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2023-12-05 12:25:34 +01:00
-- Title: CISCOSB PIM Private Extension
-- Version:
-- Date: 19 Sep 2011
pimNeighborAddress FROM PIM-STD-MIB
Integer32, Unsigned32,
TimeTicks, Gauge32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI
RowStatus, TruthValue,
DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC
InterfaceIndexOrZero FROM IF-MIB
InetAddress, InetVersion FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB
LAST-UPDATED "200809250000Z"
ORGANIZATION "Cisco Systems, Inc."
"Postal: 170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose , CA 95134-1706
Website: Cisco Small Business Support Community <http://www.cisco.com/go/smallbizsupport>"
"The private MIB module definition for PIM MIB."
REVISION "200809250000Z"
"Initial version of this MIB."
::= { switch001 211 }
--Common Textual Conventions
STATUS current
"The desired administrative state of a MIB row."
STATUS current
"The current operational state of a MIB row. This set of values
is used by many Data Connection products written before 2006."
operStatusUp(1), -- active
operStatusDown(2), -- inactive
operStatusGoingUp(3), -- activating
operStatusGoingDown(4), -- deactivating
operStatusActFailed(5) -- activation failed
Unsigned32NonZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
STATUS current
"A non-zero Unsigned32."
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..'FFFFFFFF'h)
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A numeric index value or identifier."
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..'7FFFFFFF'h)
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Either a numeric index value or identifier, or the value zero
with a special meaning defined by the object description. Do
not use this TC for MIB table index objects. Zero is not valid
for such objects."
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..'7FFFFFFF'h)
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The HAF entity index value identifying a DC software entity.
This TC is deprecated. Use NumericIndex for all indexes."
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The HAF entity index value identifying a DC software entity, or
zero which is used to indicate that the entity is not present.
This TC is deprecated. Use NumericIndexOrZero for all
references to indexes."
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
StdAccessListListIndexOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary index value identifying a standard access
list or zero for no access list."
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
StdAccessListRuleIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "An index value identifying a particular rule within a
standard access list. Rules are tested in order of
increasing rule index."
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
ExtAccessListListIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary index value identifying an extended access
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
ExtAccessListListIndexOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary index value identifying an extended access
list or zero for no access list."
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
STATUS current
"The count of the number of events of a particular type that
have occurred since the last time either the NMI join was
established (caused by activating DC-PIM TIB Manager or
DC-PIM Neighbor Manager, or by recovery after NMI join
failure/fail-over), or the statistics were explicitly reset
by setting the pimNmEntClearStatsCounters object to 'true'.
This value can wrap."
SYNTAX Unsigned32
STATUS current
"The current operational state of a MIB row. This set of values
has been used by the Data Connection Networking Protocols Group
since 2006."
operStatusUp(1), -- active
operStatusDown(2), -- inactive
operStatusGoingUp(3), -- activating
operStatusGoingDown(4), -- deactivating
operStatusActFailed(5), -- activation failed
operStatusFailed(8), -- failed, will recover when
-- possible
operStatusFailedPerm(10), -- operator intervention required
operStatusFailing(11) -- failure in progress
-- The PIM Interface Table
rlPimInterfaceTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table is used to create and manage the {interface, IP
version} pairs for which PIM is enabled."
::= { rlPim 1 }
rlPimInterfaceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RlPimInterfaceEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the pimInterfaceTable."
AUGMENTS { pimInterfaceEntry }
::= { rlPimInterfaceTable 1 }
RlPimInterfaceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
-- DC additions {
rlPimInterfaceAdminStatus AdminStatus,
rlPimInterfaceOperStatus NpgOperStatus,
rlPimInterfaceStubInterface TruthValue,
rlPimInterfaceP2PNoHellos TruthValue,
rlPimInterfaceMgmdEntIndex NumericIndexOrZero,
rlPimInterfaceNeighborCount Gauge32,
rlPimInterfaceStarGStateLimit Unsigned32,
rlPimInterfaceStarGStateWarnThold Unsigned32,
rlPimInterfaceStarGStateStored Gauge32,
rlPimInterfaceSGStateLimit Unsigned32,
rlPimInterfaceSGStateWarnThold Unsigned32,
rlPimInterfaceSGStateStored Gauge32,
rlPimInterfaceNeighborFilter DisplayString,
rlPimInterfaceAssertInterval Unsigned32,
rlPimInterfaceAssertHoldtime Unsigned32,
-- } End DC additions
-- DC additions {
rlPimInterfaceAsmGrpFilter DisplayString,
rlPimInterfaceSsmSrcAndGrpFilter DisplayString
-- } End DC additions
--rlPimInterfaceStatus RowStatus
-- DC additions {
rlPimInterfaceAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AdminStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The desired administrative state of this interface."
DEFVAL { adminStatusUp }
::= { rlPimInterfaceEntry 3 }
rlPimInterfaceOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX NpgOperStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The current operational state of this interface."
::= { rlPimInterfaceEntry 4 }
rlPimInterfaceStubInterface OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Whether this interface is a 'stub interface' with regard to
PIM. If this is set to 'true', no PIM packets are sent or
processed (if received) on this interface. This should be
set to 'true' if there are no other PIM routers on the
interface but there may be untrusted hosts on the interface,
to prevent the router processing forged PIM messages from
those hosts. If there are other PIM routers on this
interface, this must be left as 'false'.
Changing the value of this object while the interface is
operational causes the interface to be deactivated and
then reactivated."
DEFVAL { false }
::= { rlPimInterfaceEntry 5 }
rlPimInterfaceP2PNoHellos OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Whether this interface is a point-to-point interface on
which we do not require the neighbor to send PIM-Hello
signals. Provided for back-compatibility with some older
implementations that do not send Hellos on point-to-point
Changing the value of this object while the interface is
operational causes the interface to be deactivated and
then reactivated."
DEFVAL { false }
::= { rlPimInterfaceEntry 6 }
rlPimInterfaceMgmdEntIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX NumericIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The HAF entity index of the DC-MGMD (for example, for IPv4
this is DC-IGMP) Router component that owns this interface.
Zero is a wildcard value meaning that no DC-MGMD Router
component currently owns the interface, and the first
DC-MGMD Router component that sends Group Membership
information for this interface will take ownership of it."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { rlPimInterfaceEntry 7 }
rlPimInterfaceNeighborCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Gauge32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of PIM neighbors on this interface."
::= { rlPimInterfaceEntry 8 }
rlPimInterfaceStarGStateLimit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The maximum number of groups for which DC-PIM TIB Manager
is allowed to store (*,G,I) state specific to this
interface. A value of zero means that there is no limit."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { rlPimInterfaceEntry 9 }
rlPimInterfaceStarGStateWarnThold OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"DC-PIM TIB Manager logs an exception if the number of
groups for which it is storing (*,G,I) state specific to
this interface exceeds this value. A value of zero means
that there is no warning threshold."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { rlPimInterfaceEntry 10 }
rlPimInterfaceStarGStateStored OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Gauge32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of groups for which DC-PIM TIB Manager is
storing (*,G,I) state specific to this interface."
::= { rlPimInterfaceEntry 11 }
rlPimInterfaceSGStateLimit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The maximum number of {source, group} pairs for which
DC-PIM TIB Manager is allowed to store (S,G,I) state
specific to this interface. A value of zero means that
there is no limit."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { rlPimInterfaceEntry 12 }
rlPimInterfaceSGStateWarnThold OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"DC-PIM TIB Manager logs an exception if the number of
{source, group} pairs for which it is storing (S,G,I) state
specific to this interface exceeds this value. A value of
zero means that there is no warning threshold."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { rlPimInterfaceEntry 13 }
rlPimInterfaceSGStateStored OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Gauge32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of {source, group} pairs for which DC-PIM TIB
Manager is storing (S,G,I) state specific to this
::= { rlPimInterfaceEntry 14 }
rlPimInterfaceNeighborFilter OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"When neighbor filtering is enabled, the local router
will process link-local multicast PIM messages received on
this interface only if the originator's IP address (that is,
the source address in the IP header) is included in the
standard access list corresponding to the list name
configured for this object.
Note that this filter does not apply to unicast PIM
messages, even if the originator is directly connected to
the local router. So, for example, this filter has no
effect on the processing of received Register messages.
In other words, the standard access list is a whitelist, and
the local router will treat any router excluded from the
list as not being a valid PIM neighbor.
To filter out all PIM neighbors, either configure this
object to be the list name of an 'exclude all' standard
access list, or use the rlPimInterfaceStubInterface object."
DEFVAL { "" }
::= { rlPimInterfaceEntry 15 }
rlPimInterfaceAssertInterval OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535)
UNITS "seconds"
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The frequency at which this router sends PIM Assert
messages on this interface when it is the assert winner.
This object corresponds to the 'Assert_Time' minus the
'Assert_Override_Interval' defined in the PIM-SM
specification [I-D.ietf-rlPim-sm-v2-new]. This must be less
than rlPimInterfaceAssertHoldtime."
DEFVAL { 177 }
::= { rlPimInterfaceEntry 16 }
rlPimInterfaceAssertHoldtime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535)
UNITS "seconds"
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The interval before this router leaves assert loser state
on this interface, unless it receives a PIM Assert message
that refreshes this state. This object corresponds to the
'Assert_Time' timer value defined in the PIM-SM
specification [I-D.ietf-rlPim-sm-v2-new].
Note that configuring different values for this object for
different routers on the same interface might lead to
incorrect protocol operation."
DEFVAL { 180 }
::= { rlPimInterfaceEntry 17 }
-- } End DC additions
-- DC additions {
rlPimInterfaceAsmGrpFilter OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"When ASM group filtering is enabled, then for groups in the
ASM space the local router will:
- process PIM (*,G) Join and (S,G) Join messages received on
this interface only if the group address is included in the
standard access list corresponding to the list index value
configured for this object
- only send PIM (*,G) Join and (S,G) Join messages over this
interface if the group address is included in the standard
access list corresponding to the list index value configured
for this object.
Local membership requests from the MGMD Router component are
not filtered. These should be filtered by the MGMD Router
In other words, the standard access list is a whitelist of the
ASM groups for which DC-PIM is permitted to request or receive
traffic over the interface.
rlPimInterfaceAsmGrpFilter defaults to an empty string, which indicates
that no access list is specified. If the name does not correspond
to a valid access list, no group addresses will match the list
and therefore all PIM (*,G) Join and PIM (S,G) Join messages
will be filtered."
DEFVAL { "" }
::= { rlPimInterfaceEntry 18 }
rlPimInterfaceSsmSrcAndGrpFilter OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"When SSM source and group filtering is enabled, then for groups in
the SSM space the local router will
- process PIM (S,G) Join messages received on this interface
only if the {source, group} pair is included in the extended
access list corresponding to the list index value configured
for this object
- only send PIM (S,G) Join messages over this interface if
the {source, group} pair is included in the extended access
list corresponding to the list index value configured for this
In other words, the extended access list is a whitelist of the
SSM {source, group} pairs for which DC-PIM is permitted to
request or receive traffic over the interface.
rlPimInterfaceSsmSrcAndGrpFilter defaults to an empty string,
which indicates that no access list is specified. If the name does not
correspond to a valid access list, no {source, group} pairs
will match the list and therefore all PIM (S,G) Join messages
will be filtered."
DEFVAL { "" }
::= { rlPimInterfaceEntry 19 }
-- } End DC additions
-- The RL-PIM Interface Statistics Table
rlPimIfStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table lists the statistics for {interface, IP version}
pairs for which PIM is enabled.
Note that any messages filtered out by
rlPimInterfaceNeighborFilter do not contribute to any
statistics in this table except for
::= { rlPim 2 }
rlPimIfStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RlPimIfStatsEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the rlPimIfStatsTable."
INDEX { pimInterfaceIfIndex,
pimInterfaceIPVersion }
::= { rlPimIfStatsTable 1 }
RlPimIfStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
rlPimIfStatsNumSentHello PimStatsCounter,
rlPimIfStatsNumSentJoinPrune PimStatsCounter,
rlPimIfStatsNumSentAssert PimStatsCounter,
rlPimIfStatsNumSentBsm PimStatsCounter,
rlPimIfStatsNumErrHello PimStatsCounter,
rlPimIfStatsNumRecvUnknownNbr PimStatsCounter,
rlPimIfStatsNumUnknownHelloOpt PimStatsCounter,
rlPimIfStatsNumFilteredOut PimStatsCounter
rlPimIfStatsNumSentHello OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of PIM Hello messages that have been sent out
this interface."
::= { rlPimIfStatsEntry 1 }
rlPimIfStatsNumSentJoinPrune OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of PIM Join/Prune messages that have been sent
out this interface."
::= { rlPimIfStatsEntry 2 }
rlPimIfStatsNumSentAssert OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of PIM Assert messages that have been sent out
this interface."
::= { rlPimIfStatsEntry 3 }
rlPimIfStatsNumSentBsm OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of PIM Bootstrap Router messages that have
been sent out this interface. DC-PIM always multicasts
this type of message."
::= { rlPimIfStatsEntry 4 }
rlPimIfStatsNumErrHello OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of PIM Hello messages that have been received on
this interface that have contained errors."
::= { rlPimIfStatsEntry 5 }
rlPimIfStatsNumRecvUnknownNbr OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of PIM Join/Prune, Assert and multicast Bootstrap
Router messages that have been received on this interface from
a neighbor from which we had not previously received a valid
PIM Hello message (and for which rlPimInterfaceP2PNoHellos was
Bootstrap Router messages which are sent to a unicast address
are not included in this count."
::= { rlPimIfStatsEntry 6 }
rlPimIfStatsNumUnknownHelloOpt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of unknown options that have been received in
PIM Hello messages on this interface."
::= { rlPimIfStatsEntry 7 }
rlPimIfStatsNumFilteredOut OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of link-local multicast PIM messages filtered
out by rlPimInterfaceNeighborFilter on this interface."
::= { rlPimIfStatsEntry 8 }
-- The DC-PIM Neighbor Manager Entity Table
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table is used to create and manage DC-PIM Neighbor
Manager entities."
::= { rlPim 3 }
SYNTAX RlPimNmEntEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Each entry represents an instance of the DC-PIM Neighbor
Manager entity."
INDEX { rlPimNmEntIndex }
::= { rlPimNmEntTable 1 }
RlPimNmEntEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
rlPimNmEntIndex NumericIndex,
rlPimNmEntRowStatus RowStatus,
rlPimNmEntAdminStatus AdminStatus,
rlPimNmEntOperStatus NpgOperStatus,
rlPimNmEntTmEntIndex NumericIndex,
rlPimNmEntI3JoinOperStatus NpgOperStatus,
rlPimNmEntNmiJoinOperStatus NpgOperStatus,
rlPimNmEntSckJoinOperStatus NpgOperStatus,
rlPimNmEntClearStatsCounters TruthValue,
rlPimNmEntStatsUpTime TimeTicks,
rlPimNmEntEnableUnicastMessages TruthValue,
rlPimNmEntAcceptUnicastBsms TruthValue,
rlPimNmEntCrpAdvFilterIndex StdAccessListListIndexOrZero
SYNTAX NumericIndex
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The index of this rlPimNmEntEntry. This is the HAF entity
index passed on the entity create parameters."
::= { rlPimNmEntEntry 1 }
rlPimNmEntRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Used to create and delete a DC-PIM Neighbor Manager Entity
Table entry."
::= { rlPimNmEntEntry 2 }
rlPimNmEntAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AdminStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The desired administrative state of the DC-PIM Neighbor
Manager entity."
DEFVAL { adminStatusUp }
::= { rlPimNmEntEntry 3 }
rlPimNmEntOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX NpgOperStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The current operational state of the DC-PIM Neighbor
Manager entity."
::= { rlPimNmEntEntry 4 }
rlPimNmEntTmEntIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX NumericIndex
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The HAF entity index value of the DC-PIM TIB Manager to
join to.
Once set, the value of this object cannot be changed."
::= { rlPimNmEntEntry 5 }
rlPimNmEntI3JoinOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX NpgOperStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The current operational state of the I3 join.
rlPimNmEntOperStatus cannot transition to 'operStatusUp'
unless this object has a value of 'operStatusUp', and cannot
transition to 'operStatusDown' unless this object has a
value of 'operStatusDown'."
::= { rlPimNmEntEntry 6 }
rlPimNmEntNmiJoinOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX NpgOperStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The current operational state of the NMI join.
rlPimNmEntOperStatus cannot transition to 'operStatusUp'
unless this object has a value of 'operStatusUp', and cannot
transition to 'operStatusDown' unless this object has a
value of 'operStatusDown'."
::= { rlPimNmEntEntry 7 }
rlPimNmEntSckJoinOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX NpgOperStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The current operational state of the SCK join.
rlPimNmEntOperStatus cannot transition to 'operStatusUp'
unless this object has a value of 'operStatusUp', and cannot
transition to 'operStatusDown' unless this object has a
value of 'operStatusDown'."
::= { rlPimNmEntEntry 8 }
rlPimNmEntClearStatsCounters OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Set this object to 'true' to cause DC-PIM Neighbor Manager
to reset all its statistics counters (that is, all objects
with syntax PimStatsCounter that are either in the
rlPimNmEntStatsTable, or in a row of the rlPimIfStatsTable or
rlPimNbrStatsTable for an interface for which
rlPimInterfaceNmEntIndex equals rlPimNmEntIndex).
Reading the value of this object has no meaning."
DEFVAL { false }
::= { rlPimNmEntEntry 9 }
rlPimNmEntStatsUpTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TimeTicks
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The time since the statistics counters were last reset,
either by establishing the NMI join (caused by activating
DC-PIM TIB Manager or DC-PIM Neighbor Manager, or by
recovery after NMI join failure/fail-over) or by setting the
rlPimNmEntClearStatsCounters object to 'true'."
::= { rlPimNmEntEntry 10 }
rlPimNmEntEnableUnicastMessages OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Set this object to 'true' to enable DC-PIM Neighbor
Manager to send and receive unicast PIM messages.
This object must only be set to 'false' if the local
router will never be an RP for any multicast group, and
will never be the DR for any connected source that sends
data to any ASM group. Note that this will always be the
case if the local router will perform only the SSM subset
of PIM-SM."
DEFVAL { true }
::= { rlPimNmEntEntry 11 }
rlPimNmEntAcceptUnicastBsms OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Set this object to 'true' to enable DC-PIM Neighbor Manager
to accept PIM Bootstrap Messages (BSMs) which are sent
to DC-PIM as unicast messages. Setting the object to 'false'
means that DC-PIM Neighbor Manager ignores received unicast BSMs.
The setting of this object has no effect on the ability of
DC-PIM to accept BSMs which are multicast.
DC-PIM only ever multicasts BSMs; it never sends them as unicast
This object can only be set to 'true' if the
rlPimNmEntEnableUnicastMessages object is also set to 'true'."
DEFVAL { false }
::= { rlPimNmEntEntry 12 }
rlPimNmEntCrpAdvFilterIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX StdAccessListListIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Set this object to zero to disable Candidate-RP
Advertisement filtering. This means that the local router
will process a Candidate-RP Advertisement message from any
source IP address.
Set this object to a non-zero value to enable Candidate-RP
Advertisement filtering. The value gives the standard access
list index used to filter received Candidate-RP Advertisement
messages. The local router will process a received
Candidate-RP Advertisement message only if its source IP address
is included in the specified standard access list.
In other words, the standard access list is a whitelist of
the unicast sources from which DC-PIM is permitted to accept
Candidate-RP advertisements."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { rlPimNmEntEntry 13 }
-- The DC-PIM Neighbor Manager Entity Statistics Table
rlPimNmEntStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table lists the statistics for DC-PIM Neighbor Manager
Note that any messages filtered out by
rlPimInterfaceNeighborFilter do not contribute to any
statistics in this table.
Note that in the case of critical parsing errors, only the
first error encountered will be counted. The checks are
made in the following order.
- Length.
- Checksum.
- Message type.
- Version."
::= { rlPim 4 }
rlPimNmEntStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RlPimNmEntStatsEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Each entry represents the statistics for a DC-PIM Neighbor
Manager entity."
-- AUGMENTS { rlPimNmEntEntry }
INDEX { rlPimNmEntIndex }
::= { rlPimNmEntStatsTable 1 }
RlPimNmEntStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
rlPimNmEntStatsNumSentCRPAdvert PimStatsCounter,
rlPimNmEntStatsNumSentRegister PimStatsCounter,
rlPimNmEntStatsNumSentRegisterStop PimStatsCounter,
rlPimNmEntStatsNumRecvCRPAdvert PimStatsCounter,
rlPimNmEntStatsNumRecvRegister PimStatsCounter,
rlPimNmEntStatsNumRecvRegisterStop PimStatsCounter,
rlPimNmEntStatsNumErrCRPAdvert PimStatsCounter,
rlPimNmEntStatsNumErrRegister PimStatsCounter,
rlPimNmEntStatsNumErrRegisterStop PimStatsCounter,
rlPimNmEntStatsNumRecvIgnoredType PimStatsCounter,
rlPimNmEntStatsNumRecvUnknownType PimStatsCounter,
rlPimNmEntStatsNumRecvUnknownVer PimStatsCounter,
rlPimNmEntStatsNumRecvBadChecksum PimStatsCounter,
rlPimNmEntStatsNumRecvBadLength PimStatsCounter,
rlPimNmEntStatsNumCRPAdvfiltered PimStatsCounter
rlPimNmEntStatsNumSentCRPAdvert OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of PIM Candidate-RP-Advertisement messages that have
been sent by this DC-PIM Neighbor Manager entity."
::= { rlPimNmEntStatsEntry 1 }
rlPimNmEntStatsNumSentRegister OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of PIM Register messages that have been sent by
this DC-PIM Neighbor Manager entity.
Note that this only includes PIM Register messages forwarded
to other members of Anycast-RP sets, and Null-Register
messages. It does not include Register-encapsulated data
packets sent from the DR to the RP; these are sent by the
data plane."
::= { rlPimNmEntStatsEntry 2 }
rlPimNmEntStatsNumSentRegisterStop OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of PIM Register-Stop messages that have been
sent by this DC-PIM Neighbor Manager entity."
::= { rlPimNmEntStatsEntry 3 }
rlPimNmEntStatsNumRecvCRPAdvert OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of valid PIM Candidate-RP-Advertisement messages that
have been received by this DC-PIM Neighbor Manager entity."
::= { rlPimNmEntStatsEntry 4 }
rlPimNmEntStatsNumRecvRegister OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of valid PIM Register messages that have been
received by this DC-PIM Neighbor Manager entity."
::= { rlPimNmEntStatsEntry 5 }
rlPimNmEntStatsNumRecvRegisterStop OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of valid PIM Register-Stop messages that have
been received by this DC-PIM Neighbor Manager entity."
::= { rlPimNmEntStatsEntry 6 }
rlPimNmEntStatsNumErrCRPAdvert OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of PIM Candidate-RP-Advertisement messages that have
been received by this DC-PIM Neighbor Manager entity that have
contained errors."
::= { rlPimNmEntStatsEntry 7 }
rlPimNmEntStatsNumErrRegister OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of PIM Register messages that have been received
by this DC-PIM Neighbor Manager entity that have contained
::= { rlPimNmEntStatsEntry 8 }
rlPimNmEntStatsNumErrRegisterStop OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of PIM Register-Stop messages that have been
received by this DC-PIM Neighbor Manager entity that have
contained errors."
::= { rlPimNmEntStatsEntry 9 }
rlPimNmEntStatsNumRecvIgnoredType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of PIM messages with a known but unsupported PIM
message type that have been received by this DC-PIM Neighbor
Manager entity."
::= { rlPimNmEntStatsEntry 10 }
rlPimNmEntStatsNumRecvUnknownType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of PIM messages with an unknown PIM message type
that have been received by this DC-PIM Neighbor Manager
::= { rlPimNmEntStatsEntry 11 }
rlPimNmEntStatsNumRecvUnknownVer OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of PIM messages with an unknown PIM version that
have been received by this DC-PIM Neighbor Manager entity."
::= { rlPimNmEntStatsEntry 12 }
rlPimNmEntStatsNumRecvBadChecksum OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of PIM messages with a incorrect PIM checksum
that have been received by this DC-PIM Neighbor Manager
::= { rlPimNmEntStatsEntry 13 }
rlPimNmEntStatsNumRecvBadLength OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of PIM messages with a length too short to
contain a common PIM header that have been received by this
DC-PIM Neighbor Manager entity."
::= { rlPimNmEntStatsEntry 14 }
rlPimNmEntStatsNumCRPAdvfiltered OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of C-RP-Advertisement messages which have been
filtered out by this DC-PIM Neighbor Manager entity."
::= { rlPimNmEntStatsEntry 15 }
-- The DC-PIM Neighbor Statistics Table
rlPimNbrStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table lists the statistics for PIM neighbors.
Note that if a neighbor's Liveness Timer expires (including
on receipt of a PIM Hello message with a zero Holdtime),
this event resets all of the statistics in this table.
However, if a neighbor's Generation ID value changes, none
of the statistics in this table are affected."
::= { rlPim 5 }
rlPimNbrStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RlPimNbrStatsEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the rlPimNbrStatsTable."
INDEX { pimNeighborIfIndex,
pimNeighborAddress }
::= { rlPimNbrStatsTable 1 }
RlPimNbrStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
rlPimNbrStatsNumRecvHello PimStatsCounter,
rlPimNbrStatsNumRecvJoinPrune PimStatsCounter,
rlPimNbrStatsNumRecvAssert PimStatsCounter,
rlPimNbrStatsNumRecvBSM PimStatsCounter,
rlPimNbrStatsNumErrJoinPrune PimStatsCounter,
rlPimNbrStatsNumErrAssert PimStatsCounter,
rlPimNbrStatsNumErrBSM PimStatsCounter
rlPimNbrStatsNumRecvHello OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of valid PIM Hello messages that have been
received from this neighbor."
::= { rlPimNbrStatsEntry 1 }
rlPimNbrStatsNumRecvJoinPrune OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of valid PIM Join/Prune messages that have been
received from this neighbor."
::= { rlPimNbrStatsEntry 2 }
rlPimNbrStatsNumRecvAssert OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of valid PIM Assert messages that have been
received from this neighbor."
::= { rlPimNbrStatsEntry 3 }
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of valid PIM Bootstrap messages that have been
received from this neighbor."
::= { rlPimNbrStatsEntry 4 }
rlPimNbrStatsNumErrJoinPrune OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of PIM Join/Prune messages that have been
received from this neighbor that have contained errors.
Note that this does not include messages for which the RP in
the message differs from the RP known by the local router,
nor does it include (*,G) messages received for SSM groups."
::= { rlPimNbrStatsEntry 5 }
rlPimNbrStatsNumErrAssert OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of PIM Assert messages that have been received
from this neighbor that have contained errors."
::= { rlPimNbrStatsEntry 6 }
SYNTAX PimStatsCounter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of PIM Bootstrap messages that have been received
from this neighbor that have contained errors."
::= { rlPimNbrStatsEntry 7 }
-- The DC-PIM TIB Manager Entity Table
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table is used to create and manage DC-PIM TIB Manager
::= { rlPim 6 }
SYNTAX RlPimTmEntEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Each entry represents an instance of the DC-PIM TIB Manager
INDEX { rlPimTmEntIndex }
::= { rlPimTmEntTable 1 }
RlPimTmEntEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
rlPimTmEntIndex NumericIndex,
rlPimTmEntRowStatus RowStatus,
rlPimTmEntAdminStatus AdminStatus,
rlPimTmEntOperStatus NpgOperStatus,
rlPimTmEntGStateLimit Unsigned32,
rlPimTmEntGStateWarnThold Unsigned32,
rlPimTmEntGStateStored Gauge32,
rlPimTmEntSGStateLimit Unsigned32,
rlPimTmEntSGStateWarnThold Unsigned32,
rlPimTmEntSGStateStored Gauge32,
rlPimTmEntStarGIStateLimit Unsigned32,
rlPimTmEntStarGIStateWarnThold Unsigned32,
rlPimTmEntStarGIStateStored Gauge32,
rlPimTmEntSGIStateLimit Unsigned32,
rlPimTmEntSGIStateWarnThold Unsigned32,
rlPimTmEntSGIStateStored Gauge32,
rlPimTmEntAsmGrpFilter DisplayString,
rlPimTmEntSsmSrcAndGrpFilter DisplayString,
rlPimTmEntRegSrcAndGrpFilter DisplayString,
rlPimTmEntRegSuppressionTime Unsigned32,
rlPimTmEntRegProbeTime Unsigned32,
rlPimTmEntKeepalivePeriod Unsigned32,
-- DC additions {
rlPimTmEntSendIfStateChangeTraps TruthValue,
rlPimTmEntSupportedAddrType InetAddressType
-- } End DC additions
SYNTAX NumericIndex
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The index of this rlPimTmEntEntry. This is the HAF entity
index passed on the entity create parameters."
::= { rlPimTmEntEntry 1 }
rlPimTmEntRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Used to create and delete a DC-PIM TIB Manager Entity Table
::= { rlPimTmEntEntry 2 }
rlPimTmEntAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AdminStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The desired administrative state of the DC-PIM TIB Manager
DEFVAL { adminStatusUp }
::= { rlPimTmEntEntry 3 }
rlPimTmEntOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX NpgOperStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The current operational state of the DC-PIM TIB Manager
::= { rlPimTmEntEntry 4 }
rlPimTmEntGStateLimit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The maximum number of groups for which DC-PIM TIB Manager
is allowed to store non-interface specific (*,G) and/or
(S,G) state. A value of zero means that there is no limit."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { rlPimTmEntEntry 5 }
rlPimTmEntGStateWarnThold OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"DC-PIM TIB Manager logs an exception if the number of
groups for which it is storing non-interface specific (*,G)
and/or (S,G) state exceeds this value. A value of zero
means that there is no warning threshold."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { rlPimTmEntEntry 6 }
rlPimTmEntGStateStored OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Gauge32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of groups for which DC-PIM TIB Manager is
storing non-interface specific (*,G) and/or (S,G) state."
::= { rlPimTmEntEntry 7 }
rlPimTmEntSGStateLimit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The maximum number of {source, group} pairs for which
DC-PIM TIB Manager is allowed to store non-interface
specific (S,G) state. A value of zero means that there is
no limit."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { rlPimTmEntEntry 8 }
rlPimTmEntSGStateWarnThold OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"DC-PIM TIB Manager logs an exception if the number of
{source, group} pairs for which it is storing non-interface
specific (S,G) state exceeds this value. A value of zero
means that there is no warning threshold."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { rlPimTmEntEntry 9 }
rlPimTmEntSGStateStored OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Gauge32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of {source, group} pairs for which DC-PIM TIB
Manager is storing non-interface specific (S,G) state."
::= { rlPimTmEntEntry 10 }
rlPimTmEntStarGIStateLimit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The maximum number of {group, interface} pairs for which
DC-PIM TIB Manager is allowed to store (*,G,I) state. A
value of zero means that there is no limit."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { rlPimTmEntEntry 11 }
rlPimTmEntStarGIStateWarnThold OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"DC-PIM TIB Manager logs an exception if the number of
{group, interface} pairs for which it is storing (*,G,I)
state exceeds this value. A value of zero means that there
is no warning threshold."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { rlPimTmEntEntry 12 }
rlPimTmEntStarGIStateStored OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Gauge32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of {group, interface} pairs for which DC-PIM TIB
Manager is storing (*,G,I) state."
::= { rlPimTmEntEntry 13 }
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The maximum number of {source, group, interface} triplets
for which DC-PIM TIB Manager is allowed to store (S,G,I)
state. A value of zero means that there is no limit."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { rlPimTmEntEntry 14 }
rlPimTmEntSGIStateWarnThold OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"DC-PIM TIB Manager logs an exception if the number of
{source, group, interface} triplets for which it is storing
(S,G,I) state exceeds this value. A value of zero means
that there is no warning threshold."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { rlPimTmEntEntry 15 }
rlPimTmEntSGIStateStored OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Gauge32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of {source, group, interface} triplets for which
DC-PIM TIB Manager is storing (S,G,I) state."
::= { rlPimTmEntEntry 16 }
rlPimTmEntAsmGrpFilter OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"When ASM group filtering is enabled, then for groups in the
ASM space, the local router will:
- process received PIM (*,G) Join and (S,G) Join messages
only if the group address is included in the standard
access list corresponding to the list index value
configured for this object, and
- accept (*,G) and (S,G) local membership requests from the
MGMD Router component only if the group address is
included in the standard access list corresponding to the
list index value configured for this object.
In other words, the standard access list is a whitelist of
the ASM groups for which DC-PIM is permitted to request
Note that DC-PIM will never Register-encapsulate multicast
data packets for groups that are blocked by this filter.
See rlPimTmEntRegSrcAndGrpFilter for additional Register
message filtering options.
rlPimTmEntAsmGrpFilter defaults to an empty string,
which indicates that no access list is specified."
::= { rlPimTmEntEntry 17 }
rlPimTmEntSsmSrcAndGrpFilter OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"When SSM source and group filtering is enabled, then for
groups in the SSM space, the local router will:
- process received PIM (S,G) Join messages only if the
{source, group} pair is included in the extended access
list corresponding to the list index value configured for
this object, and
- accept (S,G) local membership requests from the MGMD
Router component only if the {source, group} pair is
included in the extended access list corresponding to the
list index value configured for this object.
In other words, the extended access list is a whitelist of
the SSM {source, group} pairs for which DC-PIM is
permitted to request traffic.
rlPimTmEntSsmSrcAndGrpFilter defaults to an empty string,
which indicates that no access list is specified."
::= { rlPimTmEntEntry 18 }
rlPimTmEntRegSrcAndGrpFilter OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"When Register message filtering by source and group address
is enabled then:
- for groups for which the local router is the RP, it
will process received PIM Register messages as normal
only if the {source, group} pair of the encapsulated
multicast data packet is included in the extended
access list corresponding to the list index value
configured for this object; if the {source, group} pair
is excluded from the extended access list, the local
router will send a Register-Stop message, and
- on interfaces on which the local router is the DR, it
will encapsulate received multicast data packets and
forward them in PIM Register messages only if the
{source, group} pair of the multicast data packet is
included in the extended access list corresponding to
the list index value configured for this object.
In other words, the extended access list is a whitelist of
the {source, group} pairs for which the local router is
permitted to Register-encapsulate/decapsulate multicast
data packets.
rlPimTmEntRegSrcAndGrpFilter defaults to an empty string,
which indicates that no access list is specified."
DEFVAL { "" }
::= { rlPimTmEntEntry 19 }
rlPimTmEntRegSuppressionTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535)
UNITS "seconds"
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The mean value of the randomized interval during which a DR
stops Register-encapsulation after receiving a PIM
Register-Stop message. This object corresponds to the
'Register_Suppression_Time' defined in the PIM-SM
specification [I-D.ietf-dcPim-sm-v2-new].
Note that configuring different values for this object for
different routers in the PIM domain might lead to incorrect
protocol operation."
DEFVAL { 60 }
::= { rlPimTmEntEntry 20 }
rlPimTmEntRegProbeTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535)
UNITS "seconds"
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The time to wait for a PIM Register-Stop message after
sending a PIM Null-Register message, before resuming
Register-encapsulation at a DR. This object corresponds to
the 'Register_Probe_Time' defined in the PIM-SM
specification [I-D.ietf-dcPim-sm-v2-new]."
DEFVAL { 5 }
::= { rlPimTmEntEntry 21 }
rlPimTmEntKeepalivePeriod OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535)
UNITS "seconds"
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The time keep (S,G) state alive in the absence of PIM (S,G)
Join messages, (S,G) local membership or (S,G) data packets.
This object corresponds to the 'Keepalive_Period' defined in
the PIM-SM specification [I-D.ietf-dcPim-sm-v2-new].
Note that this value must also be configured in the MPF
stub, as the duration of its Data Flow Liveness timer.
Note that configuring different values for this object for
different routers in the PIM domain might lead to incorrect
protocol operation."
DEFVAL { 210 }
::= { rlPimTmEntEntry 22 }
-- DC additions {
rlPimTmEntSendIfStateChangeTraps OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Setting this object to 'true' means that DC-PIM TIB
Manager will send a rlPimInterfaceStateChange trap when an
interface's operational state changes."
DEFVAL { false }
::= { rlPimTmEntEntry 23 }
rlPimTmEntSupportedAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressType
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"This field indicates the address family type that this
entity supports. On routers which support multiple
address families, separate DC-PIM-TM and DC-PIM-NM
entities must be configured for each family.
This configuration can only be updated when the row status
of the TM entity is NotInService or the admin status is
DEFVAL { ipv4 }
::= { rlPimTmEntEntry 24 }
-- } End DC additions
rlPimEmbeddedRpEnabled OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"The enabled status of Embedded-RP function for PIM-SM on this system."
DEFVAL { true }
::= { rlPim 7 }