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Zabbix Upgrade v5.4.x to v6.0.x (Debian 10, PostgreSQL, TimescaleDB)

Make sure to make a backup of the server(s) before you proceed.

Upgrade TimescaleDB

Install new timescaledb version

apt install timescaledb-2-2.6.0-postgresql-12

Connect to Postgresql

sudo -u postgres psql -X

Switch to database zabbix

\c zabbix

Update the postgresql extension


Verify that the new timescaledb version is used

\dx timescaledb

Upgrade PostgreSQL to 14

Install Postgresql 14

apt install postgresql-14

Install Timescaledb

apt install timescaledb-2-2.6.0-postgresql-14

Stop all postgresql clusters

service postgresql@12-main stop
service postgresql@14-main stop

Drop the new postgresql cluster

pg_dropcluster 14 main

Run pg_upgradecluster to upgrade the cluster to v14

pg_upgradecluster -v 14 --method=upgrade --link 12 main

Make sure the new cluster ist listening on port 5432

netstat -tapen | grep LISTEN

Drop the old postgresql cluster

pg_dropcluster 12 main

Verify they timescaledb version on the zabbix db

sudo -u postgres psql
\c zabbix

Upgrade Zabbix from 5.4.x to 6.0 (Steps for Debian 10)

Remove the old repository list

rm -Rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zabbix.list

Install the new repository list

dpkg -i zabbix-release_6.0-1+debian10_all.deb

Update the repositroy cache

apt clean
apt update

Verify that zabbix will be upgraded to v6

apt list --upgradeable

Install all upgrades

apt ugprade

Start zabbix Server

service zabbix-server start

Check the log file for errors

vim /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_server.log

Verify the web interface is up and running

Enjoy using Zabbix :-)