WebGraph-Thermo-Hygrometer-US-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Revison: 1.39 ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- 28.06.2018 New: -- syntax error corrected ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- 12.12.2017 New: -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTTLastWillEnable -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTTLastWillTopic -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTTLastWillMsg -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTTLastWillQoS -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTTLastWillRetain -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTTLastWillConnectEnable -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTTLastWillConnectMsg ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Revison: 1.37 ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- 07.09.2017 New: wtWebioAnxGraphAlarmManagerPort -- wtWebioAnxGraphAlarmMQTT_QoS -- wtWebioAnxGraphAlarmMQTT_Retain ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Revison: 1.36 ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- 09.03.2017 New: wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmSensorLostSelection -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmLimitWindow ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Revison: 1.35 ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- 09.11.2016 New: wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTT group -- HTTP Request, MQTT Alarm, REST ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Revison: 1.34 ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- 15.07.2015 Changes for new Navigation (__JB__) ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Revison: 1.33 ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- 28.05.14 New Language Select -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Revison: 1.32 ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- 11.12.13 Initial Setup -- IMPORTS OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215 DisplayString, PhysAddress FROM RFC1213-MIB enterprises, TimeTicks, IpAddress, NetworkAddress FROM RFC1155-SMI; -- IpAddress ::= -- [APPLICATION 0] -- IMPLICIT OCTET STRING (SIZE (4)) -- Counter ::= -- [APPLICATION 1] -- IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295) -- Gauge ::= -- [APPLICATION 2] -- IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295) -- TimeTicks ::= -- [APPLICATION 3] -- IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295) -- DisplayString ::= OCTET STRING -- PhysAddress ::= OCTET STRING -- internet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso org(3) dod(6) 1 } -- privat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 4 } -- enterprises OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { privat 1 } -- Wiesemann & Theis Com-Server MIB wut OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 5040 } wtComServer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wut 1 } wtWebio OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtComServer 2 } -- wtWebGraph Tree wtWebGraphThermoHygro OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebio 42 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygro Tree wtWebGraphThermoHygroTemp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygro 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroSessCntrl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygro 2 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygro 3 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroDiag OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygro 4 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroConfig Tree wtWebGraphThermoHygroDevice OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroConfig 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroPorts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroConfig 2 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroManufact OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroConfig 3 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroDevice Tree wtWebGraphThermoHygroText OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroDevice 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeDate OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroDevice 2 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroBasic OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroDevice 3 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroDatalogger OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroDevice 4 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroDevice 5 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphics OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroDevice 6 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeDate Tree wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeZone OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeDate 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeServer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeDate 2 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroDeviceClock OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeDate 3 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroBasic Tree wtWebGraphThermoHygroNetwork OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroBasic 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroHTTP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroBasic 2 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroMail OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroBasic 3 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroSNMP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroBasic 4 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroUDP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroBasic 5 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroSyslog OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroBasic 6 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroFTP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroBasic 7 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroRSS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroBasic 8 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroLanguage OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroBasic 9 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTT OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroBasic 12 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroREST OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroBasic 13 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphics Tree wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsBase OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphics 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsSelect OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphics 2 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScale OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphics 3 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroTemp Group ------------------------ wtWebGraphThermoHygroSensors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..2) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of sensors" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTemp 1 } -- Interface Table wtWebGraphThermoHygroSensorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WtWebGraphThermoHygroSensorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "List of sensors." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTemp 2 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroSensorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WtWebGraphThermoHygroSensorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "List of sensor numbers." INDEX { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSensorNo } ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSensorTable 1 } WtWebGraphThermoHygroSensorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSensorNo INTEGER } wtWebGraphThermoHygroSensorNo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..2) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Sensor number." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSensorEntry 1 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroTempValue Table wtWebGraphThermoHygroTempValueTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WtWebGraphThermoHygroTempValueEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "List of measurement values corresponding to the channel numbers." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTemp 3 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroTempValueEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WtWebGraphThermoHygroTempValueEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Measurement values of the sensors." INDEX { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSensorNo } ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTempValueTable 1 } WtWebGraphThermoHygroTempValueEntry ::= SEQUENCE{ wtWebGraphThermoHygroTempValue OCTET STRING } wtWebGraphThermoHygroTempValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (5)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Measurement value of the sensor, ASCII, 5 characters in length." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTempValueEntry 1 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroBinaryTempValue Table wtWebGraphThermoHygroBinaryTempValueTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WtWebGraphThermoHygroBinaryTempValueEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "List of binary measurement values corresponding to the channel numbers." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTemp 4 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroBinaryTempValueEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WtWebGraphThermoHygroBinaryTempValueEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Binary measurement values of the sensors." INDEX { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSensorNo } ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroBinaryTempValueTable 1 } WtWebGraphThermoHygroBinaryTempValueEntry ::= SEQUENCE{ wtWebGraphThermoHygroBinaryTempValue INTEGER } wtWebGraphThermoHygroBinaryTempValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Binary measurement value of the sensor in 1/10 degrees Celsius or 1/10 per cent, signed number, 0x4FFF6 indicates an invalid measured value." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroBinaryTempValueEntry 1 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroTempValuePkt Table wtWebGraphThermoHygroTempValuePktTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WtWebGraphThermoHygroTempValuePktEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "List of measurement values corresponding to the channel numbers." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTemp 8 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroTempValuePktEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WtWebGraphThermoHygroTempValuePktEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Measurement values of the sensors." INDEX { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSensorNo } ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTempValuePktTable 1 } WtWebGraphThermoHygroTempValuePktEntry ::= SEQUENCE{ wtWebGraphThermoHygroTempValuePkt OCTET STRING } wtWebGraphThermoHygroTempValuePkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (5)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Measurement value of the sensor, ASCII, 5 characters in length, delimeter is decimal point." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTempValuePktEntry 1 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroSessCntrl Group -------------------------------- wtWebGraphThermoHygroSessCntrlPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Entering this password opens a session which is ended by writing a 1 to wtWebGraphThermoHygroSessCntrlLogout. When read this variable provides a string of length zero." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSessCntrl 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroSessCntrlConfigMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSessCntrl-NoSession(0), wtWebGraphThermoHygroSessCntrl-Session(1) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When the device is in SNMP configuration mode, the value 1 is returned, otherwise 0. If the read value is 0 even though the password was written, the device is already in config mode and the variables can only be read." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSessCntrl 2 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroSessCntrlLogout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If the device is in configuration mode and the session was opened by this SNMP Manager, writing a 1 to this variable will end the session and all parameters are stored. Writing a 2 discards all entries again. When read this variable provides the value 0." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSessCntrl 3 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroSessCntrlAdminPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This password protects access to the variables with administrator rights. It can only be changed by the administrator. If no password was assigned, the valid password is public." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSessCntrl 4 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroSessCntrlConfigPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This password protects access to the variables with configurator rights. It can be changed by the administrator and by the configurator. If no password was assigned, the valid password is public. When read this variable provides a null-pointer." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSessCntrl 5 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroText Group ------------------------ wtWebGraphThermoHygroDeviceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name of the Webio, which is user definable." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroText 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroDeviceText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of the Webio, which is user definable." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroText 2 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroDeviceLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of the location of the Webio, which is user definable." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroText 3 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroDeviceContact OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Contact address of the system operator of the Webio, which is user definable." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroText 4 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeZone Group ---------------------------- wtWebGraphThermoHygroTzOffsetHrs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Offset hours for the time zone (winter time) with respect to UTC." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeZone 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroTzOffsetMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Offset minutes for the time zone (winter time) with respect to UTC." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeZone 2 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroTzEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Binary coded conditions: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 1-7: unused Bit 0 : Apply Timezone" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeZone 3 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroStTzOffsetHrs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Offset hours of the time zone (summer time) with respect to UTC." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeZone 4 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroStTzOffsetMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Offset minutes of the time zone (summer time) with respect to UTC." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeZone 5 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroStTzEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Binary coded conditions: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 1-7: unused Bit 0 : Apply Summertime" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeZone 6 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroStTzStartMonth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { wtWebGraphThermoHygroStartMonth-January(1), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStartMonth-February(2), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStartMonth-March(3), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStartMonth-April(4), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStartMonth-May(5), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStartMonth-June(6), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStartMonth-July(7), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStartMonth-August(8), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStartMonth-September(9), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStartMonth-October(10), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStartMonth-November(11), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStartMonth-December(12) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Month in which the change is made from winter time to summer time." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeZone 7 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroStTzStartMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { wtWebGraphThermoHygroStartMode-first(1), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStartMode-second(2), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStartMode-third(3), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStartMode-fourth(4), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStartMode-last(5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Mode of the day of the week for which the change is made from winter time to summer time." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeZone 8 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroStTzStartWday OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { wtWebGraphThermoHygroStartWday-Sunday(1), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStartWday-Monday(2), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStartWday-Tuesday(3), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStartWday-Thursday(4), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStartWday-Wednesday(5), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStartWday-Friday(6), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStartWday-Saturday(7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Day of the week on which the change is made from winter time to summer time" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeZone 9 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroStTzStartHrs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Hour in which the time zone is changed from winter to summer time with respect to UTC." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeZone 10 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroStTzStartMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Minute in which the time zone is changed from winter to summer time with respect to UTC." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeZone 11 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroStTzStopMonth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { wtWebGraphThermoHygroStopMonth-January(1), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStopMonth-February(2), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStopMonth-March(3), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStopMonth-April(4), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStopMonth-May(5), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStopMonth-June(6), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStopMonth-July(7), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStopMonth-August(8), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStopMonth-September(9), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStopMonth-October(10), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStopMonth-November(11), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStopMonth-December(12) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Month in which the change is made from summer time to winter time." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeZone 12 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroStTzStopMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { wtWebGraphThermoHygroStopMode-first(1), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStopMode-second(2), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStopMode-third(3), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStopMode-fourth(4), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStopMode-last(5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Mode of the week day on which the change is made from summer time to winter time." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeZone 13 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroStTzStopWday OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { wtWebGraphThermoHygroStopWday-Sunday(1), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStopWday-Monday(2), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStopWday-Tuesday(3), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStopWday-Thursday(4), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStopWday-Wednesday(5), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStopWday-Friday(6), wtWebGraphThermoHygroStopWday-Saturday(7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Day of the week on which the change is made from summer time to winter time." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeZone 14 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroStTzStopHrs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Hour at which the time zone is changed from summer to winter time with respect to UTC." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeZone 15 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroStTzStopMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Minute at which the time zone is changed from summer to winter time with respect to UTC." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeZone 16 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeServer Group ---------------------------- wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeServer1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP address or name of the 1st time server in ASCII" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeServer 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeServer2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP address or name of the 2nd time server in ASCII" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeServer 2 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroTsEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Binary coded conditions: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 1-7: unused Bit 0 : Apply Time Server" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeServer 3 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroTsSyncTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Daily synchronisation time with the time server (hour: 0-23)." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroTimeServer 4 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroDeviceClock Group ---------------------------- wtWebGraphThermoHygroClockHrs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..23) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clock hours taking into account the time zone settings." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroDeviceClock 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroClockMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..59) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clock minutes taking into account the time zone settings." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroDeviceClock 2 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroClockDay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..31) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Date: Day of the month, taking into account the time zone settings." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroDeviceClock 3 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroClockMonth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { wtWebGraphThermoHygroClockMonth-January(1), wtWebGraphThermoHygroClockMonth-February(2), wtWebGraphThermoHygroClockMonth-March(3), wtWebGraphThermoHygroClockMonth-April(4), wtWebGraphThermoHygroClockMonth-May(5), wtWebGraphThermoHygroClockMonth-June(6), wtWebGraphThermoHygroClockMonth-July(7), wtWebGraphThermoHygroClockMonth-August(8), wtWebGraphThermoHygroClockMonth-September(9), wtWebGraphThermoHygroClockMonth-October(10), wtWebGraphThermoHygroClockMonth-November(11), wtWebGraphThermoHygroClockMonth-December(12) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Date: Month, taking into account the time zone settings." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroDeviceClock 4 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroClockYear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Date: Year, taking into account the time zone settings." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroDeviceClock 5 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroNetwork Group ------------------------ wtWebGraphThermoHygroIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP address of the Webio" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroNetwork 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroSubnetMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Subnet mask of the Webio" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroNetwork 2 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroGateway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Gateway of the Webio" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroNetwork 3 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroDnsServer1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP address of the 1st DNS server in ASCII" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroNetwork 4 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroDnsServer2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP address of the 2nd DNS server in ASCII" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroNetwork 5 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAddConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Additional configuration (1=ON): Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 1: DHCP disable Bit 0: BOOTP disable " ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroNetwork 6 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroHTTP Group -------------------------------- wtWebGraphThermoHygroStartup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Binary coded start page: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 1: Index.htm Bit 2: Home.htm Bit 3: User.htm Only one page may be selected at a time." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroHTTP 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroGetHeaderEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If these bits are set, every answer of a short form GET question will be lead by the IP-address and name of the device and/or a HTTP header: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 1-6: unused Bit 1 : GET HTTP enable Bit 0 : GET Header enable" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroHTTP 2 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroHttpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Definition of the standard HTML port (Default: 80)." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroHTTP 3 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroMail Group -------------------------------- wtWebGraphThermoHygroMailAdName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Device name for mail administration." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroMail 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroMailReply OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Reply address for the mail server." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroMail 2 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroMailServer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name or IP address of the mail server." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroMail 3 } wtWebioAn1MailEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Set this bit to enable the sending of mails: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 1-7: unused Bit 0 : Mail enable" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroMail 4 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroMailAuthentication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (4)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Selection of the authentication modi: The OCTETS are interpreted bit-by-bit, with each bit corresponding to an output. Bit 0 corresponds to the LSB. OCTET 1: unused OCTET 2: unused OCTET 3: unused OCTET 4: Bit 3-7: unused Bit 2 : POP3 before SMTP Bit 1 : ESMTP, authentication Bit 0 : SMTP, no authentication" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroMail 5 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroMailAuthUser OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name of the user to be authenticated." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroMail 6 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroMailAuthPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Authentication password." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroMail 7 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroMailPop3Server OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name or Ip-address of the POP3 Servers." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroMail 8 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroSNMP Group -------------------------------- wtWebGraphThermoHygroSnmpCommunityStringRead OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Community string read only" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSNMP 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroSnmpCommunityStringReadWrite OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Community string read / write" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSNMP 2 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroSystemTrapManagerIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name or IP address of the TCP server which accepts the system trap." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSNMP 3 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroSystemTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Binary coded trigger conditions: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 0: ColdStart Bit 1: WarmStart Bit 2-7: unused" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSNMP 4 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroSnmpEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Set bit 0 to enable SNMP. If disabled, the device did not respond to any SNMP requests. Bit 1 decided wether the community string of read operations is compared with the system password or not: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 1-7: unused Bit 0 : SNMP enable" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSNMP 5 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroSnmpCommunityStringTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Community string send within traps." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSNMP 6 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroSnmpSystemTrapManagerPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port number of the TCP server which accepts the system trap." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSNMP 7 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroUDP Group -------------------------------- wtWebGraphThermoHygroUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Udp port to which the Udp queries ( short form GET requests) can be sent. This port number must be unique within the device." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroUDP 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroUdpEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Set this bit to enable UDP support: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 1-7: unused Bit 0 : UDP enable" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroUDP 2 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroSyslog Group -------------------------------- wtWebGraphThermoHygroSyslogServerIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name or IP address of the Syslog server, which accepts the Syslog messgaes." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSyslog 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroSyslogServerPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Portnumber of the Syslog servers, default 514." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSyslog 2 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroSyslogSystemMessagesEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Binary coded trigger conditions: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 0: ColdStart Bit 1: WarmStart Bit 2: Diag Messages Bit 3-7: unused" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSyslog 3 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroSyslogEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Set bit 0to enable Syslog: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 1-7: unused Bit 0 : Syslog enable" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSyslog 4 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroFTP Group -------------------------------- wtWebGraphThermoHygroFTPServerIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name or IP address of the FTP server, which accepts the FTP messages." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroFTP 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroFTPServerControlPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Portnumber of the control port of the FTP server, default 21." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroFTP 2 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroFTPUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "FTP Loggin: user name." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroFTP 3 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroFTPPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "FTP Loggin: user password." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroFTP 4 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroFTPAccount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "FTP Loggin: name of account." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroFTP 5 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroFTPOption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Bit 0 switches the FTP Server in Passiv-Mode, the Client controls the data connection on its own: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 1-7: unused Bit 0 : PASV enable" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroFTP 6 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroFTPEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Set Bit 0 to enable FTP: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 1-7: unused Bit 0 : FTP enable" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroFTP 7 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroLanguage Group -------------------------------- wtWebGraphThermoHygroLanguageSelect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Sprachauswahl: Octet 1: ungenutzt Octet 2: ungenutzt Octet 3: ungenutzt Octet 4: Bit 2-7: ungenutzt Bit 1 : Englisch Bit 0 : Deutsch" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroLanguage 1 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTT Group -------------------------------- wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTTEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Bit 7 schaltet MQTT frei: Octet 1: ungenutzt Octet 2: ungenutzt Octet 3: ungenutzt Octet 4: Bit 0-6: ungenutzt Bit 7 : MQTT enable" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTT 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTTBrockerIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name or IP-address of the MQTT-Server." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTT 2 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTTUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MQTT login user name." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTT 3 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTTPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MQTT login password." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTT 4 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTTLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Local port number." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTT 5 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTTBrokerServerPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MQTT Server port number." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTT 6 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTTInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ping intervall, if no data has to be send: time in seconds." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTT 7 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTTLastWillEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Bit 0 activate MQTT LastWill message: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 1-7: unused Bit 0 : MQTT Last will enable" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTT 8 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTTLastWillTopic OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MQTT Last Will Topic." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTT 9 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTTLastWillMsg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MQTT Last Will message." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTT 10 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTTLastWillQoS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Binary coded MQTT Publish QoS: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 0: QoS 0 Bit 1: QoS 1 Bit 2: QoS 2 Bit 3-7:unused" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTT 11 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTTLastWillRetain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Binary coded MQTT Publish Retain properties: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 0 : retain enable Bit 1-7 : unused" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTT 12 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTTLastWillConnectEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Bit 0 activate MQTT LastWill Connect message: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 1-7: unused Bit 0 : MQTT Last will connect message enable" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTT 13 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTTLastWillConnectMsg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MQTT Last Will Connect message will be send with the QoS and Retain settings of the LastWill message." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroMQTT 14 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroREST Group -------------------------------- wtWebGraphThermoHygroRESTEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Bit 0 activates REST : Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 1-7: unused Bit 0 : REST enable" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroREST 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroRESTDigestAuthEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Bit 0 activates Digest-Authentification: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 1-7: unused Bit 0 : Digest Auth enable" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroREST 2 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroDatalogger Group -------------------------------- wtWebGraphThermoHygroLoggerTimebase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { wtWebGraphThermoHygroDatalogger-1Min(1), wtWebGraphThermoHygroDatalogger-5Min(2), wtWebGraphThermoHygroDatalogger-15Min(3), wtWebGraphThermoHygroDatalogger-60Min(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Time base of the data logger" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroDatalogger 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroLoggerSensorSel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Binary coded trigger conditions: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 0: Sensor 1 Bit 1: Sensor 2 Bit 2-7: unused" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroDatalogger 2 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroRSS Group -------------------------------- wtWebGraphThermoHygroRSSChannelTitle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name of the RSS Feed." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroRSS 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroRSSChannelLink OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Link of the RSS Feed." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroRSS 2 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroRSSChannelDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of the RSS Feed." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroRSS 3 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroRSSChannelImage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Link of a picture, which will be shown at the headline of the output window." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroRSS 4 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroRSSChannelImageTitle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alias Name of the picture." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroRSS 5 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroRSSChannelImageLink OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Link, which can be selected by clicking on the picture." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroRSS 6 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroRSSChannelItemTitle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Title of the RSS Feed." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroRSS 7 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroRSSChannelItemLink OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Link of the RSS Feed." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroRSS 8 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroRSSChannelItemDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Text of the RSS Feed." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroRSS 9 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroRSSChannelItemQuantity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of lines." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroRSS 10 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarm Group ---------------------------- wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of independent alarms." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarm 1 } -- Alarm Interface Table wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmIfEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "List of alarm indices." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarm 2 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmIfEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Numbers of the alarms." INDEX { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmNo } ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmIfTable 1 } WtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmNo INTEGER } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmNo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarm number." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmIfEntry 1 } -- Alarm Table wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "List of settings depending on the alarm number." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarm 3 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarm parameters of the individual alarms." INDEX { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmNo } ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmTable 1 } WtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmTrigger OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmMin OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmMax OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmHysteresis OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmDelay OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmInterval OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEnable OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEMailAddr OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmMailSubject OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmMailText OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmManagerIP OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmTrapText OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmMailOptions OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmTcpIpAddr OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmTcpPort INTEGER, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmTcpText OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmClearMailSubject OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmClearMailText OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmClearTrapText OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmClearTcpText OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmDeltaTemp OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmRHMin OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmRHMax OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmRHHysteresis OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmAHMin OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmAHMax OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmSyslogIpAddr OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmSyslogPort INTEGER, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmSyslogText OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmSyslogClearText OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmFtpDataPort OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmFtpFileName OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmFtpText OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmFtpClearText OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmFtpOption OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmTimerCron OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmName OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmActive OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmHttpReqAuthEnable OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmHttpReqAuthUser OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmHttpReqAuthPassword OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmHttpReqSetUrl OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmHttpReqClearUrl OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmHttpReqServerPort INTEGER, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmMqttTopicPath OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmMqttTopicSetTopic OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmMqttTopicClear OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmSensorLostSelection OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmLimitWindow OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmSnmpManagerPort INTEGER, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmMqttQoS OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmMqttRetain OCTET STRING } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmTrigger OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Binary coded trigger conditions: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: Bit 0: Timer Bit 1: ColdStart Bit 2: WarmStart Octet 4: Bit 0: Sensor 1 Bit 1: Sensor 2 Bit 2-7: unused" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Minimum temperature in degrees with maximum 2 decimal places." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 2 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum temperature in degrees with maximum 2 decimal places." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 3 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmHysteresis OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature changes of this size clears the alarm state (MAX-hyst, MIN+hyst.) , in degrees with maximum 2 decimal places." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 4 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarm will be delayed by setting this time while stable alarm condition occur (time in minutes)." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 5 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Send interval for alarm messages." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 6 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Binary coded alarm enable: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 0: Mail Enable Bit 1: SNMP Trap enable Bit 2: TCP Client enable" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 7 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEMailAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "E-Mail address for sending the alarm mail to." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 8 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmMailSubject OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Subject line for alarm mail." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 9 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmMailText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarm mail text: provides the current temperature; n = 1..8. provides the current time." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 10 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmManagerIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name or IP address of the SNMP Manager which accepts the trap." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 11 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmTrapText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This text is sent in the trap body." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 12 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmMailOptions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Binary coded options: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 0 : Attach Thermo.csv Enable Bit 1 : CSV-Data_since_last_report Bit 2-7: unused" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 13 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmTcpIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name or IP address of the TCP server which accepts the trap." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 14 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmTcpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port number of the TCP server which accepts the trap." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 15 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmTcpText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This text is sent in the TCP trap body." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 16 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmClearMailSubject OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Subject line for alarm clear mail." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 17 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmClearMailText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarm clear mail text: provides the current temperature; n = 1..8. provides the current time." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 18 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmClearTrapText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This text is sent in the trap body." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 19 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmClearTcpText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This text is sent in the TCP trap body." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 20 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmDeltaTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum rate of change degrees/min with maximum 2 decimal places. Compared with the average of a period of 5 minutes." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 21 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmRHMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Minimum rel. Humidity in percent with maximum 2 decimal places." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 22 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmRHMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum rel.Humidity in percent with maximum 2 decimal places." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 23 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmRHHysteresis OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Hysterese rel. Humidity in percent with maximum 2 decimal places." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 24 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmAHMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Minimum abs. Humidity in g/(m*m*m) with maximum 2 decimal places." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 25 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmAHMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum abs. Humidity in g/(m*m*m) with maximum 2 decimal places." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 26 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmSyslogIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP address of the syslog server to which the Webio device should send syslog messages." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 27 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmSyslogPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port number of the syslog server to which the Webio device should send syslog messages." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 28 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmSyslogText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Every message starts with the priority key, a time stamp and the host ip address, according RFC3164. This text appears in the following syslog message body." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 29 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmSyslogClearText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Every message starts with the priority key, a time stamp and the host ip address, according RFC3164. This text appears in the following syslog message body." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 30 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmFtpDataPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Local data port: 1..65535 or AUTO: the next free port will be assigned." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 31 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmFtpFileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name of the file including path informations." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 32 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmFtpText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Message text to store on the FTP server." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 33 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmFtpClearText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarm clear message to store on the FTP server." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 34 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmFtpOption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Binary coded options, select only one option at the same time: STORE = replace file APPEND = append message at the end of the file Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 0 : STORE Bit 1 : APPEND Bit 2-7: unused" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 35 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmTimerCron OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This entry contains 5 space or tab seperated text fields for time trigger definition. Each field must match with the actual time to trigger a message, weekday and day of month are interpreted separatley. 1: Minutes Range 0-59 2. Hours Range 0-23, 0 is midnight 3: Day of month Range 1-31 4: Month Range 1-12 5: Weekday Range 0-6, 0 is sunday Syntax for every field: - an asterix (*) enables every possible setting of a field - single numbers seperated by commas - a partition within the allowed range (1-5) - step size within an partition of the allowed range (0-59/2: every second minute)." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 36 } -- __JB__ wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alert name" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 39 } -- __JB__ wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alert active 1 = ON 0 = OFF" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 40 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmHttpReqAuthEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Binary coded options, select only one option at the same time: OCTET 1: unused OCTET 2: unused OCTET 3: unused OCTET 4, Bit 1-7: unused Bit 0 : HHTP Request Authentication enable" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 61 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmHttpReqAuthUser OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "HTTP Request: User" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 62 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmHttpReqAuthPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "HTTP Request: Password" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 63 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmHttpReqSetUrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "HTTP Request: Set URL" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 64 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmHttpReqClearUrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "HTTP Request: Clear URL" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 65 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmHttpReqServerPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "HTTP Request: Server Port" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 66 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmMqttTopicPath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MQTT Publish: Topic path" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 67 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmMqttTopicSetTopic OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MQTT Publish: Topic SET message" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 68 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmMqttTopicClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MQTT Publish: Topic CLEAR message" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 69 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmSensorLostSelection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Binary coded options: OCTET 1: unused OCTET 2: unused OCTET 3: unused OCTET 4, Bit 2-7: unused Bit 1 : Sensor 1 Bit 0 : Sensor 0" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 70 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmLimitWindow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If window type is INSIDE the alarm is genereted when the temperature is greater minumum value and lower than maximum value. If window type is OUTSIDE the alarm is generated when the measured value is lower than the minimum value or greater than the maximum value. Binary coded options, select only one option at the same time: OCTET 1: unused OCTET 2: unused OCTET 3: unused OCTET 4, Bit 2-7: unused Bit 1 : inside window Bit 0 : outside window" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 71 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmSnmpManagerPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port number of the SNMP Manager to which the Webio device should send SNMP traps." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 76 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmMqttQoS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Binary coded value: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 0: QoS 0 Bit 1: QoS 1 Bit 2: QoS 2 Bit 3-7:unused" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 77 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmMqttRetain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Binary coded value: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 0 : retain enable Bit 1-7 : unused" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmEntry 78 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsBase Group ---------------------------- wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsBaseEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines the viewing options of the graphic: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 0 : Auto scroll enable Bit 1 : Show table Bit 2 : Show graph Bit 3 : Show control buttons Bit 4 : Show config menu Bit 5-7: unused" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsBase 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsBaseWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines the width of the graphic in pixels." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsBase 2 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsBaseHeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines the height of the graphic in pixels." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsBase 3 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsBaseFrameColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(3)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Frame color definition in RGB." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsBase 4 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsBaseBackgroundColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(3)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Background color definition in RGB." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsBase 5 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsBasePollingrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines the pollingrate in seconds, which defines the refreshing intervall of the graphic." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsBase 6 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsSelect Group ---------------------------- wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsSelectDisplaySensorSel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Binary coded sensor selection: only selected sensors will be shown in the graphical presentation: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 0: Sensor 1 Bit 1: Sensor 2 Bit 2-7: unused" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsSelect 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsSelectDisplayShowExtrem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Binary coded sensor selection: only selected sensors will be shown with minima and maxima: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 0: Sensor 1 Bit 1: Sensor 2 Bit 2-7: unused" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsSelect 2 } -- Graph Sensor Color Table wtWebGraphThermoHygroSensorColorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WtWebGraphThermoHygroSensorColorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "List of sensor colors for the praphical presentation." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsSelect 3 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroSensorColorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WtWebGraphThermoHygroSensorColorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Numbers of the sensors." INDEX { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSensorNo } ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSensorColorTable 1 } WtWebGraphThermoHygroSensorColorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsSensorColor OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsSelectScale OCTET STRING } wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsSensorColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(3)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Color of the sensors at the praphical presention." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSensorColorEntry 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsSelectScale OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Assignes one of 4 scales to a sensor: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 0 : Use Scale 1 Bit 1 : Use Scale 2 Bit 2-7: unused" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSensorColorEntry 2 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScale Group ---------------------------- wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScaleAutoScaleEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Select the Auto Scale Mode: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 0 : Scale 1 Auto scale enable Bit 1 : Scale 2 Auto scale enable Bit 2-7: unused" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScale 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScaleAutoFitEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Select the Auto Fit Mode:: Octet 1: unused Octet 2: unused Octet 3: unused Octet 4: Bit 0 : Scale 1 Auto fit enable Bit 1 : Scale 2 Auto fit enable Bit 2-7: unused" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScale 2 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScale1Min OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Scale 1: Minimum." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScale 3 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScale2Min OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Scale 2: Minimum." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScale 4 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScale3Min OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Scale 3: Minimum." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScale 5 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScale4Min OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Scale 4: Minimum." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScale 6 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScale1Max OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Scale 1: Maximum." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScale 7 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScale2Max OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Scale 2: Maximum." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScale 8 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScale3Max OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Scale 3: Maximum." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScale 9 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScale4Max OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Scale 4: Maximum." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScale 10 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScale1Unit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Scale 1: Unit." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScale 11 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScale2Unit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Scale 2: Unit." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScale 12 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScale3Unit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Scale 3: Unit." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScale 13 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScale4Unit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Scale 4: Unit." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroGraphicsScale 14 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroPorts Group ---------------------------- -- Table wtWebGraphThermoHygroPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WtWebGraphThermoHygroPortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "List of settings depending on the sensor number." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroPorts 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WtWebGraphThermoHygroPortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Sensor parameters for the individual sensors." INDEX { wtWebGraphThermoHygroSensorNo } ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroPortTable 1 } WtWebGraphThermoHygroPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { wtWebGraphThermoHygroPortName OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroPortText OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroPortOffset1 OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroPortTemperature1 OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroPortOffset2 OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroPortTemperature2 OCTET STRING, wtWebGraphThermoHygroPortComment OCTET STRING } wtWebGraphThermoHygroPortName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name of the sensor." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroPortEntry 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroPortText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of the sensor." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroPortEntry 2 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroPortOffset1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Offset calibration: Offset in degrees with maximum 2 decimal places at temperature 1." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroPortEntry 3 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroPortTemperature1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Offset calibration: Reference temperature 1 in degrees with maximum 2 decimal places." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroPortEntry 4 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroPortOffset2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Offset calibration: Offset in degrees with maximum 2 decimal places at temperature 2." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroPortEntry 5 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroPortTemperature2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Offset calibration: Reference temperature 1 in degrees with maximum 2 decimal places." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroPortEntry 6 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroPortComment OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Offset calibration: informations of date, name of operator, reference devices." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroPortEntry 7 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroPortAltidude OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Altidude oh the Sensor over mean sea level (MSL)." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroPorts 2 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroManufact Group ---------------------------- wtWebGraphThermoHygroMfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Manufacturer company name" ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroManufact 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroMfAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Manufacturer address." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroManufact 2 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroMfHotline OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Manufacturer hotline." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroManufact 3 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroMfInternet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Manufacturer Internet address." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroManufact 4 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroMfDeviceTyp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Manufacturer device name (model number)." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroManufact 5 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroMfOrderNo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Manufacturer part number." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroManufact 6 } -- wtWebGraphThermoHygroDiag Group ---------------------------- wtWebGraphThermoHygroDiagErrorCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of entries in the error memory." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroDiag 1 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroDiagBinaryError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Error causes coded bit-by-bit." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroDiag 2 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroDiagErrorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of this variable is used as an index to read an error massege from wtWebGraphThermoHygroDiagErrorMessage. Errors are numbered from 1 to wtWebGraphThermoHygroDiagErrorCount. Writing a valid value into this variable, making the appropriate message readable from wtWebGraphThermoHygroDiagErrorMessage." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroDiag 3 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroDiagErrorMessage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Using wtWebGraphThermoHygroDiagErrorIndex as an index, the appropriate message is available." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroDiag 4 } wtWebGraphThermoHygroDiagErrorClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS write-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Writing 1 into this variable clears all diagnosis messages." ::= { wtWebGraphThermoHygroDiag 5 } -- TRAP DEFINITIONS -- Diese SNMP-Traps werden gesendet, wenn die Alarmtriggerbedingungen zutreffen wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlert1 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE wtWebGraphThermoHygro VARIABLES { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmTrapText } DESCRIPTION "This SNMP trap is generated when Alarm 1 was triggered, SNMP trap enable is set and SNMP is enabled." -- NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Thermo-Hygrometer Alarm 1" --#SUMMARY "Alarm 1: %s" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 31 wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlert2 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE wtWebGraphThermoHygro VARIABLES { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmTrapText } DESCRIPTION "This SNMP trap is generated when Alarm 2 was triggered, SNMP trap enable is set and SNMP is enabled." -- NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Thermo-Hygrometer Alarm 2" --#SUMMARY "Alarm 2: %s" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 32 wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlert3 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE wtWebGraphThermoHygro VARIABLES { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmTrapText } DESCRIPTION "This SNMP trap is generated when Alarm 3 was triggered, SNMP trap enable is set and SNMP is enabled." -- NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Thermo-Hygrometer Alarm 3" --#SUMMARY "Alarm 3: %s" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 33 wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlert4 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE wtWebGraphThermoHygro VARIABLES { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmTrapText } DESCRIPTION "This SNMP trap is generated when Alarm 4 was triggered, SNMP trap enable is set and SNMP is enabled." -- NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Thermo-Hygrometer Alarm 4" --#SUMMARY "Alarm 4: %s" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 34 wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlert5 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE wtWebGraphThermoHygro VARIABLES { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmTrapText } DESCRIPTION "This SNMP trap is generated when Alarm 5 was triggered, SNMP trap enable is set and SNMP is enabled." -- NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Thermo-Hygrometer Alarm 5" --#SUMMARY "Alarm 5: %s" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 35 wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlert6 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE wtWebGraphThermoHygro VARIABLES { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmTrapText } DESCRIPTION "This SNMP trap is generated when Alarm 6 was triggered, SNMP trap enable is set and SNMP is enabled." -- NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Thermo-Hygrometer Alarm 6" --#SUMMARY "Alarm 6: %s" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 36 wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlert7 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE wtWebGraphThermoHygro VARIABLES { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmTrapText } DESCRIPTION "This SNMP trap is generated when Alarm 7 was triggered, SNMP trap enable is set and SNMP is enabled." -- NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Thermo-Hygrometer Alarm 7" --#SUMMARY "Alarm 7: %s" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 37 wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlert8 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE wtWebGraphThermoHygro VARIABLES { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmTrapText } DESCRIPTION "This SNMP trap is generated when Alarm 8 was triggered, SNMP trap enable is set and SNMP is enabled." -- NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Thermo-Hygrometer Alarm 8" --#SUMMARY "Alarm 8: %s" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 38 wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlert9 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE wtWebGraphThermoHygro VARIABLES { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmClearTrapText } DESCRIPTION "This SNMP trap is generated when Alarm 1 was cleared, SNMP trap enable is set and SNMP is enabled." -- NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Thermo-Hygrometer Release Alarm 1" --#SUMMARY "Release Alarm 1: %s" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 91 wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlert10 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE wtWebGraphThermoHygro VARIABLES { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmClearTrapText } DESCRIPTION "This SNMP trap is generated when Alarm 2 was cleared, SNMP trap enable is set and SNMP is enabled." -- NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Thermo-Hygrometer Release Alarm 2" --#SUMMARY "Release Alarm 2: %s" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 92 wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlert11 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE wtWebGraphThermoHygro VARIABLES { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmClearTrapText } DESCRIPTION "This SNMP trap is generated when Alarm 3 was cleared, SNMP trap enable is set and SNMP is enabled." -- NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Thermo-Hygrometer Release Alarm 3" --#SUMMARY "Release Alarm 3: %s" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 93 wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlert12 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE wtWebGraphThermoHygro VARIABLES { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmClearTrapText } DESCRIPTION "This SNMP trap is generated when Alarm 4 was cleared, SNMP trap enable is set and SNMP is enabled." -- NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Thermo-Hygrometer Release Alarm 4" --#SUMMARY "Release Alarm 4: %s" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 94 wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlert13 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE wtWebGraphThermoHygro VARIABLES { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmClearTrapText } DESCRIPTION "This SNMP trap is generated when Alarm 5 was cleared, SNMP trap enable is set and SNMP is enabled." -- NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Thermo-Hygrometer Release Alarm 5" --#SUMMARY "Release Alarm 5: %s" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 95 wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlert14 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE wtWebGraphThermoHygro VARIABLES { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmClearTrapText } DESCRIPTION "This SNMP trap is generated when Alarm 6 was cleared, SNMP trap enable is set and SNMP is enabled." -- NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Thermo-Hygrometer Release Alarm 6" --#SUMMARY "Release Alarm 6: %s" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 96 wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlert15 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE wtWebGraphThermoHygro VARIABLES { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmClearTrapText } DESCRIPTION "This SNMP trap is generated when Alarm 7 was cleared, SNMP trap enable is set and SNMP is enabled." -- NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Thermo-Hygrometer Release Alarm 7" --#SUMMARY "Release Alarm 7: %s" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 97 wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlert16 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE wtWebGraphThermoHygro VARIABLES { wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlarmClearTrapText } DESCRIPTION "This SNMP trap is generated when Alarm 8 was cleared, SNMP trap enable is set and SNMP is enabled." -- NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Thermo-Hygrometer Release Alarm 8" --#SUMMARY "Release Alarm 8: %s" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 98 wtWebGraphThermoHygroAlertDiag TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE wtWebGraphThermoHygro VARIABLES { wtWebGraphThermoHygroDiagErrorIndex, wtWebGraphThermoHygroDiagErrorMessage } DESCRIPTION "This SNMP trap is generated when a diagnosis/error message was triggered, SNMP trap enable is set and SNMP is enabled." -- NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Thermo-Hygrometer Diagnose Error" --#SUMMARY "Diagnose error index: %d, Message: %s." --#ARGUMENTS {0,1} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 110 END