------------------------------------------------------------ -- $$Version 1.00 (Change history) -- 1.00 (2013/7/30) -- File created ------------------------------------------------------------ IES5206-TRAPS-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS OBJECT-TYPE, IpAddress, Unsigned32, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString, ifIndex FROM RFC1213-MIB ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus FROM IF-MIB IANAItuProbableCause, IANAItuEventType FROM IANA-ITU-ALARM-TC-MIB ies5206, slotModuleId, voltageConfIndex, voltageCurValue, temperatureConfIndex, temperatureCurValue, coaConfIssueThreshold, coaConfAnalyticMethod, -- sysCmSyncUrl, -- sysCmSyncStatus, -- sysPmSyncUrl, -- sysPmSyncStatus, -- sysFwUpgradeUrl, sysFwUpgradeStatus, -- sysFwUpgradeVersion, -- sysCmSyncRefCounter, sysBootupFwVersion, transceiverDdmInfoEntryType, transceiverDdmInfoEntryAlarmMax, transceiverDdmInfoEntryAlarmMin, transceiverDdmInfoEntryWarnMax, transceiverDdmInfoEntryWarnMin, transceiverDdmInfoEntryCurrent, transceiverPerOntRxPower FROM IES5206-MIB; trap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ies5206 19 } ---------------------------------------- -- trap ---------------------------------------- object OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { trap 1 } dsltrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { trap 2 } equipment OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { trap 3 } systrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { trap 4 } getrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { trap 5 } gbondtrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { trap 7 } gpontrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { trap 8 } -------------------- -- object -------------------- loopguardSenderIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value, greater than zero, for each interface. The index of sender interface which sends detected loop guard probe packet." ::= { object 1 } sysProblemCause OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It describes the problem occurred in the system, e.g. maintenance operation failures, system reboot, error log, ...etc. 1: cold start by power cycle, HW_WDG, overheat, maintenance button, ... 2: operatos reboots the system" ::= { object 2 } sysMacAntiSpoofOrig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Original ifIndex of Mac-AntiSpoofing." ::= { object 3 } sysMacAntiSpoofNew OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The New ifIndex of Mac-AntiSpoofing." ::= { object 4 } sysMacAntiSpoofMAC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MAC of Mac-AntiSpoofing." ::= { object 5 } sysCoaIssuedLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU analyzed utilization when CPU overload alarm is issued." ::= { object 6 } xdslDevId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The device ID of DSP device on board." ::= { object 13 } timerefSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { freerun(0), gps(1), ieee1588(2), synce(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system receive timing reference signal correctly. The varable in the binding list is current reference, 0: freerun, 1: GPS module, 2: IEEE 1588, 3: SyncE" ::= { object 18 } dhcpServerIpv4Address OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IPv4 address of DHCP server address. Note: if an IPv4 address is a.b.c.d then it converts to be (a<<24 + b<<16 + c<<8 + d)" ::= { object 19 } dhcpLeasedIpv4Address OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The leased IPv4 address from a DHCP server Note: if an IPv4 address is a.b.c.d then it converts to be (a<<24 + b<<16 + c<<8 + d)" ::= { object 20 } dhcpIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The DHCP client inteface" ::= { object 21 } currBondingIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current bonding ifIndex which a DSL port joined. Value starts from DSL max port plus 1" ::= { object 22 } lastBondingIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last bonding ifIndex which a DSL port joined. Value starts from DSL max port plus 1" ::= { object 23 } sysRestartEventType OBJECT-TYPE -- IANAItuEventType SYNTAX IANAItuEventType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The variable describes the event that caused system restart." ::= { object 24 } sysRestartProbableCause OBJECT-TYPE -- IANAItuProbableCause SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The variable describes the probable cause that caused system restart. Below probable cause shall be implemented accordingly. sysResetCause is '1' (hardware related) and if sysRestartErrorCode is 1: power input missing - powerProblem (58) 2: hardware watchdog triggered - processorProblems (535) 3: overheat triggered - highTemperature (123) 4: maintenance button pressed > 8 seconds - maunal (1025) sysResetCause is '2' (software related) and if sysRestartCode is 1: triggered by software watchdog - softwareProgramError (546) 2: restart caused by program exception (additional context stored for reference) - softwareError (163) 3: restart caused by software program intentionally - softwareError (163). sysResetCause is '3' (operation related) and if sysRestartErrorCode is 1: operator press maintenance button 7 seconds - maintenance (1026) 2: operator reset manually (either by SNMP or CLI command) - manual (1025) 3: firmware upgrade - sfwrDownloadFailure (156)" ::= { object 25 } -- sysRestartAdditionalInfo OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX DisplayString -- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION "This a string to indicate what meaning could be for cause and error code." -- ::= { object 26 } slotModuleId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..0) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Slot ID" ::= { object 27 } iesIANAEventType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IANAItuEventType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An object to indicate that trap belongs to which IANA event type." ::= { object 28 } iesIANAProbableCause OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IANAItuProbableCause MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An object to indicate that trap belongs to which IANA problem cause. Below probable causes shall be supported: 1: power input missing - powerProblem (58) 2: hardware watchdog triggered - processorProblems (535) 3: overheat triggered - highTemperature (123) 4: maintenance button pressed > 8 seconds - maunal (1025) 5: triggered by software watchdog - softwareProgramError (546) 6: restart caused by program exception (additional context stored for reference) - softwareError (163) 7: restart caused by software program intentionally - softwareError (163). 8: operator press HW reset button - maintenance (1026) 9: operator reset manually (either by SNMP or CLI command) - manual (1025) 10: firmware upgrade - sfwrDownloadFailure (156)" ::= { object 29 } sysMoaIssuedLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory analyzed utilization when memory overload alarm is issued." ::= { object 30 } gponOntId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..128) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "gpon ont ID" ::= { object 31 } gponOntCardId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..16) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "gpon ont card ID" ::= { object 32 } gponOntCardPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..128) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "gpon ont card port ID" ::= { object 33 } gponMeClassId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "gpon managed entity class value" ::= { object 34 } gponRogueOntDetectStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..5) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Below is the status of rouge ont detection: 1: start rogue detection 2: stop rogue detection 3: detect rogue exist 4: rogue ont does not exist 5: discover rogue ont" ::= { object 35 } gponOntSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The serial number of ont" ::= { object 36 } gponOntPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The password of ont" ::= { object 37 } gponUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User name" ::= { object 38 } gponMacSubSlotId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "gpon MAC subslot ID" ::= { object 39 } mstpInstanceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..16) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "mstp instance number" ::= { object 40 } gponOntMacAntiSpoofOrig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The original gpon ont ID of Mac-AntiSpoofing." ::= { object 41 } gponOntMacAntiSpoofNew OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The new gpon ont ID of Mac-AntiSpoofing." ::= { object 42 } gponOntMacAntiSpoofMAC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The gpon ont MAC of Mac-AntiSpoofing." ::= { object 43 } -------------------- -- dsltrap -------------------- xdslLinkDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies one dsl port is linked down." ::= { dsltrap 1 } xdslLinkUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies one dsl port is linked up." ::= { dsltrap 2 } xdslXtucLof NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies XTU-C Loss of Framing." ::= { dsltrap 3 } xdslXtucLos NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies XTU-C Loss of Signal." ::= { dsltrap 4 } xdslXturLof NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies XTU-R Loss of Framing." ::= { dsltrap 5 } xdslXturLos NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies XTU-R Loss of Signal." ::= { dsltrap 6 } xdslXturLpr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies XTU-R Loss of Power." ::= { dsltrap 7 } xdslXtucLofClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies XTU-C Loss of Framing is cleared." ::= { dsltrap 8 } xdslXtucLosClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies XTU-C Loss of Signal is cleared." ::= { dsltrap 9 } xdslXturLofClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies XTU-R Loss of Framing is cleared." ::= { dsltrap 10 } xdslXturLosClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies XTU-R Loss of Signal is cleared." ::= { dsltrap 11 } xdslXturLprClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies XTU-R Loss of Power is cleared." ::= { dsltrap 12 } xdslDspDownloadFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, slotModuleId, xdslDevId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies DSL modem code download failed." ::= { dsltrap 15 } xdslDspDownloadFailClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, slotModuleId, xdslDevId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies DSL modem code download fail is cleared." ::= { dsltrap 16 } xdslDspInoperable NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, slotModuleId, xdslDevId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies a DSL chip failure due to modem code download faied for 10 times." ::= { dsltrap 17 } -------------------- -- equipment -------------------- hwMonitorFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, slotModuleId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hardware monitor itself diagnosis is failed." ::= { equipment 1 } voltageOutOfRange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, slotModuleId, voltageConfIndex, voltageCurValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Send a message to notify the manager that the voltage of the system is out of range. The variable in the binding list is the current voltage in volt of the system." ::= { equipment 2 } voltageNormal NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, slotModuleId, voltageConfIndex, voltageCurValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Send a message to notify the manager that the low-voltage condition is over. The variable in the binding list is the current voltage in volt of the system." ::= { equipment 3 } temperatureOutOfRange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, slotModuleId, temperatureConfIndex, temperatureCurValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Send a message to notify the manager that the temperature of the system is out of range. The variable in the binding list is the current temperature in Celsius of the system." ::= { equipment 4 } temperatureNormal NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, slotModuleId, temperatureConfIndex, temperatureCurValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Send a message to notify the manager that temperature is back to normal (temperature_out_of_range condition disappeared). The variable in the binding list is the current temperature in Celsius of the system." ::= { equipment 5 } fanRpmOutOfRange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, fanConfIndex, fanRpmCurValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Send a message to notify the manager that the rpm of the fan is out of range. The variable in the binding list is the current rpm of the fan." ::= { equipment 6 } fanRpmNormal NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, fanConfIndex, fanRpmCurValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Send a message to notify the manager that the out-of-range condition of the fan is over. The variable in the binding list is the current rpm of the fan." ::= { equipment 7 } hwRtcFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Send a message to notify the manager that the hardware RTC is failed." ::= { equipment 8 } extAlarmInput1Trigger NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, externalAlarmName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies that the external alarm input 1 of MSC card is triggered." ::= { equipment 9 } extAlarmInput1Release NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, externalAlarmName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies that the external alarm input 1 of MSC card is released." ::= { equipment 10 } extAlarmInput2Trigger NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, externalAlarmName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies that the external alarm input 2 of MSC card is triggered." ::= { equipment 11 } extAlarmInput2Release NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, externalAlarmName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies that the external alarm input 2 of MSC card is released." ::= { equipment 12 } extAlarmInput3Trigger NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, externalAlarmName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies that the external alarm input 3 of MSC card is triggered." ::= { equipment 13 } extAlarmInput3Release NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, externalAlarmName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies that the external alarm input 3 of MSC card is released." ::= { equipment 14 } extAlarmInput4Trigger NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, externalAlarmName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies that the external alarm input 4 of MSC card is triggered." ::= { equipment 15 } extAlarmInput4Release NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, externalAlarmName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies that the external alarm input 4 of MSC card is released." ::= { equipment 16 } extAlarmInput5Trigger NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, externalAlarmName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies that the external alarm input 5 of MSC card is triggered." ::= { equipment 17 } extAlarmInput5Release NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, externalAlarmName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies that the external alarm input 5 of MSC card is released." ::= { equipment 18 } extAlarmInput6Trigger NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, externalAlarmName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies that the external alarm input 6 of MSC card is triggered." ::= { equipment 19 } extAlarmInput6Release NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, externalAlarmName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies that the external alarm input 6 of MSC card is released." ::= { equipment 20 } extAlarmInput7Trigger NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, externalAlarmName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies that the external alarm input 7 of MSC card is triggered." ::= { equipment 21 } extAlarmInput7Release NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, externalAlarmName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies that the external alarm input 7 of MSC card is released." ::= { equipment 22 } extAlarmInput8Trigger NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, externalAlarmName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies that the external alarm input 8 of MSC card is triggered." ::= { equipment 23 } extAlarmInput8Release NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, externalAlarmName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies that the external alarm input 8 of MSC card is released." ::= { equipment 24 } power1NotExist NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { slotModuleId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies power 1 not detected." ::= { equipment 29 } power1NotExistClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { slotModuleId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies power 1 detected." ::= { equipment 30 } power2NotExist NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { slotModuleId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies power 2 not detected." ::= { equipment 31 } power2NotExistClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { slotModuleId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies power 2 detected." ::= { equipment 32 } power1VoltageFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies power 1 voltage fail." ::= { equipment 33 } power1VoltageFailClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies power 1 voltage is cleared." ::= { equipment 34 } power2VoltageFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies power 2 voltage fail." ::= { equipment 35 } power2VoltageFailClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies power 2 voltage is cleared." ::= { equipment 36 } modulePlugIn NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { slotModuleId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A modulePlugIn trap signifies that the sending protocol entity recognizes that one module is plugged into the device." ::= { equipment 37 } modulePullOut NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { slotModuleId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A modulePullOut trap signifies that the sending protocol entity recognizes one module is pulled out from the device." ::= { equipment 38 } moduleUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { slotModuleId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A moduleUp trap signifies that the sending protocol entity recognizes that one of the modules represented in the agent's configuration has come up." ::= { equipment 39 } moduleDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { slotModuleId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A moduleDown trap signifies that the sending protocol entity recognizes a failure in one of the modules represented in the agent's configuration." ::= { equipment 40 } moduleDisable NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { slotModuleId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies user disables one module." ::= { equipment 41 } -- use reboot&sysRestart alarm -- moduleReset NOTIFICATION-TYPE -- OBJECTS { slotModuleId } -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies one module is reset." -- ::= { equipment 42 } moduleInvalid NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { slotModuleId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies invalid modlue detected." ::= { equipment 43 } moduleInvalidClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { slotModuleId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies invalid modlue is cleared." ::= { equipment 44 } timerefSync NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, timerefSource } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system receive timing reference signal correctly. The varable in the binding list is current reference." ::= { equipment 45 } timerefNoSync NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, timerefSource } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system receive timing reference signal incorrectly. The varable in the binding list is last reference." ::= { equipment 46 } timerefPresent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system received timing reference signal." ::= { equipment 47 } timerefNoPresent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system does not receive timing reference signal." ::= { equipment 48 } timerefToDSync NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system receives ToD sentence correctly." ::= { equipment 49 } timerefToDNoSync NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system does not receive ToD sentence correctly." ::= { equipment 50 } timerefChipFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system can not access clock synchronize chip correctly." ::= { equipment 51 } moduleWrongFwVer NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { slotModuleId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "rddn-msc wrong fwVersion,skip provision" ::= { equipment 52 } moduleSwitchOver NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { slotModuleId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "rddn-msc switch over" ::= { equipment 53 } equipmentCpuOverload NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, sysCoaIssuedLoad, coaConfIssueThreshold, coaConfAnalyticMethod } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signifies equipment cpu is overload." ::= { equipment 54 } equipmentCpuOverloadClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, sysCoaIssuedLoad, coaConfClearThreshold, coaConfAnalyticMethod } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signifies equipment cpu overload is cleared." ::= { equipment 55 } acDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies AC power is down." ::= { equipment 56 } acDownClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies AC down alarm is cleared." ::= { equipment 57 } battTempOutOfRange NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies battery temperature is out of range." ::= { equipment 58 } battTempOutOfRangeClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies battery temperature out of range alarm is cleared." ::= { equipment 59 } battVoltageLow NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies battery voltage is under the threshold." ::= { equipment 60 } battVoltageLowClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies battery voltage low alarm is cleared." ::= { equipment 61 } battVoltageCritic NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies battery voltage is under the threshold." ::= { equipment 62 } battVoltageCriticClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies battery voltage critical alarm is cleared." ::= { equipment 63 } battVoltageError NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies the battery voltage is too low to be charged." ::= { equipment 64 } battVoltageErrorClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies battery voltage error alarm is cleared." ::= { equipment 65 } battAbsent NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies no battery is detected." ::= { equipment 66 } battAbsentClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies battery absent alarm is cleared." ::= { equipment 67} currentFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies charge current exceed the threshold." ::= { equipment 68 } currentFaultClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies charge current fault alarm is cleared." ::= { equipment 69 } chargeOvertime NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies charge overtime." ::= { equipment 70 } chargeOvertimeClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies charge overtime is cleared." ::= { equipment 71 } battInfoInvalid NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies battery capacity invalid." ::= { equipment 72 } battInfoInvalidClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies battery capacity invalid is cleared." ::= { equipment 73 } noThermal NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies no thermal sensor connected." ::= { equipment 74 } noThermalClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies no thermal sensor connected is cleared." ::= { equipment 75 } power1Overheat NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies power 1 overheat." ::= { equipment 76 } power1OverheatClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies power 1 overheat is cleared." ::= { equipment 77 } power2Overheat NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies power 2 overheat." ::= { equipment 78 } power2OverheatClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies power 2 overheat is cleared." ::= { equipment 79 } power1LmSensorFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies power 1 LM5064 senseor fault." ::= { equipment 80 } power1LmSensorFaultClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies power 1 LM5064 senseor fault is cleared." ::= { equipment 81 } power2LmSensorFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies power 2 LM5064 senseor fault." ::= { equipment 82 } power2LmSensorFaultClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies power 2 LM5064 senseor fault is cleared." ::= { equipment 83 } dcDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies DC power is down." ::= { equipment 84 } dcDownClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies DC down alarm is cleared." ::= { equipment 85 } -------------------- -- systrap -------------------- sysMacAntiSpoofing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, sysMacAntiSpoofOrig, sysMacAntiSpoofNew, sysMacAntiSpoofMAC } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC anti-spoofing happened." ::= { systrap 1 } sysAlarmClearEnable NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm clear is activated." ::= { systrap 2 } sysLoginFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User login is failed." ::= { systrap 3 } reboot NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Send a message to the manager that the system is going to shutdown. The variable is the reason that causes the system to shutdown. Note: this notification should be sent before rebooting." ::= { systrap 4 } cpuOverload NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, sysCoaIssuedLoad, coaConfIssueThreshold, coaConfAnalyticMethod } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signifies cpu is overload." ::= { systrap 5 } cpuOverloadClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, sysCoaIssuedLoad, coaConfClearThreshold, coaConfAnalyticMethod } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signifies cpu overload is cleared." ::= { systrap 6 } cfgUploadFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signifies configuration file uploading to EMS failed." ::= { systrap 7 } cfgReloadFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signifies configuration file reload from FLASH failed." ::= { systrap 8 } writeFlashFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signifies writing to flash failed." ::= { systrap 9 } mfgDataFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signifies invalid manufacturing data." ::= { systrap 10 } -- cmUpDownloadNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE -- OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, sysCmSyncUrl, sysCmSyncStatus } -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "Signifies configuration file uploading/downloading and applying status." -- ::= { systrap 16 } -- pmUploadNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE -- OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, sysPmSyncUrl, sysPmSyncStatus } -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION "Signifies PM file uploading status." -- ::= { systrap 17 } swDownloadNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, sysFwUpgradeStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signifies SW image downloading/installing/restoring/reverting status." ::= { systrap 18 } cfgChangeNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signifies configuration change from CLI command." ::= { systrap 19 } dhcpLeasedNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, dhcpIfIndex, dhcpServerIpv4Address, dhcpLeasedIpv4Address } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To indicate the system complete DHCP lease process. The variable bindings are: 1) 1: inband management interface; 2: reserved management interface(unused). 2) the IP address of DHCP server. 3) the IP address leased from DHCP server." ::= { systrap 20 } sysRestartNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, sysBootupFwVersion} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a trap to unify system restart trap definition. The standard ones ('warm start' and 'cold start') are no longer supported. 1) sysBootupFwVersion: the system happened restart with booting up firmware version. 2) sysRestartCause: what reason caused system restart. 3) sysRestartErrorCode: if this is a restart caused by software problem then error code is specified. '0': is specified is not related to software." ::= { systrap 21 } dhcpLeasedFailNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, dhcpIfIndex} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To indicate the system failed to complete DHCP lease process on management interface. The variable bindings are: 1) 1: inband management interface; 2: reserved management interface(unused)." ::= { systrap 22 } dhcpLeasedFailNotificationClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, dhcpIfIndex} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Clear dhcpLeasedFailNotification. The variable bindings are: 1) 1: inband management interface; 2: reserved management interface(unused)." ::= { systrap 23 } loopguard NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, loopguardSenderIfIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies loop is detected by ifIndex. The detected loop is between ifIndex and loopguardSenderIfIndex." ::= { systrap 24 } loopguardClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies loop in ifIndex is cleared." ::= { systrap 25 } htPortPolicer NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies host termination attack is detected in ifIndex." ::= { systrap 26 } sysAlarmCutoffEnable NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm cutoff is activated." ::= { systrap 27 } memoryOverload NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, sysCoaIssuedLoad, coaConfIssueThreshold, coaConfAnalyticMethod } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signifies memory is overload." ::= { systrap 28 } memoryOverloadClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, sysCoaIssuedLoad, coaConfIssueThreshold, coaConfAnalyticMethod } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signifies memory overload is cleared." ::= { systrap 29 } macTableFull NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, slotModuleId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signifies MAC forwarding table full." ::= { systrap 30 } macTableFullClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, slotModuleId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signifies MAC forwarding table full is cleared." ::= { systrap 31 } mstpNewRoot NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mstpInstanceId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The newRoot trap indicates that the sending agent has become the new root of the Spanning Tree; the trap is sent by a bridge soon after its election as the new root, e.g., upon expiration of the Topology Change Timer, immediately subsequent to its election. Implementation of this trap is optional." ::= { systrap 32 } mstpTopologyChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mstpInstanceId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A topologyChange is sent if the topology changed of MSTP has detected." ::= { systrap 33 } fwChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { slotModuleId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A fw_change is sent if the firmware changed of system has detected." ::= { systrap 34 } reloadCfg NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signifies configuration reload from CLI command." ::= { systrap 35 } sysLoginSuccess NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User login is OK." ::= { systrap 36 } protectSwitchSuccess NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Protect switch success." ::= { systrap 37 } protectSwitchFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Protect switch failed." ::= { systrap 38 } -------------------- -- getrap -------------------- geLinkDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies one ethernet port is linked down." ::= { getrap 1 } geLinkUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies one ethernet port is linked up." ::= { getrap 2 } -- geSfpWhitelist NOTIFICATION-TYPE -- OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "The trap signifies SFP module is not in listed whitelist." -- ::= { getrap 3 } geSfpCurrentTca NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies SFP module is over current threshold." ::= { getrap 4 } geSfpVoltageTca NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies SFP module is over voltage threshold." ::= { getrap 5 } geSfpTemperatureTca NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies SFP module is over temperature threshold." ::= { getrap 6 } geSfpTxPowerTca NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies SFP module is over TX power threshold." ::= { getrap 7 } geSfpRxPowerTca NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies SFP module is over RX power threshold." ::= { getrap 8 } geSfpCurrentTcaClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies SFP module is over current threshold cleared." ::= { getrap 9 } geSfpVoltageTcaClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies SFP module is over voltage threshold cleared." ::= { getrap 10 } geSfpTemperatureTcaClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies SFP module is over temperature threshold cleared." ::= { getrap 11 } geSfpTxPowerTcaClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies SFP module is over TX power threshold cleared." ::= { getrap 12 } geSfpRxPowerTcaClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies SFP module is over RX power threshold cleared." ::= { getrap 13 } -------------------- -- gbondtrap -------------------- gbondLinkDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, ifAdminStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies one gbond interface port link down. The 'ifIndex' is bonding interface index." ::= { gbondtrap 1 } gbondLinkUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, ifAdminStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies one gbond interface port linked up. The 'ifIndex' is bonding interface index." ::= { gbondtrap 2 } -- gbondGroupChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE -- OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, ifIndex, ifIndex } -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "The trap signifies bonding group membership is changed, -- DSL line moves from one bonding group to another one. -- The 1st 'ifIndex' (current gbond IfIndex) indicates current bonding interface ; -- The 2nd 'ifIndex' indicates the DSL port happens to change gbond group membership ; -- The 3rd 'ifIndex' (last gbond IfIndex) indicates last gbond interface, '0' is assigned if previous is none." -- ::= { gbondtrap 3 } -------------------- -- gpontrap -------------------- gponOntLos NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is loss of signal." ::= { gpontrap 1 } gponOntLosClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is loss of signal cleared." ::= { gpontrap 2 } gponOntLof NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is loss of frame." ::= { gpontrap 3 } gponOntLofClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is loss of frame cleared." ::= { gpontrap 4 } gponOntPloam NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is loss of PLOAM." ::= { gpontrap 5 } gponOntPloamClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is loss of PLOAM cleared." ::= { gpontrap 6 } gponOntLcdg NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is loss of GEM channel delineation." ::= { gpontrap 7 } gponOntLcdgClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is loss of GEM channel delineation cleared." ::= { gpontrap 8 } gponOntRdi NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is remote defect indication." ::= { gpontrap 9 } gponOntRdiClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is remote defect indication cleared." ::= { gpontrap 10 } gponOntSuf NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is startup failure." ::= { gpontrap 11 } gponOntSufClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is startup failure cleared." ::= { gpontrap 12 } gponOntLoa NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is loss of acknowledge." ::= { gpontrap 13 } gponOntLoaClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is loss of acknowledge cleared." ::= { gpontrap 14 } gponOntDg NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont receives dying-gasp." ::= { gpontrap 15 } gponOntDgClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont receives dying-gasp cleared." ::= { gpontrap 16 } gponOntDf NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont deactivates failure." ::= { gpontrap 17 } gponOntDfClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont deactivates failure cleared." ::= { gpontrap 18 } gponOntDow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is drift of window." ::= { gpontrap 19 } gponOntDowClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is drift of window cleared." ::= { gpontrap 20 } gponOntTiw NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is transmission interference warning." ::= { gpontrap 21 } gponOntTiwClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is transmission interference warning cleared." ::= { gpontrap 22 } gponOntSf NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is signal fail." ::= { gpontrap 23 } gponOntSfClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is signal fail cleared." ::= { gpontrap 24 } gponOntSd NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is signal degraded." ::= { gpontrap 25 } gponOntSdClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is signal degraded cleared." ::= { gpontrap 26 } gponOntLok NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is loss of key synch." ::= { gpontrap 27 } gponOntLokClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is loss of key synch cleared." ::= { gpontrap 28 } gponOntFecCorrByte NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is FEC corrected byte." ::= { gpontrap 29 } gponOntFecCorrByteClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is FEC corrected byte cleared." ::= { gpontrap 30 } gponOntFecCorrCw NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is FEC corrected code word." ::= { gpontrap 31 } gponOntFecCorrCwClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is FEC corrected code word cleared." ::= { gpontrap 32 } gponOntFecUnCorrCw NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is FEC uncorrected code word." ::= { gpontrap 33 } gponOntFecUnCorrCwClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is FEC uncorrected code word cleared." ::= { gpontrap 34 } gponOntTcaBip NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is bit interleaved parity." ::= { gpontrap 35 } gponOntTcaBipClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is bit interleaved parity cleared." ::= { gpontrap 36 } gponOntTcaRei NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is remote error indication." ::= { gpontrap 37 } gponOntTcaReiClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is remote error indication cleared." ::= { gpontrap 38 } omciBatteryFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery is provisioned and present but cannot recharge." ::= { gpontrap 67 } omciBatteryFailureClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery is provisioned and present but cannot recharge cleared." ::= { gpontrap 68 } omciBatteryLow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery is provisioned and present but its voltage is too low." ::= { gpontrap 69 } omciBatteryLowClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery is provisioned and present but its voltage is too low cleared." ::= { gpontrap 70 } omciBatteryMissing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery is provisioned but missing." ::= { gpontrap 71 } omciBatteryMissingClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery is provisioned but missing cleared." ::= { gpontrap 72 } omciBlockLoss NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Content loss in excess of threshold." ::= { gpontrap 73 } omciBlockLossClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Content loss in excess of threshold cleared." ::= { gpontrap 74 } omciCardAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Card in alarm." ::= { gpontrap 75 } omciCardAlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Card in alarm cleared." ::= { gpontrap 76 } omciConFuncFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates a failure of the connecting function." ::= { gpontrap 87 } omciConFuncFailClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates a failure of the connecting function cleared." ::= { gpontrap 88 } omciDataRateThrDownShift NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Data rate threshold downshift." ::= { gpontrap 89 } omciDataRateThrDownShiftClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Data rate threshold downshift cleared." ::= { gpontrap 90 } omciDataRateThrUpShift NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Data rate threshold upshift." ::= { gpontrap 91 } omciDataRateThrUpShiftClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Data rate threshold upshift cleared." ::= { gpontrap 92 } omciDeprecated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GEM interworking termination point." ::= { gpontrap 93 } omciDeprecatedClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GEM interworking termination point cleared." ::= { gpontrap 94 } omciDyingGasp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONU is powering off imminently." ::= { gpontrap 97 } omciDyingGaspClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONU is powering off imminently cleared." ::= { gpontrap 98 } omciEndToEndLossOfContinuity NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loss of continuity can be detected when the GEM port network CTP supports a GEM interworking termination point." ::= { gpontrap 99 } omciEndToEndLossOfContinuityClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loss of continuity can be detected when the GEM port network CTP supports a GEM interworking termination point cleared." ::= { gpontrap 100 } omciEqptAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A failure on an internal interface or failed self-test." ::= { gpontrap 101 } omciEqptAlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A failure on an internal interface or failed self-test cleared." ::= { gpontrap 102 } omciFeLossOfFraming NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Far-end loss of frame." ::= { gpontrap 103 } omciFeLossOfFramingClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Far-end loss of frame cleared." ::= { gpontrap 104 } omciFeLossOfLink NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Far-end loss of link." ::= { gpontrap 105 } omciFeLossOfLinkClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Far-end loss of link cleared." ::= { gpontrap 106 } omciFeLossOfPower NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Far-end loss of power." ::= { gpontrap 107 } omciFeLossOfPowerClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Far-end loss of power cleared." ::= { gpontrap 108 } omciFeLossOfSignal NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Far-end loss of signal." ::= { gpontrap 109 } omciFeLossOfSignalClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Far-end loss of signal cleared." ::= { gpontrap 110 } omciGfsa NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GEM frame starvation alarm." ::= { gpontrap 113 } omciGfsaClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GEM frame starvation alarm cleared." ::= { gpontrap 114 } omciHighRxOpticalPower NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Received downstream optical power above threshold." ::= { gpontrap 115 } omciHighRxOpticalPowerClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Received downstream optical power above threshold cleared." ::= { gpontrap 116 } omciHighTxOpticalPower NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transmit optical power above upper threshold." ::= { gpontrap 117 } omciHighTxOpticalPowerClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transmit optical power above upper threshold cleared." ::= { gpontrap 118 } omciImproperCardRemoval NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Card has been removed without being deprovisioned." ::= { gpontrap 119 } omciImproperCardRemovalClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Card has been removed without being deprovisioned cleared." ::= { gpontrap 120 } omciLanLos NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "No carrier at the Ethernet UNI." ::= { gpontrap 123 } omciLanLosClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "No carrier at the Ethernet UNI cleared." ::= { gpontrap 124 } omciLaserBiasCur NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Laser bias current above threshold determined by vendor; laser end of life pending." ::= { gpontrap 125 } omciLaserBiasCurClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Laser bias current above threshold determined by vendor; laser end of life pending cleared." ::= { gpontrap 126 } omciLaserEndOfLife NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failure of transmit laser imminent." ::= { gpontrap 127 } omciLaserEndOfLifeClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failure of transmit laser imminent cleared." ::= { gpontrap 128 } omciLineConfigFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Line configuration failure." ::= { gpontrap 129 } omciLineConfigFailureClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Line configuration failure cleared." ::= { gpontrap 130 } omciLineInitializationFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Line initialization failure." ::= { gpontrap 131 } omciLineInitializationFailureClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Line initialization failure cleared." ::= { gpontrap 132 } omciLowLaserBiasCur NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONU has detected that the laser bias current is less than the configured threshold." ::= { gpontrap 139 } omciLowLaserBiasCurClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONU has detected that the laser bias current is less than the configured threshold cleared." ::= { gpontrap 140 } omciLowPowerFeedVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONU has detected that the power feed voltage is less than the configured threshold." ::= { gpontrap 141 } omciLowPowerFeedVoltageClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONU has detected that the power feed voltage is less than the configured threshold cleared." ::= { gpontrap 142 } omciLowRxOpticalPower NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Received downstream optical power below threshold." ::= { gpontrap 143 } omciLowRxOpticalPowerClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Received downstream optical power below threshold cleared." ::= { gpontrap 144 } omciLowTemperature NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONU has detected that the temperature is under the configured threshold." ::= { gpontrap 145 } omciLowTemperatureClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONU has detected that the temperature is under the configured threshold cleared." ::= { gpontrap 146 } omciLowTxOpticalPower NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transmit optical power below lower threshold." ::= { gpontrap 147 } omciLowTxOpticalPowerClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transmit optical power below lower threshold cleared." ::= { gpontrap 148 } omciNeLossOfFraming NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Near-end loss of frame." ::= { gpontrap 149 } omciNeLossOfFramingClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Near-end loss of frame cleared." ::= { gpontrap 150 } omciNeLossOfLink NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Near-end loss of link." ::= { gpontrap 151 } omciNeLossOfLinkClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Near-end loss of link cleared." ::= { gpontrap 152 } omciNeLossOfPower NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Near-end loss of power." ::= { gpontrap 153 } omciNeLossOfPowerClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Near-end loss of power cleared." ::= { gpontrap 154 } omciNeLossOfSignal NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Near-end loss of signal." ::= { gpontrap 155 } omciNeLossOfSignalClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Near-end loss of signal cleared." ::= { gpontrap 156 } omciOntGTemperatureRed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Some services have been shut down to avoid equipment damage." ::= { gpontrap 157 } omciOntGTemperatureRedClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Some services have been shut down to avoid equipment damage cleared." ::= { gpontrap 158 } omciOntGTemperatureYellow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "No service shutdown at present, but the circuit pack is operating beyond its recommended range." ::= { gpontrap 159 } omciOntGTemperatureYellowClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "No service shutdown at present, but the circuit pack is operating beyond its recommended range cleared." ::= { gpontrap 160 } omciOntSelfTestFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONU has failed autonomous self-test." ::= { gpontrap 161 } omciOntSelfTestFailureClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONU has failed autonomous self-test cleared." ::= { gpontrap 162 } omciOnuManualPowerOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ONU is shutting down because the subscriber has turned off its power switch." ::= { gpontrap 163 } omciOnuManualPowerOffClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ONU is shutting down because the subscriber has turned off its power switch cleared." ::= { gpontrap 164 } omciPhysicalIntrusionAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Applies if the ONU supports detection such as door or box open ." ::= { gpontrap 167 } omciPhysicalIntrusionAlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Applies if the ONU supports detection such as door or box open cleared." ::= { gpontrap 168 } omciPlugInEqptIdMismatchAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Applies if the ONU supports detection such as door or box open ." ::= { gpontrap 169 } omciPlugInEqptIdMismatchAlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Applies if the ONU supports detection such as door or box open cleared." ::= { gpontrap 170 } omciPlugInLimMissingAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configured Plug-in LIM is not present." ::= { gpontrap 171 } omciPlugInLimMissingAlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configured Plug-in LIM is not present cleared." ::= { gpontrap 172 } omciPlugInTypeMismatchAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inserted Plug-in LIM is wrong type." ::= { gpontrap 173 } omciPlugInTypeMismatchAlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inserted Plug-in LIM is wrong type cleared." ::= { gpontrap 174 } omciPoweringAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fuse failure or failure of DC/DC converter." ::= { gpontrap 175 } omciPoweringAlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fuse failure or failure of DC/DC converter cleared." ::= { gpontrap 176 } omciProtectionSwitch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An autonomous equipment protection switch has occurred." ::= { gpontrap 177 } omciProtectionSwitchClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An autonomous equipment protection switch has occurred cleared." ::= { gpontrap 178 } omciSd NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bit error-based signal degrade." ::= { gpontrap 185 } omciSdClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bit error-based signal degrade cleared." ::= { gpontrap 186 } omciSelfTestFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failure of circuit pack autonomous self-test." ::= { gpontrap 187 } omciSelfTestFailureClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failure of circuit pack autonomous self-test cleared." ::= { gpontrap 188 } omciSf NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bit error-based signal fail." ::= { gpontrap 189 } omciSfClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bit error-based signal fail cleared." ::= { gpontrap 190 } omciSipUdRegAuth NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Cannot authenticate a registration session." ::= { gpontrap 205 } omciSipUdRegAuthClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Cannot authenticate a registration session cleared." ::= { gpontrap 206 } omciSipUdRegFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failure response received from a registration server." ::= { gpontrap 207 } omciSipUdRegFailClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failure response received from a registration server cleared." ::= { gpontrap 208 } omciSipUdRegTimeout NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Timeout waiting for response from a registration server." ::= { gpontrap 209 } omciSipUdRegTimeoutClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Timeout waiting for response from a registration server cleared." ::= { gpontrap 210 } omciTcaAlignErrorCount NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Received frames that were not an integral number of octets in length and did not pass the FCS check." ::= { gpontrap 213 } omciTcaAlignErrorCountClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Received frames that were not an integral number of octets in length and did not pass the FCS check cleared." ::= { gpontrap 214 } omciTcaBridgeLearningEntryDiscard NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Forwarding database entries that have been or would have been learned but were discarded or replaced due to a lack of space in the database table." ::= { gpontrap 217 } omciTcaBridgeLearningEntryDiscardClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Forwarding database entries that have been or would have been learned but were discarded or replaced due to a lack of space in the database table cleared." ::= { gpontrap 218 } omciTcaBufOverflowsRx NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times that the receive buffer overflowed." ::= { gpontrap 221 } omciTcaBufOverflowsRxClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times that the receive buffer overflowed cleared." ::= { gpontrap 222 } omciTcaBufOverflowsTx NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times that the transmit buffer overflowed." ::= { gpontrap 223 } omciTcaBufOverflowsTxClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times that the transmit buffer overflowed cleared." ::= { gpontrap 224 } omciTcaCarrierSenseErrorCount NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times that carrier sense was lost or never asserted when attempting to transmit a frame." ::= { gpontrap 227 } omciTcaCarrierSenseErrorCountClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times that carrier sense was lost or never asserted when attempting to transmit a frame cleared." ::= { gpontrap 228 } omciTcaDeferredTx NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "First transmission attempt was delayed because the medium was busy." ::= { gpontrap 239 } omciTcaDeferredTxClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "First transmission attempt was delayed because the medium was busy cleared." ::= { gpontrap 240 } omciTcaDelayExceededDiscard NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frames discarded on this port because transmission was delayed." ::= { gpontrap 241 } omciTcaDelayExceededDiscardClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frames discarded on this port because transmission was delayed cleared." ::= { gpontrap 242 } omciTcaDropEvents NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of events in which packets were dropped due to a lack of resources." ::= { gpontrap 245 } omciTcaDropEventsClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of events in which packets were dropped due to a lack of resources cleared." ::= { gpontrap 246 } omciTcaEncryptionKeyErrors NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GEM frames with erroneous encryption key indexes." ::= { gpontrap 249 } omciTcaEncryptionKeyErrorsClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GEM frames with erroneous encryption key indexes cleared." ::= { gpontrap 250 } omciTcaEthFrameDsCrcErroredPackets NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of error packets received on downstream." ::= { gpontrap 255 } omciTcaEthFrameDsCrcErroredPacketsClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of error packets received on downstream cleared." ::= { gpontrap 256 } omciTcaEthFrameDsDropEvents NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of events in which frames were dropped due to a lack of resources on downstream." ::= { gpontrap 257 } omciTcaEthFrameDsDropEventsClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of events in which frames were dropped due to a lack of resources on downstream cleared." ::= { gpontrap 258 } omciTcaEthFrameDsOversizePackets NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518 octets on downstream." ::= { gpontrap 259 } omciTcaEthFrameDsOversizePacketsClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518 octets on downstream cleared." ::= { gpontrap 260 } omciTcaEthFrameDsUndersizePackets NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received that were less than 64 octets long on downstream." ::= { gpontrap 261 } omciTcaEthFrameDsUndersizePacketsClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received that were less than 64 octets long on downstream cleared." ::= { gpontrap 262 } omciTcaEthFrameUsCrcErroredPackets NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of error packets received on upstream." ::= { gpontrap 263 } omciTcaEthFrameUsCrcErroredPacketsClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of error packets received on upstream cleared." ::= { gpontrap 264 } omciTcaEthFrameUsDropEvents NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of events in which frames were dropped due to a lack of resources on upstream." ::= { gpontrap 265 } omciTcaEthFrameUsDropEventsClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of events in which frames were dropped due to a lack of resources on upstream cleared." ::= { gpontrap 266 } omciTcaEthFrameUsOversizePackets NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518 octets long on upstream." ::= { gpontrap 267 } omciTcaEthFrameUsOversizePacketsClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518 octets long on upstream cleared." ::= { gpontrap 268 } omciTcaEthFrameUsUndersizePackets NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received that were less than 64 octets long on upstream." ::= { gpontrap 269 } omciTcaEthFrameUsUndersizePacketsClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received that were less than 64 octets long on upstream cleared." ::= { gpontrap 270 } omciTcaExcessCollision NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transmission failed due to excessive collisions." ::= { gpontrap 271 } omciTcaExcessCollisionClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transmission failed due to excessive collisions cleared." ::= { gpontrap 272 } omciTcaFcsErrors NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts frames received on a particular interface that were an integral number of octets in length." ::= { gpontrap 273 } omciTcaFcsErrorsClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts frames received on a particular interface that were an integral number of octets in length cleared." ::= { gpontrap 274 } omciTcaFragments NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received that were less than 64 octets long." ::= { gpontrap 277 } omciTcaFragmentsClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received that were less than 64 octets long cleared." ::= { gpontrap 278 } omciTcaFrameTooLongs NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts received frames that exceeded the maximum permitted frame size." ::= { gpontrap 279 } omciTcaFrameTooLongsClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts received frames that exceeded the maximum permitted frame size cleared." ::= { gpontrap 280 } omciTcaIntMacRx NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts frames whose reception failed due to an internal MAC sublayer receive error." ::= { gpontrap 283 } omciTcaIntMacRxClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts frames whose reception failed due to an internal MAC sublayer receive error cleared." ::= { gpontrap 284 } omciTcaIntMacTx NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts frames whose transmission failed due to an internal MAC sublayer transmit error." ::= { gpontrap 285 } omciTcaIntMacTxClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts frames whose transmission failed due to an internal MAC sublayer transmit error cleared." ::= { gpontrap 286 } omciTcaIpnpmDnsError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts DNS errors received." ::= { gpontrap 287 } omciTcaIpnpmDnsErrorClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts DNS errors received cleared." ::= { gpontrap 288 } omciTcaIpnpmIcmpError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts ICMP errors received." ::= { gpontrap 289 } omciTcaIpnpmIcmpErrorClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts ICMP errors received cleared." ::= { gpontrap 290 } omciTcaJabbers NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518 octets." ::= { gpontrap 291 } omciTcaJabbersClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518 octets cleared." ::= { gpontrap 292 } omciTcaLateCollision NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collision was detected later than 512 bit times into the transmission of a packet." ::= { gpontrap 293 } omciTcaLateCollisionClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collision was detected later than 512 bit times into the transmission of a packet cleared." ::= { gpontrap 294 } omciTcaMtuExceededDiscard NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts frames discarded on this port because the MTU was exceeded." ::= { gpontrap 297 } omciTcaMtuExceededDiscardClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts frames discarded on this port because the MTU was exceeded cleared." ::= { gpontrap 298 } omciTcaMultiCollisions NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts successfully transmitted frames whose transmission was delayed by more than one collision." ::= { gpontrap 299 } omciTcaMultiCollisionsClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts successfully transmitted frames whose transmission was delayed by more than one collision cleared." ::= { gpontrap 300 } omciTcaPppoeFilteredFrameCount NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts the number of frames discarded due to PPPoE filtering." ::= { gpontrap 301 } omciTcaPppoeFilteredFrameCountClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts the number of frames discarded due to PPPoE filtering cleared." ::= { gpontrap 302 } omciTcaRxAndDiscarded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts frames received on this port that were discarded due to errors." ::= { gpontrap 315 } omciTcaRxAndDiscardedClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts frames received on this port that were discarded due to errors cleared." ::= { gpontrap 316 } omciTcaSingleCollisionFrame NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts successfully transmitted frames whose transmission was delayed by exactly one collision." ::= { gpontrap 339 } omciTcaSingleCollisionFrameClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts successfully transmitted frames whose transmission was delayed by exactly one collision cleared." ::= { gpontrap 340 } omciTcaSqeCount NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times that the SQE test error message was generated by the PLS sublayer." ::= { gpontrap 363 } omciTcaSqeCountClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times that the SQE test error message was generated by the PLS sublayer cleared." ::= { gpontrap 364 } omciTcaUndersizePackets NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received that were less than 64 octets long." ::= { gpontrap 369 } omciTcaUndersizePacketsClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received that were less than 64 octets long cleared." ::= { gpontrap 370 } omciTemperatureRed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Service has been shut down to avoid equipment damage." ::= { gpontrap 373 } omciTemperatureRedClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Service has been shut down to avoid equipment damage cleared." ::= { gpontrap 374 } omciTemperatureYellow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "No service shutdown at present, but the circuit pack is operating beyond its recommended range." ::= { gpontrap 375 } omciTemperatureYellowClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "No service shutdown at present, but the circuit pack is operating beyond its recommended range cleared." ::= { gpontrap 376 } omciVideoLos NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "No signal at the video UNI." ::= { gpontrap 411 } omciVideoLosClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "No signal at the video UNI cleared." ::= { gpontrap 412 } omciVoltageRed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Some services have been shut down to avoid power collapse." ::= { gpontrap 417 } omciVoltageRedClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Some services have been shut down to avoid power collapse cleared." ::= { gpontrap 418 } omciVoltageYellowomci NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "No service shutdown at present, but the line power voltage is below its recommended minimum." ::= { gpontrap 419 } omciVoltageYellowClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "No service shutdown at present, but the line power voltage is below its recommended minimum cleared." ::= { gpontrap 420 } omciXtucEsTca NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-C Errored seconds threshold crossing." ::= { gpontrap 421 } omciXtucEsTcaClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-C Errored seconds threshold crossing cleared." ::= { gpontrap 422 } omciXtucFailedLineInitializationsTca NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-C Failure of line initializations threshold crossing." ::= { gpontrap 423 } omciXtucFailedLineInitializationsTcaClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-C Failure of line initializations threshold crossing cleared." ::= { gpontrap 424 } omciXtucFailedShortInitializationsTca NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-C Failure of short Initializations threshold crossing." ::= { gpontrap 425 } omciXtucFailedShortInitializationsTcaClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-C Failure of short Initializations threshold crossing cleared." ::= { gpontrap 426 } omciXtucFecSecondsTca NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-C FEC seconds threshold crossing." ::= { gpontrap 427 } omciXtucFecSecondsTcaClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-C FEC seconds threshold crossing cleared." ::= { gpontrap 428 } omciXtucLineInitializationsTca NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-C Line initializations threshold crossing." ::= { gpontrap 429 } omciXtucLineInitializationsTcaClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-C Line initializations threshold crossing cleared." ::= { gpontrap 430 } omciXtucLossOfFrameSecondsTca NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-C Loss of frame seconds." ::= { gpontrap 431 } omciXtucLossOfFrameSecondsTcaClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-C Loss of frame seconds cleared." ::= { gpontrap 432 } omciXtucLossOfLinkSecondsTca NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-C Loss of link seconds." ::= { gpontrap 433 } omciXtucLossOfLinkSecondsTcaClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-C Loss of link seconds cleared." ::= { gpontrap 434 } omciXtucLossOfPowerSecondsTca NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-C Loss of power seconds." ::= { gpontrap 435 } omciXtucLossOfPowerSecondsTcaClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-C Loss of power seconds cleared." ::= { gpontrap 436 } omciXtucLossOfSignalSecondsTca NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-C Loss of signal seconds." ::= { gpontrap 437 } omciXtucLossOfSignalSecondsTcaClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-C Loss of signal seconds cleared." ::= { gpontrap 438 } omciXtucSesTca NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-C Severely errored seconds threshold crossing." ::= { gpontrap 439 } omciXtucSesTcaClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-C Severely errored seconds threshold crossing cleared." ::= { gpontrap 440 } omciXtucShortInitializationsTca NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-C Short initializations threshold crossing." ::= { gpontrap 441 } omciXtucShortInitializationsTcaClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-C Short initializations threshold crossing cleared." ::= { gpontrap 442 } omciXtucUasTca NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-C Unavailable seconds threshold crossing." ::= { gpontrap 443 } omciXtucUasTcaClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-C Unavailable seconds threshold crossing cleared." ::= { gpontrap 444 } omciXturEsTca NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-R Errored seconds threshold crossing." ::= { gpontrap 445 } omciXturEsTcaClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-R Errored seconds threshold crossing cleared." ::= { gpontrap 446 } omciXturFecSecondsTca NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-R Forward error correction anomaly." ::= { gpontrap 447 } omciXturFecSecondsTcaClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-R Forward error correction anomaly cleared." ::= { gpontrap 448 } omciXturLossOfFrameSecondsTca NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-R Loss of frame seconds." ::= { gpontrap 449 } omciXturLossOfFrameSecondsTcaClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-R Loss of frame seconds cleared." ::= { gpontrap 450 } omciXturLossOfPowerSecondsTca NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-R Loss of power seconds." ::= { gpontrap 451 } omciXturLossOfPowerSecondsTcaClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-R Loss of power seconds cleared." ::= { gpontrap 452 } omciXturLossOfSignalSecondsTca NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-R Loss of signal seconds." ::= { gpontrap 453 } omciXturLossOfSignalSecondsTcaClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-R Loss of signal seconds cleared." ::= { gpontrap 454 } omciXturSesTca NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-R severely errored seconds." ::= { gpontrap 455 } omciXturSesTcaClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-R severely errored seconds cleared." ::= { gpontrap 456 } omciXturUasTca NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-R Unavailable seconds threshold crossing." ::= { gpontrap 457 } omciXturUasTcaClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XTU-R Unavailable seconds threshold crossing cleared." ::= { gpontrap 458 } omciHighPowerFeedVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONU has detected that the power feed voltage is higher than the configured threshold." ::= { gpontrap 459 } omciHighPowerFeedVoltageClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONU has detected that the power feed voltage is higher than the configured threshold cleared." ::= { gpontrap 460 } omciHighLaserBiasCur NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONU has detected that the laser bias current is higher than the configured threshold." ::= { gpontrap 461 } omciHighLaserBiasCurClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONU has detected that the laser bias current is higher than the configured threshold cleared." ::= { gpontrap 462 } omciHighTemperature NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONU has detected that the temperature is above the configured threshold." ::= { gpontrap 463 } omciHighTemperatureClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONU has detected that the temperature is above the configured threshold cleared." ::= { gpontrap 464 } omciOntgEqptAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Functional failure on an internal interface." ::= { gpontrap 465 } omciOntgEqptAlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Functional failure on an internal interface cleared." ::= { gpontrap 466 } omciOntgPoweringAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loss of external power to battery backup unit." ::= { gpontrap 467 } omciOntgPoweringAlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loss of external power to battery backup unit cleared." ::= { gpontrap 468 } rogueOntDetect NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponRogueOntDetectStatus, gponOntSerialNumber, gponOntPassword } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rogue ont detection. The values of rouge ont detection status are shown as below: 1: start rogue detection 2: stop rogue detection 3: detect rogue exist 4: rogue ont does not exist 5: discover rogue ont Only detection status equals to 5, the serial number and password of rogue ont would be meaningful. Otherwise, the string of serial number and password of ont would be displayed to N/A." ::= { gpontrap 501 } newOntDetect NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntSerialNumber, gponOntPassword } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "New ont detect." ::= { gpontrap 502 } ontSwDlStart NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Software download start." ::= { gpontrap 503 } ontSwDlStartClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Software download start cleared." ::= { gpontrap 504 } ontSwDlSuccess NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Software download success." ::= { gpontrap 505 } ontSwDlFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Software download fail." ::= { gpontrap 506 } ponLos NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Pon loss of signal." ::= { gpontrap 507 } ponLosClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Pon loss of signal cleared." ::= { gpontrap 508 } omciWanPppoeLinkUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ont wan port PPPoE link up." ::= { gpontrap 509 } omciWanPppoeLinkDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ont wan port PPPoE link down." ::= { gpontrap 510 } gponMacReset NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, slotModuleId, gponMacSubSlotId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gpon mac reset." ::= { gpontrap 511 } ontDdmiRxPowerFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, transceiverPerOntRxPower, transceiverDdmInfoEntryAlarmMax, transceiverDdmInfoEntryAlarmMin, transceiverDdmInfoEntryWarnMax, transceiverDdmInfoEntryWarnMin } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONU DDMI Rx Power out of range." ::= { gpontrap 512 } ontDdmiRxPowerFailClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, transceiverPerOntRxPower, transceiverDdmInfoEntryAlarmMax, transceiverDdmInfoEntryAlarmMin, transceiverDdmInfoEntryWarnMax, transceiverDdmInfoEntryWarnMin } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONU DDMI Rx Power out of range cleared." ::= { gpontrap 513 } ponUnableGetOnuPw NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntSerialNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unable to get password." ::= { gpontrap 514 } ponOutOfId NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This PON port is out of register id for ONU." ::= { gpontrap 515 } ddmiTempOutOfRange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, transceiverDdmInfoEntryType, transceiverDdmInfoEntryAlarmMax, transceiverDdmInfoEntryAlarmMin, transceiverDdmInfoEntryWarnMax, transceiverDdmInfoEntryWarnMin, transceiverDdmInfoEntryCurrent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDMI temperature out of range." ::= { gpontrap 551 } ddmiTempOutOfRangeClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, transceiverDdmInfoEntryType, transceiverDdmInfoEntryAlarmMax, transceiverDdmInfoEntryAlarmMin, transceiverDdmInfoEntryWarnMax, transceiverDdmInfoEntryWarnMin, transceiverDdmInfoEntryCurrent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDMI temperature out of range cleared." ::= { gpontrap 552 } ddmiTxPwrOutOfRange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, transceiverDdmInfoEntryType, transceiverDdmInfoEntryAlarmMax, transceiverDdmInfoEntryAlarmMin, transceiverDdmInfoEntryWarnMax, transceiverDdmInfoEntryWarnMin, transceiverDdmInfoEntryCurrent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDMI TxPower out of range." ::= { gpontrap 553 } ddmiTxPwrOutOfRangeClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, transceiverDdmInfoEntryType, transceiverDdmInfoEntryAlarmMax, transceiverDdmInfoEntryAlarmMin, transceiverDdmInfoEntryWarnMax, transceiverDdmInfoEntryWarnMin, transceiverDdmInfoEntryCurrent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDMI TxPower out of range cleared." ::= { gpontrap 554 } ddmiRxPwrOutOfRange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, transceiverDdmInfoEntryType, transceiverDdmInfoEntryAlarmMax, transceiverDdmInfoEntryAlarmMin, transceiverDdmInfoEntryWarnMax, transceiverDdmInfoEntryWarnMin, transceiverDdmInfoEntryCurrent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDMI RxPower out of range." ::= { gpontrap 555 } ddmiRxPwrOutOfRangeClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, transceiverDdmInfoEntryType, transceiverDdmInfoEntryAlarmMax, transceiverDdmInfoEntryAlarmMin, transceiverDdmInfoEntryWarnMax, transceiverDdmInfoEntryWarnMin, transceiverDdmInfoEntryCurrent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDMI RxPower out of range cleared." ::= { gpontrap 556 } ddmiVoltageOutOfRange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, transceiverDdmInfoEntryType, transceiverDdmInfoEntryAlarmMax, transceiverDdmInfoEntryAlarmMin, transceiverDdmInfoEntryWarnMax, transceiverDdmInfoEntryWarnMin, transceiverDdmInfoEntryCurrent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDMI voltage out of range." ::= { gpontrap 557 } ddmiVoltageOutOfRangeClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, transceiverDdmInfoEntryType, transceiverDdmInfoEntryAlarmMax, transceiverDdmInfoEntryAlarmMin, transceiverDdmInfoEntryWarnMax, transceiverDdmInfoEntryWarnMin, transceiverDdmInfoEntryCurrent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDMI voltage out of range cleared." ::= { gpontrap 558 } ddmiBiasOutOfRange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, transceiverDdmInfoEntryType, transceiverDdmInfoEntryAlarmMax, transceiverDdmInfoEntryAlarmMin, transceiverDdmInfoEntryWarnMax, transceiverDdmInfoEntryWarnMin, transceiverDdmInfoEntryCurrent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDMI bias out of range." ::= { gpontrap 559 } ddmiBiasOutOfRangeClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, transceiverDdmInfoEntryType, transceiverDdmInfoEntryAlarmMax, transceiverDdmInfoEntryAlarmMin, transceiverDdmInfoEntryWarnMax, transceiverDdmInfoEntryWarnMin, transceiverDdmInfoEntryCurrent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDMI bias out of range cleared." ::= { gpontrap 560 } gponLinkDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies one gpon port is linked down." ::= { gpontrap 561 } gponLinkUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies one gpon port is linked up." ::= { gpontrap 562 } cpuProtectionAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies that CPU may become overloaded and be unable to handle regular tasks property due to receiving large numbers of control packets." ::= { gpontrap 563 } cpuProtectionAlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies that disable port(s) become active or start receiving the packets again with error-disable recovery." ::= { gpontrap 564 } authorizationFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, slotModuleId, gponUserName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies that 802.1x authorization failure." ::= { gpontrap 565 } highIngressRateAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies that ingress rate is higher than configured threshold rate." ::= { gpontrap 566 } highIngressRateAlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies that ingress rate is higher than configured threshold rate cleared." ::= { gpontrap 567 } highEgressRateAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies that egress rate is higher than configured threshold rate." ::= { gpontrap 568 } highEgressRateAlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies that egress rate is higher than configured threshold rate cleared." ::= { gpontrap 569 } discoverUnregisterOntAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntSerialNumber, gponOntPassword } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies that system discovers unregistered ont." ::= { gpontrap 570 } discoverUnregisterOntAlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntSerialNumber, gponOntPassword } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies that system discovers unregistered ont cleared." ::= { gpontrap 571 } omciTcaEthFrameUsCrcErroredFrames NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of error frames received on upstream." ::= { gpontrap 572 } omciTcaEthFrameUsCrcErroredFramesClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of error frames received on upstream cleared." ::= { gpontrap 573 } omciTcaEthFrameUsOversizeFrames NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of frames received that were longer than 1518 octets long on upstream." ::= { gpontrap 574 } omciTcaEthFrameUsOversizeFramesClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518 octets long on upstream cleared." ::= { gpontrap 575 } omciTcaEthFrameUsUndersizeFrames NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of frames received that were less than 64 octets long on upstream." ::= { gpontrap 576 } omciTcaEthFrameUsUndersizeFramesClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId, gponOntCardId, gponOntCardPortId, gponMeClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of frames received that were less than 64 octets long on upstream cleared." ::= { gpontrap 577 } ontMacAntiSpoofing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntMacAntiSpoofOrig, gponOntMacAntiSpoofNew, gponOntMacAntiSpoofMAC } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The gpon ont MAC anti-spoofing happened." ::= { gpontrap 578 } gponOntTcaFecCodeword NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is FEC codeword." ::= { gpontrap 579 } gponOntTcaFecCodewordClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is FEC codeword cleared." ::= { gpontrap 580 } gponOntTcaBipByte NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is bip byte." ::= { gpontrap 581 } gponOntTcaBipByteClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap signifies ont is bip byte cleared." ::= { gpontrap 582 } gponOntTcaRxPloamCrc NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Received PLOAMS with CRC errors." ::= { gpontrap 583 } gponOntTcaRxPloamCrcClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Received PLOAMS with CRC errors cleared." ::= { gpontrap 584 } gponOntTcaRxPloamNonidle NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Received non-idle PLOAMS." ::= { gpontrap 585 } gponOntTcaRxPloamNonidleClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Received non-idle PLOAMS cleared." ::= { gpontrap 586 } gponOntTcaPositiveDrift NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Accumulated positive drift in bits." ::= { gpontrap 587 } gponOntTcaPositiveDriftClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Accumulated positive drift in bits cleared." ::= { gpontrap 588 } gponOntTcaNegativeDrift NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Accumulated negative drift in bits." ::= { gpontrap 589 } gponOntTcaNegativeDriftClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Accumulated negative drift in bits cleared." ::= { gpontrap 590 } gponOntTcaRxOmciPktCrc NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Received OMCI packets with CRC errors." ::= { gpontrap 591 } gponOntTcaRxOmciPktCrcClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Received OMCI packets with CRC errors cleared." ::= { gpontrap 592 } gponOntTcaUnreceivedBurst NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Un-received Burst allocated to the ONU." ::= { gpontrap 593 } gponOntTcaUnreceivedBurstClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Un-received Burst allocated to the ONU cleared." ::= { gpontrap 594} gponOntTcaLcdgi NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LCDGi errors." ::= { gpontrap 595 } gponOntTcaLcdgiClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LCDGi errors cleared." ::= { gpontrap 596} gponOntTcaRdi NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RDi errors." ::= { gpontrap 597 } gponOntTcaRdiClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RDi errors cleared." ::= { gpontrap 598} gponOntOmciSuppress NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OMCI suppress." ::= { gpontrap 599} gponOntTcaRxOmciPkt NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Received OMCI packets." ::= { gpontrap 600 } gponOntTcaRxOmciPktClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex, gponOntId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Received OMCI packets cleared." ::= { gpontrap 601 } gponRogueOntDetection NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Detect suspected rogue onu." ::= { gpontrap 602 } gponRogueOntElimination NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { iesIANAEventType, iesIANAProbableCause, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Eliminate suspected rogue onu." ::= { gpontrap 603 } END