-- ********************************************************** -- Copyright 2018 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. -- ********************************************************** VMWARE-VROPS-AGENTCAP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI vmwareAgentCapabilities FROM VMWARE-ROOT-MIB AGENT-CAPABILITIES FROM SNMPv2-CONF; vmwVropsAgentCapabilityMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201806270000Z" ORGANIZATION "VMware, Inc" CONTACT-INFO "VMware, Inc 3401 Hillview Ave Palo Alto, CA 94304 Tel: 1-877-486-9273 or 650-427-5000 Fax: 650-427-5001 Web: http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1013445 " DESCRIPTION "This module defines agent capabilities for deployed VMware vRealize Operations Manager agents by release." REVISION "201806270000Z" DESCRIPTION "Capabilities for vRealize Operations Manager 7.0 releases." ::= { vmwareAgentCapabilities 27 } vmwVropsCapability OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vmwVropsAgentCapabilityMIB 1 } vmwVrops2018-70 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "7.0.0" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Release 7.0.0 for VMware vRealize Operations Manager supporting only SNMPv2c/SNMPv3 trap PDUs. It describes all the notifications sent from the vRealize Operations Manager. " REFERENCE "http://www.vmware.com/products" -- REVISION 201806270000Z SUPPORTS VMWARE-VROPS-MIB INCLUDES { vmwVROPSNotificationGroup } ::= { vmwVropsCapability 1 } END