When that missing vmknic re-appears again. Affects: The VXLAN traffic on that host may be resumed." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 17 } vmwNsxMVxlanConnDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This event is triggered when either of the following connections are detected down by NSX Manager: (i) connection between NSX Manager and Host Firewall agent. (ii) connection between NSX Manager and Control Plane Agent. (iii) connection between Control Plane Agent to Controllers. Action required: (i) If NSX Manager to Host Firewall Agent connection is down, check NSX Manager and Firewall Agent logs to get error details. You can try Fabric Synchronize API to try and retificy this issue. (ii) If NSX Manager to Control Plane Agent connection is down, please check NSX Manager and Control Plane Agent logs to get the error detail, check whether the Control Plane Agent process is down. (iii) If Control Plane Agent to Controllers connection is down, please go to UI Installation page to check the connection status for crossponding Host. Frequency of traps: When (i) NSX Manager looses connection with Firewall agent on host or (ii) NSX Manager losses connection with Control plane agent on host or (iii) Control plane agent on Host looses connection with NSX Controllers. Affects: VMs on that Host might get affected." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 18 } vmwNsxMBackingPortgroupMissing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NSX manager detected one backing portgroup of a logical switch is missing on VCenter. Action required: Click on the resolve button on UI or call the API (POST https:///api/2.0/vdn/virtualwires//backing?action=remediate) to recreate that backing portgroup. Frequency of traps: Whenever logical switch backing portgroup is missing on VC. Affects: VMs cannot be connected to this Logical Switch." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 19 } vmwNsxMBackingPortgroupReappears NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NSX manager detected one backing portgroup of a logical switch that was missing reappears on VC. Action required: None Frequency of traps: Whenever user triggered remediate API on Logical Switch which has missing backing portgroup." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 20 } vmwNsxMManagedObjectIdChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NSX manager detected the Managed Objectid of one backing portgroup of a logical switch changed. Action required: None Frequnecy of traps: This typically happens when user restores a backup of Logical Switch backing portgroup." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 21 } vmwNsxMHighLatencyOnDisk NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NSX manager detected some disk on a NSX Controller has high latency. Action required: Rectify the issue on specified device and controller. Frequency of traps: First time NSX detected this issue as reported by Controller. When this issue gets resolved another Informational event will be raised by NSX Manager indicating the same. Affects: NSX Controller." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 22 } vmwNsxMHighLatencyOnDiskResolved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NSX manager detected the disk high latency alert on a some disk on a NSX Controller has been resolved. Frequency of traps: First time NSX detected, previously raised disk latency issue has been resolved." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 23 } vmwNsxMControllerVmPoweredOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NSX manager detected a Controller Virtual Machine is powered off from vCenter. Action required: Click on the 'Resolve' button on Controller page on UI or call the API (POST https:///api/2.0/vdn/controller/{controllerId}?action=remediate) to power on the Controller Virtual Machine. Frequency of traps: This event wil be raised when controller Virtual Machine is powered off from vCenter. Affects: Controller cluster status might go to disconnected if a controller Virtual Machine is powered off. Any operation that requires an active Controller Cluster may be affected." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 24 } vmwNsxMControllerVmDeleted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NSX manager detected a Controller Virtual Machine is deleted from vCenter. Action required: Click on the Resolve button on Controller page on UI or call the API (POST https:///api/2.0/vdn/controller/{controllerId}?action=remediate) to clean up NSX manager's database state. Frequency of traps: This event will be raised when Controller Virtual Machine is deleted from vCenter. Affects: Controller cluster status might go to disconnected if a controller Virtual Machine is powered off. Any operation that requires an active Controller Cluster may be affected." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 25 } vmwNsxMVxlanConfigNotSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NSX manager detected the VXLAN configuration is not set on the host (would-block issue). And this event indicates NSX Manager tried to rectify this issue by resending the VXLAN configuration on Host. Action required: See KB 2107951 https://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?cmd=displayKC&docType=kc&externalId=2107951&sliceId=1&docTypeID=DT_KB_1_1&dialogID=40732862&stateId=0%200%2040754197 for more information. Frequency of traps: This event will generate when host preparation task is triggered for a host and Host encounters would-block issue. Affects: It is a notification, no specific guide for the next step." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 26 } vmwNsxMVxlanPortgroupDeleted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NSX Manager will raise this event when a VXLAN portgroup is deleted from a switch. ACTION: User does not have to take any action. This is just a notification for the user. FREQUENCY: This event is generated a single time when the VXLAN portgroup is deleted from the switch. AFFECTS: The VXLAN traffic on the switch is interrupted." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 27 } vmwNsxMVxlanVDSandPgMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DESCRIPTION: NSX Manager will raise this event when the teaming policies of a VDS and it's associated VXLAN portgroup are not the same. ACTION: Set the VXLAN portgroup teaming policy back to the original value. Below is the workaround to correctly update the teaming policy in a deployed cluster: The supported method to correct teaming policy inconsistencies is to create and prepare a new NSX cluster with the required teaming policy, and to migrate ESXi hosts to that cluster. Changing the teaming policy in the manager DB by some other means only applies to newly created virtual wires after the DB change is made. FREQUENCY: This event will generate whenever the VXLAN portgroup teaming policy is changed to something different than the VDS teaming policy. AFFECTS: The VXLAN traffic on the switch may be interrupted." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 28 } vmwNsxMVxlanControllerDisconnected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DESCRIPTION: NSX Manager raises this event when the Controller VM is Disconnected ie the controller can not reached from the NSX Manager. ACTION: Make sure the IP is assigned to the controller VM and it is reachable form the NSX Manager. FREQUENCY: The event occurs when the Controller VM is powered off or not responding. Minimum 40 secs between two disconnecet events. AFFECTS: Controller cluster status might go to disconnected if a controller Virtual Machine is disconnected. Any operation that requires an active Controller Cluster may be affected." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 29 } vmwNsxMVxlanControllerConnected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DESCRIPTION: NSX Manager will raise this informational event when the controller VM is connected to controller cluster. ACTION: No action to be taken. FREQUENCY: Event occurs as controller is connected to controller-cluster. Minimum 40 secs between two connecet events. AFFECTS: None." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 30 } vmwNsxMVxlanControllerVmPoweredOn NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DESCRIPTION: NSX manager detected a Controller Virtual Machine is powered on from vCenter. ACTION: None. FREQUENCY: This event occurs when Controller Virtual Machine is powered On. AFFECTS: Controller cluster status might go to disconnected if a controller Virtual Machine is powered off. Any operation that requires an active Controller Cluster may be affected." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 31 } vmwNsxMVxlanHostEvents NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DESCRIPTION: NSX manager receives a notification from the host informing MAC mismatch occurred. ACTION: Contact the administrator to take following action: (1) Look for VMs that caused this issue at hosts. (2) If VMs are rouge, shut dowm these VMs. FREQUENCY: Event is triggerred as MAC mismatch occurs at switchport on the hosts. AFFECTS: Identify the VMs causing this issue." ::= { vmwNsxMVxlanPrefix 32 } -- -- Domain Controller Event Log server related trap -- vmwNsxMLogserver OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications that are Domain Controller Event Log server related will have this OID prefix." ::= { vmwNsxMNotification 21 } vmwNsxMLogserverPrefix OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group is the prefix one uses when creating vmware NSX manager specific trap OID's for VsmCore module." ::= { vmwNsxMLogserver 0 } vmwNsxMLogserverEventGenStopped NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DESCRIPTION: This event is triggered if the security log on domain controller event log server is full. ACTION: See article regarding the issue : https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/867860 Contact Domain Administrator to take one of the following actions: (1). Inclease the size of security log. (2). Clear the security log. (3). Archive the security log. FREQUENCY: Event is triggered due to event log size reaches its limit. AFFECTS: Identity firewall stops functioning." ::= { vmwNsxMLogserverPrefix 1 } -- -- Application Rule Manager Event Log related trap -- vmwNsxMApplicationRuleManager OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications that are Application Rule Manager related will have this OID prefix." ::= { vmwNsxMNotification 22 } vmwNsxMApplicationRuleManagerPrefix OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group is the prefix one uses when creating vmware NSX manager specific trap OID's for Application Rule Manager module." ::= { vmwNsxMApplicationRuleManager 0 } vmwNsxMApplicationRuleManagerFlowAnalysisStart NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Started flow analysis on Application Rule Manager session. Action required: None Frequency of traps:This trap is sent once for each session on which analysis has started" ::= { vmwNsxMApplicationRuleManagerPrefix 1 } vmwNsxMApplicationRuleManagerFlowAnalysisFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Flow analysis failed on Application Rule Manager session. Contextual data provided with this event may indicate the cause of this failure. Action required: Start a new monitoring session for the applcation and try analyzing flows again. On repeated failure, collect ESX & NSX Manager tech support bundle and open SR with Vmware tech support. Frequency of traps:This trap is sent once for each session on which analysis has failed" ::= { vmwNsxMApplicationRuleManagerPrefix 2 } vmwNsxMApplicationRuleManagerFlowAnalysisComplete NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Completed flow analysis on Application Rule Manager session. Action required: None Frequency of traps:This trap is sent once for each session on which analysis has completed" ::= { vmwNsxMApplicationRuleManagerPrefix 3 } -- conformance information vmwNsxManagerMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vmwNsxManagerMIB 99 } vmwNsxManagerMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vmwNsxManagerMIBConformance 1 } vmwNsxManagerMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vmwNsxManagerMIBConformance 2 } -- compliance statements vmwNsxManagerMIBBasicCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for entities which implement VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { vmwNsxManagerNotificationInfoGroup1, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup1 } ::= { vmwNsxManagerMIBCompliances 3 } vmwNsxManagerNotificationInfoGroup1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vmwNsxMEventCode, vmwNsxMEventTimestamp, vmwNsxMEventMessage, vmwNsxMEventSeverity, vmwNsxMEventComponent, vmwNsxMUuid, vmwNsxMCount, vmwNsxMEventSourceID, vmwNsxMEventSourceType, vmwNsxMEventSourceIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "These objects provide details in NSX Manager notifications." ::= { vmwNsxManagerMIBGroups 2 } vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup1 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { vmwNsxMConfigGroup, vmwNsxMIpAddedBlackList, vmwNsxMIpRemovedBlackList, vmwNsxMSsoConfigFailure, vmwNsxMSsoUnconfigured, vmwNsxMUserRoleAssigned, vmwNsxMUserRoleUnassigned, vmwNsxMGroupRoleAssigned, vmwNsxMGroupRoleUnassigned, vmwNsxMVcLoginFailed, vmwNsxMVcDisconnected, vmwNsxMLostVcConnectivity, vmwNsxMFltrCnfgUpdateFailed, vmwNsxMFltrCnfgNotAppliedToVnic, vmwNsxMFltrCnfgAppliedToVnic, vmwNsxMFltrCreatedForVnic, vmwNsxMFltrDeletedForVnic, vmwNsxMFirewallConfigUpdateFailed, vmwNsxMFirewallRuleFailedVnic, vmwNsxMFirewallRuleAppliedVnic, vmwNsxMCntnrCnfgUpdateFailed, vmwNsxMFlowMissed, vmwNsxMSpoofGuardCnfgUpdateFailed, vmwNsxMSpoofGuardFailed, vmwNsxMSpoofGuardApplied, vmwNsxMSpoofGuardDisableFail, vmwNsxMSpoofGuardDisabled, vmwNsxMLegacyAppServiceDeletionFailed, vmwNsxMFirewallCpuThresholdCrossed, vmwNsxMFirewallMemThresholdCrossed, vmwNsxMConnPerSecThrshldCrossed, vmwNsxMFirewallCnfgUpdateTimedOut, vmwNsxMSpoofGuardCnfgUpdateTmOut, vmwNsxMFirewallPublishFailed, vmwNsxMCntnrUpdatePublishFailed, vmwNsxMSpoofGuardUpdatePublishFailed, vmwNsxMExcludeListPublishFailed, vmwNsxMFirewallCnfgUpdateOnDltCntnr, vmwNsxMHostSyncFailed, vmwNsxMHostSynced, vmwNsxMFirewallInstalled, vmwNsxMFirewallClusterInstalled, vmwNsxMFirewallClusterUninstalled, vmwNsxMFirewallClusterDisabled, vmwNsxMEdgeNoVmServing, vmwNsxMEdgeGatewayCreated, vmwNsxMEdgeVmBadState, vmwNsxMEdgeVmCommFailed, vmwNsxMEdgeVmCnfgChanged, vmwNsxMEdgeGatewayDeleted, vmwNsxMEdgeGatewayReDeployed, vmwNsxMEdgeVmPowerOff, vmwNsxMEdgeApplianceSizeChanged, vmwNsxMEdgeUpgrade51x, vmwNsxMEdgeLicenseChanged, vmwNsxMEdgeApplianceMoved, vmwNsxMEdgeApplianceNotFound, vmwNsxMEdgeVMHealthCheckMiss, vmwNsxMEdgeHealthCheckMiss, vmwNsxMEdgeCommAgentNotConnected, vmwNsxMApplianceWithDifferentId, vmwNsxMFirewallRuleModified, vmwNsxMEdgeAntiAffinityRuleViolated, vmwNsxMEdgeHaEnabled, vmwNsxMEdgeHaDisabled, vmwNsxMEdgeHaInUseVnicChanged, vmwNsxMEdgeGatewayRecovered, vmwNsxMEdgeVmRecovered, vmwNsxMEdgeGatewayUpgraded, vmwNsxMEdgeVmHlthChkDisabled, vmwNsxMEdgePrePublishFailed, vmwNsxMEdgeForcedSync, vmwNsxMEdgeVmBooted, vmwNsxMEdgeVmInBadState, vmwNsxMEdgeVmCpuUsageIncreased, vmwNsxMEdgeVmMemUsageIncreased, vmwNsxMEdgeVmProcessFailure, vmwNsxMEdgeVmSysTimeBad, vmwNsxMEdgeVmSysTimeSync, vmwNsxMEdgeAesniCryptoEngineUp, vmwNsxMEdgeAesniCryptoEngineDown, vmwNsxMEdgeVmOom, vmwNsxMEdgeFileSysRo, vmwNsxMEdgeHaCommDisconnected, vmwNsxMEdgeHaSwitchOverSelf, vmwNsxMEdgeHaSwitchOverActive, vmwNsxMEdgeHaSwitchOverStandby, vmwNsxMEdgeMonitorProcessFailure, vmwNsxMLbVirtualServerPoolUp, vmwNsxMLbVirtualServerPoolDown, vmwNsxMLbVirtualServerPoolWrong, vmwNsxMLbPoolWarning, vmwNsxMIpsecChannelUp, vmwNsxMIpsecChannelDown, vmwNsxMIpsecTunnelUp, vmwNsxMIpsecTunnelDown, vmwNsxMIpsecChannelUnknown, vmwNsxMIpsecTunnelUnknown, vmwNsxMGlobalLbMemberUp, vmwNsxMGlobalLbMemberWarning, vmwNsxMGlobalLbMemberDown, vmwNsxMGlobalLbMemberUnknown, vmwNsxMGlobalLbPeerUp, vmwNsxMGlobalLbPeerDown, vmwNsxMDhcpServiceDisabled, vmwNsxMEndpointThinAgentEnabled, vmwNsxMGuestIntrspctnEnabled, vmwNsxMGuestIntrspctnIncompatibleEsx, vmwNsxMGuestIntrspctnEsxConnFailed, vmwNsxMGuestIntrspctnStatusRcvFailed, vmwNsxMEsxModuleEnabled, vmwNsxMEsxModuleUninstalled, vmwNsxMGuestIntrspctnHstMxMssngRep, vmwNsxMEndpointUndefined, vmwNsxMEamGenericAlarm, vmwNsxMFabricDplymntStatusChanged, vmwNsxMFabricDplymntUnitCreated, vmwNsxMFabricDplymntUnitUpdated, vmwNsxMFabricDplymntUnitDestroyed, vmwNsxMDataStoreNotCnfgrdOnHost, vmwNsxMFabricDplymntInstallationFailed, vmwNsxMFabricAgentCreated, vmwNsxMFabricAgentDestroyed, vmwNsxMFabricSrvceNeedsRedplymnt, vmwNsxMUpgradeOfDplymntFailed, vmwNsxMFabricDependenciesNotInstalled, vmwNsxMFabricErrorNotifSecBfrUpgrade, vmwNsxMFabricErrCallbackNtRcvdUpgrade, vmwNsxMFabricErrCallbackNtRcvdUninstall, vmwNsxMFabricUninstallServiceFailed, vmwNsxMFabricErrorNotifSecBfrUninstall, vmwNsxMFabricServerRebootUninstall, vmwNsxMFabricServerRebootUpgrade, vmwNsxMFabricConnEamFailed, vmwNsxMFabricConnEamRestored, vmwNsxMFabricPreUninstallCleanUpFailed, vmwNsxMFabricBackingEamNotFound, vmwNsxMFabricUninstallDeploymentUnit, vmwNsxMDepPluginIpPoolExhausted, vmwNsxMDepPluginGenericAlarm, vmwNsxMDepPluginGenericException, vmwNsxMDepPluginVmReboot, vmwNsxMMessagingConfigFailed, vmwNsxMMessagingReconfigFailed, vmwNsxMMessagingConfigFailedNotifSkip, vmwNsxMMessagingInfraUp, vmwNsxMMessagingInfraDown, vmwNsxMMessagingDisabled, vmwNsxMServiceComposerPolicyOutOfSync, vmwNsxMServiceComposerPolicyDeleted, vmwNsxMInconsistentSvmAlarm, vmwNsxMSvmRestartAlarm, vmwNsxMSvmAgentUnavailable, vmwNsxMVmAddedToSg, vmwNsxMVmRemovedFromSg, vmwNsxMFullUniversalSyncFailed, vmwNsxMSecondaryDown, vmwNsxMUniversalSyncFailedForEntity, vmwNsxMServerUp, vmwNsxMExtensionRegistered, vmwNsxMExtensionUpdated, vmwNsxMDataSecScanStarted, vmwNsxMDataSecScanEnded, vmwNsxMSamDataCollectionEnabled, vmwNsxMSamDataCollectionDisabled, vmwNsxMSamDataStoppedFlowing, vmwNsxMSamDataResumedFlowing, vmwNsxMUsvmHeartbeatStopped, vmwNsxMUsvmHeartbeatResumed, vmwNsxMUsvmReceivedHello, vmwNsxMUpgradeSuccess, vmwNsxMRestoreSuccess, vmwNsxMVxlanLogicalSwitchImproperlyCnfg, vmwNsxMVxlanLogicalSwitchProperlyCnfg, vmwNsxMVxlanInitFailed, vmwNsxMVxlanPortInitFailed, vmwNsxMVxlanInstanceDoesNotExist, vmwNsxMVxlanLogicalSwitchWrkngImproperly, vmwNsxMVxlanTransportZoneIncorrectlyWrkng, vmwNsxMVxlanTransportZoneNotUsed, vmwNsxMVxlanOverlayClassMissingOnDvs, vmwNsxMVxlanControllerRemoved, vmwNsxMVxlanControllerConnProblem, vmwNsxMVxlanControllerInactive, vmwNsxMVxlanControllerActive, vmwNsxMVxlanVmknicMissingOrDeleted, vmwNsxMVxlanInfo, vmwNsxMVxlanVmknicPortGrpMissing, vmwNsxMVxlanVmknicPortGrpAppears, vmwNsxMVxlanConnDown, vmwNsxMSamDataCollectionDisabled, vmwNsxMSamDataStoppedFlowing, vmwNsxMSamDataResumedFlowing, vmwNsxMVxlanOverlayClassMissingOnDvs, vmwNsxMVxlanControllerRemoved, vmwNsxMVxlanControllerConnProblem, vmwNsxMVxlanControllerInactive, vmwNsxMSsoDisconnected, vmwNsxMFirewallInstallFailed, vmwNsxMFirewallForceSyncClusterFailed, vmwNsxMFirewallForceSyncClusterSuccess, vmwNsxMFirewallVsfwdProcessStarted, vmwNsxMEdgeResourceReservationFailure, vmwNsxMEdgeSplitBrainDetected, vmwNsxMEdgeSplitBrainRecovered, vmwNsxMEdgeSplitBrainRecoveryAttempt, vmwNsxMServiceComposerFirewallPolicyOutOfSync, vmwNsxMServiceComposerNetworkPolicyOutOfSync, vmwNsxMServiceComposerGuestPolicyOutOfSync, vmwNsxMServiceComposerOutOfSync, vmwNsxMServiceComposerOutOfSyncRebootFailure, vmwNsxMServiceComposerOutOfSyncDraftRollback, vmwNsxMServiceComposerOutOfSyncSectionDeletionFailure, vmwNsxMServiceComposerOutOfSyncPrecedenceChangeFailure, vmwNsxMServiceComposerOutOfSyncDraftSettingFailure, vmwNsxMBackingPortgroupMissing, vmwNsxMBackingPortgroupReappears, vmwNsxMManagedObjectIdChanged, vmwNsxMHighLatencyOnDisk, vmwNsxMHighLatencyOnDiskResolved, vmwNsxMControllerVmPoweredOff, vmwNsxMControllerVmDeleted, vmwNsxMVxlanConfigNotSet, vmwNsxMSnmpDisabled, vmwNsxMSnmpManagerConfigUpdated, vmwNsxMDuplicateIp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group of objects describing notifications (traps, informs)." ::= { vmwNsxManagerMIBGroups 3 } vmwNsxManagerMIB630Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for entities which implement VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-MIB, see VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-AGENTCAP-MIB" MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { vmwNsxManagerNotificationInfoGroup1, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup1, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup2 } ::= { vmwNsxManagerMIBCompliances 4 } vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup2 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { vmwNsxMFirewallRulesetApplyAllFailed, vmwNsxMFirewallRulesetAppliedAll, vmwNsxMCntnrCnfgApplyFailedToVnic, vmwNsxMCntnrCnfgApplyAllFailedToVnic, vmwNsxMCntnrCnfgAppliedAllToVnic, vmwNsxMSpoofGuardApplyAllFailed, vmwNsxMSpoofGuardAppliedAll, vmwNsxMFirewallTimeoutUpdateFailed, vmwNsxMFirewallTimeoutApplyFailed, vmwNsxMFirewallTimeoutApplied, vmwNsxMFirewallTimeoutApplyAllFailed, vmwNsxMFirewallTimeoutAppliedAll, vmwNsxMCntnrCnfgAppliedToVnic, vmwNsxMLogserverEventGenStopped, vmwNsxMApplicationRuleManagerFlowAnalysisStart, vmwNsxMApplicationRuleManagerFlowAnalysisFailed, vmwNsxMApplicationRuleManagerFlowAnalysisComplete, vmwNsxMEdgeResourceReservationSuccess, vmwNsxMVirtualMachineMarkedAsSystemResource, vmwNsxMEdgeSddcChannelUp, vmwNsxMEdgeSddcChannelDown, vmwNsxMScaleAboveSupportedLimits, vmwNsxMScaleAboveThreshold, vmwNsxMScaleNormalized, vmwNsxMVxlanPortgroupDeleted, vmwNsxMVxlanVDSandPgMismatch } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group of objects describing notifications (traps, informs)." ::= { vmwNsxManagerMIBGroups 4 } vmwNsxManagerMIB64Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for entities which implement VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-MIB, see VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-AGENTCAP-MIB" MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { vmwNsxManagerNotificationInfoGroup1, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup1, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup2, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup3 } ::= { vmwNsxManagerMIBCompliances 5 } vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup3 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { vmwNsxMEdgeDuplicateIpDetected, vmwNsxMEdgeDuplicateIpResolved, vmwNsxMEdgeBgpNeighborUp, vmwNsxMEdgeBgpNeighborDown, vmwNsxMEdgeBgpNeighborASMismatch, vmwNsxMEdgeOSPFNeighborUp, vmwNsxMEdgeOSPFNeighborDown, vmwNsxMEdgeOSPFNeighborMTUMismatch, vmwNsxMEdgeOSPFNeighborAreaIdMisMatch, vmwNsxMEdgeOSPFNeighborHelloTimerMisMatch, vmwNsxMEdgeOSPFNeighborDeadTimerMisMatch, vmwNsxMEdgeL2vpnTunnelUp, vmwNsxMEdgeL2vpnTunnelDown, vmwNsxMEdgeHAForceStandbyRemoved, vmwNsxMEdgeHAForceStandbyRemovalFailed, vmwNsxMEdgeVmBADStateRecovered, vmwNsxMEdgeVmBADStateAutoHealRecoveryDisabled, vmwNsxMFirewallMaxConcurrentConnectionsThresholdCrossed, vmwNsxMFirewallProcessMemoryThresholdCrossed, vmwNsxMFirewallCpuThresholdCrossCleared, vmwNsxMFirewallMemThresholdCrossCleared, vmwNsxMConnPerSecThrshldCrossCleared, vmwNsxMFirewallMaxConcurrentConnectionsThresholdCrossCleared, vmwNsxMFirewallProcessMemoryThresholdCrossCleared, vmwNsxMFirewallThresholdConfigApplied, vmwNsxMFirewallThresholdConfigApplyFailed, vmwNsxMEdgeHaCommConnected, vmwNsxMVxlanControllerDisconnected, vmwNsxMVxlanControllerConnected, vmwNsxMVxlanControllerVmPoweredOn, vmwNsxMVxlanHostEvents, vmwNsxMScaleNotEqualToRecommendedValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group of objects describing notifications (traps, informs)." ::= { vmwNsxManagerMIBGroups 5 } vmwNsxManagerMIB636Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for entities which implement VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-MIB, see VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-AGENTCAP-MIB" MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { vmwNsxManagerNotificationInfoGroup1, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup1, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup2, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup3, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup4 } ::= { vmwNsxManagerMIBCompliances 6 } vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup4 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { vmwNsxMUniversalSyncStoppedOnSecondary, vmwNsxMUniversalSyncResumedOnSecondary } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group of objects describing notifications (traps, informs)." ::= { vmwNsxManagerMIBGroups 6 } vmwNsxManagerMIB641Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for entities which implement VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-MIB, see VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-AGENTCAP-MIB" MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { vmwNsxManagerNotificationInfoGroup1, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup1, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup2, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup3, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup5 } ::= { vmwNsxManagerMIBCompliances 7 } vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup5 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { vmwNsxMUniversalSyncStoppedOnSecondary, vmwNsxMUniversalSyncResumedOnSecondary, vmwNsxMCertificateExpired, vmwNsxMCertificateAboutToExpire, vmwNsxMCPUHigh, vmwNsxMCPUNormal, vmwNsxMUnsupportedIPsetConfigured } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group of objects describing notifications (traps, informs)." ::= { vmwNsxManagerMIBGroups 7 } vmwNsxManagerMIB637Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for entities which implement VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-MIB, see VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-AGENTCAP-MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { vmwNsxManagerNotificationInfoGroup1, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup1, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup2, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup3, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup4, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup6} ::= { vmwNsxManagerMIBCompliances 8 } vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup6 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { vmwNsxMUnsupportedIPsetConfigured } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group of objects describing notifications (traps, informs)." ::= { vmwNsxManagerMIBGroups 8 } vmwNsxManagerMIB642Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for entities which implement VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-MIB, see VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-AGENTCAP-MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { vmwNsxManagerNotificationInfoGroup1, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup1, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup2, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup3, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup5, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup7} ::= { vmwNsxManagerMIBCompliances 9 } vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup7 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { vmwNsxMSsoTimeout, vmwNsxMFabricVibManualInstallationRequired } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group of objects describing notifications (traps, informs)." ::= { vmwNsxManagerMIBGroups 9 } vmwNsxManagerMIB645Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for entities which implement VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-MIB, see VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-AGENTCAP-MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { vmwNsxManagerNotificationInfoGroup1, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup1, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup2, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup3, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup5, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup7, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup8} ::= { vmwNsxManagerMIBCompliances 10 } vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup8 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { vmwNsxMEdgeVmRenameFailed, vmwNsxMEdgeBgpNeighborshipError } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group of objects describing notifications (traps, informs)." ::= { vmwNsxManagerMIBGroups 10 } vmwNsxManagerMIB646Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for entities which implement VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-MIB, see VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-AGENTCAP-MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { vmwNsxManagerNotificationInfoGroup1, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup1, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup2, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup3, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup5, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup7, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup8, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup9} ::= { vmwNsxManagerMIBCompliances 11 } vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup9 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { vmwNsxMEdgeVmBadStateNotRecovered, vmwNsxMEdgeVmDcnOutOfSync, vmwNsxMEdgeConsumedResourcesMissingInInventory } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group of objects describing notifications (traps, informs)." ::= { vmwNsxManagerMIBGroups 11 } vmwNsxManagerMIB647Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for entities which implement VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-MIB, see VMWARE-NSX-MANAGER-AGENTCAP-MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { vmwNsxManagerNotificationInfoGroup1, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup1, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup2, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup3, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup5, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup7, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup8, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup9, vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup10} ::= { vmwNsxManagerMIBCompliances 12 } vmwNsxManagerNotificationGroup10 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { vmwNsxMEdgeIpsecDeprecatedComplianceSuiteInUse, vmwNsxMEdgeConnectedToMultipleTZHavingSameClusters, vmwNsxMEdgeConnectedToMultipleTZHavingDifferentClusters } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group of objects describing notifications (traps, informs)." ::= { vmwNsxManagerMIBGroups 12 } END